Prova Equivalencia 2ª Fase Inglês



Teste escrito

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Código 21 ANO 2015

Duração de 90 minutos (sem tolerância)



Utiliza apenas caneta ou esferográfica de tinta indelével, azul ou preta.

Não é permitido o uso de dicionário.

Não é permitido o uso de corretor. Sempre que precisares de alterar ou de anular uma resposta,

risca, de forma clara, o que pretendes que fique sem efeito.

Escreve, de forma legível, a numeração dos grupos e dos itens, bem como as respetivas


As respostas ilegíveis ou que não possam ser claramente identificadas são classificadas com

zero pontos.

Para cada item, apresenta apenas uma resposta. Se apresentares mais do que uma resposta a

um mesmo item, só a primeira será classificada.

As cotações dos itens encontram-se no final do enunciado do teste.

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ACTIVITY A Part I – Items 1 to 11________________________________________________________________________________

For items 1 to 5, choose the correct option.

For each item, only one option is correct.

In your answer sheet, write only the question number and the letters (A, B, or C)

1. Whose jacket is this?(A) It’s blue.(B) I don’t know.(C) Susie likes it.

2. It’s time to go now.(A)Yes, sure.(B) Yes, I did.(C) Half past nine.

3. Have you seen this photo of Henry?(A) Yes, he does.(B) No, I’m not.(C) He looks nice.

4. Don’t open that window.(A) It’s big.(B) It’s raining.(C) Why not?

5. Could you tell the teacher to bring the books, please?(A) No problem.(B) What a pity.(C) I’m sorry.

For items 6 to 11 select the best option. Read this dialogue and select the best option. Remember that’s it’s a conversation, so everything has to make sense.In your answer sheet, write only the question number and the letters (A or B)

Sarah : Paul, your birthday is coming soon. How are you going to celebrate it?6. Paul: A – With my friends… and that includes you!

B – I’m not sure. I haven’t decided yet.Sarah : Oh! That’s great! Are you having a party at home?

7. Paul: A – No, I have decided that we’ll go for a walk in the park and have a picnic. B – Last year I had a wonderful party.

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Sarah: It seems like a good programme. Will you invite Jonathan?8. Paul: A – Last time she was hilarious.

B – Yes, I like him a lot. He’s very funny.Sarah: Who else are you inviting?

9. Paul: A – I’m not inviting Sammy. He’s visiting a friend this weekend. B – Two more friends, Rebecca and Julian.Sarah: What about going to the cinema after the picnic? I’ve heard there’s great film now!

10. Paul: A – It sounds like a great idea! B – My favourite actor is George Clooney.Sarah: Perfect celebration! What time shall we meet, then?

11. Paul: A – We arrive at 10 am. B – At 10. It should be OK.

Read the following text and answer item 12.

About the library

Our mission is to make resources accessible and to promote the growth and development of our students. There are more than 17,000 books, CDs and DVDs in several languages. You will find that this library provides a number of services and tools. Here are just a few:– Copy machine (5 cents per page);– Computer access (desktops and wireless laptops);– Audiovisual equipment (for school work).

Besides using the varied materials and resources, find out what’s on the to-read, to-watch, to-play list and see what’s happening each week in the library.

Our volunteer homework team aid students in after-school homework so that they can do better in the classroom. Please check our events calendar.

To avoid any unpleasant incidents involving the use of the library, please respect the following rules:(1) The library will be open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on all days of the week, except weekends.(2) Reference books, periodicals, CDs and DVDs must not leave the building.(3) Only people holding membership cards are entitled to borrow books and audiovisual equipment from the library.(4) Each person receiving a book or any audiovisual equipment is responsible for any damage it may suffer while in their possession.(5) No book or audiovisual equipment shall be retained for more than two weeks.(6) Writing on books is prohibited.(7) Immediate notice of change of residence must be given at the library.(8) Eating and drinking in the building is forbidden.(9) People in the reading room must be quiet.

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12. List six examples of materials/ resources you can find in the library.

Write only the number of the item and the examples on your answer sheet.

Read lines 1 to 12 again and choose the correct options for items 13 to 15.

Write only the numbers of the items and the letters (A, B, C, or D) on your answer sheet.

13. In line 3, “provides” means

(A) uses

(B) produces

(C) offers

(D) proposes

14. In line 9, “aid” means(A) attend

(B) assist

(C) control

(D) explain

15. In line 11, “unpleasant” means(A) disagreeable

(B) illegal

(C) irritating

(D) dangerous

Now read the rules 1 to 9 in the text again and say which rule applies to the situations in item 16.

