Criterios qualis 2010_04

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Sobre Critério QUALIS

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  • 1. MinistriodaEducao CoordenaodeAperfeioamentodePessoaldeNvelSuperior DiretoriadeAvaliao [email protected] COMUNICADOno 001/2012READEQUMICA ATUALIZAODOWEBQUALISDAREA Braslia,01deFevereirode2012 1ListadeConsultores A ReuniocomaComissodeavaliaodoQualisdeperidicosdareade Qumicafoirealizadanosdias08,e09dedezembrode2011,noedifciosededa CAPES,comapresenadoCoordenador da rea de Qumica,Prof. Luiz CarlosDias, e doCoordenador Adjunto, Prof.AdrianoLisboaMonteiro. Participaramaindaosconsultoresabaixolistados: AdleyFortiRubiraUEM AdrianoDefiniAndricopuloIFSCUSP AngeladeLucaRebelloWagenerPUCRio AnitaJocelyneMarsaioliUNICAMPGilsonZeniUFSM MariaDominguesVargasUFF MarliaFonsecaGoulartUFALPauloAnselmoZianiSuarezUnB 2DefiniodePeridicospelareaeDiscussodosEstratosdoQualis OCoordenadordareadeQumicanaCAPES,Prof.LuizCarlosDias,deuas boas vindas aos membros da Comisso da rea de Qumica responsveis pela avaliaodoQualisdeperidicosdareaedestacouaimportnciadareunioparao acompanhamentodosprogramasdepsgraduaonarea. O Comit de rea definiu como peridicos somente aqueles com ndice de impacto (I.I.) igual ou superior a 0,1 no JCR/ISI mais atual. No foram consideradosperidicosaquelasrevistas que no seguem pelomenos um dos seguintes critrios: a) ter periodicidade pelomenostrimestral;b)estaratualizada em2011;c)tercorpoeditorial;d)constardealgumabasededados;e)teravaliao pelospares;f)terISSN;g)terumapginaeletrnicadefcilacessoeatualizada. 1

2. MinistriodaEducao CoordenaodeAperfeioamentodePessoaldeNvelSuperior DiretoriadeAvaliao [email protected] Deacordocomestesndices,foramclassificadoscomo: A1peridicoscomI.I.igualousuperiora4,0; A2peridicoscomI.I.inferiora4,0masigualousuperiora3,0; B1peridicoscomI.I.inferiora3,0masigualousuperiora2,0; B2peridicoscomI.I.inferiora2,0masigualousuperiora1,5; B3peridicoscomI.I.inferiora1,5masigualousuperiora1,0; B4peridicoscomI.I.inferiora1,0masigualousuperiora0,5; B5peridicoscomI.I.inferiora0,5masigualousuperiora0,1; Casdemaisrevistas. 3PeridicosClassificadosForadesuasFaixasdeFatordeImpacto Os seguintes peridicos foram classificados independentemente de seus ndices de impacto, devido importncia estratgica dos mesmos para a rea de Qumica: ACTAAMAZONICAB3 ANAISDAACADEMIABRASILEIRADECINCIASB2 ANALYTICALMETHODSB3 BRAZILIANJOURNALOFANALYTICALCHEMISTRYB4 BRAZILIANJOURNALOFCHEMICALENGINEERINGB2 BRAZILIANJOURNALOFMICROBIOLOGYB3 BRAZILIANJOURNALOFOCEANOGRAPHYB4 BRAZILIANJOURNALOFPHARMACEUTICALSCIENCESB4 CINCIAETECNOLOGIADEALIMENTOSB4 CINCIAHOJEB3 EDUCATIONINCHEMISTRYB2 JOURNALOFCHEMICALEDUCATIONA2 JOURNALOFLIQUIDCHROMATOGRAPHY&RELATEDTECHNOLOGIESB3 JOURNALOFNATURALPRODUCTSA1 JOURNALOFPHYSICALCHEMISTRYLETTERSB2 JOURNALOFPHYSICALCHEMISTRYBA1 JOURNALOFTHEBRAZILIANCHEMICALSOCIETYA2 2 3. MinistriodaEducao CoordenaodeAperfeioamentodePessoaldeNvelSuperior DiretoriadeAvaliao [email protected] 3 MAGNETICRESONANCEINCHEMISTRYB2 MARINECHEMISTRYA2 MEDCHEMCOMB2 PESQUISAAGROPECURIABRASILEIRAB3 POLMEROS:CINCIAETECNOLOGIAB2 POLYMERA1 QUMICANOVAB2 QUMICANOVANAESCOLAB3 REVISTADASOCIEDADEBRASILEIRADEMEDICINATROPICALB3 REVISTAVIRTUALDEQUMICA(RVQ)B3 Peridicos internacionais novos ou resultantes de fuso de dois ou mais ttulos, oudevidomudanadedenominao,masaindanoencontradosnoJCR, foram avaliados pelo Comit com a ajuda da Comunidade e das informaes disponveissobrecorpoeditorial,editoraeoutrosindicadoressemelhantes. Conforme deciso do CTC, o nmero de peridicos nos estratos A1+A2 deveserdenomximo 25%. Opercentual de A1 deve ser menor que o de A2 e a soma dos percentuais A1+A2+B1 deve ser de no mximo 50% do total de peridicospublicadosnosestratosA+B. OComit levou em considerao o percentual de artigosem cada extrato, mantendoosseguintespercentuais:A1menorqueA2;A1+A2prximode25%e A1+A2+B1prximode 50%. Revistasqueforamdescontinuadasantesde2010foramconsideradascomo noperidicos. 4. 4 4. AVALIAO DO COMIT PARA AS SOLICITAES ENVIADAS PELOS COORDENADORES DE PROGRAMAS DE PS-GRADUAO Segue a avaliao do Comit para cada uma das solicitaes enviadas pelos coordenadores de programas de ps-graduao: PERIDICO DECISO JUSTIFICATIVA ACTA AMAZONICA B3 No tem I.I. por no estar indexada no ISI, mas est indexada em outras bases de dados. Tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas e instituies de pesquisa no Brasil, foi mantida como B3. O Comit solicita aos Editores do Peridico que envidem esforos para sua indexao no ISI o quanto antes, sob pena de futuro rebaixamento. ACTA CRYST A B1 I.I. aumentado devido a uma referncia muito citada. ACTA CRYST D B1 I.I. aumentado devido a uma referncia muito citada. ACTIVITY REPORT (LNLS) C No atende aos requisitos para ser considerada um peridico. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE B5 Ainda no tem I.I. ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. AIR, SOIL AND WATER RESEARCH - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY B5 Ainda no tem I.I. Open Access, criada em 2010. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY A1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY A1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CINCIAS B2 De acordo com o I.I., seria B4. Entretanto, tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, sua classificao B2 foi mantida. ANALYTICA C No atende aos requisitos para ser considerada um peridico. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA (PRINT) A1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY INSIGHTS - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. ANALYTICAL METHODS B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. ANALYTICAL METHODS (PRINT) B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. 5. 5 AQUACULTURE (AMSTERDAM) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES (PRINT) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS (PRINT) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. BIOMARKERS (LONDON. PRINT) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY, AND BIOCHEMISTRY B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. BMB REPORTS (PRINT) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE (ONLINE) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - BRJAC (PRINT). B4 Ainda no est indexada nas bases de dados e logo, no tem I.I. Tendo em vista a qualidade do corpo editorial e a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B4. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING B2 De acordo com o I.I., seria B4. Entretanto, tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, o aumento no seu I.I. e sua indexao, foi classificada como B2. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY B5 Foi sugerida sua incluso no SCIELO em julho de 2011, sujeita a adequao; ainda no est includa em 12/2011. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY B3 De acordo com o I.I., seria B4. Tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B3. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY B4 De acordo com o I.I., seria B5. Tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B4. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS B5 No est indexada nas bases de dados. O Comit solicita aos Editores do Peridico que envidem esforos para sua indexao. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES B4 De acordo com o I.I., seria B5. Tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B4. 6. 6 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY B5 No tem I.I., mas tem ndice Scimago. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. CERMICA (SO PAULO. IMPRESSO) B5 No est indexada nas bases de dados. O Comit solicita aos Editores do Peridico que envidem esforos para sua indexao. CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. CHEMISTRY-BIODIVERSITY B2 Havia sido classificada como B2, apesar do I.I. de B3. Com o aumento do I.I., manteve-se no mesmo nvel. CHEMOSPHERE A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. CINCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS B4 De acordo com o I.I., seria B5. Tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B4. CINCIA HOJE B3 Embora no seja indexada nas bases de dados, tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B3. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE (PRINT) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. CURRENT ENZYME INHIBITION B5 Tem periodicidade, ainda no tem I.I. CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. DENTAL CHEMISTRY - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. ECLETICA QUIMICA. B5 Sem periodicidade. No est indexada no SCIELO. EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY B2 Com o objetivo de apoiar a rea de Ensino de Qumica, o Comit resolveu valorizar esta revista editada pela RSC, que no tem I.I., mas que referncia na rea. ELECTROCATALYSIS (PRINT) B5 Ainda no tem I.I. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. FUEL A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. FUNGAL DIVERSITY A1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY B4 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. HAZARDOUS WASTE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. 7. 7 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCES - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. INDOOR AIR B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. INFLAMMATION RESEARCH (PRINT) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE B3 Classificada em B3 devido ao alto nmero de autocitaes (63%). JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGIES B4 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION A2 Embora tenha I.I. baixo, esta revista, editada pela ACS, impactante no ensino da Qumica. O Comit decidiu valoriz-la como referncia da rea. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A (PRINT) A1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. JOURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY & RELATED TECHNOLOGIES B3 Foi mantida na classificao B3, apesar da diminuio do I.I. (seria B4) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B A1 Devido sua importncia para a rea, foi classificada como A1, apesar do ndice de impacto em nvel A2. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS B2 Esta revista publicada pela ACS ainda no tem I.I., mas o immediacy index de 1.592. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION B4 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF ECOTOXICOLOGY. B5 Tem periodicidade, mas no est indexada. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY B2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. Chama a ateno o alto ndice de autocitaes (50%). Poder ser reavaliada. LIPIDS B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. 8. 8 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY B2 Devido sua importncia para a rea, foi classificada como B2, apesar do ndice de impacto em nvel B3. MARINE CHEMISTRY A2 Devido sua importncia para a rea, foi classificada como A2, apesar do ndice de impacto em nvel B1. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM C So volumes em tpicos especficos na rea. MEDCHEMCOMM B2 Nova revista da RSC, ainda sem I.I. MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS (MMM) A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. MINERAL PROCESSING AND EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY REVIEW B4 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. MOLECULAR AND BIOCHEMICAL PARASITOLOGY B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. NANOSCALE A1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS (ONLINE) B4 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. ODONTOLOGIA CLNICO- CIENTFICA/ SCIENTIFIC- CLINICAL ODONTOLOGY - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. ORBITAL: THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY B5 Ainda no est indexada nas bases de dados e logo, no tem I.I. O Comit sugere aos Editores do Peridico que envidem esforos para sua indexao nas bases de dados. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. PESQUISA AGROPECURIA BRASILEIRA B3 De acordo com o I.I., seria B4. Entretanto, publicada em ingls, tem I.I. em asceno. Tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B3. PHYSIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS B5 No tem I.I., mas tem ndice Scimago. PHYTOCHEMISTRY A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. A rea j foi privilegiada com a classificao do JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS, como A1, apesar do seu I.I., por ser de escopo mais amplo. 9. 9 PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS B3 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY A1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. PLANT SCIENCE B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto PLANTA DANINHA B5 Era C, no tem I.I. em 2010, pois saiu do JCR, por excesso de autocitao. http://admin- notices.htm PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - No h publicao neste peridico em 2010-2011, logo no pode ser inserida no Qualis. POLMEROS: CINCIA E TECNOLOGIA B2 De acordo com o I.I., seria B5. Entretanto, tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, o aumento no seu I.I. e sua indexao, sua classificao B2 foi mantida. POLYMER A1 Devido sua importncia para a rea, foi classificada como A1, apesar do ndice de impacto em nvel A2. PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS B2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. QUMICA NOVA NA ESCOLA B3 Apesar de no estar indexada nas bases de dados (nem no Scielo), esta revista impactante no ensino da Qumica. editada pela SBQ e tem apoio de rgos financiadores. Atendendo solicitao da rea, e pelas razes acima expostas, o Comit decidiu valoriz-la como referncia da rea. O Comit solicita aos Editores do Peridico que envidem esforos para sua indexao nas bases de dados o quanto antes sob pena de futuro rebaixamento. QUMICA TXTIL C No peridico cientfico REACTION KINETICS, MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS B4 Tem periodicidade, s houve mudana de nome (de Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters) REEC-REVISTA ELETRNICA DE ENSENANZA DE LAS CINCIAS C No tem indexao. O Comit considera que a revista de referncia para a rea QUMICA NOVA NA ESCOLA, a qual foi valorizada. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA B5 Teve a classificao diminuda, devido a 73% de autocitao. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMCIA B5 Est indexada no SCIELO embora ainda sem I.I. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CINCIA DO SOLO B4 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. Tem alto nmero de autocitaes (43%). REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA B5 Era C, no tem I.I. em 2010, pois saiu do JCR, por excesso de autocitao. http://admin- notices.htm 10. 10 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PLANTAS MEDICINAIS B5 Est indexada no SCIELO embora ainda sem I.I. REVISTA DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA TROPICAL B3 De acordo com o I.I., seria B4. Entretanto, tem I.I. em asceno e nmero de autocitaes adequado. Tendo em vista a poltica de valorizao das revistas cientficas de qualidade editadas por sociedades cientficas no Brasil, foi classificada como B3. REVISTA FITOS C No atende aos requisitos para ser considerada um peridico. REVISTA MILITAR DE CINCIA E TECNOLOGIA (RMCT) C No indexada nas bases de dados. Sem periodicidade recente. No atende aos requisitos estipulados pelo Comit. REVISTA PROCESSOS QUMICOS C Tem ISSN, tem corpo editorial, sem ndice de impacto, no tem periodicidade. REVISTA VIRTUAL DE QUMICA (RVQ) B3 Apesar de ainda no ter I.I., est indexada nas bases de dados inclusive ISI. editada pela SBQ. O Comit decidiu valoriz-la, pela qualidade do material publicado para alunos de graduao e ps-graduao. SCIENTIA CHROMATOGRAPHICA C Ainda no est indexada nas bases de dados. SENSOR LETTERS (PRINT) B4 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. SOLAR ENERGY B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA A B2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA B A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. SYNFACTS C No revista cientfica TETRAHEDRON A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. TETRAHEDRON LETTERS B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. THE SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. THERMOCHIMICA ACTA B2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY (PRINT) B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY A2 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY B1 Classificada pelo ndice de impacto. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY B5 Tem periodicidade, ainda no tem I.I. 5. OBSERVAES IMPORTANTES Na classificao pelo nmero de ttulos, o percentual de peridicos no estrato A1 (11.26%) inferior ao do estrato A2 (11.41%), estando A1+A2 abaixo do valor limite de 25%. O percentual de A1+A2+B1 est dentro do desejado (45,76%), abaixo dos 50% estipulados 11. 11 pelo CTC. No entanto, o percentual de peridicos no estrato A2 est muito prximo do percentual de peridicos no estrato A1. Em virtude das travas da CAPES, o Comit no descarta, para o prximo ano, a possibilidade de alterao dos limites de ndices de impactos nos estratos no QUALIS para valores superiores. Para evitar duplicao dos peridicos que apresentam ISSN diferentes para as verses online e impressa, os programas devem cadastrar no coleta apenas a verso impressa. 6. DISTRIBUIO DOS PERIDICOS E ARTIGOS CLASSIFICADOS EM FUNO DOS ESTRATOS Na tabela abaixo, so considerados os percentuais, sem contabilizar os peridicos no estrato C, considerando o total de peridicos como sendo 1350. Considerando o total de peridicos como 1873, os percentuais dos estratos ficam como abaixo: Peridicos Classificados Estrato Total Total em % A1 152 8,12 A2 154 8,22 B1 313 16,71 B2 212 11,32 B3 199 10.62 B4 198 10.57 B5 122 6,51 C 523 27,92 Total 1873 100 12. 12 7. CLASSIFICACO QUALIS 2010 POR ESTRATO EM ORDEM DECRESCENTE DE FATOR DE IMPACTO ISSN Ttulo I.I. JCR Estrato Qtd Trabalhos 0009- 2665 Chemical Reviews 33,033 A1 0 0036- 8075 Science (New York, N.Y.) 31,364 A1 1 0306- 0012 Chemical Society Reviews (Print) 26,583 A1 1 0079- 6700 Progress in Polymer Science 22,87 A1 0 0001- 4842 Accounts of Chemical Research 21,84 A1 0 1433- 7851 Angewandte Chemie (International ed. Print) 12,73 A1 1 1530- 6984 Nano Letters (Print) 12,186 A1 0 0002- 5100 Aldrichimica Acta 11,786 A1 0 0033- 5835 Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics (Print) 11,235 A1 0 0935- 9648 Advanced Materials (Weinheim Print) 10,857 A1 0 0006- 4971 Blood (Philadelphia, PA) 10,558 A1 0 0968- 0004 Trends in Biochemical Sciences (Regular ed.) 10,364 A1 0 1531- 7331 Annual Review of Materials Research (Print) 10,333 A1 0 0010- 8545 Coordination Chemistry Reviews (Print) 10,018 A1 4 1936- 0851 ACS Nano 9,855 A1 0 0027- 8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 9,771 A1 0 0065- 3055 Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 9,692 A1 0 1754- 5692 Energy & Environmental Science (Print) 9,446 A1 1 0168- 8278 Journal of Hepatology 9,334 A1 2 0277- 7037 Mass Spectrometry Reviews (Print) 9,091 A1 0 0002- 7863 Journal of the American Chemical Society (Print) 9,019 A1 3 0012- 1797 Diabetes (New York, N.Y.) 8,889 A1 0 0265- 0568 Natural Product Reports (Print) 8,881 A1 3 0001- 8686 Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (Print) 8,651 A1 0 1616- 301X Advanced Functional Materials (Print) 8,486 A1 1 1523- 0864 Antioxidants & Redox Signalling 8,209 A1 1 13. 13 0142- 9612 Biomaterials (Guildford) 7,882 A1 1 0305- 1048 Nucleic Acids Research 7,836 A1 0 0031- 9007 Physical Review Letters (Print) 7,621 A1 0 1613- 6810 Small (Weinheim. Print) 7,333 A1 1 0884- 0431 Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 7,056 A1 1 1420- 682X Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (Printed ed.) 7,047 A1 0 0009- 9147 Clinical Chemistry (Baltimore, Md.) 6,886 A1 0 0165- 9936 TrAC. Trends in Analytical Chemistry (Regular ed.) 6,602 A1 0 0390- 6078 Haematologica (Roma) 6,532 A1 1 0892- 6638 The FASEB Journal 6,515 A1 0 0032- 0889 Plant Physiology (Bethesda) 6,451 A1 0 0897- 4756 Chemistry of Materials 6,397 A1 2 1354- 1013 Global Change Biology (Print) 6,346 A1 0 1864- 5631 ChemSusChem (Weinheim. Print) 6,325 A1 0 0022- 1899 The Journal of Infectious Diseases 6,288 A1 0 1473- 0197 Lab on a Chip (Print) 6,26 A1 0 0022- 2275 Journal of Lipid Research (Print) 6,115 A1 2 0085- 2538 Kidney International 6,105 A1 0 1612- 2011 Laser Physics Letters (Print) 6,01 A1 0 0003- 2700 Analytical Chemistry (Washington) 5,874 A1 12 0742- 3098 Journal of Pineal Research 5,855 A1 1 1359- 7345 Chemical Communications (London. 1996. Print) 5,787 A1 5 0891- 5849 Free Radical Biology & Medicine 5,707 A1 2 0947- 6539 Chemistry (Weinheim. Print) 5,476 A1 1 1463- 9262 Green Chemistry (Print) 5,472 A1 4 1535- 3893 Journal of Proteome Research (Print) 5,46 A1 0 0021- 9517 Journal of Catalysis (Print) 5,415 A1 6 0143- 3334 Carcinogenesis (New York. Print) 5,402 A1 0 0956- Biosensors & Bioelectronics 5,361 A1 9 14. 14 5663 1040- 841X Critical Reviews in Microbiology 5,345 A1 0 0021- 9258 The Journal of Biological Chemistry (Print) 5,328 A1 0 1525- 7797 Biomacromolecules 5,325 A1 3 0738- 8551 Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 5,281 A1 0 1615- 4150 Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (Print) 5,25 A1 1 1523- 7060 Organic Letters (Print) 5,25 A1 9 0022- 2623 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 5,207 A1 8 1549- 9618 Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5,138 A1 2 0005- 2728 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics 5,132 A1 0 0959- 9428 Journal of Materials Chemistry (Print) 5,099 A1 6 1096- 6080 Toxicological Sciences (Print) 5,093 A1 1 1388- 1981 Biochimica and Biophysica Acta. Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 5,084 A1 0 0749- 6419 International Journal of Plasticity 5,082 A1 0 1560- 2745 Fungal Diversity 5,074 A1 0 1874- 3919 Journal of Proteomics (Print) 5,074 A1 2 1998- 0124 Nano Research (Print) 5,071 A1 0 0264- 6021 Biochemical Journal (London. 1984) 5,016 A1 1 1043- 1802 Bioconjugate Chemistry 5,002 A1 0 0739- 1102 Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 4,986 A1 0 1357- 2725 International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 4,956 A1 0 0020- 7136 International Journal of Cancer (Print) 4,926 A1 2 0007- 1188 British Journal of Pharmacology 4,925 A1 5 0008- 6223 Carbon (New York) 4,893 A1 2 0006- 2952 Biochemical Pharmacology 4,889 A1 1 0888- 8809 Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 4,889 A1 0 0035- 8711 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print) 4,888 A1 0 1549- 9634 Nanomedicine 4,882 A1 0 0304- 3835 Cancer Letters (Print) 4,864 A1 0 15. 