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Disciplina: EEI08 - Finanças Internacionais e os Países Emergentes

Período Letivo: 2021 – Primeiro Semestre

Professores Responsáveis: Dr. André Moreira Cunha, Dr. Fernando Ferrari Filho e Dra. Luiza Peruffo

Número de créditos e carga horária: 4 créditos e 60 h/a

I. Ementa: Evolução do sistema financeiro internacional entre os séculos XIX e XXI. Instituições, mercados e

instrumentos financeiros internacionais. Regimes Cambiais e Gestão Macroeconômica. Impactos macroeconômicos

dos movimentos de capitais.

II. Objetivo: Compreender os aspectos teóricos, institucionais e empíricos associados à evolução do sistema financeiro


III. Sistema de avaliação: A avaliação será composta de realização de trabalhos individuais.

IV. Metodologia: Aulas dialogadas síncronas (Plataforma Mconf ou outras) e disponibilização de material previamente


V. Conteúdo

Parte I – O Sistema Monetário e Financeiro Internacional – Prof. Dr. André Moreira Cunha e Profa. Dra. Luiza Peruffo

1. Desempenho recente e perspectivas e perspectivas para o SMFI

Bibliografia Básica: Acemoglu (2021), Storm (2021), Unctad (2020, 2021), IMF (2021b, 2021c, 2021d), Credit Suisse

Institute (2020a, 2020b, 2021), BIS (2021), World Nank (2021a, 2021b), Borio (2020)

Bibliografia Complementar: Ocampo (2018, cap 1), Obstfeld (2008); BIS (2016b), Borio et al. (2017), Ostry et al. (2016),

BIS (2017a, 2017b), Lane e Milesi-Ferretti (2017), Neal (2016, cap. 14)

Resenha 1: Borio (2020) e Acemoglu (2021)

2. O Sistema Monetário e Financeiro Internacional (SMFI): hierarquia e instituições

Bibliografia Básica: Gourinchas et al. (2019), Obstfeld and Taylor (2017), De Paula, Fritz, Prates (2017), Cohen (2015a),

Armijo e Katada (2015)

Bibliografia Complementar: Armijo, Tirone, Chey (2020), Cohen (2012, 2013, 2014b, 2018), Baldwin (2013), Tomz

(2013), Kaltenbrunner e Painceira (2015)

Resenha 2: Cohen (2015a)

3. A Ordem Liberal e o Padrão Ouro Internacional

Bibliografia Básica: Helleiner (2008); Eichengreen (1996, Introdução e caps 2 e 3); Block (Introdução e capítulo II);

Kindleberger (1983, Introdução e cap. 14); Polanyi (1944, caps 1-2)

Bibliografia Complementar: Fisher (1933), Bernanke (1983, 1995), Minsky (1982, Introdução e caps. 1 e 2), Kregel

(2007), Wray e Tymoigne (2008); Wray (2009, 2012), Bordo (1993b), Isard (2005, cap.1), Bordo & Kydland (1987), Isard

(2005, cap. 2), Polanyi (1944, caps 1-2), Eichengreen (1985, 1987, 1989), Obstfeld et al. (2004), Isard (2005, cap. 2),

Hobsbawm (1995, caps. 3-4)

Resenha 3: Polanyi (1944, caps 1-2)

4. O Sistema Bretton Woods: a tentativa de regulação das finanças internacionais

Bibliografia Básica: Kose (2020), Helleiner (2008); Eichengreen (1996, cap. 4), Boughton (2002), Neal (2016, cap. 12),

Ocampo (2016 e 2018)

Bibliografia Complementar: Block (capítulo III e IV), De Cecco (1979); Isard (2005, cap.2), Keynes (1943, 1944); Bordo

(1993); Strange (1998, Introdução); Helleiner (1994, caps. 2-3); Boughton (1997, 2006); Bordo (1993b)

Resenha 4: Boughton (2002)

5. Globalização Financeira

Bibliografia Básica: Eichengreen et al. (2021),Razin (2020), Tonveronachi (2020), Prasad et al. (2003); Epstein (2005),

Streeck (2014), Kregel (2015), McKinsey Global Institute (2016), Ostry et al. (2016), The Economist (2015. 2016a,

2016b), Neal (2016, caps 13 e 14), Ilzetzki et al. (2017), Akyuz (2014), Lane e Milesi-Ferretti (2017).

Bibliografia Complementar: Nier, Sedik, e Mondino (2014), Borio, James e Shin (2014), Epstein (2005); Eichengreen

(2015), Claessens e Kose (2013), Reinhart e Rogoff (2013), Rodrik e Subramanian (2009); World Bank (2005, cap. 7),

Isard (2005, cap. 2, 4 e 5), Zingales (2015).

