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    A Lesson in Loveאחרי - קדושים

    Acharei - Kedoshim

  • פרשת קדושים


  • 1. In this week’s Par-

    sha, the Torah com-

    mands every Jew to love

    his fellow as himself. The

    Frierdiker Rebbe related

    three teachings that Reb

    Levi Yitzchok of Ber-

    ditchev heard from the

    Baal Shem Tov. One of

    the teachings was based

    on the Mishna in Pirkei

    Avos that says “Any To-

    rah that is without work

    is destined to cease”. The

    Baal Shem Tov explained

    that “work” here is refer-

    ring to actively having

    Ahavas Yisroel. To ensure

    the Torah’s eternal exist-

    ence, it must be accom-

    panied by genuine

    Ahavas Yisroel. This

    teaching had a very pro-

    found impact on Reb Le-

    vi Yitzchok, and as a re-

    sult, he dedicated his life

    to the “work” of loving

    his fellow Jews.

    2. Everything that hap-

    pens in this world is for a

    specific reason. The very

    fact that this teaching

    reached us, is proof that

    it contains a very perti-

    nent message for every-

    one. Just as the Alter Rebbe made it clear that Chassidus isn’t for a specific group of people,

    but rather for everyone, the same applies to Ahavas Yisroel. The Baal Shem Tov estab-

    lished Ahavas Yisroel as one of the foundations of Chassidus, and every person must

    realize the importance of involving themselves in it.

    3. Every Jew must do his best to positively influence someone else. Through this,

    ווארט טייטש ווארט טייטש

    Translations ייטש'ןט



    Must do (work) דארף טאן A second (another)

    א צווייטן

    A benefit also for him

    א תועלת אויך פאר אים

    When a rich and poor person

    meet, Hashem causes the eyes of both to shine

    רש ואיש תככים נפגשו מאיר עיני

    שניהם ה׳

    Hashem causes (it) all

    עושה כלום ה׳

    Through דורך Gives גיט

    Which we can וואס מען קען

    Learn from him פון אים אפלערנען

    In his thing אין זיין ענין It is demanded מאנט מען Should give this זאל דאס געבן Who is lacking

    it וועמען דאס

    פעלטHe will also

    gain וועט ער אויך

    באקומעןThrough this דורך דעם Furthermore נאך מער

    Concludes there ווערט דארט אויסגעפירט

    Understood פארשטאנדיק

    Without אן

    Not enough ווייניק

    My father in law (The Frierdiker

    Rebbe) דער שווער

    Told over האט דערציילט

    Regarding וועגן

    Three דריי Reb Levi

    Yitzchok of Barditchev

    דער בארדיטשעווער

    Heard געהערט

    One of איינע פון That is without

    work שאין עמה

    מלאכהIn its end, will be

    nullified סופה בטילה

    Involvement מיינט התעסקות

    Should last זאל האבן א קיום

    Must מוז

    Affected גע'פועל'ט

    Reached us דערגאנגען צו

    אונזRelates to us אונז נוגע

    Because ווארום

    For the sake of צוליב

    Just like פונקט ווי

    Not for a group ניט פאר א כתה

    It will be זי וועט זיין

    Established it עס קובע געווען

    Every יעדער

  • שיחות קדושים לקוטי


  • he himself stands to

    gain. As it is written in

    Mishlei, that when a rich

    man gives to a poor man

    Hashem ensures that the

    rich person benefit as

    well. The Mishnah writes,

    “Who is wise? One who

    learns from every per-

    son.” This indicates that

    every person has some-

    thing they can offer, and

    in that area they are con-

    sidered to be “rich”. To-

    rah demands that every-

    one should go out and

    give of their strengths to

    a person who is lacking

    in that area. Hashem, in

    turn, will then give that

    person what he is miss-


    4. The Gemara mentions

    that when a person fails

    to share what he has

    with others, be it

    knowledge, money or

    anything else, Hashem

    takes away his “wealth”.

