Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases

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  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    Any lqm q ,qruoucaon wluro'.tt t r1, r',r, Gorr$crfl o, .ttr, euurl' Eild l' r vlotatu, ol tlre MMd ho!f,,Ty Codo20, I 9ntPaErc, gutat oEc,l/sroxaonPouirc,N.raw

    Bf JadnbD. JtulileAll Rigti! Raaved@NSnTUTrf,{ Lt-AWl. N.0ond T.rrltor{Petilionss quectioned tho comtitLfimaliU of Republic Act No. 9522, wtridr amendedthe defirftion ol the ts.ritory of ho Philipilnos to m*s it complbrt with tle t nitedNations Coweodm o0 lhe Law of Uro S. Ttry ar$.rd Ulat tho larv discndd thodtinitim of trribry in th6 Treary d Parb in rslabd boaths , o(c&rded the lGlayaanlslends &d fio r lhe Sce.bdor.(g Shodr torn uE Phafpph. ardrD.hCc bs!lil. ndcorryeried Hsmd wd.rt df. Phthpho h atdlhrtedo xrd.r., f,Id.d It Ela dlffol irnocart p6s.gD 'ld !a Lra paqea nA.e Fbrt llr t r*b(l NaliqtlCfivrrilion gl rh. lru d ulc So trr nfifD b & wit! th. cpdton 6 lo.r dtdlio.y. I b r'm{il*fiJ tlcy eil.fte x rt dgha. lr mslGmo 4le+coriigior3 zonq xchdt. &atrlie ara, ad codirfi ff|u. EcCtl h$!dre 6tdlory flrocrra'tlJtr! ro d.ltre& 't .orH c, mritlmo ara and cmlinotalshelves. Socond, had Rpltlic A.r t{o. 9@ ncfo{Fd lh! lqayran lsland3 snd thsScarbororrgh Shoalr as pert o( tE Ptilpfie A,t rapd{p, th. PtfiPlrns *ould hMr,violated Aflide 47(3) of UNCLOS lll tEt tl. &arhg ol barahc ahorrd not dopg t toany appreciable oderit fuorn O|o g$erd oortrgre0dt d ttp scfipehgo ard Artide47(2) of UNCLOS lll lhat the longth c, the basolins sflal not oxcsd 100 nautical milss,ssve for 3% of the totd n mbar cf bso{n6. Third, u,ha(hor r*fid to as intemalwEters or as dttripslagic Deters, lho Pfranppirles wrtrsos rorrigr*y ovs tto body ofwatsr lying landri ard of th6 baslines. (M@looa w. Ermita. 655 SCRA 476)!L Blll of Rght

    .A SubatanoY. Due Procca3l. RlOht b Ptlv.cyPaitioner *ar surdvHrE Pslorrd SpoO* rd Ofiw.il ChrgF d th. RrbftcAs{ddmca .rd LLrdr Oivuon d ole ClvI Sgvhr Carmb'bn An utden.d ldord*$.d b [l. Odm- d th. Ctvl Sertuc Com*rion.a.e.d !H pdqrt hdbcn hohhg 6la.rlti mrty cmpbrclE xlr G h lh. Ciyf, Srvlcc ComntrdonThe Chrirman of the CM Seoicc Curfl{c.ion otdecd m iryedlon of Cl llls'h lhco.rlplnors h the offce ot pctitioner. frod d fi9 fl. rbrrd wir araU of deaArry lorperties tacing r&I nlcMye charges. A a reult pddorlq wat d*nhsad. Petuonrargued lhet the fileo in |ir compxer vrheo hb p.sonal frlee and vorB ill6ge[y taken.HELD: The fiollarlng guesllon! should be addessed (f ) Did PoU0oncr tlevo ,eesonabloaxpec[atkxrs of prlvacy ln his oflics dd computr files? and (2) vras tho srch and thcopying d h6 cootents of tr hard divo resonable in its lrrcoilkm ard scop6?The rdast ciqrutmcos to cdrsidor kr.lrde thc bforhO (1) rfiC ic th. rsLlionshipof tho r$qy6o lo tr itomr rebed; e)trstb Xmw h th.lnmo(k conholof the srplq/ec uilrn h wa :eizcq end (3) *o0lI thc enploytr looh adkxrE tomrintr$n th. Fivac, h tl. iHn.Petitionr did not provc het he had gn orpocfdlon of p.,r.cy in hi8 offce orgovernmentissuod compner ufiidt contahd hls personal llles. Hc did nol allogo that

  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    Any turn d rqtoddon rttroulfuvrfrlt cotrrltr,oflhe atfrlor btd b, vtol.don ol lha tuNl.f,ad Prcorfil Gode.he h8 a sopeab sd6od offce, thst hb offios w dEya lodGd, tlt h6 usedpa$iodr a adoFd rty rneans to pIavri dt r ilDlqEa fiofit Ecdng tleql?(tor fi.a orr lhc catry, he allord dtd p.ea, b ur hb alF{er.lloreowr, Orfrc. ,taqEsra.m No. 10. SsLs d N2 prodoa the conpubrruarox a fic ppertydthc Civil Scrror Cmrardrrr riC rW b. rnd oi, lbrLgit,rtdo hrhr. pupa-, lhc Ls! h.rt rp A.ddar d M. u.rl dy.{ly ddf to Fly*y h 'lytfrg h thc drprner, rdtr Clrl Emro. Oomnlrdon mry'Iionllor use d itB compullr raiot.rces.Tho search ot tho comp,uter f os of petiuoner wes candrdod kr ornettion wiur theinvestigElion d 'rDdcrl8lod miscorxin promilod by e coltlrlaff. A srch bylovarilngnt emplryr d tle doG of an efipbl|eo b Inilled $ln thas arcoasonabls ground! lu'lulpodlng ulal it wil tun rp .vidqrcc lhat the efiphps iagrdlty d rlod({dald mlsoond$|. (Pollo vs. K{inacon6{.dfro, G.R No. 18188'1,Gobor lE,2011).L Folc.FortOdnrrca tlo. 2$4 o, Or@r Cky r!$H tl. cill-udon d r* frr cqrnfddbufl*rp b b. cfidu*dh hrdrpo ar( Ptrrr qr.doo.d b qctidindtyon tho lround thd il yloLbd a.ra p.ooos& HELD: fir c*trcr brvdd cxcrclrc dpolbo poiEr. The arcarhc pwioe sato rld con rig{ pe.fd Co'[ fE eir\rralk lorpdest i*rs. (csrEa!,@ vr. City Governrsi of Ou@r Clty,05E sCRA E53).. B. Procdunil Du. Proco.s1. Exbtonc.of\rlotagonRospondent leasd e parcal d l8|d and tle dot! dtldng on it to,n " tunidpdily. AfirE razed the nearby p{Slb marl(( h, thB $qe rm.&td tM. Tho rnrfdpC rnayoratltEdzd the dmolition of the stds tc dre way fr tha sntlc0on d a rlox, m kd.R6pondrt erd for darnages. HELD: Thero ua! a vioaatiqn ca lh. rigit b p,n atsp.oporty of rcpondnt Sh stlodd have bn @r*d .h.E proc.t i, b\r. (An o vc. .Feople, 645 SCRA 41).RrcponOen rd 8ldl porto.t ufio wee bdr eiTbyoo d tha I.'d Tr.lgdidarOfiq, rsc c|rrpd !*o tD dllre d tp (InDttntSr rdtg n6ry hcor*brafim d glvhg qrpr r Ciwla lcan Inah fr.flql h$r mrffin"Thr or rqbya t-d. crrBdlklUl poiliE b il.Fcf rfrrdr q.*it.|d tltmitbdfh. Cli(hrlb dtuou,ltrosr6br.&taLtfi l.dm Ro.pqrer[mr not frrnbrtd copbr of the col5ttr.Gind.trtr dtd dl*h.ila. fh. Ofic. o, OloOrnbudlrnen found him $ri,V m fle bacls d ha cqrlordl(b,t ,ld Elo frdavite.HELD: The dodeion ms rrndrd.on tho basis d e\dddrc. tH w mt dldood torsponM. lt was rfder.d wihout Ale Bga.d b tu tldir d Epmdent to

