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Guilherme Reis Resume


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Carta de apresentação

Cover Letter

I do not have nor would I wish to have Frank Underwood`s character, but one lesson I´ve

learned from him is this: how to persevere in achieving one`s goals in life. To work at Netflix, the

world's leading internet channel for movies and TV, is one of my main professional goals. My

academic curriculum in the area of film and my experience in television are here for the perusal

of the assessors. I therefore consider appropriate to write an informal cover letter to Netflix. My

professional and personal profile is very much in line with the job on offer. Watching movies and

series, while at the same time working with these products, is a chance to mix pleasure and work.

Consuming and absorbing the content of films and series is one of my main sources of pleasure.

Work and leisure together make for both excellent job performance and a personal achievement.

Professional Experience

In 2013, I took over the position of Coordinator for Editing and Finishing of the MultiRio TV

Center. I coordinate a team of eight editors whose products include documentaries, talk shows

and teacher training programs. Some of these programs illustrate the work I have done:

● Faixa Educativa (Educational Slot) dedicated to documentaries related

to education;

● Em tempo Real (In Real Time), a documentary on new technologies;

● Inclusive Eu (Me included), a documentary about the inclusion of

disabled children in society;

● Ensaios sobre a Não Violência  (Pieces on Non-Violence), a series

highlighting the role of the school as a mediator in resolving

disagreements, with a discussion on issues present in schools, such as

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prejudice and bullying;

● Pequenos Notáveis, (Little Geniuses), a format that mixes drama,

animation and musical performances, bringing the heritage of Brazilian

popular music from its greatest exponents to the younger generations;

● Cronistas do Rio (Chroniclers of Rio), the city of Rio de Janeiro as told

by a number of chroniclers, including João do Rio, Machado de Assis,

Sérgio Porto and other chroniclers that still are relevant today, authors of

novels, one of Brazil`s export products.


● Master’s in Social Communication from Fluminense Federal University


● Specialist in Documentary Film from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation

(FGV - RJ). In 2011, I founded Quintal Filmes with André Freire, where

I work as a director and screenwriter. I directed a short film for the

carnival band GB Bloco 2012; the film Salve Jorge Ben Jor at Corujão da

Poesia; the pilot of Nó para Televisão (2012). Director of Institutional

Advertising: Blu - x Verão (2012), Launch of Ice Watch in Rio de Janeiro.

Auslander & Ice Watch Fashion Show. Editing of the Launching Teaser

for Ice Watch, in Rio de Janeiro. I worked as editor for Globociência

Programs (Season 2008-2009/2011); MovieBox (Season 2008); Assistant

editor of the programs: Telecine Cult; Zona Quente (Hot Zone), later also

participating as assistant on the Program Penetra (Sexyhot). Editor of the

Petrobras Programming Slots. I directed the short films: Vó Chica

(Grandma Chica); Menino e o Porquinho (the Little Boy and the Pig; the

video made for YouTube, "Amigos... Uma História..."(Friends... A

Story...), an exhibition of photographs by friends for friends, and was

Assistant to the Director of the short, Teste de Elenco (Casting Audition).

Directing of an academic advertising (after graduating in Communication

from PUC-RJ) for Viva Rio (Academic). I also lectured for one semester

at UFF.

My dissertation, “The Media Grammar of Fear: the Language of Audiovisual Artistic Horror”,

was nominated for publication. I became friends with André when we were working at Made for

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TV and ever since then, our desire to put our ideas into practice has been growing and Quintal

Filmes is the realization of this dream. I have published articles in the areas of films,

documentaries, horror movies, musicals, Brazilian cinema, directing and education.

