JUDICIAI, NOTICES. I Madeline Dugas, veuv.€¦ · SXAXCX DU Sont. A deux heure» le Jury...


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Jury de Police.

Conformément a la loi le Jury de Police de la paroisse de Lafourche, s'est assemblé, Lundi le 6 de Juin, 1853.

Presents: Valéry Vickner, Louis Boudreanx, E. I'anvel, C. Armitage, H. Bernard, 0. Ber­nard, J. C. Ragan, J. K. Gourdain, A. B. Thi­bodaux, L. Pertuit, S.- Folse, A. Cretini.

Les membres des 5, 6, 7, 8, et loerue Arron­dissements étaient absents a l'appel.

Mr. A. B. Thibodaux fut nommé présidât pro tem.

Sur motion Mr. Gourdain fut now"6 president du Jury de Police par accla7»»ei',n-

Le président nomma Messrs. Thiboiîanx, 0. Bernard et Panvel d'un comité pour examiner les retours d'Action des nouveaux nombres.

Le dit comité rapporta que Messrs. f.. Bou-dronux, L. Pertuit, If. Bernard, J. K. Öoufdam,

C. Ragan, C. Armitage, S. Folse, étaient dû­ment élus membres du Jury de Police, mais comme il y a un protêt contre l'élection de Mr. Vickner nous soumettons cette question au jury. Le dit rapport fut approuvé et les dites person­nes furent assermentées.

Le président nomma Messrs. Ragan, Bernard, et Pertuit d'un comité pour examiner le protêt susmentioné.

Le Jury s'est adjourné jusqu'à deux heures, R. M.

SKAKCK DU Soin. A deux heures le Jury s'est rassemblé, un

quorum present. Messrs. Barker et Raymond parurent dans

leurs sieges. Le comité auquel avait été référée l'élection

contestée fit le rapport suivant: A us President et Mend/re* du Jury de Police :

Nous le» soussignés, membres du comité nomme pour n'enquérir «le la légalité de l'election tenue dans le premier District trouvons, que d'après toutes le» autorités que nous avons pu voir, que les votes de (I. W. Williams et Joseph Beau vais, étaient illegality, mais nous demandons que le Jury en decide par vote, en autant que noua ne pouvions trouver aucune loi directe a se sujet, deux témoins Messrs. Louis Iloudreaux et Itosemond Triche, ont prouve a notre satisfaction que les dits votants ne résidaient l'iu dans le Dis­trict a l'epoque de l'election.

Respectueusement soumis, J. C. RAGAN, Chef. Sur motion le vote du Jury fut pris sur la lé­

galité de la dite élection et le résultat fut un­anime contre. En consequence, la dite élection est nul, et une nouvelle élection est ordonnée de suite dans le dit District.

Le Jury procéda a l'élection de ses officiers. L. S. Allain a été élu Secretaire, Arcene

Bergeron, Sergent d'Armes, et W. P. Rounet, Medccin de paroisse.

Messrs. C. Belcher, et W. Hall, furent pro­posés pour l'office d'Avocat de paroisse, le vote étant pris par scrutin, le résultat fut comme suit : Mr. Hall a eu 8 votes, et Mr. Belcher 4 en conséquence, Mr. Hall ayant régula majorité des voix données fut prononcé dûment élu Avocat de Paroisse pour cette année.

Le Jury procéda a la nomination des Chefs Ordonnateurs de Patrouille dans chaque District. 1er District—L. Trosclaire, 9eme District—E. Wehre, 2eme 8eme 4eine f>eme fieine 7eme 8eme

Z. Iloudreaux, J. H. Tabor, E. LeBlanc, Iienj. Folse,

R. Knight, A. I. Ledet, Jackson Pierce,

lOeme Heme 12eme 13eme 14eme Î5eme lOeme

C. Bernard, Geo. Boner, J. LaGarde, E. Bourgeois, N. Bourgeois, D. H. Field, U. Guedry.

Surveillants des chemins pour l'Interieure : Mr. Evariste Adam, pour le chemin du Brûlée

Grand Ohene, Mr. B. Cross, pour le premier District, et W.

Griffin, pour le 2eme District du chemin de La-fourche au Bayou Ilerron.

L'élection des Inspecteurs des Chemina et Levées fut renvoyée a demain matin.

Les personnes suivantes furent nommées com­missaires d'élection. 1er District—Leon Boudreaux, L. Trosclair, T. Bernard. 2d " J. B. Boudreaux, J. Boudreaux, Louis Boud/eaux. 3d " S. Trosclair, Kedrick Darden, E. D. Rtcfcardson. 4th " Zenon Bourgeois, C. Lagarde, J. Û. LeBlanc. ftth " Ben. Folse, Emile Gâiude, Piterre Thibodanx. Cth " N. LeBlanc, Pierre Lee, Jacques Matherne. 7th " A. I. Ledet, J. Savoie, Marcellin Sevin. Sth " Edmond Savoie, Jacksan Pierce, Victor Melhngon. îtth " L. P. Robichaux, Edward Breaux, Joseph Haydel.

Iftth " Joseph Bourg, Lubin Bernard, George Clement.-llth " W. H. Ragan, T. W. Johnson, L. Daunis. liith " Joaciiim Bergeron, J. K. LeBlanc, F. Hebert". 18th " Hylalre Bourgeois, J. 0. Nicholas, L. Pertuit. 14th " Pierre Folse, Ben. A. Folse, Sosthene Folse, Ï5th " G. Abribat, Francis Scanlan, B. F. Barker. 16th " Zenon Cheramie, Moïse Guedry, A. Cretiui.

Le président nomiRû les comités premaneiits suivants :

Finance:—Messrs. Crétini, Folsé, H.-Bernard. Reclamations:—Raymond, Ragan, 0. Bernard. Election :—'Armitage, Pertuit et Thibodaux. Mr. H. Bernard présenta la résolution suivante

<^ui fut approuvée : Restrlu, Que la comme de Cinq Cents Piastres soit et est

par k'* present«» appropriée des tonds de la paroisse pour venir aux secours des pauvres de cette paroisse, aucune somme ne pourra etre tiree en fttveur de la même personne exerdant quarante piastres, les mandats devant etre tires selon la loi.

Le Jury s'est ajourné jusqu'à demain a 9 heures du matin.

MARDI, le 7 JriK, 1853. Le Jury s'est rassemblé et un quorum repon­

dit a l'appel. Le journal de hier fut lu et approuvée : Mr. J. Thériot membre du oeme District

parut dans son siege ce matin. Mr. J. S. Williams membre élu da 7eme Dis­

trict paru ce matin, mais ayant oublié son certi-cat d'élection, on objecta a ce qu'il prenne son siege comme membre, le Tote étant pris, le ré­sultat fut contre la dite objection et le membre fut dûment assermenté.

Le comité de finance fit le rapport suivant qui fut approuvé : A tan President et membres du Jury d* Police :

Le soussigné comité de finance rapporte respectueusement qu'ils ont examine avec soin Je rapport du Trenorier, et la trouve juste et correct, laissant «ne balance en main de Trois Mille Six Cent Quatre-vingt dix neuf Piastres 92 cents.

Respectueusement sounfls, A. CKETISI, Chef. Mr. Panvel nommé d'un comité pour soumet­

tre un plan et des specifications pour faire bâtir un pont sur le Grand Bayou, soumit son rap­port qui fut lue et approuvée.

Mr. Thibodaux présenta la résolution sui­vante:

Resolit, Que le contrat poor bâtir le dit pont selon les dites si>eciflcatioiis, soit vendu an rabais par le Constable apres lee notices données a cet effet. Le montant de l'adjudication ne devant pas exceder Trois Cent Cinquante Piastres.

Mr. Panvel present» la resolution suivante : Résolu, Qu'un comité de trois soK nomme pour surveiller

le dit ouvrage et pour l'aecepter lorsqu'à sera termine, lequel comité devant en faire un rapport a ee corps.