  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    Atlrl ,ura, v, ,qrl,t .,auvra 7s.1'{... ty.l. rr..a-..ptohtbllad urd k a ytffit ol An fr/dier,AN Prclnlly Codv,^AD..nc. o, Vloldo.r

    Th asCdgloe of 6m.d b not rs}.od h an lnv.dodon b brrntnslion by thoemphyar. (Lop! va Altrs. Gtup d Corpotea 647 SCRA.568)Nstqd Asloddon d Eleotiofy Cc:nroo hr Renn!, hG.6. E tt3y RegulabryCorrn*sion, 653 SCRA ea2 lffi t ,rIitg lhd Ol. ftig ol r modon ftrrscollidsa$on qrB dtrld c, C, Fc6.Petlfiona rfiJgod b lrnpl..nena nc pomliaral appdrfms*a d gfvac comPlalnants.He was charged witl violslion of Sdion 3(o) of the Andrdt std Cofit pt Pradlc6!Act fior causru mduo irsfy !o th3 fiEto dnphklr[r. He $r8 oon lrd. on appealh6 argud t|at lhe r3li,rd of $ cdrt to Hroduco h et ldsrce iho dcislon ln thoadminisffi ra caso flod acElnd il.o fhldr wa. in tds fa,u vidtbd dJo pnooa3!.HELD: Bocaueo of the diftrsrrce in the quantum of addgtce, aB urell as theproaedrs in aimind end affirfdw prooo&tes, tte lh*tg h orc stiould notno6Ea.fy be un&lg mlhoo0Er. (C$o"ilan\r& Proplc, 656 SCRA52a1lfl?..ic yr. Go\r.rrffiia s-rrb lrrrp q*of 65S SCRAf,t, n .d trt lho lfrod a nr0on lor raplcb.*on o.E lE ffi d.riCd dr po.

    c. Eq{mcEqrPetiUmc $edo.ted tle aordrfrealfry of he latra xit t coltrlert.ed 3bd5nm,rniipdtbs lo cofipomna cfr.. ctlqJllt th6l hcil{E rsa t6 t,dl 10o ml[onp6so3. on the gr[.(rd that trsy vidabd oqtd prdocdolr. HEt& Thc irpositkn d av6ry Hgh ircom. roquimal G rrEde !ftnpv to ttdo X oC,emely dfncrdt hrrnunkipalitios b bocome oomponnt dts. Sincs it is il atlbty t rount, it cannd bosaid to bo the only amoqnt srffi, bscd on acce@le dmdirl., to provido lbr allossefilial govennnnt iadlilies dxt !rvlcas and lpdal ft.Ildcflt ocrurrensurate wi[tth sizo of tha poprildon. Sorno D&ffng dli havo ilconroE rtadr do mt comdy wi$rlOO millim p|olo ttCrrlrtncnt Ttrc citic.rernain viffi- CorEtr.. merely took ihesixtn munidplilii fidn. tho ddvarilagd po*[ar broqnf ebo.f .by lh abruptincraaa in tho incomo rssritnt r*. (Loague d Ci[e3 d hc Ptrilipdnec \r&Commission on Eldions, e4:t SCRA 149)Pr3iln$al DE ib. 1(E7 ancrpted tlo Pt{lgplne An'remanl *xt GrnirECaporfon fon ih. p.yrrlnt drt fEdr. tE(, .ropt r trda. lu, Rapuuic Aaib. Bl7 rd. go\flflttina,ourrd rd.ertpIcd Epa.hr fHa b. p.yta.nt.d' Lr.rE t (, OG+f Qc Goyrrrnrf Sqnb. herrp ffi, fr. Sodd eorfyStiti..I| .nd h Pfflpphr llc*t }r.rrp CoOc*a ilr Ptlehe Amrcoriard Grnng CoOcdon tllr.d hd rdfie f Id. ftr p.yltrf d tsnc ta vlolebdqrral ptoMo.r HELD: lhc c*Ior olomedon d Phlfphc Annnrrf 8x, Gllth0Cirporaton tom paymern of hcdm tq wa3 not basod on a dasiifioston ba..d onsSstBndal.dt{inctlons but rvr grficd rtpo.r ite rcqued b fte Cooioitlae on Weyr srdMoanE. (Phllipdno &n lement fid. @ming Corporaim vr. Burir of lntsnalRevenue, el(i SCRA 338) 'OdinsncE No. 29O4 d Ouozm City roquired tha consdrnirrr of scader for commercialbuilArgls to bo conltuci6d h hCoesa aoNBs. Llr q\ it E glrordd to gr6ltmmftonr. Pttluqli tll grrtb., ri.mmpdar Pamoner d.itn d tE ordnficcvuf.d qd p.d.dbn b6D I Jlord Efitfts3 l5l, : F.doqrr Egranbd an ox.millon. Ha b nd t prlgar pa.lon b $!&t lh ofi3r.ra. on tl.![orrrd d qual proioctm. (G$c.t!o v!. Gty o, Ou@n Cly. 06E SCnA 863).Ptitior, an mplo'r was arrged wlth viole0m of tho Sodel Seqrdty A.f for ta[$oto rrmll th6 conuibutom of hiE efiphyoes. Dudng the pondency of his cases.

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    d t"Nofurdon rzffiloitt Oro tttilt{ot, crlntedud lsavlolaflon of dphtbltec/l,nlRoPtrblic Ad $(}3 cddonad lhs liaba$ty of Glin$rerl gnployoer utro rcutO remlt thaontibXrdr !o lho Sodd Soourfiy Wn uirln dI mon0p. Pell0onrr r3flrnod thecontfunim .lb t rbc{oofilh pstod Hs d!u.d trd ffr orldon fro.n lhocorrlondon vilt d aqnl pfol.{on }lH-& fhe flttgrcc h thc dC.. d payndof dclncl.sra dffirdon Eot d... r.o.lrtd d.lhcddl bctrrn tr trc es demtoyrt. (lh.h vt P.od.. G.R ib. ilB&rl. Oclobor lq 2Ol f lBLrau of Cu.iqrlr Ettpbyo.3 As.oddm yr. ToE G.R No. l817ot DccorScr 6,2Ol I reibratad lhc n"dhg lha[ thc Aiflton A.t b oorffnixld.D. Slcerctrc end Solzrrc

    ,. Vdld AncdrThe acoJqd hlltapFd a maru end akd br a rsporn ior the ,baso d tF vldim.Ho helrcbd lr. f*! d Ui. vLfrn b F b. qiln rdd c.(frr. b pil flo.rpmy hthe tlr*dli.c. bbo,..lr.lflrl( rrlod4 rd b rd( r[y foa !.o rril,lh.. Th.lur rlpofidh l ln b U. gcaor rl!o5-. Uo. oil6t ilh...d t p.yd.th.t t n.t9qld b rdr aitr d polo. dlat b md,fi! &r] porlicr r thrsr.nprd E h..frie h lhct

  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    AIU iwm ol ragtuol@lott tiltui|Irut arr6 rrtttultr r,errarrr3 v. u,t? t viv,.\t, .

