< ff J tj 1 1v1 S 11 r- j i- a Irtiil r < 4 flfjpf JI i j i t J tIaJ1 1fi3 jf tJt i I d k 1 1 1 Wi 111 I J1t i k dw eo l j t tl I I til j Ie J 11 jF IIIiffJ s nw + ra awry w t uSpAsW3M > 34 k kY IW e + slr Il f lJ Uoptt t UUll 11 iI L1h r o k j ULM n l1 lJ1 T41iIOIwM1j OnlfrSm7 Io114 I MNiII 55 5S trI 3 c I Some Facts of the Buffalo i air J l Items of Interest to Prospective Visitors of tlc l PauAuiencah Exposition Ahrhlgan will have a splendid state juilung at the PanAmcrlean expo ¬ sition ojJ1no hl1rgeRtlogs Int11e westdrn aemMpherc will bo seen at Buffalo this ToroiBMir Tate Louisiana exhibit at the Pan SVnuerican exposition will occupy 2000 jsrrojuw Jtet of space CaTOu1a1s exhibit at the Pan Ameti Ina exposition will occupy a space of boot 3OOD square foot TSjte extensive and valuable re porawcts nr Louisiana will be exhibitedI at Was BanAincrlcan 1 rw fork state will have about 1000 jrpmre feet of space for Its ex SbIt eat tine PanAmerican exposition Stsmvp collectors all over the world art iidJiirg the new PanAmerican scrips a9 stamps to their collections The ordnance exhibit at the Pan Am ricwn exposition will surpass any dlsplny Ut the kind ever made at an ipiiwtion An Win exhibit to represent the pe trcfijcm interests of California at the Sai mcrican exposition is being cal ¬ lect tr- Tfcp Calif ornia Canners association bas made a liberal appropriation to i < > at < its goods exhibited at the Pan Jttti ruiri exposition Cnljlnrnia 1a a lihfrnl allotment of upinc at HIP PanAmerioan exposi 1tinn and will make an extensive ex lMt > t < if her wonderful resources Snjsati famous hand and more haa o other great musical organiza 5iOii true been engaged to give con ¬ certs at the PanAmerican exposition Yhw superb collections made in the far northwest by the Alaska Qeo gut liLa1 society will possibly be Shown at the PanAmerican exposi UonJLinung the musical organizations rugagcd to give concerts at the Pan merican exposition next summer is tIle Mexican government mounted ban i The southcrn Pacific exhibits that were si nt to the Paris exposition ti arvis returned to this country and wiiQlbe seen at the PanAmerican next irmirer TThc southern Pacific exhibit at the HiAmerican exposition will sur tss in attractiveness the show made BY tthc Eame corporation at the Paris xrposilJon In quantity and quality the exhib ts to be made by California at the American exposition will surpas8I jChvf hitherto uhown dWentfAT0 I Chicago yhtsmen propose to or nnize a fleet 1I t yachts to cruise Q Baffalo next etaaatf for the Pur t MINERALS AT BUFFALO the raiiAnierlcnn I3xpo ltlon Will Uavii A Wonderful Exhibit In This Line The minerals exhibit will be one of the most important features of the PlanAmerican exposition The ap IjHePtlnnn for space are so numerous tx to mise the question as to the pos acfclHty of accommodating all the pros j jyective exhibitors i Tine building to be devoted to the e- xt ¬ hlt is one of a group of three mug mfi tnt structures arranged In tho urm of a horseshoe at tho western I Sw undary of the Esplanade The flees building is the southernmost of palm group and is connectedwith the rticulture buUdin by one of the ITorttlcm1turo tiwnth It is 150 square c rach of the four corners it has a pavll Data 100 feet high The eastern facade hooking upon the Esplanade shows stereo high recessed arches between tfee towers forming An open loggia elaborately and beautifully ornament d with plastic details and decorated In brilliant colors From this loggia are tote malt entrances to the building There are also entrances In the cor ague pavilions In which displays will be wjwlc The ornamental detail la very B pUre8quo slid Interesting Dr Da wH TT Day superintendent of mining 1 the Pan Amellcan exposition aay- sattkis I have to say that tito building deiigvated for the jnjs K1 cxblbiU tl for J i > liM UM in t pose of attending the Pan Amcrlehrt expositionAgents of the concessionaires of the Philippine village at the Pan American exposition arC now in the Philippines securing attractions for that important concession Dean W A henry of the agricul- tural ¬ college of the University of Wis ¬ consin is arranging for