    From here it is quite clear

    that Torah is not able to

    continue existing without

    Ahavas Yisroel. The Baal

    Shem Tov took this idea

    a step further and ex-

    plained that in order for

    Torah to re-

    main strong,

    it is not

    enough to

    h a v e


    Preciousness טייערקייט

    Included אריינגערעכנט

    Should hear זאל הערן Make the other

    person יענעם מאכן

    “Moist” enough that he can “moisten”


    פאר א טופח על מנת להטפיח

    Only then ערשט דאן When his recipients

    ווען זיינע מקבלים

    Become “givers”

    ווערן משפיעים

    Was internalized

    נקלט געווארן

    Wellspring מעין Goes also

    further גייט אויך

    ווייטער Regarding a pool of water

    וועגן בריכה

    If it stops אויב עס שטעלט

    זיך אפBesides for this אויסער דעם

    This also helps העלפט דאס אויך

    Depend/hang תולה זיין Without placing any conditions

    ניט שטעלנדיק קיינע תנאים

    Novelty אויפטו

    If by everyone אויב ביי אלעמען

    It is demanded מאנט מען

    Minimally במיעוט Will worry about

    himself וועט באווארענען

    זיך אלייןRun away from

    there פון דארט אנטלויפן

    “And I have saved my own


    ואני את נפשי הצלתי

    He should know זאל ער וויסן

    Clarifies דערקלערט

    Compared געגליכן

    Business געשעפט

    Businessman בעל עסק

    Doesn’t think מיינט ניט He sits by himself

    ער זיצט ביי זיך

    In (his) house אין הויז With his

    merchandise מיט זיין סחורה

    Until someone ביז עמעצער

    Will find out וועט זיך דערוויסן

    Will come to him

    וועט קומען צו אים

    Buy קויפן

    Opens a store עפנט א קראם

    Where וואו

    A lot of people pass by

    עס גייען פארביי א סך מענטשן

    Hangs up a sign

    הענגט אויף א שילד

    All passersby אלע פארבייגייער

    Is found געפינט זיך

    With this דערמיט

    He is still not satisfied

    באנוגענט ער זיך נאך ניט

    Around אום

    He convinces ער רעדט איין

    Spoke then גערעדט דעמאלט

    Same זעלבע

    Do a Jew a favor טאן א אידן א


    Explain מסביר זיין

    Translations ייטש'ןט

    Concepts ווארט טייטש ווארט טייטש

  • שיחות קדושים לקוטי


  • the basic level of

    Ahavas Yisroel, rather,

    this mitzvah must be car-

    ried out in a manner of

    “work” i.e., active effort.

    5. The Frierdiker Rebbe

    explains must be carried

    out in a similar manner

    to running a business. A

    businessman does not sit

    in his house with his

    merchandise and wait for

    people to come knock-

    ing on his door asking to

    see what he has. A busi-

    nessman opens a store in

    an ideal location where

    people pass by, and

    hangs a sign advertising

    what he is selling. Fur-

    thermore, he goes

    around publicizing the

    great advantages of what

    he is selling, and tries to

    convince people to buy

    from him. This is how a

    person must view his re-

    sponsibility to perform

    Ahavas Yisroel. He must

    make every possible ef-

    fort to do a favor for an-

    other Jew, and share the

    talents and gifts he was

    given. He must explain

    the value of Torah and

    Mitzvos to another Jew,

    and enable

    others to hear

    words of Chassidus. It is also his duty to help another person transform into one whom

    will himself go out and affect others. Because, only when the recipient shares with

    others, can the giver be certain that he truly affected the other internally. (This

    Translations ייטש'ןט



    Lesson in life אנווייזונג אין


    When he comes

    ווען ער קומט

    A specific place א געוויסן ארט

    He should make

    ער זאל מאכן

    Your son דיין זון

    Daughter טאכטער

    Private benefit תועלת פרטית

    Will have from it

    וועט דערפון האבן

    Besides for this אויסער דעם

    Help out מיטהעלפן

    To bring ברענגען

    The master (Moshiach) will

    come קא אתי מר

    Previous פריערדיקער

    Also hinted אויך מרומז

    Which we say וועלכע מען זאגט

    Between צווישן

    Beginning אנהויב

    Mentioned דערמאנטע

    Should I give up זאל איך אפגעבן

    My time מיין צייט

    Lesson אנווייזונג

    We cannot know

    מען קען ניט וויסן

    Who is higher ווער איז העכער

    It is dealing with עס האנדלט זיך

    One cannot make such calculations

    טאר מען אזעלכע חשבונות ניט


    Placed on him אויף אים


    Gave the strength

    געגעבן כוחות

    Came to Bavel זיינען געקומען

    קיין בבל

    This means ד.ה.

