Colunas Para Teste de Carbon Granular NORIT

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  • 7/27/2019 Colunas Para Teste de Carbon Granular NORIT




  • 7/27/2019 Colunas Para Teste de Carbon Granular NORIT



    NORIT Americas Inc. produces over 150 different varieties

    of activated carbon. This diverse product line provides many

    options for carbon adsorption. Pilot Column testing can aid

    in the process of choosing the best carbon for your purifica-

    tion needs.

  • 7/27/2019 Colunas Para Teste de Carbon Granular NORIT


    In liquid phas e a pplica tions, a ctivated ca rbon is used

    to remove impurities from potable water, waste-

    water, fine chemicals, foods, and pharmaceuticals.

    This tec hnica l pa per add ress es how to evalua te

    granular activated carbons (GAC) for liquid phase


    The first eva lua tion ste p is to run simple isotherms

    (se en below) to dete rmine fea sibility. P ow de red

    ca rbon isotherms c an b e used to determine if the

    trea tment go a l ca n be met. The proc edure for run-

    ning isotherms is available by requesting brochure

    number NA 00-3 from NORITAmericas Inc.

    Isotherm testing consists of dosing a measured

    quantity of powdered carbon into the target solution.Impurities ad so rb o nto the ca rbons s urfac e a nd

    are allow ed to rea ch e q uilibrium. While this tes t

    provides an indication of how well an impurity may

    be removed using activated carbon, it cannot give

    definitive s ca le-up da ta for a g ra nula r ca rbon o per-

    ation due to a couple of factors:

    In a granula r column, dyna mic a ds orption oc curs

    because the impurity concentration changes as the

    mas s trans fer zone moves through the bed . This

    cond ition d oes not exist in a n isotherm test proc e-

    dure. Reg eneration effects on multiple cycles ca n-

    not be studied s ince the iso therm tes t procedure

    uses powdered carbon (only) in a once-through

    adsorption process.

    Bec aus e of these factors, pilot c olumn tests s hould

    be made using the most promising carbons as

    indica ted b y the iso therms. This w ill give a mo re

    accurate comparison of the carbons, and provide

    some scale-up information useful for commercial

    system designs.

    This text d es cribe s the proce dure for running a

    G AC pilot c olumn test a nd eva luating the d a ta.

    Data ma nipula tion tec hniq ues a re provided which

    allow conversion from test conditions to widely

    differing flow rates, effluent concentrations, and

    influent co ncentra tion levels. This proced ure ha s

    been s ucce ss fully used numerous times to de sign

    full scale systems and estimate operating costs.

    Isotherm series

  • 7/27/2019 Colunas Para Teste de Carbon Granular NORIT


    GAC Pilot Columns.

    A pilot column test system should include at least four

    columns operating in series in order to determine the rate of

    movement and size of the mass transfer zone through the

    carbon bed, (see Figure 1). Pilot column systems can be pur-

    chased or leased from NORIT Americas Inc. or assembled

    using basic components. They can be constructed from

    glass, plastic, reinforced fiberglass, or metal pipe as dictated

    by the corrosiveness of the process fluid. The columns should

    be designed to allow loading GAC from the top.

    Figure 1


  • 7/27/2019 Colunas Para Teste de Carbon Granular NORIT


    P ilot c olumns a re typica lly ope rated dow nflow.

    This is usua lly do ne to s imula te a proposed c om-

    mercial de sign. A do wnflow d es ign allow s la rge

    G AC vess els to be gra vity fed. It also ensures tha t

    the carbon bed remains packed and stable during

    the service cycle, resulting in maximum contactbetween the carbon and the feed stream. However,

    ca re s hould be ta ken to e nsure the c olumns remain

    filled with liquid at all times and are not allowed to

    dra in during ope ration. This is often acc omplishe d

    by fitting the la st co lumn with a ba ck pressure valve.

    In some situations an upflow design is preferable.

    One advantage is where suspended solids in the

    feed create high press ure drop. It is s ugges ted

    that s uspended so lids be removed from the feedstrea m prior to entering a G AC c olumn. How ever,

    if this will not be possible in the commercial design,

    then the effect of suspend ed s olids should b e

    inc lude d in the pilot run. In upflow ope rat ion,

    most o f the suspended solids wo rk their wa y up

    through the G AC bed without a significa nt increas e

    in press ure d rop.

