Fitoquímicos AICR


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  • 8/11/2019 Fitoqumicos AICR




    The Cancer Fighters

    in Your Food


    Scientists are finding more and more evidence

    that the food we eat affects our risk of

    developing cancer. AICR estimates that up to

    one-third of the most common cancers could be

    prevented if Americans ate a healthy diet, got

    at least 30 minutes daily of moderate physical

    activity and maintained a healthy weight.

    AICRs expert reportan analysis of more

    than 7,000 studies on diet, physical activity,

    weight and cancerrecommends eating a

    mostly plant-based diet, limiting red meat and

    avoiding processed meat for lower cancer risk.

    Thats because nature gives us a treasure trove

    of health protectors in vegetables, fruits, whole

    grains, beans and other plant foods.

    Plant foods contain many kinds of ediblecancer-fighters: vitamins, minerals, fiber and


    What are phytochemicals? The word phytochemical means a naturally

    occurring plant (phyto, in Greek) chemical.

    Phytochemicals provide a plant with color,

    aroma and flavor as well as protection from

    infection and predators.

    The colors, fragrances and taste of the plant

    hint at the phytochemicals it contains.

    The Facts aboutthe Cancer Fightersin Your Food

    The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)

    is the cancer charity that fosters research on the

    relationship of nutrition, physical activity and weight

    management to cancer risk, interprets the scientific

    literature and educates the public about the results. It

    has contributed more than $96 million for innovative

    research conducted at universities, hospitals and

    research centers across the country. AICR has published

    two landmark reports that interpret the accumulated

    research in the field and is committed to a process of

    continuous review. AICR also provides a wide range

    of educational programs to help millions of Americans

    learn to make dietary changes for lower cancer risk.

    Its award-winning New American Plate program is

    presented in brochures, seminars and on its website, AICR is part of the World Cancer

    Research Fund global network.

    Editoria l Review Committee

    Elisa V. Bandera, MD, PhD, The Cancer Instituteof New Jersey UMDNJRobert Wood JohnsonMedical School; Karen Collins, MS, RD, AICRNutrition Consultant; Jennifer Eng-Wong, MD, MPH,Georgetown University; John W. Erdman, Jr., PhD,University of Illinois; Jan Kasofsky, PhD, RD, CapitalArea Human Services District, Louisiana; KimberlyKline, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; BarbaraPence, PhD, Texas Tech University Health SciencesCenter; Richard Rivlin, MD, New York, NY; AICRexecutive staff.

    Copyright 2011 American Institute for Cancer ResearchLatest update, June 2013

    In the human diet, phytochemicals work

    together to fend off cancer and other

    diseases. Phytochemicals have the potential

    to stimulate the immune system, slow the

    growth rate of cancer cells and prevent

    DNA damage that can lead to cancer.

    Many phytochemicals are antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that protect

    the bodys cells from oxidative damage.

    Preventing this type of damage might protectus from cancer and other diseases.

    Some antioxidants are vitamins like vitamin

    C. Most are phytochemicals such as

    lycopene and lutein.

    To understand how antioxidants work, observe

    what happens when you leave a cut apple

    on the kitchen counter. The apple becomes

    discolored because oxygen from the air reacts

    with compounds in its flesh.

    An antioxidant like vitamin

    C in citrus juice, protects

    the apple from turning

    brown when it is sprinkled

    over the cut fruit.

    Antioxidants in the body

    react much the same way, protecting cells from

    oxidative damage caused by factors associated

    with aging, smoking and pollution. We need a

    steady supply of antioxidants from our food

    to provide protection because of the bodys

    continuous production of oxidative damage.

    Just a few of the phytochemicals in plant

    foods and their possible effects are listed in the

    following chart. Scientists are still discovering

    phytochemicals, and so far thousands have

    been identified.

  • 8/11/2019 Fitoqumicos AICR


    Phytochemicals Work Together to Boost Health

    No single phytochemical or food can protect

    you from cancer or any other disease. But eating

    a varied diet with lots of fruits, vegetables,

    beans and whole grains does seem to offer the

    most protection, based on existing evidence.

