BDD para projetos .NET

BDD in .NET projects

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Talk presented to Atlântico Team.

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Page 1: BDD in .NET projects

BDD para projetos .NET

Page 2: BDD in .NET projects

Por que?

Page 3: BDD in .NET projects


Page 4: BDD in .NET projects



Page 5: BDD in .NET projects



Lingua nativa

Page 6: BDD in .NET projects


PraticidadeLingua nativa (ou

quase isso)

Page 7: BDD in .NET projects

Testes end-to-end

Page 8: BDD in .NET projects

Testes end-to-end

Como assim?

Page 9: BDD in .NET projects

Testes end-to-end

Interface Controller RepositorioBD

Page 10: BDD in .NET projects

Testes end-to-end

Interface Controller RepositorioBD

User (browser)

Page 11: BDD in .NET projects

Testes end-to-end

Interface Controller RepositorioBD

User (browser)

Testa todas as camadas

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FerramentasSelenium (browser)

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FerramentasSelenium (browser)


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FerramentasSelenium (browser)SpecFlow (solução


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FerramentasSelenium (browser)SpecFlow (solução


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FerramentasSelenium (browser)SpecFlow (solução

BDD)NUnit (framework de testes - asserções)

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Feature: Login  In order to access my account  As a user of the website  I want to log into the website

Scenario: Logging in with valid credentials  Given I am at the login page  When I fill in the following form  | field | value |  | Username | xtrumanx |  | Password | P@55w0Rd |  And I click the login button  Then I should be at the home page

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Feature: Login  In order to access my account  As a user of the website  I want to log into the website

Scenario: Logging in with valid credentials  Given I am at the login page  When I fill in the following form  | field | value |  | Username | xtrumanx |  | Password | P@55w0Rd |  And I click the login button  Then I should be at the home page

Feature definition:

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Feature: Login  In order to access my account  As a user of the website  I want to log into the website

Scenario: Logging in with valid credentials  Given I am at the login page  When I fill in the following form  | field | value |  | Username | xtrumanx |  | Password | P@55w0Rd |  And I click the login button  Then I should be at the home page

[Binding]class LoginStepDefinitions{  [Given("I am at the login page")]  public void GivenIAmAtTheLoginPage()  {    // TODO  }}

Feature definition:

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Feature: Login  In order to access my account  As a user of the website  I want to log into the website

Scenario: Logging in with valid credentials  Given I am at the login page  When I fill in the following form  | field | value |  | Username | xtrumanx |  | Password | P@55w0Rd |  And I click the login button  Then I should be at the home page

[Binding]class LoginStepDefinitions{  [Given("I am at the login page")]  public void GivenIAmAtTheLoginPage()  {    // TODO  }}

Feature definition:

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Feature: Login  In order to access my account  As a user of the website  I want to log into the website

Scenario: Logging in with valid credentials  Given I am at the login page  When I fill in the following form  | field | value |  | Username | xtrumanx |  | Password | P@55w0Rd |  And I click the login button  Then I should be at the home page

[Binding]class LoginStepDefinitions{  [Given("I am at the login page")]  public void GivenIAmAtTheLoginPage()  {    driver.Navigate.GoToUrl("www.gmail.com")  }}

Feature definition:

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SintaxeVamos incrementar esse teste!

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Feature: Login  In order to access my account  As a user of the website  I want to log into the website

Scenario: Logging in with valid credentials  Given I am at the login page  When I fill in the following form  | field | value |  | Username | xtrumanx |  | Password | P@55w0Rd |  And I click the login button  Then I should be at the home page

[Binding]class LoginStepDefinitions{  [When("I fill in the following form")]public void WhenIFillInTheFollowingForm(TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table table){  foreach(var row in table.Rows)  {    var textField = driver.FindElement(By.Id(row["field"]));

    if(!textField.Exists)      Assert.Fail("Expected to find a text field with the name of '{0}'.", row["field"]);    textField.TypeText(row["value"]); }  }


Feature definition:

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O que testar?

Page 34: BDD in .NET projects

O que testar?O que for


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O que testar?O que for

importanteE porque não tudo?

Page 36: BDD in .NET projects

Testes de aceitação tendem:

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita2. Difícil manutenção

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita2. Difícil manutenção

3. Execução lenta

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita2. Difícil manutenção3. Execução lenta

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita2. Difícil manutenção3. Execução lenta

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita2. Difícil manutenção3. Execução lenta

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita2. Difícil manutenção3. Execução lenta

4. Feedback demorado

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Testes de aceitação tendem:

1. Difícil escrita2. Difícil manutenção3. Execução lenta

4. Feedback demorado

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Cenário ideal:

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Cenário ideal:

*quase* ideal

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Cenário ideal:


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Por que?Feedback rápido é


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Por que?Feedback rápido é


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Por que?Feedback rápido é


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Por que?Feedback rápido é


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