tml in TUI meni IML. jog xa d. an the finei . MirteJI 1 the bett oi a ewr«r «J ;ranu ANSIO TON Ji t Dositii DON :a detirin J.-v [a o oM van at ' -K ice ion OB i : I Hi oai rva Ian rabl ment UM infferen invalid tio6d dfttpftir can. qoai e&riin hosaoc ihonld i BMUOI >< BIAftTI be teken i i ,»ndloptt u> Woow ia». Ictf U»« intment IW **« rid rut«jM Goal ' I-J . H; 'i I ¦ ' ' ' . : ' . ' ] ¦ ¦[ '1 ' i:!|'i : ; : | | ;.H-r : ir- i ; ; * n^ l31ipifp : . - . . . ' ¦• ¦ ¦ - ]" . - ¦ !- ¦ '! ¦:,; ¦;!<{¦ 'i :-; !; ' -^ . ; •• THE WAXEBrlplRBJ ;.irBJBTS, l i'^ .; ¦ ¦ . '' . EsiiBLi8Hii>—i847. r ' i •;¦ .i ' T ABOBBT C IBCOLATION IU THB SO&TH O» IftELAirp » \v.\,i ntrv rRI W Y i ani StnrUSiittot on BATUBDAT 1 ¦ . . ( 0ProBIT* THB raOTIXCtttlsunC).'j '< ' , ' ¦ ¦¦ ' V 1T6EI0E-TW0 PENCE j Y««l y(m A;dvano«), 80.6d. ¦P ¦ ' .: By P< 8t(Yearly)vl0aJ 6ai | j ¦ < " " tag- All Choque ' B and P. 0. j Ordprsy made payable to COBNEMOS tT. BJUBlMlMtra ymuoi ¦ ; ;: ¦ The NEWS (Libemi in politics) oironl«jto8 bxtenatrel y •uWest tb-ft merchants, tradera ana»ilfe gentry, SE tae nouth ot Inland generally. The NSWB HM attained a cirenlatiin. noVoSjeinnUed^by ,any paper Sanedin ! Watorfird, and . i^admittodly the . leading journal i a this important oity, Jvith Tvjuoh there is drroot daily ocnm-onicatiod from London: .1 ' jj j -1 . j; ¦ ' ¦ Particular attention paid to commercial afitt agnonlj Advertisements received tor the NewB by all rcspoot^ able Newspaper Agenta in the United Kingdom. Pre: payment requisite frbtn partioa not known at ttm omoe. AQEHTa VoB SJSILE 07 THS NEWB, AND * OB ( ; ! ; AtTXETIBEHENTS I f'\ - ' ¦ WATEEFOBB—Mr. W. KEELT, 1 LHU<| Ck*" 1 * 8 ¦•«• DUNGABVAN— BIIENAN & Co.,. Devonshire Square. , : TBAMOBE-Miss JC LANCY, EelroBhm eut UAoma. , . .; CABKICK-ON^C^-Mr. HiWB, K«wi Agent. > . .; T.OVD0N-J. G. Kino & SoN . iBolt.Court. Floet-st. , S-H« > H. SMiTttii SoH^bboj^t. ENGLAND AN * SOUTH WALES, AOT TBI ; i SOUtH.OF IBELANDi I ¦ ¦ ~ Atoek Service %| 6EEA;r WHS^EfiK . BAIL- WAT Company ' s Trains and i Steamboats , . uta jffilford Haven, in connection with; the WATEB- roBD and LIMBEICK . WI TSEPOED, &| CENTBAI - SEI^ND, and IWAIEBFOED, DUNOAEVAN, AND S^Sf^te and | Bad i^d. j Tare*. -v___TK ' ¦ .Expre ss '' Trains \ and [ Fait ¦^ygglP^^ |; EVER? WE EK DAY.; v ¦ DOWN —LEAVE LOKDOS (Paddington) at 5.45 p-m.^ Sundflys cicopted, ahd;ABBivB AT. WATBE- rSaD ^caffioi and cironmatonwa . ' permitting) aboS elevii a.m., in time tor tha Train, on . the' Wator^ord ; and Iimonclc , CentralIroland, UP -Leave Watcrkrd at 5.0 p.nw ;eao h Week Dav, on Arrival of the 11 a.m. Train from Limenofc. 10 35 a.niJ Train from Maryborough ,and ¦810 am Train from Liainore, AEBJTIN ^ in ; LONDON ' (Weather and oircnmstanbeB per- ¦i mitting) at lo.45 a.m., tho . followuig day. ¦ _ ^^t^efeS^ Sti M^ to WlteSord at 7 a.m.lon Mondayej. oa arrival of the 9.15 Train {rora Pkddirgton the pr6vwas;evenuig. . - - , ftiSgor. travellin,? by the ^ Stoamer leann? | Water, (ord ofl Satur days fill proceed [fro m New Milford . by ^«3^i5te-jrsfe^* , »w. MnrnmB Wid Evening, and thle otagca mil wen be SSlTl^ tio Steamers o dipart puxOTBAitT Bt the appointedl timj>. w i w i mFOBDwaL in .a^iTWAlf AJiMViL of Bteamera leaving ^ ^ttno ^ ^Unco c^ PaLsJBera holdmg l^ SrHO^vaUable 1 «^) W^KSffi jgrjg ' , ; ii ¦ 3rd Clasi and Fore Cabin. 20s Od BEx.BN B (availab1ll month) 1 t^^^^; : , : '• | 3rd Clasa E nd Fore Cabin, 33a'6d. Further information can be obtiuned from «r. E. ¦Pnoo ijMlway Tetminus ,. Lim inok ; Mr. - W. D ^ Mc- NAMi^ldeipbilVharf Wat|rford. Tho EBDtfcED Fi^fb ' e^n ot^ior importSt ^tiona , thaJBrne Tablos , and Throulh Bates foj: Oooda, &?-» «% »>e £2. - -Ant Mr W ; J BossELt, the Great Weyern gtt 'S^t¦ Dt aWct l ^lnt , Adelphi ^rf , WawrfU P - J. GEIEEFON , General ManagF Paddinirton TormVnus. i- !<¦;« UtllTED S rATES &i CANADA. ' - EATEB OF OCEAN , PA?BAijE r ; ¦ ¦ Cabin . 'illS, jei5, and : il2 ; ' . niennediate , \£l 7». ' ' .ptcerase , ^i43i i ; PasseBgers for New York < r Philadelphia by the Baltimore St«ameri are Tiokdtcdi Thronghj without extra Cost. . ' . : ! i ' , ! Through Tickota isaned to Cbujaga, Manitoba , North- weBt Territory, andl to all poinw in the Western StateB and Canada at lowest Bates. . ; ! I' General Labourers and NavTjes. booked to Qaebeo for SA ; AgricultuiSate , 1 Agricultural Labourers, and Female Domestic Servants , for j£3.|- |; Pamphlets—second serieB—'" Eeports of Tenant Farmcra' Dolegates! on Dominijon: of ICanada ; " also, reoent Ushes of Pamphlets! oa ; Wojstcrri States of Aiaerici , Ac , sentIfree. :;. | ' :. \ Full particulars on application to J. SCOTT and Co., Qoeenstown ; A LLAJS BROTREE ^ & Co., James' -street , Liverpool , and Foyle-streot, , Londonderry !_or to T. PcaCELL , 6 Barron strand-st., Waterford ; J. J.B EEEK , 28, Great . George 1 sit., Waterford ( Murphy & Ward, 2, Barronstrand-str xt , . Waterfard. j [_ , " , AjEBBiCAN 1 uma . ¦ . * UNITED ' STATES MAIT. Gi^, ¦ ; ;' STEAMEBS,: ; ; IS^is Liverpool ta Philadelp tia NEW TOEK, BOSTON, br BALTIMOBE, ' : I EVEEY WEDNESDAY? . : Calling at Queenstown Thursdays. First-class Fu l-pbwered ' Iron !SteamsHp«.: The only Trans-A dantio Line sailing under the .Uni- ted States 1 Blag. Accommodati on i for all olags oa of passengers equal tAny Europe JI Stcarnship line. Pisscngers and goods are landed At Philadelphia on the Wharf ' of the IPennsy lvama Bfu|road Company, nhichhastha shortcistand moat direct route to all places in &a Western Staijea. ' ; : \\ !: . .. ; For farther particulars app lyjto i i ; EIOHAEDSON , SPENCE & CO., ; ¦ i I 17 and 19,Water-Btreet; Liverpool ; ; ! ; JJ OCA1 ' lOKNfrs ' :! ! " HABVET & S HITH , Little Gedrge' s-Street, ; j Woterfo ' rdj ; ! : ; i : ' : EICHAB D LA SDY. Carriok|ou.Suir i . ' ¦ . WILLIAM O'l ONOGHUE; Kilmacthom&s ; :: DOYLE & HI NT, New Boss.! : ' (»3) " ANCHOR" L|NE IMAin iBTIJ A'M i fciBS'. ' \\ i "MOTICE—To obviate! tbe nflU of collision , -L>1 ¦ lcsen tbootdinary dange rt of; Navigation, and ensnte Finor Weaker, the owners ' o* the "Anchor * Line havo adopted Ueut Ma ' nr»ya ayttem or eepfrato 8u;am Line Boutts for the Outward and[ Homew»r< Passages of their / tlantio Sbeamert; whereby tbejnoii loutherly route practicable will be regularly tnaintauieQ Uironghout all seasons of the year!' ! , ! . L \ " CITY or ROMfe ," 8,415 Tori., ' pneiof th« _ strongest, largest, and fastcaron the Atlantio; will sail . as oja«« in consort with the " AMEBICA ,":»nptber m»gnifloent Steamship of ths s imeolassi ¦ . < \ ' < ' ¦ ¦ ' -L-, EicellsBt aocommo lation for nil classes of Passengers. i : From Queehttoietii- ; " " _ ¦ - _¦' . - .. Cm 07 B OMB .. Thursday, | ... March 28" A MBBICA .. ;:... Apnl CITT OI B OJIE ..I ' - ,; , ;. . 1: .. fpril 28rd Cnr oF BoiiE .. , ; ¦ ' ' ,.i M»J! 2W AMJSEICA ¦: ¦: .. ; . j " ¦ . ..i Jno» , **? . CiTT oy EoME ... ,, ,:..i J>«»fl . , A«« WCA ... ,! •! ' ..; ¦•*» •; CITT oyiBoME ... ,| .; ; ^°! y SJ L r CITT O7 B0ME ... ,> ¦ .!..!= ¦ *"{' ¦¦ 'Sib ' ' Pisseageis hooitd to all parts pi tho ¦Onitea ; l^tatei snd C»r.wi« ¦ : . i. . ' . : ' ! ! : ' ¦ ' i ' . . ' r PASSAGE BATEsh-Cabin , 12 Qutneas to S3'. »«»«" IntermedUte C' Ciyof Bouie"bnly) , : JWi r*ee»«» . w NewYotkj Boston fPhiladel p hU or Baltlinoirti/a. , ' ApjW to TpaJDEBSpN BBOTHBB8 , \ :; ' . ¦ ¦] ' ' ¦ i Sootti Bquar», QueeMtofB. •: ! ' ] L ¦ ' ¦ l*CAt iioMTBL ! . ' ; : ¦ & ^ ^>i ffofar/fl^lMnsr fT 4 WA > O }iW«fcM»; ** >fc3«»«f : J>migan>an-W. WALSH. TTWtow-rG, WJi Jo> ** \i ' . ¦ . - .jj ZrtOTiorS rJJ W. Q'Coi(|»«tt: r :\; ::; .{' ¦ ,. ' .;¦ . ' . - ¦ Cannoiri tn-rJoHM CohtlKDM *. \l \ t ' ./i 1 TiTOBdE EDDJA'S BAJBY i 80 j Xl;;no«a . Q»lled tomtit. l»7#ntlrely Vuiates OT noxioi » or strc njtj toting •met fa ini but=11 rellevink fcifiwU WIHD, OQLIO. A «u It UM S MMBIIM I m Hi ttct^- ^ ¦ out . in a5j»(oT ? - w»^ S7I?rlos J. pw bffSSiOk x ^tih» * - .,n a b, Taoia.,jKi » . ' lWr r ! H. : . . : ' : ' :: ¦: J-Uii-ii 1 - ¦ w ¦¦iSI! v y.^Tp- "*' ^:^-:^-: ri»4ik^-' i ; -? : f^ii i.fi'l : 'i ' zi *:~ I . i I 'i .c.- .V 1 :^- ¦ jl . I - ' 1. -*:!• ¦! t i f' . " .i 1«^^NBBI> OBjpBB?OFi-S*ltiP O-r APBIp; 1885V jiEOINAlJ) , COMEBAQa^uABir ZEPHYB 1 , GAli- " . " ' ' ' VT .^' 1 ¦ ' 'T^ O-%X C-Ei^l r ni8 i vW«Mrf<>r4 ««46sm" ' : /JlN : Stefemshlt<^mp>7(iamited) ^¦Wu^HWBI^^i'mil mi ,tbe oo idltioiia menOonea m ' ¦[. ¦ ¦ * i™' : ; l UaUrns^B5 , '* of,' . : t9 E»; ; liad ' At . iliebf rL-Jjf^^EE^O B.P .JLiKP ' , " f iMf ^VO -L ' [ '' ¦ V BOX tii^ou/ to BBisJot * /;, raoW i wsroiW wiTBuVo wi,: ¦l' i j M'lMj eot ' il v ' . ¦!. ¦ ii> i I ¦< ,.. | :, Dlibcti : ' •:¦¦¦ ¦ . ' -( I J%p! April. .3...1l i ? i>r ? . ^MacnUaTjApril 1 » ¦ -7, ntt' uI S^WI " i ?• ' •. 'Vn . oon SatnraaT, ]T" 4 ' .: 8 *ffa I Wdiyi' . -'-v lO;.. ; .* a/4- ooouW«daSiaj< )• •' "' B^ll ^ijht ^esdv. M... 8 mbra, ; SatuidST !• jiI | - ,..H- . i«J«ht; &*¥' ¦ " - 1?- 10 m W ' V*ia3ehl i, ' M., . « affn \ie8da>. . ¦ .,. ' HU'Ioltj- nooD ftitdraS; ]„ :!l8 ..; 8 tiVa i Fndayt :: - ,24_. 4 alt' noo n WadaeaaiT I. B2 _;llalzht Tnesdw, ;„ j28.» 9 morn aitartS; , 25 (..lLdghtl I . . ¦ -[. ' yyediieftdaT, ¦ j, 29 ... ' 6 hlt ' n J «»• On early-arOTnlngaaillngB-iSbinB oiS tie iteiiien wilt le <?pep to.re«elTe Paasengnn- orriytts by jthg lfcht K^ail ram.! . .. ¦ ' ¦ j : 'i L ! ¦¦ w! - ' 'I .!¦ ¦[ ' - -iV : ..¦ ' ¦ ¦' : Fare*—Cabin , Us , , do. Betam (available lor Ono month) Se.j do Children and 8*rnmts , ttaTelltngfith FainlU«» , 10». >ock, _, - 6d; i _do Chfldnm; 4a. - i ^TT , :] ¦¦] ' , ' i - S ' . - . ' "!¦ ! W[A.Ti; s F.o.a D; AND J& IVBBPOOL . ; ^ : ! Wox WATraroKD: . ' : i rto» wytspooL t ' ¦; TedneWay, April 1 ... 3 laft' n Wedntsdaj. Sitn 1 ;..ll bbmi , riday: ,— T,, -8 . - ..mnom FrldayTj ( .V ' ' '* . - . - .O' liaW pudajr, 8 ... 4 -oJt' n Monday! I ,, . . 6\. 2 »fVo Tedncsday, ' ,, ' ¦ 8 ... "4-iaft' n Wedneaday. i• - , i 6 , VT.i-iait'h ' rldayi . ,,. 10 ;..Umorn I' rlday, [ ' ,, jltf .:. ft piorn onday, ¦: . ,, , 13 ... 1 jalt'n Monday; ], '13 ... I morn Wednesday, 7, 15 ... a !alf n Wednesday, L, j- 16 .i.Tp morn rMayVi .: - - ,( :17 ... 2 jaft' n Friday, \. ,, 17 V.B' mom iradaT. .; .20 ... 4 Snit' n MoiidarJ . 20 ... fl affn Wednesday, HI ... 4 'uit'n Wednesday, , 22 .vA8 altfn ' riday , ; .,; . 24 ...XI tao .rn|Prld<y, ! , - 24 morn " londay, - 1 27 ..V 1' aft ' n Monday; . •[, 27 A»mornj 7edsesday, ,. 29 .., 2'alt' n Wedneiiay, ,, 29 KWaorn 1 Cabin Fore, Ws. Od : do Setnxn" , avaUabh («r » month, 29a, )o., Sdrvants (trnTelilnjr with families) a£d vhilwep, 10s ; )eclt , - ;7s6d ; Children, 4». I r. | l! . , - - ,- . .. Extension of Tide g%antdd pn all I^otum Tlcket^'On tlid ollowirig.tennji— : For.!a.Fortiilght , *i, |6d, ibi 'loi ' enrj nbseqnont week, 2s. 1 "•• - ¦ - ; | : | I 11 ' ' ^ ¦ : | Goods rec«lvad ond discharged at Clarence pock. " a* : Goods Book«d ^ throug h'from all : Mnol pu l -etaflmi* on Sreat Nortnern, XancAaMre and TorJuhirov ] Loridan and forth j Western 1! loudon and South WestoruJ Kancbei tari iheffleld, and I T.in/v>ltiA<~. ;• . and . .Midland I Bailwsys : to STaterford. ^ Thrptuh' BooUjigs alsolto Iilmsrlck, Tl j>De- ai 7, '*o. ' - . . ' •! »¦ - . ¦ ¦«• -:• * ¦ ¦• ' •- ¦ , ¦( ¦ r M'- : ¦ -" . Goods Booked tirouf-h<rom oil Stations on Waterford and patrol Inland Raiiw&y; Watariord , Dnngrt rvuliwid Uunora lailwy, iod WaterfdMtod Limerick EaU rair. ' < Fajrc^ls booked thioorfr. ati low. Bata» to all ; )rindpal Sta- tions on London and North Western Eail» ay. ; ' . . ' ' WATEEFOS3) '" AND HEWFOHT. A. ' .lriKUl WAtSJUPOBDi , ' ffiOKI BOTPOElliJ : . I ' ¦ Weekly. . . i ¦ I , I Weekly. ¦ 'SL 1 WATESFOED - AKD D S' A!J|JTf * 3^ ' ; i i VATEEFC^iS'TN^O lJ GliA^ ' , ¦ . :.. : .AsCargo offers.: . ' ¦ ¦< ,. ' ¦ - . WATBEPOEj) AND NEW BOSS ! F«o» N«wiEosa—Dally: Sondays excopted Kt 8-45 aju. Fioa WATWFO«ODaUy, Bondays cicej fted, at ' S-IO vin. W:ATEE.F0EDT1AN D D V lf c' A&XO&.; ! FEOK DtrsOifcHOB—Dally, 8andiysoicepted , Bt 8^0 ».m. F*oi« . 'WATKBr6sp--DaO»,.8aiidays e^cepted, M.3-1S p.m. . ^foxEf—XheTyaterfoid'pfeiniship Con&panyJLiioited ^j tnsTiro all Goods Shipped by these Lines of Stetuners at :3s.7<U,. j)er ^nt. to Traders: naring' Yearly Agifeemeate , and -65. per Cent, to Occasional 8bJppcrs ,TaIne3 to be declared fttjE^ns o' Shipment. FOnhs and all Ijiforniatibn to\ bd nftj3?Bjt : . offices. ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ : . •¦ 'T / l . -i- -> ;4f: ¦ ,. i Berths necnrcd and every Information glvanibyAKftnta at: ! Biistoir-Watetford 8teamnhlp Csmsacy' slOffioe (littlted) 68;iQnepttBSquare ¦; . ; . | | i ! . * . .;.. ' Livsarooi/—Waterford 1 . Steamship Cbmptmj (T.lmllW), SO , Watcr^trecti and Clarence Dock. i : . ¦ ' -t ' r ¦ . NEwroBT-JThomas &. Co., ' Docknitrect. : ' . ' .' - , . DraoABvur—Mr. T. pbwnoy, Main-str set ¦ ¦ ' . ToDOBAi—W. N. Dasher , Nolion-placa. 1 1 At tha Offloes, New : Boss and Don xuinon. - : Andut tto Company ' s H«ad Offlees , TBE Ipjcx , WATESTOS D I CLYDE ; SHIPPING COMPANY , ; !. :¦: I - : ; .j ' APRIL,. 1885. | ; [. . : . ' ; i ! Regular Bttani Communication- belisttn ' . ' ' WATEEFOBD and ILOJN DO IT , , Via Southampton and London, and South Western ' i ; ¦ " : vBailway : .! ,| I 1. ¦ . -;• . ' i pLTMODTH urn SOUTHAMPTON, Ann BOTJTH OF ENG- LAND, COBS; DVBhlK , BELFAST iai OLASOOW. : -i_ ' "V ' i ' riTHE New and powerful Serey. 1 f~ —ft x X Steamers AllAN MOEE, BALLT r ^rweKAyvSs, COTTON, C L 0 C HT COPELAND, ¦ ^^Sg^^g^aL-CHMBB^. FASTNET . BATHLET , INISHXUAliOH/ , SE£BBTVOSE, ; TO^AED , ar» in- tended I to w ^^ as under , weather .permitting, (unless Pror Vented by dnforeseen droamatances); wltil liberty Tow 7esselsl and to call at any Fort or Ports in any order, la or rat pt ths customary coane , to Eeoety andDtsoharffe Cargo; >r for any other purpoga . "whatsoever. 1 ¦ 1 -I |! - ¦ . I FKOMT WATEBFOED TO OLASGOW. . Wednesday, 1st April - ! via Cork i I 1 V- °>- ' ' 7 rridayj, ¦ - . ¦ . 3rd ' ¦ , ' , :. . i viaCork . : J .. . .JuB-m- . y Monday, 6th ;, ' ! direct s ' !i 12 noon . ! (Tnesday, , 7th ;, 1 via Belfast .j 1 p.ai. Wodjelday ! 8th ;, ' via Cork ; : ; 1 p.m.; : IFridayJ i 10th i ^ ' via Cock I ' , ^1 p.m. Monday, I ISth , ' . ' ' direct ' . * . : :! .12 noon ¦ Tnesdny. 14th I. \ viaBcUast i 1 1 p.m.; Wednesday, 14th L ! via Cork, j -i . ! 1 p.m, » . S«day; . 17th < ; , \ via Cork ; ¦! . 1 p.m.; ¦Monday, ¦ 20th :; I . direct I :! ! . 13 noon.: Tuesday, . 21st .. ¦> via Bellkst 1 J ' '1 V- *&- i Wednesday, 22nd ;, via Cork 1 ; , 1 pjn. FrldayJ 2<tb , ' , ' via Corn : : ' : 1, p.m. ' ¦Monday, : 7th , ; ¦ direct , ' ! : 12 noon ITaesday, r :8th /, vlaSoliast l .p.m. ¦Wednesday,; 29th ;, via Cojk | I , 1 p.m. rSOV OLA300W TO WATIUTOBV ' { ' ¦ ' Every MONDAY direct . : : |: ;.. 1 pjn. ; : I : 1 EaiL to, Qrcofloct..6.30p.m. - ' Ererr WEDNESDATj vUDnWla ;.X \ ;... :1p.m. i I 1 r> . Eall. to;Greeno(ik...6 r 80p.m. j Every THXTESDAT direct ' .. i 1 I I !i... . .1 p.m. . ' i ! EaQ to Grdenoak...4 p.m- 1 Every FBIDAT, via Cork , ¦ f ; . - j | ,; ' ¦ 1 p.m. ' ¦ : ' Etlil. to, Oreoaoc3c...6i50 p.m. : ' .nioii WATEITOUD TO BELTAST J ¦ ij Every TUE8DAT I ... : , . ..; j | I |.., l at 1 p.m. ; . . BELFAST , TO wiraaroiD, ' ! r : ' . : Every WEDNESDAY, via Glasgow. : . TOOK WAtESTOBO TO ' PDZLIV I. ¦ : : Fridays, 3rd and 17th April, via Cork; 1 Ffidajs , 10th and i i 24th April, via Cork and: Olangow. Poitm TO WAT»B«raD—Every THUK$0AY, dlreot. ¦ I rsos WATSsroai) TO COS * , : : Every "WEDNESDAY; direct .J ;.. st l p.m. Every FB1DAY, direct ..; | ... »t 1 pm. PEOU COBI TO WATIBMED , direct+Evorjr MONDAY. ;WATEBIO«J> to LOHDOB (St. Kitborloe Dook), i ; ¦ : Every 8AT0BDAY, at 4 p!m. ' ¦ ¦ . j > LOSDOB * TO WixB&roBD , via! Fljrmoath, : Every THUE8DAY/ from St. Katnerlners' Dock. . ' No Transhipment by I this roata. Ordbnjfar collection oz delivery of Goods will M attended to by Larlnjton Brothers, 69, 01d |Boiley, E.C. 1 Great Hermitage-Street , - WapplDg, E., and Archer^trest. South Lambeth. 8.W. II ::: IUU y^i r ^Uv«^»AB>Wft wvvuu 1 1 rr r IT J *** tm * \ \ " ¦ WAII BJOEC V > Pim«BTH , dlrectx-Every BATTJBDAY , : ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ 1st 4 p.m. ,1 if: - ' PtncouTTB TO \VAT»B»i)Br; direct—Every SATXJEDAY. WATKKTOBD TO SdnTHAxrnnr; m nratocTD, ' . Every 8ATUEDAr.nt4p.mJ i: . . ¦ SouTSAxnoa TO , ' "WAmuoBD , VIA Plymouth. . ' ... ' i ; Every FBIDAf.l I " i. i Tbes 1 Steamers . havs excellent accotn ' modatloir for i>B " en ? Orl ' PAS^AaE-UOHEY. i i : . : : .i'; Cabin; Betura. Deck Waterlord to Glasgow and Belfast 17s. «dl : . 2Ss. , Id. . . Ji - Cork, .- ' :&§. ! : 14s. ' ; Ce. ¦ Dublin . ..I ... . 112s. M ' 80s.! 7s.6d '! Plymouth tSonthamptoo , £0«; SOi, 1Q» : '1 V^niirm. .1: - : ..:. ¦ 2£s. «d ^ SS*. li s. Eotttin Tickets ftvsilable tot two moaths-rvot tnnsf«rabla , Children above 3 snlunder 13 year* of agb . Half ; Fare. ' «r NODI . The Cly de! Shipping Coinpanj jlnmro all Goods •hloDeS by thesftilnes of Bteomers at Se 4d per cent, to Trader* i»vloT iyearlr agrocmen .to , and J*. pbr Ceat;to oocosionsl ihTppen Vftlnes to be deolarodat tlm&of ffiilpment. Forms and tJl Information to bej had at the offices, i ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ For Bates , of Fndght, to;, appl/ V>-><.\ C. Jimxto* , AlSt |7^ra»T J. W ABMO 4 Xo. 1 . Plnaouthi-IBOKAS M'GAsiir , London aid Sofcth-WejUj* &0Iw»y Compsay, ' jxeteTSnildingm , ! Arthur Street , Wart , saf at ths 1. * aff jSwaji B«S3vUg Jiotase* througbwtt V"^°° j &?*>* iHimvo Co., Glasgow. Oieenock. 13 , Xhoi^MtJ, Tilmertek » ' ^WsfiarassteB^^- ^ i I Calitean Souse (Joky, W^tetfprd. SneoUl forms of Sills of lading- jreqnired b y the Clydo Salppiiig CompsnTf to had of thaAmats. :. I . _ ||pil( NEMlSG r : I .1 : ; ' i : I rm- : . , J' i ' .i " : Ganae, Sheep, !poultry. 1 ¦¦ :- . ' 1 . "¦ ' - .. Ii " .: ¦ r . t: I ii-1 I . ' .. j^T- . - ! ;.; !!. '"• - -1 ' : i- : ¦ •; I' -!' M! J : ' " OT7BS ' 'ill ' qwantaoi ' tojba 'ikclwlVdjr «< . ' th« very t»e«. m*te ri«l and piMuffctnre , g»l- vaoized,»ft«>toB WOTO. ^ |t ' . .^rar.| bpi . to rivo perfect •atikMcfaon , both M .to rtrengtn ; linJ dnrabflity. ^ VV« offer » large «took »*; sp«ciaUy reduoed ; rat* , whlah ohf lkage oom- !^^i, : " ; | fr-r:l : rj r L -;: i IUiutria*l t^ W M-*»t>iagr*i ' ** , ro * Free. , . ; . , rr - . , . ¦ .- .. , ; - :lj !i i . : i ' I ;K E|| A | AN ^| ON 8; , , ;.; ,j. .^ ¦ w^lr*:»¦ •AT ;b*dii ! r ¦ ^ ' /H. 6OD Coots , H< am and ParloarM»tas , Nurses , VT i Dfairy 1 I*U« i *H **m i..9f«*•»»*¦ ; i •'•»• Thorianh 8?r »nt». An esptiriejne^ *4rjw required dvM ii flwUU* Orwj m sJ nd Ccp«l ifaMtiwai* engaged. tflTA^i* fteBeg Irtty, Mp», 9^ ^ attJLr i . ; :Tj^, :^':[ ;.u ) y.i|J . fla»i. Hno WErrS T KUKTB OTAL AiyP ( TEEL PILLfli ¦!¦ ¦ ¦ i' t, -: K- ¦ ' - ¦¦ 1 .. . I :; - ; }:• ¦ . :• ¦ ¦ ' I- fi a> l " . '\ - ¦ - . «• ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 'I ". : •¦-¦ •¦ ¦ •!* - ¦ - . . " { , , . ;-:;,: .;¦ i . -!" M : i ::r- " . J ir:A=Pi:rr "i ^ua:^-Jv^ ;;:¦ _. .:j :r.:; , :. : -: t :;:' -^yj : pr ic i ¦ :. ¦ . ' ¦ ; .. ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ .1 . 1 , - ' . •:. . * (¦¦ . ' ¦ ' 1 1 ¦ ¦ : - . v;v , . ;v;-:;;:: i;si^tafc r = . ";i i :J, .;t . ; : : " 'i' [\ WA*EEFOBt( AND xnreEtCK . fiitLWAY. 1 : - i > ¦ ¦ ¦&& V+ ain * ' from WaletfdrtU. "v--< ^l- j " . .;;; 1 ¦: - j ¦j;Tim»s|o>c i w>aiKlnttii. ¦]- " : [ ;l , Sdyj . ' * WATlSJOiD . . '. - . : . 'I , I : Mnlll ' •! , ' l if.M*il ir |' -. Mall ' , TO XDUBICJC la 3il 23 12S 1 .2 ,0 1, 2Si2 ,3.134 3 . " ' . Clsas. Cltas. ClassJolaaiJclaSi.Clato: dais ; '.; ' ^|, -: Vi ' . ' A.*. 1 [ KM. y.*: ; | ¦ ' * ! *. } '*¦*' { ** ¦ ¦ '¦>.»] Vater(or4, de>. 0 , 0 19145 1L& ' 2 65 8 . 30^- , ^- 8 * CarrUkxtn-Safx °6 ' 33 . 1vll5 1Z 7 ' . S.27 9iS : ' 5 lS' Clonmel' .:: ...... :. " 710!lo;45 USS 1 4 0 10 C¦• ' -iv ij <: tj , lpi«r»ry.:. ' . : ;.. 8,10 U « J.4V & 0 1135" ^'1135 , Jamj Uo^....;..).. 8 3S 13 13 2 20 345 12 2$ : -f 12 25 >oU......:... .845 'iw . a80 : ' SM .. ' . ' ¦ - ' Pallas ...... „. 8SS t2:aT -2 4S 6 5 18 50 r- IS M' Drorakeon.... r.f.; fl^jO J.J .,. 6 15 :. ! ^ ... Boher..;... ,.. 910 12 43 3 , 6; 6 80 .1. ; . Limerick arrival fl 35' .1: 0 ' S 20 6 80 ISO , 130 - " ¦ ¦'• Down-1 Waini horn ' LimiritJ ' .. ¦ - ' ; I . - TBAt^S OB WBXX DATS : ., I SdyS. -i-ipisiifi ;| . . ' ¦ ijj ,!.. ..i ;•¦¦ ;¦> /1 ¦ w ! .|Maii TO WAlx»roai).12i3 'i2&3iai3 17431 24312&3.1 £1 S - . - 'i 1 .. Clas*. ICloss. 'Class. CXwa. Olmss] Class , Class. . ¦ ¦ ,. •/; ¦ ;i : A. M. ] ; AJM: I A;. K. : •». BT . '| p.K.;; ' p.m I P.*. ' limerick dep?.. 7i 0 \li 0 1 3i 4. 0i ?0 50 : 10 60 Jober . „. ' .. ' :— 7 !18 ill 18 . 1 . - .; ¦ 4 20i; ; .|. . ' ..; Drorakeen , :.. ^ 7 , 2a ' IE 28; .;. ' 430/ .:. ... PsHas : L ... ¦ '?;85'11 : 85| ..: 4 40.11 15 11-15 Oola ' . ' .;. : •f f i O 'K S O - ..; ¦ *'6S ' ' 1 ... JunoUoa arrive . . 8Hi1l* -5- 2 16 8 10 iliSS^ 11 55 1 pperary...dep —! 8:55 12 30 3 20 5 50] 12 80 13. «0 Clonmel ,;....,. . « 80(10:15 . t- ?2- 5 85; 7 5|2B0 2 20 Carrick J.. 9lD Jl0>). ^' ,0 ¦ ' 640 r45 ' '8 :!'O 8 0 ¦Waterto rdirriv 10 'OiXf jSS" "2-8J. 1 7 40 8 30! 8 45 3 45 ' ' 7 : r . ; " . ; J0B5f . 3. MTrBPffrl secretary. ; ¦ WATEBFOBD AND ' CENTEAL IEELAND AND ' KILKENITY JONCTIOH-^AniWAYS. I The shortest route from WatarforfiUulEillenny to Dublin Athlone, Paisonstown; or Nooaf hv is via Us^ yboroogh. I TBAJ« AiKBATioss—Oa Siu.dayi ,;the 8. 'n am. Down, ana tM.fja. Up Exounlph trains'dl«costlna«d. On weekday a 6.15 p.ra. Up Train disooriUaued. ¦ ¦ ¦ ... . ' ; I , ' rapM •WAirgro^D. . . !:¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ' : TBAixsjmrivxii CATS. •> sraoAn STATIOBS. , 1243, 1 *2 ' 12iSGoods 128il28 ' Class Closs . Class. 1 Class; Class. Class - A.K. r.K. ».x. i r.s : noon | ?. M . . . l . htn ]h. mllh. rn. h.m. h. m. ' p. m. Weturford , departure 7. 0 2 20.1 4 0 ¦! 12 0 Kilmaoow ;.. <7 10 2 281410 ! 12 10 - MnlUnavot I 720 I 4 20 : 12 20 lollyhale.: 7 40 2 50 4 45 12 45 Thomastown 755 3. 0 5'0 10 Bennetsbridge. ......... 810 SIC 115 Kilkenny arrival ', 8 SO S 20 « SO 1 SO ¦ ¦ Do .........departure ; 8 40 8 25 5 4) 140 BaHynwget..... ;. B;0 3 45 6 0 25 AUanngh 9 10 8 55 810 ; 2 15 AbDevlelx v ..... 9 40 4 6: 925 ' 2 80 - Maryboro ' arrivaWO P 4 SO' 7.0- . 3 0 Maryboroug h'dep. nplO 52 "4-411 7'4S' '8 24 Portariington Juno.:.. 11 10 ; 8'7 i 3 43 Dublin arrinil 1 If 6 0, 10' a , Athlone Juno. arriv.|4l5a . ,. . ' Maryboro' dep. downlo 30 74 953 Ballybronnr ' ...110 65 -7 ' 39- 1 10 2J Bo*cr*i...<. ; 11 (54 J t-i 8 80 ; - ' arsonstown 12:4j 90 ' feuagh 18 . 83 1. 9 20.. ! Templem»ro ............ I16 ¦ 8 13 ' i; 10 U Thnrley ...arrival 1 38 .8 35 !< . . Tp,WATBBTa»i> . 1 : 1 '¦ " ¦ ' . TBAnrs os win SATS. SUBVATS, | SIATJOBS. / 12 Bi 12S I 1&2.1 & I f I Class. ClsssJciou. Class. 12 4 312 & A .: A.*. I A.B. , 1 i.tt. ; r.». Class . Claesi ., ; hjn 'hm h m n m h m pm Thurles. . . di p. . " ' '7-10. K . . : ' Templemoro , , . - . . \ 7,32 . 1 1 54 Ballybrop hy . , ' . . I 8: 1: . 2 18 - Wenagh - ' - r6 30 I— .12 55 Psrsomtown . . . . . . «¦« . JJ. 15: Eoe«ret» . - 7[13 - ^ Tl 47 Maxyborv * arrl up ftS8 : : !-* . 1 2 85 . . Athione Junction . T- 815 ! 815 ; - Dublin - dep. «0 90|10 ! 9 SO Portarllngton Janc-tn 8 3 9 49 ! 2 43 : [ Maryboro ' orvl dwn | 8 25 10 3J ! 3 9. 11 32 DOWS TBAiira. goods llall I 1, 2, 3 Maryboro' . dep. '' 9 20 10 40 [ 3 80 - 4 0 , Abboylaix - - . ' 9 40 !U 0 4 5 " 4 20: Attonagh ' 9 48 111 15 I 4 20 4 3A Bollyragget - - i 9 55 ill 25 : 4 80 !4 45 ' Kilkenny arrival '10 25 111 55:4 50 '5 10 Do. departure 7 15 10 35 |13 5 15 0 ¦ | 5 20 Bennetsbridgo 7 3> > : 12 15 15 10 I 6 30 Thomastown -755 10 55 112 30.525 5 45' Bollyhale - ' - 810 11 5 12 45 S 45 6 0 Muilinavat ¦ - 8 35 I . 1 8.1 6 b 6 25 Kilmacow - .1 8 45 . 11 25 1 15 i 0 15 6 35; Wilfrtnnl arrifal 9 15 111 35' 1 4S ' \ n.Sfl 70 MotBTKZLLlcx BEABOg. Maryboroogb dep., 7.30 a.m., : 1L0 a.nr , 4.4) p.m i Monntmelliok orr., 7.50 a.m., ll. 'JO a.m., ¦ 5 p.m. Moantmelllck dep. , 8.40 a.m., 2.10 p.m., 5.40 p.m. j Maryborough srr.,,9n.m;, 2.Sj p.m., 6 p.m. | :' . . : : S ATVBOAI Bjmras Ticorrs' TO iDusLia—First and Second Clas s Return Tick et* ore Issued on Saturdays at a: 8lngls Fare and as Eighth fronr Waterford . Tbomostown, Kilkenny, Ballyngget , Attanagb, and Abbeyleix , to Dublin, by the W. sud 44 p.m. Up Trains , available for return on Sunday, and) by the i0 a.m and W> a.m. Down Trains oa Moaday. , . i ¦ W.' WILLIAMS, Secretary . | i WATEEFOBD AND ^TBAMOEE EAILWAY. ' . \\ I Week Day Train: ; i ; ; , | l! t ¦ I '8 - . , ¦ 4 I 5 ~ T 1 7, 8 9! j FBOK »ni»m]»m t>mipm pm ptn:pm pm ——h m! h m ] h m hm hmihm hm hn h m Wb&t 1510 SO ! 12 15 2 15 ... I 4 0 ! 5S0 7 15 0 0 rm ' rea 10|U 0 » 1 15 3 0 ... | 480 ' 6 0 7 45 9 30 . . ' ¦ ' [ Sunday Trains. ! ; ji " , 1 '3 , . '3- ; i 4- ; ' 5 I ;6 ' ! 7 ¦ 8 i 9 i ! VBOX »m j- a m pmj ' pm .pm ' pm ' p m pm pm | ; hm ' h m ! h mi! b.m ! hm : h ' m , h m ' hmfhxn ' w /frd- ;e o ten,; ¦ ¦ « o. 4so 1— » 0 , Tm ' rel; I 8 8) I ¦ i 1 3* <. 4 0 ! 6 80 | -r I 9 80, First Class 1 Single Ticket, Is. Betirn Ticket, ' Is. Od. I Tblrd ditto. > Bd. i Eeturn dUto, : Is. Od. I . WILLIAM BEAj Bocretary and Manager. | •WATEBFOED , DUNGAETAN , k I8M0BE BAIJATAS 8noBTis-r Konrs TO Coar , Tsiin , AID KILLACJIST . < ' : IXOK WATmoEn. i : ; ! i STATIONS, i I . : Week Days. ;. Sundayj. i ». «k. - - i Waterford : ... dop. 0U 8 0 Kilmedden ... ' 9 80 ' 3 15 Carroll' s Cross ... . Flag 8 25 KUmoctbomas ... ! 9 55 8 40 Durrow and Stradbdlly ,, 10 13 S 55 Dnsirarvan ¦ ... ,' , 10 S3 4 10 Cspp^S ... " . }0« 4 25 C*pporoin ... 11 3 4 40 Lisuore , ... arrJv. 11 15 4 60 8. & W. Bailway:! tumors ... dep. 11 30 5 0 Fermoy ... arrir. 12 14 5 40 Mallow ' ••• . .• 10 6 20 Cork ... 2 0 8 15 Killsmey ... 8 4 8 82 Troloe .. 3 55 10 25 TO WATZBTOSD. 8TATIOMB. i Week Days, j ¦ ¦ _ ' . _ T~: i Sundays S. & W. Baflway. ' ¦ A. W. A. «. ¦ A. M. Tralee , ... ... dep. - 10 U KUlaruay . ... ' {, 1118 Cork ... . ... i. ¦ - ¦ - 18 80 Mallow ... ... , ii . . 12! Fermoy ... ... ' ,, ¦ ' . ' . 2 16 IXsmoro ... ... arm. .;— ¦ 3 0 : ¦ i . W. D. &L. BaUwsy.l : - ^ a M Iismoro ... ... dap. . 7 50 3 20 Csppoauln ... >. 8.0 3 S3 10 15 A.K.A. II 11 18 18 80 125 - - 2 15 ' r- - 3 0 ,i_ Cappaih ... ... L " ¦ 810 3 4J _ _ Dungirvan..: ... , :-. 8 80 4 10 - - Durrow A Stradbaliy , ' ¦ - 8 48 4 25 - ¦ _ KUm»cth ,omas ... :-: OS 440 - - CtmoU' siCross » 'i, | .:— « \l ^ NT - - KilmMdsn ¦¦' ... ' ; fl 80 . 50 _ W«torfon!l ... arrival {— ' ¦ 845 8 15 - ' ¦ ' ' ¦• ¦ ' . - ¦¦ ' THOMAa Q'MALLEY . M a ns g or CHINA TEAS. | We are: now Jbusjlnff i Direct from ^ Importers , at ths pumic sales , and : caft offer on Ternis ftilly Equ^l to [ London Housea Samples free on ' ajjplicatlonl. t The -Trade onlj sr sup- ¦; ig^^; iM<y, ;| ;;.;;i : Wa|re^ /Silb Bt ki : 6f OIikBKES1 B. 41 ntL8( is ;w»r. VJ 7VmnteA *o enr»J«l) dWoh»rges from the! Urinary Orj»M ,ta dtiitt - |^. iMj|qtoa.«oiiii»tJtaMopj L prtve] or Psins iSjtM Wt«. ¦ ** « boxes , 4* M «Mh.ol ii !i- - 'i:! i! il; [^ !i.^ r! !| ' .i mm i ''X'ij 'I "* ' ! * ! j. ": M* ' ! 1 i '.x - i 'f i - " i ' iV i '• - i r ' i t \ W' t iij m^fi b iV#i¥JN miai l " ^r\ 1RW >W l M * Mfffi |#4 ;fflSp^.i i : : 4^f:(iil4i: : 'i= > l i \ ¦ ¦r; - 'i ipiilKSy. iM$mmA ' 'i ; > n . /j|A ¦;.j7|;l ,ii ' ' ; : . ! r , . ' .. ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ,... ^_j. j. i._ - ;_U~]-]->-—-—- i— ;+- ; ^--.i- . ' : ' ¦ ;• . ¦ " ¦ ¦! .- - n^'^iiTvi ii vVii . :.! /.i: ' j:i i i >:- U- . -J- 'l iJ:.» " ; Hi ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ > . ¦ •h:-! ;>:,: . ' ' -,\,U .- F|, ' .:^OSy m :ili:^rt> v:c.;:;;¦,.;; ¦ ;,- ; i t' i |?-;.- - :>; 5|'|' - ?;¦ > - .;.!t . ¦: , - .. ' ¦ ¦] ¦ < " ' ¦ t ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ : ' " : 'l-vi -^ ;l^' f «M ':*t^'^'" jfcmM BBS* , ¦'¦ ¦" ¦•¦;¦ . ¦ •-* ¦¦ ; i-;:i-r! f . i. ' .l ; -\\ ,'i r\-' . :' ;j . : (.£i;c- 'Ji ;•"!'/ !''; lii! ¦ ¦ ' ' .\'. -: -\. : ' " . ' i : ¦!:! ?') _J (Kp:l'f »?*"!' ¦¦ '¦¦ ¦' ' ' ' . ' ¦ ¦ ' . >• «¦ ' l ' ' - ? - ¦ . . - . " :- ; " ii : i ! ^ -j^aM^iE^Q^- " - aE^g3pm-;- " < ALE ,r J to' Wateii , . So&t:<pttp, |,6Mger- ,;j pen i g |.; ¦ i , . i ; : | L ; " i itS^^E;? = " : isiif^SSraHi*- . : : : -9fei -^ G!©»8* : 'I' : ! " ' ¦ . ' ' ' ; ¦ '>¦ ¦ .:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - : ' - : ;r ' ¦- —t— — . I ii " :i ¦:¦ ' , ;. . ., ; " .. , .- ¦ ' - ¦\r ' ~ e , \> . ¦¦ , J ?~ AV, i:i:l . i. ' . fv:. . ain< / Hsgi; ' i-A. '''-'«gB< | "* ' ' i 11 " ¦'• ¦ ¦ '!!' :- ¦ ¦ ' •¦ ¦ ¦' ' <->' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' - . ' , A -KE' diUy i KocdmiS g i Wre nppreclalid' - ' by ! the' PUBLIC. ' : 6fcedai : alt<intiori iV ihvilea tei" he ! . ^ T"! " i; . ' 'I : : ' i : ¦ : Joll pwW-Chojce . Blends i- | ;j ¦ . ;.\' L\\ r ,. - , , ,. , x \ ' ¦ 1 Good Strong Congou Tea (^i^mvm. o ^t :\j O-. : ¦ ' i.. ! >; ' . ' W !"I .i^Mip^r 1b. ! : : 1 Indian Tea, ' 'Broken Ae8an» ; ii. , I' ;: .;. ' :; - ... : .. ; i i i m ., : . - 2B. '8dl' '" ' ¦¦ ' ' ' . _ Ditto , ,i(Finest| Imported/ h ' ¦ ' •1 ... ' , •• ! ; ;. ... \ \ '' i.i ' ' - ' ¦ '' .. ' ijj... ; 8s. So!) |,, " j ' ; -i ^Sfr-iTOasU Discount of 2d: pcr lb/ to 'Purchasers of Five Pojin ts and upWarda. j ¦ . ¦ . " '' ? ' e- !;- ' : : . ¦ i . I . ' . Grojifllir and ; Win ' o Lists" on application. :j : . - , ' : ' ' : ' ¦ i ¦ ' ¦ " " " : : R :O :^ ' E | R !T :i#' - i ' :ty i& K &$\\&Aw0'r >%^ * - . ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' . ' ..; j ' '' FAijlLY tiKOCfiEB ' and WlNE 'MEBCHkiraS, . I: j?> ir . - ..:.[a l*-<| ia ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ f Z ^j' ' ¦ ' : : i' ;-j : l' . :l :- ' 5 an^Qrth !aiall , Wfttopfokfa, aria JnagarvanJ ' ' ¦ . [ ' ,• TO OFfB .^NTiv/. ' .f^ETHEE j; IJQ^IC ' ]^ / ' \ \ \\ Selept- i Dairieb idfi Ctioicev:fresii!!fttildli Bdtter. IX ' . ¦ .; . ' . : ¦¦ i AT i SIXTEEN ' ¦ KENOE PEE . j tOUNTX : ! , ' : ' ' ;;; ; (: - . ' ' PRIME ¦ ¦ ' •1-rtij S-H-- ' BU'TfT^R , " ¦ " : AT TENPENCE, | ONE SKILL FNG, ;AND FOURTEEN' PENC^ PEE FOUND. | v ' (Buvers of one firkin oc more charged 2d. per lb. less for each quality.) : | ' . •;• ; " HENET. - DEWNY . !&; SONS' VEEY 1 'FINEST : i ' ' ! ' ¦ ' ¦ r il^eriok '-BiGon'^ati 'Sj , ; ' and Hams lOd. per IB. ¦ r t : ¦ ' - ' ; ¦(• (fiotli of which arp Smoked In Linierick:) ! !' ! ' : •! WE also Sell LIMEEICK and WATEHI FOED . BACON GEEEN. FINEST NEW LAID . EaQS ..9d. , ppr :Dozen. Beiu« Large Importers of AMEEICAN BACON and I/AED ; i » we are in a ' jxjBition to offer the Finest! Urands : to Wholesale and iEetail -Bify qrp $b >i*W ^* Prices; WHOLESALE STORES—Garner of QUEEN-STREET -and fSOZIAS-STREET. ¦ ' RETAIL I STOSEB-Qpposite. ji ;jj ; : i.: . rj I , . . ¦ ;, . Uu, ¦ ; - !, ' i •: . ¦:; ! ; - j Jr.liF-AN.Nl. N . Gj ^. -vC .d. J. |-! DBIED ; l^ORTEJEt , I j 0EAJW8. r ¦ : , ! = | PEIOB £5 10s. ^per icblf' . doliyered ' !at BALL WAt . STATIONS in DUBLIN. ; ! - !. . - . - ¦ The Cheapest Feeding Bluff—Especially, suited for Use w\th Pulped Tvrhi pt. i' ¦¦ ! ¦ ' - . ' ;,. : ' ;: t .-I 1 . . - : ' , i [, ¦ ! I -]- T= - " ¦ " ' ' ¦- ¦ ¦ ' :, ^IECULABS, Names of Local Agents , and references to OenHemen in trio locality uwig this jfooi , !O. i . . " . :; ' : ' ; jAyiD be Bant post.Free , on Application. | ;j i| ' , ' : ' . ' ¦ _ vi; . . j The : Dublin Grains; Compaiiy. Limited. ' -:...;! 1 ; EAINSFOED- 'STEEET, DUBLIN. ¦ : j ; " These Urains constitute a vanety ' of food tot whioa ' Cattle are generally !pa tial. They are nutritious in p Jbigb degree ;; when properl y dried they will keep unchanged for any leng th ot time, and are in par- iioular distingaistied ^y the [relative low cost at ; which they may be purchiw&lj" .iyjohn. ' ! | .; i " Dri^d Grains, keep in ; g<?od condition foremost any length of time, aid. \»ill be found ^ good [ fmi ybolesome fckxl for every description of stock , pp4 partjeularl y useful /oriborbcajind cattle. " Voelcker. ¦ ''' ' ' : backs . 'bbldi ' n g one Ci»tJcharged 8d. eacb extra, ii ; not retarnciilimniediately, (6~ 12.tf) GLASS lAWi GElJNA WAJ^ I' ¦ ¦ . ' (0lDE8T ! ]E3TXBLI8MEV HdU8E IN THE TRADE). ? ¦ ' ' . ' ' ' ¦' ; i : O^EN EOJWER &:, SOISjJiS . r ; % ^- - ] j, ' . ' - . : ; 7, 8j AHD:^,. GR EAT; GEO^EiS.S'f.. ^iTEBFOgDrr i ¦ A oplondid Collootlon of Drecdon and Sovro CMna, nnitablo for Woddin J ! : " i ' ' : ¦ ; ¦ ' . ' ' :• i i : ' Preseato. i :. : 7] i ««*«» B . . Onr STOCK'of DE8SEET SBEVIGES are all of the Nevrcst ana moot artistio Patterns 'I: ' , : ¦ ; and Desi gns. ¦ ' ¦ ' ' : : : ] : ¦ | . CHEBT8 AND M0NAQRAM8 EXECUTED ON GLA88; CHINA , AND IROti8TONE. \ , . AGENTS FOR MUTTONS !& COPELAND'S: bmNA. : ' : BALLS , PASTIES, AND PICNICS, SUPPLIED WITH COTLEBT AND Att OTUBB EEQITISITES . ^ : 8PECIAL ATTENTIOK O1VEN TO MATCHIKOS ltf GLASaillwDi CUIWA. ' «2fi 2y 11 ¦ FOR FISH , ' - . . y^* \y ^ : : ! j STEAK S, j ^^ ^ ^^CEL EDiAT ED^AtCE | :' J&W y* \%H ^>T ;.PBBPiBt(» FE0H THE ! l ' <^^ ' >^ % ^ ^t ORIOOTMi BECIFE ; BEABS | > £f ¦ . . . !• ¦ TjT a ' & This label is protected by- perpetual iajtuiction in Ctiancery of tho ! 9th July 1858 ana without it hone ! can be genuine. ; j i PBEPABED omLY BT E. I jAZENBY & SON, EONDON, I And sold, Retail by, Grocers, Oi lmen , Itdlian Warehousemen , fyp. ! .. '} " , t}iroti<g 7 wut , t7i6 Kingdom. ' , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ~ - I : .1 1 ; ; . : . •S 3> I : S. i:CES * iS . . ¦ ' ; ' . . THE . "C^TY . COFFEE AND DININ^ ROOMS , 1 ' 112, THE QUAY, j WATEKF^RDI | ! HO1B JOIHTD irom 1 to| ^ daU y |[Pifl h. on P^at Days), j i j ; . . ' ¦ ' . ¦ SELECT RO ' OM FOR LADIES. i ' . ! ' . ' , \ . " . ¦ ¦¦ ¦ , -I •¦ - . ¦: ¦ H-i— ; j . . !:. ;'I ¦ : ¦ i OYSTERS 1 OYSTER8 ! (Native and Forei gn) frjra. IGfd. per dozen , . ! C3-OOID \ BEDS 0UE 8TUDY—Comfort, Convenience , : and-Economy, Ac.' . . ¦ : t ¦ ; i : i j MOTTO—Clcanlinces, Quality, Quickoess , aud Civility^ ; [olo] G&" Note;Addre6s. ; ! ¦ \\ ' | E ; . P R I 0 E , i PEOPBIECOBJ ¦ THE FINEST iHOP CROP FOR ] 20 YEARS ! ! ; i ! : - ¦ \) ' - : - INDW ; PALE ALE. i | : |;-ifjj : " ¦ PATKICE EEILT] &: j SONSi i ..4 EEO TO ANKOUKCE THAT THE NEW SEASON'S BBEVTINGS ABE NOW BE ' A j . i. ¦ ;. ¦¦;,! ; FOB DELiyEBYi lNi SPAEKLINQ ; CONDITION. ; i ' . . 1 . | I :• ' " ' , ¦ ¦ ¦H AiF.GUINEA : lFAMIliY ;AkiE-9 Galsl : ' ¦ ¦ „.;¦ ¦ J 10s. 6d. ! ! 1 - ' : ; | ' ' : ¦ - ¦ ' INDIAN, PAl'E ' 'ALE—9 GaUi. ;.^ ' ... ! ¦ ' ' .o ' i 13s. 0d. . ' ' - . ' . ' ¦ \ •¦ ¦ ' - .,. SAMPSON ALE T -9 Gala- ... j I ... . : : ' .J. : ; j _ ' l6fc Oi- . -' ¦ ; . ' j! : fe.tf T H I E : BFt&WEFt Y., ; W A rEr^FQ;FJgD^ ! ' . .| : . \ ! ;:¦ : V;:(S&Slifi : i: i ' ¦ ¦oftfiOiVISiCfHSi ¦;!! vS •h ¦ . , :: \p rt i.rwStillll^N l-i' : !:::. !^:!: ; ¦ ¦ . . ¦ .. ; j I.) : ' j . . --¦ ¦ . i; pow »fteio |.»t ] ¦ ,. ' ¦¦ j; •: ¦! .( ¦: ; ;¦!• ¦¦] ¦ I -\? ¦ P. -R ,. 0J^; r3lj p :N ;.|!filTO : RE> | : 7 ,IHI^fli S ' T^KE^, !, ;;.; !' ; V" V , ' ; ; ;; j ; :i' : _ !H. bBNiiY :* B<|»Nid ! iE8T |<iUALIXy H ' j- ' ; :|; >^|' j ; j. ¦¦ : Stook|M;M Qd^ied] M BMT Qwi-rW PRINT BUTTtiB from li. *d. to , arti in l ib. i<»LLft lt. M.4i«; fti. 1 '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . t> I ¦ ¦ T- - = - . ^. . I'i i i [ |. . . ; |. - .J ¦ ' }. ' ' !£.. . - ¦¦ ' .. ¦ '}' ' ¦ . - ' - . ¦ ¦ •> .! ¦:::¦ ¦ '" ¦ ¦¦ ?] \- < Vlyf l ivd^i . ' , . ' - . -: ¦ . ^; - ¦ ci ! |;: | ; . ': } « v - ¦¦ s - . ^Niri i - /.I I .;: .;,i:'!;.:' : - : ' i:; : "( " j-: 'Y , ;. i ,; ;:i;. , ; i - !,j{ ;;i vU, ,, f INE8T EQG8 W. AND W, PBE OQZM, , . , : . ,-: - \ .!' .:. :; 4< ¦• ¦ ¦ ' -T } i j i : ' ! ' ' . ; . ' •¦ ' . ¦ " - ' . j . t I ¦ I ¦ ' ' * ' ¦ ' ¦ ' , '• ' ' ¦ ' !' J ; ' . ' l ¦ ; ' : !-i : i ' ¦ ' i | ! i: " ¦: t ' : ' l \ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' " - ' : - ' ¦ ' < N \ l ' i 1 l ' ' ' ¦ M ¦ i; ;. - ¦ i . ' iM ¦ ¦¦ . - .. "' . . . i. - I . ' I ! . - : ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ i ¦;. ' , .:• : , ¦¦ . i : il i v - : ¦: ;:! ' : " ::: i ; : -t' ; ¦ ' : -jr.; ! ' ;- / |- ; . •¦ ¦ \\t ¦ ¦ ' ; ¦nn' mM -wmmnmm TTH^^ OAaEoo« j *£UU)/' ttojitr^HTasR- j Se*& ' THK " BBD I>BE&CH,^th« gra^rtHOMltaiMaMr : and i. ermeodition cUrn d«strojrer. It xaotisa tbfUood »od expoli ' AU ioflafflulntorr matter, koepia* offCkUli. ' r«llo«r», B«d:W»terJ maa i.rM 'U \ Goi,i ^Qv^ui i TllE ^BED-PABJJBjPO WDEB, ' ' for.«0Bdiii<«kc Hor«^.%glrei>n pi Uw »l^ ii/t^^^m- worlc or othor O»OJ«, Jinp»rtiii|f »a»rd »pp«iw, eonib- < tational nrtnneh* ot: nerve>ncf. ma^le. boovMt lift, j and groat vigoai. " ' | ' ¦ . . ¦ . . . " . ' i ,. . . . . v, , ¦ | * .. ^™» of ,^ait cotitlete; . wltn :(oor oibiir ^raolta , ' including " K«y to! jf«rri»ry, " 1> < ea. lfi* : 6d. Cftrrun ' ^f T ,^ ny *nio<" dl*' b<< lu<lw P" ni"^ ' ' ¦ ¦ r;r i ' ¦ OATJT10N-Bew«reof toitaupa», t i,ad Mf tt»t ti» ^ame of :I>Ai, SoH, fcHirrrr . il ok aU b«tUw and : paakeU. ¦ ¦ , ——•: . ., :- ¦ \ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ i DAY, 1 £OW, '-it ->EBvfTn l , I ¦ ' : : 22, DOB8Ki' .sr.( BAfflaWW.' , - JMjrfDOlT , W; ; ' ' . - ¦ ' . . ¦ i '' Aia»iiz«. Ti ' . ; i- : ' .j.i ¦¦'' - ¦ ¦ ¦ Waterford—a. WHITB A'SoXil ThoiW*fitt*t . " " ¦"£• s 0M »^'««5 ift»»«»«wtwjn ! ! a' Biiiil,.iur ><fadft. r . - ' ' ¦> ' i. - i; LUmore J OHM Nooxtii; jigroSmt. (t&13t) ; ; .. _ OOBSB 1- ,;^ . .; ;!. ./, j COBNS t>e raoatinvet«ii tt«cn»raot«fi irreA. : . : li<r Toe HaiU;koaither<lU«Mei gi tW»5.t, i removed by Hr. J AMM SoHlt, 12 , ' fadiiuii a^sL ! Waterford. - Termi jfeijr ' modeniU i. ' nacuftrgifimiia* ; unles* a- cur«j u effected. Hour* of «tteri(J)Ui»* ! fro m 12 to 4, And from 6 to 7 p m. 'daiiy Tj or * i»t tbe < borne ot any applicant wno mi y deiire ii. j «20 tf US' Sje <iXi£t,ui~12;e*iU*iatoi+t.r W*t«iiotd. KEATINO'S COUGH tOZENQES-Ai* -Mf i ¦^ increa«iatijiJe of ovar 60 /e W«. i:|. .Tij' ' i ' T^J^ATlNO'S.iCOUGH lOZflNOa-sJ^ aad ! KEATING'S 'C6OGH nizWoJBS-i Cojrkijmt "- . to keep htkdy U taa yocitMt. i , •' ¦; '[.. V ; i07-EATING S 'COUGH \ LOZENQEa—AwBnim- ! JQL tally wopmn*Md oyitto ,KdaHj!yr. :., .;; i ~ r j ' ¦ ' TmHmMua . f Ortiinai iKav^i dmiJ. 'i : ~ i D»im Bi« Y HMliig tri^ »u4r Oou»i. M»»o«Mlt?»4JtJ l i aav« auch plaatwroiv iMtli/ ipc to tiut* MotMafdEsttau ' Oa*e« ol luclfimt Ooiuampuoo , A«n»>« , tuitf J) MttkS : «JSocUotn. ' so (rood » SbUutu* ooilt td M Jkovirn) >*. £•. ' preotaMd. I Ji*ve prtMrlMd it luveli 1 rixa' th* t£i '£2aK * w. u. a., AfrwutMMi/, a.j*/i^i j<«aau?M ««: ! Sold in Xxna l* ltd tifl at. tkL e»nM r «.n rf^^-f, | . •: ' " : : ! i| !- ; ; / GOLD ! M]fi)AJ^pT j - " ¦ •:¦ ! . l <McptUt^ibi^j i ^i|| t ,r: ' j j PEY 'B -.iJJJ ;aumSSSdT»iS^^» -gtantfortf. '•' ; .[I .^ , "^*T . -j ¦ . i - - " : - - : -:. :' * * PasVCJ Ofeoiij Okwir " ¦ ' . I " ! ' ' : COCOA; •' ; l(BY- i}, ¦ ctiiiQA ^^ JEXTrfkCT; f ' , *V; StODBiBT , A»i|3rifeterir«ol ( lyg-iyl.-l r;;, ¦!^ t ^ jf ^| j^ id ^j L; ^ ¦ ' . ^_ ,i. ' "^j^f -^^ 1^ M™*^ ; ^ ¦ . ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ .WORLOfEAIIECl.n ^ : " i - / Tr»48'MArk— "BliodM xttwi. " ¦ ; T?K>B CLBAN8INQ »nd CUBABUJG Hi* BLOOD X! from all Irnpnritiea , euisot b«itoo bkhly rtunui mended. yor ^ Sorofn]* , . flenrry. flitto V& MW, Md Sore* of all kindt itU• wrm-fiilfaf Md perciiiMsi onre. ¦ ', : I ' ' ¦ " i 'j " It Caret Old Sow. j "\ ¦ ' | "1; i ¦ : ¦ ' Cnni Uleeratod Bom OB ' UM Naek ! ' : Cores Uloerated Son Iian ! M , 1 , : Com Bl4cikU«da or Pi^J" « th. M . . Caiw.8oan>7- 8oiW'i-' .'j-v (~;| -: . Caret C»jjoerpn» Olosri! " I :!: Caret Blood md Skin Dia«ac«t - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ Cnrea GlandoUr 8w«lllaft t ' : ' , Cl eari the Blood from all Imtm « IftiUr. froin , A*thumixterWitfa]«Mwt«> 'th*tii ii ,«d«rr«W irom mvHunginjunottt tola* Bott ddiMtcsoo tdUoD of eithor tot , «k* ProbrCS *iU ^n rbousAioM or, TMTIXOICUIA ri OK AJLV M ML Sold In Bottle. St. M. e^jh^iad li lC>t> »i«,Ih ||iM 3ottl«t , lU. Mw^. iBlfWnrttoS* ! i»lMBu«Sam long-«t»nding twet , by kQ.Chi:wnaiud^raSit sdloiB* Tesdorf Uiroaahoni Ihti SSSd t OT.^HO yaddrwt on rwrfpt ojiw orJltSft iBabyViT^' rh« Iinooln f Midland CoontjiiiiDrd* Q MM» . . .. ¦ , '! ; .!ij»<i6ti>iTT' I' lu 'l' :t, ' .f ' [ ?l ' - ' , KAB»AU-8TB«HT , JJDBtlNi QE03 to c»p5o»; £«!p^SCi«! buHStmrrfSl _D oomnion , improper , * in ^t 4!j MtHr rf ili iMr iril GlMtet tnd PebblM g«nrtWly»}d, i Hi dnkUwU^U> detrimcuUl to . VUion , tint OBMn MMJjMaSSS inffe-ed froin thtan , kad^ni»Siii»fUlflw*iH3S. urr to dwell «*' Hr "1 '" 4V ~ttUi iMi rf lafa ft—n toolet (to dUfereni from >ebbl ihr- & 5S" 3ZS3m. wbioh neither (tonitrnat , ««toV i S MUWMMaTt ud on tlx» Mv^t^aT^tv^ rXjSSSmS method of *d«pifaM| Olw«M to > fa. tv«aS|ftStn of rnaoh dwperimpdrttnw UviSisI qi*3|Er iittSitJl 0B8EB s V£.rrfi|niaia, ,ew btj M MjbrMHI D ^ H * bolt* bj mniti Sfatf <UwaJT mi TSm ^SZZ 71 comMaUtowff SvtH^ -* immSSmSiSL f ' - dimttd t o^*|] n^ yy r^!^g? ^^ 1' - tnttBtBtiriU

