Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio · Intencionalidade, análise, articulação de ideias e...


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Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Língua Portuguesa

Conteúdo: Gêneros textuais: Resumo e editorial. Reconhecimento das características dos gêneros apresentados. Intencionalidade, análise, articulação de ideias e suportes de publicação. Período composto por subordinação: conceito e aplicação de orações subordinadas substantivas, orações subordinadas adjetivas e orações subordinadas adverbais. Seus tipos, análise e definição.



“O desastre foi a gota d'água para que os bondinhos, velhos e mal conservados

depois de anos de descaso, saíssem dos trilhos.”


“De acordo com a "Pesquisa brasileira de mídia 2014 - Hábitos de consumo de mídia

pela população brasileira", 75% dos brasileiros não têm o hábito de ler jornais.”

3) ( X )Oração subordinada substantiva subjetiva.

4) ( X )Subordinada substantiva completiva nominal.


( E )Lembre-se de que todos pertencem ao mesmo grupo.

( F )Tenho ressalvas de que você seja honesto e confiável.

( B )É lamentável que não existam corporativismo e empreendedorismo nas empresas.

( C )O necessário é que se tenha a quantia solicitada para a realização do evento.

( B )É obrigatório que se respeitem todas as regras estabelecidas.

( F )Laura está convencida de que ninguém mais passará nos exames.

( B )Compreende-se que aquele comando foi feito erroneamente.

( D )O investigador sabe quem são os assaltantes do banco.

( B )Seria conveniente que a carta comercial fosse enviada hoje.

( A )Fizeram a seguinte advertência: que o trabalho fosse feito.








Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

















( E ) O garoto, que esqueceu as chaves do armário, estava bastante nervoso.

( R ) A baleia que foi avistada no mar estava prenhe.

( E ) Luís, que é muito rico, não precisa acordar cedo.

( R ) Existem conceitos cuja a abrangência é relativa.

( E ) Joaquim, que é nosso pai, está bastante preocupado com essa situação.









11) Consecutiva.

12) Subordinada adverbial comparativa.

13) Consequência.

14) Consecutiva. .

15) Argumento de Autoridade.



Argumento por Raciocínio Lógico.



Argumento de Comprovação.





17) ( X ) Condição.



19) Concessiva.



Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Matemática – Prof. Leandro


Médias aritmética e ponderada. Mediana e Moda. Propriedades de potência. Radiciação.


1. E

2. C

3. Me = 18, Mo = 13,5 e Ma = 17


a) 0,09 b) 0,0009 c) 0,125 d) 0,00000001

5. n = 14

6. C

7. 2


8. E

9. 7 53

10. 6 72

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Matemática - Prof. Zabeu

Conteúdo: Semelhança de triângulos Teorema de Tales


1. Resposta: x = 40cm; y = 12cm; P = 140cm

2. Resposta: 4 e 12 cm

3. Resposta: x = 3 e y = 8

4. Resposta: x = 6/7

5. Resposta: x = 35 e y = 56

6. A) Resposta: x = 3 B) Resposta: x = 12

7. Resposta: BX = 10 cm

8. Resposta: x = 12

9. Resposta: BC = 14,7 e DC = 9,6

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Física

Conteúdo: A seguir apresenta-se o conteúdo contemplado no programa de recuperação:

Cinemática: conceitos iniciais.

Velocidade escalar média.

Aceleração escalar média.



a) ∆S = 78 km; d = 78 km

b) ∆S = -70 km; d = 70 km

c) ∆S = 8 km; d = 148 km


B ∆S = 45 km; d = 45 km L A

C ∆S = -120 km; d = 120 km M ∆t = 20 s

D vm ≈ -168 km/h N

a) am = 5 m/s²

b) am = 0 m/s²

c) am ≈ -1,8 m/s²

E B O 4,5 s

F A P am = 4 m/s²


H B R v = 22 m/s


J C T ∆t = 15 s

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Química

Conteúdo: Transformações , propriedades e composição da matéria . (Capítulo 2 ) - Estados físicos e as transformações da matéria; - Densidade - Composição da matéria: substâncias puras e misturas; - Métodos de separação de misturas


Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – História

















1-A 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-E 7-A 8-A 9-A 10-B 11-B 12-C 13- Buscar mão de obra barata para a produção industrial. Encontrar matéria-prima para as indústrias europeias. Estabelecer novos mercados consumidores fora da Europa. 14-Os europeus utilizaram teorias que propunham sua superioridade intelectual e física em relação aos povos africanos e asiáticos. O domínio europeu nos continentes africano e asiático era justificado como uma missão civilizadora. 15-A população russa estava descontente com a crise gerada em consequência das mortes e gastos na Guerra Russo-Japonesa, por isso passaram a organizar manifestações contra o governo russo, e um desses protestos foi reprimido com muita violência. 16-Perda da autonomia dos sovietes. Os trabalhadores foram coibidos da participação no comando das fábricas. Revogação da liberdade de expressão e de imprensa. 17-A Alemanha sofreu perda de territórios, com a declaração de independência da Áustria e da Polônia. O território da Alsácia e Lorena e as minas de cravão localizadas no Sarre passaram para o domínio da França. A Alemanha foi proibida de formar exército. 18-A ampliação do regime representativo. A autonomia dos Estados por meio da forma federativa. O poder executivo passaria a ser exercido pelo Presidente. 19-Revolução Federalista – Rio Grande do Sul e Revolta da Armada – Rio de Janeiro 20-Os governadores garantiam votos ao candidato que representasse as oligarquias e, em troca, o governo federal fornecia investimentos nos estados e apoio aos governadores nas eleições estaduais. Nos estados, os governadores garantiam seus próprios votos e os do Presidente por meio da fraude e coerção promovidas pelos coronéis.

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Geografia

Conteúdo: Europa: Velho mundo;

Europa: Características naturais;

Europa: População e espaço


1 – A imigração clandestina é causada pelas consequências perversas do sistema econômico vigente,

que estimula a desigualdade mundial. Sendo assim as pessoas que procuram melhores condições de

vida imigram para países europeus buscando essa qualidade mesmo que seja de forma ilegal.

2 – Com a baixa taxa de natalidade o numero de jovens no mercado de trabalho diminuir, o

imigrante aparece como possibilidade de suprir a escassez de mão de obra, principalmente nas

atividade mais baixas que não exige escolaridade ou formação profissional.

3 - É o medo, aversão ou a profunda antipatia em relação aos estrangeiros, a desconfiança em

relação a pessoas estranhas ao meio daquele que as julga ou que vêm de fora do seu país.

4 –C

5 – a) No centro da Europa

b) Na parte sul do continente

6 – V-V-F-V

7 – B-A-C

8 – É a comunidade europeia do carvão e do aço, e tem como objetivo a livre circulação de carvão e

aço entre os países membros.

9 – Permitir a livre circulação de pessoas e mercadorias entre os países membros, além da não

cobrança de taxas adicionais.

10 – Divergências politicas e culturais, principalmente por causa da população da Turquia ser de

maioria muçulmana.

11 – A taxa de natalidade da Europa tem crescimento bastante baixo e até mesmo negativo,

principalmente devido a politica de bem estar social onde os cidadãos se preocupam com os estudos

e a formação profissional, muitos também optam em viver sozinhos e os casais tem poucos filhos ou

decidem não ter filhos.

Por isso vemos uma população velha aumentando, causando principalmente a dificuldade do

pagamento da previdência.

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

12 – A

13 – A população europeia é predominantemente urbano chegando em alguns casos 95%, no

entanto, países do leste europeu tem uma alta taxa de população rural podendo chegar em até 50%

em determinados países.

14 – A migração interna ocorre pela busca de melhores oportunidades de emprego e melhores

condições de vida, sobretudo dos países do leste europeu que sofre com crises após o fim da união


15 – a politica de bem estar social traz uma elevação da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos, não

somente aplicados na saúde, mas em todos os meios sociais, permitindo que surja uma população

com maior expectativa de vida, ou seja, mais idosa, e consequentemente utilizadora do sistema


16 – Xenofobia é o medo, aversão ou a profunda antipatia em relação aos estrangeiros, a

desconfiança em relação a pessoas estranhas ao meio daquele que as julga ou que vêm de fora do

seu país.