    Scientists have found that the vitamins, minerals

    and phytochemicals from plant foods work

    together to fight disease.

    According to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines forAmericans,most adults should eat the following

    amounts for good health. (The amount you need

    to eat depends on your age, gender and level of

    physical activity.)

    Fruits: 1 2 cups daily (3 4 servings)

    Vegetables: 1 3 cups daily (3 7


    Whole grains: at least 3 servings daily

    (a serving equals 1 slice of bread or a

    half-cup of pasta, rice or cooked cereal)

    Legumes (beans and peas): 1 2 cups

    per week (2 5 servings)

    For the most health protection, eat a wide

    variety of foods within each group. For

    example, instead of eating just apples and

    bananas from the fruit group, mix it up by

    enjoying many options like cantaloupe, kiwi-

    fruit, cherries, berries, citrus, grapes, peaches

    and more. Youll discover a tremendous variety

    of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans.

    A Model for Healthy Meals

    To help you plan nutritious meals for cancer

    prevention, AICR recommends using a simple model

    called the New American Plate: Fill at least 2/3 of

    your plate with fruits, vegetables, beans and whole

    grains and no more than 1/3 of your plate with lean

    meat, poultry, fish and low-fat dairy foods.

    Following the New American Plate model can

    help you control your weight too. Extra body fat

    increases the risk for certain cancers and otherchronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

    By eating lots of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole

    grains, youll feel more full with fewer calories.

    These are low-calorie foods. That means they have

    fewer calories and more nutrients per bite.

    An apple or a half-cup of black beans has fewer

    calories compared to a half-cup of French fries or

    cake. By feeling more full from foods that have

    fewer calories, youll be able to lose weight or

    maintain your weight more easily.

    Putting It Together

    Heres an example of how foods rich inphytochemicals and antioxidants can fit into

    your day. You would add other foods to round

    out your meals with enough low-fat protein and

    other essential nutrients.

    Breakfast: Whole-grain wheat or oat cereal withblueberries

    Snack: Grapes

    Lunch: Vegetable-bean soup (minestrone)


    Snack: Edamame beans (green soybeans)

    Dinner: Salad with mixed lettuce, herbs, tomatoes,

    onion, carrots and bell peppers, sprinkledwith a tablespoon of nuts

    Steamed broccoli

    AICR Guidelines for Cancer PreventionThe choices you make about food, physical

    activity and weight management can reduce

    your chances of developing cancer.

    Choose mostly plant foods, limit red meat

    and avoid processed meat.

    Be physically active every day in any way

    for 30 minutes or more.

    Aim to be a healthy weight throughout life.

    And always rememberdo not smoke or chew


    You can support AICRs life-saving research

    and education efforts in a variety of ways:

    make a donation online at;

    write to AICR, 1759 R Street, NW,

    P.O. Box 97167, Washington, DC

    20090-7167; or

    include a bequest in your will.

    For more information, contact our Gift

    Planning Department at 1-800-843-8114.

    A Word about Supplements

    AICR recommends that people get their nutrients

    through food and not rely on supplementsincluding

    antioxidant and phytochemical supplementsto

    reduce cancer risk.

    Research suggests that some are poorly absorbed

    when isolated in pill form.

    Phytochemicals work better together and with

    other nutrients.

    Its possible to get too much of one nutrient orphytochemical when you take supplements.

    Some studies have found that a few antioxidant or

    phytochemical supplements may be harmful, but

    eating the foods that they come from is beneficial.

    When you get a phytochemical from food, you are

    also getting a wide variety of other compounds

    rather than just the one or few in a supplement.

    In the United States, supplements are not regulated

    as strictly as other food and drug products.

    The manufacturer of a dietary supplement is

    responsible for ensuring the products safety before

    it is marketed. The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) is responsible for taking action against any

    unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches

    the market. ( Source:


    Look insideto learn more!

    Need More Help?