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' -. ; •• THE WAXEBrlplRBJ ;.irBJBTS,li' .;

¦ ¦ . ' ' . EsiiBLi8Hii>—i847. r' i • •; ¦ . i 'T ABOBBT CIBCOLATION IU THB SO&TH O» IftELAirp» \v.\,i ntrv rRI W Yi ani StnrUSiittot on BATUBDAT1 ¦ . . (0ProBIT* THB raOTIXCtttlsunC).' j '< ', '¦¦¦' V1T6EI0E-TW0 PENCE j Y««ly(m A;dvano«),80.6d.¦P ¦'. : By P< 8t(Yearly)vl0aJ 6ai | j

¦ < "" tag- All Choque'B and P. 0. j Ordprsy made payableto COBNEMOS tT. BJUBlMlMtra ymuoi ¦

; ;: ¦

The NEWS (Libemi in politics) oironl«jto8 bxtenatrely•uWest tb-ft merchants, tradera ana»ilfe gentry,

SE tae nouth ot Inland generally. The NSWB HMattained a cirenlatiin. noVoSjeinnUed^by ,any paperSanedin! Watorfird, and .i admittodly the . leadingjournal i a this important oity, Jvith Tvjuoh there is drrootdaily ocnm-onicatiod from London: .1 ' jj j • - 1 . j; ¦ '¦

Particular attention paid to commercial afitt agnonlj

Advertisements received tor the NewB by all rcspoot^able Newspaper Agenta in the United Kingdom. Pre:payment requisite frbtn partioa not known at ttm omoe.


WATEEFOBB—Mr. W. KEELT,1 LHU<| Ck*"1*8 ¦•«•DUNGABVAN—BIIENAN & Co.,. Devonshire Square. , :TBAMOBE-MissJCLANCY, EelroBhmeut UAoma. ,„ •..;CABKICK-ON^C -Mr.HiWB, K«wi Agent. > . . ;T.OVD0N-J. G. Kino & SoN .iBolt.Court. Floet-st. ,S-H« > H. SMiTttii SoH^bboj t.


Atoek Service %|6EEA;r WHS^EfiK . BAIL-WAT Company's Trains and i Steamboats, .utajffilford Haven, in connection with; the WATEB-roBD and LIMBEICK. WITSEPOED, &| CENTBAI-SEI^ND, and IW AIEBFOED, DUNOAEVAN, AND

S^Sf^te and

| Badi^d.

j Tare*.-v___TK '¦ .Expre ss ' ' Trains \ and [ Fait

¦ ygglP^ |; EVER? WE EKDAY.;

v ¦

DOWN —LEAVE LOKDOS (Paddington) at 5.45 p-m.^Sundflys cicopted, ahd;ABBivB AT. WATBE-rSaD caffioi and cironmatonwa.' permitting)aboS elevii a.m., in time tor tha Train, on

. the' Wator^ord; and Iimonclc, CentralIroland,

UP -Leave Watcrkrd at 5.0 p.nw;eaoh Week Dav,on Arrival of the 11 a.m.Train from Limenofc.10 35 a.niJ Train from Maryborough ,and

¦810 am Train from Liainore, AEBJTIN in

; LONDON' (Weather and oircnmstanbeB per-

¦i mitting) at lo.45 a.m., tho.followuig day. ¦ _

^ t^efeS Sti M^ toWlteSord at 7 a.m.lon Mondayej. oa arrival of the 9.15Train {rora Pkddirgton the pr6vwas;evenuig. . - - ,ftiSgor. travellin,? by the

^Stoamer leann?|Water,

(ord ofl Saturdays fill proceed [from New Milford.by

^«3^i5te-jrsfe^*,»w.MnrnmB Wid Evening, and thle otagca mil wen beSSlTl tio Steamers o dipart puxOTBAitTBt the appointedl timj>. wiw imFOBDwaL in.a iTWAlf AJiMViL

of Bteamera leaving ^

ttno^Unco c PaLsJBeraholdmgl^

SrHO^vaUable 1 «^)

W^KSffi j grjg', ; ii ¦ 3rd Clasi and Fore Cabin. 20s Od

BEx.BN B (availab1l l month) 1 t^ ^ ;

: , : '• | 3rd Clasa E nd Fore Cabin, 33a'6d.Further information can be obtiuned from «r. E.

¦Pnoo ijMlway Tetminus,. Lim inok ; Mr. - W. D^

Mc-NAMi ldeipbilVharf Wat|rford. Tho EBDtfcEDFi^fb'e n ot ior importSt tiona, thaJBrneTablos, and Throulh Bates foj: Oooda, &?-» «% »>e£2.- - A n t Mr W ;J BossELt, the Great Weyerngtt 'S t¦ DtaWct l lnt, Adelphi rf ,WawrfU

P - J. GEIEEFON , General ManagFPaddinirton TormVnus. i- !<¦;«

UtllTED SrATES &i CANADA.'- EATEB OF OCEAN , PA?BAijE r ; ¦¦ Cabin .'illS, jei5, and: il2 ; '. niennediate, \£l 7».

' ' .ptcerase, ^i43i i ;PasseBgers for New York < r Philadelphia by the

Baltimore St«ameri are Tiokdtcdi Thronghj withoutextra Cost. . ' . : ! i ' , !Through Tickota isaned to Cbujaga, Manitoba, North-

weBt Territory, andl to all poinw in the Western StateBand Canada at lowest Bates. . ; ! I'

General Labourers and NavTjes. booked to Qaebeofor SA ; AgricultuiSate,1 Agricultural Labourers, andFemale Domestic Servants , for j£3.|- |;

Pamphlets—second serieB—'" Eeports of TenantFarmcra' Dolegates! on Dominijon: of ICanada ;" also,reoent Ushes of Pamphlets! oa ; Wojstcrri States ofAiaerici, Ac, sentIfree. : ; . | ' : . \ •

Full particulars on application to J. SCOTT and Co.,Qoeenstown ; A LLAJS BROTREE

& Co., James'-street,Liverpool, and Foyle-streot, , Londonderry !_or to T.PcaCELL , 6 Barron strand-st.,Waterford; J. J.BEEEK ,28, Great .George1 sit., Waterford ( Murphy & Ward,2, Barronstrand-str xt , .Waterfard. j [_ , "

, • AjEBBiCAN1 uma. ¦. * UNITED ' STATES MAIT.Gi ,

¦ ; ;'STEAMEBS,: ; ;

IS is Liverpool taPhiladelptiaNEW TOEK, BOSTON, br BALTIMOBE, ':

I EVEEY WEDNESDAY? . :Calling at Queenstown Thursdays.

First-class Fu l-pbwered ' Iron !SteamsHp«.:The only Trans-A dantio Line sailing under the .Uni-

ted States 1 Blag. Accommodation i for all olagsoa ofpassengers equal tAny Europe JI Stcarnship line.

Pisscngers and goods are landed At Philadelphia onthe Wharf ' of the IPennsylvama Bfu|road Company,nhichhastha shortcistand moat direct route to all placesin &a Western Staijea.' ; : \\ !: . . . ;

For farther particulars applyjto i i ;EIOHAEDSON, SPENCE & CO., ; ¦ i

I 17 and 19,Water-Btreet; Liverpool ;; ! ; JJOCA1'lOKNfrs ':! ! "

HABVET & S HITH , Little Gedrge's-Street,; j Woterfo'rdj ; ! : ; i : ' :EICHABD LA SDY. Carriok|ou.Suir i . '¦ .WILLIAM O'l ONOGHUE; Kilmacthom&s ; ::DOYLE & HI NT, New Boss.! : ' (»3)


I M A i n iB TI J A'M i fc iBS '. ' \ \ i"MOTICE—To obviate! tbe nflU of collision,-L>1 ¦ lcsen tbootdinary dangert of; Navigation, andensnte Finor Weaker, the owners' o* the "Anchor*Line havo adopted Ueut Ma'nr»ya ayttem or eepfrato8u;am Line Boutts for the Outward and[ Homew»r<Passages of their / tlantio Sbeamert; whereby tbejnoiiloutherly route practicable will be regularly tnaintauieQUironghout all seasons of the year!' ! , ! . L \

" CITY or ROMfe ," 8,415 Tori.,' pneiof th«_ strongest,largest, and fastcaron the Atlantio; will sail.as oja««in consort with the " AMEBICA ,":»nptber m»gnifloentSteamship of ths s imeolassi ¦ . < \

'< ' ¦ ¦— : ¦ ' -L-,

EicellsBt aocommo lation for nil classes of Passengers.i : From Queehttoietii- ;" " _ ¦ - _¦' .- . .

Cm 07 BOMB .. Thursday, |... March 28"A MBBICA .. „ ;:... Apnl • *»CITT OI BOJIE . . I ' - ,;, ;. . 1 : .. fpril 28rd

Cnr oF BoiiE .. ,; ¦ ' ',.i M»J! 2WAMJSEICA ¦ : ¦: .. ; .j " ¦

. ..i Jno» ,**? .CiTT oy EoME ... ,, , : . . i J>«»fl . , B«A««WCA ... ,! • ! ' ..; ¦•*» *¦ • ;*£CITT oyiBoME ... ,| . ; ; • °!y SJL rCITT O7 B0ME ... ,> ¦. ! . . ! =

¦*"{'¦¦'Sib ' '

Pisseageis hooitd to all parts pi tho ¦Onitea ; l tateisnd C»r.wi«

¦ : . i. .' . : ' ! ! : ' ¦ ' i'. . '

rPASSAGE BATEsh-Cabin, 12 Qutneas to S3'.»«»«"IntermedUte C' Ciyof Bouie"bnly), :JWi r*ee»«».wNewYotkj Boston fPhiladelphU or Baltlinoirti/a. ,' ApjW to TpaJDEBSpN BBOTHBB8, \: ; ' . ¦ ¦ ] ' '¦ i Sootti Bquar», QueeMtofB.•:

i£ ! '] L ¦ '¦ l*CAt iioMTBL ! . '; : ¦ & ^ >i

ffofar/fl lMnsr fT 4 WA>O }iW«fcM»;**>fc3«»«f: J>migan>an-W. WALSH.TTWtow-rG, WJi Jo> **\i'. : ¦ ¦ . - .jj ZrtOTiorS rJJ W. Q'Coi(|»«tt:r:\; ::; .{' ¦, . '.; ¦.' . -¦ !¦ Cannoiri tn-rJoHM CohtlKDM *. \l \ t ' ./i

1 TiTOBdE EDDJA'S B A J B Y i 80j Xl;;no«a.Q»lled tomtit. l»7#ntlrely

Vuiates OT noxioi» or strc njtj toting•met fa inibut=11 rellevink fcifiwUWIHD, OQLIO. A «u It UMSMMBIIM Im Hi ttct -

¦ out. in a5j»(oT ?- w» S7I?rlos J. pwbffSSiOkx

tih»*-.,n a b, Taoia.,jKi»

•. ' lWr r! H. : . .: ' : ' :: ¦: J -U i i - ii 1 - ¦


¦¦iSI!vy. Tp-"*' : -: -: ri»4ik^-'i; -? :f^ii

i . f i ' l : 'i ' z i *:~ I . i I'i .c.- .V 1 : - > ¦ ¦ jl . I -' 1. -* :!• ¦! t i f ' . ".i

1«^ NBBI> OBjpBB?OFi-S*ltiP O-rAPBIp; 1885VjiEOINAlJ), COMEBAQa^uABir ZEPHYB1, GAli-

"." ' ' 'VT. '1 ¦' • 'T O-%XC-Ei^lrni8ivW«Mrf<>r4««46sm"' : /JlN : Stefemshlt<^mp>7(iamited)

¦Wu HWBI^ i'mil mi ,tbe oo idltioiia menOonea m' !» ¦[. ¦ • ¦ * i ™ ' : ;l UaUrns^B5,'*of,'.:t9 E»;;liad 'At.iliebf

rL-Jjf^^EE^O B.P .JLiKP ', " f i Mf ^ V O-L ' [ ' '¦ VBOX tii ou/ to BBisJot* /; , raoW i wsroiW wiTBuVowi,:'¦ ¦l ' i j M'lMjeot 'i l v '.¦!. ¦ i i > i I ¦< , . . |: , Dlibcti : ' •:¦• ¦ ¦¦.' -( IJ%p! April. .3...1l i?i>r? . ^MacnUaTjApril 1 »¦ -7, ntt'uIS^WI " i ?•'•. a» 'Vn.oon SatnraaT, ]T" 4 '.: 8 *ffa IWdiyi'.- ' - v •„ lO;.. ;.*a/4-ooouW«daSiaj< )• •'" 'B ll ijhtesdv. „ M... 8 mbra, ; SatuidST !• jiI|- ,..H-.i«J«ht;&*¥' ¦ • " - 1?-10 mW • '• V*ia3ehl i, 'M.,. « affn\ie8da>.. ¦ .,. ' HU'Ioltj-nooD ftitdraS; ]„ :!l8 ..; 8 tiVa iFndayt :: - „ ,24_. 4 alt'noon WadaeaaiT I. B2 _;llalzhtTnesdw, ;„ j28.» 9 morn • aitartS; , 25 (..lLdghtl

I . .¦- [ . '• yyediieftdaT,

¦ j, 29 ... '6 hlt 'n J«»• On early-arOTnlngaaillngB-iSbinB oiS tie iteiiien wilt

le <?pep to.re«elTe Paasengnn-orriytts by jthg lfcht K ailram.! . . . ¦ '¦

j : 'i

L ! • ¦¦ w ! - ''I .!¦ ¦[ ' - - i V : . .¦ ' ¦¦' :

Fare*—Cabin, Us , , do. Betam (available lor Ono month)Se.j do Children and 8*rnmts, ttaTelltngfith FainlU«», 10».>ock,_?«,- 6d; i_do Chfldnm; 4a. - i TT ,: ] ¦ ¦] ' , 'i -S '. - . '"!¦ !W[A.Ti;sF.o.aD; A N D J& I V B B P O O L . ; ^: ! Wox WATraroKD: . ' : i rto» wytspooL t ' ¦;TedneWay, April 1 ... 3 laft'n Wedntsdaj.Sitn 1 ;..ll bbmi,•riday: ,— T,, -8 .-..mnom FrldayTj ( .V '• ''* •.-.-.O'liaWpudajr, „ 8 ... 4 -oJt'n Monday! I , , . . 6\. 2 »fVo

Tedncsday, '• ,,' ¦ 8 ..."4-iaft'n Wedneaday.i• - , i 6, VT.i-iait'h'rldayi . ,,. 10 ;..Umorn I'rlday, [ ' ,, jltf .:. ft piornonday, ¦ : . ,, , 13 ... 1 jalt'n Monday; ], '13 ... I morn

Wednesday, 7, 15 ... a !alf n Wednesday, L, j- 16 .i.Tp morn•rMayVi.: - - ,( :17 ... 2 jaft'n Friday, \. ,, 17 V.B'momiradaT. .; .20 ... 4 Snit'n MoiidarJ . 20 ... fl affn

Wednesday, „ HI ... 4 'uit'n Wednesday, , 22 .vA8 altfn'riday, ; .,; . 24 ...XI tao.rn|Prld<y, ! ,- „ 24 *» morn"londay,-1 „ 27 ..V 1' aft'n Monday; . •[, 27 A»mornj7edsesday, ,. 29 .., 2 'alt'n Wedneiiay, ,, 29 KWaorn1Cabin Fore, Ws. Od : do Setnxn", avaUabh («r » month, 29a,

)o., Sdrvants (trnTelilnjr with families) a£d vhilwep, 10s ;)eclt, - ;7s6d ; Children, 4». I r. | l! . ,- -,- . ..Extension of Tide g%antdd pn all I otum Tlcket^'On tlid

ollowirig.tennji—:For.!a.Fortiilght , *i, |6d, ibi 'loi 'enrjnbseqnont week, 2s. '¦ 1 " • • - ¦ - ; |:— | I 1 1 ' '


:|Goods rec«lvadond discharged at Clarence pock." a* :Goods Book«d^through'from all : Mnolpul -etaflmi* on

Sreat Nortnern, XancAaMre and TorJuhirov ] Loridan andforth j Western 1! loudon and South WestoruJ Kancbeitariiheffleld, and I T.in/v>ltiA<~. ;•. and . .Midland I Bailwsys : toSTaterford. ^Thrptuh' BooUjigs alsolto Iilmsrlck, Tlj>De-ai7,'*o. '- . . '• ! »¦ - .¦¦«•>¦ - : • '¦ *

¦¦• '•-¦, • ¦( ¦ r M'- : •¦ -" .

Goods Booked tirouf-h<rom oil Stations on Waterford andpatrol Inland Raiiw&y; Watariord, Dnngrt rvuliwid Uunoralailwy, iod WaterfdMtod Limerick EaU rair. '

< Fajrc ls booked thioorfr. ati low.Bata» to all ; )rindpal Sta-tions on London and North Western Eail» ay. ; '. .

' • '•• WATEEFOS3)'" AND HEWFOHT. A. •' .lriKUl WAtSJUPOBDi , ' ffiOKI BOTPOElliJ :.

I '¦ Weekly. .• . i ¦ I , I Weekly. ¦'SL1 W A T E S F O E D - A K D D 0» S'A!J|JTf *3^ ';

i i VATEEFC^iS'TN^OlJ GliA^ ', ¦

. : . . : .AsCargo offers.: . '¦ ¦ < , . '¦

- . WAT BEPOEj) A N D NEW BOSS !F«o» N«wiEosa—Dally: Sondays excopted Kt 8-45aju.Fioa WATWFO«O—DaUy, Bondays cicejfted, at'S-IO vin.

W:ATEE.F0EDT1A N D D V lf c 'A & X O &. ;! FEOK DtrsOifcHOB—Dally, 8andiysoicepted, Bt 8 0 ».m.

F*oi« .'WATKBr6sp--DaO»,.8aiidays e cepted, M.3-1S p.m. .foxEf—XheTyaterfoid'pfeiniship Con&panyJLiioitedjtnsTiro

all Goods Shipped by these Lines of Stetuners at :3s.7<U,. j)ernt. to Traders: naring' Yearly Agifeemeate, and -65. per

Cent, to Occasional 8bJppcrs,TaIne3 to be declared fttjE ns o'Shipment. FOnhs and all Ijiforniatibn to\ bd nftj3?Bjt : .offices. !

¦¦ ¦ ¦'.¦¦

: . • ¦ ' T / l . -i- ->;4f: '¦ ¦

, .i Berths necnrcd and every Information glvanibyAKftnta at:! Biistoir-Watetford 8teamnhlp Csmsacy'slOffioe (littlted)68;iQnepttBSquare ¦;. ; . | | i ! .*. . ; . . '

Livsarooi/—Waterford1. Steamship Cbmptmj (T.lmllW), SO,Watcr trecti and Clarence Dock. • i :. ¦ ' -t' r ¦.

NEwroBT-JThomas & . Co.,' Docknitrect. : '. '.'-, .DraoABvur—Mr. T. pbwnoy, Main-str set ¦¦ '. •ToDOBAi—W. N. Dasher, Nolion-placa.

