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  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    O Poliacetal um material muito resistente. um plstico de engenharia com excepcional estabilidade dimensional e excelente resistncia ao escoamento e fadiga por vibraes, baixo coeficiente de atrito, elevada resistncia abraso e agentes qumicos, que mantm suas propriedades quando imerso em gua quente e que possui baixa tendncia ruptura por fadiga. As resinas de acetal so termoplsticos de engenharia obtidos a partir do aldedo frmico. Essas resinas altamente cristalizadas, so fortes (resistentes), rgidas e apresentam boa resistncia umidade, ao calor e aos solventes. Os acetais tambm podem ser encontrados em barras ou placas extrudadas para peas a serem usinadas, sendo que essa usinagem pode ser executada rapidamente com o emprego de ferramentas de corte de lato.

    A resistncia a compresso terica do poliacetal de 90MPa.


    Baixo coeficiente de atrito Alto mdulo de elasticidade Resistncia impacto Baixa absoro umidade Resistncia produtos qumicos Boas propriedades eltricas Resistente fadiga Boa estabilidade dimensional Fcil Usinagem


    MancaisBuchas Roscas sem-fim Vedaes Peas de tubulaes Peas que no admitem porosidade

    Rodas dentadasJuntas Cilindros Acoplamentos Vedaes Engrenagens Trilhos deslizantes


    Bastes Chapas Peas Usinadas (sob consulta)


    Natural Preto


    A usinagem do plstico de engenharia POLIACETAL pode ser efetuada perfeitamente com mquina para metais ou madeira. Importante: este material possui condutividade trmica baixa. conveniente evitar qualquer aquecimento excessivo durante a usinagem que pode gerar tenses internas prejudiciais geometria e as dimenses da pea acabada.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /


    As variaes dimensionais, por absoro de umidade e dilatao trmica do POLIACETAL, bem como diversos outros plsticos de engenharia so maiores que as dos metais e implicam em maiores tolerncias. Por estas razes, tolerncias precisas so inteis e de alto custo. O controle de cotas e tolerncia se deve efetuar nas mesmas condies ambientais que as da usinagem, particularmente a temperatura.


    A qualidade do corte e o desprendimento do cavaco durante a usinagem so mais importantes que a natureza do metal da ferramenta, embora o metal duro seja prefervel para usinagem, o melhor acabamento superficial obtido com uma ponta til de corte arredondada.


    A ponta de corte da broca deve estar afiada para poder executar um corte regular at o final do furo. Para usinagem de furos de grandes dimetros (maiores que 20mm) se aconselha a efetuar furos progressivos em tamanho e sacar a broca para retirada de cavacos frequentemente.


    As serras para madeira com dentes separados so para corte.


    Deve-se utilizar somente o macho de acabamento com muito ngulo. Para se aumentar a resistncia mecnica, aconselha-se a utilizao de sistemas de insertos de roscas tipo "helicoidal".


    Os refrigerantes de corte no so indispensveis, porm, so aconselhveis particularmente em usinagens delicadas e furaes.


    A fixao sobre a mquina de usinagem deve ser feita com muito cuidado afim de se evitar deformaes.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /





    Densidade (g/cm3) D53479 1,42

    Calor especfico (Cal/g C) D53417 0,35

    Absoro de gua D53715 0,3


    Resistncia Trao (Mpa) D53455 65

    Alongamento na Ruptura (%) D53457 40

    Mdulo de Elasticidade em Trao (Mpa) D53455 3100

    Mdulo de Elasticidade em Flexo (Mpa)



    Resistncia ao Impacto IZOD (J/m) ---- 30

    Dureza Rockwell ---- R120

    Coef. de Atrito de Deslize p=0,05N/mm2 v=0,6m/s contra ao temp e retif.