15 0024- 9297 Macromolecules (Print) 4,837 A1 4 0007- 0920 British Journal of Cancer 4,831 A1 0 0013- 936X Environmental Science & Technology 4,825 A1 0 1742- 7061 Acta Biomaterialia 4,822 A1 1 1615- 9853 Proteomics (Weinheim. Print) 4,815 A1 0 1381- 6128 Current Pharmaceutical Design (Print) 4,774 A1 0 0926- 3373 Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental (Print) 4,749 A1 8 1613- 4125 Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (Print) 4,713 A1 1 0160- 4120 Environment International 4,691 A1 0 0028- 3908 Neuropharmacology 4,677 A1 0 0066- 4804 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (Print) 4,672 A1 2 0304- 4165 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. G, General Subjects (Print) 4,663 A1 0 0305- 7453 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (Print) 4,659 A1 1 0005- 2736 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes 4,647 A1 4 0929- 8673 Current Medicinal Chemistry 4,63 A1 2 0741- 5400 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 4,626 A1 0 0143- 5221 Clinical Science (1979) 4,613 A1 0 0927- 0248 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 4,593 A1 2 1364- 0321 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 4,567 A1 1 0043- 1354 Water Research (Oxford) 4,546 A1 1 1364- 5498 Faraday Discussions (Online) 4,538 A1 0 1932- 7447 Journal of Physical Chemistry. C 4,52 A1 26 1742- 5247 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery (Print) 4,482 A1 1 1744- 683X Soft Matter (Print) 4,457 A1 1 0724- 8741 Pharmaceutical Research 4,456 A1 0 0166- 3542 Antiviral Research 4,439 A1 0 1044- 1549 American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 4,426 A1 0 1932- 6203 Plos One 4,411 A1 1 1478- Expert Review of Proteomics (Print) 4,406 A1 1 16. 16 9450 1528- 7483 Crystal Growth & Design 4,389 A1 5 0267- 9477 Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (Print) 4,372 A1 18 0960- 8524 Bioresource Technology 4,365 A1 14 1022- 1336 Macromolecular Rapid Communications 4,365 A1 1 0268- 1161 Human Reproduction (Oxford. Print) 4,357 A1 3 0007- 0963 British Journal of Dermatology (1951. Print) 4,351 A1 0 0020- 1669 Inorganic Chemistry 4,325 A1 13 1085- 9195 Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 4,312 A1 0 0003- 2670 Analytica Chimica Acta (Print) 4,31 A1 21 0939- 6411 European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 4,304 A1 1 0378- 7753 Journal of Power Sources (Print) 4,283 A1 15 1388- 2481 Electrochemistry Communications 4,282 A1 15 0012- 821X Earth and Planetary Science Letters 4,279 A1 1 1051- 0761 Ecological Applications 4,276 A1 0 0743- 7463 Langmuir 4,268 A1 19 1521- 6543 IUBMB Life (London. Print) 4,251 A1 0 0095- 1137 Journal of Clinical Microbiology (Print) 4,22 A1 0 0006- 3495 Biophysical Journal (Print) 4,218 A1 0 0021- 9673 Journal of Chromatography (Print) 4,194 A1 5 1173- 8804 BioDrugs (Auckland) 4,192 A1 0 0893- 228X Chemical Research in Toxicology 4,148 A1 1 0303- 7207 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (Print) 4,119 A1 1 0301- 9268 Precambrian Research 4,116 A1 1 1568- 0266 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (Print) 4,112 A1 0 2040- 3364 Nanoscale (Print) 4,109 A1 2 0939- 4451 Amino Acids (Wien. Print) 4,106 A1 4 0016- 7037 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 4,101 A1 1 1471- 2229 BMC Plant Biology (Online) 4,085 A1 1 17. 17 0360- 3199 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 4,053 A1 1 0192- 8651 Journal of Computational Chemistry 4,05 A1 2 0340- 5761 Archives of Toxicology 4,041 A1 2 0965- 1748 Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 4,018 A1 0 0022- 3565 The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (Print) 4,017 A1 0 0022- 2836 Journal of Molecular Biology 4,008 A1 0 1466- 8033 CrystEngComm (Cambridge. Online) 4,006 A1 3 0022- 3263 Journal of Organic Chemistry 4,002 A1 12 1064- 3389 Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 4,0 A1 0 0032- 3861 Polymer (Guildford) 3,828 A1 4 1520- 6106 Journal of Physical Chemistry. B 3,603 A1 16 0163- 3864 Journal of Natural Products (Print) 2,872 A1 12 1566- 1199 Organic Electronics (Print) 3,998 A2 0 0041- 008X Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 3,993 A2 1 0267- 8357 Mutagenesis 3,983 A2 0 1570- 1794 Current Organic Synthesis 3,952 A2 1 1439- 4227 ChemBioChem (Print) 3,945 A2 0 0003- 2654 Analyst (London. 1877. Print) 3,913 A2 11 0887- 624X Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry 3,894 A2 4 0306- 2619 Applied Energy 3,888 A2 0 0276- 7333 Organometallics 3,888 A2 1 0363- 6135 American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 3,88 A2 0 0006- 3363 Biology of Reproduction 3,87 A2 2 1040- 8401 Critical Reviews in Immunology 3,857 A2 1 1367- 2630 New Journal of Physics 3,849 A2 0 1618- 2642 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Print) 3,841 A2 16 0961- 9534 Biomass & Bioenergy 3,84 A2 3 1389- 2037 Current Protein and Peptide Science 3,83 A2 0 1044- Journal of the American Society for 3,83 A2 2 18. 18 0305 Mass Spectrometry 0022- 3956 Journal of Psychiatric Research 3,827 A2 0 1742- 206X Molecular Biosystems (Print) 3,825 A2 2 1549- 9596 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 3,822 A2 1 0003- 6951 Applied Physics Letters 3,82 A2 3 1090- 3801 European Journal of Pain (London, England) 3,819 A2 1 0033- 3158 Psychopharmacologia (Heidelberg) 3,817 A2 0 0141- 8955 Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 3,808 A2 0 0021- 8898 Journal of Applied Crystallography 3,794 A2 2 1660- 2854 Neurodegenerative Diseases (Print) 3,791 A2 0 0300- 9084 Biochimie (Paris. Print) 3,787 A2 2 0924- 8579 International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (Print) 3,787 A2 1 1359- 6454 Acta Materialia (Oxford) 3,781 A2 0 1098- 0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 3,772 A2 5 1094- 4087 Optics Express 3,749 A2 2 0021- 9193 Journal of Bacteriology (Print) 3,726 A2 0 0304- 3894 Journal of Hazardous Materials (Print) 3,723 A2 32 0009- 2541 Chemical Geology 3,722 A2 0 0039- 9140 Talanta (Oxford) 3,722 A2 66 1381- 1991 Molecular Diversity 3,721 A2 0 1464- 6722 Molecular Plant Pathology 3,709 A2 0 1074- 7427 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Print) 3,701 A2 0 0006- 3592 Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Print) 3,7 A2 0 0570- 4928 Applied Spectroscopy Reviews (Softcover ed.) 3,686 A2 7 0376- 7388 Journal of Membrane Science (Print) 3,673 A2 0 1477- 9226 Dalton Transactions (2003. Print) 3,647 A2 12 0957- 4484 Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print) 3,644 A2 6 0013- 4686 Electrochimica Acta 3,642 A2 31 0300- 483X Toxicology (Amsterdam) 3,641 A2 0 19. 19 0145- 479X Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 3,637 A2 0 1871- 5273 CNS & Neurological Disorders. Drug Targets 3,618 A2 1 1043- 6618 Pharmacological Research 3,612 A2 0 0014- 4827 Experimental Cell Research 3,609 A2 0 0378- 5173 International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Print) 3,607 A2 2 1431- 6730 Biological Chemistry (Print) 3,603 A2 0 0016- 2361 Fuel (Guildford) 3,602 A2 22 0014- 5793 FEBS Letters (Print) 3,601 A2 0 0197- 0186 Neurochemistry International 3,601 A2 2 1756- 5901 Metallomics (Print) 3,592 A2 2 0378- 4274 Toxicology Letters 3,581 A2 0 1935- 5130 Food and Bioprocess Technology (Print) 3,576 A2 0 0264- 410X Vaccine (Guildford) 3,572 A2 0 0173- 0835 Electrophoresis (Weinheim. Print) 3,569 A2 13 0360- 5442 Energy (Oxford) 3,565 A2 1 0931- 0509 Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation (Print) 3,564 A2 0 0003- 4975 The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 3,558 A2 1 0584- 8547 Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy 3,549 A2 10 1567- 5394 Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam) 3,52 A2 2 0094- 8276 Geophysical Research Letters 3,505 A2 1 1352- 0504 Journal of Viral Hepatitis (Print) 3,502 A2 1 0013- 9351 Environmental Research (New York, N.Y. Print) 3,5 A2 1 1047- 8477 Journal of Structural Biology (Print) 3,497 A2 2 0893- 6692 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (Print) 3,493 A2 0 0963- 7214 Current Directions in Psychological Science (Print) 3,49 A2 0 1475- 2875 Malaria Journal (Online) 3,489 A2 1 1660- 3397 Marine Drugs 3,471 A2 2 0144- 8617 Carbohydrate Polymers 3,463 A2 15 0308- Food Chemistry 3,458 A2 17 20. 20 8146 1616- 5187 Macromolecular Bioscience (Print) 3,458 A2 0 0168- 6496 FEMS Microbiology, Ecology (Print) 3,456 A2 0 1463- 9076 PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print) 3,453 A2 14 1477- 0520 Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 3,451 A2 4 1866- 6817 Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques (Print) 3,436 A2 0 0261- 5614 Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh) 3,41 A2 0 0269- 7491 Environmental Pollution (1987) 3,395 A2 0 0166- 4328 Behavioural Brain Research 3,393 A2 0 0305- 7364 Annals of Botany (Print) 3,388 A2 1 0024- 3590 Limnology and Oceanography 3,385 A2 0 1089- 8603 Nitric Oxide (Print) 3,384 A2 3 0926- 860X Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print) 3,383 A2 32 0920- 654X Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 3,374 A2 0 1094- 8341 Physiological Genomics (Print) 3,368 A2 0 0925- 4005 Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical 3,368 A2 6 0924- 9338 European Psychiatry (Paris) 3,365 A2 0 1867- 3880 ChemCatChem 3,345 A2 1 1439- 4235 ChemPhysChem (Print) 3,339 A2 0 0166- 445X Aquatic Toxicology 3,333 A2 0 0892- 7014 Biofouling (New York. Print) 3,333 A2 2 0740- 0020 Food Microbiology (Print) 3,32 A2 1 1615- 6846 Fuel Cells (Weinheim. Print) 3,32 A2 0 0162- 0134 Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 3,317 A2 9 0146- 9592 Optics Letters 3,316 A2 0 0926- 9959 JEADV. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 3,309 A2 0 0148- 0227 Journal of Geophysical Research 3,303 A2 0 0928- 0987 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3,291 A2 4 1076- Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Print) 3,289 A2 1 21. 21 5174 0949- 8257 JBIC. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (Print) 3,287 A2 0 0175- 7598 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 3,28 A2 1 0010- 938X Corrosion Science 3,261 A2 6 0378- 1135 Veterinary Microbiology (Amsterdam. Print) 3,256 A2 1 1388- 0764 Journal of Nanoparticle Research 3,25 A2 7 0003- 2697 Analytical Biochemistry (Print) 3,236 A2 3 1352- 2310 Atmospheric Environment (1994) 3,226 A2 4 0006- 2960 Biochemistry (Easton) 3,226 A2 0 1387- 1811 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (Print) 3,22 A2 9 1468- 6996 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 3,22 A2 1 1434- 193X European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Print) 3,206 A2 9 0027- 5107 Mutation Research (Print) 3,204 A2 0 1350- 4177 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 3,199 A2 7 0223- 5234 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 3,193 A2 31 0048- 9697 Science of the Total Environment 3,19 A2 3 1083- 3668 Journal of Biomedical Optics 3,188 A2 0 0045- 6535 Chemosphere (Oxford) 3,155 A2 7 0031- 9422 Phytochemistry 3,15 A2 6 1871- 5206 Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 3,144 A2 1 0168- 1605 International Journal of Food Microbiology 3,143 A2 1 0377- 0486 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 3,137 A2 5 0890- 6238 Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 3,137 A2 0 0009- 9104 Clinical and Experimental Immunology (Print) 3,134 A2 0 0895- 7061 American Journal of Hypertension 3,129 A2 2 1742- 464X The FEBS Journal (Print) 3,129 A2 1 0015- 0282 Fertility and Sterility 3,122 A2 4 1520- 4766 Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry 3,122 A2 1 0148- 6055 Journal of Rheology (New York, N.Y.) 3,117 A2 0 22. 