1 1 At tha Offloes, New : Boss and Don xuinon. - :Anduttto Company's H«adOfflees , TBE Ipjcx, WATESTOSD

I CLYDE ; SHIPPING COMPANY, ;!. : ¦ : I - : ; .j ' APRIL,. 1885. | ;[. . : . ' ;i ! Regular Bttani Communication- belisttn • ' .'' WATEEFOBD and ILOJN DO IT,, Via Southampton and London, and South Western '

i ; ¦ " : vBailway: .! , | I 1. ¦ • • • .- ; • . 'ipLTMODTH urn SOUTHAMPTON, Ann BOTJTH OF ENG-

LAND, COBS; DVBhlK, BELFAST iai OLASOOW.: -i_ '• "V ' i ' riTHE New and powerful Serey.1 f~—ftx X Steamers AllAN MOEE, BALLTrrweKAyvSs, COTTON, C L 0 C HT COPELAND, ¦^ Sg^ g aL-CHMBB . FASTNET. BATHLET,

INISHXUAliOH/, SE£BBTVOSE, ; TO^AED, ar» in-tended I to w^ as under, weather .permitting, (unless ProrVented by dnforeseen droamatances); wltil liberty t° Tow7esselsl and to call at any Fort or Ports in any order, la orrat pt ths customary coane, to Eeoety andDtsoharffe Cargo;>r for any other purpoga ."whatsoever. 1 ¦ 1 -I |! - ¦

. I FKOMT WATEBFOED TO OLASGOW..Wednesday, 1st April - ! via Cork i I 1 V-°>- '' 7rridayj, ¦- . ¦ . 3rd' ¦,', :. . i viaCork . :J .. . .JuB-m- .yMonday, 6th ;, ' ! direct s ' !i 12 noon. !(Tnesday, , 7th ;, 1 via Belfast .j 1 p.ai.Wodjelday ! 8th ;, ' via Cork ; :; 1 p.m.; :IFridayJ i 10th i ^' via Cock I ' , ^1 p.m.Monday, I ISth ,'. ' ' direct'.* . : :! .12 noon ¦Tnesdny. 14th I . \ viaBcUast i 1 1 p.m.;Wednesday, 14th L ! via Cork, j -i .! 1 p.m, » .S«day; • . 17th <; , \ via Cork ; ¦! . ;¦ 1 p.m.;¦Monday, ¦ 20th :; I . direct I :! ! . 13 noon.:Tuesday, . 21st .. ¦ > via Bellkst 1 J ' '1 V- *&- iWednesday, 22nd ;, via Cork 1 ; , 1 pjn.FrldayJ 2<tb ,', ' via Corn : : ' : 1, p.m.'¦Monday, : 7th ,; ¦ direct , ' ! : 12 noonITaesday, r :8th /, vlaSoliast l .p.m.¦Wednesday,; 29th ;, via Cojk | I , 1 p.m.

rSOV OLA300W TO WATIUTOBV '{ '¦ 'Every MONDAY direct . — — : : |: ;.. 1 pjn. ;

: I : 1 EaiL to, Qrcofloct..6.30p.m.-' Ererr WEDNESDATj vUDnWla ;.X \ ;... :1p.m.i I 1 r> . Eall.to;Greeno(ik...6r80p.m.j Every THXTESDAT direct '.. i • 1 I I !i... . .1 p.m.

. ' i ! EaQ to Grdenoak...4 p.m-1 Every FBIDAT, via Cork , ¦ f ; .- j | ,; ' ¦ 1 p.m.' ¦ : ' Etlil. to, Oreoaoc3c...6i50 p.m.

: ' .nioii WATEITOUD TO BELTASTJ ¦ ij •

Every TUE8DAT I ... • : , . ..; j | I |.., l at 1 p.m.; . . BELFAST , TO wiraaroiD,' ! r :'. : Every WEDNESDAY, via Glasgow. : .

TOOK WAtESTOBO TO ' PDZLIV I . ¦ : :Fridays, 3rd and 17th April, via Cork; 1 Ffidajs, 10th and

• i i 24th April, via Cork and: Olangow.Poitm TO WAT»B«raD—Every THUK$0AY, dlreot.¦ I rsos WATSsroai) TO COS*, : :

Every "WEDNESDAY; direct .J ;.. st l p.m.Every FB1DAY, direct ..; | ... »t 1 pm.PEOU COBI TO WATIBMED, direct+Evorjr MONDAY.

;WATEBIO«J> to LOHDOB (St. Kitborloe Dook),i ; ¦ : Every 8AT0BDAY, at 4 p!m. ' ¦ ¦ .j > LOSDOB* TO WixB&roBD, via! Fljrmoath, :Every THUE8DAY/ from St. Katnerlners' Dock. .

' No Transhipment by I this roata. Ordbnjfar collection ozdelivery of Goods will M attended to by Larlnjton Brothers,69, 01d|Boiley, E.C. 1 Great Hermitage-Street, - WapplDg, E.,and Archer trest. South Lambeth. 8.W. I I : : :IUU y^ir ^Uv«^»AB>Wft wvvuu 1 1 rr r — IT J *** tm * \ \ " ¦

WAII BJOEC V> Pim«BTH, dlrectx-Every BATTJBDAY,: ¦ ¦ '¦¦ 1st 4 p.m. , 1 i f : - '

PtncouTTB TO \VAT»B»i)Br; direct—Every SATXJEDAY.WATKKTOBD TO SdnTHAxrnnr; m nratocTD,' . Every 8ATUEDAr.nt4p.mJ i: . . ¦SouTSAxnoa TO,' "WAmuoBD, VIA Plymouth.

. '. . . ' i ; Every FBIDAf.l I "i. iTbes 1 Steamers . havs excellent accotn'modatloir for

i>B"en?Orl' PA S ^A a E - U O H E Y . i i • : .: : .i' ; Cabin; Betura. Deck

Waterlord to Glasgow and Belfast 17s. «dl : . 2Ss. , Id. .. Ji - Cork, .- ' — :&§. ! : 14s. ' ; Ce.¦ Dublin. ..I ... . 112s. M ' 80s.! 7s.6d

'! Plymouth tSonthamptoo,£0«; SOi, 1Q» :'1 V^niirm. .1 : -: ..:. ¦ 2£s. «d ^ SS*. lis.

Eotttin Tickets ftvsilable tot two moaths-rvot tnnsf«rabla ,Children above 3 snlunder 13 year* of agb. Half; Fare. '

«r NODI.—The Clyde! Shipping Coinpanj jlnmro all Goods•hloDeS by thesftilnes of Bteomers at Se 4d per cent, to Trader*i»vloTiyearlr agrocmen.to, and J*. pbr Ceat;to oocosionslihTppen Vftlnes to bedeolarodat tlm&of ffiilpment. Forms

andtJl Information to bej had at the offices, i ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦

For Bates , of Fndght, to;, appl/ V>-><. \ C. Jimxto*,AlSt |7 ra»T J. WABMO 4Xo.1. Plnaouthi-IBOKASM'GAsiir, London aid Sofcth-WejUj* &0Iw»y Compsay,'jxeteTSnildingm, ! Arthur Street, Wart, saf at ths 1. * affjSwaji B«S3vUg Jiotase* througbwtt V" °° j &?*>*iHimvo Co., Glasgow. Oieenock. 13, Xhoi^MtJ, Tilmertek » '

^WsfiarassteB ^- i I Calitean Souse (Joky, W tetfprd.

SneoUl forms of Sills of lading- jreqnired by the ClydoSalppiiig CompsnTf to b» had of thaAmats. :. I . _

||pil( NEMlSGr :I .1 : ; •' i : I rm- :. , J ' i ' . i " •: Ganae, Sheep,!poultry.1 ¦¦ :- . ' 1 . "¦ ' -. . Ii ". : ¦ r . t : I i i - 1 I . ' • ..

j^ T - . - ! ; . ; !!. ' " • --1 ' : i- :¦• ; I ' - ! ' M ! J : ' "

OT7BS J«''ill 'qwantaoi' tojba'ikclwlVdjr «<.'th« very t»e«.m*teri«l and piMuffctnre, g»l-vaoized,»ft«>toB WOTO.

|t' .. rar.| bpi. to

rivo perfect •atikMcfaon, both M .to rtrengtn;linJ dnrabflity. VV« offer » large «took »*;sp«ciaUy reduoed; rat*, whlah ohflkage oom-

! ^i, :" ;|fr-r:l : rj r L -;:i IUiutria *lt WM- *»t>iagr*i '**, ro* Free., . ; . , r r - . ,. ¦ .- .. , ; - : lj !i i . : i '

I ;K E||A|AN ^|ON 8;,,;.;•,j..^

¦w^lr*:»¦•AT ;b*dii! r ¦

^ '/H.6OD Coots, H< am and ParloarM»tas, Nurses,VT i Dfairy 1 I*U« i *H **m i..9f«*•»»*¦; i •'•»•Thorianh 8?r »nt». An esptiriejne *4rjw requireddvM ii flwUU* Orwjm sJnd Ccp«l ifaMtiwai*engaged. tflTA i* fteBeg Irtty, Mp», 9^

^attJLri . ;:Tj ,:^': [ ;.u ) y.i|J.fla»i.


¦! ¦ ¦¦ i't, - : K - ¦ '- ¦¦ 1 ; ¦ . . • • . I :; - ; } : • • ¦ . : • ¦ ¦ ' I-



• l ". '\ - ¦ - . «• ¦

.¦¦¦ ¦ 'I "• . :

• ¦ - ¦• ¦ ¦ • •!* - ¦- . ."

{ ,, .;- :;, : .;¦ i . -!" M :i ::r- " . J ir :A=P i:rr "i^ua:^-Jv^ ;;:¦ _ . .:j :r.:; , :. : -:t :;:' -^yj : pr ic i

¦ :. •


..' ¦

!¦ ¦

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.•:..* (¦¦


1 1

¦ ¦:- . v ; v ,.;v ;- : ;; : : i;si tafc r = .";i i :J,.;t . ;: : "'i'[\ WA*EEFOBt( AND xnreEtCK.fiitLWAY. 1 : - i> ¦ ¦ ¦&&V+ain* 'from WaletfdrtU. "v - - < ^l - j" . . ; ; ; 1 ¦: - j ¦j;Tim»s|o>ciw>aiKlnttii. ¦]- ": [ ;l ,Sdyj

.' * WATlSJOiD. . ' . - .: . ' I , I : Mnlll '•! ,'l if.M*il ir |'-. Mall', TO XDUBICJC la 3 i l 2 3 1 2 S 1.2 ,0 1, 2 S i 2 ,3.134 3. " ' . Clsas. Cltas. ClassJolaaiJclaSi.Clato: dais

; '.;' • ^ |, -: Vi '.' A.*.1 [ KM. y.*:;|¦ '*!*.} '*¦*' { **¦•

¦ '¦>.»]

Vater(or4,de>. 0 , 0 19145 1L& ' 2 65 8 .30 -,^- 8 *CarrUkxtn-Safx °6 '33 . 1vll5 1Z 7 '. S.27 9iS : '— 5 lS'Clonmel'.::......:."710!lo;45 USS 1 4 0 10 C ¦ • '-iv ij <: tj ,lpi«r»ry.:.'...:;.. 8,10 U « J.4V & 0 1135" ^'1135 ,

JamjUo^....;..).. 8 3S 13 13 2 20 345 12 2$ : -f 12 25>oU......:... . 8 4 5 ' iw . a80 : 'S M ..'. '

¦- ' —

Pallas ...... „. 8SS t2:aT -2 4S 6 5 18 50 r- IS M'Drorakeon....r.f.; fl jO J.J .,. 6 15 :. ! ...Boher..;... ,.. 910 12 43 3 , 6; 6 80 .1. ; — .Limerick arrival fl 35' .1: 0 'S 20 6 80 ISO , — 130

-" ¦ ¦ ' • • Down-1 Waini horn 'LimiritJ '.. ¦ - ' ; I . - TBAt^S

OB WBXX DATS : . , I SdyS.

-i-ipisiifi ; | . .' ¦ ijj , !.. . . i ; • ¦ ¦ ; ¦ > / 1 ¦ w ! . |MaiiTO WAlx»roai).12i3' i2&3ia i3 17431 24312&3.1 £1 S- . - ' i 1 .. Clas*. ICloss.'Class. CXwa. Olmss] Class, Class.. •¦ ¦ ,. '¦ •/; •¦ ;i : A.M. ] ;AJM : I A;.K. : •».BT.'| p.K.;;' p.m I P.*.'

limerick dep?.. — 7i 0 \li 0 1 3i 4. 0i ?0 50: 10 60Jober . „ .'.. ':— 7 !18 ill 18 . 1 .-.; ¦ 4 20i ; ; .|. .' ..;

Drorakeen „ , :.. 7 , 2a ' IE 28; .;. ' 4 3 0 / .:. ...PsHas : „ L ... ¦ '?;85'11: 85| ..: 4 40.11 15 11-15Oola '. „ ' .;. — : •f f i O 'K S O - ..; ¦ *'6S ' ' 1 ...JunoUoa arrive . — . 8Hi1l* -5- 2 16 8 10 iliSS^ 11 551pperary...dep —! 8:55 12 30 3 20 5 50] 12 80 13. «0

Clonmel •,;....,. . « 80(10:15. t-?2- 5 85; 7 5 | 2 B 0 2 20Carrick J.. 9lD Jl0>). ',0 ¦'6 4 0 r45 '' 8 :!'O 8 0¦Watertordirriv 10 'OiXf jSS" "2-8J.1 7 40 8 30! 8 45 3 45

' ' 7 : r . ; " . ; J0B5f.3. MTrBPffrl secretary. ;¦ WATEBFOBD AND ' CENTEAL IEELAND AND' KILKENITY JONCTIOH-^AniWAYS. IThe shortest route from WatarforfiUulEillenny to Dublin

Athlone, Paisonstown; or Nooafhv is via Us yboroogh. ITBAJ« AiKBATioss—Oa Siu.dayi,;the 8.'n am. Down, ana

t M .f j a . Up Exounlph trains'dl«costlna«d. On weekdaya6.15 p.ra. Up Train disooriUaued. ¦¦ ¦. . . . ' ; I , '

rapM •WAirgro D... ! : ¦ ¦. ' ¦ ' :TBAixsjmrivxii CATS. •> sraoAn

STATIOBS. , 1243,1 *2 '12iSGoods 1 2 8 i l 2 8' Class Closs .Class.1 Class; Class. Class

- A.K. r.K. ».x. i r.s : noon | ?.M.. . l . htn ]h. mllh.rn. h.m. h. m.' p. m.

Weturford, departure 7. 0 2 20.1 4 0 — ¦! 12 0 —Kilmaoow ;.. <7 10 2 281410 — ! 12 10 -MnlUnavot I 720 — I 4 20 — : 12 20 —lollyhale.: 7 40 2 50 4 45 — 12 45 —

Thomastown 7 5 5 3. 0 5'0 — 1 0 —Bennetsbridge. ......... 810 — SIC — 115 —Kilkenny arrival', 8 SO S 20 « SO — 1 SO ¦ ¦ —

Do .........departure; 8 40 8 25 5 4) — 140 —BaHynwget..... ;. B ; 0 3 45 6 0 — 2 5 —AUanngh 9 10 8 55 810 — ; 2 15 —AbDevlelxv ..... 9 40 4 6: 9 2 5 — ' 2 80 - —Maryboro' arrivaWO P 4 SO' 7 . 0 - . — 3 0 —Maryborough'dep. nplO 52 "4-411 7'4S' —' 8 24 —Portariington Juno.:.. 11 10 — ; 8 '7 i — 3 43 —Dublin arrinil 1 If 6 0, 10'a , — 5 « —Athlone Juno. arriv.|4l5a — .— — — ,. . — 'Maryboro' dep. downlo 30 — 7 4 — — 953Ballybronnr '...110 65 — -7 '39- — 1 — 10 2JBo*cr*i...<. ; 11 (54 J t-i 8 80 — ; — -'arsonstown 1 2 : 4 j — 9 0 — ' — —feuagh 18 .83 1. — 9 20.. — ! — —

Templem»ro ............ I 1 6 — ¦ 8 13 '— i; — 10 UThnrley ...arrival 1 38 — .8 35 — !< — . —

. Tp,WATBBTa»i>. 1 : 1'¦ " ¦ ' . TBAnrs os win SATS. SUBVATS, |

SIATJOBS. / 12 B i 12S I 1&2.1 & I f IClass. ClsssJciou.Class. 12 4 312 & A

. : A.*. I A.B. , 1 i.tt. ; r.». Class. Claesi. , ; hjn ' h m h m n m h m p m

Thurles. . . dip. .— "'•'7-10. K— . . — : — — 'Templemoro • , ,.- . —. \ 7,32 . — 1 1 54 — —Ballybrophy . , '. . — I 8: 1: — . 2 18 — -Wenagh - ' - — r6 30 I— .12 55 — —Psrsomtown . . . . . . — «¦« — .JJ. 15: — —Eoe«ret» . - — 7[13 - Tl 47 — —Maxyborv* arrl up -¦ ftS8 : : !-* . 1 2 85. — — .Athione Junction • —. T- 815 ! 815 ; - —Dublin - dep. — « 0 9 0 | 1 0 ! — 9 SOPortarllngton Janc-tn — 8 3 9 49 ! 2 43: — — [Maryboro' orvl dwn — | 8 25 10 3J ! 3 9. — 11 32

DOWS TBAiira. goods llall I 1, 2, 3 —Maryboro' . dep. — '' 9 20 10 40 [ 3 80 - 4 0 ,Abboylaix - - — . '9 40 !U 0 4 5 —" 4 20:Attonagh • • — ' 9 48 111 15 I 4 20 — 4 3ABollyragget - - — i 9 55 ill 25 : 4 80 — !4 45 'Kilkenny arrival — '10 25 111 5 5 : 4 50 — '5 10

Do. departure 7 15 10 35 |13 5 1 5 0 ¦ — | 5 20Bennetsbridgo • 7 3> > — : 12 15 15 10 — I 6 30Thomastown - 7 5 5 10 55 112 3 0 . 5 2 5 — 5 45'Bollyhale -' - 810 11 5 12 45 S 45 — 6 0Muilinavat ¦ - 8 35 I — . 1 8.1 6 b — 6 25Kilmacow - .1 8 45. 11 25 1 15 i 0 15 — 6 35;Wilfrtnnl arrifal 9 15 111 35' 1 4S ' \ n.Sfl — 7 0

MotBTKZLLlcx BEABOg. — Maryboroogb dep., 7.30 a.m., :1L0 a.nr, 4.4) p.m i Monntmelliok orr., 7.50 a.m., ll.'JO a.m., ¦5 p.m. Moantmelllck dep., 8.40 a.m., 2.10 p.m., 5.40 p.m. jMaryborough srr.,,9n.m;, 2.Sj p.m., 6 p.m. | :' . . : :

SATVBOAI Bj mras Ticorrs' TO iDusLia—First and SecondClass Return Ticket* ore Issued on Saturdays at a: 8lnglsFare and as Eighth fronr Waterford.Tbomostown, Kilkenny,Ballyngget, Attanagb, and Abbeyleix, to Dublin, by the W.sud 44 p.m. Up Trains, available for return on Sunday, and)by the i0 a.m and W> a.m. Down Trains oa Moaday. , . i ¦

W.' WILLIAMS, Secretary. | i

WATEEFOBD AND ^TBAMOEE EAILWAY. ' . \ \I Week Day Train: ; i ; ;

, | l! t ¦ I '8 -. , ¦ 4 I 5~ T1 7, 8 9 ! j

FBOK » n i » m ] » m t > m i p m pm p t n : p m p m

——h m! h m ] h m h m h m i h m hm hn h mWb&t 1510 SO ! 12 15 2 15 ... I 4 0 ! 5S0 7 15 0 0rm'rea 10|U 0 » 1 15 3 0 ... | 480 ' 6 0 7 45 9 30.

• . ' ¦' [ Sunday Trains. ! ; j i" , 1 ' 3 , .' 3 - ; i 4- ; ' 5 I ;6 ' ! 7 ¦ 8 i 9 i !

VBOX »m j- a m p mj ' p m . p m ' pm ' p m pm pm |

; hm ' h m ! h mi! b.m ! hm : h' m , h m 'hmfhxn 'w/frd- — ;e o ten,; —

¦ ¦ « o . 4so — 1— » 0,Tm'rel; — I 8 8) I — ¦ i 1 3* <. 4 0 — ! 6 80 | -r I 9 80,

First Class1 Single Ticket, Is. Betirn Ticket,'Is. Od. ITblrd ditto. > Bd. i Eeturn dUto, : Is. Od. I

. WILLIAM BEAj Bocretary and Manager. |


' : IXOK WATmoEn. i : ; !

i STATIONS, i I . : Week Days. ;. Sundayj. i

». «k. - - iWaterford : ... dop. 0 U 8 0Kilmedden ... ' „ 9 80 ' 3 15Carroll's Cross ... . „ Flag 8 25KUmoctbomas ... ! „ 9 55 8 40Durrow and Stradbdlly ,, 10 13 S 55Dnsirarvan ¦ ... ,', 10 S3 4 10Cspp S ... " . }0« 4 25C*pporoin ... „ 11 3 4 40Lisuore, ... arrJv. 11 15 4 60

8. & W. Bailway:!tumors ... dep. 11 30 5 0Fermoy ... arrir. 12 14 5 40Mallow '••• . .• 1 0 6 20Cork ... „ 2 0 8 15Killsmey ... „ 8 4 8 82Troloe .. „ 3 55 10 25

TO WATZBTOSD.8TATIOMB. i Week Days, j ¦¦ _ ' ._ T~: i Sundays

S. & W. Baflway. '¦ A. W. A. «. ¦ A.M.Tralee, ... ... dep. — - 10 UKUlaruay . ... ' {, — — 1118Cork ... . ... i.

¦- ¦ - 18 80Mallow ... ... , ii — . . — 12!Fermoy ... ... ' ,, ¦'. — '. — 2 16IXsmoro ... ... arm. .;— ¦ — 3 0: ¦ i . W. D. &L. BaUwsy.l : - „ a MIismoro ... ... dap. — .7 50 3 20Csppoauln ... >. — 8.0 3 S3

10 15 A.K.A. II11 18 — —18 80 — —125 - -2 15 'r- -3 0 ,i_ —

Cappaih ... ... L " — ¦ 810 3 4J _ _Dungirvan..: ... , :-. 8 80 4 10 - -Durrow A Stradbaliy , ' ¦ - 8 48 4 25 -¦ _KUm»cth,omas ... „ :-: O S 4 4 0 - -CtmoU'siCross » 'i, | .:— « \l NT - -KilmMdsn ¦ ¦ ' ... ' „ — ; fl 80. 5 0 — _W«torfon!l ... arrival { — '¦ 845 8 15 — -' ¦' ; ¦ '

¦ • ¦ '. - ¦ ¦ ' THOMAaQ'MALLEY.Mansgor

CHINA TEAS. |We are: now Jbusjlnff i Direct from ^Importers, at ths pumic sales, and :caft offer on Ternis ftilly Equ^l to

[London Housea Samples free on 'ajjplicatlonl. t The -Trade onlj sr sup-• ¦;

ig^ ;iM<y,;|;;.;;i :Wa|re^/Silb Bt ki : 6f OIikBKES1 B. 41 ntL8( is ;w»r.VJ 7VmnteA *o enr»J«l) dWoh»rges from the! UrinaryOrj»M,ta dtiitt -

| .iMj|qtoa.«oiiii»tJtaMopjL prtve]or Psins iSjtM Wt«. ¦ ** « boxes, 4* M «Mh.ol

ii !i- - 'i:!i! il; [ !i. r! !| ' .i


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• A -KE' diUy i KocdmiSg i Wre nppreclalid'- 'by!the' PUBLIC.': 6fcedai:alt<intiori iVihvilea tei"he !

. T"! " i ; . ' 'I : :' i : ¦• : JollpwW-Chojce. Blends i- | ; j ¦ . ; . \ 'L \\ r ,.-, , ,. , x \ ' ¦

1 Good Strong Congou Tea ( i mvm.o t:\j O-. : ¦ 'i.. ! > ; '. 'W!" I .i^Mip^r 1b. ! : :

1 Indian Tea,' 'Broken Ae8an» ; i i . , I ' ;: .;. ' : ; - ... : ..; i i i m., : .- 2B. '8dl' '"„ '¦ ¦ '• ''. _ Ditto , ,i(Finest| Imported/ h

' ¦' •1 ... ', •• ! ; ;. ... \ \ ' ' i.i ''- ' ¦' '.. ' i j j . . . ; 8s. So!) |, , " j '

; -i ^Sfr-iTOasU Discount of 2d: pcr lb/ to 'Purchasers of Five Pojin ts and upWarda. j¦ . ¦ . " :¦ ''?'e- ! ; - ' :: . ¦ i . I . '. Grojifllir and ;Win'o Lists" on application. : j : .- ,' : ' ' : • '< ¦¦ i

¦' ¦" • "" : :R :O:^' E|R !T : i #' - i ':ty i& K &$\\&Aw0'r >%^*-. '¦' ¦ '¦ ' ' . '..; j ' ' ' FAijlLY tiKOCfiEB 'and WlNE 'MEBCHkiraS, . I: j?> ir .- ..:.[al*-<|ia¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ f Z j ' :¦'¦' : : i ' ;-j :l ' . :l :- '5 an^Qrtha¦

!aiall , Wfttopfokfa, aria JnagarvanJ '

'¦ . [ ' • ,• TO OFfB .^NTiv/.'.f^ETHEE j; IJQ IC'] / ' \ \ \ \

Selept- i Dairieb idfi Ctioicev:fresii!!fttildli Bdtter. I X' . ¦ .; .

'. : ¦¦ i AT i SIXTEEN '¦ KENOE PEE. j tOUNTX : ! , ' : • ' ';;; ; (: - .

' 'P R I M E ¦ ¦'•1-rtij S- H-- ' BU'TfT^R, "¦" :

AT TENPENCE, | ONE SKILL FNG, ;AND FOURTEEN' PENC^ PEE FOUND. |v ' (Buvers of one firkin oc more charged 2d. per lb. less for each quality.): |

' . • ; • ; " HENET. - DEWNY . !&; SONS' VEEY 1 'FINEST : i ' ' ! ' ¦' ¦

ril^eriok '-BiGon'^ati 'Sj ,;' and Hams lOd. per IB.¦ r t

: ¦ '- ' ; • ¦ ( • (fiotli of which arp Smoked In Linierick:) ! ! ' ! ' : •!

WE also Sell LIMEEICK and WATEHIFOED . BACON GEEEN. FINEST NEW LAID. EaQS..9d. , ppr :Dozen. Beiu« Large Importers of AMEEICAN BACON and I/AED ;

i » we are in a'jxjBition to offer the Finest! Urands : to Wholesale and iEetail -Bify qrp $b>i*W * Prices;

WHOLESALE STORES—Garner of QUEEN-STREET -and f SOZIAS-STREET. ¦' RETAIL I STOSEB-Qpposite. j i ; j j • ; : i . : . rj I , . . ¦ ; , .

Uu, ¦ ; - !, ' i • • : . '¦ ¦ : ; ! ; - j Jr .l iF-AN.N l .N .Gj ^.-v C .d. J.

| - ! DBIED; l^ORTEJEt, I j 0EAJW8. r ¦ : , ! =| PEIOB £5 10s. per icblf' . doliyered' !at BALLWAt . STATIONS in DUBLIN. ; ! -! . . - . - ¦ The Cheapest Feeding Bluff—Especially , suited for Use w\th Pulped Tvrhipt . i' ¦¦! ¦ '•- .

' ;, . :' ; : t . -I 1 . . - : '—, i [ , :¦ ¦ ! I - ] - T= - " ¦ " ' '¦-¦ ¦

': ¦: ,IECULABS, Names of Local Agents, and references to OenHemen in trio locality uwig this j f o o i,

!O. i . . " . :; ' : ' ; jAyiD be Bant post.Free, on Application. | ;j i| ' , ' : ' .' ¦_ v i ; . .

j The : Dublin Grains; Compaiiy. Limited.' - : . . . ; ! 1 ; EAINSFOED-'STEEET, DUBLIN. ¦ :

j ;" These Urains constitute a vanety'of food tot whioa'Cattle are generally !pa tial. They are nutritiousin p Jbigb degree ;; when properly dried they will keep unchanged for any length ot time, and are in par-iioular distingaistied y the [relative low cost at; which they may be purchiw&lj"—.iyjohn. ' ! | . ;i " Dri^d Grains, keep in ; g<?od condition foremost any length of time, aid. \»ill be found good[ fmiybolesome fckxl for every description of stock, pp4 partjeularly useful /oriborbcajind cattle." Voelcker. ¦' ' ' ' ' : backs .'bbldi'ng one Ci»tJcharged 8d. eacb extra, ii; not retarnciilimniediately, (6~12.tf)


¦ ¦ .' (0lDE8T

!]E3TXBLI8MEV HdU8E I N THE TRADE). ? ¦' '. ' ' '¦' •


i • : O^EN EOJWER &: , SOISjJiS. r; % - - ]j , ' . ' - . : ; 7, 8j AHD: ,. GREAT; GEO^EiS.S'f.. iTEBFOgDrri¦ A oplondid Collootlon of Drecdon and Sovro CMna, nnitablo for Woddin J! : " i ' ' : ¦ ; ¦ ' .' ' :• i i : ' Preseato. i : . : 7] i ««*«»B . .

Onr STOCK'of DE8SEET SBEVIGES are all of the Nevrcst ana moot artistio Patterns' I : ' , : ¦ ; and Designs. ¦ '¦• ' ' : : : ] : ¦ | .



«2fi 2y

11 ¦ FOR FISH, '-. . y^* \y : : !

j STEAKS, j^ ^^CELEDiATED^AtCE |:' J&W y *\ % H ^>T ;.PBBPiBt(» FE0H THE !

l ' <^ ' > % ^ t ORIOOTMi BECIFE ; BEABS |

> £f ¦ . . . ! • ¦ TjT a ' &

This label is protected by- perpetual iajtuiction in Ctiancery of tho !9th July 1858 ana without it hone! can be genuine. ; j

i PBEPABED omLY BT E. IjAZENBY & SON, EONDON, IAnd sold, Retail by, Grocers, Oilmen, Itdlian Warehousemen, fy p. !

. . '} " , t} iroti<g7wut , t7i6 Kingdom.', ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ~ - I : .1

1 ; ; . • : • .•S3> I:S.i:CES*iS.. ¦ '; ' . .


HO1B JOIHTD irom 1 to| daUy |[Piflh. on P at Days), j i j ;

. . ' ¦'.¦

SELECT RO'OM FOR LADIES. i ' . ! ' . ' , \. ".

¦ ¦¦ ¦ , - I • ¦ - . ¦: ¦ H-i—;

j : ¦ . . ! : . ;' I ¦ : !¦ ¦ i

OYSTERS 1 OYSTER8 ! (Native and Foreign) frjra. IGfd. per dozen, . ! •

C3-OOID \ BEDS0UE 8TUDY—Comfort, Convenience, : and-Economy, Ac.' . . ¦ :

t ¦ ; i : i jMOTTO—Clcanlinces, Quality, Quickoess, aud Civility^ ; [olo]

G&" Note;Addre6s. ; ! ¦ \ \ ' | E; . P R I 0 E , i PEOPBIECOBJ ¦


:-¦ \ ) '- : - INDW ; PALE ALE. i | : |;- ifjj


. i . ¦ ;. ¦ ¦;, ! ; FOB DELiyEBYi lNi SPAEKLINQ ; CONDITION. ; i '. . 1 . |

I : •' " ' , . ¦¦¦¦HAiF.GUINEA:lFAMIliY ;AkiE-9 Galsl : '¦ ¦ „.;¦ •¦

J 10s. 6d. ! ! 1 - ': ; |' ' :

¦- ¦ 'INDIAN, PAl'E''ALE—9 GaUi. ;.^ ' ... ! ¦ ' ' .o' i 13s. 0d. . ' '-. ' . ' ¦

\ • ¦¦

' : ¦ - . , . SAMPSON ALET-9 Gala- ... j I ... . : : ' .J. : ; j _ ' l6fc Oi- . -' ¦ ; . '

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TTH^ OAaEoo«j *£UU)/' ttojitr^HTasR- j Se*&

' THK " BBD I>BE&CH, th« gra rtHOMltaiMaMr :and i. ermeodition cUrn d«strojrer. It xaotisa tbfUood»od expoli' AU ioflafflulntorr matter, koepia* offCkUli. 'r«llo«r», B«d:W»terJ maa i.rM 'U\Goi,i Qv ui i

TllE ^BED-PABJJBjPOWDEB,'' for.«0Bdiii<«kcHor« .%glrei>npi Uw»l^ii/t^ ^m-worlc or othor O»OJ«, Jinp»rtiii|f »a»rd »pp«iw, eonib- <tational nrtnneh* ot: nerve>ncf. ma le. boovMt lift, j

and groat vigoai." '| '¦ . . ¦ . .. • ".' i , . . .. .. v, , ¦ |*.. ^™» of ,^ait cotitlete; . wltn :(oor oibiir raolta, 'including " K«y to! jf«rri»ry,"1><ea. lfi*: 6d. Cftrrun 'f T,^ny *nio<"dl*'



'¦¦ r;r i '¦OATJT10N-Bew«reof toitaupa»,t i,adMf tt»t ti»ame of :I>Ai, SoH, fcHirrrr. il ok aU b«tUw and :

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. -¦ ' . . ¦ i ' ' Aia»iiz«.Ti'.; i- : '

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Waterford—a. WHITB • A'SoXil ThoiW*fitt*t." " ¦"£• s0M» '««5ift»»«»«wtwjn !

! „ — a'Biiiil,.iur><fadft.r . -' ' ¦ > ' i. - i ;LUmore — JOHM Nooxtii; jigroSmt. (t&13t) ;

; . . • _ O O B S B 1- ,;^ . .; ;!../ , jCOBNS o« t>e raoatinvet«iitt«cn»raot«fi irreA. :

. : li<r Toe HaiU;koaither<lU«Mei gi tW»5.t, iremoved by Hr. JAMM SoHlt, 12, ' fadiiuiia sL !Waterford.- Termi jfeijr'modeniU i.'nacuftrgifimiia* ;unles* a- cur«j u effected. Hour* of «tteri(J)Ui»* !from 12 to 4, And from 6 to 7 p m.'daiiyTj or*i»t tbe <borne ot any applicant wno miy deiire ii. j«20 tfUS' S j e <iXi£t,ui~12;e *iU*iatoi+t.rW*t«iiotd.KEATINO'S C O U G H tOZENQES-Ai*- M f i¦ increa«iatijiJe of ovar60/eW«. i :|. .Tij' 'i 'T^J^ATlNO'S.iCOUGH lOZflNOa-sJ aad !

KEATING'S 'C6OGH nizWoJBS-iCojrkijmt "-. to keep htkdy U taa yocitMt. i , •' ¦; '[.. V ;

i07-EATING S 'COUGH\ LOZENQEa—AwBnim- !JQL tally wopmn*Mdoyitto ,KdaHj!yr. :. , .;; i

~ • r j'

¦ ' TmHmMua. f OrtiinaiiKav idmiJ.'i :~ i

D»im Bi«YHMliig tri^ »u4r Oou»i. M»»o«Mlt?»4JtJ l iaav« auch plaatwroiv iMtli/ ipc to tiut* MotMafdEsttau 'Oa*e« ol luclfimt Ooiuampuoo, A«n»>«, tuitf J) MttkS :«JSocUotn. ' so (rood » SbUutu* ooilt td M Jkovirn) >*. £•. 'preotaMd. I Ji*ve prtMrlMd it luveli 1 rixa'th* t£i '£2aK *w. u. a., AfrwutMMi/, a.j*/i i j<«aau?M««: !Sold in Xxnal* ltd tifl at. tkL e»nMr b» «.n rf^ -f, |

. •: ' " : :! i | !- ;;/GOLD! M]fi)AJ pT j -" ¦ •:¦

! . l <McptUt^ibi ji i||t,r:'j jPEY'B -.iJJJ ;aumSSSdT»iS ^»-gtantfortf. '• ' ; . [ I .^ , " *T. - j

¦• . i - - " : - - : -:. : ' * * PasVCJOfeoiij Okwir "¦ ' . I " ! ' ' :COCOA; • ' ;l(BY-i},

¦• ctiiiQA^^ JEXTrfkCT; f ' ,

*V; StODBiBT,A»i|3rifeterir«ol (• lyg-iyl.-l r ;;, ¦! t^

jf^|j id jL ;

^ ¦'. ^_ , i.' " j f-^ 1 M™* ; ¦ . • ¦

¦ " ' ¦ • ¦.WORLOfEAIIECl.n^: " i - /

Tr»48'MArk—"BliodM xttwi." ¦ ;T?K>B CLBAN8INQ »nd CUBABUJG Hi* BLOODX! from all Irnpnritiea, euisot b«itoo bkhly rtunuimended. yor

^Sorofn]*, .flenrry. flitto V&MW, MdSore*of all kindt i tU• wrm-fiilfaf MdperciiiMsi

onre. ¦ ', : I ' ' ¦ "i 'j "

It Caret Old Sow. j "\ ¦ ' | "1; i ¦ : ¦'Cnni Uleeratod Bom OB'UM Naek ! ' :Cores Uloerated Son Iian ! M , 1 , :Com Bl4cikU«da or Pi J" «th. Y«M

. . Caiw.8oan>7-8oiW'i- ' .'j-v (~ ; | • -: .Caret C»jjoerpn» Olosri! " I : ! :Caret Blood md Skin D i a« a c« t - ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦Cnrea GlandoUr 8w«lllaft t ' '¦ : ',

Cleari the Blood from all Imtm « IftiUr. froin •

, A*thumixterWitfa]«Mwt«>'th*tii ii,«d«rr«W)« irom mvHunginjunottt tola* Bott ddiMtcsootdUoD of eithortot,«k* ProbrCS*iU nrbousAioM or, TMTIXOICUIA ri OK AJLV M MLSold In Bottle. St. M. e jh iad li lC>t> »i«,Ih||iM3ottl«t,lU. Mw .iBlfWnrttoS*! i»lMBu«Samlong-«t»nding twet, by kQ.Chi:wnaiud raSitsdloiB* Tesdorf Uiroaahoni Ihti SSSd t OT. HOyaddrwt on rwrfpt ojiw orJltSft iBabyViT 'rh« Iinooln f Midland CoontjiiiiDrd*QMM».. . .

¦ , '! ; .!ij»<i6ti>iTT' I ' lu 'l ':t, '.f ' [ ?l '- '

1», K A B » A U- 8 T B« H T , JJDBtlNiQE03 to c»p5o»; £«!p SCi«! buHStmrrfSl_D oomnion, improper,* in^t 4!jMtHrrfiliiMririlGlMtet tnd PebblM g«nrtWly»}d,i Hi dnkUwU^U>detrimcuUl to .VUion, tint OBMn MMJjMaSSSinffe-edfroin thtan,kad^ni»Siii»fUlflw*iH3S.urr to dwell «*' Hr"1'" 4V ~ttUi iMi rf lafa ft—ntoolet (to dUferenifrom >ebbl ihr- & 5S" 3ZS3m.wbioh n« neither (tonitrnat, ««toV i S MUWMMaTtud on tlx» Mv t aT tv rXjSSSmSmethod of *d«pifaM| Olw«M to > fa. tv«aS|ftStnof rnaoh dwperimpdrttnw UviSisI qi*3|Er iittSitJl

0B8EBsV£.rrfi|niaia, ,ew btj M MjbrMHID H *

bolt* bj mniti Sfatf <UwaJT mi TSm SZZ 71comMaUtowff SvtH -* immSSmSiSL f ' -dimttd to^*|] n yyr^! g?^ 1' - '¦


Page 2: w mm ¦ ¦ SIisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · ^ttno ^ ^Unco c^PaLsJBeraholdmg l ^ SrHO^vaUable 1 «^) W^KSffijgrjg ', ; ii ¦ 3rd Clasi and Fore Cabin. 20s




i i f -v^rp v ' -i%:\ :iil l l l. ¦ I : V yi ' ' ;Ji' .' • .£•;'' '. !Ll.! -r^rrr' ''•*'

¦-T^ ]jk|LiAM;l :8Miy ;gi:&;i;0 :MOKDAtj: 6th APBli, M tl» PA^ TOrtikT;1 ^Bolton-Street,1 Foar-HotM Foirtable. Enp;; Una Finishing Thresher,/ **&!*<> Combined

! Kpewud aowori. SaJe»t TWo«^Cloc*. iTUESDAXpth APBIL; at NEWTOWN PLANTA>

JT1ON; County Wexford. Wohiaad JWa*

WB^NtSDAT. . 8th A^BILJ at f IN-8TBKBT.. ¦• . ". .: TKAMOBE, .valuable Interest la the. Licensed: I : JGrpoery and vision Watetorie usahold: I FphOtom, Stock-in-Trade, 4o Bale at IS. :; : '

o'clock. • -' ¦¦¦ ¦¦> | - : ' ; 'i : ¦ ' ." ! .




ForfarthwcpiJrtietJara see future Advertisements and

^WILLIAM SMITH <fc SON, Auctioneers, Ao.'; JffiehW.Stroet and Lsvdy.Lsae,' Waterf ord. ¦ • ¦

, . M i - i ; ! : T B A M O B E

i lroporfajtfj to Grocer) , \ Spirit, and Provutoni ; ; i : M : ¦ "Deokr*; ¦ ' • ! . ¦ ' . .- : ' ' , . ;


;¦ !; ! — -—L; ¦— ¦ ) - [ . ¦ ¦ ¦

: ¦ ¦

BAKE of the IHTBBEST ;In thiii Licensed House and Premises, MAIH-

I STBEIT/ TEAMOEI, together with, the: House; adjoining, Household Furniture, Stock-in-Trade,' ' &0; ! i ' i' • •¦•• ' ¦ ¦ '¦¦ ' '

¦ ! : ... -. .

' ' ¦ • ' ¦ " ¦ :

TO BE SOLD BY AUOTIOW, on WEDNESDAY,AprU 8th, 1885, tbe Valuable Interest in the

Licensed, Grocery and Provision Warehouse, in wbiohMr- GJCO&OE BBOOXH carried on a most respectablebusiness for the past five years, situate in Main-Btreet,Tramore, Txeld for the life of B. T. Carew, Esq., at thevery low jrent ot£%) per anhnnv | ..'"

Toe Licensed Hoose contains 6 bedrooms, 2 Sitting-rooms, large shop, yard, etc :The ; House adjoining

. oontains 7 rooms, kitchen and yard. A considerablennffl-of i-monov hjui bo£n emended on the Drenusea inpermanent improvements. ! The) entire presents a rareopportunity, to,, those -"desirous of procuring first-lassbniineas ' preinlsea, ' in whio*> a. Urge ;trade is doing, Es-pecially in th? provision'line, i ' - '&¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

Immediately- after will be sold, the residuo of the8tock-id-Trnda and Honsohold Furniture, which oom-priscs iahogany ohairs, dining, side; and other tables,eofas and loungers, eaBy and arm. chairs, Albert andiron bedsteads, carpets and hearth ¦ rugs, fenders undfire steels', feather beds, hair mattrasBes,;Ooanterpanes,blankets, ^ engravings,' toilet tables and'glasses, basinstands and waro, nail and stair-oilcloth, kitchen re-quisites, etc. . : j . ' '

Sale of the ', Loasobold Interest at Twolve o'Clook.8took-in-Trado. etc., immediately after. I . ' '¦

Private offers will be received np t» the 5th of April.WILMAM SMITH 4 SON, Auctioneers, 4o,¦ : : ' Miohael-Btroot andLady-lano.

Wttterford. Maroh 23rd 1885. ! ' I

! ¦ j CITT OP WATEBEOBD.: ; ¦ ' . ¦ I : I: Zmportant Sale of] HacMaory, ': ' ; .; ; : Engines, ec. ¦ . I ' . 'iTnTTTIXIAM SMITH & SON hare received instruc-! V V ' tions to SELL BY AUCTION, on MONDAY,APErL : 6th, 1885, (the Fair Day) at the PAEKPOUNDSYv BOLTON-STEEET, the follovriogTiilu.ablei property :— ¦ ; - ¦ i ¦' ¦ ';1 4-B.orse-Povrer Poruble Engine and Finishing Steam

i Thresher, (by Hornsby), in perfect working order.: 1 Combined Mower and Eeaper, (by Horasby).' 1 Cdmbined : Mower and Beaper, ! (by Pierce' ¦ •.! i ; : I ; Wexford). '. ' :

CS* Snbwribers beg to call attention to this sale,OB all the machines are in good order: I. Sale at Two o'olopk. Terms—Cash. Purchasors tomy 5 per oant auction fees.

