Insultos Dos Filósofos

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  • 8/18/2019 Insultos Dos Filósofos


    30. Voltaire on Jean-Jacques RousseauI have read, monsieur, your new book against the human race. I thank you for it.No one has ever used so much intellect to prove us beasts. A desire seizes us to walk on four paws when we read your work. Nevertheless, as it is more than sixty years since I lost the habit, I feel, unfortunately, that it is impossible for me to resume it. [via]

    29. Rene Descartes on Blaise PascalMonsieur Pascal has too much vacuum in his brain. [via]

    28. Ralph Waldo Emerson on Henry ThoreauHenry Thoreau is like the woodgod who solicits the wandering poet & draws him into antres [sic] vast & desarts [sic] idle, & bereaves him of his memory. & leaves him naked, plaiting vines & with twigs in his hand. Very seductive are the first steps from the town to the woods, but the End is want and madness. [via]

    27. Ludwig Wittgenstein on Bertrand RussellRussells books should be bound in two colors, those dealing with mathematical logic in red  and all students of philosophy should read them; those dealing with ethics and politics in blue  and no one should be allowed to read them.

    26. Bertrand Russell on AristotleI do not agree with Plato, but if anything could make me do so, it would be Aristotles arguments against him. [via]

    25. Jean-Paul Sartre on Albert CamusCamus a mix of melancholy, conceit and vulnerability on your part has always deterred people from telling you unvarnished truths. The result is that you have fallen prey to a gloomy immoderation that conceals your inner difficulties and which you refer to, I believe, as Mediterranean moderation. Sooner or later, someonewould have told you this, so it might as well be me. [via]

    24. Søren Kierkegaard on H.L. MartensenMy opponent is a glob of snot. [via]

    23. Plato on Diogenes(In response to Diogenes lampooning Platos use of the terms tableness and cupness describe the properties of objects, and claiming that he could see a table and a

     cup, but nothing more): That is natural enough, for you have eyes, by which a cup and a table are contemplated; but you have not intellect, by which tableness and cupness are seen. [via]

    22. Anthony Kenny on Jacques DerridaDerrida introduced new terms whose effect is to confuse ideas that are perfectly distinct. [via]

    21. Camille Paglia on Michel FoucaultThe truth is that Foucault knew very little about anything before the seventeenth century and, in the modern world, outside France. His familiarity with the literature and art of any period was negligible. His hostility to psychology made him incompetent to deal with sexuality, his own or anybody elses.  The more you know

    , the less you are impressed by Foucault. [via]20. Alan Wolfe on Ayn RandIn the academy, she is a nonperson. Her theories are works of fiction. Her worksof fiction are theories, and bad ones at that. [via]

    19. Bertrand Russell on Georg HegelHegels philosophy is so odd that one would not have expected him to be able to get sane men to accept it, but he did. He set it out with so much obscurity that people thought it must be profound. It can quite easily be expounded lucidly in words of one syllable, but then its absurdity becomes obvious. [via]

  • 8/18/2019 Insultos Dos Filósofos


    18. Noam Chomsky on Slavoj iekTheres no theory in any of this stuff, not in the sense of theory that anyone is failiar with in the sciences or any other serious field. Try to find some principles from which you can deduce conclusions, empirically testable propositions where it all goes beyond the level of something you can explain in five minutes to a12-year-old. See if you can find that when the fancy words are decoded. I cant. So Im not interested in that kind of posturing. iek is an extreme example of it. I dont see anything to what hes saying. [via]

    17. Slavoj iek on Noam ChomskyWell, with all deep respect that I do have for Chomsky, my point is that Chomsky,who always emphasizes how one has to be empirical, accurate well, I dont think I know a guy who was so often empirically wrong. [via]

