  • 8/2/2019 As PCHs na matriz energtica brasileira


    Contudo, mesmo com todas as vantagens e o potencial dasPCHs no setor energtico nacional, esses empreendimentos aindaenfrentam dificuldades na sua implantao, ocasionadas, em espe-cial, pela obteno da licena ambiental.

    L ic enciamento Ambienta l

    O licenciamento ambiental de qualquerempreendimento energtico legtimo ebusca conciliar o desenvolvimento econ-mico com a conservao do meio a mbien-te. E o impacto ambiental est inerente aqualquer forma de gerao de energia. Aquesto colocada se a gerao por deter-minada fonte de energia vivel frente aocusto que essa energia implica, seja no as-pecto social, ambiental ou econmico.

    Para Altino Ventura Filho, Secretrio de Plan ejamento e Desen-volvimento Energtico do Ministrio de Minas e Energia (MME),uma das grandes dificuldades na implantao de uma PCH a ob-teno do licenciamento ambiental. Mesmo sendo mais simples secomparado a uma grande central hidreltrica, o licenciamento am-biental de PCHs um processo complicado, que demanda um tem-po exagerado. Nesse caso, o risco ambiental pode se tornar um ris-

    co razovel para os investidores. Entre a licena prvia e de insta-lao e operao, explica Ventura Filho, novas exigncias so colo-cadas pelo rgo ambiental. Isso introduz, de alguma maneira,um risco para o i nvestidor, j que essas novas medidas represen-tam um custo, os quais podem afetar a taxa de retorno do projeto,lamenta.

    Vitor Hugo Ribeiro Burko, Diretor-Presidente do Instituto Ambi-ental do Paran, concorda que o licenciamento ambiental seja umentrave implantao de PCHs. Com absoluta certeza, muita gen-te no tem pacincia, recursos, disposio e at sade para chegarao final do caminho, enfatiza.

    Contudo, Burko justifica que muitos projetos so mal elabora-dos, ou seja, feitos apenas para cumprir as formalidades com o r-

    E as PCHs?

    Os impactos socioambientais das PCHs so reduzidos. Estesso os mesmos ocasionados pelas grandes hidreltricas, pormem menor escala. Segundo Ricardo Pigatto, presidente da Associa-o Brasileira dos Pequenos e Mdios Produtores de Energia Eltri-

    ca (APMPE), a grande maioria das PCHs est localizada em regiesde baixa densidade populacional, os reservatrios formados so pe-quenos (no mximo, 13 km2 com a prpria calha do rio) e esto lo-calizados em vales encaixados em reas ngremes. Esses motivose outros menos relevantes fazem com que as pequenas centrais hi-dreltricas sejam de baixssimo impacto social e tambm ambien-tal, com pouca supresso vegetal e quase nenhuma realocao depopulaes, defende. Aliado a isso, vale destacar as menores per-das na transmisso de energia eltrica, j que as PCHs no exi gema construo de extensas linhas de transmisso, conectando-se,em muitos casos, diretamente distribuio.

    Sob o ponto de vista do in vestimento, os pequenos empreendi-mentos hidroenergticos chamam a ateno de muitos investido-res interessados em aplicaes de longo prazo. Resolues e nor-mas elaboradas pela Agncia Nacional de Energia Eltrica (Aneel)permitem que a energia gerada pelas PCHs entre no sistema eltri-co nacional sem que o empreendedor pague as taxas pelo uso da re-de de transmisso e distribuio. Da mesma forma, as pequenascentrais esto dispensadas do pagamento de royalties aos munic-

    pios pela explorao dos recursos hdricos, podendo fornecer ener-gia para o Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN), consumidores livrese sistemas isolados.

    De acordo com dados da Aneel, publicados pelo jornal O Estadode S. Paulo (12/08/09), h hoje em operao no Brasil 345 PCHs,com potncia outorgada de 2,857 mil MW, isto , 2,68% da capaci-dade total do sistema eltrico, de 104,858 mil MW. Outras 70 pe-quenas centrais esto sendo construdas, com potncia de 1,047mil MW. Segundo a publicao, se forem liberadas e construdas to-das as PCHs pleiteadas, o potencial de gerao desses empreendi-mentos pode chegar a 7,5 mil MW, podendo triplicar a capacidadeinstalada em pequenos aproveitamentos hidroenergticos nos pr-ximos anos.