I , WILLIAM 8MTTH & SON, AnoHoneoM.i WaWord. Maroh 26th, 1885. ! . :


I EXECTITOB'B SALE.ma- BE- SOLD BY 'AUCTION, on J TDJESDAT,JL ?th APBIL, 1886, !at Twelre o^Cloek, at thsDEVONSHIEE ASMS' HOTEL, (by direcUonaof tho Executors of tbe late JAKES LTNOH, Esq.,)THEIE INTEBEST in the Shor of LAND, situnteat THE SPEENG, One Mile from the Town, con-taining 16a. 2r. 33p, held ander a StatutoryAgreement, ' for . 16 years, frrm the Marquis ; ofWuterford, at tbe Yearly Beat of £84, less HalfPoor Bates, : and County Cess, with.' ImmediatePossession, and will be,cold free of rent to the 26thof MABCH, 18S6 There has; been put into thisLand, within tbe lost three years, over .£100 worthof PEIME STABLE MANUBE ; also new fences,Iron Gates with Piers, erected on the Farm. :

Immediately after will be Sold ¦ tbJB TTndennen.tioned—1: 12-passenger Inside Waggodette, in goodorder ; 1 6-passenger ditto, all \ bnt new \ 1 Cover-ed Car, i'4-pissenger Oat-Side Car j|l Hearse, withGloss Panels and Plumes ; 1 Phraton/ 1 Omnibus,Large W ater Barrel aid Drayi Newj Cart, with aToriety of Sundries.' i r • ] ¦ : : ¦

The sbofe : Machines are in good order, andworthy the attention of Proprietors: of i Posting andTJudertaktntf Establishments. Terms—Cash.

TH5MA8 WALSH & SON, Ancdonests.The M&liJWsterford, March 28tb, 1885.

i VTEHKIMY ATTOTIOUS'¦ ¦ : ! ! AT TH» !' l j I •TTT-ING^BTEEET AUCTION MABT, on everyJ£i- SATtJEDAY, of Fnrnitjure, Oil FaintiiJgsand Engravings, Plated Wan ', Delpb, Glass, ande very description of Property. I Sole at 12 o'clock.., ; i ; ; ; JOHN PENDEE, Auctioneer.

: AuotionBlare h«ld at the Horse, Carriage, andarflitore Bepoflitory, Morgan,streeti Waterford,

on the1 .tot! MONDAY injevery Month (thft FairDays),< of ' Hones, Cattle, and every kind ofPropertyL Money advanced on Property sent to/absolate ]8ale. Horses, Houses, Land, and everykind of Property, bonght and soldon;Commisaion,daily. Persons having Property of any kind forSole will1 flfld this Agency desirable, as a pTomptCzf h. Battlement is tnkde jimniediately after Safe.All kinds of ; Property j valued for Probate and theLand Courts. • ' • ! ' : i ¦ i ' ¦ ; j * : si

i JOHN PENDEB, Auctioneer,

{ Zf i j r af i a m. 4, e. 68, «-2; 17 18 Fie.,:cap. 89, t.8).

To John N. White and I<. A.lBjan, Eiqrs., Josticea of: tbe Peace for the City of Watorford; W. J. Dunnehy,Yaqt, Clerk of the Peaoo for the City of Waterford,¦ and Olivet Milling, Esq., Sbbrlnspeotor! of the RoyalIrish Constabulary of the District of Watorford.

I THOMAS QUEALT, of 'Noi 21, Qoay,

9 in thai City of Waterfoxd, do hereby gireMotioo,that it U my intention to 'apply at th« Ejuter QuarterSessions, to be held at the! City Cqnrthooie.Waterford,on the 22nd day of April naxt ensuing, for the Hagis-trotes' Certifioate for a TsyUJans of '¦> Idoense toSell Wine, Seer, Cidar, Porter, Ale, Spirit*, &c.\byEctail, to be [Consumed oh the Premisesj at my Houseond' Premises, situate at Np. 21; Quay, in the Parishof Trinitr Withoat, in the taid dty of Waterfordi atpresent Licensed for *noh Sals in ths same of MartinMahony, whine interest in snob, license and concern! issow vested in me. ¦ . ; I ' : /

¦ JGiven under my hand this 80th day of March/1885.¦¦ ! : THOBIA8 QTIEALY; Aprficantl1 DANIEL DUNFOBD, Bolioitor for Applicant,

, , • '¦ [ : 21, King-Street, Wateriord, :

(3 4" i WiUiam i, c|68,«. 2; 17 J8 Victf cap. 89, f. 9).

To Henry. Gsllwer bad Jamei P. SooH, E4qr»., Jnstioesof the Peace for tbe Citjr of i Waterford i W. J.Denuehr, Esq., Clerk of the Peace for the City ofWaterfordJ and Oliver MOlinjJ Esq., Sub-Inspectorof the Boyal Irish Constabulary of the Distriot of: WaterfatdJ • . '. : ' ' '¦ . ¦¦ ! . , ¦ •

I PATRICK FLYNN, of King-Street, in tbe

9 .Cikf. of Wsterford, do h»rsby give Notice, thatit is my intention to apply at the' Easter QuarterSessions, to be held at tbe CSty Courthoose, Waterford,on th« 22aJ pay of April next earning, for th« Magis-trates' Certinoato for • T«xKs»»n of • license to BallWine, Beer, Cider,;Porter, Ale, Spirits, 4c., by BetaiLto be Coisooed on the Prrmise«, «i oy Hoojs andPremUes. situate ! at Eicg ireet, in the Parish -ofTrinity, Without, in the said Cifr of WaUrfprd, atpzeMnt'LioetifUd for snoh S«l» in the nun* ot JohannaDonoTab, Whose interest in;»uch; liosaso andoonoemis now VBtte4i ia me. '¦ • '.- < • \ ' " i ¦ • ' -I

Given nndcr my ihasX thl* 30th d»v of i March, 1835.i *T¦• , : ¦ PATRICK FLYNNJ Applicant.'' DANIEL DUNFOBD, Solicitor for Applicant,VJUUJW «

fl j KlnMtr t, WalarforXTT

(3 j +WiOim *,*. W. *• 3 »jW f l B 7<e.\«ap. SO,s.|9).To (h j \ iS»aMj Ji^OK tt$apMaiiEutk.,

Jostiees; rf Vt» VIM to to* «» oT Watorfora jW. J, I>«DBMihy,:E»q., CWrk of the Peaoe for- to*:C»fr/ol ,-W^oA'

^<Wml«i|lfaB BK.» 8nb.-' ¦¦ Inspector M th» Boyal Irish Constabulary of :ta»

I-EDWASD MASBB, ot Mithael-Strcet,§ it th#,CUy of vrpttriM,$ W»Sr«l»» SooU,

that it|U>f2tmtton1»*PpJTattbeBMter Qoart«r8ea«iob»,to b» h«kt«* tbtCSf OoMboHt. Wstertord,oTtoT daTii- April^t-siang,forth.MWSell.Wb*j;Be«. Pcrtsr; Ak. arUa.Ae.,by Betsil.to be QsiottBsd <m m'ff cm, •* «r HOTM andPrettisSTE3as*:-i*-SBesU tew^Hm W**

<Ml SSSi 'Uitn B ^>ta*»*rmt$ I*«uw»; Hslts*>ia^ iotnert iaIs^b Ue«BW M4 .|9oooirt;Js

. - . : DJ Mtt tiUimiBD.fasWtOt^Aj^ieant,

' h-f im; pi^dtjiteliii OwUtomaa'i

it imwS» 35?teiB?8BS s! £¦ ffS.!! "fi!

iisiiiiiiaii lii i

^iHMiiliiMi" : TJHWJU*LMI Jtf 'A. ViwwJi<m STOcAQtop,, !• 'v ¦"";¦ '&'! : '::i-V ':•tM TBi j iS t tor- v • • •• <''l ij '.- :i ¦

?|6uilILi ] iS-sii dtl AI/toSJijiflniteJjrr«W?«:\JC :¦/; toai^o^[b*ered toVtiePablic;:. :

¦ -h^

i OBTAJonsp ides i jyBSft ip aizs-^Dpamr ¦}

\¦ '- ¦;¦• - ' ¦ ¦i- - \sxBtBmo*,\im.-, -y - . *- -M \-y .I - '- ' - I ¦ ii pl——-—: !¦¦;;! •' .: • • - I . . -' •::•

iMay ba obtsiiiediof «H - Grocers.and Win*.i7 'MoicSantA' throughout ; tHe Country, ; . ; ; r

riAndWnoie^^&Ww wid Bottle) from the;

;} ': i : /- i . vWi¦!¦ ¦• • ^Manufacturers, '¦ ' • < . - : . ; • - . ;i ": BEWLEY iSt IDRAPER (LIMITKP), \. ;|: .S ;jf28: - ""'. Y ^M V B'L I N .

¦¦;:;\ ¦• ¦ -[ :tf

!-¦ ¦¦ ¦

Ji 'b i»Jr!] .:s'B;s;B|K. A;Iii ,: i ' ¦:\ ¦ '-. . :; lOENEBiL'COOPEBAGE, \ ; . ' ;.I 7 and isjHIcl-B STBEET, VATEBTOBp;|OEG8 to inform the Trade1 that he has in stock allJ1 i: large [supply; of extra heavy WINE PIPESPATES (red dpt),1 also be»t; English Hjoops, coiledand straightlt Truss Hoops,and best French IjirklflTwigs.

¦" > .

' -

'¦ • '|i ! '¦ '¦¦ ' -' ¦

. • ¦ !;¦

¦ ! ' '. ¦ ¦'

' Ho also wishes'to inform Farmers in the vicinityof Waterford that: '¦ he is prepared to supply themwith the best deioripUon of Firkins, Tubs, Can»iic : All descrip ioh

of Brewery Casks made on tbe

premises. . j . -' s i ' 1 ' ¦ • ; :t j l ' ¦

i Bond Store Orders and repairs done at tbe shortestkotice, and in the'. best style. : ' -d .tf \i BSr GENEBAL PEOVISION STOBEJ !


i ¦ ' ¦ ¦•

¦ ' ¦ JEDWABD O'SHEA, . : ' . ¦ ;


¦' ¦ I ¦ coihiTi KILKWKT, ¦ ¦

. . ¦ ;

fT>EGS to cajl ibe attention of bis Customers andJCP toejrisb Public to the fact tbnt he has beenawarded WrPi>t" Wyiiv. ani DIPMMA for tbe supe-rior excellence of $la exhibit of f t . Celtio 8tone Crossat tbe Boston' Exhibition of 1883 ; also tbe HIOHXSTPanes awarded I1 at, the recent Dublin and CorkExhibitions br bis(trpecifflens of Celtic Crosses.i All kinds of Monumental and Ornamental Stoneand Marble Worses ',- Celtic-Crosses in great variety.i Altars, Fonta, ! Moral Tablets, &c., executed onthe most reasonable Terms and shortest notice.; Farther vmiculars can be had on application to! j EDWABD O'SHEA. * jy26i ' ¦ . GALLON. COtTNTY ! KILKENNY.


j ¦: ; «. .__ ' I ¦ ' '

; ¦ KEW I GE00EBT WAREHOUSE! , 11, MICHAEL-STEEET,! ; (rrarDAi.iroK '8 O!LS IH O C BI ),I ¦ , WATEBFOBDJ I"TOHN ¦WYLEY'bega to am)ounce that be has9$ , OPENED a; the above address with a choiceSelection of the i 1 ; lj FINEST mpiAN and CHINA TEA8,COFFEE, BPICES, ind all Goods kept in; a Generali : i Grocery Store.::i J. W.'B lopg aid practical'knowledge, of the TeaTrade bos enabled him to select Samples which fortheir Purity, I Btre- vgth, and Flavour cannot be surrpassed. 11, MICHAEL-STBEET, ;¦ i (DALTON'S Old Honee),


i Fioh, Game, |P<mltry, and loo Dtoroo,i BEAtl-STBEET, "WATEBFOBD.! I I ¦ . '

¦¦ ——— ; i . ! ¦ ¦ i

npHE attention of the Gentry and Public'iL is' called to this Establishment. '

- GOODS or THE CHOICISTI QUALITT.Conntry orders isarofnlly attended to.

I W, STBEET, PaopaiETOB.IOB ! IOJS 1 f ICE :! -A luxury for hot weather, «e-

Surely packed, for conveyance by rail, &o. Terms onpplieation. 1 . \ ¦ : my3-ly


ipsiOEB XH.Boixt—Is. lid., 23. 9d-, 4a. 6d. eoch.¦! -\ : -. I I [dlP-ly] : :( IP TO f/i WANT your PRIN TING EXMBXTED\ SBBTD Totra 'BILLS TO| ! JAIIES, XT. LACY,'BILL-POSTER and Adveriinrq Contractor,T QO«BK*8 HOTBi, WAMOTOBD.i ' • ¦

| : : . —.

' ' I ' : :

' Large and important private Posting Stations.December. 1884. . 1 . 1 : I dl2




I OJHets andiBhoa' Boom i No. 10: LADY LANE.>N 'BEEN-IHOU8E8 , CONSEBVATOBIES, andHJT PUBLIC BOILDINGS HEATED by Hot Wa-ter,'on the molt approved principle. :

j Testimonials;, too numerous for insertion, from theeading Gentry of Waterford and snrronnding Counties,

whose places t hay* heated, may be seen at my offices.1 P.S.—Having purchased at the Sale at Little George'street the entire Bteck of Braes,- Wood, and Lead Pat-terns connected with the Foundry, for Brass CastingsI am enabled | to execute all orders for Casing at theshortest notice, and on reasonable terms. <' - Entrance to Works from Feter street. I tan

j rt '" IMPOBTANT NOTICE.j 'Parties about to (Supply their Houses with tho nowPIPS'WATBB will consult their if rwn interests by callingat the above Establishmenir, where estimates can be hod

AU work will be guaranteed of the boat material andworkmanship, |and will be executed on the most BBA-ep^ASliB TBBXS. j . ' ' i irA trial respectfully solicited. . ! .i 10. Ladv Lane. Waterford. Autr 27. '83. ;

Conuaoiroial Union Aoouranco Co.: O»ital Fully Subscribed ... £2,600,000i Accumulated Finds' 1 00,000; Annual Premiam Income ... 960,000: ; LIFE, FIBH and MABDfE POLICIESi ¦ ; ¦ iasued Ion the most favonrable term*.; LOANS on! Lifo Policies granted.!. : J0H2T ALLINGHAM,-Agent, '

Stock and 8harebroker,Ai :; 8, King street, Waterfbrd.

Proo 7arms for too XXiluonI

' : IM " ¦: : . .- •MANITOBA A rb TEX CANADIAN KOETH' ! ¦ • ' . ! ' ; WEST, ¦ :

TOTfllGH !Coo prises 160,000,000 Acres of tbejTi? best Wbea ; Land in the World, and GQflOO '

OpO of tbe best Gracing Land. ¦¦ Bailway: com muni-cation open to all part* of tbe Continent. ImprovedFarms for Sale ija all ports ot Canada. AssistedPassages granted to I Agricultural Labourers, andFemale Domestic Servants, who are : in greatdemand. j '¦' ¦ : . .¦Apply for tbo New Government Parophleta,Maps, and full information to ; ! ¦

¦ ¦


j i Canadian Government Agent,Nothnmberland Housu. Bereaford-Place. Dublin.

; a. zkABoznr & co. : : .BEG to inform their Friends and tbe Publio

that they! aira nor in possession of tbe 'MILLS worked by tbe late Mr. WttliAWCBBKBT. i I ; : ' . ;. ¦ ¦ ! ; ; i ¦ ¦

8 me are noi»rdm, for PUBLIC GBINDZNO.A Supply,; of iIEAL will be always kept in :¦ '. .) .

¦ ¦:. 8t*ck. . - ' ;

' ' ¦¦ i - ¦

i -

AU Orders promptly executed.ap!8.tf j | 1 : B. MAHONY A CO.

T7 P C I B IT R A I T S " -> ¦

mAKENDAILi by Mr. WINTEB, and FinishedJ- : in the best itylB of. An, atbfsapprovedv. ! • PK« ¦oa iiPHio STUDIO ¦ ,jtar- «2.0.UA!7 (i fnn BUTRAWCB ) WATEBFOBD


¦ ¦ . j . :; |-, , ¦¦¦ .. ,. ;. ' • '

: ¦ . . ; '

TOSEPH BOY 9 lias much pleasure in inform-•J Jng his Cjosto ners and the Pablio that, havingsucceeded in, ente ring into Contract* with severaloTtbT largest MAS0FACT0BEB8 of BOOTSa*a;SHOE8,Jie ii enabled to

,| [SELL TUB a t AT: LOWES PBICES(: ! ' than jBver yet offered to the Poblic. . '. ;

COMPETITION DEFIED-SMALL PBOFITS" ! AtfD IJUICK BETUBN8. -l .i! ¦ !• ¦ -A : : : : [n9 m•! J O B B I P B B O T D , i .i WATEBffiRD. KILKENNY 4 CABLOW.I ; ; POWBB BBOS.' ;Qingn Al« suxd SUtteral W»i«rsf

UVEQ04LIBD rt>& PUBtTrAaD AROMA.rOUS AVB MAinJI lOTOKr 1 ' - ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ' : " : .! "¦ ¦; ¦( T H B O L D B B B W B B Y , '

J iDTJNOAaVAN. i [mawm901a v. vrxum, - , ' -

P L U M B B B iin> G A S-F IT T B B ,j-jri . ¦. - . .

¦¦¦;• jig, f A \mO&8?BXtT< . : . . - : - ;;/ :

KTATKB OLjO JBT8, WJumiAiro BASHTS,f! Fo« i .u'd %vn. lf o*nneatly «tt«l np. 'jWbbtngprimptlf i tatol to.::' .

- -- {¦:¦¦ ¦ tjr.ty


;- i

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' ) ¦¦

.¦¦ ¦ ¦

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': .

¦¦ '.- ;-r; '\ - ¦::

? i1 ! f¦ ; ' - \i -im' iBxpih iip LLr'i'TO AJ^UNOB IIHAT 'OiaiiBT ;;¦ ' •f ' . ' N "k(; g y $MM; !!K&te/:;ME v: #sr ;j wmM - sVMtiMi B L E ' : M i t ti i i a: w> ¦ !D E I G)|;8M v ¦ . ' i ' : . I ' . Selteted 'fron the Lucnte MAirmrioTPBjiH*.'' i |' , , ' ' j :

I j ; -; j |r Np ipi s Ai iy :

'. ¦ 'i ¦'. ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ! ' WR 'n»T,T. RPKnrAT; iimnnrrrrtNTiTni ' ¦ : ¦ :

'! . ¦. ¦ ': i •

; ' Oar i SCUliuezy, Blan le Ooatnme, Draia, &&d Tailoiinff Sopftrtments,j . . . ¦¦ As there is every facility for the speedy execution of Orders in High-Cl*ss Style,j j : t : :¦ ' ' j ' ¦¦ ¦¦• ; r j ij b excellent fit, at Moderate Charges. ' L ; . | : j1 1 i tt These Goods iave been marked at a mere Nominal Profit, so as to ensure tbe Patronage; :

- : -:

- ;¦

• : .' ¦ ¦.

'¦- .


\ ¦ ¦ '

of the Public ¦¦

. ¦¦ ¦ '

. : , ¦ I ¦ , ¦¦

; . j '

|| ; 63 ' ANP f 4, QUAY, WATERFOBD. i ¦ | A

h , I IU3^SW I BES3R.I3M'G- GOODS. ; i•

. : '


•• :



: .


¦ ' '

; . :

' '


" '



¦ ' ' '

; ' ¦': ¦ ¦


THE BUYERS for some of our Department* have 'already returned from the Markets.¦ , I : j

:i ; ¦ " ¦

1 ¦¦ ! ' i | . j .''

i . \ : iWOOLLENS.—On MONDAY NEXT, we shall eboir ft completely NEW 8PBING STOCK oft I i : i ; ¦ . I I I ¦. i ! ¦ ¦ ¦ '

C0AT1MS, i M SUITUGS, i ! r ¦; TRpWSERnrGS, LIGHT PECOATMGS, &p.i '. ', The Styles , and Patterns ; ere' unusually .Choice,; Varied and Seleck ! : '

; ; ' ¦¦' ! ¦ ': ' ' . i ' !. BOYS' CLOTHING ! DEPARTMENT- \ : '

! ' :I : In this Department; we iba 1 have our full New Spring Bongos' complete, and ready for , showbefore Easter. : . i j ! i l i . ' , ; : j. : ' j ¦ " ; ¦ : . ¦ j : :! : The , Stock of BOYS' and I MEN'S BEADY-MADE CLOTHING la the most extenske we coreever prepared. Not the leiat attraqtivo feature of the Goods will be the marvellous cheapness of them;combined with novelty of Style and reliable wear-resisting qualities, i i ¦ j ' ¦ , <i -, , ' ¦ ¦¦ ;j . Many of the. Ranges, both in Boy's and Men's Suits, are made up exclusively of Blarney and otherIrish-Manufactured Cloths. : ! ) | * ' . ; • . : ¦ • ; ¦ '! ' ! " ' ; | j . \ - \\ ' ull descriptive particulars and Advertisements from this Department shall appear in due course.:i HAT, HOSIEJBY, ond OOTiFITTING DEPAETMENTS ore fully prepared with the Noveltiesof the 8eoson. ¦ i I ¦ ¦ : l i i : ' ' , ¦¦ - \ ¦ . : ; -^ \

¦ ¦ ¦ >,

i : - j i I HANTLE AND COSTUME DEPARTMENT. i , ;• ¦ For this Department our Bayers are at prestnt visiting the Markots.'ond in aifew days wo hope toonnonnce tbe arrival of an unusually BICH EASTEB DISPLAY of Dreoa Stuffs and Silks, Mantles;Costumes, Jackets, Parasols, Ac.1

j ; ' ' I : ' - ;Tbe aim of the Department shall bo to offer high-doss Fashionable1 Goods at Moderate Priest,

: \ : :3La J w pEfrff ^. 3S=a" .¦ <O\ 1SSL J&. ! 2 /:

! ¦ : : !

: I

¦ ¦ • ; ¦ ' ¦ ! - :;

^ , i j I • ¦ _J THIS CELEBEATED : . | • i : : :1' : : . !: =EMD WIE"E ' ;OF i BEASFp I

:, - \ ¦ ' ! | _ , ' ^OW .SO


la tho ! Boat and Clicapcat T7ino ovor Importod. ' Prico—2C-3. per Boson'¦ '; TO BE HilD FEOM i :

j ' • i • ' ¦ : , : ¦ ::- .

: i

1 ..! ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦ : EELLY . & WILSON, : ;

(f20-tf) : i : I WINE MEBCBANT8. 88, QUAY, WATEBFOBD



Opened the aboye Estahli^hment ;in ' The Glen,. : In the Concerns held by | tbe late Mr. P. E. BEID, and fitted them ap nitb all theLATE8T IMPEOVED MACHINEBY for carrying on the Manufacturing of ,

HincrnJ XTatQTO, Bottlinu of Cralnnosa'a Dtout, Basa'a and othov Atcs.

HAVING Ind long espetieice in the Trade, his Cu&tomera; can rely on being suppliedwith all Liquors tn tbo VZBT BEST COKDITIOH, and all Orders trill , reccivo: ! • • ' ¦ j • i . ; . ' ! j 'PEOHPT ATTENTIOH. . ! ' ':January 8tb, 1885. 1 i ' ! - : (iaO-Ctn)

i \ ; = ' 1 1 i : ' M : . : U8E ¦ : i \> : i '; I HOME : iMAIUH'ACTUEED 1ANUEES. NI I ¦ ¦: THE DUBLHI ABD WICKE0W MAH0BE COIIPAHY, Ilraited, i

MANUFACTUBE ALL THEIB ' MANUEES IN IBELAND at their ext*nsiire Works, situate atBALLYBOUGH BBIDGE,! DUBLIN, and tho MUEBOGH, WICKLOW, where they use, inthe Manufacture of tbe Manures, Thousands of Tons of Irish Sulphur OreJ and all other materials thatcan be procured in tbe Country, such as Row Bones, Sulphate of Ammonia, ic., as welt as all the: Bagsin whijh tbe Manure ia packed, andjthey give employment to a large number of Workmen. \I Tbe Company was formed forithe purpose of supplying the Irish Farmers with genuine, honestManures of the highest quality, in the best condition, and at moderate Prico. ] :i Tbeyi therefore, conndently appeal to the Farmers of Ireland to Support this' Katiro Industry, andkeep their money at home, ind so' assist in tbe employment of Irish Workmen, and in tho Manufactureof tne produce of tbeir ownjCountry. '•— ¦ ; : , - . '• i i¦ i : . i I " ¦ ; ' ¦ A G EN T : ' • '

- >]- ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ; !DAVID HAIilY j... , ... Bollybricton, "Wfttorfora. jBest and Freshest SEED POT4.TOEa always in Stock. ! ja30-tf


Tbe Mayor of WaterfonL ' Benjamik Graham.Tbe High Sheriff of ' J. Bobitjson.

Waterford. .¦ ' '• ¦ John Hcarne.Alderman Eedmond. ! Mattheol Hunt.Alderman Keily. Thomas MoGratb. 'David Keogb.T.C. : Samuel White.N. M. Allen, T.C. Peter H^nderion.P. C. Doogan. W. J.Moore.Arthur White. \ Jameat Moir. -Alexander Nelson. : Eobert Bamaga.

-. !'¦ Beprttenlinj United Trade*' j Of 1*6 ;—Stephen FarrelL ': MouriceiQuan.Thomas Butler. ; Miohael Jteady.Francis Power. Patrick Murray.William McCarthy. Georgo Hardy.James O'BeiUy. , M i

The Committee meeu escn XOESOAT U venmg,at Eight o'Clock, in tbe Mayor's Ofac?. City Hall.

Tbe Exbibitioniis to open ia Dublin in Jane, andtho Committee earnestly eolioits Articles of IrishManufacture '»» Exhibits, and alscj Subscriptionstowards tbe expeoses of the undertaking, which , itis expected, will be of material benefit in tbo pro-motion of our1 Native^ Industries. : j |

Application for space for Exhibits must bo madobefore the 1st of May I | ! : !

Information given: and subscriptions received byany Member of tbe Committee, or by I

SAMUEL WHITE, .Treasurer,It ¦ I : ;i 1 arid Hon. Sec.; (pro. tern.)

I3. TOBIlsTm6 ' 1


;¦ : . 1 : : iWATJBlV BATSg.i:

: •¦"VTOTiCE IB tiEBEBi" GIVEN, that allJJt Persons now !j n arrear of; Water Bate arehereby required to]' pay' same' at this BoroagbTreasurer's Office, IS, MA t, 'Waterfprd, on orbefore SATUBDAYJ tbe lltb APBIL, prox. Fromand after that date legal proceedlbgs will be takenfor tbel recovery of Bates against all parties whoshsdlthen beiin armr. :! ! ; j " ¦ • '

And Notice is hereby, further given, that tbeWater supplying socl persons' premlseswill bo cuto9 on or fmme&teU after said ditel ! !

No farther or other| notice will be giyen.. : ¦ -¦ ' ' } ,1 - pByOraer J - : I I I - . ;! i ! JOSEPH W HOWABB, Town Clerk.Town Clerk's Omafi Tdwn HalLJ : 'i | IWaterfonL l arch 0fltb, 18«.:' (m87-8t<

Bovoogn of w»t*rfora.In imrnwiw'«/ tht FWWIM of Ih4 Lotal Qovm-L ¦jmfiOMiMuU 4* 84!|m4 85 Victoria.«Jwj.. l(»fT£rOfIC|B W, iEBEBY JG^EN, tl atJJi CbDEtmt! C IOXXB, E«qi Local \ Oof era*ment Board! AudltorJ will attend at the Town Hall.WaUrfotd; ion THT E8PAY. the! J6tui 4sy ofAPBIL; 188B. at t • hour of ea o'Clbek fn UrnIOTWOOB; for jtbe purioseiof I Audittag tbje iAocounUof tbe Urban 8aol«ary;! Autbor! y> Incladlng tbeWaterworks' lAoocwnt u tot th» year ending tb* 81stday of October. 18W !• I - ¦ ¦[ ' ¦ ¦: !» ' . ¦ - ; 'I biM tbiiTwtHj4 r of Marob.- 1888. ; . ' • ¦! j pj - JOSBPH Wl HpWABD, Town Clork and' • ; : M : ; , : .. jT ¦¦ |::: l |wquuye 8ai tt r/ pm©«r. ;:-. o;att;perfon| c«o1rMd,j. ¦ ; ¦{;J ¦

»Wt:¦ &] • f s rH .-x«prHl pAair^; j r l i ; - - ^.

3EG8 to inform t te 1 hntry of the surrounding3 oistricto Unit * iJtomaiM to Uk» order,

r tbefBAmiHGd P COTDBEfi, CMlu«o<»and*srnt»w jof Oa PAhmna* 1 a I OtopfeMMur

«( 0ostMo4«nt« Pri MJJ A v«ri. « of MWBPIW*.•J np Jn ek, ";A tHill t t t f «l fidlr «oliolUd.

V" ¦; ;¦!¦ : v :

.!. ¦ ¦ - i n" i ¦ ) ! " ¦ r: . -M . : ' : • ¦ 1

!'• ¦ - .; ¦' !• ¦

¦. i ; ! • ; !

& SO3STS, ; -. , }68 AH» 59. OtXAY, WATEEFOBD



MANUFACTUBEBJ OF ALL KINDS OF TiHAND COPPIU ! VESSELS. Hanges, Bpilers,Fountains, and Banso 'Pans mada to ordor, at a loirprioo. Repairs of all kinds of Tin and Copper IWawlat very moderate prices. Lamps Bepaired in FirstJlass Style. The only, competent House in tho CityPlease note Address— [

, ABTODBL 8qtiAB«, WAtBBFOBS. (ap3-3m)

GILDING'S MAN URES,,- Good for all! Crops.

QODLDING'8 Bone Mannro.GOULDING'S Special Jlonare.GODLDING'8 Corn and GroEa ManuTcrGOULDING'S Bone Compound.GOULDING'S Superphosphate.GOULDING'S Potato Manure.GOtJLDlNG'a Dissolved Guano. ;

! . ! i • ' < ! a8-10tTo be bad from any of our'authorised AgenU.

WOOL.; WOOL. ! WOOL. . ' ¦¦ ¦' ¦


SHE DTTBLIII \700li DAIiED; , ( J A N L Tj 8 0 N8 & CO.

! Wiii, HOI.D Tittm • . :


APBIL, 1888, at OH» o'clock, wbnn theywill; oiler for Sale by Anotion, on their Galleries;18, 19, land 20, J U88HEB'S QUAY, PUBLIN,about 8 00 PACKS; OF WOOL, consigned1 byGrowers! and Dealers. : Consignments wiD bo intime up to WBDNZSOAT, 22nd April. j: tMt

j DELICIOUS T E A8 FBOM C O R K;, At 2a., 2s. 6d., 2a. 8d., and 8s. per lb.,

SIX i POUNBB of thai abovo SEAS; " FBEE" BT PABOBIS POST. ; :

! 8ent on Beoeipt of! Order with Bemittance.HOWEKEEPE S8 who have not yet given

these nice Flavoured Teas a Trial will: study,their awn pockets by doing 'to, and at the sametime will be highly pleased wit&tbe result.I WOODFOBb, BOUBNE, * COM j,| ol7.10t / ; 1 PATRIOII-STBBBT.JCOBK. :i . ¦ ¦! • '-. V' - Sta*«|*6ry. Voiloo. :J "

PuniLnt to tf u, 2i»d and tori Vic., Chap, 95.

In tho Goods of MioBiib MOBWSXT, late of Main-''Streeti Cappoqnin, in the County of Waterford,1Hotel PropnetSr, Dejieased; i?no died tatb ty of

j Auors*. 1884. H ; I , ¦! : • .. ¦ • -j 1 ; :¦ II A LL Persons claiming to .be Creditors ofp'iot to;JK have any Claim, gaintk the EsUte of the;above-named deeeasM are mjulwd, on or before;tbe 1st MAT, 1888. t< foraish; the parllcnlars of!tbslr Claim*, In writin r, t» roe, as the Solicitor forArnia Moauiwqnr, of ;he Mmini8treet. Cappbquin,In Hid County, Widow, to whom Adminlslhitlon, |*itt» tbe Will annexed, was {mnted on th*»rdMatch, 1888, by the WatarforifPistrlot BtgUtry ofthe Probate and MatrifnonUl JWvision of tbe High;Conrtc«;JasUee Dji IrefimA. ' T ,, / ,-A •! ,. ¦¦¦ The «ild"AHinf M[oitK<wn *0l. after ttej sald1st MAT; 1885, prcoeitd. to adan ntoter tbe deesued'sSitat«J Barins Mkara only tft*e Olaimi cf *tWohshe or I shall tbei. bav» hadnsUee. ¦ H • ;! Dated itbls t*tbTMwkb,l«8»7 i ' , , i, [' I PEIBflE KELLT, Solicitor fo*1 said'-• '

¦^ . ' V T Ann MoTsjuwBi, iCatbedral ¦Bijoare,

mXI.il \ i WatirfoVd. I:

I : - , l. \ \. i Tht. iiiuUwt of tb« wttf Uijllkw RUa«| it adnit*thf lif^bmtir t rtfl^ F:/ : i ' - i

¦ ¦' ¦¦ • i i ;

r ' * ;! : ' ¦ : ;; ; :

IHlm •r :i] iJ f i- ^-."!w ii*i'»J i-*??t;?>;; M !X ':.\ri ' - -'- J ! '• - ;fi i

" '•¦" '

: :-¦: i '- i ¦¦- ¦4' '•¦ ' ¦¦*"¦ ¦ ¦( ¦¦" . " ^y - •

Hpi>:-^ l ' v ' ¦ '¦ f W-rrr-rr - - - ¦ f c \A -] ] :¦!¦ \\. .:k ; l : i } i **:<i **\\ '\89t ' -, AP ::KI |L||; f :

; ;: i ; . :*!t.;l8B:S -^ \ \} ,- , i *f _ .?f * . \I ' li HOLDBBS O^TlCKETSJpiiaieiorward--Ji ;- iBiooks, on^ Or before BA^TEtf liOJtrt) to

:....: ¦-v tldpriw;tbe3oT.; A. E. BYAKiar Hon.]8ec».' .- iofI Committee, who: willj ' supply Ticket* on;;¦ ;«Wiicatioh^.;••. • ! ; ; [¦• ; j - j

¦ j -j ; |

' :;;:

M A G N I F I o h N T \ P ^I Z E 'Q t \ '-• i : j ¦ ¦ '. .* ' I '

I : ¦ ' i .1 :> :¦ tm" The BAZAAB to I commence at Twelw¦¦¦ • o'Clook onTUESDAY NEXT i ¦ ! \ J j : !'¦i ¦ ¦ • ! ; ; ! . ' ! I . I ! ¦; ; ¦

XH£ ZSEDZOAX ESTABLISHMENT,: j 27, WS8TLAND ROW, DVBUN,\ j I;; ! .- (Near Merrion Square), • | j ! | f .l iB. J. GALWBT,' PBOPBISTOB, !

PartnBii in the late Firm of Brook */ Galwev, and theoali Soocessor to E. J. Brook 4 Co, Apothecaries¦ : and PbannaceutioslChemist*)} : : iOpi Dedfor tbe accurate Dispensing of Physicians'

and i argeons" Prescriptions, under the; personalsupervision of the Proprietor. : Family.and: PatentMedicines, together with 'all' requisite* for thetoilet] sick room, or nursery, continually in stock. ' '.:

Medicines, &o, delivered !in all part* of the city,suburbs, and along the Kinge.own line, free ofohsrge, and to all ports of tbe Kingdom per rail orparcel post. ; ¦ i : i ¦' [eow-ja28-6m]

Wholesale and BetaU Depot for! tbe late Pi B JGBATM*, F B S, Billions and Liver Pills; from tbeformula of that eminent Physician, 'aDd ae originallyroode fcy thelate E J Brock! & Co. Sold in Boxes,Is, 2«,j and 4s each.' Please pote—: , ; j ¦;



I BAflTEB HOLIDAYS, XS85.^KfeblNABY Firsti Secono, and Tbird ClaeaVrliBetnrn. TiokeU issued on THUBSDAY, 2ndAPBIL, 1885, and intervonlni days, wUl be availablefor Betnrn up to and including SATURDAY. 11thAPBLL. 1885. i j . ' \ ¦ ¦ <

G0OD FBn>AY.—The Trains Iwill ran tame as onothotl week days, but there will bo no Sailing- fromWfctarford to New Milford on jtha't date, nor from NowMOford to Waterfori oa following day, 8ATUEDAY,4th APBIL, 1885. ¦ i : ¦ i " i

I I JOHN EOBEET8. Traffic Manager.TnLfflo Manager's Offlca, Limerick Terminus,1 I I 16th Maroh, 1885. i ;


i Oponing of tbo Eailvmy :From \MARYBOROU (iB to MOUNTMELIWK,

vOvNUnd after 2nd MABCH, the above Exten-Hj' slon Eailway will bo open for all descriptionsof Traffic The following will be the Week-DayPac:crigor Train Service i— j j ; i i : i

; Dovra TBAIMB; TO WATEEFOEB.' : j a.m. i p.m. p.m.

MomrtMELMCz dep, ... : 8 40 i 2 10 6 40Maryborough arr. ... i 9 | 0 ' 2 30 : 6 0

Do. dep. ¦ ... | 0 20! 3 30 ! ...Kilkctny arr. ... 10 25 j 4 BO > ...WAnsijOED arr. ... Ill 35: 6 80 : ...


: I . : a.m. a.m. i p-m,WAixnronD dep,. ... ; ... 7 0 1 2 20Kilkenny dep. ... '¦ ... 8 .40 ! 3 26Marybtrough an. ... ... 10 0 ; 4 SO

D6. dep. ... 7 SO 11 0 : 4 40MOUTTHBLIJCJI arr. ... 7 60 | .11 20 6 0

1 I BY OEDEB.Waterford Terminus, Fobruiry; 1885. (f27-5t


| ! EAOTEE HOLIDAYS- '¦JH1XTENSION OF B E T U E N TIOKETS.—JDJ I Ordinary Beturn Tickets issued on tbe 2ndAr&n,, and intervening days. Will bo available forreturn up to and including SATURDAY, tbe 11thAPBIL. This will also apply ;to Through Tick«Uioaued 'to or from Dublin and other Great [Southernand Western Company's Stations. : ;

Tbe usual Week Pay Trains will run on GoodFriday1. ] ; 'BY; OBDEB.

Head 'Offices. Waterford Terminus. March 23, 1885.


/ O IV E the HIGHEST PBICE for : FilmHJT I COOL BUTTEB, pat up ! in tbo ModernStyle). I Farmers can have , a few; empty Cool* asSample by applying to i : i l l !m27-8t' J.1 POWEB & CO., :2l, PBDBT-ST.; DuBtw.

HE C- Ii lAOY , ; :(Pupil of Sir JCLIUS BBNEDIOT) i

IS prepared to receive PUPILS for tbe PIANOand SINGING i also FKENCH (Grammatical

and Conversational), ' Can accept Engagements forall kinds of Evening Entertainments. :

feniis can be known at! her BesMende, 10, ST.JOHNIS AVENUE. Y

'¦¦ >, '¦ ¦¦ '<i | " Waterfor , 3rd January, 1885.

" Mrs. SLACKS bos asked mo to lay bow satisfiedBba was-with your Playing last night. ' ija23-8<a] Yours truly, "OWIN B. SLACKS¦ ¦

| : HOTJSB 70 1E2 jAT Barker-street, a House containing six Apart-

, I tacnta, Garden at Eerc, and Water on tbePremises.—Apply to i I I ' '¦il6tf: ; p. F. GLACKEN, ;65, MAHOB.

j TO BE IiET, :: : (From the 25th day of MABCH, 1883), :

HEWBATH HOUSE i OFFICE3 »nd LAND at-i iaohod, containing abodt 73 Statota Acres, all in

Grass, and within H Miles of Watorford. '¦¦ Apply toJ. K. CUuTISiJsqJ , South P«r*du j or to

i MB. I. TH JENTON, 43, Lady Lane, ii W«ifc rford, 17tn.Marob, 1885. r ; j ¦ . ta'M-U

; Important to] ParmorD. [ , \mHfj foUowing CATTLE and HORSB UBD10INE3JL ore carefully prepared : from the most approvedFormuUo, and have beon usod by many Farmers in thevicinity of Waterford for some years, who have provedtheir value and saa testify to thoic effioaoy i— :BELL13 • DUSSBOSA CALP and CATTtE 00EDUL.

; I , I i j :¦¦UZ W3 'LAIiTLVE DIIINK[ for C0W0 aftax Calrioz.

BZUJ'3 • ClEAlfSINa DEINK.1 I > ;: i F ¦ ! ' - i i ' i ¦BELL'S • TOHIC POWDEES" for giving tn «pp«tlt» ««d

projaoting condition. j " : :¦ i I ¦ —!

' ¦ : '¦ ' • ' ;


BELL-B ' BHBUMJLTIC CATTLE POWDEB.*, r . ¦.—r ¦ i i ¦ . :

BELL'S • CELEBHATED FUBOIKO BALLS' for Bono,trtetttnd from the floert Hutoloc* Aloe*. Institu-

tion* wllo each Ball. | | : ¦

: j :"DELL'S 'DETINO POWDEK8' for Cows. ; ;

BELL'S • HOBSE BLISTEB1 In FoU, Is. and Is. 6d. «Mh.l I ¦ j ' I ' ! ' i


Horses, la Boxes, Is. each. I Prepared ssd MM by :HBHBY BELL, Chemist, J02, i()o»y, Watorford. i

I i Imnortant to I PamillcB-SO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT.

HELL'S 'BUBNT OIHTMEST for1 BOTM and 6<aJ(Jj.S> TwrtlmooUls on ippUoaUoo. i Sola by : ' •

HENBY BELL, Chemist, f2, Qaay, Waterford.: | Disinfeot«jxt«. . : i 1 :


LIMB, In Bottles. .lsTeaoh. ; i !; ¦ i | .'OHLQBIDE LIME' in Powder. • ' , ¦<¦ ; j ;1 OONDY'8 FLUID.' ' ! I ! ' ; ¦¦ I. ' -i• MoDOUGHALL'S DlSUfTECTING CABBOLIC1 POWDEB. Sold by, ; .i ; ¦ . - I - ..! ; ! ¦ ¦¦¦

HBSEY BELL. ChemUt, 63, Qtis-T, Waterford..;.

AGBrT for Bohweppe's! Mineral - Waietf, : Hlaks¦a- Ca»bnted ' DBP1« Uapsl Feuook u< Botbsa'sC«l»Vr»?>dMixad JP«&to. i , ; ! J i ' : I : : ¦¦

I HENBx" BEPL.I Glass Importer, . ! ! '¦ ¦ !¦ .¦- , . . ¦ • i i : 2, :Qnay, Watrrforf.:BELL'S "STBENGTHENmoiHimlWABH' is** not greasy i for CUSBSI B» tM B"4. removle* Dsa-drlff, w<f sUmnltilsr »>" l*" ' t*°> 'f * »1«w^6 MdeooliBc aiwdnt. ft»p«i*l onl/ fcr I ¦

f¦. T : i ;; HB»RY BELL, Cbqmist, U, <l<ulj , Wa atford.

TlELX/a " FOBNIXUBE llOMPOSITION' alasnsMPi tad voUshM aU »oiti « ««ae(> Pjllifcsdf uiajtatis,U»rtl;r. T» attto W^ teUujBjs £>£"»-Viatttm from be**' MrK Is ao ftsuystaikff W *P"Safer. ! Fnpmdoaly by 1, < LL' 1 . i ' _L i LJJ,- :;I HBtTBY BELL, qhsmlrt, W, Qaay, - Waited.

