3 курс Фармація Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням 52. Cardiovascular disease. Серцево-судинні захворювання. 1. Засвоєння професійно-орієнтовного лексико-граматичного матеріалу; 2. Знання лексико-граматичних особливостей огляду наукової літератури; 3. Вміння робити власні висновки. Lead-in І. Form adjectives from the verbs below using the suffixes -able and -ible as in the example. to prevent preventable, to reverse reversible To compare, to compress, to calculate, to consider, to change, to eat, to respond, to vary, to work, to operate, to estimate, to extend, to regulate. ІІ. Learn the following words. cardiovascular - серцево-судинний; affliction - хвороба, ураження; to treat лікувати; clot - тромб, згусток; nausea нудота; vomiting блювота; overexertion перенапруження; myocardial infarction - інфаркт міокарду; impairment погіршення; insomnia безсоння; hypertension гіпертонія; atherosclerosis атеросклероз; blood pressure - кров'яний тиск; pacemaker - ритмізатор серця; valve клапан; nitroglycerine нітрогліцерин.

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Page 1: 52. Cardiovascular disease. Серцево судинні захворювання.college.zsmu.edu.ua/upload/distance learning/farmac/3/inozemna_3_f.pdf3 курс Фармація

3 курс Фармація

Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням

52. Cardiovascular disease.

Серцево-судинні захворювання.

1. Засвоєння професійно-орієнтовного лексико-граматичного матеріалу;

2. Знання лексико-граматичних особливостей огляду наукової літератури;

3. Вміння робити власні висновки.

Lead-in І. Form adjectives from the verbs below using the suffixes -able and -ible as in the example.

to prevent — preventable,

to reverse — reversible

To compare, to compress, to calculate, to consider, to change, to eat, to respond, to

vary, to work, to operate, to estimate, to extend, to regulate.

ІІ. Learn the following words.

cardiovascular - серцево-судинний;

affliction - хвороба, ураження;

to treat – лікувати;

clot - тромб, згусток;

nausea – нудота;

vomiting – блювота;

overexertion – перенапруження;

myocardial infarction - інфаркт міокарду;

impairment – погіршення;

insomnia – безсоння;

hypertension – гіпертонія;

atherosclerosis – атеросклероз;

blood pressure - кров'яний тиск;

pacemaker - ритмізатор серця;

valve – клапан;

nitroglycerine – нітрогліцерин.

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ІІІ. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Muscle, paralysis, coronary, thrombosis, acceleration, active, spasm, circulation, arteries, result, symptomatic, attack, mechanism

IV. Match the word with its definition.

1. hypertension a. ailment caused by a blood clot in the brain

2. thrombus b. chest pain

3. cardiac infarction c. hardening of the arteries

4. atherosclerosis d. loss of function, inability to move

5. angina pectoris e. clot

6. artery f. high blood pressure

7. stroke g. heart attack

8. paralysis h. the largest type of blood vessel

V. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Doctors can often predict heart problems.

2. Atherosclerosis is caused by layers of fat which line the artery walls.

3. Coronary thrombosis is a form of heart attack in which the main artery becomes blocked by a blood clot.

4. Stroke is caused when the blood supply to the brain is stopped.

5. A paralysis is caused by a stroke which affects the brain.

6. Heart patients can be grateful for the advances of modern science.


Cardiovascular Diseases One of the most common afflictions in the modern society is heart disease. More than half of all deaths recorded in the

world each year are the result of heart diseases. The heart is the strongest muscle in the body. Yet, like any piece of complicated

machinery, it can wear out or break down.

Heart disease can appear in a variety of forms. Some can be treated successfully, other heart ailments are fatal.

One condition which can be treated by changing the environment is

atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. With this disease, the inner

walls of the arteries are gradually thickened by layers of fatty mate-rial,

narrowing the channel for the passage of blood. Blood clots may form

and block the circulation entirely. One way to decrease the likelihood of

this condition is by reducing the cholesterol content of the diet, emphasizing vegetable oils, avoiding smoking and increasing exercise.