an exhibit of the results of the work of that col ¬ lege at the PanAmerican exposition The Louisiana commissioners to the PanAmerican exposition state that nothing will be left undone by them to have the Pelican state exhibit equal to the best at the great show William F Klines celebrated paint- Ing The Flight Into Egypt which was awarded the Clark prize at the recent acndemy exhibltiqn will be shown at the PanAmerican exposlj tion A number of large manufacturing concerns of Racine Wis will have ex ¬ hibits at tho PanAmerican exposi ¬ tion A firm of the Dell city will fur ¬ nish 25 launches to be floated In the lagoons at the exposition Arrangements have been made to send the miniature Ferris wheel which has been on exhibition at San Franoisco several years to Buffalo as pnrtof the California exhibition It will be filled with California dried fruitThree million logs in one massive pile make a very intcroctlng sight A largo photograph of suoh a at Amburg WIs nnd 30 other interest- ing ¬ views will form a part of the ex ¬ hibit of the lumber Industries of northern Wisconsin at tho PanAmer ¬ ican exposition One of tho novelties promised by John Philip Sousa The March King for the PanAmerican exposition band concerts is the new Sousa march Hall to the Spirit of Liberty which he composed for the dedication of the Lafayette monument in Paris last Fourth of July The bureau of engraving and print ¬ ing has orders from the post office department to print the new Pan American stamps in the following quantities Onecent 71000000 two cent 160000000 fourcent 5000000 fivecent 800000 eightcent 3000 000 tencent 4000000 total 251000 000The executive committee of the nice Association of America at a meeting held at Lako Charles Louis ¬ ana decided to raise at least 10000 to maintain a rice kitchen at the Pan American exposition at which rice will be served in various forms show- Ing ¬ the value of rice as a staple ar- ticle ¬ of food a r rMRrU7 efficient building of Its kind I have ever seen Applications for space now aggre ¬ gate about 15000 square feet where- as ¬ about twothirds of this space is allS that is available These applications says Superintendent Day cover many industries and many states besides the fine exhibit from Canada includ ¬ ing the new and Interesting precious metal deposits of Ontario British Co- lumbia ¬ and the Klondike region On the other hand South America will 11so be well represented with a InrgeC collective exhibit of the mineral ¬ tries of Peru Brazil and Chili as well bs other countries having minor but Interesting displays The United States exhibit will be magnificent one and in some will surpass any yet made Fo tit the mineral resources of the Lake region particularly this groat Iron ore deposits of Lake Su- perior ¬ and the transportation and utll ¬ ization of these ores at the lower lake ports especially Buffalo will bo ade- quately ¬ represented for the first time Practically the entire mining exhibit made by the United States commis ¬ sion at the Paris exposition Is coming back from Paris to the PanAmerlcai exposition Included in this exhibit js a magnificent suite of gold and all ver specimens from Colorado and th finest specimen of native gohlever taken from tho earth which oom from California A complete series o f all the mineral species found In the United States according t > Dnnafl Classification Is also includ Ui the Vxhlbit and to these will be nu spa Hraensof the resource of U mg- arty pc 3seeafouat I n tf i v I < VI M I tSx A1 JIIING OF THE CAT it AVat That gentle and UsSful Croa- j tirir Deserves Cut shots loMot date frpn tlfan tt decad and a half Vdogfeliows ytMnoqurrfgrs l1drcYqsdl a eooro of rUsts who liave de piotorialroprosentation rome beautiful paintings of cats at Munich mainly by Dutch artiste fuch as Dp Vos and Goal Dottw who Lave worthy successor Mme Ron neroBut until Louis Wain made the subject his own the cat was a negl- igible quantity in the English painters art In conversation and in proverb puss has fared equally indifferently Hes a gay young dog is by no means an uncomplimentary epithet from the lips of an acquaintance or friend Truly there is the