OBSERVATÓRIO PIERRE AUGER RELATÓRIO DE ATIVIDADES 2016 · 2017. 2. 7. · 4. Trabalho publicado em revista não indexada ... Colaborador paramétrica em análise de Aplicação

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I. Introdução ............................................................................................................................ 3

II. Equipe ................................................................................................................................. 3

1. Pesquisadores ................................................................................................................ 3

2. Alunos de Pós-Graduação ............................................................................................ 5

III. Projetos e Atribuições ....................................................................................................... 7

IV. Produção Científica .......................................................................................................... 9

1. Trabalhos publicados pela Colaboração Pierre Auger em 2016 ............................... 9

2. Trabalho da Colaboração Auger já aceito para Publicação ..................................... 11

3. Trabalhos publicados por membros da equipe em revista indexada ...................... 12

4. Trabalho publicado em revista não indexada ............................................................ 12

5. Trabalhos submetidos para publicação ..................................................................... 13

3. Trabalhos completos da Colaboração Auger em anais de conferências

internacionais em 2016 .................................................................................................... 13

4. Participação de membros da equipe em eventos e palestras internacionais

relacionadas ao Observatório Pierre Auger ................................................................... 21

5. Participação de membros da equipe em eventos nacionais .................................... 24

6. Teses de Doutorado defendidas no período ............................................................. 24

7. Dissertações de Mestrado defendidas no período.................................................... 24

8. Notas Internas da Colaboração (GAP Notes) ........................................................... 25

9. Capítulo de livro ........................................................................................................... 25

10. Livros publicados com membros da equipe como autor, organizador ou editor .. 26

11. Plantões e Turnos de tomada de dados .................................................................. 26

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Relatório de Atividades 2016

I. Introdução

O projeto de construção e operação do Observatório Pierre Auger é uma obra

desenvolvida em colaboração internacional, envolvendo pesquisadores de dezoito

países. O Observatório Auger tem como objetivo principal o estudo de raios cósmicos

na faixa de energias em torno e acima de 1018 eV. Presentemente, esses raios

cósmicos são as partículas de mais alta energia já observadas na natureza. Os dados

experimentais obtidos no Observatório permitem dar passos importantes no

entendimento de origem, processos de aceleração, propagação desde as suas fontes

até a Terra, composição e espectro energético desses raios cósmicos de energias

ultra-altas. Pesquisadores brasileiros participaram do projeto do Observatório desde o

início em 1994.

II. Equipe

1. Pesquisadores

Os pesquisadores abaixo listados são autores de trabalhos da Colaboração Auger.

Os professores são contados para o cálculo das taxas operacionais do Observatório

Auger, assim como os pós-doutores. Para cada pesquisador, são indicadas a

instituição e atividades. Também estão listados os pesquisadores pós-doutores

vinculados ao projeto.

Pesquisador Instituição Projetos/Atividades

1.Ronald Shellard CBPF/Pesquisador Análise dos dados de fluorescência; Estudo de composição primária;

2.Luiz Vitor de Souza Filho

IFUSP/São Carlos/Professor Doutor

Análise de dados para composição primária; Formas alternativas de cálculo da taxa de elongação; Instalação/ manutenção de uma central de processamento dos dados no IFUSP/São Carlos.

3.Carlos José Todero Peixoto

Escola de Engenharia de Lorena,

Estudo da razão de fluorescência; Aplicação de métodos de heterocedasticidade para calibração de energia; Estudo de fontes; propagação em campos

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USP/Professor Doutor

magnéticos; Algoritmos de reconstrução e ajuste da energia derivada dos eventos híbridos.

4.Philippe Gouffon IFUSP/ Professor Associado

Preparação de tanques protótipos para Auger Norte; Força tarefa para o problema de transmissão de dados via rádio. Análise de efeitos atmosféricos na reconstrução do FD.

5.Ivone Freire da Mota Albuquerque

IFUSP/ Professor Associado

Teste de cenários de extensão do Modelo Padrão, em chuveiros atmosféricos iniciados por partículas exóticas; Aplicação de simulações de Monte Carlo para caracterizar chuveiros iniciados por partículas exóticas e comparação com sinais observados.

6.Carola Dobrigkeit Chinellato

UNICAMP/Professor Titular

Presidente do Comitê de Publicações; Estudo de anisotropia de grandes e pequenas escalas; Estudo de campos magnéticos, fontes pontuais, multipletos.

7.Ernesto Kemp UNICAMP/ Professor Associado

Estudo de anisotropia em larga escala; Estudo de fontes pontuais; Estudo de campos magnéticos.

8.José Augusto Chinellato

UNICAMP/ Professor Associado

Métodos de análise do perfil longitudinal e do perfil lateral de chuveiros extensos; Monitoramento do desempenho dos módulos do SD. Aplicação de métodos de máxima entropia e Teoria de Informação aos dados do Observatório. Responsável pela aquisição de recursos computacionais na UNICAMP.

9.Anderson Campos Fauth

UNICAMP/ Professor Associado

Operação de protótipo do detector de superfície do Auger na Unicamp; Estudo do espectro de energia; Medidas da variação da contagem de múons na superfície; Procura de correlação com atividade solar.

10.Carlos Ourivio Escobar

UNICAMP/Professor Colaborador

Aplicação de métodos de estatística não-paramétrica em análise de anisotropia vinda de fontes pontuais

11. Rita dos Anjos UFParaná Setor Palotina/ Professor Doutor

Análise de dados para composição primária; Estudo da propagação de raios cósmicos no meio galáctico e intergaláctico

12.Marcio Aparecido Müller

UNICAMP e Universidade Federal de Pelotas /Pós-Doutor

Desenvolvimento de método estatístico para identificação de sinal de múons nos tanques; simulação da interação de hádrons no módulo do detector de superfície.

13.Marcelo Augusto Leigui de Oliveira

UFABC/ Professor Doutor

Medidas dos perfis das lentes corretoras; Construção protótipo de detector de fluorescência (MonRAt); Estrutura da geração da fluorescência atmosférica; Campos magnéticos extragalácticos; Anisotropia; Monitoramento de triggers.

13. Jaime Souza de Oliveira

UFF/ Professor Doutor

Estudo de anisotropias de larga escala

14.Germano Guedes UEFS/ Professor Doutor

Instrumentação científica; Desenvolvimento de detectores; Apoio técnico instalação/ manutenção/ gestão do sistema de potência dos detectores de superfície.

15.Carla Bonifazi UFRJ/ Professor Coordenadora do grupo de trabalho de

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Doutor seleção de eventos/determinação da aceitação do detector; Responsável por seleção dos períodos de bom funcionamento do detector e dos eventos para as análises; estudo da qualidade dos dados e comportamento do detector. Coordenadora do grupo de resolução angular do detector. Estudos de anisotropia.

16.João Torres de Mello Neto

UFRJ/ Professor Doutor

Coordenação do grupo de análise de Anisotropias em Larga Escala; Participação no Projeto Midas visando medidas de chuveiros atmosféricos utilizando detectores de micro-ondas.

17.Edivaldo Moura Santos

USP/ Professor Doutor

Chefe do grupo de tarefa de análise de anisotropias em larga escala; decomposição de baixos multipolos; Cálculo da exposição em energias abaixo da saturação; Efeitos geomagnéticos; Estudos de correlação cruzada de eventos com catálogos de objetos extragalácticos.

18.Rogério M. De Almeida

UFF/ Professor Doutor

Estudos de Anisotropia; Procura de partículas exóticas; Estudo da não poissonidade em mapas do céu.

19.Ugo Giaccari UFRJ/ Pós-Doutorado

Estudo de anisotropias de larga escala

20.Daniel Pakk Selmi-Dei

UNICAMP/Pós- Doutorado

Estudo de deflexões de raios cósmicos em campos magnéticos galácticos e extragalácticos

21.Mary Díaz Castro UNICAMP/Pós- Doutorado

Estudo de composição química dos raios cósmicos através da identificação do sinal de múons

22.Eva Maria Martins dos Santos

UNICAMP/Pós- Doutorado

Estudo da reconstrução da altura de produção de múons em chuveiros

23.23.Washington Rodrigues de Carvalho Jr.

IFUSP/ Pós- Doutorado

Investigação da composição dos raios cósmicos de ultra-alta energia utilizando a técnica de detecção por rádio

2. Alunos de Pós-Graduação

Os alunos de pós-graduação atualmente trabalhando em suas dissertações de

mestrado e teses de doutorado estão listados abaixo. Os alunos de doutorado são

autores das publicações da colaboração, mas não são incluídos no cálculo da taxa de

manutenção e operação do Observatório.

Nome Instituição/Nível Orientador

Luiz Augusto Stuani UNICAMP/Doutorado Anderson Campos Fauth

Eder Arnedo Perassa

UNICAMP/Doutorado José Augusto Chinellato

Bruno Daniel UNICAMP/Doutorado Ernesto Kemp/ Anderson

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Campos Fauth (co-orientador)

Vanessa Theodoro Menezes

UNICAMP/Doutorado José Augusto Chinellato

Vitor Prestes Luzio UFABC/Doutorado Marcelo Augusto Leigui de Oliveira

Rubens Pereira Costa Junior

UFABC/Doutorado Marcelo Augusto Leigui de Oliveira

Hendrik Marques Soares

IFUSP/Doutorado Edivaldo Moura Santos

Níkolas Kemmerich IFUSP/Doutorado Ivone F. da Mota Albuquerque

Raul Ribeiro Prado IFSC/USP/São Carlos/Doutorado

Luiz Vitor de Souza Filho

Jaime Souza de Oliveira

UFF/Doutorado Rogério de Almeida

Otto Carlos Lippmann

CBPF/ Mestrado Ronald Shellard

Allan Machado Payeras

UNICAMP/Mestrado Anderson Campos Fauth

Henrique Vieira de Souza

UNICAMP/Mestrado Anderson Campos Fauth

Yugo Mafra Kunoh UNICAMP/Mestrado José Augusto Chinellato

Clewton Luis Ferreira da Fonseca

UNICAMP/Mestrado José Augusto Chinellato

Danelise de Oliveira Franco

UNICAMP/Mestrado Carola Dobrigkeit

Johnnier Perez Armand

IFUSP/Mestrado Edivaldo Moura Santos

Rodrigo Guedes Lang

IFSC/USP/São Carlos/Mestrado

Luiz Vitor de Souza Filho

Guilherme Tomishiyo Teixeira de Sousa

IFSC/USP/São Carlos/Mestrado

Luiz Vitor de Souza Filho

Mateus Fernandes Observatório Nacional/Mestrado

João Ramos Torres de Mello Neto (orientador) Rogério de Almeida (co-orientador)

Cynthia Vizcarra Ventura

UFF/Mestrado João Ramos Torres de Mello Neto (orientador) Rogério de Almeida (co-orientador)

Carlos Soncco Meza

Observatório do Valongo, OV-UFRJ/ Mestrado

João Ramos Torres de Mello Neto (orientador) Ugo Giaccari (co-orientador)

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III. Projetos e Atribuições

Os vários temas de pesquisa da Colaboração são agrupados em tarefas, e cada

grupo-tarefa tem um líder. O pesquisador brasileiro que em 2016 liderou um grupo de

tarefa (working group) foi Edivaldo Moura Santos (grupo da tarefa Anisotropia de Larga

Escala). Também há pesquisadores brasileiros em comitês da colaboração: Carola

Dobrigkeit (Presidente do Comitê de Publicações) e Luiz Vitor de Souza (Comitê de


Os projetos em que os pesquisadores estão envolvidos são:

Sistema de potência dos detectores de superfície: Germano Guedes;

Sistema de monitoramento do desempenho de componentes do detector de

superfície: Marcelo Leigui de Oliveira, José Augusto Chinellato;

Estudo da qualidade dos dados e comportamento do detector: Carla Bonifazi;

Desenvolvimento de detectores: Carlos Escobar, Philippe Gouffon, João

Torres, Edivaldo Santos, Marcelo Leigui de Oliveira, Germano Guedes,

Anderson Fauth;

Estudo da composição química: Ronald Shellard, Luiz Vitor de Souza, Carlos

Todero Peixoto, Daniel Pakk Selmi-Dei;

Estudo do espectro energético: Anderson Fauth;

Análise de dados dos telescópios de fluorescência: Ronald Shellard;

Estudo de anisotropias/correlações com fontes astrofísicas: Edivaldo M.

Santos, João Torres, Rogério Menezes, Carola Dobrigkeit, Carla Bonifazi,

Marcelo Leigui de Oliveira, Ernesto Kemp;

Efeitos de campos magnéticos: Edivaldo M. Santos, Carola Dobrigkeit, Marcelo

Leigui de Oliveira, Carlos Escobar, Carlos Todero Peixoto, Ernesto Kemp,

Daniel Pakk Selmi-Dei; Rita dos Anjos

Procura por partículas exóticas: Rogério M. de Almeida, Ivone Albuquerque;

Estudo de interações hadrônicas: José Augusto Chinellato, Márcio A. Müller;

Análises estatísticas: Rogério M. Almeida, Carlos Escobar, Márcio Müller, José

Augusto Chinellato, Carlos Todero Peixoto, Ugo Giaccari;

Reconstrução de eventos em ambos os detectores: Philippe Gouffon, Carlos

Todero Peixoto;

Características do Observatório (exposição, aceitância, resolução angular,

outras): Carla Bonifazi, Edivaldo M. Santos;

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Aspectos astrofísicos em abordagem multimensageiros: Vitor de Souza;

Correlação com atividade solar: Anderson Fauth;

Múons/neutrinos/ outras partículas: Anderson Fauth;

Infraestrutura computacional para análises: Vitor de Souza, José Augusto


Medidas na faixa de rádio: Washington de Carvalho;

Análise fenomenológica dos dados: Rogério M. de Almeida;

Propagação de raios cósmicos no meio galáctico e intergaláctico: Rita dos


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IV. Produção Científica

No período a que se refere este relatório, três trabalhos publicados pela Colaboração

Auger passaram de 500 citações listadas no INSPIRE e um trabalho passou de 500

citações no Web of Science. São os trabalhos no Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A de 20041,

sobre o Engineering Array do Observatório, o trabalho na Science de 20072 sobre a

correlação dos raios cósmicos com AGNs e o trabalho na PRL sobre o espectro de

energia de 20083. Esses trabalhos passam, assim, para a categoria de “renowned

papers (500+)”. Segundo pesquisa realizada em 04/11/2016, o primeiro trabalho tinha

693 citações no INSPIRE e 547 no Web of Science, o segundo trabalho tem 609

citações no INSPIRE e 467 no Web of Science, enquanto o terceiro tem 564 citações

no INSPIRE e 346 no Web of Science. Os números de citações estão apresentados na

Tabela 1.

Tabela 1 - Número de citações dos trabalhos da Colaboração Auger com maior impacto nos últimos anos, conforme pesquisa realizada em 04/11/2016.

1. Trabalhos publicados pela Colaboração Pierre Auger em 2016

Desde o relatório passado, temos dez artigos publicados no período em revistas

indexadas pela Colaboração Pierre Auger (full-author-list papers), dois deles com o

destaque da revista como Editor’s Suggestion, e mais um artigo já aceito para


1 “Properties and performance of the prototype instrument for the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Pierre Auger Collaboration (J. Abraham et al.). 2004. 46 pp.,Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A523 (2004) 50-95. 2 “Correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic objects

Pierre Auger Collaboration (J. Abraham et al.). Nov 2007. 22 pp., Science 318 (2007) 938-943. 3 “Observation of the Suppression of the Flux of Cosmic Rays above 4x10

19 eV”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration(J. Abraham et al.), Physical Review Letters 101, 061101 (2008)

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1. “Testing hadronic interactions at ultrahigh energies with air showers measured by

the Pierre Auger Observatory”,

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, PRL 117, 192001 (2016) (Editor’s Suggestion)


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.192001// FERMILAB-PUB-16-504-AD-AE-CD-TD

2. “Search for ultrarelativistic magnetic monopoles with the Pierre Auger Observatory”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 94, 082002 (2016) (Editor’s



DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.94.0820 // FERMILAB-PUB-16-373-AD-AE-CD-TD

3. “Evidence for a mixed mass composition at the ‘ankle’ in the cosmic-ray spectrum”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Phys.Lett. B762 (2016) 288-295


DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2016.09.039 // FERMILAB-PUB-16-412-AD-AE-CD-TD

4. “Measurement of the Muon Production Depths at the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Laura Collica for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2016) 131: 301

(Bruno Rossi Prize)



DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2016-16301-6// FERMILAB-PUB-16-356-AD-AE-CD-TD

5. “Energy Estimation of Cosmic Rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre

Auger Observatory”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 93, 122005 (2016)



DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.122005// FERMILAB-PUB-15-354-AD-AE-CD-TD

6. “Measurement of the Radiation Energy in the Radio Signal of Extensive Air

Showers as a Universal Estimator of Cosmic-Ray Energy”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, PRL 116, 241101 (2016)



DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.241101//

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7. “Azimuthal asymmetry in the risetime of the Surface Detector signals of the Pierre

Auger Observatory”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 93, 072006 (2016)



DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.072006// FERMILAB-PUB-16-094-AD-AE-CD-TD

8. “Prototype muon detectors for the AMIGA component of the Pierre Auger


The Pierre Auger Collaboration, JINST 11 (2016) P02012




9. “Nanosecond-level time synchronization of autonomous radio detector stations

using a reference beacon and commercial airplanes”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, JINST 11 (2016) P01018


DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/01/P01018// FERMILAB-PUB-15-560-AD-CD-TD

10. “Search for correlations between the arrival directions of IceCube neutrino events

and ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the

Telescope Array”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Telescope Array Collaboration, IceCube Collaboration

JCAP 01 (2016) 037



2. Trabalho da Colaboração Auger já aceito para Publicação

“Ultrahigh energy neutrino follow-up of Gravitational Wave events GW150914 and

GW151226 with the Pierre Auger Observatory”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, accepted for publication in PRD


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3. Trabalhos publicados por membros da equipe em revista indexada

Além desses trabalhos, temos mais quatro também publicados em revista indexada

com autoria de membros da equipe e relacionados com o Observatório Pierre Auger e

o estudo de raios cósmicos ultraenergéticos.