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    Arry topt ot ,ru,protuff/on wlthoutillewlttg/t cqrrs.rt oltn atflw bgraniod tho pdtdr Poiitmcr alrrod ttrd t[c virrtod tle prohlHton ffaillst tlolmp.krnfit d th. otr$gdioot o( confacf. HELD A lau aJholthg haarlb.Eirc. h thoco,rf.ctrd ltHqr bctrcen thc prdl. ir drmed ]r d Ho fa coa{rad (HdcndeLuirfib, hc, w. Prdd.rfid Aeilisr R.tbrm Col,lcfl, 053 SCRA 1S4)G. SUilrarArf nrOefon1. hffiLGorfr.dooAn ooejdicial confe3{ram mads yrithut th assis(srce d counrel ig not adrniesiuo hevHence (Pooflo v3. Bokingp, 655 SCRA 313)Z AdrdrdHc Confc$lor[An odrajudid.I cor*pri

  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    ,ur, ,grrt, va tBrttvtuwsvr. Jt..,reg..rr,e rr....!.,Dmhtbr|ad urd lc t vlolaflon orf/nc rnlr//*Ad PraWty M,

    Pgtitioner ures chargBd wlth violation d ths Antiraft td Cstupt Pracdco3 Act Afirthc pror6oJtioo 't L.l il3 c.re. he filod . mo$on sl&e lht ira dcm.rilr ofietd !!ovk.,rc. be aamltld lo fp ildmd Bl,rl ot ht..dg.0gl lo. srhdat Hl.Afiffl

    ha shordd be alloil.d to ryed to thc Sandganbryan, bacarse d thc gGs neolignceof hls corntol. Mlarueve \ra Poodc, eil SCRA 356)J. EClloconltootrlbo. PCilirr, e Cf*ro. wr st\ricLd of y{oHqr d tha Ditmila Dnf. A.t Ho.rsEd td HE dCf b corffion E yldtrl drhe lr. q, !Gr- trtw nomarprotr r,trn $o ptmdon po!.ed }tr 6rbno. IEB Fdtfi.r dd noaoqed to th. pr.orndon dtp o*rgrcc dil. F!.Gl0on da.pL il! h,tc. d mlntorprotr. His coi'llol res ablo to cror4rcatr*ro lifiy d lho wiiEsea (Ho Vl/baPang v s. People, G.R l.lo, 1716229, Ociob.19,2011)K. Rlght to Prodrrcdon of EvldencerEdon ss d.d.d. llE-E The soti6on acrfcd pdar h. oPgort Sy b b.h.rd rd b 9ldr o*hra d H. chda. h fft tlrrn (lltllE vtSadga.$.yr1 eaf SCRA'l7gL Bglt.offDoraL&oplrrtyl. Ab..n6 ot J.op.fityThe disrnissal of a casa a! a resdt d prelminary inwstifain dos rril d\ro dti6 bdoublo Foprdy.2. Tcmr&rdon of JcopardyA motion for recondGrdim d an aoquittd is bard by the pohibitim 4aind dotblitopardy. (Lejeno w. Pople, 639 SCRA 760).A,r ordff grsntino a der Jnrr to evidsFa B ar ac$ittel and ghr.t ,Le b hB plo.tt'bilimagsir|3t doru jopsdy. (Barcayon w. BanlbyorL G.R flo. fitlT|, o#* 19,z)11; Godand Ccrpary, lrr. w. Co, G.R. No. f 96685, Dorr*r6 t8, 2Of1)Pedionr., a ality Ofoer Ot E D.p.trEnl ot Sood $&Iar frd Oodoprrr. warctEg.d x,fth nr*ar&n b.carlc of tr tardirrt u r|frrif d r* fuin e tdef .eretisi c.ntr. rt!.r lra Foc.aiibt hd rt ld lb ca-, p-tbrr iad a -mffifo.Go cyidm.. th. &ldrd Trtrl Col,t grrf.d i ftr qn d h. Fo..qftn bproro lhei pcdtorEr lrd r &oct pa,tohdm h tp rffirrd d tl mll( Th.proscrltct que*onea Ulc qd* grerrthg ths ds|irtr to itr. o,\rl&nco by trrP aintnion for cdtaat h f'lo Court d Appods. The Cqn of Appo.lt ganiod lh6 pot'0oi!on the gro|rld thet pefftloner cqjd bc liable for mohersatiott thspite the absarrca of herac{ive porthipetion! becaus malvorsation can bo cfimittad passivdy fmughnoglignco. Petitiond ddmed tho dedsion daced her undat danUe lrpardy. HELD:t Vhon tho order of a tid court in grarthg a domrrr to ltf, ovir.nco is tainted withOr\re sbuse d dscrdoG ite irdgsrnont is void dld do63 nd lltlt in

  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    Any lorm ol reproduc{on wl0touttho wltlen corpcttt t 6i ,sand ls a vlolilon olthe ln/c/ler,lual PrcNrfi Cod/c;Pelilkxors rslited the oomplalnart to Urt * a walbsoe h lr*yde Sh w8sactdy fuEod ilo fctlUual MUo.r6.. *s! chslFd wih tagaa rtc'ul&r.rrt rtdf6d&rg h pd!{r HEL& Wrh.rr rt d violrbd nro afir.,sthrr rdqreile ircdifrrent dhrpe., a ptoE{on unlr qr ,i,il nd b.r . p,o!.qeo ud.r fi. o0t-.(PoopL ya bf, c.R ib. 185{19 OcO..le 20tr}

    I. ITrfrd^nproln a pstilim ,or a writ of erpero. th doa{rho of corrnand togclSlty aarnot boapplk d as s prolude to crlminal dfo3oolto.r or ftddh*y afi{riffifu iro6er$rpsand can mly bo +plid !o (lotflnlno uf|o st lh. fu hda'r h.cq,l$b ard hasthe duty to addr$ disappaar$cos sd harasslrlerlts to nable tl oout doviso thapprQriata rern

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    Arrrt ,lrrrn V, at'rra|,,ad.Ulc/[t trat rVv,a e., .r. L/Nr. rh,rr-ts... ,, ,,,ran a..e.e. Nand lt tvlqtuUon ol the ftfci/t*if, ptoorly Cod,e;O.lagtr0on of tfub{aftlng Powrr:

    knokhg Socdon 35G d0tTlril lrd Gr.Sm Cod., ft Ccnrnl..loncr d O.rdormordsrd 0tc *Irr coryrfrbp.rtroo.rtmprydlfioyrr dtre &rrcr ofCrr!ilono by lta*le C*.rll Afirhbmr Odcr No 7e itdi.2me fhc Cqrt dAfp.Cr h.ld t. 8..tot 35C dt! TrIt -d Atn Codr olS.td fl udrd.hsdo.rdlolabh.pil.r. fE-U Ih. truhl?L-. l rrst!.. lhr Cd..brOt Ctr.iofir. b aoalen qerr .nploy.a lo (b oyqfir x,ork fhc Conrnlssh[ dcqdom! rbo! the fab. Ttr papent cra[ b. r'* by t,r pcrE r .$rod. socdsr38Ol fixe. tha drrldrd lo bc toilo\ red by Ote. Cdnntircbnr of Cuotorns, uf,ren ilprodd! fiat he r&! *d rpt be less tl8n trat frcrcnbed by lalx to bo fid thegldgy!ry ot privae .ilorfu. (Ca.bonifla v. Bodd d AHftlo Rpr$rrtatiws, 657scRA775)OL$!.fi fi cruoo d L.gl.lator!.

