Prévestibular Social / CECIERJ Simulado de Língua ... · Simulado de Língua Estrangeira 2 Modelo...


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Pré­vestibular Social / CECIERJ

Simulado de Língua Estrangeira 2 ­ Modelo UERJ

Espanhol (Questões 1 a 5)


“Consumidores en Acción” calcula que el recibo de la luz ha subido en enero un 3,9% con respecto a

diciembre y un 17,7% con respecto al mismo mes del año anterior. Según sus cálculos, esto significa

que el consumidor común ha pasado de pagar una tarifa media de 67,62 euros en enero de 2014 a

79,62 euros un año después, 12 euros más.

Pese a ello, el ministro de Industria, Energía y Turismo, José Manuel Soria, empeoró la subida de enero

al comentar que el precio de la electricidad "subirá unos meses y bajará otros", y ha pedido "esperar" a

finales de año para hacer un balance global. Según ha añadido, el repunte en este arranque de 2015 se

ha debido a las condiciones meteorológicas, que han hecho que entraran menos en juego la eólica y la


Además, Soria ha recordado que el precio de la electricidad disminuyó tanto en 2013 como en 2014, por

lo que ha defendido que "solo al concluir el año podremos decir si ha disminuido o no", al margen de las

oscilaciones a la baja o al alza que se vayan dando. Según sus cifras, durante el pasado año el recibo

bajó un 4,9% de media.

Questão 1

El tema del texto es relacionado al siguiente factor:

a) El problema que ocurre en la distribución de energía. b) La subida del consumo de luz. c) El aumento de la tarifa de luz. d) La subida del precio del euro para la luz.

Questão 2

En el segundo párrafo, el ministro de Industria, Energía y Turismo se pronuncia sobre el tema. Se puede caracterizar su discurso como:

a) Pesimista b) Optimista c) Trágico d) Impreciso

Questão 3

Para explicar el problema de la subida del precio de energía, el argumento utilizado por Soria es:

a) el tipo de cálculo de energía. b) las condiciones meteorológicas. c) un nuevo juego sobre energía eólica. d) el precio de la tarifa media.

Questão 4

“Además, Soria ha recordado que el precio de la electricidad disminuyó (…)” (3er párrafo). En este fragmento, la palabra subrayada es un conectivo, cuyo significado en portugués es “além disso”. Su función es de:

a) acrecentar un nuevo argumento. b) negar lo que había dicho. c) contraponer las ideas anteriores. d) explicar las consecuencias de lo que ha dicho Soria.

Questão 5

Entre las frases que están abajo, la que está en desacuerdo con el título del reportaje es:

a) “Consumidores en Acción calcula que el recibo de la luz ha subido en enero un 3,9% (…)”. b) “(…) al comentar que el precio de la electricidad "subirá unos meses y bajará otros". c) “(…) el repunte en este arranque de 2015 se ha debido a las condiciones meteorológicas (…)”. d) “Soria ha recordado que el precio de la electricidad disminuyó tanto en 2013 como en 2014(…)”.

Inglês (Questões 6 a 10)

Light stories on film APRIL 1, 2015 As a science journalist, one of the crucial questions I regularly ask myself is: “why should my audience

care about this story?” Of course there are many factors that determine whether or not something is

newsworthy. But one of the fundamental requirements is that stories must connect with people on some

form of emotional level. That may be intrigue, excitement, awe, shock, anger, or any other of the

remarkable array of human responses. The one thing you must avoid is indifference. With science being

abstract at times, it is the job of the science journalist to show their audience how and why the thing you

are communicating matters to people.

Fortunately, the International Year of Light and Light­based Technologies (IYL 2015) is a veritable

treasure trove of great stories. At its core, this year is about people doing fascinating things with light that

can have profound effects on other people’s lives. To me, this became clear at the opening ceremony of

IYL 2015 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. I met a diverse cast of characters doing all manner of

intriguing and important things with light and light­based technologies. That included Nobel laureates, aid

workers, artists, engineers, and many more. I even learned a new word when I met a “speleologist” (that

is, cave scientist) presenting a photo collection of caves in Haiti. The images demonstrated how light and

shadow can reveal the geological richness of these environments in stunning detail.

One of the people I met, William Phillips who won the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics for developing

methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light, summed up his vision of the year very succinctly. “The

Year of Light is a chance to focus on some of the amazing things that we’ve learned about light and

using light. But more importantly, about some of the amazing opportunities we have to learn new things

about light”.

Having established that a story is worth covering, the next question that a journalist faces is “how should

I cover this story?” Again, IYL 2015 is a journalist’s dream because light and its applications are

inherently visual, so the stories lend themselves perfectly to still and moving imagery. At Physics

World magazine, we wanted to capture light stories on film while embracing the international and

collaborative dimensions of IYL 2015. With that in mind, we have commissioned a series of short

documentaries from film­makers around the world that tell personal stories relating to some of the core

themes of the year. Each film will reflect the geography and culture of where it has been produced.

James Dacey is the Multimedia Projects Editor at Physics World magazine.


Questão 6

Newspaper articles generally provide information on relevant topics. However, in the first paragraph, the author of this article:

a) provides some criticism;

b) expresses an opinion;

c) reveals a secret;

d) offers a review.

Questão 7 In the final paragraph, the author:

a) advertises new products using light;

b) describes the International Year of Light;

c) defines the qualities of a good journalist;

d) announces a documentary film about light.

Questão 8 According to James Dacey, a science journalist should be very clear about why he or she writes. One of the main questions this writer always considers is:

a) the truth of the facts;

b) the journalist’s distance;

c) the reaction of the public;

d) the opportunity of the moment.

Questão 9

Titles of news reports use some strategies to draw attention. In this title, the author creates:

a) double meaning;

b) some irony;

c) a paradox;

d) a doubt.

Questão 10

In the sentence “we wanted to capture light stories on film while embracing the international and collaborative dimensions of IYL 2015” (l. ), the word “while” indicates:

a) simultaneity;

b) enumeration;

c) comparison;

d) causality.