11. “Interpretation of number of muons measurements in extensive air showers


Raul R. Prado, Ruben Conceição, Mario Pimenta, Vitor de Souza

Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 83 (2016) 40-52

12. “Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and possible signature of black strings”

Rita C. Anjos, C. H. Coimbra-Araújo, Roldão da Rocha, and Vitor de Souza

JCAP 03 (2016) 014

13. M. Abrahão, W. G. Dantas, R. M. de Almeida, D. R. Gratieri, and T. J. P.

Penna, "On the Impact of Tsallis Statistics on Cosmic Ray Showers," Advances in

High Energy Physics, vol. 2016, Article ID 4676024, 7 pages, 2016.


14. João R. T. de Mello Neto, “Ultra high energy cosmic rays: the highest energy

frontier”. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Print), v. 706, p. 042009, 2016.

4. Trabalho publicado em revista não indexada

CERN Courier apresentou um artigo

completo sobre o Observatório Auger e o

seu upgrade na sua edição de Junho

2016. O artigo foi escrito por Gregory

Snow, que é o responsável pelo Outreach

Task na Colaboração Auger junto com o

Publication Committee, em nome da

Colaboração Auger. O artigo está

anexado a este relatório.

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5. Trabalhos submetidos para publicação

Seis trabalhos da Colaboração Auger estão presentemente submetidos para

publicação em revistas internacionais (full-author list papers). São eles:

1. “A targeted search for point sources of EeV photons with the Pierre Auger


The Pierre Auger Collaboration

Submetido a The Astrophysical Journal Letters

2. “Impact of atmospheric effects on the energy reconstruction of air showers observed

by the surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration

Submetido a JINST

3. “Muon Counting with SiPM for AMIGA”

The Pierre Auger Collaboration

Submetido a JINST

4. “Combined fit of spectrum and composition data as measured by the Pierre Auger


The Pierre Auger Collaboration

Submetido a JCAP

5. “Search for photons above 1018 eV with the hybrid detector of the Pierre Auger


The Pierre Auger Collaboration

Submetido a JCAP

6. “Multi-resolution anisotropy studies of ultra-high energy cosmic rays detected at the

Pierre Auger Observatory”

Author List: The Pierre Auger Collaboration

Submetido a JCAP

3. Trabalhos completos da Colaboração Auger em anais de conferências internacionais em 2016

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Listamos abaixo os trabalhos da Colaboração apresentados em conferências

internacionais, e resultando em 48 trabalhos completos publicados ou já aceitos nos

anais desses eventos. Em alguns trabalhos, as conferências ocorreram em anos

anteriores, mas o trabalho completo correspondente apenas foi publicado em 2016.

1. “Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Recent Results and Future Plans of Auger”

Karl-Heinz Kampert and the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the CSSP16 (Carphathian Summer School of Physics 2016, June 26 -

July 09, 2016, Sinaia, Romania)

2. “Ultra-high energy multi-messengers at the Pierre Auger Observatory“

Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz and the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings da NOW2016 (Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, Otranto (Lecce, Italy)

September 4 - 11, 2016)

3. “Education and Outreach for the Pierre Auger Observatory“

Gregory Snow for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ICHEP2016 (38th International Conference on High Energy

Physics, 3-10 August 2016, Chicago, USA)

4. “System On Chip Architecture for AugerPrime“

Eric Lagorio for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging

Conference, Strasbourg, France, 29 Oct - 06 Nov 2016

5. “The Pierre Auger Observatory status and the AugerPrime upgrade program”

Danielle Martello on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray

Interactions ISVHECRI (Moscow, Aug. 22-27 2016)

6. “Latest Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory“

Olivier Deligny for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ICHEP2016 (38th International Conference on High Energy

Physics, 3-10 August 2016, Chicago, USA)

7. “The Pierre Auger Observatory Upgrade“

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Giovanni Marsella for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of RICAP 2016 (6th Roma International Conference on AstroParticle

Physics, 21-24 June 2016)

8. “Detection of High Energy Cosmic Rays at the Auger Engineering Radio Array”

Sijbrand de Jong for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ICHEP2016 (38th International Conference on High Energy

Physics, 3-10 August 2016, Chicago, USA)

9. “The importance of atmospheric monitoring at the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Bruce R. Dawson for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of AtmoHEAD 2016, 12-14 September 2016, Olomouc, Czech Republic

10. “Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory on the mass composition and

hadronic interactions of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays”

Alexey Yushkov for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray

Interactions ISVHECRI (Moscow, Aug. 22-27)

11. “Latest results on mass composition and hadronic interactions of ultra-high energy

cosmic rays at the Pierre Auger Observatory“

Laura Collica for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the XXXVI Physics in Collisions PIC 2016 , Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 13-18

September 2016

12. “Search for UHE neutrinos in coincidence with LIGO GW150914 event with the

Pierre Auger Observatory”

Lili Yang for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the IAUS 324: New Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics, Ljubljana,

Slovenia, 12-16 September 2016

13. “Astrophysical interpretation of Pierre Auger Observatory measurements of the

UHECR energy spectrum and mass composition”

Armando di Matteo for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of RICAP 2016 (6th Roma International Conference on AstroParticle

Physics, June 2016)

14. “Towards AugerPrime: the upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory“

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Gabriella Cataldi for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of CRIS 2016 (10th Cosmic Ray International Seminar, Ischia, 4-8 July


15. “The Pierre Auger Observatory status and latest results”

Corinne Berat for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of RICAP 2016 (6th Roma International Conference on AstroParticle

Physics, June 2016)

16. “Search for Ultra-High Energy Photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Daniel Kuempel for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the GAMMA 2016 conference - 6th International Symposium on High-

Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy July 11-15, 2016 (Heidelberg, July 2016)

17. “From Auger to AugerPrime: Understanding ultra-high energy cosmic rays”

François Montanet for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the Journées de la SF2A 2016 (Lyon, June 2016)

18. “The Pierre Auger Observatory for Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays”

Marcelo Leigui for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

V Simpósio de Pesquisa do Grande ABC

19. “Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Martina Bohacova for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of CRIS 2016 (10th Cosmic Ray International Seminar, Ischia, 4-8 July


20. “From the Pierre Auger Observatory to AugerPrime“

Alejandra Parra and Oscar Martínez Bravo for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the VI School of Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics, Chiapas, Mexico,

June 2016.

21. “Cosmic ray physics with the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA)”

Benedikt Zimmermann for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of CRIS 2016 (10th Cosmic Ray International Seminar, Ischia, 4-8 July


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22. “Testing hadronic interactions with the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Francisco Diogo for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of CRIS 2016 (10th Cosmic Ray International Seminar Ischia (NA) Italy,

July 4-8, 2016)

23. “Xmax reconstruction from amplitude information with AERA”

Florian Gaté for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ARENA 2016 conference (Groningen, Netherlands, June 7 - 10


24. “Results and Perspectives of the Auger Engineering Radio Array”

Christian Glaser for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ARENA 2016 conference (Groningen, Netherlands, June 7 - 10


25. “Measurement of horizontal air showers with the Auger Engineering Radio Array”

Olga Kambeitz on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ARENA 2016 conference (Groningen, Netherlands, June 7 - 10


26. “In-situ absolute calibration of electric-field amplitude measurements with the LPDA

radio detector stations of the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Florian Briechle for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ARENA 2016 conference (Groningen, Netherlands, June 7 - 10


27. “Nanosecond-level time synchronization of AERA using a beacon reference

transmitter and commercial airplanes”

Tim Huege for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the ARENA 2016 conference (Groningen, Netherlands, June 7 - 10


28. “Constraints of hadronic models in extensive air showers with the Pierre Auger


João Espadanal for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the MESON 2016 (14th International Workshop on Meson Production,

Properties and Interaction KRAKÓW, POLAND 2nd - 7th June 2016)

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29. “Selected Results and Perspectives from the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Antonella Castellina for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the Vulcano Workshop (May 2016), Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy

30. “AugerPrime: The upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Mario Buscemi for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie IFAE2016, Genova 30 March -

1st April.

31. “A hardware implementation of the Levinson routine in a radio detector of cosmic

rays to improve a suppression of the non-stationary RFI”

Zbigniew Szadkowski for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the Real Time Conference (RT2016) in Padova (5-10 June 2016)

32. “Measurement of the muon content in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Darko Veberic for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of The International Symposia on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD2015),

held in Wildbad Kreuth, Germany from 4 to 9 Oct 2015.

33. “Towards a Joint Analysis of Data from the IceCube Neutrino Telescope, the Pierre

Auger Observatory and Telescope Array”

A. Christov, G. Golup, T. Montaruli, M. Rameez for the IceCube Collaboration, J.

Aublin, L. Caccianiga, P.L. Ghia, E. Roulet, M. Unger for the Pierre Auger

Collaboration, and H. Sagawa, P. Tinyakov for the Telescope Array Collaboration,

Proceedings of UHECR 2014 Symposium, JPS Conference Proceedings vol 9, 010007


34. “Detection of High-Energy Cosmic Rays with the Auger Engineering Radio Array”

Raphael Krause for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of the Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, February 2016

35. “Radio detection of air showers with LOFAR and AERA“

Jörg R. Hörandel for the LOFAR project and the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of UHECR 2014 Symposium, JPS Conference Proceedings vol 9, 010004


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36. “Muons in Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Michael Unger for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of UHECR 2014 Symposium, JPS Conference Proceedings Volume 9,

010020 (2016)

37. “Measurement of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger


Valerio Verzi for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of UHECR 2014 Symposium, JPS Conference Proceedings Volume 9,

010001 (2016)

38. “Measurements of the depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger

Observatory and its composition implications”

Vitor de Souza for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of UHECR 2014 Symposium, JPS Conference Proceedings Volume 9,

010015 (2016)

39. “Report from the Multi-Messenger Working Group at UHECR-2014 Conference”

Timo Karg for the IceCube Collaboration, Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz, Daniel Kuempel and

Mariangela Settimo for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, Grigory Rubtsov and Sergey

Troitsky for the Telescope Array Collaboration

Proceedings of UHECR 2014 Symposium, JPS Conference Proceedings Volume 9,

010021 (2016)

40. “Report of the Working Group on the Composition of Ultra High Energy Cosmic


R. Abbasi, J. Bellido, J. Belz, V. de Souza, W. Hanlon, D. Ikeda, J.P. Lundquist, P.

Sokolsky, T. Stroman, Y. Tameda, Y. Tsunesada, M. Unger, A. Yushkov for the Pierre

Auger Collaboration and Telescope Array Collaboration Proceedings of UHECR 2014

Symposium, JPS Conference Proceedings Volume 9, 010016 (2016)

41. “Exploring the Universe with Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays”

Lorenzo Perrone for the Pierre Auger Collaboration


42. “The Auger Engineering Radio Array and multi-hybrid cosmic-ray detection”

Ewa M. Holt for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

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Proceedings of TAUP conference 7-12 September 2015, Torino, Italy

43. “Hadronic physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory“

Lorenzo Cazon for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of Cosmic Ray International Seminar 2015 (CRIS 2015), 14-16

September, Gallipoli.

44. “Review of the latest results from the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Hernan Wahlberg for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of "High-Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows V" (HEPROV) held in

October 2015 in La Plata

45. “Highligths from the Pierre Auger Observatory (ICRC 2015)”

Piera Ghia for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings da 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference ICRC 2015, The Hague,

July 30 to August 6, 2015

46. “Surprises from extragalactic propagation of UHECRs”

Denise Boncioli, Armando di Matteo, Aurelio Grillo for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

Proceedings of Cosmic Ray International Seminar 2015 (CRIS 2015), 14-16

September, Gallipoli.

Além das apresentações e trabalhos acima, que são todos em nome da Colaboração

Auger, temos também trabalhos resultantes de apresentações de membros da equipe.

47. “The effect of thinning techniques on the simulation of the maximum production

depth of muons”,

Guilherme Tomishiyo and Vitor de Souza,

Proceedings of the VI School on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics, Chiapas, México,

November 2015

48. “Astroparticle Physics Tests of Lorentz Invariance Violation”,

Rodrigo Guedes Lang and Vitor de Souza

Proceedings of the VI School on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics, Chiapas, México,

November 2015

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4. Participação de membros da equipe em eventos e palestras internacionais relacionadas ao Observatório Pierre Auger

Listamos abaixo as apresentações de membros da equipe em eventos internacionais,

dos quais ainda não resultaram trabalhos completos publicados nos anais do evento


4.1 Encontro Internacional da Colaboração Pierre Auger em Malargüe, Argentina,

entre 06 e 11 de março de 2016

1. Apresentação da Dra. Mary Díaz Castro, bolsista FAPESP, também oral e plenária

com o título “Fluctuations on the LDF slope parameter: detector and reconstruction

contributions (update)”.

Mary Diaz Castro and Edivaldo M. Santos

2. Apresentação do Prof. Vitor de Souza, com o título “Lorentz Invariance Violation

(LIV) effects on the UHECR spectrum: Protons”

Rodrigo Guedes Lang and Vitor de Souza

3. Apresentação da Profa. Carola Dobrigkeit do relatório do Publication Committee,

com discussão dos trabalhos sendo finalizados.

4. Apresentação do Dr. Ugo Giaccari

“Independent and real time analysis of the Raman Lidar data”, de autoria de U.

Giaccari, A. Grillo, V. Rizi, M. Buscemi

4.2 III Argentinian-Brazilian Meeting on Gravitation, Astrophysics, and

Cosmology – GrACo III, Rio de Janeiro, 26-29 April 2016

"The Astroparticle Physics Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory",

Marcelo Leigui de Oliveira for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

4.3 Mondello Workshop 2016 Frontier Research in Astrophysics – II

Palermo - Itália– 23- 28 Maio 2016

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"Searches for Large-Scale Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays

Detected above Energy of 1019 eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope


U. Giaccari, for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

4.4 Pierre Auger Analysis Meeting,

Karlsruhe, Alemanha, de 27 de junho a 1 de julho de 2016

“Fluctuations of the LDF slope parameter (β)”,

Mary Diaz Castro and Edivaldo M. Santos

“Centaurus A: a source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays”,

Alexandre Benatti and Vitor de Souza

“Discussion on cosmic ray acceleration: focus on the galactic to extragalactic transition

And phenomenological approach”

Vitor de Souza

“Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) Effects on the UHECR Spectrum”

Rodrigo Guedes Lang and Vitor de Souza

“Discussion about the paper Testing hadronic interactions at ultrahigh energies with air

showers measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory- Answers to Referees”

Carola Dobrigkeit for the Publication Committee

4.5 Xth International Conference on the Interconnection between Particle Physics

and Cosmology (PPC 2016),

11-15 July 2016, ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo

"Measurements of muons in air showers using data from the Pierre Auger Observatory:

mass composition and tests of hadronic interaction models”

Edivaldo Moura Santos

4.6 IX Workshop Lidar Measurements in Latin America (WLMLA)

Santos - Brasil 17- 22 July 2016

“The Raman Lidar at the Pierre Auger Observatory”

U. Giaccari, A. Grillo, V. Rizi, M. Iarlori for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

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4.7 Latin-American Conference on High Energy Physics: Particles and Strings II,

Havana, Cuba, 18-22 July, 2016

“Ultra high energy cosmic rays latest results from the Pierre Auger Observatory"

João R. T. de Mello Neto

4.8 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Italy, Sepember 4-9 2016

“Measurements of the depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre

Auger Observatory and their composition implications”

Vitor de Souza for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

4.9 7th International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics at

the Centro de Eventos FAURGS in Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, October

9 - 13, 2016.

“The Pierre Auger Observatory: recent results and planned upgrades”

Edivaldo Moura Santos for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

“Anisotropies studies of Ultra-high energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger


Rogério Menezes de Almeida

4.10 Encontro Internacional da Colaboração Pierre Auger em Malargüe,

Argentina, entre 13 e 18 de novembro de 2016

1. Apresentação da Dra. Mary Díaz Castro, bolsista FAPESP, também oral e plenária

com o título “Evaluating the use of the measured LDF (slope-β) for composition

studies”, de autoria de Mary Díaz Castro, Bruce Dawson, and José Bellido.

2. Apresentação da Profa. Carola Dobrigkeit do relatório do Publication Committee,

com discussão dos trabalhos sendo finalizados.

“Angular Distribution with Full-Sky Coverage above ‘42/57’ EeV (by combining data

from Auger and Telescope Array)”

R. M. de Almeida, J. R. T. de Mello Neto, O. Deligny, U. Giaccari, M. Mostafá

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5. Participação de membros da equipe em eventos nacionais

5.1. XXXVII Encontro de Física de Partículas e Campos 2016, em Natal, RN,

realizado de 3 a 7 de setembro de 2016.

1. “Astroparticles: the energetic elite of the Universe”,

Vitor de Souza

2. “Azimuthal asymmetry in the risetime of the surface detector signals of the Pierre

Auger Observatory”

Bruno Daniel for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

3. “Performance and shielding analysis of the AMIGA detectors of the Pierre Auger


Bruno Daniel, Pierre Auger Collaboration

4. “Surface Scintillator Detectors for the Upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory”

Ugo Giaccari for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

5. “Search for correlations between the arrival directions of IceCube neutrino events

and ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the

Telescope Array”

João R. T. de Mello Neto for the IceCube, Pierre Auger, Telescope Array


6. Teses de Doutorado defendidas no período

1. “Estudo em multiresolução de anisotropias nas direções de chegada dos raios

cósmicos detectados no Observatório Pierre Auger”, de Jaime Souza de Oliveira, com

orientação de Rogério Menezes, defendida e aprovada na UFF no dia 22 de julho de


7. Dissertações de Mestrado defendidas no período

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1. "Uma comparação da distribuição das direções de chegada dos raios cósmicos de

ultra alta energia detectados no hemisfério norte e sul", de Carlos Soncco Meza, com

orientação de

de João Torres de Mello Neto e co-orientação de Ugo Giaccari, defendida e aprovada

na UFRH em 23 de março de 2016.