    Potlum frlod a a i*hg lh. Supr.fi. Col,t !o nI. thrf ,.pon b.i had ffihl! !.d rn tps.n* brD h..Gtr d (,trntnfi d Orr pr{hohc ,lrfordRd Cro.r md h. E pllftrd bt s.cfdl rq, Artd. Vt d tia Cc,iatudsr tutmpfi! r.rdr pdat*tnr gf,le t$ *C h tr sst Ha.D ftc pifgficilctad Rd Cro.. bnc. privtb @rporddr wp*i tr corhpldon d S.ctd 1q,Artlde Xll oltlo Cmditfioc lt ir.r.i genrir. fho mippfr ilA

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    At y roril, o, rryoducflon rrrfilrlut vrtltan cor'l,fiolttlf authot lsand k a vlolatw ot the //f,/clt*frd CodeE LcgilddY.Prcc..fn

    . E*l.6[c A.t ]lo. lOlSO r6d hc obdid: br thc.A,ilmom(t. R.{im h tifi.nlimlllfikD b hr srd mon&y d llby 2Ol3 rd n.ry ,rr ],rt llr.dLr bcohddrrtl0r hc nafrndora adlooJ.Lcddr. P.ttdlrlqadal.d h. rrddryof 0tr clcdoa clhr Pn*5 b hr ugrq d lb rdrrl *r ttrr rtl rag.Sfcc-t*ycrlrti.rry. llB.B Ttrtto..dRrgrcrfrSmrdt gcrdAln !t orriro d cr* Ldddtr. d|cr'dorf e.l,. ir.ltco$Iqr n f ptdOoldc.ftfrcen arxl promp0y r.l.drd R4r$fc Ad t{o. lolSq h thc trend d gr&rabu!. of dircr!0on rl ha prt of ho tvo tnE sof Co'trlel., nofilp erlrtiff ttee)(ordse o( thc porr o, jnd[dal rEylty. Tho nrpocr d thr roqlhmol for thre,oadn$ oo rGparrb

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    Arry lolm ol rcFuolrq/aoa ,all[,,ut at,(, lr,raaet, t v.,Eatt. r|,r .rrNr 3.,..r,yr. ..tind ls a vtoffio/, ol thc'lnlall3f,,twl Pro!f,fdiy Weappoint fie ocorpanl br ItE nsw t6rm. Seoord, tha Cqlrmbslo.r m Ele

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    Any tunr olrcploducdonvtrtoit aUii.wfffin cortrottaoy'inal/rior pand ls avlolafoa olfilotfilolrgtr..,Iltd pto,,,lyCodo-HELD: Petitionr lod(! lrddd ,qriou of s que3tion of cxeadrrr polcy. Tho ilarr ,sdopand.rt tPon tn erbdom ard rd hg.llv O a p*lhrr llr JlE, SncfidGEmhdon Dobnet b lrr EmIhr brgrdl fioarclpo v. Mclrwo&stWllgrrcrlc rtO Sonorao Sprn OaO SCRA {&l)

    2. Rffrgolbir|.Ttb Sr.pnll|o Canr crrd dcdrr tlD hr ogkrg th. n*pefr fisl R.d CrDcaunconstitutional lf lt ms nd rd!d tor i&q.E (Ubetv. Godoq630SCRA709)3. Logd StrndangPetitionr, a party.list gtDup, Sjesdonod the archm d noto blliron hc Ptrllipdneeard the Unitd Stat.. ln whkfi trey 9.d EEt lbflIlfr govqrrncr* offidal!,efilployeos, military peflornol or naiiodr d trd dler party h tt bnibry o, th3 o0lorp.rty w{ll rEt b. srr!.xr.rtd b aU if'lddr.l fh.nC ui0Ef tt qrta. ryllont of[D o0rar p{ty. ttls lh. tibuC rr D{r dur.d by t t ScrU Cqnoe. nFSoficrtor Gg:rd qstqld fi. l{a rrfro d D.rfi:n b a. tr a. l.&Pdtion* corpledrih thc nCffi d Ld ffire. frr{Lr n aSdc prltcriCI, ba,frrliltreg,rrrrf dd depIJIIneld pold.qpltcoc.c rfddledm. Drfie ar ll oHgd.n b ta srtrut C rJqL (Bry..r](rna v. Rornulo, 641 SCRA 244)

    . Petition6r, wtx, wr3 lar pr$cloaq br stderilr, sd e hehhbr $,.diond Oteconelitutionalrty d Ropr&ilc Aa llo. eeg *$dr.n o(l.d th.-lltan of the.t nlwof tho PhilippiDs in Ron&lio Acr No. 3046 h rrC(6 lt con$lff ylh b Lhlbd ],ldonrConrlention qr lhe Law of fio Sa T]r. go\(rfll6 t gnaadctad thalr darxfim loqustion he vdidly d tho la\fl. BELO: A8 r*Uzens. pdltqE lray. hbrest in $orasolufion of tte mrits o, the celo H ftdsoi ir.ub of rdiorrl dgt*fcmca.(Magallona v. ErmltB, 655 SCRA 476)4. R.blngdEdlctoFoitr,lityln eccordmca wilh Scuon 31 d tho Collprhslsir,o Afsfan br. pelixtor adodod albck disbihrtim pl.n lbr lbfin *ul(..L Sdne fatn urql.t r!ll.( trt lhe proddonviolala Ssdioo 4. Artcb Xlll c, [E Corduion. b.cu.| ta, n5 not 'rcohn bld.IIELD: Thehrnlod(Jt rrq*ydli* l,t&rlh. ph hr*rrr(fg) yt r It(irsdst b ordroa* fl rdb.pd l,ar l,S.. f br-.al r ta..b.toppo.ttrfty.' (lfdqr6 trlrta v. Pn*trSd Aerdrt Ren Coucf. G'R lb.17t 1Ol, Novirt .2"2o1ll5. }{rcceclty to O.cld. hau.The court will not decide a constit tbnal issu if tt| cass hst b@rrE moot. (Sana v.Career Executive Sorvica Boad, G.R. No. 194926, Novolrter lq 2011)Th court wiI rpt docide a consiMknd irer if it is not nece*nry b decido tho cesa.(Hadonda L&lta. lrr. v. Presider$d Agrri'l Refom Co|r1dl, G.R. No. 171101,l{otrnber22, 2O'll)Pefiliqr*. s rioddroad.(ol Phhfh. Lclg lxdtE T.Lpts. Catpoy. cl!0st dthe acquhium by r t.!i$ corpo.lion d 37 per6nadn. c.lmm *gc, boc.r..'xrton lt\frs added bllojrr*racndoh'rlotdgfr, ht5''Iqrdd ol.40 pcrst lknit qr trc *ramh**lgldlbrigro hr F.*ttry. IGLD! HilixDrhas ths rigf( b quoldon lhe sanr. I tho .lo viols0ts lh. Csdtdon, tlpr3 lt apossiuliry ird tra'fanc*fso of FtitHrE Lono Dilttao Coil"..ry agqd be mrc*od'This willefid his intaBst a! a sbdddde.. (GaII$oa Y. ToYs,062 SCRA 6S0).

