  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


    Bobby Hanson stirred as the alarm clock went

    off. He rolled over, put the pillow over his head,

    and tried to go back to sleep.

    He didnt feel like getting up

    yet. But in an instant Bobby

    remembered that today was

    going to be a special daya

    different day, something hedlong been waiting for!

    He leapt to his feet and

    put on his track clothes.

    Down the hall in the

    bathroom, he washed his

    face, brushed his teeth, and

    combed his hair, thinking

    about the exciting event that

    was about to take place.

    Did you sleep well, Bobby? his mom asked.

    Boy, did I! Bobby replied, as he gobbled

    down the eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes that

    his mother had cooked for him.

    Bobby Hanson remexeu-se na cama quando o

    despertador tocou. Virou para o outro lado, colocou o

    travesseiro em cima da

    cabea e tentou voltar a

    dormir. No queria

    levantar-se ainda. Mas a

    certa altura lembrou que

    aquele era um diaespecial, um dia diferente,

    em que aconteceria algo

    que h muito esperava!

    Pulou da cama e

    vestiu a roupa de correr.

    Dirigiu-se ao banheiro no

    fundo do corredor e lavouo rosto, escovou os dentes

    e penteou o cabelo, enquanto pensava no

    emocionante evento que estava prestes a acontecer.

    Dormiu bem? perguntou a me.

    Maravilhosamente bem! respondeu Bobby,

    enquanto devorava os ovos, bacon e batatas fritasque a me havia preparado para ele.

  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


    Yes, I am a little nervous. I hope I do well


    Son, Im very proud of you. Ive watched you

    prepare for today, and youve done your best.

    So I want you to know that whatever happensout there, in my eyes youre already a winner.

    Dont think that you have to win first place or

    else well be disappointed. Of course were

    hoping that youll win, but the most important

    thing, Bobby, is that youve given it your best,

    and youve persevered through the training and

    now you have a race to run. Whatever theoutcome, we will be proud of you!

    Bobby was relieved to hear these

    encouraging words from his dad. Hed been

    worried about disappointing his parents, and he

    wasnt sure if he could win the race.

    Thanks, Dad! Bobby replied, as he jumped

    into the back seat of the car. What great parents

    I have! he thought.

    Sim, estou um pouco nervoso. Espero que

    me saia bem.

    Filho, eu estou muito orgulhoso de voc. Eu o

    observei preparar-se para o dia de hoje, e vi que

    fez o seu melhor. Por isso, quero que saiba que,acontea o que acontecer, para mim voc j um

    vencedor. No fique achando que tem que ficar em

    primeiro lugar, caso contrrio vamos ficar

    desapontados. Claro que estamos torcendo para

    voc ganhar, mas o mais importante, Bobby, que

    voc fez o seu melhor, perseverou durante todo o

    treino e agora vai disputar a corrida. Seja qual for oresultado, vamos continuar orgulhosos de voc!

    Bobby ficou aliviado ao ouvir as palavras

    encorajadoras do pai. Ele no tinha certeza se iria

    ganhar a corrida, e tinha receio de decepcionar

    os pais.

    Muito obrigado, pai! respondeu Bobby, e

    entrou rapidamente na parte de trs do carro.

    Que pais maravilhosos eu tenho, pensou.

  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


    It was the fourth grade sports competition

    for all the city grade schools. Bobby was part of

    the team selected from Riverside Grade School,

    as one of the best runners for the 220-yard


    Bobby was deep inthought on the way to the

    sports grounds. He thought

    of the crowds that would

    be watching from the

    bleachers: his family, his

    friends, and his teachers.With a lot of people

    rooting for him, he couldnt

    help but feel nervous.

    Do you think youll win,

    Bobby? asked Daryl, his

    younger brother. Ill be

    rooting for you. I think youre the fastest outthere!

    I guess well see, Daryl. Ill do my best,

    thats for sure!

    When they arrived at the sports grounds,

    Bobby said goodbye to his family as they went

    to find seats on the bleachers, and he joined

    his team.

    Era a competio esportiva do quarto ano de todas

    as escolas de ensino bsico da cidade. Bobby fazia parte

    da equipe selecionada pela escola Riverside, e era

    considerado um dos melhores corredores da

    modalidade de 400 metros

    rasos.No caminho para o

    campo esportivo, Bobby

    estava profundamente

    pensativo. Pensou na

    multido que estaria nas

    arquibancadas assistindo:

    sua famlia, os amigos, os

    professores. Com tantas

    pessoas torcendo por ele,

    ele no conseguia evitar

    ficar nervoso.

    Voc acha que vai

    ganhar, Bobby? perguntou Daryl, o irmo mais novo. Vou estar torcendo por voc. Eu acho que voc o

    mais rpido de todos!

    Vamos ver, Daryl. Farei o melhor que puder, isso

    com certeza!

    Quando chegaram ao campo esportivo, Bobby se

    despediu da famlia. Eles foram procurar um lugar nas

    arquibancadas e Bobby juntou-se sua equipe.

  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


    Bobby readjusted his track shoes and moved towards

    the starting blocks. He noticed that there was a big

    turnout! It all seemed so awesomethere were so many

    people, and so much excitement.

    The announcers voice was heard over the loud

    speakers: And now, ladies and gentlemen, for the nextevent 220-yard dash.

    That was Bobbys cue. He got in the ready position and

    waited for the starting signal.

    The 220-yard dash is about to begin, said the voice of

    the sports announcer, which boomed across the field. At

    the sound of the shot, the boys dashed forward, running

    with all their might.

    Bobby ajustou os sapatos de correr e se dirigiu para os

    blocos de partida. Percebeu que tinha muita gente! Era

    tudo to assustador, com tantas pessoas e tanta agitao.