antithesis in an impertinent puppy but even that implies the prospect of coining to his senses as ho advances in yeafs The future holds out no suoh hopes withregard to the girl or woman Who 4 is spoken of as a regular cnP When Diamond Newtqiis e ttole its masters dinner tho tlloitwas attributed to the scientists absent mindedness in leaving the victuals about Not the slightest bl inc was attached to Diamond What if Tab- by ¬ had done a similar thing She would have been branded as a thief Truth to tell Tabby is hofc dltqlI scrupulous in that respect but no more is Towser yet thdlattorhas never been made the scapegCfat of the depredations of humans v J The cat has many vices and many = virtues the latter have not eell de ¬ elopedwhile the former have been too much insisted upon It is blind belief in the good qualities the dog that has bred unbelief in the merits of the cat But even if the cat had no redeeming qualities it would be en ¬ titled to the reward of the services it performs in ridding the land of rodents There is this to be consid ¬ ered howeverthe cat cannot sub- sist altogether on mice Sarah Bern hardt knows this and it is said that wherever and whenever she has a theater she brings a provision for all the cats that are there CLOSE FIGURING Economical Woman Did Not Save Much on Her Half Dozen Eggs She was the wife ofan official ofn St Paul street corporation says the Baltimore Sun Her one pet hobby was economy Though her husband made an excellent salary she was rigid in her rules pertaining to the buying of the necessaries for the household She would haunt bar ¬ gain counters laudmalket stalls for hours in order to get the benefit of a reduction of a few cents on the ar tide desired The corporation official with much laughter used to tease his better half about what he called her stinginess So one day feeling hurt tit his ridi ¬ cule she resolved to tale him to mar ¬ ket with her and demonstrate beyond a doubt that she was a most economi- cal ¬ buyer lIe consented stipulating that he was not to be asked to carry basketArriving at the market she made several purchases and then at one stall inquired the price of eggs What she exclaimed 16 cents dozen No indeed that is too high She dragged her reluctant husband after her from one stand to another inquiring the price of eggs and always receiving the same answer un ¬ til near the upper end of the market Here she found a dealer who offered to sell her eggs in any quantity for 15 cents To her husband she said joyously There I told you so Wily those others were robbers Turning to thesalesman she or ¬ dered half a dozen eggs gravely hand- ed ¬ him the eight cents agked In JayI awayr and the alleged willingness of I dealers to gouge the unsuspecting cus ¬ tomer And to this day she does not know that her husband and his friends laughed over it at the club Valuable 7ipl European railroads now want our Bleeping cars We might give the traveling public of Europe some vnl1 pQrjerIndiane pan to Grumblo or Koup StilL Some people couldnt think of any Ling to say if they were not allowed to kick about everything that comes glongWaEllington tIi J th U10Cn1t tt < < K = JOPIII r = = = = = w ttttl ttCft tt11t1tttt ° ilrlitt PC1t fl t tl tll lt t t t tt r4 I W A TKIIS EDWARDS COOPER I E Stiocessors to Watkins Edwards Corner Eighth and Virginia Sts Building formerly Occupied by thef E = = McCormick Harvester Co and the D M Osborne Co = oe Will handle full line of Farming ImiDliments Co- nE sisting of 3tII1 E sore 1 It t Binders Mowers Hay Rakes Tedders FonsRv1I1 Disc Harrows r fc rry Also Binder Twine I > r Si Huber Threshers Owensboro Wagons arid u gigs P anlfp > 1 SE Cultivators Disc and Shovels iCorn Planters Plows g In fact everything found in a First Class Implement House We f hale the = r tttr MILWAUKEE MOWER 1 J aAnd Full Line of Repairs for these Goods 3 i S Agents for the Globe Fertilizer I 3 I Our Mr Edwards will have charge of the house and Mr Cooper will solicit for s i same Mr Watkins will have charge of the Qracey business Mr Elbridge Brad Eshave will also assist in the sales department and orders given him on his Rural Mail = will be greatly appreciated