PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede na cidade de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, na Avenida Alfredo Egidio de Souza Aranha, 100, 5° andar — bloco B - CEP.: 04726-170 inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob n° 59.456.277/0001-76, doravante denominada simplesmente "ORACLE", e COMPANHIA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE DADOS DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - PRODESP, com sede no município de Taboão da Serra, Estado de São Paulo, na Rua Agueda Gonçalves, 240, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° 62.577.929/0001-35, doravante denominada "PRODESP". I - OBJETO 1.1. O presente Acordo objetiva viabilizar a contratação futura e em documento específico e próprio, observando-se os preceitos da Lei N°. 8.666/93, de produtos e serviços ORACLE pela PRODESP, de acordo com os termos e condições deste acordo, observada legislação vigente aplicável. Anexo I — Termo de Ciência e de Notificação — Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo Anexo II — Descrição de Suporte Técnico dos Produtos Anexo III — Tabela de Produtos II- DEFINIÇÕES DO ACORDO 2.1. PRODESP refere-se à pessoa ou entidade que assinou este Acordo ("Acordo") e que tenha solicitado programas e/ou serviços da Oracle do Brasil Sistemas Ltda. ("ORACLE") ou de um parceiro autorizado ORACLE. O termo "programas auxiliares" refere-se aos programas de terceiros especificados na documentação do programa, o qual deve ser utilizado apenas com o propósito de instalar ou operar os programas com os quais o programa auxiliar foi entregue. O termo "Documentação de Programa" refere-se ao manual de usuário do programa e manuais de instalação do programa. O termo "programas" refere-se aos programas de softwares da ORACLE, ou por ela licenciados, documentação de programas e quaisquer atualizações de programas adquiridos por meio de suporte técnico. ís9 1/13 gueda Gonçalves, 240 - Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone 11 - 2845.6000 X) - FAX: 11 - 2845.6381 PRO v •‘s rode ov.br — e-mail: prodesprinsmgov.br ' 7 U , PROD . GSC ' AiCru7siço;

PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

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Page 1: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690


O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede na cidade de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, na Avenida Alfredo Egidio de Souza Aranha, 100, 5° andar — bloco B - CEP.: 04726-170 inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob n° 59.456.277/0001-76, doravante denominada simplesmente "ORACLE", e COMPANHIA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE DADOS DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - PRODESP, com sede no município de Taboão da Serra, Estado de São Paulo, na Rua Agueda Gonçalves, 240, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° 62.577.929/0001-35, doravante denominada "PRODESP".


1.1. O presente Acordo objetiva viabilizar a contratação futura e em documento específico e próprio, observando-se os preceitos da Lei N°. 8.666/93, de produtos e serviços ORACLE pela PRODESP, de acordo com os termos e condições deste acordo, observada legislação vigente aplicável. Anexo I — Termo de Ciência e de Notificação — Tribunal de Contas do Estado

de São Paulo Anexo II — Descrição de Suporte Técnico dos Produtos Anexo III — Tabela de Produtos


2.1. PRODESP refere-se à pessoa ou entidade que assinou este Acordo ("Acordo") e que tenha solicitado programas e/ou serviços da Oracle do Brasil Sistemas Ltda. ("ORACLE") ou de um parceiro autorizado ORACLE. O termo "programas auxiliares" refere-se aos programas de terceiros especificados na documentação do programa, o qual deve ser utilizado apenas com o propósito de instalar ou operar os programas com os quais o programa auxiliar foi entregue. O termo "Documentação de Programa" refere-se ao manual de usuário do programa e manuais de instalação do programa. O termo "programas" refere-se aos programas de softwares da ORACLE, ou por ela licenciados, documentação de programas e quaisquer atualizações de programas adquiridos por meio de suporte técnico.

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gueda Gonçalves, 240 - Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone 11 - 2845.6000 X) - FAX: 11 - 2845.6381 PRO — v •‘s rode ov.br— e-mail: prodesprinsmgov.br ' 7 U, PROD . GSC '


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Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 III - APLICABILIDADE DO ACORDO

3.1. A assinatura do presente Acordo pelas partes não implica em compromisso de aquisição de qualquer produto ou serviço especificado neste instrumento, nem gerará obrigação para quaisquer das partes.

3.2. Este Acordo estende-se à Administração Pública Estadual e Municipal, Direta e Indireta. Entende-se por Administração Pública: Secretarias, Autarquias, Fundações, Empresas Públicas, Empresas de Economia Mista e outros órgãos ou entidades públicas, todos vinculados ao Governo Estadual e Municipal no Estado de São Paulo, ora denominados CLIENTES.

3.3. Os produtos ORACLE constantes na Tabela de Produtos, Anexo III deste Acordo, têm seus valores em Reais, incluindo todos os tributos aplicáveis.

3.4. A título de orientação, os impostos atualmente incidentes sobre os produtos ORACLE contemplados neste Acordo são ISS, PIS e COFINS.

3.5. O desconto aplicado para todos os produtos constantes no Anexo III do Acordo ORACLE é de 2%, durante toda a vigência do Acordo.

3.6. A Tabela de Produtos ORACLE (Anexo III) deste Acordo, possui preços em Reais, será atualizada anualmente pela ORACLE e encaminhada a PRODESP.

3.6.1. Os preços constantes no Anexo III deste Acordo serão fixos e irreajustáveis pelo período de 12 (doze) meses contados da data de assinatura do presente instrumento, sendo reajustados anualmente de acordo com a variação do IPC/FIPE — índice de Preço ao Consumidor, tomando-se por base a data da assinatura deste Acordo.

3.6.2. A Tabela de Produtos deverá ser encaminhada por meio eletrônico (e-mail), no formato original da ORACLE e no formato requisitado pela PRODESP (Planilha Exceli a ser apresentada após assinatura deste Acordo). A PRODESP tem o prazo de 90 (noventa) dias a partir da data de recebimento da tabela para checagem, validação e concordância da aplicação da nova Tabela de Produtos; Caso a PRODESP não se manifeste dentro do prazo de 90 (noventa) dias supra referido, a nova Tabela será considerada válida. A ORACLE será informada sobre a validação da lista por e-mail;.

2/13 Agueda Gonçalves, 240- Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone I I - 2845.6 PABX) - FAX: li - 2845.6381 009 www.nrodesn.sp.aov.br— e-mail: prodesn(asp.nov.br

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Tecnoloia da Informação PRO.00.6690 Caso a ORACLE não envie Tabela de Produtos atualizada, serão considerados os valores da última Lista de Produtos enviada para aquisição dos produtos.

3.7. Os Produtos e Serviços discriminados no Anexo III serão adquiridos por meio de instrumento(s) específico(s), denominado(s) Contrato(s) de Operacionalização, desde que tais programas estejam disponíveis em versão de produção quando contratados.

3.7.1. Contratos de Operacionalização são os contratos firmados pela PRODESP ou pelos órgãos do Governo do Estado de São Paulo para aquisição de licenças de software e serviços de manutenção e suporte técnico da ORACLE, com base no presente Acordo.

3.7.2. Termos de Confirmação de Licença de Uso são os modelos de pedidos constantes como anexos dos Contratos de Operacionalização, parte integrante do processo de contratação pela PRODESP.

3.8. Sempre que requisitado pela PRODESP, a ORACLE deverá apresentar documentação técnica atualizada dos softwares e funcionalidades, bem como os níveis de uso requeridos para cada projeto.

3.8.1. Para fins de referência, informações adicionais poderão ser encontradas no site da ORACLE, http://oracle.com/contracts.

3.9. A PRODESP poderá fazer um número suficiente de cópias de cada programa, para seu uso licenciado e uma cópia de cada midia de programa.

3.10.A ORACLE permite que a PRODESP utilize-se das condições deste Acordo para suas operações comerciais internas e junto aos seus clientes e a PRODESP é responsável pelo cumprimento das condições gerais para tal uso.


4.1. A ORACLE realizará avaliação dos ambientes de desenvolvimento e testes da PRODESP, sem ônus adicional, com a finalidade de dimensionar os programas e respectivas quantidades de licenças necessárias e suficientes para atender as demandas atuais e futuras (novos projetos).

3/13 ueda Gonçalves, 240- Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone: II - 28 000 (PABX) - FAX: II - 2845.6381

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Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690


à Licenças da ORACLE será consultada

4/13 Agueda Gonçalves, 240 - Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone

ov br— e-mail: prodesp(tbsp.gov.br 1 2 p 6000 (PABX) - FAX - 2845.6381

4.2. Com base no resultado da avaliação, a ORACLE fornecerá a quantidade de licenças para ambientes de desenvolvimento e testes, incluindo atualização, manutenção e suporte técnico, com desconto adicional de 50% a PRODESP.

4.3. A ORACLE poderá realizar tal avaliação a cada 12 meses, de forma a manter o licenciamento dos ambientes de desenvolvimento e teste atualizado e regularizado.


5.1. Serviços de Atualização, Manutenção e Suporte Técnico referem-se ao fornecimento, pela ORACLE a PRODESP, de qualquer nova versão do Software ("Nova Versão" ou as "Novas Versões") durante o período de vigência da atualização, ou seja, desde a data da assinatura do termo de confirmação até o término do referido período, respeitado o número de licenças do software adquirido pelo PRODESP.

5.2. A PRODESP deverá adquirir, além da licença de uso do Software, serviços de atualização, manutenção e suporte técnico remoto das mesmas, pelo período de 12 meses a contar da assinatura do respectivo pedido de compra, no valor equivalente a 22% do valor da aquisição.

5.2.1. Caso o pedido seja feito por meio da Oracle Store, a data de início de vigência para atualização, manutenção e suporte técnico será a data em que seu pedido foi aceito pela ORACLE, a menos que indicado de outra maneira em seu pedido.

5.2.2. Ao término do período contratado, caso a PRODESP tenha interesse em renovar os serviços de manutenção por outro período adicional, o valor desta renovação será exatamente o valor efetivamente contratado para os últimos 12 meses, corrigidos pela variação do índice IPC-FIPE (índice de Preços ao Consumidor), ocorrida no período.

5.2.3. Caso a PRODESP não renove os serviços descritos no item 5.1 após o término de seu prazo e, posteriormente, deseje contratar os serviços de manutenção novamente, a ORACLE cobrará os valores de restabelecimento proporcional aos meses durante os quais tais serviços foram interrompidos, nas condições de restabelecimento a serem negociadas no instrumento legal de contratação, respeitadas as regras da ORACLE, vigentes a época da contratação.

-------"---- 5.2.4. Para referências e informações adicionais, a Política de Suporte Técnico,

Page 5: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 5.3. A ORACLE deverá disponibilizar os serviços de Suporte Técnico das licenças

de software, minimamente aqueles descritos no Anexo II.

5.3.1. Para fins de referência, serviços adicionais poderão ser obtidas no site http://www.oracle.com/br/corporate/policy/index.html.

5.3.2. A ORACLE garante que não reduzirá substancialmente o nível dos serviços fornecidos para programas suportados durante o período para os quais o Suporte Técnico já tenha sido contratado.

5.3.3. A ORACLE obriga-se a manter os serviços de Atualização, Manutenção e Suporte Técnico aos programas abrangidos pelo Acordo e, na eventualidade de descontinuidade destes (fim de vida útil), deverá manter os serviços pelo prazo mínimo de 2 (dois) anos contados a partir do recebimento de comunicação de sua descontinuidade.

5.4. A PRODESP poderá requisitar serviços de Suporte Técnico On Site da ORACLE em situações excepcionais para recomendações de melhores práticas de instalação, configuração, utilização de seus produtos, estabilidade e otimização dos ambientes operacionais, entre outros. As condições para viabilizar as contratações de tais serviços serão definidas em instrumentos de execução (contratos de operacionalização), em casos de necessidade.


6.1. A ORACLE ou seus licenciantes retêm toda a propriedade e direitos de propriedade intelectual sob quaisquer desenvolvimentos realizados pela ORACLE nos programas contemplados na Tabela de Produtos (Anexo III) deste Acordo.

6.2. A ORACLE garante que os programas licenciados para a PRODESP operarão, em todos os aspectos essenciais, da forma descrita na respectiva documentação, durante um ano após lhe terem sido entregues (mídia física ou download eletrônico). A ORACLE também garante que o suporte técnico e os serviços serão prestados de maneira profissional, consistente com os padrões da indústria. A PRODESP deve notificar a ORACLE sobre quaisquer deficiências na garantia dos serviços, dentro de 90 (noventa) dias contados da data da realização do serviço defeituoso.

5/13 gueda Gonçalves, 240- Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone: 11 845.6000 (PABX) - FAX: 11 - 2845.6381

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Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 6.3. Ressalvadas as garantias mencionadas na cláusula 6.2, a ORACLE não

assegura que os programas operarão sem erros ou sem interrupção, nem que a ORACLE corrigirá todos os erros dos programas que sejam utilizados em conflito com a respectiva documentação ou fora de seu escopo.

6.4. Para qualquer descumprimento das garantias acima a ORACLE se responsabilizará pela:

a) Reparar o software contratado; b) Substituir o software por outro substancialmente com a mesma

funcionalidade; c) Rescindir a contratação e reembolsar a PRODESP, pelas remunerações

pagas à ORACLE pelas ofertas de serviços relacionadas ao programa deficiente.

6.5. A ORACLE obrigar-se, por seus administradores, sócios e gerentes, por seus funcionários ou terceiros contratados e/ou sub-contratados, credenciados e representantes, a manter e guardar o mais expresso, estrito e absoluto sigilo sobre dados, informações, conteúdo, especificações técnicas, características de ambientes, relações ou informações de caráter comercial com clientes da PRODESP, a que tenham acesso ou conhecimento, sob qualquer forma, em decorrência da prestação dos serviços e/ou fornecimento de bem, objeto deste contrato, no decorrer da sua execução ou cumprimento, sob pena de responder civil e criminalmente pelo seu descumprimento, ficando responsável pela reparação por danos diretos, prejuízos materiais, perdas e danos decorrentes.

6.5.1. A obrigação de sigilo prevista nesta cláusula aplica-se não só pelo prazo de vigência ou de execução dos serviços / fornecimentos previstos neste Acordo como estende-se também após seu encerramento pelo prazo de 20 (vinte) anos.


7.1. O prazo do presente Acordo se dará por 60 (sessenta) meses contados a partir da data de assinatura.

7.2. Este Acordo poderá ser rescindido por quaisquer das partes na hipótese de a outra descumprir o disposto neste instrumento e deixar de sanar referido descumprimento em 30 (trinta) dias a partir do recebimento de notificação por escrito da parte inocente. A rescisão deste acordo não implicará no encerramento dos serviços de atualização, manutenção e suporte técnico adquiridos pelos contratos de operacionalização decorrentes deste Acordo.

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PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690

7.3. Este Acordo será considerado automaticamente rescindido em caso de decretação judicial da falência, liquidação ou concordata, caso em que este Acordo será considerado rescindido a partir da data do requerimento da falência, liquidação ou recuperação judicial, conforme o caso.

7.4. Fica garantida a aplicação de todas as condições comerciais descritas neste Acordo para todas as contratações ocorridas até o último dia de vigência deste.

7.5. Ainda que os efeitos de referidas contratações e a validade dos certificados ultrapassem esta vigência, a ORACLE permanecerá obrigada a cumprir todas as obrigações ora assumidas, respeitando os termos da cláusula 5.2.3.


8.1. Este Acordo reflete a integra pactuada entre as partes com relação ao seu objeto, prevalecendo sobre quaisquer escritos anteriores, bem como incorpora as discussões e negociações entre as partes, anteriores ou contemporâneas a sua assinatura, prevalencendo sempre o previsto no Contrato de Operacionalização correspondente.

8.2. O presente Acordo obriga as partes, por si e por seus eventuais sucessores, a título universal ou singular.

8.3. Este Acordo somente poderá ser alterado mediante assinatura de Termo Aditivo por ambas as partes.

8.4. Este Acordo não poderá ser total ou parcialmente cedido ou transferido por qualquer das partes sem o prévio consentimento, por escrito, da outra parte.

8.5. As partes acordaram independentemente, sendo certo que nenhuma das partes detém qualquer poder para obrigar ou representar a outra. Nenhuma disposição deste Acordo poderá ser interpretada de modo a implicar sociedade, "joint venture", representação comercial ou qualquer outra relação entre as partes além do disposto neste instrumento.

8.6. Em hipótese alguma a omissão ou tolerância de qualquer das partes em exigir o estrito cumprimento das disposições ora acordadas ou em exercer qualquer direito decorrente deste Acordo constituirá novação, transação ou renúncia e, tampouco, afetará o direito da referida parte de, a qualquer tempo, exigir cumprimento das disposições e/ou exercer seus direitos.


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8.7. No que diz respeito às obrigações contratuais e responsabilidades, prevalecerá a Legislação Brasileira.


9.1. Este Acordo será regido pelas leis da República Federativa do Brasil. As partes elegem o foro da Comarca de Taboão da Serra, Estado de São Paulo, com a renúncia expressa de qualquer outro por mais privilegiado que possa ser, para dirimir todas as dúvidas ou controvérsias oriundas deste Acordo.

E por estarem assim, justas e contratadas, as partes assinam este Acordo em 2 (duas) vias de igual teor e forma na presença das 2 (duas) testemunhas abaixo assinadas.

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PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação

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PRO.00.6690 ANEXO I



Contrato n°(de origem): PRO.00.6690




Na qualidade de Contratante e Contratado, respectivamente, do Termo acima identificado, e, cientes do seu encaminhamento ao TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DO ESTADO, para fins de instrução e julgamento, damo-nos por CIENTES e NOTIFICADOS para acompanhar todos os atos da tramitação processual, até julgamento final e sua publicação e, se for o caso e de nosso interesse, para, nos prazos e nas formas legais e regimentais, exercer o direito da defesa, interpor recursos e o mais que couber.

Outrossim, declaramos estar cientes, doravante, de que todos os despachos e decisões que vierem a ser tomados, relativamente ao aludido processo, serão publicados no Diário Oficial do Estado, Caderno do Poder Legislativo, parte do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo, de conformidade com o artigo 90 da Lei Complementar n° 709, de 14 de janeiro de 1993, iniciando-se, a partir de então, a contagem dos prazos processuais.

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Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ANEXO II


Caracteriza-se como serviços de atualização, manutenção e suporte técnico dos programas de computador ORACLE adquiridos pela PRODESP, minimamente:

a) Atualizações de programas, correções, alertas de segurança e atualizações criticas de correção.

b) Atualizações fiscais, legais e normativas (a disponibilidade pode variar por pais e/ou programa).

c) Scripts de atualização (a disponibilidade pode variar de acordo com o programa).

d) Certificação com a maioria dos novos produtos/versões de terceiros (a disponibilidade pode variar de acordo com o programa).

e) Principais versões de tecnologias e produtos, que incluem versões de manutenção geral, versões selecionadas de funcionalidade e atualizações de documentação.

O Assistência com solicitações de serviço 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. g) Acesso ao My Oracle Support (sistema de suporte ao cliente através da

Internet, 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana), incluindo a capacidade de fazer solicitações de serviço online, salvo disposição em contrário.

h) Serviços "não técnicos" durante o horário comercial normal.

Para aberturas de chamados de problemas e incidentes relacionados aos programas contratados, deverá observar as regras:

Severidade Prazo para Tempo de Resposta Regime

1 — Altamente Critica 90% em até 1 hora 24 x 7

2— Critica 90% em até 2horas e 30 min 8 x 5 3 — Média 90% em até 24 horas 8 x 5 4 — Baixa 90% em até 24 horas 8 x 5

Tempo de Resposta - tempo decorrido desde que a PRODESP realiza a abertura do chamado do problema e/ou incidente até a primeira resposta da ORACLE.

Severidade 1 — O uso dos programas é interrompido ou tão severamente afetado que não possibilita continuidade no trabalho. A perda do serviço é total.

10/13 eda Gonçalves, 240 - Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-909 - e I 2845.6000 (PABX) - FAX: 11 - 2845.6381

mode !,±) br— e-mail: prodesndisp.nov.br e !?.:4.4P-

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Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690


a) Preparar e manter relatórios trimestrais de andamento de fornecimento de serviços.

11/13 ueda Gonçalve w. o 240- Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fon 1 2845.6000 (PABX) - FAX: 11 - 2845.6381

e-mail: prodeso(ã)so.gov.br



, GSu

A operação é essencial para o negócio e trata-se de emergência. O ambiente apresenta pelo menos uma das seguintes situações:

3 Dados corrompidos 3 Uma função critica documentada não está disponível 3 O sistema trava indefinidamente, causando demoras inaceitáveis ou

indefinidas para recursos ou respostas 3 O sistema falha repetidamente após tentativas de reinicialização

A ORACLE deverá envidar esforços para responder em 24 horas por dia às Solicitações de Serviço (RS) Severidade 1 para todos os programas suportados.

A PRODESP deverá alocar um contato durante este período, seja no local ou por telefone, para auxiliar na coleta de dados, testes e aplicação de correções.

Severidade 2 - A perda do serviço é significativa, funcionalidades importantes não estão disponíveis, a operação continua de forma limitada e precária.

Severidade 3 - A perda do serviço é pequena, o problema gera inconvenientes que podem exigir uma solução alternativa para restaurar a funcionalidade.

Severidade 4 — Solicitação de informações, melhorias ou esclarecimentos da documentação relativa ao software, sem que haja impacto na operação, não há perda de serviço. O resultado não impede o funcionamento do sistema.

A ORACLE iniciará escalonamento interno para as RSs de Severidade 1 e Severidade 2 de acordo com as Respostas às Solicitações de Serviço.

A ORACLE priorizará o reparo de defeitos de produtos encontrados durante a resolução das solicitações de serviço.

Serviço Prioritário

O Serviço Prioritário estará disponível para as versões dos programas que receberão Suporte Premier, Estendido ou Sustentado. Tal serviço consiste no fornecimento de Gerente Técnico de Contas da ORACLE (TAM - Technical Account Manager) designado a PRODESP, on site. Este TAM servirá como contato principal para gerenciamento dos serviços e comunicação a PRODESP, em idioma local e deverá prestar os serviços de suporte:

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Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690

b) Documentar os detalhes de contatos dos principais contatos da ORACLE, seus contatos técnicos para o Suporte Prennier, equipe de escalonamento para o gerenciamento do suporte e procedimentos de escalonamento da ORACLE ("Guia de Contatos e Escalonamento Conjuntos").

c) Documentar as especificações técnicas dos ambientes tecnológicos da PRODESP e configurações (Guia de Ambiente e Configuração).

d) Conduzir revisões trimestrais dos serviços. e) Manter o Guia de Contatos e Escalonamento Conjuntos e o Guia de

Ambiente e Configuração. f) Revisar todas as atividades das equipes envolvidas, inclusive atividades

de solicitação de serviços ("SR") referentes às SRs individuais registradas pela PRODESP. A revisão pode consistir em relatórios de status, próximos passos, se houver, e revisão das prioridades da SR.

O TAM também será ponto designado de contato para as Solicitações de Serviços (SRs) de Severidade 1 e Severidade 2, acordados mutuamente (coletivamente, "SRs criticas").

O TAM fornecerá assistência no gerenciamento de SRs criticas:

a) Gerenciamento, priorização e escalonamento da SR. b) Informar o status de suas SRs ao(s) contato(s) da PRODESP, conforme

solicitado. c) Facilitar o acesso a eventos patrocinados pela ORACLE, conforme

disponibilizados aos clientes do Serviço Prioritário. d) Facilitar o acesso a sessões de conferência web mensais (em inglês),

apresentando os produtos da ORACLE.

12/13 Gonçalves, 240 - Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone 2845.6000 (PABX) - FAX: II - 2845.6381

ode mail: prodesnfasn eov.br

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Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690




13/13 ueda Gonçalves, 240- Taboão da Serra - SP - CEP 06760-900 - Fone: 11 45.6000 (PABX) - FAX: II - 2845.638,

prod 021,2 e-mail: prodesnasn.gov.br 1%.

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Real 12 • .Technology

Real Technology



Produto Part Number Tipo de Licença Valor Unitário RE (com impostos)

Database Standard Edition - Processor A90610 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34 Database Standard Edition - Processor A90610M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32, Database Enterprise Edition - Processor A90611 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 127.919,77' Database Enterprise Edition - Processor R$ 26.755,58 Real Application Clusters Processor R$ 61.939,61 Real Application Clusters Processor A90619M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23 Partitioning - Processor A90620 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80 Partitioning - Processor A90620M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,6! Spatial and Graph Processor A90621 Permanente sem Manutenção Spatial and Graph Processor A90621M Manutenção na Vigência

R$ 47.128,31 R$ 9.857,32

Label Security - Processor A90623 Permanente sem Manutenção - R$ 30.969,8Q Label Security - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,6! Internet Application Server Standard Edition - Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Internet Application Server Standard Edition - Processor A90631M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition - Processor A90632 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94.256,68

Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition - Processor A90632M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.714,64

Rdb Enterprise Edition - Processor A90641

Moeda Meses de Manutenção Pilar

Real Technology Real 12 Technology Real Technology

echnology echnology


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Real echnology Real 12 Technology Real Real

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12 Technology

Technol Real 12 Technology Rdb Enterprise Edition - Processor A90641M Manutenção na Vigência

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Technology ,CDDIR Runtime - Processor Technology "CDD/R Runtime - Processor

ea R$ 15.619,38; A90648 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.266,941 Real 12 A90648M Manutenção na Vigência

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R$ 258.98: Real 12 Technology


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12 Technology Database Standard Edition - Named User Plus L10004M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 197,02

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Technology IPartitioning - Named User Plus Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72 12 Technology Partitioning - Named User Plus L10006M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62

Technology IOL.AP - Named User Plus Permanente sem Manutenção Manutenção na Vigência

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12 Technology


Internet Application Server Enterpnse Edition - Named User Plus Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus Internet Deveio er Suite - Named User Plus

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ec no ogy - Named User Plus L10033 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.558,20, R$ 535,07 'Technology CODASYL DBMS - Named User Plus L10033M Manutenção na Vigência

Technology TRACE - Named User Plus 10034 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 323,49 Technology TRACE - Named User Plus 10034M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,66 Technology Programmer for Rdb - Named User Plus 10036 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.23121 Technology Programmer for Rdb - Named User Plus L10036M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 675,84 Technology CDD/ Repository - Named User Plus 10038 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38 Technology CDD/ Repository - Named User Plus L10038M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94 Technology Healthcare Data Repository - Processor LlOiOO Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Technology Healthcare Data Repository - Processor L1OiOOM Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Technology Healthcare Data Repository - Named User Plus L10103 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

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Technology Database Standard Edition One - Named User Plus L10314M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 101,36 Technology BPEL Process Manager - Named User Plus L108 i6 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.231,21 Technology BPEL Process Manager - Named User Plus L108 6M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 675,64 Technology BPEL Process Manager - Processor L10818 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87 Technology BPEL Process Manager - Processor L10818M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52 Technology BPEL Process Manager Option - Named User Plus L10822 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20

Technology BPEL Process Manager Option - Named User Plus L10822M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98 Technology BPEL Process Manager Option Processor 10824 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61

,Technology BPEL Process Manager Option - Processor 10824M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - CICS - Processor L10863 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - CICS - Processor L10863M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - IMS/DB - Processor L10865 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - IMS/DB - Processor 10865M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - 'rosam - Processor 10867 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 92.910,65

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - IMS/TM - Processor 10867M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,433,11

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - Tuxedo - Processor 10869 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - Tuxedo - Processor L10869M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - VSAM - Processor L10871 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapters - VSAM - Processor L10871M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Technology Applications Adapter Processor 10873 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34 Technology Applications Adapter - Processor L10873M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32 Technology Internet Application Server Standard Edition One

Processor L10878 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Technology Internet Application Server Standard Edition One Processor Li 0878M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94

Technology Internet Application Server Standard Edition One Named User Plus L10882 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 484,62i

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Real 12 1Internet Application Server Standard Edition One Technology , Named User Plus 1 110882M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 101,36 ,Real I Technology rForms and Reports - Named User Plus L16339 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20 Real 12 Technology 'Forms and Reports - Named User Plus :116339M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98 Real Technology Forms and Reports - Processor L16345 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61 Real 12 Technology Forms and Reports - Processor 116345M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23 Real Technology TopLink and Application Development Framework - 1116351 Named User Plus I

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 323,49

Real 12 Technology TopLink and Application Development Framework Named User Plus

I L16351M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,66

Real Technology TopLink and Application Development Framework Processor L16357 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Real 12 Technology TopLink and Application Development Framework Processor 1_16357M Manutenção na Vigência RS 3.266,94

Real Technology Application Server Bundle - Named User Plus L16605 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,69 Real 12 Technology Application Server Bundle - Named User Plus 116605M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Technology Application Server Bundle - Processor L16606 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,69 Real 12 Technology Application Server Bundle - Processor 116606M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases - IBM

DB2 - Processor L17236 Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.847,44

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases - IBM DB2 - Processor 117236M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases - Microsoft SQL Server - Processor L17246 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases - Microsoft SQL Server - Processor 117246M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89 ,

Real Technology SOA Suite for Non Middleware - Processor Li 7412 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 201.978,59; Real 12 Technology SOA Suite for Non Middleware - Processor L17412M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.245,66 Real Technology ISOA Suite for Non Middleware - Named User Plus L17420 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.039,32

I-- Real 12 Technology ,SOA Suite for Non Middleware - Named User Plus 117420M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 844,86 Real Technology SOA Suite for Middleware Processor 117426 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25 Real 12 Technology SOA Surte for Middleware - Processor 117426M Manutenção na Vigência RS 32.388,34 Real Technology SOA Suite for Middleware - Named User Plus 117434 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.231,21 Real 12 Technology SOA Suite for Middleware - Named User Plus 117434M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 675,84 Real Technology Service Registry - Processor 117454 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45 Real 12 Technology Service Registry - Processor 117454M Manutenção na Vigência RS 25.910,72 Real Technology Service Registry - Named User Plus L17462 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.477,63 Real 12 Technology Service Registry - Named User Plus 117462M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 518,2.2J Real Technology Identity Federation - Processor L17495 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94.256,68' Real 12 Technology Identity Federabon - Processor L17495M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.714,64 Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - Microsoft Active

Directory - Connector L17784 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - Microsoft Active Directory - Connector 117784M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector -Internet Directory - Connector L17792 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - Internet Directory - Connector 117792M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - Sun Java System Directory - Connector L17800 Permanente sem Manutenção ' RS 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - Sun Java System Directory - Connector 117800M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25,910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector -Microsoft Exchange Connector L17848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - Microsoft Exchange Connector 117848M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72 I

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - Microsoft Windows Connector 117856 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - Microsoft Windows Connector 117856M Manutenção na Vigéncia R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - RSA Authenhcation Manager - Connector L17896 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - RSA Authentication Manager - Connector LI 7896M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - RSA ClearTrust - Connector L17904 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - RSA ClearTrust Connector 117904M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real • CO7 . V Technology -- System Monitoring Plin for N Middl ug- Non Middleware - Microsoft Active Directory - Processor L22643 rm Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Re I -;

„Re ,,p echnology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft Active Directory - Processor

-..__ L22643M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

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Real F System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Technology Microsoft .NET - Processor L22651 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 Technology System Monitming Plug-in for Non Middleware - ¡Microsoft .NET- Processor 122651M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Technology Microsoft ISA Server - Processor L22667 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft ISA Server - Processor 122667M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real System Monitoring Plug-in Plug-1n for Non Middleware Technology Microsoft Commerce Server - Processor L22675 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real I

12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft Commerce Server - Processor 122675M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

1 Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search - Named User Plus 124843 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188,39 ¡Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search - Named User Plus L24843M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,40 IReal Technology Secure Enterprise Search - Processor L24851 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65 Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search - Processor L24851M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11 Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search - Employee L24857 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 94,20 Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search - Employee L24857M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70 Real Technology Delivers Option - Processor L26185 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 139.499,83 'Real 12 Technology Delivers Option - Processor 126185M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 29.177,66 ¡Real Technology Delivers Option - Named User Plus L26193 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 941,97 Real 12 Technology Delivers Option - Named User Plus 126193M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 197,02 Real Technology Reporting and Publishing Option - Processor L26259 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35, Real 12 Technology ¡Reporting and Publishing Option - Processor 126259M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28] Real Technology Reporting and Publishing Option - Named User Plus L26267 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20

1 Real 12 Technology Reporting and Publishing Option - Named User Plus 126267M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98! Real Technology Secure Backup - Tape Drive L26287 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.425,92 Real 12 Technology Secure Backup - Tape Drive L26287M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.971,52 Real Technology Office Plug-in Option - Processor L26315 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65 Real 12 Technology Office Plug-in Option - Processor 126315M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11 Real Technology Office Plug-in Option - Named User Plus L26323 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72 Real 12 Technology Office Plug-in Option - Named User Plus L26323M Manutenção na Vigência R 129,62 Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases IBM

0B2 - Named User Plus L26350 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases -IBM 0B2 - Named User Plus L26350M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases - Microsoft SQL Server - Named User Plus 26357 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases - Microsoft SQL Server - Named User Plus 26357M Manutenção na Vigência

. R$ 19,70

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft Active Directory - Named User Plus 26378 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft Active Directory - Named User Plus 26378M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft .NET - Named User Plus 116385 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitonng Plug-in for Non Middleware Microsoft .NET - Named User Plus 126385M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware Microsoft ISA Server - Named User Plus L26399 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft ISA Server - Named User Plus 126399M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

•Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft Commerce Server - Named User Plus L26406 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - Microsoft Commerce Server - Named User Plus 126406M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

Real Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapter -BeanConnect• Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 Technology Mainframe and TP- Monitor Adapter -BeanConnect Processor L26420M R$ 19.433,11

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector -Database User Management - Connector 12 6507 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 'Technology 126507M Identity Manager Connector - Database User Management - Connector Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72



L Technology Identity Manager Connector - UNIX - Connector 116515 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45 04, ,

12 /4.) Technology Identity Manager Connector - UNIX - Connector L26515M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72 ãr.-p• • li

Rea 5 „ n fli -6 1j Ir-

, ir e c h n o I o g y Identity Manager Connector - E-Business -

Connector 126523 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45


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Identity Manager Connector - E-Business - Real 12 Technology Connector 126523M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Identity Manager Connector - SAP Enterprise Technology Applications - Connector L26531 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Identity Manager Connector - SAP Enterprise Technology lApplications - Connector L26531M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real 'Technology 'Identity Manager Connector - PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications - Connector L26539 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 123.880,45

Real !Identity Manager Connector - PeopleSoft Enterprise 12 ¡ Technology 1 ,Applications - Connector 126539M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real 'Identity Manager Connector - Database Technology Applications L26547 Table - Connector Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Identity Manager Connector - Database Applications Technology Table - Connector 126547M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real i Identity Manager Connector - Novell eDirectory - Technology Connector L26555 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Identity Manager Connector - Novell eDirectory - Technology Connector 126555M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Identity Manager Connector - IBM RACF - Technology Connector L26563 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Identity Manager Connector - IBM FtACF - Technology Connector 126563M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72 1

Real 1 Identity Manager Connector - Novell Groupwise - Technology Connector L26571 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Identdy Manager Connector- Novell Groupv‘dse - Technology Connector 126571M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Identity Manager Connector - IBM Lotus Technology Notes/Domino - Connector L26647 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Identity Manager Connector - IBM Lotus Technology !Notes/Domino - Connector 126647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology _Identity Manager Connector - SAP Enterprise Portal Connector L26655 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,451

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - SAP Enterprise Portal _ Connector 126655M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Idenfity Manager Connector - Siebel Enterprise 126663 Applications - Connector Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real i

12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - Siebel Enterprise L26663M Applications - Connector Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology I Identity Manager Connector - CA ACF2 - Connector i L26671 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 1

12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - CA ACF2 - Connector 126671M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - CA Top Secret - Connector L26679 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - CA Top Secret - Connector 126679M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - BMC Remedy User Management - Connector 1.26687 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Identity Manager Connector - BMC Remedy User Technology Managernent - Connector 126687M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Database Vault - Named User Plus L27158 IPermanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61 Real 12 Technology Database Vault - Named User Plus 127158M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23 Real Technology Database Vault - Named User Plus L27166 IPermanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20 Real 12 Technology Database Vault - Named User Plus 127166M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98

Real Technology iBerkeley DB - Concurrent Data Siara - Processor L27224 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 Technology 1Berkeley DB - Concurrent Data Store - Processor L27224M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real Technology Berkeley DB - Data Store - Processor L27230 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.424,34 Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB - Data Store - Processor 127230M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 507,07 Real Technology Berkeley DB - High Availabifity - Processor 1.27236 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.391,32 Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB - High Availabirity - Processor 127236M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.519,99

Real Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition -Concurrent Data Store - Processor 127242 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition - Concurrent Data Store - Processor 127242M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition - Transactional Data Store - Processor 127248 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Real - À Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition - Transactional Data

Store - Processor L27248M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94 'Á* — Co. Ir Rea O Technology Berkeley DB - Transactional Data Store - Processor 127254 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Re. r."." r N, echnology Berkeley DB - Transactional Data Store - Processor L27254M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94


Page 19: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

!Technology Processor Berkeley DB XML - Concurrent Data Store -

Identity Manager - Non Employee User - External L38618 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16,11

Identity Manager - Non Employee User - External 138618M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,37

Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Plus - Named User Plus L38624 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 229,30

Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Plus - Named User Plus 138624M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 47,96

Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Documentum Content Server - Connector L39321 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Documentum Content Server - Connector 139321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Documentum eRoom - Connector L39329 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Documentum eRoom - Connector 139329M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Filenet P8 Content Engine - Connector L39337 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Filenet P8 Content Engine - Connector L39337M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11 Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Filenet Image Services - Connector L39345 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65


Real Technology

Real 12 Technology

Real Technology

Real 12 Technology




12 Technology


12 Technology









Real 127260 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.001,58

Real 127260M Manutenção na Vigência Real Real


L27266 Permanente sem Manutenção L27266M Manutenção na Vigência

L27272 Permanente sem Manutenção

12 Technology

Technology 12



Berkeley DB XML - Processor Berkeley DB XML - Berkeley DB XML -

Berkeley DB XML -

Concurrent Data Store -

Data Store - Processor Data Store - Processor

High Availability - Processor

R$ 1.464,44

R$ 4.847,44 R$ 1.013,89

R$ 37.164,51

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB XML - High Availability - Processor 127272M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.773,29

Real Technology Berkeley DB XML - Transactional Data Store - Processor 27278 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.814,08

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB XML - Transactional Data Store - Processor L27278M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.562,61

Real Technology Communications Batch Rating - Individual Subscriber L27364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,08

Real 12 Technology Communications Batch Rating - Individual Subscriber 127364M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,23

Real Technology Communications MultiDB Manager - Individual Subscriber L27404 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,08

Real 12 Technology Communications MuftiDB Manager - Individual Subscriber 127404M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,23

Real Technology Communications AAA Gateway Manager - Individual Subscriber 127516 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,08

Real 12 Technology Communications AAA Gateway Manager - Individual Subscriber 127516M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,23

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter for Syrnantec Enterprise Vauft - Processor L32753 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter for Symantec Enterprise Vault - Processor 132753M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real WebCenter Adapter for Microsoft SharePoint for Technology WebCenter Content - Processor L32761 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 WebCenter Adapter for Microsoft SharePoint for Technology WebCenter Content - Processor 132761M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real WebCenter Universal Content Management - Technology Processor 132799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 309.700,51

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Universal Content Management - Processor L32799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.776,67

Real Technology WebCenter Universal Content Management - Named User Plus L32805 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.193,46

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Universal Content Management - Named User Plus 132805M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.295,42

Real Technology WebCenter Imaging - Processor L32814 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 247.760,90 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Imaging - Processor 132814M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.821,44 Real Technology WebCenter Imaging - Named User Plus L32820 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.955,27 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Imaging - Named User Plus 132820M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.036,44 Real Technology WebCenter Content - Processor L32837 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 464.550,76

iReal 12 Technology WebCenter Content - Processor L32837M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 97.165,01 Real Technology Real-Time Decision Server - Processor L38510 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 247.760,90 Real 12 Technology Real-Time Decision Server - Processor 138510M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.821,44 Real Technology Identity Manager - Employee User 138612 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188,391 Real 12 Technology Identity Manager - Employee User 138612M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,40

Page 20: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real I 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector -Filenet Image Services - Connector L39345M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - IBM Lotus Notes - Connector 39353 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - IBM Lotus L39353M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11 Notes - Connector

Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - IBM DB2 Content Manager - Connector L39361 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - IBM 0B2 Content Manager - Connector L39361M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - OpenText Livelink - Connector L39369 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector -OpenText Livelink - Connector L39369M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11,

Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Hummingbird DM - Connector 139377 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Hummingbird DM - Connector L39377M Manutenção na Vigência RS 19.433,11

Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Siebel - Connector L39385 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - Siebel - Connector L39385M Manutenção na 'Agência R$ 19.433,11

Real Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - E-Business Suite - Connector

139393 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 Technology Secure Enterprise Search Connector - E-Business Suite - Connector L39393M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - IBM WebSphere MQ - Processor L39620 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 ,Technology I

System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - IBM WebSphere MQ - Processor L39620M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - IBM WebSphere MQ - Named User Plus 139628 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware - IBM WebSphere MQ - Named User Plus 39628M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

Real Technology Communications ASAP Module - Service Request Translator - Customer 39794 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Module - Service Request Translator - Customer 39794M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson AuC Customer L39803 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson AuC Technology Customer L39803M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28 i Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson FNR

Customer L39806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson FNR Customer 39806M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson HLR Customer 39809 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson HLR Customer L39809M Manutenção na Vigência RS 78.858,56.

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson VLR Customer L39812 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson VLR - Customer L39812M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Huawei HLR - Customer L39815 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Huawei HLR Technology Customer L39815M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent HLR - Technology j ustomer L39818 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent HLR - Customer L39818M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia HLR - Customer L39824 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia HLR - Customer L39824M Manutenção na 'Agência R$ 78.858,56

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia VLR - Customer L39830 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35j

R$ 39A29,2 81 Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia VLR - Customer L39830M Manutenção na Vigência

Real ál fA

,lor C a Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel DMS

MTX - Customer

139833 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 i

R$ 377.026,70

i• as 12. /

! - Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel DMS

MTX - Customer L39833M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56 _I

" o GSC 7/187

Page 21: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real .

Technology _Communications ASAP Cartridge for Vodafone AuC Customer L39839 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35.

Real _i i

12 .Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Vodafone AuC _ Customer L39839M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for C omverse MMSC - Customer L39842 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Comverse MMSC - Customer 39842M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Comverse VMS Insight - Customer 139848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,02j

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Comverse VMS Insight - Customer L39848M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real I

Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for C omverse VMS Trilogue Infinity - Customer 1_39851 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03'

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Comverse VMS Trilogue Infinity - Customer L39851M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson MolP _ Customer L39854 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson MolP _ Customer L39854M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

'Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson Technology MMSC - Customer L39857 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson Technology MMSC - Customer L39857M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Vodafone MLR _ Customer . L39866 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Vodafone MLR _ Customer L39866M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel IN 1400- Customer L39869 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel IN 1400- Customer L39869M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson IN - Customer L39875 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson IN - Customer L39875M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson MINSAT - Customer L39878 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03,

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Ericsson MINSAT - Customer L39878M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for GemPlus OTA _ Customer L39884 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for GemPlus OTA _ Customer L39884M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent IN - Customer L39887 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent IN - Customer L39887M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Motorola PTT - Customer L39890 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Motorola PTT - Technology Customer L39890M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia IN - Technology !Customer L39893 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia IN - Customer ._

L39893M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia Subscription Manager - Customer L39896 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 1 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia Subscription Manager - Customer L39896M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Qualcomm QCHAT - Customer L39899 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Qualcomm QCHAT - Customer L39899M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sun LDAP Technology Directory Server - Customer L39905 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sun LDAP Technology Directory Server - Customer L39905M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel 5020 Technology Integrated CCE/NRE/SB - Customer L39929 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

1 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel 5020 Integrated CCE/NRE/SB - Customer L39929M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real r ' . À 1

Technoloo -v — L39932 Communications ASAP Cartridgefor Bdft roa

er - Customerso

Broadworks Application Server Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

;Se 8/187


Page 22: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks Application Server - Customer L39932M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real Technology ¡Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks Network Server - Customer 139935 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks Network Server - Customer 39935M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco BTS 10200 Soft Switch - Customer L39938 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco BTS 10200 Soft Switch - Customer L39938M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco Call Technology Manager - Customer L39941 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 i Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco Call L39941M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,561 Manager - Customer

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco PSTN Gateway 2200 - Customer L39944 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco PSTN Gateway 2200 - Customer L39944M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Norte! CS2K L39947 Residential - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel CS2K Residential - Customer L39947M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel CS2K Centrex - Customer L39950 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel CS2K Centrex - Customer L39950M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel CS2K Gateway Controller - Customer L39953 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Norte! CS2K Technology Gateway Controller - Customer 139953M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real ¡Communications ASAP Cartridge for Norte' CS2K Technology ISIP - Customer

39956 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel CS2K SIP - Customer 39956M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel MCS 5200- Customer L39959 iPermanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel MCS 5200- Customer 39959M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Siemens SURPASS HiQ 8000 Subscriber - Customer 39962 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Siemens SURPASS HiQ 8000 Subscriber - Customer 39962M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real I 'Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Siemens

SURPASS HiQ 8000 Network - Customer L39965 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Siemens L39965M SURPASS HiQ 8000 Network - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Siemens IL39968 SURPASS HiS 700 - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Semens SURPASS HiS 700- Customer L39968M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sonus GSX 9000 Insight EMS - Customer L39971 R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sonus GSX 9000 Insight EMS - Customer L39971M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sonus PSX 6000 Insight EMS - Customer L39974 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sonus PSX 6000 Insight EMS - Customer L39974M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Microsoft IP-TV Application Server - Customer L39977 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70



12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Microsoft IP- TV Application Server - Customer L39977M Manutenção na Vigência

. R$ 76.858,56

Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nagra Vision Technology LConditional Access System - Customer L39980 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nagra Vision Technology Conditional Access System - Customer L39980M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858.56

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for AGCS GTD-5 Customer L39983 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 0 12 echnology - Communications ASAP Cartridge for AGCS GTD-5 -

Customer L39983M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real - , i ll 7echnology N. rv

Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent 5ESS - Customer L39992 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70


Page 23: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

;Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent 5ESS Technology Customer L39992M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.858,56

Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent 5ESS Technology International - Customer L39995 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent 5ESS International - Customer L39995M Manutenção na Vigência

il R$ 78.858,56

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nortel DMS 100/500 - Customer L40004 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Norte' DMS 100/500 - Customer L40004M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel ASAM Customer L40049 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel ASAM - Customer L40049M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent NAVIS Access EMS - Customer L40058 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent NAVIS Access EMS - Customer L40058M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent &Inger _ Customer L40061 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03'

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Lucent Stinger _ Customer L40061M Manutenção na Vigência RS 59.143,92 !

Real ITechnology Communications MetaSolv Solution -Application User-Based - Customer L40321 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 666.529,35

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution -Application User-Based - Customer L40321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 139.410,67

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -PSR , _ IL:atalog Customer Mgmt - Customer L40345 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -PSR Catalog Customer Mgmt - Customer L40345M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -LSR Customer L40348 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -LSR Customer L40348M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -ASR - Customer L40351 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -ASR - Customer L40351M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -ISR - Customer L40354 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 1 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module - ISR - Customer L40354M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real ; Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -USO - Customer L40357 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 80.791,44

Real ! 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -USO - Customer L40357M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.898,26

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -EWO - Customer L40360 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -EWO - Customer L40360M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - DLC Technology Module - Customer L40363 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - DLC Technology Module - Customer L40363M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - ATM/FR Technology Module - Customer L40366 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - ATM/FR Technology Module - Customer L40366M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - DSL Technology Module - Customer L40369 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12


Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - DSL Technology Module - Customer L40369M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real i

Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - IP Technology Module - Customer L40372 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real cri ft .i

D psno12 p , \, chnology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - IP Technology Module - Customer L40372M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

1 ' UPP o

GSC / 10/187

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, Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Sol Technology ! ____ Solution i L4us to Module - MPLS Technology Module - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,251

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - MPLS Technology Module - Customer 40375M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,341

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology ogy Module - Ethernet Technology Module - Customer L40378 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - Ethemet Technology Module - Customer L40378M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34'

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - Optical/TDM Technology Module - Customer

L40381 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology L

Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - OpticalíTDM Technology Module - Customer

L40381M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real i :Technology

Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - SONET/SDH Technology Module - Customer

L40384 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - SONET/SDH Technology Module - Customer

L40384M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - VVireless Technology Module - Customer L40387 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - Wireless Technology Module - Customer L40387M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module Trouble Management - Customer L40390 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 309.700,51

, I Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module

Trouble Management - Customer L40390M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.776,67

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solufion Module - Generate ASR - Customer L40393 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 80.79144

Real 12 Technology R$ Communications MetaSolv Solution Module - Generate ASR - Customer L40393M Manutenção na Vigência 16.898,26

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module - Generate LSR - Customer L40396 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 80.791,44

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module - Generate LSR - Customer L40396M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.898,26

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Module -Plant Administration - Customer L40399 R$ 60.593,58


Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Technology MetaSolv Solution Module -Plant Administration - Customer L40399M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.673,70

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Ufility - Location and Routing Gateway - Customer L40405 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.593,58

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Ufility - Location and Routing Gateway - Customer L40405M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.673,70

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solufion Utility - NPA NXX Split - Customer L40408 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.593,58

Real 12 Communications MetaSolv Solution Utility - NPA Technology NXX Split - Customer L40408M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.673,70

Real Real !Communications MetaSolv Solution Data Tool - Technology DST Product Catalog - Customer L40411 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 40.395,72

Real 12 Technology 'Communications MetaSolv Solution Data Tool - DST Product Catalog - Customer L40411M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.449,13

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Data Tool - DST Provisioning Plan - Customer L40417 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 40.395,72

!Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Data Tool DST Provisioning Plan - Customer L40417M Manutenção na Vigência RS 8.449,13

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Data Tool - DST Equipment Spec - Customer L40423 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 40.395,72

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Data Tool - DST Equipment Spec - Customer L40423M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.449,13

Real Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Technology Ordering Object - Customer L40429 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.593,58

Real 12 Technology I- Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Ordering Object - Customer L40429M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.673,70

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Service Request - Customer L40432 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real — v

1 ,, — hnology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Service Request - Customer L40432M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

/ 11/1 87

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Micro Focus Net Express for CC&B (Mfr is Micro Focus International, Third Party Program) - Named Developer

L43777M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.027,77

Micro Focus Server Express for CC&B (Mfr is Micro Focus Intemafional, Third Party Program) - Named Developer

L43780 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.809,69

Micro Focus Server Express for CC&B (Mfr is Micro Focus International, Third Party Program) - Named Developer

L43780M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.633,47

Audit Vault Server - Processor L44444 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25 Audit Vault Server - Processor L44444M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32388,34 Audit Vault Collection Agent - Processor L44452 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.425,92 Audit Vault Collection Agent - Processor 144452M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.971,52 Identity Manager Connector - BMC Remedy Tickefing - Connector L46023 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45 Idenfity Manager Connector - BMC Remedy Ticketing - Connector L46023M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Coherence Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L46074 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72


Real Technology


Technolo• gy

Technology 2 Technology

Technology Technology





[Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Work Management - Customer 40435 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,801

'Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Work Management - Customer 40435M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real ?Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Technology Provisioning - Customer L40438 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Provisioning - Customer 140438M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Customer Object - Customer 140441 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.593,58

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Customer Object - Customer L40441M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.673,70

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Customer & Security - Customer L40444 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Customer & Security - Customer 140444M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Sales & Telephone - Customer L40447 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,801

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Sales & Telephone - Customer 140447M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Engineering Object - Customer L40450 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.593,58

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Engineering Object - Customer 140450M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.673,70

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - Equipment Utilization - Customer L40453 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - 12 Technology Equipment Utilizafion - Customer L40453M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting Technology Trouble Management - Customer L40456 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real Communications MetaSolv Solution Reporting - 12 Technology Trouble Management - Customer 140456M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Activity Hub 82B for Customer Hub B26 - Record L42028 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8,68.