    ---- 0,32


    Ponto de Fuso (C) ---- 165

    Condutividade Trmica (W/m.k) D52612 0,31

    Expanso Trmica Linear (105 /K) D52328 2 a 3

    Temperatura de uso Contnuo (C) ---- -30 a 100

    Relao de Inflamabilidade UL 94 HB


    Rigidez Dieltrica (KV/mm) D53481 >50

    Constante Dieltrica at 1 KHz D53483 3,7

    Fator de Dissipao at 1 KHz D53483 0,003

    Resistividade Volumtrica (ohm/cm) D53482 1015


    Resistncia a cidos fracos D543 Resistente a alguns

    Resistncia a cidos fortes D543 Atacados em altas concentraes

    Resistncia a bases fracas D543 Boa

    Resistncia a bases fortes D543 Boa

    Resistncia a solventes orgnicos D543 Resiste vrios solventes

    a temper. Menor que 80 C

    OBS: Os dados acima so para referncia de consulta apenas. Para cada aplicao especfica so necessrios testes individuais, para determinao das suas efetivas caractersticas e propriedades. As informaes aqui contidas so de responsabilidade do fabricante.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /


    Medida Peso 6 X 3000 0,14

    8 X 3000 0,25

    10 X 3000 0,37

    13 X 3000 0,60

    15 X 3000 0,80

    16 X 3000 0,93

    20 X 3000 1,43

    22 X 3000 1,73

    25 X 3000 2,25

    28 X 3000 2,75

    30 X 3000 3,15

    32 X 3000 3,60

    35 X 3000 4,42

    40 X 3000 5,70

    45 X 3000 6,84

    50 X 3000 8,82

    55 X 3000 11,10

    60 X 3000 12,50

    65 X 3000 14,90

    70 X 3000 17,38

    75 X 1000 6,60

    80 X 1000 7,50

    85 X 1000 8,30

    90 X 1000 9,50

    100 X 1000 11,80

    110 X 1000 14,30

    120 X 1000 17,80

    130 X 1000 20,00

    140 X 1000 23,40

    150 X 1000 26,30

    160 X 1000 30,20

    170 X 1000 34,00

    180 X 1000 37,80

    200 X 1000 46,80

    230 X 1000 63,00

    250 X 1000 74,40

    300 X 1000 106,50

    Chapas Medida Peso 6 X 500 X 3000 13,70

    6 x 1000 X 2000 18,40

    8 X 500 X 3000 18,40

    8 X 1000 X 2000 24,60

    10 X 500 X 3000 23,80

    10 X 1000 X 2000 31,00

    12 X 500 X 3000 28,00

    12 X 1000 X 2000 37,00

    15 X 500 X 3000 34,50

    15 X 1000 X 2000 46,50

    20 X 500 X 3000 46,00

    20 X 1000 X 2000 61,00

    25 X 500 X 3000 57,00

    25 X 1000 X 2000 76,00

    30 X 500 X 3000 69,00

    30 X 1000 X 2000 91,00

    40 X 500 X 3000 91,50

    40 X 1000 X 2000 122,00

    50 X 500 X 3000 122,00

    50 X 1000 X 2000 150,00

    60 X 500 X 3000 136,00

    70 X 500 X 3000 157,00

    80 X 500 X 3000 183,00

    100 X 500 X 3000 230,00

    * Medidas disponveis sob consulta.

    OBS: Os dados acima so de responsabilidade do fabricante.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    BOLETIM TCNICO CORTE Este documento tem como objetivo apresentar os equipamentos comumente utilizados para o corte do Polipropileno. Observaes: A utilizao de EPIs de extrema importncia, o operador deve seguir as instrues do fabricante do equipamento a ser utilizado. Sempre utilizar culos de segurana para realizar cortes. As fotos so meramente ilustrativas, a VICK e o fornecedor no apresentam nenhum vnculo com as marcas de equipamentos apresentados. 1 Corte 1.1 Discos de Serra As serras para corte de plsticos podem ser as mesmas utilizadas em madeiras, como no exemplo abaixo:

    Porm, para um melhor desempenho do corte, sugere-se alterar os dentes da serra para ngulo negativo. Como na foto que segue:

    A quantidade de dentes influencia no corte. Recomenda-se por exemplo: Para o dimetro de disco 235 mm 24 dentes, e para 335 mm 40 dentes.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    1.2 Outras Informaes Importantes - Utilizar refrigerao sobre o material e a serra (por exemplo gua), principalmente para o Nitanyl, Nitapro e Nitacetal; - Velocidades muito altas de serra podem queimar ou derreter o material; - Para peas grandes em corte com serra fita, manter sempre o vo do corte aberto para que o material no se feche sobre a serra; - Cuidado ao cortar peas pequenas com serras circulares, a pea pode ser arremessada pela serra causando acidentes. 2 Equipamentos Abaixo so apresentados alguns dos equipamentos mais utilizados para corte de materiais plsticos. 2.1 Serras Circulares Manuais: Para corte de barras e chapas. Vantagens: Apresentam um custo baixo de aquisio, manuteno e operao. Desvantagem: A qualidade do corte depende do operador; Pode se tornar perigoso, se no for operado com cuidado. Caso a serra trave, o equipamento jogado contra o operador. Dimetro do disco: 185 mm corta facilmente barras com dimetro de at 50 mm e chapas com espessura de at 30 mm.

    Dimetro do disco: 235 mm corta facilmente barras com dimetro de at 80 mm e chapas com espessura de at 50 mm.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    Dimetro do Disco: 335 mm corta facilmente barras com dimetro de at 110 mm e chapas com espessura de at 80 mm. 2.2 Policorte: Para corte de barras. Vantagens: Apresentam um custo baixo de aquisio, manuteno e operao; Tem um projeto simples, podendo ser fabricado em tamanho para corte de barras mais grossas. Desvantagem: Limitado ao corte de barras.

    2.3 Esquadrejadeira ou Serra Circular de Mesa: Para corte de chapa e barras finas. Vantagens: Permite cortes mais precisos. Desvantagem: Apresenta um custo intermedirio/alto de aquisio.

    2.4 - Seccionadora: Para corte de chapas. A seccionadora um equipamento normalmente utilizado no corte de madeira, porm com algumas modificaes pode ser utilizado no corte de plsticos: - Reduzir a velocidade de avano, sugesto de 0,5 a 3m/min dependendo da espessura; - Eliminar o riscador; - Velocidade do disco de corte de 1730 rpm; - Incluir pulverizador de gua para refrigerar a serra e o material; - Modificar o bocal de captao de aparas. Vantagens:

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    Cortes mais precisos; Maior produtividade. Desvantagem: Apresenta um custo alto de aquisio. 2.5 Serra fita vertical: Para corte de chapas e barras com pequenos dimetros. Vantagens: Versatilidade no corte. Desvantagem: A qualidade do corte depende do operador; Pode se tornar perigoso, se no for operado com cuidado. Caso a serra trave, ou quebre pode causar acidente;

    2.6 Serra fita horizontal: Para corte de barras. Vantagens: Corte de peas de grande dimetro. Desvantagem: Corte lento; Pode travar a serra no meio da pea. As informaes contidas neste boletim so de carter meramente informativo, so prestadas de boa f, expressam a verdade no mbito do conhecimento atual e no implicam em qualquer garantia de resultado ou desempenho.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /


    1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking

    Product name: CELCON CBX-0204 CF2001 NATURAL Material Number: 51004723 MSDS ID: HF1000

    Synonyms: Acetal copolymer Polyoxymethylene copolymer

    End Use: Plastic processing industry.

    2. Hazards identification

    Emergency Overview

    Dust from this product can form an explosive organic dust cloud. Spilled pellets may present a slipping hazard. The molten product can cause serious burns.

    Potential health effects

    Immediate effects Skin: Polymer particles may cause mechanical irritation. The molten product can cause serious burns. Eyes: Resin particles, like other inert materials, are mechanically irritating to eyes

    Inhalation: Overheating in processing may generate hazardous, irritating vapours. Dust irritating to respiratory tract. Ingestion:Low toxicity by this route is expected based on the biological activity of high molecular weight polymers.