As principais acusações são porque geram desemprego da população nativa, são

desqualificados profissionalmente, indisposição ao trabalho e o que mais tem aumentado é com

relação ao terrorismo, reascendendo o preconceito religioso.

17 – A

18 – D

19 – Preocupações com os estudos e a formação profissional, muitas também optam em viver

sozinhos e os casais têm poucos filhos ou decidem não ter filhos.

20 – VFFVV

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre –Língua Inglesa



Lista de exercícios 1.Considere a tira a seguir. brain- cérebro

In Indirect Speech, the sentence “Mom, can we go now?” would be written as

a) The boy asked his Mom if he can go now. b) The boy told his Mom that they should go now. c) The boy asked his Mom if they could go then. d) The boy said to his Mom that it was time to go. e) The boy told his Mom whether he could go with her now. Turn the sentence Go home immediately. I said my son. into reported speech. a) I told my son to go home immediately. b) Go home immediately. I told my son. c) My son told me to go home immediately. d) My son is going home immediately. e) He said: My son is home immediately. 2.Conect the words with their meanings: 1.Cameraman ( 3 ) he coordinates the crew and decides about the news 2.Newsroom ( 6 ) the journalist who presents the news, and conducts the interviews 3. Producer ( 2 ) office where journalists work 4. Broadcast ( 1 ) he needs special equipments to record scenes and events 5. Editor ( 4 ) a programme on the radio or on TV 6.Anchor ( 7 ) he works on the streets/or travels to cover stories 7.Reporter ( 5 ) he decides what to include on a video or TV news

3.Make the sentence again using reported speech: Use: asked, told, or said. Ex: Jason :I love to eat cake. - Jason said he loved to eat Melina to her mother: I want a new car Melina told her mother she wanted to buy a car

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Lisa to Grace: you are a lovable girl. Lisa told Grace that she is a lovable girl Host : What do you think of Leonardo di Capri ? The Host asked what I think of Leonardo di Capri. Amanda to Cleo: I am waiting for my mom. Amanda told Cleo she was waiting for her mom Marina: My sister lives in Japan Marina said her sister lives in Japan.

4.Complete with the first conditional : present- will

1.If he ____learns_____(learn) the basics of computers, he _____will be_______ a better


2.If I have money , I____will buy_____a Ferrari this year.(to buy) 3..If the students ___read_____ (to read) the instructions, they won´t have any trouble. 4. Rita ____will play________(to play) with her friends if she has time. 5.If Jason goes to the stadium, he ___will watch____. (watch) a good match. 6) If I have time, I will take (to take) this trip with you. 7) Clara will not talk to you if you ____call ___(to call)her. She´s very angry.

5. Spider Webs All spiders spin webs. That's because webs help spiders. Webs help spiders do three

things. Webs help spiders hold eggs. Webs help spiders hide. And webs help spiders catch food. Webs help spiders hold eggs. Many spiders like to lay their eggs in their webs. The webs help keep the eggs together. Webs help spiders keep their eggs safe. Webs help spiders hide. Most spiders are dark. They are brown, grey, or black. But spider webs are light. They are white and cloudy. When spiders hide in their webs, they are

harder to see. Webs help spiders catch food. Spider webs are sticky. When a bug flies into the web, it gets stuck. It moves around. It tries to get out. But it can't. It is trapped! Spiders can tell that the bug is trapped. That's because spiders feel the web move. And the spider is hungry. The spider goes to get the bug. As you can see, webs help spiders hold eggs. Webs help spiders hide. And webs help spiders catch food. Without webs, spiders would not be able to live like they do. Spiders need their webs to survive!