    O consumo de energia no Brasil energia eltrica e combustveis em geral apresentou aumento de 5,6% em 2008. De acordo comdados divulgados pela Empresa de Pesquisa Energtica (EPE), en tre os todos os tipos de energia, somente a hidrulica diminuiu sua parti-cipao no ano passado, com recuo de 1,7%. Do outro lado, o que mais cresceu foi o gs natural, com 16,9% em relao a 2007, seguidopor outras fontes renovveis (14,5%), nuclear (13,1%) e carvo mineral e derivados (9,5%).

    Segundo comunicado da EPE, a queda da energia hi drulica refletiu as condies hidrolgicas observadas no incio de 2008, que i mpu-seram esquemas operativos voltados a manter nveis estratgicos de armazenamento nos reservatrios do pas. Por outro lado, houve o

    aumento da gerao termeltrica (+37,9%), o que contribuiu para o forte incremento do consumo de gs na tural. Nesse cenrio, apesardo bom desempenho do etanol na matriz energtica brasileira, as fontes renovveis de energia perderam um pouco de espao, passandoa 45,3% da oferta interna de energia frente aos 45,9% em 2007 .

    Atualmente, o nvel dos reservatrios brasileiros est bem acima do nvel mnimo desejado, dotando o setor de segurana aparente.Certamente, as usinas hidreltricas possuem papel fundamental na matriz energtica brasileira. No entanto, as dificulda des para sua im-plantao, ocasionadas, em parte, pelo processo de obteno do licenciamento ambiental podem prejudicar a segurana no sistema. Nes-se sentido, torna-se necessria a diversificao da matriz energtica nacional, e o ideal que isso fosse feito com fontes alternativas deenergia, que tornariam a matriz ainda mais limpa. Contudo, isso acaba sendo impossibilitado por dificuldades tcnicas e o alto custo do va-lor da energia gerada.

    Ainda assim, o papel e a importncia das pequenas centrais hidreltricas (PCHs) no podem ser deixados de lado. Elas n o solucionari-am totalmente os riscos de falta de energia em vista do crescimento econmico, mas contribuiriam para o aumento da segurana energ-tica. Sozinhas, obviamente, as PCHs no dariam conta da expanso anual do parque gerador brasileiro, mas representam contribuio im-portante.


    Por Fabiana Gama VianaColaborao: Adriana Barbosa

    As PCHs na mat r iz energt ica bras i le i ra

    O l icenc iamento ambienta l a inda um dos grandes v i lesao cresc imento das pequenas centra is no pas

    The SHPs and th e Braz i l ian energy m atr ixThe env i ronmenta l l icense is s t i l l one o f the greates t v i l la insrega rd ing the g rowt h o f the Sma l l Hyd ropower P lan t i n the coun t r

    Translation Adriana


    The energy consumption in Brazil electric energy and fuels in general presented a rise by 5.6% in 2008. According to databy the Energy Research Company (EPE) among all of the types of energy, only hydraulic energy had its participati on reduced(1.7%). On the other hand, natural gas was the source that presented the highest rise (16.9%) in relation to 2007, followed bynewable sources (14.5%), nuclear (13.1%) and coal and derivatives (9.5%).

    According to EPE's communication, the drop in hydraulic energy reflected the hydrological conditions observed in the eawhich imposed by operative schemes aiming at mainta ining storage strategic levels in the reservoirs of the country. On the oth

    there was a rise in thermal power generation (+37.9 %), which contributed to the sharp increase in the consumption of natural gathis scenario, in spite of the good performance of the ethanol in the Brazilian energy matrix, the renewables lost ground, going to the energy internal offer against 45.9% in 2007.

    Today, the level of the Brazilian reservoirs is above the minimum desired level, making the sector feel an apparent safety. hydropower plants have a fundamental role in the Brazilian energy matrix. However, the difficulties regarding their implementatiocaused by the process to attain the environmental licensing, may harm the safety in the system. In this sense, the diversification tional energy matrix becomes necessary and it would be ideal if th is diversification were carried out by using alternative sources owhich would make the matrix even cleaner. However, this ends up being impossible because of technical difficulties and the hi gh cgenerated energy.