Thanking friends for past favors we ask a con g t tinuance of their patronage Respectfully 1 Watkiiis Edwards Co 3 346r HOPKINSVILLB KY = ummmuuummuuuumlumuummummumuuu2 LION COFFEE 1t A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL next advertisement 1WtChOU it is to their happiness may have by 5 out a of Lion of our one packages is form this gr 1fent is sold WOQLSON CO OHIO ANNUAL REUNION Of United Confederate Veter ans of above occasion the Illinois Central R R will sell trip to Memphis on May 25th aud 27th limited to June 4th for return at of 470 An extension of return limit to June 19th may be by depo iting tick with Joint Agent at Memphis May 28lli and June 3rd and upon payment of fee of 50 cents UIUUU1T COUllT I lK1GoFlra Mond r In February term tired weeks third Monday In May term two freebi i Brit Monday in 8eptemberte m three yrceks injgriA uFourtb Monday In Februaryr hm elx weeu Firat Mon day In onr weeks i t rwtb Monday In September erm six Aptl term Diea week Flnt Monday In wo weet Monday tn term three vreqki- LTON Flrat Monday In May terra of neaxt drat Monday n okutOriv Monday i 1 Pecemuer term ° beks 1 f BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS COCKERELS FOR SALS O to 500 Only a few Iglfc iJ G 3 per 15 front birds valued at from 10 to 50 klnptinevill xj SSSSS59SSS t 4 r I 7 T HE rzlion J and prevents adulteration ndI impurity from entering into your packi ofLION COFFEE 1 When yon buy an unbroken package r f of LION COPPED you have coffee that is absolutely pure strong and invigor- ating A single pound makes 40 cups No other coffee will go so far will never know what is like tilt YOU try it LION COFFEE not a glazedk but pure coffee and ¬ ing but coffee escriptivefist which wiUcontribute comtort andconvenience andwhich they simply cutting certain number wrappers pound sealed which the only tn which SPICB TQEEOO Account peens tickets 26th rate obtained et between milECTOnV weekt- OAwowAYbrcondbioadayIn Auguatteria woyembei Au8uettarns MKACHAKT You compound a noth Report of the Condition OF THE First National Ban OF HOPKINSVILLB Inthe State of Kentucky at the close of huv 24th 1901 XB80vnODB Loins and DIsCounta 15618237 Overdrafts secured and imsecttred 1J06 17 U S Bonds tol ure circulation 2000000 Stocks securities etc 2350000 Due from NatkmalJlanks wit reserve agents 102926 Due from State 11 nka and Bankers 178119 Due from approved reserved aucuu 23 657 19 luternalReTenue 17000 Checks and othercasMtemi 156755 Notes of ollwr National Uaukx 636800 Fractional paper currency nickels nail cuts 47037 Specie 1216850 Legal teadCr notes 750000 1966850 Redemption fund with U So Treasurer IS per cent of circulation 100000 Duo Iran Ui s Treasurur other than 5 per cent redomptien lund 250- LSAS7JITX3 Total 2S6r3 to U Capital stock paid In SOOOdOO fund looqoog Undivided lew exwnes and taxes paidt 839771 National Dank notes outnu 2000000 ue to State names anU Itaettalar 811686 Dlvldendsunpald s M l dex > suH r w chock 159303 53 TotalS W630310 Statuf Kentucky L county of I JhOlS W Long kweb r 4 the nboYVnamed bank do solemnly sw0kr t Iit thvi above tato feet Is true to the bestn f mv Knowledge sad belief pits vv Cono Cai correctAtrc t Ji I ir I 11 DllctonsJ 8Jt C1lbed and 111 m me thla 9th dsvr uay1901 Ycrv N p v n J r PUBLIC SALE 3a of Short Horn Cattle at Hopkins yllle Kentucky Saturday May 25th 1901 we will sell ft1 fine lot of pedigreed Short Horn Cattle consistjog of ii m t head of fine young Bulls record4 t s or eligeable 10 head of cows arid heifers recorded or elegible The pedigrees will be furnished at the time of sale The balance of the stock consists of A lot ot cxtragoodr purebred Shorthorn cows not ele ¬ gible to registry now springing to calf AH stock will be guaranteed a represented This Stock was selected with the cardinal features in view railkfjig and beef producing qualities Jy This will be a an opportunity to s purchase good tock at your price ry Bear in mind that the old reliable Short Horn cattle have no equal i LayneHopkinsville Augustus a ¬ logue tock to be sold Sale commences at 10 oclock I Every thing will sell without re ¬ serve P IG Owners Paris Illinois

