Beatriz Perinha - Scotland

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  • 7/29/2019 Beatriz Perinha - Scotland



    A Esccia um pas do norte do Reino Unido.


    A bandeira da Esccia composta por uma cruz branca em

    pano azul.

    A cruz significa o apstolo S. Andr, padroeiro da Esccia e o

    azul, o cu.


    A Esccia foi inicialmente habitada pelos Pitos, que resistiram

    muito aos Romanos. Nos sculos V e VI, os Pitos foram expulsos

    pelos Escotos, pelos Bretes e pelos Anglos. No sculo VIII, j

    crist, a Esccia foi invadida pelos Escandinavos.

    Puramente cltica pela sua organizao tribal e pela lngua, a

    Esccia no deixou de se opor aos ingleses. O rei Eduardo I de

    Inglaterra anexa a Esccia, mas Wallace e Roberto I opem

    resistncia a esta conquista. Em 1328, atravs de um tratado

    chamado Northampton, reconhecida a independncia da

    Esccia. A dinastia dos Stuart, fundada no ano de 1371 envolve a

    Esccia na aliana francesa contra a Inglaterra. No sculo XVI,

    John Knox, um discpulo de Calvino, introduz a religio

    reformada, que ganha inmeros adeptos na aristocracia e se

    implanta oficialmente na Esccia.

  • 7/29/2019 Beatriz Perinha - Scotland


    A nobreza acaba por triunfar, apos um crescente combate

    contra a nobreza, que continuava crist.

    Em 1567, a rainha Maria Stuart obrigada a abdicar a favor do

    seu filho Jaime VI que, apos a morte de Isabel I sobe ao trono. A

    unio das cortes no suscita a imediata unio dos reinos, e a

    oposio nacional continua. Finalmente, no ano de 1907, o ato

    de unio dos reinos da Inglaterra e da Esccia d origem Gr-



    Scotland is a country in the north of the U.K.


    The flag of Scotland has got a white cross on blue cloth.

    The cross signifies the apostle Andrew, patron saint of Scotland

    and the blue signifies the sky.


    Scotland was first inhabited by Pitos, who resisted hard to the

    Romans. In the fifth and sixth centuries, the Pitos were expelled

    by the Scots, the Britons and the Angles. In the eighth century, as

    Christians, Scotland was invaded by the Scandinavians.

    Purely Celtic by their tribal organization and language,

    Scotland has continued to oppose to the British. King Edward I of

  • 7/29/2019 Beatriz Perinha - Scotland


    England annexed Scotland, but Roberto Wallace and Robert I

    opposed resistance to this achievement. In 1328, through a

    treaty called Northampton, the independence of Scotland was

    recognized. The Stuart dynasty, founded in 1371 in Scotland

    involves the French alliance against England. In the sixteenth

    century, John Knox, a disciple of Calvin, introduces the reformed

    religion, winning numerous fans in the aristocracy and implants

    itself officially in Scotland.

    The nobility eventually triumph, after a growing fight against

    the nobility, who remained Christian.

    In 1567, Queen Mary Stuart is forced to abdicate in favor of

    her son James VI who, after the death of Elizabeth I ascends the

    throne. The union of the cuts does not give rise to immediate

    union of the kingdoms, and national opposition continues.

    Finally, in 1907, the act of union of the kingdoms of England and

    Scotland gives rise to Britain.

    Name: Beatriz Perinha

    Date: 22nd

    January 2013

    Class: D

    Form: 5th

    Number: 5