22 0016- 6480 General and Comparative Endocrinology (Print) 3,108 A2 1 0039- 128X Steroids (Stoneham, MA.) 3,106 A2 0 0022- 0795 Journal of Endocrinology 3,099 A2 0 0195- 6701 The Journal of Hospital Infection 3,078 A2 1 1385- 8947 Chemical Engineering Journal (1996) 3,074 A2 13 0021- 9797 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Print) 3,066 A2 22 1389- 4501 Current Drug Targets (Print) 3,061 A2 0 0925- 2738 Journal of Biomolecular NMR 3,047 A2 0 1549- 3296 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 3,044 A2 1 0022- 0949 Journal of Experimental Biology 3,04 A2 1 0031- 6970 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 3,032 A2 0 0022- 3549 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3,031 A2 4 1471- 2105 BMC Bioinformatics 3,028 A2 0 0730- 7268 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 3,026 A2 5 1741- 0126 Protein Engineering, Design & Selection (Print) 3,023 A2 0 0003- 9861 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Print) 3,022 A2 1 1639- 4488 Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 3,015 A2 0 0950- 3293 Food Quality and Preference 3,013 A2 1 0040- 4020 Tetrahedron (Oxford. Print) 3,011 A2 7 0167- 6997 Investigational New Drugs 3,007 A2 2 0196- 8092 Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (Print) 3,0 A2 0 0304- 4203 Marine Chemistry (Print) 2,751 A2 1 0103- 5053 Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso) 1,343 A2 238 0021- 9584 Journal of Chemical Education 0,571 A2 4 1471- 2091 BMC Biochemistry (Online) B1 0 0108- 7673 Acta Crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of Crystallography 54,333 B1 0 0907- 4449 Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Biological Crystallography 6,326 B1 0 0920- 5861 Catalysis Today (Print) 2,993 B1 5 0829- Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Print) 2,992 B1 0 23. 23 8211 0896- 8446 The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 2,986 B1 2 0968- 0896 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (Print) 2,978 B1 14 1774- 0746 Agronomy for Sustainable Development 2,972 B1 1 1570- 0232 Journal of Chromatography. B (Print) 2,971 B1 3 0168- 1656 Journal of Biotechnology 2,97 B1 2 1470- 160X Ecological Indicators 2,967 B1 0 1741- 427X Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Print) 2,964 B1 1 1436- 2228 Marine Biotechnology (Print) 2,962 B1 2 1471- 2180 BMC Microbiology (Online) 2,96 B1 1 1383- 5718 Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 2,938 B1 5 0007- 1161 British Journal of Ophthalmology 2,934 B1 0 1944- 8244 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (Print) 2,925 B1 1 0895- 8696 Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2,922 B1 1 1385- 2728 Current Organic Chemistry 2,92 B1 2 0109- 5641 Dental Materials 2,92 B1 0 0021- 9606 The Journal of Chemical Physics 2,92 B1 7 1434- 1948 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Print) 2,909 B1 1 1432- 881X Theoretical Chemistry Accounts (Print) 2,903 B1 1 0899- 0042 Chirality (New York, N.Y. Print) 2,892 B1 1 0031- 9384 Physiology & Behavior 2,891 B1 0 0960- 0760 Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2,886 B1 0 1872- 4973 Forensic Science International. Genetics (Print) 2,877 B1 1 0278- 5846 Progress in Neuro- Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2,877 B1 2 0095- 3628 Microbial Ecology 2,875 B1 0 0166- 6851 Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology (Print) 2,875 B1 0 1381- 1169 Journal of Molecular Catalysis. A, Chemical (Print) 2,872 B1 7 1368- 8375 Oral Oncology (1997) 2,871 B1 0 24. 24 0944- 1344 Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 2,87 B1 1 0009- 3084 Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (Print) 2,861 B1 0 1050- 2947 Physical Review. A 2,861 B1 1 0266- 3538 Composites Science and Technology 2,856 B1 2 0077- 8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2,847 B1 0 0951- 4198 RCM. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2,846 B1 7 0009- 2797 Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print) 2,832 B1 13 0035- 9203 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2,832 B1 0 1566- 7367 Catalysis Communications (Print) 2,827 B1 7 1466- 8564 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2,825 B1 0 0969- 0239 Cellulose (London) 2,817 B1 2 0021- 8561 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2,816 B1 14 0887- 3585 Proteins (Print) 2,813 B1 0 0905- 7161 Clinical Oral Implants Research 2,812 B1 1 0956- 7135 Food Control 2,812 B1 2 1359- 6462 Scripta Materialia 2,806 B1 0 1071- 5762 Free Radical Research 2,805 B1 1 0031- 3998 Pediatric Research 2,803 B1 1 0021- 9614 Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2,794 B1 1 0378- 3820 Fuel Processing Technology 2,781 B1 2 0927- 7765 Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces (Print) 2,78 B1 8 1383- 5866 Separation and Purification Technology (Print) 2,774 B1 1 1570- 9639 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Proteins and Proteomics 2,773 B1 0 0032- 079X Plant and Soil (Print) 2,773 B1 0 0344- 5704 Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2,759 B1 1 0295- 5075 Europhysics Letters (Print) 2,753 B1 0 1018- 1172 Journal of Vascular Research 2,752 B1 0 0014- 2999 European Journal of Pharmacology 2,737 B1 3 0731- Journal of Pharmaceutical and 2,733 B1 4 25. 25 7085 Biomedical Analysis (Print) 1530- 3667 Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.) 2,733 B1 0 1572- 6657 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1992) 2,732 B1 9 1089- 5639 The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A 2,732 B1 26 1286- 4579 Microbes and Infection 2,726 B1 0 0899- 9007 Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) 2,726 B1 0 1040- 0397 Electroanalysis (New York, N.Y.) 2,721 B1 35 1079- 9796 Blood Cells, Molecules & Diseases (Print) 2,716 B1 1 0098- 8472 Environmental and Experimental Botany 2,699 B1 1 1369- 703X Biochemical Engineering Journal 2,692 B1 2 0031- 8655 Photochemistry and Photobiology 2,679 B1 1 0176- 1617 Journal of Plant Physiology (Print) 2,677 B1 0 0921- 2728 Journal of Paleolimnology 2,676 B1 0 0168- 2563 Biogeochemistry (Dordrecht) 2,674 B1 1 1092- 8529 CNS Spectrums 2,667 B1 0 0944- 7113 Phytomedicine (Stuttgart) 2,662 B1 9 0960- 894X Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (Print) 2,661 B1 9 1862- 6254 Physica Status Solidi. Rapid Research Letters (Print) 2,66 B1 0 0268- 005X Food Hydrocolloids 2,659 B1 0 0196- 9781 Peptides (New York, N.Y. 1980) 2,654 B1 0 1472- 9792 Tuberculosis (Edinburgh) 2,65 B1 1 1359- 5113 Process Biochemistry (1991) 2,648 B1 3 0143- 7208 Dyes and Pigments 2,635 B1 7 1615- 9306 Journal of Separation Science (Print) 2,631 B1 7 1144- 0546 New Journal of Chemistry (1987) 2,631 B1 0 1540- 7063 Integrative and Comparative Biology 2,626 B1 0 1550- 7033 Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2,626 B1 1 0091- 3057 Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 2,624 B1 0 0006- 8993 Brain Research 2,623 B1 0 26. 26 1389- 5575 Mini-Reviews in Medical Chemistry 2,622 B1 0 0892- 0362 Neurotoxicology and Teratology 2,622 B1 1 0309- 1740 Meat Science 2,619 B1 0 0040- 4039 Tetrahedron Letters 2,618 B1 44 0301- 4215 Energy Policy 2,614 B1 0 0364- 3190 Neurochemical Research 2,608 B1 0 0148- 6071 JPEN. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2,606 B1 1 0278- 6915 Food and Chemical Toxicology 2,602 B1 1 0300- 9564 Journal of Neural Transmission 2,597 B1 1 0301- 4797 Journal of Environmental Management 2,596 B1 4 0006- 291X Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (Print) 2,595 B1 1 0141- 3910 Polymer Degradation and Stability 2,594 B1 1 0026- 3672 Mikrochimica Acta (1966. Print) 2,578 B1 4 0008- 8749 Cellular Immunology (Print) 2,575 B1 0 1439- 0108 Journal of Soils and Sediments (Print) 2,574 B1 1 0955- 2219 Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2,574 B1 2 1386- 2073 Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 2,573 B1 1 0006- 3525 Biopolymers (New York. Print) 2,572 B1 1 1931- 7573 Nanoscale Research Letters (Print) 2,557 B1 0 0960- 1481 Renewable Energy 2,554 B1 1 1031- 3613 Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2,553 B1 2 1381- 5148 Reactive & Functional Polymers (Print) 2,546 B1 3 0887- 2333 Toxicology in Vitro 2,546 B1 0 1440- 2440 Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2,542 B1 1 0001- 7701 General Relativity and Gravitation 2,538 B1 0 0955- 8810 Behavioural Pharmacology 2,53 B1 2 1747- 0277 Chemical Biology & Drug Design (Print) 2,527 B1 9 0031- 1820 Parasitology (London. Print) 2,522 B1 2 0014- European Polymer Journal 2,517 B1 7 27. 27 3057 0025- 3227 Marine Geology (Print) 2,517 B1 1 0022- 1694 Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam) 2,514 B1 0 0926- 6690 Industrial Crops and Products (Print) 2,507 B1 7 0141- 8130 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2,502 B1 0 0361- 9230 Brain Research Bulletin 2,498 B1 0 0022- 0302 Journal of Dairy Science 2,497 B1 1 0301- 5629 Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 2,493 B1 0 1061- 186X Journal of Drug Targeting (Print) 2,491 B1 1 0167- 2738 Solid State Ionics (Print) 2,491 B1 7 1477- 5956 Proteome Science 2,488 B1 1 0098- 0331 Journal of Chemical Ecology 2,486 B1 1 0171- 5216 Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2,485 B1 0 0957- 4166 Tetrahedron: Asymmetry (Print) 2,484 B1 13 0171- 8630 Marine Ecology. Progress Series (Halstenbek) 2,483 B1 0 0168- 9452 Plant Science (Limerick) 2,481 B1 1 0026- 265X Microchemical Journal (Print) 2,48 B1 59 0022- 3492 Journal of Periodontology (1970) 2,479 B1 0 0021- 9746 Journal of Clinical Pathology 2,475 B1 1 0006- 3185 The Biological Bulletin (Lancaster) 2,475 B1 0 1748- 6041 Biomedical Materials (Bristol. Print) 2,467 B1 0 0378- 8741 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2,466 B1 17 0921- 9668 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Dordrecht) 2,463 B1 1 0024- 3205 Life Sciences (1973) 2,451 B1 0 0041- 0101 Toxicon (Oxford) 2,451 B1 5 0936- 5214 Synlett (Stuttgart) 2,447 B1 6 0002- 9637 The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2,446 B1 0 0887- 0624 Energy & Fuels (Print) 2,444 B1 21 0303- 402X Colloid and Polymer Science (Print) 2,443 B1 0 28. 28 1022- 1352 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (Print) 2,437 B1 0 0031- 949X Phytopathology 2,428 B1 0 0732- 8893 Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2,426 B1 2 0272- 4340 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 2,423 B1 0 0013- 4651 Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2,42 B1 2 0963- 9969 Food Research International 2,416 B1 1 1367- 5435 Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2,416 B1 1 0955- 9930 International Journal of Impotence Research 2,415 B1 0 1354- 3776 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 2,412 B1 0 0815- 9319 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2,41 B1 0 1435- 8603 Plant Biology (Stuttgart) 2,409 B1 0 0160- 2446 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 2,406 B1 2 0923- 2508 Research in Microbiology (Paris) 2,405 B1 0 0981- 9428 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Paris) 2,402 B1 1 0026- 2862 Microvascular Research (Print) 2,39 B1 0 0009- 8981 Clinica Chimica Acta (Print) 2,388 B1 0 0175- 7571 European Biophysics Journal 2,387 B1 1 0143- 2885 International Endodontic Journal (Print) 2,383 B1 0 0035- 4511 Rheologica Acta (Print) 2,382 B1 0 0022- 1554 The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 2,381 B1 0 0022- 2615 Journal of Medical Microbiology 2,38 B1 0 0009- 2509 Chemical Engineering Science 2,379 B1 1 1474- 905X Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences (Print) 2,378 B1 0 0959- 4973 Anti-Cancer Drugs 2,376 B1 0 0146- 6380 Organic Geochemistry 2,375 B1 8 1742- 7835 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (Print) 2,371 B1 0 0022- 5193 Journal of Theoretical Biology 2,371 B1 0 0032- 0943 Planta Medica 2,369 B1 6 1364- Journal of Applied Microbiology (Print) 2,365 B1 0 29. 