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    Arrrl ,|xrrr.v, tQru,tt ubul,t, r'rurvt,. w,{. ,rrBgc.td Ls a vloladon of tt,tr rnteilr,,/,',B. Powrrto Dldpllnr l-mycr:

    uur,-lrrra 9. ,rr r--.-. .JCode-

    Fa*y tnestcr artnltbd b 0lo St+rlmr Ccrri r r$etned oonffite .[.o.ilon dplegMflr ad mircpltror*lcr h hr de*hndh. Stflllrcod h tr ao o(Vttn v. Emlvc SqtV. 619 SCRA 5g3' Th. $frsn Carl hud e tsoLlbon!!tdm Gcn b -w crrr rtl, h.t is# tEa b. .Irh5l- I tn}lrbft ., tp brlbr vifaixr d tr Co d Pr*rriod R!?o.ffar. Er Et mo$,t noadfaOom d .p..idr fid rffi fu.dodt HE D-t T?r po,tlda ot tta .bbt nawhlcrr tley rUr.CGd to exddn ctnot be srd&ed ar l* a Gotdlrc{Yq ardl .t''an exriol*rry .d of lniusdcC, t plthm3lrao .cf of dlhono$y ardmisrepresentatcr- by lh Hdrfo Cart d tlo lrn4' 'OettloraUf ddaytuE tloresolulion d tlo ca!4.' 'dlmilsal on tho bart d pound soucQ..' ad 'alarmlng lad(of concem d the meribcrs d the Corrt for aron ore mod badc vEh.E of tbcency andrespcl' Jrrilpndsr has r9catdy 8ffimed tho authoaity o, thc S{rp(rno Courl- todislplrne lawydn $o.. tt boitrt tCit*to ola cotrtr have cxcoeded tre limite of faircornircr aniuc cdilrsr.LsEt. !t ten hy bdt lar. laqtra fr.ngaepd h thcpre.ric. d hr. Thel rctonr a hrr p.raerct mld D. merd a*ll thc lrnetrrnr C proltobne lt?pn Df, +n**ot 6 of rslsrt d fr b. r}tayh.Y!tutiLdHdfybCEd,-.9..f b hea P.cc..-.Jdi. ant md banoid dldld $ra lrO-o f*go G. cqnl (h r l-fr d nr (,P b, FeJty.6{4 SRA543'Vll. CMt Scrvlce ConrrdrdonA GlrcrErccu0vr SsvlceOnly peddentid appo?rts ae covsed by fle carer ore.utiv sen ico and aBreqJird to poss* galr execudro sgvbe rgbility. (Agye v. Civil SfvicaCommbsion, 639 SCRA 781)B. Romovd lorcaurcRespondfit, a casrd flployEo, was teaminfrd wiUDUt ! lfinal inveaigauon forutterlno dlcouta$ runelq on thc grqrld thd ltE h.d m a.qrty d bruc. HELO:Carual erplqpa at.ril[edb dl.lc p.or! f lhsy wll be unovrd hr rorlour canecb&r tr ..rd.d tr pqlod d tHr qnplqmlf S.c{o,t 2(3) Ardd. q d $.Canrftudon po*br llld m rmpbyr dtr dr,l- -rdca &d ba lllEvtd .uPf torcausc ao*hdby fr. {Phheh Chrty S,t4fr. Ofrc. Eor(l d Dl'.crt v.Leid.e{SCR SaOl.C. hrd HdorrsRospond6r wes Spoffied ctrief ,rdici6l stafr ffioar of the Sccurtty Uvtrtqr" Ouing thecourso ol hi8 uro.tq it sri dsco\rsrd lhd he urar *t adlvo m.lrtor ., tho PhmpplnoNational Polic., HELB Secilon 7, Arude X of tro Cmdhdon plohlttitt olovemmer{employees trom comrrantly holding another otrca in the glorn nent (ln rr EduardoEscah,653 SCRA 141)Vlll. Gonrr{rlon or A.rdtTho CooFr.lhrc D.\rcloprnrr A{torily cmd.d.d r bHdrE b tr grttse dcd'Bu.t .qdpilrrt [ .*rd.d tll con}lcl b Tdo Ooryc*cr dttE(,eh IdatrIfi.d th. hae|[.t tid. Pcd0qli w [p oc.Oyt &t ior d tr. Coop..dveOswtofmea Afrort. Ttr Cqndecion qr Aldl dralorrd tt prhe dib,nc.betvJaen the bid of fotlo Cdpordoo srd th. lorilf Ud ond h.ld podtlqrr llsble ft. thsdballowed anrqr* Paitms algtrod t|[ the iaffc[ evCualbn of lhe perfoflnsnca


  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    Any twm ol reproduc/ronvflndfilnwdfui concoil oltn authwBmd ls avtorsflon ofthelnWlec{nlrd PronrtyCodlg"ld the corputer eqrlgnent strq.{

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    Atrrl tlrrrn v, tatttvlNauvtt a"l,l.,' otlb tat.,uu.,' vrv'-E" -' -'e ---'" '!o'drnwtgd ani k a vtdaflon oJ tln ffiopf,ral ptopqty C@-corDordion A crimind.caee wa! fld qnin* petiUone 8i ad,ttg prooitbtt d the"or;,o.xon *m fne S.txfes6ayan br vmtain A goemO*-gld Cqnfn.PracilcesAEi Petitio.Er agued Otat tto Sttdggtayalt hd m irl*Idion oY$ tle ca'e';*;-tr"';r6il"n w a prlvo-cspti*ot rd tE $t nor . FalE dlic'r-HELB Th. orlbtdion w nol c.laid bv r9.dd bu bl.t w TPqpCIr{.Fl'.PComaeliIt Coic. I b CD rd s govfirdilff.d r oaio[.d oo.Da$qi. rho;;-b b"yond-0t FLdctotl ciardcd capqdm--Iho ct ir D'yotd thoiurisaicton if fp Sgilgrtayan (P.o9lo Y. tlbrh., eO SC'RA 1@)The Departnert of tublc r Jb.kr and Higfrwsyt ffod levfd crtnlrd co|ttpldr*s agalne[ii" .rn,itwcos Iotr brrcfitins fonr aiomdtour ranaacddtl' The Ofrce of Steb;iff,ffi-frd-;.rA';4, "sairut ptitimr 5.,t fr.'td iinmuhitv b r.porxbn1"'In arctranoe fu. thoir to3tlmonis ln tlo car. Pedfiote algued tlrat lha omEudtman;h*td;fr ilvoG-le"pcnded" in tra cas! ard tt6tt a{tho cotnt lo dlcttrgp thomil ilp;darr "itr 11c'Ru16" on irimi d Ptoc.dtrs. HE!D,^ S.fiort t7 of RoPt q lic;il6.ffiojlnil,*"-ttre omu.rasmst-q,cfa! iilrudtv ln aqv plboee&E beingconadod by iL (ilrlrt v' irlarcdo, 658 SCRA 58xr) ,

