Factsheet - VC Rattan


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  • 7/31/2019 Factsheet - VC Rattan



    Based on economic potential studies and stakeholder discussions, RED has selectedrattan furniture manufacturing in the Trangsan cluster, Sukoharjo in Central Java, as anentry point for value chain promotion. The rattan furniture sub-sector has beenidentified as one of major export sectors and provider of employment in the programregion. It extends far beyond the boundaries of Sukoharjo District and includes rawmaterial growers and collectors in Kalimantan and Sulawesi, traders and semi-processors, manufacturers in Java, buying agents and international furniture houses,which distribute to the end costumer in Europe, the United States, Japan, and othercountries.

    A strategic response to the problems of the value chain in the rattan furniture cluster is to concentrate uponsecuring the supply chain and developing human resource standards for high-quality rattan furniture.Initial observations highlighted the shortage of raw material, inefficient manufacturing process, and a lack ofknowledge in design, marketing skills and international contacts as the main challenges for producers.

    Focus of Intervention

    A series of activities have been implemented in order to assist the champions in theindustry, furniture association (ASMINDO) and other relevant stakeholders in ensuringthe sufficient supply of raw materials, improving the productivity of companies as well asproduct design, international marketing skills and business contracting. Together withstakeholders, a value chain mapping and strategy was conducted that comprisedstudies (study on productivity and design capacity) and surveys (e.g. on supply chain ofraw material, regulations and policies affecting rattan furniture industry), as well as focusgroup discussions.

    Supporting activities by the RED program included establishing a business plan for the warehouse for rawmaterial and business gatherings between suppliers of raw material and rattan furniture manufacturers in theSolo region. In cooperation with the regional branch office of Bank Indonesia in Semarang, RED has alsobeen facilitating trainings on design management, production plan and inventory control, marketing andbusiness contracting. In order to foster collaboration between actors in the rattan furniture cluster, RED hasalso helped improve access to markets and financial institutions. Furthermore, with assistance from the REDprogram, selected products with the new design produced by designers from Sukoharjo were able toparticipate in international trade fairs.

    Impact and Achievements

    Manufacturers possess better entrepreneurial skills and access to finance; many have launchedinnovative products and new brands.The sustainable supply of raw material through a warehouse is ensured. There is direct and efficientaccess to raw materials to suppliers in Kalimantan and Sulawesi.The export volume for rattan products in Sukoharjo has increased by 44.5% and the value by 34.25% onaverage in 2007.The number of employees in the sub-sector has grown by 4%.Due to the impact of the global financial crisis in 2008, the number of employees in the rattan furnitureindustry in Sukoharjo considerably decreased by 19%, while export volume fell by 27%.

    The use of services provided by Business Development Service Providers (e.g. freelance designers)has increased noticeably.

  • 7/31/2019 Factsheet - VC Rattan


    Latar Belakang

    Berdasarkan kajian awal ekonomi dan forum diskusi, program RED telah memilih usahamebel rotan di klaster Trangsan, Sukoharjo di Jawa Tengah, sebagai titik masuk untukpromosi rantai pasokan. Sub sektor mebel rotan diidentifikasi sebagai salah satusektor ekspor terbesar dan pembuka lapangan kerja di wilayah program. Hal iniberkembang melewati batas wilayah Sukoharjo dan termasuk para petani bahanmentah dan kolektornya di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi, para pedagang dan pengolahbahan setengah jadi, pabrik-pabrik di Jawa, para agen dan rumah-rumah mebelinternasional, yang mendistribusikan kepada konsumen akhir di Eropa, Amerika Serikat,Jepang dan Negara-negara lain.

    Respon strategis terhadap permasalahan dalam rantai nilai di klaster mebel rotan adalah untukberkonsentrasi pada pengamanan rantai pasokan dan mengembangkan standar sumber dayamanusia untuk mebel rotan berkualitas tinggi. Pengamatan awal menunjukkan keterbatasan bahanmentah, proses manufaktur yang tidak efisien, dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai desain, skilpemasaran dan kontak internasional sebagai tantangan utama bagi produsen.

    Fokus Intervensi

    Serangkaian kegiatan telah dijalankan untuk mendukung asosiasi mebel (ASMINDO)dan stakeholder relevan lainnya dalam memastikan pasokan bahan mentah yangmemadai, meningkatkan produktivitas usaha-usaha serta desain produk, keterampilanpemasaran internasional dan kotrak usaha. Bersama para stakeholder , pemetaanrantai nilai dan strategi dilakukan, yang mana terdiri dari kajian (terhadap produktivitasdan kapasitas desain) dan survey (contohnya mengenai rantai pasokan bahan mentah,regulasi dan kebijakan yang berdampak pada industri mebel rotan), serta diskusikelompok terarah.

    Kegiatan-kegiatan pendukung yang dijalankan oleh program RED adalah merancang rencana usahapembangunan gudang untuk penyimpanan bahan mentah dan pertemuan antara pemasok bahan mentahdengan produsen mebel rotan di daerah Solo. Melalui kerjasama dengan kantor cabang Bank Indonesia di Semarang, RED juga selama ini telah memfasilitasi pelatihan mengenai manajemen desain, rencanaproduksi dan kontrol terhadap inventarisasi, pemasaran dan kontrak usaha. Guna mendorong kolaborasiantar pelaku di klaster mebel rotan, RED juga telah membantu meningkatkan akses terhadap pasar danlembaga keuangan. Di samping itu, dengan bantuan program RED, beberapa perancang terpilih dapatberpartisipasi dalam pameran perdagangan internasional.

    Dampak dan Pencapaian

    Produsen memiliki keterampilan kewirausahaan dan akses keuangan yang lebih baik; banyakprodusen telah meluncurkan produk-produk inovatif dan brand yang baru.Pasokan bahan mentah yang berkesinambungan dapat dipastikan dengan adanya gudang. Ada akseslangsung dan efisien terhadap bahan mentah dari pemasok di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi.Volume eksport produk rotan di Sukohardjo meningkat rata-rata 44.5% dan nilai ekport meningkat34.25%, pada tahun 2007.Jumlah pegawai di sub-sektor tersebut tumbuh sebesar 4%.Sebagai akibat dari krisis keuangan global tahun 2008, jumlah pekerja di industri ini turun 19%,sementara volume ekspor juga turun sebesar 27%.Penggunaan layanan yang disediakan oleh Penyedia Layanan Pengembangan Usaha (sepertidesainer lepas) secara nyata meningkat.