Resenha 5: Eichengreen et al. (2021)

6. Fluxos de Capitais e Ciclos na Era das Turbulências

Bibliografia Básica: Aldosoro et al. (2020), Batini e Durand (2021), World Bank (2016, 2020, 2021), Bibow (2020), Kose

(2020), Borio et al. (2019).

Bibliografia Complementar: Habib e Venditti (2018); Cerutti et al. (2017), BIS (2015, caps. III e V; 2014, cap. IV);

Alberola-Ila e Benigno (2017), Gerko e Rey (2017), Borio (2012, 2014), Eichengreen et al. (2021), Mitchener e Trebesch

(2021), Storm (2021), Ilzetzki et al. (2020), Hannan (2018), BIS (2018, p.1-55), Obstfeld e Taylor (2017), Ilzetzki et al.

(2017), Qianying et al. (2017); Ghosh e Qureshi (2016); Furceri e Loungani (2015); Reinhart e Rogoff (2008, 2013, 2014);

Chinn e Ito (2008), Reinhart, Reinhart e Trebesch (2016); Ostry et al. (2010); Borio (2012, 2013), Calderón e Fuentes

(2010), Alberola-Ila et al. (2016); World Bank (2016), Pérez Caldentey e Vernengo (2016); Schmitt-Grohé e Uribe

(2016); Fayad e Perrelli (2014); Borio (2014); Cecchetti e Kharroubi (2015); Caldentey, Titelman e Carvallo (2013);

Resenha 6: Aldosoro et al. (2020)

7. A Ascensão da China: uma nova ordem internacional?

Bibliografia Básica: Chandrasekhar (2021), IMF (2021a), Nicita e Razo (2021), Manyika, J. et al (2020), NIC (2021), US-

China Security and Economic Review Commission (2020, Executive Summary), Fukuyama (2020), Allison (2017), Biden

Jr. (2020), US Government (2020), Wang (2018), Allison (2017, 2018), Ikenberry (2018), Ratner (2018); Kissinger (2011,


Bibliografia Complementar: ver:,,

Resenha 7: Allison (2017, 2018, 2021)

Parte II – Tópicos Especiais – Prof. Dr. Fernando Ferrari Filho

Macroeconomia aberta e modelos de demand-led growth

CARLIN, W.; SOSKICE, D. Macroeconomics: imperfection, institutions and policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

BAUMANN, R.; CANUTO, O.; GONÇALVES, R. (2004). Economia Internacional: teoria e experiência brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2004

HEIN, E. The Macroeconomics of Finance-Dominated Capitalism and Its Crisis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.

OREIRO, J.L.; PAULA, L.F.; BASILIO, F. Macroeconomia do Desenvolvimento: ensaios sobre restrição externa, financiamento e política macroeconômica. Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE, 2012.

Obs. Talvez Oreiro et al seja acessível para os alunos do PPGEI.

Globalização financeira, crises cambial-financeiras e economia mundial em tempos de Covid-19

ARAUJO, E.; ARAUJO, E.; FERRARI FILHO, F. Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence of Countercyclical Economic Policies Implemented During the Subprime and COVID-19 Crises: The Brazilian Case. Draft, 2021.

EPSTEIN, G.A. Financialization and the World Economy. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2005.

FERRARI FILHO, F.; PAULA, L.F. A Crise Financeira Internacional: origens, desdobramentos e perspectivas. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2012.

IMF. World Economic Outlook: The Great Lockdown. April, 2020.

IMF. World Economic Outlook: A Crisis Like No Other. Junel, 2020.

IMF. World Economic Outlook: A Long and Difficult Ascent. October, 2020.

KINDLEBERGER, C.P.; ALIBER, R.Z. (2005). Manias, Panics and Crashes: a history of financial crises. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

KRUGMAN, P. (2008). The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. London: Penguin Books.

REINHART, C; ROGOFF, K. (2009). This Time Is Different: eight centuries of financial folly. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

RODRIK, D. (2011). The Globalization Paradox. New York: W.W.Norton & Company.

Planejamento e Cronograma

Aula Atividade Data

1 Apresentação 20/mai

2 Desempenho Recente 27/mai

3 SMFI 10/jun

4 A Ordem Liberal 17/jun

5 SBW 24/jun

6 Macro Ferrari 01/jul

7 Macro Ferrari 08/jul

8 Macro Ferrari 15/jul

9 Globalização Financeira 22/jul

10 Capitais e Ciclos 29/jul

11 China 05/ago

V. Bibliografia

Acemoglu, A. Remaking the post-covid world. Finance & Development, April, Washington, DC: International Monetary

Fund, 2021 (


Akyuz, Y. Internationalization of Finance and Changing Vulnerabilities in Emerging and Developing Economies. Unctad

Discussion Paper, n. 2017, November, 2014 (

Alberola-Ila, E.; Benigno, G. Revisiting the commodity curse: a financial perspective. BIS Working Papers No 609

February. Basle: Bank for International Settlements, 2017.