OnlfrSm7 Io114 I MNiII trI VI ItSx Croa- I Some the c ATKIIS …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk06xz4j/data/0340.pdf · 2013-11-07 ·

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Page 1: OnlfrSm7 Io114 I MNiII trI VI ItSx Croa- I Some the c ATKIIS …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk06xz4j/data/0340.pdf · 2013-11-07 ·

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< 4 flfjpf JI ij i t JtIaJ1 1fi3 jf tJti I d k1 1 1 Wi 111 I J1t i k dw

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Uoptt t UUll 11 iI L1hr o k j ULM n l1 lJ1

T41iIOIwM1j OnlfrSm7 Io114 I MNiII55 5S trI


cI Some Facts of the Buffalo i airJ l

Items of Interest to Prospective Visitors of tlcl

PauAuiencah Exposition

Ahrhlgan will have a splendid statejuilung at the PanAmcrlean expo ¬

sitionojJ1no hl1rgeRtlogs Int11e westdrnaemMpherc will bo seen at Buffalothis ToroiBMir

Tate Louisiana exhibit at the PanSVnuerican exposition will occupy 2000jsrrojuw Jtet of space

CaTOu1a1s exhibit at the Pan AmetiIna exposition will occupy a space of

boot 3OOD square footTSjte extensive and valuable re

porawcts nr Louisiana will be exhibitedIat Was BanAincrlcan1 rw fork state will have about

1000 jrpmre feet of space for Its exSbIt eat tine PanAmerican expositionStsmvp collectors all over the world

art iidJiirg the new PanAmericanscrips a9 stamps to their collections

The ordnance exhibit at the PanAm ricwn exposition will surpass anydlsplny Ut the kind ever made at an

ipiiwtionAn Win exhibit to represent the pe

trcfijcm interests of California at theSai mcrican exposition is being cal ¬

lect tr-

Tfcp Calif ornia Canners associationbas made a liberal appropriation to i

< >at < its goods exhibited at the PanJttti ruiri exposition

Cnljlnrnia 1a a lihfrnl allotment ofupinc at HIP PanAmerioan exposi1tinn and will make an extensive exlMt > t < if her wonderful resources

Snjsati famous hand and morehaa o other great musical organiza

5iOii true been engaged to give con ¬

certs at the PanAmerican expositionYhw superb collections made in the

far northwest by the Alaska Qeogut liLa1 society will possibly beShown at the PanAmerican exposi

UonJLinungthe musical organizations

rugagcd to give concerts at the Panmerican exposition next summer is

tIle Mexican government mountedban i

The southcrn Pacific exhibits thatwere si nt to the Paris expositiontiarvis returned to this country andwiiQlbe seen at the PanAmerican next

irmirerTThc southern Pacific exhibit at the

HiAmerican exposition will surtss in attractiveness the show made

BY tthc Eame corporation at the ParisxrposilJonIn quantity and quality the exhib

ts to be made by California at theAmerican exposition will surpas8I

jChvf hitherto uhowndWentfAT0 I

Chicago yhtsmen propose to ornnize a fleet 1I t yachts to cruiseQ Baffalo next etaaatf for the Pur t


the raiiAnierlcnn I3xpo ltlon Will

Uavii A Wonderful ExhibitIn This Line

The minerals exhibit will be one of

the most important features of thePlanAmerican exposition The apIjHePtlnnn for space are so numeroustx to mise the question as to the posacfclHty of accommodating all the pros


jyective exhibitors i

Tine building to be devoted to the e-xt


hlt is one of a group of three mugmfi tnt structures arranged In tho

urm of a horseshoe at tho western I

Sw undary of the Esplanade Theflees building is the southernmost of

palm group and is connectedwith therticulture buUdin by one of the

ITorttlcm1turotiwnth It is 150 squarec rach of the four corners it has a pavllData 100 feet high The eastern facadehooking upon the Esplanade showsstereo high recessed arches betweentfee towers forming An open loggiaelaborately and beautifully ornament

d with plastic details and decorated In

brilliant colors From this loggia aretote malt entrances to the buildingThere are also entrances In the corague pavilions In which displays will bewjwlc The ornamental detail la veryB pUre8quo slid Interesting Dr DawH TT Day superintendent of mining

