##Leia-me (Em Inglês)


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  • 8/9/2019 ##Leia-me (Em Ingls)



    (2006/09/27) New features * Fixed the problem that GetTextExtentPoint32() had been enabled even when the font had been excluded * Added the function IsValidDC(), checks whether the device context is for displays (maybe it fixes the promlem when printing) * Rearranged the entire source code (>>501) * Include an edge enhance filter by Hiroki Kanou (configure with Enhance option * gdi++.dll now exports GetMsgProc() (>>654 = >>168 * Exclude FixedSys and Marlett by default

    (2006/09/27) Known bugs * Don't support vertical writing * some glitches on Jane Doe (a 2ch browser)

    Introduction gdi++.dll is a replacement for the Windows default font rasteriser, which gives you a "blurry" font smoothing capability,

    just like Mac OS X. It hacks one of the most important core dlls for graphics

    , gdi32.dll.Caution This software is naturally dangerous and causes a heavy CPU load. You shouldunderstand how it works before using it. It may contain a bunch of bugs, so please use it at your own risk and back upthe files if need be. You need to have Windows XP to run this software, possibly Windows 2000 is okay as well.

    How it works * ExtTextOut() has been called * Multiply the font size integrally (2x, 3x, 4x)

    * Draw * Resample * Tranfer If the background mode of the DC is tranparent, we leave a messy alphablending thingy to the font rasteriser by stretching the background image and tranfer it to the buffer preliminarily.

    Usage Just drag and drop your favourite application to gdi++.exe. Native Windowscontrols are also now in effect.

    Options You can configure the rendering option when you placed a file named "gdi++.in

    i" to the same directory. [General] Quality=1 Weight=0 Enhance=0 UseSubPixel=0 SubPixelDirection=0 MaxHeight=0 ForceAntialiasedQuality=0 [Exclude]

  • 8/9/2019 ##Leia-me (Em Ingls)


    FixedSys Marlett

    [General] section * Quality Choose the rendering quality. 0: disabled, 1: twice, 2: thrice, 3: quadruple * Weight Choose how bold the font will be drawn. The text will be drawn (n + 1) times repeatedly. * Enhance Enhance horizontal/vertical edges. 0: disabled (default), 1: a bit enhanced, 2: normal, 3: super enhanced,4: extremely enhanced * UseSubPixel Choose whether simplified subpixel rendering (fake ClearType) is enabled.(still glitchy) 0:disabled (default), 1: enabled * SubPixelDirection Choose the subpixel direction of your LCD screen. Most screens have a RGBstriping order. 0:RGB (default), 1: BGR * MaxHeight Specify the maximum font size "in pixels" to smooth (disable with 0)

    0:disabled (default)* ForceAntialiasedQuality Never use ClearType when drawing texts on Windows XP. It may speed up theentire performance. 0: Normal (default), 1: Never draw texts with ClearType [Exclude] section Specify the font names you want to exclude on each line. If the font nameis on this list, gdi++.dll will bypasses the processing to the default rasteriser. This option might be good for bitmap fonts or outline fonts optimesed for ClearType, i.e. Meiryo.

    Contacts (some links are possibly dead now, so find new ones from Google or some

    thing) gdi++.dll http://drwatson.nobody.jp/gdi++/ y-zgdi++.dll XbhyNz http://pc8.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/win/1158937333/ WindowstHgXbhVer.16 http://pc8.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/win/1153828837/