A patient who suffers from a heart attack has what doctors call a coronary thrombosis leading to myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest. One or more of the arteries supplying the heart muscle with blood become narrowed by a blood clot. Symptoms include pain in the chest,

shortness of breath, and nausea. Angina pectoris refers to chest pains caused when the heart muscle

does not get enough oxygen. An attack is usually caused by overexertion and can be relieved by rest and nitroglycerin tablets.

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced or

completely cut off by a blood clot or a hemorrhage. Partial or complete

paralysis may result. Primary hypertension may be present for years without any symp-

toms or signs. In time the patient may become irritable, easily fatigued, with some detectable impairment of memory or an increase in the frequency of headaches. The patient may also complain of high blood pressure, insomnia, weakness, palpitations. In the later stages,

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hemorrhages, acute recurrent attacks of severe headaches, nausea and

vomiting may occur.

Some patients with chronic heart conditions who do not respond to drugs can now be helped with open-heart surgery. The valves, arteries and other parts of the heart mechanism can be repaired or replaced. A pacemaker can be inserted to regulate the heart's beat artificially. Heart transplants have also been tried experimentally, with some success.

Language development

I. Complete the following sentences.

1. Atherosclerosis can be reduced by ... . 2. Symptoms of myocardial infarction are ... . 3. Angina pectoris is caused ... . 4. A stroke occurs when ... .

5. The patient with hypertension may complain of...

I I . Choose the correct prepositions.

Treating Heart Diseases

Heart disease can be difficult to detect. A definite diagnosis can be made

through/within blood tests and an electrocardiogram. A stress test shows how the heart

performs in/under stress or work. Angiography is a process on/in which a special dye is

injected into/to an artery. If a blocked coronary artery is detected, the balloon is inflated and

the blockage is pushed against/from the artery wall. Coronary bypass surgery is done by using

an artery from/out of the chest or a vein out of/from the leg. Blood flow to/into the heart is

improved. The arteries may be bypassed over/during surgical operation. Heart transplants

have been successful to/for some patients.

III. The table presents some common disorders and diseases. Use your

dictionary to check the meaning and to practice the pronunciation of new

items. Finally give English equivalents of the words given above the


недостатність, виснаження, звуження кровоносних судин, жар, жир, погіршення, постачання, серцевий м'яз,

наркотична залежність

Disorders and diseases Causes

Medical terms Other expressions

anemia red cell destruction; improper diet

angina pectoris angina insufficiency of coronary arteries

atherosclerosis hardening of arteries impairment in fat metabolism

endocarditis inflammation of heart


bacterial infection

hypertension high blood pressure vasoconstriction

myocardial in-


coronary infarct inadequate oxygen supply to cardiac muscle

bradycardia slow heartbeat exhaustion; cold, opium taking; barbiturate


tachycardia rapid heartbeat emotion; fever; drug usage, etc.

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IV. Fill in the words and word combinations from the list, then make

sentences using the completed phrases.

heart, the strongest, elevated, cardiac, primary, severe, flushed, attacks of, the content of, to be cut off by

1 . muscle

2. _________ the diet 3 . hypertension

4 . face 5 . nausea and vomiting

6 . diseases

7 . a blood clot 8 . headache

9 . arrest 1 0 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ blood pressure

V. Answer the following questions.

1. What diseases are the greatest killers in the modern society? 2. Are they always fatal?

3. What cardiovascular diseases do you know?

4. Explain what happens to a patient suffering from atherosclerosis.

5. How can the risk of atherosclerosis be reduced?

6. What is the medical name for a heart attack?

7. What happens to the victim during such an attack? 8. What is the cause of angina pectoris?

9. What may a stroke result in?

10. What are the most prominent symptoms of hypertension? 11. What modern medical advances can help a heart victim?

VI. Correct the following statements.

1. More than half of all deaths recorded in the world are caused by cancer. 2. Paralysis is caused by a severe muscle disease.

3. Atherosclerosis is a local widening of an artery.

4. With age, hypertension has a tendency to subside. 5. The patient with hypertension has no symptoms associated with central nervous system.

6. An attack of angina pectoris is usually caused by various aches.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Однією із причин розвитку атеросклерозу є порушення холестеринового обміну.

2. Як правило, стенокардія починається із нечастого болю у за-грудинній області. 3. Основним симптомом гіпертонії є підвищений артеріальний тиск.

