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Wilma hi, good afternoon

as the combined I will talk a little about technology.

What is technology?

The word technology comes from the Greek "TEKHNE" that meaning "technique, craft" with the suffix "logy" meaning "study". According to the technology dictionary is:

Application sciences practices for industry or trade

methods, theory, and practices governing such application: a highly developed technology

The sum knowledge and skills available to any human society for industry, science, etc.

Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and extracting ofmaterials.The term Technology is wide and everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of technology. Weuse technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products, processes or organizations. We use technology to extend our abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any technological system.

Where technology and used?

We apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives, we use technology at work, we use it to, extract materials, we use technology for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, creating artifacts, securing data, scaling businesses and so much more . Technology is human knowledge Which Involves tools, materials and systems. The application of technology results in artifacts or products. If technology is well applied, it can benefit humans, but if it is wrongly applied, it can cause harm to human Beings.

Where the difference between some types of technology?

Communications Technology and a system that utilizes technical means for transmitting data from one place to another, is used to exchange information. We use this technology in phones, computers, e-mails.

Construction technology: It is the study of methods and equipment that may be used to build structures. Nowadays, everything can be planned and structured programs.

Assistive Technology: is the type of technology used to help disabled people to perform specific tasks. With the advancement of technology today people with disabilities can do things that were previously impossible.

Medical Technology: is the type of technology used to extend and enhance human life.

Information Technology: It is a set of hardware and software tools used to store information.

Entertainment technology: It is a process, which uses various technological components to create an entertainment experience. It is used to create games, develop musical systems.

Business Technology consists of hardware tools and software applications used to run a business.

Educational Technology: A technology designed to improve performance by creating and managing processes and technological resources. It helps to improve the way we learn.

What do you think of technology?

I think that technology has helped humans to adapt, survive and improve things around you, but in consequence of all this, the human being this destroying the planet we live, and increasingly thinking about what can make changing this and that.

the human capacity to innovate surely is a good thing, but to what extent. the technology is distancing people nearby with an illusion of who are all connected, in the end what matters is what people could do with this technology to change the world.

The technology is, in general, the matching of science and engineering. It is a term that ranges from the simple tools and processes such as a wooden spoon and fermentation of the grape, to the tools and complex processes already kept by humans, such as the International Space Station and the desalination of sea water. Often, the technology conflicts with some natural concerns of our society, such as unemployment, pollution and many other ecological, philosophical and sociological issues.

we can say that technological evolution is not linear, ie the more the years pass more it multiplies. when we see those old movies about technology we realize that most things described them already happened or are properly close at hand.

then what is the limit?

according to surveys the technological world in the future will be more dangerous, countries strengthening their weaponry, the scarcity of water, there will be no privacy. But that's the future, in a way it is unpredictable.

I'm sorry for pronounces.

I hope you have been good!

Wilma thank for everything!