Le comité nomma du dit comité Messrs. J. T. Chivers, E. Panvel, Victorin Pontifie.

Comme il y a plusieurs propositions devant le Jury pour l'érection d'une Prison de Paroisse.

Sur la motion de Mr. Thibodaux. Résolu, Qu'aucun action soit pris relativement aux dites

propositions, et qu'elle* soient depowes sur la table jusqu'à la prochain« seance.

Mr. E. G. Robichaux Ait proposé «t élu Tré­sorier de Paroisse.

Le second Lundi de Mai, 1854, et tous les deux ans a partir de cette date, est par les pré­sentes fixé pour l'élection d'un membre du Jury de Police dans le 16eme District.

Mr. Folse présenta la résolution suivante, qui fut approuvée:

Resol», Que dorénavant le Hen d'election dans le 6enae District s«« a la maison de Mr. Narcisse LeBtanc.

Mr. Panvel offrit la résolution qui suit : Résolu, Que dorénavant le lieu d'election due 9emc District

sera • la maison de Frangob Rodrigue. Le Jury s'est ajourné jusqu'à 2 heures, v. u.

SXAXCX DU Sont. A deux heure» le Jury s'est rassemblé et un

quorum répondit a l'appel. Mr. Thibodaux introduisit 1» résolution sui­

vante, qui fût adoptée : Résolu, Que Mem. White * Anderson, Editeurs de I»

Minerve, soient et sent par le» preeentes ein« Imprimeur! de paroisse, avec le meine Salaire que l'année dtraiere, et pay-&b}e aux mpy* termes.

Mr. Williams offrit la résolution suivante, qui fut approuvée:

Résolu, Que l'Avocat de Pfcroine «oit est parte presentee instruit d'intenter des procès contre tontes les terres sur les quelles la pawfcse a frit des defenses paar la reparation ta chemina et levees.

Sur la motion de Mr. Thibodaux. Résolu, Que le geôlier est autorise de Ut blanchir la

prison et la maison du geo&er et de presenter le bill a la pro-ciiirie seance du Jury,

Le comité de Finance soumit le rapport sui­vant, qui Ait approuvé : A u jury d'* Police de LqftntrcKe:

Votre comité de Flnanoe rapporte respectueusement qoe M taxe de paroisse ne peut etre moine de 16 cents sor les 100 piastres.

Respectueusement momie, A. Curat, Chef. Le comité de Réclamation, fit le rapport sui­

vant: Au* President et membres du Jury de Police :

Noos les soussignés comité de Reclamations rapportons respci-tueusement que non» avons examiner les compte« soi-

vanta contre la paroisse et nous les avons trouves justes et recommendone qu'ils soient payes: l.e compte de fh-"ry llowaril, se montant n $75, pour avoir fuit des plans «< 'p-''1" ftcation» pour une Prison de Paroisse, et le criwy" ae J- . • Laiiine, Coroner, se montant a 3T5, pour avoir tenue trois enquetes sur des corps morts. J L • ««CAS, 1 NEI-

Mr. Pertuit offrit la resolution suivante, qui fut approuvée :

Résolu Que V* ••«cat de Paroisse est instruit, d'intenter un procès c">"re 'es personnes qui on acheté les traveaux a fairg sur certaines terres a la vente de l'Inspecteur, et dont l'ourmtre n'a pas ete accepté.

Mr. Williams proposa k resolution suivante, qui fut approuvée.

ReMtlu, Que le present système d'Inspection des chemins et Levees, soit continue jusqu'à la prochaine seance avec le inerte Salaire aux Ins[>ecteur, et que lorsque le Jury s'ajour­nera, qu'il s'ajournera pour s'assembler le premier Lundi, de Juillet prochain.

Le Jury procéda a l'élection des Inspecteurs de chemins et levée, Messrs. Auguste Robichaux, et Homer Bernard furent proposés comme can-dinats pour Inspecteur du premier District. Le vote étant pris Mr. Bernard a reçu 8 voix, et Mr. Robichaux 7, Mr. Bernard fut en consé­quence élu Inspecteur du premier Distrit.

Mr. Narcisse LeBlanc fut élu Inspecteur du Second District, sans opposition.

Mr. Pertuit offrit la résolution suivante: Résolu, Que l'Inspecteur du 2eme District donne a l'Avocat

de Paroisse, ses raisons pour lesquelles il n'a pas accepte les traveaux sur les chemins et levees vendu par lui aux per­sonnes dont il a retourne les bonds au Jury.

Mr. Williams présenta la resolution suivante : Résolu, Que le President est prie de se procurer les der­

nières lois relatives aux chemins et levees, d'ici a la prochaine seance.

Le Jury s'est ajourné jusqu'au premier Lundi de Juillet prochain.

J. K. GOURDAIN, Président. L. S. ALLAIN, Secretaire.


farriaço and Blacksmith Shop.

I) AGA.N & M IL RS have opened a large V Shop on Jackson street, next door _

to the Ice House, tor the purjiose of .Manufacturing and Repairing every description of WHEELED VEHICLES*. They have employed only the most exjierienced workmen, and selected the best of materials. Horse Shoeing and every variety of Wacksinithin» done expeditiously and guaranteed good. * All orders thankfully received ami promptly exe­cuted. Charités very moderate. 1VM. Ii. KAU AN,

June 1, 1S53. W. S. MILES.

BILLARD, TURNER, Main street, J.

S[I NDR IES-SUfiAR—Stuart's s Crushed, Pulverised and Loaf ;

COFFEE—Java and Rio ; No. I MACK Kit EL—whole, half, and quarter Kitts; BEEF AND BUFFALO TONGUES ; MAY IHJTTER ; CHOCOLATE, TEA, i-c. ; SOAP—A large lot, in whole, half, and quarter boxes; HAMS—Stagg ft Shay's, Dysons, and Sugar Cured ; CIGARS—Best Havana, and Smoking Tobacco ;

Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup, and a variety of other articles in the provision line. Old Bourbon Whisky at 45, 60, and 75 cents, and #125 per gallon ; Good Friction Matches, 4c., all just received, and for sale by


,\ LLSOP'S & BY ASS' INDIA PALE i l. ALE and LONDON P0RTE1! in quarts and pints.

jel8 For sale by HOLDEN & MUIÎl'IIV.

manufactures BARKEL I>1 NOS ai tlie raie of 5U ceiits per hundred. He repairs articles of wood, an«l does everything connected with Iiis line of business. jel-6111

Emile Kirlicr,


of announcing to the citizens of Thibodaux and the inhabi­tants of Lafourche that he succeeds Mr. Figgaroin his estab­lishment on St. Philip opposite Market street, and trusts (having but recently arrived from Paris) to merit confidence through his thorough knowledge of the most recent Parisian styles. XïW Particular and especial attention given to La­dies at their domiciles, by obomlament. J^essons given in HAIR-DRESSING and BRAIDING lie fully wan-ants all work done by him in Hair Braiding—such as Tableaux, Ear and Finger Rings, Bracelets, Collars, &c., &c. Perfect f&c Ktmilp* of Tombs or Monuments of any kind whatever, made in the neatest manner. His saloon is open at all hours of the day. June 1,1$T>3.


F CAUSSE, Harber, ou St. Philip st.. • heirs leave to inform his friends and the public

in gcner.d, that he has just opened a Bath House, where hot and cold baths may he h id at nil times.

RATKS.—Cold Baths, 25 cents; Hot do. 33 cent«*; with two Towels furnished each. 52 tf

J O H N L A R K I N ,


near the Found-rv. keeps constantly on ^ hand a large and full stock of Copper and Tn Ware, such as Bath-Tubs. Shower 'nvvf and Seat Baths. Cookinu and Kitchen Utensils, and a gr;*at v.tricty of Co.»king, Parlor and other Stoves.