1) This passage is mostly about : A. spider colors B. spider webs C. spider eggs 2) Spider webs help spiders a. hold paws b. catch food c. find water

3) As used in paragraph 4, the word trapped most nearly means A. stuck B. hidden C. eaten

4) How can spiders tell when something is trapped in their web? A. They hear it. B. They smell it. C. They feel it. 2.: Marque a opção que completa a frase: “I ________ my bag yesterday, so I couldn't pay the supermarket. a) have found b) have c) lost d) lose e) have lose 3.“She has to repeat the exercise because she has _________ a lot of them”. a) forget b) forgot c) forgotten

6.Complete with Present Perfect ou Simple Past. Raefael Nadal __________was______ (be) born in Manacor, in 1986. He ___won___________ (win) four French Open titles. In 2008, Nadal _______became______ (become) the second Spanish man to win Wimbledon. Since 2004, Nadal _____has been__________ (be) a strong competitor to Roger Federer. They _____played_____________ (play) against each other in seven Grand Slam finals. Nadal _______won_______ (win) five of them. Rafael ____has played________ (play) the Davis Cup with the Spanish team four times. They _____won________ (win) the trophy in 2004 and 2008. Some trivia about him: He ____began________ (begin) playing tennis when he was five. He _____has always played_____(always – play) with his left hand although he is right handed. 7. Write the sentences in the Present Perfect: a) We _____________have prepared______bags to travel . (prepare ) b) She ____hasn´t arrived yet_________________________ yet. (arrive / not) c) You ___have written__________________ many letters . (write ) d) We ____haven´t been_____________________ to the zoo since last summer. (be / not) e) _________has he already bought_____________________ the tickets? (buy / he / already) f) They _________have Just left____________________ home. (leave / just) 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the simple past.. 1. Wow, you ____brought _________ (bring) me some flowers! 2. Im so sorry, I _____forgot________________ (forget) your birthday. 3. Melanie _________watched_____________(watch) a cartoon yesterday. 4. The children _____took ____________ (take) their homework on the trip. 5. John _____slept_____________ (sleep) in class this morning. 6. The mother _____helped___________ (help) the child recover from the cold. 7. Tony ____read______________ (read) about South Africa. 8. Complete with the simple past of the verbs. (affirmative) a) My friend _______knew______________( to know) I still ______had________(to have) some feelings for Jake. b) Unexpectedly, he _____broke_____________(to break) up with me yesterday. c) I ______thought_____________(to think) he was happy with our relationship. d) We ______started________________ (to start) our dating during a party last week. e) The advisor ___calmed___________ (to calm) the girl because she ___was____(to be) very upset. 9. reading comprehension OPTICAL FIBERS Optical fibers carry a dizzying amount of data each second, but a great deal of communication still gets beamed, via slower microwaves, from one dish antenna to another. Engineers didn’t think there was any improvement to tease out of this technology, but researchers at the University of Paris recently reported in the journal Science that they’d found a way of focusing microwaves into a narrow beam, tripling the data rate. (Newsweek, March, 12, 2007)

1.De acordo com o texto, as fibras ópticas a) retêm um grande amontoado de datas rapidamente. b) transportam uma grande quantidade de datas a todo segundo. c) armazenam um enorme amontoado de dados rapidamente. d) transportam uma quantidade estonteante de dados a cada segundo. e) armazenam uma quantidade enorme de datas a todo segundo. 2. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma afirmativa do segmento: “Engineers didn’t think...” a) Engineers thru... b) Engineers though... c) Engineers through... d) Engineers thought... e) Engineers throw. Use of ever/never/just/already/yet 10. We often use ever, never, just, already, and yet with the present perfect tense. We use ever in interrogative sentences: a. Have you _____ever__________ been to the United States? b. Have you _____already_______traveled by train? c. I Have __Just __finished my dinner. d) I haven´t finished dinner yet. 11.We use never in affirmative sentences: but the meaning is negative. a. I have _____never________cheated in an exam. b. My son has ____never_________been to Moscow. c. My brother have _____never_______gone to London. 12.We use just to express a recently completed action. a. The cat has ____just_________caught a bird. b. The guests have ____ just ___________arrived. c. I have _____ just _____________ finished my homework. 13.We use already to express that something has happened sooner than expected. a. Don't forget to bring your book! Oh, I have ____already_________brought it. b. The boys are going to pack, aren't they? No. They have _____ already _ _________packed. c. Is Adam going to buy a new car? No, he isn't. He has _______ already __________bought it. 14. We use yet in interrogative and negative sentences and it suggests a time later than expected. a. Have you done your homework? No, I haven't done it-_____yet__________ b. Has your father seen your report? No, he hasn't seen it _____ yet ______________ c. Have the visitors arrived? No, they haven't arrived_______ yet ________________. 15. Fill in the blanks using ever, never, just, already and yet. 1. Have you ________ever____________been in America? 2. Do you hear the noise? The train has __ already__arrived. 3. No. Your cousin hasn't come to the party _______yet_______________