1 the Pan Amellcan exposition aay-sattkis I have to say thattito building deiigvated for the jnjsK1 cxblbiU tl for Ji> liM UM in t

pose of attending the Pan Amcrlehrt

expositionAgentsof the concessionaires of

the Philippine village at the PanAmerican exposition arC now in thePhilippines securing attractions forthat important concession

Dean W A henry of the agricul-tural


college of the University of Wis ¬

consin is arranging for an exhibit ofthe results of the work of that col ¬

lege at the PanAmerican expositionThe Louisiana commissioners to the

PanAmerican exposition state thatnothing will be left undone by themto have the Pelican state exhibitequal to the best at the great show

William F Klines celebrated paint-Ing The Flight Into Egypt whichwas awarded the Clark prize at therecent acndemy exhibltiqn will beshown at the PanAmerican exposljtion

A number of large manufacturingconcerns of Racine Wis will have ex¬

hibits at tho PanAmerican exposi ¬

tion A firm of the Dell city will fur ¬

nish 25 launches to be floated In thelagoons at the exposition

Arrangements have been made tosend the miniature Ferris wheelwhich has been on exhibition at SanFranoisco several years to Buffalo aspnrtof the California exhibition Itwill be filled with California dried

fruitThree million logs in one massivepile make a very intcroctlng sightA largo photograph of suoh a atAmburg WIs nnd 30 other interest-ing


views will form a part of the ex ¬

hibit of the lumber Industries ofnorthern Wisconsin at tho PanAmer ¬

ican expositionOne of tho novelties promised by

John Philip Sousa The March Kingfor the PanAmerican exposition bandconcerts is the new Sousa march

Hall to the Spirit of Liberty whichhe composed for the dedication of theLafayette monument in Paris lastFourth of July

The bureau of engraving and print ¬

ing has orders from the post officedepartment to print the new PanAmerican stamps in the followingquantities Onecent 71000000 twocent 160000000 fourcent 5000000fivecent 800000 eightcent 3000000 tencent 4000000 total 251000

000Theexecutive committee of the

nice Association of America at ameeting held at Lako Charles Louis ¬

ana decided to raise at least 10000to maintain a rice kitchen at the PanAmerican exposition at which ricewill be served in various forms show-Ing


the value of rice as a staple ar-ticle


of food

ar rMRrU7efficient building of Its kind I have everseen

Applications for space now aggre ¬

gate about 15000 square feet where-as


about twothirds of this space is allSthat is available These applicationssays Superintendent Day cover manyindustries and many states besidesthe fine exhibit from Canada includ ¬

ing the new and Interesting preciousmetal deposits of Ontario British Co-


and the Klondike region On

the other hand South America will11so be well represented with a InrgeCcollective exhibit of the mineral ¬

tries of Peru Brazil and Chili as wellbs other countries having minor butInteresting displays

The United States exhibit will bemagnificent one and in some

will surpass any yet made Fotit the mineral resources of the

Lake region particularly thisgroat Iron ore deposits of Lake Su-


and the transportation and utll ¬

ization of these ores at the lower lakeports especially Buffalo will bo ade-


represented for the first timePractically the entire mining exhibitmade by the United States commis ¬

sion at the Paris exposition Is comingback from Paris to the PanAmerlcaiexposition Included in this exhibitjs a magnificent suite of gold and allver specimens from Colorado and thfinest specimen of native gohlevertaken from tho earth which oomfrom California A complete series ofall the mineral species found In theUnited States according t > DnnaflClassification Is also includ Ui theVxhlbit and to these will be nu spaHraensof the resource of U mg-

arty pc 3seeafouat


n tf i v I




it AVat That gentle and UsSful Croa-

j tirir Deserves

Cut shots loMot date frpntlfan tt decad and a half Vdogfeliows

ytMnoqurrfgrsl1drcYqsdla eooro of rUsts who liave depiotorialroprosentationrome beautiful paintings of cats atMunich mainly by Dutch artistefuch as Dp Vos and Goal Dottw whoLave worthy successor Mme RonneroBut until Louis Wain made thesubject his own the cat was a negl-igible quantity in the Englishpainters art

