English Projeto Latinidades 2015




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stival Latinidades

Latinidades 2015Theme: Black Cinema

July | Cine Brasília

Latinidades – the biggest Black Women’s festival in Latin America

8th edition


We made it to the 8th edition. In seven years the Latinidades

Festival brought important topics related to overcoming gender and

race inequalities, bringing to light the black culture of the diaspora.

Having its headquarters in the Federal District, it was created in 2008

to celebrate the Black Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Day, on the

25th of July.

Believing that Culture is a strategic space and that it mobilizes the topics that we address, the project engages in different artistic languages, professional training, qualification, entrepreneurship, creative economy and communication.

Beyond its international reach, the proposition is lined up with

increasing circulation and discussion possibilities between

cities, since it performs actions in the Administrative Regions

of the Federal District and has received invitations from

outside Brasilia and Brazil. Access is free to all



Latinidades Retrospective

2008The festival was born with two debates and a few cultural performances, to mark the International Afro-Latin American and Afro-

Caribbean Women’s Day

2009The festival discusses black women in media with an afternoon of debates and an evening

of concerts.


2010On this occasion, the topic was Census and Public Policies for Black Women and the discussions gave birth to a reference-publication. The shows took place at the Ministries Esplanade, in

partnership with Ipea.


2011Under the topic of Black Women in the Work Market, the

project drew ten debate tables. The discussions produced a second festival publication. The shows happened in the City Park, also

in partnership with Ipea.

2012Black Youth was the topic that inspired a series of activities during the year of 2012, bringing lecturers and artists with a wide representativeness. Shows, debates, literary launches and a fair of afro-business occupied the

Cultural Complex of the Republic for five days..

2013Black Art and Culture, Afro-descendent Memory and Public Policies was the topic that draw a little more than fifty thousand people to the

Cultural Complex of the Republic.


2014Under the topic Griots of the Black Diaspora, the Latinidades

Festival achieved a peak of audience and international

reach, with seven days of activities and the

participation of lecturers such as the ex Black Panther Angela Davis,

the North-American sociologist Patricia Hill Collins and the writers Shirley Campbel (Costa

Rica) and Paulina Chiziane (Mozambique). Artists came from all the

Brazilian regions, the United States, Canada, Guadalupe, Haiti and



Latinidades Publications

Since 2010, the content of the formative activities, debates, workshops and talks has been giving substance to publications that are made available physically and virtually. The four publications are: ‘Census and Public Policies’; ‘Black Women in the Work Market’; ‘Black Youth’ and ‘Black Art and Culture: Afro-descendent memory and Public

Policies’. The Griots of the Black Diaspora publication is in phase

of production.


Dia da Mulher Negra Latino Americana e Caribenha

The 25th of July was chosen as the Black Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Day since 1992, when the first meeting of Black Women from Latin America and the Caribbean took place, in the Dominican Republic. The event took place with the participation of sixty countries and discussed the black woman situation, deliberating the creation and strengthening of the date. All over Latin America and the Caribbean, activities are held to mark the 25th of July,

which affirms the necessity of discussing and presenting solutions for the black women reality of vulnerability in the continent. The Black Women Movement reclaims the day

each year as a sign of fight and visibility, in such a way that the 25th of July is for black woman what the 8th of March is for women in general. In Brazil, on the

2nd of June of 2014, the Law that establishes the Black Woman’s Day on the 25th of July, was sanctioned by President Dilma Roussef, in

homage to the great leader quilombola Tereza Bengela, as a result of mobilization in which the project Latinidades

had a big participation.


Latinidades 2015

Theme: The 2015 edition will take place from the 19th to 26th of July, at the Cine Brasilia, and will treat the topic of Black Cinema.

The idea is to discuss the role and representation of black women in cinema, putting them at the center of the debate about public policies for

the audiovisual. Female Producers, scriptwriters, actresses, publishers, voice over actresses, camera women – how many do we know? How many are there in the

market? After all, what is Black Cinema? What kind of cinema is being produced in the black diaspora? Which are the circles where it is possible to have access to this production? How the black woman’s image is represented in cinema? How can we create a circulation network of black people’s cinematographic production, valuing specific and transversal topics? What is the place of transexualism, of black youth, of traditional communities, of popular and peripheral culture, of gender, amongst others, in today’s cinema shown in movie theaters? Does a black Afro-futurist cinema exist? These are

some of the challenges of the project’s eighth edition.


General Goals

f Establish and strengthen the network of Black Latin American and Caribbean women.

f Carry out black cinema exhibitions and artistic activities to give black artists visibility, stimulating their insertion in the cultural

production chain; contribute to raising black women self-esteem and empowering them, with their own

references and thoughts.


Social Gains Accessibility: The festival will have handicap-accessible ramps, special bathrooms and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language.Access Democratization: Access Democratization: The admission in all

the festival actions will be free of charges, promoting the access

and completion of goods, products and cultural

services. Furthermore we seek special mobilization

in the suburbs and schools and a decentralized program that goes beyond the Pilot Plan. Promotion of cultural dialogues between the Administrative Regions of the Federal District;

Implementation of activities in the Female

Penitentiary of the Federal District.


f Creation of jobs and revenue with the service recruitment of 80% of


f Recuperate black woman’s history and promote affirmative actions with the goal

of giving visibility and voice to this portion of the population who have been historically


f Enforcement of the Law 10.639/2003, that makes the inclusion of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture compulsory in schools’ educational courses, by means of workshops, meetings and presentations.

f Circulation of Black Latin American Brazilian and Caribbean women’s artistic production

f Promotion of self-esteem and creation of income for

black women.


f Exchanges and identification between black women and non-black women.

f Creation of new consumer audiences.

f Incentive to afro-business.

f Incentive to tourism.

f Promotion of immaterial patrimony, preservation, conservation and making available collections linked to black culture.


Target Audience

The plan is to reach black and non-black women, young and

adults between 13 and 60 years old. At the same time we intend to get to

young and adult men between 13 and 60 years old in order for them to join the

fight for rights equality. In 2015 we mean to reach public power representations,

organizations, entities and collectives of social and cultural movement, in addition to women in jail. Social Classes B, C and D.

Indirect Audience:

a hundred thousand people (taking into account the website, the social media campaign and the specialized communication consultancy). The project’s Facebook page, for example, has today about 40 thousand visitors a week and the website about a thousand a day. The valuation of media in 2013 reached three millions reais, without any investment of paid media. We expect to increase in 2015 even more the project visibility, starting with paid media investment and others strategies.



Musical shows, theatre performances, short and feature films exhibition, black characters cosplay, Afrolatinas Award, conferences, debates, audiovisual exhibition, capoeira ring and so much more!






























