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Adalgisa Ieda Maiworm







Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Federal do Rio

Grande do Norte para a obtenção do título de Mestre em

Ciências da Saúde.



Adalgisa Ieda Maiworm




Orientador: Professor Doutor Mário Bernardo-Filho

Co-Orientador: Professor Doutor Aldo da Cunha Medeiros

Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Programa de

Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde, para obtenção do

título de Mestre em Ciências da Saúde.







Prof. Dr. Aldo da Cunha Medeiros

Coordenador do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde




Adalgisa Ieda Maiworm




PRESIDENTE DA BANCA: Prof. Dr. Adenilson de Souza da Fonseca (UERJ)


Prof. Dr. Adenilson de Souza da Fonseca (UERJ)


Profa. Dra. Ivonete Batista de Araújo (UFRN)


Prof. Dr. Luis Alberto Lira Soares (UNICAP)





A Deus que em tantos momentos desesperadores carregou-me no colo, não

permitindo que eu me afastasse de meu propósito.

In memoriam, dedico este título ao meu pai Pedro Martiniano Maiworm que me

educou respeitando os limites do próximo, mostrando-me o quanto é valioso ser

justo e reto nas atitudes.

In vivo, dedico esta vitória aos meus filhos Erick e Bernardo Maiworm

Bromerschenckel que mesmo diante de todas as minhas limitações e ausências

estiveram sempre comigo, e a minha mãe Iedda Leonina Barillo Maiworm que me

ensinou a tolerância, a compreensão e a determinação, asseverando que sempre

vale a pena ir de encontro aos sonhos.

“O Homem deverá mover-se dentro do mundo

sem pretender suplantar o semelhante,

ou tirar-lhe seu lugar, pois cada um tem o seu,

que pode ampliar sem molestar a ninguém”

Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche

( Pensador argentino)



Aos amigos... que nunca me abandonaram...

Aos colegas de laboratório... por toda a paciência de ensinar as técnicas e ajudar-

me em tarefas, às vezes, tão árduas para minha formação religiosa...

Aos colaboradores na pesquisa:

Dr. Giuseppe Antonio Presta

Dr. Severo de Paoli

Dr. Sebastião David dos Santos-Filho e

Dra. Tania Giani...amigos das horas mais conturbadas, mas também de tantos

momentos inesquecíveis,... eternamente grata por todo o carinho e


Não posso deixar de agradecer ao Prof. Doutor José Brandão Neto, pela acolhida no

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio

Grande do Norte e a amiga natalense Lucia de Fatima Amorim, que deu todo o

apoio necessário junto à secretaria do programa. À Profa. Dra Lavinia Brito que

ajudou-me no início desta jornada. Ao Botânico Ricardo Carneiro da Cunha Reis que

catalogou a exsicata de Lantana camara no Herbário RB - Jardim Botânico – Brasil.

Ao Prof. Mário Pereira dos Santos que ajudou na verificação estatística da pesquisa.

Ao Professor Doutor Adenilson de Souza da Fonseca que ajudou na finalização

desta dissertação....... só posso agradecer à todos vocês....

Obrigado de coração

Aos orientadores:

Professor Doutor Mário Bernardo Filho e Professor Doutor Aldo da Cunha Medeiros

por toda a compreensão, bem como toda a disposição de mostrar-me o caminho

correto para fazer ciência, meu muito obrigado.


LISTA DE ABREVIAÇÕES 99mTc - Tecnécio-99m

C - Hemácias

P - Plasma

FS - C - Fração solúvel da célula

FI-C - Fração insolúvel da célula

FS-P - Fração solúvel do plasma

FI-P - Fração insolúvel do plasma

%ATI - Percentagem de radioatividade

%ATI – M - Percentagem de radioatividade mantida

99Mo - Molibidênio

Na99mTcO4 - Pertecnetato de sódio

kBq - quilobecquerel

SPECT - Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography

PET - Positron Emission Tomography

W1 - Washed 1

W2 - Washed 2

RBC - Red Blood Cell

OD - Optical density

keV - quiloeletronvolt

SOD – Superoxidismutase



Extratos de plantas medicinais são utilizados amplamente em todo o mundo.

