

    A. All the verbs and adjectives listed below can be connected with the environment.

    Group them under the topics

    Adjectives:Damage; healthy; sterile; save; harmful; ravage; control; harsh; clean; spoil; favourable; improve;

    flourishing; preserve; polluted.

    Adjectives with a positive connotation:



    Adjectives with a negative connotation:



    Verbs with a positive connotation:



    Verbs with a negative connotation:



    Adapted from: "Englishes" - Workbook

    B. Now choose the right word in the context.

    1. The area has a fine dry/healthyenvironment. No wonder the children who live there show such a good physical condition.

    2. Non-polluted rivers and lakes supply the whole region with clean/flourishingdrinking water.

    3. Last summer most of our forest was entirely controlled/destroyed by fire, which is very harmful/favourableto our


    4. Some of the reports published by international magazines reveal the alarming degree to which farming lands have been

    damaged/preservedby erosion.

    5. Although governments have been passing laws to improve/spoilthe quality of life, our planet's land, air and water are

    becoming more and more sterile/polluted.

    Adapted from: "Englishes" - Workbook



    C. Complete the sentences below using the following expressions related to the environment

    carbon dioxide; ozone layer; toxic waste; rainforests; global warming; endangered species; oil slicks; fumes

    1. The _______________ of the tropics, with their huge variety of plants and animals, are in danger.

    2. When tanks sink near the coast, ______________ always kill birds and fish and pollute beaches.

    3. One of the most dangerous gases produced by cars is called ___________ .

    4. If ___________________ continues increasing on this scale, the ice caps will melt and the sea level will rise.

    5. Aerosol use has partly destroyed the _____________ , which protects us from the sun rays.

    6. Much of the pollution in our cities is caused by the ______________of the cars.

    7. People are complaining that a lot of _______________ has been dumped around their neighbourhood.

    8. Scientists have been trying to protect _______________, like the whale and the panda.

    Adapted from "Zoom" - Workbook

    D. Use the words in brackets, all related to the environment, to form a suitable word to fill in the gap.

    The first one is already done for you

    1. The conservation and _________ (protect)of the environment is everyone's responsibility.

    The conservation and protectionof the environment is everyone's responsibility.

    2. Due to the coast pollution people in Galicia run the risk of eating ________________ (poison) seafood.

    3. The Prestige accident in Galicia has had _________________ (harm)effects on people living from the sea.

    4. Due to the oil spill on the coast of Galicia many sea species are now in danger of __________________ (extinct).

    5. Thousands of sea birds were found _______________ (death)along the coast of Galicia.

    6. The change in the climate has caused _________________ (disaster) floods in many countries.

    7. Environmentalists are always warning that protecting the environment is essential to our ______________ (survive)

    Adapted from "Zoom" - Workbook

    E. Ten tips to become environment-friendly

    Complete each piece of advice, choosing the right verb (use the imperative). The first one is already done for you.

    buy; cover; walk; reduce; save; sort out; start; take; throw; turn off; use;


    1. Don't wastewater._________ a shower instead of a bath.

    Don't wastewater. Takea shower instead of a bath.

    2. Don't _____________ away bottles, boxes or plastic bags. Use them again.

    3. ____________________ electricity. _________________ the lights when you are not using them.



    4. ______________ the saucepans when you are cooking.

    5. ______________ environment-friendly washing powders.

    6. _____________________ paper, cans and plastic bottles.

    7. __________________ to school instead of using the car.

    8. ______________ the amount of packaging.

    9. Do not ____________ so much unless you need things urgently.

    10. If you really want to protect the environment, _________ doing it right NOW!

    Adapted from "Screen your English" (Workbook)

    F. How to be environmentally friendly Choose the correct word to fill each space: acid, answer , care, causes, facilities,

    lowest, for example, recycles, to reduce, regularly, responsible, starting with, thrown away, trash, warming

    Is it possible to be an environmentally ________________ 1 citizen and still enjoy the comfort and _______________ 2

    progress brings us? The _________________3 depends on you.

    Take the use of the car, _______________ 4. There's no doubt that the car traffic _______________ 5 a lot

    of environmental problems, from air pollution and global _______________6 to ____________7 rain.

    Cars also create _____________ 8; tens of millions of used tyres, batteries, oil filters, and other car components are

    ________________9 each year.

    But, of course there is something you can do ______________ 10 the environmental impact of cars, ______________ 11

    buying the most fuel-efficient car you can find. You can also _____________12 a bit more for your car, keeping it checked,

    the tyres properly inflated and the oil changed ________________ 13, using the ______________ 14 octane

    gas recommended in the car manual. You can also make sure that the gas station you use ________________15 oil, tyres and


    Adapted from "Zoom" (Workbook)

    G. Complete the text, using the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous)

    Time to take action!

    Environmentalists _______________ (see) the critical situation in our planet's resources, wildlife and environment as a good

    reason to sound the alarm bells. They ___________ (proclaim) loudly that water supplies_____________ (become) scarce,

    that the air _________________ (become) unbreathable and that the farming soil _______________ (erode).

    It's a fact that many animal and plant species _________________ (run) the risk of extinction and if we

    ________________ (not act) now, we will quickly run towards a scenario of disaster, where everything will be lost forever.

    So, we ________________ (must) act quickly and do everything we ________ (can) to prevent it.

    Adapted from "Zoom" Workbook



    H. Complete the text below with these words: congestion, encouraging, trip, driving, costs, programmes, ride, reduce,

    lanes, pollution, blocks, miles, instead, healthier, company

    Bikes are the solution

    The bicycles we usually use for a weekends ____________ 1 can be the solution to many of our cities problems. Traffic

    experts and environmentalists say the bicycle can be the answer to problems such as air __________ 2 and traffic

    _________4. According to them, using bicycles instead of cars could drastically __________ 5 e air and noise pollution, as

    well as save in energy ____________6.

    Because the __________7 to the next shop, or to school, or even to work may only be a few __________ 8 away, people

    could ride a bike instead of ___________9 a car. Almost half of all trips we do everyday are only two ___________10, or

    less. Around the world cities are __________11 the use of bicycles by creating special ___________12 for them. In some

    cases they also create credit programmes to help and motivate people buy bicycles, instead of ___________ 13, and in

    Denmark a private _____________14 even provides bicycles for public usage. Studies show that bicycles cost less than 1 cent

    per mile, while cars cost 12 cents per mile.

    So, lets put an end to these terrible, noisy traffic jams we deal with everyday in our cities and reduce pollution! Lets make our

    cities _________________15 places to live in.