    Other: Formaldehyde, which is a degradation product, is listed as a potential cancer hazard by OSHA, a known human carcinogen by The International Agency for Research onCancer (IARC, Group 1), and a substance which can reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen by The National Toxicology Program (NTP). Formaldehyde should not pose a risk if exposures are kept below the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    3. Composition/information on ingredients

    Chemical characterization: Polyacetal Copolymer / POM; CAS-RN of the basic polymer: 24969-26-4 Components CAS-No Percent %

    Formaldehyde 50-00-0 < 0.1

    This product may contain proprietary ingredients. This is a polymeric material. Any hazardous constituents are wetted by the polymer system, and therefore are unlikely to present exposure under normal conditions of processing and handling.

    4. First aid measures

    Skin Cool skin rapidly with cold water after contact with molten polymer. Immediate medical attention is required. Do not peel solidified product off the skin.

    Eyes Immediately flush eye(s) with plenty of water. Call a physician if irritation persists.

    Inhalation Move to fresh air in case of accidental inhalation of vapors. Get medical attention immediately if symptoms occur.

    Ingestion If swallowed, do not induce vomiting - seek medical advice.

    Notes to physician This product is essentially inert and nontoxic. However, if it is overheated or burns, gases such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde may be released. Those exposed to off-gases may need to have their arterial blood gases andcarboxyhemoglobin levels checked. If the carboxyhemoglobin levels are normal and the exposure occurred in an enclosed space, asphyxia (carbon dioxide replacing oxygen) is a possibility. Formaldehyde is a respiratory irritant gas. If patients may have inhaled high concentrations of irritating fumes they should be monitored for delayed onset pulmonary edema.

    Medical conditions which may be aggravated by exposure:

    No specific information available on the product. Off-gases, which may be released if overheated, may affect those with chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    5. Fire-fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Water

    Extinguishing media which must not be used for safety reasons Do not use a solid water stream as it may scatter and spread fire.

    Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, its combustion products, or released gases Hazardous combustion products carbon monoxide carbon dioxide (CO2) Formaldehyde vapours

    Special protective equipment for fire-fighters Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

    Environmental precautions Dike and collect water used to fight fire.

    Other Information Potential dust explosion hazard.

    6. Accidental release measures

    Personal precautions Remove all sources of ignition. Avoid dust formation. Do not breathe dust.

    Environmental precautions No special environmental precautions required.

    Methods for cleaning up Use mechanical handling equipment.

    7. Handling and storage

    Protection - fire and explosion:

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    ACETAL /

    Do not handle hot or molten material without appropriate protective equipment. Maintain good housekeeping in work areas. Do not exceed recommended process temperatures to minimize release of decomposition products.

    Advice on safe handling Do not smoke in areas where polymer dust is present. Appropriate measures should be taken to control the generation and accumulation of dust during conveying and processing operations.

    Storage Material storage Store in a cool dry place. Maintain dryness of resin.

    8. Exposure controls/personal protection

    OSHA Exposure Limits

    Components TWA

    Formaldehyde 0.75 PPM

    ACGIH Exposure Limits

    Components Ceiling Limit Value:

    Formaldehyde 0.3 PPM

    Components Manufacturer Workplace Exposure Limit

    Formaldehyde 0.75 ppm (TWA); 2 ppm (STEL)

    Mexico National Exposure Limits

    Components Mexican Carcinogen Category

    Formaldehyde A2

    Components Mexican Ceiling Exposure Limit

    Formaldehyde 3 mg/m3 2 PPM

    Exposure controls

    Engineering measures General: May not be adequate as the sole means to control employee exposure.

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    ACETAL /

    Local Exhaust: Recommended when appropriate to control employee exposure to dust or process vapors General advice Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

    Respiratory protection In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment Skin protection: When thermal or melt processing, wear long pants, long sleeves, well insulated gloves, and face shield when there is achance of contact.

    Eye/face protection: Safety goggles. safety glasses with side-shields.