4. Гострому інфаркту міокарда, особливо внаслідок тромбозу, іноді передує стенокардія і


VIII. Read and say what disease it is.

1. One major form of cardiovascular disease is .... It is a medical term for clotted arteries. Over a period of time, an artery may be narrowed

because of a buildup of fatty deposits called plaque. Plaque causes the once-smooth lining of an artery to become thick and rough. The opening to

the artery narrows and its elasticity is reduced. The artery cannot expand and contract as it should. As a result, blood flow is affected. The heart must pump harder to force blood through the artery. Thus, blood pressure is increased. If too much plaque builds up in a blood vessel, it forms a

thrombus, or a clot, that shuts off the flow of blood.

2. It is a chronic high blood pressure. It affects more than one in five adults in the world. What is most alarming about it is that over 25 percent of its victims are unaware of their problem. They do not know they need treatment that would relieve the condition.

It creates several conditions that can severely damage the cardiovascular system. It can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood, thus weakening it. It can cause a speedier buildup of plaque on the walls of arteries. This increases the chances of clot formation. It may cause

pressure severe enough to burst an artery wall. In many cases, the causes of this disease are not known.

3. This disease, especially when due to thrombosis, is sometimes preceded by a history of angina pectoris or primary hypertension. Many patients, however, have had no previous cardiovascular complaints. It is sometimes completely or relatively asymptomatic.

The most characteristic complaint is severe substernal oppression, often described as

squeezing, pressing or constricting. Dyspnea is a common accompaniment; the patient complains

that the crushing pressure on his chest prevents him from breathing properly. Nausea, vomiting,

hiccups and abdominal distension sometimes occur. Extreme weakness and fear of impending

death are occasionally present. The blood pressure usually falls within a few hours after onset of

the attack.


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I. Complete the dialogue with the words and word combinations

from the list below and act it out. trouble, shortness of breath, the work, digitalis, free diet, arteries, salt

Dr. Young: Good morning, Mr. Hollister. How are you getting on? Mr. Hollister: I've not been feeling well for the last week. I've had some…, and as you can see my legs are swollen now. Dr. Y : Are you still taking your digitalis? Did you put any ... in your food?

Mr.H.: Well, Doctor, I've been out of ... for the last week. And it is hard for me to eat completely without salt. Doctor, could you tell me what my problem is? Dr. Y.: I believe you have hardening of ... with the involvement of the heart. Now your heart is not able to perform ... it is supposed to. Regarding your treatment, I think you should continue to take one tablet of digitalis

a day on a salt … . Otherwise you'll get in ... . Mr.H.: When shall I come back?

Dr. Y : Three weeks from today. Good-bye now and be careful. Mr.H.: Bye. See you in three weeks.

II. Read the dialogue of exercise XXII again and choose the correct statements.

a) Хворий скаржився на задуху та набряк ніг.

b) У хворого не було скарг на задуху.

a) Хворий приймав по одній пігулці дигіталісу протягом тижня.

b) Хворий не приймав дигіталісу протягом тижня.

a) Хворий почувався добре.

b) У хворого була серцева недостатність.

a) Лікар порадив хворому дотримуватися безсольової дієти.

b) Хворий дотримувався безсольової дієти.

III. Use the words and word combinations from the list and ask questions to a patient suffering from a heart disease.

Complaints, to complain of, to have troubles with the heart, to have pain in the heart, the character of the pain, dull pain, sharp pain, to have

pain after physical exertion, arterial pressure, angina pectoris, cardiac failure.

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53. Cardiovascular drugs.

Серцево-судинні препарати.

1. Знання лексико-граматичних особливостей огляду наукової літератури;

2. Аналіз, порівняння, систематизація й коментування одержаної інформації;

3. Робота з іншомовними автентичними джерелами професійного та наукового змісту

(журнальні статті, монографії, реферати тощо).


I. Learn the following words.

to affect – впливати;

to alter – змінювати;

to contract – скорочувати;

digitalis - дигіталіс, наперстянка;

to depress – пригнічувати;

vasodilator - ліки, що розширюють кровоносні судини;

to relax – розслаблювати;

vessel – судина;

flow - течія, потік;

epinephrine – адреналін;

dilate – розширювати.