Real 12 Technology Activity Hub B2B for Customer Hub B2B - Record 142028M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Technology Activity Hub 82C for Customer Hub I32C - Record L42077 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,43

Real 12 Technology Activity Hub 82C for Customer Hub B2C - Record 142077M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09 Real Technology Data Quality Matching Server - Processor L42133 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 336.630,99 Real 12 ITechnolo Data Quality Matchinci Server - Processor 142133M Real Technology Data Integrator Enterprise Edition - Processor L42186

,.. Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 80391,44

Real 12 Technology Data Integrator Enterprise Edition - Processor 142186M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.898,26 Real Technology Idenfity Manager Connector - JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne - Connector L42416 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Connector L42416M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector - IBM OS/400 - Connector L42424 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector - IBM 08/400 - Connector L42424M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Micro Focus Net Express for CC&B (Mfr is Micro Focus International, Third Party Program) - Named Developer

L43777 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.694,87

Page 26: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 I Technology , Coherence Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus ,

1L46074M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62 Real Technology Coherence Enterprise Edition - Processor L46084 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80 Real 12 Technology Coherence Enterprise Edition - Processor L46084M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62 Real , Technology Coherence Grid Edition - Named User Plus L46092 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.346,03 Real 12 Technology Coherence Grid Edition - Named User Plus L46092M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 281,53 Real Technology Coherence Grid Edition - Processor L46102 Perrnanente sem Manutenção R$ 67.326,20 Real 12 'Technology Coherence Grid Edition - Processor L46102M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.081,89 Real Technology Coherence Standard Edition - Named User Plus L46122 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 268,96

Real 12 1Technology iCoherence Standard Edition - Named User Plus L46122M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,25 Real ±Technology Coherence Standard Edition - Processor L46132 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.388,17 Real 12 1Technology Coherence Standard Edition - Processor L46132M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.591,10 Real 'Technology Database Gateway for Informix - Computer L46631 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34 Real 12 'Technology Database Gateway for Informix - Computer L46631M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32 Real Technology Database Gateway for SQL server - Computer L46639 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34 Real 12 Technology Database Gateway for SQL server - Computer L46639M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32 Real Technology 1Database Gateway for Sybase Computer L46647 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34 Real 12 Technology 'Database Gateway for Sybase Computer L46647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32 Real Technology 1Database Gateway for Teradata - Computer 146655 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 294.889,24 Real 12 Technology , Database Gateway for Teradata - Computer L46655M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61.678,76 Real Internet Application Server Standard Edition - 1- Technology Click Ordering eDelivery - Processor 146708 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real [Internet Application Server Standard Edition - 1- 12 Technology i•Click Ordering eDelivery - Processor L46708M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology 'Internet Application Server Standard Edition - 1-iClick Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus 146714 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72

Real 12 Technology Internet Application Server Standard Edition - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus 146714M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62

Real Technology Database Standard Edition - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Processor

146741 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34

Real 12 Technology Database Standard Edition - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Processor L46741M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32

Real Technology Database Standard Edition - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus 146747 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 941,97

Real 12 Technology Database Standard Edition - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus L46747M R$ 197,02

Real Technology Standard Edition One - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Processor 146754 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Real 12 Technology Standard Edition One - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Processor L46754M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94

Real Technology Standard Edition One - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus L46760 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 484,62

Real 12 Technology Standard Edition One - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus L46760M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 101,36

Real Technology Idenfity Manager Connector - Retail - Connector L47105 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 4 Technology -

Identity Manager Connector - Retail - Connector L47105M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72 Real Technology Active Data Guard - Named User Plus L47210 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72 Real 12 Technology Active Data Guard - Named User Plus L47210M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62 Real Technology Active Data Guard - Processor L47217 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.970,05 Real 12 Technology Active Data Guard - Processor L47217M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,67 Real Technology Advanced Compression - Named User Plus 147225 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72 Real 12 Technology Advanced Compression - Named User Plus L47225M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62 Real Technology Advanced Compression - Processor L47232 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80 Real 12 Technology Advanced Compression - Processor L47232M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62 Real Technology Real Application Testing - Named User Plus 147240 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72 Real 12 Technology Real Application Testing - Named User Plus L47240M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62 Real Technology Real Application Testing - Processor L47247 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80 Real 12 Technology Real Application Testing- Processor L47247M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62 Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel 8618

Convergent Rating Engine - Customer 147484 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel 8618 Convergent Rating Engine - Customer 47484M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real 1Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Insignia OTAC _ Customer 147487 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real ;lã."' Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for lnsignia OTAC _ Customer L47487M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92 1 1 Real( N -Gerifi-g-PP:

N.. _ -2.ychnology , P 7

Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia SRRi M12 - Customer 147490 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35,


OPE' - GSC 13/187

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Real 12 1Communications ASAP Cartridge for Nokia SRRI Technology M12 - Customer L47490M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.42928



Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Openwave MAG6 WAP Gateway - Customer L47493 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Openwave MAG6 WAP Gateway - Customer 47493M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for RIM Blackberry (SOAP) - Customer 147496 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

[Real 12 - Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for RIM Blackberry (SOAP) - Customer L47496M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for RIM Blackberry (XML) - Customer L47499 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

Real 12 .Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for RIM Blackberry (XML) - Customer L47499M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429.28

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for ACME Packets Net-Net EMS - Customer L47502 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for ACME Packets Net-Net EMS - Customer L47502M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel SMC - Customer L47505 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Alcatel SMC - Customer L47505M Manutenção na Vigência RS 78.858,56

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks Enterprise Services - Customer L47508 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks Enterprise Services - Customer L47508M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks Group Services - Customer L47511 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 282.770,03



12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks Group Services - Customer L47511M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 59.143,92

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks User Services - Customer L47514 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Broadsoft Broadworks User Services - Customer L47514M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sonus SGX - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 201.978,59

Real 12 ,Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Sonus SGX - Customer L47517M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.245,66

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Telica Plexus 9000 - Customer 47520 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 377.026,70

12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Telica Plexus 9000- Customer Manutenção na VigênciaReal L47520M R$ 78.858,56

Real Technology Database Gateway for APPC - Computer L47837 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45 Real 12 Technology Database Gateway for APPC - Computer L47837M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72 Real Technology Database Gateway for DRDA - Computer L47845 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45 Real 12 Technology Database Gateway for DRDA - Computer L47845M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Database Gateway for WebSphere MD - Computer L47869 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Database Gateway for WebSphere MO - Computer L47869M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Database Mobile Server - Processor L49373 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61 Real 12 Technology Database Mobile Server - Processor L49373M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution Technology Module - Fiber-based Broadband Delivery Technology Module - Customer

L49436 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 235.641,69

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solufion Technology Module - Fiber-based Broadband Delivery Technology Module - Customer

L49436M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.286,60

Real Technology 'Communications Network Intelligence - Core Platform - Device L50223 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Intelligence - Core Platforrn - Device L50223M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

Real Technology Communications Network Intelligence - Circuit Routing Manager - Device L50255 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13,63

Technology Communications Network Intelligence - Circuit Routing Manager - Device L50255M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,85

R t.,, `-' IlTechnology Communications Network Inegry - econcaton tit R ilii

Manager - Device L50271 Permanente sem Manutenção i

R$ 323,49; I


Page 28: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Integrity - Reconciliation Manager - Device L50271M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,66

Real Technology Data Masking Pack - Named User Plus L50288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72 Real 12 Technology Data Masking Pack - Named User Plus L50288M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62 Real Technology Data Masking Pack - Processor L50295 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80 Real 12 Technology Data Masking Pack - Processor L50295M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62 Real Technology Diagnostics Pack for Middleware - Processor L50303 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 20.197,86 Real 12 Technology Diagnostics Pack for Middleware - Processor L50303M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.224,57 Real Technology Diagnostics Pack for Middleware - Named User

Plus Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 404,06

Real 12 Technology Diagnostics Pack for Middleware - Named User Plus Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,51

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware for Microsoft Exchange Server - Named User Plus L50363 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware for Microsoft Exchange Server - Named User Plus L50363M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,70

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware for Microsoft Exchange Server - Processor L50370 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Middleware for Microsoft Exchange Server - Processor L50370M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter Framework for Java - Processor L50378 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter Framework for Java - Processor L50378M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62'

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter Framework for Microsoft .Net - Processor L50386 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter Framework for Microsoft .Net - Processor L50386M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Data Quality Rules for Data Integrator for Belgium - Per Rule Set 50606 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61

Real 12 Technology Data Quality Rules for Data Integrator for Belgium - Per Rule Set L50606M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Real Technology Data Quality Rules for Data Integrator for Brami - Per Rule Set L50614 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61

Real 12 Technology Data Quality Rules for Data Integrator for Brami - Per Rule Set L50614M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter for EMC Documentum for WebCenter Portal - Processor L51179 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter for EMC Documentum for WebCenter Portal - Processor L51179M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter for Microsoft SharePoint for WebCenter Portal - Processor 51185 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter for Microsoft SharePoint for WebCenter Portal - Processor 51185M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Communications Netwod< Design and Modeling - 1K in Nodes L51381 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.930,48

Real 12 Technology Communications Netwodç Design and Modeling - 1K in Nodes L51381M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.632,75

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterpdse (ASE) - Named User Plus

L51885 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94,20

I Real

1 12 Technology

System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) - Named User Plus

L51885M Manutenção na Vigência RS 19,70

Real Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases for Sybase Adaptive Server Entergnise (ASE) - Processor

L51892 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44

Real 12 Technology System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Databases for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) - Processor

151892M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89

Real Technology Data Integration Suite Processor L52072 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188.513,35 Real 12 Technology Data Integration Suite Processor L52072M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.429,28

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter for IBM Lotus Domino - Processor L52078 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter for IBM Lotus Domino - Processor L52078M Manutenção na Vigência

, R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack - Processor L52105 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real Technology L52105 Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack - Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real t ... technology - Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack - Processor L52105M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72,



GS( /


Page 29: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Technology Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack - Processor 152105M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28910,72

Real Technology Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack - Named User Plus 152113 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.477,63

Real 12 Technology Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack - Named User Plus L52113M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 518,22

Real Technology In-Memory Database Cache - Processor L54579 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61 Real 12 Technology In-Memory Database Cache - Processor 154579M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23 Real Technology TimesTen In-Memory Database - Processor 154587 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61 Real 12 Technology TimesTen In-Memory Database Processor 154587M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23 Real , Technology WebCenter Capture - Processor L54609 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18.851,83 Real i 12 Technology WebCenter Capture - Processor 154609M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.943,03 Real Technology WebCenter Distábuted Capture - Named User Plus 154617 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.231,21

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Distributed Capture - Named User Plus 154617M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 675,84

Real Technology Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154954 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Real 12 Technology Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154954M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94

Real Technology Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155038 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Real 12 Technology Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155038M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94

Real Technology Informatica PowerCenter and PowerConnect Adapters - Processor 155117 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 68.134,31

Real 12 Technology Informatica PowerCenter and PowerConnect Adapters - Processor 155117M Manutenção na Vigência

. R$ 14.250,91

Real Technology Functional Testing Accelerator for Web Services Named User Plus 155726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.386,59

' Real 12 Technology Functional Testing Accelerator for Web Services Named User Plus 155726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.126,65

Real Technology Functional Testing - Named User Plus 155735 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.543,89 Real 12 Technology Functional Testing - Named User Plus L55735M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.506,10 Real Technology Load Testing Accelerator for Web Services -

Named User Plus 155753 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 66,93

Real 12 Technology Load Testing Accelerator for Web Services - Named User Plus 155753M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14,00

Real Technology Load Testing - Named User Plus 155762 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 268,96 Real 12 Technology Load Testing - Named User Plus 155762M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,25 Real Technology Load Testing Controller - Processor 155772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18.851,83 Real 12 Technology Load Testing Controller - Processor 155772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.943,03

Real Technology Load Testing Developer Edition - Named User Plus L55779 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.543,89

Real 12 Technology Load Testing Developer Edition - Named User Plus 155779M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.506,10

Real Technology Test Manager Named User Plus 155788 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.386,59 Real 12 Technology Test Manager - Named User Plus 155788M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.126,65 Real Technology Enterprise Repository - Named User Plus 158785 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.809,69 Real 12 Technology Enterprise Repository - Named User Plus 158785M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.633,47 Real Technology Enterprise Repository - Processor 158793 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 390.491,94 Real 12 Technology Enterprise Repository - Processor 158793M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 81.674,94 Real Technology Entitlements Server - Processor 158801 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94.256,68 Real 12 Technology Entitlements Server Processor 158801M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.714,64

Real Technology Entitlements Server Security Module - Processor L58809 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94.256,68

Real 12 Technology Entitlements Server Security Module - Processor L58809M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.714,64

Real I Technology -+ Message() - Processor L58817 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.158,54 Real 12 Technology Message() - Processor L58817M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.379,70 Real Technology SALT - Processor L58825 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 32.317,07 Real 12 Technology SALT - Processor 158825M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.759,41 Real Technology Service Bus - Named User Plus 158832 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20 Real 12 Technology Service Bus - Named User Plus 158832M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98 Real Technology Service Bus - Processor L58840 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61 Real 12 Technology Service Bus - Processar 158840M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955.23 Real Technology TSAM - Processor 158878 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16 158 54 Real 12 Technology TSAM - Processor 158878M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.379,70 Real ok, Technology Tuxedo - Processor 158886 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87 Real

Real" Real /tr.

til 2 Technology _ hnology

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Tuxedo - Processor 158886M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52 Tuxedo Jolt - Processor L58894 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.237,18 Tuxedo Jolt - Processor 158894M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.069,43

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Page 30: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

1Real Technology 4-

Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for 051 TP - Processor L58902 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 59.247,55

Real 12 Technology


Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP - Processor L58902M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12392,16

Real Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA - Processor 158910 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 59.247,55

Real 12 Technology Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA - Processor L58910M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.392,16

Real Technology Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP - Processor L58918 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 59.247,55

Real 12 Technology Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP - Processor L58918M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.392,16 Real Technology WebCenter Portal - Named User Plus L58940 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.732,62 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Portal - Named User Plus L58940M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.408,19 Real Technology WebCenter Portal - Processor L58948 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 336.63089 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Portal - Processor L58948M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.409,43 Real Technology WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition -Named User

Plus L58970 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.346,03

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L58970M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 281,53

Real Technology WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition - Processor L58978 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 67.326,20

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition- Processor L58978M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.081,89

WebLogic Server Standard Edition - Named User Real Technology _Plus

12 1Technology

L58985 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 539,15

WebLogic Server Standard Edition - Named User Plus Real L58985M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,77

Real Technology WebLogic Server Standard Edition - Processor L58993 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.930,48

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Server Standard Edition - Processor L58993M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.632,75 Real Real

Technology WebLogic Suite - Named User Plus L59000 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.424,34 R$ 507,07

R$ 121.187,15 12 Technology WebLogic Suite - Named User Plus L59000M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Technology WebLogic Surte - Processor L59008 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Technology WebLogic Suite - Processor L59008M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.347,39 Real Technology Data Quality Address Validation Server- Processor L60511 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 170.469,63



12 Technology Data Quality Address Validation Server- Processor L60511M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 35.655,27

Technology WebLogic Integration - Named User Plus WebLogic Integrabon - Named User Plus WebLogic Integration - Processor

Technology WebLogic Integrafion - Processor Technology Essbase Plus - Named User Plus TechnoloT Essbase Plus- Named User Plus

L61126 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.770,37 R$ 788,61

R$ 188.513,35 R$ 39.429,28 R$ 7.809,69 R$ 1.633,47

Real 12 Technology L61126M Manutenção na Vigência Real Technology L61133 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 1_61133M Manutenção na Vigência Real 161293 Permanente sem Manutenção

Manutenção na Vigência Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 L61293M Real Technology

Technology Essbase Plus- Processor L61300 R$ 495.520,56

Real 12 Essbase Plus - Processor L61300M Manutenção na Vigência RS 103.642,62

R$ 30.969,80,

R$ 6.477,62

WebCenter Adapter for EMC Documentum for WebCenter Content - Processor Real Technology 161933 Permanente sem Manutenção

WebCenter Adapter for EMC Documentum for 12 Technology Webeenter Content - Processor Real Manutenção na Vigência L61933M

WebCenter Adapter Framework for File Systems - Processor WebCenter Adapter Framework for File Systems - Processor

Real Technology Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969.80 L61941

Real 12 Technology R$ 6.477,62 L61941M Manutenção na Vigência

R$ 26.930,48 Real Technology Exadata Storage Server Software - Disk Drive Technology Exadata Storage Server Software - Disk Drive

Technology WebCenter Capture - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery -Processor +Processor

L68816 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 L68816M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.632,75

Real R$ 18.851,83 L69094 Permanente sem Manutenção

WebCenter Capture- 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Technology Processor Real 12 L69094M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.943,03

Internet Developer Suite- 1-Click Ordering Technology eDelivery - Named User Plus Real L69110 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.619,38

Internet Developer Suite- 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus Database Personal Edition - 1-Click Ordering

Real Technology L691 10M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.266,94

Real Technology L69126 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20 eDelivery - Named User Plus Database Personal Edition - 1-Click Ordering Real 12 Technology L69126M Manutenção na Vigência R$258,98 eDelivery - Named User Plus WebLogic Server Standard Edition - 1-Click Real Technology Ordering eDelivery - Processor L69170 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.930,48

/ ReaIç-

0" . •

1- 1. • C•;- \

Technology WebLogic Server Standard Edition - 1-Click L69170M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.632,75 Ordering eDelivery - Processor


Page 31: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real IWebLogic Server Standard Edition - 1-Click TechnologyjOrdering eDelivery - Named User Plus L69176 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 539,15

Real 12 Weblogic Server Standard Edition -1-Click Technology Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus L69176M Manutenção na Vigência .

R$ 112,77 Real Technology Data Service Integrator - Named User Plus L69511 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.878,20 Real L 12 Technology Data Service Integrator - Named User Plus L6951 1M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 811,16 Real Technology Data Service Integrator - Processor L69518 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193.899,94 Real 12 Technology Data Service Integrator - Processor L69518M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 40.555,93 Real Technology WebCenter Adapter for IBM FileNet - Processor L69758 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter for IBM FileNet - Processor L69758M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62 Real Technology Tuxedo - Named User Plus L69891 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.847,44 Real 12 Technology Tuxedo - Named User Plus L69891M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.013,89 Real Technology Skywire Whitehill Enterprise - Number of

L70432 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,69 Timekeepers

Real 12 Technology Skywire Whitehill Enterprise - Number of Timekeepers L70432M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for ADABAS - Processor 170915 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87

Real 12 Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for ADABAS - Processor L70915M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52

Real Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for DB2/390 - Processor L70923 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87

Real 12 Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for DB2/390 - Processor L70923M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52

Real Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for IMS/DB - Processor L70931 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87

Real 12 Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for IMS/DB - Processor L70931M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52

Real Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - Processor L70939 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,871

Real 12 Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for Microsoft SQL Server 2000- Processor L70939M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52

Real Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for Microsoft SQL ' Server 2005 - Processor L70948 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87

Real 12 Changed Data Capture Adapter for Microsoft SQL Technology Server 2005- Processor L70948M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52

Real Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for VSAM BATCH - Processor L70957 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87

Real 12 Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for VSAM BATCH Processor L70957M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52

Real Technology Changed Data Capture Adapter for VSAM CICS - Processor L70966 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161.582,87

Real 12 Technology _i_ Changed Data Capture Adapter for VSAM CICS - Processor L70966M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.796,52

Real Data lntegrator and Application Adapter for Data Technology Integration - Processor L70973 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 68.134,31 i Data Integrator and Application Adapter for Data Real 12 Technology Integration - Processor L70973M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.250,91

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution -Application User L71109 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.814,08

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution -Application User L71109M Manutenção na Vigência R$4.562,61

Real Technology Report Scheduler for Communications -Additional Application User L71121 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.857,92

Real 12 Technology Report Scheduler for Communications -Additional Application User L71 121M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 388,60

Real Technology Report Viewer/Designer for Communications - Additional Application User L71127 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.400,56

Real 12 Technology Report Viewer/Designer for Communications - Additional Application User L71127M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 292,94

Real Technology WebCenter Applications Adapter for Siebel - Processor L71364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 53.860,96

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Applications Adapter for Siebel - +Processor L71364M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.265,51

Real WebCenter Applications Adapter for E-Business Technology Suite - Processor L71377 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 53.860,96

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Applications Adapter for E-Business Suite - Processor L71377M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.265,51


fe. e-Ni- RealL.,-.... /ft\ _

A,— Technology Management Pack for Coherence - Named User Plus L71476 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 188,39

ILVL-, 12 ' ",, echnology

r., Management Pack for Coherence - Named User Plus L71476M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,40

Reálj flui . -1. ''' Technology Management Pack for Coherence - Processor L71482 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.425,92


Page 32: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 TechnoiT Management Pack for Coherence - Processor L71482M Manutenção na Vigência 1 R$ 1.971,521 Real i Technology Management Pack for WebCenter - Named User

Plus L71859 Permanente sem Manutenção I R$ 645,751

Real 12 Technology Management Pack for WebCenter - Named User Plus L71859M Manutenção na Vigência

, R$ 135,061

I Real Technology Management Pack for WebCenter - Processor L71866 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 32.317,07j Real 12 Technology Management Pack for WebCenter - Processor L71866M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.759,411

Real Technology Data Quality Parsing and Standardization Server (Mfr. is Informafica Corporation,Third Party Program) - Processor

L72539 Permanente sem Manutenção 1

R$ 403.957,18

Real 12 Technology Data Quality Parsing and Standardization Server (Mfr. is Informatica Corporation,Third Party Program) - Processor

L72539M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.491,31

Real Technology Data Quality Profiling Server (Mfr. is Informafica Corporation,Third Party Program) - Processor 72548 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 403.957,18

Real 12 Technology Data Quality Profiling Server (Mfr. is Informatica Corporation,Third Party Program) - Processor 72548M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.491,31

Real Technology Micro Focus Server Express for Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L72563 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.158,541 ,

Real 12 Technology Micro Focus Server Express for Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L72563M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.379,70

Real Technology Micro Focus Net Express for Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L72569 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.158,54

Real 12 Technology Micro Focus Net Express for Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L72569M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.379,70

Real Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution -Subscriber-Based - Individual Subscriber L74354 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Technology Communications MetaSolv Solution -Subscriber-Based - Individual Subscriber L74354M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,90

Real Technology Communications Network Design & Modeling - Device L74502 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 17,35

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Design & Modeling - ice R$ 3,63

Real Technology Volve Chain Planning Integration Base Pack - Processor L74890 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94256,68

Real 12 Technology Value Chain Planning Integrafion Base Pack - Processor L74890M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.714,64

Real Technology WebCenter Applicafions Adapter for PeopleSoft Processor L75018 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 53.860,96

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Applications Adapter for PeopleSoft - Processor L75018M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.265,51

Real Technology GoldenGate - Named User Plus L75967 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 941,9/1 Real 12 Technology GoldenGate - Named User Plus L75967M Manutenção na Vigência F15 197,02 Real Technology GoldenGate - Processor L75978 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34 Real 12 Technology GoldenGate - Processor L75978M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32

Real Technology GoldenGate Application Adapters for Base24 - Processor L75994 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 53.860,96

Real 12 Technology GoldenGate Application Adapters for Base24 - L75994M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.265,51 Processor

Real Technology GoldenGate Application Adapters for JMS and Flat File - Processor L76010 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 53.860,96

Real 12 Technology


i GoldenGate Application Adapters for JMS and Fiai iFile - Processor L76010M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.265,51

Real GoldenGate Application Adapters for Logger for Enscribe - Processor L76018 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 53.860,96

Real 12 GoldenGate Application Adapters for Logger for Technology Enscribe - Processor L76018M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.265,51

Real Technology GoldenGate for Mainframe - Named tiser Plus L76033 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.386,59 Real 12 Technology 'GoldenGate for Mainframe - Named User Plus L76033M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.126,65 -, Real p Technology 1 GoldenGate for Mainframe - Processor L76044 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 269.304,791 Real —1c2 i.„ Technology 1 GoldenGate for Mainframe - Processor L76044M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.327,541 Reei.° "l',,,.\ T chnology GoldenGate Vendata - Named User Plus L76051 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.616,23

.t RdaP j-.,-„-.EP -iii, echnology GoldenGate Verdete - Named User Plus L76051M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 338,05

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1-_ 1:::) Technology E GoldenGate Veridata - Processor L76062 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 80.791,441 Ger 19/187

Page 33: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real : 12 Technology GoldenGate Veridata - Processor 176062M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.898261 Real Technology Management Pack for GoldenGate - Named User

Plus L76069 Permanente sem Manutenção I

R$ 188,39

Real 12 Technology Management Pack for GoldenGate - Named User Plus 176069M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3940

Real Technology Management Pack for GoldenGate - Processor L76080 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.425,92

Real 12 Technology Management Pack for GoldenGate - Processor 176080M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.971,52

Real 1 Technology Real Application Clusters One Nade -Named User Plus L76084 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 539,15

Real 12 Technology Real Application Clusters One Nade -Named User Plus 176084M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,77

Real Technology Real Application Clusters One Nade - Processor L76094 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.930,48

Real 12 Technology Real Application Clusters One Node - Processor L76094M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.632,75

Real Technology Data Quality Rules for Data Integrator for Russia - Per Rule Set 76199 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61

Real 12 Technology Data Quality Rufes for Data Integrator for Russia - Per Rule Set 76199M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Real Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition - High Availability - Processor L76519 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.391,32

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition -High Availability - Processor L76519M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.519,99

Real Technology GoldenGate for Non Database - Named User Plus L76804 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 941,97

Real 12 Technology GoldenGate for Non Database- Named User Plus 176804M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 197,02 Real Technology GoldenGate for Non Database - Processor L76811 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34 Real 12 Technology GoldenGate for Non Database - Processor L76811M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32 Real Technology WebCenter Fornis Recognition - Processor L76913 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 269.304,79 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Forms Recognition - Processor L76913M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.327,54 Real Technology Berkeley DB - Concurrent Data Store - Wireless

Handset 77676 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16,11

12 Technology Berkeley DB -Concurrent Data Store - WirelessReal Handset 77676M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,37 Real Technology Berkeley DB - Data Store - Wireless Handset L77682 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16,11 Real 12 Technology JBerkeley DB - Data Store - Wireless Handset 177682M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,37

Real Berkeley DB -Transactional Data Store - Wireless Technology Handset 77688 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16,11

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB - Transactional Data Store - Wireless Handset 77688M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,37

Real Technology Communications Mobile Synchronization Server - Individual Subscriber L83669 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 45,86

Real 12 Technology Communications Mobile Synchronization Server - Individual Subscriber 183669M Manutenção na Vigência —I R$ 9,59

Real Technology Web Tier - Processor L83817 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.465,24 Real 12 Technology Web Tier - Processor L838 7M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.816,38 Real Technology Web Tier - Named User Plus L83824 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 268,96 Real 12 Technology Web Tier - Named User Plus L83824M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,25 Real Technology Directory Services Plus Processar L83832 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 134.652,39 Real 12 Technology Directory Services Plus - Processor L83832M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.163,77

Real Technology Identity and Access Management Suite Plus - Employee User L83855 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 296,23

Real 12 Technology Identity and Access Management Suite Plus - Employee User 183855M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61,96

Real Technology Identity and Access Management Surte Plus - Non _ i rnal erni,.0yee User - Exte L83862 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 40,90

Real 12 Technology Identity and Access Management Suite Plus -Non Employee User - External 183862M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8,55

Real Technology Essbase Analytics Link for Hypenon Financial Management - Application User L83991 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.308,28

Real 12 Essbase Analytics Link for Hyperion Financial Technology Management - Application User 183991M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 901,12

Real Technology Communications ASAP - Individual Subscriber L84002 Permanente sem Manutenção 'R$ 9,92 Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP - Individual Subscriber 184002M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,07 Real Technology GlassFish Server - Named User Plus 184188 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 268,96 Real 12 Technology

__Technology GlassFish Server - Named User Plus 184188M Manutenção na Vigência , R$ 56,25

R$ 13.465,241 Real Real 4

rAEt__c___H .ç,,.- 12,51. ‘" ‘,


GlassFish Server- Processor L84195 Permanente sem Manutenção Technology GlassFish Server - Processor 1_84195M Manutenção na Vigéncia R$ 2.816,3

___ I 81

4S Real -,. i re, t --,

,i; r r. ,, echnology Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench - Named User Plus L84261 Permanente sem Manutenção

—, R$ 114.454,54 ,


Page 34: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Technology Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench - Named User Plus 184261M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 23.939,21

Real Technology Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS and Batch Processor L84270 Permanente sem Manutenção

i R$ 59.247,551

R$ 12.392,16 Real 12 Technology Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS and Batch - Processor 84270M Manutenção na Vigência

'fReal Technology Tuxedo JCA Adapter - Processor L84278 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 59.247,55 Real 12 Technology Tuxedo JCA Adapter - Processor L84278M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.392,16

Real Technology Healthcare Master Person Index - Healthcare Record - Minimum 500.000 records - R$0,77 p/ record

L84464 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 423.500,00

Real 12 Technology Healthcare Master Person lndex - Healthcare Record - Minimum 500.000 records - R$0,18 p/ record

184464M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 99.000,00

Real : Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for SeaChange

Axiom On Demand - Customer L84616 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 403.957,18, I

Real 12 Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for SeaChange Axiom On Demand - Customer 184616M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.491,31

Real Technology Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco DNCS L84624 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 403.957,18 Customer

Real 12 Communications ASAP Cartridge for Cisco DNCS - Technology Customer 184624M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.491,31

Real Communications ASAP Cartridge for Motorola DAC Technology Customer L84632 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 403.957,18;

Real , Communications ASAP Cartridge for Motorola DAC 12 Technology .Customer,

184632M Manutenção na Vigência I

R$ 84.491,311

Real Unified Business Process Management Suite - Technology Named User Plus L84977 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.097,35

Real 12 Unified Business Process Management Suite - Technology Named User Plus L84977M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 647,84

Real Unified Business Process Management Suite - Technology Processor L84984 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Unified Business Process Management Suite - Technology Processor 184984M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real Unified Business Process Management Suite for Technology Non Middleware - Named User Plus 184998 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.097,35

Real 12 Unified Business Process Management Suite for Technology Non Middleware - Named User Plus 184998M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 647,84

Real Unified Business Process Management Suite for Technology Non Middleware - Processor ,L85005 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real I

12 Unified Business Process Management Suite for Technology

185005M Non Middleware - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34

Real GoldenGate for Teradata Replicahon Services Technology Named User Plus L85170 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 941,97

Real 12 Technology GoldenGate for Teradata Replicateon Services - Named User Plus 185170M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 197,02

Real Technology GoldenGate for Teradata Replicatton Services - Processor 185180 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34

Real 12 Technology GoldenGate for Teradata Replication Services - Processor 185180M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32

Real j Technology In-Memory Database Cache - Named User Plus 185186 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,201

Real 12 Technology In-Memory Database Cache - Named User Plus 185186M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98

Real Technology TimesTen In-Memory Database - Named User Plus L85192 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20

Real 12 Technology TimesTen In-Memory Database - Named User Plus 185192M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98

Real Technology Communications Multiple Virtual SMSC Addresses - Customer L85326 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 134.652,39

Real 12 Technology Communications Multiple Virtual SMSC Addresses - Customer 185326M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.163,77

Real Technology Communications Network Inihated USSD - Customer L85328 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 94.256,68

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Inihated USSD - Customer L85328M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.714,64

Real Technology Communications Advanced Control Services Gateway - TUPS Per Domain 185333 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.732,62

Real 12 Technology Communications Advanced Control Services Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85333M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.408,19

Technology Communications Advanced Control Services Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85334 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6,20'

I,— r.r.r,02ty Technology Communications Advanced Control Services Gateway - Individual Subscriber 185334M Manutenção na Vigência çã R$ 1,30 1

UPP ' C' O C / 21/187

Page 35: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Technology Communications Advanced Contrai Services Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management L85335 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.441,24

Real 12 Technology Communications Advanced Control Services Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management L85335M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.693,79

Real Technology Beehive Enterprise Collaboration Server - Named User Plus L86603 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 741,18

Real 12 Beehive Enterprise Collaboration Server - Named 'Technology lUser Plus L86603M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 155,03

Real 1Beehive Enterprise Collaborafion Server- Technology Processor L86609 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 148.117,63

Real 12 Technology Beehive Enterprise Collaborafion Server - Processor L86609M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 30.980,15

Real 1 Technology Management Pack Plus for Idenfity Management - Employee User L86623 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21,07

Real 12 Technology Management Pack Plus for Identity Management - Employee User L86623M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4,41

Real Technology Management Pack Plus for Idenfity Management - Non Employee User - External L86629 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5,39

Real 12 Technology Management Pack Plus for Idenfity Management - Non Employee User - External L86629M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,13

Real Technology Grid Engine - Processor L86733 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.346,03 Real 12 Technology Grid Engine - Processor L86733M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 281,53 Real Technology WebLogic Coherence Grid Edition Option - Named

User Plus L86951 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 539,15

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Coherence Grid Edition Option - Named User Plus L86951M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,77

Real Technology WebLogic Coherence Grid Edition Option - Processor L86958 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.930,48

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Coherence Grid Edition Option - Processor L86958M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.632,75

Real Technology Communications Network Integrity, Assimilafion Manager - 1K in Connections L87514 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.346,03,

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Integrity, Assimilafion Manager - 1K in Connections L87514M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 281,53

Real Technology Communications Network Integrity, Discovery Manager - Device 87520 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 323,49

Real 12 Communications Network Integrrly, Discovery Technology Manager- Device 87520M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,66

Real Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for Technology asco Router and Switch SNMP - Customer I

87528 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 403.957 18 ' i

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for Cisco Router and Switch SNMP - Customer 87528M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.491,31

Real Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for MIB-L87531 II SNMP - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 336.630,99

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for MI13- II SNMP - Customer L87531M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.409,43

Real Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for Optical TMF 814 CORBA - Customer L87534 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 403.957,18

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for Optical TMF 814 CORBA - Customer L87534M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.491,31

Real Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for CORBA - Customer L87537 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 336.630,99

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for CORBA - Customer L87537M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.409,43

Real Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for TL1 _ Customer L87540 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 336.630,99

Real 12 Technology _Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for TL1 Customer L87540M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.409,43

Real Technology Communications Network Integnty Cartridge for File Transfer and Parsing - Customer 87543 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 269.304,79

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Integrity Cartridge for File Transfer and Parsing - Customer 87543M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.327,54 1

Real Technology Load Testing Accelerator for Database - Named User Plus L87728 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 66,93

Real 12 Technology Load Testing Accelerator for Database - Named User Plus L87728M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14,00

Real Technology Health Sciences Information Gateway - Processor L87738 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 4

1 /L / Technology Health Sciences Informafion Gateway - Processor L87738M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real ( y; R .Er Te hnology Identity and Access Management Suite Plus for Appfications - Processor L87980 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 215.443,83


Page 36: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 I 'Technology Identity and Access Management Suite Plus for

Applications - Processor L87980M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 45.062,03

Real Technology WebLogic Suite for Applications - Named User Plus L88003 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 484,62

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Suite for Applications - Named User Plus L88003M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 101,36 Real Technology WebLogic Suite for Applications - Processor L88010 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.474,37, Real 12 Technology WebLogic Suite for Applications - Processor 88010M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.138,85' Real Technology WebCenter Imaging for Applications -Named User

Plus L88018 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 991,55'

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Imaging for Applications - Named User Plus L88018M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 207,39

Real Technology WebCenter Imaging for Applications - Processor L88025 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 99.104,11

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Imaging for Applications - Processor L88025M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 20.728,52

Real Technology WebCenter Portal for Applications - Named User Plus L88051 Permanente sem Manutenção R5941,97

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Portal for Applications - Named User Plus L88051M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 197,02

Real Technology WebCenter Portal for Applications Processor L88058 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 134.652,39 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Portal for Applications Processor L88058M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.163,77 Real Technology Unified Business Process Management Suite for

Applications - Named User Plus L88066 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72

Real 12 Technology Unified Business Process Management Suite for Applications - Named User Plus L88066M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62

Real Technology Unified Business Process Management Suite for Applications - Processor L88073 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61

Real 12 Technology Unified Business Process Management Suite for Applications - Processor L88073M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Real Technology In-Memory Database Cache for Applications - Named User Plus L88081 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 495,77

Real 12 Technology In-Memory Database Cache for Applications - Named User Plus L88081M Manutenção na Vigência

I R$ 103,70

Real Technology In-Memory Database Cache for Applications - Processor L88088 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.776,34

Real 12 Technology In-Memory Database Cache for Applications - Processor L88088M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.182,20

Real Technology BPEL Process Manager Option for Applications - Named User Plus L88096 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 247,89

Real 12 Technology BPEL Process Manager Option for Applications - Named User Plus L88096M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51,85

Real Technology BPEL Process Manager Option for Applications - Processor L88103 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.776,34

Real 12 Technology BPEL Process Manager Option for Applications Processor L88103M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.182,20

Real Technology SOA Suite for Middleware for Applications - Named User Plus L88111 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 645,75

Real 12 Technology SOA Suite for Middleware for Applications - Named User Plus L88111M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 135,06

Real Technology SOA Suite for Middleware for Applications - Processor L88118 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61

'Real 12 Technology SOA Suite for Middleware for Applications - Processor L88118M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Real Technology Communications Mobile Synchronization Server - Application User L88168 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 457,35

Real 12 Technology Communications Mobile Synchronization Server Application User L88168M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 95,66

Real Technology Database Firewall Processor L88205 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.465,24 Real 12 Technology Database Firewall Processor L88205M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2 816 38 Real Technology Database Firewall Management Server - Processor L88214 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 154.850,25

Real 12 Technology Database Firewall Management Server - Processor L88214M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.388,34 Real Technology Cloud File System - Named User Plus L88267 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 268,96 Real 12 Technology Cloud File System Named User Plus L88267M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,25 Real Technology Cloud File System - Processor L88273 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.465,24 Real 12 Technology Cloud File System - Processor L88273M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.816,38 Real Technology Enterprise Gateway - Named User Plus L88380 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20 Real —12_ Technology Enterprise Gateway - Named User Plus L88380M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98j

R$ 61.939,611 R$ 12.955,231

R$ 53.860,96 i

Real L'Oil ''‘. /Technology Enterprise Gateway - Processor L88386 Permanente sem Manutenção I Real ,._._.. 1 Technology Enterprise Gateway - Processor 1--- L88386M Manutenção na Vigência

Rea g,. rROFI 1Technology WebCenter Real-Time Collaboration - Processor L88421 Permanente sem Manutenção


Page 37: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

I Real 12 'Technology WebCenter Real-Time Collaboration - Processor L88421M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.26551

Real Technology WebCenter Real-Time Collaboration - Named User Plus L88427 Permanente sem Manutenção R$268,96

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Real-Time Collaboration - Named User Plus L88427M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,25

Real Technology Communicafions ASAP - $M Revenue under Management L88457 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.540,73

Real 12 Technology Communicafions ASAP - $M Revenue under Management L88457M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.577,21

Real Technology Management Pack for Non Middleware - Processor L88598 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 25.584,45

Real 12 Technology Management Pack for Non Middleware - Processor L88598M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.351,22

Real Technology Management Pack for Non Middleware - Named User Plus L88604 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 511,89.

Real 12 Technology Management Pack for Non Middleware - Named User Plus L88604M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 107,07 I

Real Technology SOA Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Processor L88612 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 67.326,20

Real 12 Technology SOA Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Processor L88612M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.081,89

Real Technology SOA Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L88618 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.346,03

Real 12 Technology SOA Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L88618M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 281,53

Real Technology WebLogic Server Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Processor L88626 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 32.317,07

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Server Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Processor L88626M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.759,41

Real Technology WebLogic Server Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L88632 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 645,75

Real 12 Technology WebLogic Server Management Pack Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L88632M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 135,06

Real Technology Healthcare Data Repository - Healthcare Record - Minimum 500.000 records - R$1,54 p/ record L88644 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 847.000,00

Real 12 Technology Healthcare Data Repository - Healthcare Record - Minimum 500.000 records - R$ 0,36 p/ record L88644M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 198.000,00

Real Technology Health Sciences Inforrnation Manager - Healthcare Record - Minimum 500.000 records - R$1,10 p/ record

L88652 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 605.000,00

Real 12 Technology ' Health Sciences Information Manager - Healthcare •Record - Minimum 500.000 records - R$0,26 p/ record

L88652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 143.000,00

Real ,Technology Inforrnatica PowerCenter and PowerConnect Adapters - Named User Plus L88935 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.857,92

Real 12 Technology Informatica PowerCenter and PowerConnect Adapters - Named User Plus L88935M R$ 388,60 Manutenção na Vigência

Real Technology Enterprise Gateway for Access Management - Named User Plus L89173 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.238,20

Real 12 Technology Enterprise Gateway for Access Management - Named User Plus L89173M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 258,98

Real Technology Enterprise Gateway for Access Management - Processor L89183 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 61.939,61

Real 12 Technology Enterprise Gateway for Access Management - Processor L89183M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.955,23

Real Technology Data I ntegrator Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L89218 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.423,74

Real 12 Technology Data Integrator Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L89218M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 506,95

Real Technology Health Sciences Integration Engine - Unlimited Communication Points - Computer L89297 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 604.242,10

Real 12 Technology Health Sciences Integration Engine - Unlimited Communication Points - Computer L89297M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 140.196,12

Real Technology


Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 100 Communication Points - Computer 1-89305 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real k 12 C.

Technology Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 100 Communication Points - Computer 1-893°5M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real7 :, ,P , ,r. r• r cr


" Technology Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a

maximum of 50 Communication Points - Computer L89313 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 i

GSC 24/187

Page 38: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Technology Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 50 Communication Points - Computer 189313M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Technology r

Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 30 Communication Points - Computer L89321 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 12 Technology Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 30 Communication Points - Computer L89321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Technology Health Sciences lntegration Engine - up to a maximum of 10 Communication Points - Computer L89329 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Technology Health Sciences Integrafion Engine - up to a maximum of 10 Communication Points - Computer L89329M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Technology Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software - Processor 190208 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 53.860,96 Real 12 Technology Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software - Processor 190208M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.265,51 Real Technology Identity and Access Management Suite Plus for

Applications - Named User Plus L90312 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24,79

Real 12 Technology Identity and Access Management Suite Plus for Applications - Named User Plus 190312M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5,18

Real Technology Java SE Advanced - Named User Plus L90356 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 268,96 Real 12 Technology Java SE Advanced - Named User Plus 190356M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,25 Real Technology Java SE Advanced - Processor L90366 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.465,24 Real 12 Technology Java SE Advanced Processor 190366M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.816,38 Real 'Technology Java SE Surte - Named User Plus L90374 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 808,11 Real 12 Technology Java SE Suite - Named User Plus 190374M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 169,02 Real Technology Java SE Suite - Processor 190384 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 40.395,72! Real 12 Technology Java SE Suite Processor 190384M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.449,13 Real Technology Data Integrator Enterprise Edition for Applications

Named User Plus L90467 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 484,62

Real 12 Technology Data Integrator Enterprise Edition for Applications - Named User Plus 190467M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 101,36

Real Technology Data Integrator Enterprise Edition for Applications - Processor L90480 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 32.316,57

Real 12 Technology Data Integrator Enterpdse Edition for Applications - Processor

L90480m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.759,30 Real Technology WebCenter Suite Plus Processor L92688 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 538.609,58 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Surte Plus Processor 192688M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112.655,08 Real Technology WebCenter Suite Plus - Named User Plus L92696 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.771,94 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Suite Plus - Named User Plus 192696M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.253,05 Real Technology WebCenter Sites - Processor L92704 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 269.304,79 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Sites - Processor 192704M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.327,54 Real Technology WebCenter Sites - Named User Plus L92712 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.386,59 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Sites - Named User Plus 192712M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.126,65 Real Technology WebCenter Sites Mobility Server Server L92720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 80.791,44 Real 12 !Technology WebCenter Sites Mobility Server - Server 192720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.898,26 Real Technology WebCenter Sites Satellite Server - Processor L92726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 67.326,20 Real 2 Technology WebCenter Sites Satellite Server - Processor L92726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.081,89

Real Technology WebCenter Sites Satellite Server -Named User Plus L92734 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.346,03

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Sites Satellite Server -Named User Plus L92734M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 281,53

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter Framework for Enterpnse Application Adapter Framework - Processor L92742 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter Framework for Enterpnse Application Adapter Framework - Processor L92742M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology WebCenter Content - Named User Plus L92750 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.290,82 Real 12 Technology WebCenter Content - Named User Plus 192750M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.943,26

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter for EMC Documentum for WebCenter Sites - Processor L92765 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.959,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter for EMC Documentum for WebCenter Sites - Processor 192765M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology WebCenter Adapter for Microsoft SharePoint for WebCenter Sites - Processor L92773 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Adapter for Microsoft SharePoint for WebCenter Sites - Processor L92773M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real si,

Technology Identity Manager Connector for Google Apps Connector L92797 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real r

. vi.... T TT-1,2 Technology

kst_oi Identity Manager Connector for Google Apps - Connector L92797M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real O T chnology Applications Adapter - Named User Plus Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 941,971 1 ç-- Real-, r4.-- or,p1-:-4, echnology , . .. Applications Adapter- Named User Plus L92889M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 197,02 LIPP USO


Page 39: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Technology Cloud Management Pack for Database - Named User Plus L93005 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161,13

Real 12 Technology Cloud Management Pack for Database - Named User Plus L93005M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,70

Real Technology Cloud Management Pack for Database - Processor L93012 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.078,65

Real 12 Technology Cloud Management Pack for Database - Processor L93012M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.689,72

Real Technology Cloud Management Pack for Fusion Middleware - Named User Plus L93020 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 161,13

Real 12 Technology Cloud Management Pack for Fusion Middleware Named User Plus L93020M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,70

Real Technology Cloud Management Pack for Fusion Middleware Processor L93027 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 8.078,65

Real 12 Cloud Management Pack for Fusion Middleware Technology processar L93027M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.689,72

Real Technology Data Masking Pack for Non Databases - Named User Plus L93035 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 619,72

Real 12 Technology Data Masking Pack for Non Databases - Named User Plus L93035M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129 62

i ç Real Technology Data Masking Pack for Non Databases - Processor L93042 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology Data Masking Pack for Non Databases - Processor L93042M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Database Lifecycle Management Pack - Named User Plus 193050 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 645,75

Real 12 Technology Database Lifecycle Management Pack - Named User Plus L93050M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 135,06 ,

Real Technology Database Lifecycle Management Pack - Processor L93057 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 32.317,07

Real 12 Technology Database Lifecycle Management Pack - Processor L93057M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.759,41

Real Technology Applications Load Testing Accelerators - Named User Plus L93065 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 66,93

Real 12 Technology Applications Load Testing Accelerators - Named User Plus 93065M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14,00

Real Test Data Management Pack for Non Databases - Technology Named User Plus 93074 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72

Real 12 Test Data Management Pack for Non Databases - Technology Named User Plus L93074M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62

Real Technology Test Data Management Pack for Non Databases - Processor L93081 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80

Real 12 Technology Test Data Management Pack for Non Databases - Processor L93081M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.477,62

Real Technology Test Data Management Pack - Named User Plus L93089 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 619,72

Real 12 Technology Test Data Management Pack - Named User Plus L93089M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,62 Real Technology Test Data Management Pack Processor L93096 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.969,80 Real 12 Technology Test Data Management Pack Processor L93096M Manutenção na Vigência —I R$ 6.477,62 Real Technology Applications Functional Testing Accelerators

Named User Plus L93104 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.386,59

Real 12 Technology Applications Functional Testing Accelerators - Named User Plus L93104M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.126,65

Real Technology Real User Experience Insight - Named User Plus L93165 Permanente sem Manutenção • R$ 431,32

Real 12 Technology 'Real User Experience Insight - Named User Plus L93165M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 90,22

Real Technology Micro Focus Net Express for Insurance Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L93240 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.158,54

Real 1 12 Technology .

Micro Focus Net Express for Insurance Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L93240M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.379,70

Real Technology Micro Focus Server Express for Insurance Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L93241 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.158,54

Real 2 O ,

Technology Micro Focus Server Express for Insurance Revenue Management and Billing (Mfr. is Micro Focus,Third Party Program) - Named User Plus

L93241M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.379,70


Page 40: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Berkeley DB - High Availability for Applications - Technology .Processor L93275 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.556,28

Real 12 Technology ' Berkeley DB - High Availability for Applications - • Processor L93275M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2207,94

Real Technology1Berkeley DB - Transactional Data Store for Applications - Processor L93300 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.248,00

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB - Transactional Data Store for Applications - Processor 193300M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.306,83

Real Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition - High Availability for Applications - Processor L93309 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.556,28

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition - High Availability for Applications - Processor 193309M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.207,94

Real Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition -Transactional Data Store for Applications - Processor L93318 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.248,00

Real 12 Technology Berkeley DB Java Edition -Transactional Data Store for Applications - Processor 193318M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.306,83

Real Technology NoSQL Database Enterpnse Edition - Named User Plus L93327 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 539,15

Real 12 Technology NoSQL Database Enterpnse Edition -Named User Plus L93327M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,77

Real Technology NoSQL Database Enterpdse Edition - Processor L93334 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.930,48

Real 12 Technology NoSQL Database Enterpdse Edition - Processor 193334M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.632,75

Real Technology WebCenter Forrns Recognition - Named User Plus L93855 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.386,59

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Forais Recognition - Named User Plus 193855M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.126,65

Real Technology TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics - Named User Plus L93963 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 808,11

Real 12 Technology TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics - Named User Plus 193963M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 169,02

Real TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics - Technology Processor L93973 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 92.910,65

Real 12 TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics - nology Tech Processor L93973M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.433,11 Real Technology Big Data Connectors - Processor L93999 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.386,59 Real 12 'Technology Big Data Connectors - Processor 193999M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.126,65 Real Technology Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS - Processor L94092 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 52.514,93

Real 12 Technology Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS - Processor 194092M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.983,97

Real Technology Communications Network Charging and Contrai Adapter for Communications Data Model - Processor

L94572 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47.128,34

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Charging and Contrai Adapter for Communications Data Model - Processor

194572M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.857,32

Real Technology Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Communications Data Moder - Named User Plus

L94580 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.414,20

Real 12 Technology Communications Network Charging and Contrai Adapter for Communications Data Model - Named User Plus

194580M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 295,79

Real Technology Identity Manager Connector -CRM On Demand - Connector L95526 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 123.880,45

Real 12 Technology Identity Manager Connector -CRM On Demand Connector 195526M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.910,72

Real Technology Event Processing - Processor 195534 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 134.652,39 Real 12 Technology Event Processing - Processar 195534M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.163,77 j Real Technology Event Processing - Named User Plus L95542 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.693,30 Real 12 Technology Event Processing - Named User Plus L95542M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 563,33j Real Technology Tuxedo Message Queue - Processor L95705 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.474,37 Real 12 Technology Tuxedo Message Queue - Processor L95705M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.138,85 Real Technology Identity Governance Suite - Named User Plus L95713 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.694,87 Real 12 Technology Identity Governance Suite - Named User Plus 195713M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.027,77 Real Technology Identity Governance Surte - Processor L95721 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 484.748,62 Real 12 Technology Identity Govemance Suite - Processor L95721M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 101.389,57 Real Technology Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch - Processor L95900 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 24.237,18

Real 12 , Technology Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch - Processor 195900M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.069,43

Rea (1°/.1 ...:.-, T hnologY WPr


sesnotrer Sites for ATG Web Commerce -

195947 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 107.721,92




Page 41: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Technology WebCenter Sites for ATG Web Commerce - Processor L95947M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.53102

Real Technology Endeca Information Discovery for Applications - Processor L96472 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121.187,15

Real 12 Technology Endeca information Discovery for Applications - Processor L96472M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.347,39

Real Technology Endeca information Discovery - Processor L96478 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 484.748,62 Real 12 Technology Endeca information Discovery - Processor L96478M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 101.389,57 Real Technology Endeca Server for Applications - Processor L96492 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 33.663,10 Real 12 Technology Endeca Server for Applications - Processor 196492M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.040,94

Real Technology Device and Drug Adverse Event Data integration Pack for Siebel Adverse Events and Complaints Management and Argus Safety - Processor

L96502 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 77.866,25

, Real

!Device and Drug Adverse Event Data integration 12 Technology Pack for Siebel Adverse Events and Complaints

!Management and Argus Safety - Processor L96502M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 18.066,51

Real 4 Application Pa yr ol I - Employee A74656 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,9S Real 12 Application !,Payroll - Employee A74656M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,211 Real I Application !• Financiais -Application Read-Only User A76295 Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.169,181 Real 12 Application Financiais - Application Read-Only User A76295M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 Real Discrete Manufacturing -Application Read-Only Application A76296 User Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.169,18

Real 12 Application Discrete Manufacturing - Application Read-Only User A76296M Manutenção na Vigência

I R$ 967,33

Real Application Purchasing - Application Read-Only User A76298 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18 Real 12 Application Purchasing - Application Read-Only User A76298M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 Real Process Manufacturing - Application Read-Only Application User A76300 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 Process Manufacturing -Application Read-Only Application User A76300M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 Real Application Treasury - Application User A76322 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 69.596,85 Real 12 Application Treasury - Application User A76322M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.147,85 Real Application CRL Financial Management - Module A76341 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 694.878,42 Real 12 Application CRL Financial Management - Module A76341M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 161.225,54 Real CRL Financial Management - Per Subscrier b Application Thereafter A76342 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,70

Real 12 Application A76342M CRL Financial Management - Per Subscriber Thereafter Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,16

Real Application Thesaurus Management System - Application Read- Only User A76528 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Thesaurus Management System - Application Read Only User A76528M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real ,Application Shop Floor Management - $M Cosi of Goods Sold A80187 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Shop Floor Management - $M Cost of Goods Sold A80187M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Advanced Supply Chain Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold A80191 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.350,50

Real 12 Application Advanced Supply Chain Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold A80191M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.009,40

Real Application Global Order Promising - $M Cost of Goods Sold A80193 RS 845,41 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Global Order Promising - $M Cosi of Goods Sold A80193M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application lincentive Compensation - Compensated individual A80531 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.813,17

Real 12 Application Incentive Compensation - Compensated individual A80531M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 420,69

Real Application TeleSales - Application User A80548 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.664,49 Real 12 Application TeleSales - Application User A80548M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49 Real Application Financiais - Application User A80561 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Financiais - Application User A80561M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application Purchasing - Application User A81402 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Purchasing - Application User A81402M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application Order Management - Application User A81 406 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,951

R$ 2.576,804 R$ 11.105,n

R$ 2.576,811

Real ' 12 Application Order Management - Application User A81406M Manutenção na Vigência Real Application Discrete Manufacturing - Application User A81412 Permanente sem Manutenção Real —.42 Application Discrete Manufacturing - Application User A81412M Manutenção na Vigência Real 'v Application Process Manufacturing - Application User A81417 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Red. -,- rr- 12 plication Process Manufacturing - Application User A81417M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Reálct . 7..7. r. GD '• - — , pplication Clinicai - Application User A81427 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

- 13 t o \ BSC 28/187

Page 42: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application ainical - Application User A81427M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Real Application Thesaurus Management System - Application User A81429 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 25.377,72

Real 12 Application Thesaurus Management System - Application User A81429M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.888,13

Real Application Exchange Marketplace - $M Annual Transaction Volume A84722 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Exchange Marketplace - $M Annual Transaction Volume A84722M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3252,49

Real Application Marketing - Application User A85564 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91 Real 12 Application Marketing - Application User A85564M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65 Real Application Depot Repair - Application User A85565 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Depot Repair - Application User A85565M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576.80 Real Application Advanced Inbound Telephony - Workstation A85566 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.767,59 Real 12 Application Advanced Inbound Telephony - Workstation A85566M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 642,14 Real Application Advanced Outbound Telephony - Workstation A85567 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.767,59 Real 12 Application Advanced Outbound Telephony - Workstation A85567M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 642,14 Real Application Scripting - Workstation A85569 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application I Scripting - Workstation A85569M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 389,72 Real Application iEmail Center - Workstation A85618 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Email Center - Workstation A85618M Manutenção na Vigência Real Application _IInternet Expenses - Expense Reports A85655 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46' Real 12 Application Expenses - Expense Repor% _Mternet A85655M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36' Real Application TeleService - Application User A85666 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,951 Real 12 Application TeleService - Application User A85666M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80' Real Application Field Sales - Application User A85667 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95' Real 12 Application Field Sales - Application User A85667M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application Number Portability - Ported Number/Year A85668 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92 Real 12 Application Number Portability - Ported Number/Year A85668M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71 'Real Application Project Costing - Application User A85888 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Project Costing - Application User A85888M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application Project Costing - Application Read-Only User A85900 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18 Real 12 Application Project Costing - Application Read-Only User A85900M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 Real Application

_L Inventory Optimization - $M Cost of Goods Sold A85949 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Application Inventory Optimization - $M Cost of Goods Sold A85949M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80 Real Application Grants -Application User A85965 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Gran s Application User A85965M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application iReceivables - 1K Invoice Line A85986 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 140,16 Real 12 Application iReceivables - 1K Invoice Line A85986M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32,52 Real Application Remote Data Capture - CRF Page A88304 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24,47 Real 12 Application Remote Data Capture - CRF Page A88304M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5,68 Real Application Project Contracts -Application User A89485 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.664,49 Real 12 Application Project Contracts - Application User A89485M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49 Real Application Project Resource Management - Person A89487 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95 Real 12 Application Project Resource Management Person A89487M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21

Real Application Project Contracts - Application Read-Only User A89488 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 4.169,18

Real 12 Application Project Contracts - Application Read-Only User A89488M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,331

Real Application 'Advanced Security - Processor A90622 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91 Real 12 Application Advanced Security Processor A90622M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97i

R$ 114.806,00i Real Application Express Server Processor A90640 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Express Server - Processor A90640M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 26.637,26 Real Application iStore - Processor A90747 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 Application iStore Processor A90747M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application iSupport - Processor A90748 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68 Real 12 Application iiSupport - Processor A90748M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11 Real Application iConfigurator Processor A90749 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05 Real 12 Application 'Configurator - Processor A90749M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.735,32

Real Application i i Collaborative Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold A91020 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.401,59

Real 12 Application Collaborative Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold A91020M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 325,20 Real Application Advanced Collections - Application User A92235 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.371,61 Real 1 12 -i - Application Advanced Collections - Application User A92235M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 782,28 Real Application 4--- Quoting - Application User A92239 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.371,61 Real 12C-3-2:- \.. Application Quoting - Application User A92239M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 782,2E' Real , , A plication Telco Provisioning - Module A92249 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 694.878,42

R$ 161.225,54- Real vt,; n R p lication n . Telco Provisioning - Module A92249M Manutenção na Vigência


GSC: 29/187

Page 43: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Financial Services Provisioning - Service Order Line A92251 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,56k

Real 12 Application Financial Services Provisioning - Service Order Line A92251M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13 Real Application Teto Provisioning - Per Subscnber Thereafter A92253 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4,23 Real 12 Application Telco Provisioning - Per Subscriber Thereafter A92253M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,98 Real Application Number Portability - Module A92278 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 694.87642 Real 12 Application Number Portability Module A92278M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 161 225 54 Real Application iLeaming Annual Subscription - Hosted Named

User A92297 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 133,49

Real 12 Application leaming Annual Subscription - Hosted Named User A92297M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Time and Labor - Employee A92407 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Time and Labor - Employee A92407M Manutenção na Vigência Real Application Advanced Benefits - Employee A92408 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Advanced Benefits - Employee A92408M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 47,75

IReal Complex Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul - Application A92467 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 41.81366 Application User Complex Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul - IReal 12 Application A92467M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.701,46 Application User

Real Apolication Sales Contracts - Apolication User A9246 Real 12 :Application Sales Contracts - Application User A92469M Manutenção na Vigência

.._ R$3866,49

Real , ,Application Sales Contracts - Application Read-Only User A92480 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18 Real 12 .Application Sales Contracts - Application Read-Only User A92480M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 Real Application Service Contracts - Application Read-Only User A92481 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 Application Service Contracts - Application Read-Only User A92481M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 Real Application Service Contracts Application User A92483 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.664,49 Real 12 Application Service Contracts - Application User A92483M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49

, Real

I Application Adverse Event Reporting System - Application User A96789 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Adverse Event Reporting System - Application User A96789M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Real Application Field Service - Field Technician A96839 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38 Real 12 Application Field Service - Field Technician A96839M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96 Real Application Advanced Secudty - Named User Plus L10010 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19 Real 12 Application Advanced Security - Named User Plus L10010M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05 Real Application Express Server - Named User Plus L10029 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.295,94 Real 12 Application Express Server - Named User Plus Li 0029M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 532,70 Real Application Express Analyzer - Named User Plus L10030 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.295,94 Real 12 Application Express Analyzer - Named User Plus Li 0030M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 532,70 Real Application Express Objects - Named User Plus L10031 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Real 12 Application Express Objects Named User Plus L10031M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Lease and Finance Management -$M Managed Assets L10090 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Leeasets and Finance Management - $M Managed Ass L1 0090M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Healthcare Transaction Base - Processor L10100 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 Application Healthcare Transaction Base - Processor L10100M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21

Real Application Healthcare Transaction Base - Named User Plus L10103 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Healthcare Transaction Base - Named User Plus L10103M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Application Order Management Electronic Order Line L10128 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,56 Real 12 Application Order Management - Electronic Order Line L10128M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13 Real Application Project Management - Application User L10192 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.996,84 Real 12 Application Project Management Application User L10 92M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.623,40 Real Application Project Collaborafion Application User L10 95 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 834,28 Real 12 Application Project Collaboration - Application User LiOl 95M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 193,57 Real Application Remote Data Capture - Application User L10198 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91 Real 12 Application Remote Data Capture - Application User Li 0198M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97 Real Application Proposals - Application User L10200 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.100,14 Real 12 Application Proposals - Application User L1 0200M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 255,25

Real Application Supply Chain Trading Connector for RosettaNet PIP L10309 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Supply Chain Trading Connector for RosettaNet PIP L10309M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real lj,4 Application B2B for RosettaNet - Processor L10384 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,86i R$ 19.347,17 R$ 2.767,59

Real C12 ,if Ap. ication 828 for RosettaNet - Processor L10384M Manutenção na Vigência Real , C lication Partner Management - Partner Organization L10482 Permanente sem Manutenção Real? Y 2 ---

— plication Partner Management - Partner Organization L10482M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 642,14


Page 44: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Application Adapters - JD Edwards - Processor L10855 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Application Adapters - JD Edwards - Processor L10855M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Real Application Application Adapters - PeopleSoft - Processor L10857 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 _ Real 12 Application Application Adapters - PeopleSoft - Processor 110857M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Real Application Application Adapters SAP - Processor L10859 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 Real 12 Application Application Adapters - SAP - Processor 110859M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Real Application Application Adapters - Siebel - Processor L10861 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42296,95i Real 12 Application Application Adapters - Siebel - Processor 110861M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Real Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition - Processor L10894 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 55.589,83

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition - Processor 110894M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.897,94

Real Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition - Named User Plus L10898 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition - Named User Plus L10898M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83

Real Application Enterprise Planning and Budgeting - Application User L11084 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

!Real I

12 Application 111084M Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

Real Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Application Application Read-Only User L11089 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.679,69

Real 12 Enterprise Planning and Budgebng Application Application Read-Only User 111089M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 389,72 Real Application Configurator - Application User L11093 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38 Real 12 Application Configurator - Application User 111093M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96 Real Application B2B for EDI - Processor L11364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85 Real 12 Application B2B for EDI - Processor 111364M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17 Real Application B2B for ebXML Processor Li i480 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91 Real 12 Application B213 for ebXML - Processor 111480M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97 Real Application Healthcare Adapter - Processor L11487 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85 Real 12 Application Healthcare Adapter - Processor Li i487M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17 Real Application Asset Tracking - Application User L11496 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.664,49 Real 12 Application Asset Tracking - Application User 111496M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49 Real Application Access Manager - Employee User L16458 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07 Real 12 'Application Access Manager - Employee User 116458M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13,94 Real Application Access Manager - Non Employee User - Extemal L16464 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46

Real 12 Application Access Manager - Non Employee User - External 1116464M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36 Real Application Business Intelligence Publisher - Employee Li6504 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111,24 Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Publisher - Employee Li6504M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25,Bi Real Application Business Intelligence Publisher- Processor 116509 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77 Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Publisher - Processor 116509M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14 Real Application Loans - Application User L16518 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Loans - Application User 116518M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application Properly Manager - Application User L16535 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Property Manager - Application User 116535M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application Collaboration Suite Bundle - Personnel L16608 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application Collaboration Suite Bundle - Personnel 116608M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application Collabo ation Suite Bundle - Application User 116609 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application Collaboration Suite Bundle - Application User 116609M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application Collaboration Suite Bundle - Professional User L16610 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application Collaboration Suite Bundle - Professional User 116610M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,561

Real Application Technology Bundle - Named User Plus L16624 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application Technology Bundle - Named User Plus 116624M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,561 Real Application Technology Bundle - Processor L16625 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application Technology Bundle - Processor 116625M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application Project Portfolio Analysis - Application User L16627 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ i6.664,49 Real i 12 Application Project Portfolio Analysis - Application User 116627M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49

Real j Application Retal' Mobile Store Inventory Management Application Module L16857 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management - Application Module 116857M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Real Application Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management - Retail Wireless Device L16858 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 265,86 ,-

‘.... 1. Real fo 2

/ .\-- jk N • ..lication Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management - Retail

VVireless Device 16858M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61,68 cr• fil Trit Ircation Financiais Accounting Hub - Employee Real f c'F'k ej i ' 17361 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,76!


Page 45: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application ¡Financiais Accounting Hub - Employee L17361M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application 1Telecommunications Billing Integrator - Employee L17483 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46

Real 12 Application Telecommunications Billing Integrator - Employee L17483M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36

Real Application ¡User Productivity Kit Standard - UPK Developer L17918 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit Standard - UPK Developer L17918M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real iTransportation Management - $M Freight Under Application , Management L17939 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 38.913,10

Real 12 Application L17939M Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.028,61

Real Application Siebel Advanced Contracts, SPE - Application User L18493 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.505,09

Real 12 Application Siebel Advanced Contracts, SPE - Application User L18493M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 813,25

Real Application Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds, SPE - Application User L18509 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds, SPE Application User L18509M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds, SPE for Partners - Registered User L18510 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds, SPE for Partners - Registered User L18510M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Advisor for Partners - Registered User L18561 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63J Real 12 Application Siebel Advisor for Partners - Registered User L18561M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14 Real Application Siebel Asset Management, SPE - Application User L18654 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Asset Management, SPE - Application User L18654M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Siebel Barcode, SPE - Application User L18696 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application Siebel Barcode, SPE - Application User R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Billing Management, SPE - Application User Li8703 Permanente sem Manutençáo R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Billing Management, SPE - Application User L18703M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Siebel Briefings, SPE -Application User L18719 Permanente sem Manutenção P548388 Real 12 Application Siebel Briefings, SPE -Application User L18719M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Business Rules, SPE - Application User L18737 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Business Rules, SPE - Application User L18737M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28 Real Application Siebel Call Reports, SPE - Application User L18764 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application Siebel Call Reports, SPE - Application User L18764M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Change Management, SPE - Application User L18801 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Change Management, SPE - Application L18801M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05 User Real Application 1 Siebel Collections, SPE - Application User L18857 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Collections, SPE - Application User L18857M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real 'Application i

Siebel Commercial Banking Loan Approval, SPE - Application User L18862 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Commercial Banking Loan Approval, SPE - Application User L18862M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real ' Application Siebel Configurator Runfime, SPE - Application User

Li 8964 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.317,15

Real 12 Application Siebel Configurator Runtime, SPE - Application User L18964M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.233,68

Real Application Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld DSS, SPE - Stand Alone - Application User

L19023 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.262,60

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld DSS, SPE - Stand Alone - Application User

i_.19023m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 756,99

Real Application Sebe' Content Center, SPE - Application User L19034 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 834,28 Real 12 Application ISiebel Content Center, SPE - Application User L19034M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 193,57

Real :Siebel Content Center, SPE for Partners - Application Registered User L19036 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Siebel Content Center, SPE for Partners - Application Registered User L19036M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real (--

Application .

Siebel Content Publishing, SPE - Application User L19046 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real r,

'-' 2 - , r. rtn

Appfiçpfion 5<\

Siebel Content Publishing, SPE - Application User L19046M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

iJ P CC?

