Lionel Sturnack Université de Liège – Universidade de São Paulo Wallonie-Bruxelles...


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  • Lionel Sturnack Universit de Lige Universidade de So Paulo Wallonie-Bruxelles International AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012
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  • AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Discursos de laboratrio do Center for astrophysics (CfA), Harvard. Catherine Allamel-Raffin, tese de doutorado La production et les fonctions des images en physique des matriaux et en astrophysique . Maria Giulia Dondero, Smiotique de limage scientifique, Signata, PULg, 2010 n1, 111-175.
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Imagem em raio-x padro ( esquerda) e imagem em raio-x subtrada ( direita) Allamel-Raffin, op.cit., Vol.2, p.25 AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Imagem en ondas rdio com contornos Allamel-Raffin, op.cit., Vol.2, p.26 AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Sobreposio entre a imagem em raio-x subtrada e os contornos da imagem rdio. Allamel-Raffin, op.cit., Vol.2, p.31 AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 DH: [] It may look like the cluster are a lot bigger, but youve got very little area to establish your background, if really it is the cluster, its going up *this far*. It would be nice because we have seen a cluster of that far. So, one of the things, you know, we want to know this is: is the intensity here lower then here and here? (grifo nosso) [] DH: I cant convince myself. It could be a tiny peak. Its not good enough to tell you know. I cant see no difference here. (Allamel-Raffin, 2004 v.2: 31-32). AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Sobreposio com os contornos rdio e imagem de outro telescpio Allamel-Raffin, op.cit., Vol.2, p.34 AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Comparao dos resultados dos telescpios XMM e CHANDRA Allamel-Raffin, op.cit., Vol.2, p.36 AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 DH: [] Its funny. I mean if you were presented with these data, you would think that the center of the cluster is about here. So where is the brightest point in the cluster? (Allamel-Raffin, 2004 v.2: 33) AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 DH: [] See what This kind of behavior, it doesnt make much sense to me This is fairly significant, I mean thats 16 and over it 5. Its fairly a big change, were not just seeing just a slight noise fluctuation, it seems to me. []. With Chandra we saw a fairly obvious source associated with this. [] DH: [] Whats about it? You see there is something in here because there is no source there ! (Allamel-Raffin, 2004 v.2: 35) AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Esquemas sintagmticos da crena e da confiana Fontanille & Zilberberg, Tension et Signification, Mardaga, 1998 AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Baseada na crena : embora me iluda, entretanto fico de olhos abertos embora A, entretanto no-A . Baseada na confiana : embora ambas imagens sejam confortantes, entretanto fico inquieto embora A e no-A, entretanto A ou (exclusivo) no-A . AS RELAES IMAGENS/LEGENDAS NA ASTROFSICA LUZ DA SEMITICA TENSIVA
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  • 60 SEMINRIO DO GEL - 2012 Merci !