All kinds of work in his line repaired, ai.d cleaned, to order. Gutters and Spouts put up atthe shortest notice.

Daguerreotype Likenesses!

TAKEN BY C. FREIDAL, (late of No. 11, St. Charles street, New Orleans.) The advertiser

respectfully announces to the citizens of Thibodaux and the surrounding country, that having had long experience in the Art, and having procured all the late improvements, he feels assured of giving all who may favor him with a call satisfac­tion. His PICTURES are taken with life-like colors, and perfect fac similes of the originals. Children and groups taken in superior style. ROOMS AT THE BANK.

Family groups of from 3 to 10, companies, Societies, Classes of Schools, numbering froin 10 to 2(> or over, are taken in superior style. Pictures copied, miniatures or lockets mag­nified on large daguerreotype plüies, or large daguerreotypes copied in small size for lockets or rings. All of which will be done satisfactorily, or no pay. jel8



mVTIIORNE'S WORKS, LIFE OF RANDOLPH, STATESMEN OF ENGLAND, PRESCOTT'S HISTORIES, BEHIND THE CURTAIN, GOETHE'S FAUST, JOSEPHUS' WORKS, 6 vol«, PROSE AND POETRY OF EUROPE AND AMERICA, NOTES AND EMENDATIONS ÎO SHAKESPEARE, HOME LIFE IN GERMANY—Brace, YUSUFF—J. liesse Browne, Î>L1) NEIGHBORHOODS AND NEW SETTLEMENTS, Sketches and Legends of tlie Rhine Hugo, English Items Ward, Bçjectetl Addresses Smith, The Miseries of Human Life, Mercantile Morals Van Doran, Parisian sight» and Frehch Principles, Tlie Wide, Wide World, Queechy, APPLETON'S POPULAR LIBRARV. Tales of a Grandfather Scott, Robinson Crusoe—Illustrated, NEW NOVELS—Villette—Currer Bell; Minnie Grey; Gus

Howard ; Harry Ashton ; Cyriila—by the author of the Initials ; The New Orleans Sketch Book—by Stahl ; Lafitte, the Pirate—new edition; A Man in Search of a Wife; Minnie Lawson ; The Empress of the Isles, or the Lake Bravo ; Êveleen Wilson ; Modem Flirtations ; Catiarine Sinclair ; Lord Saxondaîe, or Liffe aiiisng the London Aris­tocracy ; The Lover's Stratagem, or the Two Suitors ; One Year—a Tgle of Wedlock ; Passion' and Principle—by Mrs. Gray; Agatha's Husbandtc., Ac.

MONTHLY MAGAZINES constatantly on hand. Also, a general assortment of

SCHOOL BOOKS, MAPS, STATIONERY, 4c. MUSIC.—Music, Musical Instruments, Strings, &c., obtained

to fill-orders. jelS J. YATES BENNETT.

lïew und Cheap Goods

8T.& L. DAUNIS have just received • a New and Fresh Supply of Fancy and^

Staple Dry Good«, Boots, Shoes, and Hats i/fiu—A heavy and compIete< assortment of Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel.

The attention of the public is most respectfully soli-5ted to their stock. uiy21


No. 12 St. Philip street, THIBODAUX,

HAVING recently established themselves here, respect­fully inform the public, and the amateurs of good work,

that they aie now ready to accommodate them with Shoes, Roots &c., at the lowest c ish prie s. Having exercised th« ir trade in many of the | rincipal towns of Fmnce, a* w.'ll as in New Orleans, they feel confident that the r work will please the taste ofthe most faslitlious. They are< on-stantly in recept of tho best Bordeaux Ca'f. Strasbourg Morocco, and various other leather. All are invited to ca 1.

August Nth, JPf)2. (3 -tf.)

Î? qJ1 o - ~ _> - r "•£ frv t T7r\


THROUGH the medium of the public press, I take the liberty ofannouncing totne public, th t I still continue

to carry on, at my o d sfmd, as ;ibove, my cnllicg as Bnot and Shoe M iker^and I am, at all times, ready to ac<o m mo-date my customers at the shortest notice. Boots and Shoes, ofthe Infest fashions, inide to order with despatch ; and warranted an e;isy fit, or no s;«le.

April 9th, 185:i. ( !S-tf.)


flonse, Sign and Ornamental Painters. Jackson street, Thibodaux, La.

Bfegleave to inform their friends and the PubTic generally, thattheyarenow r«ady to fill orders with neat ness anddispMtch. June 21st. IMU.-tf


Just Received and for Sale by


Î^RESH DRY GOODS.—Irish Linens of all qualities* Printed Linen Lawns, Damask Table

Cloths and Napkins, Bleached Cottons, Dotted and Plain Swiss Muslins, Jaconetts, Edgings and Inserting?, Swiss and Jaconett Flouncing Bähds} Bobbinett and Lînen Mosquito liars, Prints and Muslins, Fans, Lowells, Cotton-ades, Tickings, Denims, Linen Drillings (white and fig­ured,) Sheetings, Shirtings, &c., &c;

IIA BD WARE.—Trace ( hains, Bramble Scythes and Snaths, Oil-Stones, Carpenters' Tools, Froes, Axes, Iloes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shot Pouches, Powder Horns, Gun Nipples, Percussion Caps, Gun Cleaners, Guns, Screws and Butts, Strap Hinges, Nails, Tacks, Brads, Dbor and Pad Locks, Chest and Trunk Locks, Coffee and Corn Mills, Grindstones, Friction Rollers, and all other articles in the Hardware line.

JEWELRY.—Ladies* and Gentlemens' Gold and Silver Watches, Vest and Fob Chains, Seals of all patterns, Cuff Pins, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Diamond and Stone set Fin­ger Kings, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver Cases, Shirt Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Gold Pencils, Lockets, and other articles.

PERFUMERIES.—Lubiri's Extracts, best German Cologne, Pomatums and Hair Oils, Toilet and Shaving Soap, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Tortoise-Shell, BulTido and English made Horn Combs, Dressing and Pocket Combs, Ac.

HATS.—Flat and curled rim Pearl and Black Prespiration-proof, Ventilating Hats ; Campeachy, Panama, Leghorn Canada Straw, Pahn-Leaf, Black Leghorn and Wool Hats,

CLOTHING.—Best Silk Bolting-Cloth Sack Coats, Heav White Linen Duck Coats and Pants, White and Colored Corded Marsailles Vests, Silk and Linen Summer Cravats. Shirts, Gloves, Suspenders, Half-Hose, Fine Barapore Sacks and Paletots, Merino Coats and Pants.

SADDLERY.—Best English and Mexican Saddles and Side Saddles, Dressed Buck SkinSj. Harness and Band leather, Overseers', Buggy, Sulky and Riding Whips, Steel and Plated Spurs, Bridles, Martingales, Saddle Bags, Enamelled Iieather and Carpet Traveling Bags, Saddle Trees, Stirrups, Plated and Steel Curb and Snaflte Bitts, Girts, Sirsiugles Fly Nets, Ac.

WOODEN WARE.—Cedar Buckets, Churns, Piggins, Bra and Iron Bound; Demijohns, Baskets, Bread Trays, Cob V\ eb, Shoe, Paint, White Wash, Cloth, Hearth, Dusting. Scrubbing, Lather and Horse Brushes ; Brooms, Rat and Mouse Traps, Hammocks, Chairs, Corks, Tubs, Keelers. Washboards, &c.

GROCERIES.—Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Pepper Allspice, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace, Starch, Idnigo, Soap, Candles, Garden Seeds (fresh,) Preserves, Katsups, Pickles, Olive Oil, Vine­gar, Porter, Ale, Claret. Bourbon Whisky, Brandy, Wines and Cordials ; Powder, Shot, Matches, Tobacco of the best quality, Plantation Tobacco; Jugs, Crockery and Glass Ware of every description.

