CV Adriana Maria Gallego Rua 23.nov.2016


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1. Personal Information:

First name: Adriana María

Surname: Gallego Rúa

ID: 1026132115 de Caldas, Antioquia.

Telephone: 2196582

Address: Calle 62 No. 52-59, Sede de Investigación

Universitaria, SIU

Celphone: 3015032952


2. Education and Training:

2014-2018- University of Antioquia, PhDc. In Biotechnology

2014- University of Antioquia, Msc. in Biology

2010- University of Antioquia, Biologist

3. Research experience:

Participation in research projects

2014-2018 – Design of functional food based in chocolate using biotechnological

process/ChocoLife (Doctoral project).

2012-2014 – Urban bioagriculture applied to the production of cocoa and its


2012-2014 – Production of fatty acids of cocoa butter in cocoa cell suspensions


2013 -2013 – Massive production of cocoa somatic embryos in modified recipients for

automated temporary system (RITA) from elite material.

2008- 2011 – Implementation of biotechnology processes and techniques for the

production of cocoa with high polyphenol content.

2009-2010 – Development of a LED´s platform for research in Biotechnology.

2008-2010 – Regeneration of somatic embryos in two elite clones of Theobroma cacao

under LEDs influence.

2007-2008 - Total polyphenols evaluation in two cocoa varieties of the Compañía

Nacional de Chocolates experimental farm on in vitro cell culture.

4. Publications

- Gallego A.M., Henao A., Urrea A., Atehortúa L. 2016. Polyphenols distribution and

reserve substances analysis in cacao somatic embryogenesis. Acta biol. Colomb., 21(2):335-345.

- Parra O., Gallego AM., Urrea A., Rojas L.F., Correa C., Atehortúa L. 2016 Biochemical precursors effect on the fatty acid production on cell suspension cultures of Theobroma cacao L. Plant Physiology and biochemistry. In press.

- Gallego A.M., Parra O., Urrea A., Rojas L.F., Correa C., Atehortúa L 2016. A rational approach for improving of biomass production and lipid profile in cacao cell suspensions. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. In process.

- Rojas L. F., Gallego A.M., Londoño J., Gil A., Atehortúa L. 2015. Monitoring

accumulation of bioactive compounds in seeds and cell culture of Theobroma cacao at

different stages of development. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant. 51

(2): 174-184.

- Urrea A., Atehortúa L. Gallego A. M. 2011. Regeneración vía embriogénesis somática

de una variedad colombiana élite de Theobroma cacao L.” Volume XIII, No. 2, Revista

Colombiana de Biotecnología.

- Rojas L. F., Gallego A.M., Herrera, A. L., Londoño J., Aguilera C., Atehortúa L. 2008.

Total polyphenols analysis of mature seeds and tissue cultures of some colombian

cocoa varieties. Actualidades Biológicas 30 (88): 145-151. ISSN 0304-3584.

- Rojas L., Gallego A.M., Atehortúa Garcés L. 2008. Cocoa cell suspension culture and

total polyphenols quantification in two Colombian cacao varieties. In: Australia,

evento: Memories of the Sixth International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and

Horticultural Breeding: A 2020 Vision,

- L. Atehortúa Garcés, A.I. Urrea Trujillo, A.M. Gallego Rúa. 2010. Regeneration of

cocoa somatic embryos using Light Emitting Diodes, LEDs.

Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 150, Supplement 1, Pag. 474. En: Italia,

,2010, evento: Memories of the International biotechnology Symposium and


- Gallego A.M., Atehortúa Garcés L. y Urrea Trujillo A.I. 2011. Regeneración de

embriones somáticos de cacao usando diodos de emisión de luz, LEDs. Memorias del

VI Congreso Colombiano de Botánica. En: Colombia, evento: VI Congreso

Colombiano de Botánica.

5. Patents

- Atehortúa Garcés L, Gallego A. M., Herrera, L., Naranjo, E. J. Method for the production of biomass from plant differentiated tissue, 2009. Referencias adicionales: PATENTE en Estados Unidos/Inglés. Medio de divulgación: Hipertexto, Home page: Patent US20080153165 A1.