ІІ. Match the word with its definition.

1. digitalis glycosides a. drugs which increase the amount of urine excreted 2. antiarrhythmic b. drugs which constrict muscle fibers around

blood vessels

3. quinidine c. drugs which prevent blood clotting

4. vasodilators d. an antiarrhythmic drug; helps to restore the

heart rhythm

5. nitroglycerin e. drugs which increase the rate and force of the heartbeat when the heart is in failure

6. diuretic f. a drug which is used to correct an abnormal heart rhythm

7. vasoconstrictors

g. drugs which increase the size of blood vessels, by relaxing the muscles in the vessel walls

8. anticoagulant h. the type of vasodilator with a great effect on the

coronary arteries

IІІ. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Digitalis glycosides are used to treat patients with heart failure.

2. The important effect of digitalis glycosides are the strengthening of the


3. Quinidine is a primary drug used to treat arrhythmias.

4. Vasoconstrictors are used in treating blood vessel diseases.

5. Nitrites dilate all smooth muscles in the body.

6. Diuretic promotes excretion of fluid.

7. Vasoconstrictors act directly on the muscles of blood vessels.

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Cardiovascular Drugs

Cardiovascular drugs may be divided into three groups: drugs that

affect the heart; drugs that affect blood pressure; and drugs that prevent

blood clotting.

Drugs that affect the heart. Drugs may affect the heart in two major ways:

changing the rate and forcefulness of the heartbeat.

The most common drugs used to change the rate and forcefulness of

the heartbeat are the digitalis glycosides (cardiac glycosides). These drugs are used

to treat patients in heart failure (when the heart is not contracting with

sufficient force). Most of the digitalis glycosides are obtained from the leaf

of the digitalis (foxglove) plant. The important effects of the digitalis

glycosides are the strengthening of the myocardium (heart muscle) and the

slowing of the rate of the heart contraction. Examples of digitalis are

digoxin, and digitoxin.

Other drugs, which belong to the general class of sympathomimetics are used to increase heart rate and the force of

contraction. These include isoproterenol and epinephrine.

Drugs used to correct abnormal heart rhythm are called antiarrhythmics. Examples of these drugs are quinidine,

procainamide, lido-caine and propranolol.

Drugs that affect blood pressure. Vasodilators are drugs which relax the muscles of vessel

walls. Blood flows more freely and blood pressure falls as blood vessels open and become dilated. Examples of nitrite drugs are nitroglycerin and

amylnitrite. Nitroglycerin dilates all smooth muscles in the body including the muscles of the coronary blood vessels. The pain (angina pectoris) caused by a lack of adequate blood flow to the heart is relieved by placing nitroglycerin under the tongue.

A third type of drugs used to lower blood pressure is called a diuretic, an agent which promotes excretion of fluid. An example of this

type of drug is chlorothiazide (Diuril). Vasoconstrictors are drugs which constrict muscle fibers around blood vessel opening. Vasoconstrictors are needed to raise blood pres-

sure, increase the force of heart action and stop local bleeding. Examples of vasoconstrictor drugs are epinephrine (adrenaline), vasopressin and

aramine (metaraminol).

Drugs that prevent blood clotting. These drugs are called anticoagulants. They are used to prevent the

formation of clots in veins and arteries. Heparin is an anticoagulant chemical substance. When given intravenously, heparin prevents the formation of clots within vessels. Aspirin is the most widely used anticoagulant.

Language development

І. Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations from the list


similar, leaf, clots, the heart muscle, blood, tongue, flow

1. The _______ may cause occlusion of blood supply to a vital organ. 2. Digitalis is obtained from the _______ of the digitalis.

3. Quinidine decreases the number of times _______ can contract in a given period of time.

4. Other nitrite drugs work in a manner _______ to that of nitroglycerin. 5. _______ and lymph are the liquid tissues of the body.

6. _______ moves food around during chewing.

7. Obstruction of the _______ of blood can lead to the back flow of blood.

ІІ . Choose the correct preposition.