2 “Uso de Detectores de Radiação de Fluorescência Atmosférica no Estudo de Raios

Cósmicos de Ultra-Alta Energia”, de Vitor Prestes Luzio, com orientação de Marcelo

Leigui de Oliveira, defendida e aprovada na UFABC no dia 29 de julho de 2016.

8. Notas Internas da Colaboração (GAP Notes)

1. “Fluctuations of the LDF slope parameters”

Mary Diaz Castro e Edivaldo Moura Santos

GAP-Note 2016-031

2. “A comparison of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray arrival directions distributions

between the southern and northern hemisphere”

R.M. de Almeida, J.R.T. de Mello Neto, U. Giaccari, C. Soncco

GAP-Note 2016-026

3. “Reconstruction of atmospheric muons by MARTA as a tool to assess the SD


R. M. de Almeida, R. Conceição, U. Giaccari, J. S. de Oliveira, B. Tomé

GAP- Note 2016-28

4. “Angular Distribution of UHECRs with Full-Sky Coverage - II: A Look at the UHECR

Sky Above \'42/57\' EeV

R. M. de Almeida, J.R.T. de Mello Neto, O. Deligny, U. Giaccari, M. Mostafá

GAP- Note 2016-65

9. Capítulo de livro

Não tivemos publicação de capítulo de livro em 2016.

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10. Livros publicados com membros da equipe como autor, organizador ou editor

Não tivemos publicação de em 2016.

11. Plantões e Turnos de tomada de dados

Tivemos participação em três turnos de tomada de dados no detector de

fluorescência do Observatório realizados no período. Os turnos foram realizados no

inverno, em noites longas com mais de 12 horas contínuas de operação dos 27

telescópios, com atividades de calibração, abertura e fechamento dos telescópios de

acordo com as condições atmosféricas e de visibilidade, e monitoramento contínuo

dos telescópios. Também o monitoramento atmosférico com o LIDAR é realizado

pelos participantes do turno. Os turnos têm duração de 18 noites nessa estação do


Participaram dos turnos de tomada de dados em Malargüe durante o período:

Rodrigo Guedes Lang: turno de 25 de julho a 12 de agosto de 2016;

Guilherme Tomishiyo Teixeira de Souza: turno de 23 de agosto a 10 de

setembro de 2016;

Vitor Prestes Luzio: turno de 21 de setembro a 09 de outubro de 2016.

Profa. Carola Dobrigkeit Chinellato

Campinas, 10 de janeiro de 2017

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Testing Hadronic Interactions at Ultrahigh Energies with Air Showers Measured by the

Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab,1P. Abreu,

2M. Aglietta,

3,4E. J. Ahn,

5I. Al Samarai,

6I. F. M. Albuquerque,

7I. Allekotte,

8J. D. Allen,

9P. Allison,


A. Almela,11,12

J. Alvarez Castillo,13

J. Alvarez-Muñiz,14

M. Ambrosio,15

G. A. Anastasi,16

L. Anchordoqui,17

B. Andrada,11

S. Andringa,2C. Aramo,

15F. Arqueros,

18N. Arsene,

19H. Asorey,

8,20P. Assis,

2J. Aublin,

6G. Avila,


A.M. Badescu,23

C. Baus,24

J. J. Beatty,10

K. H. Becker,25

J. A. Bellido,26

C. Berat,27

M. E. Bertaina,28,4

X. Bertou,8

P. L. Biermann,29

P. Billoir,6J. Biteau,

30S. G. Blaess,

26A. Blanco,

2J. Blazek,

31C. Bleve,

32,33H. Blümer,


M. Boháčová,31

D. Boncioli,35,†

C. Bonifazi,36

N. Borodai,37

A.M. Botti,11,34

J. Brack,38

I. Brancus,39

T. Bretz,40

A. Bridgeman,34

F. L. Briechle,40

P. Buchholz,1A. Bueno,

41S. Buitink,

42M. Buscemi,

43,44K. S. Caballero-Mora,


B. Caccianiga,46L. Caccianiga,

6A. Cancio,

12,11F. Canfora,

42L. Caramete,

47R. Caruso,

43,44A. Castellina,

3,4G. Cataldi,


L. Cazon,2R. Cester,

28,4A. G. Chavez,

48A. Chiavassa,

28,4J. A. Chinellato,

49J. C. Chirinos Diaz,

50J. Chudoba,


R.W. Clay,26

R. Colalillo,51,15

A. Coleman,52

L. Collica,4M. R. Coluccia,

32,33R. Conceição,

2F. Contreras,


M. J. Cooper,26

S. Coutu,52

C. E. Covault,53

J. Cronin,54

R. Dallier,55,56

S. D’Amico,57,33

B. Daniel,49

S. Dasso,58,59

K. Daumiller,34

B. R. Dawson,26

R.M. de Almeida,60

S. J. de Jong,42,61

G. De Mauro,42

J. R. T. de Mello Neto,36

I. De Mitri,32,33

J. de Oliveira,60V. de Souza,

62J. Debatin,

34L. del Peral,

63O. Deligny,

30N. Dhital,

50C. Di Giulio,


A. Di Matteo,66,16

M. L. Díaz Castro,49

F. Diogo,2C. Dobrigkeit,

49J. C. D’Olivo,

13A. Dorofeev,

38R. C. dos Anjos,


M. T. Dova,68

A. Dundovic,69

J. Ebr,31

R. Engel,34

M. Erdmann,40

M. Erfani,1C. O. Escobar,

5,49J. Espadanal,


A. Etchegoyen,11,12

H. Falcke,42,70,61

K. Fang,54

G. R. Farrar,9A. C. Fauth,

49N. Fazzini,

5A. P. Ferguson,

53B. Fick,


J. M. Figueira,11A. Filevich,

11A. Filipčič,

71,72O. Fratu,

23M.M. Freire,

73T. Fujii,

54A. Fuster,

11,12F. Gallo,

11B. García,


D. Garcia-Pinto,18

F. Gate,55

H. Gemmeke,75

A. Gherghel-Lascu,39

P. L. Ghia,6U. Giaccari,

36M. Giammarchi,


M. Giller,76D. Głas,76 C. Glaser,40 H. Glass,5 G. Golup,8 M. Gómez Berisso,

8P. F. Gómez Vitale,

21,22N. González,


B. Gookin,38J. Gordon,

10A. Gorgi,

3,4P. Gorham,

77P. Gouffon,

7N. Griffith,

10A. F. Grillo,

35T. D. Grubb,

26F. Guarino,


G. P. Guedes,78M. R. Hampel,

11P. Hansen,

68D. Harari,

8T. A. Harrison,

26J. L. Harton,

38Q. Hasankiadeh,

34A. Haungs,


T. Hebbeker,40

D. Heck,34

P. Heimann,1A. E. Herve,

24G. C. Hill,

26C. Hojvat,

5N. Hollon,

54E. Holt,

34,11P. Homola,


J. R. Hörandel,42,61

P. Horvath,79

M. Hrabovský,79

T. Huege,34

J. Hulsman,11,34

A. Insolia,43,44

P. G. Isar,47

I. Jandt,25

S. Jansen,42,61

C. Jarne,68

J. A. Johnsen,80

M. Josebachuili,11

A. Kääpä,25

O. Kambeitz,24

K. H. Kampert,25

P. Kasper,5

I. Katkov,24B. Keilhauer,

34E. Kemp,

49R.M. Kieckhafer,

50H. O. Klages,

34M. Kleifges,

75J. Kleinfeller,

21R. Krause,


N. Krohm,25D. Kuempel,

40G. Kukec Mezek,

72N. Kunka,

75A. Kuotb Awad,

34D. LaHurd,

53L. Latronico,

4M. Lauscher,


P. Lautridou,55P. Lebrun,

5R. Legumina,

76M. A. Leigui de Oliveira,

81A. Letessier-Selvon,

6I. Lhenry-Yvon,

30K. Link,


L. Lopes,2R. López,

82A. López Casado,

14A. Lucero,

11,12M. Malacari,

26M. Mallamaci,

83,46D. Mandat,

31P. Mantsch,


A. G. Mariazzi,68

V. Marin,55

I. C. Mariş,41 G. Marsella,32,33

D. Martello,32,33

H. Martinez,84

O. Martínez Bravo,82

J. J. Masías Meza,59

H. J. Mathes,34

S. Mathys,25

J. Matthews,85

J. A. J. Matthews,86

G. Matthiae,64,65

D. Maurizio,87

E. Mayotte,80P. O. Mazur,

5C. Medina,

80G. Medina-Tanco,

13V. B. B. Mello,

36D. Melo,

11A. Menshikov,

75S. Messina,


M. I. Micheletti,73

L. Middendorf,40

I. A. Minaya,18

L. Miramonti,83,46

B. Mitrica,39

L. Molina-Bueno,41

S. Mollerach,8

F. Montanet,27

C. Morello,3,4

M. Mostafá,52

C. A. Moura,81

G. Müller,40

M. A. Muller,49,89

S. Müller,34,11

I. Naranjo,8

S. Navas,41P. Necesal,

31L. Nellen,

13A. Nelles,

42,61J. Neuser,

25P. H. Nguyen,

26M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu,

39M. Niechciol,


L. Niemietz,25

T. Niggemann,40

D. Nitz,50

D. Nosek,90

V. Novotny,90

H. Nožka,79 L. A. Núñez,20 L. Ochilo,1

F. Oikonomou,52A. Olinto,

54D. Pakk Selmi-Dei,

49M. Palatka,

31J. Pallotta,

91P. Papenbreer,

25G. Parente,

14A. Parra,


T. Paul,92,17

M. Pech,31

F. Pedreira,14

J. Pękala,37 R. Pelayo,93 J. Peña-Rodriguez,20 I. M. Pepe,94

L. A. S. Pereira,49

L. Perrone,32,33

E. Petermann,95

C. Peters,40

S. Petrera,66,16

J. Phuntsok,52

R. Piegaia,59

T. Pierog,34

P. Pieroni,59

M. Pimenta,2V. Pirronello,

43,44M. Platino,

11M. Plum,

40C. Porowski,

37R. R. Prado,

62P. Privitera,

54M. Prouza,


E. J. Quel,91S. Querchfeld,

25S. Quinn,

53J. Rautenberg,

25O. Ravel,

55D. Ravignani,

11B. Revenu,

55J. Ridky,

31M. Risse,


P. Ristori,91

V. Rizi,66,16

W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,14

J. Rodriguez Rojo,21

M. D. Rodríguez-Frías,63

D. Rogozin,34

J. Rosado,18M. Roth,

34E. Roulet,

8A. C. Rovero,

58S. J. Saffi,

26A. Saftoiu,

39H. Salazar,

82A. Saleh,

72F. Salesa Greus,


G. Salina,65J. D. Sanabria Gomez,

20F. Sánchez,

11P. Sanchez-Lucas,

41E. M. Santos,

7E. Santos,

49F. Sarazin,

80B. Sarkar,


R. Sarmento,2C. Sarmiento-Cano,

20R. Sato,

21C. Scarso,

21M. Schauer,

25V. Scherini,

32,33H. Schieler,

34D. Schmidt,


O. Scholten,88,‡

H. Schoorlemmer,77

P. Schovánek,31

F. G. Schröder,34

A. Schulz,34

J. Schulz,42

J. Schumacher,40

S. J. Sciutto,68

A. Segreto,96,44

M. Settimo,6A. Shadkam,

85R. C. Shellard,

87G. Sigl,

69O. Sima,

19A. Śmiałkowski,76

R. Šmída,34G. R. Snow,

95P. Sommers,

52S. Sonntag,

1J. Sorokin,

26R. Squartini,

21D. Stanca,

39S. Stanič,

72J. Stapleton,


PRL 117, 192001 (2016)

Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics

PHY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending


0031-9007=16=117(19)=192001(9) 192001-1 © 2016 American Physical Society

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Search for ultrarelativistic magnetic monopoles with the PierreAuger observatory