    Still, the role and the importance of the Small Hydropower Plants (SHPs) cannot be set aside. They would not completely risks of energy shortage facing the economic growth, but they would contribute to increase the energy safety. By themselves, othe SHPs would not be enough to support the annual expansion of the Brazilian generating system, but they would represent an icontribution.

    What about t he SHPs?

    The socio-environmental impacts of SHPs are reduced. Theyare the same as those caused by large hydropower plants, but smal-ler in proportion. According to Ricardo Pi gatto, president of the Bra-zilian Association of Small and Medium Electric E nergy Producers

    (APMPE) most SHPs are located in regi ons of low population den-sity, the reservoirs are small (13 km2 at most, including the streambed) and are located on valleys with steep areas. These reasonsand others that are less relevant cause SHPs to have very low socialand environmental impacts, with low vegetable suppression andbasically no population reall ocation, said Mr. Pigatto. In additi on, itis worth highlighting the smaller l osses in the transmission of elec-tric power, given that SHPs do not demand the construction of longtransmission lines, for, most of the times they are connected di-rectly to the distribution.

    Under the investment point of vie w, small hydropower enter-prises have attracted the attention of many investors that interes-ted in long term investments. Resolutions and rules elaborated bythe National Agency for Electric Power (Aneel) allow the energy ge-nerated by SHPs to enter the national electric system without theentrepreneur having to pay the taxes for the use of the transmissi-on and distribution grids. In the same way, SHPs are exempt frompaying royalties to the cities for using their water resources. Theymay also provide energy to the National Interconnected System

    (SIN), free consumers and isolated systems.According to data from Aneel, published by the newspaper O

    Estado de So Paulo (12.Aug.2009), there are 345 SHPs operatingin Brazil with a granted power of 2.857 thousand MW, i.e., 2.68% ofthe total capacity of the electric system 104.858 thousand MW.Other 70 SHPs are being constructed, with a power of 1.047 thou-sand MW. According to the publication if all of the requested SHPsare granted and built, the generating potential of these enterprisesmay reach 7.5 thousand MW, which may triple the installed capa-city of SHPs over the next few years.

    However, even with all of the advantages and the potential ofthe SHPs in the national energy sector, these enterprises still facedifficulties when it comes to their implementation caused, particu-

    larly, by the attainment of the environmental license.

    Env i ronmenta l L i c ens ing

    The environmental licensing of any energy enterprise

    mate and tries to conciliate economic development and thvation of the environment, and environmental impacts arent to any type of energy generation. The issue here is the generation from a certain source is feasible facing thethis energy implies: social, environmental or economicaking.

    For Mr. Altino Ventura Filho, Secretary of Energy PlanDevelopment of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) ogreatest difficulties regarding the implementation of a SHPtainment of the environmental license. Even being morecompared to the process of a large hydropower enterprisevironmental licensing is a complex process that demands gerated amount of time. In this case, the environmental become a reasonable risk for the investors. Between the pcense and the installation and operating license, explainstura Filho, new requirements are demanded by the envi rorgan. Somehow, this introduces a risk for the investor, gthese new measures represent a cost, which may affect trate of the project, he regrets.

    Mr. Vitor Hugo Ribeiro Burko, President-Director of themental Institute of the state of Parana, agrees that themental licensing is an obstacle when it comes to the impleon of SHPs. Certainly, a lot of people do not have the patisources, disposition and even health the reach the end of the emphasizes.

    However, Mr. Burko justifies that many projects are elaborated, that is, they are done only to fulfill the formalitlicensing organ and not to carry out a good environmentgement effectively. In this context, MS. Lilian Santos, Sudent of Infrastructure, Mining, Industry and Services of thMato Grosso, explains that a well-done licensing process make the enterprise operative in less time. With a well-p

  • 8/2/2019 As PCHs na matriz energtica brasileira



    go de licenciamento e no efetivamente para fazer uma boa ge-rncia ambiental. Nesse sentido, Lilian Santos, Superintendentede Infra-Estrutura, Minerao, Indstria e Servios do Estado doMato Grosso, explica que um processo de licenciamento bem feitosignifica colocar o empreendimento em funcionamento em menostempo. Com um processo bem apresentado e conduzido de formacorreta, diminuem-se as condicionantes ambientais das solicita-es pelo rgo licenciador, completa.

    process and correctly conducted, the environmental conditions de-manded by the licensing organ will be reduced, she completes.