1. Absorption of a drug is the process of movement of the drug to/ from the site of/in its application towards the general circulation. 2. In this process, physiochemical properties of/in drugs, their for-mulations, and route of administration are all important.

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3. A prerequisite to absorption is that the drug must be able to enter into/at


4. Thus, for example, in/on case of solid drug products (e.g. tablets) the ingredients must undergo disintegration, deaggregation, and dissolution.

ІІІ . Replace the underlined words with their synonyms from the list.

comprises, origin, influenced by, powerful, cultivation, entire, handling,

recognized, position, obtained

1. Digitalis is an important cardiotonic drug, official in most phar-macopoeias of the world since the eighteenth century. 2. The drug contains a large number of glycosides, of which the most important from medicinal viewpoint are digitoxin, giditoxin and gitaloxin.

3. The total concentration of these three glycosides varies appreciably with the plant source and the conditions of growth.

4. Also, since all are the secondary glycosides derived by hydrolysis of some of sugars from the primary or parent glycosides occurring in the leaf, their concentration is dependant upon'the manner of treatment of the plant material following harvesting. 5. Nearly 30 other glycosides have been identified in the drug.

IV. Match the opposites and make sentences using them.

1. common a. to reduce

2. to increase b. close

3. to restore c. to wreck

4. similar d. to worsen

5. to raise e. infrequent

6. to divide f. to combine

7. to obtain g. to lose

8. to relieve h. different

9. distant i. to decrease

V. Answer the following questions.

1. What may cardiovascular drugs be divided into?

2. What drugs are used to treat patients with heart failure?

3. What are digitalis glycosides obtained from?

4. What other sympathomimetics do you know?

5. When are vasodilators administered?

6. How do they act?

7. What drugs are used as vasodilators?

8. In what cases are anticoagulants administered?

9. How can heparin be made?

10.In what case would you prescribe heparin?

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VI. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the

completed phrases.

type of heart, force of, vessel, blood, local, chemical, myocardial, to restore

1. ___________ flow

2. ___________ bleeding

3. ___________ failure

4. ___________ substance

5. ___________ contraction

6. ___________ walls

7. ___________ heart rhythm

8. ___________ drugs

9. ___________ impulse

VII. Correct the following statements.

1. Digitalis glycosides are drugs which relax the muscles of vessel walls.

2. Digitalis glycosides can be made synthetically.

3. Nitrites are used to prevent the formation of clots.

4. Digitoxin is also used as a vasodilator.

5. Heparin is administered only intravenously.

6. Diuretics are used to increase blood pressure.


I. Read the following dialogue and make your own using this

vocabulary. A Visit of a Pharmaceutical Firm Representative

Representative: Doctor, I would like to show you some pharmaceuticals. May I ask for a few

minutes of your attention, please?

Doctor. Certainly. I have finished examining my patients and we can go upstairs to our office.

R.: It's very kind of you. Aren't I bothering you too much?

D.: Not at all. What hypotensive drugs do you have?

R.: We have normatencil which is used in the treatment of hypertension.

The preparation regulates the figures of pressure and spares the kidney of a hypertonic patient preventing vascular complications and aggravation of the disease. Such a vascular kidney protection is a real

advantage of the drug.

D.: Can it be used in ambulatory practice?

R.: To be sure! The ambulatory treatment is easily controlled as the

preparation is not diuretic and does not contain reserpin. D.: So, what are the doses and how is it used?

R.: 1—2 tablets a day, 3 times a week or 20 days a month.

D.: And what about the contraindications?

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R.: They are the same as in all hypotensive drugs.

D.: Leave me the signature, I will read it and call you tomorrow. Thank you

for coming and good bye.

R.: Bye.

II. Work with a partner. Here are his answers. Ask him the questions.

Attending doctor: This patient is doing well with the treatment of heart failure but I want your idea on how to treat his hypertension. Head of the department: ---------------------

A.: He is 53. Six years ago he consulted a physician because of morning headaches. Hypertension was found, and small doses of Phenobarbital

were prescribed.

H : --------------------- A.: No, there's no cardiovascular disease in the family. The heart failure

has been corrected but the blood pressure stays round 180/110 mm Hg.