4. Can you open the door? Oh, it is ___already______________open. 5. Your daughter has ______just___________returned home. You don't have to worry anymore. 6. Haven't you finished your food_____yet_________ .No, I am still eating mom. 7. I am a very lucky person. I have _____never_________had nightmares. 8. Are you going to meet me at the shop? Yes, I am ____already_________here. 9. I have ________never__________realized how beautiful you are. 10. Would you like to have dinner with us? No thanks, I have ____just_______ had dinner. 11. Have you ________ever__________seen such a big ant? 16.Reading comprehension EDIBLE COTTON If it weren’t poisonous, cotton would make a terrific food. Its seeds are rich in high-quality protein, and the plant is hardy. Nearly 80 countries produce 44 billion kilograms a year. That’s enough to feed 500 million people – if only it weren’t for gossypol, a toxic chemical. After trying to develop gossypol-free cotton for several years, Keerti Rathore, a biologist at Texas A&M, has finally managed to produce a strain that he says could meet the World Health Organization’s standards for food. “We have brought down the level of gossypol in the seed.” The trick was to silence the gene that’s responsible for producing gossypol in the seeds of the plant, but allow the gene to produce the substance in the flower and leaves. Scientists will have to study the new seeds extensively, so the plant won’t be ready to be used as food for at least a decade. And remember: don’t make a salad from the leaves. seeds: sementes – leaves – folhas – poisonous-venenoso Segundo o texto, a) Keerti Rathore conseguiu eliminar o componente tóxico do algodão. b) os cientistas americanos conseguiram inibir os genes responsáveis pela produção de veneno nas flores e folhas do algodão. c) a planta do algodão ainda não pode ser consumida como alimento. d) Keerti Rathore produziu um equipamento que transfere o veneno das flores e folhas para as sementes da planta do algodão. e) a indústria do algodão emprega 500 milhões de operários em cerca de 80 países b)Traduza o texto acima para melhor entendê-lo. 17.Select what is true about Yellow Journalism: a)Investigative reporting is a type of yellow journalism when it is reported in an intrusive way. b)Celebrity gossip is a common topic in the yellow journalism. c)In yellow journalism, images are not important. If there is a picture, it will be small and very traditional. d)It is the type of journalism in which every information is truthful. e)Headlines in huge print is a characteristic. 18.Complete with Said or told: a)Felicia ______told_______ her mother that she was moving to another city.. b) Bob always _______told________us many happy stories, but yesterday he____told________ us a very sad one. c) Lia ______said____________she was going to travel .

d) Brad ____said________ his dogs are his happiness. e)I made dinner for us . Leyla _____told_________ her mom: f)Henrique______said________: I hate this soap opera. g)Harry ______told___________ Helen he didn´t Love his girlfriend anymore. h) Lia to Carl: Where are you? Lia ____asked Carl where he was.

19.Fill in the blanks below with some of the irregular past tense or the present perfect of the verbs below:

Ate/eaten Came/come


Drank/drunk Gave/given


Made/made Met/met Ran/run

Read/read Saw/seen


Took/taken Went/gone


1)He ______did___________ his homework before he went to school. 2) we _______drank__________ some hot chocolate. 3) I _____ate____________ a cake . 4) It was a hot day so she _________swam________ in the lake yesterday. 5) His car is at the mechanic so, he ______took___________ the bus to work. 6) I ______rode___________ a horse last summer when I went to my uncle's farm. 7) I ______have driven ___________ to school since I took my drivers license. 8) I _______have eaten__________ two hamburgers so I am full. 9) I _____read____________ a good book before I went to bed 10) She ______saw___________ a lion at the zoo. 20.Choose the corresponding section of a newspaper according to the piece of news. 1. The athlete Tom Kern isn´t going to join the Olympics team due to his injury on


