Page 1: Ucch(l)ankha-, m., Jaim.Br. II 3701


a reconsiderat ion of the evidence has led h im to accept " sea t " as the true meaning ofsadhdstha- (Vedische Mythologie 12 p. 438 n. 1). This, as well as the accent (against, excludes bo th the derivation f rom sthd- and the connect ion of sadhds- with sadha-. 12 In *dsdstha-, updstha-, bhaydstha- and sadhdstha- an antique use of -tha- as a secondary suffix seems to have been preserved 13.

F. B. J. Kuiper

UCCH(L)ANKHA-, m., JAIM.BR. II. 3701

The correctness of Caland ' s reading (tarh padd' sa pador ucchlahkha.h "Er (Praj~pati) t rat mi t dem Fuss darauf. Dies ist die W t l b u n g in der Mitte der Fusssohle" (Jaim. Br. in Auswahl, p. 205) against ucchahkha.h (v.1. ucchalahkha.h) in the edition by Raghu Vira and Lokesh Chandra is borne out by Ath. S. X. 2. ld (kdna dbhrte p~tru.sasya...) kdno'chlakha~ madhyatt.h kt.h, for which Ludwig, Der Rigveda, I I I , p. 398, rightly conjectured the meaning "Fusssohlen" (cf. also Renou, Etudes vdd. et pdn. indennes, II , p. 72 n. 3). The reading ucchlagha- (pw. VI, p. 281 against I, p. 218) is a mere error. The variat ion uchlakht-/ucchlahkha- suggests a foreign origin.


12 Renou, Gramm. de la langue vddique, p. 154 (for sadhfs(tha)- "stjour"), cf. p. 155 (for stdhi.s-"sitge"). Besides gos.t.hd-, m. (Altind. Gramm, II, 2, p. 79: p. 37) cf. also the accent of sarhsthd-, ran? (Ol). c., II, 2, pp. 8 and 77) and sarhgd- (p. 78). 13 See also Minard, Trois dnigmes sur les cent chemins, II, p. 39 (with further references). The exceptional use of the vocative sadhastha.h AS. VI. 123.1, 2, YV. is certainly secondary.