H : ---------------------

III. Speak on the following items:

- drugs which prevent blood clotting; - drugs which are used to correct an abnormal heart rhythm; - drugs which increase the amount of urine excreted by reducing the volume of blood and lowering heart pressure; - drugs which increase the size of blood vessels by relaxing the muscles of the vessel walls.

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54. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Порушення роботи ШКТ.

1. Знання будови, функцій та лікування захворювань основних систем людського


2. Засвоєння найуживаніших висловів зі сфери лікування та профілактики хвороб;

3. Вміння робити власні висновки.


І. Read the words, then match them with their prefixes from the

list below:

a) secondary or less important sub-;

b) too much over-. Overpopulation, sub-agent, overcook, sub-class, overweight, subdivision, over-anxious, sub-branch, overdose, sub-paragraph,

overeat, sub-heading, overestimate, substructure, overgrowth, subsystem, overreact, sub-species, oversize, subtype, over-worried,


ІІ. Learn the following words.

hollow – порожнистий;

particle – частинка;

tumor – пухлина;

lye – луг;

ulcer – виразка;

pernicious – згубний, злоякісний;

adjacent – прилеглий;

sore - рана, виразка;

consumption – споживання;

amebic – амебний.

ІІІ. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Muscular, esophagus, secrete, enzyme, duodenum, neutralize, absorb, resistant, obstruct,

iodine, cancer, anemia, atrophy, deficiency, erosion, associate

IV. Match the words with the definitions.

1. tumor a. a mass of diseased cells in your body that have divided

and increased too quickly

2. hollow b. a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may

bleed or produce poisonous substances

3. adjacent c. very harmful or evil, often in a way that you do not notice


4. ulcer d. having an empty space inside

5. particle e. next to something



f. a painful, often red, place on your body caused by a

wound or infection

7. lye g. the amount of energy, oil, electricity etc. that is used

8. pernicious h. alkaline solution

9. sore i. a very small piece of something

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V. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.

2. During the perioperative period pressure sores should be prevented by

regular changes of position.

3. If tumor cells spread, in the process called metastasis, tumors can form

in vital organs such as the lungs.

4. They were starving and covered with sores.

5. Pseudocysts may be complicated by infection, hemorrhage, rupture, and

by compression of adjacent organs.

6. There are many models of duodenal ulcer.

7. From these findings, it can be suggested that pepsinogen genes are

involved in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer.

8. The fields adjacent to the nuclear facility were found to have high levels

of radioactivity.

9. There's not a particle of truth in what he says.

10.Gastrin levels may also be elevated by pernicious anemia.

11.The consumption of alcohol on the premises of the university is



Gastrointestinal Disorders

The inside of the stomach and duodenum are remarkably resistant to

injury from the acid and digestive enzymes they contain. Yet, they can

become irritated, develop ulcers, become obstructed, and develop tumors.


Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach. A person with gastritis may suffer from

loss of appetite, pain, nausea, vomiting, and bleeding from the stomach. Gastritis may be

either acute or chronic.

Acute gastritis may be caused by a chemical or acid injury to the stomach lining. It

often occurs because of excessive intake of alcoholic beverages or aspirin. A severe

injury to the stomach may result if a person swallows such harmful chemicals as iodine,

carbolic acid, or lye. Physicians treat the patient with an antidote or by cleansing the

stomach. Chronic gastritis may occur during such conditions as stomach cancer, stomach

ulcers, and duodenal ulcers. It may also occur after stomach surgery. One form, called

pernicious anemia, causes atrophy (wasting away) of the stomach lining and leads to

vitamin B|2 deficiency.

Peptic ulcers

Hydrochloric acid and other digestive juices can eat through the tissues that form the

lining of the stomach and adjacent organs. Normally, the body replaces these tissues at

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about the same rate that they wear away. However, in some cases, the tissues erode faster

than the body can replace them and open sores develop in the affected organ. Such sores,

called peptic ulcers, can cause chronic stomach pain.

The two most common kinds of peptic ulcers are gastric and duodenal ulcers. Gastric

ulcers develop in the stomach, typically from a weakening in the stomach's defense

against tissue erosion. They sometimes result from the overuse of aspirin, which can

irritate the stomach lining. The consumption of alcoholic beverages also can damage the

stomach lining and cause gastric ulcers. Duodenal ulcers form in the duodenum. They

usually result from excessive secretion of stomach acid.