BOOTS AND SHOES.—Fine Gaiters and Morocco Walking Shoes, Kid Slippers, Gentlemens' fine and coarse Calf and Kip Boots, Youths', Boys' and Children's Shoes, Ditchin^ Boots, Fisherman's do., Russetts, of the best Oak-Tanned Leather, and made to order. my21




]yrOTICE—All per.- >ns in( i!m



ner of Main and St. Louis streets, Thihod 'ux. (o!d stand of O. Gerard,) takes this opportunity of informing - ^ •«•n. _. • _ his fellow-citizens and strangers generally, that he hat located himself as above, and will be found at all times ready to attend to the niendingand repairing of Watches, Jewelry. &c. jell-ly


PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLAS-TEUER, his just received and will constantly keep

at his Ware House on Church street, a full stock of Thoai-aston, Western and Sugar Lime, Sharp Sand, Cement, Hair, Plaster of Paris. &c, which he will sell as low as they can he procured from New Orleans. June 11.


JS. FRIZEI.L, having bought tlie Dru* . Store of Doct. P. W. Tucker & Co., will

continue tolceep on hand at ali times a la.go and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints,-OiN, Dye-Stuffs, 0-lan-Ware, Wimiow-äiaüs, Brusheraof all kinds, Perfumery,Soap«, Fancy article« of Various kinds, ect. lie would respect­fully invite Pl iuters, Merchants, Mechanics and person-i generally to call and examine bi< stock. He f. els assured from his long experience in the business, that general sa­tisfaction will e given. He will sell on the usual time, at low prices, and warrant every thing gond.

Prescriptions will be prepared with carc—and will be filled at all hours of the nl^ht. Al"ea Elm Bark Scammony Cream of Tartar 8w t Spirit Nitre Gamboge Bicarb of S-ida Syrup of Squills Syrup Sar«aparilla En:. Calomel Hive Syrup Cayenne Pepper Blue Ma s Paregoric Red Precipitate Tartar Emetic Laudanum Pink Knot Suiph of Quinine Magnesia Senna Epsom 8;.It« Snnke Root Valerian Rhubard Castor O.l Opium Ipecac ' Camphor Saltpetre Jalip Sulphm S ige Dover's Powders Borax Hops ;

And every kiitd of Medecines will he kept, and [7-ly] sold by J. S. FRIZELL, Com. Row.



retail dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Ac. ' SO. 39 CHARTSCS STRUCT,

Betteten BienviUe and Customhouse streets, JV. O. Countiy merchants, planters and physicians will always

find a complete and extensive assortment of everything in the line, at low prices and liberal terms.

The quality of articles always warranted. f29-iy.J

Dneonge's Pectoral Balsamic Syrup,

LABORATORY OF THE PROPRIETOR, NO. 39 Char­tres street. New Orleans.

The well known virtue of this Vegetable Syrup, In all the ailments of the breats, chest, Inngs and bowels, is ao well established, and has been tested for so many yenrs, by such extensive patronage, that it would be idle to dwell at nny length on its efficacy In colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis. Inflammation of the throat, stomach or bowels, spitting of blood, and whooping cou?h.

It has beeii found highly bénéficia] in all Inflammatory disorders, such ns Reliumatisin, Diarrhoea, or Dysentery (summer complaint,) and especially in those cas^s of chlo­rine, which, for want of proper notice, so often degenerate Into confirmed cholera.

In all affections of the lunga verging on Consomption, it has been found to prevent that dreadful scourge, whenever timely resorted to.

Besides Its acknowledged certainty of core, tills truly wonderful Medeclne has, over moat compounds of the saine natura, the decided »vantages that owing to Its agreeable flavor, it can be admlaiatered without difficulty to children, and It requires no very particular diet.

Prepared and sold at the Laboratory of the Pro* prtetor. t. P. DUCONGE,

39-ly.J Ne. 38 Chartres street, New Orleans.

Hazard Powder Company.

THE Undersigned Agents of the above Gcmirait HisitncToiT—at present the most extensive one

hi the United States—having by recentarrivals, received large supplies ofthe various qualities of Pawder, usual­ly demanded in this Harket, have now on aand, and offer for sale, the following kinds, via :

CANISTER POWDER, la Canisters of 1 pound, and 35 to a ease, of the "American Sporting," being the finest quality marie, the "Indian Rifle." and the "Kentucky Rifle," Pawder, K. F. P. g ; also in Canisters of S pounds and IS to a case, of the "Kentucky Rifle" Powder. F. F F. g. and F. F. G. ;

KEG PUWDER in whole, half, and qnarter kegs, of the "Kentucky Rifle," the staple Powder of the country, F, F F.6.,F. F.G., "Sea shooting, in quarter kegs of the "American Sporting" Powder, the hiehest manufac­tured for sportsmen's nse and Pistol shooting ; and also in wl*ji» kegs of Fairlawu Milk, being Cannou or Mus­ket Powder.

The high reputatloa which the Hazard Company's Powder has obtained as Ihr as It has become known, su­percedes the necessities of any remarks in its praise,and we will only state that we Gc&AVIRRIC IT CKCXCILLID rr AKT OTHI* MANOFAOTOIV, although It Is acknowled­ged by those who have tried It to be superior to all other brands.

We wish It to be expressly understood that any pack­age not proving satisfactory, will be taken back by us, and its cost and expenses refunded.

We are prepared to deliver promptly any quantity upon order being left at oar store, ou board of SteambAats, tope of charge. C. T. BUDDECKE &. CO.. Agent«.

100 Tchoupltoulas Street. New Orleans.



B. BROWER 4- CO., 1 rv CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS.—China, Class, JL • Karthern ware. Plated Silver, Britaula and Tin Ware ; Japannrry. Knives and Forks, Lamps. Castings, Wooden Ware, Briskets, etc.—Also ; The ce'ehrated Re-public Cooking Stove«. [4H-ly] B. BROWEIi & CO.



S A C H E & S A N C A N ,

Daguerreotype and Painting Gallery, myU No. 80, CAMP St, NEW ORLEANS.




(•ij-tf ) No. 28 Chartres Street, New Orleans.

Musical Notice.

THE undersigned lakes the pleasure of informing his friemls and the

in peneral that he has constantly on hand, and is always receiving large assortments of Musical instruments, such as Pianos of all sizes, Guitars, Music Paper, Violoncellos, Violins, Violin Strings and Bows, &c. &c, The following are among some of his newly received goods

PIANOS : A large stock of new scale of fi, fij 6$ and 7 Octavo Piano Fortes, all of which will be sold at faotory prices.

GUITARS : Toma'sGuitars constantly on hand—also, imported Guitars, of the best gpanish and French pat­terns, together with low priced German Guitars.

RULED MUSIC PAPER: Music Paper of 12, 14, 16, constantly on hand, and manufactured to order.

VIOLONCELLOS: tn every variety. STRINGS: For Violin, Violoncello, Tenor Viol,Double

Bass, Guitar and Ranjo. Keeps the liestStrings that can be procured. Sold wholesale and retail.

VIOLINS AND VIOLIN BOWS : Violin Pases. Bow Hair, Bridges, Pegs, Taii Pieces, Finger-Boards, Mutes, Rosin. &c. &c.

REBDS: For Clarionet, Bassoon and Oboe. DRUMS: Of all sizes, Drum Heads, Sticks, Cords,

Snares, &.c. Sc. c. GUITAR PATENT HEADS : Guitar Pins, Cases, Ca­

po d'Astras. Bridges. Knobs and Pins. PIANO FORTE TRIMMINGS: Of all kinds. Piano

Forte Stools. TUNING FORKS; Tuning Hammers, Tuning Pipes. Dealers and Heads of Seminaries, supplied at the low­

est wholesale prices with everything in the Music Line. Address W. T. MAYO, S-tf. Nos 5 & 93 Camp Street, New Orleans.



Importers of French Wine», Cognac Brandie*, Liquors, Preserves, Fruits in Juice,

Sardines, Oils. <fe.