Entretanto, efeitos biológicos associados aos mesmos não têm sido investigados

exaustivamente. Através do uso de suas folhas e flores a Lantana camara (Cambará

de espinho) tem sido usado para tratamento de várias doenças na medicina popular.

O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar o efeito do extrato desta planta na

marcação de constituintes sangüíneo com tecnécio 99m, bem como a morfologia de

hemácias de ratos Wistar. Os resultados mostraram que o extrato de Lantana

camara acarretou uma diminuição de fixação de radioatividade na fração insolúvel

do plasma. Este efeito não foi observado na célula e nem na fração insolúvel da

célula. O percentual de atividade teve diminuição em todas as concentrações

quando as células foram lavadas, o que não foi observado com o controle. O extrato

estudado aumentou a fragilidade osmótica das hemácias e modificou a morfologia

dessas células. Os efeitos do extrato de Lantana camara podem estar associados a

algumas propriedades farmacológicas de componentes químicos do extrato

estudado. O estudo teve caráter multidisciplinar com a participação das seguintes

áreas do conhecimento: Radiobiologia, Botânica, Fitoterapia e Hematologia.

Palavras-chave: constituintes sangüíneos, tecnécio-99m, fragilidade osmótica,

Lantana camara



Lista de abreviações……………………………………….....……………………..vi



1. Introdução........................................................................................................01

2. Revisão de literatura........................................................................................03

3. Artigos em publicações....................................................................................08

4. Comentários, críticas e conclusões.................................................................39

5. Anexos.............................................................................................................41

6. Referências......................................................................................................43

7. Abstract............................................................................................................49




O uso de produtos naturais vem crescendo ao longo dos anos. De

modo geral através da utilização desses produtos busca-se a cura para muitas doenças

e a identificação de substâncias menos tóxicas. Logo se torna de grande importância

uma avaliação dos efeitos biológicos de produtos de origem vegetal através de

modelos experimentais (1).

A distribuição, a fixação, a retenção e a eliminação de um

radiobiocomplexo (ou radifármaco) dependem de vários fatores, tais como metabolismo

tecidual, fluxo sanguíneo regional e sua ligação a constituintes do sangue. Essa

radiofarmacocinética, assim como o próprio processo de marcação de muitos

radiobiocomplexos, têm sido influenciadas por diferentes fatores. Um deles é a

interação de produtos naturais e sintéticos com os referidos radiobiocomplexos (2,3). A

marcação de constituintes sanguíneos com tecnécio-99m (99mTc), como as hemácias,

pode ser alterada em decorrência de modificações em nível de membrana celular (4,


A capacidade do eritrócito de resistir à hemólise caracteriza uma

propriedade físico-química denominada fragilidade osmótica da membrana. O

comportamento da membrana do eritrócito é de particular interesse nos estudos de

substâncias que possam interferir na fragilidade da membrana e causar o risco de

hemólise (6, 7, 8).

O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de um extrato aquoso

de Lantana camara na marcação de constituintes sanguíneos com 99mTc e na

morfologia de hemácias de ratos Wistar. Parte dos resultados obtidos, foram utilizados

no preparo de manuscritos que foram submetidos à periódicos indexados:



Evaluation of the in vitro effect of a Lantana camara extract on the labeling of

blood constituents with technetium-99m. Aceito para publicação no periódico “Acta

Physiologica Hungarica.

Osmotic and Morphological Effects on Red Blood Cell membrane:

Action of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara. Aceito para

publicação no periódico “Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy”


A descoberta das radiações ionizantes e dos radionuclídeos

despertou o interesse nas suas aplicações na Biologia e nas Ciências Médicas pelo

seu valor como meio para auxiliar o diagnóstico e o tratamento de doenças. Como a

origem do fenômeno radioativo é nuclear, os nuclídeos que emitem radiação são

chamados mais apropriadamente de radionuclídeos (12,13, 14,15).