GSC 32/187

Page 46: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Siebel Content Publishing, SPE for Partners - Registered User L19049 ,61Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144

Real 12 Application Siebel Content Publishing, SPE for Partners - Registered User L19049M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55'

Real Application Siebel Contract Terms and Conditions, SPE - Application User L19052 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26

Real 12 Application Siebel Contract Terms and Conditions, SPE - Application User 119052M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83

Real Application Siebel Contracts, SPE - Application User L19068 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1691,92 Real 12 Application Siebel Contracts, SPE - Application User 119068M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56 Real Application Siebel Corporate and Commercial Banking, SPE

Application User L19075 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Corporate and Commercial Banking, SPE Application User 119075M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real ; Hi-

Application Siebel Correspondence, SPE - Application User L19078 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

t Real i 12 Application Siebel Correspondence, SPE - Application User 119078M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 i" Real Application Siebel Credit Management, SPE - Application User L19089 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Credit Management, SPE - Application User 119089M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Credit Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User 119091 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Credit Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User 119091M Manutenção na Vigência R$67,36

Real Application Siebel Credit Origination, SPE - Application User L19096 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49

Real 12 Application Siebel Credit Origination, SPE - Application User 119096M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application Siebel Credit Origination, SPE for Partners - Registered User L19097 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49

Real 12 Application Siebel Credit Origination, SPE for Partners - Registered User 119097M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application Siebel CRM Marketing Automation Option, SPE - Application User L19112 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Marketing Automation Option, SPE Application User 119112M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel CRM Sales Option, SPE - Application User L19121 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Sales Option, SPE -Application User 119121M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel CRM Service Option, SPE - Application User L19125 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Service Option, SPE - Application User 119125M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

; Real Application Siebel CTI, SPE - Application User L19148 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 I Application Siebel CTI, SPE - Application User 119148M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real I Application Siebel Customer Relationship Console - HTML,

SPE - Application User Li 9165 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.054,56

Real 12 Application Siebel Customer Relationship Console - HTML, SPE - Application User 119165M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 476,70

Real Application Siebel D&B Integration Solution, SPE - Application User L19173 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49,

Real 12 Application Siebel D&B Integration Solution, SPE - Application User L19173M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application Siebel Data Quality, SPE - Application User 119187 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application Siebel Data Quality, SPE Application User L 9187M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Deductions, SPE - Application User L19240 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Deductions SPE - Application User 119240M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Delegated Business Rules, SPE for Partners Registered User L19243 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Delegated Business Rules, SPE for Partners Registered User 119243M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

'Real Application Siebel Design Opportunity Management, SPE - Application User L19258 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Design Opportunity Management, SPE - Application User 119258M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Dynamic Catalog, SPE - Application User L19286 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Dynamic Catalog, SPE - Application User 119286M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84i Real CO-Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer, SPE - Application User Li 9292 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 3.383,841

R$ 785,121 Real 1 12 C-• pplication Siebel Dynamic Nur, SPE -Application User L19292M Manutenção na Vigência


Page 47: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Siebel Dynamic Pricer, SPE for Partners - Application ,Repistered User IL19295 -r---

iPermanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application i Siebel Dynamic Pricer, SPE for Partners - I Registered User 119295M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application I Siebel Email Response, SPE - Application User I

L19734 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31 ,

Real 12 ;Application , Siebel Email Response, SPE - Application User 119734M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Siebel Email/VVeb Offer Designer, SPE - Application User

L19739 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Email/Web Offer Designer, SPE - Application User 119739M Manutenção na Vigência R$98,08

Real Application Siebel Employee Self-Service, SPE - Application User

L19777 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Employee Self-Service, SPE - Application User 119777M Manutenção na Vigência R$67,36

Real Application Siebel Enterprise Selling Process (ESP), SPE - Application User L19833 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Enterprise Selling Process (ESP), SPE - Application User 19833M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 ,

Real Application Siebel Events Manager, SPE - Application User 120008 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Events Manager, SPE - Application User L20008M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Expense Reports for Handheld Stand Alone, SPE - Application User L20024 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09

Real 12 Application Siebel Expense Reports for Handheld Stand Alone, SPE - Application User 120024M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52

Real Application Siebel Field Service Assets for Sales Base, SPE - Application User L20042 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 '

Real 12 Application Siebel Field Service Assets for Sales Base, SPE - Application User 120042M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98.08

Real Application Siebel Field Service, SPE - Application User L20068 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 -1 Application Siebel Field Service, SPE - Application User 120068M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36, Real Application Siebel Field Service, SPE for Partners - Registered

User 120074 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Field Service, SPE for Partners - Registered User 120074M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Financial Accounts, SPE - Application User L20138 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Accounts, SPE - Application User L20138M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Financial Accounts, SPE for Partners - Registered User 120141 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Accounts, SPE for Partners - Registered User 120141M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Forecasting, SPE - Application User L20162 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Forecasting, SPE - Application User 120162M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Forecasting, SPE for Partners - Registered User 120165 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

I Real I

12 Application Siebel Forecasting, SPE for Partners - Registered User 120165M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

I , Real I

Application Siebel Fraud Management, SPE - Application User L20171 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

IReal 12 Application Siebel Fraud Management, SPE - Application User L20171M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Fraud Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User 1_20172 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 i

Application Siebel Fraud Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User 120172M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Group Coverage, SPE - Application User L20179 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Group Coverage, SPE - Application User 120179M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Group Pensions, SPE - Application User L20184 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 12 Application Siebel Group Pensions, SPE - Application User 120184M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Group Policies, SPE - Application User L201 91 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real flApphcation Siebel Group Policies, SPE - Application User 120191M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Application Siebel Handheld, SPE for VVindows - Application

User L20205 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

_1 _(., )5.2\byation i

Siebel Handheld, SPE for VVindows - Application User 120205M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

uPP , 34/187

Page 48: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application !Siebel Healthcare Providers and Facilities, SPE - jApplication User L20232 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 i Siebel Healthcare Providers and Facilities, SPE - Application Application User 120232M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel HelpDesk - Application User L20241 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Siebel HelpDesk - Application User L20241M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97 Real Application Siebel HelpDesk Online, SPE - Application User L20262 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Siebel HelpDesk Online, SPE - Application User 120262M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,551 Real Application Siebel HelpDesk SPE Application User 120273 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83 Real 12 Application Siebel HelpDesk, SPE - Application User 120273M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97 Real Application Siebel HelpDesk Option, SPE - Application User L20274 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.256,98

Real 12 Application Siebel HelpDesk Option, SPE - Application User L20274M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 291,65 Real Application Siebel Householding, SPE - Application User L20299 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Householding, SPE - Application User L20299M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,2 Real Application Siebel Individual Coverage, SPE - Application User L20339 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,7

Real 12 Application Siebel Individual Coverage, SPE - Application User L20339M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Individual Life and Annuities, SPE - Application User 20347 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Individual Life and Annuities, SPE - Application User 120347M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Institutional Sales and Research, SPE - Application User L20352 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

, Real 12 Application Siebel Institutional Sales and Research, SPE -

Application User 120352M R$ 168,281

Real Application Siebel Inventory and Order Manag, SPE - ement Application User L20415 R$ 2.779,83!

Real 12 Application L20415M Siebel Inventory and Order Management, SPE - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Investment Banking, SPE - Application User L20418 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Investment Banking, SPE - Application User L20418M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Lease End-of-Term Processing, SPE - Application User L20438 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Lease End-of-Term Processing, SPE - Application User 120438M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Logistics Manager, SPE - Application User 120451 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Logistics Manager, SPE - Application User 120451M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Managed Gare Profile, SPE - Application User L20488 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Managed Gare Profile, SPE - Application User 120488M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Managed Care, SPE - Application User L20489 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83 Real 12 Application Siebel Managed Care SPE Application User 120489M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Marketing Resource Manager, SPE for Partners - Registered User L20557 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Resource Manager, SPE for Partners - Registered User 120557M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Medical Education, SPE - Application User L20627 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Education, SPE - Application User 120627M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Medical Education, SPE for Handheld Stand Alone - Application User 120628 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09

Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Education, SPE for Handheld Stand Alone - Application User 120628M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52

Real Application Siebel Medical Handheld, SPE for Windows - Application User L20632 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Handheld, SPE for Windows - Application User 120632M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real jApplication


Siebel Medical Handheld, SPE for Windows - Stand Alone - Application User 120633 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.262,60

Real lis

e -58-.. Siebel Medical Handheld, SPE for Windows - Stand Alone - Application User 120633M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 756,99j

Real r Aí) ication Siebel Medical Invento ry Management, SPE -

Application User L20635 Permanente sem Manutenção I R$ 725,271 i


Page 49: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Inventory Management, SPE - Application User 120635M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Message Broadcasting and Alerts, SPE - Application User L20648 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Message Broadcasting and Alerts, SPE - Application User 120648M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Mobile Connector, SPE - Application User L20657 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Mobile Connector, SPE - Application User 120657M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Needs AnalysisiApplications - Non credit, SPE - Application User L20670 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Needs AnalysishApplications - Non credit, SPE - Application User 120670M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Network Order Entry, SPE - Application User 120674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,111,26 .

Real 12 Application Siebel Network Order Entry, SPE - Application User 120674M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83

Real Application Siebel Partner Manager, SPE - Application User 120807 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Siebel Partner Manager, SPE -Application User 120807M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Siebel Personal Lines Claims, SPE - Application User 120857 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Personal Lines Claims, SPE - Application User 120857M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real Application Siebel Personal Lines Policies, SPE - ApplicationL20864 User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Personal Unes Policies, SPE - Application User 120864M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Pharma Campaigns, SPE - Application User L20877 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

, Real 12 .Application Siebel Pharma Campaigns, SPE - Application User 120877M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Premises, SPE - Application User L20942 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 Application Siebel Premises, SPE - Application User 120942M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Siebel Prescription Analysis, SPE - Application User 120945 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Prescription Analysis, SPE - Application User L20945M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Sebe' Preventive Maintenance, SPE - Application User L20949 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Preventive Maintenance, SPE -Application User 120949M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Price Comparison, SPE - Application User L20952 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42

Real 12 Application Siebel Price Comparison, SPE - Application User 120952M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application Real Siebel Pricing Authorization Management, SPE -Application User L20966 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Real Siebel Pricing Authorizafion Management, SPE -Application User 120966M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User L20967 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966.65

Real 12 Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management, SPE for Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28 Partners - Registered User

Real Siebel Proposals and Presentations, SPE- Application Application User 121047 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Siebel Proposals and 1 Presentations, SPE - Real 12 'Application Application User 121047M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

!Real Application Siebel Proposals and Presentations, SPE for Partners - Registered User 121050 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Proposals and Presentations, SPE for Partners - Registered User 121050MManutenção na Vigência R$ 98.08

Real Application Siebel Quality Management, SPE - Application User 121085 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

.Real i 12 Application Siebel Quality Management, SPE - Application User L21085M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 I Real Application Siebel Quote and Order Capture, SPE - Application

User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real Siebel Quote Siebel Quote and Order Capture, SPE - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real of /:::u.s-itE P

lplication Siebel References SPE - Application User 121120 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27! /Real A lication Siebel References, SPE Application User 121120M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168, 28! -..4 Real 's ;.. iipLi plication Siebel Repair, SPE -Application User L21136 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,881



Page 50: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

TReal 12 Application Siebel Repair, SPE - Application User 121136M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 ' Real Application Siebel RetiremenliPension Mana Management SPE -

Application User L21193 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27ement,

Real 12 Application Siebel Retirement/Pension Management, SPE - Application User L21 193M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Rollup, SPE - Application User L21199 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Rollup, SPE -Application User 121199M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning, SPE - Application

L21264 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 User

Real 12 Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning, SPE - Application User 121264M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Samples, SPE - Application User L21281 Permanente sem Manutenção l R$ 725,271 Real 12 Application Siebel Samples, SPE - Application User L21281M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel Samples, SPE for Handheld Stand Alone -

Application User L21283 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real I

12 Application Siebel Samples, SPE for Handheld Stand Alone - li Appcation User L21283M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

l IReal Application Siebel Scheduling, SPE - Application User 121288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 ;Real 12 Application Siebel Scheduling, SPE - Application User 121288M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28 Real Application Siebel Signature Capture, SPE - Application User L21396 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Signature Capture, SPE - Application User L21396M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Siebel Small Business Banking, SPE - Application Application User L21400 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Siebel Small Business Banking, SPE - Application Application User 121400M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel SmartScript, SPE - Application User 121449 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel SmartScript, SPE - Application User 121449M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real I Siebel SmartScript, SPE for Partners - Registered Application User 121455 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33,

Real 12 Siebel SmartScript, SPE for Partners - Registered Application User 121455M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Solutions, SPE - Application User L21458 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application _4Siebel Solutions, SPE - Application User 121458M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Target Account Selling, SPE - Application

User L21497 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Target Account Selling, SPE - Application User 121497M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Territory Management, SPE - Application User L21514 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Terdtory Management, SPE - Application User 121514M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Siebel Time and Expense Reporting, SPE - Application User L21525 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Time and Expense Reporting, SPE - Application User 121525M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Title Management, SPE - Application User 121532 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Title Management, SPE - Application User L21532M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Tools Complete, SPE - Application User 121541 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37

Real 12 Application Siebel Tools Complete, SPE - Application User L21541M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69 _1

Real Application ' Siebel Tools, SPE - Application User 121550 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11 118,19 Real 12 Application Siebel Tools, SPE - Application User 121550M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.579,64

Real Application iSiebel Trade Promotions, SPE - Application User 121556 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 I Application Siebel Trade Promotions, SPE - Application User 121556M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Van Sales/Delivery, SPE - Application User 121770 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26

Real 12 Application Siebel Van Sales/Delivery, SPE - Application User 121770M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83

Real Application Siebel Vehicle Contracts, SPE - Application User L21780 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Vehicle Contracts, SPE - Application User 121780M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real - cad.. Application Siebel Wealth Management, SPE - Application User L21790 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 1 - t-

.2_,.. • • • ication ,Siebel Wealth Management, SPE - Application User 121790M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real

-, .., pplication- ISiebel Wireless, SPE - Application User L21810 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 37/187

Page 51: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 -iApplicafion Siebel Wireless, SPE - Application User L21810M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real 'Application Siebel Work Orders, SPE - Application User L21815 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 Application Siebel Work Orders, SPE - Application User L21815M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Siebel Connector for Satmetrix Exchange, SPE -

Application User L22772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Siebel Connector for Satmetrix Exchange, SPE - Application User L22772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Profitability Manager - Employee L22933 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193,55 Real 12 Application Profitability Manager - Employee L22933M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44,91 Real Application Retail Point of Service - Retail Register L22963 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07 Real 12 Application Retail Point of Service - Retail Register 122963M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24 Real Application Retail Back Office - Retail Store L22969 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8459,61 Real 12 Application Retail Back Office - Retail Store L22969M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.962,80 Real Application Siebel Investment Management, SPE - Application

User L24754 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Investment Management, SPE - Application User L24754M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

i ' Real Application Business Intelligente Server Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L26164 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Business Intelligente Server Enterprise Edition - Named User Plus L26164M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Business Intelligente Server Enterprise Edition - Processar L26170 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 125.198,92'

Real 12 Application Business Intelligente Server Enterprise Edition - Processar L26170M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 29.048,63

Real Application Interactive Dashboard Option - Processor L26231 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 209.067,54 Real 12 Application Interactive Dashboard Option - Processar L26231M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 48.507,81 Real Application Interactive Dashboard Option - Named User Plus L26239 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.401,59

Real 12 Application Interactive Dashboard Option - Named User Plus L26239M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32520 Real Application Answers Option - Processar L26245 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 209.067,54 Real 12 Application Answers Option - Processar L26245M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 48.507,81 Real Application Answers Option - Named User Plus L26253 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.401,59 Real 12 Application lAnswers Option - Named User Plus 126253M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 325,20 Real Application iNamed

Business Intelligente Disconnected Analyti cs - User Plus 126281 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.401,59

Real 12 Application INamed Business Intelligente Disconnected Analytics -

User Plus L26281M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 325,20

Real Application Business Intelligente Server Administrator - Named User Plus L26309 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Business Intelligente Server Administrator - Named User Plus L26309M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Siebel Configurator Runfime, SPE for Partners - Registered User

L26976 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Configurator Runtime, SPE for Partners - Registered User 26976M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management -i Individual Subscriber L27284 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8,90

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Individual Subscriber L27284M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,06

Real Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management for Convergent Rating - Individual Subscriber L27308 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6,67

Real 12 Communications Billing and Revenue Management Application for Convergent Rating - Individual Subscriber ,

L27308M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,55

Real Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management for Billing - Individual Subscriber L27316 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,63

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management for Billing - Individual Subscriber 127316M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,84

Real Application Communications Brand Manager - Individual Subscriber L27372 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,97

Real 12 Application Communications Brand Manager - Individual Subscriber L27372M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,22

Real Application Communications Collections Manager - Individual Subscriber L27380 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications Collections Manager - Individual Subscriber L27380M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real r.

C o pplication a--

Communications EAI Manager - Individual Subscriber L27396 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real ::02ite; _i 'Application Communications EAI Manager - Individual Subscriber L27396M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10



Page 52: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

1 !Real Communications Payment Manager for Paymentech Application - L27420 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,14

Real 12 Application

Subscribernvdual1Communications Payment Manager for Paymentech - Individual Subscriber L27420M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 003

Real Application Communications Payment Suspense Manager - Individual Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications Payment Suspense Manager - Individual Subscaiber L27428M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Communications Revenue Assurance Manager - Individual Subscriber L27444 R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications Revenue Assurance Manager - Individual Subscriber L27444M R$ 0,10

Real Application L27460 Communications Suspensa Manager -Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Communications Suspense Manager - Individual Subscriber L27460M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Communications Taxation Manager for Taxware - Individual Subscriber L27468 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,14

Real 12 Application Communications Taxation Manager for Taxware - Individual Subscriber L27468M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,03

Real Application L27476 Communications Taxation Manager for Vertex - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,14

Real 12 Application L27476M Communications Taxation Manager for Vertex - Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,031

Real Application Communications Web Services Manager - Individual Subscriber L27508 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications Web Services Manager Individual Subscriber L27508M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Communications Content Manager - Individual Subscriber L27524 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application on Communications Content Manager - Individual Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Communications Diameter Manager - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,29

Real 12 Application Communications Diameter Manager - Individual Subscdber L27532M Manutenção na Vigência

I R$ 0,07

Real Application Communications Email Manager - Individual Subscriber L27540 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,14

Real 12 Application Communications Email Manager - Individual Subscriber L27540M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,03

Real Application Communications GPRS Manager - Individual Subscriber L27548 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application L27548M Communications GPRS Manager - Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Communications GSM Manager -Individual Subscdber L27564 R$ 1,40

Real 12 Application Communications GSM Manager - Individual Subscdber L27564M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,33

Real Application Communications for HP Opencall Manager - Individual Subscriber L27572 R$ 0,29

Real 12 Application Communications for HP Opencall Manager - Individual Subscdber Individual

1 R$ 0,071

Real -1

'Application Communications Interconnect Manager - Individual Subscriber 127580 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,97

Real 12 Application Communications Interconnect Manager - Individual Subscaiber 27580M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,22

Real Application Communications IP Device Manager - Individual Subscriber L27588 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications IP Device Manager -Individual Subscriber L27588M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Communications LDAP Manager - Individual Application Subscriber Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications LDAP Manager -Individual Subscriber L27596M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Communications Number Manager -Individual Subscriber L27612 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications Number Manager -Individual Subscriber L27612M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application L27620 Communications Radius Manager - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 2 --c-Applicafion Communications Radius Manager - Individual Subscriber L27620M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real a"- N,

App fication -- rrri:P '''. 1, -, Communicafions Roaming Manager - CIBER - Individual Subscriber 127628 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41


Page 53: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Communications Roaming Manager - CIBER - individual Subscriber 127628M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Communications Roaming Manager - TAP - Individual Subscriber L27636 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,97

Real 12 Application Communications Roaming Manager - TAP - Individual Subscaiber 127636M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,22

Real Application Communications SIM Manager - individual Subscriber L27652 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,41

Real 12 Application Communications SIM Manager -Individual Subscriber 127652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Life Sciences Data Hub - Application User 118228 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91 Real 12 Application Life Sciences Data Hub - Application User L28228M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97 Real Application Strategic Network Optimization -$M Cost of Goods

Sold 1.28252 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.383,84

Real 12 Application Strategic Network Optimization - $M Cost of Goods Sold 128252M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 785,12

Real Application Demantra Demand Management -$M Cost of Goods Sold L28264 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.350,50

Real 12 Application Demantra Demand Management -$M Cost of Goods Sold 128264M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.009,40

Real Application Demantra Predictive Trade Planning - $M Gosto! Goods Sold 118288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.350,50

Real 12 Application Demantra Predictive Trade Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold L28288M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.009,40

Real Application iProcurement - Application User 118328 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09 Real 12 Application iProcurement - Application User L28328M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52 Real , PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources - Application lEmployee 12 8660 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 447,17

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources - Application I, Employee 1_28660M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 103,75 Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll - Employee 128661 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95 Real r"--- Real

12 Application jPeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll Employee 128661M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21 PeopleSoft Enterprise Recruiting Solutions - Application Employee L28662 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181,32

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise Recruifing Soiutions - Application Employee 128662M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42,07

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais - Application User 128665 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais - Application User 128665M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury - Application User 128666 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.079,63

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Treasury - Application User 128666M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.259,86

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eSettlements -Application User L28667 Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.713,13

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eSettlements -Application User 128667M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.093,54

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais Portal Pack - Application User L28668 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.864,37

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais Portal Pack - Application User L28668M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 664,59

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Transaction Billing Processor - Application User 128671 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.855,49

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Transaction Billing Processor - Application User L28671M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 894,55

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterpdse Assei Lifecycie Management Portai Pack - Application User L28672 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.864,37

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Lifecycle Management Portal Pack - Application User 128672M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 664,59

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing - Application User L28675 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing - Application User L28675M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Grants - Application User L28677 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 17.220,68

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Grants - Application User 128677M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.995,54

Real —I

Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Pay/Bill Management - Application User 128680 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.039,26

Real 2 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Pay/Bill Management - Application User 128680M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.025,37

Real Á r rt ,... .. ka'. ..• -

Applicati . on ., PeopleSoft Enterprise ESA Portai Pack - Application User L28681 rm Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.658,58



Page 54: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 'Application PeopleSoft Enterprise ESA Portal Pack - Application User 1213681M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 616,84

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Proposal Management Application User L28683 Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.169,181

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Proposal Management - Application User 118683M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 '

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management - Application User L28685 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.326,23

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management - Application User 128685M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.859,93

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing - Application User 128687 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application !PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing - Application User 128687M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eProcurement - Application User 128692 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193,55

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eProcurement - Application User 128692M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44,91

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Services Procurement - L28693 Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.239,34

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Services Procurement - Application User 128693M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.679,67 ,

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Discrete Manufacturing - L28694 Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Discrete Manufactunng - Application User 128694M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Portal Pack Application

118698 Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.102,49

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Portal Pack - Application

128698M Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.415,90

Real 1Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Catalog Management - L28699 Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.993,88

Real 12 'Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Catalog Management - Application User 128699M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.103,01

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Planning - Application User L28700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 29.728,22

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Planning - Application User 128700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.897,54

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Support - Application User L28709 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 33.342,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Support - Application User 128709M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.736,08

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Sales - Application User L28711 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18.127,26

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Sales - Application User 128711M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.205,88

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Marketing - Application User 118713 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 17.401,99

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Marketing - Application User 128713M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.037,61

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Integrated FieldService - Application User 128714 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Integrated FieldService - Application User 128714M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.505,09 PeopleSoft Enterprise Support for Customer Self L28715 Service - Apphcation User

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Support for Customer Self Service - Application User 128715M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 813,25

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Capture -Application User 128720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Capture - Application User 128720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Capture Self Service - Application User L28722 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.459,61

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Capture Self Service - Application User L28722M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.962,80

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Multichannel Communications - Application User 128728 Permanente .sem Manutenção R$ 4.713,13

Real }---

12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Multichannel Communications - Application User 128728M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.093,54

Real --._ Application PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM Portal Pack - Application User L28729 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.229,25

, • Real

P-- _ <>I\

. • Application PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM Portal Pack -

Application User 128729M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 981,271

ph, UPP c"9 USC


Page 55: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real /Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Contributor Relations - Application User L28749 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1262,60

Real 12 • Apphcation PeopleSoft Enterprise Contributor Relations - Application User L28749M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 756,99

Real Application PeopleSoft PeopleSoft Enterprise Interaction Hub - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Interaction Hub -Application User L28750M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools-Enterprise Development Starter Kit - Application User L28752 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools-Enterprise Development Starter Kit - Application User L28752M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools-Enterprise Development - Application User L28753 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools-Enterprise Development - Application User L28753M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources - Application Employee L28757 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 447,17

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources - Employee L28757M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 103,75

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll - Employee L28758 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll - Employee 1.28758M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 50-Service Human Application Resources - Employee L28759 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181,32

Real 12 JO Edwards EnterpriseOne Self-Service Human Application LResources - Employee L28759M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42,07

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financiais -Application User L28761 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

¡Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financiais - Application User L28761M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne System Foundation - Application User L28762 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08

Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne System Foundation - Application Application User L28762M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estate Forecasting - Application User L28764 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 20.544,45

¡Real 12 ApplicationJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estale Forecasting - Application User L28764M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.766,72

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Condition-Based Maintenance - Application User L28766 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Condition-Based Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57 Maintenance Maintenance -Application User

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Equipment Cosi Analysis - Application User Analysis Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31'

Real 12 Application L28767M JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Equipment Cost Analysis - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Resource Assignments Application Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.378,23

Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Resource Assignments Application ' Application User L28768M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 319,78

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estale Management - Application User L28769 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.942,38

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management - Application User L28769M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.074,81

Real Application L28770 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application L28770M JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management-Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Costing - Application User L28772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Cosfing - Application User L28772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Stock Valuation -Application User L28773 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Stock Valuation - Application User L28773M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real ji Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Agreement . m. anagement - Application User L28774 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 11" ./g. o

Real i i

12 ppfication --, \

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Agreement Management - Application User L28774M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.57680

GRP , GSC 42/187

Page 56: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

¡Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management Application User L28775 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

'Real 12 lApplication i JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management Application User L28775M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application --t

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Grower Management - 128776 Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Grower Management - , r

Application User 128776M Manutenção na Vigência R$2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Grower Pdcing and Payments - Application User 128777 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Grower Pricing and Payments -Application User L28777M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator - Application User L28778 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator - Application _Application User 128778M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1959,96

Real 'Application -k

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Bulk Stock Inventory - Application User L28779 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Bulk Stock Inventory - Application User L28779M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Scheduling Execution - Application User L28781 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Scheduling Execution -Application User L28781M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventor), Management - Application User L28782 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management - ,Application User L28782M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real I Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing Management - Application User L28783 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

real 1 12 ' 'Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Manufacturing

Management - Application User L28783M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

:Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Variants - Application User L28784 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.755,45

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Variants - Application User L28784M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.567,40

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Quality Management - Application User L28785 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.612,99

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Quality Management - Application User L28785M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 838,29

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning Application User L28786 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.612,99

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning Application User L28786M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 838,29

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne RFID Processor - Application User L28787 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.547,41

Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne RFID Processar - Application Application User L28787M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

Real 'Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportafion Management - Application User L28788 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 ¡Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transportation Management - Application User L28788M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Real Application Management - Application User L28789 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.338,36

Real 12 Application 'JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management - Application User 128789M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Buyer Workspace - Application User 128790 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Buyer Workspace - Application User -h

L28790M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 917,00

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Operational Sourcing - Application Application User L28791 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Operational Sourdng - Application Application User L28791M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requisifion Self Service - Application User

L28793 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193,55

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requisition Self Service - Application User L28793M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44,91

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pncing Application User L28795 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.547,41

RealÀea é

12 ...d ,

1:{E ..*\

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pncing Application Application User L28795M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

'-‘,1•1/ IJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Branch Scnpting - Application 'Application User L28796 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 760,86

tiP P

GSC ' 43/187

Page 57: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Branch Scripting - Application User 128796M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 176,54

Edwards Enterpríseone CRM Foundation - :Application User 'JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CRM Foundation - • lApplicafion User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Customer Self Service - Application User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Customer Self Service - Application User !JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Case Management -



Application L28797 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.547,31

12 Application


L28797M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 359,01

Real L28798 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.477,26

Real 12 Application L28798M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 574,77

Real Application L28799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.739,86 Application User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Case Management - Application User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Force Automation L28801 - Application User

Real 12 Application L28799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.331,76

Real Application Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Applicafion j_JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Force Automation L28801M 12 - Application User

'Real Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Management - Real L28804 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.739,86 Application User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Management - Application User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Management Foundation - Application User

Real 12 Application


L28804M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.331,76

Real L28806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 906,59 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Management Application Foundation - Application User

—H-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Solufion Advisor -

R$ 210,35:

R$ 2.054,56!

R$ 476,70

Real 12 1288Q6M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Application User L28807 Permanente sem Manutenção

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Solufion Advisor - Application User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Adapter for MQ Series - Application User

Real 12 Application


L28807M Manutenção na Vigência

Real 128806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 387,11

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Adapter for MO Series - Application User JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Adapter for MSMQ - Application User

Real 12 Application L28808M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 89,82

Real Application L28809 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 387,11

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Adapter for MSMQ - Application User JD Edwards World Payroll - Employee JD Edwards World Payroll - Employee

Real 12 Application L28809M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 89,82 Real Application L28811 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95 Real 12 Application


L2881 1M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21 Real JD Edwards World Foundation - Application User L28812 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.090,15

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World Foundation - Application User L28812M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 484,96

JD Edwards World Financial Management - Application User JD Edwards World Financial Management - Application User

Real Application



L28813 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 L28813M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

JD Edwards World Distribution Management - Application User Real L28815 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

JD Edwards World Distribufion Management - Application User JD Edwards World Manufacturing Management - Application User JD Edwards World Manufacturing Management - Application User Siebel Connector for Satmetrix Exchange - Application User

Real Application



12 L28815M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real L28817 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 L28817M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application R$ 144,61 128823 Permanente sem Manutenção

12 'Application Siebel Connector for Satmetrix Exchange - LApplication User

lApplication Siebel Advanced Contracts - Application User 12 'Application Siebel Advanced Contracts - Application User


Real Real


Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55 L28823M

R$ 3.505,09 L28830 Permanente sem Manutenção Manutenção na Vigência R$ 813,25 L28830M

Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds - Application User R$ 1.208,04 :Application Permanente sem Manutenção L28837

Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds - Application User R$ 280,29 Real 12 Application L28837M Manutenção na Vigência

Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds for Partners - Registered User Real ;Application L28844 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Siebel Advanced Market Development Funds for Real


12 Appficafion Partners - Registered User L28844M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

ApplicationJD Edwards World Project Management - Application User L28855 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

ASplication JD Edwards World Project Management - j Application User L28855M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 -2 PhOliti,

kttá r2 SC j


Page 58: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Advanced Pricing for TeleSales - Application User L30500 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.54741

Real 12 Application Advanced Pricing for TeleSales - Application User L30500M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

Real Application Advanced Pricing for Order Management Application User L30507 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.54741

Real 1 12 ApplicationAdvanced Pricing for Order Management Application User 130507M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

Real Application Advanced Pricing for Quofing - Application User L31509 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.547,41

Real 12 Application Advanced Pricing for Quoting - Application User 131509M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

R$ 1.172,44) Real Application Sales for Handhelds - Application User 131533 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Sales for Handhelds - Application User 131533M R$ 272,03!

R$ 11.105,W _. Real Application Inventory Management - Application User 131544 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Inventory Management - Application User 131544M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80. Real Applicafion Advanced Pricing for Order Management -

Electronic Order Line L31659 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,291

Real 12 Application Advanced Pricing for Order Management - Electronic Order Line 131659M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,07

Real Application Release Management for Order Management - Application User L31683 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application Release Management for Order Management - Application User 131683M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Release Management for Order Management - Electronic Order Line L31690 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,56

Real 12 Application 131690M Release Management for Order Management - Electronic Order Line Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13

Real Application Mobile Mobile Supply Chain Applicafions for Inventor,/ Management - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169181

Real 1

12 Application Mobile Mobile Supply Chain Applicafions for Inventory Management - Application User

Real Application Warehouse Management for Inventory Management - Application User 131706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.338,36

Real 12 Application Warehouse Management for Inventory Management - Application User 131706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.934,67

Real Application Transportation Operational Planning for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under

, Management L31713 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.260,65

Real 12 Application Transportation Operational Planning for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management

131713M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.308,75

Real Application logistics Inventory Visibility for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management L31720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.492,96

Real 12 Application Logistics Inventory Visibility for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management 131720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.738,51

Real Application Forwarding and Brokerage Operations for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management

L31727 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.984,80

Real 12 Application Forwarding and Brokerage Operafions for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management

131727M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.476,77

Real Application Freight Payment Billing and Claims for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management

L31734 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 17.643,38

Real 12 Application Freight Payment Billing and Claims for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management

131734M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.093,61

Real Application L31741 Transportation Sourcing for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.492,96

Real 12 Application Transportation Sourcing for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management 131741M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.738,51

Real Application Transportation Cooperative Routing for Transportation Management- $M Freight Under Management

L31748 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.118,19

Real 12 Application Transportation Cooperative Routing for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management

L31748M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.579,64

Real L Constraint Based Optimizafion for Advanced Supply L31756 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.051,191 Application Chain Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold

Real t ig,' i -r , .._ 12- r flOritbr — Constraint Based Optimizafion for Advanced Supply 131756M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 243,90 lication Chain Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold


Page 59: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Demantra Advanced Forecasfing and Demand Modeling for Demantra Demand Management - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31764 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Application Demantra Advanced Forecasting and Demand Modeling for Demantra Demand Management - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31764M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80

Real lApplication Demantra Real-time Sales and Operations Planning for Demantra Demand Management - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31771 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Demantra Real-time Sales and Operations Planning for Demantra Demand Management - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31771M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Application Demantra Deduction and Settlement Management for Demantra Predicfive Trade Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31778 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Apphcation Demantra Deduction and Settlement Management for Demantra Predicfive Trade Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31778M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80

Real Application Demantra Trade Promotion Optimization for Demantra Predictive Trade Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31785 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Application Demantra Trade Promofion Optimization for Demantra Predictive Trade Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold

L31785M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80

Real Application Sourcing for Purchasing - Application User L31792 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.224,14; R$ 5.156,44 Real 12 Apphcafion Sourcing for Purchasing - Application User L31792M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Sourcing Optimization for Purchasing - Apphcafion User L31799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Applicafion Sourcing Optimization for Purchasing - Apphcation User L31799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

iReal Apphcafion iSuppher Portal for Purchasing - Application User L31806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.224,14

:Real 12 Apphcafion iSupptier Portal for Purchasing - Application User L31806M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.156,441 I

Real Application Procurement Contracts for Purchasing - Application User L31813 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.664,49

Real 12 Application Procurement Contracts for Purchasing - Application User L31813M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49

Real Application Services Procurement for Purchasing - Application User L31820 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application Services Procurement for Purchasing - Application User L31820M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Advanced Pricing for Purchasing - Application User L31827 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.547,41

Real 12 Application Advanced Pricing for Purchasing - Apphcafion User L31827M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

Real Application Mobile Supply Chain Applications for Discrete Manufacturing - Application User L31834 Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.169,18

Real 12 Application Mobile Supply Chain Applications for Discrete Manufacturing - Application User L31834M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real Application , Flow Manufacturing for Discrete Manufacturing - Application User 1 31841 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real 12 Application Flow Manufacturing for Discrete Manufacturing Application User 31841M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

Real Application Flow Sequencing for Discrete Manufacturing Application User L31848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real Flow Sequencing for Discrete Manufacturing - 12

Application L31848M Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Mobile Supply Chain Applications for Process Application Manufacturing - Application User 31869 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18, I

Real 12 Mobile Supply Chain Applications for Process Application Manufacturing -Application User 31869M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real Spares Management for Field Service - Field Application , Technician 31900 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.767,59

Real 12 Application Spares Management for Field Service -Field Technician L31900M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 642,14

Real Application 31907 Advanced Scheduler for Field Service -Field Technician Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 Application Advanced Scheduler for Field Service -Field Technician L31907M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real ----- Application co, Mobile Field Service for Field Service - Field Technician L31914 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.767,59

Real 2, C) 12 Ktkpi lication — r • C' ."'

Mobile Field Service for Field Service - Field Technician L31914M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 642,14

1 i II; O 1

GSC 46/187

Page 60: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real :Application Project Billing for Project Costing - Application User L31923 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.44738

Real 12 Application L31923M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96 Real Application L31953 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 447,17 Real 12 Application 131953M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 103,75 Real Application Self-Service Human Resources - Employee L31958 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96,78 Real 12 Application Self-Service Human Resources - Employee 131958M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22,45 Real Application iRecruitrnent - Employee L31969 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181,32 Real 12 Application iRecruitment - Employee L31969M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42,07 Real Application Workforce Scheduling - Employee L31984 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95 Real 12 Application Workforce Scheduling - Employee 131984M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21 Real Application Distributed Study Conduct for Clinicai - ApplicationL32049

User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.459,61

Real 12 Application L32049M Distributed Study Conduct for Clinicai - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.962,80

Real Application Healthcare Intelligence for Healthcare Transaction Base - Application User L32063 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.876,80

Real 12 Application Healthcare Intelhgence for Healthcare Transacfion Base - Application User L32063M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Absence Management - Employee L32401 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 125,70

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise - se Absence Management Employee 132401M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 29,16

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Time and Labor - Employee L32402 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 265,86

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Time and Labor - Employee 132402M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61,68'

'Real 1 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Stock Administrafion - Employee 132403 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 140,16

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Stock Administration - Employee 132403M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32,52

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Pension Administrafion - Employee L32404 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 205,791

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise Pension Administration - Application Employee 132404M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 47,75

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Directory Interface - Employee 132405 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Directory Interface - Employee L32405M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71

Real 'Application PeopleSoft Enterprise ePerforrnance - Employee L32406 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253,62

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise ePerformance - Employee 132406M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58,85

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Portal Pack - Employee L32407 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Portal Pack - Employee 132407M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71 Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk - Employee L32412 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk - Employee 132412M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk for Employee Self Service - Employee L32414 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk for Employee Self Service - Employee 132414M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk for Human Resources - Employee L32415 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk for Human Resources - Employee 132415M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne eRecruit - Employee L32419 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne eRecruit - Employee 132419M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor - Employee L32420 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 265,86

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor - Employee 132420M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61,68

Real Application JD Edwards World Human Resources Management - Employee 132421 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 302,57

I Real ' 12 Application JD Edwards World Human Resources Management

- Employee L32421M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70,20

Real Application Siebel Agent Portal - Registered User 132467 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04 Real 2-- Application Sebe' Agent Portal - Registered User 132467M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

1 /4" il lication Siebel Anywhere - Application User 132474 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real( Real :Cr- 12 pplication Siebel Anywhere - Application User L32474M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

a, uri' Gsc


Page 61: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

n Real ; Application -1--

,JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management - Application User

I 'Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 L34623

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management - Application User

i L34623M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract and Service Billing - Application User L34624 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract and Service Billing - Application User 134624M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Flow Manufacturing - Application User L34625 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real i

12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Flow Manufacturing - Application User 134625M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

;Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management - Application User L34627 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 134627M

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Application Management - Application User L34628 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order 12 Application Management-Application User L34628M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Supplier Self Servi Service - Application User L34629 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.224,14

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Supplier Self Service - Application User 134629M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.156,44

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Technology Foundation Application User 134630 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.269,22

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Technology Foundation Application User 134630M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 294,48

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Technology Foundation Upgrade - Application User L34631 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 1

12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Technology Foundation Upgrade - Application User 134631M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

'Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Payable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34632 Permanente sem Manutenção I R$ 84.593,891

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Payable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134632M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Payable (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) L34633 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 - UPK Module

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Payable (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134633M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Receivable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34634 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Receivable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134634M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real 1 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Receivable (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34635 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Accounts Receivable (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134635M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Fundamentais for EnterpriseOne (over 4K employees andfor over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34636 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Fundamentais for EnterpriseOne (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134636M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627.46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Fundamentais for EnterpriseOne (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34637 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 N.--

Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Fundamentais for EnterpriseOne (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134637M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

'Re '-ç ! - . , i-.;oi jf: ,iFi . Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK General Ledger (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34638 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

o • GSC 48/187

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Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK General Ledger (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34638M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK General Ledger (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34639 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK General Ledger (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34639M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Inventory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34640 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Inventory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34640M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Inventory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134641 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Inventory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34641M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Manufacturing - PDM (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34642 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Manufacturing - PDM (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34642M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

,Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Manufacturing - PDM (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34643 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

[Real 12 Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Manufacturing - PDM (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34643M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Procurement and Subcontract Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34644 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Procurement and Subcontract Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34644M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Procurement and Subcontract Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34645 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Procurement and Subcontract Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34645M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World Multi-Site Consolidations Application User L34646 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.256,98

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World Multi-Site Consolidations Application User L34646M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 291,65

Real Application JD Edwards World Quality Management - Application User L34647 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 760,86

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World Quality Management - Application User L34647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 176,54

Real Application Technology Foundation for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Application User L34648 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.269,22

Real 12 Application Technology Foundation for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Application User L34648M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 294,4A

Real Application Technology Foundation for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Upgrade - Application User L34649 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27,I

Real 12 Application Technology Foundation for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Upgrade - Application User L34649M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Planning Agent - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34650 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 2 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Planning Agent - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34650M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real 0 . Spplication PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts - Application User L34652 Permanente sem Manutenção ,

R$ 16.664,49

Real e (i. 7472: u J. -t5' Ap Cation PeopleSoft Enterprise Contracts - Application User L34652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49


Page 63: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

i Real ,Application PeopleSoft Enterprise CTI Integration -Application

User L34653 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.547A1

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise CTI Integration - Application User L34653M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eSupplier Connection - Application User L34654 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.224,14

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eSupplier Connection - Application User L34654M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.156,44

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise lnventory - Application User L34657 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Inventory - Application User L34657M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Peoplesoft Enterprise Enterprise Leaming Management - Employee L34659 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253,62

Real 12 Application Peoplesoft Enterprise Enterpnse Leaming Management- Employee L34659M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58,85

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Order Promising - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34660 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.135,84

'Real 12 Application I

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Order Promising - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34660M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.191,9

R$ 1.038,96 Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne PDP Collaborative Web Client - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34661 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 lApplication JD Edwards EnterpriseOne PDP Collaborative Web Client - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34661M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 241,06

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Production Scheduling - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34662 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.924,43

Real 12 'Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Production Scheduling - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34662M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 678,53

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Production Scheduling - Process - $M Cost of Goods Sold L34663 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.924,43

, Real 12 Appli cation JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Production Scheduling - Process - $M Cost of Goods Sold Manutenção na Vigência R$ 678,53 '

R$ 6.996,8-4-1

R$ 1.623,40

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterpnse Program Management - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Program Management - Application User L34664M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Real Estale Management - Application User 134666 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Real Estale Management Application User

' L34666M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application L34667 PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Management- Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Management - Application User L34667M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Strategic Sourcing - Application User L34669 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.224,14

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Strategic Sourcing - Application User L34669M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.156,44

Real Application i PeopleSoft Enterprise Supplier Contract Management - Application User L34670 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.664,49

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Supplier Contract Management - Application User L34670M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.866,49

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Asset Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34672 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Asset Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in L34672M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Asset Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34673 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Asset Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34673M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Benefits Administration (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in L34674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 k Ai

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Benefits Administration Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in

revenue) - UPK Module L34674M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real 1-, , 2

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Benefits Administration Appli Oen (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue)

- UPK Module L34675 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95


Page 64: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

'Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Benefits Administration (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34675M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Billing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 I L34676

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Billing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34676M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real I I

Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Billing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34677 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Billing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34677M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Contracts (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34678 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Contracts (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34678M Manutenção na Vigência I

R$ 39.254,91

Real PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Contracts (up to 41<

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module I

Permanente sem Manutenção I

R$ 84.593,89' L34679

Real I i 12 'Application i

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Contracts (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34679M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eBenefits (over 4K


employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 'Module

L34680 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eBenefits (over 4K


employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34680M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,731


1 Application

-PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eBenefits (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34681 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eBenefits (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34681M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePay (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34682 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePay (over 41< employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34682M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePay (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34683 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePay (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34683M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePerformance (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34684 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePerformance (over 4K iemployees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34684M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePerformance (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34685 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK ePerformance (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34685M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProcurement (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34686 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProcurement (over 41< employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34686M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real _.... e _

Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProcurement (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134687 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real f ,- 12Application 7 ReiGEIL ya

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProcurement (up to 41< employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34687M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

/ 51/187

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Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34688 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 lApplication PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34688M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34689 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34689M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Campus Solutions (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34690 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33.

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Campus Solutions (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34690M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Campus Solutions (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34691 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Campus Solutions (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34691M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application 34692

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Financiais and Supply Chain Management Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12



PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Financiais and Supply Chain Management Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

34692M Manutenção na Vigência R$9.869,73

Real Application

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Financiais and Supply Chain Management Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

34693 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for Financiais and Supply Chain Management Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34693M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for HCM Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34694 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for HCM Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34694M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for HCM Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34695 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Fundamentais for HCM Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34695M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application ___UPK _4.

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK General Ledger (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) -

Module L34696 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK General Ledger (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34696M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK General Ledger (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34697 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK General Ledger (up to

Application 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module --i

L34697M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Grants (over 4K


:employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 'Module

L34698 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Grants (over 4K


employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34698M Manutenção na Vigência RS 19.627,46

Real Arip5ica • n PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Grants (up to 4K

i employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 'Module

L34699 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95



Page 66: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Grants (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34699M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,731 i

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91.

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Human Resources (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34701 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Human Resources (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134701M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Inventory (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

134702 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Inventory (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34702M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Inventory (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34703 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Inventory (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34703M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627.46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Enterprise Learning Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34704 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89


Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Enterprise Learning Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34704M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,461

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Enterprise Learning Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34705 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real i PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Enterprise Leaming

12 Application Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34705M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Order Management (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Order Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34707 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34707M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payables (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34708 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payables (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34708M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payables (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34709 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payables (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34709M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payroll for North America (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion L34710 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79 n revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payroll for North America (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 billion n revenue) - UPK Module

134710M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real : •

10,1 É r _ -

,., / • Application


PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payroll for North America (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34711 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 I

-h • .)

''t73 ' GSC




Page 67: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

, Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Payroll for North America (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34711M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Planning and Budgeting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34712 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Planning and Budgeting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34712M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Planning and Budgeting (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34713 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Planning and Budgeting (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34713M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Project Costing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34714 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Project Costing (over 4K employees andlor over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34714M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Project Costing (up to 4K employees and up to Si billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34715 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Project Costing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34715M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Purchasing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34716 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Purchasing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34716M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Purchasing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L34717 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 Module

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Purchasing (up to 4K

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34717M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real i • PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Receivables (over 4K Application employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK

Module L34718 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 , I'Application

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Receivables (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L34718M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91 Module

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Receivables (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34719 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Receivables (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L34719M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 Module

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Campus Solutions (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Campus Solutions (over 4K employees andtor over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Campus Solutions (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34721 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Campus Solutions (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34721M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73


PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Financials/ESA and Supply Chain Management Application Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34722 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 1\1: ;I. PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Financials/ESA and Supply Chain Management plication Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34722M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

I 54/187

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Real Application

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Financials/ESA and Supply Chain Management Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34723 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42296,95

Real 12 Application

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for Financials/ESA and Supply Chain Management Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34723M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for HCM Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34724 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89


Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for HCM Software Modules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34724M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for HCM Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34725 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for HCM Software Modules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34725M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Time 8, Labor (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK I L34726 Module

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Time 8, Labor (over 4K , employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK .L34726M Module

Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Time & Labor (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L34727 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 Module

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Time & Labor (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L34727M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Siebel Contact Profiles for Clinicai Trial Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Management System - Application User

Real 12 Application Sebe' Contact Profiles for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Siebel Contracts for Clinicai Trial Management L34820 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 System - Application User

Real 12 Application Siebel Contracts for Clinicai Trial Management L34820M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 System - Application User

Real Application Siebel Partner Portal for Clinicai Trial Management System - Registered User L34827 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.256,98

Real 12 Application Siebel Partner Portal for Clinicai Trial Management System - Registered User L34827M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 291,65

Real Application Siebel Profiles for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L34834 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Profiles for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L34834M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel CME Contracts - Application User L34841 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92 Real 12 Application Siebel CME Contracts - Application User L34841M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56 Real Application Siebel CME eCustomer - Processor L34848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422.969,47 Real 12 Application Siebel CME eCustomer Processor L34848M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98.137,28

Real Application Siebel CME Partner Commerce - Registered User L34855 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel CME Partner Commerce - Registered User L34855M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel CME Partner Portal - Registered User L34862 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.269,22 Real 12 Application Siebel CME Partner Portal - Registered User L34862M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 294,48

Real Application Siebel CME Quote and Order Capture - Application User L34869 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Siebel CME Quote and Order Capture - Application User L34869M 1 Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Siebel CME Quote and Order Capture for Customers - Processor L34876 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74

Real 04-:‘ . plicaon b Siebel CME Quote and Order Capture for Customers - Processor L34876M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.431,38

Real HOD Ap lication _, Siebel CME Quote and Order Capture for Partners - Registered User L34883 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

LirÇ 1.3SC 55/187

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Real 12 Application Siebel CME Quote and Order Capture for Partners - Registered User L34883M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Collections - Application User L34897 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Collecfions - Application User L34897M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Siebel Commercial Banking Loan Approval -

Application User 34904 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Commercial Banking Loan Approval - Application User 34904M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Communications BiIling Analytics Manager Telephone Number L34911 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications Billing Analytics Manager Telephone Number L34911M Manutenção na Vigência R$6,71

Real Application Siebel Communications Billing Manager for Business - Telephone Number L34918 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications Billing Manager for Business Business - Telephone Number Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71

Real Application Siebel Communications Billing Manager for Consumer - Telephone Number L34925 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications Billing Manager for Consumer- Telephone Number L34925M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Base Opfion - Application User L34953 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Applicafion Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Base Option - Application User L34953M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Configurator Administration Server - Computer L34967 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 l

Real 12 Application Siebel Configurator Administration Server Computer Computer Manutenção na Vigência I R$ 64.490,21.

Real Application Siebel Configurator Runtime - Application User L34974 Permanente sem Manutenção I

R$ 5.317,15'

Real 12 Application Siebel Configurator Runtime - Application User L34974M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.233,68

Real Application 'Sebe' Configurator Runtime for Customers - Processor L34981 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Siebel Configurator Runtime for Customers - Application Processor L34981M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real , Siebel Configurator Runtime for Partners - Applicafion Registered User L34988 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Configurator Runtime for Partners - Registered User L34988M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Siebel Consumer Goods Customer Order Management Administration Server - Customer L34995 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 333.541,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Customer Order Management Administration Server - Customer L34995M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 77.388,15

I FReal Application Siebel Consumer Goods Dynamic Catalog - Application User L35002 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,651

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Dynamic Catalog - Application User L35002M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Consumer Goods Quote and Order Capture - R$ 2.102,39, Application User

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Quote and Order Capture - Application User

1_35009m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80' I

Real Application Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld - Application User L35016 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld - Application User L35016M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application liction Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld DSS - Appa User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.262,60

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld DSS - Application User L35023M R$ 756,99

Real Application Siebel Content Publishing Application User L35037 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application Siebel Content Publishing - Application User L35037M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Siebel Content Publishing for Customers - Processor 35044 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Siebel Content Pubhshing for Customers - Processor 35044M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application L35051 Siebel Content Publishing for Partners - Registered User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real i

Application Siebel Content Publishing for Partners - Registered User L35051M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real O -- .—r F-I.0 PE";

\ Siebel Contract Terms and Conditions - Application

.6p canon , User I L35058 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26


CiSC ,/ 56/187

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Real 12 Application Siebel Contract Terms and Conditions -Application User L35058M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83

Real Application Siebel Contracts - Application User L35065 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92 Real 12 Application Siebel Contracts - Application User L35065M Manutenção na Vigência 1 R$ 392,56 Real Application Siebel Corporate and Commercial Banking -

Application User L35072 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Corporate and Commercial Banking - Application User L35072M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,271

Real Application Siebel Credit Management - Application User L35079 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 Application Siebel Credit Management - Application User L35079M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Siebel Credit Management for Partners -Registered

User L35086 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Siebel Credit Management for Partners -Registered User L35086M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Siebel Credit Origination - Application User L35093 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49 Real 12 Application Siebel Credit Onginafion - Application User L35093M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82 Real Application Siebel Credit Originafion for Partners -Registered

User L35100 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49

Real 12 Application -H

Siebel Credit Origination for Partners - Registered User L35100M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application Siebel CRM Base - Application User L35107 Permanente sem Manutenção -,

R$ 9 063 63 Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Base - Application User L35107M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.102,94 Real Application Siebel CRM Web Channel for Customers - up to 15

Objects - Processor L35114 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 166.770,60

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Web Channel for Customers -up to 15 Objects - Processor L351 14M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 38.694,08

Real Application Siebel CRM Web Channel for Employees - up to 15 Objects - Application User L35121 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Web Channel for Employees - up to 15 Objects - Application User L35121M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Siebel CTI - Application User L35128 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel CTI -Application User L35128M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Customer Content - Application User L35149 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41 Real 12 Application Siebel Customer Content - Application User L35149M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Siebel Customer Order Management Administration

Server - Customer L35163 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 555.902,73

Real 12 Application Siebel Customer Order Management Administration Server - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 128.980,43

Real Siebel Customer Order Management Administrator - Application Permanente Application User sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 ApplicationSiebel Customer Order Management Administrator - Application User L35170M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252.49

Real Application L35177 Siebel Customer Order Management Administrator for Partners - Registered User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779.83

Real 12 Application Siebel Customer Order Management Administrator for Partners - Registered User

L35.177m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Customer Relationship Console - HTML - Application User L35184 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.054,56

Real 12 Application L35184M Siebel Customer Relationship Console - HTML - Applicafion User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 476,70

Real Application Siebel Data Quality - Application User L35191 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application Siebel Data Quality - Application User L35191M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Dealer Advanced Markefing -Registered User L35205 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Siebel Dealer Advanced Markefing - Registered User L35205M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Siebel Dealer Portal - Registered User L35212 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04 Real 12 Application Siebel Dealer Portal - Registered User L35212M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29 Real Application Siebel Deductions - Application User L35219 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Deductions - Application User L35219M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Deductions for Partners - Registered User L35226 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Deductions for Partners - Registered User L35226M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Delegated Business Bules for Partners - Registered User L35233 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Delegated Business Rules for Partners - Registered User L35233M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Design Opportunity Management - Apphcation User L35240 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real • /0 v 2 Applicafion Siebel Design Opportunity Management - Application User L35240M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 i

i i -• Real ..` . RoDEs ---.

- ..

pplicafion •

Siebel Design Opportunity Management - Registered User L35246 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39


Page 71: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 'Application Siebel Design Opportunity Management - Registered User 135246M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01'

Real 'Siebel Design Opportunity Management for •Application 'Partners - Registered User L35253 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Design Opportunity Management for Partners - Registered User 135253M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Details - Application User L35260 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 Application Siebel Details - Application User L35260M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,081 Real Application Siebel Details -Server capacity for an additional 10

concurrent users - Computer L35272 Permanente sem Manutenção enç R$ 66.466,63

Real 12 Application Siebel Details - Server capacity for an additional 10 concurrent users - Computer L35272M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 15.421,57

Real Application Siebel Details -Server capacity for an additional 100 concurrent users - Computer L35279 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 217.527,161

Real 12 Application Siebel Details -Server capacity for an additional 100 concurrent users - Computer L35279M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 50.470,60

Real Application Siebel Details -Server capacity for an additional L35286 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 305.746,28 200 concurrent users - Computer

Real 12 Application Siebel Details - Server capacity for an additional 200 concurrent users - Computer 135286M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.939,18

Real Application Siebel Details - Server capacity for an additional 50 concurrent users - Computer

L35293 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 132.933,26

Real 12 Application Siebel Details -Server capacity for an additional 50 concurrent users - Computer 135293M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 30.843,15

Real Application Siebel Distribution CRM Base Option Application User L35322 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Distribution CRM Base Option - Application 135322M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28 User

Real Application Siebel Document Tracking for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L35329 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

'Real 12 Application Siebel Document Tracking for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L35329M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

!Real Application Siebel Dynamic Catalog - Application User L35336 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19 Real 12 Application Siebel Dynamic Catalog - Application User 135336M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84 Real Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer - Application User L35343 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.383,84 Real 12 Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer - Application User 135343M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 785,12 Real Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer for Customers - Processor L35350 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer for Customers - Processor 135350M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Real ApplicationUser Siebel Dynamic Pricer for Partners -Registered L35357 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,411

Real 12 Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer for Partners -Registered User 135357M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel eBilling Manager for Consumer - Customer Account L35364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18,91

Real 12 Siebel eBilling Manager for Consumer - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4,39 Application 135364M Account

Real Application Siebel eCustomer - Processor L35371 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05 Real 12 Application Siebel eCustomer - Processor L35371M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.735,32 Real Application Siebel Email Marketing Server - Computer L35385 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 Application Siebel Email Marketing Server - Computer 135385M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application Siebel Email Response - Application User L35399 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31 Real 12 Application Siebel Email Response - Application User L35399M Manutenção na Vigéncia R$ 448,57 Real Application Siebel Email/Web Offer Designer - Application User L35406 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12.Application Siebel Email/Web Offer Designer - Application User 135406M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Employee Self-Service - Application User L35413 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Employee Self-Service - Application User 135413M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Enrollment Portal - Processor L35420 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79 Real 12 Application Siebel Enrollment Portal - Processor 135420M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Siebel Enterprise Selling Process - Application User L35427 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Enterprise Selling Process - Application User L35427M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel ePayment Manager - Customer Account L35434 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46

Real ri- 1205 Application .Siebel ePayment Manager - Customer Account lk i

L35434M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36

Real cr . ,T.; um bplicafion Siebel eStatement Manager - Customer Account L35441 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46

13St ,̀ ,/ 58/187

Page 72: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Siebel eStatement Manager - Customer Account L35441M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,361 Real Application Siebel Events - Processor 135448 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05 Real 12 Application Siebel Events - Processor 135448M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53 Real Application Siebel Events Manager - Application User L35455 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41 Real 12 Application Siebel Events Manager - Application User 135455M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Siebel Expense Reports for Handheld Stand Alone

Application User L35462 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09

Real 12 Application Siebel Expense Reports for Handheld Stand Alone Application User 135462M Manutenção na Vigência R$64,52

Real Application Siebel Field Service - Application User L35469 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Field Service - Application User 135469M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Field Service Assets - Application User L35476 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 2 Application Siebel Field Service Asseis - Application User 135476M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Siebel Insurance Field Service - Application User L35483 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

I Real 12 Application Siebel Insurance Field Service - Application User 135483M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Siebel Field Service for Partners - Registered User L35490 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Field Service for Partners - Registered User 135490M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Siebel Finance Events - Processor L35497 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74 Real 12 Application Siebel Finance Events - Processor L35497M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38 Real Application Siebel Finance Events Manager - Application User L35504 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 , Application Siebel Finance Events Manager - Application User L35504M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Finance Partner Portal - Registered User L35511 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Siebel Finance Partner Portal - Registered User 135511M . Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29 rReal Application Siebel Financial Accounts - Application User L35518 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Accounts - Application User 135518M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Siebel Financial Accounts for Partners - Registered Application

User L35525 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Siebel Financial Accounts for Partners - Registered Application User 135525M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Siebel Financial Services CRM Base Option - Application Application User L35532 Permanente sem Manutenção In 966,65

Real 12 Siebel Financial Services CRM Base Option - Application Application User 135532M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Financial Services eCustomer - Processor L35546 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services eCustomer - Processor 135546M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.735,32

Real Siebel Financial Transachons Workbench - Application Application User L35553 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,371

Real 12 Siebel Financial Transactions Workbench Application Application User 135553M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Real Application Siebel Forecasting - Application User 135560 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Forecasfin - Application User 135560M Manutencão na Vhiéncia R 188,26

Real Application Siebel Forecasting for Partners - Registered User L35567 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real i 12 Application Siebel Forecasting for Partners - Registered User 135567M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Fraud Management- Application User 135574 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application Siebel Fraud Management - Application User L35574M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Fraud Management for Partners -Registered User 35581 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Siebel Fraud Management for Partners -Registered User 35581M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Siebel Group Coverage - Application User L35588 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Group Coverage - Application User 135588M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel Group Inventory and Execution - Application

User L35595 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.151,53

Real 12 Application Siebel Group Inventory and Execution - Application User 135595M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.355,36

Real Application Siebel Group Penstons - Application User L35602 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real I32 pplication Siebel Group Pensions - Application User L35602M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real . r. O • Application Siebel Group Policies - Application User L35609 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real i. O 12 Á A . ication Siebel Group Policies - Application User 135609M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real , .Boof Ey A ‘.. i ppii non

1 1 na / Siebel Group Sales and Event Management - Guest Room L35616 Permanente sem Manutenção R$483,88


Page 73: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Siebel Group Sales and Event Management - Guest Room 135616M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Handheld - Application User L35623 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Handheld - Application User 135623M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Handheld Stand Alone - Application User L35629 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Handheld Stand Alone - Application User 135629M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Healthcare Providers and Facilities - Application User L35651 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Healthcare Providers and Facilities - 135651M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Application User

Real Application Siebel HelpDesk Option - Application User L35658 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04 Real 12 Application Siebel HelpDesk Option - Application User 135658M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29 [Real Application Siebel HelpDesk Online Application User L35665 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61 I Real 12 Application Siebel HelpDesk Online - Application User L35665M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55 Real Application Siebel Individual and Group Coverage for Partners -

Registered User L35721 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Individual and Group Coverage for Partners - Registered User 135721M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36,

, Real Application Siebel Individual Coverage - Application User L35728 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 434,94' Real 12 Application Siebel Individual Coverage Application User L35728M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 100,91 Real 'Application Siebel Individual Life and Annuities - Application

User L35735 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Individual Life and Annuities -Application User 135735M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Instrtutional Sales and Research -Application User 135742 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Institutional Sales and Research -Application User L35742M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

'Real Application Siebel Internet Banking Services - Processor L35749 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.027,22 Real 12 Application Siebel Internet Banking Services - Processor L35749M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.878,73 Real Application Siebel Inventory and Order Management -

Application User L35756 R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Inventory and Order Management - Application User 135756M R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Investment Banking - Application User L35763 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Investment Banking - Application User L35763M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Investment Management - Application User L35770 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Investment Management - Application User L35770M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Lease End-of-Term Processing - Application L35777 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 User

Real 12 Application Siebel Lease End-of-Term Processing - Application 135777M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 User

Real Application Siebel Life and Pensions for Partners -Registered User L35784 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Life and Pensions for Partners - Registered User 35784M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Base Option -Application User 35798 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Base Option -Application User L35798M Manutenção na Vigência R$224,28

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences Field Service for Partners - Registered User L35805 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences Field Service for Partners - Registered User 135805M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Logistics Manager - Application User L35812 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Logistics Manager - Application User 135812M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Logistics Manager for Partners -Registered User L35819 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Logistics Manager for Partners - Registered User 135819M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Loyalty Customer Portal - Processor L35826 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91 Real 12 Application Siebel Loyalty Customer Portal - Processor 135826M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97 Real Application Siebel Loyalty Manager - Application User L35924 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83 Real 12 Application Siebel Loyalty Manager - Application User L35924M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97 Real i

Met. ,.._---", Application Siebel Loyalty Member Services Representative -

Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 r. 1-01.. Real o 12 NSiebel Application Loyalty Member Services Representative -

Application User L35931M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real 1":".01:1-: Ft lif

. yfication Siebel Loyalty Partner Portal - Registered User L35938 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,191 i


Page 74: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application .Siebel Loyalty Partner Portal - Registered User L35938M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05 Real Application IGiebel Managed Gare - Application User L35945 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2/79,83 Real 12 Application Siebel Managed Gare - Application User L35945M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97 Real Application Siebel Managed Gare Profile - Application User L35952 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Managed Gare Profile - Application User L35952M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Base Option - Application User 135966 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Base Option - Application User L35966M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application L35973 Siebel Marketing Resource Manager - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Resource Manager - Application User L35973M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real Application Siebel Marketing Resource Manager for Partners - Registered User L35980 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

i Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Resource Manager for Partners - Registered User L35980M Manutenção na Vigência

I R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server -Unlimited Record - Computer 135987 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389.756,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server - Unlimited Record - Computer L35987M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322.451,07

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 1,000,000 Records - Computer

135994 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 555.902,73

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 1,000,000 Record s - Computer L35994M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 128.980,43

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 10,000,000 Records - Computer

L3600.1 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.184.314,52

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 10,000,000 Records - Computer L36001M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 274.784,39

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 3,000,000 Record s - Computer L36008 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 764.970,28.