    It is recomme nded that the pilot c olumns be ba ck-

    washed prior to the start of any test and when

    exc essive press ure drop deve lops . This would

    involve the w a ter or column-trea ted proc ess stream

    to be pumped through the bo ttom of the c olumn

    a t a flow rate sufficient to expand the bed. Enough

    freeb oa rd sho uld be left to permit 30-50% be d

    expans ion during ba ckwa shing. Figure 2 show s

    bed expansion for several sizes of Granular DARCO

    products in wa ter. The exact ba ckwa sh flow rate

    will depend upon the visc osity of the wa ter and the

    mea n particle diameter of the GAC. The expans ion

    ca n a lso be d etermined visua lly in a glass column.

    The ca rbon bed sho uld b e a t lea st 24 inches (61

    cm) deep and 1.5 inches (about 4 cm) in diameter.

    A smaller column is not recommended since the

    wa ll effect beco mes significa nt. NORITAmerica s

    Inc. typica lly us es 4 inch (10 cm) dia meter c olumns

    in its pilot studies.

    The bed c an be supported by g la ss wo ol, wire mesh

    sc reen, or a w edg ewire sc reen. A typica l sc reen

    size is 60 mesh (U.S. Standard Series) or a 0.008

    slot opening.

    Figure 2



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    Selecting Carbon Mesh Sizes.

    In the design of a full scale column, GAC mesh

    size is very importa nt. NORITAmerica s Inc. offers

    DARCO and NORIT brand granular a nd extruded

    a ctivate d ca rbons in over a d ozen sizes . Initia lly,

    finer mesh carbons show more adsorptive capacitythan coarser carbons because of a significantly

    fas ter rate of ads orption. How ever, given time to

    reach equilibrium, the coarser carbons will have

    the sa me total ca pac ity as the finer ca rbons . The

    increas ed a ds orption rate of the s ma ller mesh s ize

    ca rbons, how ever, is a t the expense of pressure

    drop during c olumn opera tion. The press ure drop

    for a 12 x 40 mesh ca rbon is tw ice that of a 12 x

    20 carbon, while the pressure drop of a 20 x 40

    ca rbon is o ver 3 times tha t of the 12 x 20. Thebes t mes h size for any s pecific a pplica tion w ould

    depend upon the dimensions of the ca rbon column

    (vesse l), the inlet s tream flow rate &visc os ity, and

    the sus pended solids conc entra tion of the inlet

    strea m. Figure 3 sho ws the pres sure drop curves

    for some mes h sizes of G ranula r DARCO.

    Loading the Column.

    The c a rbon to be used in the c olumn should first

    be thoroughly wetted . This is done to remove air

    tra pped in the ca rbon pores tha t wo uld otherwise

    prevent the feed liquor from contacting the entire

    ca rbon surfac e. In sma ll lab oratory columns, the

    carbon is typically slurried with water in a container

    and a llowed to soa k. So aking should las t at leas t

    30 minutes to a n hour to a llow mos t of the trapped

    a ir to diffuse out of the sma lles t pores. In la rge

    comme rcial vess els, the c arbon is often left to soa k

    overnight prior to ba ckwa shing a nd b eing place d in


    Once the ca rbon has soa ked, the fines must be

    remove d. C a rbon fines a re pres ent in all gra nula r

    a ctiva ted ca rbons. They are genera ted not only in

    the ma nufa cturing proces s, but a lso through s hip-

    ping a nd handling. If not remove d during loa ding,

    fines can cause excessive pressure drop across the

    ca rbon column and s horten the c olumns service

    life. When loa ding sm a ll co lumns, the c a rbon fines

    may be removed b y dec anting, ad ding fresh w ater

    and allowing the carbon to settle, and decanting

    aga in. This should be repea ted until the wa ter is c lea r,

    usua lly 3 or 4 times . In la rge c omme rcia l vesse ls,

    the carbon fines are removed by backwashing.

    Feed Delivery and Flow Rate Control.

    The rec omme nded rang e of conta ct flow is 0.1-3.0

    be d vo lumes per hour (B V/hr), depe nding upo n the

    deg ree of purifica tion de sired, the type a nd c on-

    centration of impurity, the nature of the process

    liquor, and pressure drop.

    G enerally high levels of impurity loa ding o n the

    carbon, high inlet impurity concentrations, andhigh visc os ities w ill req uire a low er inlet flow rate.

    The c a rbon w ill perform mo re efficiently a t low flow

    rates (longer co ntac t times), but a t the expense o f

    the amo unt of liq uid tha t ca n be proces sed through

    a column in a given time.

    A feed pump s uitab le for ac curate a nd c ontinuous

    flow is required since flow rate and total volume of

    liquor are the most important controllable variables

    in deve loping design da ta . B efore proces s liq uor is

    delivered to the ca rbon, suspend ed ma tter should

    be removed, preferably by the sa me method

    planned for the pla nt sys tem.

    Figure 3



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    Column Operation.