2. Tsunami destroys many cities in Japan .______the world________________

3. Nasa sends out satellites to monitor water reserves in drought damaged


4. Increase of blood pressure doubles the patient's risk of cardiac


5. Democrats know their push to try to force a vote isn't going


6.Complete with Present Perfect ou Simple Past. Raefael Nadal ________________ (be) born in Manacor, in 1986. He _________________ (win) four French Open titles. In 2008, Nadal ________________ (become) the second Spanish man to win Wimbledon. Since 2004, Nadal __________________ (be) a strong competitor to Roger Federer. They __________________ (play) against each other in seven Grand Slam finals. Nadal __________________ (win) five of them. Rafael _________________ (play) the Davis Cup with the Spanish team four times. They ________________ (win) the trophy in 2004 and 2008. Some trivia about him: He ____________________ (begin) playing tennis

when he was five. He _____________________(always – play) with his left hand although he is right handed. 7. Write the sentences in the Present Perfect: a) We ____________________________bags to travel . (prepare ) b) She _____________________________ yet. (arrive / not) c) You _____________________ many letters so far (write ) d) We _________________________ to the zoo since last summer. (be / not) e) ______________________________ the tickets? (buy / he / already) f) They _____________________________ home. (leave / just) 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the simple past.. 1. Wow, you _____________ (bring) me some flowers! 2. Im so sorry, I _____________________ (forget) your birthday. 3. Melanie ______________________(watch) a cartoon yesterday. 4. The children _________________ (take) their homework on the trip. 5. John __________________ (sleep) in class this morning. 6. The mother ________________ (help) the child recover from the cold. 7. Tony __________________ (read) about South Africa. 8. Complete with the simple past of the verbs. (affirmative) a) My friend _____________________( to know) I still ______________(to have) some feelings for Jake. b) Unexpectedly, he __________________(to break) up with me yesterday. c) I ___________________(to think) he was happy with our relationship. d) We ______________________ (to start) our dating during a party last week. e) The advisor __________________ (to calm) the girl because she ______________(to be) very upset. 9. reading comprehension OPTICAL FIBERS Optical fi bers carry a dizzying amount of data each second, but a great deal of communication still gets beamed, via slower microwaves, from one dish antenna to another. Engineers didn’t think there was any improvement to tease out of this technology, but researchers at the University of Paris recently reported in the journal Science that they’d found a way of focusing microwaves into a narrow beam, tripling the data rate. (Newsweek, March, 12, 2007) 1.De acordo com o texto, as fi bras ópticas a) retêm um grande amontoado de datas rapida- mente. b) transportam uma grande quantidade de datas a todo segundo. c) a rmazenam um enorme amontoado de dados rapidamente. d) transportam uma quantidade estonteante de da- dos a cada segundo. e) armazenam uma quantidade enorme de datas a todo segundo. 2. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma afi rmativa do segmento: “Engineers didn’t think...” a) Engineers thru...

b) Engineers though... c) Engineers through... d) Engineers thought... e) Engineers throw. Use of ever/never/just/already/yet 10. We often use ever, never, just, already, and yet with the present perfect tense. We use ever in interrogative sentences: a. Have you _____________ been to the United States? b. Have you ____________traveled by train? c. I Have __________finished my dinner. d) I haven´t finished dinner ___________. 11.We use never in affirmative sentences: but the meaning is negative. a. I have _____________cheated in an exam. b. My son has _____________been to Moscow. c. My brother have ____________gone to London. 12.We use just to express a recently completed action. a. The cat has _____________caught a bird. b. The guests have _______________arrived. c. I have __________________ finished my homework. 13.We use already to express that something has happened sooner than expected. a. Don't forget to bring your book! Oh, I have _____________brought it. b. The boys are going to pack, aren't they? No. They have _______________packed. c. Is Adam going to buy a new car? No, he isn't. He has _________________bought it. 14. We use yet in interrogative and negative sentences and it suggests a time later than expected. a. Have you done your homework? No, I haven't done it-___________________ b. Has your father seen your report? No, he hasn't seen it ___________________ c. Have the visitors arrived? No, they haven't arrived_______________________. 15. Fill in the blanks using ever, never, just, already and yet. 1. Have you ____________________been in America? 2. Do you hear the noise? The train has ________________arrived. 3. No. Your cousin hasn't come to the party ______________________ 4. Can you open the door? Oh, it is _________________open. 5. Your daughter has _________________returned home. You don't have to worry anymore. 6. Haven't you finished your food______________ .No, I am still eating mom. 7. I am a very lucky person. I have ______________had nightmares. 8. Are you going to meet me at the shop? Yes, I am _____________here. 9. I have __________________realized how beautiful you are. 10. Would you like to have dinner with us? No thanks, I have ___________ had dinner. 11. Have you __________________seen such a big ant?