29 5072 1058- 5893 International Journal of Plant Sciences 2,364 B1 1 0025- 326X Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2,359 B1 8 0956- 053X Waste Management (Elmsford) 2,358 B1 0 0254- 0584 Materials Chemistry and Physics 2,353 B1 18 1539- 3755 Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print) 2,352 B1 0 0147- 6513 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2,34 B1 4 1359- 835X Composites. Part A, Applied Science and Manufacturing 2,338 B1 3 0909- 0495 Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 2,335 B1 1 1090- 7807 Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif. 1997: Print) 2,333 B1 0 0953- 8984 Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print) 2,332 B1 1 0304- 4017 Veterinary Parasitology (Print) 2,331 B1 1 1381- 1177 Journal of Molecular Catalysis. B, Enzymatic (Print) 2,33 B1 7 1369- 3786 Medical Mycology (Oxford. Print) 2,329 B1 0 0966- 9795 Intermetallics (Barking) 2,327 B1 1 1532- 0456 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C. Toxicology & Pharmacology 2,325 B1 0 1567- 5769 International Immunopharmacology (Print) 2,325 B1 0 0957- 4530 Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Medicine 2,325 B1 0 0260- 437X JAT. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2,322 B1 3 0377- 8398 Marine Micropaleontology (Print) 2,321 B1 0 0966- 0844 BioMetals (Oxford) 2,32 B1 1 1526- 498X Pest Management Science (Print) 2,313 B1 1 0268- 8921 Lasers in Medical Science 2,311 B1 0 0022- 1910 Journal of Insect Physiology 2,31 B1 1 0169- 1317 Applied Clay Science (Print) 2,303 B1 7 0920- 1211 Epilepsy Research 2,302 B1 0 0010- 4655 Computer Physics Communications 2,3 B1 0 1010- 7940 European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2,293 B1 0 30. 30 1340- 3478 Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 2,293 B1 1 0023- 6438 Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie / Food Science + Technology 2,292 B1 1 0141- 0229 Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2,287 B1 3 0952- 3499 JMR. Journal of Molecular Recognition 2,286 B1 0 1570- 193X Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry 2,284 B1 1 0940- 2993 Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology (Print) 2,283 B1 1 0009- 2614 Chemical Physics Letters (Print) 2,28 B1 14 1542- 9733 Birth Defects Research. Part B. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology 2,279 B1 0 1422- 0067 International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Online) 2,279 B1 1 0169- 6149 Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 2,278 B1 0 0378- 1119 Gene (Amsterdam) 2,266 B1 0 0001- 706X Acta Tropica 2,262 B1 0 0022- 4596 Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Print) 2,261 B1 6 1347- 8613 Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 2,26 B1 0 0039- 7881 Synthesis (Stuttgart) 2,26 B1 6 1383- 5769 Parasitology International (Print) 2,259 B1 2 0925- 5214 Postharvest Biology and Technology (Print) 2,256 B1 1 0378- 3812 Fluid Phase Equilibria 2,253 B1 0 0885- 3282 Journal of Biomaterials Applications 2,246 B1 1 1063- 7869 Physics Uspekhi (Print) 2,245 B1 1 1010- 6030 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry 2,243 B1 10 1007- 9327 World Journal of Gastroenterology 2,24 B1 1 0946- 2171 Applied Physics. B, Lasers and Optics (Print) 2,239 B1 0 0022- 3646 Journal of Phycology 2,239 B1 0 0022- 4804 The Journal of Surgical Research (Print) 2,239 B1 0 0914- 8779 Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism (English ed. Print) 2,238 B1 1 0047- 2425 Journal of Environmental Quality 2,236 B1 0 0165- Journal of Analytical and Applied 2,234 B1 1 31. 31 2370 Pyrolysis (Print) 1432- 8488 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Print) 2,234 B1 11 0044- 8435 Apidologie (Celle) 2,23 B1 0 0169- 7439 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (Print) 2,222 B1 6 1552- 4973 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials 2,22 B1 1 0304- 8608 Archives of Virology 2,209 B1 0 0753- 3322 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2,208 B1 2 1083- 6160 Organic Process Research & Development 2,207 B1 0 0022- 328X Journal of Organometallic Chemistry (Print) 2,205 B1 7 1472- 6882 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Online) 2,195 B1 0 0092- 640X Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (Print) 2,186 B1 0 0277- 2116 Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2,18 B1 1 1431- 9276 Microscopy and Microanalysis (Print) 2,179 B1 2 8756- 7938 Biotechnology Progress (Print) 2,178 B1 0 0928- 4931 Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print) 2,178 B1 5 0016- 7061 Geoderma (Amsterdam) 2,176 B1 2 0946- 672X Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2,176 B1 0 0165- 2427 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (Print) 2,176 B1 0 1537- 1891 Vascular Pharmacology 2,174 B1 1 0006- 3606 Biotropica (Lawrence, KS) 2,169 B1 0 0260- 8774 Journal of Food Engineering 2,168 B1 0 0300- 8177 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2,168 B1 0 0192- 6233 Toxicologic Pathology (Print) 2,168 B1 0 1976- 6696 BMB Reports (Print) 2,167 B1 0 0002- 7820 Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2,167 B1 5 0178- 2762 Biology and Fertility of Soils (Print) 2,156 B1 0 1445- 4408 Functional Plant Biology (Print) 2,156 B1 0 0767- 3981 Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 2,152 B1 0 0024- Lipids 2,151 B1 0 32. 32 4201 0025- 5408 Materials Research Bulletin 2,145 B1 7 0166- 0934 Journal of Virological Methods 2,139 B1 0 0038- 092X Solar Energy 2,135 B1 0 0257- 8972 Surface & Coatings Technology 2,135 B1 3 1095- 6433 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2,134 B1 0 0925- 8388 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2,134 B1 17 0927- 7757 Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Print) 2,13 B1 6 0033- 4545 Pure and Applied Chemistry (Print) 2,128 B1 0 0375- 6742 Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2,125 B1 0 0167- 577X Materials Letters (General ed.) 2,117 B1 9 1011- 1344 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology 2,116 B1 5 0300- 5712 Journal of Dentistry 2,115 B1 1 1050- 642X Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine (Print) 2,11 B1 0 0301- 4622 Biophysical Chemistry (Print) 2,108 B1 5 0022- 3727 Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print) 2,105 B1 2 0165- 0270 Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2,1 B1 0 0167- 1987 Soil & Tillage Research 2,1 B1 0 0740- 3224 Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical Physics 2,095 B1 0 1073- 6085 Molecular Biotechnology 2,091 B1 1 1354- 750X Biomarkers (London. Print) 2,09 B1 0 0921- 5093 Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing 2,09 B1 0 0021- 9568 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2,089 B1 5 1539- 445X Soft Materials 2,088 B1 2 0924- 2031 Vibrational Spectroscopy (Print) 2,083 B1 16 0031- 8884 Phycologia (Oxford) 2,08 B1 1 0888- 5885 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2,071 B1 1 1434- Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory 2,069 B1 0 33. 33 6621 Medicine 0166- 5162 International Journal of Coal Geology 2,069 B1 0 0021- 8979 Journal of Applied Physics 2,064 B1 19 0268- 2605 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2,062 B1 1 0304- 3991 Ultramicroscopy (Amsterdam) 2,061 B1 0 1615- 7591 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Print) 2,06 B1 0 0074- 0276 Memrias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Impresso) 2,058 B1 1 0742- 2091 Cell Biology and Toxicology 2,056 B1 1 0959- 8103 Polymer International 2,056 B1 1 0304- 3940 Neuroscience Letters (Print) 2,055 B1 1 1610- 3653 Environmental Chemistry Letters (Print) 2,051 B1 3 0044- 8486 Aquaculture (Amsterdam) 2,044 B1 0 0009- 9120 Clinical Biochemistry 2,043 B1 0 0378- 1097 FEMS Microbiology Letters 2,04 B1 0 1093- 3263 Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2,033 B1 5 0277- 5387 Polyhedron 2,033 B1 23 0905- 6947 Indoor Air 2,029 B1 0 0263- 8223 Composite Structures 2,028 B1 1 0003- 004X The American Mineralogist 2,026 B1 0 1042- 0533 American Journal of Human Biology 2,021 B1 0 0301- 0104 Chemical Physics (Print) 2,017 B1 1 0142- 9418 Polymer Testing 2,016 B1 1 0025- 3162 Marine Biology (Berlin) 2,011 B1 1 0039- 6028 Surface Science 2,01 B1 1 1387- 3806 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Print) 2,009 B1 0 1023- 3830 Inflammation Research (Printed ed.) 2,004 B1 0 0340- 7594 Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 2,0 B1 1 0882- 4010 Microbial Pathogenesis 2,0 B1 0 1947- Science of Advanced Materials (Print) 2,0 B1 3 34. 34 2935 0013- 1350 Education in Chemistry B2 0 1948- 7185 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters B2 2 2040- 2503 MedChemComm B2 2 0584- 8539 Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular Spectroscopy 1,77 B2 0 1525- 5050 Epilepsy & Behavior (Print) 1,994 B2 0 0929- 5607 Adsorption (Boston) 1,993 B2 1 1096- 4959 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (Print) 1,989 B2 0 1420- 3049 Molecules (Basel. Online) 1,988 B2 13 0188- 4409 Archives of Medical Research 1,986 B2 1 0038- 1098 Solid State Communications 1,979 B2 1 1387- 7003 Inorganic Chemistry Communications 1,974 B2 4 1099- 0062 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 1,967 B2 3 1053- 0509 Journal of Fluorescence 1,966 B2 3 0305- 1870 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology 1,96 B2 0 0944- 5013 Microbiological Research (Print) 1,958 B2 1 0893- 6080 Neural Networks 1,955 B2 0 1075- 2617 Journal of Peptide Science (Print) 1,954 B2 2 0141- 1136 Marine Environmental Research 1,953 B2 0 0731- 5724 Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Print) 1,95 B2 0 0889- 1575 Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (Print) 1,948 B2 2 0179- 1613 Ethology 1,945 B2 0 0903- 4641 APMIS. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica. 1,944 B2 1 1061- 0278 Supramolecular Chemistry (Print) 1,94 B2 0 0736- 5748 International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 1,938 B2 0 1522- 6514 International Journal of Phytoremediation 1,936 B2 0 1520- 4081 Environmental Toxicology (Print) 1,932 B2 0 1351- 0754 European Journal of Soil Science (Print) 1,932 B2 1 35. 