    Nos alto-falantes, ouviu-se a voz do anunciador

    dizendo: E agora, senhoras e senhores, o prximoevento a corrida de 400 metros rasos.

    Essa era a deixa de Bobby. Ele colocou-se em posio de

    partida e esperou o sinal.

    A corrida de 400 metros rasos est prestes a comear

    disse a voz do apresentador, que se fazia ouvir por todo

    o campo. Ao som do tiro, os rapazes saram disparados,

    correndo a toda a velocidade.

  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


    Bobby had trained vigorously, and it was now

    paying off. He was strong and in good shape, and

    was staying well ahead of the othersexcept for

    Stewart Davenport, who was close beside him and

    seemed like he would be a

    tough one to beat. Stewart

    was a friend of his who

    attended another school. They

    had even trained together

    occasionally when they had the

    opportunity. The other boys

    followed steadily on, not too

    far behind the two leadingboys, Bobby and Stewart.

    Bobby could hear the

    People cheering from the

    crowds. Somehow he just had

    to get ahead. He had to win.

    Just then, right in the middle

    of the race, Stewart tripped

    and fell, while crying out in

    pain. Bobby flew forward,

    happy, but at the same time

    sad for Stewart, who had been running so well. He

    had obviously worked hard, but now he seemed

    to have injured himself and was unable to getback on his feet.

    Bobby tinha treinado vigorosamente e agora

    sentia a recompensa disso. Ele estava forte, em

    boa forma e encontrava-se bem frente dos

    outros, com exceo de Stewart Davenport, que

    estava logo atrs dele e pelo

    visto seria difcil de bater.

    Stewart era seu amigo e

    frequentava outra escola.

    Haviam treinado juntos sempre

    que surgira uma oportunidade.

    Os outros rapazes continuavam

    avanando, no muito distantes

    dos dois primeiros, Bobby eStewart.

    Bobby ouvia a torcida da

    multido. Ele tinha que

    conseguir chegar na frente.

    Tinha que ganhar. Mas nesse

    momento, bem no meio da

    corrida, Stewart tropeou e caiu,

    e comeou a chorar de dor.

    Bobby continuou correndo,

    feliz, mas ao mesmo tempo

    triste por Stewart, que estivera correndo to bem.

    Obviamente, ele tinha treinado bastante, mas

    agora parecia haver se machucado e no conseguiase levantar de novo.

  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


    Then suddenly, what seemed to be a crazy

    thought entered Bobbys mind. Go back to

    help Stewart.

    What? No way! thought Bobby. Ive worked

    hard for months! Im not about to give up this

    race, certainly not on purpose. Everybody iswatchingmy family, my friendsthe whole

    school is depending on me. Thats crazy!

    But as Bobby ran on, the small voice that

    had spoken to him grew louder, until it almost

    boomed in his ears, urging him to help Stewart.

    Bobby turned and ran back to Stewart, who

    was sitting on the ground rubbing his ankle.

    This made way for James Arnette to win the

    race. James was elated and the crowd cheered.

    Whyd you do that, man? You couldve

    won! Stewart asked.

    I dont know. I just felt like I had to. I felt

    like it was the right thing to do, Bobby replied.Thanks, Bobby. Youre a great buddy. Ill

    never forget that you did this for me. I was so

    embarrassed when I fell, and at first it hurt like

    mad! It helped to have a friend there with me.

    You know, youre a great pal!

    De repente, um pensamento aparentemente

    maluco passou pela cabea de Bobby : Volte e

    ajude Stewart.

    O qu? De jeito nenhum! pensou Bobby. Eu dei

    duro por meses! No vou desistir desta corrida

    voluntariamente, de jeito nenhum. Todo mundo estolhando minha famlia, meus amigos a escola

    inteira conta comigo. Isso seria loucura!

    Mas medida que Bobby avanava, a vozinha no

    seu ouvido ficava cada vez mais alta, at que ficou

    quase ensurdecedora, instigando-o a ajudar Stewart.

    Bobby deu meia-volta e correu at onde Stewart

    estava, sentado no cho, esfregando o tornozelo. Isso

    abriu caminho para James Arnette ganhar a corrida.

    James estava felicssimo e a multido aplaudiu.

    Por que que voc fez isso, cara? Voc teria

    ganhado! perguntou Stewart.

    No sei. Apenas senti que era o que tinha que

    fazer. Senti que era a coisa certa a fazer respondeuBobby.

    Obrigado Bobby. Voc um timo amigo. Jamais

    esquecerei o que voc fez por mim. Fiquei to

    envergonhado quando ca, e logo no princpio a dor

    era insuportvel. Sabe uma coisa, voc um timo


  • 7/31/2019 Uma Corrida Importante - An Important Race


    That act of thoughtfulness by Bobby on the

    racetrack that day in sixth grade started a life-

    long friendship between Bobby Hanson and

    Stewart Davenport. Bobby gained somethingmuch more valuable than only winning a race;

    he gained a special lifelong friend. Most

    everyone who attended the race agreed that

    Bobby had gained in essential qualities: the

    ones of generosity and unselfishness.

    O gesto atencioso de Bobby naquele dia

    deu incio a uma amizade para toda a vida

    entre Bobby Hanson e Stewart Davenport.

    Bobby ganhou algo muito mais valioso do

    que apenas uma corrida; ganhou um amigo

    especial para toda a vida. Praticamente todomundo que assistiu corrida concordou que

    Bobby ganhou em qualidades fundamentais:

    generosidade e altrusmo.

    Story and art courtesy of My Wonder Studio. Featured on