    )דאס הייסט(

    Prepared מזמין געווען

    They should need

    זיי זאלן מוזן

    A number of places

    א צאל ערטער

    Lacking געפעלט

    Observance אפגעהיטקייט

    Different פארשידינע

    Is labeled ווערט באצייכנט

    Valley בקעה

    A valley א טאל

    An open place אן אפענער ארט

    Lower נידעריקער

    Straight surface גלייכער


    Established a (spiritual) boundary

    אויפגעשטעלט א גדר

    History דברי הימים

    ווארט טייטש ווארט טייטש

  • שיחות קדושים לקוטי


  • It could be עס קען זיין

    An opposite world

    א פארקערטע וועלט

    He thinks מיינט ער

    Not worthwhile ניט כדאי

    A clear world א קלארע וועלט

    Show ארויסווייזן

    With whom he dealt

    מיט וועלכער ער האט צו טאן

    Surely זיכער

    Always אלעמאל

    The love one has for himself covers over his


    על כל פשעים תכסה אהבת


    Do not believe in yourself

    אל תאמין בעצמך

    Now איצטער

    Pay back אפצאלן

    Take out מען נעמט ארויס

    For his sake צוליב אים

    Become his Rebbe

    ווערן יענעמס רבי

    is why the term

    “wellspring” is used in

    reference to the spread-

    ing of Chassidus. A

    spring constantly flows

    further and further out-

    wards, and never stops.)

    6. One must also reach

    out to his fellow Jew in

    the physical sense, and

    ensure that he is taken

    care of materially. Be-

    sides for the fact that this

    is included in the Mitz-

    vah of Ahavas Yisroel,

    this will also help to

    bring him closer spiritu-

    ally. This does not mean

    that one should only

    help another Jew physi-

    cally, if it will bring to

    spiritual results. Rather,

    one must help in what-

    ever manner he is physi-

    cally able, without plac-

    ing any conditions. This

    was one of the novelties

    of the Baal Shem Tov and

    was the Avodah of the Hid-

    den Tzadikim.

    7. If this level of Ahavas Yisroel is demanded from every single Jew, how much more from those

    in a place that needs strengthening in Torah and Mitzvos. One under the impression that he

    should avoid helping in order to save his own soul, should be aware that it’s a matter of

    (spiritual) life and death. In such urgent circumstances, it is forbidden to make calculations. Being

    found in that situation is the Heavenly sign that it is your mission to help others attain greater

    spiritual heights. Obviously, G-d provides all the necessary strengths required to achieve


    8. The Gemara tells a story that Rav & Rav Kahana ended up in Bavel at a time when

    there was a great deficiency in observance of even the basic mitzvos, like Shabbos

    The other person will


    וועט יענער טענה'ן

    Without אן

    Settle אוועקזעצן

    Always אלעמאל

    Now איצטער

    Wait ווארטן

    Pay back אפצאלן

    The youngest דער אינגסטער

    Oldest עלסטער

    Pay back צאלן-צוריק

    Make sure באווארענען

    Not think ניט מיינען

    My strength and the power of my

    hand accomplished

    this for me

    כחי ועוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל


    Remember געדענקען

    And so on א.א.וו.

    און אזוי ווייטער()

    Translations ייטש'ןט


    Concepts ווארט טייטש ווארט טייטש

  • Started a selected section of the Sicha

    with a linear translation

    יניארי לרגום תיחה עם שלק פרטי מהח


  • יא

    Translations ייטש'ןט

    טייטש ווארט ווארט טייטש ווארט טייטשIf by everyone אויב ביי אלעמען

    it is demanded מאנט מען

    “Involvement” in Ahavas


    התעסקות באהבת ישראל,

    all the more so איז מכל שכן

    by those who ביי די וועמען

    Hashem brought

    די השגחה העליונה האט


    in a place אין אן ארט

    that Torah and Mitzvos

    וואס תורה און מצוות

    is there minimally.

    איז דארטן במיעוט.

    “In a place where there are

    no men”

    במקום שאין אנשים

    the responsibility is

    upon them

    ליגט אויף זיי א חוב

    (and the merit) )און זכות(

    of “Strive to be a man”.