    Th. m*opolEr lrrib Dodogltrf A.fE fr. drmlhtr' lhe xi[r* dlhab,it*to a'riiirin qr !r. gorrtd lii 0t , or*'ur4-rll*a !'cat' thy;ffity ;{ilira-nj rmy-c penqr ad-propeav- -HELD: lilrm Fd0dl- wa'"ir"" " 6cmn to con&ua a ur.mriirg. Uro cty dTdrg oO not std&r tllc dimlhhodil;;-6;';-urd-b dte sfive p.!dE au proportv. rh.-r,*opoerl t{*tilaffiffir;/-d"-,il r,iri- u'" p-# r d:aae a urnd a ir.&rrco. qS 9$ryf-gpoif to (bbarnim u,tledlef a thing E e rf,ftalog. (Gacavco Y' City cfwrmnr o[Quzon City, 658 SCRA 85:l)The libt oooliEl }l{ih Daveloptnnt A.(fp.ity &tnolishd he wing walb d--thebuilding d pliliqrEr m tre gfdrnd thal lhay corEtiMsd a-ruilanco Dca$o lnay-.6id.Jirv'rf;"aid'fu a{tfety & p.rsorB ttd ptoPertv' HELB t ndq. sctiott 205 ottre N;ti6n- a.trcm Coao,-rre'arhorily b ord; trE dsnoiltor of qr $ufra tleg;ih'01ohjtfu-&c|d..' Ttto polvis .a the lrdopoHm lrg*tls De\loP|nen[,iat';t ar" 6ibd to th6 ,oni{ation, coordnauoq t flnhq lPlqanailSoft*)seiion. mfiaaflrtt mmilqinq" !oitc of poliid6. Udkrg a sy3ttrl efflirafinittin tcircayco v. Clty Gorenm*l a qigt cfv' 658 SCRA853)m. tubnqml.R.OaonA" Afroo.ryRoprrblic AEi No. '10158, lost tho ddbn ,or lho AJbnomoris Regrfon h }tusllmMddanao trom Arfi.Et a. Zotf to th. secqd liloilhy of Msy 2013 trd ovry $reevear3 threie, b coanade with tho regda. nationd sd local olediona Ptilbngrtiu""t n o tri con"ttt rtm"lity d ReprSlc Act No. 10153. HELD: Ihe Condtttioneldommission a4.rsted in g. i'" reitoh, Pro&ims of th. Constihjgon the tnns d Btoino,,n6!na aficna! b da6 ryCrmnizaim d a[ electims, rvhetpr natimal d local,;""a ten/ h, yors. Ttte ,icton h tie tutaurpur Rsg[on in tih,'fm Mlndmao isa Oca eieclon' fu0ommqlt cgkmr se oaEidild ma of lhc tofit3 d localo"*n#in (lb* rooo ". scod a tro Pttilipper!' G.R No. t96frl, octber 18,a)il)Re{ialic A.t lb. lOtS! lrcet lhe ebain io. lh. tuEtornout R.ein h ftudimMlnd*tao to Go rccod ilmrbv ot l,by 2013 rd rr..y th,- Fe' thrE&' loooinOOe wr,Ui rSjar nEtiord ard- locel didins. I &lhoriad thc PrsCdeil, io srppoitnofrilrs.indlaftF ,.rrU frose eteaeO in U'e s,ncfrorfzod elecdono aslrrne offico.


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    lom ol reprufirctlon vttlpd the wdfrl,, @,,,,fil s, OE a,frDr band ls a ylolafron of iln lnteltstr,td Proo*tv Code.Pelitioners qJostionod ib valldity on Ulo grol,td that !o uphdd the lg\r souE aut rorizethe Prliront b cffil de.{dlr rl!^rfioro {x, Idlo. Lc0y ofioialrwlh cfli&r*rcrEreo rd sqld violdt h. rtnony ot the A&rmoElI. Rceim h ff.rlior ltllndrm.HELq Th. ccnlrlisr ol dcofor ir k Congtt , nd 0! P!.ert b .dd'.r..Arono[r, drpt br irvolnd b dff nddd FIaa.. Slro Ur rynffion dcL.tot b . ndd polq. e.lbnmy cild b.l.rd b ol[la It ArErttlrr3Rcgbn h ,tlu*n iftrfio Fom L (ADs fido v. 8*r* of lhr n{lppfrq O.R ffo.19&171, Oddcr 18,201r) .,B. PleblrcltoRepublic Act No. 10153 ,o3ol Ulo elec{ion for tho AJfonomow Rogirn in MuslimMindanao to tha second llorxby of May 2013 and orcry ttree ye{! lhe.rsaor to.coindde with lho regul- nailkmal gd bcal dgcom& Pdtmer d!.ilongod its validityon lhe groud lh.t il .nrltcd the egar$c AC tur the Au0onolEr. Raoim h ltu limMlndanao $t!rf .qrlPlyhe ul0r tra rlCilfittta of a vd. d ttro.$lid. d lhomerber d o].'Flqi.a d R.Fr-filv.. rd tf S.nrL vdrg t.Fr*ly ftd nai.s,nldon b . phbhclb. lg.B htlc Ad lh 1014, dd trt .trmt rlygoYHon d hc (}gric Aet Tll OgtS A.r dd rd fi( h. d.b d h ttelth ddqr.Rsgf{c Aa ilo. tot59 rs*f fl.d h $c Oe. nr qfmffi rqtmar b hacE of x,ig tr Cofifion nq(ller on tr pa!.tp d bf d - ucomtldad.Tho OrlBnic A.f ftc\xirc.Dofibd tlo pHacif 't(liunonb h Soodon 18, Artdo Xof the ConstLlio.r for tp creslim ol lho altorurErs 'tokrr. lt vid$. the.Consutr0on. (Abs Krdo v. Senate d fl9 Philippines, G.R lb. l$tl7l, @ 1E,2Olr)Xllt N.tlon l EconotnyA Pubtlc UdttiiecPetilionr, a minority stodfioldsr d Philippha Long Distenco Tdphme Cortpany,qJestioned f|e ffllrilion by a bdgn coeoration of 37 por cort ol ltB cormton sfiarss,bcarrso whn it was addod b tl shareholdings of drr fo(riglert. lha tolal 'mrddoced tha 40 per c.nt [rnit oo the strretEldines d EotOef. h . pl$Ic ntflity. On thothe hard, ii i! ddmed lh. .O pr cont [mit $ould bc bsd qr tp bld of cormon3irs.B sd prdlrn d ltEt. .v'm f th.y r! IuHd9. HE& Ih.40 per c.nlhnltalioo m lbdgn .ility.Ft s5.d by fho Corrfirfio tart b qmsl jtlrsrrvi{cfi r! tr dr stt a b vdc, rhor lt b trcr{i vdre tacstld b.rrca.dTo coodtJb a*ha r lh. kfd of q,ti.rydng c.paha ed( 'l.lrcg bdr crrrmranO nql.\lotitE prli.,rtd !fiat., cort.lr.rE tr. H-t d tr Condlort (Grr&orv. Tevca, 652 SCRA 690)B. Frrnchl$Th repoal of tha sxernption fronr income tax grantd by Prscittonlid Docre No. 1067- "B to Philippin Arnusemet and Gatning CoOoratim dos nd vblate the proltbluonaga&rst tre .trpalmnt of oblloEtbns of oonracts, becawe undsr sedion t r, Arlide xucf ue Constir-tim a f*rclrLe is subjcl to arEndm.rl wtlrn lho commm gpdrrqjr"s il. (F,hupp|te Atruemnt srd Gining Cdporatlon v. B,!ql of ln0tnalRasrr,615 SCRA EIE)Xn- Aer.rlmR.fofiiSoma ,am urort f3 alluod that Sectim 13 of tlo ConPrott tltiue lgTrian RchmL6w, whlch a&ptd dock tIstrihltim pleq violatd Scdm 4 Attcb Xlll d fioCm$ftnion. HELD: Sctim 4, Artide Xlll of lhe Conotitudon b ncn t.f-do(rrory.Besides, CongrBss ctros a rnthod of colldive orrnership undEr Sdion 3l of Ole