Antoine A. L.af«rest,

COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, and General Factor and. Agent, Ma. 28 Old

Levee, Sew Orleans, hereby tenders his services to the inhabitants of this and the adjoining parishes, and hopes by his strict and prompt attention to all busi­ness confided to his care, tn he deserving of their liberal patronage. I4-tf March 1,1852.


[may'21] For sale by OSBURN t CO.


G A S L A M P S ! And Patent Phosgen Gas for Burning in the 8time.

T11IS Lamp, for producing a portable light, is confident ly recommended as superior to «*iny «ither now in use

The light, is produced by the burning of an »riforin Gas, which is emitted in beautiful jefrs from small perforatious in Platina.

The Gas is generated as it is used, by the heat of its combustion acting on the burner, connected with the L;<ju d to the Lamp. Thus it is a perfect and portaLle apparatus for creating and burning a?riform Gas.

Its construction is such that all possibility of accident f otn its use is entirely removed ; and the great s mpücity of its arrangement renders it Ies> 1 able to get out of order than any other kind of lamp. It requires no cleaning and trimming; as do the oil and camphcne lamps, and burns equally well, either with or without a glass globe or shade, and perfectly free from smakeor odor.

Theop nions of the scientific may be learned from the fact, that at the Annual Fair of the American Institute, in 1845, a SILVEÄ MEDAL was awarded (o the Inventor, and a Diploma to the Manufacturer ; and a! tlie s une time ft was pronounced the best light ever ex! ihited to the Fair

For sale, wholesale asd retnil hv HOLDEN & MURPHY

Wh°re the tmnp? can bé seen buring every evening. Thrse Lamps only require to lie tested to put a st» p

to all complaint about poor lis ht', smoke or crease.


FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No. 8 and 10 St Philip street.

HAS now in store, and is constantly replenl is ing, a wellselectedassnrtmentof GRO-I

CERIF.S, YVINEfe, and Liquors,consisting in part of the following, viz. API'LES. Dried an Green KKTOHTP. Walnut., Tomato ALSPICK, LARD, NO. 1 Leaf AMSKTTE. LOBSTKBS, AXK IIANPLCS, LEMONS, BACON, Hams, Sides, and LAMP WICK

Shoulders; LIQUOBS, Cognac, champa-REEF, Suparcured gne,peach, and New-Yi BUTTKM, Goshen and West- Brandy; Old Bourbon,

em Irish and Rectified Whis BEANS. Navy knj; Holland Gin; Ja-BiscnTS, Soda and Butter maica llum, etc., etc BREAD, Pilot and Navy MIJSTABD. Creole and Ky BUCKWHEAT kegs & boxes MOLASSES, BROOMS, Assorted MACARONI, BLACKING, "Masons" MATCHES, Friction BASKETS, all sties; MACE, BUCKETS, Tin and painted NUTMEGS COFFEE, Rio, Java, Mocha. NUTS, Pecans and Almon CANDLES, Sperm'' Star and OILS, Olive Lamp and Lar

French tallow ONIONS CHEESE, Pine Apple Eng- PICKLES. Assorted

lish Dairy and Western PORK, JJess and Prime CHOCOLATE, No. 1 POTATOES, Sweet and Iris CANDIES. Assorted PEACHES, Dried CORDIALS, do. PEPPER, Black CIGARS, an excellent as*mt PEPPED SAUCE, CABDS, Playing POWDER. Sporting and Rifle CINNAMON, PIPES, Clay and Stone CLOVES, RAISINS, Malaga CLOTHESPINS, RICE, Carolina and Creole CORKS, Jjovdon PALT, course, fine and Table CAPS, Percuȏion SUGAR, Loaf and Brown DEMIJOHNS, all sizes SOAP, bar castile and fancy EGGS, STARCH, FOX'S and Colgate's FLOUR, SI. Louis and Ohio SNUFF, Schtchand Macaboy FISH, Cod, Mackerel and SARDINES,

Herring 'ISHING 1


Thilioiiatix, April 17th, 1852-

SHOT. Buck and Dos SAL JERATITS, TEAS, Assorted TOBACCO, do. TIN WARE, do. WINES, Madeira, Sherry,

Champagne, Port, and lied WASH BOARDS ETC., ETC.




rjUTLERY—A fine assortment of knives, v/ razors, admn, un, fee* far nie by

wyK A. B. RAG AX tt Co.


JOHN LARKIN, Jackson st.

[L.ATE KELSON A. YOÜNO t CO.] No. 8 Camp Street.—New Orleans.

ARE now receivin» their Fall supply of goods, consis tint; in pan of the undermentioned articles:

Heavily cased cold and silver hunting watches, very snbstantial from the liest mann factures of London and Liverpool suitable for Planters and Overseers. Gold and «liver face Watches.

Very rich gold hunting and open faced Geneva watches plain and engraved for Ladies. Fine Gold Guards, Fob and Vest Chains, new patterns Studs, Collar Buttons, Finger Rings. Ladies and Gents Breast Pins and Ear-Rings. Single Stone and Cluster Diamond Pins and Fin­ger Rings. Gold and Silver Sepectacles for all ages.

Silver Ware warranted pure as coin, consistingof Table Tea and bessert Spoons, Table and Dessert Forks, Soup Ladles, Buttel Knives, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Sogar Totigs. Plated Ware consisting of Castors, Candle-sticks, Walters, te. The whole of which Is warranted as fine as any offered by any house in the trade and at reaso- -able prices.

The strictest attention given torepairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. All fine watches committed to onr charge we personally attend to, and onr charges are reasonable. [4?!f.] New Orteaus, NOT. T, I85L '

A Book for every American. MEN WANTED TO TRAVEL AS AGENTS.

THE Snb-criber is now publishing a Third Edition of THE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF AMERICUS. The

great Navigator who gave name to this Western Continent. By C. E. LESTER, late U. S. Consul. Illustrated wi'h en­

gravings. From the .Yew York Journal of Commerce:—"This is

a very interesting and instructive volume, especially to Americans, as it relates to the discovery and early history of this continent. The Plates Illustrating various points in the history ofthe great Navigator, add to the value of the work, and still more to its acceptablene-s to the common reader."'

From the Xetc Yorlc. Christian Advirtieer.—' In the elegantly printed volume, the compilers have preserved ali the information accessible respecting this celebrated voy­ager. This Book will be a valuable acquisition."

From the New York Recorder.—"This is a worthy tri­bute to one of the great navigators whose name and history, will be forever connerted with the American Continent. The work is well worthy of attention as a repository of much that h valuable, bearing on the early history of the Few World."

From the Albany Spectator.—"The subject of this work is sufficient of itself to attrark and interest every American. The man who gave name to this great western Continent, can never be forgotten.

'•It is written in that flowing and attractive style, which characterizes all Mr. Lester's productions, and cannot fail to have an extensive circulation."

A number of active and intelligent men of good character are offered profitable employment in circulating, by sub­scription. the above valuable and interesting work in the State of Louisiana.

The Teeing will be given on application to the Subscriber, postpaid. H. MANSFIELD, Publisher,

134 York Street, New Haven, Connecticut.

Important to Planters and Others.

[I!!!!!!!!!! •iniiiiiif minimi Jiiiiiaiim


iilllttlltt I *• sT] • •llllllltllHM iiniiiMiHiiia l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I I U H H I M I H I I

TI INKLE A GUILD, Builders, W are Rooms, No, 356., Xx West Front St., Cincinnati, Ohio. This extensive, Building, 60 by 250 feet, with machinery for manufacturiu^ Pmnel Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door frames Mouldings, Base. Pilasters, Weather-boarding, White and Yellow Pine, flooring, Shelving for Stores, Railing for fences, Ac. Jfcc.

Buildings framed. Lumber furnished of every descrip­tion. Persons building, can be supplied here with all the materials for houses ready made, of seasoned Lumber.