    פון השתדל להיות איש.

    his physical (help) in the

    spiritual (outcome)

    גשמיות אין רוחניות דוקא,

    “on condition etc.” ,'בתנאי כו

    Rather one must act,

    נאר מען דארף טאן

    also in the physical realm,

    אויך אין גשמיות,

    without placing ניט שטעלנדיק

    any conditions. ,קיינע תנאים

    This was וואס דאס איז

    דאך געווען

    the novelty דער אויפטו

    that was started

    וואס איז נתחדש געווארן

    by the Baal Shem Tov

    פון בעל שם טוב

    in the path of Avoda

    אין דעם דרך העבודה

    of the hidden Tzadikim

    פון די צדיקים הנסתרים

    in the year 5472.

    בוא תבשנת רכה.בליו ע

    One of איינע פון

    the things to work on

    די עניני השתדלות

    to bring a Jew closer

    צו מקרב זיין א איד

    is to do the other person

    איז טאן יענעם

    a physical favor.

    א טובה אין גשמיות.

    Besides for this אויסער דעם

    that it alone וואס דאס אליין

    is included גייט אריין

    in Ahavas Yisroel,

    אין אהבת ישראל,

    this also helps

    העלפט דאס אויך

    to bring the other person


    צו מקרב זיין יענעם

    to spirituality. .לרוחניות

    One must not wait

    מען דארף ניט ווארטן

    and “hang” און תולה זיין

  • himself, rather than trying to influence others. This is why the Mishna informs us “Every Jew

    has a share in the World to Come”. It is impossible to know in this world, which person is really

    greater. It may very well be that in the World to Come, it will be evident that the person he was

    reluctant to help, was actually greater than he was. Every person who one deals with certainly has

    a place in the World to Come. It may happen that the person he helped will be sitting in Gan

    Eden and he will be found in a place that is less great. Only on account of his student’s demand

    that his teacher must join him, will he be pulled out of where he is and be seated in Gan Eden.

    11. This does not mean that the reward for helping others is limited to the World to Come. A

    person will also be rewarded in this world. Moshiach is about to come and when he does, the re-

    ward for such action will take place in this world.

    12. A person must always realize that the power he has to fulfill this obligation is not his own. He

    must constantly remember that this strength comes from Moshe Rabeinu, and the Moshe of eve-

    ry generation, as we see in the first Mishna of Pirkei Avos that everything stems from Moshe.


    Show Off Your Knowledge! 4. What does the Rebbe tell us about doing a material favor for someone?




    5. What are three outcomes mentioned in the Sicha that will come from helping another?




    6. What do we learn from the Mishnah 'Every Jew has a portion in the World to Come'?



    1) How is every person considered rich?

    2) How did the Frierdiker Rebbe compare Torah and Mitzvos to business?

    3) When is someone certain that he successfully influenced another?

    4)What does the Rebbe tell us about doing a material favor for someone?

    5)What are three outcomes mentioned in the sicha that will come from helping another?

    6) What do we learn from the Mishnah 'Every Jew has a portion in the World to Come'?

  • and kosher. These Rabbis made it their mission to set higher

    standards of religious observance. This story acts as a lesson to

    us- wherever a person finds himself, he must realize that he was

    sent there with a mission. It is now upon his shoulders to do

    whatever he can in order to improve the spiritual state of those in

    his surroundings. Through him giving of himself to others, he will also be rewarded by Hashem,

    as it states in Torah Ohr “His mind and heart will become refined one thousand times over”.

    Through spreading Yiddeshkeit, he also hastens the coming of Moshiach, which is connected to

    the wellsprings spreading outward.

    9. This concept is also alluded to in the Mishna “Every Jew has a share in the World to Come” and

    the first Mishna of Pirkei Avos “Moshe received the Torah from Sinai”. We learn Pirkei

    Avos as a preparation for the receiving of the Torah and the beginning of the prepa-

    ration is Ahavas Yisroel, as we will see from these two Mishnayos.

    10. A person may think that he will make by use of his time by sitting and learning



    Show Off Your Knowledge! 1. How is every person considered rich?




    2. How did the Frierdiker Rebbe compare Torah and Mitzvos to business?




    3. When is someone certain that he successfully influenced another?




  • Notes: ________________________________________________________________
























  • Notes:

























  • Seeing the Parsha the way the Rebbe does

    © B2B Sichos Cover: Leibel Krinsky טייטש'ן & Concepts: Dovid Rachmani Layout: Menachem Aron

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