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    Any lqn, q TePf,ooBc&9lt, itut{ ut t n, t rtaat t. t rrrr.rrrr. v. ir- -elyrr!.ad b. vlc/afiotr of the lnl/ /tcr,nn Pto,E,lv C&Corprehenchc Arr{an Rolbflr Lar.Ro,iofm Cd.ndl,65it SCRA ltOXV. $.t lfilrltlytun&S

    ftlatIonda Ldtite, krc. v. P,r.&ddrtial Agra.isn

    the get qflrEd crnd.htol(. Xflnnlty liom e,r[ I n b &.d fa nm{rlrrlrnt.a.aoontd', rt! cdnpl-d. di.. b.ct- dldo ftd.q.{y. 0,leh v. Ae,*lo, drSscRATZr)The orvner o,f e p{cal c, trd uhk r war takon tor u.6 ar pct d lh. rurway C airairport can a,o fur pqmod, b6car!6 the stat immrnity trofit suit ig deemed wahed.(Air Transpo(tation Olfco v. RamG,644 SCRA 36),r"ao 66rap6nrmoil8Petitqs rtnod . cqt'lrct for tha cucEuctlon srd remvdqr of thc rporG orfiexior lha PaLor[ Pda* 8an c. d nnrcrour cftrto. orda(t tld a0.!. wtordd. tha csrtd glor hsaoA 'Tlr oseacb pr6.d.d #l tla Uqt (I.P.Lthc dlcrcr dfr qtWtao aa r clffi d aCldty dt tt lh. dltgton ir rd ocr Uqt, l{br lh. ctffi rJod rd dffrd . ttqau. ficadortthc dty candoc .pPllgl-d i,rd. b ley oE fitd lttrs* Ttp atbdicapgoved n lle ,uied fiit pt0o.r6 lfrq*l bo pst ondy li*lc lo pey thc oanr*br.HELO: ird of thadrariF ordi! drd ndlll tqt ord.6 I! tll d. to a.ldcs. fcultyend saroty rE(l.irofltent3 dJrlng trc lDl*lo d fl3 otqntd. Th. llpLqr.fhg rul8 u.ldrogi.ilaiioG d ftosid.{C Osae t{o. 159{ prwido thai a applanedd 8{fsnnl bychange od6rs ard odra sork o.dors mq b. nEod.in0o it fE btgl snqlnf qcoeds25% of the escaHed qltinal corilract prics. fhe AV ea,et,meril tdfy apprutsd theordaG. The Arnrds Cqrrnittea approvod fio or(bf3. Trio cqmqloI3 were pr8entdrnino ure delberadons. Tho ardtora ne3 also pr$ent. Ndro voioed arqy Aioctorr(Osmsna v. Commbslon on Audit, 649 SCRA 6tl)ADMNISTRATN'ET.AWl. Achanlffivc Ragul.UonA Yil.ft,Revgr.c negldd. tlo. 't7S, rdfdr p,oYidd lhai tF t!( Ar ol dgrt rldAgr$a rtrlllg dr.fr:y l, 2m ltd llt b. lffi !t.r O. b d'. dr Od&r I,lS h rEi vdd. (Cfirrr.don rd hhmd Raar.r v. Foi!.n Tob@ CorDadanr6s8 SCRA289)Soction 143 of, lhc Ndgltt Hrnd Re\roru. Code, ae afilendd. lfiposd an ercbtax m ismnled liqua. lt proi,ided Ot th rats Bould spply liorn Janjary l, ,997 toDecarber 31, 1909. h.f tho rate! should not bo loilr than lhe tu lrpoaed on Ociobe.1, ,996. Oo Jmay l, 2000, Ule qtar would bo incrBa!d W 12 N coflt. ThoSeqstry of Filanc. baiod a rodilion uhhh ploviffi hd 0 rdo3 lhoirld no( bololrcr Orsr the rabr prior b Jgury l, 20@. HELD: There ir no0rlm h UE bv rhlchartro.ia ltr S.crtafy oa Firilc. b p.ollr. tlat U.tc now E raar dUr Jgrcy I,2000 dro.ld rd b. la lr(l tlo r!a. bdoo Jirry f , 2m. Iho ttgr.fdqr b ttElld.(Cormiarh of hmC Rogrr v. S{r ifigu.l Cqpaaton, G:R. t{o. 18a,128,Nonr&cr23,2otl)- B. Puulcdolr

  • 7/28/2019 Poli - Jack - 2011 Cases


    Atty lorn ot rqofucdon trnlroof cpimqto/tnauthu&,and ls, vlffion ol the lntell*frnl PtRespondnE .arl(d tlrt Oly bo grantd cortah bfidb {I. cfiidoyeer of tleGorrnnrna S*vb h*rae Syltfir!. Ihof .!qr.lcd war dqdod on lha beda ofRarolrdon fh 374 rmCr fercmeO e rru raby ihrct l. rldn rldon ){o. 1$I,u,hkh dri.d edl*r bodllr b nFlolF- xi0r p.fiftg dt*rahlh. oER.Qottdd! ,llled rr'lho Reod.Jon i5.t tc, an 97i, rtr rEt 0.d Uilr lr.Lrnlvr*ydho Pi*fhl lrw Cil0.r E g.lffir }E B nf:thhr{rldr f.ffirprf$r..d.uch r. rrsly HerC h rdr.,!.d lrd brtr d. (8o.d dTruata cr lhc Gosrmril Sgvlcc hsrme qpiem v. Vcbro,84f SCRA 9:l)ll. AdmanffiwPrcc.dur!

    :The dodrinos d rer irdicda applie3 to admini8udiv pr@4nga. (Hio of MadrnoDrh v. Hirs cil Catdin Ddla VdE de Hipolilo, 64E SCRA 638)llt Exrraldon o,t Adrdnlrtdlva Remrdbr.A AFfc-If,TfF L{III l.drc lhdOmrr Arfrqfy bqrod .r ff itfo-E a *r lIorrPtmon rE t3l7 dqt ddr.,lrCng pofdv. mfr *. ffirqreld tf,ordr by lkrg a pdqt F oiffi h lh. Cort d AF.*. lG.& tE tsoo,trcmor No. 1sa, tE Cillc. d fr Secrcfy of Erlksrrsrl nd t{rtrl Rr.qrur bokotrr the po*fs of t! NdolIl Po[u0on Conbd Cdrlli.daa f ffad b srPt, uilhlhe rub on ordr..dori d arlnHsfiahp rmdle.. (thhrrd Rdm Cqpore0on v.Launa Ld(. q.volopilEal Asthorify, 619 SCRA 5(F)The Sarfgrmiam 8{rEey lge.Ed a roMion drccetg a. hmwnor a$odatio,l bopen-two !troE lo rdiorb rd pd6bi.t,r dtc' Tho nddSqhod .tDddim flda pditftn to enjoin th. lmplem.ntatim d tre rssohnion HELO: Seclion C, d fE LocalGor.rmoht Code proviJec tlat tha city'or mrli@lity trlu{h he itayor sha[e:

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    Arry tqrn va tqr9i,',9uvra t,at,tlrl,. ar.? nrr..e.' ee.rerEand b a vlole{on. ol Ab tndlr*Ata, Pmpgnr C&Potldon6s, uilo wo'r. hoalth vrorl(sF in UE Prot inco ot 8ilFgt, fpro tqmhdedbeca.ntl a noqndzdon d Ur. Fot,frdC gp\rfDr|ent Po$tlqs. d*md lhat thehtflnhdon w il.g.L HELD Tha srcval d a ggtorfisf ooEhr..rrna{daboil fd. trcg-izdct b \nld. fh. rimL, d trpby.- t fr Bflr H'o,{rdCtlorltr OGco n ltc.E.d tom 12I, b mry S. (9drEco V. proii:r d Bfa.r' GRttb. t5r1a, OcEtr lq 2011). , B. ADrdorlllnt ,