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 3,000,000 Records - Computer L36008M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 177.488,23

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 5,000,000 Record s - Computer L36015 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 972.829,78

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server -up to 5,000,000 Records - Computer L36015M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 225.715,75

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server - up to 500,000 Record s - Computer L36022 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05

Real 12 Application -Siebel Marketing Server - iro to 500,000 Records - - • Computer L36022M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.735,32 Real Application Sebe' MedEd for Customers - Processor L36029 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86 Real 12 Application Siebel MedEd for Customers - Processor L36029M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70 Real Application Siebel Medical Education - Application User L36036 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Education - Application User L36036M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Medical Education for Handheld Stand Alone •

Application User L36043 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09

Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Education for Handheld Stand Alone Application User L36043M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52

Real Application Siebel Medical Field Service - Application User L36050 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Field Service - Application User 136050M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Medical Handheld - Application User L36057 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92 Real 12 Application Sebe! Medical Handheld -Application User L36057M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56 Real —

Application Siebel Medical Handheld Stand Alone - Applicafion User L36064 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.262,60

Real 12 Siebel Medical Handheld Stand Alone -Application 'Application User L36064M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 756,99

Real Application Siebel Medical Inventory Management - Application User 136071 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Inventory Management - Application User L36071M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Mobile Connector - Application User L36078 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 jApplication 'Sebe; Mobile Connector - Application User L36078M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel Needs Analysis/Applications - Non Credit -

Application User L36085 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Needs Analysis/Applications - Non Credit - Application User L36085M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real 4r-----. Application Siebel Network Order Entry - Application User L36092 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26 Real • 2 .'1 APplication Siebel Network arder Entry - Application User L36092M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83 Real .\

p, p: - .Pplication i

Siebel OGC Partner Commerce - Registered User L36099 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 j


Page 75: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

c ;Real 12

i Application Siebel OGC Partner Commerce - Registered User L36099M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real J

Application Siebel OGC Quote and Order Capture for Partners - Registered User L36106 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application Siebel OGC Quote and Order Capture for Partners - Registered User R$ 129,05

Real Application Siebel OGC Contracta - Application User L361 13 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92 Real 12 Application Siebel OGC Contracta - Application User L361 13M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56 Real Application Siebel OGC eCustomer - Processor L36120 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05 Real 12 Application Siebel OGC eCustomer - Processor L36120M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.73532 Real Application Siebel OGC Partner Portal - Registered User L36127 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04 Real 12 Application Siebel OGC Partner Portal - Registered User L36127M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29 Real Application Siebel OGC Quote and Order Capture - ApplicationL36134

User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

i Real 12 Application Siebel OGC Quote and Order Capture - Application User L36134M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel OGC Quote and Order Capture for Customers - Processor . L36140 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74

Real 12 Application Sebe' OGC Quote and Order Capture for Customers - Processor L36140M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38

Real Application Siebel Opportunities and Contracta -Application User L36147 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Opportunities and Contracts -Application User L36147M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28'

Real Application Siebel Order Validafion Engine - Electronic Order Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,56. Line

Real 12 Application Siebel Order Validation Engine - Electronic Order Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13 Line

Real Application Siebel P&C Claims for Partners - Registered User L36161 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

;Real 12 Application Siebel P&C Claims for Partners - Registered User L36161M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel P&C Policies for Partners - Registered User L36168 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel P&C Policies for Partners - Registered User L36168M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Siebel Partner Commerce - Registered User L36175 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 Real 12 Application Siebel Partner Commerce - Registered User L36175M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28 Real Application Siebel Partner Manager - Application User L36182 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04 Real 12 Application Siebel Partner Manager - Application User L36182M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29 Real Application Siebel Partner Portal - Registered User L36189 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04 Real 12 Application Siebel Partner Portal - Registered User L36189M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29 Real Application Siebel Payments for Clinicai Trial Management

System - Application User L36196 Permanente sem Manutenção R$483,88

Real I

12 Application Siebel Payments for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L36196M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

liteal Application Siebel Personal Lines Claims - Application User L36210 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Personal Lines Claims - Application User L36210M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real Application Siebel Personal Lines Policies - Application User L36217 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Personal Lines Policies - Application User L36217M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Pharma Campaigns - Application User L36224 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Pharma Campaigns - Application User L36224M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Pharma eService - Processor L36231 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193.357,47 Real 12 Application Siebel Pharma eService - Processor L36231 M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44.862,76 Real Application Siebel Pharma Handheld - Application User L36238 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92 Real 12 Application Siebel Pharma Handheld - Application User L36238M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Siebel Pharma Handheld Stand Alone - Application User L36245 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.262,60

Real 12 Application Siebel PharmaHandheld Stand Alone - Application User L36245M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 756,99

Real Application Siebel Pharma Marketing Server - Additional Brand - Customer Record L36252 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,78

Real 12 Application Siebel Pharma Marketing Server - Additional Brand - Customer Record L36252M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,65

J Real Application Siebel Pharma Marketing Server - First Brand -

Customer Record L36259 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,78

Real f

ç; 12 4. i

Ap ication . Siebel Pharma Marketing Server - First Brand - Customer Record L36259M t Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,65

Real ; • :"' ROL; rppication Siebel Pharma Madcefing Server - Unlimited Brands (Unlimited records) - Processor L36266 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 833.854,10


Page 76: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 i


Application 36266M Siebel Phamia Marketing Server - Unlimited Brands (Unlimited records) - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 193.470,64

Real Siebel Premises - Application User L36273 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 'Application Siebel Premises - Application User 136273M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real !Application Siebel Prescription Analysis - Application User L36280 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Prescription Analysis - Application User 136280M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel Preventive Maintenance - Application User L36287 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Prevenfive Maintenance - Application User 136287M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Price Comparison - Application User L36294 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42 Real 12 Application Siebel Price Comparison - Application User 136294M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

LReal Application Siebel Price Comparison for Customers - Processor L36301 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Siebel Price Comparison for Customers - Processor L36301M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management - Application User L36308 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management - Application User 136308M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management for Partners - Registered User L36314 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

'Real 12 Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management for Partners - Registered User 136314M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management for Partners - Registered User L36321 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Pricing Authorization Management for Partners - Registered User 136321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Siebel Pricing Claims Server -Up to 20 Users - Application Computer L36328 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37

Real 12 ApplicationSiebel Pricing Claims Server - Up to 20 Users - 'Computer L36328M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64490,21

Real Application Siebel PRM Wireless - Registered User L36335 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 :Real 12 Application Siebel PRM Wireless - Registered User 136335M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 'Real Application Siebel PRM Wireless Stand Alone - Registered re L36341 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 User

Real 12 ApplicationUser Siebel PRM Wireless Stand Alone -Registered 136341M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Project and Resource Management for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User

L36356 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.401,59

Real 12 _t Application

Siebel Project and Resource Management for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User

136356M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 325,20

Real Application Siebel Project Cost Tracking for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L36363 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 ApplicationSiebel Project Cost Tracking for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User 136363M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real Application Siebel Proposals and Presentations - Application User L36370 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65'

Real 12 Application Siebel Proposals and Presentations - Application User 136370M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Financial Services Proposals and Presentations - Application User L36377 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services Propinais and Presentations - Application User 36377M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Proposals and Presentations for Partners - Registered User 36384 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Proposals and Presentations for Partners - Registered User

36384m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Protocol Builder for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L36391 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Protocol Builder for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User 136391M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Public Sector CRM Base Option - Application User

L36405 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Public Sector CRM Base Option - Application User 136405M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Sebe' Public Sector eService - Processor L36412 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 193.357,47 Real 2 Application Siebel Public Sector eService - Processor 136412M Manutenção na Vigência I R$ 44.862,76 Real

V; 1 e, pplicafion Siebel Public Sector Partner Portal - Registered

ser L36419 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04 i

Real if '' - r A e iXi d slication i.

i.,.. Siebel Public Sector Partner Portal - Registered

I - 1 User 136419M Manutenção na Vigência R$280,291

r4SC n7


Page 77: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

I Real Application Siebel Quality Management - Application User L36426 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,271 'Real 12 Application Siebel Quality Management - Application User L36426M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel Quote and Order Capture - Application User L36433 Permanente sem Manutenção

i R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Quote and Order Capture - Application User L36433M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Financial Services Quote and Order Capture Application User L36440 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services Quote and Order Capture Application User L36440M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

. Real Application Siebel Quotes - Application User 136447 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26 Real 12 Application Siebel Quotes - Application User L36447M Manutenção na Vigência 1 R$ 257,83J Real Application Siebel Financial Services Quotes - Application User L36454 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services Quotes - Application User L36454M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83 Real Application Siebel Remote Client - Application User L36461 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Remote Client - Application User L36461M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

I Real Application Siebel Remote Client for Partners - Registered User L36468 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33!

Real 12 Application Siebel Remote Client for Partners - Registered User L36468M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Repair - Application User 136475 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Repair - Application User L36475M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Retail Finance Foundation Services for

Customers - Processor L36517 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86

Real 12 Application Siebel Retail Finance Foundation Services for Customers - Processor L36517M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70

Real Application Siebel Retail Finance Foundation Services for Employees - Application User 136524 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.658,58

Real 12 Application Siebel Retail Finance Foundation Services for Employees - Application User L36524M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 616,84!

(Real Application Siebel Retirement/Pension Management - Application User L36531 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

1 , Real 12 Application Siebel Retirement/Pension Management - Application User L36531M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Rollup - Application User L36538 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Rollup - Application User L36538M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning - Application User L36545 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning - Application User L36545M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning for Partners - Registered User L36552 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning for Partners - Registered User L36552M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Samples - Application User L36559 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Samples - Application User L36559M . Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel Samples for Customers - Processor L36566 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86 Real 12 Application Siebel Samples for Customers - Processor L36566M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70

Real Application Siebel Samples for Handheld Stand Alone - Application User L36573 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Samples for Handheld Stand Alone - Application User L36573M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Scheduling - Application User L36580 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 Real 12 Application Siebel Scheduling - Application User L36580M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Segment Manager Stand Alone - Application User L36593 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application Siebel Segment Manager Stand Alone - Application User L36593M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real Siebel Self-Service Wireless for Customers - Application Processor L36608 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 41.813,06

Real 12 Application Siebel Seff-Service Wireless for Customers - Processor L36608M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.701,46

Real Application Siebel Service Provider Portal - Registered User L36622 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Service Provider Portal - Registered User L36622M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Showroom for Dealers - Registered User L36629 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real '‘ te Application Siebel Showroom for Dealers - Registered User 136629M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Ap r ication Siebel Signature Capture - Application User L36636 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33. Real r, F. tialrplicabon Siebel Signature Capture - Application User L36636M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,361


Page 78: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real , Application Siebel Signature Capture Stand Alone - Application User L36643 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09!

Real 12 Application Siebel Signature Capture Stand Alone - Application User L36643M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52

Real Application ISiebel Signature Capture Tool - Application User L36650 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application .ISiebel Signature Capture Tool - Application User L36650M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Siebel Small Business Banking - Application User L36664 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Small Business Banking - Application User L36664M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11227 Real Application Siebel SmartScript - Application User L36699 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel SmartScript - Application User L36699M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel SmartScript for Customers - Processor L36706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91 Real 12 Application Siebel SmartScnpt for Customers Processor L36706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97 Real Application Siebel SmartScript for Partners - Registered User L36713 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel SmartScript for Partners - Registered User L36713M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Target Account Selling - Application User L36734 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88'

Real 12 Application Siebel Target Account Selling - Application User L36734M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Tenitory Management - Application User L36741 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Terrttory Management - Application User L36741M Manutenção na Vigência 1

R$ 322,36

Real Application Siebel Test Automation Interfaces -Application User L36748 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Siebel Test Automation Interfaces -Application User L36748M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Siebel Time and Expense Reporting - Application User 36755 R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Time and Expense Reporting - Application User

36755m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Title Management - Application User L36762 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application 36762M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Tools - Application User L36769 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37 Real 12 Application Siebel Tools - Application User L36769M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69 Real Application Siebel Trade Promotions - Application User L36776 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41 Real 12 Application Siebel Trade Promotions - Application User L36776M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Siebel Trade Promotions for Partners -Registered

User L36783 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Trade Promotions for Partners -Registered User L36783M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Trip Reports for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L36811 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Trio Reports for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L36811M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Van Sales/Delivery - Application User L37406 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26 Real 12 Application Siebel Van SalesDelivery - Application User L37406M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,831 Real Application Sebe! Vehicle Contracts - Application User L37413 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application Siebel Vehide Contracts - Application User L37413M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application Siebel Wealth Management - Application User L37420 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel Wealth Management Application User L37420M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Web Ul Dynamic Developer Kit - Application User L37427 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Siebel Web Ul Dynamic Developer Kit -Application User L37427M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Siebel Wireless - Application User L37434 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Wireless - Application User L37434M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Work Orders - Application User L37441 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42270 Real 12 Application Siebel Work Orders - Application User L37441M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Adverse Events and Complaints Management - Application User L37653 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 12 Application Siebel Adverse Events and Complaints L37653M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76 Management - Application User Real Application Siebel Advisor - Application User L37659 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.866,62 Real ..._ Application Siebel Advisor - Application User L37659M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 897,13; Real „e' , 1G-E;XApplication Siebel Advisor Stand Alone - Processor L37661 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68 Real tCO 12 .APplication Siebel Advisor Stand Alone - Processor L37661M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11 Real i c?- -.p onp prlaafi m on Siebel Advisor for Customers - Processor L37669 Permanente Peanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,7±

I. i 65/187

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Real 12 Application Siebel Advisor for Customers - Processar 1137669M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14 Real Application Siebel Anywhere for Partners - Registered User L37674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Anywhere for Partners - Registered User 137674M Manutenção na Vigência RS 112,27 Real Application Siebel Asset Management - Application User L37681 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41 Real 12 Application Siebel Asset Management - Application User L37681M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Siebel Barcode - Application User L37700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application Siebel Barcode - Application User 137700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67 ,36 Real Application Siebel Basic Pricer for Partners - Registered User L37707 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Basic Pdcer for Partners - Registered User 137707M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Billing Management - Application User L37714 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 Application Siebel Billing Management - Application User 137714M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Siebel Branch Teller Services - Application User L37720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Branch Teller Services - Application User 137720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11 Real Application Siebel Business Rules - Application User L37726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 Real 12 Application Siebel Business Rules - Application User L37726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28 Real Application Siebel Cal! Reports - Application User L37733 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33' Real 12 Application Siebel Call Reports - Application User L37733M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel Campaigns for Partners - Registered User L37747 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Campaigns for Partners - Registered User L37747M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Change Management - Application User L37761 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application r Siebel Change Management - Application User L37761M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real Application Siebel Account Prol-ires for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L37772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Account Profiles for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User L37772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Server Sync -Microsoft Exchange Server - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Server Sync -Microsoft Exchange Server - Application User 137836M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Financial Services Proposals and Presentations for Partners - Registered User 137843 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services Proposals and Presentations for Partners - Registered User L37843M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Business Process Analysis Suite -Named User Plus Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 25.377,72

Real 12 Application Business Process Analysis Suíte - Named User Plus Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.888,13,

Real Application Siebel Bulk Order Capture - Application User L38652 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Bulk Order Capture - Application User 138652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Bulk Orders Administration Server

Customer 138659 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37

Real 12 Application Siebel Bulk Orders Administration Server Customer 138659M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant Manager Dashboard - Application User L39181 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.767,59

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant Manager Dashboard - Application User 139181M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 642,14

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Administration -FTE Student Student Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 447,17

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Administration - FTE Student 139207M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 103,75

Real t

Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Gradebook - FTE Student L39213 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Gradebook - FTE Student 139213M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Self Service - FTE Student L39219 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Self Service -FTE Student 139219M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Retail Retums Management -Enterprise $M in Revenue L39318 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.658,58

Real 70 "C

12 I ti Application Retail Retums Management -Enterprise $M in Revenue 139318M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 616,84


Page 80: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application 'Enterprise Asset Management - Application User L39451 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application


¡Enterprise Asset Management - Application User L39451M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Work Requests for Enterprise Asset Management - Application User L39457 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application L39457M Self-Service Work Requests for Enterprise Asset Management-Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator -Provider Edge - Service Access Point L39732 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator -Provider Edge - Service Access Point L39732M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05



Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - ASAP - IPSA Process Integration Pack - Customer L39800 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real i I

12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - ASAP - IPSA Process Integration Pack - Customer L398" Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOS L3 VPN - Customer L40088 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOS L3 VPN - Customer L40088M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOS PWE - Customer L40091 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOS PWE - Customer L40091M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOS MPLS-TE LSP - Customer L40094 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOS MPLS-TE LSP - Customer L40094M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOSE L3 VPN - Customer L40100 Permanente sem Manutenção

I R$ 338.375,58,

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Device Driver for Juniper JUNOSE L3 VPN - Customer L40100M Manutenção na Vigência

i R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco Cisco IOS L3 VPN - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS L3 VPN - Customer 40103M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS QoS - Customer L40106 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for .L40106M Cisco IOS QoS - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for

Application Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Management - Customer

L40118 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Management - Customer

L4011BM Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS Multicast VPN - Customer L40121 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS Multicast VPN - Customer L40121M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS IP Multicast - Customer 140124 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 ' Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS IP Multicast - Customer L40124M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS IPSec - Customer L40130 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS IPSec - Customer 140130M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP 13 VPN - Customer L40133 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 1 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP L3 VPN - Customer L40133M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real 710 ‘ • g. ication Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP PWE - Customer L40136 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79


Page 81: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

IReal 12 !Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP PWE - Customer L40136M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP QoS ARxx - Customer L40139 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP QoS ARxx - Customer L40139M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP QoS NE16 - Customer h

L40142 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP QoS NE16 - Customer


L40142M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Application .Huawei VRP QoS NE40/80 - Customer L40145 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Application !Huawei VRP QoS NE40/80 - Customer L40145M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP MPLS LSP - Customer L40148 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP MPLS 1SP - Customer L40148M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP ARxx IPSec VPN - Customer L40154 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Huawei VRP ARxx IPSec VPN - Customer L40154M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Application Foundry Ironware L3 VPN - Customer L40172 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Foundry Ironware L3 VPN - Customer L40172M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Foundry Ironware VLL - Customer L40175 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Foundry Ironware VLL - Customer L40175M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Achatar Cartridge for Foundry Ironware VPLS - Customer L40178 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Application Foundry Ironware VPLS - Customer L40178M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Application Foundry Ironware QoS - Customer L40181 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Foundry Ironware QoS - Customer L40181M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Foundry Ironware VLAN - Customer L40184 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application i_

Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Foundry Ironware VLAN - Customer L40184M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - L3 MPLS VPN - Customer L40187 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module -L3 MPLS VPN - Customer L40187M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - QoS - Customer L40190 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module- QoS - Customer L40190M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real I . •-. Application Communications IP Service Achatar Module - L2

MPLS Martini VPN - Customer L40196 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74

Real 0 12 ' rication Communications IP Service Activator Module - L2 MPLS Martini VPN - Customer L40196M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,641

Real ( :: t.% . I .

.D Lit"

/11.0lication . ..i

Communications IP Service Activator Module - Metro Ethernet VLAN - Customer ._ nitri

L40199 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74 J

G Q•

Page 82: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Metro Ethemet VLAN - Customer L40199M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - VPLS - Customer L40202 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - VPLS - Customer L40202M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - MPLS-TE LSP - Customer L40205 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - MPLS-TE LSP - Customer L40205M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real Communications IP Service Activator Module - VRF Application Lite - Customer L40208 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module -VRF Lite - Customer L40208M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Interface Configuration Management - Customer L40211 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74


Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Interface Configuration Management - Customer L40211M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - IPSec VPN - Customer L40223 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - IPSec VPN - Customer L40223M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module -VPN Multicast - Customer L40226 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module -VPN Multicast - Customer L40226M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real , Application L40229 Communications IP Service Activator Module -IP Multicast - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,681

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module -IP Multicast - Customer L40229M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Configuration Template Module - Customer L40238 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Configuration Template Module - Customer L40238M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Application , Real Communications IP Service Activator Module - Generic Exporter - Customer L40244 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Generic Exporter - Customer L40244M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Micromuse Netcool Omnibus - Customer L40247 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Micromuse Netcool Omnibus - Customer L40247M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - InfoVista Integration - Customer L40250 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - InfoVista Integration - Customer L40250M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications Objectel -1K in Subscriber Services L40253 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Communications Objecte! -1K in Subscriber Services L40253M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Communications Subscriber and Service Management - Subscriber Management for Wireline - 1K in Subscriber Services

L40261 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.109,11

Real 12 Application Communications Subscriber and Service Management - Subscriber Management for Wireline - 1K in Subscriber Services

L40261M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 953,40

Real Application Communications Subscriber and Service Management - Subscriber Management for Mobile - 1K in Subscriber Services

L40269 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 410,47

Real 12 Application Communications Subscriber and Service Management - Subscriber Management for Mobile - 1K in Subscriber Services

L40269M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 95,24

Real Application Communications Configuration Management - Managed Device L40498 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 410,47

Real 12 Application Communications Configuration Management - Managed Device L40498M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 95,24

Real Apphcafion Communications Configuration Management Cartridge for Cisco IOS - Customer L40506 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 108.763,58

Real Application .?. ,......7_,s,— Communications Configuration Management Cartridge for Cisco IOS - Customer L40506M Manutenção na Vigência '.! R$ 25.235,30

Real . ,,,_. ----a77...\— . p ati Ayon Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Packet CGF Bundle - Customer L40517 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,581

1 r


Page 83: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

i Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Packet CGF Bundle - Customer 140517M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller ;Cartridge - Voice Bundle - Customer 140520 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 12 'Communications Offline Mediation Controller Application 1Cartridge - Voice Bundle - Customer 140520M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - IMS CGF Bundle - Customer L40523 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - IMS CGF Bundle - Customer 140523M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - RADIUS Bundle - Customer L40526 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193.357,47

' Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Cartridge - RADIUS Bundle - Customer 140526M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44.862,76 l

Real Application Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Norte' MSC Collection - Customer L40529 L40529 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel MSC Collection - Customer 140529M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Application Cartridge for Norte' MCS 5200 Collection - Customer

140538 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel MCS 5200 Collection - Customer

140538M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel C$2000 Collection - Customer L40541 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 ApplicationCommunications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel C$2000 Collection - Customer 140541M Manutenção na Vigência RS 51.872,56

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel DMS SMDR Collection - Customer

L40544 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Norte' DMS SMDR Collection - Customer

140544M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel DMS OM Collection - Customer L40547 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel DMS OM Collection - Customer 140547M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Syslog Collection - Customer L40550 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Syslog Collection - Customer 140550M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Microsoft IPTV Collection - Customer 140553 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Microsoft IPTV Collection - Customer 140553M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - SNMP Collection - Customer L40556 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - SNMP Collection - Customer 140556M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Record Filtering - Customer L40559 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Record Filtering - Customer 140559M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Flexible Routing - Customer 140562 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Flexible Routing - Customer 140562M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Session CDR Aggregation - Customer L40565 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real #12- 412 of

Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Session CDR Aggregation - Customer 140565M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56



": Rr•-R4cation L. LA O

Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Session CDR Record Grouping - Customer

L40568 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

GSC 70/187

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Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Session CDR Record Grouping - Customer

L40568M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Partial CDR Completion - Customer L40574 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58


Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Partia! CDR Completion - Customer L40574M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel MSC AMA DIRP Distribution - Customer

L40577 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel MSC AMA DIRP Distribution - Customer

L40577M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56 '

Real lApplication Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Norte' MSC ASCII Distribution - Customer

L40580 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 :Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Application 'Cartridge for Norte' MSC ASCII Distribution - 'Customer i I

L40580M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real !Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Application Cartridge for Norte' MSC ASN.1 Distribution - Customer


L40583 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Application 'Cartridge for Norte' MSC ASN.1 Distribution - Customer !

L40583M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Application !Cartridge for Norte! MSC Database Distribution -


L40586 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,581 -1

Real 12 i (Communications Offline Mediation Controller Application •Cartridge for Norte' MSC Database Distribution -

!Customer L40586M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56 '

Real !Communications Offline Mediation Controller


Cartridge for Nortel C$200 AMA DNS Distribution - !Customer

L40589 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel C$200 AMA DNS Distribution - Customer

L40589M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Near Real Time Xfer Distribution - Customer

L40598 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - Near Real Time Xfer Distribution - Customer

L40598M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Offline Mediation Controller Application Cartridge - XML Distribution - Customer L40601 L40601 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Communications Offline Mediation Controller Application L40601M 'Cartridge - XML Distribution - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application •Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Flexible ASCII Collection - Customer L40604 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

Real 12 Application L40604M Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Flexible ASCII Collection - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real Application

Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - IPDR Collection - Customer L40607 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79

Real 12 Application L40607M Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - IPDR Collection - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real Application L40610 Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - ASN.1 File Collection - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - ASN.1 File Collection - Customer L40610M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Network Acct Record Collection - Customer

L40613 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Network Acct Record Collection - Customer

L40613M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real ‘ ,,,, ' ', / pplication !--,„\\

Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Record Processing EP - Customer L40616 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79


Page 85: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

—I Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Cartridge Kit - Record Processing EP - Customer 140616M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real lApplication Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Record Enhancement Local File EP Customer

L40619 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Record Enhancement Local File EP Customer

140619M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller 'Cartridge Kit - Record Enhancement Remote File EP - Customer

140622 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Record Enhancement Remote File EP - Customer

L40622M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Record Enhancement LDAP EP - Customer

L40625 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79

Real 12 Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Application Cartridge Kit - Record Enhancement LDAP EP - Customer

140625M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Sequencing EP - Customer L40628 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Sequencing EP - Customer 140628M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Programmable Aggregation Processor - Customer

L40631 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Programmable Aggregation Processor - Customer

140631M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - ASCII Delimited Distribution - Customer

L40634 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Communications offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - ASCII Delimited Distribution - Customer

140634M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - XML Distribution - Customer L40640 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.381,79

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - XML Distribution - Customer 140640M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.617,65

Real Application Communications OfflMe Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - JDBC Database Distribution - Customer

L40643 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - JDBC Database Distribution - Customer

140643M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Network Acct Record Distribution - Customer

L40646 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Network Acct Record Distribution Customer

140646M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - AMADNS Distribution - Customer 140649 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58

Real 12 Application Communications OfflMe Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - AMADNS Distribution - Customer 140649M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real !Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Utility - Record Editor - Customer L40652 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Utility - Record Editor - Customer 140652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Siebel Marketing Resource Manager, SPE - Application Application User L41092 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Resource Manager, SPE - Application User 141092M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05.

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 200,000 records - Computer L41094 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37

Real 2 Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 200,000 Application 141094M records - Computer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21

Real Clic:Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 500,000 .L.. .\ _ records - Computer 141095 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05

Real - it p i.i12) . —, .ti. on Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 500,000 li ca p records - Computer I 141095M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.735,32

GSC 72/187

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Real Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 1,000,000 Application

L41096 records - Computer Permanente sem Manutenção i

R$ 555.902,73

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 1,000,000 records - Computer L41096M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 128.980,43

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 3,000,000 records - Computer L41097 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 764.970,28

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 3,000,000 records - Computer L41097M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 177488,23,

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 5,000,000 records - Computer L41098 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 972.829,78

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 5,000,000 records - Computer L41098M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 225.715,75

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 10,000,000 records - Computer L41099 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.184.314,52

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE up to 10,000,000 records - Computer L41099M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 274.784,39

Real Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE unlimited records - Computer L41100 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389.756,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Marketing Server, SPE unlimited records - Computer L41 100M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322.451,07

¡Real 1

Application Siebel Public Sector CRM Base o ption, SPE - Application User L41102 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Public Sector CRM Base option, SPE - Application User L41 102M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Public Sector Partner Portal, SPE - Registered User L41104 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Public Sector Partner Portal, SPE - Registered User L41 104M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224.28

Real Application Customer Hub 628 - Record L42021 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22,25 Real 12 Application Customer Hub 828 - Record L42021M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5,16 Real Application Field Service Hub 132B for Customer Hub 826 -

Record L42035 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79 '

Real 12 Application Field Service Hub 826 for Customer Hub 826 - Record L42035M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application Marketing Hub 826 for Customer Hub 826 - Record L42042 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application Marketing Hub 628 for Customer Hub 626 - Record L42042M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application Sales Hub 828 for Customer Hub 628 - Record L42049 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application Sales Hub 628 for Customer Hub 628 - Record L42049M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application Service Hub 828 for Customer Hub B26 - Record L42056 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application Service Hub 626 for Customer Hub 828 - Record L42056M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application Customer Hub Add-On 828 for Siebel CRM and E-Business Suite - Record L42063 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11,12,

Real Application Customer Hub Add-On 628 for Siebel CRM and E-Business Suite - Record L42063M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,58

Real Application Customer Hub 82C - Record L42070 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,11 Real 12 Application Customer Hub B2C - Record L42070M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,26 Real Application Field Service Hub B2C for Customer Hub 82C -

Record L42084 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,39

Real 1

12 Application Field Service Hub 132C for Customer Hub 820 - Record L42084M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

'Real t

ApplicationRecord Marketing Hub 1320 for Customer Hub 1320 - 42091 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,39

¡Real 12 Application I

Marketing Hub 820 for Customer Hub 820 - Record L42091M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

I Real Application Sales Hub B2C for Customer Hub 82C - Record L42098 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,39

Real 12 .Application Sales Hub 1320 for Customer Hub 62C - Record L42098M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Service Hub B2C for Customer Hub 820- Record L42105 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,39

Real 12 Application Service Hub 132C for Customer Hub 820- Record L42105M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Customer Hub Add-On 62C for Siebel CRM and E-Business Suite - Record L42112 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,56

Real , ... — Cdjel)Pricatian

Customer Hub Add-On 132C for Sebe' CRM and E-Business Suite - Record L421 12M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,131

Real 6.5.: ,,ç1 /4c..juji: 2 pPlication Customer Hub Data Steward - Application User L42119 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91



Page 87: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Appficafion Customer Hub Data Steward - Application User 142119M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65 Real Application Product Hub Data Steward - Application User 142140 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91 Real 12 Application Product Hub Data Steward - Application User 142140M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65 Real Application Automotive Captive Finance Customer Hub -

Record L42147 Permanente sem Manutenção . Real 12 Application Automotive Captive Finance Customer Hub -

Record 142147M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,90 i Real Application Case Hub Record L42154 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,89 Real 12 Application Case Hub - Record 142154M Manutenção na Vigência Real Application Life Sciences Customer Hub - Record L42161 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Life Sciences Customer Hub - Record 142161M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,55_1 Real Application Product Hub - Record L42168 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 33,37 Real 12 Application Product Hub - Record 142168M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7,74 Real Application Product Hub Add-on - Record L42175 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16,69 Real 12 Application Product Hub Add-on - Record 142175M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,87 Real Real


fApplicationManufacturing Execution System for Discrete Applicabon Manufacturing - Application User L42504 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real System for Discrete Manufacturing Execution Manufacturing - Application User Application 142504M Manutenção na Vigência I

R$ 967,33.

Real :Manufacturing Execution System for Process Application Manufacturing - Application User L42512 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 Application Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing - Application User 142512M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real Application Siebel Data Quality Matching Server - Processor L43233 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 69.609,09

Real 12 F Application Siebel Data Quality Matching Server - Processor 143233M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.150,69

Real Application Utilities GIS Integration - Customer L43491 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68 Real 12 Application Utilities GIS Integration - Customer L43491M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11 Real Application Utilities Mobile Device Management Base -

Customer 143499 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

Real I

12 Application Utilities Utilities Mobile Device Management Base - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real Application Utilities Work and Assei Management Standard Connector Library - Customer L43611 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Utilities Work and Asset Management Standard Connector Library - Customer L43611M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Siebel Web Marketing - Processor L43648 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85 Real 12 Application Siebel Web Marketing Processor 143648M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17 Real Application Siebel eSales - Processor L43657 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 Application Siebel eSales - Processor 143657M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application Siebel eService - Processor L43666 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68 Real 12 Application Siebel eService - Processor L43666M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11 Real 1 Application Siebel CME eService - Processor L43676 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68 Real 12 Application Siebel CME eService Processor 143676M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Siebel Financial Services eService - Processor L43686 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services eService - Processor 143686M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Siebel OGC eService - Processor 143696 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68 Real 12 Application Siebel OGC eService Processor L43696M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11 Real Application Siebel OGC eSales Processor L43706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 Application Siebel OGC eSales - Processor 143706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application Siebel Financial Services eSales Processar L43716 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services eSales - Processor 143716M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application Siebel CME eSales - Processor L43726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 Application Siebel CME eSales - Processor 143726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application Siebel CME Web Marketing - Processor L43736 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85 'Real 12 Application Siebel CME Web Marketing - Processor L43736M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17

Real Application Siebel Financial Services Web Marketing - Processor L43746 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services Web Marketing - Processor 143746M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17

Real Application Siebel OGC Web Marketing - Processor L43756 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85 Real 12 Application Siebel OGC Web Marketing - Processor 143756M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17

Real Application Siebel Portfolio Management Process -Application User L43766 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 0, Application Siebel Portfolio Management Process - Application 143766M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 User

Real , _ Africation • . Lead to Order Integrabon Pack for CRM On Demand and E-Business Suite - Processor L44309 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

> . I .'/ \ USC' 74/187


Page 88: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Lead to Order Integration Pack for CRM On Demand and E-Business Suite - Processor L44309M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.62746

Real Application Learning Management - Trainee 144374 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253,62 Real 12 Application Learning Management - Trainee 1L44374M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58,85 Real Application iLeaming - Trainee 1L44380 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 125,70 Real 12 Application iLeaming - Trainee 1L44380M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 29,16

( Real Application Fusion Govemance, Risk, and Compliance Intelligence - Application User L44420 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application Fusion Govemance, Risk, and Compliance Intelligence - Application User L44420M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Privacy Management Policy Hub B2C for Customer Hub B2C - Record L45991 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 078

Real 12 Application Privacy Management Policy Hub B2C for Customer Hub B2C - Record L45991M Manutenção na Vigência R$0,18

Real Application Siebel CRM Integration Pack for Order Management - Processor L45999 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Integration Pack for Order Management - Processor L45999M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Expenses (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L46009 Permanente sem Manutenção


R$ 42.296,951

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Expenses (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

1L46009M Manutenção na Vigência ,

R$9.81373 I ,

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Expenses (over 4K

'employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L46010 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterplise UPK Expenses (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

146010M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Student Administration (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L46011 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Student Administration (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L46011M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Student Administration (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L46012 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169187,79

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Student Administration (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in L46012M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91 revenue) - UPK Module

Real —i Application Fusion Transportation Intelligence - $M in Freight L46016 Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.118,19

Real 12 Application • Fusion Transportation Intelligence -$M in Freight ,L46016M Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.579,64

Real Application Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus Named User Plus L46223 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus Named User Plus L46223M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus Processor L46235 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 713.005,68

Real 12 Application L46235M Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 165.431,42

Real Application Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus Upgrade Only - Named User Plus L46241 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real ,

12 :Application I

Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus Upgrade Only - Named User Plus L46241M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real i 'Application Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus

Upgrade Only - Processor L46253 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus Upgrade Only - Processor L46253M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17

'Real Application Hyperion Business Modeling - Application User L46365 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Hyperion Business Modeling - Application User L46365M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Hyperion Workforce Planning - Application User L46419 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.175,81

Real 12 !Application Hyperion Workforce Planning - Application User L46419M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 504,83

Real I ---....„ Application Hyperion Capitalasset Planning - Application User L46431 i

Permanente sem Manutenç.

ão R$ 2175,81

Real O"12 Ap rliCation ! , Hyperion Capital Asset Planning - Application User L46431M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 504,83

Real ,

• rilication Hyperion Strategic Finance - Application User — I L46443 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 59.216,17 75/187

Page 89: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Hyperion Strategic Finance - Application User 146443M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13.739,32 Real 1 Application Hyperion Hyperion Strategic Finance for Banking - Application

User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.577,80

Real 12 Application Hyperion Strategic Finance for Banking - Application User 146455M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.542,44

Real Application Hyperion Enterprise - Application User L46467 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07 Real 12 Application Hyperion Enterprise - Application User 146467M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24 Real Application Hyperion Data Relafionship Management - Record L46480 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 38,93

Real 12 Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management - Record 146480M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9,03

Real Application Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management - Application User L46499 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management - Application User 146499M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real Application Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management for Hyperion Enterprise - Application User L46511 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

R$ 1.289,691 Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management for Hyperion Enterprise - Application User L46511M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management Adapter for Financial Management - Application User

L46523 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management Adapter for Financial Management - Application User

146523M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55

Real lApplication Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management L46535 Adapter Suite - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

iReal 12 Application Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management 146535M Adapter Suite - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55

Real Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition One - Named User Plus L46663 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition One - Named User Plus 146663M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition One - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus L46721 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Standard Edition One 1-Click - Ordering eDelivery - Named User Plus L46721M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real 'Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Benefits Administration - Employee L46767 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 205,79

Real 12 Application -PeopleSoft Enterprise Benefits Administration Employee Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eCompensation - Employee 146775 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise eCompensation - Employee 146775M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll Interface - Employee 146783 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll Interface - Employee 146783M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23 Real Application Performance Management - Employee L46799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253,62 Real 12 Application Performance Management - Employee L46799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58,85 Real Application Compensation Workbench - Employee 146808 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08 Real 12 Application Compensation Workbench - Employee L46808M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23 Real Application Outside In Viewer - Named User Plus L46843 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96,78 Real 12 Application Outside In Viewer - Named User Plus L46843M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22,45 Real Application Outside In Image Export - Processor L46861 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 118.189,84 Real 12 Application Outside In Image Export - Processor L46861M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 27.42238 Real Application Outside In HTML Export - Processor L46874 Permanente sem Manutenção R 8.189,84 Real 12 Application Outside In HTML Export Processor L46874M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 27.422,36 Real Application Outside In Content Access Processor L46887 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 118.189,84 Real 12 Application Outside In Content Access Processor L46887M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 27 422 38 Real Application Outside In File ID Processor L46900 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 41.813,06 Real 12 Application Outside In File ID Processor L46900M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.701,46 Real Application jOutside In Clean Content Named User Plus L46912 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61 Real 12 Application Outside In Clean Content - Named User Plus L46912M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55 Real Application Outside In Clean Content- Processor L46923 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 118 189 84 Real 12 Application Outside In Clean Content - Processor L46923M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 27.422,38 Real Application 'Outside In PDF Export - Processor L46950 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 118.189,84 Real 12 Application Outside In PDF Export - Processor 146950M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 27.422,38 Real Application Outside In XML Export Processor L46963 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 118.189,84 Real ki 12 Application Outside In XML Export - Processor 146963M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 27.422,38r

R$ 118.189,841 R$ 27.422,381

Real Ia Application Outside In Search Export - Processor L46976 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 ''c Aptlication Outside In Search Export - Processor 146976M Manutenção na Vigência


Page 90: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Utilities Rate Management - Application User L47127 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05 Real 12 Application ,Utilities Rate Management - Application User L47127M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.82353 Real Application Utilities Load Analysis Application User L47128 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05 Real 12 Application Utilities Load Analysis Application User L47128M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53, Real Application Utilities Transaction Management Market L47129 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 350.460,42 Real 12 Application Utilities Transaction Management Market L47129M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 81.313,75

I Real Application Utilities Quotations Management- Application User L47131 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 145.018,10

'Real 12 Application Utilities Quotations Management - Application User L47131M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.647,07

Real Application Utilities Portfolio Management - Application User L47132 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

IReal 12 Application Utilities Portfolio Management - Application User L47132M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real Application Communications Voucher & Top-up Manager - Individual Subscriber L47412 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,70

Real 12 Application Communications Voucher & Top-up Manager - Individual Subscriber L47412M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,16

Real Application Communications Bffling and Revenue Management Services Framework - Individual Subscriber L47426 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,97

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Services Framework - Individual Subscriber L47426M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,22

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - NetFlow Collection - Customer L47460 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - NetFlow Collection - Customer L47460M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel DMS 100 MMP Collection - Customer

L47463 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 223.569,58,

Real 12 'Communications Offline Mediation Controller

Application Cartridge for Norte! DMS 100 MMP Collection - ICustomer

L47463M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.872,56

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nadei MCS 5200 IPDR Distribution - Customer

L47466 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel MCS 5200 IPDR Distribution - Customer

L47466M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - IPDRy2 Distribution - Customer L47469 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - IPORy2 Distribution Customer L47469M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real ' Communications Offline Mediation Controller Application Cartridge Kit - RADIUS Distribution - Customer L47472 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - RADIUS Distribution - Customer L47472M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - AMA File Collection - Customer L47475 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - AMA File Collection - Customer L47475M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application I

Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - AMA File Distribution - Customer L47478 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - AMA File Distribution - Customer L47478M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Real-Time ASCII File Collection - Customer

L47481 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Kit - Real-Time ASCII File Collection - Customer

L47481M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management for Value-Add Services - 1M in Monthly VAS EDR's L47532 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 78.551,47

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management for Value-Add Services L47532M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.225,50 - 1M in Monthly VAS EDR's

Real a

Application Communications LDAP Manager - 1M in Monthly Roaming CDR's L47784 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 507,24,

1 17/ pRer,EciP -' Iipr? 1.--õ •


Page 91: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real i 12 Application Communications LDAP Manager - 1M in Monthly

Roaming CDR's L47784M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 117,69 : Real , 'Application


Siebel Call Center Integration Pack for Adverse Event Reporfing System - Processor L47886 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Siebel Call Center Integrafion Pack for Adverse L47886M Event Reporting System - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

'Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Expenses - Expense Report L47941 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Expenses - Expense Report L47941M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Expense Management - Expense Reports L47949 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Expense Management - Expense Reports L47949M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36

Real Application AutoVue Electro-Mechanical Professional for Agile - Application User

L47965 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real 12 Application AutoVue Electro-Mechanical Professional for Agile - Application User L47965M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

Real Application AutoVue Office - Application User L47967 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09 Real 12 Application AutoVue Office - Application User L47967M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52 Real Application AutoVue 20 Professional - Application User L47969 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.087,90 Real 12 Application AutoVue 20 Professional - Application User L47969M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 252,41 Real Application AutoVue 3D Professional Advanced -Application

User L47971 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 Application L47971M AutoVue 3D Professional Advanced -Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real Application AutoVue EDA Professional - Application User L47973 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18 Real 12 Application AutoVue EDA Professional - Application User L47973M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33 Real 'Application AutoVue Electro-Mechanical Professional -

Application User L47975 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real 12 Application AutoVue Electro-Mechanical Professional - Application User • L47975M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

Real Application Agile Product Collaboration - Application User L47981 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.819,08 Real 12 Application Agile Product Collaboration - Application User L47981M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.670,34 Real Application Agile Product Govemance and Compliance -

Application User L47989 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.655,42

Real 12 Application Agile Product Govemance and Compliance - Application User L47989M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.240,25

Real 1 Application Agile Product Cost Management - Application User L47997 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agile Product Cost Management - Application User 147997M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agile Product Quality Management - Application User L48005 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.239,34

Real 12 Application Agile Product Quality Management - Application User L48005M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.679,67

Real Application Agile Product Portfolio Management - Application User L48013 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.489,80

Real 12 Application Agite Product Portfolio Management - Application User L48013M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.361,92

Real Application Agite Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Product Collaboration - Customer L48021 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application _L

Agile Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Product Collaboration - Customer L48021M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real Application Agile Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Product Cost Management - Customer L48022 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application Agile Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Product Cost Management - Customer L48022M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

, Real Application Agile Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agite Product Quality Management - Customer L48023 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application Agile Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Product Quality Management - Customer L48023M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real — ... •

Application _

Agite Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Product Govemance and Comphance - Customer

L48024 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42 J

Real' 2 g

A lication Agile Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Product Govemance and Compliance - Customer

L48024M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22 '

:•cr 78/187

Page 92: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Agite Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agite Portfolio Management - Customer L48025 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

IReal 12 Application Agite Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agite Portfolio Management - Customer L48025M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real Application Agite Engineering Data Management - Application User 148061 Permanente sem Manutenção i R$ 16.906,99

Real 12 Application Agite Engineering Data Management - Application User L48061M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76 .

Real Application Agite Product Workbench for Agite Engineering Data Management - Application User L48069 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Workbench for Agite Engineering Data Management - Application User L48069M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agite Engineering Collaboration for Agite Product Lifecycle Management - Processor 148093 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 12 Application Agite Engineering Collaboration for Agite Product Lifecycle Management - Processor L48093M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real 1 Application Agite Engineering Collaboration for Agite Engineering Data Management - Processor L48094 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 1 12 Application Agite Engineering Collaboration for Agite Engineering Data Management - Processor L48094M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for Pro/Engineer - Application User L48109 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for Pro/Engineer - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for Catia VS - Application User L48111 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for Catia V5 - Application User L48111M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for SolidWorks - Application User L48113 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for SolidVVorks - Application User R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for SolidEdge - Application User R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lrfecycle Management MCAD Connector for SolidEdge - Application User 148114M Manutenção na Vigência • R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for Inventor - Application User 148115 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for Inventor - Application User 48115M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for AutoCAD - Application User 48116 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD I Connector for AutoCAD - Application User L481 16M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for OneSpace Designer 2D Drafting - Application User

L48117 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for OneSpace Designer 2D Drafting - Application User

L481 17M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for OneSpace Designer 3D Modeling - Application User

L48118 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,6

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management MCAD Connector for OneSpace Designer 3D Modeling - Application User

L481 18M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,0

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for ConceptHDL - Application User L49556 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for ConceptHDL - Application User L49556M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for DxDesigner - Application User L49557 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for DxDesigner - Application User L49557M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for OrCAD - Application User L49558 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99

Real ç tiffpti‘cation Agite Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for OrCAD - Application User 49558M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76

Real -)n 1 ,




tM..„O- P' -

tion (


> 7i

AgiteProduct Lifecycle Management

ECAD connectr for DesinCapture-Application User L49559 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99


Page 93: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

IReal 12 Application ,Agile I

Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for Design Capture - Application User L49559M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76

Real Application Agite Agite Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for Album - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99

LReal 12 Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for Altium - Application User L49560M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.92276

Real Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for Design Architect - Application User L49561 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99

Real 12 Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for Design Architect - Application User L49561M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76

Real Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for PADS Logic - Application User L49562 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99

Real 12 Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ECAD Connector for PADS Logic - Application User L49562M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76

Real Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ERP Adapter for - Processor L49612 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ERP Adapter for - Processor L49612M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ERP Adapter for JD Edwards - Processor L49613 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management ERP Adapter for JD Edwards - Processor L49613M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ERP Adapter for SAP - Processor 149614 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management ERP Adapter for for SAP - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Application Agile Agile Product Lifecycle Management CAD Library Connector for Mentor DxDatabook - Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

'Real 12 Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management CAD Library Connector for Mentor DxDatabook - Processor L49636M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Application _

Agile Agile Content Catalog Connector for Partminer - Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 12 Application Agile Agile Content Catalog Connector for Partminer -

Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Application Agile Content Catalog Connector for Total Paris Plus - Processor L49646 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 12 Application Agire Content Catalog Connector for Total Parts Plus - Processor L49546M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Application Agile Product Data Management for Process - Application User L49692 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.324,18

Real 12 Application Agile Product Data Management for Process - Application User L49692M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.483,59

Real Application Agile Formulation and Compliance for Processor Agile Product Data Management for Process - Application User

L49700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.906,99

Real 12 Application Agile Formulafion and Compliance for Process for Agile Product Data Management for Process - Application User

L49700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.922,76

Real Application Agile Product Supplier Collaboration for Process for Agile Product Data Management for Process - Application User

L49708 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.822,15

Real 12 Application Agile Product Suppher Collaborafion for Process for Agite Product Data Management for Process - Application User

L49708M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.118,83

Real Application Agile New Product Development and Introduction for Process - Application User for Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real 12 Application Agile New Product Development and Introduction for Process - Application User L49716M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Secure Enterprise Search Connector for Content Ser-ver - Connector L50001 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85

Real 12 Application Secure Enterpnse Search Connector for Content Server - Connector L50001M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management and Compliance Console - Application User L50059 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 /c,

.plication .,-.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Financial Management and Compliance Console - Application User 50059M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

I ,5 r.„..-,..cy M_L.______Ir._ , nOkAppii "ion Communicafions Offline Mediafion Controller - Individual Subscriber L50068 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,67


Page 94: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 1Communications Offline Mediation Controller - Application Individual Subscriber 150068M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,39

Real Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - NetFlow Aggregation Processor - Customer

150074 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge - NetFlow Aggregation Processor - Customer

150074M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Communicaflons Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge for Nortel MCS 5200 to C52000 AMA 'Bundle - Customer

150077 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller Cailridge for Norte' MCS 5200 to C52000 AMA Bundle - Customer

150077M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Business Intelligente Management Pack - Named Application User Plus 150199 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real Business Intelligente Management Pack - Named Application User Plus 150199 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Business Intelligente Management Pack - Named Application User Plus 150199M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real 12 Application Business Intelhgence Management Pack - Named User Plus 150199M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

Real Application Business Intelligente Management Pack - Processor L50206 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91 i

Real Application Business Intelligente Management Pack - Processor L50206 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91

Real 12 Application Business Intelligente Management Pack - Processor 150206M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97

Real 12 Application Business Intelligente Management Pack - Processor Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97

Real Application Communications Network Intelligente - Forecast Manager - Device L50231 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 41,16

Real 12 Application 150231M Communications Network Intelligente - Forecast Manager - Device Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9,55

Real Application I- Communications Network Intelligente - Monitor Report Manager - Device 150239 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application Communications Network Intelligente - Monitor Report Manager - Device 150239M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71

Real Application 150247 Communications Network Intelligente - Outage Manager-Device Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16,69

Real • 12 Application Network Intelligente - Outage Manager - Device 150247M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,87

Real Application Communications Network Intelligente - Migration Manager - Device 150263 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16,69

Real 12 Application Communications Network Intelligente - Migration Manager - Device 150263M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,87

Real Application Retail Merchandising System - Enterprise $M in Revenue 50447 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application Retail Merchandising System - Enterprise $M In Revenue 50447M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real Application Retail Invoice Matching - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50451 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49

Real 12 Application Retail Invoite Matching - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150451M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application Retail Sales Audit - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150455 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49 Real 12 Application Retail Sales Audit - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150455M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application L50459 Retail Price Management - Enterprise $M in Revenue Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.401,59

Real 12 Application Retail Price Management - Enterprise $M In Revenue L50459M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 325,20

Real Application Retail Trade Management - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50463 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Retail Trade Management - Enterprise $M In Revenue 150463M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Retail Active Retail Intelligente - Enterprise $M in Revenue Revenue Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 628,49

Real 12 Application Retail Active Retail Intelhgente - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150467M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 145,82

Real Application Retail Design - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50471 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 lApplication Retail Design - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150471M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real lApplication Retail WebTrack - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150475 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19 Real 1 ' pplication Retail WebTrack - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150475M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05 Real... r4.plication Retail Allocation - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50483 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real — 12 ..,,_ ,_I Apalication Retail Allocaflon - Enterprise $M in Revenue 150483M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28


Page 95: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

I Real I i Retail Prediche Application Server (RPAS) - Application i Enterprise Engine - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50487 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.591,88.

1Real 12 !Retal' Predictive Application Server (RPAS) - Application 'Enterprise Engine - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50487M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.065,411

Real Application . Retail Merchandise Financial Planning - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50491 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 IRetail Merchandise Financial Planning - Enterprise Application ,$M in Revenue L50491M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Retail Item Planning - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50495 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.983,31

Real 12 Application Retail Item Planning - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50495M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real ,Retail Category Management -Enterprise $M in Application Revenue L50499 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 , Retail Categoly Management - Enterprise $M in Application Revenue L50499M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application !Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization - 'Enterprise $M in Revenue L50505 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real l

12 Application Retail Promotion Planning 8, Optimization - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50505M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real jApplication Retail Promotion Intelligence -Enterprise $M in Revenue L50510 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Retail Promotion Intelligence -Enterprise $M in Revenue L50510M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Retail Markdown Optimization -Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L50514 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application Retail Markdown Optimization -Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L50514M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real Application Retail Warehouse Management System - Named User Plus L50522 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.577,80,

i Real 12 Application Retail Warehouse Management System - Named

User Plus L50522M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.542,44

¡Real Application Retail Advanced Inventory Planning - Enterprise $M in Revenue L50526 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Retail Advanced Inventory Planning Enterprise $M in Revenue L50526M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Retail Demand Forecasting -Enterprise $M In Revenue L50530 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Application Retail Demand Forecasting -Enterprise $M In Revenue L50530M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80

Real Application Retail Replenishment Optimization- Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L50534 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Application Retail Replenishment Optimization -Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management

1_50534m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80

Real Application Retail Value Chain Collaborabon -Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L50538 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Application Retail Value Chain Collaborabon -Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L50538M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80

Real Application Siebel CRM Integration Pack for Communications Billing and Revenue Management: Agent Assisted Billing Care - Processor

L50857 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Integration Pack for Communications Billing and Revenue Management: Agent Assisted Billing Care - Processor

L50857M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Integration Pack for E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting - Processor

L50863 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Integration Pack for E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting - Processor

L50863M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Siebel Dealer Portal, SPE - Registered User L51312 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 Real 12 Application Siebel Dealer Portal, SPE - Registered User L51312M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Integrated Operational Planning - Application User L51330 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.586,87

Real 12 Application Integrated Operational Planning - Application User L51330M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.168,68

Real l Application :

Communications Geographic Address Management - 1K in Managed Resources L51341 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real y VApplication 1 .

CloKmimnumnaicanatgioends RGeeoogrracpehsic Address Management L51341M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 j

Real , , - lication Communications Telephone Number Management 1K In Managed Resources L51397 Permanente sem Manutenção

—I R$ 556,191

GSC 82/187

Page 96: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 • Communicafions Telephone Number Management - Application 1K in Managed Resources L51397M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12905

Real ICommunicafions Logical Device Account Application Management - 1K in Managed Resources L51405 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

I Real 12 ,Communicafions Logical Device Account Application j Management - 1K in Managed Resources L51405M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real I

Application i Communicafions Universal Resource Management 1K I 1K in Managed Resources Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application L51413M Communications Universal Resource Management 1K in Managed Resources Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real !