A. Aab,1P. Abreu,

2M. Aglietta,

3,4I. Al Samarai,

5I. F. M. Albuquerque,

6I. Allekotte,

7A. Almela,

8,9J. Alvarez Castillo,


J. Alvarez-Muñiz,11

M. Ambrosio,12

G. A. Anastasi,13

L. Anchordoqui,14

B. Andrada,8S. Andringa,

2C. Aramo,


F. Arqueros,15

N. Arsene,16

H. Asorey,7,17

P. Assis,2J. Aublin,

5G. Avila,

18,19A.M. Badescu,

20A. Balaceanu,


R. J. Barreira Luz,2C. Baus,

22J. J. Beatty,

23K. H. Becker,

24J. A. Bellido,

25C. Berat,

26M. E. Bertaina,

27,4X. Bertou,


P. L. Biermann,28

P. Billoir,5J. Biteau,

29S. G. Blaess,

25A. Blanco,

2J. Blazek,

30C. Bleve,

31,32M. Boháčová,


D. Boncioli,33,34

C. Bonifazi,35

N. Borodai,36

A.M. Botti,8,37

J. Brack,38

I. Brancus,21

T. Bretz,39

A. Bridgeman,37

F. L. Briechle,39

P. Buchholz,1A. Bueno,

40S. Buitink,

41M. Buscemi,

42,43K. S. Caballero-Mora,

44L. Caccianiga,


A. Cancio,9F. Canfora,

41L. Caramete,

45R. Caruso,

42,43A. Castellina,

3,4G. Cataldi,

32L. Cazon,

2R. Cester,


A. G. Chavez,46

J. A. Chinellato,47

J. Chudoba,30

R.W. Clay,25

R. Colalillo,48,12

A. Coleman,49

L. Collica,4

M. R. Coluccia,31,32

R. Conceição,2F. Contreras,

18,19M. J. Cooper,

25S. Coutu,

49C. E. Covault,

50J. Cronin,


S. D’Amico,52,32

B. Daniel,47

S. Dasso,53,54

K. Daumiller,37

B. R. Dawson,25

R.M. de Almeida,55

S. J. de Jong,41,56

G. De Mauro,41

J. R. T. de Mello Neto,57

I. De Mitri,31,32

J. de Oliveira,55

V. de Souza,58

J. Debatin,37

O. Deligny,29

C. Di Giulio,59,60

A. Di Matteo,61,62

M. L. Díaz Castro,47

F. Diogo,2C. Dobrigkeit,

47J. C. D’Olivo,

10A. Dorofeev,


R. C. dos Anjos,63

M. T. Dova,64

A. Dundovic,65

J. Ebr,30

R. Engel,37

M. Erdmann,39

M. Erfani,1C. O. Escobar,


J. Espadanal,2A. Etchegoyen,

8,9H. Falcke,

41,67,56K. Fang,

51G. Farrar,

68A. C. Fauth,

47N. Fazzini,

66B. Fick,


J. M. Figueira,8A. Filipčič,

70,71O. Fratu,

20M.M. Freire,

72T. Fujii,

51A. Fuster,

8,9R. Gaior,

5B. García,

73D. Garcia-Pinto,


F. Gaté,74

H. Gemmeke,74

A. Gherghel-Lascu,21

P. L. Ghia,5U. Giaccari,

57M. Giammarchi,

75M. Giller,

76D. Głas,77

C. Glaser,39H. Glass,

66G. Golup,

7M. Gómez Berisso,

7P. F. Gómez Vitale,

18,19N. González,

8,37B. Gookin,

38A. Gorgi,


P. Gorham,78

P. Gouffon,6A. F. Grillo,

33T. D. Grubb,

25F. Guarino,

48,12G. P. Guedes,

79M. R. Hampel,

8P. Hansen,


D. Harari,7T. A. Harrison,

25J. L. Harton,

38Q. Hasankiadeh,

80A. Haungs,

37T. Hebbeker,

39D. Heck,

37P. Heimann,


A. E. Herve,22

G. C. Hill,25

C. Hojvat,66

E. Holt,37,8

P. Homola,36

J. R. Hörandel,41,56

P. Horvath,81

M. Hrabovský,81

T. Huege,37

J. Hulsman,8,37

A. Insolia,42,43

P. G. Isar,45

I. Jandt,24

S. Jansen,41,56

J. A. Johnsen,82

M. Josebachuili,8

A. Kääpä,24

O. Kambeitz,22

K. H. Kampert,24

P. Kasper,66

I. Katkov,22

B. Keilhauer,37

E. Kemp,47

J. Kemp,83

R.M. Kieckhafer,69

H. O. Klages,37

M. Kleifges,74

J. Kleinfeller,18

R. Krause,83

N. Krohm,24

D. Kuempel,83

G. Kukec Mezek,71

N. Kunka,74

A. Kuotb Awad,37

D. LaHurd,50

M. Lauscher,39

P. Lebrun,66

R. Legumina,76

M. A. Leigui de Oliveira,84A. Letessier-Selvon,

5I. Lhenry-Yvon,

29K. Link,

22L. Lopes,

2R. López,

85A. López Casado,


Q. Luce,29

A. Lucero,8,9

M. Malacari,51

M. Mallamaci,86,75

D. Mandat,30

P. Mantsch,66

A. G. Mariazzi,64

I. C. Mariş,40

G. Marsella,31,32

D. Martello,31,32

H. Martinez,87O. Martínez Bravo,

85J. J. Masías Meza,

54H. J. Mathes,

37S. Mathys,


J. Matthews,88

J. A. J. Matthews,89

G. Matthiae,59,60

E. Mayotte,24

P. O. Mazur,66

C. Medina,82

G. Medina-Tanco,10

D. Melo,8A. Menshikov,

74S. Messina,

80M. I. Micheletti,

72L. Middendorf,

39I. A. Minaya,

15L. Miramonti,


B. Mitrica,21D. Mockler,

22L. Molina-Bueno,

40S. Mollerach,

7F. Montanet,

26C. Morello,

3,4M. Mostafá,

49G. Müller,


M. A. Muller,47,90

S. Müller,37,8

I. Naranjo,7L. Nellen,

10J. Neuser,

24P. H. Nguyen,

25M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu,


M. Niechciol,1L. Niemietz,

24T. Niggemann,

39D. Nitz,

69D. Nosek,

91V. Novotny,

91H. Nožka,81 L. A. Núñez,17 L. Ochilo,1

F. Oikonomou,49A. Olinto,

51D. Pakk Selmi-Dei,

47M. Palatka,

30J. Pallotta,

92P. Papenbreer,

24G. Parente,

11A. Parra,


T. Paul,93,14

M. Pech,30

F. Pedreira,11

J. Pekala,36

R. Pelayo,94

J. Peña-Rodriguez,17

L. A. S. Pereira,47

L. Perrone,31,95

C. Peters,39

S. Petrera,61,13,62

J. Phuntsok,49

R. Piegaia,54

T. Pierog,37

P. Pieroni,54

M. Pimenta,2V. Pirronello,


M. Platino,8M. Plum,

39C. Porowski,

36R. R. Prado,

58P. Privitera,

51M. Prouza,

30E. J. Quel,

92S. Querchfeld,

24S. Quinn,


R. Ramos-Pollan,17

J. Rautenberg,24

D. Ravignani,8D. Reinert,

39B. Revenu,

96J. Ridky,

30M. Risse,

1P. Ristori,


V. Rizi,61,62

W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,6G. Rodriguez Fernandez,

59,60J. Rodriguez Rojo,

18D. Rogozin,

37M. Roth,


E. Roulet,7A. C. Rovero,

53S. J. Saffi,

25A. Saftoiu,

21F. Salamida,

29,97H. Salazar,

85A. Saleh,

71F. Salesa Greus,


G. Salina,60J. D. Sanabria Gomez,

17F. Sánchez,

8P. Sanchez-Lucas,

40E. M. Santos,

6E. Santos,

8F. Sarazin,

82B. Sarkar,


R. Sarmento,2C. A. Sarmiento,

8R. Sato,

18M. Schauer,

24V. Scherini,

31,32H. Schieler,

37M. Schimp,

24D. Schmidt,


O. Scholten,80,98

P. Schovánek,30F. G. Schröder,

37A. Schulz,

37J. Schulz,

41J. Schumacher,

39S. J. Sciutto,

64A. Segreto,


M. Settimo,5A. Shadkam,

88R. C. Shellard,

100G. Sigl,

65G. Silli,

8,37O. Sima,

16A. Śmiałkowski,76 R. Šmída,


G. R. Snow,101

P. Sommers,49S. Sonntag,

1J. Sorokin,

25R. Squartini,

18D. Stanca,

21S. Stanič,

71J. Stasielak,

36P. Stassi,


F. Strafella,31,32

F. Suarez,8,9

M. Suarez Durán,17

T. Sudholz,25

T. Suomijärvi,29

A. D. Supanitsky,53

J. Swain,93

Z. Szadkowski,77A. Taboada,

22O. A. Taborda,

7A. Tapia,

8V.M. Theodoro,

47C. Timmermans,

56,41C. J. Todero Peixoto,


L. Tomankova,37B. Tomé,

2G. Torralba Elipe,

11D. Torres Machado,

57M. Torri,

86P. Travnicek,

30M. Trini,

71R. Ulrich,


M. Unger,68,37

M. Urban,39

J. F. Valdés Galicia,10

I. Valiño,11

L. Valore,48,12

G. van Aar,41

P. van Bodegom,25

A.M. van den Berg,80A. van Vliet,

41E. Varela,

85B. Vargas Cárdenas,

10G. Varner,

78J. R. Vázquez,

15R. A. Vázquez,


D. Veberič,37I. D. Vergara Quispe,

64V. Verzi,

60J. Vicha,

30L. Villaseñor,

46S. Vorobiov,

71H. Wahlberg,

64O. Wainberg,


PHYSICAL REVIEW D 94, 082002 (2016)

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Physics Letters B 762 (2016) 288–295

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Physics Letters B


Evidence for a mixed mass composition at the ‘ankle’ in the

cosmic-ray spectrum

Pierre Auger Collaboration

A. Aab ak, P. Abreu br, M. Aglietta av,au, E.J. Ahn cg, I. Al Samarai ac, I.F.M. Albuquerque p, I. Allekotte a, P. Allison cl, A. Almela h,k, J. Alvarez Castillo bj, J. Alvarez-Muñiz cb, M. Ambrosio as, G.A. Anastasi al, L. Anchordoqui cf, B. Andrada h, S. Andringa br, C. Aramo as, F. Arqueros by, N. Arsene bu, H. Asorey a,x, P. Assis br, J. Aublin ac, G. Avila i,j, A.M. Badescu bv, A. Balaceanu bs, C. Baus af, J.J. Beatty cl, K.H. Becker ae, J.A. Bellido l, C. Berat ad, M.E. Bertaina bd,au, X. Bertou a, P.L. Biermann 1, P. Billoir ac, J. Biteau ab, S.G. Blaess l, A. Blanco br, J. Blazek y, C. Bleve ax,aq, M. Bohácová y, D. Boncioli an,2, C. Bonifazi v, N. Borodai bo, A.M. Botti h,ag, J. Brack ce, I. Brancus bs, T. Bretz ai, A. Bridgeman ag, F.L. Briechle ai, P. Buchholz ak, A. Bueno ca, S. Buitink bk, M. Buscemi az,ap, K.S. Caballero-Mora bh, B. Caccianiga ar, L. Caccianiga ac, A. Cancio k,h, F. Canfora bk, L. Caramete bt, R. Caruso az,ap, A. Castellina av,au, G. Cataldi aq, L. Cazon br, R. Cester bd,au, A.G. Chavez bi, A. Chiavassa bd,au, J.A. Chinellato q, J. Chudoba y, R.W. Clay l, R. Colalillo bb,as, A. Coleman cm, L. Collica au, M.R. Coluccia ax,aq, R. Conceição br, F. Contreras i,j, M.J. Cooper l, S. Coutu cm, C.E. Covault cc, J. Cronin cn, R. Dallier 3, S. D’Amico aw,aq, B. Daniel q, S. Dasso e,c, K. Daumiller ag, B.R. Dawson l, R.M. de Almeidaw, S.J. de Jong bk,bm, G. De Mauro bk, J.R.T. de Mello Neto v, I. De Mitri ax,aq, J. de Oliveiraw, V. de Souza o, J. Debatin ag, L. del Peral bz, O. Deligny ab, C. Di Giulio bc,at, A. Di Matteo ay,ao, M.L. Díaz Castro q, F. Diogo br, C. Dobrigkeit q, J.C. D’Olivo bj, A. Dorofeev ce, R.C. dos Anjos u, M.T. Dova d, A. Dundovic aj, J. Ebr y, R. Engel ag, M. Erdmann ai, M. Erfani ak, C.O. Escobar cg,q, J. Espadanal br, A. Etchegoyen h,k, H. Falcke bk,bn,bm, K. Fang cn, G. Farrar cj, A.C. Fauth q, N. Fazzini cg, B. Fick ci, J.M. Figueira h, A. Filevich h, A. Filipcic bw,bx, O. Fratu bv, M.M. Freire f, T. Fujii cn, A. Fuster h,k, B. García g, D. Garcia-Pinto by, F. Gaté 3, H. Gemmeke ah, A. Gherghel-Lascu bs, P.L. Ghia ac, U. Giaccari v, M. Giammarchi ar, M. Giller bp, D. Głas bq, C. Glaser ai, H. Glass cg, G. Golup a, M. Gómez Berisso a, P.F. Gómez Vitale i,j, N. González h,ag, B. Gookin ce, J. Gordon cl, A. Gorgi av,au, P. Gorham co, P. Gouffon p, A.F. Grillo an, T.D. Grubb l, F. Guarino bb,as, G.P. Guedes r, M.R. Hampel h, P. Hansen d, D. Harari a, T.A. Harrison l, J.L. Harton ce, Q. Hasankiadeh bl, A. Haungs ag, T. Hebbeker ai, D. Heck ag, P. Heimann ak, A.E. Herve af, G.C. Hill l, C. Hojvat cg, E. Holt ag,h, P. Homola bo, J.R. Hörandel bk,bm, P. Horvath z, M. Hrabovský z, T. Huege ag, J. Hulsman h,ag, A. Insolia az,ap, P.G. Isar bt, I. Jandt ae, S. Jansen bk,bm, J.A. Johnsen cd, M. Josebachuili h, A. Kääpä ae, O. Kambeitz af, K.H. Kampert ae, P. Kasper cg, I. Katkov af, B. Keilhauer ag, E. Kemp q, R.M. Kieckhafer ci, H.O. Klages ag, M. Kleifges ah, J. Kleinfeller i, R. Krause ai, N. Krohm ae, D. Kuempel ai, G. Kukec Mezek bx, N. Kunka ah, A. Kuotb Awad ag, D. LaHurd cc, L. Latronico au, M. Lauscher ai, P. Lautridou 3, P. Lebrun cg, R. Legumina bp, M.A. Leigui de Oliveira t, A. Letessier-Selvon ac, I. Lhenry-Yvon ab, K. Link af, L. Lopes br, R. López be, A. López Casado cb, Q. Luce ab, A. Lucero h,k, M. Malacari l, M. Mallamaci ba,ar,


0370-2693/ 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3 .

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DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2016-16301-6

Regular Article

Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2016) 131: 301 THE EUROPEAN


Measurement of the muon production depths at the PierreAuger Observatory⋆

Laura Collica1,a for the Pierre Auger Collaboration2,b

1 INFN Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 1, Torino, Italy2 Observatorio Pierre Auger, Av. San Martın Norte 304, 5613 Malargue, Argentina

Received: 6 July 2016

Published online: 9 September 2016 – c© Societa Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2016

Abstract. The muon content of extensive air showers is an observable sensitive to the primary compositionand to the hadronic interaction properties. The Pierre Auger Observatory uses water-Cherenkov detectorsto measure particle densities at the ground and therefore is sensitive to the muon content of air showers.We present here a method which allows us to estimate the muon production depths by exploiting themeasurement of the muon arrival times at the ground recorded with the Surface Detector of the PierreAuger Observatory. The analysis is performed in a large range of zenith angles, thanks to the capability ofestimating and subtracting the electromagnetic component, and for energies between 1019.2 and 1020 eV.

1 Introduction

The spectrum and arrival directions of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) above 1018 eV have been recentlymeasured with unprecedented precision [1,2]. The flux of cosmic rays at these energies is very low (less than 100particles km−2yr−1) and their origin is still not well understood. Establishing the cosmic-ray composition at the highestenergies is of fundamental importance from the astrophysical point of view, since it could discriminate between differentscenarios of origin and propagation of cosmic rays. Moreover, mass composition studies are of utmost importance forparticle physics. As a matter of fact, knowing the composition helps in exploring the hadronic interactions at ultra-highenergies, inaccessible to present accelerator experiments.

UHECRs properties cannot be determined from direct detection, due to their low flux, but must be inferred fromthe measurements of the secondary particles that the cosmic-ray primary produces in the atmosphere. These particlescascades are called Extensive Air Showers (EAS) and can be studied at the ground by deploying detectors coveringlarge areas.

Composition studies on a shower to shower basis are challenging because of the intrinsic shower-to-shower fluc-tuations which characterise shower properties. These fluctuations come from the random nature of the interactionprocesses, in particular the height of the first interaction. However, showers originating from different primaries can bedistinguished, at least statistically, given their different cross sections with air nuclei and distinct hadronic multiparti-cle production properties. Masses may be inferred from comparisons of the measured observables with predictions forthese same observables from Monte Carlo simulations. These simulations rely on hadronic interaction models, whichextrapolate interaction details from measurements in the accelerators domain to much higher energies and to differ-ent kinematic regions. Therefore, comparisons with simulations constitute the most prominent source of systematicuncertainties.

Information about the composition of the primary cosmic rays has been obtained using the Fluorescence Detector(FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory [3]. The FD allows the measurement of the depth at which the electromagneticcomponent of the air shower reaches its maximum number of particles, Xmax [4]. This observable is sensitive to thenature of the primary particles, as well as the standard deviation of its distribution, σ(Xmax). The interpretation

⋆ This paper is based on the author’s PhD thesis, that was awarded the INFN “Bruno Rossi” prize in 2016.a e-mail: [email protected] Full author list: http://www.auger.org/archive/authors 2015 06.html

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Energy estimation of cosmic rays with the Engineering Radio Arrayof the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab,1P. Abreu,