Os radionuclídeos podem ser utilizados em medicina nuclear como

fontes de radiação e como traçadores (16, 17). No primeiro caso, o material biológico

recebe apenas as radiações emitidas pelo radionuclídeo usado. No segundo o próprio

radionuclídeo está incorporado ao constituinte celular e molecular (radiofármaco ou

radiobiocomplexo) para ser utilizado no estudo de determinado fenômeno biológico

e/ou fisiológico (14,16,18). Dessa forma, os radiobiocomplexos podem ser empregados

para diagnóstico e terapia de doenças (16,17,19). A utilização em medicina nuclear é

interessante pelo fato das doses administradas em diagnóstico acarretarem, em geral,



baixas doses de radiação para o paciente e produzirem imagens de excelente

qualidade (20).

O radionuclídeo tecnécio-99m (99mTc) é um dos isótopos do

elemento tecnécio, que é classificado como um metal de transição do grupo VII. Ele

possui uma meia vida de 6 horas, uma emissão de radiação gama de 140 keV de

energia e apresenta estados de oxidação que variam de -1 a +7. É obtido através de

geradores 99Mo/99mTc na forma de pertecnetato de sódio (Na 99mTcO ) (21). 4

A redução do íon pertecnetato pode ser obtida através de diferentes

agentes químicos. O cloreto estanoso (SnCl2) é o mais amplamente utilizado para esta

finalidade, pois possui uma eficiência de redução do íon pertecnetato superior a de

outros agentes redutores, justificando sua preferência (17, 23).

Íons pertecnetato livres difundem através das membranas dos

capilares para o líquido intersticial, de onde são captados por diferentes órgãos como o

estômago (24), intestinos(25), glândulas salivares (26), tireóide (27), plexo coróide e

rins (22). Após a administração, apenas 30% da dose é excretada na urina em 24h. O

íon pertecnetato é facilmente absorvido pelo sistema digestivo após administração oral

ou após injeção intramuscular por processo de difusão simples (13, 12).

O sangue é um líquido contido em um compartimento fechado, o

aparelho circulatório (28,29). Esse é formado pelos glóbulos sanguíneos e pelo plasma,

parte líquida, na qual os primeiros estão suspensos (28, 29). Os glóbulos sanguíneos

são os eritrócitos (hemácias), as plaquetas e diversos tipos de leucócitos ou glóbulos

brancos. (28, 29, 30). O plasma é uma solução aquosa contendo muitas substâncias

em suspensão assim como sais inorgânicos, proteínas (albumina, imunoglobulinas, por

exemplo) e diversos outros compostos não protéicos (28, 29, 30).



As hemácias dos mamíferos são anucleadas e, em humanos, têm

forma de disco bicôncavo. A forma bicôncava proporciona grande superfície em relação

ao volume, o que facilita as trocas de gases. (28, 29, 30).

A composição interna da hemácia é mantida através de mecanismos

que requerem energia. A membrana que reveste a hemácia é semipermeável,

permitindo a passagem de água e eletrólitos. Quando colocadas em solução

hipertônica, as hemácias perdem água, tornado-se crenadas. Em solução

suficientemente hipotônica, as hemácias absorvem água, até que ocorra o equilíbrio

osmótico ou até que ocorra ruptura da membrana ou hemólise (28, 29, 30).

Existem muitas metodologias para marcação de hemácias com

99mTc (13,17,31), e esta é de grande relevância na medicina nuclear (22). Nos

métodos que empregam a marcação in vitro, o sangue isolado é incubado com o íon

estanoso e, posteriormente, com íon pertecnetato (12, 17, 32).

Hemácias marcadas com 99mTc também são utilizadas em

medicina nuclear para obtenção de imagens através do pool sanguíneo, para avaliação

do sistema cardiovascular, hemorragias gastrintestinais e volemia (33, 34 ).

6A hemácia tem cerca de 10 exemplares de proteína integral de

membrana, chamada de glicoproteína (4). A banda-3 além de desempenhar um papel

estrutural na fixação do citoesqueleto à membrana, ela constitui a principal proteína no

transporte de ânions das hemácias, estando envolvida na difusão de íons cloreto, que

atuam durante o transporte de O e CO2 2 (29). Estudos realizados demonstraram que

na marcação de hemácias com 99mTc, o íon pertecnetato atravessa o espaço

intracelular por um mecanismo de troca com os íons cloreto e/ou bicarbonato (35).

Estes fatos indicam que o processo de marcação ocorre em nível intracelular.