16.Reading comprehension EDIBLE COTTON If it weren’t poisonous, cotton would make a terrifi c food. Its seeds are rich in high-quality protein, and the plant is hardy. Nearly 80 countries produce 44 billion kilograms a year. That’s enough to feed 500 million people – if only it weren’t for gossypol, a toxic chemical. After trying to develop gossypol-free cotton for several years, Keerti Rathore, a biologist at Texas A&M, has fi nally managed to produce a strain that he says could meet the World Health Organization’s standards for food. “We have brought down the level of gossypol in the seed.” The trick was to silence the gene that’s responsible for producing gossypol in the seeds of the plant, but allow the gene to produce the substance in the fl ower and leaves. Scientists will have to study the new seeds extensively, so the plant won’t be ready to be used as food for at least a decade. And remember: don’t make a salad from the leaves. (Newsweek, December 11, 2006) Segundo o texto, a) Keerti Rathore conseguiu eliminar o componen- te tóxico do algodão. b) os cientistas americanos conseguiram inibir os genes responsáveis pela produção de veneno nas fl ores e folhas do algodão. c) a planta do algodão ainda não pode ser consu- mida como alimento. d) Keerti Rathore produziu um equipamento que transfere o veneno das flores e folhas para as sementes da planta do algodão. e) a indústria do algodão emprega 500 milhões de operários em cerca de 80 países Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta do adjetivo + sufi xo IBLE como em Edible Cotton no título do texto. a) Managible. b) Gullible. c) Drinkible. d) Lovible. e) Thinkible

17.Select what is true about the Yellow Journalism: a)Investigative reporting is a type of yellow journalism when it is reported in an intrusive way. b)Headlines in huge print is a characteristic. c)Celebrity gossip is a common topic in the yellow journalism. d)In yellow journalism, images are not important. If there is a picture, it will be small and very traditional. e)It is the type of journalism in which every information is truthful. 18. Complete with Said or told: a)Felicia _____________ her mother that she was moving to another city.. b) Bob always _______________us many happy stories, but yesterday he____________ us a very sad one. c) Lia __________________she was going to travel . d) Brad ____________ his dogs are his happiness. e)I made dinner for us . Leyla ______________ her mom: f)Henrique______________: I hate this soap opera. g)Harry _________________ Helen he didn´t Love his girlfriend anymore.

19.Fill in the blanks below with some of the

irregular past tense or the present perfect of the verbs below:

Ate/eaten Came/come


Drank/drunk Gave/given


Made/made Met/met Ran/run

Read/read Saw/seen


Took/taken Went/gone


1)He _________________ his homework before he went to school. 2) we _________________ some hot chocolate. 3) I _________________ a cake . 4) It was a hot day so she _________________ in the lake yesterday. 5) His car is at the mechanic so, he _________________ the bus to work. 6) I _________________ a horse last summer when I went to my uncle's farm. 7) I _________________ to school since I took my drivers license. 8) I _________________ two hamburgers so I am full. 9) I _________________ a good book before I went to bed 10) She _________________ a lion a lion at the zoo. 20.Choose the corresponding section of a newspaper according to the piece of news. 1. The athlete Tom Kern isn´t going to join the Olympics team due to his injury on


2. Tsunami destroys many cities in Japan .______________________

3. Nasa sends out satellites to monitor water reserves in drought damaged


4. Increase of blood pressure doubles the patient's risk of cardiac


5. Democrats know their push to try to force a vote isn't going