2M. Aglietta,

3E. J. Ahn,

4I. Al Samarai,

5I. F. M. Albuquerque,

6I. Allekotte,

7P. Allison,

8A. Almela,


J. Alvarez Castillo,11

J. Alvarez-Muñiz,12

R. Alves Batista,13

M. Ambrosio,14

A. Aminaei,15

G. A. Anastasi,16

L. Anchordoqui,17S. Andringa,

2C. Aramo,

14F. Arqueros,

18N. Arsene,

19H. Asorey,

7,20P. Assis,

2J. Aublin,

21G. Avila,


N. Awal,23A.M. Badescu,

24C. Baus,

25J. J. Beatty,

8K. H. Becker,

26J. A. Bellido,

27C. Berat,

28M. E. Bertaina,

3X. Bertou,


P. L. Biermann,29

P. Billoir,21

S. G. Blaess,27

A. Blanco,2M. Blanco,

21J. Blazek,

30C. Bleve,

31H. Blümer,


M. Boháčová,30

D. Boncioli,33

C. Bonifazi,34

N. Borodai,35

J. Brack,36

I. Brancus,37

T. Bretz,38

A. Bridgeman,32

P. Brogueira,2P. Buchholz,

1A. Bueno,

39S. Buitink,

15M. Buscemi,

14K. S. Caballero-Mora,

40B. Caccianiga,


L. Caccianiga,21

M. Candusso,42

L. Caramete,43

R. Caruso,16

A. Castellina,3G. Cataldi,

31L. Cazon,

2R. Cester,


A. G. Chavez,45A. Chiavassa,

3J. A. Chinellato,

46J. Chudoba,

30M. Cilmo,

14R.W. Clay,

27G. Cocciolo,

31R. Colalillo,


A. Coleman,47

L. Collica,41

M. R. Coluccia,31

R. Conceição,2F. Contreras,

48M. J. Cooper,

27A. Cordier,

49S. Coutu,


C. E. Covault,50J. Cronin,

51R. Dallier,

52,53B. Daniel,

46S. Dasso,

54,55K. Daumiller,

32B. R. Dawson,

27R.M. de Almeida,


S. J. de Jong,15,57

G. De Mauro,15J. R. T. de Mello Neto,

34I. De Mitri,

31J. de Oliveira,

56V. de Souza,

58L. del Peral,


O. Deligny,5N. Dhital,

60C. Di Giulio,

42A. Di Matteo,

61J. C. Diaz,

60M. L. Díaz Castro,

46F. Diogo,

2C. Dobrigkeit,


W. Docters,62

J. C. D’Olivo,11

A. Dorofeev,36

Q. Dorosti Hasankiadeh,32

R. C. dos Anjos,58

M. T. Dova,63

J. Ebr,30

R. Engel,32

M. Erdmann,38

M. Erfani,1C. O. Escobar,

4,46J. Espadanal,

2A. Etchegoyen,

10,9H. Falcke,

15,64,57K. Fang,


G. Farrar,23

A. C. Fauth,46

N. Fazzini,4A. P. Ferguson,

50B. Fick,

60J. M. Figueira,

10A. Filevich,

10A. Filipčič,


O. Fratu,24

M.M. Freire,67

T. Fujii,51

B. García,68

D. Garcia-Gamez,49

D. Garcia-Pinto,18

F. Gate,52

H. Gemmeke,69

A. Gherghel-Lascu,37

P. L. Ghia,21

U. Giaccari,34

M. Giammarchi,41

M. Giller,70

D. Głas,70 C. Glaser,38 H. Glass,4

G. Golup,7M. Gómez Berisso,

7P. F. Gómez Vitale,

22N. González,

10B. Gookin,

36J. Gordon,

8A. Gorgi,

3P. Gorham,


P. Gouffon,6N. Griffith,

8A. F. Grillo,

33T. D. Grubb,

27F. Guarino,

14G. P. Guedes,

72M. R. Hampel,

10P. Hansen,


D. Harari,7T. A. Harrison,

27S. Hartmann,

38J. L. Harton,

36A. Haungs,

32T. Hebbeker,

38D. Heck,

32P. Heimann,


A. E. Herve,32

G. C. Hill,27

C. Hojvat,4N. Hollon,

51E. Holt,

32P. Homola,

26J. R. Hörandel,

15,57P. Horvath,


M. Hrabovský,73,30

D. Huber,25T. Huege,

32A. Insolia,

16P. G. Isar,

43I. Jandt,

26S. Jansen,

15,57C. Jarne,

63J. A. Johnsen,


M. Josebachuili,10

A. Kääpä,26

O. Kambeitz,25

K. H. Kampert,26

P. Kasper,4I. Katkov,

25B. Keilhauer,

32E. Kemp,


R.M. Kieckhafer,60

H. O. Klages,32

M. Kleifges,69

J. Kleinfeller,48

R. Krause,38

N. Krohm,26

D. Kuempel,38

G. Kukec Mezek,66

N. Kunka,69

A.W. Kuotb Awad,32

D. LaHurd,50

L. Latronico,3R. Lauer,

75M. Lauscher,


P. Lautridou,52S. Le Coz,

28D. Lebrun,

28P. Lebrun,

4M. A. Leigui de Oliveira,

76A. Letessier-Selvon,

21I. Lhenry-Yvon,


K. Link,25

L. Lopes,2R. López,

77A. López Casado,

12K. Louedec,

28A. Lucero,

10M. Malacari,

27M. Mallamaci,


J. Maller,52

D. Mandat,30

P. Mantsch,4A. G. Mariazzi,

63V. Marin,

52I. C. Mariş,39 G. Marsella,

31D. Martello,


H. Martinez,78

O. Martínez Bravo,77

D. Martraire,5J. J. Masías Meza,

55H. J. Mathes,

32S. Mathys,

26J. Matthews,


J. A. J. Matthews,75

G. Matthiae,42

D. Maurizio,80

E. Mayotte,74

P. O. Mazur,4C. Medina,

74G. Medina-Tanco,


R. Meissner,38

V. B. B. Mello,34

D. Melo,10

A. Menshikov,69

S. Messina,62

M. I. Micheletti,67

L. Middendorf,38

I. A. Minaya,18L. Miramonti,

41B. Mitrica,

37L. Molina-Bueno,

39S. Mollerach,

7F. Montanet,

28C. Morello,

3M. Mostafá,


C. A. Moura,76M. A. Muller,

46,81G. Müller,

38S. Müller,

32S. Navas,

39P. Necesal,

30L. Nellen,

11A. Nelles,

15,57J. Neuser,


P. H. Nguyen,27

M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu,37

M. Niechciol,1L. Niemietz,

26T. Niggemann,

38D. Nitz,

60D. Nosek,


V. Novotny,82L. Nožka,73 L. A. Núñez,20 L. Ochilo,1 F. Oikonomou,

47A. Olinto,

51N. Pacheco,

59D. Pakk Selmi-Dei,


M. Palatka,30

J. Pallotta,83

P. Papenbreer,26

G. Parente,12

A. Parra,77

T. Paul,17,84

M. Pech,30

J. Pekala,35

R. Pelayo,85

I. M. Pepe,86L. Perrone,

31E. Petermann,

87C. Peters,

38S. Petrera,

61,88Y. Petrov,

36J. Phuntsok,

47R. Piegaia,

55T. Pierog,


P. Pieroni,55

M. Pimenta,2V. Pirronello,

16M. Platino,

10M. Plum,

38A. Porcelli,

32C. Porowski,

35R. R. Prado,


P. Privitera,51

M. Prouza,30

E. J. Quel,83

S. Querchfeld,26

S. Quinn,50

J. Rautenberg,26

O. Ravel,52

D. Ravignani,10

D. Reinert,38B. Revenu,

52J. Ridky,

30M. Risse,

1P. Ristori,

83V. Rizi,

61W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,

12J. Rodriguez Rojo,


M. D. Rodríguez-Frías,59

D. Rogozin,32

J. Rosado,18

M. Roth,32

E. Roulet,7A. C. Rovero,

54S. J. Saffi,

27A. Saftoiu,


H. Salazar,77

A. Saleh,66

F. Salesa Greus,47

G. Salina,42

J. D. Sanabria Gomez,20

F. Sánchez,10

P. Sanchez-Lucas,39

E. Santos,46

E.M. Santos,6F. Sarazin,

74B. Sarkar,

26R. Sarmento,

2C. Sarmiento-Cano,

20R. Sato,

48C. Scarso,


M. Schauer,26

V. Scherini,31

H. Schieler,32

D. Schmidt,32

O. Scholten,62,89

H. Schoorlemmer,71

P. Schovánek,30

F. G. Schröder,32

A. Schulz,32

J. Schulz,15

J. Schumacher,38

S. J. Sciutto,63

A. Segreto,90

M. Settimo,21

A. Shadkam,79

R. C. Shellard,80

G. Sigl,13

O. Sima,19

A. Śmiałkowski,70 R. Šmída,32

G. R. Snow,87

P. Sommers,47

S. Sonntag,1

J. Sorokin,27

R. Squartini,48

Y. N. Srivastava,84

D. Stanca,37

S. Stanič,66

J. Stapleton,8J. Stasielak,

35M. Stephan,


A. Stutz,28

F. Suarez,10,9

M. Suarez Durán,20

T. Suomijärvi,5A. D. Supanitsky,

54M. S. Sutherland,

8J. Swain,


Z. Szadkowski,70

O. A. Taborda,7A. Tapia,

10A. Tepe,

1V.M. Theodoro,

46C. Timmermans,

57,15C. J. Todero Peixoto,


G. Toma,37

L. Tomankova,32

B. Tomé,2A. Tonachini,

44G. Torralba Elipe,

12D. Torres Machado,

34P. Travnicek,


PHYSICAL REVIEW D 93, 122005 (2016)

2470-0010=2016=93(12)=122005(15) 122005-1 © 2016 American Physical Society

Page 33: OBSERVATÓRIO PIERRE AUGER RELATÓRIO DE ATIVIDADES 2016 · 2017. 2. 7. · 4. Trabalho publicado em revista não indexada ... Colaborador paramétrica em análise de Aplicação

Measurement of the Radiation Energy in the Radio Signal of Extensive Air Showers

as a Universal Estimator of Cosmic-Ray Energy

A. Aab,1P. Abreu,

2M. Aglietta,

3E. J. Ahn,

4I. Al Samarai,

5I. F. M. Albuquerque,

6I. Allekotte,

7P. Allison,

8A. Almela,


J. Alvarez Castillo,11

J. Alvarez-Muñiz,12

R. Alves Batista,13

M. Ambrosio,14

A. Aminaei,15

G. A. Anastasi,16

L. Anchordoqui,17S. Andringa,

2C. Aramo,

14F. Arqueros,

18N. Arsene,

19H. Asorey,

7,20P. Assis,

2J. Aublin,

21G. Avila,


N. Awal,23A.M. Badescu,

24C. Baus,

25J. J. Beatty,

8K. H. Becker,

26J. A. Bellido,

27C. Berat,

28M. E. Bertaina,

3X. Bertou,


P. L. Biermann,29

P. Billoir,21

S. G. Blaess,27

A. Blanco,2M. Blanco,

21J. Blazek,

30C. Bleve,

31H. Blümer,


M. Boháčová,30

D. Boncioli,33

C. Bonifazi,34

N. Borodai,35

J. Brack,36

I. Brancus,37

T. Bretz,38

A. Bridgeman,32

P. Brogueira,2P. Buchholz,

1A. Bueno,

39S. Buitink,

15M. Buscemi,

14K. S. Caballero-Mora,

40B. Caccianiga,


L. Caccianiga,21

M. Candusso,42

L. Caramete,43

R. Caruso,16

A. Castellina,3G. Cataldi,

31L. Cazon,

2R. Cester,


A. G. Chavez,45A. Chiavassa,

3J. A. Chinellato,

46J. Chudoba,

30M. Cilmo,

14R.W. Clay,

27G. Cocciolo,

31R. Colalillo,


A. Coleman,47

L. Collica,41

M. R. Coluccia,31

R. Conceição,2F. Contreras,

48M. J. Cooper,

27A. Cordier,

49S. Coutu,


C. E. Covault,50J. Cronin,

51R. Dallier,

52,53B. Daniel,

46S. Dasso,

54,55K. Daumiller,

32B. R. Dawson,

27R.M. de Almeida,


S. J. de Jong,15,57

G. De Mauro,15J. R. T. de Mello Neto,

34I. De Mitri,

31J. de Oliveira,

56V. de Souza,

58L. del Peral,


O. Deligny,5N. Dhital,

60C. Di Giulio,

42A. Di Matteo,

61J. C. Diaz,

60M. L. Díaz Castro,

46F. Diogo,

2C. Dobrigkeit,


W. Docters,62

J. C. D’Olivo,11

A. Dorofeev,36

Q. Dorosti Hasankiadeh,32

R. C. dos Anjos,58

M. T. Dova,63

J. Ebr,30

R. Engel,32

M. Erdmann,38

M. Erfani,1C. O. Escobar,

4,46J. Espadanal,

2A. Etchegoyen,

10,9H. Falcke,

15,64,57K. Fang,


G. Farrar,23

A. C. Fauth,46

N. Fazzini,4A. P. Ferguson,

50B. Fick,

60J. M. Figueira,

10A. Filevich,

10A. Filipčič,


O. Fratu,24

M.M. Freire,67

T. Fujii,51

B. García,68

D. Garcia-Gamez,49

D. Garcia-Pinto,18

F. Gate,52

H. Gemmeke,69

A. Gherghel-Lascu,37

P. L. Ghia,21

U. Giaccari,34

M. Giammarchi,41

M. Giller,70

D. Głas,70 C. Glaser,38 H. Glass,4

G. Golup,7M. Gómez Berisso,

7P. F. Gómez Vitale,

22N. González,

10B. Gookin,

36J. Gordon,

8A. Gorgi,

3P. Gorham,


P. Gouffon,6N. Griffith,

8A. F. Grillo,

33T. D. Grubb,

27F. Guarino,

14G. P. Guedes,

72M. R. Hampel,

10P. Hansen,


D. Harari,7T. A. Harrison,

27S. Hartmann,

38J. L. Harton,

36A. Haungs,

32T. Hebbeker,

38D. Heck,

32P. Heimann,


A. E. Herve,32

G. C. Hill,27

C. Hojvat,4N. Hollon,

51E. Holt,

32P. Homola,

26J. R. Hörandel,

15,57P. Horvath,


M. Hrabovský,73,30

D. Huber,25T. Huege,

32A. Insolia,

16P. G. Isar,

43I. Jandt,

26S. Jansen,

15,57C. Jarne,

63J. A. Johnsen,


M. Josebachuili,10

A. Kääpä,26

O. Kambeitz,25

K. H. Kampert,26

P. Kasper,4I. Katkov,

25B. Keilhauer,

32E. Kemp,


R.M. Kieckhafer,60

H. O. Klages,32

M. Kleifges,69

J. Kleinfeller,48

R. Krause,38

N. Krohm,26

D. Kuempel,38

G. Kukec Mezek,66

N. Kunka,69

A.W. Kuotb Awad,32

D. LaHurd,50

L. Latronico,3R. Lauer,

75M. Lauscher,


P. Lautridou,52S. Le Coz,

28D. Lebrun,

28P. Lebrun,

4M. A. Leigui de Oliveira,

76A. Letessier-Selvon,

21I. Lhenry-Yvon,


K. Link,25

L. Lopes,2R. López,

77A. López Casado,

12K. Louedec,

28A. Lucero,

10M. Malacari,

27M. Mallamaci,


J. Maller,52

D. Mandat,30

P. Mantsch,4A. G. Mariazzi,

63V. Marin,

52I. C. Mariş,39 G. Marsella,

31D. Martello,


H. Martinez,78

O. Martínez Bravo,77

D. Martraire,5J. J. Masías Meza,

55H. J. Mathes,

32S. Mathys,

26J. Matthews,


J. A. J. Matthews,75

G. Matthiae,42

D. Maurizio,80

E. Mayotte,74

P. O. Mazur,4C. Medina,

74G. Medina-Tanco,


R. Meissner,38

V. B. B. Mello,34

D. Melo,10

A. Menshikov,69

S. Messina,62

M. I. Micheletti,67

L. Middendorf,38

I. A. Minaya,18L. Miramonti,

41B. Mitrica,

37L. Molina-Bueno,

39S. Mollerach,

7F. Montanet,

28C. Morello,

3M. Mostafá,


C. A. Moura,76M. A. Muller,

46,81G. Müller,

38S. Müller,

32S. Navas,

39P. Necesal,

30L. Nellen,

11A. Nelles,

15,57J. Neuser,


P. H. Nguyen,27

M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu,37

M. Niechciol,1L. Niemietz,

26T. Niggemann,

38D. Nitz,

60D. Nosek,


V. Novotny,82L. Nožka,73 L. A. Núñez,20 L. Ochilo,1 F. Oikonomou,

47A. Olinto,

51N. Pacheco,

59D. Pakk Selmi-Dei,


M. Palatka,30

J. Pallotta,83

P. Papenbreer,26

G. Parente,12

A. Parra,77

T. Paul,17,84

M. Pech,30

J. Pekala,35

R. Pelayo,85

I. M. Pepe,86L. Perrone,

31E. Petermann,

87C. Peters,

38S. Petrera,

61,88Y. Petrov,

36J. Phuntsok,

47R. Piegaia,

55T. Pierog,


P. Pieroni,55

M. Pimenta,2V. Pirronello,

16M. Platino,

10M. Plum,

38A. Porcelli,

32C. Porowski,

35R. R. Prado,


P. Privitera,51

M. Prouza,30

E. J. Quel,83

S. Querchfeld,26

S. Quinn,50

J. Rautenberg,26

O. Ravel,52

D. Ravignani,10

D. Reinert,38B. Revenu,

52J. Ridky,

30M. Risse,

1P. Ristori,

83V. Rizi,

61W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,

12J. Rodriguez Rojo,


M. D. Rodríguez-Frías,59

D. Rogozin,32

J. Rosado,18

M. Roth,32

E. Roulet,7A. C. Rovero,

54S. J. Saffi,

27A. Saftoiu,


H. Salazar,77

A. Saleh,66

F. Salesa Greus,47

G. Salina,42

J. D. Sanabria Gomez,20

F. Sánchez,10

P. Sanchez-Lucas,39

E. Santos,46

E.M. Santos,6F. Sarazin,

74B. Sarkar,

26R. Sarmento,

2C. Sarmiento-Cano,

20R. Sato,

48C. Scarso,


M. Schauer,26

V. Scherini,31

H. Schieler,32

D. Schmidt,32

O. Scholten,62,89

H. Schoorlemmer,71

P. Schovánek,30

F. G. Schröder,32

A. Schulz,32

J. Schulz,15

J. Schumacher,38

S. J. Sciutto,63

A. Segreto,90

M. Settimo,21

A. Shadkam,79

R. C. Shellard,80

G. Sigl,13

O. Sima,19

A. Śmiałkowski,70 R. Šmída,32

G. R. Snow,87

P. Sommers,47

S. Sonntag,1

PRL 116, 241101 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending17 JUNE 2016

0031-9007=16=116(24)=241101(9) 241101-1 © 2016 American Physical Society

Page 34: OBSERVATÓRIO PIERRE AUGER RELATÓRIO DE ATIVIDADES 2016 · 2017. 2. 7. · 4. Trabalho publicado em revista não indexada ... Colaborador paramétrica em análise de Aplicação

Azimuthal asymmetry in the risetime of the surface detector signalsof the Pierre Auger Observatory