Application ,

! !MPLS Communicafions Unified Inventory Management -

L3 VPN Technology Pack - Customer L51438 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37

Real 12 Application ,Communications Unified Inventory Management - MPLS L3 VPN Technology Pack - Customer L51438M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21

Real Communications Internet Name and Address Application , Management - 1K in Managed Resources L51451 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real -1-•

12 Applicafion !Communications Internet Name and Address 1Management - 1K in Managed Resources L51451M Manuteno na Vigência Manutenção R$ 841,13

Real ¡Communications Subscriber and Service

Application Management - Logical Cable Management - 1K in I ,Managed Resources

L51463 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.054,56

Real I I Communications Subscriber and Service

12 lApplication 'Management - Logical Cable Management - 1K in lManaged Resources

L51463M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 476,70

Real Communications Subscriber and Service


. Management - Street Address Management - 1K in .Managed Resources

L51469 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 :Communications Subscriber and Service


iManagement - Street Address Management - 1K in 'Managed Resources

L51469M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Communicafions Subscriber and Service Management - Telephone Number Management - 1K in Managed Resources

L51475 Permanente sem Manutenção I

R$ 410,47, 1

Real 12 Application Communicafions Subscriber and Service Management - Telephone Number Management - 1K in Managed Resources

L51475M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 95,24

Real Application Access Controls for E-Business Suite

Application for Application Access Controls Governar - Monitored User

L51496 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Application Access Controls for E-Business Suite for Application Access Controls Govemor - Monitored User

L51496M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Access Controls Govemor - Monitored Application Application _1User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.163,57

Real 12 Application Application Access Controls Governar -Monitored User User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 501,99

Real Application Configuration Controls for E-Business Suite for Configuration Controls Govemor - Monitored User L51514 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 616,26

Real 12 Application Configuration Controls for E-Business Suite for Configuration Controls Govemor - Monitored User L51514M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 142,98

Real Application Configuration Controls Govemor - Monitored User L51523 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 760,86

IReal 12 Application Configuration Controls Governar - Monitored User L51523M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 176,54

Real Application L51532 Enterprise Governance, Risk, and Compliance Controls Suite - Monitored User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.308,28

Real 12 Application Enterprise Govemance, Risk, and Comphance Controls Suite - Monitored User L51532M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.463,65

Real Application Preventive Controls Governar - Monitored User L51541 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Preventive Controls Governor - Monitored User L51541M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Enterprise Transacfion Controls Govemor - Monitored User Monitored Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.945,54

Real 12 Application Enterprise Enterprise Transaction Controls Governar - Monitored User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 451,40

Real i,

Application Peoplesoft Peoplesoft Enterprise Application Access Controls

for Peoplesoft Enterprise - Monitored User Permanente sem Manutenção R$483,88

Real7—`12 i (?•

' f ' \t. Appl C3 ron -i

Peoplesoft Enterprise Application Access Controls for Peoplesoft Enterprise - Monitored User L51559M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27


Page 97: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

[Real 1 Application Peoplesoft Enterprise Application Access Controls ' il ,Governor - Monitored User 151568 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.163,57

Real 12 Peoplesoft Enterprise Application Access Controls Application Governar - Monitored User 151568M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 501,99

Real iPeoplesoft Enterprise Configuration Controls for Application L51577 Apeoplesoft Enterprise - Monitored User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 616,26

Real 12 Application Peoplesoft Enterprise Configuration Controls for Peoplesoft Enterprise - Monitored User 151577M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 142,98

Real Application Peoplesoft Enterprise Configurafion Controls Govemor - Monitored User 151586 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 760,86

Real 12 Application Peoplesoft Enterprise Configuration Controls Govemor - Monitored User 151586M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 176,54

Real Application Siebel Advisor, SPE - Application User 151618 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.866,62 Real 12 Application Siebel Advisor, SPE - Application User 151618M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 897,13 Real Application Siebel Advisor, SPE for Customers - Processor 151620 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Siebel Advisor, SPE for Customers - Processor 151620M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14 ,

Real Application Siebel Advisor, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51622 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application Siebel Advisor, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151622M Manutenção na Vigência 1

R$ 84,14

Real Application Siebel Basic Pricer, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151624 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application L51624M Siebel Basic Pricer, SPE for Partners - Registered User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Contracts, SPE - Application User 151630 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy Contracts, SPE - Application User 151630M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User

151634 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User

151634M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 .Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User L51638M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy CRM Service option, SPE - Application User 151642 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy CRM Service option SPE - Application User 151642M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Sebe' Communications, Media and Energy eCustomer, SPE - Processor L51644 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 333.541,19

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy eCustomer, SPE - Processor 151644M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 77.388,15

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy eSales, SPE - Processor 51646 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 222.361,54

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy eSales, SPE SPE - Processor Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy eService, SPE - Processor L51648 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy eService, SPE - Processor 151648M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Partner Commerce, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51650 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Appfication Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Partner Commerce, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151650M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Partner Portal, SPE - Registered User L51652 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy Partner Portal, SPE - Registered User 151652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Quote & Order Capture, SPE - Application User L51654 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 ii1 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Quote & Order Capture, SPE - Application User

L5.1654m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real {" cf., - A liCation 't•-- ,;) Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Quote & Order Capture, SPE for Partners- Registered User 151656 Permanente sem Manutenção • R$ 144,61



Page 98: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Siebel Communicafions, Media and Energy Quote & Order Capture, SPE for Partners - Registered User

L51656m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Quote and Order Capture, SPE for Customers - Processor L51658 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96678,74

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy Quote and Order Capture, SPE for Customers - Processor 151658M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38

Real Application Siebel Consumer Goods Dynamic Catalog, SPE - Application User L51660 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Dynamic Catalog, SPE - Application User 151660M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

, Real Application Siebel Consumei Goods Quote and Order Capture, SPE - Application User 151662 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.102,39

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Quote and Order Capture, SPE - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 487,80

Real Application Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld, SPE - Application User 151664 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Consumer Goods Sales Handheld, SPE - Application User 151664M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Siebel Customer Order Management Administrator, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151666 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Customer Order Management Administrator, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151666M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Distribution CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User L51670 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Distribution CRM Marketing Automation 151670M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 option, SPE - Application User

' Real Application 'Siebel Distribution CRM Sales option, SPE - L51674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41 Application User

Real 12 Application Siebel Distribution CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User 151674M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Distribution CRM Service option, SPE Application User 151678 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real Siebel Distribution CRM Service option, SPE - Application User 151678M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Siebel Finance Events Manager, SPE - Application User L51680 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Siebel Finance Events Manager, SPE - Application User 151680M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Finance Events, SPE - Processor 151684 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74 Real 12 Application Siebel Finance Events, SPE - Processor L51684M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38

Real Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User 151688 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User 151688M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Sales option, SPE Application User L51692 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User 151692M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Service option, SPE Application User 151696 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Service option, SPE Application User 151696M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Financial Services eCustomer, SPE- 151698 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 333.541,19 Processor

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services eCustomer, SPE - Processor 151698M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 77.388,15

Real Application Siebel Financial Services eSales, SPE - Processor L51700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 222.361,54

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services eSales, SPE - Processor L51700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.592,27

Real Application Sebe' Financial Services eService, SPE - Processor 151702 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services eServrce, SPE Processor 151702M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Real 4 -ris:-

--:-....„Apphcation Siebel Financial Services Proposals and Presentations, SPE - Application User L51704 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 1 /4-, v

12 ^

• ' cP

,,Application -: ‘ /

Siebel Financial Services Proposals and Presentations, SPE - Application User 151704M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28


Page 99: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

i Real I

Application Siebel Financial Services Proposals and Presentations, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51708 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services Proposals and Presentations, SPE for Partners - Registered User 51708M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9808

Real Application Siebel Financial Services Quote and Order Capture, ure, SPE - Application User L51710 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application L51710M Siebel Financial Services Quote and Order Capture, SPE - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Insurance Field Service, SPE - Applicat ion User L51712 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Insurance Field Service, SPE - Application User L51712M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User L51716 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User L51716M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User 51720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User L51720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Service option, SPE - Application User L51724 Permanente sem Manutenção i

R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Service option, SPE - Application User L51724M Manutenção na Vigência 1

R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences Field Service for Partners, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences Field Service for Partners, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User L51730 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Marketing Automation option, SPE - Application User L51730M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User 151734 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real , 12 Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Sales option, SPE - Application User L51734M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Service option, SPE - Application User

L51738 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Service option, SPE - Application User L51738M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Medical Field Service, SPE - Application User L51740 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Medical Field Service, SPE - Application User 151740M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Siebel Oil, Gas and Chemicals Contracts, SPE - Application User L51742 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Oil, Gas and Chemicals Contracts, SPE - Application User L51742M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Siebel Oil, Gas and Chemicals Quote & Order Capture, SPE - Application User L51744 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Oil, Gas and Chemicals Quote & Order Capture, SPE - Application User L51744M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel OH Gas and Chemicals eCustomer, SPE L51746 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 333.541,19, Processor

Real 12 Application Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals eCustomer, SPE-Processor L51746M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 77.388,15

Real Application Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals eSales, SPE - Processor L51748 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 222.361,54

Real 12 Application !Processor Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals eSales, SPE - L51748M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.592,271

1 Real Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals eService, SPE - Application Processor L51750 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Siebel Oil Gas and Chemicals eService SPE - - " ' Processor L51750M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Real Application Siebel Oil, Gas and Chemicals Partner Commerce, 151752 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 956,65 SPE for Partners - Registered User

Real ,i‘, 2- ,Ade

Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Partner Commerce, Application SPE for Partners - Registered User L51752M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,281

Real r` • C

Siebel Ou, Gas, and Chemicals Partner Portal, SPE - • •plication - 1 kegistered User L51754 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65


Page 100: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 ¡Application Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Partner Portal, SPE • Registered User 151754M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Quote & Order Capture, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51756 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19.

Real 12 Application ISiebel Oil Gas and Chemicals Quote & Order 151756M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05 'Capture, SPE for Partners - Registered User

Real Application !Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Quote and Order Capture, SPE - Processor L51758 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74

Real 12 Application Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Quote and Order Capture, SPE - Processor 151758M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38

Real ¡Application Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Web Marketing, SPE - Processor 151760 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 83.385,85

Real 12 ! Application I

Siebel Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Web Marketing, SPE - Processor 151760M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.347,17

Real IA i; ,; InPPuca"" I

Siebel Opportunities and Contracts, SPE - Application User 151762 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Opportunities and Contracts, SPE - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 151762M

Real Application Siebel Pharma eService, SPE - Processor 151764 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193.357,47 Real 12 Application Siebel Pharma eService, SPE - Processor 151764M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44.862,76 Real Applic,ation Siebel Pharma Handheld Stand Alone, SPE -

Application User 151766 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.262,60

Real 12 Application Siebel Pharma Handheld Stand Alone, SPE - Application User 151766M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 756,99

Real !Application _t

Siebel Pharma Handheld, SPE - Application User 151768 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Pharma Handheld, SPE - Application User 151768M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Siebel Portfolio Management Process (PMP), SPE - Application User L51770 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Siebel Portfolio Management Process (PMP), SPE - Application User 151770M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel PRM VVireless Standalone, SPE for Partners Registered User L51772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Siebel PRM Wireless Standalone , SPE for Partners Registered User L51772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real i Application Siebel PRM Wireless, SPE for Partners -

Registered User 151774 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel PRM Wireless, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151774M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

• Real Application Siebel Remate Client, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51776 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application 151776M Siebel Remote Client, SPE for Partners - Registered User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Self-Service Wireless, SPE for Customers - Processor L51778 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 41.813,06

Real 12 Siebel Self-Service Wireless, SPE for Customers - Application Processor 151778M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.701,46

Real !Application Siebel Signature Capture Stand None, SPE - 151780 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09 Application User

Real 12 Application Siebel Signature Capture Stand None, SPE - Application User 151780M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52

Real Application Siebel Signature Capture Tool, SPE - Application User 151782 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Siebel Signature Capture Tool, SPE - Application User 151782M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Siebel Adverse Events and Complaints, SPE - Application User 151790 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Siebel Adverse Events and Complaints, SPE - Application User 151790M Manutenção na Vigência R$9.813,73

Real Application Siebel Agent Portal, SPE - Registered User L51791 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65 Real 12 Application Siebel Agent Portal, SPE - Registered User 151791M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Anywhere, SPE for Partners - Registered User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 151792

Real 12 Application Siebel Anywhere, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151792M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Siebel Configurator Administration Server, SPE - Computer 151798 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37

Real 12 Application Siebel Configurator Administration Server, SPE - Computer L51798M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21

Real Real g_Siebel ---I.Application

C',11> Configurator Runtime, SPE for Customers -

Processor L51799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real ,-------!-;>:-N- 4-Fr{P

....\., 7_0 12 Apyicpton '. \

Siebel Configurator Runtime, SPE for Customers - Processor 151799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11


Page 101: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real i_

Application Siebel Content Publishing, SPE for Customers - Processor 151800 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Siebel Content Publishing, SPE for Customers - Processor 151800M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real 'Application Siebel Deductions, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151803 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 Application Siebel Deductions, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151803M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Design Opportunity Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51804 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Siebel Design Opportunity Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151804M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Siebel Dynamic Pncer, SPE for Customers - Processor 151806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180.77

Real Siebel Dynamic Pricer, SPE for Customers - 12 Application Processor 151806M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14 Real Application Siebel eCustomer, SPE - Processor L51807 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 333.541,19 Real 12 Application ISiebel eCustomer, SPE - Processor 151807M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 77.388,15 Real Application Siebel Email Marketing Server, SPE - Computer 151808 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37

Real 12 Application Siebel Email Marketing Server, SPE - Computer 151808M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application Siebel eSales, SPE - Processor 151809 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 222.361,54 Real I 12 Application Siebel eSales, SPE - Processor 151809M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 51.592,27 Real I Application Siebel eService, SPE - Processor 151810 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77 Real 12 Application Siebel eService, SPE - Processor 151810M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14 Real I

Application Siebel Events, SPE for Customers - Processor 151811 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

Real 12 Application Siebel Events, SPE for Customers - Processor L51811M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real Application - Siebel Finance Partner Portal, SPE Registered User L51812 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Siebel Finance Partner Portal, SPE - Registered Application User 151812M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Handheld, SPE Stand Alone - Application User 151813 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel Handheld, SPE Stand Alone - Application User 151813M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Siebel Individual and Group Coverage, SPE - 151814 Registered User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Individual and Group Coverage, SPE - 151814M Registered User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Life and Pensions, SPE - Registered User 151815 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Life and Pensions, SPE - Registered User 151815M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Logistics Manager, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151816 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Logistics Manager, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151816M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel MedEd, SPE for Customers - Processor L51817 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86

Real 12 Application Siebel MedEd, SPE for Customers - Processor 151817M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70

Real Application ,Siebel P&C Claims, SPE - Registered User 151818 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33 Real 12 Application I Siebel P&C Claims, SPE - Registered User 151818M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36 Real Application Siebel P&C Policies, SPE - Registered User L51819 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 Application Siebel P&C Policies, SPE - Registered User 151819M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Siebel Partner Commerce, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51820 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 956,65

Real 12 Application Siebel Partner Commerce, SPE for Partners - Registered User 151820M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Siebel Partner Portal, SPE - Registered User 151821 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966.65 Real 12 Application Siebel Partner Portal, SPE - Registered User 151821M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real • Application Siebel Price Comparison, SPE for Customers - Processor 151822 Permanente sem Manutenção

1 R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Siebel Price Comparison, SPE for Customers - Application IProcessor 151822M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real , Application ,Siebel Pnang Claims Server - Up to 20 Users, SPE - 151823 ;Computer Permanente sem Manuteno Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 - C

Real / 013 ISiebel Pricino Claims Server - Uo to 20 Users SPE - 401iâation - " Computer 151823M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21

?h Real e. 11 i plation i Siebel Public Sector eService, SPE - Processor L51824 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193.357,47


Page 102: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

'Real 12 Application Siebel Public Sector eService, SPE - Processor L51824M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44.86226:

Real Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51827 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Sales Volume Planning, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51827M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application Siebel Samples, SPE for Customers - Processor L51828 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86

Real 12 Application Siebel Samples, SPE for Customers - Processor L51828M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70 Real Application Siebel Server Extensions for UNIX - Computer L51830 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83 Real 12 Application Siebel-Server Extensions for UNIX - Computer L51830M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

' Real Application Siebel Service Provider Portal, SPE - Registered User L51831 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application Siebel Service Provider Portal, SPE - Registered User 51831M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Siebel Showroom, SPE for Partners - Registered User

51832 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Showroom, SPE for Partners - Registered User 51832M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

I,Real Application Siebel SmartScript, SPE for Customers - Processor 1_51833 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91

Real 12 Application Siebel SmartScript, SPE for Customers - Processor L51833M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97

Real Application Siebel Trade Promotions, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51835 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Trade Promotions, SPE for Partners - Registered User L51835M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real i Application Siebel Web Marketing, SPE - Processor L51836 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 69.609,09 Real i_ 12 Application _Siebel Web Marketing, SPE - Processor L51836M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.150,69 Real Application Communications Configuration Management

Cartridge for Huawei VRP - Customer L51942 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 108.763,58

Real 12 Application Communications Configuration Management Cartridge for Huawei VRP - Customer L51942M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.235,30

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Alcatel 5620SAM L3 VPN - Customer L51958 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 338.375,58

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Alcatel 5620SAM L3 VPN - Customer L51958M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 78.509,83

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Alcatel 5620SAM QoS - Customer 51966 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Alcatel 5620SAM QoS - Customer 51966M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco CatOS QoS - Customer L51974 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco CatOS QoS - Customer L51974M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco CatOS VLAN - Customer L51982 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco CatOS VLAN - Customer L51982M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application CiommiuonsicavtionNs IPc Service Activator Cartridge for esco omer

1_51880 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS VLAN - Customer L51990M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Self-Service E-Billing Business Edition - Per $1M in Application Annual Revenue L52006 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 25.377,72

Real 12 Application Self-Service E-Billing Business Edition -Per $1M in Application Annual Revenue L52006M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.888,13

Real Self-Service E-Billing Consumer Edition - Application Registered User L52032 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18,91

Real 12 Self-Service E-Billing Consumer Edition - Application Registered User L52032M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4,39

Real Application ' Siebel Dealer Advanced Marketing, SPE for !Partners - Registered User L52086 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Siebel Dealer Advanced Marketing, SPE for Partners - Registered User L52086M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real ÇjV,i- ApRlication Real User Experience Insight - Processor L52217 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.335,30 Real n12 Application

N, Real User Experience Insight - Processor L52217M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.486,17 Real G.F Application Product Hub for Retail - Record L54429 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 14,46 Real Ápplie,Átion ,iProduct Hub for Retail - Record L54429M Manutenção na Vigência 1 R$ 3,36 Real .. -7, • _ Applicãfion Product Hub for Retail Add-on - Record__ L54445 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Page 103: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12p,A plication I Product Hub for Retail Add-on - Record 154445M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81 Real Application Communicafions IP Service Acfivator - Customer

Edge - Service Access Point L54520 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 290,33

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator -Customer Edge - Service Access Point 154520M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67,36

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Assets (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 154675 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Assets (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 154675M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Assets (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L54678 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 E-Business Suite UPK Assets (over 4K employees Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 Application 154678M and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Time and Labor (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54681 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,951

'Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Time and Labor (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154681M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Time and Labor (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54684 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 E-Business Suite UPK Time and Labor (over 4K


employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154684M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Self-Service Human Resources (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion L54687 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Self-Service Human Resources (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154687M Manutenção na Vigência 1 I

In 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Surte UPK Self-Service Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 L54690 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Self-Service Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154690M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Surte UPK Receivables (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154693 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Receivables (Up 104K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54693M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Receivables (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154696 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Surte UPK Receivables (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154696M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Purchasing (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154699 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Purchasing (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54699M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Purchasing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54702 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Purchasing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154702M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Performance Management (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54705 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Performance Management (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

154705M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real i ri, .4 r ,

rir. nri-tr

A,p e lication

r. —

E-Business Suite UPK Performance Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54708 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89


Page 104: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real I

12 ; Application E-Business Suite UPK Performance Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54708M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Payroll (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L54711 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Payroll (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L54711M Manutenção na Vigência R$9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Payroll (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L54714 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Payroll (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L54714M Manutenção na Vigência I R$ 19.627,46;

Real —

Application E-Business Suite UPK Payables (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L54717 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 Module

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Payables (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54717M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Payables (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Payables (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK iSupplier Portal (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54723 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK iSupplier Portal (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54723M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK iSupplier Portal (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK iSupplier Portal (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L54726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Case Management Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54734 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Case Management Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54734M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Consumer Goods Trade Funds Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54748 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Consumer Goods Trade Funds Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54748M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Contact Center Telephony Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54762 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Contact Center Telephony Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54762M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Finance I nstitutional Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54776 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Finance Inslitutional Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54776M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Finance Marketing Analyttas Fusion Edition - Application User L54790 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Finance Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54790M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Finance Retail Analytics Fusion Edition - Application Application User L54804 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Finance Retail Analytics Fusion Edition - Application Application 'User I L54804M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Finance Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - Application Application User L54818 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Finance Sales Analytics Fusion Edition -Application Application 'User L54818M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Finance Service Analytics Fusion Edition - Application Application User L54832 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 1 - À .

Application Finance Service Analytics Fusion Edition Application User L54832M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real , 4 " 1-. e 4?plication Financial Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54846 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real v t2fljF -

KOp—li on Financial Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54846M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49


Page 105: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Financial Services Asset Liability Management Analytics - Application User 154860 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91

Real 12 Application Financial Services Asset Liability Management Analytics - Application User 154860M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97

Real Financial Services Profitability Analytics - Application Application User L54873 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Financial Services Profitability Analytics - Application User 154873M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Insurance Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54898 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Insurance Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54898M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

¡Real Application Insurance Partner Manager Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154912 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Insurance Partner Manager Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154912M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Insurance Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - L54926 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Application User

Real 12 Application Insurance Sales AnalyticsFusion Edition - Application User 154926M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

,Real Appkation Insurance Service Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154940 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Insurance Service Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154940M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Partner Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L54968 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Partner Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154968M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49 1 Real i

I Application Pharma Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition -

Application User L54982 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15'

Real 12 Application Pharma Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154982M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Pharma Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154996 Permanente sem Manutenção

H R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Pharma Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 154996M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Price Analytics - Application User L55010 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Real 12 Application Price Analytics - Application User 155010M ! Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49 Real Procurement & Spend Analytics, Fusion Edition -

Application User L55024 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Procurement & Spend Analytics, Fusion Edition - Application User 155024M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Service Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User L55052 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Service Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155052M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155066 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15,

I Real 12 'Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Application Fusion Edition - Application User 155066M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Telecom Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155080 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real Telecom Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155080M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Telecom Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155094 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 . Application Telecom Sales Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155094M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real ¡Application Telecom Service Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155108 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Telecom Service Analytics Fusion Edition - Application User 155108M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real 1 lApplication

E-Business Suite UPK iProcurement (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55120 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 1

12 Application E-Business Suite UPK iProcurement (Up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

155120M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real 'Application ----,

E-Business Suite UPK iProcurement (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55123 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 4'-: /

FS., 12 -,

P/ 'N'FICIP/i\

1Acation /-Ppfi . \, E-Business Suite UPK iProcurement (over 4K

employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

155123M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73


Page 106: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 1 .Application

E-Business Surte UPK Internet Expenses (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55126 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Internet Expenses (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55126M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,001

Real ! Application E-Business Suite UPK Internet Expenses (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55129 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Internet Expenses (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55129M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Apphcation E-Business Suite UPK Human Resources (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55132 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,951

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Human Resources (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55132M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55135 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 j

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55135M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK General Ledger (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55138 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593.89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK General Ledger (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55138M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Surte UPK General Ledger (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55141 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79,

Real 12 Apphcation E-Business Suite UPK General Ledger (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55141M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Financiais Centralized Solufion Set (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

IL55144 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 'E-Business Suite UPK Financiais Centralized

Application Solufion Set (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55144M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application I E-Business Suite UPK Financiais Centralized ISolution Set (over 4K employees and/or over $1 ibillion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55147 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application I E-Business Suite UPK Financiais Centralized Solution Set (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55147M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eCompensation


Manager Desktop (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55168 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eCompensation Manager Desktop (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55168M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eCompensation Manager Desktop (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55171 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eCompensation Manager Desktop (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55171M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile Manager Desktop (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55174 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 1 12 Application , in

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile Manager Desktop (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion

revenue) - UPK Module L55174M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

, Real

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile Manager Application i Desktop (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in

e, rev nue) - UPK Module -E L55177 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72



12 —

I erV(.,:•\ - .rFfP

PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK eProfile Manager Application 'Desktop (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in _ I revenue) - UPK Module

L55177M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

,A,Pli IPeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporfing Tools for

ion I PeopleTools (over 4K employees and/or over $1 Ibitlion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55180 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79


Page 107: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for PeopleTools (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

1_55180M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for PeopleTools (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55183 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Reporting Tools for PeopleTools (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55183M Manutenção na Vigência In 19.627,46

, Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Interaction Hub (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55186 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft UPK for Interaction Hub (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55186M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91 A

Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Interaction Hub (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55189 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft UPK for Interaction Hub (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55189M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK HelpDesk for Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

.L55192 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application


PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK HelpDesk for Human Resources (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55192M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK HelpDesk for Human


Resources (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55195 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK HelpDesk for Human Resources (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L55195M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application Siebel Loyalty In-Store Engine - Retail Register L60269 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09

Real 12 Application ---i--

Siebel Loyalty In-Store Engine - Retail Register L60269M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52

Real Siebel Loyalty Service Agent Console - Application Application User L60277 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.526,30

Real 12 Application Siebel Loyalty Service Agent Console - Application User 160277M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.514,23

Real Application Siebel E-Commerce - Processor L60286 Permanente sem Manutenção R$833.854,10 Real 12 Application Siebel E-Commerce - Processor L60286M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 193.470,64

Real Application Siebel Configurator Runtime for E-Commerce - Processor L60312 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37

Real 12 Application Siebel Configurator Runtime for E-Commerce - Processor L60312M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21

Real Application Siebel Public Sector E-Support - Processor L60338 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422.969,47 Real 12 !Application Siebel Public Sector E-Support - Processor L60338M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98.137,28

Real Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer for E-Commerce - Processor L60364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,681

Real 12 Application Siebel Dynamic Pricer for E-Commerce - Processor L60364M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Siebel Communications E-Support - Processor L60390 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 507.563,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications E-Support - Processor L60390M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 117.764,74

Real Application Siebel Communications E-Commerce - Processor L60416 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.003.041,89

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications E-Commerce - Processor L60416M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 232.725,56

Real Application Siebel E-Support - Processor L60442 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05 Real 12 Application Siebel E-Support - Processor L60442M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.735,32

Real Application Siebel Loyalty Engine Multi-Partner Edition - 100K Member Records L60495 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Siebel Loyatty Engine Multi-Partner Edition - 100K Member Records L60495M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Siebel Loyalty Engine Standard Edition - 100K Member Records L60503 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real -

Application Siebel Loyalty Engine Standard Edition - 100K Member Records ,

L60503M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14 1

Real , App icationReal-Time D ecisions Base Application - Processor i

1,1 L60600 Permanente sem Manuteno Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

94/187 t> :2

P.: /

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Real 12 Application Real-Time Decisions Base Application - Processor I, L60600M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Application Real-Time Decisions for Siebel E-Commerce - Processor L60612 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Real-Time Decisions for Siebel E-Commerce - Processor L60612M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real iReal-Time Decisions for Siebel Intelligent Offer Application IGeneration - Application User L60620 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.350,50

Real 12 Real-Time Decisions for Siebel Intelligent Offer Application iGenerafion - Application User L60620M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.009,40

Real Application Service Paris Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold L60628 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Service Parts Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold L60628M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Manufactunng Operations Center -$M Cost of Goods Sold L60636 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 Application Goods Manufactunng Operations Center -$M Cost of

Sold L60636M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real Application Demand Signal Repository - SM Revenue Under Management L60644 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application L60644M Demand Signal Repository - $M Revenue Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real Application Advanced Planning Command Center -$M Cost of Goods Sold L60652 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Advanced Planning Command Center - $M Cost of Goods Sold L60652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Demantra Integration Pack for Siebel CRM Application Consumer Goods - Processor L60662 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89'

Real 12 Application Demantra Integration Pack for Siebel CRM Consumer Goods - Processor L60662M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real i_

Application Retail Integration Bus - Enterprise $M in Revenue L60668 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Retail Integration Bus - Enterprise $M in Revenue L60668M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Retail Regular Price Optimizafion - Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L60671 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.109,11

Real 12 Application Retail Regular Price Optimization - Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L60671M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 953,40

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Absence Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Absence Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60674M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Absence Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60677 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Absence Management


(up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60677M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real ,Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Talent Acquisition Manager (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60680 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Talent Acquisition Manager (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60680M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Talent Acquisition Manager (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60683 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK Talent Acquisition Manager (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L60683M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Siebel CRM Base for Clinicai Trial Management System - Application User

L60684 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.030,29

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Base for Clinicai Tilai Management System - Application User L60684M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.327,22

Real Appficafion JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Core Tools and Infrastructure - Application User L61114 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Core Tools and Infrastructure -Application User L61114M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21

Real AutoVue VueLink Integration for Documentum - Apphcation Computer L61155 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86

Real O 12 AutoVue VueLink Integration for Documentum - 'Ration Computer L61 155M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70 1. ' # •:;i

•::.?1 95/187

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Real Application lAutoVue VueLink integrafion for SharePoint - .4 Computer L61173 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86

Real 12 Application liAutoVue VueLink integration for SharePoint - Computer 161173M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70

Real Application AutoVue VueLink lntegration for Universal Content Management - Computer L61179 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 70.091,86

Real 12 Application AutoVue VueLink Integration for Universal Content Management - Computer 161179M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.262,70

Real Application 161182 Retail Size Profile Optimization -Enterpnse $M in Revenue Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.658,58

Real 12 Application L61182M Retail Size Profile Optimization -Enterpnse $M in Revenue Manutenção na Vigência R$ 616,84 I

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced Pricing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61218 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced Pricing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61218M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced


Pricing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61219 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89(

I R$ 19.627,46'


Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced Pricing (over 4K employees andfor over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61219M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Fixed Assets Accounting (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion L61220 Permanente sem Manutenção

I R$ 42.296,95 .

in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Fixed Assets Accounting (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61220M Manutenção na Vigéncia R$ 9.813,73

.Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Fixed Asseis Accounting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61221 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84593,89 I

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Fixed Assets Accounting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 161221M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Sales Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61222 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Sales Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61222M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627.46



Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Sales Order Management (over 4K employees andror over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61223 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Sales Order Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 L61223M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Hyperion Financial Management Plus - Application User L61269 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.568,73

Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Management Plus - Application User 161269M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.916,19

Real Application Hyperion Planning Plus - Application User L61277 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.459,61 Real 12 Application Hyperion Planning Plus - Application User 161277M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.962,80

I Real Applicafion —Hyperion Performance Scorecard Plus -Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Hyperion Performance Scorecard Plus - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Hyperion Interactive Reporting - Named User Plus L61321 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 IApplication Hyperion Interactive Reporting - Named User Plus L61321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Hyperion Interactive Reporting Processor L61327 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 166.770,60 Real 12 Application Hyperion Interactive Reporting - Processor 161327M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 38.694,08

Real Application L61335 Hyperion SOR Production Reporting -Named User Plus Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26

Real 12 Applicafion Hyperion SOR Production Reporting - Named User 161335M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83 Plus

Real Application Hyperion SOR Production Reporting - Processor Álith r

L61341 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 55.589,83

Real d2 . (tÁNSTItbation it-lyperion SOR Production Reporting - Processor / A

161341M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.897,94

S.zr: FRO A

\ t". c•cr \ •


Page 110: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Hyperion Financial Reporting - Named User Plus L61349 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.256,98

Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Reporting - Named User Plus L61349M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 291,65 Real Application Hyperion Financial Reporting - Processor L61356 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 97.886,78 Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Reporting - Processor L61356M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.711,67 Real Application Hyperion Web Analysis - Named User Plus L61363 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.256,98 Real 12 Application Hyperion Web Analysis - Named User Plus L61363M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 291,65 Real Application Hyperion Web AnaNsis - Processor L61370 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 97.886,78 Real 12 Application Hyperion Web AnaNsis - Processor L61 370M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.711,67 Real Application Hyperion Protitability and Cost Management -

Application User 61372 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21

Real 12 Application Hyperion Protitability and Cost Management - Application User 61372M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real Application AutoVue Mobile - Computer L61526 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21 Real 12 Application AutoVue Mobile - Computer L61526M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Strategic Sourcing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61729 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Strategic Sourcing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61729M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Strategic Sourcing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61730 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Strategic Sourcing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L61730M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application insurance New Business and Underwriting - $M in Written Premium L61744 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

IReal 12 Application Insurance New Business and Underwriting - $M in Written Premium 61744M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

:Real Application Crystal Bali - Application User L61820 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.404,95 'Real 12 Application Crystal Ball - Application User L61820M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 558,00 Real Apphcafion Crystal Bali Decision Optimizer - Application User L61828 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Crystal Bali Decision Optimizer - Application User L61828M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Crystal Bali Enterprise Performance Management Application User L61831 Permanente sem Manutenção R$9.667,65

Real 12 Crystal Bali Enterprise Performance Management Application Application User L61831M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.243,09

Real ¡Crystal Bali Classroom Faculty Edition - Faculty Application User 1 L61848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 892,12

Real 12 ¡Crystal Bali Classroom Faculty Edition -Faculty Application User I L61848M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 206,99

Real Application Communications Services Gatekeeper, Base , Platform - TUPS per Domamn L61891 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 38.671,72

Real 12 Application Communications Services Gatekeeper, Base Platform - TUPS per Domain L61891M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.972,60

Real Application Communications Services Gatekeeper, Enabler Module - TUPS per Domain L61899 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 12 Application Communications Services Gatekeeper, Enabler Module - TUPS per Domain L61899M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application Real-time Scheduler - Field Resource L61905 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.405,06 Real 12 Application Real-time Scheduler - Field Resource L61905M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.486,10

Real Siebel UPK for Customer Hubs (over 4K employees Application and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L64521 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Customer Hubs (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L64521M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application Siebel UPK for Customer Hubs (up to 4K

164529 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Siebel UPK for Customer Hubs (up to 4K

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64529M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00 j J

Real -Application 'Siebel UPK Fundamentais for Siebel CRM Base (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

164537 Permanente sem Manutenção .

R$ 169.187,79

PP Real 1.9:¡i. 12R0 f


: ,-,5 •

„ ... -v A liça


./i 1

Siebel UPK Fundamentais for Siebel CRM Base (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64537M Manutenção na Vigência 1

R$ 39.254,91

6.8 97/187

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Real • 1 lApplication Siebel UPK for Siebel Loyalty (over 4K employees

and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L64545 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Loyalty (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 64545M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application Siebel UPK Fundamentais for Siebel CRM Base (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

164553 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK Fundamentais for Siebel CRM Base (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64553M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real I Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Loyalty (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 164561 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

L2eal 12 'Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Loyalty (up to 4K employees 164561M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00 and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Marketing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

164569 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Marketing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK

!Module 164569M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,461

I Real Siebel UPK for Siebel Marketing (up to 4K

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK !Module

L64577 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Marketing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

164577M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Sales (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L64585 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89



12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Sales (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 164585M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46:

Real i Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Sales (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L64593 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Sales (up to 4K employees 164593M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Service (over 4K empl oyees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L64601 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84393,89

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Service (over 4K employees oyees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 164601M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Service (up to 4K empoyees l and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 164609 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Service (up to 4K employees es and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 164609M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Territory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64617 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real •

12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Territory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

164617M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Territory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64625 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Territory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

164625M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application Life Sciences Data Hub - Processor 164633 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845.938,94 Real 12 Application Life Sciences Data Hub - Processor 164633M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196.274,56

Real Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for E-Business Suite: Design to Release - Processor

L64641 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79


— Á7\


-- .. •

Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for E-Business Suite: Design to Release - Processor

164641M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91



Page 112: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real I Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Administrafion Integration Pack - FTE Student L64649 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46

Real f 12 Application i

PeopleSoft Enterprise ion Student Administrat Integration Pack - FTE Student L64649M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36

Real i

Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Cash Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64656 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Cash Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64656M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Cash Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64657 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 I

Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Cash Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L64657M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Documaker Enterprise Edition - Processor L64670 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483.393,68 Real J 12 Application Documaker Enterprise Edition - Processor L64670M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112.156,89 Real 1 Application Documaker Desktop - Application User L64672 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68 Real 12 Application Documaker Desktop - Application User L64672M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84 Real Application Insurance Compliance Tracker - Application User L64678 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37

Real 12 Application Insurance Compliance Tracker - Application User L64678M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Real Application -

Insurance Data Exchange -1K Hosted Insurance Transactions L64681 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.015,60'

Real 12 Application I

Insurance Data Exchange - 1K Hosted Insurance Transactions L64681M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 235,64

Real 'Application Insurance Docuflex - Processor L64683 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725.090,52 Real 12 iApplication Insurance Docuflex - Processor L64683M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168.235,34 Real Application Insurance General Agent - Application User L64685 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38 Real 12 •Application Insurance General Agent - Application User L64685M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 Real , 'Application Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting - $M in

Written Premium L64688 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting - $M in Written Premium L64688M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Insurance Insight - $M in Written Premium L64691 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.021,21 Real 12 Application Insurance Insight - $M in Written Premium L64691M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 700,98 Real Application Insurance Data Capture - $M in Written Premium L66329 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Insurance Data Capture - $M in Written Premium L66329M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Payable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68810 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Payable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68810M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Payable (up to 4K employees and up to $1 !Drilla, in revenue) - UPK Module

L68819 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Payable (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68819M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Receivable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68827 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Receivable (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68827M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Receivable (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68835 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 JD Edwards World UPK for Accounts Receivable


(up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168835M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

i Real

JD Edwards World UPK for Address Book (over 4K Application

'employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68843 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 ..., --

frplication 1,,

JD Edwards World UPK for Address Book (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68843M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real 2"/ ri:itt -piro' iõri. JD Edwards World UPK for Address Book (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68851 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Page 113: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 lApplication JD Edwards World UPK for Address Book (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

1.68851M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Common Foundation (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68859 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Common Foundation (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168859M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Common Foundation (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68867 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Common Foundation (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168867M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real i Application I

JD Edwards World UPK for Human Resources Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168875 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Human Resources Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168875M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Human Resources Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68883 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.29E951 I

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Human Resources Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168883M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Payroll (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68891 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Payroll (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168891M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Payroll (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68899 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Payroll (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168899M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for General Ledger (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68907 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for General Ledger (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68907M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for General Ledger (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68915 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

I Real 12 Application

JD Edwards World UPK for General Ledger (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168915M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real I Application tD Edwards World UPK for Inventory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68923 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Inventory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168923M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for lnventory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68931 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Ápplication JD Edwards World UPK for Inventory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168931M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73



Application JD Edwards World UPK for Procurement (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68939 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 I lApplication

JD Edwards World UPK for Procurement (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168939M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real jA-


7- O


- G

ri (V,FIT:

--- -dA JD Ri;, pph. -, cation j,.. —

Edwards World UPK for Procurement (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68947 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

UP GSC 100/187

Page 114: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 1 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Procurement (up to 4K

i employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 'Module

i L68947M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68955 Permanente sem Manutenção I

R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

168955M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

1 Real Application

JD Edwards World UPK for Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68963 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68963M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application


JD Edwards World UPK for Product Data Management and Shop Floor Control (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68971 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Application

JD Edwards World UPK for Product Data Management and Shop Floor Control (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68971M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application

JD Edwards World UPK for Product Data Management and Shop Floor Control (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68979 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application


JD Edwards World UPK for Product Data Management and Shop Floor Control (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68979M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real i Application JD Edwards World UPK for Requirements Planning and Production Scheduling (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68987 Permanente sem Manutenção R$84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Requirements Planning and Production Scheduling (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68987M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Requirements Planning and Production Scheduling (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68995 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Requirements Planning and Production Scheduling (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L68995M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Sales Order Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69003 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Sales Order Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69003M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Sales Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69011 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Sales Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69011M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Technical Foundation (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69019 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Technical Foundation (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69019M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73



Application JD Edwards World UPK for World Writer (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69027 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real ,

iç. j_ik:u ,

NCC.t,:: .. Application , Eis / p 7%; \ 1Module

JD Edwards World UPK for World Writer (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L69027M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73


Page 115: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Technical Foundation (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69035 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.59889

'Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Technical Foundation (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69035M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for World Writer (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69043 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for World Writer (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69043M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for E-Business Suite Tools and Technologies (over 4K employees andior over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69227 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for E-Business Suite Tools and Technologies (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69227M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real E-Business Suite UPK for E-Business Suite Tools


and Technologies (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69230 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for E-Business Suite Tools and Technologies (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69230M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real 1 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Inventory (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69233 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Inventory (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69233M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Inventory (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69236 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Inventory (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69236M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for iRecruitment (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69239 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for iRecruitment (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69239M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real i E-Business Suite UPK for iRecruitment (up to 4K Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK

Module t---

L69242 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for iRecruitment (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69242M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Leaming Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69245 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Leaming Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69245M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Leaming Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69248 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application t _

E-Business Suite UPK for Leaming Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69248M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Applicafion

E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution System for Discrete Manufacturing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69251 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution System

System for Discrete Manufacturing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

real - ,'Application --L\ ", a..4

E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution System for Discrete Manufacturing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 bilficin in revenue) - UPK

Module L69254 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95


Page 116: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application TE-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution i System for Discrete Manufacturing (up to 4K lemployees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69254M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73


, 1E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution


System for Process Execution (over 4K employees iand/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69257 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution System for Process Execution (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69257M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution System for Process Execution (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69260 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Execution System for Process Execution (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69260M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Order Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69263 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Order Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69263M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69266 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69266M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real lApplication ,

E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Execution (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69269 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Execution (over 4K employees and/or over L69269M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Execution (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69272 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Execution (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69272M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing Product Development (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69275 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing Product Development (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69275M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Product Development (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69278 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Product Development (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69278M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Project Foundation (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69281 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Project Foundation (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69281M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real -

Apphcation .2-.\

E-Business Suite UPK for Project Foundation (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69284 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,951


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Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Project Foundafion (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69284M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.81373

E-Business Suite UPK for Project Management Real Applicafion (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in L69287 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Management

Real 12 Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in 169287M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Management (up

Real Application to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - L69290 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Management (up

Real 12 Application to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - 169290M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Resource

Real Application Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 L69293 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33 billion in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Resource

Real 12 Application Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 169293M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73 billion in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Resource

Real Application Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 169296 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72 billion in revenue) - UPK Module _a E-Business Suite UPK for Project Resource

Real 12 Application Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 169296M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00 billion in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Cosfing (over 4K

Real Application employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L69299 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Costing (over 4K

Real 12 Application employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 169299M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Cosfing (up to 4K

Real Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L69302 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 Module E-Business Suite UPK for Project Costing (up to 4K

Real 12 Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 169302M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shipping Execution (over

Real Application 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - 169305 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shipping Execution (over

Real 12 Application 4K employees anciã:ir over $1 billion in revenue) - 169305M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shipping Execution (up to

Real Application 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - L69308 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shipping Execution (up to

Real 12 Application 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - 169308M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shop Floor Management

Real Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in L69311 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shop Floor Management

Real 12 Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in 169311M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shop Floor Management

Real Application (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) L69314 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Shop Floor Management

Real 12 Application (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) 169314M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Work in Process (over 4K

Real Application employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L69317 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33 Module E-Business Suite UPK for Work in Process (over 4K

Real 12 Applicafion employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 169317M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73 Module E-Business Suite UPK for Work in Process (up to

Real Applicabon 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - L69320 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72 UPK Module , e

wl ,.. E-Business Suite UPK for Work in Process (up to Real 12

49 ApPllicalion L '-,+' 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) -

UPK Module 169320M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

i' SC

Page 118: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real I PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Contributor Relations


I (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) 1- UPK Module

L69323 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application 1PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Contributor Relations (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69323M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Contributor Relations (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in L69326 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Contributor Relations (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69326M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project and Govemment Contract Accounfing - Application User L69388 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application L69388M JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project and Govemment Contract Accounting - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

;Real Application Appfication integration Architecture Foundation Pack Extension for Insurance - Processor L69415 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77



12 Application Application Application Integrafion Architecture Foundation

Pack Extension for Insurance - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

;Real i

Applicafion Application Integrafion Architecture Foundation Pack Extension for Utilifies - Processor 69423 Permanente sem Manutenção in 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Application Integration Architecture Foundafion Pack Extension for Utilities - Processor 69423M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Real Application ISite Hub - Record L69431 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Real 12 Application 'Site Hub - Record L69431M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27 Real Application 1Site Hut) Add-On for E-Business Suite - Record 1L69447 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application Site Hub Add-On for E-Business Suite - Record L69447M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01 Real Application Site Hub Data Steward - Application User L69463 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91 Real 12 Application Site Hub Data Steward - Application User L69463M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65

Real Application Application Management Pack for Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Customer L69503 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483.393,68

Real 12 Application Application Management Pack for Communications Bilfing and Revenue Management - Customer L69503M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112.156,89

Real Application Productivity Kit Professional - UPK Developer ;User L69554 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit Professional - UPK Developer L69554M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Support (over 4K employees and/ar over S1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69575 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Support (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69575M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Support (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69578 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Support (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L69578M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application Business Approvals Connector for Managers - Application User L69660 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 'Business Approvals Connector for Managers - Application Application Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real ¡Business Approvals Connector for Sales Managers - Application Application User L69694 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 IBusiness Approvals Connector for Sales Managers - Application ;Application User L69694m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Marketing Automation Base, Professional Edition - Application User

L69716 Permanente sem Manutenção :.

R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Markefing Automation Base, Professional Edition - Application User

L69716M Manutenção na Vigência - '

R$ 729,11 1

Real '-i- Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Application .... Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User -A

L69723 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

rt • 1,1N7

GSC 105/187

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Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM L69723M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11 Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User

Real !Sebe' Communications, Media and Energy CRM

Application ! Service Base, Professional Edition - Application puser

L69731 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User

L69731M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Sebe' Distribution CRM Marketing Automation L69771 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46 Base, Professional Edition - Application User

Real 12 Application Siebel Distribution CRM Marketing Automation Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69771M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Distribution CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69779 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Distribution CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69779M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Distribution CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69787 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Distribution CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69787M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Marketing Automation Base Professional Edition - Application L69795 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46 User

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Marketing Automation Base, Professional Edition - Application User

L69795M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69803 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69803M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Marketing Automation Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69811 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Marketing Automation Base, Professional Edition -Application User L69811M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69819 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69819M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Life Sciences CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69827 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Siebel Life Sciences CRM Service Base, Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11 Application L69827M Professional Edition - Application User

Real 'Siebel CRM Marketing Automation Base, Application Professional Edition - Application User L69835 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Marketing Automation Base, L69835M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97 Professional Edition -Application User

Real Siebel Manufacturing CRM Marketing Automation Application Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69843 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Marketing Automation Base Professional Edition - Application User L69843M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application --t-

Siebel Manufacturing CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69851 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69851M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69859 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Siebel Manufacturing CRM Service Base, Professional Edition - Application User 1_69859M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Public Sector CRM Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69867 L69867 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.987,86

Real 12 -r--

Application Siebel Public Sector CRM Base, Professional Edition - Application User L69867M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 925,26

Real Application Siebel CRM Sales Base Professional Edition - L69875 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83 Application User

Real Real 12

evt,"1114#—, •-, 4App-lication

Application Siebel CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - L69875M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97 Application User

Real Siebel CRM Service Base, Professional Edifion - Application User L69883 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real -21;

Siebel Service Base, Professional Edition Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97 G' relgoDE:fjApOTliàation L69883M

CRM - Application User

GSC' 106/187

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Real Application Business Intelligence Publisher - Named User Plus L69986 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26

Real 12 Application Business Intelfigence Publisher - Named User Plus 169986M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83

Real Application Communications Converged Application Server, IP Mulfimedia Subsystem Edition - Processor L70031 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Communications Converged Application Server, IP Multimedia Subsystem Edition - Processor 70031M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Application Communications Converged Application Server - Processor L70039 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.167,79

Real 12 Application Communications Converged Application Server - Processor L70039M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Siebel Financial Services CRM Sales Base, Professional Edition - Application User L70087 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Siebel Financial Services CRM Sales Base, Application L70087M Professional Edition - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Primavera Capital Planning and Investment Control Application Budgefing - Application User L70109 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Primavera Capital Planning and Investment Control Budgeling - Application User L70109M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Primavera Contract Management - Application User L70120 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Primavera Contract Management - Application User _I

L70120M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 Real Application [Primavera Contractor - Application User L70135 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.130,22 Real 12 Application Primavera Contractor - Application User L70135M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 726,27 Real Application Primavera Eamed Value Management - Application

User 70159 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Primavera Eamed Value Management - Application User 70159M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Primavera Inspire for SAP - Application User 170202 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 217.527,16 Real 12 Application Primavera Inspire for SAP - Application User 170202M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 50.470,60 Real Application 170295

Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.646,44

Real 12 Application Primavera P6 Enterpdse Project Portfolio Management - Application User 70295M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.542,11

Real Application Primavera P6 Professional Project Management - Application User 70321 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42

Real 12 Primavera P6 Professional Project Management - Application User _LApplicafion L70321 Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application Primavera P6 Reporting Database - Processor L70330 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21

Real 12 Application Primavera P6 Reporling Database - Processor L70330M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real -1- Application Primavera Portfolio Management - Application User L70355 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07

Real 12 Application Primavera Portfolio Management - Application User L70355M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24 Real Application Primavera Risk Analysis - Application User L70400 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.961,64 Real 12 Application Primavera Risk Analysis - Application User L70400M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.327,56 Real Application Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio

Management Management Web Services - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application L70429M Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services -Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Siebel Campaign Management - Application User L70466 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.114,73

Real 12 Application Siebel Campaign Management - Application User L70466M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.418,74

Real Application Siebel Campaign Management for Partners Registered Registered User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Siebel Campaign Management for Partners - Registered User L70493M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Retail Assortment Planning - Enterpnse $M in Revenue L70520 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Retail Assortment Planning - Enterprise $M in Revenue L70520M Manutenção na Vigência

- R$ 448,57 i

Real Applicafion Siebel Campaign Management, SPE for Partners - Registered User L70523 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real ,12 --,

•---. Akplication Siebel Campaign Management, SPE for Partners -

Registered User L70523M • t Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real ., iGtitf Ce ppl ation


Siebel Campaign Management, SPE - Application User L70531 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.114,73

• 107/187

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Real 12 —Siebel Campaign Management, SPE - Application Application User L70531M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.418,74

Real Application L70539 Retail Clearance Optunization Engine - Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Retail Clearance Optimization Engine - Enterprise $M Revenue Under Management L70539M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Siebel Lead Management - Application User L70542 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19 Real 12 Application Siebel Lead Management - Application User L70542M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05 Real Application Siebel Lead Management, SPE - Application User L70572 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19

Real 12 Application :Siebel Lead Management, SPE - Application User L70572M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05

'Real .Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced Real Estate Forecasting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70580 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced Real Estafe Forecasting (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70580M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced Real Estate Forecasting (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70583 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application IJD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Advanced Real i Estale Forecasting (up to 4K employees and up to i$1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70583M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00,

Real Application JO Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Real Estale Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70592 Permanente sem Manutenção


R$ 84.593,89

, Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Real Estate Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70592M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Real Estate Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70595 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JO Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Real Estate Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L70595M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Retail Macro Space Management - Enterprise $M in Revenue L70700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Retail Macro Space Management - Enterprise $M in Revenue L70700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

¡Real Application Retail In-Store Space Collaboration -Enterprise $M in Revenue L70704 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Retail In-Store Space Collaborabon -Enterprise $M in Revenue L70704M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for E-Business Suite - Processor L70747 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for E-Business Suite - Processor L70747M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for JD Edwards - Processor L70782 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for JD Edwards - Processor L70782M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69 .

Real Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for PeopleSoft - Processor L70791 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application L70791M Application Adapters for Data Integration for PeopleSoft - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Application Adaptem for Data Integration for Siebel - Processor L70800 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Application Adapters for Data Integrarion for Siebel Processor L70800M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

I Real Application L70842 Policy Automation -Enterprise $M in Operating

Budget Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Application !Budget Policy Automation -Enterprise $M in Operating

L70842M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25 Real Application Policy Automation - Processor L70851 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483.393,68 Real 12 Application Policy Automation - Processor L70851M Manutenção na Vigência ; 1 R$ 112.156,89 Real mit . - i 1,,

Oc- Policy Automation Connector for SAP Java Application Connector - Processor L70862 Permanente sem ManUtenção R$ 290.036,21

Real O ' 12 -,- ff, .C:;,;..rint-' ti

Policy Automation Connector for SAP Java firilièation ", ` Connector - Processor L70862M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 67.294,14


Page 122: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Policy Automafion Connector for Siebel - Processor L70873 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193.357,47

Real 12 Application I Policy Automation Connector for Siebel - Processor 170873M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44.862,76

Real Application Policy Policy Automafion for Mobile Devices - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Policy Automafion for Mobile Devices - Application User

L70891m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84 Real Application Policy Modeling - Application User L70902 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 Real 12 Application Policy Modeling - Application User 170902M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 Real Application Policy Policy Modeling - Enterprise $M in Operating

Budget Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42

i Real 12 Application Policy Modeling - Enterprise $M in Operating Budget 170903M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application Agite Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for SAP: Design to Release - Processor L70982 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for SAP: Design to Release - Processor

L70982m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real Application Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais: Financial Operations Contrai - Processor

L71024 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79 I

Real 12 Application Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais: Financial Operations Control - Processor

171024M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Application Application Integration Architecture Foundation

Pack Extension for Communications - Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77

Real 12 Application Application Integration Architecture Foundafion Pack Extension for Communications - Processor 171032M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Real Application Communicafions denfiguration Management Module - Cartridge Software Development Kit - Applicafion User

L71071 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42,296,95

Real 12 Application Communications Configuration Management Module - Cartridge Software Development Kit - Application User

171071M Manutenção na Vigência R$9.813,73

Real Application Communications Conversion Manager - Application User L71077 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 211.484,74

Real 12 Application Communications Conversion Manager - Application User 171077M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 49.068,64

Real Application Communications Customer Center Manager - Application User L71083 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Communications Customer Center Manager - Application User 171083M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Communications Design Studio - Application User 171089 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

Real 12 Application Communications Design Studio - Application User 171089M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real Application Communications Developer Suite - Application User L71097 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Communications Developer Suite - Application User 171097M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Module - Cartridge Software Development Kit - Application User

L71103 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Communications IP Sei-vice Activator Module - Cartridge Software Development Kit - Application User

171103M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Communications Permissioning Center -Application User L71115 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 20.785,84

Real 12 Application j_User Communications Permissioning Center - Application 1.71115m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.822,73

Real Application Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for E- Business Suite - Processor 171138 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for E-Business Suite - Processor 171138M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application L71144 Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for PeopleSoft - Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54,

I Real pplicadon Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for

PeopleSoft - Processor 171144M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

r — E t.-.) p ¡App:ication Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for SAP - Processor L71150 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Ur), GSC :2/ 109/187

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Real 12 Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for SAP ApplicationApplication - Processor 171150M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1289,69,

Real Application Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for Siebel - Processor L71156 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Application Adapter for Warehouse Builder for Siebel - Processor 171156M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application PeopleSoft - Enterprise Workforce Communications Empioyee L71324 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Workforce Communicafi -ons Empioyee 171324M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23

Real Application Enterprise Taxation Management Integration to E-Business Suite Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processor

171345 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Enterprise Taxation Management Integration to E-Business Suite Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processor

171345M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

,Real Application Enterprise Taxation Management Integration to PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processor

L71353 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Enterprise Taxation Management Integration to PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processor

171353M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real i

Application Agile Distributed File Management for Agile Engineering Data Management - Processor L71385 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 12 Application Agile Agile Distributed File Management for Agile Engineering Data Management - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real ,

Application Business Approvais Connector for Sales Managers, L71414 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84541 SPE - Application User

al 12 Application Business Approvais Connector for Sales Managers, SPE - Application User 171414M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

J Real I

Applicafion Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing - $M in Revenue L71463 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42 i

Real 12 Application Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing - $M in Revenue 171463M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1401,96

Real Application I

ins.urance Revenue Management and Billing - $M in Wntten Premium L71503 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42

Real 12 lApplication insurance Revenue Manageent and Billing - $M in m Written Premium 171503M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Configurator (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L71518 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Configurator (up to 4K empioyees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

171518M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Configurator (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L71526 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application .10 Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Configurator (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

171526M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Homebuilder Management (up to 4K empioyees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L71534 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 JID Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Homebuilder

Application Management (up to 4K empioyees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

171534M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real .30 Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Homebuilder

Application 'Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 ibillion in revenue) - UPK Module

L71542 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JID Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Homebuilder Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

171542M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Appficafion Utilities Customer Care and Billing integration to JD Edwards Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processor

171596 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real / lg il f .-‘• ,---,c

Application ra ":1:2*

Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to JD Edwards Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processor

171596M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46


Page 124: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to E-Business Suite Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processor

L71604 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Caie and Billing Integration to E-Business Suíte Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processar

L71604M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Ufilifies Customer Caie and Billing integration to PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processar

L71612 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing integration to PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais for General Ledger and Accounts Payable - Processar

L71612M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Applicafion Configuration Management Pack for Database - Processar L71638 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Configuration Management Pack for Database - Processar L71638M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Configuration Management Pack for Applications - Processar L71656 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Configuration Management Pack for Applicalions - Processar L71656M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Configuration Management Pack for Applications - Named User Plus L71666 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application Configuration Management Pack for Applications - Named User Plus L71666M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real Application Fleet Management for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management L71676 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.335,30

Real 12 Application Fleet Management for Transportation Management - $M Freight Under Management L71676M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.486,17

Real i Application Human Resources Analytics Fusion Edition -

Application User L71690 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Human Resources Analylics Fusion Edition - Application User L71690M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Media Intellectual Property Management for Application Acquisition Deals - Application User L71700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.752,49

Real 12 Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Acquisition Deals - Application User L71700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.047,01

Real Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Availability Research - Application User L71706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.752,49

Real 12 Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Availability Research - Application User L71706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.047,01

Real Application L71712 Media intellectual Property Management for Contract Accounting - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 43.504,99

Real 12 Application Media intellectual Property Management for Contract Accounfing - Application User L71712M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.094,02

Real Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Development Project Management - Application User

L71748 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.752,49

Real 12 Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Development Project Management - Application User

L71748M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.047,01

Real Application Media intellectual Property Management for Licensing Deals - Application User L71754 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.752,49

Real 12 Application L71754M Media intellectual Property Management for Licensing Deals - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.047,01

Real Application Media intellectual Property Management for Ownership Research - Application User L71760 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.752,49

Real 12 Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Ownership Research - Application User L71760M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.047,01

Real Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Royalties Management - Application User L71766 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 43.504,99

Real 12 Application Media Intellectual Property Management for Royallies Management - Application User L71766M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.094,02

Real Application Media intellectual Property Management Server - Application User L71772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 108.763,58

Real 12 Media Intellectual Property Management Server - Application Application User L71772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.235,30

Real Application en Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management ERP Source Adapter for SAP - Application User L71780 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

Real 1

cd. 12 /Application .,- ,.. ,-.—/tictriSP N

NI t̀" ‘• yH -ce • - ‘

perion Financial Data Quality Management ERP Source Adapter for SAP - Application User L71780M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55

Real 1 ..., • l "" / lfration Student Leaming - FTE Student L71811 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121,25J 111/187

Page 125: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Student Leaming - FTE Student L71811M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13 Real Application JD Edwards World Purchase Card Management -

1K Transactions L71817 Permanente sem Manutenção 1

R$ 1.208,04

tal 12 Application JD Edwards World Purchase Card Management - 1K Transactions L71817M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

'Real i

Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS PWE - Customer L71828 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169187,79

Real --.