35 1936- 9751 Food Analytical Methods (Print) 1,932 B2 4 0095- 8972 Journal of Coordination Chemistry (Print) 1,932 B2 3 0090- 4341 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Print) 1,93 B2 4 0278- 4343 Continental Shelf Research 1,928 B2 0 0022- 2585 Journal of Medical Entomology 1,925 B2 0 1570- 162X Current HIV Research (Print) 1,923 B2 0 0022- 3573 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 1,918 B2 4 0304- 386X Hydrometallurgy (Amsterdam) 1,917 B2 0 1438- 7492 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (Print) 1,916 B2 0 1482- 1826 Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences 1,914 B2 0 0022- 0981 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 1,91 B2 0 0040- 6090 Thin Solid Films 1,909 B2 7 1011- 372X Catalysis Letters 1,907 B2 5 0953- 4075 Journal of Physics. B, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (Print) 1,902 B2 3 1971- 551X Fitoterapia (Milano) 1,899 B2 3 0020- 1693 Inorganica Chimica Acta (Testo stampato) 1,899 B2 11 0040- 6031 Thermochimica Acta (Print) 1,899 B2 11 0008- 6215 Carbohydrate Research (Chicago, Ill.. Print) 1,898 B2 6 0341- 8162 Catena (Cremlingen) 1,893 B2 1 0909- 8836 European Journal of Oral Sciences 1,89 B2 0 0250- 5991 Journal of Biosciences 1,888 B2 0 0272- 7714 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Print) 1,887 B2 1 0032- 5910 Powder Technology (Print) 1,887 B2 1 0273- 2289 Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 1,879 B2 5 1573- 4137 Current Nanoscience 1,879 B2 2 0951- 418X PTR. Phytotherapy Research 1,878 B2 2 0342- 1791 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 1,876 B2 0 0022- 2720 Journal of Microscopy (Print) 1,872 B2 0 1610- Journal of Molecular Modeling (Print) 1,871 B2 6 36. 36 2940 0379- 6779 Synthetic Metals 1,871 B2 11 0014- 4894 Experimental Parasitology 1,869 B2 2 0361- 5995 Soil Science Society of America Journal 1,866 B2 3 0300- 9440 Progress in Organic Coatings (Print) 1,862 B2 0 0022- 2461 Journal of Materials Science 1,855 B2 20 0011- 9164 Desalination (Amsterdam) 1,851 B2 3 0882- 5734 Flavour and Fragrance Journal (Print) 1,849 B2 0 0929- 8665 Protein and Peptide Letters 1,849 B2 1 0958- 0344 Phytochemical Analysis 1,848 B2 5 1059- 9630 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (Print) 1,844 B2 0 0920- 5063 Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer ed. (Print) 1,842 B2 1 0108- 7681 Acta Crystallographica. Section B, Structural Science 1,829 B2 0 1293- 2558 Solid State Sciences 1,828 B2 4 1362- 4393 Spinal Cord 1,826 B2 0 0925- 9635 Diamond and Related Materials 1,825 B2 2 1359- 4311 Applied Thermal Engineering 1,823 B2 0 0898- 2104 Journal of Liposome Research 1,823 B2 0 0379- 0738 Forensic Science International 1,821 B2 0 0268- 2575 Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (1986) 1,818 B2 1 1107- 3756 International Journal of Molecular Medicine 1,814 B2 1 0932- 0113 Parasitology Research (1987. Print) 1,812 B2 9 0918- 6158 Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1,811 B2 3 1464- 0325 Journal of Environmental Monitoring (Print) 1,81 B2 2 0301- 486X Mycopathologia (1975. Print) 1,81 B2 1 1573- 4110 Current Analytical Chemistry 1,809 B2 3 0165- 022X Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 1,808 B2 0 0031- 7012 Pharmacology 1,802 B2 0 1744- 117X Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D, Genomics & 1,8 B2 0 37. 37 Proteomics 0022- 2313 Journal of Luminescence 1,795 B2 13 0169- 4332 Applied Surface Science 1,793 B2 2 0921- 8971 Journal of Applied Phycology 1,792 B2 1 1042- 7147 Polymers for Advanced Technologies (Print) 1,776 B2 0 1045- 1056 Biologicals (London. Print) 1,774 B2 0 1424- 8220 Sensors (Basel) 1,771 B2 2 1386- 1425 Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (Print) 1,77 B2 9 0141- 5492 Biotechnology Letters 1,768 B2 0 0049- 6979 Water, Air and Soil Pollution (Print) 1,765 B2 2 0301- 2115 European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology 1,764 B2 1 1359- 8368 Composites. Part B, Engineering 1,763 B2 2 0947- 8396 Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing (Print) 1,76 B2 0 0302- 8933 Archives of Microbiology 1,754 B2 0 1388- 6150 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 1,752 B2 29 0964- 8305 International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 1,75 B2 4 0368- 2048 Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (Print) 1,75 B2 0 1065- 6995 Cell Biology International (Print) 1,747 B2 1 0026- 8976 Molecular Physics (Print) 1,743 B2 1 1567- 1739 Current Applied Physics 1,74 B2 6 0022- 0248 Journal of Crystal Growth 1,737 B2 0 0022- 1147 Journal of Food Science 1,733 B2 1 0276- 0460 Geo-Marine Letters 1,73 B2 0 0003- 7028 Applied Spectroscopy 1,729 B2 1 0255- 2701 Chemical Engineering and Processing 1,729 B2 0 1040- 0400 Structural Chemistry 1,727 B2 5 1070- 6631 Physics of Fluids (1994) 1,722 B2 0 0377- 8401 Animal Feed Science and Technology (Print) 1,72 B2 0 0160- 564X Artificial Organs 1,719 B2 1 38. 38 0022- 1139 Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 1,719 B2 1 1073- 5623 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 1,712 B2 0 1573- 4129 Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 1,71 B2 0 0305- 4403 Journal of Archaeological Science 1,71 B2 1 1559- 128X Applied Optics 1,703 B2 0 1862- 832X Macromolecular Reaction Engineering (Print) 1,701 B2 1 0304- 8853 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1,689 B2 2 0770- 3198 Clinical Rheumatology (Printed) 1,687 B2 0 1021- 335X Oncology Reports 1,686 B2 0 0026- 1394 Metrologia (Paris. Print) 1,684 B2 0 0003- 4746 Annals of Applied Biology 1,681 B2 0 0004- 9425 Australian Journal of Chemistry (Print) 1,681 B2 2 0925- 3467 Optical Materials (Amsterdam. Print) 1,678 B2 6 1687- 4110 Journal of Nanomaterials (Print) 1,675 B2 1 0140- 7783 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Print) 1,675 B2 0 0003- 6072 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Gedrukt) 1,673 B2 0 0967- 0645 Deep-Sea Research. Part 2. Tropical Studies in Oceanography 1,67 B2 0 0933- 7407 Mycoses (Berlin) 1,667 B2 5 0737- 3937 Drying Technology 1,662 B2 0 1464- 4258 Journal of Optics. A, Pure and Applied Optics (Print) 1,662 B2 0 0049- 8246 X-Ray Spectrometry 1,661 B2 3 0250- 7005 Anticancer Research 1,656 B2 1 0267- 8292 Liquid Crystals (Print) 1,653 B2 1 0263- 6484 Cell Biochemistry and Function 1,651 B2 2 0167- 7322 Journal of Molecular Liquids (Print) 1,649 B2 3 0968- 4328 Micron (Oxford. 1993) 1,649 B2 1 1557- 1858 Food Biophysics 1,648 B2 1 0266- 8254 Letters in Applied Microbiology 1,647 B2 0 39. 39 1046- 5928 Protein Expression and Purification (Print) 1,644 B2 1 1612- 8850 Plasma Processes and Polymers (Print) 1,643 B2 0 1751- 8113 Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Print) 1,641 B2 1 0027- 5514 Mycologia 1,641 B2 1 1598- 5032 Macromolecular Research 1,639 B2 1 1528- 7394 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A 1,637 B2 1 1549- 5418 Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 1,633 B2 5 0009- 8604 Clays and Clay Minerals 1,631 B2 2 0022- 2631 The Journal of Membrane Biology (Print) 1,63 B2 0 0021- 8820 Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo. 1968) 1,628 B2 0 0076- 6879 Methods in Enzymology (Print) 1,626 B2 0 0006- 8055 Botanica Marina (Print) 1,623 B2 0 0161- 6412 Neurological Research (New York) 1,621 B2 1 0020- 2967 Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 1,62 B2 0 0937- 7409 Chemoecology (Printed ed.) 1,608 B2 0 1573- 4064 Medicinal Chemistry (Hilversum) 1,603 B2 0 1631- 0748 Comptes Rendus. Chimie 1,6 B2 1 0022- 2860 Journal of Molecular Structure (Print) 1,599 B2 23 0041- 624X Ultrasonics (Guildford) 1,599 B2 0 1461- 5185 Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 1,589 B2 0 0253- 6269 Archives of Pharmacal Research (Seoul. Print) 1,588 B2 0 0003- 021X Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 1,587 B2 1 1612- 1872 Chemistry & Biodiversity (Print) 1,586 B2 5 1438- 2377 European Food Research & Technology (Print) 1,585 B2 1 0006- 3134 Biologia Plantarum (Praha) 1,582 B2 0 0003- 813X Archaeometry (Oxford) 1,581 B2 0 0929- 1873 European Journal of Plant Pathology 1,575 B2 0 1788- 618X Express Polymer Letters 1,575 B2 5 1434- The European Physical Journal. B, 1,575 B2 0 40. 40 6028 Condensed Matter Physics (Print) 0009- 2673 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 1,574 B2 2 1475- 6366 Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry (Print) 1,574 B2 3 0967- 0335 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 1,57 B2 0 0924- 0136 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 1,567 B2 0 1096- 2247 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995) 1,567 B2 0 0739- 4462 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 1,564 B2 0 0376- 6357 Behavioural Processes (Print) 1,564 B2 0 0361- 7734 Operative Dentistry 1,56 B2 1 1062- 936X SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research (Print) 1,56 B2 0 0269- 3879 BMC. Biomedical Chromatography 1,545 B2 0 0146- 4760 Journal of Analytical Toxicology 1,545 B2 0 0022- 149X Journal of Helminthology 1,544 B2 1 0895- 9811 Journal of South American Earth Sciences 1,543 B2 2 0010- 4485 Computer Aided Design 1,542 B2 0 1010- 5182 Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 1,54 B2 0 0929- 5305 Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 1,539 B2 1 0096- 3003 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1,534 B2 0 0365- 6233 Archiv der Pharmazie (Weinheim) 1,529 B2 2 0958- 9465 Cement & Concrete Composites 1,527 B2 0 0262- 8856 Image and Vision Computing 1,525 B2 0 0928- 0707 Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 1,525 B2 7 1537- 744X The Scientific World Journal 1,524 B2 3 0163- 4984 Biological Trace Element Research 1,523 B2 0 0378- 4371 Physica. A (Print) 1,521 B2 4 0018- 9499 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 1,519 B2 1 0030- 4018 Optics Communications (Print) 1,517 B2 0 1860- 5397 Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 1,515 B2 0 0265- 2048 Journal of Microencapsulation 1,515 B2 1 41. 41 1351- 0002 Redox Report (Edinburgh) 1,514 B2 0 1434- 6060 The European Physical Journal. D, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Print) 1,513 B2 0 0885- 4513 Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 1,512 B2 0 0343- 8651 Current Microbiology (Print) 1,51 B2 4 0009- 2363 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1,507 B2 0 1566- 2543 Journal of Polymers and the Environment 1,507 B2 9 0048- 3575 Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 1,503 B2 2 1863- 0650 Clean (Weinheim. Print) 1,502 B2 3 1932- 5223 Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological Genetics and Physiology 1,5 B2 1 0278- 2391 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Print) 1,5 B2 0 0749- 1581 Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 1,247 B2 7 0001- 3765 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Cincias (Impresso) 0,925 B2 6 0104- 6632 Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso) 0,811 B2 2 0100- 4042 Qumica Nova (Impresso) 0,744 B2 271 0104- 1428 Polmeros (So Carlos. Impresso) 0,436 B2 17 0044- 5967 Acta Amazonica (Impresso) B3 9 1759- 9660 Analytical Methods (Print) B3 8 1424- 6376 ARKIVOC 1,096 B3 5 1551- 7012 ARKIVOC (Online) 1,096 B3 1 1480- 3291 Canadian Journal of Chemistry 1,374 B3 1 0101- 8515 Cincia Hoje B3 2 0010- 9312 Corrosion (Houston, Tex.) B3 0 1388- 3127 Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry B3 4 1868- 1743 Molecular Informatics B3 0 0104- 8899 Qumica Nova na Escola (Impresso) B3 14 1984- 6835 Revista Virtual de Qumica B3 14 1452- 3981 International Journal of Electrochemical Science (Online) 2,808 B3 6 0022- 2852 Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (Print) 1,497 B3 0 42. 