16. Match each of the five situations below (A to E) with one of the rules (1 to 9)

Four of the rules are not needed.

Write only the letters and numbers on your answer sheet.

(A) Sarah has moved into a new house so she had to leave her new address.

(B) Peter wanted to read a sports magazine so he had to stay in the library.

(C) Kate needed a history book on Sunday but she could not borrow it until Monday.

(D) Yesterday Sam had to run to the library to return a book. He couldn’t keep it any longer.

(E) Emily had to pay for a book because she spilt some milk on it when she was at home

sitting on the sofa.

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Part II – Items 17 to 21

You are going to read a news article about a summer camp experience

Read the following text.


US summer camp: survival lessons in New England

Summer camp is an American tradition which started in the 19th century. Boys and girls spend six

weeks camping out under the stars and singing around the fire. However, they are not on their own.

Monitors aid them in activities which allow them to grow in confidence and develop valuable new


On a lake close to the Canadian border, Mike is living on an island with 85 other teens. There is no

electricity, no running water and no regular toilet. Boats are the only form of transport and

connection to the modern world. Welcome to the wilderness that is summer camp!

These days, parents think of camp as an opportunity to disconnect their children from video games,

mobile phones and the Internet. Mike was surprised to learn that he could not telephone his parents

from camp. On the island, there are just two mobile phones in case of an emergency. Parents are

encouraged to write to their children and wait for their responses, which are always as short as their

usual text messages.

When Mike’s parents went to visit him, much to their surprise he was happily cleaning his tent

along with three other thirteen-year-olds although he normally hates tidying his room. No doubt

living outdoors can provide an education just as important as the one teens get at school. (abridged and adapted)(accessed 14.09.2012)

For items 17 to 20, choose the correct option.

For each item, only one option is correct.

In your answers, write only the letters (A, B, C, or D)

17. In summer camps, teenagers learn how to

(A) develop technological skills.

(B) relate to 19th century traditions.

(C) connect to the modern world.

(D) be more independent.

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18. On the island, teenagers

(A) have all the comforts of modern life.

(B) need to adapt to a different lifestyle.

(C) live the way Canadians usually do.

(D) are disconnected from everyone.

19. In the camp, mobile phones(A) can be used on certain days.

(B) are allowed in all circumstances.

(C) can only be used in a crisis.

(D) are limited to writing text messages.

20. 10. In line 3, “aid” means(A) propose.

(B) assist.

(C) explain.

(D) attend.

21. Now read some more information about the summer camp.Complete the text with the sentences/expressions 1 to 6. Three of the sentences/expressions

are not needed.

In your answer, write only the numbers, on your answer sheet.

The real heroes of the camp are the


____ (A) ___. 20-year-old Simon is Mike’s

monitor and the object of his admiration and

respect. Simon was away from camp ____

(B) ___ but the rules still had to be

respected. For example, his parents had

brought some chocolate bars, which was

against the camp’s rules, and so they had to

take them back.

Mike and his friends went back to their

usual camp activities after ____(C) ___,

waving goodbye from the boat.

1) his monitor had arrived on the island

(2) when their parents returned

(3) who look after the kids

(4) whose parents visited the camp

(5) his parents had left the island

(6) when Mike’s parents came for a visit

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Holiday for Teenagers organizes summer camps. You are going to spend your summer holidays at one of their camps.

Fill in the following registration form by answering items 1 and 2.

Registration Form 2015

1. Your identification

Surname(s): a)

First name(s): b)

Age: c)

Date of birth: d)

School year: e)

Nationality/Nationalities: f)

First language(s): g)

Foreign language(s): h)

2. Types of summer camp you prefer

(A)Sports (B) Music (C) Computer (D) Art

Say which summer camp you prefer (A, B, C, or D) and justify your answer.

Write 60 – 80 words.










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Atividade A

1 – 5 ……………………………………………………………………… 5 pontos

6 - 11……………………………………………………………………... 10 pontos

12 .................................................................................................................. 10pontos

13 - 15............................................................................................................ 10 pontos

16 ............................................................................................................ 10 pontos

Atividade B

17 – 20 ……………………………………………………………………… 10 pontos

21 ……………………………………………………………………… 10 pontos


Atividade A







11 pontos





10 pontos

2. 14 pontos

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Total ……………... 100 pontos

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