Colitis Colitis is a disease involving inflammation of the colon or other parts of the large intestine.

There are three main types of colitis: (1) inflammatory colitis, (2) amebic colitis, and (3) mucous

colitis. Inflammatory colitis usually occurs in people from 20 to 40 years old. Physicians do not

know what causes the disease, but many believe that nervous tension and other psychological

factors may make the illness worse. Amebic colitis results from consuming food or water

contaminated by a certain type of parasitic ameba. Mucous colitis, also called spastic colon, is caused by spasms of the muscles in the wall of the colon.


Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin membrane that lines the

abdominal cavity. It is an illness that can cause death. The peritoneum may become

inflamed if it is attacked by bacteria or irritated by a foreign substance.


Dysentery is a disease involving inflammation of the lining of the large intestine. The

inflammation, which is caused by microscopic organisms, produces abdominal pain and

diarrhea. The bowel movements may contain mucus and blood. Some cases of dysentery

include fever or vomiting.

Language development

І. Fill in the gaps with words and word combinations from the list.

colon, acute, intestine, lining, bleeding, neutralizing, inflammation, abdominal

1. A person with gastritis may suffer from loss of appetite, pain, nausea, vomiting, and _________ from the stomach. 2. Antacids help by _________ the acid. 3. Gastritis is an __________ of the stomach. 4. _________ gastritis may be caused by a chemical or acid injury to the

stomach lining. 5. Pernicious anemia causes atrophy of the stomach _________. 6. Colitis is a disease involving inflammation of the _________ or other

parts of the large intestine. 7. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin membrane that lines

the _________ cavity. 8. Dysentery is a disease involving inflammation of the lining of the _________ large.

ІІ. Fill in prepositions. One preposition should be used twice.

away, through, to, in, by, at, of, from

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1. The inside of the stomach and duodenum are remarkably resistant ...

injury from the acid and digestive enzymes. 2. Pernicious anemia causes wasting ... of the stomach lining. 3. Acute gastritis often occurs because ... excessive intake of alcoholic beverages or aspirin. 4. Hydrochloric acid and other digestive juices can eat ... the tissues that form the lining of the stomach.

5. Normally, the body replaces the tissues ... about the same rate that they wear … .

6. Inflammatory colitis usually occurs ... people from 20 to 40 years old. 7. Amebic colitis results ... consuming food or water contaminated by a certain type of parasitic ameba.

8. Mucous colitis is caused ... spasms of the muscles in the wall of the colon.

ІІІ . Replace the underlined words with their synonyms from the list.

decreases, strain, drinks, restraining, infected, ease, destroy, insusceptible, immoderate,

restore, interior 1. Acute gastritis often occurs because of excessive intake of alcoholic beverages or aspirin. 2. Controlling emotional stress also lessens the chances of developing a duodenal ulcer.

3. Medications, such as histamine Н-2-receptor antagonists, relieve peptic ulcers.

4. I n some cases, the tissues erode faster than the body can replace them. 5. The inside of the stomach and duodenum are remarkably resistant to injury from the acid and digestive enzymes they contain.

6. Nervous tension may make colitis worse.

7. Amebic colitis results from consuming food or water contaminated by a certain type of parasitic ameba.

IV. Say whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The inside of the stomach and duodenum have little resistance to injury from the acid and digestive enzymes they contain. 2. Gastritis may be either acute or chronic.

3. Patients with chronic gastritis are treated with an antidote or by cleansing the stomach.

4. Stomach surgery may lead to chronic gastritis. 5. Alcohol can damage the stomach lining and cause gastric ulcers.

6. Amebic colitis is caused by spasms of the muscles in the wall of the colon.

7. Dysentery produces abdominal pain and diarrhea.

V. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the symptoms of gastritis? 2. What are the causes of acute and chronic gastritis?

3. What happens if the tissues of the stomach erode and open sores develop?

4. What are the two kinds of peptic ulcers? What do you know about each of them?

5. What are the three main types of colitis? Describe each of them.

6. What are the causes of peritonitis?

7. What is dysentery?

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