I . ¦ • •I . : ,V : Np' tj idBi ; ¦¦ - i l xy j ,.TTUKDBEDs of Bottk* of 'i" BKL)t.« JCP*?•fi Si W- l»«r**r*M »o toj^*5S»ftsoi>rato»wfordaiK ttevMnltT. PNMnaonty I* ; ¦! I I L 'i HTOiBYBEIJ<, qi»esaftt ti, 4»ay, jrastnoyi.

J AJI iii«OK Bu>«k of 'esfenwromwi rQ^

i : ¦ :. : H«a . . g^ 8 i4li;- (:-".'. ; , . . i i ' Sr=r -rti—tT- f in ^ 'M; 1 ,—-'

**[!"' . v'r f i '• ! ¦ ¦ f - ^ 'W\\' ¦ r ; ¦ • . ¦

i :ii I ¦¦M i ' | : i "i'¦ \ i - ; ;¦: i ¦! ' ¦

I • I ! • ¦:,!•

tiroTed tmftithful to; fartm .1«* »w !JPffimy 8ba«T MtoeB Oaf tM interesto ofj *r,

T fari enTt afSawmbled h«


:ffireat lulk of the iHshbeople -, w. wymffthis! bare especially ia eV ; tbe Farmer, p*

Cto1 looking orer my BJectfoti Addrew, I find

that LegisWtion haa Ukeii plwe upon twelre of fiftlen buestions w bidb I pledged myself to

sunDort. Tbe remainirig1 tbree hare not comeOT fronted I ibWiiad D opportuni

ty «¦£

T°Bnt I Toted npon **& advc>»ted those twelreobjects whiah have been aeait with. loan con-fidently challenge any CSoiifltiijuentin the Oonntyto quote a ainglo vote' .gifeu j by me which haabeen inoonaistent with tnypledgea-

^My advocacy of theLapouiieis' can«e has beentined as a nkndla affainBt me. ' That is a causewhich I always hare had.iand always snail nave,deeply,»t hfart. I promised to advocate it atthe time of my election. jTbat I hare done mybeat to fulfil my promise ought not to be countedto me aB deserving of ceniuri. _

I should not have said this mnoh in Tindioa-tionof my political action; but for the persistentand unjust ¦ attacks to .which 1 have oeen aub-jeoted. . ¦ ! " ' . i I ' i ! . ¦ i • '

I trust that onr County may. always be repre-sented by men RB anxious to do their best forite interests, as it has been in the Parliamentnow expiring, and wit h a benrtful prayer for theprosperity and happiness of the people of Water-furd and Ireland, ' ' j i

I remain, my dews friends, :; Tours moat faithfully,

: i f f - VTIiLIBRS STUABTDromana, Cappoquin, ! I

: : March 28tb, 1885;


F I V E NI i G H T 8 , :Commencing MONDAY, , APRIL lSlh.



successful Adaptation ofCALLED j B A C K !


For time, prices, and particulars, tee Bills andfuture announcements. ; I j '

mAIT'S PUEE GEASS SEED8,JL : , | Qnarnnteed Pare.mAIT'S PUEE GEASS SEEDS,JL Of tughjOsmilnating Powsr.mAIT'S PUEE GEASS SEEPS.JL : The most Nutritions Grasses.mAIT'S PUEE GEASS SEEDS,JL ; i The Cleanest CloversmAIT'S PUEE GEAS8 SEEDS,JL - . '; For Tennis LawnsmAIT'S PUEE GEASS BBED3,JL ' : For Permanent PasturemAIT'S PUEE GEASS SEEDS,JL i F*r McadowincrmAIT'S PUEE GEASS SEEES,JL ' . Unsurpassed in quality.

For prices and all information apply toVT. T A IS $ CO.,


119 AH» 120, CAPEL-SXEEET, DUBLIN.: : aS-8t

NEW SEED WAREHOUSEWE can with the greatest confidence recom-

Dend OUE IMPOBTED 8EBD POTATOES,which hava been personally selected. They will befound Trae to name, of vigorous Growth, ana Disease-Betlstins. Onr New Varieties for This Season areworthy of the attention of those who desire a ebangeof Sted. : ¦ " ¦ ; .

> We invite an Inspection of one'of the Largest andFreshest Stocks in Dublin ot Genuine Import*! Seeds.Oar Friends may rest assnied of tboir Orders hariaffcareful attention. : '•

C&EBOn'O Uow Sood V7arolionflO,21 AMD 22, BACHELOB'S WALK,

D U B L I N 1 . a3-12t


W. TAIT : & 100."OIPOBT these in BagsVconUininfj Two Owt.JL each, direct from the ( Pits in Scotland. OneTon Lots 'and upwards are1 despatched to the diffe-rent Eailways direct from tbe! Scotch Steamers,thus avoiding tho risk of b*ing heated or buddod bystoring. Tbe low price this Season favours aChange of Seed. Special ; quotations for largequantities on application. ¦ ' ¦ j

W. TAIT i CO. have also Fine SelectedSamples of : Beading Hero, Scottish Queen, Itn-perator. White Elephant, und many other Varieties.

Prices and all information, on. application.

v . W . i T A I T Sf C O . ,a3-8t (Late FIBQDS FABRII, & 80s),! : Bced Wanhotuet ,

j 119 Awn 120, CAPEL-STBBET, DUBLIN.


PO'KEEPFE & SONS beg respectfully

• to invite the attention of the people of WaUr-'ford and the snrroanding district* to the Urgt'itoek ofIHSAD-STOXM, TOKBS. and M040MHT; of ths.Mw-est style and best rr»t«rialproearabl«, Inolndlog a ]arg«8took of Intertated Oeltia Croasen, ! , ,

P. O'K. & 8OHB are prepared toenUr into eonbMUfor every description of Stone and Marble Work forICemeterfes, 4o. CHOCKBT PIBOXS prepand and art.

By their exMnsive PMBJISM they can euxraUaoyworks entrusted to thsta at the shortest notioe, in theboit. style. »ud on th« most nasouabto terms. ap8-ly.

! THE LATE DB. B. J, GBAVE31, F.B.S.,BILIOUS ASD LIVES P I L L S ,PEEPABKD from bis Preaaription.—A com-

btnation of Daadelion/ Qainlne, aad VentftbbiAperienU. Most nsafnl ia BUo, Indigestion, loss ofAppetite, Headach*, Heartbnrnj Gont, Nsryoasassa,BUtulonoy, GlddinMS, A«.;:ipromotin( tbi aetioa olhe Liver and Kidneys, stxengthitif the frame, and M-

Storing the energies of body *>od mind, and girioc ton*to the bowels andnervoos system. : In Boxis—Is., 9a,land4s.each. I 80M WboleaaM and nUUai theDabUnD«pot— - ¦ ¦ ¦ : ! ! ¦ ¦ ¦¦

B. J. O A L W. BT ,. (Partner in i the laU firm of |Brook 4 Galw»y,i Apothecaries and Pharmaoaattoal CbtmUls),

ZtiWX8TLAND ROW, DUBLIN.i N.B.-Mtdioine*, *o., delivered in all parts of Uucity, suburbs, aad along th« Kingstown line, frs« oflehsnn, and to all parts, of th* iKbgdoa par rail otbaroQpost. ! ! ! ¦ Ie«irW«ei

; ¦ ! ¦ ¦ I HOTIOB

. :»/ Afp eaiicm. for BPIBJT U0XVBM.StES-TAKE NOTCE, that! \ wUl apply at tb*next Otoeral Quarter B«sW(oas of the Ptaot,lo be holden at Uungartaoi in tb« County: ofWaterford, on the 87«h day « A»II* 1886, 1 to)bt»lna License forth* Sals of Spirits by EettiL toM consumed M» the boose wherf told, for »y bo«seiftoaud on tbV East side, of the Squart, la tb«rown of DnnMrvan, PatiaU of Saogwraa. Baivn/ Deqlea Without Dram, and Ooonty ef WaSfoid.

I Dated this MM day of MahsbT l88& ' '. - t»T.T;v»J introo \tr k ant* *-_ M^^-I*. I

U D1SNI8 F. BLATTpMjY, BoVavSr !M. _ : •! ¦ ¦• ' ¦fot A|iplJ »Bfc PBBft*imB.HCVJ WILMAM! JOHM Dwtnmj Jti , Cltfk of tb«Peace for aaid County 1 IT. > .' OAmom*,iM;

8ab.Iotpeotor j H. E. ftbftd up, Jtsok mil~E;HolkndriVi.,-M.D.t th; o, SffiB^

Mffi -_ ''LOCAL

¦'tuitWA -:! iA*rtW iiu S

"j ,w»>tto»4 :i ; "-"j|j iimif 4.>:]M mkm1 I ¦ iud •. Wsvlasvl 1 rA fkiiMtiliB nM n ptM£: ¦ . •riw'SS. S ii «^1* ,yS1 - 1 p . *

¦ JL^^HH t ¦CakBA a 1 a % sl^BsBiVa - 1 STSBA k^B si^BSBlkj

'¦¦uLiLi M **. \W$''i i*& -mmirWBJi^MI- IMSss bs t if t ?wm F PP SB

;r. ' -r.;".r'f.¦¦' ; '-

¦; ' ¦ ¦- , .

r ' i ; ••¦'•: ' ' :\\i ^ " '- i : "^Mf-


wmmmfeM^lllMw^Ste^ mmtimmOATMEAl pwrBaok; : i • .-- ;»»,-•¦:.{¦»•¦'. «»in;«;' i\t>i: :Biui», e»r c**<f' • ¦ ' • •• .f ¦• ! • *, *¦¦:. i*i# .-'

[ \ "¦ ""'"' .

¦"" ¦i owad»:"'f';r - T, . rviiitv k

WHEAf.jpi'hMwTofiWtt*."" '7 ~~~ EL ' <•¦ " aT?l ;

. — ¦ ' OdSSSS f I - i ¦ - ' •- ¦ -» ¦¦' •¦ .!V £ £a M J a '"¦ ! --.j ¦STw-i(t»rr.K«* .- - : i - :' 7 - -

»•¦¦•• »•• ¦

¦ ' - SrtffJ 1 ¦ " ¦• ' ¦: '¦ ¦¦ '- ¦ ¦ •¦ ' -S:0; :-5'!f- -'.Mi>UH couii, !T.now .

¦•¦ ¦¦¦ - « >5»:il¦

— ¦ • — ¦ IinUudTimnlu - , M O u-i: — i - Uo. Old ; . :.: i»» » 5S_ - oauts r . :. -co 0 uj_ . — ; OdaaM i - ' : - '- •» • •¦ Z 1tLOVB, Am>TloU±, vmb *mio tl»ab *.- - 0 l > Q DO I- f nj wh?t«imlck,ot18ai». . . . . .00 0 » sIM DUN MEAL, %»louL p«r»a«k - , -M 0 » |

Impcrti andStmort * f o r wM *ndmf TKttrtdav , 2od.Indian Corn.... —• QakztRS. ZadfcaCon ' . UQmHa *.YTtu*t............ *» do. vnmi.* - SuSSiOtto .. ... . 4-. do. . CM*.....—... 4U> dJTBul«7 . .. 824 8«ota. n"t-h|T — ,«r :;n« ...:,.;;.. { ^&. SSa— z-8*-Mid ¦.. 130 8«<lka. InikiMl ' — .. :S

(OorrtcUd thi$ day for is* WaUrfgri Unct).BACOJ Fios, pot pwt. — — . Sli. Od. taOOi. cd.Urns* ioi . — ¦ — m o 00 0/»rr do; — — » 0 W oHxu>«,p«r ton . — — tti 00 0 00 0Lxf D (eamdtert) — :— 81 0 00 0^ . iB0TCH£B8- MAT. w "ftnr.per lb. - - 0..M to 6»M.MCTTOT, per It. ¦ — ;— • 0 8 010UutM, tai <vr. j ; _ : , • •_ . . p i 0 »Vi^perlb. f i — — J » 0 »POM, per lb. : ' — — 0 • 0 •M T0TAT0E8. .Price per rtose JreM) — ¦ Of. US. to 0s.M.Do. do. ! (waalasaU) — 0 4 0 *jWWTS. p«xak«. ! — '— O».«d. t» 0fc0iBooniou), p« do, — — 0 v 0 Awmoiur.Danst, pwfUIoo . — i— : lw. M. tom.04.Cuxx, pnaehaos j — ¦ — 16 S It I• I 7ISH, .Kiwwcuimri) CodJjh,p t tgwt.'— , Uc Otto tk.NLHxnuaos, Kona4Borw^rUa,f*rt>u»l 21 0 00 »Do. SpUt I*br»dor — - H O ft) 08u.xo>, p«rlb.(whoU»»l») — 1 • 0 ?dsiUS, POT doj ; . . — " — 0 0 0 «BOLX, per ao. 1 1 — '— 1 8 0 •Xauoi, per do r> ' — — 1 0 0 I

! 1 70WL AND EOQ8.CHicxnrs, perfdr — — , 8*. Oi to b. ij.Cock Tnrieys,y«rpsir — — 0 0 0 0DoacLacoi, perptlr — — 0 0 ( |OIZSI, {SO. — — 0 0 0 0fco«J,perl20 : j ¦ _ - . 0 8 « (Duek £?f» 1 I — . — 7 0 J 0J'OWL, psrptlr; I — — 8 0 f f¦ BOAP AHD CANDLB8WBiT»,p«rowt ¦ — • : — - Mf.0dU»«.t«Blown, par dot' ' — :— 17 ( il »I£oou>,per dounllis. — — 4 ( » •Din, per do. ! 1 — '¦ — * 9 0 4! "WOOL AHD HIDES. 'Homt WOOL par Ii. — — Os.SJ. lofelft,Welner and Ewa, ao. — — 00 8 00 »«8iin Wool.do. I - — — 00 < 00 •Uiva. vncwU \ — — U 0 a 0Km, per owt. < ' — — M O a •:Cur.per doua — — 80 0 » «

TtUBEB. ; ¦ • . 'ESP Purep«r ton, ¦

— 7 J. ¦ 70..04. to80f.Mt, !TSLLOW Pm pn do. - — M O 00 t8riru,p«rlOWI — — M O go ? ;t«B»?P«c4Vrr > ; - - 1» 0 00 t! i O O I U, ;

Coiu.Caraiapertoa (ti uys)- lb. U to OOt.04. 'Do. daUvend| — — — 1 7 0 00 tCon, per do. : 1 — — If 8 00 0rODDEB AHD OBEEM OEOPS. - '.HAT. per ton ; i — - 8Ss.0d b>80*«o.6r«4W, wh«tt«a,j«r,4o. — — » 0 M •Do., ouen. ¦¦ ¦ ' — - . — . tt 0 T i t•tnniT*. per do. ; — — - a 0 U t- :ItiirooLM, iier do. — — . M 0 , ,» •CuvuTS, uer dd.; — — '\ CO 0 : OS •

WATEEPORD BUTTEB 1CABKX1. -: - 'Number of f irkinttotiahtd at th4 P *h U e B 9 t t*M *t * 'f o r wttk tading Friday (thii dui f . and frttm, ' ¦ ¦

8rtard»7, - TlSB — lUtH ttL to fib M. . iMmida/, ,- I 0 - U*. Od. M Ufc. M -Tneadv, - ; 0 — 000*. Od. to *•**. OS,WedueKlm/— ! 41 — UU. Od. to 1Mb Od. -:Tboradaj, — I M — llts. Od. to In. M.rritUr, — i 0 — 000s. Od. to tOOs. Ot .¦ 'So. or Fixidos eomspondlaf w*ek last rou.- ~~- *¦ "¦¦Prio per cwt. >. . ..S~Z~. HO*. Od. to Mas. W, * \

litttiis, JHatriagtfl, aad J»eaite«

i B l S U B . "¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i bMi

Much 29, at SalUrbridg*. eo. WaUrforf, Uw wib ¦ ¦'''Aof H«nry P. Ch*arnley, E«q., JDJU, of a son. i / ' i- 'i J\March 31, it 8. Ca{)M4wra««, Dahlia, ths wBs*f > .^|P. N. Barroa, of, • daughter : ' ' ¦ ¦' '"'. *'• "-im^Maroh 29, at iDeebert, Kllmallock, tha wife of i-- ^MHaUinan, jonr., of s, dauihUr. . ; WMMarch26, at WoodlyPark, Dvtf nm, tha wifosf .: '&MCI P- Bodkin. at;m.mtm: :: vA!*i

M A E B I A O B B . ! . . ' ' v 'Wm

Febroaty 19, ai KU>€ William's Tows, Cm OoJpfT, vMby tbe Bev. father O'Bork*. 1 . P. A. KsDyTTiKt ;[ mAUwal North, atooad son ot Mr. Jam *; xUtf .it -SBarrosstnuxUtirMt, Watsrford. to MsifsviVOTM*,: :1 !8, Lower MalW-stmt, Umsriok. ¦: • <: \ - V-J'fifMarch 28, ai GUnnirt Ohnrob, KO«»W»L Johascss. *

¦-| df celdest ton ol WUlikW Johnson, DJ*. V«stsrbsf, On -f 'Mto Mary An»eli»; third d»«fhtac id Oapsato^Ukuil' ;j \£ :Towossid GrayTjlaUof thelothB S ^UMtm,-- l 'Mco. Cork.

¦ j l . . ;

¦. : : • ¦

;, ; •,; ¦;: -;;*

i D;I A T H B . • :- ¦ r^-:ClM. lUrch 26, at Kooai Halkrary, Aaastto Ows-fcy. #|¦eoond daof btsrlof tb« ktt« Heory Dtoasay, **, d ~ MTivoll, Ca»pbq3», eo. Watssfort. ^ 1 ~;-. ~:-j $®

TulehlSS, at hs» fathsfs wajlsaes, UU Qsvy.. !; ,1Watertord, Joseph,' woood aw of Capsata »wwa -,.| |Craw*. . ' I ' -I ' '

¦ ' " : .";¦ ' ¦V-aSa

On th4 STlh Xatck, as Wmto trMk tsste 4^WilHao, yoaos«;m of Mjt. SMMSTAUM, ^

I jr.";;

Walsh, notsW af Uw Ia*t Jaaaa A. JW fe *T^°^ r iPk^r-td*a^W, Br^*r^W# "iiford. IOy,Je4 ,>jd«jrt'<ifSSsrg '-»g^Pbeba, pmtrtsirv«t»*tta4, dwpJy as4 inw n% fiiMmttMl In lull ii«inslM fi1s«ils - • ¦: ¦• . - , ; . ,<-./ K . --SS!

. M»roha8, a* lpa» Wnaas»«oat»H*ssav;a»«#ieon irf th. !»!• rto-M Oiww», JJ..DX.,<< J&IMICK^oe-. CUn,a««d40r«HS. .i : r ! H .-¦ . ¦.-it .: . : . Stf i%4 ifs;; . Mawh aoT *t «< Obciafe Pirk, Tf jn iwW^^

*%&»; in m,M^dmmm¦ \Uttk B, BtW Kary. vkttf' of .I lfi i 3p

' ' Hatch v. al B aattosi Iodtsi Tr*~VtVr "HtiMn^

ilSS?.SLS , sts£o&a« inJa&sR&^

•^ Jw57K E5?EisjMhiili 1 i iay'tl'iifaiiir ftalial i kbatdvrU$««* is sr«s»ff ss™i£?£?! S& ml$& at

Page 3: w mm ¦ ¦ SIisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · ^ttno ^ ^Unco c^PaLsJBeraholdmg l ^ SrHO^vaUable 1 «^) W^KSffijgrjg ', ; ii ¦ 3rd Clasi and Fore Cabin. 20s


Ir4bnd. i Lard jD»toimt#«jW^ fl*WJ«!l -Sal gfiLOKDOK Bin^KB BWlgrWwSi*:'4 Saifc •..'

Import*of Iri«hl ^ ]blnSfi * |


bSContinent by fflijeot ata tf TOqWampe MMC Magainst 4,356 U»t year, a ;r}a outportajawi tjllw &2,6*4 paokages1 against !28W| *rotor*iiiS Sjfft toLondon and. Liverpool 1,631 »g»Jn*t )AS ill *th* « flyresponding week year; jaiU: *»in;;:«aw?jZS4 !jJ: Ml-paokages. 8to«kB of: old Ir&fc »J3 ;abc*t »x)i*P*t id*'iFor Uwted States and Canadian beat: obtainar. ia 'pti **aaoeptedi . ¦ I - ''¦. '¦ ¦ , '¦ '¦ J ^iHl- v 'r.- '-^:-|• y-.-. . <.. ¦;j.;'. i ' ¦ ! PIG IFAIES AMDitMAn^RTfl ' v lij ?

prom a-supply of 1,600 pkg«»tB'ernioy.f»ir, hell 31Monday last, the Limerick; baton merchant* bow tt1,200 } WafcrfoW 300, U jripto TS giiigTfrot ( 6*2 tc56a. per' owt. Clonmel fair, ih^ld on this satoie di yshowed a poor ionpplj of onlj.*X> baoonertVlBO oithis lot went to Limeriok, and 260 to be divided H)twi aitho VJaVerford merchants afc .'st1 coat «f ;5S». >er cr rtAthy fair, held| on Tnead»yrfrom|» atipplyi of (0baoonera, Mesarf. Denny bo tight 100; JUoasSawn 10)Skttery 150. at prioea rarigmg from 63*. to;55*. ilacwt. Wednesday's W6oklyrm»rket, held at Ballybriokea, seems [to be increasing; • in supply, 500 T( rprime I baoonera (being exposed jfor-sale there on Wi onesday last, and from this lot Mown.' Blohardt oiboughp over 200, by bandl aV abont 52B. per ow1 .Demy" 200, at the same terms; Slattery 100, by *(Ag itat 52s.|pet owt. | . - . V j . '\ y ' : ' ¦¦ ] . [ ] : \ \, . .

i i MOON'S CHANGES. 1 ! i ! , . |Last QnartorJ.Taesday, !:. 7thApril..j 2.43 n.m .NeW Moon....IWednesday, 15tli ' l , ' ...' i 5.51 a.ra,First Quarter.LTueaday, I 21sfc ¦ ¦ „ :.i 11.20 p.m.Foil Moon [.Wednesday, 29th „ ..'.! 6 lji a.mj

ffe itete WpkT I . ' ' li " . ' ; 'J . i -J

! ¦

: ¦ ¦¦ : , r . ¦ : i •: ;

I " B£ JUST, AMD yKAB SOT.M . I ¦: - : - i : ¦ : ' • ' i j -

¦ I


: .| UTEST |NEWS.| :J . -. ¦ ¦:

THE WAR IN JTHE SOUDAN! j: 1; ; . : «!¦' ! ' ¦' ' 1 i




ON. ! - ¦:' \ • i

Our special Correspondent at Saakin reportstb' at the cavaL y sent oat to reconnoitre Tamjiifgund the en< my there; in jetrengtb; and thatspies assert thajt OBinan iiigiiia's forced, nqmber-ing several t'loueand meni occupy! a btrongposition near t aat ;place. j .The railway w<Jrk histherefore been stopped, and a general advanceof thd British ordered to take place thifa tnbraingA1 new zereba will bo erected to-night atjwhicBthe men will sletp; starting iearly; to-morro|ivto attack the enemy. . Two t« Osman-'e leadingsheikh's came in yesterd4y, tind offered to flub -

It is reported that two^ BheiKbB of the Hnrabtribe, with 3,Q6p followere, havei eent' in an offrfrof Bub'mission to General I Graham's force!

ZfiiKBA, OMJ BOAD' :TP TAMAI, THTO8PAT,8.30 A I M-—Tbe force undir GenJ Graham baa ai ;-rived here withiut being ftttaokM by the.epemv.The troops wiUJ proceed io-day from the zerehato a point five piles nearer TaniaL : | |

CAIBO, TKrrE8JD4.T.—A telegrafn bas been receivedfrom General Gtaham.despjitched from l o 1 aerebaat eleVen o'clock! tbis mormbg, annonnoiog that bbis advancing upon Tamai With bid wboleiforde, an^will cnldeaTour to compel ttie enem|y to %ht to-day.

The I Mounted | Infantry ind thd Indian lianceraleft tbe zarebas this morning before daybreak, aniladvanced in tbd idirection jof ;Tamai. Thej plainwas found to be fJes'etted by ttielAtabs ; bnt mn ap-proaching Tamai tbe bills iiere eefea to be occupiedby largo nnmbers of the enemy. ! I ; .

; I ITHE ADVANCE. ¦[• GenL Grabam telegraphs, onjth|e 2nd inat, that

he advanced with entire force; in square foniatkm,and tb'e cavalry iscouts from! Sonakim reached zarebiiat 9 a.m. Becbnnoitred froip i t alloon, and theenemyj ireportedl in, Bmall hnmbeik T«elah Hilloccupied by oar mounted infantij , tbe fenotay ap-pearing to bave retired. - I • ! • j

: ! SCARCITY OJ . BBA]HEN. - j | IOwing to the (fact that All disposable seamen at

8heeroes8 are required for |tbe Teasels about to becoinmiEsioned iO tbe Med«ayp the Naval aotbori-ties bare been unable to furnish-a drnf I for fl.M.S.Uerevry. | ' - i : \ ' \ \ ' \ \


PEACEFUL fiOHTTION — LOliD DUFPEED^ANI^ THE AMEEB. - ; } - ¦ ¦; ; ¦ : - .¦•

¦ • \ ) IYYcjDa ve icaouu w ueucvc bujb Luv JQ/ Unntnu

reply to the En jlish proposals 01 March 16 willbe fonud to bo very satisfolgjoiry,-amounting as itdoes to a cordial icceptancejdf Lon . Gronvillc's pro-position. Bussia, ; we nnderstai d, accepts theEnglish zone as tiiat of the debatoc le land, agreeingin principle that tbe frontier sha 1 not be drawnfnrtber south tb;.n Kane*-I3iaa am, Cbamen-l-Beid,or further north ' han Sbir Tepe and Sacri-Yazi. |

A : correspondent ' repoirtsl frbm Eawul Pindi thatLord Dofferin yc sterday returned I be Ameer'a vifli^of tbe: previous < venin?, aocompat ied by tbe: Daksof Connaught. Tbe interriew »aa satisfactory;Owing to the unfavourable state ot tbe weatbjer tbedurbar' still stands postponed. Tt e Ameer'stroopsturned oot. Tb( infantry arowell iccoutred.ormedwith llaftini riflM and bayonets, apd are tbroogblydisciplined men. The cavalry oie a wild looking lplof if ibegs, Dura iis, und Cabulifl. Tbe last namecore thoroughly eqnipped. : I ; . -i ! j

ALCAUABAD, yrDNEaabAT.—Major Nicholson, o:tbe Royal Engineers, baa J received instructions t<proceed to Herat. It ia understood that beischargecwith tbe important duty, of' placing the enmewbatdilapidated worlds at Herat in a proper state of de-fence in view of contingencies. . : ! . ;!

¦ ! DEAT EI OP EABli CAIBNS.ij :;; ¦ - !Lo»DO5, THB:«DAT.—Earl iCairps, who cangh

fresh cold while -eturning from Lc ndon on Fridaydied suddenly this mornieg atXinciBfarne, Bpnrne;moatb. The noble earl, who was (lorn in 1819. bacbeen Solicitor-denentf and Attorney-General itConservative AdnjiniBtrationt, ana\ bad twica filletthe office of Locd Chancellor-—firpt in 1868, andnext from 1874 to I860, i i j; , ¦ ¦ '

¦ ilR. H. j TILLIER3 STUART, M.P.[ la another oolnmn, will; be found Mr. HjYILIJBB STUABT'S retiring address for this, hisnative County, j No douH Mr., STCABT is a very

'able, . painstaking: and juwful representatWej[This is admited on all handai and be wopldbejtmanimouBly elected at aoy tipe if be only «aVhis way to folbw Mr. IPAEN

^LL and theliian

[Parliamentary '. ?arty, wbo.Ue ninot himself rerjiclearly see, hav : the full confidence of the' greatmajority of th'e People of Ireland. \ |

; The Echo, an advanced;London Radical'even-ing paper, thus writes foh.; Jar. etnart'a retire-ment.- " Among the few retirements f roim theHouse ! of Cominons that can honestly be re-gretted is that of Mr.jViUierB Staart. JLP forWaterford, wb ch: is annonnced to-day. [. Mr.VillierB Stuart »as an jtrish i Liberal, and be bat

j never seen his i ray, to act witn the Ptfrnellltea, bntbis opinions weri advanced land bia attitude #quallyjstraightforward wd courageous In Parliaimep^ andin Ireland. He esp'ouse4 ciast eBpec lly thecauviof tbe|jlrish labourer*, and be WOB tbe only IrijbJImember who actively agitated ip bis own country:for tbB Francbi * Bill cjnd againit tbe! Honse o)Lords. : We regret to see Ireland losing «ueh a re-presentative." i - I ' ¦ ' i - J : - ¦ ! ?! :

: ¦'. - DOMINICAif |BAZjAAB. : : c a~ ¦ ¦' ' I ¦ '¦ » ;

'. ; ! ;" ! ¦ ! ' [Av "

: This is the last oppjartnniry afforded f» ttagain call attention to the,! Dominwaa: Bfzaar,iwbich-takes pli e l next Tnitd&j and iW«dne«-day; and to impress op pur readen tbe -man]Iclaima that tbis excellent (community !>**aP'n?our charity. The enormous debt of £Sf i (Kf thaipresses so heavily upon! tbe igood'Prior ??*&icanled by erecting, for the worship of AlmigntJ.GOD, j one of the nobleif i and1 mo«t<-efcgamchurches in the South 6f Ireland-. To \cMar-0ttthis; debt the: r. resent baiaar has been iafoga-rated-|-a labour of love ; id which PathprigTAJfiaa | received i\ le assistanca of many.» alOMiriends. : ; ¦ '< ': ] : I j' ¦ ' ; i ". : ;. y.^: The! historv o f the Dominican wnimnnra wthis!city is too wdlkuowrttornortof purrto reqiure even a Bummary frbni i«j !• i"remember the 1 ttle cba ch to Bridge*!*the original members 0fj the irnaU Bat Jcolony, and *s : rexni»Jbef j j e

1; «qp'#H

great jFatber B nuos laid tt« fjoondifHoo,present beautlf d edifice ¦ <and jdnnagf iu»jeais jtbe meimberB of tMlbt^mmlav*¦ been gra loally growing »;¦ 0Wg*||Wiintilt now: the/ have: Wcotedi Uf*,:JKf?T.;-2flrnipaWes of be . .';Wf« PWBft^Mm wthetr w-twmff imstij mdea*oflr to aid the woi\\pbp) >«W--tfi£Pjf$Pji

te#*: j ): :1 i|fe ^liiiitt¦J. :•¦ ¦ ¦•¦' I: '¦. ¦' J . ( . . « ¦ ! ¦ • :'f » f > - * : J ¦> K'e;I*#r^ ! L-O,

^Hillli^a• M^. lite M m® m W0$s$M:: |fm*|a iT .*W -; f.aW«;ia, #terfot«,; U.;i iroaly j e'

; am .jli ij

tm& ja.m^%th^j pwfct ;iiiwi«jidiio|'i i« ya :p|^ iny,i «Mera;o! !| W*> j&jp|M ;aii ;

:!ti>]"tW'Berip(us:lo«$:$•&•]!*!? i ffjRt < \wmit W mfl&'to&ik*1WdreMiad i iamryborongb -infeveV oase ha ebeen Beai fVfi flo

and th%]iofisequenoe M

f f* . Pt.?« fv Sontb>ri i tr ik;,invariably,laie .byltHakroiuie, ttfe^do notSiite inVVv^^Jord.uiltm tt: pim.. '.Sewspapera iby.ihe:Mary;.borongh ijojate;c^uld.jbe e 'fromJpubUn Jw tfie.p:;a,m., i ajr -S-Ojaim; trains,' aid. [Je«v© : ^Larf-"borough iti ftaO-Mm.; wrijSngi |nl Waterforli at,lL86:a1m i.TI ''ls .lno;&idt;i(bieMfdi!el' .oa


part of th a General Oompi jiyj jand tbi» is «v -dently a v ary poor and aim >st mean attempt:ofsue poweriui ¦ WP sat ooatnei n anft W estern Uom-p>ny to, dmbredi; and: weakfen ioe ilaryboroughroute of t be. C(ei ted 'iOompkny1, bo i that cannptbe carrie4 one againat'the wistief of ; .the people.

:- - ' ¦ ¦:- :¦'¦' I- - 7 . .. .

" ¦ i±S-.. . ¦ : ! i . -,¦

• ! . :'¦


- - , :;,v |r:/ -!.,; , ::^

\)¦•.- . T; :;- ' :' - : . . , ,¦¦ , :I Tlie races thap came off] on the 2o"th of last

month web eminently i stloceBsfdiiv and ahow,great promiee fpim tiie jyiiung jmebibers.i W«were extreihely glad to Beeitha CTQVl thus early:on the wajter, Oft early |pmctibi9 mean8;a BUQTceBsful season, j The young gentlemen whomthe experienced j Oaptaial Has ¦selected, or willSelect, to p'nll at our Regatta, ¦ wbich takes placeon tbe alstJuly; nave a |gneat;bnt;bo&orary re-sponsibility devolving npon t K a i .' The havenot only td retain the laprels j fned last year,but they haTe also to wipe out- s<)me great re-verses. Qor lait year's form ha4 been good,considering [the previous /years, wbiob. were a con-t|nuons series of disasters j and' tt e 'crews . who in-tend to strjiggle ! thin Beason' foe 1 he' :Urbi Intactashould spare no ttaining in order't > revive the suc-cess of . Xbe Boat Qlub at in its first (year's existence.We want to see the candidates' for aquatic fameupon the .^ater. jiPorm can only b« obtained by

to his instrdctions and obeys itberp', is much mot^deairnble than tha once crackl junior or senior whorelies upon bis nnpracticed proweks. | We are notsaying this for tbi Captain's inst^u tion ;

he knows

it already ; but to-belp him we eni' iavour to stimu-late the really good material h« bat at his disposal,and we feeliconfldent that;if , ilike bim, the Mem-bers turn up for,t training, and cirrfal coachingevery evening,' the season of I3S5 v 111;be one of tbemost successful in the history of the , 'WaterfordBoat filnb. J ¦¦ ¦: > ¦ '¦ ¦ ;

i I ! ; . . . :'

ACCIDENT; ON! THE CENTBiiL : IBELAND[ ; ' . • !]:¦ : . j RAILWAY. . | , . , ; '.

; | At the Ooninterry Junctioi , Maryborough,ion Saturday last]:the engiue of. the train, fromMonntmelllck, with the carriages attached, was

: sUghtly run into. by. an up c itjtle train that,owing to the fault of the jdriW, ran against thedanger signals, ajid came into collision with thepassenger train, jwhicbi waa| at|t|>ei ticket pint-form, just'jnoving on to the passenger station.The speed being very slow, i neither tbe rollingstock nor the passengers snistainedj any injury;This alight; accident is the first" that happenedIsince the Company took over thej working fromtHe Waterford and Limerick Company in 1867;and altogether there is not a swer, worked linein the Kingdom, ji ' . ' j [' \ ;T ¦ , . :; •

j ' . l . - ! : ¦ ¦ • ' '

[ : I ! r -I ¦- ! : -'.

: ' i : TRP. WORKHOUSE i CHlLDBEN.' iWe are glad to find that four 6f Sour workhouss

orphan and deserted ohildrea wprfe taken out onWednesday by tjro comfortable looking house-keepers from Dnnbore, who were, strongly recom-mended by the Bev. John Crotty, P-?.. Mr. P. P.Wall, P.L.G.; and j Mr. Corcoran, j PiIi,Gr. Thus it;will be seen that tbe motion passed Is already bear,ing fruit, and tbat thoae poor children' will baye antopportunity of growing up with |tbe population ofthe country, where they will be tau^b^ habits of in-dustry. Mr. Patrick Murphy, Relieving Officer,¦Kilkenny, informs i us that for the pott 10 years hehas bad the care ;of a large numW of workhousechildren who .have been reared cqtsjde, and his ex.

iperience is, that scarcely any of tbem ever returnedto tbejhouse. He says that tljoso children, after ja;while, have'as great a hatred; of toe; workhouse as'tbb children of fartntrs. On the | whole, be is verystrong in recommending the system as most bene-ficial to the children and ratepayers. ';

! • •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; , ' 1HE EOYAL VI ITf,* ,

That there is not mob unanimity amongst thena wnoare looked npon as tho staunch enpnortenof the exist-ing monarchy in the United Kingdom^ relative to theapbroaohing visit of; royalty, haa on more than one oc-casion of lato b«en made manifest) Notwithstandingthe protestations su b as thoso indolgBd in last Sator-aay in this city, and' reported in; another plaoe, whiohhave been made by interested patties'. | At a meeting oltb« Protestant Young Men's Christian: Association,bold last Tuesday nigbt, we are informed an animateddUoassion took place relative to thej approaching royalvisit, and ut Jeaet, six or seven of [those present stronglyopposed a motion brought forward to present an ad-dress to the Prince and Princess on tbeir arrival, i

I C A T H O L I C a tf u ^a a . \ i. F CEEEMOIflES OF HOLY WEEK. i1 THE CATHEDBAn.—Yestarda; morning the High

JJasa in commbration of the I*»t Sdpper,and tho insti.tation of the EuoharUt wu compsnooajat this oharokatTeigbt o'dook. The Most B«v- \J>t- Power, LordBishop of Waterford, offloiated!aaj oelebrant ; V^ryBev. J. A: Pbelan, as deacon; B«r. B. O'Biordan, sub-deioon, and Bevj B. Powor, Adijn., |a«|master of core-mraies. In tbo. evening, after,th» solemn offloe ofTenebre, B«v. J. Qrennau, C.C.,jd8hv«re4an impro?^sive' sermon ion the Blessed Sacramon ji The magnifl-oont odifioe looked to great advaaUgelUit uigbt whenit jwu illnminated*. The side altar f i t - tbe BlessedMother ol our Jsedeeoer was verj UUWIQU; uoouraiua,and daring tbe day was visited bj larg* nnmb«r«of thefaithful. 'JChis moroing the Has* o{ the Pn-Sanotifledwas celebrated by the Bev. B. Pow!er(Adm,, fier. D.O'Connell, acting as deaoouij B«v. [Wffl. 'Phelan, CO-,as Eub-deaoon, and Bev. P. J. Sheehanj O.C., as masterof Ceremonies. This evening th^ Passion sermon is tobejproaohed py the Bev. P. 3. 8beehan; O.C.

i THE FBABCISOAK Churoh.-r Yesterday morningHigh Mass mi oelebrated in this cbatob by the Bur.Father Mullins1 1 Kiv. F»ther Balawni officiating asdeaoon ( Bev." P. Ai Murpby, OSJL, as sub-deacon,and Bev. Father MoMahon u master of oeisraoMes.Daring the day tb^ Altar of Bepote was brilliant)/i,vhf^,rt h&ndaomelr'dsoorated. and! wat visited by a4JMMW U, M"..w-™/| 1 i t * < ' . ( » ¦ IL rUrge number pf devoted wowhipMrs. In the eveningani eloquent «ermon; was preached by Father Wojan..This morning the Haas of tha Pre.8*notin»d was oolo-!brited by Father M?Mni ; Father Wogan was deaoon (FaKer Baldwin, «ttb-deaooo, stdl «.ttw.!Morphy>O 8.A., maater of. oeremoaies. Fathei MoManas u topreaoh W-night's sermon. ; I :¦ • ¦ . . i

- BALLTBBJOKIH.—On last; evening tb» altar of fhli'One ohnreh was decorated with unusaal'iplundor. Inthd momrng Mass w'a« said by B«>. jWtaJGBealv, C.a,:an« on thU inornLi tbe Mass ofihojPrefanqtined wascelebrated by the wine Bov. ienUeman!. \: Vj -j

$r. JOHW'B CBVBCH.-The Jolwnri *errioe of the

Three HonW AgoaS-ot onri BlMs d '(Bedeemtr, wascomSenSd at tbls^nroh to- ay Jt *w«lv,s b'dook, andiiJ^P^ - .p ftra^irviss^*1!?.larke oongregatlon was present, sfca^ney.seemed mncitoftesseS tbe «Mp«at ai ifflpaMi aM dtsaoarse.

i ' ;- . • : :; THE BOIHNICIS ^OTBOW

i ( : ¦ i .: " rwterday'at tbe{ High «ass held Inithls Church,Bev. Father , Byao! officiated is {celebrant r Bev.Father Barry ai deacon, and Ui. tohfr HeCo*.iinstk ai «oW*aooi>;: la the e»en)ag 4 foeclBle and'eloSnentisennoni)* the Biased Sacrainent wasde-ffid by B«v. Pajber Byab. Tb^ Alt« of; Beposewas decorated wlthimuch UsU, and during tbe daytbi nmniber ol dtvout visitors fas very Urge. TbeHiss of ; the P«.8attctifie4, 4*» celehratod thisoomlsgi th««ficWlng cWrgyian being the sameas ion jesierduy. - -TbU evebing the fermoa on tbePatsico wiU bepteicbod byjBev; Fatbeit3loCotmack.:

'£m Onicn, o» 1*«»IBB>«.—Oa_W«ldiiesdaj,Thnr«-. :d«T and this jrvehlng, the •olemnloffltoe|ofJTenebr«-Wa»i

: ohinM in tlbeTcathehiil, th» Pruioi^ «od th* \>M-:nlcu» ohnrohesbefoM largeeongregatijmsV: '; : j!i i

I t m OTBMH A VtfB *.—In addiSon > tbow already;referred to, tbaalUr* of Bepote jin Bt John's «ndSt.:Sfed?. barebe«, and tbe altars tf &* fhipslM'ttj:Monastery, the Little SUteM of tie Po^ft tb« SMen of;ChiStfi WwTaH brilliantly i&laoiialtad »n4jd«oorated'

: wSboaw; : dorWr; yesterday m»* H*t«d *I »«"»-.;K?«- ; ' -!¦ • ' ¦ ' ¦; j ' r: ^' :{ ! ' ' :|" {-p:v ^''^'', ' LlHTEir :PA6TO>UJ Of iT^l'jiluliai iHpf i ;O»,

BiinnT.; Mk MSr Biv, Dei. ip hM+Twxm.: AiroB>-Tbe! Arcn&bop pf Byiii5y7S«! Most B«».Dr Moran) addres*d * PuWnl le>t it lo tbe titrgjrand'rtithfM W tbb archd}oci»efdr l^nt, '88. iTnep2rtor«l ills bweWooin* <jf »be ft imy *Hm** '*5?n~>?\~F&« lith nlt i InThiflbuna of bis ad'!'d« «i7bfi»' g iw*>ix* ^"wft *bi "-. *P ::i l^

PiM^f itl)«prbmUi»k' jf j t«i DporaBci,:

¦Hi ¦ ¦wV.tbatv *;:»: iroOgbout % p bjswlrlng:¦

eu 'mSm. W. o^<«rn tliaes, ini«inis U ths

an : aiflV UK»r» flot tlSWPg : » Bt ftl» 5J-1 »•*»<>«*

p i Md mf lSm, ;<?r«T* «jj m g*g J ! lm UacMoiMmMi W » wan ,«p> fW *MW**S Wi %u7< Mk *um top N» »#tef«

I W^W^Wf M m HH¦iiilill l;^lli

*ttJ~^I'"¦ - v5 '-f^J-ir-'- ' ! J ^ '-''Sr'' ; :

ffMtt; nrtWof it iprd .hp tial

WmfJuMitifot [ . War¦[[Mti&ffi4TbV'm1i n'irutD y. bS^ MFuna^^Meno fdeituifor* »¦prlevedl:ty::tB.f Lprti ,Lfeut*tlan>l »af ote.fWea ?Wcoind^ toliStbb'yiMriifiitffilHs w tthe lateluait^;In Kilkenny, .i. pWa of tnsanlty*n» pot W by: tbe;»olioltor, but tb^ jnjryireturnedtiiyfirdiet'df vuUryii without 1 re^mfaeada&oir-foinAtejr,.?¦>'"¦>

^i-'-i *";j - -:-v i: -' ¦: :' " i:,F- ';"TM 1 T'i"' jr4''> . Ta* ICioiaT'RAOT.—For asiinaiderfl ile't line pan,thera'has.b«e^!tiBiaoa ',iooon|reiaie.nc i i [j^r ncjed']a2>bagarTap> .'pijrtljsq arly at',Pet^ 'S stohs; at tb escant Bttendapiw ,iti 'm *giiti»i*** <j*W. paving:'fr( -JuiUc«. This bi» been remedied by ¦ tbe appoint-ment of Dr. Holland,' a' popuUr re«1d« >t'physician,.whoi:6>v'Jtelujiaa lairt,:for tbe first ) m« Wok b'isBeiton tbe-magisteriali benob, and aajudicatpd hisome cases' neard.:; Tbe sppointmtor bas been ris-telyetf wilh:vmuctt favour by all pi rf.iesij tts DKHolland-Ik a 'gen^eman nnirert*:ly{esteeined-fdrbis ' many excellent qualities; and In j th'e exerciseof bis maifisterial functions, is BUM to give satiBtaC-tiori. . •

¦ ¦'¦ '- .} ¦¦ r ";. - ¦; ; • \ '¦¦'¦ Ml

'v r ; - ¦ i

., 14*. ViMiMBS STUAKT, M.P.—This gentleman1,who has-just' returned; with "MH;: Stuart, '; to bbresidence ( at Dromana, after Bpen ing tbe•' : winterIff the Soutborn States of America',]bB9i durjog hissojonr in 'tb'at -country, been* m4ltjtfgj'iuqu|rles a'sto tbe position of the labourer in'tbAj , States; andas to the prospects of the labouring'oUues emigrat-ing to that country. It is more thdn tirobnble thatMr. 8tuart Will in a short time give the publlo th:yWoeflt of ' his- enquiries omo'ngtti/ttie labou'ringboDulatibu of tbe! West. * ' '" '! l - i ' i . i - .' t, IaisH AETISI S' BXKIBIION.'— We al-e autboriBedto announce that, in Order to.sait , tbehconvinieDOsof those towns whioh have/but recently consentedto join the ' Artisans' Exhibition, the) :oaho|l havedecided to extend 1 the time: for applying for; sp.iceuntil tbe first day in May; And to { ostpone tbbopening of the exhibition, until tbe and >f the monthof June.