    To d evelop reas ona bly good da ta for sca le-up to

    full pla nt de sign, it is importa nt to have the p ilot

    columns operating as near as possible to the

    a nticipa ted plant opera ting cond itions . The mos t

    critica l fa ctors, flow ra te a nd feed impurity c oncen-tration, must be constant for the entire test run.

    The tempe rature of the full-sca le influent a nd

    effluent streams sho uld a lso b e simula ted . This

    ma y req uire prehea ting the feed a nd hea t tape &

    insulation on the G AC pilot c olumns.

    Se veral sa mples o f the feed s trea m should b e ta ken

    over the duration of the test to spot any drift in

    impurity co nce ntration. Reg ula r sa mples should

    be pulled from the botto m of eac h column. Thesamples should be filtered prior to examination if

    the acc urac y of the ana lysis could b e a ffected b y

    sus pend ed s olids . When the effluent qua lity from

    the la st column in the s eries is unacc eptab le, the

    test is s topped.

    Data Collection.

    The d a ta ca n be co mpiled simila r to Figure 4, which

    show s the results o f a pilot co lumn study on a n

    a ctua l refinery wa ste wa ter. Effluent impurity con-

    centrations for all columns a re plotted a ga inst

    elapsed time in Figure 5, generating breakthrough

    curves. Figure 5 is a plot show ing w hen eac h col-

    umn brea kthrough curve exc eed ed the effluent limit

    of 30% COD rema ining . The line through the da ta

    points in Figure 6 is the B ed Depth S ervice Time

    (B DS T) curve. If the flow rate through the G AC is

    cons tant throughout the test a nd there a re no

    changes in impurity concentration or composition,

    then the service time at breakthrough should be a

    linear function of carbon bed depth.

    Figure 5





    25 20 17 13 1250 25 18 14 1175 33 21 16 12

    100 45 22 15 13125 62 26 15 11150 67 27 17 13175 76 31 19 12200 80 33 19 13225 85 40 18 14250 88 44 24 16275 91 45 27 18300 96 48 28 20325 98 55 32 24350 97 59 34 24375 100 64 35 27400 99 68 37 26425 100 70 41 29450 100 75 45 31475 97 74 46 34500 100 78 49 34525 100 76 48 35550 98 78 49 37

    575 100 76 50 34600 100 79 51 36

  • 7/27/2019 Colunas Para Teste de Carbon Granular NORIT


    Data Evaluation.

    The b ed de pth s ervice time (BDS T) eq ua tion is

    ba sed on work by B ohart and Ada ms,1 Klotz,2

    a nd Dole and Klotz.3 It ha s the follow ing form:

    t = ax + b

    where t Service time a t breakthrough, hours .

    x Bed depth, feet.

    a S lope = (1990No /Co)V, hrs ./ft.

    b Ord ina te inte rc ept =

    16.018/(KC o) ln(Co /C b 1), hrs.

    No Carbon efficiency, lb impurity/ft3 carbon.

    Co Feed impurity concentration, ppm.

    V Linear flowrate , gpm/ft2.

    K Adsorp tion ra te constant , ft3

    of liq uidtreated per lb of impurity fed to the

    system per hr., required for the adsorp-

    tion wave front to move through a

    bed depth eq uivalent to the c ritica l

    bed d epth.

    Cef Impurity concentration in effluent at

    breakthrough, ppm.

    The s lope (a ) of the be d d epth service time line in

    Figure 6 represents the time required to exhaust

    one foot of the c a rbon b ed (under the tes t co ndi-

    tions use d), w hich c an a lso be d efined a s the time

    required for the adsorption wave front to move

    through one foot of the ca rbon bed . The rec iproca l

    of the slope is the ra te a t which the ca rbon bed is

    spent. An estima te of the ra te at w hich ca rbon is

    used to continuously produce acceptable product

    liquid (or the rate at which the carbon must be

    a dd ed o r regenerated ) ca n be ma de b y multiplying

    this rec iproc a l va lue of the slope b y the bulk density

    of the carbon.

    The BDS Teq uation c an a lso be w ritten in terms

    of bed d epth a s a funct ion of time. This a llow s

    the abscissa intercept to be calculated as follows:

    Xo = -b/a

    Xo is the abscissa intercept and represents the

    critica l bed de pth. This is de fined a s the minimum

    bed depth required to produce a satisfactory effluenta t time zero. The ordinate interce pt (b) represe nts

    the rate of adsorption, or the time required for the

    a ds orption wa ve front to pa ss through one c ritica l

    bed d epth.

    Breakthrough points must b e s pecified for eac h

    BDS Teq uation that is de veloped. Obviously, for a

    given bed depth, the s ervice time a nd the s lope of

    the B DST curve w ill decreas e a s the effluent qua lity

    requirements increase.