12 lApplication Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS PWE - Customer L71828M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS MPLS-TE LSP - Customer L71836 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS MPLS-TE LSP - Customer L71836M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Retail Data Model - Named User Plus L71918 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31 Real 12 Application Retail Data Model - Named User Plus L71918M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57 Real Application Retail Data Model - Processor L71928 Permanente sem Manutenção L R$ 96.678,741

R$ 22.431,38 Real 12 Application Retail Data Model - Processar L71928M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Hyperion Data Relationship Steward -Application User L72025 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Hyperion Data Relationship Steward -Application User L72025M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Integrated Margin Planning -Application User L72112 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.919,22 Real 12 Application Integrated Margin Planning - Application User L721 12M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.925,59 Real Application Landed Cost Management - $M Cost of Goods Sold L72151 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Landed Cost Management - $M Cost of Goods Sold L72151M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Loyalty Analytics - 100K Member Records L72159 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37 Real 12 Application Loyalty Analytics - 100K Member Records L72159M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69 Real Application Project Analytics - Application User L72164 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Real 12 Application Project Analytics - Application User L72164M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3 252 49 Real Application Advanced Pricing for Landed Cost Management - L72170 $M Cost of Goods Sold Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application Advanced Pricing for Landed Cost Management - L72170M $M Cost of Goods Sold Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real Application Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement - Application User L72178 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.335,30

Lt1 12 Application Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement - Application User L72178M Manutenção na Vigência R$4.486,17

Real Application Channel Rebates and Point of Sale Management for Accounts Receivables Deductions Settlement- Application User

L72189 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 1

12 Application Channel Rebates and Point of Sate Management for Accounts Receivables Deductions Settlement - Application User

L72189M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76'

Real Application Price Protection for Accounts Receivables Deductions Settlement - Application User L72200 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Application Pnce Protectron for Accounts Receivables Deductions Settlement - Application User L72200M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real Application Supplier Ship and Debit for Accounts Receivables Deductions Settlement - Application User L72211 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Application Supplier Ship and Debit for Accounts Receivables Deductions Settlement - Application User L72211M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real Application Communications Unified Inventory Management - Consumer Vol P Technology Pack - Customer L72504 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Communications Unified Inventory Management - Consumer VolP Technology Pack - Customer L72504M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Application Communications Unified Inventory Management - Metro Ethernet Technology Pack - Customer L72512 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Communications Unified Inventory Management - Metro Ethernet Technology Pack - Customer L72512M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real - L,L, --. \-»-

plication Communications Unitled Inventory Management - L2 VPN Technology Pack - Customer L72520 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real o

- A • ication •

Communications Unified Inventory Management - L2 VPN Technology Pack - Customer


L72520M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Page 126: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

• Real Application Tlnsijrance [Stream Publisher - Processor -: L72533 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74 Real 12 Application Insurance IStream Publisher - Processor L72533M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38

Real j

Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Customer Order Management (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L72559 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Customer Order Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L72559M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Appfication Siebel UPK for Siebel Customer Order Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L72562 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Customer Order Management

L72562M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Siebel Smart Answer Connector - Application User L72577 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 'Application Siebel Smad Answer Connector - Application User L72577M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real lbrder Management Integration Pack for


:Transportation Management, E-Business Suite and ,Siebel CRM - Processor

L72637 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,681

Real 12 Application 1 Order Management Integration Pack for :Transportation Management, E-Business Suite and Siebel CRM - Processor

L72637M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Driver Management Integration Pack for Transportation Management and E-Business Suite - Processor

L72645 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Driver Management Integration Pack for Transportation Management and E-Business Suite - Processor

L72645M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Financial Management Integration Pack for Transportation Management and E-Business Suite - Processor

L72653 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

I Real 12 Application

Financial Management Integration Pack for Transportation Management and E-Business Suite - Processor

L72653M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,911

Real Application Insurance IStream Desktop - Application User L72691 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 18.127,26 Real 12 Application Insurance IStream Desktop - Application User L72691 M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.205,88 Real Daybreak Consumer Lease Collection - Application

User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real Daybreak Consumer Lease Collection - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Daybreak Consumer Lease Origination - Application User

L72754 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application : Daybreak Consumer Lease Origination - Application User

L72754m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Daybreak Consumer Lease Servicing - Application User User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Daybreak Consumer Lease Servicing - Application Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 User User

Real Application Permanente Daybreak Consumer Loans Collection -Application User sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Daybreak Consumer Loans Collection - Application User L72768M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Daybreak Consumer Loans Origination - Application User L72775 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.667,65

Real 12 Application Daybreak Consumer Loans Origination - Application User

L72775m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.243,09

Real Application Daybreak Consumer Loans Servicing - Application User L72784 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.667,65

Real 12 Application Daybreak Consumer Loans Servicing - Application User L72784M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.243,09

Real I Application Daybreak Unes Collection - Application User L72792 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38 Real 12 Application Daybreak Lines Collection - Application User L72792M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

R$1.834,38 Real Application Daybreak Lines Origination - Application User L72799 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Daybreak Lines Origination - Application User L72799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 Real Application Daybreak Lines Servicing - Application User L72806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38 Real 12 Application Daybreak Lines Servicing - Application User L72806M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 Real Application Daybreak Wholesale Floor Planning - Application

User L72813 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.667,65

Real 12 L., pplicafion User Daybreak Wholesale Floor Planning - Application

L72813M Manutenção na Vigência R$ .2.243,09 Real i .I A.plicàtion FLEXCUBE Connect - Processor L72826 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 Real I 12 t • AFip , tion FLEXCUBE Connect - Processor 1L72826M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 Real O! pliCalion

/ FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Base - Module -1-1-1/11:17

1L72965 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,261


Page 127: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application I FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Base - Module 172965M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Application • FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Loans - Financial Services Subscriber L72993 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Loans - Financial Services Subscriber L72993M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Trade Finance - Financial Services Subscriber L73007 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92

Real 12 Application H •FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Trade I Finance - Financial Services Subscriber L73007M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail Credit Cards - Financial Services Subscriber L73028 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,57

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail Credit Cards - Financial Services Subscriber 1_73028M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,36

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail External Payment Interface - Merchant L73042 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail External Payment Interface - Merchant L73042M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail Loans -Financial Services Subscriber L73056 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,57

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail Loans -Financial Services Subscriber L73056M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,36

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail Mutual Funds Financial Services Subscriber L73063 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24,47

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retal' Mutual Funds Financial Services Subscriber L73063M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5,68

Real Application FLEXCUBE Enterprise Limrts and Collateral Management - Processor 73085 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725.090,52

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Enterpnse &ruis and Collateral Management - Processor 73085M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168235,34'

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Integration Gateway Application User 73105 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.317,15:

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Integration Gateway Apphcation User 1_73105M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.233,68

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Integration Gateway Processor L73111 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193.357,47

Real 12 Application L73111M FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Integration Gateway Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44.862,76

Real Application - FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing for Mutual Funds $ M in Asseis Under Management 173125 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application 73125M FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing for Mutual Funds $ M in Asseis Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing for Unit Linked Investment and Insurance Products - $ M in Assets Under Management

L73132 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing for Und Linked Investment and Insurance Products - $ M in Asseis Under Management

L73132M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumer Lease Collection - Application User L73139 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumei Lease Collection - Application User

L73135m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumei Lease Origination - Application User L73146 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumer Lease Origination - Application User L73146M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1289,69

Real Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumei Lease Servicing - Application User

L73153 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application L73153M Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumer Lease Servicing - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumei Loans Collection - Application User L73160 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumei Loans Collection -Application User L73160M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real , pplication Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumei Loans Origination - Application User L73167 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.876,80

Real ( 7 rl5C . . pplication ,

Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumei Loans Origination - Application User

L73167m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63


Page 128: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumer Loans Servicing - Application User L73174 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.876,80

Real 12 Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Consumar Loans Servicing -Application User L73174M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63

Real Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Lines Collection - Application User L73181 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Lines Collection - Application User L73181M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Unes Origination - Application User L73188 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Lines Origination -Application User L73188M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application L73195 Financial Services Lending and Leasing Lines Servicing - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Financial Services Lending and Leasing Lines Servicing - Application User L73195M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.281

Real Application FLEXCUBE Private Banking Base - Module 173230 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845.938,94 Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Private Banking Base - Module L73230M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196.274,56

i Real Application FLEXCUBE Private Banking Customer Portal - Financial Services Subscriber L73237 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24,47

Real 12 FLEXCUBE Private Banking Customer Portal - Financial Services Subscriber L73237M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5,68

Real FLEXCUBE Private Banking User Desktop - Application User L73244 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 FLEXCUBE Private Banking User Desktop Application User Manutenção na Vigência RS 1.121,67

Real Application FLEXCUBE SMS Banking - Financial Services Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,29

Real 12 FLEXCUBE SMS Banking - Financial Services Subscriber L73286M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,53

I Real FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Asset Management

Application User L73300 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Asset Management Application Application User L73300M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Base - Application User L73320 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.535,38

Real 12 _L Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Base - Application

User L73320M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.140,48

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Bills and Collection Application User L73328 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Bills and Collection Application User L73328M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application L73348 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Cash Management Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Cash Management Application User L73348M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Commercial Loans Application User L73356 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.734,34

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Commercial Loans - Application User L73356M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.794,52

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Corporate Deposits Application User L73364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.283,81

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Corporate Deposits Application User L73364M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.457,97

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Current Accounts and Savings Accounts - Application User L73377 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.009,07'


Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Current Accounts and Savings Accounts - Application User

.1 L73377M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.626,24

Real FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Electronic Application Messaging Service - Application User L73390 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.866,62

Real 12 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Electronic Application Messaging Service - Application User L73390M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 897,13


Real _



Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded Derivativas for Commodities Futures and Options Application User

L73398 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded Derivatives for Commodities Futures and Options - Application User

L73398M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

4- - e.- k-r -------,, syc. ,-, Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded Derivativas for Currency Futures and Options - Application User

L73406 Permanente sem Manutenção ,

R$ 2.417,191 I

T' ROU • jW,C., k

uSe 115/187

Page 129: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real I 12 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded

Application i Derivatives for Currency Futures and Options - --4 Application User

E L73406M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded Derivativas for Equity and Index Futures and Options - Application User

173414 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application L73414M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded Derivatives for Equity and lndex Futures and Options - Application User

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded Derivatives for Interest Rate Futures and Options - Application User

L73422 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application 1

FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Exchange Traded Derivatives for Inferes( Rate Futures and Options - Application User

L73422M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real , 'Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Expense Processing

- Application User 173430 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73,

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Expense Processing - Application User L73430M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Fixed Assets - Application User 173438 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 Application L73438M FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Fixed Assets - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Foreign Exchange - Application User L73446 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Foreign Exchange - Application User L73446M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Funds Transfer - Application User L73459 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.317,15

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Funds Transfer - Application User L73459M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.233,68

Real FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Letters of Credit - Application User L73474 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Letters of Credit - Application User L73474M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Loan Syndication - Application User L73482 R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Loan Syndication - Application User L73482M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Money Markets - Application User L73490 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Money Markets - Application User 173490M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Nostro Reconciliation - Application User L73503 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Nostro Reconciliation -Application User L73503M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Over the Counter Currency Options - Application User L73511 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Over the Counter Currency Options -Application User L73511M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Over the Counter Interest Rate Options - Application User 173519 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 IFLEXCUBE Universal Banking Over the Counter Application Interest Rate Options - Application User L73519M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Payments and Application Collections - Application User L73532 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.317,15

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Payments and Collections - Application User L73532M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.233,68

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Secwities - Application User L73568 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7975,73,

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Securities - Application User L73568M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Standing Instructions - Application User L73581 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Standing Instructions - Application User L73581M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real - 41 i

Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Swaps and Fonvard Rate Agreements - Application User L73589 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real r

1,, 0C12 Application c

FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Swaps and Forward Rate Agreements - Application User L73589M Manutenção na Vigência E R$ 1.850,53

Real iv" nr-ri) ., Ilf _ y im..0 •--.. ¡canon i . .. FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Credit Lines . . . Ongination - Application User L73709 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.383,84


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!Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Credit Lines Origination - Application User L73709M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 785,12

Real —I

Application Financial Services Anti Money Laundering Enterprise Edition -$8 in Total Assets L73723 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real Financial Services Anti Money Laundering 12 Application L73723M Enterprise Edition -$8 in Total Assets Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1803,92

Real Application Financial Services Broker Compliance - acenado L73738 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Financial Services Broker Compliance - Scenario L73738M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.07845

Real Application Financial Services Broker Compliance Enterprise Edition - $ B in Assets Under Management L73744 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real Application 12 L73744M Financial Services Broker Compliance Enterprise Edition - $13 in Asseis Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application Financial Services Fraud - Scenario L73773 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42 Real 12 Application Financial Services Fraud - Scenario L73773M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22 Real Application Financial Services Fraud Enterprise Edition - $ B in

'Total Asseis L73779 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05

Real 12 Financial Services Fraud Enterprise Edition - $13 in Application

L73779M Total Assets Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53

Real -Financial 1Services Know Your Customer - Application ,L73786 Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Financial Services Know Your Customer - Application

L73786M Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering Application <=2,500 - Peak Messages per Day L73801 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42i

R$ 28.039,22 I Real 12 Application Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering <=2,500 - Peak Messages per Day L73801M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application L73808 Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 2,500, <=3,500 - Peak Messages per Day Permanente sem Manutenção


R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 2,500, <=3,500 - Peak Messages per Day Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 20,000 - Peak Messages per Day L73815 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725.090,52

Real 12 Application Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 20,000 - Peak Messages per Day L73815M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168.235,34



Real L73822 Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 3,500, <=5,000 - Peak Messages per Day Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 3,500, <=5,000 - Peak Messages per Day L73822M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Application Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 5000, 5000, <=20,000 - Peak Messages per Day Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 386.714,94

Real 12 Application Financial Services Real-Time Sanctions Filtering > 5000, <=20,000 - Peak Messages per Day L73829M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 89.725,52

Real Application Financial Services Trading Compliance - Scenario L73848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Financial Services Trading Compliance - Scenario L73848M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Application Financial Services Trading Compliance Enterprise Edition - $ B in Asseis Under Management L73854 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 12 Application Financial Services Trading Compliance Enterprise Edition - $13 in Assets Under Management L73854M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applicafions Infrastructure - $ B in Total Asseis

L73875 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application L73875M Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure - $ B in Total Assets Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real 1—

'Application Financial Services Basel II Basic - $ 13 in Total Asseis L73896 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real —4. 1 i; --_-k-i-,.,

Abplication Financial Services Basel II Basic - $ B in Total Asseis L73896M Manutenção na Vigência ; R$ a364,761

Real r C -4 pplr ation I

Financial Services Basel 11 Internai Ratings Based Approach - $ B in Total Assets L73903 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 29.004,07

liso 117/187

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Real 12 Application Financial Services Basel II Infernal Ratings Based Approach - $13 in Total Assets L73903M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.729,52

Real Application Financial Services Channel AnalWics - $ B in Total Assets L73910 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37

Real 12 Application Financial Services Channel Analytics - $ B in Total Assets L73910M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Real Application Financial Services Economic Capital Advanced B in Total Assets L73931 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Financial Services Economic Capital Advanced - $ B in Total Assets L73931M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Financial Services Analytical Applications Reconciliation Framework - $ B in Total Assets 173959 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 12 Application Financial Services Analytical Applicafions Reconciliation Framework - $13 in Total Asseis L73959M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application Financial Services ICAAP Analybcs - Application User L73966 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Financial Services ICAAP Analytics - Application User L73966M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Financial Services Market Risk - $ f3 in Total Assets L73973 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.752,49

Real 12 Application Financial Services Mancai Risk -$8 in Total Asseis L73973M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Financial Services Operational Risk Economic Capital - $ B in Total Asseis L73980 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Financial Services Operational Risk Economic Capital - $ B in Total Assets L73980M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Financial Services Operational Risk Enterprise Edition - $ B in Total Asseis L73987 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.710,07

Real 12 Application L73987M Financial Services Operational Risk Enterprise Edition - $ Er in Total Asseis Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.645,05

Real Financial Services Operational Risk Standard Application Edition - Application User L74001 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.292,88

Real 12 Application L74001M Financial Services Operational Risk Standard Edition -Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.084,21

Real Application Financial Services Retail Portfolio Risk Modais and Pooling - $13 in Total Asseis 174015 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.667,65

Real 12 Application Financial Services Retail Portfolio Risk Modais and Pooling - $13 in Total Asseis L74015M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.243,09

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Account Origination - Application User L74057 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Account Origination Application User L74057M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for SAP Applications - Processor L74141 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application L74141M Application Adapters for Data Integration for SAP Applicafions - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.289,69

Real Application L74378 Communications Service Configuration Management for Mobile - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,72

Real 12 Application Communications Service Configuration Management for Mobile - Individual Subscriber L74378M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,17

Real Application Communications Service Configurafion Management for VVireline - Individual Subscriber 174384 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,63

Real 12 Application L74384M Communications Service Configurafion Management for Wireline - Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,84

Real Documaker Enterpnse Edition -$M In Written Application Premium L74390 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Documaker Enterpnse Edition -$M in Written Application L74390M Premium Manutenção na Vigência 9 560,84

Real • Insurance Compliance Tracker - Application Read Application :Only User 1_74396 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38 .. .. Real 12 Insurance Compliance Tracker -Application Read Application ;Only User L74396M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Communications Connecfivity Management - 1K in Connections 174404 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application ICommunicafions Connectivity Management - 1K In 'Connections L74404M Manutenção na Vigência : R$ 560,84

Real (II. Application ‘-iii, . •-. Communications Device Management - Device 174412 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 109,011

Real 0

tit,'\12 e pitpil14‘fipn --, 71, i

Communications Device Management - Device L74412M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25,29

, \ SC 118/187

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Real AutoVue 2D Professional for Agile - Application Application User 174429 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.087,90

Real 12 AutoVue 2D Professional for Agile - Application Application AutoVue User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 252,41

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Collaboration (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74462 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Collaboration (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74462M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Collaboration (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74465 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84593,891

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Collaboration (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74465M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Cost Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74468 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real I 12 •Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Cost Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74468M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

I Real , •Application


Agile UPK for Agile Product Cost Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74471 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,891 1

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Cosi Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74471M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Governance and Compliance (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74474 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Governance and Compliance (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74474M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Governance and Compliance (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74477 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,891

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Governance and Compliance (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74477M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Portfolio Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74485 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Portfolio Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74485M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Agite UPK for Agite Product Portfolio Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74488 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Portfolio Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74488M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Quality Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74491 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Product Quality Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74491M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application irevenue)

Agile UPK for Agile Product Quality Management (over 4K employees andior over $1 billion in

- UPK Module L74494 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 1 Agite UPK for Agile Product Quality Management

Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74494M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46


I- Agile UPK Fundamentais for Product Lifecycle

Application Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74497 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Agile UPK Fundamentals for Product Lifecycle

Application Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74497M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73


\") ... iv

,Agile UPK Fundamentais for Product Lifecycle Application Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1

billion in revenue) - UPK Module 174500 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

I .Real

O .21 (-EL -P, r(.1,2;DFJ Apglication

A -; j/

Agile UPK Fundamentais for Product Lifecycle Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74500M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Page 133: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

i 1 Real Application Communications Geographic Address Management

- Per individual Subscriber L74501 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,09

Real 12 Application Communications Geographic Address Management - Per individual Subscriber L74501M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,25

Real Application Communications Telephone Number Managment Per Individual Subscriber

L74503 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,72

Real 12 Application Communications Telephone Number Managment - Per individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Communications Logical Device Account Management - Per individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Communications Logical Device Account Management - Per Individual Subscriber L74504M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,14

Real Application Communications Universal Resource Management Device L74505 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 325,93

Real 12 • . Application Communications Universal Resource Management -

Device L74505M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 75,62

Real Application Enterprise Taxation Management integration to Siebel Public Sector for Taxpayer Service - Processar

L74537 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Enterprise Taxation Management Integration to Siebel Public Sector for Taxpayer Service - Processar

L74537M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Online Marketing (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in L74545 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Online Marketing (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74545M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Appfication PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Online Marketing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74548 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise UPK for Online Marketing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174546M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application AutoVue 2D Professional -1-Click Ordering 'eDelivery - Application User 174549 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.087,90

Real 12 Application AutoVue 20 Professional -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74549M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 252,41

Real Application L74555 AutoVue 30 Professional Advanced -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.169,18

Real 12 Application AutoVue 30 Professional Advanced -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74555M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real Application AutoVue EDA Professional -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74561 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 :AutoVue EDA Professional -1-Click Ordering Application eDelivery eDelivery - Application User

Real AutoVue Electro-Mechanical Professional - 1-Click Application Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74567 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38

Real 12 Application AutoVue Electro-Mechanical Professional -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74567M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96

Real Applicafion AutoVue Office -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74573 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09

Real 12 Application AutoVue Office -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74573M Manutenção na Vigência RS 64,52

Real Application Communications Connectivity Management - Device L74591 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 38,93

Real 12 Application L74591M Communications Connectivity Management - Device Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9,03

Real Application Demantra UPK Fundamentais for Demantra Demand Management (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74623 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application Demantra UPK Fundamentais for Demantra Demand Management (over 4K employees and/ar L74623M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73 over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Demantra UPK Fundamentais for Demantra Demand Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74626 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 21.269,72

Real 12 , .641P11 G

Application Demantra UPK Fundamentais for Demantra Demand Management (up to 4K employees and up L74626M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00 to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real O


k "'I.. ----Trir • Ruu`-'

"e. Application

. . 1

Demantra UPK for Demantra Demand Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74629 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72


Page 134: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing Bills of Material (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing Bills of Material (over 4K employees and/or over $1 bilhon in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing

Application Bills of Material (over 4K employees and/or over $1 bilhon in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application

Real 12 Application


Real 12 Application

Real Application

Real 12 Application

Real Application

Real 12 ¡Application

E-Business Surte UPK for Advanced Supply Chain Application Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion

in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Advanced Supply Chain Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 bilHon n revenue) - UPK Module

E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing Application Bills of Material (up to 4K employees and up to $1

billion in revenue) - UPK Module




E-Business Suite UPK for Compensation Workbench (up to 41( employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Compensation Workbench (up to 41< employees and up to $1 bilhon in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Compensation Workbench (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Compensation Workbench (over 4K employees and/or over $1 bilhon in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing Quality (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing Quality (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing Quality (over 4K employees and/or over $1 bilhon in revenue) - UPK Module

E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing Quality (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

E-Business Surte UPK for Incentive Compensation Application (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue)

- UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Incentive Compensafion

Application (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module E-Business Suite UPK for Incentive Compensation

Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in V • revenue) - UPK Module

E-Business Suite UPK for Incentive Compensation on (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in

revenue) - UPK Module




Real 1

12 Application I

Demantra UPK for Demantra Demand Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174629M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real I Application

Demantra UPK for Demantra Demand Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74632 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Demand Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74632M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real :Application E-Business Suite UPK for Advanced Supply Chain Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74635 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Advanced Supply Chain Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174635M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

L74638 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

174638M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

L74641 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

L74641M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

L74644 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

174644M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,461

L74647 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

L74647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

L74650 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

174650M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

L74653 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

174653M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

L74656 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

L74656M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

L74659 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

174659M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

L74662 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

174662M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,461

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Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (up to 4K employees and up o $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74665 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74665M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real E-Business Suite UPK for Complex Maintenance,

Application Repair, and Overhaul (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74668 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74668M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,461 1

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74671 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74671M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74674M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Contracts (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74677 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Contracts (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74677M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Contracts (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74680 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Contracts (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74680M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Argus Affiliate - Application User L74686 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18.127,26 Real 12 Application Argus Affiliate - Application User L74686M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.205,88 Real Application Argus Dossier - Applicabon User L74694 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.710,07 Real 12 Application Argus Dossier - Application User L74694M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.645,05 Real Application Argus Insight - Application User L74702 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 39.879,76 Real 12 Application Argus Insight - Application User L74702M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.252,89 Real Application Argus Interchange - Application User L74710 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.710,07 Real 12 Application Argus Interchange - Application User L74710M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.645,05 Real Application Argus Reconciliation - Application User L74726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.021,21 Real 12 Application Argus Reconciliation - Application User L74726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 700,98 Real Application Argus Safety - Application User L74734 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72.509,05 Real 12 Application Argus Safety - Application User L74734M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.823,53 Real Application Argus Unblinding - Application User L74742 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.021,21 Real 12 Application Argus Unblinding - Application User L74742M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 700,98

Real Application


E-Business Suite UPK for Site Hub (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74759 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 E-Business Suite UPK for Site Hub (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74759M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,001

R$ 42.538,33 Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Site Hub (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74762 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Site Hub (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74762M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

iReal ,"---o O

, E-Business Suite UPK for Sourcing (up to 4K

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74765 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 1!


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12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Sourcing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174765M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Application E-Business Suite UPK for Sourcing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 bilhar in revenue) - UPK Module

L74768 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Sourcing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174768M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Primavera P6 Progress Reporter - Application User 174797 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 713,03

'Real 12 Application Primavera P6 Progress Reporter - Application User 174797M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 165,44

Real Application Insurance Data Exchange for Service Providers - Customer 174803 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.510,61

Real 12 Application Insurance Data Exchange for Service Providers - Customer L74803M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 350,49

Real Application Crystal Bali -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User 174810 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.404,95

Real 12 Application Crystal Bali -1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User 174810M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 558,00

Real Application Crystal Bali Classroom Faculty Edition - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Faculty User _

L74812 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 892,12

Real 12 Application Crystal Bali Classroom Faculty Edition - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Faculty User 174812M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 206,99

Real Application Crystal Bali Decision Optimizer - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74814 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Crystal Bali Decision Optimizer - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User 174814M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Crystal Bali Enterprise Performance Management - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User L74816 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.667,65

Real 12 Application Crystal Bali Enterprise Performance Management - 1-Click Ordering eDelivery - Application User 174816M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.243,09'

Real Application Succession Planning - Employee L74875 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08 Real 12 Application Succession Planning - Employee L74875M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Costing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74884 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Costing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 174884M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Costing (over 4K employees and/or over L74887 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: Process Costing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74887M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

'Real Application Product Hub for Communications - Record L74898 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63 Real 12 Application Product Hub for Communications - Record L74898M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Product Hub for Communications Add-on - Record L74909 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181,32

Real 12 Application Product Hub for Communications Add-on - Record 174909M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42,07

Real Application Higher Education Constituent Hub - Record L74920 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,14 Real 12 Application Higher Education Constituent Hub - Record 174920M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,73

Real Application Higher Education Constituent Hub Data Steward - Application User L74931 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91

Real 12 Application Higher Education Constituent Hub Data Steward - Application User L74931M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65

Real Application JD Edwards Wodd UPK for Fixed Assets (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174942 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33


1 1 --,

;Application JD Edwards World UPK for Fixed Assets (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174942M Manutenção na Vigência '

R$ 9.869,73

Real GI

rECCESP ,Application

.-4) „,/,

JD Edwards Wodd UPK for Fixed Assets (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174950 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72


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Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Fixed Assets (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74950M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real •

Application JD Edwards World UPK for Purchase Card Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74964 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Purchase Card Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

1.74964M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real •

Application JD Edwards World UPK for Purchase Card Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

174972 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Purchase Card Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L74972M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real I

Application Siebel Mobile Sales Assistant Data Access - Application User L75036 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

'Real 12 Application Siebel Mobile Sales Assistant Data Access - Application User L75036M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Siebel Mobile Sales Assistant Data Access, SPE Application Application User 175048 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Siebel Mobile Sales Assistant Data Access, SPE - L75048M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Application User

Real Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack Extension for Utilities - Named User Plus Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.223,64

Real 12 Application Application integration Architecture Foundation Pack Extension for Utilities - Named User Plus L75070M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 515,93

Real Application Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack Extension for insurance - Named User Plus 75076 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.223,64


Real 12 Application Application integration Architecture Foundation Pack Extension for insurance - Named User Plus L75076M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 515,93

Real Application Appficafion Integration Architecture Foundation Pack Extension for Communications - Named User L75082 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.223,64 Plus

[Real 12 'Application integration Architecture Foundation


Pack Extension for Communications - Named User Plus

L75082M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 515,93

Real 1PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais Warehouse - Application IApplication User L76100 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.326,23

Real 12 ,Application i PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais Warehouse - Application User L76100M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.859,93

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais Warehouse for Public Sector and Higher Education - Application User

L76107 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12


Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Financiais Warehouse for Public Sector and Higher Education - Application User

L76107M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Warehouse Application User L76114 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.326,23

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Warehouse - Application User L761 Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.859,93

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM Warehouse - Application User L76121 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.326,23

Real 12 -r

PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM Warehouse - Application Application User L76121M Manutenção na Vigência

Real 'PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions Application jWarehouse -Application User L76128 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.015.15

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions Warehouse - Application User L76128M Manutenção na Vigência

Real ..s.

Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Warehouse - Application User L76135 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.326,23

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Warehouse - Application User L76135M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.859,93

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence for PeopleSoft Enterprise - Application User

L76142 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.459,61

Real 1 -...._ Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence for PeopleSoft Enterprise - Application User

L76142M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.962,80

Real ' Appfication Argus Safe ty Japan - Application User L76306 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74 Real e> „;1*rAr.r.rAppliçafion Argus Safety Japan - Application User L76306M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38

'1 124/187


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IReal 1

Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Blend Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76375 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Blend Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76375M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Blend Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76383 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Blend Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76383M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management Management Discrete Shop Floor Management (up 104K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management Discrete Shop Floor Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76391M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing L76399 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Management Discrete Shop Floor Management (over 4K employees andfor over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management Discrete Shop Floor Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76399M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Base Configurator (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

176409 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 1

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Base Configurator (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76409M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Base Configurator (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - L76417 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 UPK Module

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Base Configurator (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76417M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for FASTR (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76425 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for FASTR (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76425M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for FASTR (over 4K employees andior over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76433 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for FASTR (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76433M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Event Management - Application User L76441 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.229,25

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Event Management - Application User L76441M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 981,27

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Center for Higher Education - Application User

176464 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.858,55

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Service Center for Higher Education - Application User L76454M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.551,91

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Online Marketing - Application User L76462 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 17.401,99

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Online Marketing - Application User L76462M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.037,61

Real Application Financial Services Asset Liability Management -$8 in Total Assets L76479 Permanente sem Manutenção t R$ 30.212,11

Real 12 Application Financial Services Asset Liability Management - $B in Total Assets L76479M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.009,81

Real Application Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure - $B in Total Assets L76486 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure - $B in Total Assets L76486M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real ;.:Ci‘ - 'T.':- ‘‘, . . i..‘? Application

-iii N Financial Services Funds Transfer Pricing - $B in Total Assets 1_76491 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.212,111

Í''', CFCbr7 "--,1/ _I

CiSr 125/187

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Real 12 Application Financial Services Funds Transfer Pricing - $B in Total Asseis L76491M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.00981

Real Application Financial Services Profriability Management - $B in Total Asseis L76496 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.21211

Real 12 Application Financial Services Profitability Management - $B in Total Assets L76496M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.00981

Real Application UPK for Hyperion Planning Plus (up to 41< employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76507 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application UPK for Hyperion Planning Plus (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L76507M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 Module

Real Application UPK for Hyperion Planning Plus (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76510 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 1 12 Application UPK for Hyperion Planning Plus (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76510M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application UPK for Hyperion Financial Management Plus (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76513 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application UPK for Hyperion Financial Management Plus (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76513M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application UPK for Hyperion Financial Management Plus (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76516 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application UPK for Hyperion Financial Management Plus (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76516M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,911

R$ 96.678,11 R$ 22.431,38

Real Application Spend Classification - Application User L76532 Permanente sem Manutenção Real 12 Application Spend Classification - Application User L76532M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Lease and Finance Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76540 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Lease and Finance Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76540M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Lease and Finance Management (up to 41< employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76543 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Lease and Finance Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L76543M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Incentive Compensation Analytics for Data Integrator - Compensated Individual L76552 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 604,02

Real 12 Incentive Compensation Analytics for Data Application Integrator - Compensated Individual L76552M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 140,14

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Cash Management - Financial Services Subscriber L76572 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12,24

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Cash Management - Financial Services Subscriber L76572M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,84

Real Application

FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate E-Factoring - Financial Services Subscriber L76579 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12,24

Real I 12 !Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate E-Factoring - Financial Services Subscriber L76579M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,84

Real • Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Foreign Exchange - Financial Services Subscriber L76586 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12,24

Real 12 1 ;Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Foreign Exchange - Financial Services Subscriber L76586M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,84

Real i_


FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Supply Chain Financing - Financial Services Subscriber L76593 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12,24

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate Supply Chain Financing - Financial Services Subscriber L76593M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,84

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail Bulk Payment - Financial Services Subscriber L76600 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,57

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail Bulk Payment - Financial Services Subscriber L76600M Manutenção na Vigência in 0,36

R$ 10.876,; Real i [Application f

Financial Services Lending and Leasing VVholesale Floor Planning - Application User 176607 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real ..

12' Application --

_27 Financial Services Lendina and Leasina Wholesale - - FloorPlanning -Application User L76607M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63


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Real Application L76614 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Connector for Identity Manager - Connector Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111.180,77



12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Connector for Identity Manager - Connector L76614M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.796,14

Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Letters of Credit Originafion - Application User L76626 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Letters of Credit Origination - Application User L76626M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Financial Services Anti Money Laundering and Fraud Analytics - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Financial Services Anti Money Laundering and Fraud Analytics - Application User L76640M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Financial Services Regulatory Reporting Electronic Filing Filing - Country Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Financial Services Regulatory Reporting Electronic Filing - Country L76647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Financial Services Regulatory Reporting - Country L76654 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 48.339,37

Real 12 Application Financial Services Regulatory Reporting - Country L76654M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

'Real Financial Services Trade Blotter -$ B in Total ApplicationAssets 176661 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Financial Services Trade Blotter - $ B in Total Assets L76661M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application L76668 Financial Services Trading and Broker Compliance Analytics - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Financial Services Trading and Broker Compliance Analytics - Application User 76668M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,771



Application Enterprise Taxafion Management Integration to Siebel Public Sector for Case Management - Processor

L76677 Permanente sem Manutenção

• I R$ 84.593,89'


12 Application Enterprise Taxation Management integration to Siebel Public Sector for Case Management - Processor

L76677M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real •

Application Design to Release Integration Pack for Agile Product Lifecycle Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Processor

L76732 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Design to Release Integration Pack for Agite Product Lifecycle Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Processor

L76732M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real •

Application Financial Operations Control Integration Pack for Retail Merchandise Operations Management and E Business Suite Financiais - Processor

L76740 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Financial Operations Control Integration Pack for Retail Merchandise Operations Management and E Business Suite Financiais - Processor

L76740M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real I

Application Project Portfolio Management Integration Pack for Primavera P6 and E-Business Suite - Processor L76764 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Project Portfolio Management Integration Pack for Primavera P6 and E-Business Suite - Processor L76764M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Project Portfolio Management Integration Pack for Primavera P6 and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Processor

L76772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Project Portfolio Management Integration Pack for Primavera P6 and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Processor

L76772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Siebel CRM Integration to Incentive Compensafion Processor L76780 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application L76780M Siebel CRM Integration to Incentive Compensation - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Process Integration Pack for Utilifies Field Work - Processor L76788 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Process Integration Pack for Utilifies Field Work Processor L76788M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real 'Customer Master Data Management Integration

Application Option for Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Processor

L76819 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68 J


1 ,

*() 0 ,

2 Y Customer Master Data Management Integration

hcafion ,Option for Communications Billing and Revenue , Management - Processor

L76819M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84


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i Customer Master Data Management Integration Application ri Option for E-Business Suite - Processor 176827 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

i Real 12 Application Customer Master Data Management Integration Option for E-Business Suite - Processor 176827M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Customer Master Data Management Integration Option for Siebel CRM - Processor L76847 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Customer Master Data Management Integration Option for Siebel CRM - Processor 176847M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Processor

176855 IPermanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Processor

176855M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Product Master Data Management Integration Option for E-Business Suite - Processor L76863 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Product Master Data Management Integration Option for E-Business Suite - Processor 176863M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Siebel CRM - Processor L76871 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Siebel CRM - Processor 176871M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Study, Subject, and Visit Synchronization Integration Pack for Siebel Clinicai and Chnical - Processor 176879 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Study, Subject, and Visit Synchronization Integration Pack for Siebel Clinicai and Clinicai - Processor L76879M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Demantra Sales and Operations Planning Integration to Hyperion Planning - Processor L76887 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Demantra Sales and Operations Planning Integration to Hyperion Planning - Processor 176887M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Content Management for Documaker - $M In Written Premium L76895 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Content Management for Documaker -$M in Written Premium 176895M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application L76903 Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising - 1k Transaction Units per Month Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36,71

Real 12 Application -Oracle Communications Marketing and Advertising 1k Transaction Units per Month 176903M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8,52

Real Application Financial Govemance for Enterprise Govemance, Risk, and Compliance Manager - Application User 176921 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.855,49

Real 12 Application Financial Govemance for Enterprise Govemance, Risk, and Compliance Manager - Application User L76921M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 894,55

Real Application Enterprise Govemance, Risk, and Compliance Manager - Application User L76933 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.072,61

Real L

12 Application Enterprise Govemance, Risk, and Compliance Manager - Application User 176933M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.801,08

Real Application Connector to E-Business Suite for Enterprise Transaction Controls Governar - Monitored User L76945 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 265,86

Real 12 Application Connector to E-Business Suite for Enterprise Transaction Controls Govemor - Monitored User 176945M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61,68

Real Application Order to Cash Transaction Controls for Enterprise Transaction Controls Governar - Monitored User L76956 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 265,86

Real 12 Application Order to Cash Transaction Controls for Enterprise Transaction Controls Governar - Monitored User 176956M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61,68

Real Procure to Pay Transaction Controls for Enterprise Application Transaction Controls Govemor - Monitored User L76967 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 399,34

Real 12 Application Procure to Pay Transaction Controls for Enterprise Transaction Controls Govemor - Monitored User 176967M Manutenção na Vigência

, R$ 92,66

Real Application Policy Automation -Application User L76976 Permanente sem Manutenção R$2.417,19 Real

i2 çApplication Policy Automation - Application User 176976M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84 is

Real — INplication _ 7—

Policy Automation Connector for Siebel - Application User L76982 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,651


Page 142: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Policy Automation Connector for Siebel -Application Application User L76982m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22428

Real Application Rapid Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold L76991 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.350,50 i Real 12 Applicafion_ jRapid Planning - $M Cost of Goods Sold L76991M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.009,401

R$ 2.924,43 Real Application Production Scheduling - $M in Cost of Goods Sold L76999 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Production Scheduling - $M in Cost of Goods Sold 176999M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 678,53

Real Application Repefitive Manufacturing Optimizafion for Production Scheduling - $M in Cost of Goods Sold L77007 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 942,18

Real 12 Application Repetitivo Manufacturing Optimizafion for Production Scheduling - $M in Cost of Goods Sold 177007M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 218,60

Real Application Health Sciences Clinicai Development Analytics - Application User Application Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.876,80

Real Application Health Sciences Clinicai Development Analytics - Application User L77029 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.876,80

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clinicai Development Analytics - Application User 177029M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clinicai Development Analylics - Application User 177029M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63

Real Application Pack Product Master Data Management Integration Base

- Processor 177076 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Product Mester Data Management Integrafi ase on Base Pack - Processor 177076M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Applicafion Customer Master Data Management integrafion Base Pack - Processor L77084 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Customer Master Data Management integrafion Base Pack - Processor 177084M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Insurance Policy Administration for Life and Annuity $M in Written Premium L77512 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Application insurance Poficy Administration for Life and Annuity $M in Written Premium 177512M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real Application L77520 Communications Order and Service Management, Orchestration Plan Manager - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4,84

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, Orchestration Plan Manager - Individual Subscriber 177520M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,12

Real Application L77528 Communications Order and Service Management, Clustering - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,21

!Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, Clustering - Individual Subscriber 177528M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,28

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, User Assignment - Individual Subscriber L77536 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,60

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, User Assignment - Individual Subscriber 177536M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,14

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, User Assignment - Service Access Point L77542 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real ! 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, User Assignment - Service Access Point 177542M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

Real .Application Communications Order and Service Management Server for IP Service Activator - Service Access Point

L77550 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 604,02

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management Server for IP Service Activator - Service Access Point

177550M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 140,14

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, Revision and Cancellation Order Manager - Individual Subscriber

177558 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

• Real 12

— ---i

Application Communications Order and Service Management, Revision and Cancellafion Order Manager - Individual Subscriber

L77558M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

I Real , ,

1 .. iplicafion , ,

Communications Order and Service Management, Revision and Cancellation Order Manager - Service Access Point

L77564 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 302,57


GEO / 129/187

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Real 12 --r ! Communications Order and Service Management,

Application iRevision and Cancellation Order Manager - Service 'Access Point

L77564M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70,20

Real Application L77572 Communicafions Order and Service Management Server - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4,84

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management Server - Individual Subscriber L77572M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,12

Real Application Communicafions Order and Service Management. I Reporting - Individual Subscriber L77578 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,60



12 Application Communicafions Order and Service Management. Reporting - Individual Subscriber L77578M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,14

'Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 L77591 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 L77591M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77599 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

:Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77599M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Advanced Pricing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77607 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89, I

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Advanced Pricing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77607M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real ,_

Application JD Edwards World UPK for Advanced Pricing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77615 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Advanced Pricing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77615M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Approvals Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77623 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 JD Edwards World UPK for Approvals Management

Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in , revenue) - UPK Module

L77623M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73


-1- : JD Edwards World UPK for Approvals Management


,(up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77631 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12

±JD Edwards World UPK for Approvals Management


,(up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) :- UPK Module

L77631M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real iJD Edwards World UPK for Quality Management

Application 1(over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in , revenue) - UPK Module

L77639 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 JD Edwards World UPK for Quality Management

Application . (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module I

L77639M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Quality Management

i (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77647 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Quality Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for SAP Business Warehouse - Processor L77658 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.558,54

Real 12 Application Application Adapters for Data Integration for SAP Business Warehouse - Processor L77658M Manutenção na Vigência

. R$ 1.289,69

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Enterprise Asset Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77716 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 160.187,79 .

Real 12 Application ti

E-Business Suite UPK for Enterprise Asset Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77716M Manutenção na Vigência .

R$ 39.254,91

Real Appilicaon

—.a •?,)! E-Business Sude UPK for Enterprise Asset Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1

billion in revenue) - UPK Module L77719

E. :; Permanente sem Manutenção

.. R$ 84.593,89

dsc ;


Page 144: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Enterprise Assei Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L77719M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19627,46

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, Reporting - Service Access Point L77722 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, Reporting - Service Access Point L77722M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

Real Application Supplier Hub - Record L77730 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 80,09 Real 12 Application Supplier Hub - Record L77730M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 18,58 Real Application Supplier Lifecycle Management - Record L77741 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07' Real 12 Application Supplier Lifecycle Management - Record L77741M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13,94 Real Application Supplier Hub Data Steward - Application User 177752 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91 Real 12 Application Supplier Hub Data Steward - Application User L77752M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65 Real Application Policy Automation Connector for SAP Java

Connector - Application User L77761 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

Real 12 Application Policy Automahon Connector for SAP Java Connector-Application User L77761M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55

Real Application Supplier Hub Add-On for E-Business Suite - Record L77769 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 41,16

Real 12 Application Supplier Hub Add-On for E-Business Suite - Record L77769M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9,55

Real Application Financial Services Pricing Management, Transfer Pricing Component - $6 in Total Assets

77780 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.212,11

Real 12 Application Financial Services Pricing Management, Transfer Pricing Component - $6 in Total Assets 77780M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.009,81

Real Application Global Trade Management - $M in Revenue L77788 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54 Real 12 Application Global Trade Management - $M in Revenue L77788M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55 Real Application I Trade Compliance for Global Trade Management -

ISM in Revenue L77799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Trade Compliance for Global Trade Management - $M in Revenue Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Remarketing - Application User L77831 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36 Real 12 Application Siebel Remarketing - Application User L77831M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 Real Application Siebel Remarketing for Partners - Registered User L77841 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application Siebel Remarketing for Partners - Registered User L77841M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Succession Planning - Employee L77861 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08

Real 12 Application ,L77861M PeopleSoft Enterprise Succession Planning - Employee Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23

Real Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management for Customer Hub for Customer Hub 628 - Record L79424 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management for Customer Hub for Customer Hub 828 - Record L79424M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application L79435 PeopleSoft Enterprise Self-Service Work Requesta - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Self-Service Work Requests - Application User

L.70438m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise IT Asset Management - Application User L79444 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.549,56

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise IT Asset Management - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 591,55

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management - Application User L79456 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

'Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management - Application User L79456M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Content Management for Documaker - Processor L79466 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 138.975,68

Real 12 Application Content Management for Documaker - Processor L79466M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32.245,11

Real Healthcare Operafing Room Analytics - Application ApplicationUser L79474 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 2— • pphcafion Healthcare Operating Room Analytics - Application User L79474M Manutenção na Vigência R$ ,3.252,49

Real O A ltcptication \ r Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation - Processor L79482 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 531.733,05

. Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation - álion i Processor 1, 47-1-0,

L79482 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 531.733,05 i 1

Page 145: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation - Processor L79482M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 123.372,58

Real 12 Application Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation - Processor L79482M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 123.372,58

Real Application Communications Data Model - Named User Plus L79491 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Communications Data Model - Named User Plus L79491M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57 Real Application Communications Data Model - Processor L79501 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74

12 Application Communications Data Model - Processor 1L79501M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38 Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Archival and Purging

- Gigabyte L79509 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Archival and Purging - Gigabyte L79509M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Communications Unified Communications Suite - Individual Subscriber L83637 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22,25

Real 12 Application Communications Unified Communications Suite - L83637M Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5,16

Real Application L83645 Communications Calendar Server -Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application Communications Calendar Server -Individual Subscriber L83645M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application L

Communications Instant Messaging Server - Individual Subscriber L83661 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application Communications Instant Messaging Server - Individual Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real ICommunicafions Messaging Server- Individual Application !Subscriber 183677 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8,90

Real —

12 Application Communications Messaging Server - Individual Subscdber L83677M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application 'Access Management Suite Plus - Processor L83847 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 435.054,31 'Real 12 Application Access Management Suite Plus - Processor L83847M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 100.941,20 i Real Application Financial Services Balance Sheet Planning - $B in

Total Assets L83894 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.212,11

Real 12 Application Financial Services Balance Sheet Planning - $B in Total Assets Total Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.009,81

Real I

Application Business Intelligence Publisher for Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition - Employee L83912 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Publisher for Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition - Employee 83912M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Commercial Leasing - Application User 84048 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Commercial Leasing - Application User L84048M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Cobranza - Application User L84053 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.975,73

Real 12 Application


FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Cobranza - User +Application L84053M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.850,53

Real FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Commercial Loans Odgination - Application User L84063 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real '

12 Application L84063M FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Commercial Loans Origination - Applicafion User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing for Hedge Funds -$ M in Assets under Management 84068 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Applicafion FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing for Hedge Funds $ M in Assets under Management 84068M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Communications Service Controller -TUPS per Domain L84180 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 12 Application Communications Service Controller -TUPS per Domain L84180M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Pricing and Payrnents (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L84288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 lApplication JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Pricing and Payments (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L84288M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real 1, Or

0‘• --,

I Application


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Pricing and Payments (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 L84296 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 billion in revenue) - UPK Module


Page 146: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Grower Pridng and Payments (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L84296M Manutenção na Vigência E R$ 19.627,46

Real Application AutoVue 2D Document Print Service - Computer L84305 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application AutoVue 2D Document Print Service - Computer L84305M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real Application AutoVue 3D Document Print Service - Computer L84313 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 12 Application AutoVue 3D Document Print Service - Computer L84313M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Application AutoVue Office Document Print Service - Computer L84321 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21

Real 12 Application AutoVue Office Document Print Service - Computer L84321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,611

Real Application Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application User L84389 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.157,45

Real 12 Application Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application User L84389M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.60501

Real Application :Hyperion Financial Close Suite - Application User L84399 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.242,29

Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Glose Suite - Application User L84399M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.408,93

Real Application Hyperion Disclosure Management - Application User 184423 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Hyperion Disclosure Management - Application User L84423M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Hyperion Financial Glose Management - Application User L84438 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Hyperion Financial Glose Management - Application User L84438M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgefing - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgefing - Application User L84453M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real 1 Application Healthcare Master Person Index - Healthcare Record L84464 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,85

Real i

12 Application Healthcare Master Person Index - Healthcare Record L84464M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,20

Real Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management Read Only Access - Record L84502 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10,01

Real 12 Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management Read Only Access - Record L84502M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,32

Real Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management for

Application Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application User

L84517 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42

Real 12 Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management for

Application Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application User

L84517M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management for Hyperion Financial Glose Suite - Application User L84528 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management for Hyperion Financial Glose Suite - Application User L84528M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Hyperion Disclosure Management for Hyperion Financial Glose Suite - Application User L84543 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Hyperion Disclosure Management for Hyperion Financial Glose Suite - Application User L84543M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Crystal Bali Enterprise Performance Management for Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application User

L84558 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Crystal Bali Enterprise Performance Management for Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application User

L84558M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Hyperion Data Relationship Management for Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application User

L84567 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real ...---

"- - i.i. -, 'Zn pplication User.....

Hyperion Data Relationship Management for Hyperion Enterprise Planning Suite - Application 1_84567M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real ' ''':' ';'‘ISOutipplicpion Primavera P6 Analytics -Application User L84647 Permanente sem Manutenção R$4.834,38


Page 147: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

1Real 12 Application Primavera P6 Analytics - Application User L84647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 Real Application Agile Agile Customer Needs Management - Application

User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.655,42

Real 12 Application Agile Customer Needs Management - Application User L84663M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.240,25

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Billing Fulfillment - Customer L84677 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application L84677M Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Billing Fulfillment - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Provisioning Fulfillment - Customer L84685 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Provisioning Fulfillment - Customer L84685MManutenção na R$ 84.117,67 ,

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Sales Order Fulfillment - Customer L84693 Permanente sem Manutenção

1 R$ 362.545,261

Real 12 Applicafion Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Sales Order Fulfillment - Customer L84693M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Appficafion Financial Services ICAAP Assessments - $13 in Total Assets L84862 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application Financial Services ICAAP Assessments - $13 in Total Total Assets Manutenção na Vigência

Real Application Ops Center Virtualization Management Pack - Processor L85013 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.350,50

Real 12 Application Ops Center Virtualization Management Pack - Processor L85013M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.009,40

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for EDI (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85043 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for EDI (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85043M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for EDI (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85051 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for EDI (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85051M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Job Costing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85059 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Job Costing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85059M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application JD Edwards World UPK for Job Costing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85067 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application JD Edwards World UPK for Job Costing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85067M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Candidate Gateway (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85096 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft UPK for Candidate Gateway (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85096M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Candidate Gateway (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85104 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Appfication PeopleSoft UPK for Candidate Gateway (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85104M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application E-Business Surte UPK for Collaborative Planning (over 4K employees andtor over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85112 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real <1/1:E 'fr'l • ,,:)

Itl i splicafion

. r_

E-Business Suite UPK for Collaborative Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85112M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73 ]

.í ?B' isPP Gsc 134/187

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eal Application E-Business Suite UPK for Collaborative Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85120 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

' Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Collaborative Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

185120M Manutenção na Vigência , R$ 4.935,00;

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Inventou Optimization (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85128 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for lnventory Optimization (over 4K emptoyees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

185128M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Inventory Optimization (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85136 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Inventory Optimization (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

185136M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real i 'Application Pedigree and Serialization Manager - $M Revenue

Under Management L85144 Permanente sem Manutenção ,

R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Pedigree and Serialization Manager - $M Revenue Under Management 185144M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Customer Needs Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L85153 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Customer Needs Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

185153M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Agire UPK for Agile Customer Needs Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

185161 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agire Customer Needs Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

185161M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application 828 for ebXML - Named User Plus L85198 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 556,19 Real 12 Application 828 for ebXML - Named User Plus 185198M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 129,05 Real Application 628 for EDI - Named User Plus L85204 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.667,45 Real 12 Application 828 for EDI - Named User Plus 185204M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 386,88 Real Application 826 for RosettaNet - Named User Plus L85210 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.667,45 Real 12 Application 628 for RosettaNet - Named User Plus 185210M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 386,88 Real Application Healthcare Adapter - Named User Plus L85216 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.667,45 Real 12 Application Healthcare Adapter - Named User Plus 185216M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 386,88 Real Application Siebel CRM Desktop - Application User L85224 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Siebel CRM Desktop - Application User 185224M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Siebel Smart Answer for Service - Application User L85236 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.537,33

Real 12 Application Siebel Smart Answer for Service - Application User 185236M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 588,71

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Prepaid Voice - TUPS Per Domain L85243 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Prepaid Voice - TUPS Per Domain L85243M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Prepaid Voice - Individual Subscriber L85244 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,45,

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Prepaid Voice - Individual Subscriber 185244M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,34

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Prepaid Voice - $M Revenue Under Management L85245 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Prepaid Voice - $M Revenue Under Management 185245M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Convergent Voice - TUPS Per Domain L85246 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Convergent Voice - TUPS Per Domain 185246M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Convergent Voice - Individual Subscriber L85247 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,63

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Convergent Voice - Individual Subscriber 185247M Manutenção na Vigência

,- R$ 0,84



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lication ;\ .

Communications Prepaid Charging for Convergent Voice - $M Revenue Under Management L85248 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84


Page 149: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Convergent Voice - $M Revenue Under Management L85248M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for SMS - TUPS Per Domain L85249 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27!

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for SMS - TUPS Per Domain Per Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for SMS - Individual Subscriber L85250 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,72

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for SMS - Individual Subscriber 185250M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,17

Real Application L85251 Communications Prepaid Charging for SMS - $M Revenue Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417.19

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for SMS - $M Revenue Under Management 185251M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Data - TUPS Per Domain L85252 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.175,81

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Data - TUPS Per Domain 185252M Manutenção na Vigência

I R$ 504,83

1- Real Application L85253

Communications Prepaid Charging for Data - Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,18

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging for Data - Individual Subscriber 185253M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,51

Real Application 1- Communications Prepaid Charging for Data - $M Revenue Under Management L85254 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 , Communications Prepaid Charging for Data - $M Application iRevenue Under Management 185254M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real :Communications Recharge and Voucher Application . Management - TUPS Per Domain L85255 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 579,55

Real 12 'Communications Recharge and Voucher Application . Management - TUPS Per Domain 185255M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 134,47

Real ', Communications Recharge and Voucher Application 1Management - Individual Subscriber 185256 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,58

Real 1 12 Application ¡Communications Recharge and Voucher Management - Individual Subscriber 185256M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13

Real Application Communications Recharge and Voucher Management - $M Revenue Under Management L85257 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Communications Recharge and Voucher Management - $M Revenue Under Management 185257M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Library - TUPS Per Domain 185258 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 869,88

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Library - TUPS Per Domain 185258M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 201,83

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Library - Individual Subscriber L85259 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,87

Real 12 Application ry Communications Prepaid Charging Service Libra - Individual Subscriber 185259M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,20

Real Applicafion Communications Prepaid Charging Service Library - $M Revenue Under Management L85260 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Library - $M Revenue Under Management 185260M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Bundles - TUPS Per Domain

L85261 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Bundles - TUPS Per Domain 185261M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Bundles - Individual Subscriber L85262 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Prepaid Charging Service Bundles - Individual Subscriber 185262M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09


Real 12 .1-



Communications Prepaid Charging Service Bundles - $M Revenue Under Management L85263 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Communicafions Prepaid Charging Service Bundles - $M Revenue Under Management

18526354 Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Communications Peer to Peer Credit Transfer - TUPS Per Domain L85264 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 434,94

Real 12 Application Communications Peer to Peer Credit Transfer - TUPS Per Domain 185264M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 100,91

Real Application Communications Peer to Peer Credit Transfer - Individual Subscriber L85265 Permanente sem Manutenção "R$ 0,431

Real --„, ApPlication Communications Peer to Peer Credit Transfer -

Individual Subscriber 185265M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real ch r- Ft O DE jCommunications Peer to Peer Credit Transfer - SM RpprPISa • n iRevenve Under Management L85266 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54


Page 150: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Communications Peer to Peer Credit Transfer - SM Revenue Under Management L85266M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33855

Real Application Communications Promotion Management -TUPS Per Per Domain Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 507,24

Real 12 Application on Communications Promotion Management -TUPS I Per Domain Manutenção na Vigência R$ 117,69

Real Application Communications Promotion Managemen L85268 Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,51

Real 12 Application Communications Promotion Management - Individual Subscriber L85268M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,12

Real Application Communications Promotion Management - SM Revenue Under Management L85269 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Communications Promotion Management - SM Revenue Under Management 185269M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Communications Loyalty - TUPS Per Domam L85270 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 579.55 Real 12 Application Communications Loyalty - TUPS Per Domain L85270M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 134,47 Real Application Communications Loyalty-Individual Subscriber L85271 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,58

Real 12 Application Communications Loyalty - Individual Subscriber L85271M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13

'Real 1

Application Communications Loyalty -$M Revenue Under Management L85272 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

'Real 12 Application Communications Loyalty - $M Revenue Under Management L85272M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Communications USSD Self Care - TUPS Per Domain L85273 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Communications USSD Self Gare- TUPS Per Domain L85273M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Communications USSD Self Care -Individual Subscriber L85274 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,14

Real 1 12 Application Communications USSD Self Care -Individual Subscriber L85274M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,03

Real Application Communications USSD Self Care - $M Revenue Under Management L85275 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88'

Real 12 Application Communications USSD Self Caie - $M Revenue Under Management L85275M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real .Application :Application Communications SMS Self Care - TUPS Per Domain L85276 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application • L85276M Communications SMS Self Care - TUPS Per Domain Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Communicafions SMS Self Care - Individual Subscriber L85277 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,14

Real 12 Application L85277M Communications SMS Self Care -Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,03

Real Application Communications SMS Self Care -$M Revenue Under Management L85278 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Communications SMS Self Care - $M Revenue Under Management L85278M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Communications Control Plan Editor for Prepaid Charging - Application User L85279 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Communications Control Plan Editor for Prepaid Charging -Application User L85279M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Communications Subscriber Profile Management Application User L85280 Permanente sem Manutenção R$24.169,68'

Real 12 Application Communications Subscriber Profile Management Application User L85280M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Communications Personal Message Exchange - TUPS Per Domain L85281 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 869,88

Real 12 Application Communications Personal Message Exchange - TUPS Per Domain L85281M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 201,83

Real Appfication Communications Personal Message Exchange - Individual Subscriber L85282 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,87

Real 12 Application Communications Personal Message Exchange - Individual Subscriber L85282M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,20

Real Application Communications Personal Message Exchange - $M Revenue Under Management L85283 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Communications Personal Message Exchange - $M Revenue Under Management L85283M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85. - 1

Real Application Communications Express Delivery Routing - TUPS Per Domain L85284 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.175,81


tr r,

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11p lication Per ComDmunications

omam Express Delivery Roufing - TUPS L85284M Manutenção na Vigência " R$ 504,83

Real it Ezaftgppliè 1 it-f-Á'_',

tion Communications Express Deliver/ Roufing - individual Subscriber L85285 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,18

t-r 137/187

Page 151: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 :Application Communications Express Delivery Routing - Individual Subscriber L85285M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,51

Real Application Communications Express Delivery Routing - $M Revenue Under Management L85286 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Application '

Communications Express Delivery Routing - $M Revenue Under Management L85286M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real ,Application Communications Messaging Value Add Services Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85287 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Value Add Services Gateway - TUPS Per Domain 185287M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55

Real Application Communications Messaging Value Add Services Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,45

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Value Add Services Gateway - Individual Subscriber

L85288m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,34

Real Application Communications Messaging Value Add Services Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management L85289 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Value Add Services Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management L85289M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Communications Content Aggregation - TUPS Per Domain L85290 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.075,77

Real 12 Application Communications Content Aggregafion -TUPS Per Domain L85290M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.177,68

Real Application Communications Content Aggregation -Individual Subscriber L85291 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5,07

Real 12 Application Communications Content Aggregation -Individual Subscriber L85291M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,18

Real Application Communications Content Aggregafion - $M Revenue Under Management L85292 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 16.919,22

Real 12 Application Communications Content Aggregation - $M Revenue Under Management L85292M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.925,59

Real Communications SMS Anti-Fraud -TUPS Per Application L85293 Domain Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.175,81

Real 12 Application i Communications SMS Anti-Fraud - TUPS Per Domam L85293M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 504,83

Real Communications SMS Anti-Fraud -Individual Application i Subscriber L85294 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,18

Real 'Real 12 12 SMS Anti-Fraud - Individual Applicafion Subscriber ,L85294M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,51

Real ----ECommunications SMS Anti-Fraud -$M Revenue Application L85295 Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Application Communications SMS Anti-Fraud -$M Revenue .L85295M Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real Application Communications Home Routing Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85296 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 1 12 Application Communications Home Routing Gateway - TUPS Per Domain 185296M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Communications Home Routing Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85297 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application L85297M Communications Home Routing Gateway - lIndividual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Communications Home Routing Gateway - $M Application Revenue Under Management L85298 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.055,82

Real 12 Communications Home Routing Gateway -$M Application Revenue Under Management L85298M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.869,11

Real Application Communications SMS Protocol Conversion Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85299 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.353,76

Real 12 Application Communications SMS Protocol Conversion Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85299M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 314,10

Real Application Communications SMS Protocol Conversion Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85300 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,36

Real 12 Application Communications SMS Protocol Conversion Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85300M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,31

Real Application Communications SMS Protocol Conversion Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management L85301 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.512,91

Real 12 Application Communications SMS Protocol Conversion Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.047,08

Real Application Communications Messaging Termination Gateway - TUPS Per Domain Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 579,55

Real -8-77A,,,,lication I PY,

Communications Messaging Terminalion Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85302M Manutenção na Vigência

I R$ 134,47

Real -c Api-§ica (2* PF‘ClOk:,-1. , Communications Messaging Termination Gateway - Individual Subscriber 185303 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 0,58

\ o GSC %


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Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Terminafion Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85303M Manutenção na Vigência R$0,13

Real Application Communications Messaging Termination Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management $M Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Terminafion Gateway - $M Revenue Under Management $M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Communications Messaging Ongination Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85305 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 579,55

iReal 12 Application Communications Messaging Origination Gateway - TUPS Per Domain L85305M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 134,47

Real Application Communications Messaging Originafion Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85306 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,58

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Originalion Gateway - Individual Subscriber L85306M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13

Real Application Communications Messaging Originafion Gateway - $M $M Revenue Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Origination Gateway - $M $M Revenue Under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,571

Real Application Communications Messaging EDR -TUPS Per Domain L85308 Permanente sem Manutenção

I R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging EDR - TUPS Per Domam Domain Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Communications Messaging EDR - Individual Subscriber L85309 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application L85309M Communications Messaging EDR- Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application Communications Messaging EDR -$M Revenue Under Management L85310 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.055,82

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging EDR -SM Revenue Under Management L85310M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.869,11

Real Application L85311 Communications Messaging Service Library for SMS Charging - TUPS Per Domain Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 579,55

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Service Library for SMS Charging - TUPS Per Domain L85311M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 134,47

Real Application Communications Messaging Service Library for SMS Charging - Individual Subscriber L85312 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,58

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Service Library for SMS Charging - Individual Subscriber L85312M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13

Real Application Communications Messaging Service Library for SMS Charging - $M Revenue Under Management L85313 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Service Library for SMS Charging - $M Revenue Under Management L85313M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Communications Messaging Service Library for Personal Message Exchange - TUPS Per Domain L85314 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Service Library for Personal Message Exchange - TUPS Per Domain L85314M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Communications Messaging Service Library for Personal Message Exchange - Individual Subscriber L85315 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,72

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Service Library for Personal Message Exchange - Individual Subscriber L85315M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,17

Real Communications Messaging Service Library for


Personal Message Exchange - $M Revenue Under Management

L85316 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19


H-- Communications Messaging Service Library for

12 Application Personal Message Exchange - $M Revenue Under i Management

L85316M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application L85317 Communications Messaging Service Library for Provisioning Interface - Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$48.339,37

Real 12 Application L85317M Communications Messaging Service Library for Provisioning Interface - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Real Applicafion Communications Messaging Service Library for Transparent Mode - Customer L85318 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real I

12 Application L85318M Communications Messaging Service Library for Transparent Mode - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real CO-7:Application Communications Messaging Service Library for Routing - Customer L85319 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real r/ . ui.