TERMS.—CASH. All orders through Beatty, Ligget k Co., New Orleans,

or S. M. Heart it Co., Baton Rouge, will be attended to. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 36, 1853. 12.1y.

1 KA Or. Quinine just received from the East, which I t/u n il! be sold at the lowest price J. S. FRIZELL

itpd t< Tieloni Habin,

are requested to come forward and settle ; and all ]»er.-«>us to whom the aforesaid tfueees.sion is indebted, are hereby notified to come forward and receive the amount of tiie:r claims. F. GAGNE, Administrator,

llouma, May, 21 1S53. [25-4t.]

OTATK OF LOUISIANA—Fifth Ju-dicial District Court, siting in and for tlie parish of La­

fourche. Siu'cexsion of Aimée Tmtps and Community.

Tn the name and by authority of the Fifth .Judicial District Court, sitting in and fur the parish of I^afourche, tbcre will be offered for sale at public auction by M. Uourjr, Sheriff and auctioneer, on the premises situated in th«' parish <>f La­fourche, on the bayou Terrebonne, immediately iu the rear ofthe town of Thibodftux, on SATURDAY, the i'th « »f «JI LY, 1S&J, at ll> o'clock A. M., the following described property, to-wit :

1 A certain lot of ground situated in the rear of the town of Thibodaux, in the parish of Lafourche, on tlie bayou Ter­rebonne, measuring about three and a half arpents in super­ficies, bounded in front by the bayou Terrebonne, North by lot of Ilermogene Robichaux, South by lot of Terence Toups, East by land of Frederick Guedry, with all the buildings and improvements thereon.

2 The following slaves. JOE, a negro boy aged 50 years. HARRIET, a negro girl aged 50 years. CKAZAR, a negro boy aged 10 years. AXGELÏNK, a negro girl aged 14 years. Some horses, cowsHihd calves, and the liouse furniture and

cooking utensiles. THUMS.—AÜ to be sold in block, for Cash. M. 3iOLTRti, Sheriff.

Thibodaux, May 25th 1-S53, [25-tds.]

QTATE OF LOUISIANA—Fifth Judi-cial District Court, sitting in and for the parish of La­

fourche .Succession of Jeannette Üiniwiaurf, wife of John L. iSeely.

In the name and by the authority of tlie Fifth Judicial District Court, sitting in and for the parish of Lafourche, there will be offered for sale at public auction by M. Bourg, Sheriff and auctioneer, ,duly qualified and sworn in and for said parish, on the premises situated about four miles above the town of Thibodaux, on

THURSDAY the 30th day of JUNE, 1S53, at 10 o'clock, a. M., the following described property, to-wit; 1. A certain tract of land situated in the parish of La­

fourche, on the right bank of the bayou Lafourche, at about four miles above the town of Thibodaux, measuring five ar­pents and a half more or less front, by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by lands of the Succession «>f Antoine Au coin, and below by the land of Maximilien Adam, with all the buildings thereon (except the cotton gin.) 2. LEWIS, a negro man, aged about 50 years. 8. YYIXSOX, a negro'man, age&about L'4 years. 4. YORK, a jpegro man, aged about 2S years. 5. ALECK, a negro man,^pred about 20 years. 6. JOHN, a griff, aged about 20 years. 7. ALFRED, a griff, aged about ID years. 8. HONORE, a griff, aged about 17 years. 9. JULIEN, a griff, aged about 13 years.

10. LOUIS, a griff, aged about 38 years. 11. BETSY, a negro woman, aged about years; and her

three children—NOEL, aged about !) years; MARIE LOUISE, aged al>out 4 years; ALEXANDER, aged 2 years.

12. A COTTON GIN, on the above described place. 13. Oxen, some horses, hogs, the house furniture and plan­tation tools.

TKKMS AND CONDITIONS.—The moveable property all sums of and under twenty-five dollars, payable in March 1854, and all sums exceeding twenty-five dollars, by halves, one half in March, 1S54, and one half in March,*.! ^55.

The slaves payable by thirds, one third in all and each of the months of March, of the years 3S54, 1^-55, and 1850. The land payable by fourths, one , fourth in all and each of the months of March, of the years 1S54, 1S55, 1850, and 1857. The purchaser to furnish good and approved security. The property sold to remain specially mortgaged with vendors privilege until final payment, and all sums not punctually paid, bearing eight per cent interest after maturity.

M. liOURG, Sheriff. Thibodaux, May, 28th 850. [25-tds.J

Succession of Ma vie Celina Hebert, tnf- of Oct ace Effert. UCCKSSION SALE—Stale of Lou-

kl/ isiana—Fifth District Court—Parish of Lafourche. In the name and by the authority of the Fifth Judicial Dis­

trict Court, sitting in and for the parish of Lafourche, there will be offered for sale at public auction by M. Bourg, Sheriff, at the Court House in the town of Thibodaux, on SATUR­DAY", the 16th of JULY, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow­ing described property, to-wit :

A CERTAIN LOT OF (ÏROUND, or Town Lot, situated in the town of Thibodaux, known and designated on a plan of thirty lots of ground executed by E. 1). Richardson, on the 17th of June, 1846, and dej>ositcd in the Recorder's office as lot 175, measuring one hundred feet front on Jackson street, by a depth of two hundred and fifteen feet nine inches and a half, bounded in front or East by Jackson street. North by lot No. 175, West by Harrisson street, and South by lot 117.

TKKMS AND CONDITIONS.—One fifth of the price payable in each of the months of March, of the years 1854, 1855, 1850, 1857, and 185S. The purchaser furnishing good and approved security and the lot to remain specially mortgaged until full and entire payment, and all enstallments bearing eight per cent, after their respective maturity.

June, 7th 1853. M. BOURG, Sheriff.

Succession of Josephine Cross, wife of Edward Murphy.

SUCCESSION S.tLK.—State of Luu-isiana—Fifth District Court—Parish of Lafourche.

In the name and by the authority of the Fifth Judicial Dfctrfct Court, sitting fn and for the parish of Lafourche, there will be offered ibr sale at public auction, bv M. Bourg, Sheriff, duly qualified and sworn, in and for said parish, on the premises, situated in the town of Thibodaux, on .MON­DAY the 1 Sth of JULY, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow­ing described property,?vlz ;

A CERTAIN LOT Of GROUND or Town Lot, situated in the town of Thibodaux, being the south-east portion of a lot, of ground known and designated on a plan of said town made and executed by James B. Grinage, fronting the corner of St. Philip and Short street, measuring 58 feet •'> inches front on St. Philip street, and 132 feet 8 inches iu depth on both sides—with the buildings thereon.

TKKMS AND CONDITIONS.—The price payable by fourths— one-fourth in all and each of the months of March of the years 1854,1855,1856, and 1857, and each Instalment bearing eight percent interest after maturity until final payment. The purchaser furnishing four notes in solido, with good se­curity, and payable to the order of ^Edward Murphy, admin-*>trator; the property remaining specially mortgaged and hypothecated until final payment.

June 6th, 1853. M. BOURG, Sheriff.

AGENCY OF THE Merchants' Company

of Hew Orleans.

FOR the parishes of Assumption, La-fourche and Terrebonne. The undersigned having

been appointed airent for the above Insurance Company, beg leave to call the attention of Planters, Merchants' and property holders of the three above parishes, to the follow­ing clause adopted hy the Iîo rd of Presidents of Insurance Companies of New Orle ns, for country Fire III k*.

PIRE PISK8 out of New Orleans on buildinzs or contents, excepting Gin and Su.'ar Houses and their con tents, to have the following «lause inserted. PK O VII ) ED Til E PLACE HAS NO INSURANCE COMPANY OR AGENCY IN IT ; namely—

It isunder>tood and agreed to be a condition of this In­surance, that in ca*e of any loss wi:hin the poücv. the In­surers are to be liable only'for THREE FOUTIIS OF THE SAME, not exceeding the sum herein insured, and the OTHER FOURTH to he BORNE BY THE ASSURED.