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    Changing Process Conditions.

    A new B DST eq uation must b e developed if the

    linear flow ra te through the bed c hange s. P lotting

    a new BDSTcurve will not require additional col-

    umn tests. Rather, the new BDS Teq uation can be

    ob ta ined simply b y m ultiplying the o riginal s lopevalue by the ra tio of the two rates. The new eq uation

    for a cha nge in flow rate is d eveloped a s follow s:

    t = V1/ V2ax + b

    w here V1 Original flow rate.

    V2 New flow rate.

    Our experience indicates that the results obtained

    by this simplified method w ill be in clos e a greementwith results obta ined b y tes ts pe rformed under

    a ctua l flow -ra te c onditions (se e Figure 7). It sho uld

    a lso be noted that c hang ing flow rates have little

    effect on the ordinate intercept (rate of adsorption).

    A new BDSTequation must also be developed if

    the c onc entration of the impurities in the feed

    cha nges . Aga in, a goo d approxima tion ca n be

    obtained by calculation instead of running additional

    tes ts. The new s lope is found by m ultiplying the

    original slope by the ratio of the impurity concen-

    tration of bo th feeds . To find the new o rdinate

    intercept, multiply the value of the original intercept

    by the same concentration ratio and by the natural

    log of the impurity co ncentration. The new eq uation

    will have the following form:

    t = C1/C2 ax + (C1/C2) ln(C2/Cef 1) b

    ln(C1/Cef 1)

    w here C1 Original influent c onc entration, p pm.

    C2 New influent concentration, ppm.

    Goo d a greement is obtained b etween ca lculated

    and ac tual values.

    Figure 6


    Figure 7



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    Example Problem.

    The da ta displayed in Figure 4 wa s p lotte d in Figure

    5 to c rea te b reakthrough c urves for the pilot s ystem.

    In our example, 30% COD remaining was selected

    a s the effluent-limiting c onc entration. Thus, w e ca n

    rea d from these curves the breakthrough times a tthe various bed depths:

    Bed ServiceColumn Depth, ft. time, hr.

    1 3.3 70

    2 6.6 160

    3 9.9 340

    4 13.2 500

    These a re plotted in the form of the BDS T eq uation

    des cribe d a bo ve. The line through the break-through points generates the eq uation which is

    plotted in Figure 6:

    t = 44.5x 100

    This c a n be a djuste d to reflec t cha nges in operating

    co nditions. For exa mple, if the flow rate is d oubled,

    the slope of the line is halved and the intercept

    rema ins the sa me. The new eq uation bec omes :

    t = 22.3x 100

    This line, a long w ith a n a ctua l B DS Tline de rived by

    physically running the system at twice the flow rate,

    is a lso s how n in Figure 7. New eq uations reflec ting

    cha nges in influent concentrations c a n also b e

    derived by the method o utlined a bove. Examples

    of these c hange s a re s hown in Figure 8.

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    System Sizing.

    For a fixed bed adsorber, the necessary carbon

    bed depth for the desired s ervice life ca n be rea d

    direc tly off of the BDS T curve (Figure 6) or ca n be

    ca lcula ted using the BDST eq uation. This is a ll

    that is neces sa ry to d etermine sys tem size unlessca rbon regeneration is us ed.

    Activa ted c arbon c a n be reac tivated therma lly or

    in some ca ses c hemica lly regenerated . In most

    applications, thermal reactivation is used to restore

    most of the virgin GAC a ds orptive c apa city.

    However, c hemica l regeneration with ca ustic, a cid,

    or solvents ma y be much more cos t-effective

    depending on the nature of the impurities on the

    ca rbon. If a chemical regeneration scheme is tobe implemented, the regeneration solution should

    be run counterflow to the direction of the normal

    se rvice flow. Reg a rdless of the regenerant flow

    direction, some o f the GAC a ds orptive ca pa city is

    los t with ea ch regenera tion/rea ctivation cyc le. If

    use of regenerated or rea ctivated G AC is a n option,

    it is very important to tes t the e ffect in the pilot

    columns. Many systems whose des igns are ba sed

    on virgin GAC da ta are undersized when ope rated

    with reactivated carbon.

    For additional assistance with GAC system design,

    plea se conta ct NORITAmerica s Inc.

    References.1 Boha rt, G. S ., and Ada ms, E. Q.,Journal of

    American Chemical Society, 42; 523-544, 1920.2 Klotz , I. M., Chemical Reviews, 39; 241-268, 1946.3 Dole, M., and Klotz, I. M., Industrial and

    Engineering Chemistry, 38; 1289-1297, 1946.

    Figure 8



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