Somando-se a isso, o agente redutor, SnCl2, também parece ser transportado para o

interior da hemácia por um sistema de transporte específico, o canal de cálcio (32, 36).

Na marcação de hemácias com 99mTc utilizando SnCl2 também

ocorre a ligação desse radionuclídeo às proteínas plasmáticas dependendo da

concentração do agente redutor, do radiobiocomplexo utilizado e do tempo de

incubação, como pode ser observado através da técnica de precipitação com ácido

tricloroacético (37). Ao se administrar um radiobiocomplexo a um paciente, teremos

sempre uma fração do mesmo ligado às proteínas plasmáticas (17,38).

O uso de drogas é fundamental na obtenção de um resultado

terapêutico desejado no tratamento de doenças. Neste caso existe a possibilidade de

uma droga estar modificando os efeitos farmacológicos de outra droga administrada

concomitantemente, podendo modificar a resposta farmacológica esperada (18,39). Os

mecanismos de ação envolvendo os produtos sintéticos em geral estão bem

estabelecidos (39), entretanto não é o que acontece com muitos dos produtos naturais

usados na clínica médica (1).

A interação medicamentosa com radiofármacos pode ser devido à

possibilidade do medicamento (i) mudar a natureza química do radiobiocomplexo, (ii)

alterar o meio bioquímico do alvo ou do não alvo no qual o radiofármaco pode se

concentrar, (iii) favorecer ou dificultar a ligação do radiobiocomplexo às proteínas

plasmáticas e aos elementos sanguíneos e (v) em excesso pode, ainda, exercer seu

efeito terapêutico mimetizando sintomas (40).

A compreensão da interação medicamentosa é de suma importância

para profissionais de saúde que utilizam os exames da medicina nuclear para

tratamento e/ou diagnóstico de diversas doenças. A pesquisa básica trouxe novos

conhecimentos sobre as plantas e suas propriedades terapêuticas. O crescente



aumento do interesse da comunidade científica em estudar os medicamentos naturais

tem dado respaldo às drogas à base de ervas. Alguns autores têm descrito os efeitos

de plantas medicinais na marcação de hemácias com 99mTc (37, 41, 42).

A Lantana camara (Cambará de espinho), do gênero (Verbenaceae)

como descrito por Linnaeus em 1753, é uma planta arborizada com varias cores de

floração: vermelha, rosa, branca, amarela e violeta (9).

Alguns complexos de Lantana camara são tóxicos para ruminantes

de pequeno porte, e estes efeitos têm sido associados ao tipo e a espécie. Entretanto,

estudos recentes sobre a Lantana camara vêm demonstrando a atividade biológica

positiva desta planta. O Cambará de espinho é utilizado freqüentemente na medicina

popular, por possuir propriedades farmacológicas, tais como antipirético, antimicrobial,

antitumoral, antitrombótico, antiinflamatório e antimutagênicos ( 9,10,43,44, 45, 46). A

sua utilização é distinta para cada doença e/ou sintoma, para a bronquite tem sido

utilizado o chá da planta incluindo raízes, caule, flores e folhas. Folhas em infusão

como antipirético, vermífugo, anti-tumoral e analgésico para dores estomacais. Sob a

forma de chá em decocção para lepra e sarna. Como cataplasma para feridas e

sarampo (9,11).


Evaluation of the in vitro effect of a Lantana camara extract on the labeling of blood

constituents with technetium-99m.

Running title: L. camara effect on 99mTc-blood constituents.



Adalgisa I. Maiworm1,2 1, 2, S.D. Santos-Filho , G.A. Presta1,2, Tania S. Giani1,2, S.

Paoli1,2, M. Bernardo-Filho1,3

1Departamento de Biofísica e Biometria, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,

Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcantara Gomes, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

[email protected]

2Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio

Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brasil.