    From the licensing organ point of vi ew, the bureaucratic issuemay also be an obstacle towards the environmental licensing pro-cess. Mr. Burko quotes the example of the state of Paran where

    Do ponto de vista do rgo ambiental, a questo burocrticatambm pode atrapalhar o processo de licenciamento ambiental.Vitor Burko cita o exemplo do Estado do Paran, em que o rgoambiental no teve sua origem como rgo ambiental. Dessa for-ma, boa parte de seu corpo tcnico ainda muito focada nas ques-tes documentais e no nos verdadeiros impactos ambientai s ocor-ridos, explica.

    O processo de implantao de uma pequena cen-tral hidreltrica pode ser dividido em etapas. A prime-ira delas destina-se ao levantamento de informaessobre o local previsto para a instalao do empreendi-mento. Nesta etapa, so obtidos os dados geogrfi-cos e topogrficos, as caractersticas do curso d'guae da bacia hidrogrfica, que servem de base para a for-mulao do projeto.

    Feito isso, necessria a realizao de um estudode inventrio, etapa em que definido o potencial hi-dreltrico da bacia hidrogrfica. Neste momento, deacordo com informaes disponibilizadas pelo CentroNacional de Referncia em Pequenas Centrais Hidre-ltricas (CERPCH), o conceito de impacto ambiental utilizado na tomada de deciso quanto viabilidadedo projeto.

    Elaborado o estudo de inventrio, passa-se ao es-

    tudo de viabilidade, o qual busca a otimizao tcni-co-econmica e ambiental do empreendimento, damesma forma que a avaliao dos benefcios e custosassociados. A partir da, solicitado o registro ativo

    junto Aneel e elaborado o projeto bsico. Neste, sodetalhadas as obras civis, alm dos equipamentos hi-dromecnicos e eletromecnicos. No caso das peque-nas centrais hidreltricas, informa o CERPCH, a etapade realizao do estudo de viabilidade no formal-mente exigida, podendo o empreendedor partir dire-tamente para a elaborao do projeto bsico.

    O processo de autorizao para explorao de pe-quenos aproveitamentos hidreltricos formalizadopor meio de outorga de autorizao, aps a anlise doprojeto bsico pela Aneel. Esse procedimento inicia-se com o registro do projeto bsico na Superinten-dncia de Gesto e Estudos Hidroenergticos da Ane-el, tornando-o pblico. Havendo o aceite deste proje-to pela Superintendncia, realizada uma anlise eposterior aprovao. Nesse caso, segundo informa oCERPCH, devem ser atendidas as seguintes condi-es: licena prvia emitida pelo rgo ambiental, adeclarao de reserva de disponibilidade hdrica emi-tida pelo rgo gestor dos recursos hdricos e a com-patibilidade do projeto bsico com as condies ante-riores.

    Paralelamente a todo esse processo, so tomadasas providncias para a obteno do licenciamento am-biental, dividido em trs etapas: licena prvia (LP), li-cena de instalao (LI) e licena de operao (LO). ALP concedida na fase inicial de planejamento da cen-tral. Nela, devem constar sua localizao, concepo