¦•¦ '¦¦ • i . " i • : ' ¦ : -;i ;. , :i . ( • ; j l ¦: , ; • ;j .

: AsaAULT.—At the Police Court, on I Monday, ba-fore Aid. D. Kent and Mr. "rV^Gailwily/a prisonerid tbe gaol, named Johanna;Connolly, a native ofKilkenny, was convicted)of anj aasailt < n tbe 'aeaiatj-aot laundress. Miss Haddock, and- w{ B ordered tobe imprisoned for a further term of! tw ) months. : j

DUOEDEELX:—Bridget Burke, 'an incorrigible,convicted on Monday of being'drunk at d disorderlyand assaulting a companion in tbe Jtock-up, waiand assaulting a companion in tbe lock-up, wasseotto gaol for six wveks. . , : ! . . : ; .

Tna 'MAOSKBSL' FXSHEBIEU.—T'wo; jmnll eteatalaunobes, named the Katt and.the -iAiii^ Duncan, tbeproperty of Messrs. Duncan & Sous; Liverpool, andwhich had taken refuge: .in tbe dock at ;DunmoreEast, Waterford; harbour, from tbej severe weatbecof last Week, bound from the Isle of [Maii to Kinsale,arrived aUbe latter port on Monday. They arb to beengaged in the flab troda daring the season at Kin-sale. Their principal, work'' will be! in buoying' thenets, and in calm weatber, when the flaning vesselsare compelled to be in port, to proceed to the 'fish-ing ground, and empty large nets of fia'h ijntq theircompartments, which are very i spi ciousj . andspecially adapted for tbe reception of tb > Eab,|and totransfer name direct to the steamers for conveyanceto England—a proceeding which in many instanceswill expedite tbe forwarding of the fish They willalso be emplojed iu toeing the boats tc the fishinggrounds in calm weather. ! ; . ' ' ' iTHE THOUAB F. MBAOHEU BAND.—This popularand efficient band intend, playing tbe fallowing pro'.Ctntne in tbe pavilion. People's Park, on Eastet

iday evening (weatber permitting) —Overture," Art and Nature," J. Hemmerle ; pbfka, " Trip,Trip," Sydney Linton ; selection, ". Kalliwoda'sMass," E. Newton;, valse, •' See-Suwi" A. &.Crowe ; fantasia, " La - Possirelle," F. Boioson jCaledonian quadrille/' Isle of Bute," Wj. V. Soholes.W. Tiffin, conductor. ; i : : !MANUFAcroaiNa EKPOBTS.—The Sports in]local papcra relative to alate meeting ofjtho Water-'fnrd ' Nnltnngl Hliib. were ehieflv inventions, aitbere was no reporter from any jonrnal! ia tbe roomduring tbe proceedings; For instanue, ; we learnfrom an undeniable source, that the Words attri-buted to tbe High 'Sheriff, as: in reference to Aid.Bedmond, were , never uttered by that gentleman, jKILUACTHOUAS, [W SDNESDAT.—I am| glad to settbe fine new Temperance Hall drawing to obtopletioD,and also to observe an unusually woll got {up batcher'sshop opened in Urn town. The ohapel of the! workrhouse is so well paint«d and decorated'by!an inmate ofthat houso, witnont cost, tout it is a great credit tothat well-managed Institution, i Altogether, tllis littletown is lookiDg up, and when: people begin to weartheir own sound Irish-made goods, I hope to see man;more people employed In tho factory heto.—Corrttpen-

LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS.—Mr- Goo. Nolan, bai]d»rlis now erecting two bow bouses at South Parade ; anaMessrs. Cox Brothers have taken the plot of .vacantground for boildingj at tbe ooroner of tbo Cathedral ;Barronstrand-itreetl (late ; of Mr. Smyth'*)., A nexthouse is also building in John-street, close to Mr.O'Keeffo's marble yard. : . j I .1

STONE AND MABBLS WOEKS.—Tbis week i»e paida visit to these wprka in Micbael-otreet, in thiscity, and were gratified to see the noblejCeltfdcrosses and tbe excellent stone : work ] whicjh Mr;O'Keefe baa .for sale.1 They are a credit to him, aialso to Waterford. | K I . ! ! ; !tfgr Mr. OurrOED, Surgeon Dentist, may be

consulted daily at jbis residence, 134, Parade! Quay!Waterford. His' Colleague attends in New Bossevery Wednesday a)11 Cburles Street } pn ittltemateTuesdays in Dungarvan (at Mr.1 Keonan's, Mainistreet) ; and at Carrick-on-Suir (at ' Mies Kir'wan'sinext Provincial Bank) on alternate Saturday!.Appointments may be made by writing to 184pjAde Quay. ! ! \ • ! j ¦ : ; • !j

62J* Mr. A. Cadogan's important lettor on localmatters camo too lato for this publication, jbut it-shall appear in oar next, i . ' ' '

6®" A very interesting letter from Mr. J. GvDooley, P.L.Q., New BOBS, shall appear in our next;

W. TAIT 4 CO.'S CATALOGUE.We have before us a very well; got out catalogue or

seeds, Ac., for 1885, from tbe oelebrated hobso of WiTalt A Co, of Cape'l-street, Dublin As rogards seedsjwe notice in an lnflu.eotioJ American pafwr to handthat there is notUag farmers shoald be sp partioalar.about as tbeir goods, and tbe obangirigof them as oftoaas possible. We may here state that the jhoose, of WJTait 4 Co U famous for the parity of its coeds.' ; I


Danish} butter U sold freely at la 81 par 1b. Id".fact it is now. taken by inoit respcctible peoplaJOn tbe contrary, fcoi Irish—if wnlob ' tbert is an:immense ' lot 1 in D jblin—can hardly be eold at ull.'It is ' offered so lov as ii. por lb. and et

it is un-J

saleable. ' How la it tltat they mnke buj-tet'isp goodin.Denmark, ft pooif, cold country T—Cotretpcndcnt)

. ¦ ' * I i i, , ' • ¦

• . . . ¦ ¦=== ! ! i

; Mr. JOHN A, BLAKE ABKOAD. ': ¦ i j¦ The FrtetMn soys :—" A Japinete paper, printed jin£nglisb, and editjed, we understand, bj a Wexford;gentleman of the oame of Anglin, reached M fromjthe strange land tbkt lies beyond far Ci thayj fromitbe DWmaTAuUoftbe East. In ite lead ngcojumno .we find a lenvtbyj notice of tbe preseu :e iD Yoko-hama of a well-known Irishman not ling since »prominent membelr of Pnrliament. Mr. John A.jBbke, for many y< ars the representative of county.Woterford in tbe I^ouse.of Commoos, andebairmap,of the Fishery Commissioners J when bej found tbatlbe could not Act in complete accord with bi&;colleagues, at ooco resigned into the b,and»> of thejelector* tbe trust I that they had confided to blmJHe did so gracefully and with evident honesty ofpnrpose." • - • ', \

¦ : i .• i : | , . , . :¦ | " ¦ i

i DUNQaBVAN i GtJABDIAN8-YE8iEB,BAT. |'jTHE NEW BOASD.—At the , Waal weekly moating

ox , w a DOJ^TU, uoiu. re«i«suBjr, »M« -WUH

* WWK bu uuat^

at twelve o'clock, when thert wero only; thrco gtiar-dlant' lo the room, oltboagb several others wJtr« in thegn>un<is. The Clerk suggested' that tha[ other goa«-dlas*' thonld belbeot for. buV the memners presentagrsed not W aot on tho 'soggestion. ¦ l^r. P. Walsh)Lroposed, and Mr. PlaUavan seeonded, "jthat Mr. E.J. Uuher/J-P-. bs appointed johairmAnl j Mr! J. J.O'Brien vioe-ChAinnin, aod: Mr. 8imon O'Brien deputyvie«-ohalrman for the ensalng y»ar," The resolaUonwas'basted unanlmiMly. 'In a few mlnntot, 13 othetgttardians ent«red tbe room and a moat editing'soea^oooomd, UsUsgi to oeaty •? :b1nr- Af !e°8tb therlos-«nal«nan andi depntjr vwohalnnah ; r«slgnea\and Mr. T. O*B. WUuamS aid! Mr. Thobias OcelliW«M respeotiveljr appointed to the offloe* tjamed. i

•- TEE SrOBrtsifHB,—A'.notio* of motiia was givesby) Mr. Boger Walsa to rewind tbe recent appointmentof storekeeper, on tie ground 'that it was bnnooeisarjin! tills DDkn, and Ithat Us master, who had hithertodlioharged th» datlof, was quite eomp«teWto do so,aw) reaolred no awttfaot. ::, **¦ Matthew WaUb said itWM 42a a year thro?n awty.-Adioaroed. : i. ¦ • . : ; '¦ - * ^ ^ ^ mmmm —"***mmm ¦ i; !

" '|Tnx; BJSTIBS o*: Msaor. tx ; TH« SO JBAH!—Tbp

Hailf TtUgrapk > ' edrwtpifOdtnt, ' ¦ wiitiugi. fronr8doakin, March Sftb, M|« >—T«n SisU n of Moroyiarrived bera Wday, ana were1 all told oft to tbelrlbcipttal duties. To*/ 'W<* lh? u*i ' thU afteri]noon; and * gws*s^uj«lion' w« or<*triiamount,our gallant soldiars by :tb«t:pT«tcai«; wiiuln our*Une«Tot several! f aglUij lfldi<i«. . wpecally iu Ui4guns] wen firing; 4t toe «n»tny lo jfroa^^od therewas alsoscmitnrinJt g iijitoa'rQaall the MWU*." l ^

.':¦ . :TH»: :F«W :lf M tanAVXi ot AmEioAV-gicrBUryDan«)Mannlogisf* Boo»n Uttiollc,tieflrit, itnMid.' WUo : evetf;: biU » jwat £n tb* O ,bin»t, MrMaUBfog ts t«i son of ad I tboiau/soi servtd bii*jS3mu 'ij WKm%m?m'~ ' \\r] -y] ; , j :¦¦M tm J ^I - rZ i ^J Wf t ik. H 'u<*\W fTO»r «rtolpt« Wlo i;Wf t, • . . , i¦:qi

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¦' ife^^rfora tionWs .iis rs ptqij 1 RRj0 eA 'war held 'Jr> itretGofmtarF tit%tA i qty-

. rMjttji'Co'ufthdaSe;.-q hU'eitjribtffttttalslitlAf f r i the im M iXtii Ifo«T^T)nWS~(b*!p( ton and.Pi imM of; Waleson tbs oocaiionioCtaWiirfp-pR ttbit»rffls1tl;:l '^^^ l^(¦.d/!'¦4l^t» ' vii^W'WJ : <J); ;i' h.V-jj:! iSJDO^ titho««"pr l.irareV lBoUrb-J . iti&)Ba /.TJi;,<3aptaui<}»My^Jifi»i'jO»p»aUi'AHn«t vtotttJ^

PjliColonBl Bak«j,J-P,j Abraham ao/i fl,L ,} Qh

OatSm .iZ, John | a «/p,T c O.SLQ/ TCofcpel'PsnHstatbefr8. Btrangdiiii; .0.'fP. B61 Wi ;- Jar: CanonPaffieV; ?.'O. BtobmflSU, "j.P/rB««> W.' t i l uHtle ,'A','U^Aadirion. P.':1 Dr1i?C<riBo'J&;?*i(Hiloo*s5a, 'Wi*Pow*r, Major Hbb»on,>'J.lW.>Di>wnBy,« BiBarj ebtjWfti i. Sarg iti 1J:LIVB-'J- Pri8l, .DTtMacke4y,, (f.ytJ. T.1 Medlyoott. •J.PijOonatr Ooipector IH.: L>Oi r«o/ :A. Nelsoa,Dsvid KeogbjT.O., JiM Qp miO.JMh osa,rtlkjloj,',!&..aal 5jr,j3:%Ald.i.0laM9E qaptg, in,WhaU«J,.livm.:B>». £ LV-WrlgW." W[ WyVWl ,i.SmitbVfeirse •KWi's4T»!i':»1|?.rWnFw'.-1t&all' rey,'J.P., b'ri 'soottA 7.h-ma-!) mi] BdwdiH. P« tYt)J.P. -at syj.Pi^W^Ba'tron'^AwiU^^olli.'ii ipi I 1, •

: iMr. J.:T. Hudton, Sab-8beriff, 4cttd«s aeore aryto the meeting, sndbh.motioribf'^irrBJJ.PiTji,,. .'IV W.'AHDBasciH, Es<i.iiJ.P;; O(iuutyViIi1{b.,Sherifl1

: j - ! • ¦!: ¦¦• ¦ . . !;M took.tBe'chalrT.:| ;.;:-ih;'J.':ii^:^'-. :. .: The HIO'H- SHEBI»T Stated thli object of. tbe.m >et-injf, and culled on the Sob-SKeVifi^o teadtbe3etlersof apology:*vhiob had been recalveq.''!) < - i\v \ ¦. ¦ •:

[Mr.- HTO80N :then> stated -thatJjletfefs b a b>enforwarded by Hon. P.-51 Eortesclwi'-U'iL .OptonelKeane, W: N. B. Wyse. J.&i •P'^WalsbjiJ.PiiJi.p.Pj>*er, J.P., P. W. Powdr, JvP.inB«v,-1M> Mulligan,Eev.Mr.'Gllmore, Mr/Bidg'wayv*!c;ii<v, -: i:' .i^i- . -. ;

, jEbv. W. P. Butler apolOpeedfor the ibsence itbeDean of 'Waterford; and said bei wasbsurV if itheB)8bop of CaBbel- had beard 'of thd; meeting,-, bewould nave-: been' pfeeenti if poBsible'.v. !i:ii^:' .'i; '!; I ,¦¦ Mil AM *' ¦ V • J*. AM Up, ***** tff DIM' «•« '1VO* %V ' UIVUVN

that a loyal address of weldotue be presented to tbeirBpyal Hlghneisis the• Prince^ud-Jtfrhicesibf Wales,on: the occasion df tUeirhpproiciiin^ visit to Ireland.He only moved ! the addrwse 'ingeneral terms, BS acommittee Would aftet wards be! appointed to dtuwiitup. He waa ' sore it would tie unbecettaryifor bimto use any argument In; favor of tfae niotionj aa.itwas eelf-evideati all tboso preeent werounaDiujousin their senUments of dovoted'loyalty'to the Bu'yalfamily (hear/ hear.) . Ib wus not likely Itbit at Itnistioie ' Ot the year tbeir i ttoyaljHighnbsaeat >wiquldcome over fur the pilrposa of seeiug the beauties ofIreldcd. > Killarney might be pleasant pnouj,'lj' inthe summer/but it was riot exactly the pluce of jen-joyment just now. , No, they boct comu over for arather more decided purpose—to .see with tbeir owneyes,! to judge by tbeir own intelligence, the qon-dilion and ' cirupmstances of tbe country. :He wasquite sure that tbe Prince of Wales bad' come ever,not only to make friends: with tho nobility of thecountry, but also with tbe people if they'wished.He was suro from tbe generouB nature of; the1 Irishuharuuter it was not at all likely tbu't the peoplewill,: by a largo > majority, do anything buc rticuivethem with : affection : and ' respec . ¦ The' addreos.afterwards to be presented for tueir odoptiou wouldnot ray maob, : Lur he was quite Bare it would bestrong both in terms ot respect' and Welcome', i>ndalso.would, when presented, be' receivdd in tie1 samespirit.- He did not know whether tbb address wouldbe presented in person or not. It was not iikeJy thattheir Boyal Higanessea would be ablo' to receive] alltbe addresses'tbeir number was io large, but if itwas to be delivered in thof way, he: was nure.lbegentlemen deputed to go nitb it would- be receivedwith : welcome. He wsa sure'the great majority oftbe Irish people will always feel u wish to bo utjdertb'e protection of tbe: Royal Moiurdha of GreatBritain and Ireland (hear, hear).; I i j • ¦ ' ' ; j i :

Mr. ABEAHAM. DKNNT; D.L., said It afforded himgreat pleasurtt to second the motion. ¦ ; J '

Tte HIOH SHKBIT? then put the motion, whichwas unanimously adopted, ¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦'¦ ! ¦ " I |i

On tbe motioa of Mr. J. PALLISEB. D.L., secondedby Mr. W. Malcomson, it was resolved'.tb dra i upan address to tbeir Boyal Highnesses of welcomelo :tbis country, and expressing loyalty to the crown.

Mr. W. N'&WEU, BABHOM said Lu was very fortu-nate in being present on tbe bappy occasion tbatbadbrought together so many members and residentsof this loyal county. ; It; was .highly !creditublB totbeir county such a large number hud assembled,and be felt extremely fluttered and delighted thatthis opportunity was afforded of expressing tbeirthorough loyalty to tbb Crown,'arid their admirationof: the distinguished members of the&>yal Family,who were about to' honor tbe county .Waterford,as1 be bad reason to believe, lor a short visit. >| ThePrince and Princeu of Wales were [most wonder,fully popular in England, und he was sure if . theyonly visited them a littlejoftener (bear, hear); theywould be equally popular with the peopla of Ireland(applause). He was satiBUed that if tbeir Boyulaighcecsea graciously visited them periodically,they would tind that the Irish nation was trulyloyal to tbe beait (hear, h.ear), and that tbo! onlyregret amongst tbem waa[that tbey did not visit tbecountry a little oftenor. For his own part, he wouldwish to see tbe royal visitors frequently ut tbe noblemansion of Currugb'inore,' as be wus confident tbeynould bo delighted with tb« hospitable receptiontbey would tbere meet. They ait knew that tba(illuatrioui member of tbe House of Lords, tbeMarquis of Waterford, bud spent the grtater piirtof bis life in Curiagbmore, where be had kept anoble establiabmeat. ; He, at all events, could cothuve been cloased auiongut the absentees of Ireland.He spent a princely income amongst them ; ut leasteigbt or nine uiontbs of | the year? be) (pent ut hisnoblu mansion in tbu county of W&terfurd , wherebe kept a large eatabliehmuut, but, he' was porry toaay, a part of that establishment bad , been discon-continued. The great bant of this county had beenstopped. He was not a hunting man. buv'they all knewthe liberality ot that noble landlord-in keeping tip intho county a paok of bounds at bis whole and sol* jex-ponse, and they all knew how he had bis maguiflcflntmanaiuu frequently filled with visitors, who came overto' take part in that noble sport. Ue , was, perhaps,treading on dangurous grouna, hat be did. so becauseho thought very few mea present knew the country undtha feelings of the people bettor than be did. He wentnorth and sooth and associated with1 every class, andwas a large farmer—indeed,' a much larger one tban'huwould wish (laughter). Still he gave large employment,and bad an opportunity ol knowing tbe feelings of ,tbepeople, and he hod not the slightest hesitation in sajiugthat although there had beou a temporary display! otwhat be would call a " bad spirit," - which caused hisnoble friend (the Marquis of Waterford) to retire fromthe county and to give up his hoancU, he' (Mr. Barrou)was one of those who waa fully satisfied .that tae timeis not far distant when tha poopla' will see that they hadboon led astray. The lash people werewat m .hearted,and they could fully appreciate tbe uobl« Marquis, uid.ho was sore they would ; soon bring him bauk agaiu(hear, hear). They would toon see it w'aa to tbeir in-•aroot to bring ba4lt Lord Watorford to reside in thatcounty, and to spend bis noble inoomo amongst, them.He (Mr. Uarronj kne*Jii» Jorxtthip'* property »od bistotia'atry well , and that his tenants had a'good rigbttoappreciate him. A better landlord could not be found-one who always rejoiced when he saw hid people pros-per and get wealthy. His , tenantry were:devotudly at-tached to it, and although tljere was a little abolition: offoiling, he had no doubt thuy wuold oope again hi?othat splendid paok of hounds amopgat, tbum (hear,hear). He (Mr. B.) had come there to express durotodloyalty. Were they not proud of the queen who reignedover tbem P The Quooujwoa a pattern for tbum by thoway ia whioh she had roared a devoted and attaohodfamily—a family that won a pattern to them io tbuirdonu-stio olrclus (hear, boar). He ibeliavod thoro wasnot oue purson in the country who hdd tried to throwcold water on tbe royal visit.; who was not sorry at heartfor bavins done so (ohetM). ¦ . :

On tbe motion of Mr D. K EOOH, secondod by Mr.LANQbST, J.P.,; 8ir K. J. r»al , Hart,, was nomiuacudas one of tha comaiittoo. , ¦ . j

gjr B. J. PAUL imo'vod, Mr. BLOOMFIB I/D' seooaded,and It was reiolved, that tbtf High Sheriff bo a, sooond.Capt. Qandy, Mr. Newell. Barroa, aqd llr. A. Denny

mads up the full committee. ' "' : i {^Tho HIOB SHiEipr put tho nominations to tho meet-ing, and declared the gentlemen named elected on thecommittee. Tho committee;hero retired, and shortlyaftxr submitted the foltowiug draft of (he addrou t-l

¦• We, tb< Inhabitant* or tho count/ of Wotorford, in pub-Jto meattag aoejiblsa, con/ey to >otir Bo/iU HlgboM»c» qnrcordial aud ktnoen welooma to1 ioirjipou /oar llat »Uit!tooar count/, and truiti it w.U te tns.&artiiiiger of nuu/ (atqreviiit*. ! We abo take thU ovportuuit j ol exprosaln? oar Mr.

imtj W. tneQaeen." , j . ; ; ¦ _ : , ; . . . . .. . : ;j .Mr. SMITH suggosted that tlie »Jdrow should be

from " the iuhabitanU of thu coanty and city of W»-'ford." Bev. Canon PA&Z«B said it should bo staledas oomlug from the " loyal": inhabitants of the ooantr.

' Mr.'Bbooinriciit) objeoted to tbis. 'The meeting Waspriblioly called by the Hljh Bh'unff of the eonnty" apdall people that wished oould attund. > It was hot theirduty to take notice of' any disloyal feeling, even if thiey

i believed that snoli exUM. ; - ; . i. ,|Bir BOBI&T PAUfc—There is no doubt, sir, that you

•ummoned this meeting far the. county; and jou oaotiot«x»rcUe any autbority, ov«r that portion of the people: where the Mayor of the city ha» jurisdiction. I '

pt. SCOTT—I mirely with to make OD* remarkJ- TOlnplnde the oitiiuni of Wnterfotq in you; |)rrsent ,ad-; drj»» would be * specie* of ohullenge under thy present

I oironmstauoes (hear, boar), and it would not bs seemly! that anything kk« an rjUtercaaos ahould oeeur in > otm«! neotiM with (be »ppro«hlnk royal v ll. for myself¦; I am perf«otly satitned tbat loyalty is very muoh showni in. the city of WaUrford (dear, hear), but toe itntlmeotof the oity, unlononateu', M ia nsay parts pi ire add,ha* tw«n led by tb* pobUo OUeraooe. and wriUnnjofoertaih Indl'ianals. I an> qolta aura : that If a meitijigw«r« iummunud fdr tha catlMni thew would b« a* good* »hotv all jou »ea:herenow;(bear, he»r)i i ¦ i ;c

Sir BOBBBT PAWfcf-Xten,you would advise to IsaveIt i as U U-''W«, the habitant* of lhs CJptuityljQfWaUrford." Dr, SO^

TT:< Xbat Is ny ppinipn, ; i l .. MN KSOOH said bo attended UiMrs.potaaa oitiwabat a« aooontv Unapt, and h» b«» left hUfarM Ouwbioh h» bad. bwm wbrkWg Uu_ previousjdsy tp >trtekd A* •Msably. Ho -tbooght i( better, to fcilow &•meeting to wmalo'a oomrty/onu. Thtre wa noihtag'tb!atwooMtIv*:tbW« tnoreiannoysijoeOiao tbat aiiytbWsboBldarU«ioqt ot tUtw ^Oogm^.wtnUpo*otendv. tP tlw Priuo* and Prioot»« ojf WaW h^r,

mriw jw qwrttan i.at all of tb* djw. i Ha Mk«d gty,«.ntsn of tii« cltj to.ioqw HwreiwdThei :«aU tbsjr woeld

i , [Tm b;«UMim Vb^*¥srttt*#J<MfH., i .; :' ••


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PilsiMa.p4k w Uit Mco^aufrtb««$tioausa}l ibi%4l

I fi*' R*< WTtXiVim (i3Ww!iaiKi«t:-fr:«&s: aaJpfloofSi * \ MSS * ¦ EJw 'fh SflS^Bt LTSOM

ojf .'nriSi g n»F«IMalaUi «»'a)l,"»nd octuldZ$x< piroHoe ln thiyapers.:}^; i.i'.*f) i-r.i y i , A *

«iH ' : -Ihe iti tel;.h»vlng >»* odTUU»almoo«lj.*Tb Hlgtil

ah»ri«;ii >tnrnl»g /«« nks, ,*aM.i* w»*:lltwtaWl.toit iem;foj balr., ttenda*6 :th«r« that;iday.', «%» P flegn# i

, • •••fKff 1 fy Vf u7$f roo angl thf?Ppf fy<

: ; . DBg?EBATE,MTmpEBNEAB PAH3AQE. ' 'j; On lastj Friday eVeHlai 'a terribleiniirdek'was m.

mitted at|G;n6vai BarJM a, soma short distanok'ftomPassage Eai .: It appear i .that two families w.ho naid*, r nok.|00'ya)rds fro'

p ;eabtj! other—;the/< >lf f«,^n4' tjhe( F}yn&si. .bare i uoi.l een OQ good t*r-B<, f« :some¦timp past, beoatise,"ii is lelleted, of tbo uun.uaiigWas¦cj the Plynn faimily to jcin'theNatt6nslLeayu*.'|OnSaturday, as. yokng Pat ( olfor was fancin? close;t the

'rciail, a horse tnatl one'of the Plynris1 was drivtag ttim.l^tn^t ¦ jt^3_wla, •«._i .1.L.J u^ i_«^J_ ^l;i.'_i j r-l '. '.\.£..l. *Jt 'LI. 'uiuu, VVTAU| iv nog ¦mvou|| w uaviu| uvou UH^U KOMQIA UTqolfer's dogs ( words (mahed txtweon th»'.twoj jwHlohoulmiaaUd .lo ¦» tflg htvoa the' roid, but before ¦ anyinjury, waa dono to.eithcr bartyj Flynn's family appear-od' and |separated the two. jColf er went towards hpmoand , on tho, way met hb^ father, who on being fold ofthe ooorirfenoe, Jujviied his'sou to take,out 4>umir odaagUnst tlfe Flyhns.' .' Sbbrtly 'after Pat Colfor 'lie! bisbrother James,-and told him of the ifo waijd said/he badn jt got fair pUij. ;" Come with me," laid Jaketj" indyou will havo to get fair play," and tbe two aooordii glywent up to Tljnn'g honie, and mad* use of soma ob-jectionable expressions outside the gate, whiob hM theelfeot ot bringing ona ;<^ ,the ypnng Plynn's to' thedoor.. . Afteran,lnterjohapga of . .wordsand somo blows;the wholo lot went into ths bofljq and there adesperatefight eridobd, whioh resulted in the Colfers gettingsaoha| good 'Waring tbat thef made out of the plaoa1. Ohcodling outside 1 they met their father, who, when Jan.v/yuos .v ,ujpi»meu up WAS aeaKEVjeja, saiu ' mocv vithat yon, why <lid you gd into tho house ?". Just thenold .Miok 'Flynri,' whoj ib was stated, had beet toutshooting; oro]r*, fame- intd the yard,with, his gan oookedasd .eappad, ;; He .presanted it firstat, ,Pat Colfet, whojumped away, and then tie tanked in tho. direq iop ofwhere old ; Jitn'es Colfor -was standiog. and walking upauito clojsa W where he wa» located flrod tho'oharge inthe toan'a focej killicg hid instantabeouBly. ttaripg tbemelee the deoeased hod acted the part of a peaoeaiaker,and when hhot.il was stated that ha was qme yliahingon-a stwlf wbiob! be: had in'his hand.1" Immediatelyafter the|ocourrenoo the jio|lioe werecottmuniaated with,and on.,the same ovomui r Flynn, tbe murdereif, wastaken inb; pastody. '. On Saturday. Mr. I). Q. Bookin,S.U., ahd pidriot-Intipcotor Milling held an inquiryinto the'easa which roanlkod in the aooused manlbiingremandod toiWatorfordigioL' : , , '

i- , . . ' " ¦ ; i ' . '; . 'TH» i knqOEST. * ¦ ;; [ I ' . ;

body, on Monday, in tne fcitohen of deceased's house.Distriot-Idspeotor Milllngi watohed tho case on bohalfof the Crowd, and Mr.- S. 0. ALUngbam appeared onbsaoU of (hi man Flynn, [who sUnds charged with themurder of jCilfer. , :

: . . , . ¦ . . . .- ' . [¦¦ ¦ .Tho fqliowingju-y tieia sworn-rJohn-: Walsh!(for«.man),' Patrick KavanaghJ Joseph Eavanagb, MiohaelCasey, W.iWalsh,' James Power, Jamos Hayes, WalterPower, Jamca Browhe, £jdiooiid Maher, James Flynu,Walter Power , Owon Power.' " ' IIn reply to the Coroner, Sergeant Hickey said Miohl.Flynn was.in custody oh»t|ge'd with the murder'.1 | 'Patrick Colfer, sworn. & id examined by tbe Coroner—I live at iJewtowu ; %m son tq tho deceaaed, JamesColfer, Tell the jury , wbnt. you kaowtooohing tha doathof your father. Tha first :omm«noement of it was thatmyneU and Maurice Pdw^r were fenoicg noit Flyna'sgate, about half-pint fire on Friday evening. Were younot there before that P I was ; Flynn and his' sons(lorn and | Dick) wero oaf ting out manure, 'when thehorse Thomas Flyun had fell oh the road just oppositeto when we were working. Did you uon the horsa fall PHe just took a stumble.] What oaua»d him to stumble tI don't know, unless he {hit his toe against u stone.

Had yon any dogs ? I had. Did they run dverat : thehorSB t No. Then you1 can't tell what cauied him tofall P I can't. Whon be tell. What occurred P Flynngot off the" oar and soidim raelf and my dogs were greatannoyanco to him j he tblc me he would kiok me abouttbe road and break my i i of e ; I told him he was not fit ,so he let go the horse and truck ma with his fist. Thatwas Thomas FlsnoP: Yes . ¦

Witness—The brothe)-: vas not there at tbe time ; Itook off | my coat tben b,n I itruqk him ; «o his fatheraud his two brothers,, his ¦ lotber and sister, tbenlcameout. How soon' after t\ \ About half a minute. Whatate tbe namos of the sons 3 Diok and Joo Flyqn ; themother and sister went b itweon ns to make peaoo andtbey caoghti hold of me ; Mrs. Flynn was knooked intbe wrangle oil thu raid I was going backward* allthe time and his. was following mo. Ton. can't tellwhat knocked Mrs. Klynof No. ' ¦ I :

Witness—Bridget Flynn caught hold of me and shestaggered agaioit the ditoh 'and I fell also '; I fell; onmy knoes ; Thos. Flynn then struck ma and I down,and his | brother Diok said, " Well douo, Flynii" j Itold them to lot ire up anc they did not, but I got upmysolf and struok Tom. and went over against tbe^otborditoh j they thoii took him away. I supjrase the Wholefight did not last ten minutes P No. < ( IWitness—We tben siparatcd,'an 11 wont up ana puton my coat, and camo toward*'home,.and tbe Flynnswent into tbeir homo j i about tan perches from that Imot my father,' who said ho heard the noiso, and askedwhat was tbe, matter.; X told him what occurred, andhe told me the best thing to do was to go in the dayafter and summon Flynn ; I camo on down beforu , tnrfather/who, with Maurioe Power , followed ; I came innere into tno House, ana stopped about balf a minute,and wont out again to go do.rn tbo road as far AsTrVm.Walsh's | my brothdr ]James was coming along 'therood with the mult) and cart, and I met him | bo askedme what happened, and I toM him about the quarrel iI said I did not get /air play, and ho told, " Come: onoow and you will have to get fair play." ; I. ; ,

Coroner-fBut nobody, according to your evldoooe,ntertered when you woro fightiog with Flynn P i_No-b dy but bU sister aid tbeir mothgr. Coroner : Thoywere only trying to separate you ? : j !WitnessT-I; understood it waa to go Flynn's bouse

when ho said 1 should got fair play \ we camo ih andleft tbe mulo hero, and then went up, and my brbtherJohn followed us | whqh we went up Eiohard Flynnwas Onttlng mangolds i he was in tho 4eld, and | wowero on too road V enjt brother James laid, *' Comeout now, you'dirty HenJ?borry'a" ; Flynn ran into tholauao through tho yard ) we went up then to tha' gateleading into Flynn's yard | my brother Raid, " Yfaa itnot ouougbl for you to have your brother Dnt:out ofWitterfonl for bu bad conduct P Was there anyonethere at the time P No.'buttboy could hear him. lamcertain, in the houso. I ' ' ¦ i ¦ } ]Witness—Eichard Flyqn camo' oat to tbe door andhis mother was trying! to keep him insldo | he had astick in his hand : my brother, James rushed over totbe door and Flynn struck him with the stick | I, thenran over ; itbu half door was shut at the timo and tbomother was batw'oen : Eiohard Flynn and mj brbtherJames > 'my brothof! oatight hold of the stick | and theywero wrangling about it and tho door opened and thethree of tbem went insido and left mo outside, the! doorhaving bean shut at tbo timo. Waa not Flynn tryingto i kcep your brother oat? I saw him do nothing butstrike my brother. . j . . . , ' i l l

Witnoas---They wont into tho bouse in the jbatlei b;ntI could not say my brother 'was dragged in t tboyfwerefighting inside, and 1 heirj my brother slog oat For meand I put my hand ajralu«t tho Utah and shoved in thedoor. ¦¦ '. ': ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦" ' ¦ '

I j- To Mr. Allingham -My brother said " Wherel areyou Pat P I am kiUpd,":or, " Ihoy are killing mej,'VIcould not exactly say wliirli. . : . . . . ! i

Examination oontlnaed—Whon I <ront In I saw DickFlynn Btriku my brother with tt)o etiok ; it wan a. Wornehovel-hiiudlb' and there was iroqon tbe ondof itj ; I'theastruok Tout Flynn with 'thy fist; 'Mrs. Flynn was tijylagto oiake peace and in the josile she UU near therflre-placo ) when Mr*. Flynn felt I got a stumble t«nJ fella^ainat tho off sida of tha wall | I th«a eaagbt a hbldof MM. Fly no by tho a rm to take her up t I San Joe.Fljnn witu » spiQDg anfl he had it raised over me, andhU sister had a, hold of bin ; I gato Joo , J?lynnj asboyu and ran . for the door >!¦ that jfa$ the first,tune Isaw Joe in' tne house ; letweea tho partition and thedoor, Diok Flynn and my brother had grips of oije an-other ; whon '1 opened the door I hiule'ii out'my brotherby the coat,, and fwhcq I came out I saw my fathernear the door ; it was about fix o'clock, then ; thBLdoorwas olosed i agaiu , and my brother james, said '* 1 am.du«troyed",i his head <nai out and the blood was [run-ning iron) |t t: my.father' -Mid,:"i More of th»t.to yoa,why did you go into the boaw" f the window in Flyna'sinnia WAM tUrtrt rt*v\ksn ft \rjt 'iK ik t ws m l A /x * ' T JAH U Irn! tm .

whether it was ,my rather or brother said, " Johnny ;Uiusido Attdlttiuy wUI kill Um"< j thai was the flnrti timeI know ¦ he was ' thore, bok' h« might have b«eo iA tb*house while we! were flgbtinjri I wont, over to tbo win.dow and; saw! my brothac la toe middle o* tba niomi 1there WM up quo toauhiag him t I went to'th* door andiuit b'an, I uw Miok - Flyan oomlng in thtdagb. tb* gat*,he had the gun pot bofore him, cooked; o*pp*d« andready for u»e i he never Opened bis lips ; ,ba vu ao^ut.six yard* from m«, and my father and brother went pptoward* tb* b*rn a di*t*Do» away [ he pointed th4 guntoward* 'me and I Bads a leap away i he walked: towithla fpur yards of my fatborand fired tha shot i ]a>tb* time; the nrossle olfth* goa oould not'have* ibewnmore tbao two lard* from ray father i iqy fatten [tb»afell • To;Mr. MAUng—T BguawM pointed*t hU fap*.

.WtU>MS—Iran away .then for th« priatt »nd police,mnv-"»« wu nuuuag nxnv aoont u> an<M|c r* «*w w*.wound OJI my father** fotihaad I bE* eye* and monthwarot.ll covered with blood, and hi never »pokea» ord ias I was running away T heard Flyns' say, " H» t$a Jtbtra's fot foa'? i when room* back front Passage [ metFather PbaUo.aodh* told me tBy r»tb« Wa*d«*<. '¦ ¦

¦To MXJ Milling—We had no .weapons: with >uj) i lidaot *•*,, my! brotbtr tak* up stone* as w» w«r» go agInto Flynn'* gat , , , v, . '., . ¦• ; . \ . \ l- : - .1 i - - .' ;• . ;> .'.