..„.‘, • ri: e iSe43P)atli i()n

Communications Messaging Service Library for Routing - Customer L85319M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

\j. -1 '..-"'/ erze 139/187

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Real Communications Messaging Service Library for Application Throttling - Customer L85320 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422.969A7

Real 12 Application L85320M Communications Messaging Service Library for Throttling - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98.13728

Real Application Communications Messaging Service Library for Ant SPAM Interface - Customer L85323 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Service Library for Ant SPAM SPAM Interface - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real jApplication Communications Messaging Retry - Customer L85324 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Retry - Customer L85324M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real _

Application Communications SMSC Address Registration - Customer L85325 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application Communications SMSC Address Registration - Customer L85325M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.03922

Real Application Communications Personal Subscriber's Service Protile - Customer L85327 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application Communications Personal Subscriber's Service Profile - Customer L85327M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 ,

Real Application Communications Account Provisioning Template - Customer Customer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74'

Real 12 Application L85329M Communications Account Provisioning Template Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38

Real Application Communications Bulk Provisioning Template - Customer L85330 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 157.102,95

Real 12 Communications Bulk Provisioning Template - Application

Customer L85330M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 36.450,99 Real Application Communications IMSI Masking - Customer L85331 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 Real 12 Application Communications IMSI Masking - Customer L85331M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 Real Communications Control Plan Editor for Messaging Application Application User L85332 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Communications Control Plan Editor for Messaging Application Application User L85332M Manutenção na Vigência R$8.411,77

Real Application 1- Communications Virtual Private Network for Wireline - TUPS Per Domain L85336 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Wireline - TUPS Per Domain L85336M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real -fr

Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Wireline - Individual Subscriber L85337 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,63

Real 12 Communications Virtual Private Network for Application Wireline - Individual Subscriber L85337M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,84

Real Communications Virtual Private Network for Application Wireline - $M Revenue Under Management L85338 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Wireline - $M Revenue Under Management L85338M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile Voice - TUPS Per Domain L85339 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile Voice Voice - TUPS Per Domain ;Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile Voice - Individual Subscriber L85340 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,63

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile Voice - Individual Subscriber L85340M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,84

Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile IVoice - $M Revenue Under Management L85341 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile Application Voice - $M Revenue Under Management L85341M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile SMS - TUPS Per Domain L85342 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile SMS - TUPS Per Domain L85342M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile SMS - Individual Subscriber L85343 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,63

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile SMS - Individual Subscriber L85343M Manutenção na Vigência ¡R$ 0,84

Real _

. _ Application L85344 Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile

SMS - $M Revenue Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção . ,

R$ 12.084,84

Real t2 j /. 7040 v Application




Communications Virtual Private Network for Mobile Under Management L85344M Manutenção na Vigência— R$ 2.803,92

\c5 140/187

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Real Ttommunications Virtual Private Network for Application Presence - TUPS Per Domain L85345 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.957,78

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Presence - TUPS Per Domain L85345M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 454,24

Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Presence - Individual Subscriber L85346 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,96

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Presence - Individual Subscriber 185346M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,45

Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network for Presence - $M Revenue Under Management L85347 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.526,30

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network for

'Presence - $M Revenue Under Management 185347M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.514,23

Real Application Communications Number Portabifity for Wireline TUPS Per Domain L85348 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.021,21

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Wireline TUPS Per Domain 185348M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 700,98

[Real Application Communications Number Portability for Wireline Individual Subscriber L85349 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,03

, Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Wireline Individual Subscriber L85349M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,70

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Wireline - $M Revenue Under Management L85350 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.071,44

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Wireline - $M Revenue Under Management 185350M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.336,77

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile IN TUPS Per Domain L85351 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.021,21

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile IN TUPS Per Domain 185351M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 700,98

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile IN Individual Subscriber Individual Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,03

Real r- -

12 Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile IN-Individual Subscriber 185352M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,70

Real _

Application L85353 i Communications Number Portability for Mobile IN - $M Revenue Under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.071,44

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile IN - $M Revenue Under Management 185353M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.336,77

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SRF TUPS Per Domain L85354 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.021,21

1 liteal 12 Application TUPS Communications Number Portability for Mobile SRF

Per Domain 185354M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 700,98

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SRF Individual Subscriber L85355 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3,03

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SRF Individual Subscriber

L85355m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,70

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SRF $M Revenue Under Management L85356 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.071,44

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SRF $M Revenue Under Management 185356M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.336,77

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SMS - TUPS Per Domain 185357 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portabildy for Mobile SMS - TUPS Per Domain 185357M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SMS - Individual Subscriber L85358 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,72

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SMS - Individual Subscriber 185358M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,17

Real Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SMS - $M Revenue Under Management L85359 Permanente sem Manutenção R$2417,19

Real 12 Application Communications Number Portability for Mobile SMS - $M Revenue Under Management

L85359m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Communications ENUM - TUPS Per Domain 185360 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.320,411 Real 12 Application Communications ENUM TUPS Per Doma n 185360M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 538,3 Real Application Communications ENUM - Individual Subscriber 185361 Permanente sem Manutenção 92$ 2,32

Real 12 Application Communications ENUM - Individual Subscriber 185361M Manutenção na Vigência ',R$ 0,54

Real f-

Application Communications ENUM -$M Revenue Under Management L85362 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.734,34

Real 12 Application Communications ENUM -$M Revenue Under Management 185362M Manutenção na Vigêndia ' R$1 .794,52

Real - 3-- Communications ENUM Database - TUPS Per s..) Lo 2asplication Domam L85363 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 434,94


\ (zr'r;


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-1- real 12 Application Communications ENUM Database - TUPS Per

Domain 185363M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 100,91

Real Application Communications ENUM Database -Individual Subscriber L85364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,43

Real 12 Ajo' plication Communications ENUM Database - Individual Subscriber L85364M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,10

Real Application Communications ENUM Database -$M Revenue Under Management L85365 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

Real 12 Apphcafion Communications ENUM Database -$M Revenue Under Management 185365M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 336,55

Real Application Communications Control Plan Editor for Number Portability and ENUM - Application User 185366 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

[Real L

12 Application Communications Control Plan Editor for Number Portability and ENUM - Application User L85366M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Communications Control Plan Editor for VPN Services - Application User L85367 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36254,53

Real 12 Apphcafion Communications Control Plan Editor for VPN Services - Application User 185367M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Communications Control Plan Editor for Advanced Control Services - Application User L85368 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Communications Control Plan Editor for Advanced Control Services - Application User 185368M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for INAP/CAP - TUPS Per Domain 185369 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for INAP/CAP - TUPS Per Domain

L85369m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for INAP/CAP - Individual Subscriber L85370 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,48

1 Real ' 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for INAP/CAP

- Individual Subscriber 185370M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,11

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for INAP/CAP - $M Revenue Under Management 185371 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.611,83

Real 12 Communications Voice Control Agent for INAP/CAP Application - $M Revenue Under Management 185371M Manutenção na Vigência —I

R$ 373,98

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for I8-41/1S-826 - TUPS Per Domain L85372 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for 15-41/IS-826- TUPS Per Domain 185372M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for IS-41/1S-826 - Individual Subscriber L85373 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,48

Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for I8-41/1S-826 - Individual Subscriber 185373M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,11

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for I5-41/1S-826- $M Revenue Under Management L85374 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.611,83

Real 12 Communications Voice Control Agent for 15-41/IS- Application 826- $M Revenue Under Management 185374M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 373,98 _i

Real i Application Communications Voice Control Agent for MAP - TUPS Per Domain L85375 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Applicafion Communications Voice Control Agent for MAP - TUPS Per Domain 185375M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for MAP - Individual Subscriber L85376 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,48

Real 12 Apphcafion Communications Voice Control Agent for MAP-Individual Subscriber 185376M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,11

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for MAP -$M Revenue Under Management L85377 Permanente sem Manutenção

—I R$ 1.611,83'

I Real 12 'Application Communications Voice Control Agent for MAP - $M

Revenue Under Management 185377M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 373,98

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for SIP - TUPS Per Domain L85378 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for SIP - TUPS Per Domain 185378M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27,

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for SIP - Individual Subscriber L85379 Permanente sem Manutenção r$ 0,48

Real , 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for SIP - Individual Subscriber 185379M Manutenção na Vigência (R$ 0,11



Communications Voice Control Agent for SIP - $M Application 4Revenue Under Management 185380 Permanente sem Manutenção RS:1.611,83

12 i

Communications Voice Control Agent for SIP - $M Applicafion Revenue Under Management 185380M Manutenção na Vigência ' R$ 373,98,

Real -- R °C' ii Communications Voice Control Agent for ISUP - Application ,i- TUPS Per Domain 185381 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

rFCDESP > 142/187

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Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for ISUP - TUPS Per Domain L85381M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for ISUP - Individual Subscriber L85382 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 048

Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for ISUP - Individual Subscriber L85382M Manutenção na Vigéncia R$ 0,11

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for ISUP -$M Revenue Under Management L85383 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.611,83

Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for ISUP - $M Revenue Under Management L85383M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 373,98

Real Application Communications Voice Control Agent for H.323 - TUPS Per Domain L85384 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Communications Voice Control Agent for H.323 - TUPS Per Domain L85384M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Communications Voice Control Agent for H.323 - Application Individual Subscriber L85385 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,48

Real 12 Communications Voice Control Agent for H323 - Application Individual Subscriber L85385M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,11

Real Communications Voice Control Agent for H.323 - Application $M Revenue Under Management L85386 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.611,83

Real Communications Voice Control Agent for H.323 - 12 Application ;$M Revenue Under Management L85386M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 373,98

Real ' Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for MAP TUPS Per Domain L85387 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Communications Messaging Control Agent for MAP Application! ITUPS Per Domain L85387M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Communications Messaging Control Agent for MAP Application Individual Subscriber L85388 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for MAP Individual Subscriber L85388M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for MAP $M Revenue Under Management L85389 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for MAP $M Revenue Under Management

L85389m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Apphcation Communications Messaging Control Agent for 15-41 - TUPS Per Domain L85390 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Apphcation L85390M Communications Messaging Control Agent for 15-41 - TUPS Per Domain Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for IS-41 - Individual Subscriber L85391 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for IS-41 - Individual Subscriber R$ 0,09

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for IS-41 - $M Revenue Under Management L85392 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for 15-41 - $M Revenue Under Management L85392M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Apphcation Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMPP - TUPS Per Domain L85393 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Apphcation Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMPP - TUPS Per Domain L85393M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMPP - Individual Subscriber L85394 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMPP - Individual Subscriber L85394M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMPP - $M Revenue Under Management L85395 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMPP - $M Revenue Under Management L85395M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for UCP TUPS Per Domain L85396 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for UCP - TUPS Per Domamn

L85398m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Applicafion Communications Messaging Control Agent for UCP Individual Subscriber L85397 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for UCP Individual Subscriber

L85397m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for UCP $M Revenue Under Management L85398 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for UCP $M Revenue Under Management L85398M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real "-C--

Communications Messaging Control Agent for SIP #iipplication - ITUPS Per Domain

85399 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362$3

Real it 912


'Communications Messaging Control Agent for SIP - A0plication tTUPS Per Domain I L8539984 Manutenção na Vigência R $

r."rkUL4 • J

GSu 143/187

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Real Application

12 Application



Communications Messaging Control Agent for SIP - Individual Subscriber Communications Messaging Control Agent for SIP - Individual Subscriber

Permanente sem Manutenção

Manutenção na Vigência


R$ 0,09

Real R$ 1.208,04 L85401

Permanente sem Manutenção

L85401M Manutenção na Vigência




Permanente sem Manutenção

R$ 280,29 Application Real

Communications Messaging Control Agent for SIP - $M Revenue Under Management Communications Messaging Control Agent for SIP - $M Revenue Under Management Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMTP - TUPS Per Domain Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMTP - TUPS Per Domain


185402M Manutenção na Vigência

R$ 362,63 Application

Real R$ 84,14 12 Application

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMTP - Individual Subscriber L85403 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMTP - Individual Subscriber 185403M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real :Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMTP - $M Revenue Under Management L85404 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Appfication Communications Messaging Control Agent for SMTP - $M Revenue Under Management 185404M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for LDAP - TUPS Per Domain L85417 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for LDAP - TUPS Per Domain 185417M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for LDAP - Individual Subscriber L85418 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for LDAP - Individual Subscriber 185418M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for LDAP - $M Revenue Under Management L85419 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Communications Messaging Control Agent for Application LDAP - $M Revenue Under Management 185419M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

'Real Apphcafion Communications Data Control Agent for Diameter - TUPS Per Domain L85420 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application Communications Data Control Agent for Diameter - TUPS Per Domain 185420M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Communications Data Control Agent for Diameter - Individual Subscriber Individual Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Data Control Agent for Diameter - Individual Subscriber L85421M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Communications Data Control Agent for Diameter - $M Revenue Under Management 185422 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Communications Data Control Agent for Diameter - $M Revenue Under Management L85422M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Communications Data Control Agent for Radius - TUPS TUPS Per Domain Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193,55

Real 12 Application Communications Data Control Agent for Radius - TUPS Per Domain 185423M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44,91

Real Application Communications Data Control Agent for Radius - Individual Subscriber L85424 Permanente sem Manutenção R$0,19

Real 12 Application Communications Data Control Agent for Radius - Individual Subscriber 185424M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,04

Real Application Communications Data Control Agent for Radius - SM Revenue Under Management L85425 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 645,18

Real 12 Application Communications Data Control Agent for Radius - $M Revenue Under Management

L55425m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 149,69

Real Application Communications Data Control Agent for OSA Paday - TUPS Per Domain L85426 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 193,55

Real 12 Applicafion Communications Data Control Agent for OSA Paday - TUPS Per Domain L85426M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 44,91

Real ,Application Communications Data Control Agent for OSA Parlay - Individual Subscriber L85427 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,19

Real 12 Application Communications Data Control Agent for OSA Parlay - Individual Subscriber L85427M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,04

Real Application Communications Data Control Agent for OSA Parlay - $M Revenue Under Management L85428 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 645,18

Real 12 Appfication Communications Data Control Agent for OSA Partay - $M Revenue Under Management 185428M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 149,69

Real Application Communications Open Service Development - TUPS Per Domain 185429 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 1.2,-, pplication .1.

Communications Open Service Development - TUPS Per Domain L85429M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real 70

1...7 ',"rc:",-)4 ,ation \ Communications Open Service Development - Applic -A-

Individual Subscriber - L85430 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,72


Page 158: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Communications Open Service Development - Individual Subscriber L85430M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,171

Real Application Communications Open Service Development - $M Revenue Under Management L85431 Permanente sem Manutenção R$2.417,19

Real 12 Application Communications Open Service Development - $M Revenue Under Management L85431M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Application Management Suite for Siebel - Processor L86565 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Application Management Suite for Siebel - Processor L86565M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

'Real Application Application Management Suite for PeopleSoft - Processor L86573 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 :Application Application Management Suite for PeopleSoft - Processor L86573M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real H-

Application Application Management Suite for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Processor L86581 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Application Management Suite for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Processor L86581M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Application Management Suíte for E-Business Suite - Processor L86617 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37

Real 12 Application Application Management Suíte for E-Business Suite - Processor L86617M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Real Application Business Intelligence Foundation Suite -Named User Plus L86667 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.882,31

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Foundation Suite -Named User Plus L86667M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.060,87

Real Application Business Intelligence Foundation Suite - Processor L86677 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.087.635,78

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Foundation Suite - Processor L86677M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 252.353,01

Real Application Scorecard and Strategy Management - Named User Plus L86685 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.404,95

Real 12 Application Scorecard and Strategy Management - Named User Plus L86685M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 558,00

, Real Application Scorecard and Strategy Management - Processor L86695 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 360.732,09

Real 12 Application Scorecard and Strategy Management - Processor L86695M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 83.696,98

Real Application Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking - Application User 186705 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking - Application User L86705M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Financial Services Basel II Analytics - Application Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53 Real Application User L86809

Real 12 Application Financial Services Basel II Analytics -Application User L86809M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Financial Services Market Risk Analybcs - Application User L86823 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Financial Services Market Risk Analytics - Application User L86823M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector - Application User L86832 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.327,13

Real 12 Application Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector - Application User L86832M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.212,85

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Futfillment Management - Application User L86840 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management - Application User L86840M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Accounting - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L86852 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.109,11

Real 12 Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Accounting - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L86852M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 953,40

Real Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Billing - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L86860 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Bilhng - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L86860M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Case Management - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 . pplicafion Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Case Management - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L86878M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real .) Applicafi , Enterprse Taxation and Policy Management Forms - j $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L86902 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.109,11


Page 159: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application +

Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Fornis - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue 186902M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 953,40

!Real Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Foundation - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue

i L86910 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.392,92

Real 12 Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Foundation - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue 186910M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.411,36

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Utilities Meter Data Management - Processor L86919 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Integration to Utilities Meter Data Management - Processor

L869.19m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

'Real Application Utilities Customer Gare and Billing Integrafion to Utilities Network Management System - Processor L86927 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

! Real 12 Applicafion Utilities Customer Care and Billing integration to Utilities Network Management System - Processor L86927M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91


Real Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Payments - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L86935 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.175,81

Real 1 12 Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Payments - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue 186935M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 504,83

Real Application L86943 Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Registration - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.175,81

Real 12 Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Registration - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue 186943M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 504,83

Real Application Insurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting - Processor L86979 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483.393,68

Real 12 Application lnsurance Insbridge Rating and Underwriting - Processor 186979M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112.156,89

Real Application L86985 UW.1-fies Customer Care and Billing Base for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Base for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count 186985M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,271

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Credit and Collections for Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count

L86993 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application


Utilities Customer Care and Billing Credit and Collections for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count

186993M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real .1

Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Rating and Billing for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count L87001 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application Ufilifies Customer Care and Billing Rating and Billing for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L8700.im Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Rating and Billing for Interval Data for Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count

L87008 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181,32

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Rating and Billing for Interval Data for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L87008M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42,07

Real Application Utilities Customer Gare and Billing Cashiering for Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count L87016 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cashiering for Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13,94

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Task Optimization Tools for Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count

187024 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121,25

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Task Opfimization Tools for Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count

187024M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Archiving for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count L87032 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07




5 Application 187032M Utilities Customer Care and Billing Archiving for

Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count !

Manutenção na Vigência • , I R$ 13,94 4

O- a

{.: ei--1

'v Utilities Customer Care and Billing Base for AbbiiCafion Commercial 8 Industrial Customers - 100 in

::..„-'i/ 'Customer Count L87040 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

1 146/187

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Real 12 ' Application

Utilities Customer Gare and Billing Base for Commercial & Industrial Customers -100 in Customer Count

187040M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168225

Real Application Utilities Customer Gare and Billing Credit and Collections for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L87048 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application 'Afilies Customer Gare and Billing Credit and Collecfions for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

1_87048M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Rating and Billing for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

187056 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Rating and Billing for Commercial & Industrial Customers -100 in Customer Count

187056M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Ufihfies Customer Gare and Billing Rating and Billing for Interval Data for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L87064 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Gare and Billing Rating and Billing for Interval Data for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

187064M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 630,78

Real Application Utilities Customer Gare and Billing Cashiering for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L87072 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 906,59

Real 12 !Application _r

Utilities Customer Gare and Billing Cashiering for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

187072M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 210,35 I

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Task Optimization Tools for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L87080 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.813,17

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Task Optimization Tools for Commercial & Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

187080M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 420,69

Real Application Utilities Outage Management Switching and Schematics - 100 in Customer Count L87088 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07

Real 12 Application Utilities Outage Management Switching and Schemafics - 100 in Customer Count 187088M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13,94

Real Application L87104 Utilities Billing Component for Commercial and Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 12 Application Utilities Billing Component for Commercial and Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count 187104M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application Utilities Billing Component for Residenfial Customers - 100 in Customer Count L87112 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Utilities Billing Component for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count 187112M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Archiving for Commercial & Industrial Customers -100 in Customer Count

L87120 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 906,59

Real 12 Utilities Customer Care and Billing Archiving for

Application Commercial & Industrial Customers -100 in Count ,Customer

187120M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 210,35

Real Ufilifies Distribution Management Advanced Feeder Application 'Management -100 in Customer Count 187136 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54

Real ._


12 I Ufififies Distribution Management Advanced Feeder Application ,Management - 100 in Customer Count i

187136M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62

Application Utilities Distribution Management Base -100 in Customer Customer Count Permanente sem Manutenção Ris 121,25

Real 12 Application Utilities Distribution Management Base -100 in Customer Count 187144M Manutenção na Vigência ' R$ 28,13

Real Application Utilities Distribution Management Fault Location Analysis - 100 in Customer Count L87152 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54

Real 12 Application Utilities Distribution Management Fault Location Analysis - 100 in Customer Count 187152M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62

Real .

Application Utilities Distribution Management Fault Location lsolation and Service Restoration -100 in Customer Count

L87160 Permanente sem Manutenção ., -

R$ 121,25

Real -- -- ,

3012 .y. rncri 2,, Application 1 --•,

Utilities Distribution Management Fault Location Isolafion and Service Restoration - 100 in Customer Count

187160M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13i I


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Real l Applicabon Utilities Distribution Management Power Flow -100 in Customer Count L87173 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36,71

Real 1

12 Application Utilities Distribution Management Power Flow -100 in Customer Count L87173M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8,52

Real Application Utilities Distribution Management VoftNAr Optimization - 100 in Customer Count L87184 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54

Real 12 Application Utilities Distribution Management VoltNAr Optimization - 100 in Customer Count 187184M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62

Real Application Utilities Mobile Device Management -Loaded Device L87208 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.109,11

Real 12 Application Utilities Mobile Device Management - Loaded Device L87208M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 953,40

Real Application Utilities Mobile Workforce Management Base -Field Resource L87216 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.292,88

Real 12 Application Utilities Mobile Workforce Management Base - Field Resource L87216M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.084,21

Real Application Utilities Mobile Workforce Management Mobile - Field Resource L87224 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Utilities Mobile Workforce Management Mobile - Field Resource Field Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Utilities Network Management System - SCADA - 100 in Customer Count L87232 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54

Real 12 Application Utilities Netwodç Management System - SCADA - 100 in Customer Count L87232M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62

Real Application Utilities Outage Analytics - Application User L87240 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38 Real 12 1Application Utilities Outage Analytics - Application User L87240M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 Real Application Utilities Outage Management Adapters - 100 ir;

Customer Count L87248 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36,71

Real 12 Application Utilities Outage Management Adapters - 100 in Customer Count L87248M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8,52

'Real Application Utilities Outage Management Base -100 in Customer Count L87256 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08

Real 12 Application Mies Outage Management Base - 100 in Customer Count L87256M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23

Real Application Utilities Outage Management Call Center -100 in Customer Count 187264 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07

Real 12 Application Utilities Outage Management Call Center -100 in Customer Count L87264M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13,94

Real Application Utilities Outage Management Paging - 100 in Customer Count L87272 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47,83

Real 12 Application 'Utilities Outage Management Paging -100 in Customer Count L87272M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11,10

Real Application Utilities Outage Management Storm Management - 100 in Customer Count 187280 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47,83

Real 12 Application Utilities Outage Management Storm Management - 100 in Customer Count L87280M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11,10

Real Application Utilities Work and Asset Management - Application User L87288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.459,61

Real 12 Application Utilities Work and Asset Management - Application User L87288M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.962,80

1 Real Application Agile Material and Equipment Management for

Pharmaceuticals - Application User L87319 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 19.324,18

Real 12 Application Agile Material and Equipment Management for Pharmaceuticals - Application User L87319M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.483,59

Real Application Agile Recipe Management for Pharmaceuticals - Application User L87331 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.489,80 l

Real 12 !Application Agile Recipe Management for Pharmaceuticals - Application User L87331M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.361,92

Real Application

Adile UPK for Agile Material and Equipment Management for Pharmaceuticals (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87446 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,891

Real 12 Application

1Agile UPK for Agile Material and Equipment Management for Pharmaceuticals (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87446M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application

Agile UPK for Agile Material and Equipment Management for Pharmaceuticals (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87454 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 . •

Real 1 '

! .„

'--, - ..plibation

.:`)/ . ,

Agile UPK for Agile Material and Equipment Management for Pharmaceuticals (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L87454M Manutenção na Vigência R$.9.813,73 Module

1 , f) se ../1 148/187

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Real Agile UPK for Agile Recipe Management for

Application Pharmaceuticals (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87462 Permanente sem Manutenção l

R$ 84.593,891

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Recipe Management for Pharrnaceuticals (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87462M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Agile UPK for Agile Recipe Management for Pharmaceuhcals (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87470 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Recipe Management for Pharmaceuticals (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87470M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Global Order Promising (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87478 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 ! Application E-Business Suite UPK for Global Order Promising (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in L87478M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73 revenue) - UPK Module

Real i Application E-Business Suite UPK for Global Order Promising (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87486 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72'

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Global Order Promising (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87486M Manutenção na Vigência


R$ 4.935,00,

Real Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management Engineer to Order (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87498 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

I Real 12 Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management Engineer to Order (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87498M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management Engineer to Order (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

87506 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,951

Real 12 Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management Engineer to Order (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

87506M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, Orchestralion Plan Manager - Service Access Point L87546 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 604,02

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, Orchestration Plan Manager - Service Access Point L87546M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 140,14

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, Clustering - Service Access Point 87552 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 156,84

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, Clustering - Service Access Point 87552M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 36,39

Real Application Communications Service Controller -Individual Subscriber L87558 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4,84

Real 12 Application Communications Service Controller -Individual Subscriber L87558M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,12

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management -Application User L87655 87655 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 9.655,42

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Apparel Management - Application User L87655M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.240,25

Real Application L87665 FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Collections - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834.38

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Collections - Application User L87665M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Retail Loan Origination - Application User L87672 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Retail Loan Origination -Application User L87672M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail - Financial Services Subscriber 187679 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8,90

Real 12 ...--- FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Retail - Financial Applicafion Services Subscriber L87679M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,06


i' ç'''̀ O

./1... :',2 FLEXCUBE e -nanc Direct Banking Corporat Financial AMation Services Subscriber ",-.\ /

L87686 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47,83


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Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Corporate - Financial 1187888m Services Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11,10

Real Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Mobile - Financial Services Subscriber L87693 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7,79

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Direct Banking Mobile -Financial Services Subscriber L87693M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,81

Real Application Utilities Customer Care and Billing Extractors and Schema - 100 in Customer Count L87700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application [ Utilities Customer Cara and Billing Extractors and Schema - 100 in Customer Count L87700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

'Real Application Utilities Network Management Extractors and Schema - 100 in Customer Count L87706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real 12 Application Utilities Network Management Extractors and Schema - 100 in Customer Count L87706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

\ Real Application Utilities Work and Asset Management Extractors and Schema - Application User L87712 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Utilities Work and Asset Management Extractors and Schema -Application User L87712M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real I Application Heatth Sciences Information Gateway - Processor L87738 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Information Gateway - Processor L87738M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Healthcare Provider Supply Chain Analytics - Application User L87746 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Healthcare Provider Supply Chain Analytics - Application User L87746M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Financial Analytics for SAP - Application User L87754 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Real 12 Application Financial Analytics for SAP - Application User L87754M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49 Real Application Siebel Field Service Integrafion to Real-Time

Scheduler - Processor L87772 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Siebel Field Service Integration to Real-Time L87772M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 Scheduler - Processor

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Time and Labor (over 4k employees andtor over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87793 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Time and Labor (over 4k employees andor over $1 billion in :L87793M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Time and Labor (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L87801 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Time and Labor (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in

I revenue) - UPK Module L87801M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,731

Real Application

Agite Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agite Material and Equipment Management for Pharmaceuticals (Mfr. is US Data Management,Third Party Program) - Customer

L87807 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application

Agite Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agite Material and Equipment Management for Pharrnaceuticals (Mfr. is US Data Management,Third Party Program) - Customer

L87807M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real Application

Agile Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agile Recipe Management for Pharrnaceuticals (Mfr. is US Data Management,Third Party Program) Customer

187813 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application

Agite Food and Drug Administration Validation Pack for Agite Recipe Management for Pharmaceuticals (Mfr. is US Data Management,Third Party Program) Customer

L87813M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real Application Financial Services Data Foundation - $8 in Total Assets L87821 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Financial Services Data Foundation - $B in Total Assets L87821M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.62746,

I Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Base

Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR - Customer L87865 Permanente sem Manutenção ,

R$ 145.018,10

R$ 33.647,071 Real — Real

12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Base Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR - Customer L87865M Manutenção na Vigência

_ Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR OoS - Customer

L87873 ;

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real f912 Apfiliéation \ È . -, , v `,--iCCUP : , v-

Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for cisco 105 XR CloS - Customer 87873M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67


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Real 1 ,Application

—I Communications Configurafion Management Cartridge for Juniper JUNOS - Customer L87881 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 145.018,11

R$ 33.647,071 Real 12 Application Communications Configurafion Management Cartridge for Juniper JUNOS - Customer L87881M Manutenção na Vigência

Real Applicafion Communications Configuration Management Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR - Customer L87889 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 145518,10

Real 12 Application Communications Configuration Management Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR - Customer L87889M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.647,07

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR MPLS LSP - Customer

L87897 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR MPLS LSP - Customer 187897M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

¡Real [Application Communications IP Service Activator Base Cartridge for Juniper JUNOS - Customer L87905 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 145.018,10

Real 12 !Application Communications IP Service Activator Base L87905M Cartridge for Juniper JUNOS - Customer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33.647,07

Real j !Application Business Intelligence Foundation Suite for Applications - Named User Plus

[ L87988 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Business Business Intelligence Foundation Surte for Applications - Named User Plus Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Business Intelligence Foundation Suite for Applications - Processor L87995 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 435.054,31

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Foundation Suite for Applications - Processor L87995M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 100.941,20

Real Application Business Intelligence Publisher for Applications - Named User Plus L88033 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

I Real 12 Application Business Intelhgence Publisher for Applications - Named User Plus L88033M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Business Business Intelligence Publisher for Applications - Processor Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 44.472,75

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Publisher for Applications - Processor 88043M Manutenção na Vigência

-I R$ 10.318,56

Real •Application Documaker Standard Edition -$M in Written Premium L88126 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.570,67

[-Real I 12 Application Documaker Standard Edition - $M in Written Premium 88126M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 364,43

Real Application Documaker Standard Edition - Processor 188132 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 314.205,89 Real 12 Application Documaker Standard Edition - Processor L88132M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 72.901,98 Real Application Communications Unified Communication Suite -

Application User L88138 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 218,03

Real 12 Application Communications Unified Communication Suite - Application User L88138M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5059

Real Application Communications Calendar Server -Application User L88150 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real 12 Application Communications Calendar Server -Application User L88150M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

Real Application Communications Instant Messaging Server - Application User L88156 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real 12 Application 1

Communications Instant Messaging Server - Application User L88156M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

Real 'Application 1

Communications Messaging Server -Application User 188162 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Server -Application User L88162M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62

Real !Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Paris Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88181 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Parts Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88181M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Parts Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88189 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Service Paris Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88189M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73


^ I



E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing, Engineering (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88197 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

I r P24 4


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I E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing, Application 'Engineering (over 4K employees and/or over $1

billion in revenue) - UPK Module L88197M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46



Application E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing, Engineering (up to 41< employees and up to $1 L88223 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Discrete Manufacturing, Engineering (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88223M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Capital Management Fundamentais (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88231 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Capital Management Fundamentais (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88231M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Capital Management Fundamentais (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88239 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Capital Management Fundamentais (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88239M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management, Process Manufacturing (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88247 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

--- Real 12 Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management, Process Manufacturing (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88247M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management, Process Manufacturing (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

188259 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Manufacturing Management, Process Manufacturing (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L88259M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Retail Store Inventory Management -Enterprise $M in Revenue L88279 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Retail Store Inventory Management - Enterprise $M in Revenue L88279M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Retail Central Office - Enterprise $M in Revenue L88280 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.229,25

Real 12 Application Retail Central Office - Enterprise $M in Revenue L88280M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 981,27

Real Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway - 100 in Customer Count L88288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96,78

Real 12 Application Ufilifies Smart Grid Gateway - 100 in Customer Count L88288M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22,45

Real Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway MV-90 Adapter for itron - Module L88291 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 181.272,63

Real 12 Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway MV-90 Adapter for itron - Module L88291M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Landis+Gyr - 100 Utilities Devices L88294 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Landis+Gyr - 100 Utilities Devices L88294M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real Application Utilities Revenue Analytics - Application User L88301 Permanente sem Manutenção — R$ 10.876,80 Real 12 Application Utilities Revenue Analytics - Application User L88301M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63 Real Application Utilities Credit and Collection Analytics - Application

User L88309 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.876,80 ,

Real 12 Application Utilities Credit and Collection Analytics - Application User L88309M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63

Real ..--+ - eation Utilities Customer Analytics - Application User L88317 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46 Real

( 1 pliCation Utilities Customer Analytics - Application User L88317M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682 25, ,Real N:

% AppliCatton Utilities Distribution Analytics - Application User ._ : .,/ L88325 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19'



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I— ; Real 1 12

I .Application Utilities Distribution Analytics - Application User L88325M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Utilities Work and Asset Analytics - Application User L88333 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Utilities Work and Asset Analytics - Application User L88333M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Financial Services Liquidity Risk Management - $ B n Total Assets L88358 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18.127,26

Real 12 Application Financial Services Liquidity Risk Management - $ B in Total Asseis L88358M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.205,88

Real Application Financial Services Pricing Management, Capital ICharge Component - $ B in Total Assets L88366 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.752,49

Real 12 Application Financial Services Pricing Management, Capital Charge Component - $ B in Total Assets L88366M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.047,01

Real Application mandai Services Energy and Commodity Trading Compliance - Scenario L88374 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,841

Real 12 Application Financial Services Energy and Commodity Trading Compliance - Scenario L88374M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 1

(Real Application PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management - Application User L88404 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.169,18

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory Management - Application User L88404M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 967,33

Real Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management Suite - $M Revenue under Management

L88449 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.212,11

Real 12 Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management Suite - $M Revenue under Management

L88449M R$ 7.009,81

Real Application Communications Offline Mediabon Controller - SM Revenue under Management L88450 R$ 1.450,54

Real 12 Application Communications Offline Mediation Controller - $M Revenue under Management L88450M

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management Server - $M Revenue under Management L88451

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management Server - $M Revenue under Management L88451M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, User Assignment - $M Revenue under Management

L88452 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, User Assignment - $M Revenue under Management

L88452M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, Revision and Cancellation Order Manager - SM Revenue under Management

L88453 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

Real 12 Application Communications Order and Service Management, Revision and Cancellation Order Manager - $M Revenue under Management

L88453M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application


Communications Order and Service Management, Orchestration Plan Manager - $M Revenue under Management

L88454 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42

Real 12 Communications Order and Service Management, Orchestration Plan Manager - $M Revenue under Management

L88454M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application Communications Order and Service Management, Reporting - $M Revenue under Management L88455 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Communicaãons Order and Service Management, Reporting - $M Revenue under Management L88455M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

iReal Application Communications Order and Service Management, Clustering - $M Revenue under Management L88456 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.450,54

' Real 12 _ Application Communications Order and Service Management, Clustering - $M Revenue under Management L88456M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33655


k Üry

7-9 rBC3() ,- -Ji


r .1 AppliCa Communications IP Service Activator - Provider Edge - $M Revenue under Management 88458 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.142,46

\N, G.T.;‘ ,./ 153/187

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Real 12 ,Application Communications IP Service Activator -Provider Edge - $M Revenue under Management L88458M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 729,11

Real Application L88459 Communications IP Service Activator -Customer Edge - $M Revenue under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

Real 12 Application Communications IP Service Activator -Customer Edge - $M Revenue under Management L88459M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Communications Configuration Management - $M Revenue under Management L88460 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Communications Configuration Management - $M Revenue under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28'

Real Application Communications Converged Application Server - $M Revenue under Management 88461 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Appfication Communications Converged Application Server - $M Revenue under Management L88461M Manutenção na Vigência R$672,85

Real Application Communications Converged Application Server, IP Multimedia Subsystem Edition - $M Revenue under Management

L88462 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.109,11

Real 12 Application Communications Converged Application Server, IP Multimedia Subsystem Edition - $M Revenue under Management

L88462M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 953,40

Real Application Communications Services Gatekeeper, Base Platform - $M Revenue under Management 1_88463 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.350,50

'Real 12 Application Communications Services Gatekeeper, Base Platform Platform - $M Revenue under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.009,40

Real Application Communications Services Gatekeeper, Enabler Module - $M Revenue under Management L88464 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691$2

Real 12 Application L88464M Communications Services Gatekeeper, Enabler Module - SM Revenue under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application Communications Service Controller -$M Revenue under under Management Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Communications Service Controller -$M Revenue under under Management Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Application Ufilifies Load Profiling and Settlement -100 Utilities Devices L88551 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real 12 Application Ufilifies Load Profiling and Settlement - 100 Ufilities Devices L88551M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 33,55

Real Application Ufilifies Meter Data Management - 100 Ufififies Devices L88563 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Utilities Meter Data Management -100 Ufilifies Devices L88563M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Clinicai Trial Payments Integration Pack for Siebel Cfinical - Processor L88574 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Clinicai Trial Payments Integration Pack for Siebel Clinicai - Processor L88574M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Design to Release Integration Pack for Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process and Process Manufacturing - Processor

L88583 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Design to Release Integration Pack for Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process and Process Manufacturing - Processor

L88583M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Serialization and Tracking Integration Pack for Pedigree and Serialization Manager and E-Business Suite - Processor

L88591 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Serialization and Tracking Integration Pack for Pedigree and Serialization Manager and E-Business Suite - Processor

L88591M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Healthcare Transaction Base - Healthcare Record L88644 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,69

Real 12 Application Healthcare Transaction Base - Healthcare Record L88644M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,39

Real Application Health Sciences Information Manager - Healthcare Record L88652 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,21

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Information Manager -Healthcare Record L88652M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,28

Real Application ATG Web Commerce - Processor L88668 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208.484,20 Real .4Ç Application ATG Web Commerce - Processor L88668M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280.392,24 Real I •`-- f...,, v Napficafion ATG Web Commerce - Nonstandard User L88674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real i12 Application ATG Web Commerce - Nonstandard User L88674M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Y., r, E:GL -- • ., , ---. I Ir-t‘ -- Si'

‘ , ATG Web Commerce Merchandising - ApplicApplicationI

ApticatiOn , .-;,,,, ,User L88676 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42 • GE,



Page 168: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

1 Real 12 Application ATO Web Commerce Merchandising - Application User 188676M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real ATO Web Commerce Merchandising - Nonstandard User Application

L88682 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application

ATO Web Commerce Merchandising - Nonstandard User 188682M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Web Commerce Search - Processor L88684 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 386.714,94 Real 12 Application ATO Web Commerce Search - Processor L88684M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 89.725,52 Real Application ATO Web Commerce Search - Nonstandard User L88690 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Web Commerce Search - Nonstandard User L138690M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real 'Application ATO Web Commerce Service Center -Application User L88692 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.042,42

Real 12 Application

ATO Web Commerce Service Center - Application User 188692M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.401,96

Real Application

ATO Web Commerce Service Center - Nonstandard User L88698 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Web Commerce Service Center - Nonstandard User 188698M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Web Knowledge Manager - Application User L88700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application ATO Web Knowledge Manager - Application User 188700M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application ATO Web Knowledge Manager - Nonstandard User L88706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Web Knowledge Manager - Nonstandard User 188706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 056

1 Real ATO Web Knowledge Manager Self-Service -

Processor Application

L88708 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483.393,68

Real 12 Application ATO Web Knowledge Manager Self-Service - Processor L88708M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112.156,89

Real Application

ATO Web Knowledge Manager Self-Service - Nonstandard User 188714 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application

ATO Web Knowledge Manager Self-Service - Nonstandard User 188714M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application !ATO Web Commerce Business Intelligence - Computer L88716 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,4

Real 12 Application ATO Web Commerce Business intelligence - Computer 188716M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real Application ATO Web Commerce Business Intelligence Administrator - Application User L88724 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37

Real 12 Application ATO Web Commerce Business Intelligence Administrator - Application User 188724M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Real Application ATO Web Commerce Developer and Administrator Application User L88730 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

I Real 12 hphcation p ATO Web Commerce Developer and Administrator Application User 188730M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application ATO Web Commerce Developer and Administrator Nonstandard User Nonstandard Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Web Commerce Developer and Administrator Nonstandard User 188736M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Outreach Unlimited Email - Customer L88738 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Outreach Unlimited Email - Customer 188738M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Outreach Unlimited Email - Nonstandard User L88739 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Outreach Unlimited Email - Nonstandard User 188739M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Partner Edition Base - Customer L88740 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Partner Edition Base - Customer 188740M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Partner Edition Base - Nonstandard User L88741 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application Partner Edition Base - Nonstandard User _LATG L88741M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application 'ATO Partner Edition Incremental - Customer L88742 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Partner Edition Incremental Customer 188742M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Partner Edition Incremental - Nonstandard

User L88743 Permanente sem Manutenção .::R$ 2,41

• Real , 4-

12 Application

ATO Partner Edition Incremental - Nonstandard User L88743M Manutenção na Vigência ff$ 0,56

Real I I,

ATOApplication Professional Report Designer Seat - Named User L88744 Permanente sem Manutenção :R$ 2,41

Real r,,ÇI:2 Fel. Application ATO Professional Report Designer Seat - Named User L88744M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real (1.• I,- V;CIt-t‘-' ApplicatiottATO Professional Report Designer Seat Nonstandard User L88745 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Per. \1/4 155/187

Page 169: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 'ATO Professional Report Designer Seat - Application ,Nonstandard User L88745M Manutenção na Vigência 1

R$ 0,56

Real Application ,ATO Search Connector for Files - Customer L88746 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application JATO Search Connector for Files - Customer L88746M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Search Connector for Files -Nonstandard

User L88747 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 ATO Search Connector for Files -Nonstandard Application User L88747M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application 'ATO Search Connector for JDBC - Customer L88748 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Search Connector for JDBC - Customer L88748M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Search Connector for JDBC -Nonstandard

User L88749 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Search Connector for JDBC -Nonstandard User 1_88749M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Search Connector for Knowledge - Customer L88750 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Search Connector for Knowledge - Customer L88750M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

'Real Application ATO Search Connector for Knowledge - Nonstandard User L88751 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application L88751M ATO Search Connector for Knowledge - Nonstandard User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Search Connector for Lotus Notes - Customer L88752 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application L88752M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 ATO Search Connector for Lotus Notes - Customer

Real Application ATO Search Connector for Lotus Notes - L88753 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Nonstandard User

Real 1 12 Application ATO Search Connector for Lotus Notes - Nonstandard User L88753M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Search Engine - Customer L88754 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Search Engine - Customer L88754M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Search Engine - Nonstandard User L88755 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Search Engine - Nonstandard User L88755M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Adaptive Scenario Engine (ASE) - Core L88756 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

i Real 12 Application ATO Adaptive Scenario Engine (ASE) - Core L88756M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 ¡Real Application ATO Adaptive Scenario Engine (ASE) -

Nonstandard User L88757 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application I

ATO Adaptive Scenario Engine (ASE) - Nonstandard User L88757M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Advanced Report Viewer Seat - Named User L88758 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Advanced Report Viewer Seat - Named User L88758M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Advanced Report Viewer Seat -Nonstandard User L88759 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Advanced Report Viewer Seat -Nonstandard User L88759M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real 1 Application ATO Business Report Designer Seat - Nonstandard User L88761 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application L88761M ATO Business Report Designer Seat -Nonstandard User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Campaign Optimizer Design Seat - Nonstandard User L88763 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Campaign Optimizer Design Seat - Nonstandard User L88763M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition Base - Customer L88764 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 'ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition Base - Application Customer L88764M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition Base - Nonstandard User L88765 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application

ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition Base Nonstandard User L88765M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

!Real -1-.

Application ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition Incremental - Customer L88766 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real ---F

12 Application ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition Incremental - Customer L88766M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition Incremental - Nonstandard User L88767 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 2,41

Real A-12- - t-31.-• Incremental Application ATO Campaign Optimizer for Partner Edition

- Nonstandard User L88767M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real /C) i it.0 r. ri r

" N F:r fsPPijetti°r>

ATO Campaign Optimizer Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88769 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

I Cá j í C".“:


Page 170: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 !Application ATG Campaign Optimizer Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88769M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATG Commerce Service Center Seat -Nonstandard L88771 Permanente sem Manutenção R$2,41 User

Real 12 ATO Commerce Service Center Seat -Nonstandard Application User L88771M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real ATO Commerce Service Center Staging Application Environment - Customer L88773 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 ATO Commerce Service Center Staging Application Environment - Customer L88773M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real ATO Commerce Service Center Staging Application Environment - Nonstandard User L88774 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Commerce Service Center Staging jEnvironment - Nonstandard User L88774M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real tApptication ATO Commerce Service Center Starter Pack Nonstandard User L88776 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 !Application ATG Commerce Service Center Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88776M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Control Center (ACC) Named Seat - Nonstandard User L88778 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

I Real 12 Application L88778M

ATO Control Center (ACC) Named Seat - Nonstandard User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real ¡Application ATO Customer Intelligence Starter Pack - Customer L88779 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Customer Intelligence Starter Pack - Customer L88779M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real I-

Application ATO Customer Intelligence Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88780 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Customer Intelligence Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88780M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application J_

ATO Full Administrator Seat - Nonstandard User L88782 Permanente sem Manutenção RS 2,41

[Real 12 Application ATO Full Administrator Seat - Nonstandard User L88782M Manutenção na Vigência RS 0,56 Real Application ATO Knowledge Seat Nonstandard User L88784 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Knowledge Seat Nonstandard User L88784M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real 'Application ATO Knowledge Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88786 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Knowledge Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88786M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Merchandising Seat - Nonstandard User L88788 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Merchandising Seat - Nonstandard User 188788M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Merchandising Starter Pack - Nonstandard

User L88790 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Merchandising Starter Pack -Nonstandard User L88790M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Outreach Design Seat - Nonstandard User L88792 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Outreach Design Seat - Nonstandard User L88792M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Base - Customer 188793 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Base - Customer L88793M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Base - Nonstandard User L88794 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Base - Nonstandard User L88794M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Incremental - Customer L88795 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Incremental - Customer L88795M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Incremental - Nonstandard User L88796 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Outreach for Partner Edition Incremental - Nonstandard User L88796M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real i Application ATO Outreach Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88798 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12

Application ATO Outreach Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88798M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real .„---:-SApplication ATO Outreach Delivery Engine - Core L88799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41; Real 7 <32- AOlication ATO Outreach Delivery Engine - Core L88799M 1Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real rRer.; Appli \I ion ATO Outreach Delivery Engine - Nonstandard User 188800 'Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41


Page 171: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

[Real 12 r ApplicationjATG Outreach Delivery Engine - Nonstandard User L88800M iManutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

l Real Applicabon lATG Search Engine - Core L88801 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 !Real I 12 Application ATO Search Engine - Core L88801M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 IReal ATO Search Engine - Nonstandard User L88802 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Search Engine - Nonstandard User L88802M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Self-Service Deployrnent - Core L88803 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Self-Service Deployment - Core L88803M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Self-Service Deployment - Nonstandard User L88804 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241 '

Real 12 Appfication ATO Self-Service Deployment - Nonstandard User L88804M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

'Real ATO Self-Service Starter Pack for Knowledge - Core Application

L88805 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Self-Service Starter Pack for Knowledge - Core L88805M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Self-Service Starter Pack for Knowledge - Nonstandard User L88806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Self-Service Starter Pack for Knowledge - Nonstandard User L88806M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Self-Service Ul - Core L88807 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Self-Service Ul - Core L88807M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Self-Service UI - Nonstandard User L88808 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Self-Service Ul - Nonstandard User L88808M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Universal Named Developer Seat - Core L88809 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Universal Named Developer Seat - Core L88809M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real Application ATO Universal Named Developer Seat -

Nonstandard User L88810 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,411 i

Real 12 Application ATO Universal Named Developer Seat - Nonstandard User L88810M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 r

Real Application ATO B2B Order Management - Core L88811 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,411 Real 12 Application ATO B2B Order Management - Core L68811M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

i Real 1 Application ATO B2B Order Management - Nonstandard User L88812 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,411

Real 1 12 Application ATO B2B Order Management - Nonstandard User L88812M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Campaign Optimizer Delivery Engine - Core i L88813 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Campaign Optimizer Delivery Engine - Core L88813M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Campaign Optimizer Delivery Engine - Nonstandard User L88814 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Campaign Optimizer Delivery Engine - Nonstandard User L88814M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Commerce Deployment - Core L88815 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Commerce Deployment - Core L88815M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Commerce Deployment - Nonstandard User L88816 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Commerce Deployment - Nonstandard User L88816M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Commerce MC 4-Core Edition Core L88817 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real 12 Application ATO Commerce MC 4-Core Edition - Core L88817M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Commerce MC 4-Core Edition -Nonstandard User L88818 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Commerce MC 4-Core Edition -Nonstandard User L88818M Manutenção na Vigência R$0,561

Real Application ATO Commerce MC Edition Deployment - Core L88819 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Commerce MC Edition Deployment - Core L88819M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56



Application ATO Commerce MC Edition Deployment Nonstandard User L88820 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

12 Application ATO Commerce MC Edition Deployment - Nonstandard User L88820M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Commerce MC Edition Starter Pack - Core L88821 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Commerce MC Edition Starter Pack - Core L88821M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Commerce MC Edition Starter Pack Nonstandard User L88822 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real /0 12 ATG Commerce MC Edition Starter Pack - Appli‘cation Nonstandard User s L88822M Manutenção na Vigência

-r R$ 0,56

Real , r. lu' Applic. .n ATO Commerce Search Starter Pack - Core L88823 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real - 12 cation ATO Commerce Search Starter Pack - Core L88823M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56r

\ 158/187

Page 172: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real ,Application ATO Commerce Search Starter Pack -Nonstandard User L88824 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

i Real 12 'Application ATO Commerce Search Starter Pack -Nonstandard User L88824M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Commerce Starter Pack - Core L88825 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241 Real 12 Application ATO Commerce Starter Pack - Core 188825M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application -fr

ATO Commerce Starter Pack - Nonstandard User L88826 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Commerce Starter Pack - Nonstandard User 188826M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56 Real lApplication ATG Dedicated Email Delivery Engine - Core L88827 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41 Real _i_


12 Application ATO Dedicated Email Delivery Engine - Core 188827M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Application ATO Dedicated Email Delivery Engine - Nonstandard User L88828 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Dedicated Email Delivery Engine - Nonstandard User 188828M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application ATO Merchandising Seat Upgrade - Named User 188829 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Merchandising Seat Upgrade - Named User 188829M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56'

Real Application ATO Merchandising Seat Upgrade -Nonstandard User L88830 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application ATO Merchandising Seat Upgrade -Nonstandard User 188830M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

'Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management - Application User 188923 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.558,44

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Cash Management - Application User L88923M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 361,59'

Real Application Siebel Warranty Processing - 1,000 Claims L89116 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46 Real 12 Application Siebel Warranty Processing - 1,000 Claims 189116M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25 Real Application Siebel Warranty Validation Server - Computer L89124 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 Real 12 Application Siebel Warranty Validation Server - Computer 189124M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 Real Application Siebel Warranty Claims - Application User L89132 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

1Real 12 _LApplication Siebel Warranty Claims - Application User 189132M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13 Real Application Siebel Warranty for Partners - Registered User L89141 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Siebel Warranty for Partners - Registered User 189141M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Siebel Warranty Management Administrator - Application User L89150 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21

Real 12 Application Siebel Warranty Management Administrator Application User 189150M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Global Payroll Core (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

189159 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft UPK for Global Payroll Core (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

189159M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Global Payroll Core (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

189167 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89i

R$ 19.627,46 Real 12 Application PeopleSoft UPK for Global Payroll Core (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L89167M Manutenção na Vigência Module

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Partner Manager (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L89191 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Partner Manager (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L89191M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Partner Manager (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L89199 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Siebel UPK for Siebel Partner Manager (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

189199M Manutenção na Vigência .

R$ 15.627,46

Real Application Communications Social Networking Foundation Kit TUPS per Domain 189226 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 4

12 Application Communications Social Networking Foundation Kit TUPS per Domain 189226M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28,

Real Application z.--1,11(

Communications .Social Networking Foundation Kit Individual Subscnber L89232 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,721

R (.(f -1

7 ;-1 Ci-2: .-3- i..1Á ....,

Application ;

Communications Social Networking Foundation Kit . . . Individual Subscnber 8eal L 9232M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,17


Page 173: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

l Real

, Application ommunicafions Social Networking Foundation Kit -

$M Revenue Under Management 189238 Permanente sem Manutenção .

R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application ommunicafions Social Networtring Foundation Kit - $M Revenue Under Management L89238M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Reta Merchandising Analytics -Enterprise $M in Revenue 189246 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Retail Merchandising Analytics - Enterprise $M in Revenue 189246M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Tax Accounting Analytics -$M in Jursidictation Tax Revenue Revenue Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Tax Accounting Analytics -$M in Jursidictation Tax Revenue 189247M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real -+

Application Tax Forms Analytics -$M in Jursidictation Tax Revenue R$ 966,65

Real 12 Applicafion _L

Tax Forms Analytics- $M in Jursidictation Tax Revenue 189255M R$ 224,28

Real I

Application Tax Payments Analytics -$M in Jursidictation Tax Revenue 189263 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966.65

Real 12 Application Tax Payments Analytics -$M in Jursidictation Tax Revenue 189263M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Application Product Lifecycle Analytics - Application User 189286 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Real 12 Application Product Lifecycle Analytics - Application User 189286M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49 L Real Application Health Sciences Integration Engine -Unlimited

Communication Points - Computer L89297 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 604.242,10

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Integration Engine - Unlimited Communication Points - Computer 189297M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 140.196,12

Real Application Health Sciences Integrafion Engine - up to a maximum of 100 Communication Points - Computer 189305 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 100 Communication Points - Computer 189305M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Application Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 50 Communication Points - Computer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84


Real 12 Application Health Sciences Integration Engine -up to a maximum maximum of 50 Communication Points - Computer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real -I_

Application Health Sciences Integration Engine -up to a maximum maximum of 30 Communication Points - Computer

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 30 Communication Points - Computer 189321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 42.058,84

Real Application Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 10 Communication Points - Computer 189329 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real I 12 Appficafion Health Sciences Integration Engine - up to a maximum of 10 Communication Points - Computer L89329M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Utilifies Meter Data Analytics - Application User L89337 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Application Utilities Meter Data Analytics - Application User L89337M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real Application Business Intelligence Mobile - Named User Plus 189361 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 869,88

Real 12 Application Business Intelligence Mobile - Named User Nus L89361M Manutenção na Vigência In 201,83•

Real Application Fusion Accounting Hub - Employee L89375 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70 Real 12 Application Fusion Accounting Hub - Employee L89375M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08 Real Application Fusion Advanced Collections - Application User 189384 Permanente sem Manutenção


R$ 3.371,61

Real 12 Application Fusion Advanced Collections - Application User 189384M Manutenção na Vigência i

R$ 782,28.

Real Fusion Automated Invoice Processing - 1K Invoice Application Line L89396 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 140,16

Real 2 _I

'Fusion Automated lnvoice Processing - 1K invoice Application !Line 189396M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 32,52

1-2-eal Application tFusion Expenses - Expense Report L89410 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46 Real - 12 'Application IFusion Expenses - Expense Report 189410M Manutenção na Vigência . R$ 3,36' Real i . ., r i) AO tion IFusion Financial Reports Center - Employee L89418 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121,25 Real 1'2 plication Fusion Financial Reports Center - Employee 189418M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13 Real tT-:, ‘'

L'-''1 Application Fusion Financiais - Application User

4,-- 189427 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Page 174: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Fusion Financiais - Application User L89427M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Financiais - Application User L89439 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Financiais - Application User L89439M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Fusion Procurement Contracts - Application User L89451 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.039,26

Real 12 Application Fusion Procurement Contracts - Application User L89451M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.02537

Real Application Fusion Purchasing - Application User L89463 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Fusion Purchasing - Appficafion User L89463M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application Fusion Self Service Procurement - Application User L89475 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 278,09

Real 12 Application __i_

Fusion Self Service Procurement - Application User L89475M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64,52

I— Application L89487 Fusion Sourcing for Fusion Purchasing -ApplicationReal User Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 22.224,14

Real 12 Application Fusion Sourcing for Fusion Purchasing - Application User L89487M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.156,44

Real Application L89499 Fusion Supplier Portal for Fusion Purchasing - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.224,14

Real 12 Application Fusion Supplier Portal for Fusion Purchasing - Application User L89499M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.156,44

Real Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Procurement - Application User L89511 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real ! 12 Application L89511M Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Procurement - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Fusion Project Billing - Application User L89523 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.447,38 Real 12 Application Fusion Project Billing - Application User L89523M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.959,96 Real Application Fusion Project Contracts - Application User L89535 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.039,26 Real 12 Application Fusion Project Contracts - Application User L89535M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.025,37 Real Application Fusion Project Contrai - Application User L89547 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.996,84 Real 12 Application Fusion Project Control - Application User L89547M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.623,40 Real Application Fusion Project Cosfing - Application User L89559 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95 Real 12 Application Fusion Project Cosfing - Application User L89559M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80 Real Application L89571

Fusion Project Integration Gateway - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Fusion Project Integration Gateway - Application User L89571M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13!