    Solicita autorizao paraestudo de inventrio

    Solicita aprovaodo inventrio

    Inicia Estudo de Viabilidadee apresenta o RCA

    Solicita a Concesso como Estudo de Viabilidade

    ApresentaProjeto Bsico Ambiental

    Solicita a aprovao doProjeto Bsico de Engenharia

    com a LI

    Solicita a LO antes doenchimento do reservatrio

    Comunica a ANEEL daEntrada de Operao

    OLA - rgo Licenciadores Ambientais

    RCA - Relatrio de Controle Ambiental

    Emite Licena deInstalao - LI

    Emite Licena Prvia - LP

    Emite Licenade Operao - LO

    Portaria autorizaEstudo de Inventrio

    Aprova Inventrio.Autoriza Estudo de Viabilidade

    Aprova o Estudo deViabilidade. Encaminha,outorga de concesso

    e fixa prazo paraapresentao do Projeto

    Bsico de Engenharia

    Portaria aprova o ProjetoBsico e fixa datas para a

    Entrada em Operao


    Audincia Pblica

    Claims the authorizationfor the Inventory Studies

    Claims theinventory approval

    Initiates the FeasibilityStudy and presents the ECR

    Claims the concession withthe Feasibility Study

    Presents theEnvironmental Basic Project

    Claims the Basic EngineeringProject Approval with the IL

    Claims the OLbefore the reservoir filling

    Communicates ANEELthe operation start

    ELO Environmental Licensing Organ

    ECR Environmental Control Report

    Releases theInstallation License

    Releases thePrevious License

    Releases theOperation License

    Authorizes theInventory Study by decree

    Approves InventoryAuthorizes Feasibility Study

    Approves the FeasibilityStudy, Sets up the

    concession grant andfixates the deadline forthe introduction of the

    Engineering Basic Project

    Approves the Basic

    Project and fixatesdeadline for the operationstart by decree


    Public audition

    e viabilidade ambiental, alm de requisitos bsicos dos arranjos de engenhariada usina e do reservatrio. A LI autoriza a instalao da central. Nesta fase, soanalisados os projetos executivos de controle ambiental e avaliada a eficincia doempreendimento, conforme j previsto na licena prvia. Finalmente, a LO auto-riza a operao comercial da central. Sua emisso est condicionada a uma avali-ao do empreendimento para verificar se este est de acordo com o previsto naslicenas anteriores, alm de avaliar se todas as exigncias e detalhes tcnicosapresentados no projeto foram atendidos.

    ding to information that was made availabCERPCH (National Center of Reference fHydropower Plants), the concept of environmpact is used for deciding whether the projecble or not.

    Once the inventory study is elaborated, bility study begins. It aims at the techno-eand environmental optimization of the enterthe assessment of the associated benefits aAfter that, the Active Registry is requestedand the Basic Project is elaborated. In additcivil works, the Basic Project also details tand electric-mechanical equipment. In theSHP, the stage destined to carry out the fstudy is not formally demanded and the entrcan go directly to the elaboration of the Basic

    The authorization process for the use

    hydropower potentials is formalized throughhorization grant after the Basic Project is anaAneel. This procedure begins with the registhe Basic Project with the Superintendence opower Management and Studies of Aneel, byit public. Once the project is accepted by thetendence, an analysis is carried out and then

    ject is approved. In this case, according to inon released by CERPCH, the following comust be met: previous license given by themental organ, the declaration of reserve of tavailability given by the management organresources and the compatibility of the Basiwith the previous conditions.

    At the same time, other arrangements arout for the attainment of the environmentawhich is divided into three phases: Previou(LP), Installation License (LI) and Operation(LO). The LP is given during the initial phaplanning of the plant. The Previous Licenshow the plant's location, conception, envirofeasibility and the basic requirements of the ring and reservoir schemes of the plant. The rizes the installation of the plant. During ththe executive projects of environmental coanalyzed and the efficiency of the enterprisesed, as it was forecast in the Previous Licensthe LO authorizes the commercial operatioplant. It is granted after an assessment of tprise in order to check if it is in accordance wiformation that was forecast in the previousand assess if all of the demands and technicpresented in the project were fulfilled.

    the environmental organ did not have its origin as an envtal organ. This way, a significant part of its technical staffcused on documental issues and not on the true environmpacts, he explains.

    The implementation process of a Small Hydropower Plant can be divided intotwo stages. The first is dedicated to the collection of information from the sitewhere the installation of the enterprise is forecast. During this stage, the geo-graphic and topographic data, the characteristics of the river and of the hydro-graphic basin that serve as the basis for the formulation of the program are attai-ned.

    Once this is carried out, it is ne cessary to carry out an inventory study, stagewhen the hydropower potential of the basin is defined. At this moment, accor-

    A implan tao de uma PCH T he imp lemen ta t ion o f an S HP