    Visit information. To order our free brochures about

    diet, physical activity and weight management for

    lower cancer risk, email info@aicr.orgor write to:

    American Institute for Cancer Research

    1759 R Street, NW, P.O. Box 97167

    Washington, DC 20090-7167or call: 1-800-843-8114 or 202-328-7744

  • 8/11/2019 Fitoqumicos AICR


    Fitoqumicos na dieta LISTA PARCIAL)




    Compostos Allium



    Alil sulfidos

    Cebolinho, alho, alho-francs, cebola, chalota desacelera ou pra o crescimento de tumores

    Alimentos da famlia Allium provavelmente protegem contra o cancro do estmago.

    O alho provavelmente diminui o risco de cancro col-retal.

    Estudos de laboratrio sugerem que os compostos de allium podero tambm proteger contra a leucemia

    e cancros da prstata, bexiga, pele e pulmo.

    Dica: Cortar ou esmagar o alho pelo menos 10 minutos antes de cozinhar ativa os fitoqumicos.

    Carotenides Alfa-caroteno






    Vermelhos, cor-de-laranja, amarelos e alguns verdes-escuro

    Frutos: Damascos, meloa, citrinos, nectarinas, papaias,

    pssegos, melancia

    Vegetais: Pak choi, brcolos, cenouras, milho, verdes (couve-

    galega, couve frisada, alface, espinafre), abbora, pimentos,

    batata-doce, tomates

    ao antioxidante

    inibe o crescimento das clulas de cancro

    melhora a resposta imunolgica

    Alimentos ricos em carotenides provavelmente protegem contra os cancros da boca, faringe e laringe.

    Os carotenides nos vegetais de folha escura podero inibir o crescimento dos cancros da pele, pulmo,

    estmago e alguns tipos de clulas de cancro da mama.

    O licopeno nos tomates e produtos de tomate poder reduzir o risco do cancro da prstata.

    Flavonides (grupo dos Polifenis) Antocianidinas (cianidina, delfinidina,

    malvidina, pelargonidina, peonidina)

    Flavan-3-is (catequina, epicatequina,epicatequina galate, epigalocatequina,

    epigalocatequina galate, teaflavinas)

    Flavanonas (hesperetina e naringenina)

    Flavonas (apigenina e luteolina)

    Flavonis (kaempferol, miricetina) e

    Flavonides (quercetina)

    Isoflavonas (ver categoria separada, abaixo)

    Frutos: Mas, bagas, cerejas, citrinos, arandos, groselhas, uvas,

    peras, ameixas

    Vegetais: Beterrabas, pimentes, brcolos, aipo, acelgas,

    beringela, couve frisada, alface, cebolas, couve vermelha,

    rabanetesFeijes: Feijo preto, feijo vermelho, feijo catarino

    Aromticas: Salsa, alecrim, tomilho

    Outros: Cacau em p, chocolate preto, caf, ch

    ao antioxidante

    aumenta as enzimas que protegem o organismo de substncias cancergenas

    estimula a auto-destruio de clulas anormais

    inibe a inflamao que d suporte ao crescimento do cancro

    inibe o crescimento do tumor

    estimla a funo imunolgica

    Alguns flavonides podem ajudar a prevenir o cancro colo-retal.

    Em estudos de laboratrio, fitoqumicos presentes nas mas reduziram o crescimento de

    clulas de cancro do pulmo.



    Vegetais Crucferos: Brcolos, couves de Bruxelas, repolho,

    couve-flor, rbano, folhas de mostarda, nabo, agrio ao antioxidante aumenta as enzimas que protegem o organismo de substncias cancergenas ajuda na reparao do ADN bloqueia a atividade de hormonas que influenciam o desenvolvimento de alguns cancros (mama e colo do tero) causa a morte das clulas de cancro diminui o poder do estrognio de promover alguns cancros (mama e colo do tero)

    Estudos de laboratrio sugerem que as crucferas protegem contra os cancros da mama, endomtrio,pulmo, clon e colo do tero.

    Inositol cido ftico (hexafosfato de inositol)

    ou IP6)

    Cereais Integrais: Farelo do milho, aveia, arroz, centeio e trigo


    Leguminosas: Feijes de soja e feijes

    ao antioxidante desacelera o crescimento dos tumores causa a morte das clulas de cancro

    Estudos de laboratrio sugerem que o cido ftico pode evitar a formao de tumores no clon, pulmo, prstata e pele.