The undersigned is ready to Insure properties against Fire Risks and also Cargo per Steamboats.

CHARLES LESS EPS, Agent. Firm of Lesseps & Deguilhem, Thibodaux, L i. May 6th, 1853. [22-1 y J

A V I S F R A N C A I S .

\ VIS—Toute JL V u SnccewliB» lie

•> personnes qui <j Madeline Dugas, veuv.

sont par le preset es personnes a oui de te presenter et

ma, ce 24 Mai, IN

DE ! • Dist

17TAT 1^.1.. cil« [Uier

\ LOI ISIAM:—V •ict Judiciaire, siégeant

de Lafo<

Au i Judiciaire, s sera' offert e teur, sur les tentent en a

a 10 heures 1 Un cert

Thibodaux, su Lafourche, et ;

i et par autorite

ente publique i«tr M. i!,

?A.MKI>[. le 11 lie .ïl'Jl.LKT, 1-M., Il* propriété* suivantes

1 terre sirue en arrii


•par le l>. it a lk-r


ogene Robichaux, S ••J a l'Est par les terre.* tie bâtisses et amelioratioi

- Les esclaves suivant HARRIET, une neu res; ANGELINE, une negn C.EZAK, un negre age

LUX, des vach' De iteusils de

Le tout sera vendu en Bl

Thibodaux, ce 2tl Mai, !•>

• pour du Comptant. M. BOURG,

j^TAT DE LA LOITSI \N K—Cour • 1 ̂ du Cinquième District Juilieïnire, siepeant dam p„i,r


de.UIX, 1-

de La f .:

i\*mrant cinq


la paroisse tie Lafourche.. orntifid, epouse de Joint L. Set:ly.

Au nom et par autorite de la Cour du Oinquie Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour la paroisse de L; sera offert en vente publique par M. Bourg, 8heril teur, dûment qualifie et assermenté dans et pour roisse, sur les lieux situes a environ quatre mille de la ville de Thibodaux,

JEUDI, le a 10 heures, M., les propriétés ei-aj

1. Une certaine t -rre située dans la sur la rive droite du bayou Lafourche, audessus de la ville de Thibodaux, m demi plus ou moins de lace, par quar «leur, bor-ne en haut par les terres de Aucoin, c.t en bas par celles de Maxir les bâtisses qui s'y trouvent a l'exc moulin a coton. 2. LEWIS, un negre, ai 8. "WTNSt >N, un negre,' 4. YORK, un negre, ag 5. ALEK, un negre, ag (L JOHN, un griffe, agi 7. ALFRED, un griffé, 8. HONORE, un griffe. U. JULIEN, un griffe, «ige d

lu. LOUIS, un griffe, age d'e 11. BETSY, une négresse, a;

enfants—N< »F.L, age d' agee d'environ 4 ans viron - ans.

12. UN MOULIN A COTON" avec le hangar, sur la propriété


d'environ 50 ans. ge d'environ ans. il'environ 28 anf. d'environ 20 ans.

ige d'euviro


d'environ 32 an-i ; n iron9ans; MARIE L<

•t ALEXANDRE, au •l'ISE,

ochons. nhles du Vi. Cinq bœufs, des chevaux, des maison, et les outils oratoires.

TKKMKS I:T CONDITIONS.—Le mobilier payable toutes sommes de et aqdessous de vingKh'iiq piastres, en Mars KM, et toutes sommes audesstïs «te vingt-cinq piastres, par moitié l'amoitie en Mars 185iL et l'autre moitié en Mars W5. I., s esclaves payables paf fiers, un tiers en tout et chacun des m^is de Mars 1854, 1855, et 1850. La terre payable par quarts, un quart en tous et chacun» des mois de Mai-, des années 1S54, 1855, 1850, et 1>57. Les acquéreurs fournissant bonne et valable caution. Les propriétés vendues rotant speeiallement hypothéqué avec le privilège du vendeur, jus­qu'à parlait payment, et toutes sommes portant huit pour cent d'interet après eeheanee. M. BOURG, Sherif.

Thibodaux, ce 27 Mai, 18.VL [25-tds.j

Succession de Marie Celina Hebert, epouse dyOctave

VENTE DR SUCCESSION—Etat .1» V la Louis»

de Lafourche. Au nom et par autorite de la Cour du Cinquième District

Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour la paroisse de Lafourche, il sera offert en vente publique -par M. Bourg, >herif, a la Maison de Cour, dairs la ville de Thibodaux,

SAMEDI, le Hi du mois de JUILLET, 1853, a 10 heures A. M., la propriété ci-après decrite, savoir:

Un certain lot do terre ou terrain de ville, situe dans la ville de Thibodaux, connu et désigné sur un plan de W iots de terre execute par E. I). liichardson, le 17 Juin, l*-ifi, et depose :: l'office du Recorder, comme le lot No. 175, mesurant 100 pieds de face sur la rue Jackson, par une profondeur »le 215 pieds et î» pouces, borne en face ou Est par la rue Jackson, Nord par le lot Ouest par la rue Harrison, et Sud par le lot 117. 1

TE KM Ks KT CONDITIONS.—Payable par cinquième, tin cin-m des mois de .Mars, des années 1854,

luereur fournis:

-Cour du Cinquième District—Par

1855, 1850, 1857, et 1 valable caution, et la propriété quee jusqu'à parfait payment, pour cent d'interet après leur

Juin, le 7 1843.

staut spe I hypotlie-it portant huit

respective. M. HOUKU, Shérif.


MR. GURNEyT^? Natchez, Mis.«.., would respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gen­

tlemen of Thibodaux and vicinity that he has opened a GALLERY, over the STORE OF MESSRS. BADE AUX & BUUFF,—Main street near Jackson—for the purpose of practising the beautiful

Art of Daguerreotyping. His pictures are pronounced by distinguished sa vans to be

superior to any taken in the Southern country, and his GOLDEN HALO DAGUERREOTYPES were pronounced by such artists as Fontayne & Porter, Karris and Hawkins, of Cincinnati, to be superior to any taken in that city, and were spoken of in the Cincinnati Nonpariel and the Daily Citizen as the very

ACME OF DAGUERREOTYPING ! He respectfully solicits the Ladies and Gentlemen of this

community to call and give him a sitting, free of charge, and test his merits as an artist. His variety of stock is com­plete, embracing everything in the line.

Likenesses of Children taken to perfection. Perfect satis-faxîtion given or no charge made.

Mr. Gurney's stay in town will be limited to a week or ten days, and those who wish to secure a good and life-like like-ness of themselves, will confer a favor by calling soon. [24

To the in embers of flic Louisiana ISar. n^HK undersigned has the follow ins works, relating to the

Laws of Louisiana, which he is prepared to sell for cash, at a very great reduction upon the j rices formerly de­manded. MARTIN'S REPORTS of Ca-es arsued and determined in

the Supreme Court of the Territory of Orleans, and in the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. By François Xavier Martin, one of tlie Judges of said Courts—with marginal references, by Thomas Gibbes Morgan, Counsel­lor at Law. New edition, 1852. The original twenty volumes, without abbrevation. Price $5 per volume to subscrib rs, prior to November 1,1852, and to non-sub­scribers $6 cash.

ROBINSON'S REPORTS, 12 volumes, embracing the Deci­sions of the Supreme Court, ot' Louisiana, from October 1841, to March, 1846. This valuable work is now offered either by volume or by set, at a rauch lower price than heretofore. Nothing need be said in commendation of a work so well known to every Louisiana lawyer. It* pos­session is indispen-able to secure the continuity ofthe derisions of the Supreme Court.


BENJAMIN <S- SLIDELL'S DIGEST, enlarged. A Digest of all Decisions ofthe Supreme Court of Louisiana, down to the thirteenth volume of Louisiana Reports.