    Comments: Operations involving grinding and machining of parts should be reviewed to assure that particulate levels are kept below recommended standards Maker has decided not to adopt the ACGIH TLV for formaldehyde based on a scientific evaluation of all the available data. Maker has decided to adopt the OSHA Standard. Maker WEL is the Maker Workplace Exposure Limit.

    9. Physical and chemical properties

    Appearance Form pellets Odor slight , specific . Flash point >93C(>200F) Ignition temperature 320C (608F) Method ASTM D 1929

    Melting Point 164 C Density approx 1.4 - 1.8 g/ml @ 20C Bulk density approx 770 - 890 kg/m @20 C Vapor pressure not determined Water solubility insoluble

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    ACETAL /

    10. Stability and reactivity

    Reactivity Stable under normal conditions.

    Conditions to avoid Flame. Do not allow mixing of this material with PVC, other halogen containing materials, and partially and/or fullycrosslinkable thermoplastic elastomers. Do not heat above 460 F (238 C). Recommended melt temperatures 360-390F(182-199C). Avoid prolonged heating at or above the recommended processing temperature.

    Incompatible Materials Polyvinyl chloride, strong acids, oxidizing agents.

    Hazardous Combustion or Decomposition Products: Trioxane, formaldehyde, paraformaldehyde, formic acid.

    Possibility of hazardous reactions Polyvinyl chloride, Incompatible with strong acids and oxidizing agents.

    11. Toxicological information

    No data is available on the product itself

    12. Ecological information

    Ecotoxicity: The effects of resin pellets on the wildlife that may ingest them is not well understood. In the case of seabirds, some marine biologists believe that the fowl may not be able to pass plastic pellets through their digestive tracts. Thus, large quantities of ingested pellets may cause intestinal blockage, false feelings of satiation or reduction in absorption of nutrients, causing malnutrition and starvation. The goal of SPI's Operation Clean Sweep is zero loss of pellets into the environment.

    Environmental Fate/Information: This material is considered to be non-biodegradable.

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    ACETAL /

    13. Disposal considerations

    Disposal considerations Recycling is encouraged. Dispose of spilled material in accordance with state and local regulations for waste that is nonhazardous by Federal definition. Note that this information applies to the material as manufactured; processing, use, or contamination may make this information inappropriate, inaccurate, or incomplete.

    This product as shipped is not a RCRA hazardous waste under present EPA regulations

    14. Transport information

    US Department of Transportation Not regulated TDG Not regulated Mexico Transport Information Not regulated ICAO/IATA Not restricted IMDG Not regulated

    15. Regulatory information

    U.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS TSCA Inventory This product complies with the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

    SARA 313 Chemicals Contains no substances at or above the reporting threshold under Section 313.

    CANADIAN REGULATIONS WHMIS Classification: Not a WHMIS controlled product.

    WHMIS Ingredient Disclosure List This product does not contain substances required to be disclosed according to the Canada WHMIS IngredientDisclosure List.

    16. Other information

    Prepared By Product Stewardship Department

  • Reviso 3.1 20/Fevereiro/2014


    ACETAL /

    Maker NFPA: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Instability: 0 HMIS: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Physical Hazard: 0

    Changes against the previous version are marked by ***

    This product is not intended for use in medical or dental implants.

    Refer to the appropriate Maker bulletins for specific processing guidance and good manufacturing practices (purging, processing parameters, shutdown, etc.).

    The information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. We do not suggest or guarantee that any hazards listed herein are the only ones which exist. Maker makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, concerning the safe use of this material in your process or in combination with other substances. Effects can be aggravated by other materials and/or this material may aggravate or add to the effects of other materials. User has the sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the materials for any use and the manner of use contemplated. Usermust meet all applicable safety and health standards.

    Abbreviation and Acronym: ADR = Accord europen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society) CLP = Classification, Labelling and Packaging EINECS = European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances DNEL = Derived No Effect Level IATA = International Air Transport Association IBC Code = International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IMO) GHS = Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization IMDG = International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods


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