Aldasoro, I. et al. Global and domestic financial cycles: variations on a theme. BIS Working Paper n. 864, 2020


Allison, G. China vs. America: Managing the Next Clash of Civilizations. Foreign Affairs, Sept.-Oct. 2017.

Allison, G. China vs. America: The Myth of the Liberal Order. Foreign Affairs, July-August. 2018.

Allison, G. Grave New World, Foreign Policy, January 15th, 2021. (


Armijo, L., Katada, S. Theorizing the Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers, New Political Economy, 20 (1): 42-62,


Armijo L., Tirone. D., Chey, H. The Monetary and Financial Power of States: Theory, Dataset, and Observations on the

Trajectory of American Dominance, New Political Economy, 25 (2): 174-194, 2020.

Baldwin, D. A. Power and International Relations. In: CARLSNAES, W.; RISSE, T.; SIMMONS, B. A. Handbook of

International Relations. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2014.

Batini, N., Durand, L. Facing the Global Financial Cycle: What Role for Policy. IMF Working Paper No. 2021/034,

February, 2021 (


Bernanke, B. Nonmonetary effects of the financial crisis in the propagation of the Great Depression. American

Economic Review 73 (3): 257–276, 1983.

Bernanke, B. The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: a comparative approach. Journal of Money, Credit and

Banking, v. 27, n.1, 1995.

Bibow, Jörg. The General Theory as “Depression Economics”? Levy Institute Working PAPER N. 974, October 2020



Biden, Jr., J. R. Why America Must Lead Again: Rescuing U.S. Foreign Policy After Trump, Foreign Affairs (Vol. 99, Issue


Bijian, Z. China’s Peaceful Rise to Great Power Status. Foreign Affairs, v, 84, n. 5. New York: Council of Foreign Relations,


BIS. BIS Quarterly Review, March 2021, Balse: Bank for International Settlements, 2021.

BIS. Financial Globalisation. BIS Papers n. 32, December. Basle, Bank for International Settlements, 2006.

BIS. Globalisation and deglobalisation, BIS Papers n. 100, December, 2018


BIS. The future of financial globalization. BIS Papers No 69.Basle: Bank for International Settlements, 2012.

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Bordo, M. D., Kydland, F. E. The Gold Standard as a Rule. NBER Working Paper 3367. Cambridge, Mass.: National

Bureau of Economic Research, 1987. Disponível em:

Bordo, M. The Bretton Woods International Monetary System: an historical overview. NBER Working Paper No. 4033,

March. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1993.

Bordo, M. The Gold Standard, Bretton Woods and other Monetary Regimes: an historical appraisal. NBER Working

Paper No. 4310. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1993b.

Borio, C. et al. The financial cycle and recession risk. BIS Quarterly Review, December 2018


Borio, C. et al. Why so low for so long? A long-term view of real interest rates. BIS Working Papers No 685, December

2017 (

Borio, C. On money, debt, trust and central banking. BIS Working Paper, No 763, January 2019


Borio, C. The financial cycle and macroeconomics: What have we learnt? BIS Working Papers, No 395, December 2012.

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Chandrasekhar, C. K. The Long Search for Stability: Financial Cooperation to Address Global Risks in the East Asian

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Chen, J.; Mancini-griffoli, T.; Sahay, R. Spillovers from United States Monetary Policy on Emerging Markets: Different

This Time? IMF Working Paper, WP/14/240, December. Washington, DC: IMF, 2014.

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3, p. 309 – 322, 2008 (

Claessens, S.; Kose, M. Financial Crises Explanations, Types, and Implications. Working Paper No. 13/28. Washington,

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Cohen, B. “Reflections on Liberal and Monetary Orders,” International Studies Perspectives, 21: 2 (May 2020).


Cohen, B. Currency Statecraft: Monetary Rivalry and Geopolitical Ambition. Chicago & London: The University of

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Cohen, B. J Will History Repeat Itself? Lessons for the Yuan, "in Barry Eichengreen and Masahiro Kawai (eds.), Renminbi

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Cohen, B. J. International Currency. In: Currency Power: Understanding Monetary Rivalry. Oxford University Press,

2015a. Disponível em:

Cohen, B. J. The Benefits and Costs of an International Currency: Getting the Calculus Right. Open Econ Rev (2012)


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Epstein, G. A. Introduction: Financialization and the World Economy. In: EPSTEIN, G. A. Financialization and the World

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Fouliard, J., Michael Howell, Helene Rey. Answering the Queen: Machine Learning and Financial Crises, March 2021 (

Fukuyama, F. The Pandemic and Political Order: It Takes a State. Foreign Affairs (Vol. 99, Issue 4), July-August 2020.

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