A. Aab,1P. Abreu,

2M. Aglietta,

3,4E. J. Ahn,

5I. Al Samarai,

6I. F. M. Albuquerque,

7I. Allekotte,

8P. Allison,


A. Almela,10,11

J. Alvarez Castillo,12

J. Alvarez-Muñiz,13

R. Alves Batista,14

M. Ambrosio,15

L. Anchordoqui,16

B. Andrada,10

S. Andringa,2C. Aramo,

15F. Arqueros,

17N. Arsene,

18H. Asorey,

8,19P. Assis,

2J. Aublin,

6G. Avila,


N. Awal,22

A.M. Badescu,23

C. Baus,24

J. J. Beatty,9K. H. Becker,

25J. A. Bellido,

26C. Berat,

27M. E. Bertaina,


X. Bertou,8P. L. Biermann,

29P. Billoir,

6S. G. Blaess,

26A. Blanco,

2J. Blazek,

30C. Bleve,

31,32H. Blümer,


M. Boháčová,30

D. Boncioli,34,35

C. Bonifazi,36

N. Borodai,37

A.M. Botti,10,33

J. Brack,38

I. Brancus,39

T. Bretz,40

A. Bridgeman,33

F. L. Briechle,40

P. Buchholz,1A. Bueno,

41S. Buitink,

42M. Buscemi,

43,44K. S. Caballero-Mora,


B. Caccianiga,46

L. Caccianiga,6A. Cancio,

11,10M. Candusso,

47L. Caramete,

48R. Caruso,

43,44A. Castellina,


G. Cataldi,32

L. Cazon,2R. Cester,

28,4A. G. Chavez,

49A. Chiavassa,

28,4J. A. Chinellato,

50J. C. Chirinos Diaz,


J. Chudoba,30

R.W. Clay,26

R. Colalillo,52,15

A. Coleman,53

L. Collica,4M. R. Coluccia,

31,32R. Conceição,


F. Contreras,20,21

M. J. Cooper,26

S. Coutu,53

C. E. Covault,54

J. Cronin,55

R. Dallier,56,57

S. D’Amico,58,32

B. Daniel,50

S. Dasso,59,60

K. Daumiller,33

B. R. Dawson,26

R.M. de Almeida,61

S. J. de Jong,42,62

G. De Mauro,42

J. R. T. de Mello Neto,36

I. De Mitri,31,32

J. de Oliveira,61

V. de Souza,63

J. Debatin,33

O. Deligny,64

N. Dhital,51

C. Di Giulio,65,47

A. Di Matteo,66,67

M. L. Díaz Castro,50

F. Diogo,2C. Dobrigkeit,

50W. Docters,

68J. C. D’Olivo,


A. Dorofeev,38

R. C. dos Anjos,69

M. T. Dova,70

A. Dundovic,14

J. Ebr,30

R. Engel,33

M. Erdmann,40

M. Erfani,1

C. O. Escobar,5,50

J. Espadanal,2A. Etchegoyen,

10,11H. Falcke,

42,71,62K. Fang,

55G. Farrar,

22A. C. Fauth,

50N. Fazzini,


A. P. Ferguson,54

B. Fick,51

J. M. Figueira,10

A. Filevich,10

A. Filipčič,72,73

O. Fratu,23

M.M. Freire,74

T. Fujii,55

A. Fuster,10,11

F. Gallo,10

B. García,75

D. Garcia-Pinto,17

F. Gate,56

H. Gemmeke,76

A. Gherghel-Lascu,39

P. L. Ghia,6

U. Giaccari,36

M. Giammarchi,46

M. Giller,77

D. Głas,77 C. Glaser,40 H. Glass,5 G. Golup,8 M. Gómez Berisso,8

P. F. Gómez Vitale,20,21

N. González,10,33

B. Gookin,38

J. Gordon,9A. Gorgi,

3,4P. Gorham,

78P. Gouffon,

7N. Griffith,


A. F. Grillo,34T. D. Grubb,

26F. Guarino,

52,15G. P. Guedes,

79M. R. Hampel,

10P. Hansen,

70D. Harari,

8T. A. Harrison,


J. L. Harton,38

Q. Hasankiadeh,33

A. Haungs,33

T. Hebbeker,40

D. Heck,33

P. Heimann,1A. E. Herve,

24G. C. Hill,


C. Hojvat,5N. Hollon,

55E. Holt,

33,10P. Homola,

37J. R. Hörandel,

42,62P. Horvath,

80M. Hrabovský,

80T. Huege,


A. Insolia,43,44

P. G. Isar,48

I. Jandt,25

S. Jansen,42,62

C. Jarne,70

J. A. Johnsen,81

M. Josebachuili,10

A. Kääpä,25

O. Kambeitz,24K. H. Kampert,

25P. Kasper,

5I. Katkov,

24B. Keilhauer,

33E. Kemp,

50R.M. Kieckhafer,

51H. O. Klages,


M. Kleifges,76J. Kleinfeller,

20R. Krause,

40N. Krohm,

25D. Kuempel,

40G. Kukec Mezek,

73N. Kunka,

76A. Kuotb Awad,


D. LaHurd,54L. Latronico,

4M. Lauscher,

40P. Lautridou,

56P. Lebrun,

5M. A. Leigui de Oliveira,

82A. Letessier-Selvon,


I. Lhenry-Yvon,64K. Link,

24L. Lopes,

2R. López,

83A. López Casado,

13A. Lucero,

10,11M. Malacari,

26M. Mallamaci,


D. Mandat,30

P. Mantsch,5A. G. Mariazzi,

70V. Marin,

56I. C. Mariş,41 G. Marsella,

31,32D. Martello,

31,32H. Martinez,


O. Martínez Bravo,83J. J. Masías Meza,

60H. J. Mathes,

33S. Mathys,

25J. Matthews,

86J. A. J. Matthews,

87G. Matthiae,


D. Maurizio,88E. Mayotte,

81P. O. Mazur,

5C. Medina,

81G. Medina-Tanco,

12V. B. B. Mello,

36D. Melo,

10A. Menshikov,


S. Messina,68

M. I. Micheletti,74

L. Middendorf,40

I. A. Minaya,17

L. Miramonti,84,46

B. Mitrica,39

L. Molina-Bueno,41

S. Mollerach,8F. Montanet,

27C. Morello,

3,4M. Mostafá,

53C. A. Moura,

82G. Müller,

40M. A. Muller,

50,89S. Müller,


I. Naranjo,8S. Navas,

41P. Necesal,

30L. Nellen,

12A. Nelles,

42,62J. Neuser,

25P. H. Nguyen,

26M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu,


M. Niechciol,1L. Niemietz,

25T. Niggemann,

40D. Nitz,

51D. Nosek,

90V. Novotny,

90H. Nožka,80 L. A. Núñez,19 L. Ochilo,1

F. Oikonomou,53A. Olinto,

55D. Pakk Selmi-Dei,

50M. Palatka,

30J. Pallotta,

91P. Papenbreer,

25G. Parente,

13A. Parra,


T. Paul,92,16

M. Pech,30

J. Pękala,37 R. Pelayo,93 J. Peña-Rodriguez,19 I. M. Pepe,94

L. A. S. Pereira,50

L. Perrone,31,32

E. Petermann,95

C. Peters,40

S. Petrera,66,67

J. Phuntsok,53

R. Piegaia,60

T. Pierog,33

P. Pieroni,60

M. Pimenta,2

V. Pirronello,43,44

M. Platino,10

M. Plum,40

C. Porowski,37

R. R. Prado,63

P. Privitera,55

M. Prouza,30

E. J. Quel,91

S. Querchfeld,25S. Quinn,

54J. Rautenberg,

25O. Ravel,

56D. Ravignani,

10D. Reinert,

40B. Revenu,

56J. Ridky,

30M. Risse,


P. Ristori,91

V. Rizi,66,67

W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,13

J. Rodriguez Rojo,20

D. Rogozin,33

J. Rosado,17

M. Roth,33

E. Roulet,8A. C. Rovero,

59S. J. Saffi,

26A. Saftoiu,

39H. Salazar,

83A. Saleh,

73F. Salesa Greus,

53G. Salina,


J. D. Sanabria Gomez,19

F. Sánchez,10

P. Sanchez-Lucas,41

E.M. Santos,7E. Santos,

50F. Sarazin,

81B. Sarkar,


R. Sarmento,2C. Sarmiento-Cano,

19R. Sato,

20C. Scarso,

20M. Schauer,

25V. Scherini,

31,32H. Schieler,

33D. Schmidt,


O. Scholten,68,96

H. Schoorlemmer,78

P. Schovánek,30

F. G. Schröder,33

A. Schulz,33

J. Schulz,42

J. Schumacher,40

S. J. Sciutto,70

A. Segreto,97,44

M. Settimo,6A. Shadkam,

86R. C. Shellard,

88G. Sigl,

14O. Sima,

18A. Śmiałkowski,77

R. Šmída,33G. R. Snow,

95P. Sommers,

53S. Sonntag,

1J. Sorokin,

26R. Squartini,

20D. Stanca,

39S. Stanič,

73J. Stapleton,


J. Stasielak,37

F. Strafella,31,32

A. Stutz,27

F. Suarez,10,11

M. Suarez Durán,19

T. Sudholz,26

T. Suomijärvi,64

A. D. Supanitsky,59

M. S. Sutherland,9J. Swain,

92Z. Szadkowski,

77O. A. Taborda,

8A. Tapia,

10A. Tepe,


V.M. Theodoro,50

C. Timmermans,62,42

C. J. Todero Peixoto,98

L. Tomankova,33

B. Tomé,2A. Tonachini,


G. Torralba Elipe,13

D. Torres Machado,36

P. Travnicek,30

M. Trini,73

R. Ulrich,33

M. Unger,22,33

M. Urban,40

J. F. Valdés Galicia,12I. Valiño,

13L. Valore,

52,15G. van Aar,

42P. van Bodegom,

26A.M. van den Berg,

68A. van Vliet,


PHYSICAL REVIEW D 93, 072006 (2016)

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2016 JINST 11 P02012

Published by IOP Publishing for Sissa Medialab

Received: October 21, 2015

Revised: December 15, 2015

Accepted: January 6, 2016

Published: February 17, 2016

Prototype muon detectors for the AMIGA component of

the Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger collaboration

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: AMIGA (Auger Muons and Infill for the Ground Array) is an upgrade of the Pierre

Auger Observatory to extend its range of detection and to directly measure the muon content of

the particle showers. It consists of an infill of surface water-Cherenkov detectors accompanied

by buried scintillator detectors used for muon counting. The main objectives of the AMIGA

engineering array, referred to as the Unitary Cell, are to identify and resolve all engineering issues

as well as to understand the muon-number counting uncertainties related to the design of the detector.

The mechanical design, fabrication and deployment processes of the muon counters of the Unitary

Cell are described in this document. These muon counters modules comprise sealed PVC casings

containing plastic scintillation bars, wavelength-shifter optical fibers, 64 pixel photomultiplier tubes,

and acquisition electronics. The modules are buried approximately 2.25 m below ground level in

order to minimize contamination from electromagnetic shower particles. The mechanical setup,

which allows access to the electronics for maintenance, is also described in addition to tests of the

modules’ response and integrity. The completed Unitary Cell has measured a number of air showers

of which a first analysis of a sample event is included here.

Keywords: Detector design and construction technologies and materials; Particle detectors; Over-

all mechanics design (support structures and materials, vibration analysis etc); Performance of High

Energy Physics Detectors

c© 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/02/P02012

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2016 JINST 11 P01018

Published by IOP Publishing for Sissa Medialab

Received: October 5, 2015

Accepted: November 30, 2015

Published: January 29, 2016

Nanosecond-level time synchronization of autonomous

radio detector stations for extensive air showers

The Pierre Auger Collaboration

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: To exploit the full potential of radio measurements of cosmic-ray air showers at MHz

frequencies, a detector timing synchronization within 1 ns is needed. Large distributed radio detector

arrays such as the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) rely on timing via the Global Positioning

System (GPS) for the synchronization of individual detector station clocks. Unfortunately, GPS

timing is expected to have an accuracy no better than about 5 ns. In practice, in particular in

AERA, the GPS clocks exhibit drifts on the order of tens of ns. We developed a technique to

correct for the GPS drifts, and an independent method is used to cross-check that indeed we reach

a nanosecond-scale timing accuracy by this correction. First, we operate a “beacon transmitter”

which emits defined sine waves detected by AERA antennas recorded within the physics data. The

relative phasing of these sine waves can be used to correct for GPS clock drifts. In addition to this,

we observe radio pulses emitted by commercial airplanes, the position of which we determine in real

time from Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcasts intercepted with a software-defined radio.

From the known source location and the measured arrival times of the pulses we determine relative

timing offsets between radio detector stations. We demonstrate with a combined analysis that the

two methods give a consistent timing calibration with an accuracy of 2 ns or better. Consequently,

the beacon method alone can be used in the future to continuously determine and correct for GPS

clock drifts in each individual event measured by AERA.

Keywords: Pattern recognition, cluster finding, calibration and fitting methods; Timing detectors;

Detector alignment and calibration methods (lasers, sources, particle-beams)

c© 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/01/P01018

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ournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsAn IOP and SISSA journalJ

Search for correlations between the

arrival directions of IceCube neutrino

events and ultrahigh-energy cosmic

rays detected by the Pierre Auger

Observatory and the Telescope Array

The IceCube, Pierre Auger and Telescope Array collaborations

E-mail: [email protected], auger [email protected],[email protected]

Received December 1, 2015Accepted December 20, 2015Published January 20, 2016

Abstract. This paper presents the results of different searches for correlations between veryhigh-energy neutrino candidates detected by IceCube and the highest-energy cosmic raysmeasured by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array. We first considersamples of cascade neutrino events and of high-energy neutrino-induced muon tracks, whichprovided evidence for a neutrino flux of astrophysical origin, and study their cross-correlationwith the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) samples as a function of angular separation.We also study their possible directional correlations using a likelihood method stacking theneutrino arrival directions and adopting different assumptions on the size of the UHECRmagnetic deflections. Finally, we perform another likelihood analysis stacking the UHECRdirections and using a sample of through-going muon tracks optimized for neutrino point-source searches with sub-degree angular resolution. No indications of correlations at discoverylevel are obtained for any of the searches performed. The smallest of the p-values comes fromthe search for correlation between UHECRs with IceCube high-energy cascades, a result thatshould continue to be monitored.

Keywords: neutrino experiments, ultra high energy cosmic rays, cosmic ray experiments,neutrino astronomy

ArXiv ePrint: 1511.09408

c© 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2016/01/037

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Astroparticle Physics 83 (2016) 40–52

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Astroparticle Physics

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/astropartphys

Interpretation of measurements of the number of muons in extensive

air shower experiments

Raul R. Prado a , ∗, Ruben Conceição

b , Mário Pimenta b , Vitor de Souza a

a Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil b Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, Lisbon, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 25 January 2016

Revised 8 June 2016

Accepted 19 July 2016

Available online 20 July 2016


Ultra high energy cosmic rays



a b s t r a c t

In this paper we analyze the energy evolution of the muon content of air showers between 10 18.4 and

10 19.6 eV to be able to determine the most likely mass composition scenario from future number of

muons measurements. The energy and primary mass evolution of the number of muons is studied based

on the Heitler–Matthews model and Monte Carlo simulation of the air shower. A simple model to de-

scribe the evolution of the first and second moments of number of muons distributions is proposed and

validated. An analysis approach based on the comparison between this model’s predictions and data to

discriminate among a set of composition scenarios is presented and tested with simulations. It is shown

that the composition scenarios can be potentially discriminated under the conditions imposed by the

method. The discrimination power of the proposed analysis is stable under systematic changes of the

absolute number of muons from model predictions and on the scale of the reconstructed energy.

© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The energy spectrum of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) has been measured recently with high precision and two major features were confirmed. The ankle (log ( E /eV) ∼ 18.7) and the flux suppression (log ( E /eV) ∼ 19.5) have been undoubtedly established by HiRes [1] , the Pierre Auger Observatory [2,3] and Telescope Ar- ray [4] . However, the astrophysical interpretation of these struc- tures cannot be inferred with complete certainty mainly because of the lack of knowledge on the UHECR composition at these ener- gies. In a light abundance scenario, the ankle could be interpreted as the modulation resulting from the particle interaction with ra- diation backgrounds [5,6] . On the other hand, it could also be ex- plained as the transition from galactic to extra-galactic cosmic rays [7] . The flux suppression can be equally well described by the en- ergy losses of extra-galactic particles due to interactions with CMB photons [8] or by the maximum reachable energy of the astrophys- ical acceleration mechanisms in nearby sources [9] . In each one of these astrophysical scenarios, the energy evolution of the UHECR composition is significantly different.

The UHECR measurements are done indirectly through the de- tection of extensive air showers. Therefore, the determination of

∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (R. R. Prado).

the composition depends strongly on the data analysis capability to correlate the measured properties of the shower to the primary particle type. This correlation is achieved using air shower simula- tions. However, intrinsic fluctuations of the showers and uncertain- ties in the high energy hadronic interaction models for energies above 10 17 eV prevent us from a definitive conclusion about the primary particle type for each event. Statistical analysis and evo- lution trends [10,11] are used to minimize the fluctuation effects, nevertheless an unique interpretation of the data is not possible because of the hadronic interaction model uncertainties. Currently, the most reliable observable to investigate composition at higher energies is X max , the atmospheric depth at which the shower reaches the maximum number of particles [12] . A second very powerful observable sensitive to primary particle mass is the num- ber of muons ( N µ) in the showers. However, the lack of knowl- edge of the high energy hadronic interactions and the systematic uncertainties in the energy determination limit the interpretation of N µ data in terms of composition in a more severe way than they do for X max . There are several indications that the current most often used hadronic interaction models fail at predicting the muonic component features of air showers [ 13,14 ]. Moreover, as N µ

scales directly with shower energy, the systematic uncertainty in energy reconstruction (typically ∼ 10 − 20% ) represents also a dif- ficult challenge to overcome in the interpretation of the N µ data. As a consequence, it is not straightforward to envisage a data anal- ysis procedure that extracts the mass abundance from the N µ data.


0927-6505/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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ournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsAn IOP and SISSA journalJ

Ultra high energy cosmic rays and

possible signature of black strings

Rita C. dos Anjos,a Carlos H. Coimbra-Araujo,a Roldao da Rochab

and Vitor de Souzac

aDepartamento de Engenharias e Exatas, Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR),Pioneiro, 2153, 85950-000 Palotina, PR, Brazil.

bCentro de Matematica, Computacao e Cognicao,Universidade Federal do ABC, 09210-580, Santo Andre-SP, Brazil.

cInstituto de Fısica de Sao Carlos, Universidade de Sao Paulo,Av. Trabalhador Sao-carlense 400, Sao Carlos, Brazil

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected]

Received October 19, 2015Accepted February 21, 2016Published March 8, 2016

Abstract. Ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) probably originate in extreme condi-tions in which extra dimension effects might be important. In this paper we calculate thecorrection in black hole accretion mechanisms due to extra dimension effects in the static androtating cases. A parametrization of the external Kerr horizons in both cases is presentedand analysed. We use previous calculations of upper limits on the UHECR flux to set limitson the UHECR production efficiency of nine sources. The upper limit on the UHECR lumi-nosity calculation is based on GeV-TeV gamma-ray measurements. The total luminosity dueto the accretion mechanism is compared to the upper limit on UHECRs. The dependenceof the UHECR production efficiency upper limit on black hole mass is also presented anddiscussed.

Keywords: accretion, cosmic ray theory, ultra high energy cosmic rays

ArXiv ePrint: 1510.04992

Article funded by SCOAP3. Content from this work may be usedunder the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s)and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.


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Research Article

On the Impact of Tsallis Statistics on Cosmic Ray Showers

M. Abrahão,1 W. G. Dantas,1 R. M. de Almeida,1 D. R. Gratieri,1 and T. J. P. Penna2,3

1EEIMVR, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil2ICEx, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil3INCT-SC, National Institute of Science and Technology, CNPq, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Correspondence should be addressed to R. M. de Almeida; [email protected]

Received 9 June 2016; Accepted 25 September 2016

Academic Editor: Sally Seidel

Copyright © 2016 M. Abrahao et al. Iis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Iepublication of this article was funded by SCOAP3.

We investigate the impact of the Tsallis nonextensive statistics introduced by intrinsic temperature Uuctuations in !-Air ultrahighenergy interactions on observables of cosmic ray showers, such as the slant depth of the maximum"

maxand the muon number on

the ground#!.Ie results show that these observables are signiWcantly a9ected by temperature Uuctuations and agree qualitativelywith the predictions of Heitler model.

