ATENÇÃO: Esta apostila deverá ser entregue NO MOMENTO DA...


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Aline Bittencourt

Língua Inglesa

Exercícios de recuperação

Linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias

6º ano 3ª 35 pts 03 12 18

ATENÇÃO: Esta apostila deverá ser entregue NO MOMENTO DA ENTREGA DA PROVA DE RECUPERAÇÃO para o professor aplicador. Entregas em atraso acarretarão a redução da pontuação em 50%. Já a apostila que for entregue amassada, rasgada ou suja terá seus pontos reduzidos em 25% da nota total.

ASSUNTOS: parts of the house, furniture, time, meals, text comprehension, fruit, vegetables, food pyramid, healthy and unhealthy food, days of the week, I like x I don't like x I hate x I love, Simple Present.


Leia atentamente cada questão antes de resolvê-la. A interpretação faz parte da avaliação. Não é permitido o uso de corretivo, rasuras acarretarão a anulação da questão. Na resolução de cada questão deverão constar os cálculos necessários (para exatas). Preencher o gabarito totalmente a caneta (preta ou azul), pois a revisão só será realizada quando o

gabarito estiver corretamente preenchido. Esta prova contém 3 questão fechadas ( 01 a 08 ), assim, seu gabarito deverá ser preenchido apenas com

a numeração correspondente a estas questões. As demais questões são abertas e seguem a numeração 09 a 20.

A apostila possui 70 itens, cada um com o valor de 0,5 pontos. As questões abertas devem ser resolvidas a caneta. Questões resolvidas a lápis, ainda que parcialmente,

não dão direito a posteriores reclamações sobre a correção feita pelo professor. Para uma possível revisão, é necessário que todas as instruções acima tenham sido seguidas.

Question 01 Marks: 0,5 CHOOSE the only word that isn’t a kind of home:

A) cave house B) slums C) apartment D) cousin E) treehouse

Question 02 Marks: 0,5

It has a bed and a chair. There are curtains and a desk to study. There is a wardrobe with clothes. What’s that?

A) Bedroom B) Kitchen C) Living room D) Dining room E) Bathroom

Question 03 Marks: 0,5

When do people eat breakfast?

A) in the evening B) in the afternoon C) at night D) in the morning E) in the morning and in the afternoon

Question 04 Marks: 0,5

CHOOSE the only word that isn’t a fruit:

A) egg B) banana C) grapes D) orange E) pineapple

Question 05 Marks: 0,5

Thales ______________ __________________.

A) drinks / orange B) drink / orange juice C) drink / water D) drinks / French fries E) drinks / soft drink

Question 06 Marks: 0,5

What’s that?

A) an apple B) cheese C) water D) a pineapple E) a lemon

Question 07 Marks: 0,5

What’s that?

A) French fries B) soda C) juice D) rice E) bread

Question 08 Marks: 2,0 MATCH the columns:

a) Bathroom ( ) fridge, stove, microwave oven.

b) Kitchen ( ) sink, toilet, towel.

c) Yard ( ) garden, swimming pool, grill

d) Bedroom ( ) bed, wardrobe, chair.

Question 09 Marks: 3,0 DRAW a bedroom with one bed, two chairs, one window, curtains, one desk and one rug.

Question 10 Marks: 1,0 It’s 10 o’clock. Write AM or PM:

Question 11 Marks: 2,0 What time is it? Write them.

A) _____________________________________________.

B) _____________________________________________.

C) _____________________________________________.

D) _____________________________________________

Question 12 Marks: 2,0 Use the words from the box to classify the meals:

A) _________________________________

B) _________________________________

C) _________________________________


D) _________________________________

Question 13 Marks: 1,5 Write the greetings GOOD NIGHT, GOOD MORNING or GOOD AFTERNOON for the situations:

A) __________________________________

B) __________________________________

C) ___________________________________

Question 14 Marks: 5,5 Choose the best group to put these items:

Question 15 Marks: 2,0 DRAW 4 items from QUESTION 14 and WRITE their names.

Healthy food Junk food


Question 16 Marks: 2,0 MATCH the columns:

a) Breakfast ( ) rice, beans, meat and salad.

b) Break time ( ) fruit and yogurt.

c) Lunch ( ) soup.

d) Dinner ( ) bread, cheese, milk and coffee.

Question 17 Marks: 3,0 You made a fruit salad. Now, LABEL the pictures. Six words will not be used:








Question 18 Marks: 2,0 LOOK at the picture and complete the sentences using HEALTHY FOOD or UNHEALTHY FOOD.

a) Junk food is the same as ________________________________.

b) Fruits and vegetables are ________________________________.

c) Ice cream, soda and pizza are ___________________________________.

d) We need to stop eating ____________________________________.

Question 19 Marks: 3,5 Complete the sentences using DRINK or DRINKS:

a) Felipe ______________________ water, Gabriel _____________________ smoothie.

b) Maria Eduarda, Arthur and Pedro ___________________________ orange juice.

c) I __________________________ tea.

d) Belle __________________ coffee, Emilly and Letícia ___________________ soda.

e) Aline, Marina and I ____________________________ milk.

Question 20 Marks: 2,0 Complete with the days of the week:

SUNDAY, ___________________, ___________________, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY,

___________________, ___________________.