3Instituto Nacional do Câncer, Coordenadoria de Pesquisa Básica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,



Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m(99mTc) have been used in nuclear

medicine procedures and drugs are capable to interfere on this labeling. Lantana

camara(lantana) has medicinal properties and it has been used in folk medicine. The

aim is to verify the effect of a lantana extract on the labeling of blood constituents with

99m 99mTc. Blood was incubated with extract, stannous chloride and Tc, as sodium

pertechnetate. Plasma(P) and blood cells(BC) were isolated, also precipitated with

trichloroacetic acid and soluble(SF) and insoluble fractions(IF) were separated. The %

of radioactivity(%ATI) in these samples was calculated. Samples of labeled BC were

washed and the %ATI maintained(%ATI-M) in the BC was determined. The results

showed that lantana extract has significantly(p<0.05) decreased on the IF-P from

70.24 2.59 to 11.95±3.07. This effect was not observed in the BC and IF-BC. The BC-

%ATI-M was significantly(p<0.05) decreased in all concentrations tested when the BC

was washed. This fact was not observed in the control. Substances present on the

extract should have redoxi action decreasing the concentration of the stannous ion and



this condition could justify the effect on the IF-P. The results about the BC-%ATI-M

should indicate a possible effect on the transport of ions through the erythrocyte


Keywords: blood constituents, technetium-99m, red blood cell, Lantana camara

2) 1-Introduction Technetium-99m (99mTc) has been the most utilized radionuclide in the single

photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) (11, 34) and it has also been used in

basic research (5, 33). Chemical compounds or cellular structures (red blood cells-RBC,

platelets and white blood cells) have been labeled with this radionuclide and used as

radiopharmaceutical (radiobiocomplex) (4).

99mTc-labeled RBC scan is the nuclear study best suited for identifying slow-

bleeding sources as gastrointestinal bleeding (14, 19), as well as (i) in the determination

of the left ventricular function by measuring the ejection fractions (16) and (ii) in the

evaluation of wall motion abnormalities (34, 39), in cardiovascular nuclear medicine.

The RBC has been labeled with 99mTc for in vitro, in vivo or in vivo/ in vitro techniques.

The labeled process with 99mTc, as sodium pertechnetate, depends on a reducing agent

and stannous ion (Sn+2) is usually used for this purpose (11, 24, 29, 34). When whole

blood is used on the labeling of RBC with 99mTc, radioactivity is mainly found on RBC,

however it is also bound on plasma proteins (3). Authors have reported that some

herbal medicines are capable to alter the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-

99m (8, 17, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 40, 41).

Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae; lantana) is one of the most prevalent and

noxious weeds causing hepatotoxicity in grazing animals. Lantana poisoning causes

obstructive jaundice and within a few hours of browsing upon its foliage, animals go off-

feed and become severely constipated within 48 h (36). On the contrary, lantana plant



has been reported to possess a number of medicinal properties (10). Some metabolites

isolated from their leaves possess antitumor activity (42), antithrombin activity (26), anti-

inflammatory (25), antinociceptive and antipyretic activity (43) has tested the antifilarial

activity of a crude extract of stem portion of the lantana with the concentration of 1g/kg

for 5 days by oral route (21).

As the extract of Lantana camara can be used by the human beings and several

effects about this natural product are not well understood, the aim of this work was to

evaluate the effect of lantana aqueous extract on the labeling of blood constituents with

99mTc using an in vitro experimental model, as well as to verify the consequences of

several washings on the maintenance of the radioactivity on the labeled blood cells.

Seção 1.02

Seção 1.03 2-Material and Methods

The experiments were performed with rats that were maintained in a controlled

environment. The animals had free access to water and food and ambient temperature

was kept at 25 2ºC. The experiments were carried out without sacrificing the animals.

Heparinized whole blood was withdrawn by cardiac puncture from adult male Wistar

rats (9 animals, 3 months of age, 250±15g of weight). All the experimental procedures

have followed the Ethical Guidelines of the Institution (Protocol CEA/127/2006).

Lantana camara fresh leaves, collected in the local small forest of Petrópolis city,

Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. It was identified by the Biologist Ricardo Carneiro da

Cunha Reis, Botanic Herbarium RB of the Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil,

where a voucher specimen (4070081) was kept.

