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1.Trabalho de Estado Maior

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Page 1: 1.Trabalho de Estado Maior


Warm Up

Utilize a figura na folha de exercício complementar:

1. Liste seis qualidades profissionais indispensáveis a uma oficial de estado-maior?

2. Compare as qualidades listadas por você e compare-as com aquelas preconizadas pelo FM 101-5?

The commander and his staff focus on recognizing and anticipating battlefield activities in order to decide and act faster than the enemy. All staff organizations and procedures exist to make the organization, analysis, and presentation of vast amounts of information manageable for the commander. The commander relies on his staff to get information to battlefield “understanding”, or situational awareness, quicker than his adversary. Once a decision is made, the commander depends on his staff to communicate the decision to subordinates in a manner

that quickly focuses the necessary capabilities within the command to achieve the commander’s vision or will over the enemy at the right place and time.

The primary product the staff produces for the commander, and for subordinate commanders, is understanding, or situational awareness. True understanding should be the basis for information provided to commanders to make decisions. Formal staff processes provide two types of information associated with understanding and decision making. All other staff activities are secondary.

The first is situational awareness information, which creates an understanding of the situation as the basis for making a decision. Simply, it is understanding oneself, the enemy, and the terrain or environment.The second type of information, execution information, communicates a clearly understood vision of the operation and desired outcome after a decision is made. Examples of execution information are conclusions, recommendations, guidance, intent, concept statements, and orders.

"Staff’s Role" Staff Organization and Operations. US Army Field Manual 101-5. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/101-5/index.html

Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de OficiaisSeção de Idiomas – InglêsInglês Instrumental / Curso de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais 2014

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Reading Strategies

I Agora utilizando a estratégia “skimmimg”, leia o texto rapidamente e responda:

1. Que aspecto do estado-maior o texto aborda?

II Utilizando a estratégia scanning, procure as informações abaixo no texto:

1. Qual é o foco do comandante e do seu estado-maior?

2. Explique a razão de ser das organizações de estado-maior?

3. O que se espera do estado-maior, uma vez que o comando tenha tomado a decisão?

4. O que o estado-maior pode produzir de melhor para o comandante?

5. Quais são os dois tipos de informação fornecidos pelos processos formais de estado-maior?

6. Em poucas palavras, o que é a informação de conhecimento da situação?

7. Dê exemplos de informação de execução?

Vocabulary Exercises

I Encontre no texto o equivalente a:

a. estado-maior

b. quantidade

c. conta com

d. entendimento

e. conhecimento situacional

f. fornece

g. tomada de decisão

h. ambiente

i. resultado

j. orientação

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II Encontre no texto palavras derivadas de:

a. organize

b. present

c. manage

d. understand

e. situation

f. aware



i. guide

j. state (v)

III Dê uma tradução aproximada das palavras no exercício anterior

IV Encontre no texto um sinônimo de:

a. identifying

b. forseeing

c. methods

d. rapidly

e. accurate

f. foundation

g. topography

h. advice

i. direction

j. command

V The staff has common fields of interest that determine how the commander divides duties and responsibilities.

( ) Civil-military operations

( ) Intelligence

( ) Logistics

( ) Signal Operations

( ) Personnel

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VI Relacione cada afirmação abaixo a uma das qualidades profissionais preconizadas no Manual de Campanha FM 101-5

a. A commander is always looking for new and innovative solutions to problems.

b. The staff officer must have the moral courage to tell the commander the good and bad. news.

c. The staff officer has to know his specific duties and responsibilities better than anyone else.

d. A commander will frequently change his mind or direction after receiving additional information.

e. The staff officer cannot wait for the commander to give specific guidance on when and where to act.

f. A staff officer must understand that often a 5-minute answer for the commander may require 10 hours of staff work.

Critical Reading

VII. Você percebeu alguma diferença entre o papel que desempenha o oficial de estado-maior no exército americano e no EB?


VIII. Watch the video and mark the correct answer.

1. Where is Major David Ferris originally from?a) Ontario b) British Columbia c) Alberta d) Manitoba

2. What's called the unit where Major Ferris is an officer?a) 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.b) 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.c) 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.d) 4th Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.

3. Major Ferris says he is proud…a) to be from Moonstone.b) to have fought in Afghanistan.c) to serve in one the world's finest armies.d) to be ready for whatever tomorrow brings

4. There’s a high expectation of the officer’s conduct and performancea) because he or she knows best.b) because he or she trains more than his subordinates.c) because he or she went to the Infantry School.

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d) because he or she sets the example.

5. According to Major Ferris, if you think you are a leader, the infantry will give you....a) the strength and the knowledgeb) the skills and the trainingc) the example and the steadinessd) the boots and the ground

XIX. Watch the video once again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.


X. Write a short composition of 35 to 45 lines answering the following question: “Why does Brazil need a strong army?”


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MAJOR DAVID FERRIS:  I’m Major Dave Ferris from Moonstone, Ontario.  I’m an ______________________________ in the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in Shilo, Manitoba.

LIEUTENANT TYLER RICHES: And I’m ______________________________ Tyler Riches from Penticton, British Columbia, an Infantry Officer also from the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry here in Shilo, Manitoba.   

FERRIS: Infantry Officers, well, we command through the assignment of tasks.  We receive our ______________________________ from our superiors, we conduct what we call battle procedure and the combat estimate and come up with our plan.  And then we’re issuing the direction that is to be carried out by our ______________________________, whether it’s on the battlefield or during a domestic operation or even in routine garrison.

FERRIS: We’re ______________________________ to serve in one of the world’s finest professional military forces, and we’ll match our gear, our training, our skills, and our commitment with anybody, anytime, anywhere. We’ve risen to every challenge the 21st century has thrown at us, from Afghanistan to Haiti to the Vancouver Olympics to flood waters in the Canadian heartland – and we’re ______________________________ for whatever tomorrow brings.

FERRIS: Our job description actually reads “to close with and ______________________________ the enemy” but obviously, it’s so much more than that.  But in essence, we’re the boots on the ground.  It is the infantry that takes and ______________________________ ground, and the infantry is the only trade in the military that can actually hold ground and defend it. 

RICHES: The artillery is there to bring fire down onto a ______________________________, to suppress that target or partially destroy it, so that we may take the ground that that target was on.  The armoured is there to destroy other enemy armour assets.  The average infantry soldier is the asset that holds the ground on the modern ______________________________.

FERRIS: Whether you join the Regular Force or the Reserves, your knowledge, your strength, and your steadiness will be tested ______________________________.

RICHES: You’re the very tip, you’re the guy that they look to and they’re like “Okay, what’s next?”

FERRIS: We also have to set the example.  Part of that is leading by example; whether it’s on duty or off-duty, there’s some high expectations of the conduct and the performance, really, of officers because of the role we play, because of that ______________________________ role we have within the Infantry.

FERRIS:  If you think you’re ready to be a leader, the Infantry will give you the skills and the ______________________________ you’ll need to live up to the legacy of the heroes of Canada’s past in The Royals, the Patricias, the Van Doos, and 54 reserve regiments across the country.