John .Colfer (worn ana] «xainlB»4—AW»on io ;kb* d«?oeMod. T«U tbq joTy what yw know | atV«uw|. 1 b*death of Ham** Colfer t Abpa* six o'ol«* ph Frtdiy,whilst I *sVfa' th* aet'M frtdlijg fth.^ofv*f I **# bybrttkArPAIJM^baUraJIat blaodi •' Wh»»»il»yiiaf'ruked mt <*tb«r ) " Th* black aaTd Flyen. lara 'arier?beating in.," was hU iepl,, thaTVaite. fir*t I k«4idoTiiT7' Ifdw did »b«ro£oooMiabo«tJ' «>y fa»h«tj**jl4,and I rrouM that I iHUDOtMl abonl aotbW. 'brt 1 •-.eaui* U>* FliaiU had a, frodg* agaiost P*t 1 '] Th*b i»Thy S3*SJ» wte&mJwm *. 9 j. «pbtnror'iaaa, aud wat'fta tt» wtofWuftomUk^h*c<»*,*hei l'awi my bj(gU>*r;fM't«njr^*;i h* w»«wkrr* btiwJMiioUg 11 ania'UkwMito s» motk*r,i niin a Ut mlwtf* fclLwJSTmy ,t>*>»h*n f*f tk» din ot an

¦• i i r:!tf!:! i ' 'f- .t^ !i!::;t1 ¦ ¦ : . . - M

ttoSPBttoi h reWsiraXa ^a^nlpGS'iittmtOlFk, (U *»«i.fiinSr !ro«i;w£ iaiw3od'';to!Slr*-tii. tin ¦¦w^m 'vi^mMivSSmiM;f«u)r^7»»da, mj tatlMiritiMm.f^.TOUjdiSlritoyir*'"Jwy"" ta*>pr,i^wi»yi«(la4to)»i5«M«» ;and t theri sa ' toy titter boldlngj np mv faiher1* be* If I

baft Isf tbi-ffttn [rahed-6v«r: dt'y 1fat4«?« h*W-T WbrothM bad-wit «in«I» thtag ia4u band'(>«tm l&itfceig)arib)l?tfiai Uxle Md'aVhrwas-^MMnptfartor'bit my .brother hi caught bold of the (cinVsb* two.riynn't-thanjapjowo ljojtlipgfor, rt*;tnj»^oi,t>1«.lS*S<>Wr»JW»ihwi> th* man Uindl lot•«ia '.'. UM) oars*d S-r& oa yoa WbyTdTifyoainoi ifll1i|aitix>,",i I thtn »nihiholqVithB goij iradftSk ineJninlrod Otrt, and bj nt It feariag- they would" icWofaesini'Ultra'wire: no taori blolrsstrnesrt th* Flynn* thMwlw*'.-Btt! *£?*• •* **j^"» <?"»> *»/

¦«*»: «M «**

always'o i ; -An bett term* t - Thaj were alwayS «n the,b»st ,of -tbrJW wj^b the; if nn* nntU lastTMs* twoyear«ii iP*o't *•? |nything.*5i»9ith«a., . , i j T ] i .,-• 8prge*nt Hlokm-He was aWay in! Amaiissi sine*,and dTd'ndt ajtnrJSratilajortnkht ago. H l f :

ohn iF^rWrWornl anoTexaaked—I sm in lhs eav'¦ployment of Michael. Blynn, of Newtowd t oniyriaaVing.the bojrstaj; I heard Tom Flyi .a (a/m* hors*'sri»okwas ne«Ty b>Ui»iwiUj CoUerW dog-,.it wanlto i patCoUer he a.d|tbm; FljnD.toldWm to.tak* hbma bl*dogp ou^ qf :that, Itadj: Corfe; aaQ,th* pTogs ;dii «* gopMrJiB, janijoa eu on MaWojTpowe^wW w*.l!oArJ"? Iwfth.ftm. *o Witnftss; tfiati'lUarios'jfowtr;**!¦ did not see a dog1 at alt at tU ti&o; Flyna oallid Dolf«rDaniel, and then C/plfer ohAlleng«d Flynn M bor him 'the'thira amtfhojftaltenged-him!, Plynn'gave oW ib*bor»» to hU yfiun jer brother; Joe and Colfer afaa him-s«lf oommenoid dragging \>na aiiother ; yonn?PIynnwa«; about lotting !hi»-bor*«-go, - when -I «m«ht!holdofntmji ;spex uaa we re»f ot it down the lane, aa$ I didnot sae any m'Are pf tbem ; in aboot half an hour the^•?JiT¥S±%&j ^Ti' M9

• Witness—ITiey liomaienoed abasinir the Plynni.andyoung ' Jame* Colfer outside the gate took dp twostone* ; at th* saBj8 time Tom Flynn waa oomiag from'testable tp-thsfhoays. .Did h» throw'the atones ?No ; he kept thorn in his. h«ni : . , . : . ., .¦Witness—I then went away about my boaineu, and•jnst' as I gut to the gate of tbe upper yard I, saw thei^WEi mjn Ko, w ; know* nothing more about; it, batthat 1 heard a »hot. Did yod <x>me down then P Ho,nor I Would notll!rthey kepf ftribg slaoe.1 Witness ['IOHma doWn laabont twenty minntee, and saw the 4e-ooased lybg'in tha yard with 'Its' fooe covered withblood ) -before thii I met Joe Flynn and he said; " B'sall overy thert U pae man-stretched.". To a iaror »!Idid not hBar the dogs barking, before the row. ¦¦ V I ; ¦ ., Dr. James J. HL, Jaokmaa oxsinined—I madeaixntmortem- examination of, the deceased, assisted bv Dr.V. White.of Waterforfl nn fl.h.. .. . ». ...'n .lexaminatien we, found the face covered with powdermarks, »l*o three 'gonshot wound*, tbe larger of thewound* b»ing . situated below too inner corner of Wright eye 1 there was another at the bridge of tho now,and another at tha; junction of thi natal bones, with (beDaaal cartiladge ijthe wound* were made by tha one

ijhot } the directtoa of these wounds wat upwardj,backwards, and tb. the; leftside.! passing tbrongh, thobue pr the brain;, j oa removal of a. portion of thescalp, wp found a ipoututed wound, with' some sxtravi-satad blood, at . tha upper, margin of tbe oooepital booeon tho l»f t »ide, whioh wu evideijtly Qadsod by th* fall 1on removing the skull caps and qovering» ,of th* brain,we found fire pellets embedded in the brain at its upperond posterior »nrfaoe, on the lefti sio>; it is oar opiniond«»th.wa», in«tant*neous, and was the reiolt of a csn-sho^ wonad. . . .. . .. ! . "¦•"Dr.:White oorroboralod this tesUmony. ; . i ' ] ' ,Theiary returned a verdiot of death from a Bnathotwoupd, inflioted by Miohael Flynn whilst in a state ofirteat excitement. , . , . ¦

WATEBFOED BOAED OF aUAEDIANS—¦ i ¦ ¦ ' • ¦' • WSDNE8DAT. i ' ¦ . . i |:Tbe flrst meeting of tbe newly elected board wsabeld. on Wednesday. Ac eleven o'clock, the ohairwas: taken by Mr. B. Moswssier, T.C. ' 'Tne other ({aardians prewnt were—AM. Clampett,Captain Power, Messrs. Congrevo Eogers, J J J,Hally, D. Holly, T. ConnbUy,RPurcall,E.Duiipby,P. Corcoran, v. >VaU, J. Lawless, J. Leamr.i'f.C.,T. (Juinnj Jamesj Fiti!ger&ld.. ' . 'i i j . ¦ ELECTION OV OUAIBatAK. ' ' ¦

The CIBBE sai4 «heir firat business was to elect •rliairman for tbe: eaaning yeani . , : . 1Aid. CUMMTT—iiefore tbe election i» proceededwitb , I would suggest to the guardians that tbegentleman who may baproposedfor the chair shouldb« a person who would give a fair attendance ut tnebixird. Xou are all aware that since our late! cbnir-tnun waB elected last year, he has got a high positionan a member of, , Parliament, and tberefoh} hissin vices will be 'requirei in London. We ishouldhiivo a gentleman wbo will , at all events, be able tocome bgre for six or seven months of tha year. : Isimply ask you to name a gentleman for ibis yearwbo will give a fair attendance! at our meeting*. , Ilouat certainly »ay that daring;Mr. Power's time asctmirman.no one could fill the position better or more;worthily. ; During the coming1 year, however! 'tbabusiness of the board will be such, owing to the newiFrabcbUa Bill , tbo Labourer*" Cottages, and oth'er¦ ma'tteia tbkt it will require gtea't attention from yourchuiroian, as tney involve questions largely atfectiogitbetaxatiiin of tie country. ' ¦ I 1

i Mr. WALL—Wbo <Io you propose? ! ¦ ' '. '¦ *¦Aid. CLAMpjrni—1 leave that to yourself ei ;Mr. WJLL —WbU tben I propose that we re-elect:Mr. Power as ouij chairman. ';' | ' , ;Mr. CoBOOBANr-I.aecond that • ¦ ' " '¦ '

Captain Powsa tbouuht tbeir duty wai to elect aohuiruitinj »to wpuld kttend the meetings of the:b<jird, and ho therefore proposed for tbe positionMr. Allingham, wbo bad been Mayor of Waterfordfor twelve, montbi, who was re"-ele«ted at the expfc*.tion of tbat time; und wbo, he bad no doubt, will be

.elected tb!« third, jtime.. Tho Mayer wn« a thoroughjNftionalisr.and 4 better man ibey! could not aet,'I The auii-iiciujf nt was not seconded; and the'onginalproposition w»s j ot and carried without a divtaidn.

j On the motion of Mr. Dunphy, aecooded bj! MKOircoran. tbe :M4yor was're-eleoted'vice-ohairtnati.

j Aid. CLAMPITT—I beg 'lesva to bio*» tbe ro lAj-tiun of our dtipi ty vice-obairmaq; Mr.| Moririisay.I think ha gavo general satisfaction, and ai moiO"atttj&tive ^uii'diaa you coald not find- ' ' ''j '"¦ ¦ •

' The mcfioo/ wal agreed to onanimously. ' " ' f ' !! '

Mr. MOBBISSXT returned thanks'fur bis election,ar.d for tho kind expressions made osfl of tdwardshim. : Ha ; had al|vay* teceivedjtu^' grt»te*i wwurt-ance from tbe meuibeia of this board in the!dis-charge of :bia dully. Mr. Mickey, tbeir clerk,:hidaUo' always giveb him bis valuable aid, withoutwhluU li wonld'bt)diiuuult to gct 'oa. - ' I ';: :¦ ! . ' "'. ' tB« 00MMITTSIS. : ¦ , ' ' ' ! [ '• '¦

It was proposed and seconded, and agreed ti, thatMr. Jficbola* Hally, BallysoanUin, be nKno'jrea if«B>the Trauiore Disaensary CpiamitUe1 for jnon-attenilai cj, j»ndMr. Thomas Power, Carriiavabtry, be pbtin :ii* place. A] proposition a» al*o' mads 'thktMicilola* tbeUo^SafydrUiaoB, replace Mr. jimwBudd, Ti-dmore.on the same ootnuifttae." A poli w»«tb e.i Uked wita tbe following teVult, ;¦' . '¦. , •'¦¦¦] ¦ ¦¦,

'¦.<•• V B wwwr - - -*--«— .* ^*W»*>«* *V«S**WIJ9 * «bA*B>ilJ* VW4UUIFrettDBy. PuroeU, KUgerald, wiJ, awnaaa': Pqwir

(B), 'ilally; LawlesW—11. • ' ¦ ¦ ¦; .[ ;. . : ¦• 1 . . [ ¦ ¦.


;nA'a?n!t 'M 12tf J' Ve*a W****! O..Bof*r*i Power(0»ut), OUwnu«tt-»i. . . . . . i . - . 1 : , ¦, ; . -r ,. . i , ;

Pid not v«&-Mj*»r». Ctfi>noUy|and:C«rooraB. j VMr; JKoosBs—5 oa have removedj tne most O*ef tilman in tha baron _ / . , ; , - . • ,, ; , ! ,- The members of the various" other oommitt*** w«r«re-tOeoted, jtxoept i 16a* or two in«t«a«e* wa«r* v««a«-,met aroM, whiob » ere filled by the uMnimon* vote, oftho msetin j. ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ • - I ;- . i " ¦- - ¦', - f p'. Subsequently thp following nardlams attended-kDVjSohtt, l.e-lthe Hi [b 8h«ri», AukBidmbto. M«st» ViU'K«««r«j,6. MoO ath( ac4B. JJrsnm . r \ ¦¦¦¦ iA -tV; s; ¦ - T 1 . -.1 . A inr:tfnii noiK . -¦¦ < ¦ ¦-> |, -M .1 IV I<0«4l <K"< )ID* B«*«1 wrW*t»tfai3 thuitaeTb*d , determined fc i .nnyrt. tM •rraog* j«u». wotta-exlatod privr to tt • ye*>r;13da,'wk*a a m Jioai M tan.fta ml iiniiin inaniAta ¦ MJfuntilnMAln'i . . » n.ii.kN ; 'Vi.TTb*d U»r*t4re deal led th*t rTaturford wm b4in'4hk3iof thtir'ia.Mowi;Miv> Yf . U. Btm 1 on,*7u'thaTBr/U'P«rr*H WiIT«k* a UVu •*»•>•..< 'of tiw K*UekiCharitla*, I Vaceto tion, and PubSc Health Aeta ia ttu'uuion a» medioalli *p*otof. -: .; I

¦¦v~ ¦¦ '¦•: \ ¦ v i , ~ i.; .-In NPljitoWga wtiaa, Ald.^&dttaad uuid Va» Sg.0 t'urrt^mon^out i. irM.froiB NuM, ., , ;; , . t ;.. -

The Lo> 1 Oivc inij r rroJ ttaUnff'tkiy ha4''*anutlon*d iiiatbc m * of A S i f » S, in it em &aLolMl**Dobbio, rilgh ; nttrU;andii,vUw'ot ih»twnSS&:report of tnoir lfl» e*W w W the' iBBslurln'wUtt r»C'di«h«ig*dh«rdn^U»b6^


th«,H»a*« of, Com nan*; aftk^wUa^iaVr**^?, 3a*with, retermio* io v *«, vFrauehw*, A« >(•!•«. t& JSjZ-U6n* mi* foi 1 ipVoring the) Xabobrexa' t aiT'VhZeatrr ont tib* wish * 'if the: vYas*rf,or«'KE [Z % aff'; -1'i Brinndaa w itwa m Maji«|i tewCUiaf ft te *>ta»y, *i*j *okiu>wl dg*d ih».fee*bi-c**i IkOdMib j 3Zk >

i ig.ssSoy' ¦ "• "?• wite'^Mpii w 5

oi tUtotsl s«M< rot WtWMltfi tmStHSllmW

Sfl\ ¦ ¦} ¦¦ ' ¦

: a:-tm^m

mmmm¦p*3rtHaBaHK^ : -^Mr. John MaW uud6%^ m,f ^&ikMh ¦ '' '' -

Ore*, toMhsr.iKlintthimdwk&SimLilSM *, y : : ,

«*W the finaae^ e *t**a£tf wV^ ioVlSS ¦l'fid ih* rat** law«*,»'tb*aItSy -wWwbS^SirfSSS!'. Mr. WaU attribat»4,tiu«tott**>«s>i««<rA* elsoUA :guArdiao*, .who now.¦ n»*o**ei^h« *piMMd(nfs. 1 Jjg,' ¦ ¦ppott, and oth*r o iaitrpi iSoam ut rt r imeh of "¦it was doe to "" ¦— £2*>LuZi*Z7B:*-.' 1--.-.- . . . . r i

; SalS SS: :..wrd for their high c S ' htalo*Ejh*4r). :¦ '¦' • BTATI O» THB Honsa.—'Beaiamnraf i««* ratant. ¦1,030 i *<Wt fcin ,"« ;. WTmtSkar^W,™d' f &FS& '&ti 1»W- t^^r^W wq»fctla«> IX«ar, 1,074.- <Caa>fi4*Miai sm*«aa«.Mi«ilM» iaate'ovt.

;;. , KILiUCfB01U8\ WQj Uaf rOXDXSOX.B0ABX». OF GUABI>aiKsWrinas*,T. A

hh ~ X ti f •?« ';7Kw<«»* J A.. Ja*!Pow«(Chairtoan), J. WaUb, B. Pow.rvJ. Wataby M. Lan-hen, P. Walsb. B. JDanDhf^Sp Te»y, iCrioeCoSwTM. 8. Walsbs, tf f r) &g, %y &QWK3kCoffey. • ; - ' r , » ( , ¦¦•":•,•. . • ; ,1 ..SVnV. ?! i -u.:

EUCTIOHB.—This being-tbe' day rortbe eleotioaof ohairmen, Mr. iHflpt,,c|erk,,U)c*,tl>aii>h«lr. jMr, Finn cpngratuIated'Mr.-HoBKtB'aeeinjf himlook so healthy in.the mif } m ) r . tainrfd greatpleasure in propoelng1 ME. Jamea^oiwaabhairmaaof the union for the ensuing year, (bear, hear;. , -. Mr. Maurioe- Coffey seconded tfe motion, and saidMr. Power had performed hi* do tie* during tbe pastyear without *ear,!fa»oar, or'.affictSon to anv on*(bear, hear). Tbe motion tben paised unanimouAly., Mr. Power thanked the board rdt the honor whiohthey bad conferre4japoh'. 'hinV 'iigdj tM'that bewould alway* endwvourto do faitji Mrt-bv the poorand tbe ratepayer* (hissr, he«r). ;!He»»id the gas*,dians and the offlciala bad given riiot motive assist-ance in tne past, and with thdnaid in future, hohoped to give the' board pAusfabtiiJn applause). ;. Mr. Finu 'next ptoposediKr^ fiavid ateeaon, asintelligent and patriotic^membe , of the board, asvice-chairman. Mr. Biohani Power, aeoonded thamotion, whioh also passed unaniujbuely;¦• ¦ : -1 ; Mr. James Walsh brdposed; attd^Mr.TPltxmnisMseoonded, Mr. Bryan iinn a* deputy vioe^nairmaa.Mr. Finn said be - wptild o6t aoSeiVtheoCce, aa hahad not time to do ab,. , He' remarked that iong inA_farmer oooli aot propose «nyj one for aucti inoffice ; it siioald'be b iahaiord'oral affdnt thatwould do it (bear, heari and-Uugbter). - •Mr. James Power' then took'the eoalr amid loadapplause. ! '¦ ' • ^": '\] 1 'I , : ' ., :,'','.. .: ". .. *Mr. M. S. W*J«be.*ino»r y ejmgnttdated Mr.Power on hi* reflection as chairman. He bad irivenevery latUfaction,4. which WA* a-'Vrfedit'fo binj*«lfand to tbi* National board of gnaidlana (applaaae)The Chairman t hen thanked tbe Whole baud andMr. Walsbe for tbeir uniform kindneaa toward* him(aear, hear). ' - ¦ . ! - . ¦ . i ; i> - ', '¦ ¦¦¦ > - .' . Mr. Oleeson also returned thabks, and (aid hewould accept the position. of- vise cnabaaB, bclier>ing that he would bare: very little to do, with aoacUve and efficient a1 chairman a^Mr. Power (heari.^

Mr. B. Fina propb*ed, and'Mr. *».\Wi0al, aaeoaoCed, Mr. Maunce Coffey , a* deputy, tice^hairtnanPassed ananimonsij.

¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ : : ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ • » . . • •. ¦< ¦- ¦ ¦

Tne Master! (Mr. M>Keon) ^ feverbospl. •tal was emptof ) day;, ,.:Xh» IiTo. Board^rtousanctioning toe aBpointneot of Dr; Onwne, 0.A letter wa* read trom tto lii.&f h&iKttiaathat the cost of thfl pm ni l Htr frT tha hi-T?tcame to over *3JU Ohairman t And not a nooseWit ; vet. Mr. M»>rto<|C««ltebJecled to th*bill, including tho»tiurt-hand wnur'a ooat, JSJ4% 8d. -Mr, M- . -, ¦vyral*be-r'J{oUi» Uie , w»v tho aipaevgoes, ftnd pop tcoe* tbe .weexle. ((a>«bter). Mr. B.Finn: would *econd the motion, "Ibn board tbeaugreed to Ol?ject to pay1 for KnytMni? but what w«aiawrtiedtotneJa^Wera.'- .A.iei&r ww aJeo * d¦from tbe L. O. Board auting that .Mr. Wm, IHimflton would' Ul agaia- appoUfted ,in*p«otot forthis union... ', ¦ : . . . . ' i - \ \.' A' WMT.—The, Clerk. aaJc^K.twxK wka served omthe board for tbe purpose} of 't1A< minir aunwiMiufor the loss of 'Mr. Mulcahy'a MtU*7ol CaoaUha.The ; board • had. coinpl»JqWl Uuit;Mr^ 'JDa.vio»aolr-Csrriek; did not attend to the baiinaM: a» «raT*abpooled.' ^Clerk *Wd thj> c«aBnww^h^BoS.ing.1 ' : MK M.,8. Wilib'e *ai4M^avi«tri4^LSboard tWith n^arked. diacoQxtoaj.' 'aikd. propoa4d: tteiMr. I* O.'Strange, *ollcitOr, Vrit«»ft>«£ b* aaoointcstin placelrf Mr.- OavW ' Mr. M^^ SToSmsnggttted that the papers relatintTtothla awi bibanded over to Mr! Strange, UrTlL & iVafatadiampwpieed, and M^ ow SaadS.IE *. UTStrange be appointed atedtor to lU&toapi, ,*Ir.M. Coffey would rather so for wa'Clu'aaiMVM.U05.'. 1&. M, : &' W b^^ Seft£K!tand pasaed unaJutnoualv.- ' ' ¦ "' *'i , ;' ' i t' CoTTAOse.—The Chairman nTV**"it"a' tiljfmhnamed' fileaaon waa nrenarincr tn KntuV¦-»- — ""•"bodse id tBeMrilbn.! ;

¦•-• T'l, 1 -^ "«rf*nf?- $&*r#M<mt imi.iimMiohael foley obj*fiing.Jto Mr[X«TW*eJ*otio*toethe Ballylaneea.divUiuir ^( ..HSU) awenow in the'bands of Use L.^ O.'JB<*ud.jto< whoa fa*)*"?**? tf K * b^ 5J1*l<W««oe«t***-got from tbe pouoe, - r jBe did P"ii think t,h« hMriooaipetentto touch j ^ ^] £/f £l 7%%<VB<*1 * , .J?« ( *PJiW. , «Jtl»»..T«fiswjwphn examined, k« on« of-the piper* agalnrtjUaj,be observed, waa.¦ fc^^paja*t^ AMb9W aldtbe proper ooutse w»» to lay hi JMfmUjmTwS-Zthe L; ff rdi "*f «'«ii2SJ55R «7i£S?neu of the eleotod guanli T^OairW da.,manded the Clerk'tobndW^mp xSLariTaald, on getting .-r lat .^^^TS.alfgbte*t!^objecWi:' kj ^m SvShuTaSSauted toat U* CU>tkimU%i&Wm2&Mr. U Pow.r .u for ava»onil« uW. atiT^Walsbe propoaed.1 W ;Mrr,6***ii3aTaiU»iSS. 2'lore tje Doara.• AT. . Wjuuiat naotaJMattiikkid.After * tior \^'t i rSSmtn Sl

(Br. McKebnl>W yooM sod\ta *TtftotlS » /. r- >

:/^?«1 .M «^W «ni *|aj r. Lr

JSofer ftSj fiSSLW^H-^"'" - -«rpo^M>'!iiJpjed;by\ P I^Sjt lKJileJli : :p

i r^ li Ji' ii ' a ' ti'il ^* I*** 'PB P gr <*+&i ti d&'vyfijirt f* i i ~ ii{fsl

vsS ssSaaSi nHHniL»ar*jt*ya-a*l \lam tWm mff rtm» Wi'n»UUKWCSTMTS',**;^tsfesSij iSSP

Page 4: w mm ¦ ¦ SIisnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · ^ttno ^ ^Unco c^PaLsJBeraholdmg l ^ SrHO^vaUable 1 «^) W^KSffijgrjg ', ; ii ¦ 3rd Clasi and Fore Cabin. 20s



. ¦:¦ ,::i ij^& i*tf*».-.i'I|?;*V)^:t^oi->;*--1l J

' ¦ ¦' ; ! ¦¦.• Wt ih t i-af4»Bf'erom . - "! " •:>'• v r v / ( " ^¦¦ .! ' « ¦. ¦litotttrJbiwtois':-/.1';*' ; ' : ' ; ! ' " . ¦ t >l - ¦ \ :• -

' ' : ¦ i rHitnw tlUt4rt MElM>» '¦ "¦ ,- .¦ !. '. . •¦ ¦ ¦¦ '*: ¦ ¦ I - ' ' -

Who tor* a »yo«.|rfiSSM sut;i>tnr.'Fli»ft%'?n»»-; '¦¦ ' ,'

¦ i ' Her praiw* hl*st i I - i - '•I& there, turtle AM J*llwitk*rTOl>r*»*h, " ' 'Xlot)ierowb«iI»iadajnl>tad(»li lj»«ttB. • ¦¦ . -: .¦ , ' i ¦ aimmiubmio:"iBi *k ' '"¦ "" . ":'' ' '. '. "'¦ •?¦'¦¦¦¦ ! - '•¦ Pieroed forisysinl- 1 i ' ' '• ¦¦ • ¦ ' ¦'¦

, ; ; IMlottaitpJeftai rttk iThe* \:~ ; - , . .. ' - i 1 : Ta lfttnui lift- r ; • _ i • 1 ¦ ' - ' ', ' - 1 ¦ : To lStOIie iS. ¦ * * I ' " ! ' -

gyrin g: |» q Bon.>pboW. mx.«hfti. J Shan «h«

, i i "irf obttlrfi ehfld of olne ¦!

!¦ . :\vT>o*» winHnth eort i • ' - • /- : i So!do»xa-r«ii*qm# ttow ' ¦ ', . : ¦ ! • Bi oiSdUo lSrft i; • 1 | ¦ ¦With deep repentflfl b*; she hathjnmroaljieiffhi iJeresjl in U> n i l M mr da'ugbterjjni''' p ., . '

j Alid, «iM;be imr*th*VBjH» ¦ i . -

: ! : "BwJ?ffiifcw Tflt, ii3r Pottery '¦'i ' • ] Mlaealwiy-t- • • • j . : ¦

•¦¦ " ! ; '.'

No BOUI yon guard ahaB-era die tuuljrlvea, ¦Or ' Child olM«rT^b*»hat oat frontaeiteat":

tBr^TJ BIKEB.j Only the low wintwaUlng! yi .moeg tfcc te tt.tiseri • j :i TOnly the eojwet paling1 » j. I Ooly thi griftHoiawuUag: • .

: : :¦ Before the nns*temkr««». j ' •! ; The girl betid* ttarfver; I • " ! ^ .\: : -With «tratnea ear and tJred«y*; '- '

! Kc**iw*h»-criinioh-o.oiV«r, :¦ '• • ";Nor b«*rd the willow* *Mver,; I ' , '

j - j LMtbaloy tnia&nnwtbj. . , > i '' h For tight uxiaeiiitliienitMualn^ ¦ '

AcpjiathetWrea,moor 1 I . - ;ObnwM ba MTsreoimior, | ' ¦Tlmjaih the dull Atttomn tloajnjjjff, .

! Oh. bright blii ores Uut tUttened.; • Oh,;h«jpy'blo«h.Ui»ti««», r;rrT¦ Totio£«lUjlt»»llf» tW19liHtt«n94

HJ» IOT6 m " i pbop'rr, Eowoft hetorMil.iUrri^s ! . J'- ¦-

r6> X*f»i>o{l>er Un l ! • . i- Hoirbe»ootb»dti<lglril»h«i«Tj2j,

- And nran that BO dtotirtijf • - , . ¦"• '* ¦Bhoal&tsmciqv&tlitiiiupii ! ' :

Be left wbn Scamper naU(bt |WMlnU "poa tlj«)rtr«»ia. :. ; ;

Ha'siiulG hi* troMiwr Qa6 light* 'Andlo tha-lubuhndira light,' - ' 'Sh* 6ie«d bes broken dttua. |

Sbe taew her idol iiikep,i '; aba bwir ber tmlrt WM noiiei ;i What tope deed Wth fl»a Faten tBetnyM, forfoMoaakoU " , :¦ The woman Irtood -tlon*; : >Hashed wu b« hitter VMBti)>>J HoV her dofefthV S»hl^¦WtaaflaWoonaKitwitcrtepfcif, :Tfbomorpip hnBeiOiWM emlDjr: -

.flfhW b»SM. ffftPff*. .wiwhi^Tb»lili«>K»Mdt<icoTcrJ : !^

Tb f&wffi hco heiMiift i • • ;Where.*taui and bunion oter, iFreed from a ttithlesi Iortr, ' i¦ieorrj*i4xlm»te<liad««li. :

i ; TO ,WCE/;38^ V. ¦ M4BY.Virgjaot thft beaotoPBitBnoi :

THofc %hos4 'ConcepiKd 6od didltej— ;TTnln nt CTTIltKhi ift rtr iFiwi l ' l :2Iother to th«g«utls HaekOBS-> |

£riobd*>«U<wlio tonrUft>i Giter— L ,Qniwi nf.pfyf.nf ftifft nf TwP^rtfty-1. ' . Ij&Hiber on A on nrth iriTijfof MVPm~ IQibtnxil mmU ana tmatrnbedry'— ' IQaiMn woojtttr HI*iiile-aS goiy—' ' ,.Q «I«n < j pfji£ri 4 |(, Been whole reign ibsil ontlire Ofea— iC ueen of loreapd hiUftwed stoo— ; \.

Cn»Jn «VwhpMi »fedl',De»Ul'ieiilaljaU»rWta-< nesn whoM otlgfitneM act ¦hall urtxJ iHonoured boti/ immeioteTeii I '

i i : ¦ istj iwittoifif. ¦;!"1PA lHNO OPERATIONS! JQBlAPBill..

"¦ • ¦' ; ' : ' 1 -- . ..MBK ' OfeoHW ¦ '• T "! : : ' ¦

OATS.-1-Kdlih.ihe Mjrtoi-xrf. «Wtg- ;VT« gtjonglyadTiee (be. ippllcoMot} -df Vtop^UmHng ol uufiotalmannreB1 to fte .bw':crop, a« w*i"*ai'«it month,particularly if the land'bi sot' noH, qfc irhere thaciop.i*1ika*j6 be-l»t».V : ' ¦' > ] ::'

¦' I1 ' ."

BAKJIBT.—This j» tbt principle njontn for iowinffbarley. [' TTbe'Und sfebiila be worked W a floe tilth.Barley if by.&r the 'moet.«uita le gtmia trith whichto 'liy-dowb-tlVe J|ia£:Vttli cl»w *nH trim »eed«^Tbe corer for/ birlejr aboqld not be'lew tW twoand a half inchetnbr more'tEart tbrwlilohei. Fromeixteea-tbdgbteenildii'exif *e«Ha th«'uinalaaaSfifcv numnM rnitJ i/iki—ijiivt. nn1 . iv ' fi_ . _ '_statute «cr9f DatTrith good, plqmpMed, the landJn-go6d^ie^''»nd1 y,rjnlTeriW,ifcota't ^nwtwelra stone will-mfflbd; '

¦ . • | - -- -- -- y" -."1 ; f ;

FcEzii nboald.bs wjkn io Match « Aprfl, dtber,alone or Vith k (?orn cwp. ' The.qhantjty, o^Med required ia 85 lb»;;to the^tatote' tkagu 'or W Ibi/totbeIrish-acre.v lApplj-a ;or * cwiipt, BnpMphnimhate•when-eowiBg tb^Met l' " : "" . j "' ' , ^ rrrr r•.-,••-

PAbaain-ctey h eoon till tb?¦.iqft|i and it will

much.:expedite their growth tojfetm5uijt«|th'c Jewas formerly directed. ! ' 7 r"!1 '')';'' ¦ - '"'CABKika sfaprild bei gown M M month, and! th«

earlier tnfrbrtter.; e laid »bo^d bel eU ppiiw" SS j?


^ i 0* .Wt»tef.4«pUi,t5Ba forany othercro*,- and thi.manure pra»ion41y well in-MmarnirA- with.tW cnfl: ' Tn <U •> »*.-I .'.-LJ.'>u.-yet to be rorjp led,;it shoold > well SedonpoMd.and in 4he ttsto' of rioh eotopoct ' Pour to 'tizpcnadVot seed will M reqaireoTto towTan MM, aolStoSftiSf.' f'


11 ta

^f?wntecp».POTATOES.—Plantinf tnoold be flnisaed with all

despatebV : : ' • ; ' ¦ r ¦ ' - I •¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :; ' . ¦,¦ ¦ ¦

and h*«|U«-rBlt^ joih-tteT ito-aidaf^r

bar-rowm j . Watfb bdftiduf if rt tilne wb n the* wheatphurt «<fi_M to ibow anya««Uft to gnladle up'(n-to tbe-to*«oilB>,*ft<r wHch.tfVpold U highS'ln-juriootdo ^

elthM .hvMW^r ier. o eren weed-.'ing of tile hoe. -TbUni,al»o 4 sjmi.ttaVto manureTfiDtecrheat irith artiflciAl Bjanijre.l whea there«xi«ts'a i tooH of -tbelind fepjogMph enotwh for theperfect* nioffan abtr t opT Tf i "Apart W fiT^Wbetttht Wnrifoof springor April wheat cattbei onwnMIt nay bajown, lin;

yields aoun&ntly.' a&a'hkii eom, inf cS&ttT&i,..tion, -partienlaHy-io W i^ VhmfalSue-quenc« df ixnteinftitwttie^Ti^cropMltttttto ontbe' prwrud -by'ahMK1 JDrner Tarl^eaof I wheat can-not W »own.|'' Aprfl-wheat li alsoeweMinSu ne.fol ior eiUb* ofahy blanta ln thVirkSr'aownTarieties, j . : : .

¦ j • - .¦¦¦ [ ¦ ¦¦ y ' - - ¦

Choritr td v "€>Bf8» SiKw Jf the land {¦' nadtrwheat; harrow it well; toraiwito^h of loo»a«arthto glTe-the seeds a ifood bed W eettatcis j'bnah.harrot.f;Bd ijoU.ininT«« afWr^^M.gOodSJ.1niet8i":boweter;-.|di«»iter>Te :o* iinrifi $- iam,'4ui\mostsljrUbl«jcropforfbig. If thefantfis »own,orto be !eow 'fwm^ '1a err'>o'# the 'el«r«n<*r>&' <p m »te&M mix \kdktefy '£nn tbe irato' lacovered V harroir-them Uxbtfy In, and roll hearty^Fanneri cannot b> txw1 carerol in the bityfiw ofgrass add eloper •eedst~ Get tfce beat 4»a1ity\nii-able. 'Ton thttt/4n>itaia.lt iipbrible to do w,by thfr i 'tele«H6*' '« 1'f •fflnn»''a, 'golod growth ofmeadow orpirtnH*8" ran leifHit 0< infiwocinKwt rttotHe'land hanbyiuW eipt&iJSwaHbemtaUo loobf.fT^ e^^ Tl el,r et4r«tea /alongw d8Jr^Kirfi,i

¦ p

¦; ¦•FtAXpn» ^ i ^: jto;exop,;kfrom tbe : l^h-to- tt» Wth «f April, but }f the

UU. Uj. arit ,-a.lriali^ JU

t-opiUc^tatiirotate to. »/t«roatftor (otb* oor««wncB good>rich l**j yUxdMajnot .w ifttttonripa. Thebert be4 fait tojUa*i #r«a4<i«o-le»orafUr«at*oj| lin4;thMfn*lpe6a«wa*pe tatofM the prcee&WyewvZT*f[pW.*ei4>dik «bafamersealli".wJDtOTj^^?,thV^.|«^


ia tUtt«t *«T oib»,bt»»er4TT«.

rtbb Ie^hotiM b#d y {4owtfi 'flOM jafttr UM «O«0 iw»oft to«n-BHrnt"i»a»idtoatt>tT«««pb»<f £«wi«Mrfro«taan4

--a%W^a|4 j^BS7b t« hodVtfctialt|(pfij»fcoBt-jMr**)*ll ifbt ?tltf (tatw I'aWtODop iiaty.- 0*, «Wri* RbrtCM rtjr * flu gnu* or


LVIHHHWMS ?i^^Ittip bia p,Jig^ «n4ShaU,fe«t:i-4t«n« Mtt r ttfa«aitft»aaa*Uer»otti1r.

'e\fa«a >t eo i tfQ.tfam rbliaat::" -;r<

a ^ wipj^ fmnatfiiwOi^ flotw^^Siey al DaiUtte ao »k ihUghti rUh.-clsea •oil, ibra<& intdlbedi ofj«S-ieet wMft Wtb'Jeighteen Inch'•:Uyt- - ? - '->iv"f \'!S ':fV- viJ : !;f-] !> - - ;;;:! V - '''T .:f t f; !i|TWiaKO: ¦ ;Vwc* W:l— 8t(C(W0D.al rsowtogf^W!;'»iring:wtchaij«| crtil4be madstbiB mOflui.on^Bt 1tfia bwaningjj»d tborower'a6 uMJattecand. ™heilaWino ld

mMr flianarei-. .XStf.flrisI bnahela

p t y«tcJies,iW<tbi ;«;*«shelpt co,to, »oiritbeH«Ut«t»a<rei£on ( !l)UjbeJ*,i!withalitUeoat»«r barl«y;»owtbe >IriBh:aore,:. ':i H

¦• • . :¦¦- ¦ ¦ -/ M ! ¦ '¦;¦ ¦ ; ¦ " ; ! : :

I iSAJwrnra- ^OTTI aUOn tbe preparati a-otkjitter

fprl.0ju«;et,;«i receit Writer ¦Uji ' ii+?-ln'm*Tuto<pi!

irierlmbiatf in' Siting butt«r, I baire tried •everalerent.'ad tio iBaT taiioe* a* iwltpstw, .borax,.

tbe 'various fso-jcaltijdj p'r rjrtog! WV. ana sugar..I , pannpt . : rjfsomijBpd any of ;th,e»B .wbetweesto gpoi -bnttir i nakers, excepting : tbe last.When pure white mgar, finely pnWericed, is addedto the-1 salt - in tie proportion of three of salt jand

is used, tne'javoiiti ana; toe ;Keeping,.%<».uiyr areboth ioiproy*d> pwVIding care!if wkeft to :bateboth'oprnpl tfiW dissoiired in the';batter. I h&retaken the twool^ jtoipulrerise the.sajlt.and augartogether in.a. otfceWo mortar, - with adrantage,and believeif ftboid, Very muobaid the fine butteimaker to haw the*iW-mad« ja floe as flour for hisU«<N Moreorer.tif itbls. pnrT«}w4 efclt to sifted, itwouki get' "irKE of tbeoowiibnal pan Isaleawhioaiareat times founa in1 tba best kinds (if saitj bnt I woolddo tb,)4 ! grin£s8| myself, father than.bare it done,both for the sake jot purity, and ,to; afold damage; byloss by deliqoe8cei»«; by. Macon of . abaorded mois-ture. It ia tervilittle trouble". : , ' . i -'

tention to my complaint against tbe JUocal Uorernment Board for not nainK tbeir influence in cromot

workbpnses has Ipr^red a sad failure j and after abnblic enftuiry, held 8«)veral years ago by the Poor'Law CpmniiWOiierB, in the; Cork worjibon»e, it wasclearly prored that the mortality amoogst inch.

jrldoK of| the) Aot has beea so remarkablythat GpTflromeht has from time to timi ex.prdrisionb to; all" orphan and deserted bbil-13 ;reafa if age ; aid why! the Lotal GoTern-Ido not wffllnd those boards of guardians,)t t a aware of the Aot; of its great adranvmystery-So me, or why they do not eren

<»«t, and it would sate me an inmensity of labour intrying to urgojnpdn them .their bounden. duty, as thegoreroing body, to sse that thelires of those Mttle onesar»not«aorifl*w by|any: omission on their part to givetha-necessary information to those 63 boards of guar*dians, and aaoertaln: the reason why this good, chant-,able Act of Parliament is not aralled of by them.

I Aoodrdug to the list supplied me by the Local Qo«rernmsnt Soirdlon the 31st-Hareb, 1883i it appearsthat amongst the number of unions referred to areCisbel, Clogheeri, Croom, Tipperary, Thnrles, and Ifeel aasWad thstj if the txjards of guarVtiana of theseworkhouses would be good enongh. to make inquiriesinto the Act of Parliament, and the working of it inthe adjoining oaions,: thoy would flxid : that ¦> great andlasting benefit wijl be oohferred on the orphans in theirrespective workhouses' by sending them ont to nurse.—Tour obedient1 serrant. ¦ Wv. D ESTEBBB PABKCB.

Pascaw West. March 81.1885. i ' : '

j ' IBISH JUpQMENTS, PAILirBBS, &o. ;Thofollowini statistics for this country, week end*

Lnft March 'IS, an supplied to us by Btobb ¦ JlercantiloOffices, 42, GreshanirStreet, London, and 1, Collcgo-street, Dablin, oompilod from their Weekly Qotttte i4-Jndgments eiiracW leek ending Ukroh 23,' and porreiponditigpeHod last year , . ... 61 ... 00Total jttdgmenw extracted this year to date,: and corresponding period 1C51 -. 1279Bills of sate registered week ending Uaroh l¦¦ 28, and eorrespondmg period 15 ... 10Total bills ot'sale registered this year to :! date, and oormpondior period ; ... ... £01 ... 221Failures gazetted :iree*i ending March 28, and: corresponding period ' J .- 0 ... 1Total failures gwetted ithls year to dtfo and -: correspondlna; pertoJ| |

; ... 116 ..; 67; " EIIJCS'" IN Til MXDSLB jAoxB.—The! first

book of travels «Ver printed was Bernuard de Brey-denbach's account Of the transmarine pilgrimageto Jerusalem. The, [common . statement is that toefashion of going1 tcr the Holy: Land from Englanddied out about the flme of Henry V. Bnt this mustbare obtained currency in ignorance of Caxton's

viTai ,oz l°e paspiour 20 (o« uwb fjuaxior. vi va« m-:teenth century, for;Caxton was not the , man to printand publish inforniaiidnfor pilgrims when few cus-tomers were to bo had for the littkj book. It is truethat Sir EicHanl Tobkyngton, parson of MolbertoD,in Norfolk, who made the pilgrimage a*late as 1617,travelled as far Jasjyenice alone, bat in bis Toyogeback from'Jaffa,! hf mentions that there were fireEnglish priesU1, in<jhesame- gallery, besides otherEnglishmen, including a London \' pewterer," whodied by the Way; > And a little earlier, in 1698, SirBibbard GujUordetS ] party encounteted severalEnglishmen in the icourse of tbeir pilgrimage. Allalong the route at ^be rations cborcbes and monas-terie* where! they, baited, there were many curiousrelics ; to exdtfi' the wonder and devotion ' of thetravellers. Torjcyogton and Qnylforde's,chaplaindescribes some of jtnete wonders! in identical lan-guage probably; repeating the stereotyped words ofthe cicerone.;-^hus

at Lyons "i ther ys a Copp'le

of an Etnerawda stone,! where of o«er Savyor Cristdrank at hysfflUwmly.'' At Milan, " oryr tbe byeAuter in the !DoS Or toppo of the Chnrehe ya a syneof a sterr of koldei ! and in the mydn of tbe sterr

cmcifyodJik Vner brenne lampes abowtn it thatye may M ity r gbtjy." At Padua among otherrelics is" tbe TorigicrtSeynt Anthpny yott ffayerand'ffreesb, with whioh tong be conVertyd myuhepeople tothoffeyth? jof Crisf." At Padua also ina Franciscan1; Abwy " we: see .the flynjer of SeyntLuke, that J>o[ wrote the holy' gosp3l wt." AtEbodes in the Church; of St. John lay " fyngarof8eynt John tnat he 'shewyd ower Savor whanue beiejA Xut Jmif Dtil" •' Pilgrimages,'' by W.mm; in X Ukitro Ui Uty vini Foe Marob.!. Lbi —Tbe bighoat human intelligence add. theben hamanlwjsdbm fre those which can interpretlife aright, Und find the real gain thst every lossinvolve*. The (difference bet ween meo xjonsista farmore in the e«lnt oqhstructions. which they putppon the events [of life than, in the;eteoU them'selves. jVYb^a I

a, ¦torm arises,; we look ahead fortbeclearerairand the biightet sky that will follow >and he r who brace* the same law la the storms oflife ba« the! cjesrest and Ernest mental vision.Where we fall t» trace this law, however, we shalldo well to trust tti iReason herself affords ' tbe

(gewer tor KOOO,I wneroer we canoiscern vuepro-isa or not [No lisas.:1a irtetrierable > and if wesvea vital belief, tbsjt * higher *a|n; msy. be wonom it, we navj».UltentbftAratana'a»ost Importantwin snooess,;ia[happlnes.s,.«n4.io-character.A Win 'AooTitwr.—Th» Annual Segister for

SS2 gave ad aocoiint of * singular wife aale. Josephhoiqson, a farmer,Vter a; brief; married life ofirceysars, finding t at tba nnipn wall irksome,grtea with bis; wife to s«par|ta. Acting hponthartvj lent a tion thai by putting his spouse np>-aq<itio% and i j SO. iparjOng with , ton, thslarriaira boi ids' wi 1* lnrallv nnlnmari ha cama: tn

jpresenceof a^|argi;nn<nberoE pwrtonsjtbe wife, a¦sraeei livaly daisel tf about two-and-twenty years.Wag«,b«iogpiaoia ^»a large oak obalr, witB.aiihalUrofstnjjr aroiffldbarVaaot. Thomson thanfpoka asfojlpw*t.« Qenttwntn, X bate . to. offer > tojyouriwtic* my. wif«, Mary Anne Thomson, other.;«r]seWilliarns,jwhom!l msaatosaU to tb« .highestlair«a« bW|erJj i CteotkoMti, lit la bw *ish, (as

i)w*Ua»n»i topattfo»ver. ;8b» has bees to malenly abomaerpent.i I took her formyobs ortandjtk«got4of 'fBy; b'hdp>e>,bat shelb*ja«V my tor-mtstfr,» dobastlp: i curse, a;, night { invasion, andikid^Qir .devUi <3enO«w«n,I meitk 'tratn from myjbtart nimt tay tp *f \ Qod daUvtir oa froai trouble.jl^sM.wir*sand fro)Iosoai«.w««t«n! Avoid themjktra«o »ais4!dofcVft roaring lloi.a !oao>dbiatol, ebokk WbflavlConnt Btna,orl any other

•d .Statfa, }M ttof bmm*%&tftf a *ttoxaPop«;ilu.g i «n;rt«trw,M(A^«n«mMdiaa«h

iliavrieFt t biKk 4(uUi ^mtijmt. ; ¦:

gfpSHLfa^SaifTlaffi'afaTtiiiii'tArt tail aLsa4.

