Simulado de Inglês_3


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  • 7/28/2019 Simulado de Ingls_3


    Simulado de Ingls III Vera Queiroz

    Que tal treinarmos mais um pouco para os prximos concursosque esto sendo divulgados?Boa sorte e at o prximo simulado!!!

    I. Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questes de 1 a 6,escolhendo uma das alternativas dadas.

    EU Lifts Ban on Genetically Modified Foods, but Adds

    Conditions ECONOMICS REPORT - Securities and Exchange Commission ( by

    Mario Ritter, VOA Special English Economics Report)

    In the United States, people who put their money in banks are usually protected if the bankever fails. They are guaranteed to get their money back, up to one-hundred-thousand

    dollars. Financial markets offer no guarantees. That is why the Securities and Exchange

    Commission exists. The S-E-C is an independent government agency formed to protectinvestors.

    The need grew out of the stock market crash of nineteen-twenty-nine. Many Americans lost

    trust in financial markets. The Great Depression soon followed.

    In nineteen-thirty four, Congress established the Securities and Exchange Commission.President Bush chose William Donaldson, an investment banker, as the current chairman

    last December.

    The commission has five members, including the chairman. At most, three of the five may

    be of the same political party. The president appoints the commissioners, with Senateapproval. Their job is to establish and enforce rules for financial markets.

    The S-E-C has four divisions. One is the Division of Corporation Finance. It requirespublic companies to report on their financial condition and any issues that could affect


    The Division of Market Regulation oversees the private groups that supervise financial

    markets. Stock exchanges and groups like the National Association of Securities Dealers

    are self-governing. But, because their work involves public trust, the S-E-C plays a part.

    The Division of Investment Management oversees investment companies and dealers. Itsareas include the mutual fund industry. Chairman Donaldson recently called for changes to

    prevent some kinds of trading in mutual funds. Officials say some traders use these

    methods to help only big investors.

    And, the Division of Enforcement investigates violations of laws. The commission can

    bring charges, but often reaches agreements to avoid a trial. On October first, for example,

  • 7/28/2019 Simulado de Ingls_3


    the S-E-C reached a deal with J.P. Morgan Securities. The company agreed to pay a fine of

    twenty-five million dollars in a case, but did not have to admit or deny guilt.

    The S-E-C can only enforce civil laws. But it works with agencies that enforce criminal

    laws. In some cases, the S-E-C may work with the attorney general of a state to bring


    1. De acordo com o texto, qual das alternativas abaixo verdadeira?

    a) Nos Estados Unidos, quando um banco quebra, o correntista recebe todo seudinheiro de volta.

    b) O SEC uma agncia governamental independente criada para proteger os

    interesses dos banqueiros.c) A maioria dos americanos perdeu a confiana no mercado financeiro, pois ele no

    d garantias para os investidores.

    d) William Donaldson o atual presidente do SEC.

    2. Em qual das alternativas abaixo todas as palavras pertencem a mesma categoria

    sinttica?a) usually, if , ever

    b) bank, independent, investors

    c) if, why, and

    d) in, out of, why

    3. A expresso political party significa:

    a) festa polticab) partidrio poltico

    c) parte poltica

    d) partido poltico

    4. Em todas as alternativas, as palavras em negrito so objeto direto, exceto em ___.

    a) Financial markets offerno guarantees.

    b) In nineteen-thirty four, Congress established the Securities and Exchange


    c) Their job is to establish and enforce rules for financial markets.

    d) Stock exchanges and groups like the National Association of Securities Dealers are


    5. O antnimo do substantivo trust :a) distrust

    b) untrust

    c) faithd) reliance

    6. Classifique as alternativas abaixo como verdadeira ou falsa:a) Assuntos que podem afetar o investidor so notificados diviso de Regulamentao

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    de Mercado.b) Aps aprovao do Senado, o presidente estabelece e pe em prtica as regras para os

    mercados financeiros.

    c) Em acordo estabelecido com a SEC, a J. P. Morgan Securities pagou uma multa de 25milhes de dlares e admitiu sua culpa no caso.

    d) Cabe ao SEC executar as leis criminais e civis.

    II. Escolha a conjuno que completa a orao abaixo.

    for / so that / so / although / because / even so / but / unless

    "We want to use mainstream technology to provide this communication betweentwo people, ______ we're looking at instant messaging."

    III. Complete o texto abaixo com o verbo na forma correta.

    Educational technology ______ (embrace) everything from the way computers, satellites,and interactive video ______ (use) in schools, colleges, and industry to issues of copyrightand flexible learning. Focusing on the learner, our purpose ______ (be) to support changein the ways we _____ (learn) by applying the benefits of educational technology especially the new information technologies to the process of learning.

    IV. Qual das parfrases (a ou b) melhor se aproxima do significado original da oraoabaixo?

    While she is able to comprehend much or what people say to her, she cannot formulateher thoughts into coherent phrases or sentences.( ) a. Jane understands quite a lot of what people are saying to her and knows what shewants to say. However, she cannot translate her thoughts into understandable messages.( ) b. Jane finds it difficult to choose the right words and sentences to express herselfwhile she is concentrating on what people are saying to her.