In conversation and in proverbpuss has fared equally indifferentlyHes a gay young dog is by no

means an uncomplimentary epithetfrom the lips of an acquaintance orfriend Truly there is the antithesisin an impertinent puppy but eventhat implies the prospect of coiningto his senses as ho advances in yeafsThe future holds out no suoh hopeswithregard to the girl or woman Who


is spoken of as a regular cnPWhen Diamond Newtqiis e

ttole its masters dinner tho tlloitwasattributed to the scientists absentmindedness in leaving the victualsabout Not the slightest bl inc wasattached to Diamond What if Tab-


had done a similar thing Shewould have been branded as a thiefTruth to tell Tabby is hofcdltqlIscrupulous in that respect but nomore is Towser yet thdlattorhasnever been made the scapegCfat of thedepredations of humans v J

The cat has many vices and many =

virtues the latter have not eell de ¬

elopedwhile the former have beentoo much insisted upon It is blindbelief in the good qualities the dogthat has bred unbelief in the meritsof the cat But even if the cat had noredeeming qualities it would be en ¬

titled to the reward of the servicesit performs in ridding the land ofrodents There is this to be consid ¬

ered howeverthe cat cannot sub-

sist altogether on mice Sarah Bernhardt knows this and it is said thatwherever and whenever she has atheater she brings a provision for allthe cats that are there


Economical Woman Did Not Save Muchon Her Half Dozen Eggs

She was the wife ofan official

ofn St Paul street corporationsays the Baltimore Sun Her one pethobby was economy Though herhusband made an excellent salary shewas rigid in her rules pertaining tothe buying of the necessaries for thehousehold She would haunt bar¬

gain counters laudmalket stalls forhours in order to get the benefit of a

reduction of a few cents on the artide desired

The corporation official with muchlaughter used to tease his better halfabout what he called her stinginessSo one day feeling hurt tit his ridi ¬

cule she resolved to tale him to mar ¬

ket with her and demonstrate beyonda doubt that she was a most economi-cal


buyer lIe consented stipulatingthat he was not to be asked to carry

basketArrivingat the market she made

several purchases and then at onestall inquired the price of eggs

What she exclaimed 16 centsdozen No indeed that is too

highShe dragged her reluctant husband

after her from one stand to anotherinquiring the price of eggs and

always receiving the same answer un ¬

til near the upper end of the marketHere she found a dealer who offeredto sell her eggs in any quantity for15 cents To her husband she saidjoyously

There I told you so Wily thoseothers were robbers

Turning to thesalesman she or¬

dered half a dozen eggs gravely hand-ed


him the eight cents agked In JayIawayrand the alleged willingness of I

dealers to gouge the unsuspecting cus¬

tomer And to this day she does notknow that her husband and his friendslaughed over it at the club

Valuable7iplEuropean railroads now want our

Bleeping cars We might give thetraveling public of Europe somevnl1

pQrjerIndianepan to Grumblo or Koup StilL

Some people couldnt think of anyLing to say if they were not allowed

to kick about everything that comes

glongWaEllington tIi J th U10Cn1t

tt < < K

= JOPIII r= = = == w

ttttl ttCft tt11t1tttt ° ilrlitt PC1t fl t tl tll lt t t tttr4

I WATKIIS EDWARDS COOPER IE Stiocessors to Watkins Edwards

Corner Eighth and Virginia Sts Building formerly Occupied by thef E== McCormick Harvester Co and the D M Osborne Co


Will handle full line of Farming ImiDliments Co-nE sisting of3tII1E sore 1 Itt Binders Mowers Hay Rakes Tedders FonsRv1I1 Disc Harrows r

fc rry Also Binder Twine I > r

Si Huber Threshers Owensboro Wagons arid u gigs P anlfp >1SE Cultivators Disc and ShovelsiCorn Planters Plows

g In fact everything found in a First Class Implement House We

f hale the = rtttr

MILWAUKEE MOWER 1 JaAnd Full Line of Repairs for these Goods 3i

S Agents for the Globe Fertilizer I 3I Our Mr Edwards will have charge of the house and Mr Cooper will solicit for s i

same Mr Watkins will have charge of the Qracey business Mr Elbridge Brad

Eshave will also assist in the sales department and orders given him on his Rural Mail =will be greatly appreciated Thanking friends for past favors we ask a con g t