    Isoflavonas (grupo dos Flavonides) Daidzena Genistena Glicitena

    Soja: Feijes e produtos de soja (edamame, leite de soja, tofu, etc.) ao antioxidante diminui a produo de algumas hormonas inibe o crescimento dos tumores

    Isotiocianatos Isotiocianato de alila Benzil isotiocianato Crambene Feniletil isotiocianato Sulforafano 3-fenil propil isotiocianato

    Vegetais Crucferos:Rcula, brcolos, pak choi, couves deBruxelas, repolho, couve-flor, couve galega, rbano, couvefrisada, folha de mostarda, rabanetes, rutabaga, nabo, agrio

    ao antioxidante bloqueia o crescimento dos tumores causa a morte das clulas de cancro inibe a inflamao que d suporte ao crescimento do cancro aumenta as enzimas que protegem o organismo de substncias cancergenas

    Estudos de laboratrio e epidemiolgicos sugerem que as crucfeas protegem contra os cancros dabexiga, mama, endomtrio, esfago, pulmo, clon, fgado, prstata e colo do tero.

    Os isotiocianatos formam-se quando os glucosinolatos nas crucferas so quebrados por uma enzima que seliberta quando esses vegetais so mastigados ou cortados.

    Polifnois (alm dos Flavonides eTerpenos) Cumarinas Cucurbitacina Curcumina cidos Fenlicos (cido cafico, cido ferlico,

    cido elgico, cido glico) Estilbenos (pterostilbeno, resveratrol) Taninos (tal como o cido elgico)

    Frutos: Mas, amoras, framboesas, mirtilos, cerejas, uvas pretas,peras, roms, morangosOutros: Castanhas, amendoins, lentilhas, nozes-pecs, aafro dasndias, nozes

    ao antioxidante inibe a inflamao que d suporte ao crescimento do cancro evita a formao de cancros causa a morte de clulas anormais antes de se tornarem cancerosas

    Culturas de clulas e estudos em animais sugerem que o pterostilbeno poder prevenir o cancro do clon, pulmo,

    pele, estmago, pncreas e mama inibindo o crescimento e estimulando a destruio de clulas anormais.

    Em laboratrio e estudos em animais, o resveratrol inibiu ou diminui o crescimento dos cancros do fgado,

    prstata, estmago e mama. O resveratrol causou a morte de clulas de cancro da leucemia e do clon.

    Em estudos de laboratrio, o cido elgico inibiu o desenvolvimento dos cancros do clon, esfago, fgado,

    pulmo e pele. No laborario, a curcumina diminuiu a formao e crescimento de clulas de cancro da mama, clon e


    Inibidores da Protease Leguminosas: Feijes, lentilhas, ervilhas, feijo e produtosde soja (tais como edamame, leite de soja, tofu)

    inibe o crescimento das clulas de cancro evita que os tumores libertem compostos que possam destruir clulas saudveis circundantes

    Esteris Beta-sitosterol Campesterol Ergosterol


    induz a morte das clulas de cancro diminui a inflamao que d suporte ao crecimento do cancro

    Terpenos (grupo dos Polifenis)

    Carnosol Curcubitacina Limoneno lcool perlico

    Vegetais: Espargos, beterrabas, couves de Bruxelas



    Sementes: Linhaa, abbora, ssamo e girassol

    A maioria dos leos vegetais: Colza, milho, azeite, ssamo

    Cereais integrais

    Frutos: Mas, cerejas, citrinos, peras, ameixas

    Aromticas: louro, endro, oregos, salsa, alecrim, salva, tomilhoOutros alimentos:Sementes de abbora

    ao antioxidante

    desacelera o crescimento das clulas de cancro estimula a funo imunolgica inibe a inflamao que d suporte ao crescimento do cancro

    Estudos de laboratrio sugerem que o carnosol (salva e alecrim) pode d iminuir a sensibilidade das clulass hormonas reprodutivas que promovem o cancro da prstata.