1. Introduction

Ie Pierre Auger Observatory [1, 2] has led to great discov-eries in the Weld of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECRs)such as the conWrmation of suppression of the cosmic ray Uux

at energies above 4 × 1019 eV [3], Wrst observed by the HiResCollaboration [4], limits on photon [5–7], and neutrino [8–11] Uuxes at ultrahigh energies and a hint of large scale

anisotropies at energies above 8 × 1018 eV [12]. Nevertheless,many questions related to these particles are still open.Particularly interesting is the behavior of the slant depth ofthe shower maximum with energy. Understood in terms ofthe LHC-tuned shower models, the HiRes [13] and TelescopeArray Collaborations [14] reported a light mass composition

at energies above 1018 eV, while the Auger results suggest agradual shie to a heavier composition, with a large fraction

of protons at 1018 eV, changing to a heavier composition at

1019.5 eV [15]. However, we should interpret these results withcaution, since measurements of shower properties performedby the Auger Collaboration have revealed inconsistenciesbetween data and present shower models. For instance, thePierre Auger Collaboration has reported the Wrst hybridmeasurement of the average muon number in inclined airshowers at ultrahigh energies, suggesting a muon deWcit

in simulations of about 30% to 80+17−20(sys)% at 1019 eV,

depending on the hadronic interactionmodel [16].Hence, themeasured behavior of the slant depth of the showermaximumevolution could be understood as a hint of new hadronicinteraction physics at energy scales beyond the reach of LHC.

In this work, we will deal with hadronic interactions in astatistical model, as Wrst introduced byHagedorn [17] ideas inthe sixties. Recently a power-law function based on the Tsallisstatistics [18] has been widely used in Wtting the transversemomentum (!#) and pseudorapidity (%) distributions mea-sured in high energy collisions [19–24], while several studieshave been devoted to discuss these results in the literature[25–35]. Ie Tsallis statistics, which is frequently present tomodel di9erent branches of science, is oeen used to describesystems which display properties like memory e9ects, longrange interactions, intrinsic Uuctuations, (multi)fractal phasespace, and so on. It consists in replacing the classicalBoltzmann-Gibbs entropy (&BG) by the form proposed byTsallis:

&$ =(1 − ∑% !

$% )

- − 1$→1....⇒ &BG = −∑

%!% ln!%, (1)

where !% is the probability of a particle occupying the state6 and - is the Tsallis index. Iis deWnition comprises theBoltzmann-Gibbs entropy as a particular case, where - =1. On the other hand, a straight consequence from this

Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in High Energy PhysicsVolume 2016, Article ID 4676024, 7 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4676024

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Ultra high energy cosmic rays: the highest energy


Joao R. T. de Mello Neto

Instituto de Fısica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Ilha do FundaoRio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are the highest energy messengers ofthe present universe, with energies up to 1020 eV. Studies of astrophysical particles (nuclei,electrons, neutrinos and photons) at their highest observed energies have implications forfundamental physics as well as astrophysics. The primary particles interact in the atmosphereand generate extensive air showers. Analysis of those showers enables one not only to estimatethe energy, direction and most probable mass of the primary cosmic particles, but also toobtain information about the properties of their hadronic interactions at an energy more thanone order of magnitude above that accessible with the current highest energy human-madeaccelerator. In this contribution we will review the state-of-the-art in UHECRs detection. Wewill present the leading experiments Pierre Auger Observatory and Telescope Array and discussthe cosmic ray energy spectrum, searches for directional anisotropy, studies of mass composition,the determination of the number of shower muons (which is sensitive to the shower hadronicinteractions) and the proton-air cross section.

1. Introduction

The origin and nature of the ultra high energy cosmic rays, first detected about 50 years ago[1], remain unknown. They explore the highest energies and kinematic regions not directlyaccessible at accelerators, connecting extreme astrophysical systems with particle physics. Forenergies up to 1015 eV, cosmic rays are believed to have a galactic origin and shock accelerationin supernova remnants could be the most likely mechanism. At the highest energies, the mostprobable sources of UHECRs are extragalactic: jets of active galactic nuclei (AGN), radio lobes,gamma-ray bursts and colliding galaxies, among others [2]. In this paper we summarize1 themain experimental results from the Pierre Auger Observatory and from the Telescope Arrayon measurements of UHECRs, the highest energy particles measured on Earth, with energy EÁ 0.01 EeV (1 EeV “ 1018 eV).

1 Whenever possible the results presented here are taken from the proceedings of the 34th International CosmicRay Conference, August, 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands.

XIII International Workshop on Hadron Physics IOP Publishing

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 706 (2016) 042009 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/706/4/042009

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution

of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1

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To be submitted to PRD

Ultrahigh-energy neutrino follow-up of Gravitational Wave events

GW150914 and GW151226 with the Pierre Auger Observatory2

A. Aab,1 P. Abreu,2 M. Aglietta,3, 4 I. Al Samarai,5 I.F.M. Albuquerque,6 I. Allekotte,7 A. Almela,8, 9 J. Alvarez

Castillo,10 J. Alvarez-Muniz,11 M. Ambrosio,12 G.A. Anastasi,13 L. Anchordoqui,14 B. Andrada,8 S. Andringa,24

C. Aramo,12 F. Arqueros,15 N. Arsene,16 H. Asorey,7, 17 P. Assis,2 J. Aublin,5 G. Avila,18, 19 A.M. Badescu,20

A. Balaceanu,21 R.J. Barreira Luz,2 C. Baus,22 J.J. Beatty,23 K.H. Becker,24 J.A. Bellido,25 C. Berat,266

M.E. Bertaina,27, 4 X. Bertou,7 P.L. Biermann,28 P. Billoir,5 J. Biteau,29 S.G. Blaess,25 A. Blanco,2 J. Blazek,30

C. Bleve,31, 32 M. Bohacova,30 D. Boncioli,33, 34 C. Bonifazi,35 N. Borodai,36 A.M. Botti,8, 37 J. Brack,388

I. Brancus,21 T. Bretz,39 A. Bridgeman,37 F.L. Briechle,39 P. Buchholz,1 A. Bueno,40 S. Buitink,41 M. Buscemi,42, 43

K.S. Caballero-Mora,44 L. Caccianiga,5 A. Cancio,9, 8 F. Canfora,41 L. Caramete,45 R. Caruso,42, 43 A. Castellina,3, 410

G. Cataldi,32 L. Cazon,2 R. Cester,27, 4 A.G. Chavez,46 J.A. Chinellato,47 J. Chudoba,30 R.W. Clay,25

R. Colalillo,48, 12 A. Coleman,49 L. Collica,4 M.R. Coluccia,31, 32 R. Conceicao,2 F. Contreras,18, 19 M.J. Cooper,2512

S. Coutu,49 C.E. Covault,50 J. Cronin,51 S. D’Amico,52, 32 B. Daniel,47 S. Dasso,53, 54 K. Daumiller,37

B.R. Dawson,25 R.M. de Almeida,55 S.J. de Jong,41, 56 G. De Mauro,41 J.R.T. de Mello Neto,35 I. De Mitri,31, 3214

J. de Oliveira,55 V. de Souza,57 J. Debatin,37 O. Deligny,29 C. Di Giulio,58, 59 A. Di Matteo,60, 61 M.L. Dıaz Castro,47

F. Diogo,2 C. Dobrigkeit,47 J.C. D’Olivo,10 A. Dorofeev,38 R.C. dos Anjos,62 M.T. Dova,63 A. Dundovic,64 J. Ebr,3016

R. Engel,37 M. Erdmann,39 M. Erfani,1 C.O. Escobar,65, 47 J. Espadanal,2 A. Etchegoyen,8, 9 H. Falcke,41, 66, 56

K. Fang,51 G. Farrar,67 A.C. Fauth,47 N. Fazzini,65 B. Fick,68 J.M. Figueira,8 A. Filipcic,69, 70 O. Fratu,2018

M.M. Freire,71 T. Fujii,51 A. Fuster,8, 9 R. Gaior,5 B. Garcıa,72 D. Garcia-Pinto,15 F. Gate,73 H. Gemmeke,73

A. Gherghel-Lascu,21 P.L. Ghia,5 U. Giaccari,35 M. Giammarchi,74 M. Giller,75 D. G las,76 C. Glaser,39 H. Glass,6520

G. Golup,7 M. Gomez Berisso,7 P.F. Gomez Vitale,18, 19 N. Gonzalez,8, 37 B. Gookin,38 A. Gorgi,3, 4 P. Gorham,77

P. Gouffon,6 A.F. Grillo,33 T.D. Grubb,25 F. Guarino,48, 12 G.P. Guedes,78 M.R. Hampel,8 P. Hansen,6322

D. Harari,7 T.A. Harrison,25 J.L. Harton,38 Q. Hasankiadeh,79 A. Haungs,37 T. Hebbeker,39 D. Heck,37

P. Heimann,1 A.E. Herve,22 G.C. Hill,25 C. Hojvat,65 E. Holt,37, 8 P. Homola,36 J.R. Horandel,41, 56 P. Horvath,8024

M. Hrabovsky,80 T. Huege,37 J. Hulsman,8, 37 A. Insolia,42, 43 P.G. Isar,45 I. Jandt,24 S. Jansen,41, 56 J.A. Johnsen,81

M. Josebachuili,8 A. Kaapa,24 O. Kambeitz,22 K.H. Kampert,24 P. Kasper,65 I. Katkov,22 B. Keilhauer,3726

E. Kemp,47 J. Kemp,39 R.M. Kieckhafer,68 H.O. Klages,37 M. Kleifges,73 J. Kleinfeller,18 R. Krause,39 N. Krohm,24

D. Kuempel,39 G. Kukec Mezek,70 N. Kunka,73 A. Kuotb Awad,37 D. LaHurd,50 M. Lauscher,39 P. Lebrun,6528

R. Legumina,75 M.A. Leigui de Oliveira,82 A. Letessier-Selvon,5 I. Lhenry-Yvon,29 K. Link,22 L. Lopes,2 R. Lopez,83

A. Lopez Casado,11 Q. Luce,29 A. Lucero,8, 9 M. Malacari,51 M. Mallamaci,84, 74 D. Mandat,30 P. Mantsch,6530

A.G. Mariazzi,63 I.C. Maris,40 G. Marsella,31, 32 D. Martello,31, 32 H. Martinez,85 O. Martınez Bravo,83 J.J. Masıas

Meza,54 H.J. Mathes,37 S. Mathys,24 J. Matthews,86 J.A.J. Matthews,87 G. Matthiae,58, 59 E. Mayotte,2432

P.O. Mazur,65 C. Medina,81 G. Medina-Tanco,10 D. Melo,8 A. Menshikov,73 S. Messina,79 M.I. Micheletti,71

L. Middendorf,39 I.A. Minaya,15 L. Miramonti,84, 74 B. Mitrica,21 D. Mockler,22 L. Molina-Bueno,40 S. Mollerach,734

F. Montanet,26 C. Morello,3, 4 M. Mostafa,49 G. Muller,39 M.A. Muller,47, 88 S. Muller,37, 8 I. Naranjo,7 L. Nellen,10

J. Neuser,24 P.H. Nguyen,25 M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu,21 M. Niechciol,1 L. Niemietz,24 T. Niggemann,39 D. Nitz,6836

D. Nosek,89 V. Novotny,89 H. Nozka,80 L.A. Nunez,17 L. Ochilo,1 F. Oikonomou,49 A. Olinto,51 D. Pakk

Selmi-Dei,47 M. Palatka,30 J. Pallotta,90 P. Papenbreer,24 G. Parente,11 A. Parra,83 T. Paul,91, 14 M. Pech,3038

F. Pedreira,11 J. Pekala,36 R. Pelayo,92 J. Pena-Rodriguez,17 L. A. S. Pereira,47 L. Perrone,31, 32 C. Peters,39

S. Petrera,60, 13, 61 J. Phuntsok,49 R. Piegaia,54 T. Pierog,37 P. Pieroni,54 M. Pimenta,2 V. Pirronello,42, 4340

M. Platino,8 M. Plum,39 C. Porowski,36 R.R. Prado,57 P. Privitera,51 M. Prouza,30 E.J. Quel,90 S. Querchfeld,24

S. Quinn,50 R. Ramos-Pollan,17 J. Rautenberg,24 D. Ravignani,8 D. Reinert,39 B. Revenu,93 J. Ridky,30 M. Risse,142

P. Ristori,90 V. Rizi,60, 61 W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,6 G. Rodriguez Fernandez,58, 59 J. Rodriguez Rojo,18

D. Rogozin,37 M. Roth,37 E. Roulet,7 A.C. Rovero,53 S.J. Saffi,25 A. Saftoiu,21 H. Salazar,83 A. Saleh,70 F. Salesa44

Greus,49 G. Salina,59 J.D. Sanabria Gomez,17 F. Sanchez,8 P. Sanchez-Lucas,40 E.M. Santos,6 E. Santos,8

F. Sarazin,81 B. Sarkar,24 R. Sarmento,2 C.A. Sarmiento,8 R. Sato,18 M. Schauer,24 V. Scherini,31, 32 H. Schieler,3746

M. Schimp,24 D. Schmidt,37, 8 O. Scholten,79, 94 P. Schovanek,30 F.G. Schroder,37 A. Schulz,37 J. Schulz,41

J. Schumacher,39 S.J. Sciutto,63 A. Segreto,95, 43 M. Settimo,5 A. Shadkam,86 R.C. Shellard,96 G. Sigl,64 G. Silli,8, 3748

O. Sima,16 A. Smia lkowski,75 R. Smıda,37 G.R. Snow,97 P. Sommers,49 S. Sonntag,1 J. Sorokin,25 R. Squartini,18

D. Stanca,21 S. Stanic,70 J. Stasielak,36 P. Stassi,26 F. Strafella,31, 32 F. Suarez,8, 9 M. Suarez Duran,17 T. Sudholz,2550

T. Suomijarvi,29 A.D. Supanitsky,53 J. Swain,91 Z. Szadkowski,76 A. Taboada,22 O.A. Taborda,7 A. Tapia,8

V.M. Theodoro,47 C. Timmermans,56, 41 C.J. Todero Peixoto,98 L. Tomankova,37 B. Tome,2 G. Torralba52

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Draft version December 13, 2016Preprint typeset using LATEX style AASTeX6 v. 1.0



A. Aab63, P. Abreu70, M. Aglietta48,47, I. Al Samarai29, I.F.M. Albuquerque16, I. Allekotte1, A. Almela8,11,J. Alvarez Castillo62, J. Alvarez-Muniz79, G.A. Anastasi38, L. Anchordoqui83, B. Andrada8, S. Andringa70,C. Aramo45, F. Arqueros77, N. Arsene73, H. Asorey1,24, P. Assis70, J. Aublin29, G. Avila9,10, A.M. Badescu74,

A. Balaceanu71, R.J. Barreira Luz70, J.J. Beatty88, K.H. Becker31, J.A. Bellido12, C. Berat30,M.E. Bertaina56,47, X. Bertou1, P.L. Biermann1001, P. Billoir29, J. Biteau28, S.G. Blaess12, A. Blanco70,J. Blazek25, C. Bleve50,43, M. Bohacova25, D. Boncioli40,1003, C. Bonifazi22, N. Borodai67, A.M. Botti8,33,

J. Brack82, I. Brancus71, T. Bretz35, A. Bridgeman33, F.L. Briechle35, P. Buchholz37, A. Bueno78, S. Buitink63,M. Buscemi52,42, K.S. Caballero-Mora60, L. Caccianiga53, A. Cancio11,8, F. Canfora63, L. Caramete72,

R. Caruso52,42, A. Castellina48,47, G. Cataldi43, L. Cazon70, A.G. Chavez61, J.A. Chinellato17, J. Chudoba25,R.W. Clay12, R. Colalillo54,45, A. Coleman89, L. Collica47, M.R. Coluccia50,43, R. Conceicao70, F. Contreras9,10,M.J. Cooper12, S. Coutu89, C.E. Covault80, J. Cronin90, S. D’Amico49,43, B. Daniel17, S. Dasso5,3, K. Daumiller33,

B.R. Dawson12, R.M. de Almeida23, S.J. de Jong63,65, G. De Mauro63, J.R.T. de Mello Neto22, I. De Mitri50,43,J. de Oliveira23, V. de Souza15, J. Debatin33, O. Deligny28, C. Di Giulio55,46, A. Di Matteo51,41, M.L. Dıaz

Castro17, F. Diogo70, C. Dobrigkeit17, J.C. D’Olivo62, Q. Dorosti37, R.C. dos Anjos21, M.T. Dova4,A. Dundovic36, J. Ebr25, R. Engel33, M. Erdmann35, M. Erfani37, C.O. Escobar1005, J. Espadanal70,

A. Etchegoyen8,11, H. Falcke63,66,65, G. Farrar86, A.C. Fauth17, N. Fazzini1005, B. Fick85, J.M. Figueira8,A. Filipcic75,76, O. Fratu74, M.M. Freire6, T. Fujii90, A. Fuster8,11, R. Gaior29, B. Garcıa7, D. Garcia-Pinto77,

F. Gate1004, H. Gemmeke34, A. Gherghel-Lascu71, P.L. Ghia28, U. Giaccari22, M. Giammarchi44, M. Giller68,D. G las69, C. Glaser35, G. Golup1, M. Gomez Berisso1, P.F. Gomez Vitale9,10, N. Gonzalez8,33, A. Gorgi48,47,

P. Gorham91, A.F. Grillo40, T.D. Grubb12, F. Guarino54,45, G.P. Guedes18, M.R. Hampel8, P. Hansen4,D. Harari1, T.A. Harrison12, J.L. Harton82, A. Haungs33, T. Hebbeker35, D. Heck33, P. Heimann37, A.E. Herve32,

G.C. Hill12, C. Hojvat1005, E. Holt33,8, P. Homola67, J.R. Horandel63,65, P. Horvath26, M. Hrabovsky26,T. Huege33, J. Hulsman8,33, A. Insolia52,42, P.G. Isar72, I. Jandt31, S. Jansen63,65, J.A. Johnsen81, M. Josebachuili8,