The extract of Lantana camara was prepared with 150 mg of a macerated of

leaves freshly collected that was added in 15mL of 0.9% NaCl at 100°C incubated by

10min. The preparation was filtered through paper (quality filter paper). In the tentative



to estimate the concentration of the extract, a difference between the filter paper after

the filtration (dried at 37 oC) and the filter paper with the extract before the filtration was

calculated. This difference (10 mg) was the quantity of the extract that was extracted in

15 mL and the filtered solution was considered to be 660 g/mL or 100%.

The tubes used in these experiments were previously closed with a rubber cap

and a syringe was used to reduce the air atmosphere (vacuum) inside the vials.

Samples of 0.5 ml were incubated with 100 l of different concentrations of diluted

aqueous (0.9% NaCl) lantana extract (6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 %) for 1 hour at room

temperature. A sample of heparinized whole blood was incubated with saline solution

(NaCl 0.9%) as control. Then, 0.5 ml of a freshly prepared stannous chloride solution

(1.2 g/ml), as SnCl2 (Sigma, USA) was added and the incubation continued for another

1 hour. After this period of time, Tc-99m (0.1 ml with 370 kBq), as sodium

pertechnetate, recently milked from a 99 99mMo/ Tc generator (Instituto de Pesquisas

Energéticas e Nucleares, Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear, Brasil), was added

and the incubation continued for another 10 min. These samples were centrifuged and

plasma (P) and BC cells were separated. Samples (20 l) of P and BC were also

precipitated with 1 ml of trichloroacetic acid 5% and soluble (SF) and insoluble fractions

(IF) were separated. The radioactivity in P, BC, IF-P, SF-P, IF-BC and SF-BC were

determined in a well counter (Automatic Gamma Counter, Packard Instrument Co,

USA). After that, the % of radioactivity (%ATI) was calculated as described elsewhere

(28, 29).

Samples of labeled BC were washed twice with saline solution and the %ATI

maintained (%ATI-M) in the BC was determined, dividing the radioactivity after each

washing by the initial radioactivity. In this assay, the labeled whole blood was

centrifuged (clinical centrifuge), the supernatant was discharged and an aliquot (20 l)



of the pellet (BC) was isolated. In the first washing, saline solution (1 mL) was added

and the BC was gently homogenized, centrifuged and 20 l of the pellet was isolated

again. These steps were repeated in the second washing.

Statistical analysis involved one-way ANOVA, followed by the Turkey-Kramer

Multiple Comparisons Test, with the significance level being P<0.05. InStat Graphpad

software was used to perform statistical analysis (GraphPad InStat version 3.01 for

Windows 95/NT, GraphPad Software, San Diego Ca, USA).


Table I shows the distribution of the radioactivity in the cellular and plasma

compartments isolated from whole blood treated with different concentrations of the

lantana extract. The analysis of the results indicates that there is not alteration in the

radioactivity distribution of the 99mTc on the cellular and plasma compartments in

presence of lantana extract.

The results in table II indicate the distribution of the radioactivity on the soluble

and insoluble fractions of the cellular compartment isolated from whole blood treated

with different concentrations of the lantana extract. There is not alteration in the

radiation fixation by the cellular proteins (IF-BC) in presence of lantana extract.

The analysis of the results shows in table III indicates the distribution of the

radioactivity in the soluble and insoluble fractions of the plasma compartment isolated

from whole blood treated with different concentrations of the lantana extract. There is a

significant (P<0.05) decrease in the radioactivity fixation in the plasma proteins (IF-P) in

presence of lantana extract from 70.24 2.59 to 11.95±3.07.



Table IV shows the radioactivity in the samples of labeled BC that were washed.

The results indicate that there was a significant (p<0.05) decreased in all concentrations

of the lantana extract, except in the control.


Nuclear medicine procedures as SPECT and PET have proven increasingly

effective imaging modalities in the study of several clinical disorders (15, 18, 31).

Besides the disease, some authors have reported that these procedures could be

altered by medications that the patient is undergoing. The natural products could be

altering the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes in a specific target or the fixation of the

radionuclide 99mTc to blood constituents (6, 8, 9, 13, 23, 28, 29, 39).