42 1044- 5803 Materials Characterization 1,496 B3 0 1746- 0441 Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery (Print) 1,495 B3 1 0021- 891X Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 1,494 B3 11 0022- 0493 Journal of Economic Entomology 1,489 B3 1 1438- 7697 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (Print) 1,487 B3 4 1461- 9555 Agricultural and Forest Entomology (Print) 1,484 B3 0 0022- 3093 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1,483 B3 4 0894- 3230 Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (Print) 1,478 B3 6 0272- 8842 Ceramics International 1,471 B3 2 1070- 9878 IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 1,47 B3 0 1340- 3443 Natural Medicines 1,469 B3 1 0045- 2068 Bioorganic Chemistry (Print) 1,466 B3 4 0265- 931X Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 1,466 B3 2 0910- 6340 Analytical Sciences 1,465 B3 1 0003- 9969 Archives of Oral Biology 1,463 B3 0 1096- 620X Journal of Medicinal Food 1,461 B3 4 0927- 0256 Computational Materials Science 1,458 B3 0 1862- 6300 Physica Status Solidi. A, Applications and Materials Science (Print) 1,458 B3 1 1022- 1344 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 1,44 B3 1 1095- 6670 Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 1,438 B3 0 0167- 6369 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Print) 1,436 B3 8 0894- 3214 Packaging Technology & Science (Print) 1,434 B3 1 1807- 5932 Clinics (USP. Impresso) 1,422 B3 2 1930- 2126 Bioresources (Raleigh, N.C) 1,418 B3 1 1079- 2104 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics 1,417 B3 0 0307- 6962 Physiological Entomology (Print) 1,417 B3 0 0921- 4534 Physica. C, Superconductivity (Print) 1,407 B3 0 1611- 020X QSAR & Combinatorial Science (Print) 1,407 B3 0 43. 43 0366- 7022 Chemistry Letters 1,4 B3 0 0363- 9045 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy (Print) 1,396 B3 0 0884- 2914 Journal of Materials Research 1,395 B3 0 1522- 7235 Luminescence (Chichester, England Print) 1,395 B3 1 0921- 4488 Small Ruminant Research 1,395 B3 0 0142- 2782 Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition 1,394 B3 1 0930- 7516 Chemical Engineering & Technology 1,394 B3 1 1353- 5773 Aquaculture Nutrition (Print) 1,393 B3 0 1529- 3785 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 1,391 B3 1 0079- 6786 Progress in Solid State Chemistry 1,391 B3 0 0361- 5235 Journal of Electronic Materials 1,39 B3 0 0022- 3697 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1,381 B3 6 1382- 6689 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 1,378 B3 2 0886- 9383 Journal of Chemometrics (Print) 1,377 B3 3 0008- 4042 Canadian Journal of Chemistry (Print) 1,374 B3 2 1874- 3900 Phytochemistry Letters (Print) 1,364 B3 8 0271- 3683 Current Eye Research (Print) 1,36 B3 1 1556- 6560 Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 1,36 B3 0 0022- 5142 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 1,36 B3 3 0026- 9247 Monatshefte fur Chemie 1,356 B3 0 1533- 4880 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Print) 1,351 B3 14 0957- 0233 Measurement Science & Technology (Print) 1,35 B3 0 1110- 662X International Journal of Photoenergy (Print) 1,345 B3 0 1003- 9953 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 1,345 B3 1 0137- 5881 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 1,344 B3 0 0370- 1972 Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research 1,344 B3 0 0003- 4894 The Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 1,344 B3 0 0009- 8558 Clay Minerals (Print) 1,341 B3 0 1757- Bioanalysis (Print) 1,337 B3 2 44. 44 6180 0095- 9782 Journal of Solution Chemistry 1,335 B3 1 0034- 5288 Research in Veterinary Science 1,33 B3 0 1475- 7435 International Journal of Nanotechnology 1,329 B3 1 0952- 4746 Journal of Radiological Protection (Print) 1,323 B3 0 1054- 660X Laser Physics 1,319 B3 2 1674- 2001 Particuology 1,317 B3 0 0256- 7040 Child's Nervous System (Print) 1,314 B3 0 0018- 3830 Holzforschung (Berlin. Print) 1,307 B3 0 0020- 7608 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1,302 B3 19 1478- 6435 Philosophical Magazine (2003. Print) 1,302 B3 0 1028- 415X Nutritional Neuroscience 1,301 B3 0 0887- 6266 Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics 1,298 B3 1 0032- 3888 Polymer Engineering and Science 1,296 B3 4 1871- 1413 Livestock Science (Print) 1,295 B3 1 0916- 8451 Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 1,292 B3 0 0022- 2488 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1,291 B3 0 0003- 4983 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 1,288 B3 0 0166- 1280 Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem (Print) 1,288 B3 4 0930- 0708 Mineralogy and Petrology 1,287 B3 0 0018- 019X Helvetica Chimica Acta 1,284 B3 6 1546- 542X International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 1,28 B3 1 0043- 7719 Wood Science and Technology (Print) 1,278 B3 0 0931- 2048 Journal of Applied Entomology (1986) 1,276 B3 0 1024- 2422 Biocatalysis and Biotransformation (Print) 1,275 B3 1 0173- 9565 Marine Ecology (Berlin) 1,272 B3 1 0960- 0779 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1,267 B3 0 1225- 8873 Journal of Microbiology (Seoul. Print) 1,266 B3 2 0038- 9056 Starke (Weinheim) 1,261 B3 0 45. 45 0013- 0001 Economic Botany 1,26 B3 0 0259- 9791 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1,259 B3 1 1936- 6612 Advanced Science Letters 1,253 B3 1 0142- 2421 Surface and Interface Analysis (Print) 1,247 B3 0 0044- 2313 Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (1950) 1,247 B3 3 1071- 7544 Drug Delivery 1,246 B3 1 1088- 4246 Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 1,246 B3 3 0167- 6857 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (Print) 1,243 B3 0 0892- 6875 Minerals Engineering 1,241 B3 0 0021- 8995 Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print) 1,24 B3 33 1097- 3958 Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 1,239 B3 1 0004- 9573 Australian Journal of Soil Research 1,236 B3 0 0008- 4166 Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Print) 1,235 B3 0 0030- 4948 Organic Preparations and Procedures International 1,232 B3 0 0024- 2829 Lichenologist (London) 1,231 B3 0 1060- 3271 Journal of AOAC International 1,229 B3 2 1110- 7243 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (Print) 1,225 B3 1 1017- 7825 Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Print) 1,224 B3 2 0950- 5423 International Journal of Food Science & Technology (Print) 1,223 B3 4 0923- 0750 Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (Print) 1,22 B3 1 0734- 0664 Gerodontology 1,218 B3 1 0892- 7022 Molecular Simulation (Print) 1,215 B3 1 0170- 0839 Polymer Bulletin (Berlin. Print) 1,215 B3 2 0959- 3993 World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 1,214 B3 0 1530- 9932 AAPS PharmSciTech 1,211 B3 0 0960- 3271 Human & Experimental Toxicology 1,211 B3 2 0892- 3973 Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 1,209 B3 0 0960- 3085 Food and Bioproducts Processing 1,207 B3 0 1355- Aquaculture Research (Print) 1,186 B3 0 46. 46 557X 1022- 9760 Journal of Polymer Research 1,186 B3 2 0300- 5623 Urological Research 1,172 B3 0 0306- 7319 International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Print) 1,169 B3 1 1380- 6165 Aquatic Geochemistry 1,167 B3 2 0363- 9061 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (Print) 1,167 B3 0 0277- 3813 Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 1,167 B3 0 0340- 4285 Transition Metal Chemistry (Weinheim) 1,166 B3 1 0022- 1198 Journal of Forensic Sciences 1,159 B3 0 0044- 2968 Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 1,155 B3 8 0538- 8066 International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1,154 B3 1 0100- 879X Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso) 1,15 B3 3 0066- 782X Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso) 1,147 B3 0 0231- 5882 General Physiology and Biophysics 1,146 B3 0 0894- 8275 American Journal of Dentistry 1,145 B3 0 0168- 9002 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (Print) 1,142 B3 0 0007- 4861 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1,139 B3 5 0032- 3896 Polymer Journal 1,133 B3 0 1525- 7770 Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 1,132 B3 0 0969- 806X Radiation Physics and Chemistry (1993) 1,132 B3 1 0937- 9347 Applied Magnetic Resonance 1,126 B3 2 0360- 1234 Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B. Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 1,119 B3 4 0278- 0372 Journal of Crustacean Biology 1,115 B3 1 0010- 4825 Computers in Biology and Medicine 1,112 B3 0 0305- 1978 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 1,11 B3 10 0272- 4391 Drug Development Research (Print) 1,109 B3 2 1361- Transportation Research. Part D, 1,108 B3 0 47. 47 9209 Transport and Environment 1093- 4529 Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, Toxic Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 1,107 B3 0 1083- 7450 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology (Print) 1,107 B3 0 0010- 2202 Combustion Science and Technology 1,105 B3 0 1751- 8768 IET Optoelectronics (Print) 1,105 B3 0 0027- 9684 Journal of the National Medical Association 1,104 B3 0 1469- 0667 European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1,103 B3 2 1572- 3887 The Protein Journal 1,101 B3 0 0065- 3276 Advances in Quantum Chemistry 1,1 B3 1 0921- 5107 Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology 1,1 B3 0 1744- 9979 Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis (Print) 1,098 B3 1 1473- 5504 International Journal of Astrobiology (Print) 1,097 B3 2 0385- 5414 Heterocycles (Sendai) 1,093 B3 0 0960- 3123 International Journal of Environmental Health Research (Print) 1,09 B3 0 1002- 0721 Journal of Rare Earths 1,086 B3 2 0021- 9665 Journal of Chromatographic Science 1,078 B3 1 0256- 307X Chinese Physics Letters 1,077 B3 0 0947- 5117 Materials and Corrosion (1995) 1,077 B3 0 0009- 5893 Chromatographia (Wiesbaden) 1,075 B3 5 8756- 971X Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 1,066 B3 0 0021- 8464 The Journal of Adhesion (Print) 1,066 B3 1 0165- 0203 Natural Resources Forum (Print) 1,064 B3 0 0195- 5373 Atomic Spectroscopy 1,061 B3 2 1054- 5476 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Plant 1,06 B3 0 1054- 2523 Medicinal Chemistry Research (Print) 1,058 B3 1 0273- 1223 Water Science and Technology 1,056 B3 9 0732- 8303 Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 1,055 B3 2 0018- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 1,052 B3 1 48. 48 9464 0947- 7047 Ionics (Kiel) 1,052 B3 1 0015- 4040 The Florida Entomologist 1,052 B3 1 0304- 4238 Scientia Horticulturae 1,045 B3 0 1042- 7163 Heteroatom Chemistry (Print) 1,044 B3 0 0168- 583X Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (Print) 1,042 B3 1 0191- 9512 Ozone: Science & Engineering 1,032 B3 0 0021- 8839 Journal of Apicultural Research 1,028 B3 0 1350- 4487 Radiation Measurements 1,019 B3 1 0021- 4922 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 1,018 B3 0 0149- 6395 Separation Science and Technology (Print) 1,015 B3 3 1676- 5680 Genetics and Molecular Research 1,013 B3 1 1318- 0207 Acta Chimica Slovenica (Print ed.) 1,011 B3 0 0959- 3330 Environmental Technology 1,007 B3 0 0004- 2730 Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (Impresso) 1,003 B3 1 0731- 5171 Ferroelectrics. Letters Section (Print) 1,0 B3 0 0003- 3219 The Angle Orthodontist 1,0 B3 0 0100- 204X Pesquisa Agropecuria Brasileira (1977. Impressa) 0,687 B3 1 1517- 8382 Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (Impresso) 0,632 B3 6 0037- 8682 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Impresso) 0,58 B3 0 2179- 3425 Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry - BrJAC (Print) B4 9 0792- 1241 Main Group Metal Chemistry B4 0 0959- 8324 Microelectronics Journal B4 0 1878- 5190 Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis B4 3 0969- 8043 Applied Radiation and Isotopes 0,999 B4 0 1077- 4114 Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (Print) 0,998 B4 0 0272- 8397 Polymer Composites 0,998 B4 1 0895- 7959 High Pressure Research 0,995 B4 0 49. 