tinuance of their patronage Respectfully

1 Watkiiis Edwards Co 3346r HOPKINSVILLB KY =ummmuuummuuuumlumuummummumuuu2



next advertisement1WtChOU


to their happiness may have by 5

out a of Lion of our onepackages is form this gr 1fent is sold



Of United Confederate Veterans

of above occasion theIllinois Central R R will selltrip to Memphis on May25th aud 27th limited to June4th for return at of 470 Anextension of return limit to June 19thmay be by depo iting tick

with Joint Agent at MemphisMay 28lli and June 3rd

and upon payment of fee of 50 cents


lK1GoFlra Mond r In February termtired weeks third Monday In May term twofreebi i Brit Monday in 8eptemberte m threeyrceksinjgriA uFourtb Monday In Februaryr

hm elx weeu Firat Mon day Inonr weeks i t rwtb Monday In Septembererm six

Aptl termDiea week Flnt Monday Inwo weet Monday tnterm three vreqki-

LTON Flrat Monday In May terra ofneaxt drat Monday nokutOriv Monday i 1 Pecemuer term



to 500 Only a few Iglfc iJG

3 per 15 front birds valued at from10 to 50 klnptinevill xj


t4 r

I 7

THErzlion Jand prevents adulteration ndIimpurity from entering into your packi


When yon buy an unbroken package rf

of LION COPPED you have coffee thatis absolutely pure strong and invigor-ating A single pound makes 40 cupsNo other coffee will go so farwill never know what is like tilt YOUtry it LION COFFEE not a glazedk

but pure coffee and ¬

ing but coffee

escriptivefistwhich wiUcontribute comtort andconvenience andwhich theysimply cutting certain number wrappers pound sealed

which the only tn whichSPICB TQEEOO











compound a noth

Report of the ConditionOF THE

First National Ban

OF HOPKINSVILLBInthe State of Kentucky at the

close of huv24th 1901

XB80vnODBLoins and DIsCounta 15618237Overdrafts secured and imsecttred 1J06 17U S Bonds tolure circulation 2000000Stocks securities etc 2350000Due from NatkmalJlanks wit reserve

agents 102926Due from State 11 nka and Bankers 178119Due from approved reserved aucuu 23 657 19luternalReTenue 17000Checks and othercasMtemi 156755Notes of ollwr National Uaukx 636800Fractional paper currency nickels nail

cuts 47037Specie 1216850Legal teadCr notes 750000 1966850Redemption fund with U So Treasurer

IS per cent of circulation 100000Duo Iran Ui s Treasurur other than

5 per cent redomptien lund 250-

LSAS7JITX3Total 2S6r3 to

UCapital stock paid In SOOOdOO

fund looqoogUndivided lew exwnes and

taxes paidt 839771National Dank notes outnu 2000000

ue to State names anU Itaettalar 811686Dlvldendsunpald sMl dex > suH r w chock 159303 53

TotalS W630310Statuf Kentucky L

county ofI JhOlS W Long kweb r 4 the nboYVnamed

bank do solemnly sw0kr tIit thvi above tatofeet Is true to the bestn f mv Knowledge sad

belief pits vv Cono CaicorrectAtrct JiI ir I11DllctonsJ

8JtC1lbed and 111 m me thla 9thdsvr uay1901 Ycrv N p


n J



of Short Horn Cattle at Hopkinsyllle Kentucky

Saturday May 25th 1901 wewill sell ft1 fine lot of pedigreedShort Horn Cattle consistjog of ii m

thead of fine young Bulls record4 t s

or eligeable 10 head of cows aridheifers recorded or elegible Thepedigrees will be furnished at thetime of sale The balance of thestock consists of A lot otcxtragoodrpurebred Shorthorn cows not ele ¬

gible to registry now springing tocalf

AH stock will be guaranteed arepresented

This Stock was selected with thecardinal features in view railkfjigand beef producing qualities Jy

This will be a an opportunity to s

purchase good tock at your price ry

Bear in mind that the old reliableShort Horn cattle have no equal

i LayneHopkinsvilleAugustus a ¬

logue tock to be soldSale commences at 10 oclock

I Every thing will sell without re¬

serve P IGOwners Paris Illinois