The phytochemical analysis of the lantana leaf extract has earlier been shown to

contain flavonoids (32), terpenes (2) and their derivatives and pentacyclic triterpenoids

(1). These constituents may mediate the anti-diarrheal action of the lantana extract. A

verbascoside (12) isolated from Lantana camara has been shown to be an inhibitor of

protein kinase C. The role of this enzyme has been demonstrated in signal transduction,

inflammation and smooth muscle contraction (34, 38). Terpenes, flavonoids and

terpenoid derivatives may act by inhibiting release of autocoids and prostaglandins (7,

25) thereby inhibit the motility and secretion induced by neostigmine (20). Probably

some of these results seem to be associated with effects on the plasma membrane of

the cells of different tissues. In consequence our findings reported in tables I and II

could not be justified due to effects of the lantana extract on the erythrocyte membrane.

However, unexpected results about the %ATI-M of the BC (Table IV) would indicate a

possible effect on the lantana extract on the erythocyte membrane. As the washings of

the labeled blood cells have reduced the radioactivity on the BC compartment, it is



possible to speculate a blockage of the transport of the stannous ions through the

erythrocyte membrane. The pertechnetate ion could enter into the cell, but without the

stannous ion, the 99mTc could be not fixed in the hemoglobin and with the washings

the radioactivity would be washed out in the presence of the lantana extract as

demonstrated in Table IV. Although, studies that could permit to evaluate the transport

kinetics of chemical agents through the erythrocyte membrane, our findings with the

washings should be worthwhile and have permitted to verify that the washings effect

has increased when the highest concentrations of lantana were tested.

The extract of lantana leaves suppressed the emergence of leaf buds of water

hyacinth plant, and caused the decay of its leaves by foliar spraying. In addition, the

increase of SOD activity in water hyacinth leaves was in accordance with the

accumulation of H O2 2 and the increase in degree of membrane peroxidation, while the

activity of catalase, which might remove the excessive H O2 2 in water hyacinth leaves,

was inhibited by the treatment with lantana extract. At tissue level, high H O2 2

histochemical labeling was detected in guard cells after treatment with lantana extract.

This overproduction of H O2 2 could kill the leaf cells and cause leaf necrosis in the

treated plant. Therefore, the high toxicity of lantana leaf extract to water hyacinth might

be due to oxidative stress (44). If these phenomena could be occurring in the plasma of

the whole blood in presence of the lantana extract, as consequence would be the

oxidation of the stannous ions decreasing the fixation of the 99mTc on the plasma

proteins as indicated in table III.

The comparison of the concentrations of extract used in our experiments would

be in agreement with Misra et al (21). These authors have used 1g/kg and as it is

possible to consider a man with 60 kg and 5 000 mL of whole blood, the concentration

on the blood would be 12 mg/ml. In our experiments, considering the highest



concentration of lantana, we have used 100 l of an extract with 660 g/ml in a

preparation of 1.2 ml, and the final concentration of the extract was about 66 g/ml.

In conclusion, probably substances present in the lantana extract should have an

effect on transport of the ions through the erythrocyte membrane and/or should have

redoxi properties and the stannous ion would decrease and could justify the effect on

the fixation of the radioactivity on the plasma proteins. Although, the experiments were

carried out with animals, it is suggested precaution in the interpretation of the

examinations that use labeled blood constituents in the patients that are undergoing

Lantana camara extract. Furthermore, as the radioactivity from the labeled BC was

washed, it is necessary more attention due to this phenomenon.


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Table I - Effect of Lantana camara extract on the distribution of the radioactivity in the

cellular and plasmatic compartments.

Lantana camara

concentrations (%) Cellular compartment Plasma compartment

0.00 (control) 98.58±1.22 1.42±1.22



6.25% 98.72±0.23 1.28±0.23

12.5% 98.12±1.26 1.88±1.26

25% 97.14±1.19 2.86±1.19

50% 96.55±1.17 3.45±1.17

100% 96.15±1.53 3.85±1.53

Samples of heparinized blood were incubated with different concentrations of Lantana

camara extract. A sample of heparinized whole blood was incubated with saline solution

(NaCl 0.9%) as control. Then, stannous chloride (1.2 g/ml) and 99mTc, as sodium

pertechnetate were added. The % ATI in Plasma and cellular compartments were

determined in a well counter and the percent of radioactivity was calculated.

Table II - Effect of Lantana camara extract in the labeling of soluble (SF) and insoluble

(IF) fractions of the BC with 99mTc.