- Atehortúa Garcés L, Gallego A. M., Herrera, L., Naranjo, E. J. "Tissue culture medium for macadamia and theobroma cacao". 2009. Referencias adicionales: PATENTE en Estados Unidos/Inglés. Patent US7521238 B2.

- Rojas L., Gallego A.M., Florez C., Atehortúa L. Light effects on the cocoa biomass production. 2014. Patent in development.

6. Technical products

- Gallego AM, Rada Ruiz, A. Atehortúa Garcés L. LED´s plataform for biotechnology research 2009-2010. PROTOTIPO. Financiado por el Fondo de Innovación, Universidad de Antioquia.

- Gallego AM., Henao Ramírez A. Atehortúa Garcés L. Modified recipient for automated

temporary system, 2013. PROTOTIPO.

7. Seminars and courses

English course. OIINDE de Colombia, OIINDE, Colombia. 2004 – 2005

Plant histotechnique course. Universidad de Caldas, Manizales. November, 2010.

Patent training seminar. Auditorio Edificio Suramericana. 2007.

Workshop Formulation of research projects, Universidad de Antioquia, April, 2011.

Agrobusiness course. Virtual. 2011.

Transmission electron microscopy. Interamerican committee of societies for electron

microscopy, September 2013.

Genomes and transcriptomes analysis. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. 2014.

Molecular and celular biology. Universidad de Antioquia. 2014.

“PCR in real time”, Corpogen, 4 - 5 December, 2014.

International visit to the gene expression center. University of California. Febrero-Mayo, 2014.

Molecular biology of plant development. Universidad de Antioquia. 2015

Curso “PCR en tiempo real”, Corpogen, 4 y 5 de diciembre 2014.

EMBL-EBI, genes and proteins: an introductory workshop. 27 - 29 de mayo de 2015. Centro de Bioinformática y Biología Computacional de Colombia BIOS, Manizales (Caldas - Colombia)

8. Events (since 2006-)

2006 - XII Congreso CIB, II Encuentro en Salud y Biotecnología, Medellin

2006 - Primer Simposio de Bioingeniería y áreas afines, Medellin

2006 - Tecnova: II rueda de negocios, Medellin

2007 - IV Congreso colombiano de Botánica, Medellin

2007 - III Simposio de Biofábricas, Medellin

2008 - Sixth International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural

Breeding, A 2020 Vision, Brisbane, Australia

2010 – 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, Rimini, Italy

2011 - VI Congreso Colombiano de Botánica, Cali.

2013 - IV Expo2013 Shimadzu: Análisis instrumental de Biomoléculas y

Aplicaciones especiales de la tecnología FTIR

2013 - World Biotechnology Congress

2013 - Seminario Internacionl de Cacao y chocolate. Septiembre 26 y 27. Bucaramanga – Fedecacao.

2013 - Seminario Internacional de Biotecnología: Tendencias y aplicaciones

hacia el sector agropecuario

2013 - 12 Inter-american microscopy congress. Cartagena - Hotel las

Americas, Cartagena de Indias

2014 -The first meeting of the scientific-technological convergence network

FEALAC Mayo, 2014, Bogotá.

2014 - EXPOCIENCIA. Universidad EAFIT. Oral presentation

2014 - II Cumbre mundial de cacao, 25 – 27 de Agosto, 2014 Guayaquil,


2016 - Cocoa Symposium, Frontiers in Science and Technology for Cacao

Quality, Productivity, and Sustainability being held at Penn State May 31-June 3

2016 – The Complex Life of mRNA. Heidelberg, Germany, October 5-8.

9. Languages

Mother language: Spanish

Other languages: English (Understanding: good, speaking: good, writing level: good).

10. Courses taught

- Biology laboratory. 2012-13. Universidad de Antioquia

- Botany laboratory. 2013. Universidad de Antioquia

- Jornadas de divulgación: Propagación de cacao por procesos biotecnológicos, Ministerio De Agricultura Y Desarrollo Rural. Septiembre 17, 2013, Mutatá, Antioquia

11. Awards

2015 – Award for the initiative in developing agricultural business. CREAME, Business


2014- Doctoral fellowship

2013 – The best master thesis with more impact to the competitiveness in areas

considered strategic for Antioquia department.

2012 – Instructor student fellowship

2012 – Master fellowship

2005- Honor scholarship, Universidad de Antioquia