L I 1 ' ¦ - • J A t ¦. li " * * • S. - . ¦«_ . - P . ', '

ira tof its;, orijrinsl • rilanas*; a i ! thf *» t * *WMM« I nScSttS^reriMhttp mipH ittil 'OwtMtim aiL£8*& *WwipfflP¥)''5 k *MB$P 2fias; .made about the porroivjng cl asiand:-Aot,i a.new eta.J.waa tow foie»c*di and land improremeDt «fdaLling to ocoapy. tha ' atU'nfioo jol Ilose who held tbo puhselstrings kit e«itjhoufr going further into; iue; fa atiortly; stated that the ipartie* w.l 01>w were stopped from doing'sol,'.! j '-tpd, coatlyobfltrwtioiisikqed in 1 befy "*i - '': : \ -' V '; ', ' :- ' I

I ¦: ftrDIA AS A ^VHEAT (fati,l8,O0&#000AcBxs.-;Tbe wheat! batblob begins in February1 and| end0* in iall swing; and we have Aotlimatio vioiBsitudes wheh can i Wffected the latest reiwrt on the whea

pujpra< nepanmanti of, India; ; il|y 'Oonfirms the Estimate mad

anuary, to the effect (that on over Iera, . . nine-tbirteentia xf t > tbe tolandia, including Native States,- tilirospecU of. tbe crop \ were, on the]yetage, and that a pumper rop ui1 the most important) province of ilip, that .the wheat crop in Railentral Lidian Stateslwas qqito nr> 11 area :and oondiUoni :: i j; , M . ¦ : ¦

. : . . -.— -*-—-t i• I - 1

WHAT IS MAN0E;: An American piper aays e-Ona'¦prtant fai m operations is the.awndjone ot the mostLavailable i ;4bis is that of making composts, 1 )rorf, wbtch mean* putting tojtethe

M.uur juiuya Hgeat, <rom waste 71and soil rich in organic matter, jaisubstances as lime, into a well-cornmentation begins and: rapidly epj tiwhole masi, heat is evolved] by ttejwbich.prodnces decompoaitin or <twe now in(j»r,pitratesare formedn^uoh.to f he fertiliaing value of thUtter, effect,' the importance ofiiginning to be understood and "reaprocess of nitrification, which is aetjfermentation of the rapist manurei tby! the lime until decomposition is

j ! A HEBOIC PBJIE8T AT,t. ; An Incident at tMn minntoit' A R

me ,foes.romi

wito bueir ' aosayof the ; Doily Ol.~~'f CpnspicuoutJifajor Alston ar.our Chaplains) fij

ue specialbus dfSorit them! v. Path

now on -inamn native regiment, E:Boyal l?oorbeabs, beqame sadly nat random1 into tbeir comrades.1correspondent, " as the bugles weBet. father Collins volunteered Uswept ground andconyeyl tbe ordtSteDDirior forth, calm and collectt

ueea some ..oompensauon tor meThe'men, strbek with hia; heroismcheer', and sticking tbeir pelmetsfraptically waved them in their freverend irentlflman who nihlhi^

ing nat ¦seem to

e niuscu1 the moailed as

ou we 1i seoureitarsystIJtfiihn

woufor Imedrnlli

eat amount or restis tbe position ASSUeiises. and itiBflrene

th,™ !ri>l?mr 3i ?hth<' l'id.<'' *S* ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN AVAILABLE P0BCE3.

fhff Jw«ri »«^^n f ua n%\ \Kl? J r Uw b°ldinS that »» JeM tb 85.000 troops shouldh it * ' £Tn hf t?l i V

SH. v •»¦ e<nplojed in a Central Asian cainpaiKn against I ™nhlJ& 1*1 » ' ?f S"*1? 5 • TVJ" EO» Tbe t P8 to "eot *«» Eng nd would

£, r ?SSrfJi L ^\l V» ?£ .M -n i1 „ »>• m(>»tl/ i"fa»tr/and artillery, so that the alliedM%£, 5S 1 v vf i Z^'Ft & forcM wonId baTe 0Ter m 8

QnB with «"• fleld

Erfe:TxKSSS in»flaj ayKa^aiss-se ear.a

on a particular side, but, ieboqla be chosen, and tbwsiJ.. Again, sleeping !w

ana mo muscies os \,ae onesi are irawn op nxea oj three reirimenthe sbonlders, and thus the expansion of tbe thorax \ Ain.Zir .-Aia ieasy. Tbe chief objectionstf tbU position are fl^ deistarithat it creates a tendency to cramp and cold in tbe oJlved UDwaSnrms, and, sometimes seems to|cause headaobe» -niMn tj.Br«m^dniang sleep and dreams. Theae small matters !°1""f." °"!often make or mar comfort in sleeping.—Medical eld«iV2 of tha¦. ttOAST LSa 07 FOBX, WITH SIleg 'of ,pork, one ounce of beef sabpat six tablespoonful* of modispoonfuls bread crumbs; enoughmoisten the stuffing, one sbalotfin*, or1 , a.small onion.; or. bettgarlio pushed up right into tbeiceutre of tbe pork Marob Ctitbrougn tbe knuofcled end. i If this latter is used no descriptloonion or ehslot would be required'. Pepper andsalt _" Hewto I taste. Bcore tbe skin ! of the pork in regular MPt cannstripe*, of a quarter of an inch wide with the point marvallon

together, push up tbe stomng anafasten it in witb a small skewewith dripping or lard, put It at«tbe fire, baste it frequently,1 and wpour over the joint some liquidsome flour,< and place it near ttWben done, dish on to apple sawcarving, place a little of; tn* stuffAll . pork should be a. little overtwiAoA ^' ' ¦' • .' ! i ' 1 !

fjA Vt or PISH AS E^OOP,—It may pethaps be conception of thcae who huseful -,to wme ofour fair}readewU we dividVflsh Slyt i MemW of thetoto two dasses«-rx.|Tb4Ur and Indigestible , *. obeuJ/ where mltor ils muThe ripn-oily and digest We. T<J the first class bo- lB"he imrf , aesurea mo tlloig tbe b.rring. salujopAnackereJ, and all those fish water naTbeeT aoid M bwbJcb ba* oa djffasedj aH over their bodies. To tb* -JJUM bVthelroprietors of«*oud,Lthe aole, tie pUlc*, tb8 cod, 4c., which SpT When longrSrooghu Ieither have ao oil at nr bavejthe oU exclusively craps Of dour* and tbe floemost nourishing, «n| ei Urrfy aand- persons of weakdlgestionib« eaten by atiybody wit 1 ipipoifall: into tiifl error that fll ,flsh iand . tboy take a hearty ;m,e|J oftdlng «lae, a* the case; may be, withai thav fe«l so uncomfortkbla 1

•fni. :' tt! ! ii. ?» .d i» »i,i « • i , i. J ' «»*J'b«r«qolredfo»a!new aopply to OOM in again, evorl there is a we

|JF£i?«."TnJ2JiK*^t '¦* }*luUo* i7»tbe quaUty. deeert :wataH.'ge«rally;badl!tbs fatal, shaftby keep!better in, tbe ! W 8tj.te» haVe not at present exception being •hen it I* w»r»e,"thiogh long cus-: bloodand a properlprpved^ venr; •ocoeasfnl. I W Ohioj wheretbelawre-

Win enable* the 'Bedlwln* ti*ink wateraofrack- 0<uat*.-U , .1

E^tt&xtea&gi ¦wvxteitta2i2its&. s$MhJE^ tp B ^u'J l KJ ^:1^^

be*t iwal«r tt


natu l rockj; Wterfdr. In SaTiSS

u: ?bakfol tolmdn, *«« «** it combine* thft mallo* of' deep IU trow gorges where mi too! sever sblnes. most nltabi. for otguilt with the meaooe**, of [deception. OfaJI-vloe* A* to » ive «%«? I n etiaaw wort than half ?"•»?* **«> *»*•sli'l N' P t-. - .f as*Sir^ ^- SXS&Siti- ; >>*^W^S|55ijOaUtt^ ratesuam *rtoiWi wg^UponW*nL ;Woi»ii^StXrilto iS§wiwr*oWd^pl«n«>i /rfXJw'Hospiw

J^SF1 " J ; i l ' - A \ . \\ ' ' ' 'r ¦'• ' - ' : TboJ**«l* of TtttUwniaU :laM toiiotllM.^ed.; on siy other day for * n**l

|W1»| ^^|ifTfMf«r | - -: | ' , i : ; •• •¦ ; l .frifrTiwlni]. : ! '. ! ! • | ! - [ j ; j w - , - ; ! - ,W*-. :! $?*p -*^W^'. i i ', . - f i i i i ' '¦ . i ; • . ¦¦ ! ' - ; ! ' . ¦ ' ¦ ¦.: . ' . !' ! i ¦ ', ! '¦ < ¦¦ = - I S - . -

¦ : 1 . ! . i t , I


™*W!i -wsttr ierpp Ub arrived £tr*rtbjSSmit >< .<c*m;:'r9r*':asie'i

wktb.grti* Sir Frideriex

itt&pWeW-' bnWt plVBombi¦w,WSaV;th*rfl;; bBcUlf i&iM biFor ]r*medles.. an <5xph| nge'ol'ifioarUithat those ;a*4embl«l,

m pt themew oeeded #>;lthe carthwith com- India ; aflA; "Be]1 b*thecbi«r ]Emprf»vjQoeen,atmers.' ' But - -: Hightteaii J Xh *better/.-'and,', Afghanistan] all*r. it may be pact* which mai¦anted to bor- Asia wWtake a 1hi ia>«>«tlona {note ttu/w Atany-ihe •veiatkMis took place exaotl ¦'slxteeii years, agoat umballa,;

be(r way.r-JHsV whpii tbe'A'tneer';She 'visii^LoW'Mayo; and;

j > , D ba« md; theF*tately ;proce4*e, ubwrved. atUNTBT. that time win prcibably.be oloiely Mowed on, thelar'vest in India, present occasion.; The Vicerojfjwa*, attended, thep,;ids in April/ is as Lord'Dufferin wiUbe'non. y.thegreat omcerst heard of any of bis Connoll, bis.LieoteiiantrGoverDors, bis Com.-;aave materially mandera-ln-Chlef, and a: brilliant train ot Indianeat orop, wblon Frinces.i The vast Durbar Untrrpitcbed ,amid arenue and Agri- forest of canvas and flnttering pennons—will boPMe wportjjepe Bpread with the.-riohest. carpets and bnng iwi^he «n fie 20th' of 1 gilded silks, its seats being flUed.by a distiogulsh^dtij htetn million company of English and hativ spectators, forjnlngd {wheat area of the pictnresqae avenue ij wujph the Ameer paasesie condition and to the seat of honour on tha1 right hand of, tba¦whole,; up to the Viceroy. Escortedby a deputation of Lieutenant-Ight be expected Governors and Aide.de-Camp*, an4.jw.eJco.med byIdl-f-thePunjab ) the thunder of cannon and the , strain of.militaryiDUtana and- the music, hia Hkrhriesa will be met at the tent by

xne eataoiianeci ' "takhf' i* th

~f ¦' . Ornntnna Males

tipg.pt manDre, seloome, ana express 10 you; toe sincere graunca-letpods of doing tion that it gives me to receive your Highneto asThe root of this iraest of the Queen-Empress." i; To this tbe Viderov

•table mawme alkaled hnap. JI* throuith

j nssiaveraatiinquiriafter t

bemical tlon Idas b

giatviui £I to the1 1ld-ffans—r1 now

dueon byarriedt«d.


Durbar a sword OU boi1 thft hands of the Ameer, Ieds : '.' I present yod iwithmv <fAAIM thflt TOIL mav ev

}u? tion of your kie » J" appropriate on Irortn symbolio presenv o»t Ameer wiU bi

aea oj &band atrvcorrespon

trnmrieuwd lined witb did perfecUyteqato clve weightne scene

to.be seeCpUinflJone of:. the reverend

p rr—-u ;-' .- ,100 mBguiuceak ¦ nuu ouxuuiU'Suucuou ciuacis,, uuik, the reverend when, a day or twb afterwards;! Abdur-Babman baaearest available ia his turn received the Viceroy and his suite in aisly as if '.to the morning Durbar-fon ¦ which occasion ; his Highnessa on to describe wm probably. present Lord Dufferin . with his ownown aa the 17th sword—tbe estahliBbed observances of politicalwteady and fired etlquetto will bel practically i complete, and theThen, aays the «• high contracting parties" will get to business. ;¦fl Innffpr-tiffB. the i • ' ¦¦ ¦

DwvwK 'jjuug. xue Aiunr auuui AUUIU(II|<I^I UUIJQVIT u* wo «i»l*in demeanour, Sbere AH, and unqle of .tbe ex-Ameer, TakoobKhup,

1 hand, acrosa to who was deposed. The true Afghans inhabit tbeleceasary orders, block of country extending eastward from tbeEbyberbe little square Pass to Jellalabad, Cabul; Bamian. and from Itbatption mast have southwards to Qbazni. Extending from Centrali<ks be bad run., to Northern Afghanistan arc a brave raca calledaiaed chearafter Hazarae, who are certainly distinct from tbe real1 tbeir bayonets, Afghans. But perhaps fhe| mpat vital racoj die-hnRlnRin " 'PhA (inittiAii {n tha Afohati dnminiAna la fti«t. Kioli: v\i>a_

nprtbern porttoilies, on the Peiroughly .with' tbpamisus and tlnorthern slope olthe country foriBut the: popularTurcoman stocktheir bravery ' teoldiors. But tbmidable even un

ion of toPeshawur

earne<for v

acK, witthe greami. Tbistine di

na prefer to no, the right sideUed a little for. unin me miaaie 01 J uiy next, accoraing to too1

most r-arefol computations. Tho force to be sentto India from this country in the event of tho out-break of hostilities will probably be made up aifollows, vie. > Twentv-tbree resriment« of Infantry.

BWIKO.—Have alet chopped fine,im oatmeal, twoBtook 61 water tochopped up tetjr 'still, a clove ofentre of the rjork

•nova lugreaienu waterless land« the akin ) then spring*. One*r. Ba¥ the Joint of water is derme distance from fM ftpftrt. Loaen nearly ppoked explored tbebutter, dredge on Nile and thee fire (0 froth un. «».»• .»n>t -u.

ng on oacn piainstead of und

*TJ :V iW.:v g*»«>B °y lne proprietor* 01 a few wells not |drieaa cod, 4c., which up. When long droughu ooci r, the always scantythe oU exclusively crop* Of doom and tbe flock!* and herd* perish, as••SK' , ¦*"¦•• weft a» !a considerable parti 61 the population. Itfltted for invalid* fo^w* :natarally that wWiqfaderUxlng a Joum.r. Tho second may through tbo de«ert, the pai impunt i qa*«tion Ui'uJs*PPn'oaa water. ;A «upply must be Trie iWBeMmt toMallk

wholesome j to the next well, be it one o» flve dsy* distant. Itlackerel, or some- f* mually carried In goat and ox skin* auspeaded

d*ring.v«ry mnch from tber camel** pack saddles. Tbe»e ar» theterward*. ;Tner* waUrb ttleaof ScHptare, wblol become leaky from>~n)1«k«2l *» «>>• wear, and nlway* lose a considerable portion of their• B

Jf *aooIt!-t« eontentl by evaporation. THe .firstithing i afterfc"" ?*e?

pt »«wbing ! a w«li >

to ascertain : the: ,quanUty . orwrbmog l*,jar. iqnalityo?i,t« watert Us to th*'former, ftm«i bave«xt to jtbit cornea W»n exhausted by a preoeding caravan, and hour*


rses wiii txbattery 0

t. . At tb.was the:

Mayo usinisword as 1

oor—nta to t

JO equal)some sueTben tt

nfares . 1his bomithe tweni

cue presenit wiil prola re-condn

; occasion, aaably, be! made

amid), tileta f r c

fanfares . off big; dm

aerat westwards, ana past wea of the : district in trbiob. Cabijlshawur frontier, will correspond:iq mountains known as the Paro-'he Hindoo Kboosh. From tbof the moantains to tbe Biver Oznsms part ,of the Cabul dominions^tion is principallyi Turcoman, or ot:, ; If tbeir discipline;were eqnal totbie Afghans' would make . capitalie Soudanese bave shown bow for-discinl

as nail a

SEAT OF WAB IN EGYPT. :PICTDBB OF THB DE0EBT. ¦ i ,, E. Colston, formerly a Bey in Egyyt,the opening illustrated articles in the

iry, from which we quote tbe followingit a portion of the present seat of war 11 has never travelled through the de-form a: just idea, of that strange and

region, in whicbj all ordinary conditionsjmpleteW changed. It is essentially and, without rivers, creeks, rivulet*, orace away from the [Nile, the only supplyleaved from the { wells, few, scanty, andLong droughts ar > frequent. When Ie great Arabiar^ Desert, between thee Bed Sea, it had not rained for threerbea I travelled brer the Stwkfm route,b the Kordufani 110 rain1 had fallen for

h mor* j plentiful tb

M l . ¦• • : ¦riK^;! - »

*|R(anffi>; T *-rBO*i ionjat e!nbl»|S*fp|Swb: h* •&•!?H ^rt t.0«»rior ot tb . PUBJ. dti .ait, Conimaad rr-iMWif U[lii dU i

btito qi*mand««"!l«>r«W« M,«jl r^H4riilge,,Oo,iama etf»t!.JV*A4a)arg^oor t . ol; nighi* WeTii&iB^ otdisUabtion. ¦; -ffurjroe^Slilfeetwliin thel;yioeriy aWit t vft'bibljhla EioeUAncyprbi.m ij tord (Di«fflrln, wi V iknfQtJresentSlve lot her Majestjl tbe

Ameer i Atdufri Rahman, ruler , ofdbponlthe cbriversaUoni* and epm-r1jbettc« re>ult kne affair* of Centralre ihdeparture.i! Aeimllatrehcpritte

oi woroa upon r.eaoning me[n the Dame of her MoitQueen of , Great Britain and

-Id 1 alter: wncribedcomp'.ictext will b « binker, gilded tt apart for bi

1 con-politeward,

ots anagbtiv* coi


tw "• **™»«»«»^^ 1 unw

i/»iic*i«9 w* */ ******eight batteries of Horsa Artillery.i that the War Office have already re.1 of 200 applications from I Militia andire to have their name* placed ' uponrice list. Thia total is altogether ex.large number ot offloors wbo volun-ice in tbe Soudan, and whoso namesB War Office list." •


mmMit ituaf S iii^Bob-Li oi 'i C< mmwjtMafr*. * YeSx Umw ^ ¦ i l 'H lT W-i> !'»Il i ':£"'"'2

ta^^aVP ftfiinda TlM* rr»Tfl*te**£U i Eeo««>,'S w»T<*£M HI'*t*°?^¦raM7au^waaUttIflrStatf ^^^i sU^T8u t tV i» ; ' '¦' f. JWdo r «« what loan do for Ha.^IJpMeiitt?: *i*Ug ;l ;, «!*.- ¦¦iLiij.i!. -¦A^ A .J W.&M fti:;''tooSfroa 8o^^Wo»Xs,! iI-ji» >« *~ , . . . ' I .,Vt*7m*frjm ff ]** **?»*' :¦ if- <e^si tttw^s^ i^ .H^.M^4«-f ¦wmm^ & :J &^ ^M.: IntUBKISH^BAT»^& i »k-BO^whew tbera.ia no one bBt a. poor bpytjoot «* of Mr*, to X WATBE^OBD, no» snOrely; rawtated aWmanage th*.place. ITd6 not sa« what, i*;to. M ooiie; imDrored, aid open- frou 8 ia.m.; (,to, 8p.to. eatolimmoPanteh 3?^ X ^^

I i BroSSTS^^t ItheWt .meethig of fe»-«W%*j Sfffi 5/^?d;r*Wthe guardian./wbeTtbe obftirmaJ* bad left lhe ^ ^ fert Seldfar eoold.audthosi

w^ohairTMr.JaoieaV..Q.-Brie#'->*l«t^d.th,Mto. ^' £&?

5*OtiE*fci?lSffl ^Mil Anhh <1nmn nnfM ih> folloWinir rMolu- '"Te m°• 7.°? ! ?"* .. .i 1J.J- W-»fc - .Tki Vinnn

farmers of tbU county, are( one to tt. J.Esq., eur chairman, for hi* fplrited action 1ing a reduction ot 20 per cent to air hiseven; to those who hold leases, ;and to tboirent*; . were recently \ fixed by thej Lanijl (Bloners." Beferring; to itia mattei! to-<chairman said be was *prry that the bo rdferred to hi* private kffaira & k*t meotUU.O'Brien : It wanld be a zterA pity U snohBrien s It waqld be a g»?Mj .pit* « "Bph . a- good : g* usual, receive prompt and careful attent«>niimple were .lost to the Iak ord*of, We country, i ' . . jJn WALIO* arall* of this oppofltunihr to return

airman : I »houldibe eowy tbat ?t would appear . _ M bast thanks fprthe largepAtronag»r«oeiyea. by herit I was present when that resolution was passed, !

^ the transfer of the

BBskANis' BOMB to her, andI i » » V c A tha Knsnf1 nnfc tn mention the matter, hn.t. i/i m«^lf.» ruintinnan6<J.. ' ¦ ' :

man i i was not-present At au at we ume

PETTY SESSIONS-T-SATUBD^(Before Sir Nugent Humble, BarMirgaret Wall r. Slim fitlgera ld.—T

Pfocias for. tbe rocovery of a. drasa . whiqlgave! to defendant, a 'dressmaker, to haveher. Tbe defence was that there was mo:plain, tiff from defendant's father, lit waithat rave defendant the drees.! The Chathat he could not grant a decree for tbe dreas, as it ¦ : aebe and paLn.ibnt a oeruin and safwas Mr. WaU .honld sue for. it; Diamuwd without TttHEEL : ¦ *%*!§£$*Sff i& 'n£prejftdice. | ¦ , I : " : : - rpigHfcE!, : sbk HeadioLe. ; i;L4BOENT—Michael Daly, wa* brought np by |x"k°""r . . TisrnioNiAts. jActing-Constable Kirby, charged \ with stealing a rpiKHEEL. ! : The Et>v. F. A. VIHC'*KT Bflannel vest, tbe property of i Thomas Ducey, : Bally- 'A ; Sector of Elated, Treyfprd,macmogue. Mr». Dueey deposed that she had [TIKHEEL. < j tergfleld, write* as folUws s—clothes out drying on the 23rd March, and on the „„.„„„,. ' •• i have u^en two bottles of tma

prisoner in tne vicinity oi tne.nouse «uni oa,vestjwas value for Is. The prisoner was also cwith! stealing a: shirt on the patne day. In Jbjr, [81, he waa convicted of stea-'ing a portsavernl otber convictions were recorded again;

Dr. Holland, who ha* recently been appoilthe Commission of tbe Peace, soon after €court, and tbe following additional evidemgiven -.—Maurice Fitzgerald deposed that Itbe prisoner in bis field that day, and hia atlWM called to him ; the shirt was afterwardsMncjjoled in a ditch near wh,ere the prisonwalking. Another witness proved tbut be sahiding tbe shirt in the ditch. iTbe prisoner jtruiltv in both casca. Chairman i He ba

Bending him there. I would be for sending him ; fJpKBEEL. : ly enhject. Sold .by all druggistsbefbte the County Court Judge. Mr. Loogan : 'rntKBEEL i ¦ and patent modfoine vendors at 2s..6d.Theiproperty is under the value of Bs., and!ho can i |X^ ' ; i PABCSLS POST PBSB for 2s. 9d. intherefore elect to be tried here, and you cannot re- ! I ^TIKHEEL. i Stamps or P,O.O. from the Manufac-fqeo his plea. Tbe prisoner1 was sentenced »o three ; ! A ¦ '. torera> j I : : ¦mon ;hs' imprisonment; with hard. labow, for each ; CLABKE. BLEASDALE, BELL & CO., YOBK.

BSEBTKD UHIL0,—A woman natr applied for <idrice kinder the foilices !—The mother of a child, na

get p aamatea 10 me wo«nnnBe /ar. uee. tt.u., ^u id to die I 'But: though we cannot'prerent,in reply to tbe chairman, said tbern were ; so many can we po«tpooe death t Th« o.ne<Uoa U momentous, eveaof these cases that tbe guardian* believed tbore was M " concern tbeprolongatioa ol We bot bjrasinjto h nr,collusion between W.partje. in order that tQ r^Vn^ VTJ^^^ tchildren should be taken into tho workhouse. Chair- , promptings or Jnjtlnot are bat tbe tpootaseoni voices otmad : If anything occurred to that child—if it nature, and It Is onr dntv to obe?. < Bat there still remainsdied-we would be in a very eeriouj position, sol \%S^* Jt % j Hf i &X X l £ &would advise you to admit .tbe child. Mr. Dee t I ot tne*e proves that tboM who have tbe Judgment aDd thewill; of course, sir. Chairman t And see that the will to bocUe!oa:theibl»ld, wbiab oatun ptioe* Intif tochild g0t.lta breakfastCLiughter).; Iamnotjoking -. ^ 'A ^Tini^ v vtS5at all. Mr. Dee : 1 will, 8lr. , \ facoltleirradaanr decaj.and the Aogel olFeace glUec softl;

BsrpsiNO TO Give HIS NllH.—Mr. T. W. . Into onr presence, leodfog u«. a» it were, laageaua alomberGardiner S.I,, charged JohV Carioll, Farnane, with »*. 'if t^^ * *** ta ^refusing to give bw name under tho following cir. formf> bat oou in mor* tzroar+d b/ him than th.tot aoumstancea :—He (Mr. Gardfner), waa driving his deadly foe now preying upon (be ver/ »iul« of . Moderndog cart out by CoUigan, M nt

who was

in f ^ ? J.£f c&tef iSSi "M&a donkey cart, refused to allow him to pass, and the render know If b«, too, Is tinder the ban of this frlgbtfalgave him some impertinence, but On seeing hiin in scoorge r Let him ask hlmaelf whether he experience* anyuniform he r^haved bettoti. Mr., Oardiner said he o*_' foUo«In.« iy£Plfmi|:- : L . . . . .,did i,ot prfl,, forpuni»bment. i Fine<l l...an!l cost.. ..^S iaVSSlJf iJr^^EXCISE* PBO8ECUTTON.—Patrick! Ed. Conmngton, morning i and thire are feeling* ot doloo* and drowruMM.Excise, charged John Koetfe, a Icaretaker of Sir The sppeUte Is poor, a *ort *f jstiok/ slime collects aboutNugent HumWs. for baving a gun in hi.ipoase. . h ano^me'timeSi nt &$£%JS2L°a? &siori without a license. Mr. Hunt, eolr., admitted pit of the itomaeh, which food does not a*Us(y. The eresthat tbe man had tbe cun in his BosseasioO. owinc a» Banken.the hind* and feet beoome eold aad bel eUamr.tnat tne man naa me gun n nis possessionto the fact that Sir Nugent Humble had n<to pay tbe license at the proper timu. Sir IHumble, wbo vacated the:cbaJr,[paid thataltnffoUifY awlntr to hia ne>li«enoa th&t the line

acucg upon ""»»„•'¦ ¦"•«• w«i u»* "» ""f - « "" ¦" pupitatlon of the heart or injured vWon, witn spotsowing to my negligence and remlssQess in the matter; before the ejes. accompanied by Igreat pnxtratlon and weak-Mr. Hunt > Did you for many years take oat* license! new. All of (these tymptom* are la tarn preeent. It i*for him f Sir Nugent Humble i Yes, and.for hisfaiher thought that ' nearly oo*tblrd j>f our popaliOon -has thiabefore him. • ' I ' ' S dUeaae is wni W «• »«W bnu. Uedioal nsn have

J£S mteoite tit. s e'eH $ Zi3 l %. J&£s,&i. i:bring purely a mistake onltae part of Sir Nngent

f caai la Motnur 8ei«r« Curative 8rrup-» BU ICID*Humble, the minimum penalty of itf lOs. wasioiposod^ which his woo m both heoispherM a oonideaoe foundedand the magistrates further recommended that tne find on y on It* great jvirtae*. Tbe Syrup oan be obtained frombe reduued to 3s. I i '' ¦ I aoy eheml«tormidlcla»vendorj or from the proprietors, A.

A PMCMT.-Mr Johu BJ Vonet sought an aj u\ ^ ii ^^^ ^^^ J ,.,MM precept to retain hu tenant, Mlpba*! Walsh, from ™T-W> ""J? wSt oSS BiUawSirDlloembeTautriSf!removing seaweed and aand; from hi* holding at the! "DearSir—Tt aflord*Mcre*lile«*ar»toaddmyt«*«jaoonjClisnisar. Granted. Adionrned. • i I tn th* wondmfal 'aSaiita oTMotfier BaiMl'a OmUn Bm4.


country," was nnanimously selected to tsidential chair, and we read, in tbe word* obis entbuaiastic contemporaries, that wben bfrom Mount Vernon to assume tbe burdhonours of his high opce at New. Tork— tlegislative capital of the newly formed Fnloi-(nnmpv wax A lonff fcrinmnho.1 nmrMUiinn.

tuen tweniy-ioree r;resiaBnnai elections, inoma- uum«n*« « *«UW-TI«»U«IHUI vr x«*-

State*, and there has been no approximation to the: PUis as the but) puiUtri, th* Bdidetf aperUats, i»ad tb*unanimity with which QBOMB W ASHIHUTOW wa* sorest nstotativps. TUy aefsrTprot* delusive, ;or a* a

election for a second Ume in 1820, wben there watt iegitim4U way,bT PuratlMth«bloo6L!aad«o iw4dieafiugbnt one electoral vote cast In opposition to bim. In those Impurities iwhkB arelh* siars* and oiinsuStstaolevery other instance the 'whole ccuntty has been almost eiery dlsewt. Ibe m*dWual<rf rl*w<»«trlailadivi/ed into two hostile and Wterl/Stagonisti, •J-g SS t.f f ^S SSS t £*&£%£'%&camps, and never did political controversy rage every noxious and effete matter i and thus this staingtb temore farionaly tbsn in 1796, when saventy-oae nnnoredandltb* en«iii«ss»ia|nMUd. ; ( ¦ <electoral voteawere given tdJOHx AxiAXs, tbe Fed*. FLOBIUHB —Fa* TH* TjilTB and BdXATB.1ralist, against ¦ sixty-nine to THOXAS Javmiox, —A few drop* ol the Uqnld J'(ortlw,sprinkled on a wetthe! first Democrat. Of the «ixte«*n ProsidenU toothbrn*h,prc<,uo«*apleasan*lath«r,whiokth<rtou»ilycho«n since 1800 eight bave!been DemosraU, of cleanses tha Tfeth from *l| paraaiM* or; inpuriuWiwbom four were elected fori two torn*, while of the J* "** H? '¦ T'ji pm82& *tt!"' "?8wJftoMtWWotbtrs one waa a] Federalist two were . Whig., and Joth* Teeth »J>« *»$ ««. «W$Wbeen elected for a couple of term*. The balance BMntKoViliii biiiieoomnossdiiartofhMiwaAia'BwM*of power aince 1800 hu thus been in Democratic t fuSw^nSKSute^ToO*hands for elgbt^nd-forty yoar*. ! , ; di»oowy of tbsiag*. Price «*.6d. of all Chemists andMr. Cwnuiri), wbo has just entered office *¦ parfunurs. Whiles^derxjtrWjved to 88,Farrlngdoaelected of the Democrat*.; ia a self-raised man. Boad. London.I ¦ , \ i ¦

' 'Mr. V/bsnunD, woo Das just enterea omce u pertanurs. ^h6Iesa^depot)r«mov«dto88,Farrtogielected of the Democrat*,; ia a self-raised man, Boad, London.I __ij ' : ! '

having auccessively filled th* situation* of grocer's : The DIAMOND DTEa are tho beat dre i «rtBsiaUnt, a teacher in a blind \ asylum, a law clerk, made. Dresses' ooat*» snarf , hood*, am, stookiaia lawyer, a district attorney, and laatlr. a Governor carpet rug*,! ribbon*, -feathtrs, or any fabria o* fan.

no unpopularity witb toe inscror bis wantpatbv with Irish-American orisonar*. foi

uK «y ' wnW'fJf* 1 [• f - *?,aW*«l5ul»15l BW«A*P*OI C ». 1 * 2 Aastcriao Avrtw isSftawhiih govern tho operations o cU| oa| aia nntri | 0. QQ 8I£T»», oi*ii S Pi3np;/orgu1£Uon, andby a careful apsjioaiioij of th* fia* properties .n. Muds of ar&aaMAtal worl nr Jn tZZJLi.f .Ztf rof weU-sdsoted O nGtrTEBpii naa pwvWJd ouri e portSaW SS S^WMMT o *Sittro!rl tiliS:'bmkfast table. wi deUc#4yjUvouW bmnSg $£££ M Olt iSl Slto Snwhich may cave ns manyhoavy.doetor*',bflls. ftlabjH ..izt ltZ, 7(. SEliS; «Aiff *v t/ 7? 3*$the indieionsu sa of sooHarUeU* pf dirt thaiatxtostita ?5ft&S*!!S$S&2f f j P fi f *0 .?1 d S!*1 • !»:tion! may be a-radaauTbailt np fcntilskron«•EonriLto1 *5fW!TSljr**pth^" »Mino«tUam*diai *reU*ir*V"«n ?endln to"l»«Si7 Sd <*M ffl^ fcCl?.r ?»> ***H!*™ *W?mal* *j»flo*4Ug.* ind|i»i1T*idy toatM?rwh«N!| £^ if t*i5?

wi !0HJ9fl?i **'«*'

lo^e* «t Sff iBEpps's OhoeoUte Esses**; TT ~ \ ¦ ¦ t (oKMyl i ! S SfSSffiKlj? }S ~. M LSiSa*

mMm^m ¦fo.-lv. rf

)f the ways ont it short D;uber, MICH.rrant- : i nn ni i n


presentand Ho

r;tne miKHEEL. : ^7r»M ffi3 ^TpaaTEowja-rgeo l. I •*¦ . : »nd oonsnltadphy»icians withoutraceivllecetn- i MiiirTTP.FT., tnr beneilt. 1 ibtil be. g{ad to reply at i8 and I < own expense to cliujnlriei as to the efb¦"'. . J rnnnrppr. . of thl* invaluable remedy. I hope UIt him. ! M IXHEEIi. ; g.unpnui, Hi t wiU uot requlte yon, wited to i mTgnr.BT. at least exhible my gratitude."

^^¦rrmrm ^in--''

' ' ' ' 17,! AvoMtreet, Manchesterse waa : miKHEEL'. ; Qty rutwa-lltr wile tuffared wUh li* saw ; '•*• in the Head and Jace for two months. X'cntion ¦ ntfR SZEL. do«* of your Tikhoel gave her relief i •cSi ¦*• • fintobed the bottle, and the pain has netIoana : rpiKHEEI.. : returned. I ought to UU you that all ott?r wh* I IX- I remedies (and she took maay) tailed

leaded fTF™^-) ^ ' 'T TSit .osi been ! miKBEEI.. ' ¦

xut onoe removes the Toothache

i I . '' Alter a woua a coagnt«*iB,»iini ary, Ous KUIOH m tneegieciea „„„„ 0[ » (,w month* with expectoration of a greeulsbNugent! colour. The snflewr feels ooustanUy tired, and aleep seems;' it was? *"> afford him no rot. Bervouneas. inUability, and rril1M U forebodings follow. When riaiiij? eaddenly, there is a giddt-sa'j °i?i neu, a sort ot whirling seuatfea In the head. Tbo bowslss Keeffoj become costive j th* akin 1* dry and hot at times i th* blood«ked me: becomes thick add stagnant ; the whites of the eras areBrally I- tinged with yellow i tbe nduels acanty aud high oolouxed,told him! depoelWng a sedlreent alter standing. There Is frequently ¦. and heJ «P«tJnf up of, the food-«t times with a.eour U«e and .ai

mmia- ] . m

LaneitoiNo. 2 , B A

! Tie in <he Head, Tic in the Face, T\c tn ihf( uum,i ' ! , Tp othache , and tf ervovi and BUk Heqdait.! T f f tB ' f t ¦

j i ' | I ¦ ¦ ¦!

'ifi!? rniKKEEI. i 'oNB DOSE rapidly reiie.e. : thlterrible,ae IOC i. ¦ ! j jn, arliiog from Neuralgia In the Head,due to mnrnPFT ' Eieache and Toothaohe (even when pro-

r Wall 'l1 * ' oieitog from t decayed tooth, «endetlagw said rpKHEEr. I ' Tg^SSStoStVi. acre for everyIS, as it : aobe and paln.ibut a oertaln and safe re-rithout fFlKHEEL : medy for Tio in1 the Head. Tio In the Paos,i ¦ -I T<> in tha nnra*. Toothache, and Nervon

of death > while on the one hind, we catoh thei weloom*•oand of a new breath of life that UU* of an addition to oar•pecie*, on tbe other we shudder a* we hear the rtuhlnz

ror a period of eight yean i sasarsa from a ssverk oooghand Indigestion, with (reqasnt jutaok**( rhenmitHm ; aMfor eleven months I was aadsr BMdioai tnatoMat, jwitboatdtrivug th* slightest beseflt, The last four doctor* I wasnuder strand m*thatmia* WMuibopelss. cats, akd tave

e seccuq aui, u> follow wj. nsoal ooeupatioa. I hiay say tba* whett'ens andi everlfeel ths ]east *ymptoiaofjmy old complautalat ou«iben the tMk* » '*" do«*oi tb* Srrup which quieUy Mt« m« aU

Navy BlM, $«alBrown, OUvi i Oreon. Terra,Co* a, and I90 other b**tjMora. adiwt a** aadTIiW*, |Eaeh paok*t will oolor on* to four lbs I of roods. If !you hav* n w imi dv**.try; tlus« oaoa] iVwUl W ioaUghtsd. Wdby rftemlstaW oVnigilts.oisiod'us :staple* and » b »k of (Unetkm* for a id. WttXaTiV


ivery tobet -jTrt -i; , ' ¦rrt; ^;- !!7" ^,oimiPHOjS mixttiff ic£.'iA- »kmi*3 mJir.

taa sufferers forjjreaSj ioweniMiepbr rooted thsjr aa* W"SnlphoUu*-'*W m*ti CtuUi »ttask&*j B. A\d«itoOT,U»aaimacolla) whlek. H-r;it 't'-pirf t >i1itlrj<**l> fVf. Wrffitaffection*, an2 al»»y» pro UM** ¦ dear, healthy. mfa S&gSudltion of the aU*. >r9p toiMU VrJSuoaiFioiS i» JHfetchemist*. Bota*«, 8i3d.eaeh.i i ; ™ ~°"

T IV£B CqAIPIlA^NTB -Da, KINQ rTDAN*.JJ vzLwslM w&inig tvrsiu etLLB (without

Acknowledged blr auay inlnect *argoon* to twtheiBestand mUdast pills tor «vmy ooastrhatoiL In poxMatUnid8s. Bd..and j*. ft^at SSSuTT j """""* J>a'rriAaSA^ffii ODSiixxS^witemu tJL, to the ia«t-fi.;ilo*eL«t*kU.«ommJiatio« is noon-&kVSSSBB»ggwasr&j sss^mulatlBg th* liter and slirhHy morfegth* Boweb.Uubeavydrowiy feettnir |utf rTfaqacBij with, nacxatty. Sains laTuuxAcn AVD' EtoonruJir&Miab. teteSfiSsotfes' u

TTkELLAR'Si COBfc PLABTBltV-BoM* 1*. lid

ltd. c«rasKth*»q(»loa H»*t*r»» pioT»d remedy tor Bt*Jon*saj SKSJsrSs&ffl41*- *?**•.: *,-**/ BACEOFOJS 'ABBOA IHJT; TOOTH PASTEVA -BynstogjbJs AromaOo Dentifrlo*. th* «nam*l ot th*teeth boeoro«»w*iU;*onnd,aad DoU«h«l 1O* Ivory. lT5armwUngry fragaat, and specially juerol (or'rMiovngiacmrtatton* oi torUr on n«gl«c«*d t*eth. flold by alialem.*U. : Pot*. Is. and 2s. MTemoh. (flit tricrotf.). " *

Ip CKTEV.'f r 8TJXPHUB HAIB BBSTOBEEli will daAedrAmr; Hair, amriaia a tar day* natoncompletely the, natural eoUnr. TfhU* a*epingtt» Hair Itsproper colonr, it i» nseftil for remoring •edrfT Xockyet's B«-storsr ha* powerful fluansteg proj>«rtie*, rendering it a dedr-aUe Hairftoid. :; ; iig,l SZTttiTiT? ~"

T OCKYEB'S 8DXPHUB KAJB BJBSTOBEBJLJ wlUdarkea.to th« foza«x (ha4*. JOsir tkat Is abso*luUly wblU, ia abont tea day* j itot rTinnea * 1*com-meaclsg at th* front and tempi**, th* »OJJ*J5 wa*h ptomt-ly ooloun,raid«xlngU tmdjJtingtuakalile from tbav wUakWM not oh*ng»d. large Bottles, la. t(L*»ch. . *a*S

CELEBBAX2D KEDWip B of SFAIVA Ftw Word* a* «o iU,P *euUar.QiuMltt$ t—

IT w of the ; nature , of ?ort, bnt withouthaving any of the noplasjant reaalt* whioh hav*rendered that deUoiou* b*vengo a «x>urc8 irf daagsr tothe goaty and rhunmatio. Kotritif e. asd axUlantiaf/,it is free fronv the. heady and iatoxioatirjs; qoslltje*whioh dutingaUh the ordinary Por| of oomm*rc*.


One Dozen and . onward* *ent parriag* paid tb anyBvilway 8t*tioa ia the United Kingdom OS reotipt ofPost Office Order far the amount.' : ¦ '

: ; . . Ajfc ' ; . :. - I ' PMCX-¦ U '¦ 2**, "PEE DOZEN.¦t|B. . ; .; • j -r«—

: ¦{!¦ i • Patnphiets, with Vtdieal' ^H : ' Cettificates, on application.a^ H J Special Urms made with' ¦ ¦l' i . . the Trad*- ' ¦

ss^H' ' Protooted by Trade Mark.¦ - ¦ Begialervd., . ¦, . ;

N.B.—To pmtfit twata. !; lest inliatios*, m tUiW( Cork*, Capaula*. aad Labsl*;. ¦ ' bear . our nam* and XraoVj ' Mark, a* BOB* other I*:I]-; . genuine.; ¦' . • ; : : - ' ' '

¦¦ ;

li . ¦ ¦ 'i(«#__t___»ii. ' :

Q»snr 4 Co., Daotttimv** !• tobe aeieds>t BsdWia»«f,* tk* Port! elaM; and lavow,MudiM.Ia odgia and fn*Trom^*l*««i r^nvUtaT.. i

-ej tnatti. . —zrni , ¦ r'v ¦»»"*/• nan™*!:

m££*A sJss^^SSif^ o«l« *a*ekatia*:' oattat '«¦-'tfc* j'TjHt Hn*l|t ' o4h*t»h«o**tt»sw«Ud^todr yBy ¦¦¦ ¦ f« 4rwl».e#J»j»Ma,-i ,> ;;;, . |;¦ > . ^ jw ; ¦ p*j ¦K^p4^* *a a k2K^V v* ^*i ^* »^k^L^^^h "*\* ^ .*V •

' '• L***xm;Park,D«b 'J»"a*W.:«iia?li -;:;l" I have examined it a A ^ 1U SSSIkmii^M-fcalled I^MANCHJ I*votSiftril |>*s*rt3t^W:ft*

flavour, aad Ujrh raTarabk li|-ii*lj;iM|Bi||;ijp*. M¦ "?r • i°^f^ j 1 "t ii -ny^^i^iiilitf' .apd also forTivaBd*, on iir- ft' ff W'tfMvJK'fii %£nndnata aloiAulii '*li—alfiT' aj_I Ita 'l mij ii JULIIIMMI' T? .r™1" T^T" . ¦¦¦»' ¦•¦«'» '¦¦¦« tm-ixmxi^mQ^*^ jfcg¦ > ^Iffl MtmmmI Agent* requlMd

i iOrocers ^vi

from 13%to as!;: vDOW ()fll

¦ ¦ r : I i i!