All these programs and films and happenings can be seen on the network . Youtube and / or Vimeo .______________________________________________________________________________________Academic Education

2009 Master Master in Communication .University Federal Fluminense , UFF , Niteroi, BrasilTitle: The media Grammar of Fear : The Real Horror Artistic Language in the

AudiovisualAdvisor: Maria Paula SibiliaScholar ( a) : Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities


2012 - 2014 Specialization in Writing for Film and TV .Veiga de Almeida University , UVA / RJ, Rio de Janeiro , BrazilTitle: Melodrama Pop Avenue Brazil

2005 - 2007 Specialization in Documentary Film .Fundação Getúlio Vargas -FGV , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil .Title : Grandma ChicaAdvisor: Eduardo Escorel

2001 Graduação em Comunicação Social. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

1998 - 1999 High School ( 2nd degree ) .College Franco -Brazilian , CFB , Brazil

1990 - 1997 Elementary School (1st degree ) .College Franco -Brazilian , CFB , Brazil

______________________________________________________________________________________Formação complementar2012 – 2012 Hollywood 2-Day Film School com Dov Simes, São Paulo, Brasil

2009 - 2009 FINAL CUT. Faculdade CCAA, Faculdade CCAA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

2006 - 2006 AVID - Edição. Academia Nacional de Cinema, ANC - RJ, Brasil

2006 - 2006 Curso de curta duração em História do Cinema documentário no Brasil. Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, MAM/RJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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2002 - 2002 Curso de curta duração em História e Ideologia: Os Sambas de Enredo. Centro de Estudos e Atualização em Política e Educação, CEAPE, Brasil

2002 - 2002 Curso de curta duração em Cinema e Ciências Sociais. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

2001 - 2001 Curso de curta duração em Linguagem do Cinema. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

______________________________________________________________________________________Atuação profissional1. MultiRio - MULTIRIO


Vínculo institucional

2013 - Nowadays Type of contract: Hired Under Employment Laws , Functional Placement: Coordination editing and finishing , Credit Hours: 40, Regime : Integral

2. Quintal Filmes - QFILMES______________________________________________________________________

______Institucional Bond

2012 - Bond : Editor, functional framework : Globociência Program Editor temp . 2012, Hours: 30 Regime : Partial

3. Urca Films – URCA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.______________________________________________________________________

______Institucional Bond

2012 - 2012 Bond : Editor, functional framework : Globociência Program Editor temp . 2012, Hours: 30 Regime : Partial

4. Made for TV – MADE , Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.______________________________________________________________________

______Institucional Bond

2008 - 2010 Type of contract: Signed Portfolio, functional framework : Editing , Credit Hours : 40, Regime : Integral

5. Agência Nacional de Cinema – ANCINE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

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Institucional Bond

2007 - 2007 Type of contract: Employee, Functional Placement : Event Producer , Credit Hours: 32, regime : Partial

6. Sólida e Conceitual Productions - SOLIDA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.______________________________________________________________________

______Institucional Bond

2006 - 2006 Vínculo: Contratual , Enquadramento funcional: Marketing, Carga horária: 40, Regime: Dedicação exclusiva

7. Candido Mendes University ______________________________________________________________________

______Institucional Bond

2005 - 2005 Link : Researcher , Functional Placement: Researcher , Credit Hours: 30 , Exclusive Dedication

8. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC -Rio


Institucional Bond

2004 - 2004 Type of contract: Trainee, Functional Placement: Publicity Service , Credit Hours: 20 , Exclusive Dedication.2002 - 2003 2002 - 2003 Type of contract: Trainee, Functional Placement : Works related to research, Hours: 20 , Exclusive Dedication

2004 - 2004 Type of contract: Fellow , Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 20 , regime : Partial

9.Fundation Rui Barbosa House – FCRB , Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.______________________________________________________________________

______Institucional Bond

______________________________________________________________________________________Areas of expertise

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1. Cinema/ Audiovisual2. History3. Arts4 . Sociology

__________________________________________________________________________________ LANGUAGES____

Inglês Comprehends well, speaks reasonably, read well

Espanhol Comprehends well, speaks reasonably, fairly read

Production_____________________________________________________________________________________Bibliographic productionScientific Articles Published in Periodicals

1. REIS, GuilhermeThe Documentary of director myself. In scene. Cambiassú: Federal University of Mato Grosso (U , v.6, web .http://www.camb, 2009.

2. REIS, GuilhermeSweeney Todd the down side of the musical genre in film.. Cambiassu: Communication Studies (Online). , v.2 WEB <.http://www.camb - http://www.camb>, 2009.

Artistic and Cultural ProductionVisual Arts

1. REIS, GuilhermeEvento: Grandma Chica, 2006. Country: Brasil. Promoting Institution: Fundation Getúlio Vargas.



1. Seminar: The movi language, 2001. (Seminar)

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