Darkside - release em ingles




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RELEASE 2012 email: darksidemetalband@yahoo.com.br darksideglobal@yahoo.com.br msn: talesribeiro@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/darksidebr http://twitter.com/darksideoficial http://www.myspace.com/darksidebrasil http://www.youtube.com/user/talesgroo A/C Tales Ribeiro Rua Ildefonso Albano 262/501 Bairro Meireles CEP: 60.115-000 Fortaleza -CE +55 85 3219 66 64 +55 85 9950 1313

DARKSIDE release 2012 Darkside appeared in 1991 in the city of Fortaleza/CE, with the intention of striking a heavy sound. This power quintet became one the pioneers and most influential bands of the Brazillian Northeast area. The resulting sound is a mix between the aggressiveness of Thrash and Heavy Metal's melodic lines, forming a powerful resonant barrier amplified by the explosion of energy that the band expels on stage. Songs like Fragments of Time, Spiral Zone, Shades of Decay, Mindstorm, Blessed by the Dark and Gates to Madness became the soundtrack of several generations of the underground of its native state. They crossed the glacial decade of the 90´s releasing 3 demo tapes and making countless shows in their home town and close areas, ironing their name in the guts of the national underground. They act under several influences, in a dense sound that exhales the whole virulence of a style sparkled with weight and bitterness, proceeding without patience the trail of sounds and attitudes of great names as Overkill, Artillery and Exodus, but equally taken root in melodic legacy of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Saxon. The rancidity of Old School Brazilian Metal is present in this striking and overpowering new release called Prayers in Doomsday. A corrosive approach, dangerous for the weak necks, conjuring a new source of the Heavy Music in Brazil. There are 08 mortal shells that proclaim the resonant combustion to serve the armageddon, defaming prophecies, priests, wars, plagues and parasites. The poisonous titles infect without permission the carcasses of the headbangers: Bubonic, Sacrificed Parasites, Anticitizen One, Prayers in Doomsday, Born For War, Cursed by the Dawn, Crossfire and The Apocalypse Bell. While they are focused of the current album, Darkside tries to strengthen their bows with producers and labels of Europe and North America, in the intention of they have its material distributed in other continents. Darkside already opened shows for great bands Sepultura, Angra, Krisiun, Korzus Helloween, Gamma Ray, Assassin and Saxon.

Alex Eyras (vocals), Tales Groo (guitar), Helder Jackson (guitar), Renato Filtro (bass) and Richardson Lucena (Drums)

That fact that Brazilians have mastered the arts of thrash well has of course become more and more obvious during the last three decades, and Darkside confirms that once again with eight powerful old-school thrashers. What we get here is best described as a combination of US and German thrash with a flirt towards traditional Heavy Metal. Think of a combination of bands such as Slayer, Exodus, Testament, Overkill, Destruction and similar bands and you know approximately what you can expect. The songs are well-composed and the music sounds quite technical at some points, and contains the necessary variation. The riffs constantly invite you to bring out the air guitar and start banging your head, and even though there

is enough room for melody, they keep the pace up. Lord of Metal Magazine Darkside presents eight numbers that are here clearly taken root in Thrash Metal of the eighties. Influences of the American scene (Overkill, Exodus, Flotsam And Jetsam and something of Slayer) they can be identified here, as well as the veteran of the German scene, Kreator and Destruction. To the whole mixture, the quintet increases still something Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Saxon and knowingly mixture those influences without sounding hopelessly dated Heavyhardes Magazine Darkside plays a rough mixture of Thrash and Power Metal, always with something melodic, but without losing any minute the propensity for the rawness and the energy power. Happily it is not boring to understand the force of their songs, with many good ideas and interesting structure. Totentanz Magazine ... the instrumental section is a reminiscence of Bay Área, that one was added pinch of England. Here we have Thrash riffs and varied material mainly classic in that many traditionalistic they will have their happiness. Power Metal Magazine