    A p(blb cficer v,ho vacder Hg polition drd is rBpl.c.d canrEl ad( br reimtatmont.(Rey?s v. Cdrt of ApFals, G.R. No. 1670@, Decfi$or 6, 2o1 1)ll. A.tn r{.ffi1rac.r6A Fomotcofipl.anr!An t,|.E rd httr ddr...d to th. Citdmar d th Clvll SevA.Cbrnirsbn s,t eodtht p!&r!r. fl rtployr. hd brlh+hg.a hy.r rsry oifofcllt| ffi krtr CfrI 8irb Cqtlnhdon th. Cilr:r ord.cd hr ffr&r dd trr lr tr.cor"r5r htrGfio dpdqr, hdf-fii.ri.dradrgDb t t-lbdrp rffifr0r ArD.i Ihr Cfra o

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    tutylorn ol rcprcdudon wttlreutdpt tut Ciagfr,ilAoreffiEThe bodd of tulioo. of the Gorcnrrsl Seruho frensrco Spbm erbgtecl- etarfOyos Baty incf,rtuo drt wtfdr gilf.d.rDlolr-. itHr lID frn llLvb.r.d m th.t yCr d !.n ic. h tr golrqlrilnf ftd ffi lt]t A nrodl{y tJ.tHEL& Th. ptst b a fonn d ruuzd botrl or bafr d rrrto. -f - r rmfilrtritdttn na pbq rufth b pidfff.d by $. ndUrlf Lr. (Coc|IrUf Srriilr}trrsrc. Syd.or v. Cornrnbbn qr fudG 5E 8CR 1.4)B. ' Back fireoorTha maximum peiiod fof wtricll an illgally dismissod p|.t ic ffiosr can rooivs backurage! ir fivo yors. (Galang v. Land 8ar* of lho Phillppit s, e,|9 ECRA 6/4)C. Retund of lleg.l Conpon.etlonIh City Co(.rxi of Msr0. porred.}an orlrxa oftnhg.r 6.lpby pqt lc aflaoil,sd b.lcliv! locrl dl*b dM..{.r,tD tr*l b6o.lddtrtno (3} csreolvetgnrr. Ihc Conunadar qrArd

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    Any 'orm ol rcproof.,ioon maI]l{/4 ,ttr 'lr,ug'/. l,l,,rc!.r. vt, u.1. e-...-, -and k a vroteflon ol the Md Prowtv NePetilioner and ttcpondrf ry.rr oppocelo oadl&loc lbr mayr. Reponrbnt filed apotluon ro dFqdlt'ptluon r on &c grol,ld thC hl. c.rtficab d ceidi@ wes ndvalld, bscanp h..ur6d Ha @rrn *y tE o.rtfrcab uh.o ha trd I not.rtzed.Petludror w. podgltcd trc Ulru. Iho Comlrrlqt gl ELc0qr rt bmo boed erc&hlon drqdryse }llr HELD Thc ac$on cl rgalorf b nd brrd gr eny dttc atundr ol drqj*lcton rnrl, f. goirhaqta d fr Omtl Erfrr Codo rrd.t*aT,ryCo.b. (ArE v. Oo,nt LncnELcJon |0aOSCRA473)' B. &rLffiorlTh Commission on Et dlrnr .daln j(rlsdiotion oyer a pedtt t b disqL6lity acrdidate lbr bs.engay chlrrrtn wtlo ran -nr Oe tUrrtr oonrccrltvc bno ov.n if ne-trarbfi prodaimod elecbd. (Sonsn v. Farnilra, G,R. No. 1901017, Nonrter t6. 2O11)' A Radrrof hrdoorbryOdn

    A petXar fur cstqrl qrcdairo 'r filrlqibry odirr dlrE R.glrd Trld Cdrt han clccdon odta b *ilrlr ,rjulrdcddt d lho Gomrarbn qr EhcJqr (Grbe v.Gelqtno, A sCrRAGgr)A potition fq csruorrl quodk rfno *t lfibd'lory ord.. i$ued by lh. mnfdpea CinritTrid. Courf h an dcdon coilest i3 xritin thE itrdrdc{on .of lho ComrSssim anEledions. (Brrilb v. t{u6a eils SCRA 241}P6ti6onr arxl rapondont tIo opponirg srdidabs lU maygr, Pdilionr wasprodairned ebd6d R.spqrdont fled dl slodion P,,otost Pfr'Umar dcd Ior thedFrtssal d lh caso ar tho grolnd lhat lhc pfotod wEs not .(rficlnt h fgrm ardsi.tdarlco. The Divialon d he Co.nmbsbn on Elocdon ilorrad ttrc modolt She flod arDliori for incondddton lho Cdnmbsixr m Elcdons dr bdrc OcricO U Petitionrfild a petton frf co.fbrart h the SupneflE ColIt HELD Tho qDltm. Co.rt har rEpdwr to lrt e\, by oordora.l m htedonory ordi. (Csyem v. Gommlseon srEledions, 648 SCRA 561)B. Dlttrr...lPotitol*.nC tupdrd.rf sur oppoti[ ilrd&ae. fu cfy rlltDr, hdrddf BproaamcO .Lcbd. Motl f,.d rrffingrdd. ftr. Cf,llta.lmq! ELclqreot the car ftr plir{nay cdfrsE rrl rDCrfcd tt ortr b tc Hp.tlltryconBrsr b,B Clddt dryb*.rL Thr qml cl pda: iad h UIC qttll. dey of the ccfrrao $d d.d fEr Xr Do.&fifirr( bsro hr dd not rtcC}tarv tpti{ro and losrnd of n orfy the P'ct io.rr d.y wfEn ha n .5 al hqtlry. IhcCofirml$ion m Elctioos dsmllscd tho prest HELB Th6s i! rD judilido-rEsonwhy Op Commilllon on Eledion! d.miss6d th olocdon pmid. Molaep v.Commission on Eleclk ns, 656 SCRA 516)lV. ElcctlonOfrmeForty-{rix dryr b{lore lhe deotom, tho city olayo. Fofitold rfondo.f ss asdsfficily r*c rtd tarfir.rrd hlrl TD. h..d il Up ClvI Slnloc Coorduhn FirEO{fco *.d tlc Clvt Sgvb Cqmbdon,ffir 0r mohfrm fit ffir dFlpondsrt vloH.d Sdm 261 of the Orm&ut Elcc0on Codc. Tb rrw cly natorappdnbd lh. oo{.?dd..f to tho poduor d rapad.ft }ilslrfilc. tp hcd dlleCMI Sott i6 ComflJci.m Flld Omcc canoalod tp rpfinM d acpondcrf an thegrofid oli il virefted Sedion 261 of Ero Omnib.Js Elcdon Co(b. IfE Civil. Srt {' Commission issr.lod e ,solubn dodrrlg tt appoirfuont d rlpondg.{ vt[d, becal3


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    vUwlAlp urlltrpn anlg,q,[ d tlr .rfr,oJ bo/illolnffituprltvCode,it w mirOe bebrr lhc prot$ilod pslod rd th. t flGr ua. t'xady i.tddod4 b titooromoton ngfO: li gomdm d ro.pqn gt dtl tEf Hl uil*l tt htt 'fvr d.yLn t*r Uo rrCo.r ib*rE tt ttdrfl r1*r[r prclffid f20fr, f.iodo*r fp d-ul Hrr, h TPorEgr d fr coryffi b fr P.r.-o drc.po.dira w v&. (nrnr v. 6,t d Apr.dl G'R lh f67@' DretItrr 6,mt,)