    16. Camille Paglia on Naomi WolfIf Naomi Wolf didnt look the way she did, she would never have gotten any attention for [The Beauty Myth]. So it seemed hypocritical of her to be denouncing the beauty myth even while she was profiting from it. [via]

    tumblr_m6pcmqGx1v1r5arwfo1_40015. Friedrich Nietzsche on John Stuart MillConsider, for example, the indefatigable, inevitable English utilitarians and with what clumsy and worthy feet they walk, stalk  along in the footsteps of Bentham

    . No new idea, no subtle expression or turn of an old idea, not even a real history of what had been thought before: an impossible literature altogether, unless one knows how to leaven it with a little malice. [via]

    14. Colin McGinn on Ted HonderichHonderich does occasionally show glimmers of understanding that the problem of consciousness is difficult and that most of our ideas about it fall short of the mark. His instincts, at least, are not always wrong. It is a pity that his own efforts here are so shoddy, inept, and disastrous. [via]

    13. Ted Honderich on Colin McGinnAt UCL we had a jokey locker-room relationship, but then I made a misstep. I suggested to him that his new girlfriend was not as plain as the old one, and I coul

    d see the blood drain out of his face. That was possibly the start of our frostiness. [via]

    12. Karl Popper on Ludwig WittgensteinNot to threaten visiting lecturers with pokers. (On being challenged by a poker-wielding Wittgenstein to produce an example of a moral rule; the discussion degenerated quickly from there.) [via]

    11. Thomas de Quincey on John LockeAgainst Lockes philosophy I think it an unanswerable objection that, although he carried his throat about with him in this world for 72 years, no man ever condescended to cut it. [via]10. Diogenes on Plato

    (Stamping all over Platos fancy carpet, Rick James style): Thus I trample on the pride of Plato! [via]

    9. Friedrich Nietzsche on Arthur SchopenhauerSchopenhauer is for a psychologist a case of the first order: namely, a mendacious attempt of genius to marshal, in aid of a nihilistic total devaluation of life, the very counter-instances, the great self-affirmations of the will to live, theexuberant forms of life. [via]

    8. Karl Popper on Martin Heidegger

  • 8/18/2019 Insultos Dos Filósofos


    I appeal to the philosophers of all countries to unite and never again mention Heidegger or talk to another philosopher who defends Heidegger. This man was a devil. I mean, he behaved like a devil to his beloved teacher, and he has a devilish influence on Germany One has to read Heidegger in the original to see what a swindler he was. [via]

    7. Friedrich Nietzsche on SocratesSocrates belonged by origin to the lowest folk; Socrates was rabble. One knows, one can still see for oneself, how ugly he was. [via]

    6. Noam Chomsky on the French, generallyFrench intellectual life has, in my opinion, been turned into something cheap and meretricious by the star system. It is like Hollywood. Thus we go from one absurdity to another  Stalinism, existentialism. Lacan, Derrida  some of them obscene (Stalinism), some simply infantile and ridiculous (Lacan, Derrida). What is striking, however, is the pomposity and self-importance, at each stage. [via]5. Isaac Newton on Robert HookeIf I have seen further than others, it was by standing on the shoulders of giants. (The theory goes that Newtons famous quote, contained in a letter to Hooke, wasas much as anything else a dig at his arch-enemy, who was famously a hunchback and significantly shorter than Newton himself.)

    4. Karl Marx on Jeremy BenthamThe arch-philistine Jeremy Bentham was the insipid, pedantic, leather-tongued ora

    cle of the bourgeois intelligence of the 19th century. [via]

    3. Rene Descartes on Gilles de RobervalHe is as vain as a girl, has a head like a dwarf and behaves like the fool in anItalian farce who continues bragging and remains always victorious and invincible even after having his ears boxed and his face slapped with a slipper. [via]

    2. Friedrich Nietzsche on Immanuel KantThat most deformed concept-cripple of all time. [via]

    1. Arthur Schopenhauer on Georg HegelHegel, installed from above, by the powers that be, as the certified Great Philosopher, was a flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan who reached

    the pinnacle of audacity in scribbling together and dishing up the craziest mystifying nonsense. [via]