49 0041- 1345 Transplantation Proceedings 0,993 B4 0 1086- 055X SPE Journal (Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.). 1996) 0,992 B4 1 1612- 4758 Journal of Pest Science (2004. Print) 0,988 B4 0 0102- 311X Cadernos de Sade Pblica (ENSP. Impresso) 0,987 B4 0 1380- 2224 Journal of Porous Materials 0,984 B4 1 0031- 8949 Physica Scripta (Print) 0,982 B4 1 1040- 6638 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (Print) 0,982 B4 0 0015- 5632 Folia Microbiologica (Prague) 0,977 B4 1 1330- 9862 Food Technology and Biotechnology 0,976 B4 2 1099- 8004 Biological Research for Nursing 0,97 B4 0 1678- 7757 Journal of Applied Oral Science (Impresso) 0,966 B4 1 1040- 7278 Journal of Cluster Science 0,966 B4 0 0144- 8420 Radiation Protection Dosimetry 0,966 B4 0 0023- 4001 Korean Journal of Parasitology (Print) 0,963 B4 0 0102- 7638 Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (Impresso) 0,963 B4 0 0022- 152X Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 0,962 B4 4 0148- 0545 Drug and Chemical Toxicology (New York, N.Y. 1978) 0,957 B4 0 1082- 6076 Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies (Print) 0,953 B4 1 1065- 7258 Journal of Food Lipids 0,952 B4 0 0894- 1939 Journal of Investigative Surgery 0,95 B4 0 1872- 2105 Recent Patents in Nanotechnology 0,949 B4 0 1094- 2912 International Journal of Food Properties 0,947 B4 0 0232- 1300 Crystal Research and Technology (1981) 0,946 B4 2 0734- 9041 Journal of Fire Sciences 0,942 B4 0 0039- 7911 Synthetic Communications 0,937 B4 3 0036- 4665 Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de So Paulo (Impresso) 0,934 B4 1 0712- 4813 Spectroscopy (Ottawa) 0,932 B4 0 0932- 0784 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. A, A journal of Physical Sciences 0,929 B4 0 0008- Canadian Journal of Animal Science 0,927 B4 0 50. 50 3984 0957- 4522 Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Electronics 0,927 B4 2 1350- 4495 Infrared Physics & Technology 0,926 B4 1 0038- 075X Soil Science 0,923 B4 0 0003- 2719 Analytical Letters 0,92 B4 16 0098- 6445 Chemical Engineering Communications (Print) 0,913 B4 2 1478- 6419 Natural Product Research (Print) 0,906 B4 3 1135- 8122 Ciencia y Tecnologa Alimentaria 0,9 B4 1 0167- 7764 Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (Print) 0,9 B4 1 0011- 3891 Current Science (Bangalore) 0,897 B4 0 1934- 578X Natural Product Communications 0,894 B4 15 1307- 6167 Records of Natural Products 0,891 B4 3 1061- 4303 Water Environment Research 0,89 B4 1 1742- 9145 Journal of Plant Interactions (Print) 0,889 B4 0 1996- 0875 Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 0,879 B4 3 0145- 8876 Journal of Food Process Engineering 0,875 B4 0 0253- 2964 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (Print) 0,871 B4 0 0031- 7144 Die Pharmazie (Berlin) 0,869 B4 2 0717- 3458 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 0,865 B4 0 0033- 8451 Radioprotection (Paris. 1966) 0,862 B4 0 0034- 8910 Revista de Sade Pblica (Impresso) 0,862 B4 1 0921- 4526 Physica. B, Condensed Matter (Print) 0,856 B4 1 0010- 0765 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications (Print) 0,853 B4 0 1546- 1955 Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 0,843 B4 1 1068- 5200 Optical Fiber Technology (Print) 0,841 B4 0 0921- 8831 Advanced Powder Technology (Print) 0,84 B4 1 1435- 0211 Journal of Wood Science (Print) 0,84 B4 0 0893- 8849 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 0,839 B4 0 1951- 6355 The European Physical Journal. Special Topics 0,838 B4 0 51. 51 0145- 5680 Cellular and Molecular Biology 0,833 B4 0 1203- 8407 Journal of AOTs. Advanced Oxidation Technologies 0,829 B4 0 0006- 2928 Biochemical Genetics 0,825 B4 0 0735- 9640 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 0,825 B4 0 0731- 6844 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (Print) 0,823 B4 0 1060- 1325 Journal of Macromolecular Science. Pure and Applied Chemistry (Print) 0,816 B4 2 0103- 9016 Scientia Agrcola (USP. Impresso) 0,816 B4 1 0932- 0776 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. B, A Journal of Chemical Sciences 0,816 B4 1 1748- 670X Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (Print) 0,814 B4 0 0026- 2617 Microbiology (New York) 0,813 B4 1 1532- 0383 Soil & Sediment Contamination 0,808 B4 0 1536- 1365 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 0,805 B4 1 0016- 7002 Geochemical Journal 0,802 B4 0 0219- 6336 Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 0,8 B4 0 0003- 4088 Annales de Limnologie 0,796 B4 0 1415- 4757 Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso) 0,796 B4 3 1882- 0743 Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (Print) 0,795 B4 0 0949- 1775 Accreditation and Quality Assurance 0,791 B4 0 1741- 5977 Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering (Print) 0,791 B4 0 1570- 1786 Letters in Organic Chemistry 0,785 B4 5 0963- 7486 International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 0,778 B4 0 0236- 5731 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Print) 0,777 B4 0 0275- 7540 Chemistry in Ecology (Print) 0,776 B4 1 1001- 8417 Chinese Chemical Letters 0,775 B4 2 1340- 3540 Mycoscience (Tokyo) 0,774 B4 0 1049- 2275 The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery (Print) 0,772 B4 0 1344- 3542 Electrochemistry (Tokyo. 1999) 0,771 B4 0 0920- 4105 Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering 0,761 B4 2 0929- Biological Rhythm Research 0,756 B4 0 52. 52 1016 0366- 6352 Chemical Papers (Print) 0,754 B4 6 1944- 3994 Desalination and Water Treatment (Print) 0,752 B4 0 0195- 928X International Journal of Thermophysics 0,75 B4 0 1741- 5993 Journal of Sulfur Chemistry (Print) 0,75 B4 0 0017- 3495 Grasas y Aceites (Sevilla) 0,748 B4 0 0108- 2701 Acta Crystallographica. Section C, Crystal Structure Communications 0,745 B4 1 1056- 6171 Journal of Applied Poultry Research (Print) 0,745 B4 0 0915- 1559 ISIJ International 0,742 B4 0 0190- 4167 Journal of Plant Nutrition 0,726 B4 0 0352- 5139 Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 0,725 B4 5 0009- 4536 Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei) 0,718 B4 1 0939- 5075 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. C, A Journal of Biosciences 0,718 B4 5 1018- 4619 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 0,716 B4 1 0922- 6168 Research on Chemical Intermediates (Print) 0,715 B4 0 0011- 1643 Croatica Chemica Acta 0,713 B4 0 0023- 1584 Kinetics and Catalysis 0,708 B4 0 0008- 4034 Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 0,707 B4 1 1028- 6020 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 0,706 B4 0 1463- 4988 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 0,705 B4 0 0019- 5189 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 0,702 B4 2 0730- 6679 Advances in Polymer Technology (Print) 0,7 B4 0 0256- 4947 Annals of Saudi Medicine 0,697 B4 0 0009- 3130 Chemistry of Natural Compounds 0,693 B4 5 0034- 7752 Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti) 0,693 B4 1 1090- 0241 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 0,687 B4 0 1480- 2422 Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 0,687 B4 0 1751- 8725 IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation (Print) 0,682 B4 0 1527- 5922 Environmental Forensics 0,681 B4 0 53. 53 0749- 0208 Journal of Coastal Research 0,679 B4 0 1385- 3449 Journal of Electroceramics 0,674 B4 0 0716- 9760 Biological Research (Print) 0,67 B4 3 1001- 4861 Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 0,67 B4 1 1570- 1808 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 0,668 B4 9 1074- 1542 Journal of Chemical Crystallography 0,666 B4 3 0103- 9733 Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso) 0,661 B4 3 1230- 1388 Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 0,659 B4 0 0895- 2477 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Print) 0,656 B4 1 1061- 9348 Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Moscow) 0,65 B4 1 1519- 566X Neotropical Entomology (Impresso) 0,646 B4 1 0033- 6572 Quintessence International 0,643 B4 1 1041- 2905 The Journal of Essential Oil Research 0,643 B4 26 1542- 6580 International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 0,64 B4 0 1388- 0209 Pharmaceutical Biology 0,638 B4 7 0971- 4693 Allelopathy Journal 0,635 B4 0 1420- 326X Indoor + Built Environment 0,634 B4 0 1059- 9495 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (Print) 0,633 B4 0 0267- 0844 Surface Engineering 0,633 B4 0 0004- 4172 Arzneimittel-Forschung 0,632 B4 0 0193- 2691 Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 0,628 B4 2 1519- 6984 Brazilian Journal of Biology (Impresso) 0,625 B4 1 0737- 0652 Journal of Energetic Materials 0,625 B4 0 0145- 8884 Journal of Food Biochemistry 0,625 B4 2 1042- 6507 Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements (Print) 0,621 B4 1 1470- 8175 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 0,619 B4 1 0038- 7010 Spectroscopy Letters (Print) 0,612 B4 2 0882- 7508 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 0,611 B4 0 0199- Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 0,61 B4 0 54. 54 6231 0006- 3088 Biologia (Bratislava) 0,609 B4 0 1156- 5233 Journal de Mycologie Mdicale 0,605 B4 0 0039- 3630 Studies in Conservation 0,605 B4 0 0022- 2348 Journal of Macromolecular Science. Physics 0,602 B4 1 1546- 198X Sensor Letters (print) 0,602 B4 0 0890- 5436 Food Biotechnology 0,6 B4 0 0022- 4901 Journal of Texture Studies 0,593 B4 0 0860- 8229 Metrologia i Systemy Pomiarowe / Metrology and Measuring Systems 0,587 B4 0 0037- 9980 Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi / Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan 0,586 B4 0 1082- 0132 Food Science and Technology International 0,577 B4 1 0100- 736X Pesquisa Veterinria Brasileira (Impresso) 0,575 B4 0 1618- 7229 E-Polymers 0,574 B4 2 1684- 5315 African Journal of Biotechnology 0,573 B4 5 0927- 6440 Composite Interfaces (Print) 0,573 B4 1 0133- 1736 Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters (Print) 0,569 B4 0 1413- 7054 Cincia e Agrotecnologia (UFLA) 0,567 B4 3 1744- 3091 Acta Crystallographica. Section F 0,563 B4 0 1773- 2247 Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 0,563 B4 0 0376- 4699 Indian Journal of Chemistry. Sect. B (Print) 0,562 B4 0 0263- 6174 Adsorption Science & Technology 0,559 B4 1 0967- 3911 Polymers & Polymer Composites 0,558 B4 0 0360- 2559 Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering (Softcover Ed.) 0,557 B4 0 0104- 4230 Revista da Associao Mdica Brasileira (1992. Impresso) 0,553 B4 0 0103- 846X Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinria (Impresso) 0,548 B4 0 0001- 723X Acta Virologica (English ed.) 0,547 B4 0 1462- 0316 Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 0,546 B4 0 1542- 1406 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (Philadelphia, Pa. : 2003) 0,543 B4 6 0002- 9726 The Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association 0,538 B4 0 55. 55 1596- 5996 Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (Print) 0,538 B4 1 0146- 9428 Journal of Food Quality 0,534 B4 1 0361- 6525 Sociobiology 0,534 B4 0 0717- 9324 Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society (Print) 0,532 B4 2 0100- 0683 Revista Bra