A. Kaapa31, O. Kambeitz32, K.H. Kampert31, I. Katkov32, B. Keilhauer33, E. Kemp17, J. Kemp35,R.M. Kieckhafer85, H.O. Klages33, M. Kleifges34, J. Kleinfeller9, R. Krause35, N. Krohm31, D. Kuempel35,

G. Kukec Mezek76, N. Kunka34, A. Kuotb Awad33, D. LaHurd80, M. Lauscher35, R. Legumina68, M.A. Leigui deOliveira20, A. Letessier-Selvon29, I. Lhenry-Yvon28, K. Link32, L. Lopes70, R. Lopez57, A. Lopez Casado79,Q. Luce28, A. Lucero8,11, M. Malacari90, M. Mallamaci53,44, D. Mandat25, P. Mantsch1005, A.G. Mariazzi4,I.C. Maris78, G. Marsella50,43, D. Martello50,43, H. Martinez58, O. Martınez Bravo57, J.J. Masıas Meza3,

H.J. Mathes33, S. Mathys31, J. Matthews84, J.A.J. Matthews93, G. Matthiae55,46, E. Mayotte31, P.O. Mazur1005,C. Medina81, G. Medina-Tanco62, D. Melo8, A. Menshikov34, M.I. Micheletti6, L. Middendorf35, I.A. Minaya77,L. Miramonti53,44, B. Mitrica71, D. Mockler32, S. Mollerach1, F. Montanet30, C. Morello48,47, M. Mostafa89,

A.L. Muller8,33, G. Muller35, M.A. Muller17,19, S. Muller33,8, R. Mussa47, I. Naranjo1, L. Nellen62,P.H. Nguyen12, M. Niculescu-Oglinzanu71, M. Niechciol37, L. Niemietz31, T. Niggemann35, D. Nitz85, D. Nosek27,V. Novotny27, H. Nozka26, L.A. Nunez24, L. Ochilo37, F. Oikonomou89, A. Olinto90, M. Palatka25, J. Pallotta2,

P. Papenbreer31, G. Parente79, A. Parra57, T. Paul87,83, M. Pech25, F. Pedreira79, J. Pekala67, R. Pelayo59,J. Pena-Rodriguez24, L. A. S. Pereira17, M. Perlın8, L. Perrone50,43, C. Peters35, S. Petrera51,38,41,

J. Phuntsok89, R. Piegaia3, T. Pierog33, P. Pieroni3, M. Pimenta70, V. Pirronello52,42, M. Platino8, M. Plum35,C. Porowski67, R.R. Prado15, P. Privitera90, M. Prouza25, E.J. Quel2, S. Querchfeld31, S. Quinn80,

R. Ramos-Pollan24, J. Rautenberg31, D. Ravignani8, B. Revenu1004, J. Ridky25, M. Risse37, P. Ristori2,V. Rizi51,41, W. Rodrigues de Carvalho16, G. Rodriguez Fernandez55,46, J. Rodriguez Rojo9, D. Rogozin33,

M.J. Roncoroni8, M. Roth33, E. Roulet1, A.C. Rovero5, P. Ruehl37, S.J. Saffi12, A. Saftoiu71, F. Salamida51,41,H. Salazar57, A. Saleh76, F. Salesa Greus89, G. Salina46, F. Sanchez8, P. Sanchez-Lucas78, E.M. Santos16,

E. Santos8, F. Sarazin81, R. Sarmento70, C.A. Sarmiento8, R. Sato9, M. Schauer31, V. Scherini43, H. Schieler33,M. Schimp31, D. Schmidt33,8, O. Scholten64,1002, P. Schovanek25, F.G. Schroder33, A. Schulz32, J. Schulz63,J. Schumacher35, S.J. Sciutto4, A. Segreto39,42, M. Settimo29, A. Shadkam84, R.C. Shellard13, G. Sigl36,

G. Silli8,33, O. Sima73, A. Smia lkowski68, R. Smıda33, G.R. Snow92, P. Sommers89, S. Sonntag37, J. Sorokin12,R. Squartini9, D. Stanca71, S. Stanic76, J. Stasielak67, P. Stassi30, F. Strafella50,43, F. Suarez8,11, M. Suarez

Duran24, T. Sudholz12, T. Suomijarvi28, A.D. Supanitsky5, J. Swain87, Z. Szadkowski69, A. Taboada32,O.A. Taborda1, A. Tapia8, V.M. Theodoro17, C. Timmermans65,63, C.J. Todero Peixoto14, L. Tomankova33,

B. Tome70, G. Torralba Elipe79, P. Travnicek25, M. Trini76, R. Ulrich33, M. Unger33, M. Urban35, J.F. ValdesGalicia62, I. Valino79, L. Valore54,45, G. van Aar63, P. van Bodegom12, A.M. van den Berg64, A. van Vliet63,

E. Varela57, B. Vargas Cardenas62, G. Varner91, J.R. Vazquez77, R.A. Vazquez79, D. Veberic33, I.D. VergaraQuispe4, V. Verzi46, J. Vicha25, L. Villasenor61, S. Vorobiov76, H. Wahlberg4, O. Wainberg8,11, D. Walz35,

A.A. Watson1000, M. Weber34, A. Weindl33, L. Wiencke81, H. Wilczynski67, T. Winchen31, M. Wirtz35,D. Wittkowski31, B. Wundheiler8, L. Yang76, D. Yelos11,8, A. Yushkov8, E. Zas79, D. Zavrtanik76,75,

M. Zavrtanik75,76, A. Zepeda58, B. Zimmermann34, M. Ziolkowski37, Z. Zong28, F. Zuccarello52,42

1Centro Atomico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro (CNEA-UNCuyo-CONICET), Argentina2Centro de Investigaciones en Laseres y Aplicaciones, CITEDEF and CONICET, Argentina

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Prepared for submission to JINST

Muon Counting using Silicon Photomultipliers in the

AMIGA detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger collaboration

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: AMIGA (Auger Muons and Infill for the Ground Array) is an upgrade of the Pierre

Auger Observatory designed to extend its energy range of detection and to directly measure the

muon content of the cosmic ray primary particle showers. The array will be formed by an infill

of surface water-Cherenkov detectors associated with buried scintillation counters employed for

muon counting. Each counter is composed of three scintillation modules, with a 10 m2 detection

area per module. In this paper, a new generation of detectors, replacing the current multi-pixel

photomultiplier tube (PMT) with silicon photo sensors (aka. SiPMs), is proposed. The selection

of the new device and its front-end electronics is explained. A method to calibrate the counting

system that ensures the performance of the detector is detailed. This method has the advantage of

being able to be carried out in a remote place such as the one where the detectors are deployed.

High efficiency results, i.e. efficiency 96 % for the higher tested overvoltage, combined with a low

probability of accidental counting (∼2 %), show a promising performance for this new system.

Keywords: Muon detector; SiPM; Photomultiplier; Front-end electronics; Calibration method

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Prepared for submission to JCAP

Combined fit of spectrum and

composition data as measured by

the Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger Collaboration

A. Aab,63 P. Abreu,70 M. Aglietta,48,47 I. Al Samarai,29

I.F.M. Albuquerque,16 I. Allekotte,1 A. Almela,8,11 J. AlvarezCastillo,62 J. Alvarez-Muniz,79 G.A. Anastasi,38 L. Anchordoqui,83

B. Andrada,8 S. Andringa,70 C. Aramo,45 F. Arqueros,77

N. Arsene,73 H. Asorey,1,24 P. Assis,70 J. Aublin,29 G. Avila,9,10

A.M. Badescu,74 A. Balaceanu,71 R.J. Barreira Luz,70 J.J. Beatty,88

K.H. Becker,31 J.A. Bellido,12 C. Berat,30 M.E. Bertaina,56,47

X. Bertou,1 P.L. Biermann,b P. Billoir,29 J. Biteau,28 S.G. Blaess,12

A. Blanco,70 J. Blazek,25 C. Bleve,50,43 M. Bohacova,25

D. Boncioli,40,d C. Bonifazi,22 N. Borodai,67 A.M. Botti,8,33

J. Brack,82 I. Brancus,71 T. Bretz,35 A. Bridgeman,33

F.L. Briechle,35 P. Buchholz,37 A. Bueno,78 S. Buitink,63

M. Buscemi,52,42 K.S. Caballero-Mora,60 L. Caccianiga,53

A. Cancio,11,8 F. Canfora,63 L. Caramete,72 R. Caruso,52,42

A. Castellina,48,47 G. Cataldi,43 L. Cazon,70 A.G. Chavez,61

J.A. Chinellato,17 J. Chudoba,25 R.W. Clay,12 R. Colalillo,54,45

A. Coleman,89 L. Collica,47 M.R. Coluccia,50,43 R. Conceicao,70

F. Contreras,9,10 M.J. Cooper,12 S. Coutu,89 C.E. Covault,80

J. Cronin,90 S. D’Amico,49,43 B. Daniel,17 S. Dasso,5,3

K. Daumiller,33 B.R. Dawson,12 R.M. de Almeida,23 S.J. deJong,63,65 G. De Mauro,63 J.R.T. de Mello Neto,22 I. De Mitri,50,43

J. de Oliveira,23 V. de Souza,15 J. Debatin,33 O. Deligny,28 C. DiGiulio,55,46 A. Di Matteo,51,41 M.L. Dıaz Castro,17 F. Diogo,70

C. Dobrigkeit,17 J.C. D’Olivo,62 Q. Dorosti,37 R.C. dos Anjos,21

M.T. Dova,4 A. Dundovic,36 J. Ebr,25 R. Engel,33 M. Erdmann,35

M. Erfani,37 C.O. Escobar,f J. Espadanal,70 A. Etchegoyen,8,11

H. Falcke,63,66,65 G. Farrar,86 A.C. Fauth,17 N. Fazzini,f B. Fick,85

J.M. Figueira,8 A. Filipcic,75,76 O. Fratu,74 M.M. Freire,6 T. Fujii,90

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Prepared for submission to JCAP

Search for photons with energies

above 1018 eV using the hybrid

detector of the Pierre Auger

Observatory 5

The Pierre Auger Collaboration

A. Aab63 P. Abreu70 M. Aglietta48,47 I. Al Samarai29

I.F.M. Albuquerque16 I. Allekotte1 A. Almela8,11 J. AlvarezCastillo62 J. Alvarez-Muñiz79 G.A. Anastasi38 L. Anchordoqui83

B. Andrada8 S. Andringa70 C. Aramo45 F. Arqueros77 10

N. Arsene73 H. Asorey1,24 P. Assis70 J. Aublin29 G. Avila9,10

A.M. Badescu74 A. Balaceanu71 R.J. Barreira Luz70 C. Baus32

J.J. Beatty89 K.H. Becker31 J.A. Bellido12 C. Berat30

M.E. Bertaina56,47 X. Bertou1 P.L. Biermannb P. Billoir29

J. Biteau28 S.G. Blaess12 A. Blanco70 J. Blazek25 C. Bleve50,43 15

M. Boháčová25 D. Boncioli40,d C. Bonifazi22 N. Borodai67

A.M. Botti8,33 J. Brack82 I. Brancus71 T. Bretz35 A. Bridgeman33

F.L. Briechle35 P. Buchholz37 A. Bueno78 S. Buitink63

M. Buscemi52,42 K.S. Caballero-Mora60 L. Caccianiga53

A. Cancio11,8 F. Canfora63 L. Caramete72 R. Caruso52,4220

A. Castellina48,47 G. Cataldi43 L. Cazon70 A.G. Chavez61

J.A. Chinellato17 J. Chudoba25 R.W. Clay12 R. Colalillo54,45

A. Coleman90 L. Collica47 M.R. Coluccia50,43 R. Conceição70

F. Contreras9,10 M.J. Cooper12 S. Coutu90 C.E. Covault80

J. Cronin91 S. D’Amico49,43 B. Daniel17 S. Dasso5,325

K. Daumiller33 B.R. Dawson12 R.M. de Almeida23 S.J. deJong63,65 G. De Mauro63 J.R.T. de Mello Neto22 I. De Mitri50,43

J. de Oliveira23 V. de Souza15 J. Debatin33 O. Deligny28 C. DiGiulio55,46 A. Di Matteo51,41 M.L. Díaz Castro17 F. Diogo70

C. Dobrigkeit17 J.C. D’Olivo62 R.C. dos Anjos21 M.T. Dova430

A. Dundovic36 J. Ebr25 R. Engel33 M. Erdmann35 M. Erfani37

C.O. Escobar84,17 J. Espadanal70 A. Etchegoyen8,11

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Multi-resolution anisotropy studies of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected

at the Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger Collaboration

A. Aab63, P. Abreu70, M. Aglietta48,47, I. Al Samarai29, I.F.M. Albuquerque16, I. Allekotte1,

A. Almela8,11, J. Alvarez Castillo62, J. Alvarez-Muniz79, G.A. Anastasi38, L. Anchordoqui83,

B. Andrada8, S. Andringa70, C. Aramo45, F. Arqueros77, N. Arsene73, H. Asorey1,24,

P. Assis70, J. Aublin29, G. Avila9,10, A.M. Badescu74, A. Balaceanu71, R.J. Barreira Luz70,

C. Baus32, J.J. Beatty89, K.H. Becker31, J.A. Bellido12, C. Berat30, M.E. Bertaina56,47,

X. Bertou1, P.L. Biermannb, P. Billoir29, J. Biteau28, S.G. Blaess12, A. Blanco70, J. Blazek25,

C. Bleve50,43, M. Bohacova25, D. Boncioli40,d, C. Bonifazi22, N. Borodai67, A.M. Botti8,33,

J. Brack82, I. Brancus71, T. Bretz35, A. Bridgeman33, F.L. Briechle35, P. Buchholz37,

A. Bueno78, S. Buitink63, M. Buscemi52,42, K.S. Caballero-Mora60, L. Caccianiga53,

A. Cancio11,8, F. Canfora63, L. Caramete72, R. Caruso52,42, A. Castellina48,47, G. Cataldi43,

L. Cazon70, A.G. Chavez61, J.A. Chinellato17, J. Chudoba25, R.W. Clay12, R. Colalillo54,45,

A. Coleman90, L. Collica47, M.R. Coluccia50,43, R. Conceicao70, F. Contreras9,10,

M.J. Cooper12, S. Coutu90, C.E. Covault80, J. Cronin91, S. D’Amico49,43, B. Daniel17,

S. Dasso5,3, K. Daumiller33, B.R. Dawson12, R.M. de Almeida23, S.J. de Jong63,65, G. De

Mauro63, J.R.T. de Mello Neto22, I. De Mitri50,43, J. de Oliveira23, V. de Souza15,

J. Debatin33, O. Deligny28, C. Di Giulio55,46, A. Di Matteo51,41, M.L. Dıaz Castro17,

F. Diogo70, C. Dobrigkeit17, J.C. D’Olivo62, R.C. dos Anjos21, M.T. Dova4, A. Dundovic36,

J. Ebr25, R. Engel33, M. Erdmann35, M. Erfani37, C.O. Escobar84,17, J. Espadanal70,

A. Etchegoyen8,11, H. Falcke63,66,65, G. Farrar87, A.C. Fauth17, N. Fazzini84, B. Fick86,

J.M. Figueira8, A. Filipcic75,76, O. Fratu74, M.M. Freire6, T. Fujii91, A. Fuster8,11, R. Gaior29,

B. Garcıa7, D. Garcia-Pinto77, F. Gatee, H. Gemmeke34, A. Gherghel-Lascu71, P.L. Ghia28,

U. Giaccari22, M. Giammarchi44, M. Giller68, D. G las69, C. Glaser35, G. Golup1, M. Gomez

Berisso1, P.F. Gomez Vitale9,10, N. Gonzalez8,33, A. Gorgi48,47, P. Gorham92, P. Gouffon16,

A.F. Grillo40, T.D. Grubb12, F. Guarino54,45, G.P. Guedes18, M.R. Hampel8, P. Hansen4,

D. Harari1, T.A. Harrison12, J.L. Harton82, Q. Hasankiadeh37, A. Haungs33, T. Hebbeker35,

D. Heck33, P. Heimann37, A.E. Herve32, G.C. Hill12, C. Hojvat84, E. Holt33,8, P. Homola67,

J.R. Horandel63,65, P. Horvath26, M. Hrabovsky26, T. Huege33, J. Hulsman8,33, A. Insolia52,42,

P.G. Isar72, I. Jandt31, S. Jansen63,65, J.A. Johnsen81, M. Josebachuili8, A. Kaapa31,

O. Kambeitz32, K.H. Kampert31, I. Katkov32, B. Keilhauer33, E. Kemp17, J. Kemp35,

R.M. Kieckhafer86, H.O. Klages33, M. Kleifges34, J. Kleinfeller9, R. Krause35, N. Krohm31,

D. Kuempel35, G. Kukec Mezek76, N. Kunka34, A. Kuotb Awad33, D. LaHurd80,

M. Lauscher35, R. Legumina68, M.A. Leigui de Oliveira20, A. Letessier-Selvon29,

I. Lhenry-Yvon28, K. Link32, L. Lopes70, R. Lopez57, A. Lopez Casado79, Q. Luce28,

A. Lucero8,11, M. Malacari91, M. Mallamaci53,44, D. Mandat25, P. Mantsch84, A.G. Mariazzi4,

I.C. Maris78, G. Marsella50,43, D. Martello50,43, H. Martinez58, O. Martınez Bravo57,

J.J. Masıas Meza3, H.J. Mathes33, S. Mathys31, J. Matthews85, J.A.J. Matthews94,

G. Matthiae55,46, E. Mayotte31, P.O. Mazur84, C. Medina81, G. Medina-Tanco62, D. Melo8,

A. Menshikov34, S. Messina64, M.I. Micheletti6, L. Middendorf35, I.A. Minaya77,

L. Miramonti53,44, B. Mitrica71, D. Mockler32, S. Mollerach1, F. Montanet30, C. Morello48,47,