Real Application Fusion Project Performance Reporting - Application 'User L89583 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.523,14

Real 12 Application Fusion Project Performance Reporting - Application User L89583M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.137,64

Real Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Projects - Application User L89595 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Projects - Application User L89595M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Fusion Benefits - Employee L89607 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 205,79 Real Real

12 Application Fusion Benefits - Employee L89607M Manutenção na Vigência R$47,75 Application Fusion Global Human Resources - Employee L89616 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 447,17

Real 12 Application Fusion Global Human Resources - Employee L89616M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 103,75 Real Application Fusion Global Payroll - Employee L89625 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95 Real 12 Application Fusion Global Payroll - Employee L89625M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21 Real Application Fusion Global Payroll Interface - Employee L89634 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54 Real 12 Application Fusion Global Payroll Interface - Employee L89634M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19,62 Real Application Fusion Goal Management - Employee L89643 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96,78

, Real 12 Application Fusion Goal Management - Employee 1_89643M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22,45 Real 21:\ pplication Fusion Performance Management - Employee L89661 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253,62 Real 12 Application Fusion Performance Management - Employee L89661M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58,85 Real 'Application Fusion Talent Review - Employee L89670 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08 Real 12 iApplication Fusion Talent Review - Employee L89670M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23

Real Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Human Capital Management - Application User 189679 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligente for Human Capital Management - Application User 89679M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Fusion Workforce Compensation - Employee L89691 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169,08 Real 12 Application Fusion Workforce Compensation - Employee L89691M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39,23 Real

c. .._ '-oc... `.-i '

4r- Application Fusion Workforce Directory Management - Employee 89700 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 144,61

Real i G. .T y,c12 T • • e cation —Á - ,

Fusion Workforce Directory Management - Employee L89700M Manutenção na Vigência R$33,55

•c.- /


Page 175: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Heal Application Fusion Workforce Lifecycle Manager - Employee L89709 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84,54

II Real 12 Application Fusion Workforce Lifecyde Manager - Employee 189709M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1962, 11—Real Application Fusion Workforce Predictions - Employee L89718 Permanente sem Manutenção R 121,25 Real 12 Apphcafion Fusion Workforce Predictions - Employee L89718M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28 13 Real Application Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration -Electronic

Order Line L89727 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration -Electronic Order Line 189727M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Apphcafion Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration User - Application User L89738 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91

Real 12 Application Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration User - Application User L89738M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65

Real Application Fusion Global Order Promising - $M Cosi of Goods Sold

89750 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real --,

12 Applicafion Fusion Global Order Promising - $M Cosi of Goods Sold 189750M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

'Real Application Fusion Inventory Management - Application User L89759 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105.95

Real 12 Application Fusion Inventory Management - Application User 189759M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80,

Real Applicafion Fusion Product and Catalog Managemen Application User L89771 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.105,95

Real 12 Application Fusion Product and Catalog Management Application User L89771M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.576,80

Real Application Fusion Product Hub Record L89787 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 33,37 Real 12 Application Fusion Product Hub - Record L89787M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7,74 Real Application Fusion Product Hub Data Steward - Application

User L89794 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91

Real 12 Application Fusion Product Hub Data Steward -Application User L89794M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65

Real Application rusion Product Hub for Communications - Record L89810 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Apphcafion Fusion Product Hub for Communications - Record 189810M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14 Real Application Fusion Product Hub for Retail - Record L89821 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14,46 Real 12 'Application Fusion Product Hub for Retail - Record L89821M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3,36

Real Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence for Supply Chain Management - Application User 189828 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence for Supply Chain Management - Application User L89828M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Fusion CRM Base - Application User L89840 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.866,821 Real 12 Application Fusion CRM Base - Application User 189840M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.753,34 Real Application Fusion CRM Desk op - Application User L89852 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27 Real 12 Application Fusion CRM Desktop - Application User 189852M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real Application Fusion Enterprise Contracts Base - Application User 189864 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Application Fusion Enterprise Contracts Base - Application User L89864M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Fusion Incentive Compensation - Compensated Individual L89876 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.813,17

Real 12 Application L89876M Fusion Incentive Compensafion -Compensated Individual Manutenção na Vigência R$ 420,69

Real Application Fusion Opportunity Landscape - Application User L89888 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.030,08

Real 12 Application Fusion Opportunity Landscape - Application User 189888M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 471,02

Real Application Fusion Quota Management -Compensated Individual L89900 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253,62

Real 12 Application Fusion Quota Management - Compensated Individual 189900M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58,85

Real Application Fusion Sales Campaigns Application User L89912 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.030,08 Real Real

12 Application Fusion Sales Campaigns Application User L89912M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 471,02 Application Fusion Sales Catalog - Application User L89924 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.4 7 19

, Real 12 ,Application Fusion Sales Catalog - Application User L89924M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84 'Real Ë 'Application Fusion Sales Predictor - Application User L89936 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.060,17 'Real 12. .I. i Application Fusion Sales Predictor - Application User L89936M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 942,04 [Real I i Real I


. CV C; r- Application Fusion Smart Phone Edition - Application User L89948 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389,36

7ff1-2.- r i A • caiion Fusion Smart Phone Edition - Application User 189948M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36 '



Page 176: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

! Real Application Fusion Territory Management - Managed Resource L89963 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1389,36'

Real 12 Application Fusion Tenitory Management - Managed Resource 189963M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322,36

Real Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence for Customer Relationship Management - Application User

189972 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence for Customer Relafionship Management - Application User

L89972M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Fusion Email Marketing Server - Computer L89984 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 277.951,37 Real 12 'Application Fusion Email Marketing Server - Computer L89984M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 64.490,21 Real Application Fusion Marketing - Application User L89995 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.537,43 Real 12 AppApplication1Fusion Marketing -Application User 189995M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.516,81 Real Application Fusion Marketing Segmentation -up to 500,000

records - Computer L90007 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 416.927,05

Real 12 Application Fusion Marketing Segmentation -up to 500,000 records - Computer 190007M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 96.735,32

Real Application Fusion Marketing Segmentation - up to 1,000,000 records records - Computer Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 555.902,73l

Real 12 Fusion Marketing Segmentation -up to 1,000,000 Application records - Computer 190015M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 128.980,43

Real Fusion Marketing Segmentation - up to 3,000,000 Application records - Computer L90023 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 764.970,28

Real 12 Application Fusion Marketing Segmentation - up to 3,000,000 records - Computer

L90023r4 Manutenção na Vigência R$ 177.488,23

Real Application Fusion Marketing Segmentation -up to 5,000,000 records - Computer L90031 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 972.829,78

Real 12 Application records Fusion Marketing Segmentation - up to 5,000,000

- Computer 190031M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 225.715,75

Real Application Fusion Marketing Segmentation - up to 10,000,000 records - Computer L90039 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.184.314,52

Real 12 Fusion Marketing Segmentation - up to 10,000,000 Application L90039M 2-pcords - Computer Manutenção na Vigência R$ 274.784,39

Real ApplicationFusion Marketing Segmentation - unlimited records - Computer L90047 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.389.756,83

Real 12 Application Fusion Marketing Segmentation - unlimited records Computer 190047M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 322.451,07

Real Application Fusion Incentive Compensafion for Channel Managers - Compensated Individual L90055 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95

Real 12 Application Fusion Incentive Compensation for Channel Managers - Compensated Individual 190055M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21

Real Application Fusion Partner Relationship Management for Channel Managers - Application User 190067 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Application Fusion Partner Relationship Management for Channel Channel Managers -Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application L90083 Fusion Partner Relationship Management for Partners - Registered User Permanente sem Manutenção I R$ 1.208,04;

I Real 12 Application Fusion Partner Relationship Management for

Partners Partners - Registered User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,291

Real Application Fusion Territory Management for Channel Managers - Managed Resource 190094 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 422,70

Real 12 'Application Fusion Territory Management for Channel Managers - Managed Resource 190094M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 98,08

Real Application Fusion Customer Hub Data Steward -Application User L90103 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.005,91

Real 12 Application Fusion Customer Hub Data Steward -Application User User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.249,65

Real Application Fusion Customer Hub for Organizations - Record L90119 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22,251

Real 12 Application Fusion Customer Hub for Organizations - Record 190119M Manutenção na Vigência 1 R$ 5,16, i

Real Application Fusion Customer Hub for Persons - Record 190130 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,11 Real 12 Application Fusion Customer Hub for Persons - Record 190130M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,26. Real Application Fusion Customer Management Foundation for

Organizations - Record L90138 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11,12

Real 12 Application Fusion Customer Management Foundation for Organizations - Record 190138M Manutenção na Vigência in 2,58

Real Application Fusion Customer Management Foundation for Persons - Record L90146 Permanente sem Manutenção '428 0,56

Real .., 2 Application Fusion Customer Management Foundation for Persons - Record 190146M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,13 -

Real.Cr`t Application Fusion Data Cluafity Address Cleansing - Processor L90157 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 152.993,83

kit 163/187

Page 177: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application Fusion Data Quality Address Cleansing - Processor L90157M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 35.497,60 Real Application Fusion Data Quality Matching - Processor L90168 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 302.121,05 Real 12 'Application Fusion Data Quality Matching - Processor L90168M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.098,06 Real Application Fusion Applications Extensibility Framework -

Application User L90175 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.613,09

'Real 12 Application Fusion Applications Extensibility Framework - Ap plication User L90175M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.766,39

Real Application Fusion Application Access Controls for Fusion

L90187 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88 Applications for Fusion Application Access Controls Governor - Monitored User

Real 12 Application Fusion Application Access Controls for Fusion Applications for Fusion Application Access Controls Governor - Monitored User

L90187M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Fusion Application Access Controls Govemor - Monitored User L90198 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.163,57

Real 12 Application Fusion Application Access Controls Govemor - Monitored User L90198M Manutenção na Vigência R$501,99

Real Application Business Intelligente Suite Enterprise Edition Plus for Applications - Named User Plus L90286 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 645,18 i

Real 12 Application Business Intelligente Suite Enterprise Edition Plus for Applications - Named User Plus L90286M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 149,69

Real Application Business Intelligente Suite Enterprise Edition Plus for Applications - Processor L90300 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 205.442,31

Real 12 Application Business Intelligente Suite Enterpnse Edition Plus for Applications - Processor L90300M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 47.666,68

Real Application Communications IP Service Activator Cartddge for Cisco IOS XR L3 VPN - Customer 190392 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26r

Real 12 Application I

Communications IP Service Activator Cartridge for Cisco IOS XR L3 VPN - Customer L90392M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Application Financial Services Hedge Management and IFRS Valuations - $8 in Total Assets 190464 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 30.212,11

Real 12 Application Financial Services Hedge Management and IFRS Valuations - $B in Total Assets 90464M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.009,81

Real Application Customer Data Management Analytics, Fusion Edition - Application User L90497 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Customer Data Management Analytics, Fusion Edition - Application User L90497M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real 'Application i

Product Information Management Analytics, Fusion Edition - Application User L90525 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Product Inforrnation Management Analytics, Fusion Edition -Application User L90525M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real 'Application i

Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Echelon - 100 Utilities Devices L90588 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 'Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Echelon - 100 Utilities Devices L90588M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real Application Health Sciences InForm CRF Subrnit - Customer L90639 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 863.099,55

Real 12 Application Health Sciences InForm CRF Submit - Customer L90639M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 200.256,17

Real Application Health Sciences Central Designer -Application User L90647 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 69.125,21

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Central Designer - Application User L90647M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.038,42

Real Application Health Sciences Central Coding - Application User L90655 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 69.125,21

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Central Coding - Application User L90655M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.038,42

'Real Application Health Sciences Clintrial Design - Application User L90663 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 44.955,52

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Design - Application User L90663M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.430,57

Real Application Health Sciences Clintrial Admin - Application User 190671 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.477,76 ,

Real I 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Admin - Application User L90671M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.215,29

Real i Application Health Sciences Clintrial Manage - Application User L90679 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.477,76

Real c Application All i Health Sciences Clintrial Manage - Application User L90679M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.215,29! ‘..., Real

f ff, ;:("4-.(` l- Ap ication Health Sciences Clintrial Enter - Application User L90687 Permanente sem Manutenção 1

R$ 14.743,42


Page 178: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application inealth Sciences Clintrial Enter - Application User L90687M Manutenção na Vigência i

R$ 3.420,76

Real Application Health Sciences Clintrial Retrieve - Application User L90695 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.743,42

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Retrieve - Application User L90695M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.420,76

Real Health Sciences Clintrial Lati Loader -Application Application User L90703 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 44.955,52

Real i 12 Application inealth Sciences Clintrial Lati Loader -Application User L90703M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.430,57

Real l Application Health Sciences Clintrial MultiSite - Application User L90711 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 187.073,67

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial MultiSite - Application User L90711M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 43404,79

Real Application Health Sciences Clintrial Design Japan - Application User L90719 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 67.433,28

Real 12 Health Sciences Clintrial Design Japan - Application Application User L90719M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 15.645,86

Real Health Sciences Clintrial Admin Japan - Application Application User L90727 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 33.717,20

Real 12 Health Sciences Clintrial Admin Japan - Application Application User L90727M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.823,06

Real Health Sciences Clintrial Manage Japan - Application Application User L90735 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 33.717,20

Real 12 Health Sciences Clintrial Manage Japan - Application Application User L90735M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.823,06

'Real Health Sciences Clintrial Enter Japan - Application Application User L90743 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.115,13

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Enter Japan - Application User L90743M Manutenção na Vigência I

R$ 5.131,15

Real Health Sciences Clintrial Retrieve Japan - Application Application User L90751 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 22.115,13

Real 12 Health Sciences Clintrial Retrieve Japan Application

- Application User L90751M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.131,15

Real Application -'Health Sciences Clintrial Lati Loader Japan - Application User L90759 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 67.433,28

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Lati Loader Japan - Application User L90759M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 15.645,86

Real Application Health Sciences Clintrial MultiSite Japan - Application User L90767 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 280.609,94

Real 12 i Application Health Sciences Clintrial MultiSite Japan - Application User L90767M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 65.107,06

Real Application Health Sciences Empirica Gateway - Server L90775 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 Real i Application Health Sciences Empirica Gateway - Server L90775 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 Real 12 I Application Health Sciences Empirica Gateway - Server L90775M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 Real 12 Application Health Sciences Empirica Gateway - Server L90775M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 Real :Application Health Sciences Empirica Signal - Application User L90783 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 56.315,10

Real Application Health Sciences Empirica Signal - Application User L90783 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 56.315,10

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Empirica Signal - Application User L90783M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13.066,22

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Empirica Signal -Application User L90783M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13.066,22

Real Application Health Sciences Empirica Topics - Application User L90799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 17.401,99

Real Application Health Sciences Empirica Topics - Application User 190799 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 17.401,99

Real 12 Application lnealth Sciences Empirica Topics - Application User L90799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.037,61

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Empirica Topics - Application User L90799M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.037,61

Real Application Health Sciences Clinicai Development Center - Application User L90807 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 27.794,91

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clinicai Development Center - Application User L90807M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.448,97

Real Application Health Sciences LabPas Environmental Monitoring Sensor - Sensor Pack L90839 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Health Sciences LabPas Environmental Monitoring Sensor - Sensor Pack L90839M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real :plication ____atrAp Health Sciences Clintrial Resolve - Application User L90863 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 29.970,72

Real / 0 ...‘ \ / ,i 12 tiApptication ..... -r,.CE,"•-i; .T.i

Health Sciences Clintrial Resolve - Application User L90863M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.953,80


Page 179: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real lApplication Health Sciences Clintrial Resolve Japan - Application User L90871 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 44.955,52

Real 1 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Resolve Japan - Application User 190871M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 10.430,57

Real Application Health Sciences Clintrial Classify - Application User L90879 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 74.926,24

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Classify - Application User 190879M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 17.384,37

Real Application Health Sciences Clintrial Classify Japan - Application User L90887 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 112.388,81

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Clintrial Classify Japan - Application User L90887M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 26.076,43

Real Application Health Sciences Empirica Trace - Application User L90895 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 67.433,28

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Empirica Trace - Application User 190895M Manutenção na Vigência in 15.645,86

I Real .1 Application Health Sciences Empirica Trace Affiliate - Application User L90903 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 31.178,76

'Real I

' 12 Application Health Sciences Empirica Trace Aftinate - Application User 190903M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 7.234,09

!Real f Application Watchlist Screening - Processar L90953 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483.393,68 i Real 12 Application Watchlist Screening - Processar 190953M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112.156,89 Real i Application

l Enterprise Data Quality Match and Merge - Processar L90964 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 302.121,05

I Real 12 Application Enterprise Data Quality Match and Merge - Processar 190964M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.098,06

Real Application Enterprise Data Quality Parsing and Standardization - Processar L90975 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Enterprise Data Quality Parsing and Standardization - Processar 190975M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Application Enterprise Data Quality Profile and Audit - Processor L90986 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Enterprise Data Quality Profile and Audit - Application Processar 190986M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real 'Application r- Enterprise Data Quality Product Data Match and ' Merge - Processar L90997 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 302.121,05

Real 12 Application Enterprise Data Quality Product Data Match and Merge - Processar 190997M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 70.098,06

Real Application Enterprise Data Quality Product Data Parsing and Standardization - Processar L91008 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Enterprise Data Quality Product Data Parsing and Standardization - Processar 91008M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,671

R$ 42.296,95 Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Test Framework (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

191019 Permanente sem Manutenção

'Real 12 PeopleSoft UPK for Test Framework (up to 4K

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

191019M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application PeopleSoft UPK for Test Framework (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91027 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft UPK for Test Framework (over 4K employees and/0r over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

191027M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Resources, Benefits (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module +

L91041 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Resources, Benefits (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

191041M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Resources, Benefits (over 4k employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91049 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Human Resources, Benefits (over 4k employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

191049M Manutenção na Vigência


R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Deduction and Settlement Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91057 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real j2 . N


Demantra UPK for Demantra Deduction and Settlement Management (up to 4K employees and 9,to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

191057M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

J,2 ÇCi



Page 180: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application

, .Demantra UPK for Demantra Deduction and Settlement Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91065 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4253833

Real 12 Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Deduction and Settlement Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91065M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Predictive Trade Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91073 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real i_

12 Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Predictive Trade Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91073M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application 1

Demantra UPK for Demantra Predictive Trade Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion n revenue) - UPK Module

L91081 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Predictive Trade Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91081M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Real-Time Sales and Operations Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91089 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21269,72

Real 12 Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Real-Time Sales and Operations Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91089M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Real-Time Sales and Operations Planning (over 4K employees and/or

rver $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L91097 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33


_ ..

12 Application Demantra UPK for Demantra Real-Time Sales and Operations Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91097M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application Environmental Accounting and Reporting for Financiais - Application User L91105 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.822,15

Real 12 Application Environmental Accounting and Reporting for Financiais -Application User L91 Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.118,83

Application ,

ri O JD Edwards Enterpsene EnvironmentalReal L91138 Accounting and Reporting - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.822,15

Real 12 ¡Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Environmental Accounting and Reporting - Application User L91138M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.118,83

Real 'Application -i

Enterprise Data Quality Batch Processing for Data Integrator - Processor L91159 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Enterprise Data Quality Batch Processing for Data Integrator - Processor L91159M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real 1- Application Enterprise Data Quality Profiling for Data Integrator - Processor L91171 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84

Real 12 Application L91171M Enterprise Data Quality Profiling for Data Integrator - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45

Real Application PeopleSoft CRM Personal Information Management Server Sync - Application User L91192 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 713,03

Real 12 Application L91192M PeopleSoft CRM Personal Information Management Server Sync -Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 165,44

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Crystal Bali (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91205 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Crystal Bali (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91205M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Crystal Bali (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91213 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 User Productivity Kit for Crystal Bali (over 4K


iemployees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK :Module

L91213M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real PeopleSoft Procure to Pay Transaction Controls for

‘ .i lication •PeopleSoft Enterprise for Enterprise Transaction rà Controls Govemor - Monitored User

L91221 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 399,34

r -v:C •

• • / 167/187

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Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Procure to Pay Transaction Controls for PeopleSoft Enterprise for Enterprise Transaction Controls Governor - Monitored User

L91221M Manutenção na Vigência


R$ 92,66

Real Applicabon Enterprise Transaction Controls Governor Connector to PeopleSoft Enterprise for Enterprise Transaction Controls Govemor - Monitored User

L91232 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 265,86

Real 12 Application Enterprise Transaction Controls Govemor Connector to PeopleSoft Enterprise for Enterprise Transaction Controls Governor - Monitored User

L91232M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 61,68

Real Application PeopleSoft Enterprise Transaction Controls Governor - Monitored User L91243 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.945,54

Real 12 Application , ' PeopleSoft Enterprise Transaction Controls Governor - Monitored User L91243M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 451,40

Real 'Apphcafion Coherence Enterprise Edition for Applications - Named User Plus L91254 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 111,24

Real 12 Application Coherence Enterprise Edition for Applications - Named User Plus L91254M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.81

Real Application Coherence Enterprise Edition for Apphcafions - Processar L91260 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11.118,19

Real 12 Coherence Enterprise Edition for Applications - Application

Processar L91260M -fr

Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.579,64

Real PeopleSoft UPK for Supplier Contract Management


(up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) I- UPK Module

L91287 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 PeopleSoft UPK for Supplier Contract Management


(up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91287M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Applicafion PeopleSoft UPK for Supplier Contract Management

'(over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91312 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft UPK for Supplier Contract Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L91312M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real —

Application f

Communications Messaging Control Agent for CAP-TUPS Per domain L91318 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application TUPS Communications Messaging Control Agent for CAP

Per domain L91318M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for CAP - L91324 Individual Subscriber Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,37

Real 12 Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for CAP L91324M Individual Subscriber Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,09

Real Application Communications Messaging Control Agent for CAP $M Revenue under Management L91330 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Appfication Communications Messaging Control Agent for CAP - $M Revenue under Management L91330M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29

Real Application Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, Administrative Setup (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92315 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, Administrative Setup (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92315M Manutenção na Vigência I

R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, Administrative Setup (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92323 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, Administrative Setup (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92323M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92331 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95



12 _ .. _ .



Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92331M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, User Tasks (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92339 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89


--}--.:-. . til" 1

l.l. 12 Atiplication Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, User Tasks (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92339M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Ui»? CISC, / 168/187

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Real Application Ufilifies UPK for Meter Data Management, VEE and Usage Rules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92347 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Ufilifies UPK for Meter Data Management, VEE and Usage Rules (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92347M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Ufilities UPK for Meter Data Management, VEE and Usage Rules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92355 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Ufilifies UPK for Meter Data Management, VEE and Usage Rules (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92355M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real 1

Application Utilifies UPK for Meter Data Management, Working with Measurement Data (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92363 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 1 12 Application Ufififies UPK for Meter Data Management, Working with Measurement Data (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92363M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73



Application Ufilities UPK for Meter Data Management, Working with Measurement Data (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92371 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Meter Data Management, Working with Measurement Data (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92371M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Advanced Pricing for Accounts Receivable Deducfions Settlement - Application User L92390 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.547,41

Real 12 Application Advanced Pricing for Accounts Receivable Dedudions Settlement - Application User L92390M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

Real Application Advanced Pricing for Service Contracts - Application User 92402 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.547,41

Real 12 Application Advanced Pricing for Service Contracts - Application User L92402M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.287,11

Real Application Primavera Contract Management, Business Intelligente Publisher Edition - Application user L92465 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Primavera Contract Management, Business Intelligente Publisher Edition - Application user L92465M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Primavera Contract Management Web Services - Application Application user L92473 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 'Primavera Contract Management Web Services - Application Application Application user Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29


E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Purchasing (up to Application 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) -

!UPK Module

L92483 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Purchasing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92483M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application


E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Purchasing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92491 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Purchasing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92491M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Procurement Contracts (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92499 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72



12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Procurement Contracts (up to 4K employees and up to $1 bilhar) in revenue) - UPK Module

L92499M Manutenção na Vigência

R$ 4.935,00

- •Cyjj.f51--.


ApPlication --,..


E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Procurement Contracts (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

92507 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33


Page 183: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Procurement Contracts (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

192507M Manutenção na Vigência ! R$ 9.869,73




Application L92515

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for iSupplier Portal (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for iSupplier Portal (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

192515M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for iSuppher Portal (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92523 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management Management for Public Sector for iSupplier Portal (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

I Real Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for iProcurement (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

192531 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for iProcurement (up to 4K employees and up to $1 bilhon in revenue) - UPK Module

192531M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real I


E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for iProcurement (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92539 Permanente sem Manutenção .. R$ 42.538,33

[Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for iProcurement (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

192539M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Sourcing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92547 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Sourcing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92547M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73




E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Sourcing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92555 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89



12 Application

E-Business Suite UPK for Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector for Sourcing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L92555M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

'Real 1 Application Health Sciences Cohen Explorer - Application User L92591 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 18.127,26

Real 12 Application Health Sciences Cohort Explorer - Application User L92591M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.205,88

Real Application Policy Automation Connector for CRM On Demand Connected Instance L92810 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42

Real 12 Application Policy Automation Connector for CRM On Demand- Connected Instance 192810M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22

Real — -- Real

— 12

Application Policy Automation for CRM On Demand - Application User L92818 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

2,-- Application Policy Automation for CRM On Demand -

Application User 192818M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 280,29



Application Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Siebel CRM - Processor 192826 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

12 Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Application CRM - Processor .1Siebel 192826M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Communications Order and Service Management - Processor

L92834 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real ..,1) 12 /1. /. „

*plica Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Communications Order and Service Management - Processor

192834M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91


Page 184: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

'Real Application Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for i Communications Billing and Revenue Management -1 L92842 Processor

Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real i

12 Application Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Communications Billing and Revenue Management Processor

L92842M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Application Adapters -JD Edwards - Named User Plus L92865 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84541

Real 12 Application Application Adapters -JD Edwards - Named User Plus L92865M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Application Adapters -PeopleSoft - Named User Plus L92871 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Adapters -PeopleSoft - Named User Application Plus L92871M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application I Application Adapters - Siebel - Named User Plus L92877 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

real 12 Application Application Adapters - Siebel - Named User Plus L92877M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15

Real Application Application Adapters - SAP - Named User Plus L92883 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 845,41

Real 12 Application Application Adapters - SAP - Named User Plus L92883M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 196,15 Real Application Siebel Promotion Groups -Application User L92897 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.813,17 Real 12 Application Siebel Promotion Groups - Application User L92897M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 420,69 Real Application Financial Management Analytics - Application User L92930 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Financial Management Analytics - Application User L92930M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Knowledge for Web Self Service, Standard Edition - Processor L92958 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362.545,26

Real 12 Application Knowledge for Web Self Service, Standard Edition-on Processor L92958M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84.117,67

Real Application Knowledge for Web Self Service, Enterprise Edition Processor L92966 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725.090,52

Real 12 Application Knowledge for Web Self Service, Enterprise Edition - Processor L92966M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168.235,34

Real Application Knowledge for Contact Center, Enterprise Edition - Application User L92974 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Knowledge for Contact Center, Enterprise Edition - Application User L92974M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

Real Application Knowledge for Contact Center, Standard Edition - Application User L92982 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.021,21

Real 12 Application Knowledge for Contact Center, Standard Edition - Application User L92982M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 700,98

Real Application Application Replay Pack - Named User Plus L92990 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39 'Real 12 Application Application Replay Pack - Named User Plus L92990M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01 11Real Application Application Replay Pack - Processor L92997 Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 12.084,84 Real 12 Application Application Replay Pack - Processor L92997M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

(Real Application Application Management Pack for Fusion Applications - Named User Plus 193114 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12125!

Real 12 Application Application Management Pack for Fusion Applications - Named User Plus L93114M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13

Real Application Application Management Pack for Fusion lApplications - Processor L93121 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Application Management Pack for Fusion Applications - Processor L93121M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Application Management Suite for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Named User Plus L93133 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application i_ Application Management Suite for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne - Named User Plus L93133M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Application Management Suite for E-Business Suite Named User Plus L93139 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 Application Application Management Suite for E-Business Suite Named User Plus L93139M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

'Real Application Application Management Suite for PeopleSoft - Named User Plus L93145 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

¡Real 12 Application Application Management Suite for PeopleSoft - Named User Plus L93145M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Application Management Suite for Siebel - Named User Plus L93151 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real .4;1 /1' SB:T1 Z./ 'Application

\ Named Application Management Suite for Siebel - Nd

User Plus Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28 Real .11 /4f' Plication ___p Argus Analytics - Application User L93159 'Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.335,30 Real 1( / T 0 I 5 É _Â pplEpati n Argus Analytics - Application User L93159M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.486,17


Page 185: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application

Application L

Application Management Suite for Fusion Applicafions - Named User Plus L93173 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 725,27

Real 12 Application Management Suite for Fusion Applicafions - Named User Plus L93173M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 168,28

Real Application Application Application Management Suite for Fusion Apphcations - Processar Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Application Management Suite for Fusion Apphcations - Processor L93180M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,771

Real Application Utilities Customer Self Service Billing and Payment Management for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L93188 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36,71

! Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Self Service Billing and Payment Management for Residential Customers -100 in Customer Count

L93188M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8,52

Real Application Utilities Customer Self Service Customer Service Management for Residential Customer -100 in Customer Count

L93196 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36,71

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Self Service Customer Service Management for Residential Customer - 100 in Customer Count

L93196M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8,52

Real Application . Utilities Customer Self Service Base for Commercial and Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count L93204 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.087,90

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Self Service Base for Commercial and Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count L93204M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 252,41

Real Application Utilities Customer Self Service Billing and Payment Management for Commercial and Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L93212 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Self Service Billing and Payment Management for Commercial and Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

L93212M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 126,21

Real Application Utilities Customer Self Service Customer Service Management for Commercial and Industrial Customers -100 in Customer Count

L93220 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 543,95

Real 12 1 Application

Utilities Customer Self Service Customer Service Management for Commercial and Industrial Customers - 100 in Customer Count

i L93220M ¡Manutenção na Vigência


R$ 126,21

Real Application Utilities Customer Self Service Base for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count L93228 I Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 72,30

Real 12 Application Utilities Customer Self Service Base for Residential Customers - 100 in Customer Count L93228M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16,78

Real Application Health Sciences LabPas - Application User L93251 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03 Real 12 Application Health Sciences LabPas - Application User L93251M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion General Ledger (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93259 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion General Ledger (up to 4k employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93259M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion General Ledger (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93267 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion General Ledger

L93267M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

{Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Global Human Resources (up to 4k employees and/or up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93284 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 !

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Global Human

193284M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Resources (up to 4k employees and/or up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 1 p

Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Global Human

L93292 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 Resources (over 4k employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module


12 . Ti ..CV...! (-1.1-;

Application , _...."

User Productivity Kit for Fusion Global Human L93292M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 Resources (over 4k employees andior over $1

billion in revenue) - UPK Module


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Real Application Quantitativo Management and Reporting for Sobiency II - Application User L93429 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 19.335,30

Real 12 Application Quantitafive Management and Reporting for Solvency II - Application User L93429M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.486,17

Real Application Healthcare Analytics Data Integration - Processor L93442 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 580.072,42

Real Application Healthcare Analytics Data Integration - Processor L93442 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 580.072,42

Real 12 Application Healthcare Analytics Data Integration- Processor L93442M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 134.588,27

Real 12 Application Healthcare Analytics Data Integration - Processor L93442M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 134.588,27

Real Application Communications Social Voice Communicator - TUPS per Domain 93458 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.801,04

Real 12 Application Communications Social Voice Communicator - TUPS per Domain L93458M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.345,95

Real Application Communications Social Voice Communicator - Individual Subscriber L93466 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,81

.Real 12 Application Communications Social Voice Communicator - Individual Subscriber L93466M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 042

Real Communications Social Voice Communicator - Application $Revenue under Management 193472 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

1 Real i

12 , Communications Social Voice Communicator - Application $Revenue under Management L93472M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Communications Virtual Private Network -TUPS ,Application Iper Domain L93478 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.658,58

Real 12 Communications Virtual Private Network - TUPS Application per Domain L93478M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 616,841

Real i

Application Communications Virtual Private Network -Individual Subscriber 93486 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 0,85

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network -Individual Subscriber 93486M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,201

1Real Application Communications Virtual Private Network - $Revenue under Management L93492 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483,88

Real 12 Application Communications Virtual Private Network - $Revenue under Management L93492M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112,27

Real Application Communications Policy Controller - TUPS per Domain Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.502,03

Real 12 Application Communications Policy Controller -TUPS per Domain 193498M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.364,76

Real Application Communications Policy Controller - Individual Subscriber L93506 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 484

Real 12 Application Communications Policy Controller -Individual Subscriber L93506M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,12

Real Application Communications Policy Controller -$Revenue under Management L93512 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.899,96

Real 12 Application Communications Policy Controller - $Revenue under Management L93512M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 672,85

Real Communications Online Mediation Controller - Application TUPS per Domain L93518 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 5.801,04

iReal 12 Application Communications Online Mediation Controller - TUPS per Domain L93518M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.345,95

Real Application Communications Online Mediation Controller - Individual Subscriber L93526 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1,94

Real 12 Application Communications Online Mediation Controller - Individual Subscriber L93526M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,45

Real Application


Communications Online Mediation Controller - $Revenue under Management L93532 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.208,04

Real 12 Communications Online Mediation Controller - $Revenue under Management L93532M Manutenção na Vigência R$280,29

Real Application Knowledge Analytics - Application User L93549 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Real 12 Application Knowledge Analytics Application User L93549M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Financial Services Loan Loss Forecasfing and Provisioning - $ B in Total Assets L93703 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 26.586,87

--i- Real 12 Application Financial Services Loan Loss Forecasting and

Provisioning - $ 8 in Total Assets Provisioning Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.168,68

Real Application Directory Services Plus - Employee User L93806 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 28,92 Real 12 Application Directory Services Plus - Employee User L93806M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6,71

Real Application L93812 Directory Services Plus - Non Employee User - External Permanente sem Manutenção 1 R$ 10,01

Real 12 Directory Services Plus -Non Employee User Application External L93812M Manutenção na Vigência 1 R$ 2,32 r---- Enfitlements Server Security Module Named User Real 'V;" Application Plus

-- — L93818 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92

(2, ri-er,F5t-; n u UPP( "er

C.3 \\ 6,1 /4; ;- ••••••-___.--,


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Real 12 Application Enfitlements Server Security Module - Named User Plus L93818M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56

Real Application User Productivity Kit Standard - Employee L93824 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 109,01 Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit Standard - Employee L93824M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25,29 Real .Application User Productivity Kit Professional - Application User L93830 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit Professional - Application User L93830M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01 Real Application User Productivity Kit Professional - Employee L93836 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121,25 Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit Professional - Employee L93836M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13 Real Application User Productivity Kit Standard - Application User L93842 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 218,03

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit Standard - Application User L93842M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 50,59 Real Application Entitlements Server - Named User Plus L93848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.691,92 \ Real 12 Application Entitlements Server - Named User Plus L93848M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 392,56 I Real Application

Agire UPK for Agire Administrator (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93864 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

i 1 Real 12 Application

Agire UPK for Agite Administrator (up to 41< employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93864M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Agite UPK for Agire Administrator (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93872 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Agile UPK for Agile Administrator (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93872M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Depot Repair (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93880 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Depot Repair (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93880M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real •

Application E-Business Suíte UPK for Depot Repair (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93888 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Depot Repair (over 4K employees andior over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93888M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Surte UPK for Rapid Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93896 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Rapid Planning (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK L93896M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 Module

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Rapid Planning (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93904 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Rapid Planning (over 41<

iemployees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK ¡Module

L93904M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Warehouse Management (up to 41( employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93912 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Surte UPK for Warehouse Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93912M Manutenção na Vigência 1

R$ 9.813,73'

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Warehouse Management (over 41< employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93920 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Warehouse Management (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in L93920M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application E-Business Surte UPK for Advanced Collections (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93928 Pennanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Advanced Collections (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93928M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real *-,, - \ \'-' isr ,x,

.,, Application •

E-Business Suite UPK for Advanced Collections (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93936 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

oÜjp -vt% .2 11P? lre; •

bty," 174/187

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Real 12 Application 1E-Business Suite UPK for Advanced Collections i(over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L93936M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application 'Airlines Data Model - Named User Plus L93947 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.933,31 Real1 12 Application Airlines Data Model - Named User Plus L93947M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57 Real Application Airlines Data Model - Processor L93957 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 96.678,74 Real 1 12 Application Airlines Data Model - Processor L93957M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 22.431,38 Real Application Communications Pricing Design Center -

Application User L93979 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21.

Real 12 Application Communications Pricing Design Center - Application User L93979M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real Application Mobile Workforce Management Extractors and Schema - Field Resource L93989 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Mobile Workforce Management Extractors and Schema - Field Resource L93989M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Mobile Workforce Analytics - Application User L94022 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46 Real 12 Application - Mobile Workforce Analytics - Application User L94022M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.68225 Real


1 Application Utilities Meter Data Management Extractors and Schema - 100 Utilities Devices L94030 Permanente sem Manutenção

—I R$ 121,251

i 12 Application Utilities Meter Data Management Extractors and Schema - 100 Utilities Devices L94030M Manutenção na Vigência R$

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Purchase Order Approval - Application User L94040 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.667,45

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Purchase Order Approval - Application User L94040M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 386,88

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Requisition Self Service Approval - Application User L94052 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47,83

Real 12 ,JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Requisition Self Application !Service Approval - Application User L94052M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11,10

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Sales Inquiry - Application Application User L94064 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.667,45

Real 12 'JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Sales Inquiry - Application Application User L94064M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 386,88

Real Application lUser Productivity Kit for Fusion Functional Setup I Manager (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in 'revenue) - UPK Module

194100 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application I [ User Productivity Kit for Fusion Functional Setup Manager (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in L94100M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73 revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application • User Productivity Kit for Fusion Functional Setup

L94112 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72 Manager (up to 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 • User Productivity Kit for Fusion Functional Setup

Application Manager (up to 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 1—

L94112M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

¡Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Payables (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94124 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Payables (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94124M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

l 'Real Application

User Productivity Kit for Fusion Payables (up to 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94136 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Payables (up to 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94136M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Project Portfolio Management (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94148 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application User Productfirity Kit for Fusion Project Portfolio Management (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94148M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 i

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Project Portfolio Management (up to 4000 employees and/0r $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94160 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95,


-4 -t

12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Project Portfolio Management (up to 4000 employees and/or $1 L94160M Manutenção na Vigência

.: R$ 9.813,73

J billion in revenue) - UPK Module . ..., Real

ÇT: - LA User Productivity Kit for Fusion Self-Service '' 1',...,.- \\ Application Procurement (over 4000 employees and/or $1

' billion in revenue) - UPK Module

_. Y

L94172 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

ue -9 r;PC.



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I Real 12

i User Productivity Kit for Fusion Self-Service ,

Application Procurement (over 4000 employees and/or $1 L94172M billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Manutenção na Vigência I

R$ 19.627,46

Real 'User Productivity Kit for Fusion Self-Service

Application I Procurement (up to 4000 employees and/or I $1billion in revenue) - UPK Module I

L94184 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Self-Service

L94184M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73' Procurement (up to 4000 employees and/or $1billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Processor L94196 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 152.993,83

Real 12 Application Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Processor L94196M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 35.497,60

Real Application Health Sciences Omics Data Bank - Processor L94207 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 531.733,05

Real 12 ! Application Health Sciences Omics Data Bank - Processor .L94207M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 123.372,58 Real Ip11cahon Endeca Guided Search - Processor L94214 _a

I Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 386.714,94 Real 12 Application Endeca Guided Search - Processor L94214M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 89.725,52

i Real ;Application Endeca Experience Manager - Processor L94222 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241.696,84 'Real 12 LEndeca Experience Manager - Processor ifrApplication L94222M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56.078,45 Real Application Endeca for Mobile - Processor L94230 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79 Real 12 iApplication Endeca for Mobile - Processor L94230M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91 Real ;Application Endeca for Social - Processor L94238 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 120.848,42 Real 12 ;Application Endeca for Social - Processor L94238M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28.039,22 Real Application Endeca Developer - Application User L94246 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84 Real 12 Application Endeca Developer - Application User L94246M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92 Real Application L94254 Endeca Commerce Business Intelligence -

Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

l Real


12 Application Endeca Commerce Business Intelligence - Application User 194254M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Application Endeca Reladonship Discovery - Processor L94262 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 108.763,58 Real 12 Application Endeca Relationship Discovery - Processor L94262M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.235,30 Real Application Endeca Information Discovery - Named User Plus L94296 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application Endeca Information Discovery - Named User Plus L94296M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67 Real Application Endeca Server - Processor L94304 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 Real 12 Application Endeca Server - Processor L94304M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 Real Application Endeca Text Enrichment - Processor L94312 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53 Real 12 Application Endeca Text Enrichment - Processor L94312M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77 Real Application Endeca Text Enrichment with Sentiment Analysis -

Processor * L94320 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 108.763,58

Real 12 Application Endeca Text Enrichment with Sentiment Analysis - L94320M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.235,30 Processor

Real ' Endeca Content Management System Connector Application 'for EMC Documentum - Connector L94328 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 ,i Application ! Endeca Content Management System Connector 'for EMC Documentum - Connector L94328M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Endeca Content Management System Connector for EMC Documentum eRoom - Connector L94336 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Apphcation Endeca Content Management System Connector for EMC Documentum eRoom - Connector L94336M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Apphcafion Endeca Content Management System Connector for Filenet Doc & Image Services - Connector L94344 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Endeca Content Management System Connector for Filenet Doc & Image Services - Connector L94344M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Endeca Content Management System Connector Application for Filenet P8 - Connector L94352 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89



12 Endeca Content Management System Connector Application for Filenet P8 - Connector L94352M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Endeca Content Management System Connector Application for Interwoven TeamSite - Connector L94368 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Endeca Content Management System Connector Application for for Interwoven TeamSite - Connector Manutenção na Vigência 1

R$ 19.627,46

Real ` .,.‘

_:.Application i Endeca Content Management System Connector I for JSR-170 - Connector L94376 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89



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, Real 12 Endeca Content Management System Connector Application for ,for JSR-170 - Connector Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 . , Real

r , Endeca Content Management System Connector Application for LiveLink - Connector L94384 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Endeca Content Management System Connector for LiveLink - Connector 194384M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Endeca Content Management System Connector for Lotus Notes/Domino - Connector 194392 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 54.593,89

Real 12 Application Endeca Content Management System Connector for for Lotus Notes/Domino - Connector Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Endeca Content Management System Connector for MS Sharepoint - Connector 194400 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Applicafion Endeca Content Management System Connector for MS Sharepoint - Connector 194400M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46'

Real —H

, Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Sensus RNI - 100 Utilities Devices 194510 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 iApplicafion -,

Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Sensus RNI -100 Utilities Devices 194510M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real 'Application Supply Chain and Order Management Analyfics for SAP -Application User L94516 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15'

Real 12 Application Supply Chain and Order Management Analyhcs for SAP - Application User 194516M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real Application Procurement 8. Spend Analytics for SAP - Application User L94532 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,151

Real 12 Application Procurement & Spend Anah/tics for SAP - Application User 194532M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,491

R$ 1.933,31 Real Application Endeca Information Discovery for Application - Named User Plus 194564 Permanente sem Manutenção

Real 12 Application Endeca Information Discovery for Application - Named User Plus 194564M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Customer Data Synchronization Integration Pack for Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Siebel Energy - Processor

194588 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Customer Data Synchronization Integration Pack for Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Siebel Energy - Processor

194588M Manutenção na Vigência Rs 19.627,46

I Real Application Product Data Synchronization lntegration Pack for Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Siebel Energy - Processor

194596 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Product Data Synchronization Integration Pack for Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Siebel Energy - Processor

L94596M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Real-Time Scheduler Mobile - Field Resource 194602 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19 LReal 12 Application Real-Time Scheduler Mobile - Field Resource L941602M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84' Real ;Application Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server

for Data Integrator - Processor 194612 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 152.993,83

Real Enterprise Data Quality Address Verificalion Server 12

Application 194612M for Data Integrator - Processor Manutenção na Vigência R$ 35.497,60

Real Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Administrative Setup (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

194618 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Administrative Setup (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

194618M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing,

Application Administrative Setup (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module —r

L94626 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application 1 Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, 'Administrative Setup (up to 4K employees and up to 194626M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Utilities UPK for Customer Gare and Billing, User Tasks (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94634 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, User Tasks (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

194634M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real te." it \ Application

1 \,/

Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94642 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,951


Page 191: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

[Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94642M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

IReal Application Advanced Analytics - Named User Plus L94650 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.111,26 Real 12 Application Advanced Analytics - Named User Plus L94650M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 257,83 Real Application Advanced Analytics - Processar 194659 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 55.589,83 Real 12 Application Advanced Analytics - Processar L94659M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.897,94

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Purchasing (up to 4000 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94666 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Purchasing (up to 4000 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94666M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Purchasing (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94674 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 1 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Purchasing (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94674M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Assets (up to 4000 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94682 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Assets (up to 4000 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94682M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Assets (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94690 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Assets (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94690M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration (up to 4000 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94698 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Distributed arder Orchestration (up to 4000 employees and up to $1 L94698M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94706 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94706M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (up to 4k employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94714 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (up to 4k employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94714M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (over 4k employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94720 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (over 4k employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94720M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera Contract Management (over 4k employees and/or $1 billion L94726 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera Contract Management (over 4k employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94726M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera Contract Management (up to 4k employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94732 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95


- - -

- C

12 Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera Contract Management (up to 4k employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94732M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real„,..- - TI N ji• Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Expense

Management - Expense Report L94739 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4,84 dir• Ret.'

1-1-4t -• c12 .!-c,

CV: tr ti', Ap tion JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Mobile Expense

Management - Expense Report L94739M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1,12



Page 192: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real Application I

I Ufilifies Meter Data Management integration to SAP Meter Data Unification and Synchronization - Processor

L94759 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 169.187,79

Real 12 Application Utilities Meter Data Management integration to SAP Meter Data Unification and Synchronization - Processor

L94759M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 39.254,91

Real Application Communications Service Availability - Processor L94778 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real I

12 Application Communicalions Service Availability - Processor L94778M Manutenção na Vigência RS 1.12167

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Repor-ling Foundafion - Application User L94786 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application L94786M JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting Foundalion - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Capital Asset Management - Application User L94803 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Capital Asset Management - Application User L94803M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Real Estale Management - Application User L94820 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,8

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Real Estate Management - Application User L94820M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application User Produclivity Kit for Fusion Receivables (up to 4000 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94837 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Producfivity Kit for Fusion Receivables (up to

L94837M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73 4000 employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application User Producfivity Kit for Fusion Receivables (over 4000 employees andior $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94845 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,891

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Fusion Receivables (over 4000 employees and/or $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94845M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Financiais - Application User L94853 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application L94853M JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Financiais - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Human Resources - Application User L94870 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Human Resources - Application User L94870M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application L94885 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Payroll - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application L94885M JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Payroll - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

I Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for

Inventory Management - Application User L94900 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

•Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Inventory Management - Application User L94900M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Manufacturing Management - Application User

L94917 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Application Manufacturing Management - Application User L94917M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Procurement and Subcontract Management - Application User

L94934 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Procurement and Subcontract Management - Application User

L94934M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real , , Application \

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Project Cosfing - Application User L94951 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real r.-n v• 7 -

.•' JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Aéplica 'on r , Project Cosfing - Application User L94951m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Page 193: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

[Real Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Sales Order Management - Application User L94968 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

, Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Application Sales Order Management - Application User L94968M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real E-Business Suite UPK for Install Base (up to 4K

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94987 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95



12 E-Business Suite UPK for install Base (up to 4K

Application employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94987M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real E-Business Suite UPK for Instai' Base (over 4K


employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94995 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Insta Base (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L94995M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Fundamentais for E-Business Suite (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95003 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Fundamentais for E-Business Suite (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95003M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK Fundamentais for E-Business Suite (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95011 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK Fundamentais for E-Business Suite (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95011M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing, Process Quality (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95019 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing, Process Quality (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95019M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing, Process Quality (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 1 Year

L95020 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.253,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Surte UPK for Process Manufacturing, Process Quality (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module 1 Year

L95020M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 986,95

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing, Process Quality (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95027 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing, Process Quality (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95027M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application PeopleSoft Workforce Communications for HelpDesk - Employee L95113 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07

Real 12 Application PeopleSoft Workforce Communications for HelpDesk - Employee L951 13M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13,94

Real Application Communications Unified Inventory Management - GSM 3GPP Service Technology Pack - Customer L95132 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

Real 12 Application Communications Unified inventory Management - GSM 3GPP Service Technology Pack - Customer L95132M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

Real Application Communications Unified inventory Management - Cable TV Technology Pack - Customer L95140 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 253.781,68

'Real 12 Application Communications Unified Inventory Management Cable TV Technology Pack - Customer L95140M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 58.882,37

i Real I

Applicafion Application Management Pack for Utilities ---- Processor L95169 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

'Real ill?'‘-^) 2 "., 1Application Apphcation Management Pack for Ufilifies - 'Processor L95169M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

bi)9 ..er ov•-,



Page 194: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

1Real 1 Hyperion Project Financial Planning - Application I Application 195248 User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 4.834,38

Real 12 Application L95248M Flyperion Project Financial Planning -Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.121,67

'Real Application Manufacturing Analytics - Application User L95260 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15 Real 12 Application Manufacturing Analytics - Application User 195260M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49 Real Application Enterprise Asset Management Anahítics -

Application User L95272 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 Application Enterprise Asset Management Analytics - Application User 195272M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,491

Real Application Financial Services Enterprise Case Management Application User L95284 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21

Real 12 Application Financial Services Enterprise Case Management Application User 195284M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Communications Data Model - Processar

L95293 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Communications Data Model- Processar

195293M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Communications Data Model - Named User Plus

L95301 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.813,17

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Communications Data Model - Named User Plus

L95301M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 420,69

Real Application Financial Services Currency Transaction Reporting - Application User 195307 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60.424,21

Real 12 Application 195307M Financial Services Currency Transaction Reporting - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 14.019,61

Real Application Financial Services Currency Transaction Reporling Analytics - Application User L95310 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application L95310M Financial Services Currency Transaction Reporting Analytics - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application Application Management Pack for Enterprise Taxafion and Policy Management - Processor L95313 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

:Real 12 Application Application Management Pack for Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management - Processar L95313M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Business Process Management Standard Edition - Named User Plus L95321 Pe Permanente sem Manutenção

, R$ 1.933,311 1

Real 12 Application Business Process Management Standard Edition - Named User Plus 195321M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 448,57

Real Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Credit and Collections (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95330 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Applicafion Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Credit and Collections (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195330M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating and Billing (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95338 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating

I and Billing (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 i billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195338M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating and Billing for Interval Data (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95346 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating and Billing for Interval Data (over 4K employees and/ar over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95346M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Credit and Collections (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95354 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Credit and Collections (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95354M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real ,

Application Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating and Billing (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95362 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95, I


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I- Real 12 Application

¡Utilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating and Billing (up to 41< employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

!L95362M Manutenção na Vigência I R$ 9.813,73



Application Ublifies UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating and Billing for Interval Data (up to 41< employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95370 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application Ufilities UPK for Customer Care and Billing, Rating and Billing for Interval Data (up to 41< employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95370M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter For Sil var Spring Networks - 100 Ublities Devices L95392 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 241,39

Real 12 Application Utilibes Smart Grid Gateway Adapter For Silvar Spring Networks -100 Utilities Devices 195392M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 56,01

Real Application Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure - $M in Written Premium L95401 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Financial Services Analytical Applications Application L95401M Infrastructure - $M in Written Premium , Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

Real Financial Services Analytical Applications Application Reconcifiation Framework - $M in Written Premium L95406 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 434,94

Real 12 Financial Services Analytical Applications Application Reconciliation Framework - $M in Written Premium L95406M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 100,91

Real i


:Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applicafions 'Infrastructure - $M in Written Premium

195415 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 362,63

Real 12 Application Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applicafions lnfrastructure - $M in Written Premium

L95415m Manutenção na Vigência R$ 84,14

; Real ,

Application Insurance Data Warehouse -$M in Written Premium L95424 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

[Real 12 ApplicationPremium Insurance Data Warehouse -$M in Written L95424M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Insurance Market Risk - $M in Written Premium 195432 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 218,03

Real 12 Application Insurance Market Risk - $M in Written Premium L95432M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 50,59

Real I Application Insurance Market Risk Analytics - Application User L95440 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 14.018,15

Real 12 ,Application Insurance Market Risk Analytics - Application User L95440M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.252,49

Real 'Application Insurance Operational Risk Standard Edition - Application User L95448 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 13.292,88

12 Application Insurance Operational Risk Standard Edition - Application User L95448M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.084,21 real

Real Application _.‘

Insurance Operational Risk Standard Edition - Nonstandard User L95455 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 29.608,09

Real 12 Insurance Operational Risk Standard Edition - Application Nonstandard Nonstandard User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.869,66

Real Insurance Operational Risk Enterprise Edition - $M Application , in Written Premium 195456 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 387,11

Real 12 -h

Application L95456M Insurance Operational Risk Enterprise Edition - $M in Written Premium Manutenção na Vigência R$ 89,82

Real Application Insurance Operational Risk Economic Capital - $M in Written Premium 195464 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 60,07

Real 12 Application Insurance Operational Risk Economic Capital - $M in Written Premium L95464M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13,94

Real lAppucation Financial Services Energy and Commodity Trading Compliance Analytics - Application User 195493 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application


Financial Services Energy and Commodity Trading Compliance Analytics - Application User L95493M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Financial Services Enterprise Stress Testing and Capital Planning Analytics - Application User .L95499 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application Financial Services Enterprise Stress Tesfing and Capital Planning Analytics - Application User L95499M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real it r., ri ill /

Application ,..".....

Financial Services Enterprise Stress Testing and Capital Planning Analytics - Nonstandard User L95501 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

> 182/187


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, !Real Financial Services Enterprise Stress Tesfing and 12

Application L95501M Capital Planning Analytics - Nonstandard User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application •Insurance Solvency II Analytics - Application User 195502 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 36.254,53

Real 12 Application insurance Solvency II Analytics - Application User 195502M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 8.411,77

Real Application Insurance Solvency II Analytics - Nonstandard User L95504 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real 12 Application insurance Solvency II Analytics - Nonstandard User 195504M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56

Real Application FLEXCUBE Development Workbench for Universal Banking - Application User L95568 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

Real 12 Application FLEXCUBE Development Workbench for Universal Banking - Application User 195568M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

Real Application FLEXCUBE Development Workbench for Direct and Mobile Banking - Application User L95571 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 24.169,68

!Real 12 FLEXCUBE Development Workbench for Direct and Application Mobile Banking -Application User L95571M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 5.607,84

F ,Real i

Application E-Business Suite UPK for U.S. Federal Financiais (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) 195608 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95 - UPK Module

Real 12 E-Business Suite UPK for U.S. Federal Financiais


(up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195608M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real E-Business Suite UPK for U.S. Federal Financiais

Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195616 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 E-Business Suite UPK for U.S. Federal Financiais

Application (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195616M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real I

E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Operations Application

Center (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95624 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Operations


Center (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195624M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real IApplication 'E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Operations Center (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95632 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Manufacturing Operations Center (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195632M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: System Administration (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95640 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: System Administration (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195640M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: System Administration (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95648 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33

'Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Process Manufacturing: System Administration (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195648M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Field Service (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95656 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application 1E-Business Suite UPK for Field Service (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195656M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real I E-Business Suite UPK for Field Service (over 4K


lemployees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK 'Module

195664 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 I E-Business Suite UPK for Field Service (over 4K


employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195664M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Ç /C

/4 ! E-Business Suite UPK for Strategic Network Application Optimization (up to 4K employees and up to $1

..., I billion in revenue) - UPK Module L95672 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

1-.0: : -ir V:- UH' O CS, I •


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i Real 12 Application lbillion

!E-Business Suite UPK for Strategic Network Optimization (up to 4K employees and up to $1

in revenue) - UPK Module 195672M Manutenção na Vigência

1 R$ 9.813,731

Real Application E-Business Suite UPK for Strategic Network Optimization (over 4K employees and/or over $1 biltion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95680 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application E-Business Suite UPK for Strategic Network Optimization (over 4K employees andior over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195680M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application' JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Service Management - Application User L95688 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 Application JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Service Management - Application User 195688M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

Real Application Access Management Suite Plus - Named User Plus L95727 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 8.701,00

[Real 12 Application Access Management Suite Plus - Named User Plus L95727M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.018,80

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, Administrafive Setup (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95736 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, Administrativo Setup (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195736M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application


User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, User Tasks (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95744 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, User Tasks (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195744M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46


1— :Application

User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, Administrahve Setup (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95752 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95!

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, Administrative Setup (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195752M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95760 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 Application User Productivity Kit for Mobile Workforce, User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195760M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Primavera Capital Planning - Application User 195769 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.646,44 Real 12 Application Primavera Capital Planning - Application User 195769M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.542,11 Real Application Primavera Project Delwery Management -

Application User R$ 6.646,44

Real 12 Application Primavera Project Delevery Management - Application User R$ 1.542,11

Real Application Primavera Cost Controls - Application User L95785 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.646,44 Real 12 ApplicatiorPrimavera Cost Controls - Application User 195785M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.542,11

Real Application Primavera Facility Management - Application User L95793 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.646,44

Real 12 Application Primavera Facility Management - Application User 195793M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.542,11

Real 'Application Primavera Real Estale Management -Application User 195801 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 6.646,44

Real 12 Application Primavera Real Estale Management -Application User 195801M R$ 1.542,11

Real Application Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics - $B in Total Assets 195817 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37

Real 12 Application Financial Services Institutional Performance Analytics - $B in Total Assets 195817M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Real Application Financial Services Retail Performance Analyfics - $B in Total Assets Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 48.339,37



12 Application Financial Services Retail Performance Analytics - $B in Total Assets 195825M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11.215,69

Application Financial Services Retail Customer Analytics -$6 in Total Assets L95833 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 55.589,83

Real i. Application Financial Services Retail Customer Analytics - $B in Total Assets 195833M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 12.897,94

; G Re?

Lr Application IBanking Channels Bank User Base - Application L95845 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 604,02 ,User

‘.PP er.


Page 198: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

i Real 12 Application Banking Channels Bank User Base -Application User 195845M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 140,14

Real Application Banking Channels Bank User Experiente - Application User L95848 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.625,23

Real 12 Banking Channels Bank User Experiente - Application Application User 195848M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 841,13

Real Application Retail Technology Foundation for Store Applications - Retail Register L95875 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121,25

Real 12 Application Retail Technology Foundation for Store Applications - Retail Register 195875M Manutenção na Vigência R$28,13

Real Application Financial Services Govemance and Compliance Management - $ B in Total Assets L95909 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 Application Financial Services Governante and Compliance Management - $ B in Total Assets 195909M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application "Financial Services Operational Risk Anatytics - $ B in Total Assets L95917 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 7.250,46

Real 12 Financial Services Operational Risk Analytics - $13 Application

195917M in Total Assets Manutenção na Vigência R$ 1.682,25

Real :Application


Communications UPK for Pricing Design Center, Voice and Data Offerings (up to 4K employees and

to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L95925 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Real 12 1 Application Communications UPK for Pricing Design Center, Voice and Data Offerings (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195925M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real Application Communications UPK for Pricing Design Center, Voice and Data Offerings (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L95933 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real 12 Communications UPK for Pricing Design Center,

Application Voice and Data Offerings (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

195933M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46 I

Real I

Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management for Billing - $M Revenue Under Management L95941 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 3.987,86

Real 12 Application Communications Billing and Revenue Management ifor Billing - $M Revenue Under Management L95941M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 925,26

Real Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management - $M Revenue Under Management L96105 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 15.468,69

Real 12 Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management - $M Revenue Under Management 196105M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 3.589,04

Real Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management for Convergent Rating - $M Revenue Under Management

L96111 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 10.876,80

Real 12 Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management for Convergent Rating - $M Revenue Under Management

196111M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.523,63

Real Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management for Value-Added Services - $M Revenue Under Management

L96117 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 12.084,84

Real 12 lApplication Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management for Value-Added Services - $M Revenue Under Management

196117M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.803,92

Real Application Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue Management for Value-Added Services - Individual Subscriber

L96123 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 11,12

Real 12 Communications Advanced Billing and Revenue


Management for Value-Added Services - Individual Subscriber

L96123M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2,58 ( __I

Real JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Application Transportation Management - Application User L96180 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.779,83

Real 12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Application 196180M Transportation Management - Application User Manutenção na Vigência R$ 644,97

ilje 41)Ar-- , .: . Ciimpplication ito

User Productivity Kit for Primavera Primavera Portfolio Management (up to 4K employees and up

$1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module L96264 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.296,95

Y*1-- .befj ./1


Page 199: PRODESP - Acordo Oracle.pdf · PRODESP Tecnologia da Informação PRO.00.6690 ACORDO DE SOFTWARE ORACLE O presente Acordo é firmado entre a ORACLE DO BRASIL SISTEMAS LTDA., com sede

Real • 1 12

1 Application

User Productivity Kit for Primavera Primavera Portfolio Management (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

196264M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.813,73

Real 1 Application User Productivity Kit for Primavera Primavera Portfolio Management (over 4k employees andfor $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L96272 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89

Real •


tUser Productivity Kit for Primavera Primavera Application Portfolio Management (over 4k employees andfor

$1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module _J L96272M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,46

Real Application Tax Registration Analytics - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue L96280 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 A on pplicati Tax Registrafi - on Analytics $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue 196280M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real 'Application Tax Collections Analytics - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue 196288 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 966,65

Real 12 1Tax Collecfions Analytics - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Application Revenue 196288M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 224,28

Real Project Management Extensions for Endeca - Application Apphcation User 196296 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Project Management Extensions for Endeca Application - Application User L96296M Manutenção na Vigência

—I R$ 560,841

Real Field Service Extensions for Endeca -Application Application User L96313 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,191

Real 12 Application Field Service Extensions for Endeca - Application User 196313M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real L 1

Application Order Management Extensions for Endeca - Application User L96330 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Order Management Extensions for Endeca - Application User 196330M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application iProcurement Extensions for Endeca -Application User L96347 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121,25

Real 12 Application iProcurement Extensions for Endeca -Application User L96347M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13

Real Application iRecruitment Extensions for Endeca - Employee L96364 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 121,25

Real 12 Application iRecruitment Extensions for Endeca - Employee 196364M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 28,13

Real Application Enterprise Enterprise Asset Management Extensions for Endeca - Application User Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Enterpnse Asset Management Extensions for Endeca - Application User 196378M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Discrete Manufacturing Extensions for Endeca Applicafion - Application User L96395 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

.Real 12 Discrete Manufacturing Extensions for Endeca - Application Application User 196395M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Application Inventory Management Extensions for Endeca - Application User 196412 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Inventory Management Extensions for Endeca - 'Application User 196412M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

Real Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Application Endeca - Application User 196429 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2.417,19

Real 12 Application Channel Revenue Management Extensions for Endeca - Application User 196429M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 560,84

;Real Application L96484 Financial Services Credit Risk Management- $ B in Total Assets Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 29.004,07

Real 12 Application Financial Services Credit Risk Management -$ B in Total Assets L96484M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 6.729,52

Real Application Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Self Service Foundation - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue

L96508 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.739,75

Real 12 Application


Enterprise Taxafion and Policy Management Self Service Foundation - $M in Jurisdiction Tax Revenue

196508M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 403,66

Real Financial Services Model Risk Management - $ B in Total Assets L96516 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 9.667,65

Real 12 Application Financial Services Model Risk Management - $ B in Total Total Assets Manutenção na Vigência R$ 2.243,09

Real Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter Development Kit - 100 Utilities Devices L96532 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 47,83

Real 12 Application Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter Development Kit - 100 Utilities Devices 196532M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 11,10

Real ”,.,

O 11: Application —

Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Itron OpenWay - 100 Utilities Devices L96540 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 2,41

Real l_

-c.• N r • 121.1t-rul: APP)all tion Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter for Itron

OpenWay - 100 Utilities Devices 196540M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 0,56


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Real ! Application

Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management, Administrative Setup (over 4K employees and/or L96548 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.538,33 over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management, Administrative Setup (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

196548M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73

Real Application Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management, User Tasks (over 4K employees and/or over $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L96556 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 42.53833

Real 12 Application Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management, User Tasks (over 4K employees and/or over $1 196556M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 9.869,73 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

Real Application Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management, Administrative Setup (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L96564 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

iReal 12 Application Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management, Administrative Setup (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

196564M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application


Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management, User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

L96572 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 21.269,72

Real 12 Utilities UPK for Operational Device Management,


User Tasks (up to 4K employees and up to $1 billion in revenue) - UPK Module

196572M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 4.935,00

Real Application Health Sciences Empirica Study - Application User L96593 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 59.578,81

[Real i

12 Application Health Sciences Empidca Study - Application User 196593M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 13.823,46 iReal Application Health Sciences WebSOM - Application User L96599 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 69.125,21 Real 12 Application Health Sciences WebSDM - Application User 196599M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 16.038,42 Real Argus Enterprise Edition - per Case - Minimum 500 Application cases L97551 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 1.147,97

Real 12 'Application Argus Enterprise Edition - per Case - Minimum 500 cases 197551M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 266,35

Iliteal Application Argus Enterprise Edition - per Case - Application User L97552 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 108.763,58

Real 12 Application Argus Enterprise Edition - per Case - Application User 197552M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 25.235,30

Real Application Argus Standard Edition - per Case - Minimum 500 cases L97560 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 785,34

Real 12 Application Argus Standard Edition - per Case - Minimum 500 cases 197560M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 182.22

Real Application Argus Standard Edition - Application User L97561 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 84.593,89 Real 12 Application Argus Standard Edition - Application User L97561M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 19.627,45 Real Application Argus Mart - Single License per Customer L98491 Permanente sem Manutenção R$ 483.393,68 Real 12 -FArgus Application Mart - Single License per Customer 198491M Manutenção na Vigência R$ 112.156,89,