DESLIX'S DlGGEST—This is a continuation of Benjamin k Siidell's Digest, and is brought down to the third volume of Robinson's Reports.

DESLIX'S GENERAL INDEX, from 1809 to 1848. An alphabetically arranged table of all the cases decided during the above-mentioned long period. For sale by J. B. STEEL, 60 Camp street. N. 0. August 20th, 1852. (37-6mo.)

SEASONED LUMBER .—Dry dressed FLOORING and CEILING, an l Pla?lerin? L-.ths,

always on hand for sale by, FOLEY k TOAVXSEM).

^.ROCERIES.— 20 Boxes Catawba J Wine ; 4 Casks Slagg k Shay's Hams : for sile by

myl4 A. B. BAG AN & Co.

PAINTS—White, Red, and Black Lead, Venation Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Paris ami Chrome Dry

and in Oil,Litharge, Yellow Ochro, Chrome Yellow, Lamp Black, Linseed Oil, Spts Terpentine, etc.. can lie had at the Prug Store of [7-tt] i.S. FRIZELL.

Successitm de Jos»3phi ne Cross, epmtsed'Eward Murphy.

"P'l'AT DE LA LOUISIANE—Cour A-i du Cinquième District Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour

la paroisse de Lafourche. Au nom et par autorite de la Cour du Cinquième District

Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour la paroisse de Lafourche, il seraotfert en vente publique par M. llour/;, Sherif, dûment qualifie et assennente dans et pour la dite paroisse, sur les lieux situes dans la ville de Thibodaux.

Ll'NDI, le is du mois de JUILLET, 1S53, a 10 heures A. M., la propriété ci-après decrite, RAVOIR:

l'n certain lot de terre ou terrain de ville, situe dans la ville de Thibodaux, étant la partie Sud Est d'un terrain *!*• ville, connu et désigné sur un plan de la dite ville fait et execute par J. H. <îrinage, et fesant face a l'encoignure des rues Short et St. Philip, mesurant 5S pieds % pouces de face sur la rue St. Philip, et JS'2 pieds 8 pouces de profrondeur, sur les deux cotes, avec les bâtisses qui s'y trouvent.

TKRMKS ET CONDITIONS.—la* prix payable par quarts, un quart en tous et chacun des mois de Mars, des armées 1«S54, 1ST>5, lSf>6, et 1857, et chaque payment portant huit pour cent après echance jusqu'au parfait payment. L'acquéreur four­nissant ses quatre billets solidaire, avec bonne et valable cau­tion, et pa cable a l'ordre d'Edward Murphy, Administrateur, et la propriété restant speeiallement hypothéquée jusqu'à parfait payment. M. IHM IUÏ, Shérif.

Thibodaux, ce s Juin, 18Ö8,


IMPORTEUR UK I'ROOrtTS CI1IMIQ1TK8, VRAN-jöf ('AIS ET ANGLAIS, de drogues, mcdicamens se-&-*

crets, parfumerie, bandages &c., &c. NO. 3D J*TIC I>K CHAÜTRK3.

Entre Bien ri lie et Douane, NouveUc-Orleans. Messieurs les habitants, medecins et marchands de la

campagne, trouveront constamment dans l'etablissem^nt, un assortiment complot d'articles de premier choix, à de s prix très modères et à dos condition- liberalef211-1 y.]

Sirop Pectoral Ilalsamiquc de Dufoiigf.

LES propriétés curatives de ce sirop dan* les atfectiom île po.triue, «le l'estoin >c,des poumons et des intestins,

sont depuis si longtemps reconnues,qu'il serati inutile d'en faire publiquement, IVloge, s'rce n'était l'intcret tie ceux qui ne le connaissent p «s et qui soutirent.

C'est donc pour eux que nous repetons que ce sirop, (puremf nt vegetal) est une nanneee souveraine contre le» rhumes, le-« ton v opiniâtres, l'asthme, les irritations dn hryux, de l'estomac et des inge&tin», la coqueluche et les crachemons de sang.

On a obtenu des résultats merveilleux dans les cas de diarrhee et de dysenterie, cette epidemic de nos êtes, mais c'est surtout dans les inva»fons de cholerine, ce précurseur du choiera, que ce medicament a obtenu le plus grand succès.

Son emploi en temps opportun dans le cas de phtysie pulmouaire (consomption) a toujours produit de meilleur résultat.

Outre l'efficarite de ce remede, lorsqu'il est pris a temps, il aune qualité très importante, et que n'ont pas la plupart des medicamens de cette nature; c'est qu'étant d'une sau­veur fort agréable les en fans n'eprouvent aucune repu­gn nice «à le prendre.

Une dernière consideration en faveur de ce sirop, c'ast qu'il n'exige aucun regime particulier.

On le trouvée.instamment si la pharmacie du soufs'gne. Prix : $1 la bouteille ou Ü bouteilles pour

F. P. nrCONGE. fOft-Ty. I No. rue de Chartres, Nouvelle-Orleans.

pi «CLs»


DANS le magasin situe Ku'; du Maine, près de Möns. V. Coddou, Confiseur: nouvellement arrive de France,

a porte avec lui un magnifique assortiment de Feutres roses, hlmcset gris, dans le meilleurs gout, et sortant d'un des premiers magasins de Paris. Ii a en outre de* Cha­peaux de Soie de toute qualité, a la dernière mo<le, venant de New York; des Feutres Magyars ou Kossuth n<dr très lins, ainsi que des petits Chapeaux de fantaisie pour en-fans. On trouvera également chez lui des feutres gris et noirs 2de qualité, des Casquettes Peluches superfine*, des Casquettes en soie et toile cirée, Casquettes en fourrure, Bonnets f»recs. Calottes. Casquettes en draps, etc. Enlîn tout ce qu'on peut desirertle mieux en fait de coiffure, de meilleur marche et fait de prix, et de meilleur gout eu fait de mode.

Möns. Bouise "e charge de reparer et de remonter un chapeau a neuf, met les crêpes aux chapemix de soie, blsu-chit les Panam.-:, et Chapeaux de l'aille d'hommes et de dames, et les teint en noir, blanchit et remonte a neu fies Feutres gris et blancs. Le tout a des prix modérés et a l'enti resatlsf iction des personnes qui voudront bien lui donner la pratique.

Thibodaux, ce 3d Novembre, 1^5i. [52-ïy]

L. F. PI0TT0N, M A R ß RIE R-SC lT LPT E U li. Le soussigné, connu parles nom- !

breu.x ouvrages qu'il à déjà exé-y cutés, dans les Cimitiêres des di­verses paroisses de cet Etat, â l'ho-neur de provenir ses amis, et en go-nêral Messieurs les habitans.de la t Paroisse Lafourche Interieure, ainsi Terrel>onne, q« n v e ^ de recevoir du Nord, et de l'Italie, un assortiment complet < Marbres, et de Pierres de toute espèces ; et qu'il est prêt a exécuter toutes Tombes ou Monuments funéraires qui lai se­ront commandes.

Il se charge des Caveaux de Famille, soit en briques, pie res, ou marbres, â la volonte des personnes ; ainsi que 0 l'entourage en bois, ou grilles en fer.

Comme par le passé, ses prix seront toujours a la portee u toutef les fortunes. , _ •

On peut l'adresser chex lui, à Plottonrille, dans la se Assomption. Il fera un vrai plaisir, d'exhiber ses P " et dessins aux personnes qui voudront bien 1^'honorer de1

visite. LOUIS FERDINAND PLOTTOV Plottonville, Janvier J, 1B52. 9~"

Fresl» Arrivai». -t r.C\ Gallons of Linseed Oil. 50 faster <lo. 1 rJ\J f .ot do. 50 Tanners or Fish do. .Vi B«-'

O l. do. 70 Spirits of Terpentins. Just reoeived an" ;aiet)> J. S. rS!ZE!X