Lantana camara

concentrations (%) IF-BC SF-BC

0.00 (control) 90.73±1.43 9.27±1.43

6.25% 89.04±3.81 10.96±3.81



12.5% 88.75±1.33 11.25±1.33

25% 88.07±0.83 11.93±0.83

50% 87.32±1.34 12.68±1.34

100% 87.03±2.34 12.97±2.34

Samples of heparinized blood were incubated with different concentrations of Lantana

camara extract. A sample of heparinized whole blood was incubated with saline solution

(NaCl, 0.9%) as control. Then, stannous chloride (1.2 g/ml) and 99mTc, as sodium

pertechnetate were added. ATI% in IF-BC and SF-BC were determined in a well

counter and the % of radioactivity was calculated.

Table III - Effect of Lantana camara extract in the labeling of soluble (SF) and

99m insoluble (IF) fractions of the plasma (P) with Tc.

Lantana camara

concentrations (%) IF-P SF-P

0.00 (control) 29.76±2.5970.24 2.59

6.25% 23.43±0.88 76.57±0.88



12.5% 16.88±2.92 83.11±2.92

25% 15.02±1.40 84.98±1.40

50% 12.12±1.82 87.88±1.82

100% 11.95±3.07 88.05±3.07

Samples of heparinized blood were incubated with different concentrations of Lantana

camara extract. Sample of heparinized whole blood was incubated with saline solution

(NaCl, 0.9%) as control. Then, stannous chloride (1.2 g/ml) and 99mTc, as sodium

pertechnetate were added. The %ATI in IF-P and SF-P were determined in a well

counter and the percent of radioactivity was calculated.

Table IV - Effect of Lantana camara extract on the %ATI maintained (%ATI-M)

in the samples of labeled BC that were washed.

Lantana camara

concentrations (%) BC W1 W2

0.00 (control) 98.58±1.22 95.23±2.12 93.62±3.21

6.25% 98.72±0.23 92.57±0.84 88.98±1.01



12.5% 98.12±1.26 87.89±1.15 83.56±1.15

25% 97.14±1.19 91.32±1.09 87.93±1.01

50% 96.55±1.17 80.76±0.62 71.78±0.26

100% 96.15±1.53 79.97±1.16 66.89±1.10

Samples of blood treated with different concentrations of Lantana camara extract were

washed with saline solution. The %ATI maintained (%ATI-M) in each BC samples

washed was determined. W1 (washed 1); W2 (washed 2).


Osmotic and Morphological Effects on Red Blood Cell membrane:

Action of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara

Adalgisa I. Maiworm1,2*,Giuseppe A. Presta1,2,3, Sebastião D. Santos-Filho1,2, Severo de

Paoli1,2, Tânia S. Giani1,2 , Adenilson S. Fonseca2 1,3 and Mario Bernardo-Filho .



1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de Pós-Graduação em

Ciências da Saúde, Avenida General Gustavo de Farias s/n, CEP 59010-180, Natal,

Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

2* Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcântara

Gomes, Departamento de Biofísica e Biometria, Avenida 28 de Setembro, 87, CEP

20551-030, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

3Instituto Nacional do Câncer, Coordenadoria de Pesquisa, Praça Cruz Vermelha, 23,

CEP 20230-130, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


The Lantana camara (cambara de espinho) leaves infusions are

used popularly in some countries to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Osmotic fragility assay and morphometric analysis have been used to try

to verify the interaction of drugs with the membrane of red blood cells

(RBC). The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of an aqueous



extract of Lantana camara on the osmotic fragility and on the morphology

of RBC. Blood samples were treated with extract of Lantana camara (10

mg/ml), osmotic fragility assay and morphological analysis were carried

out. In presence of the extract, the data obtained indicated (i) osmotic

fragility and a significant (p<0.05) increase of hemolysis and (ii)

modifications on the morphology of RBC. These effects of the Lantana

camara could be associated with some pharmacological properties of the

chemical compounds of this studied extract.

Keywords: Lantana camara, morphology, red blood cells,osmotic





The Lantana camara (cambara de espinho) leaves infusions are used popularly in

some countries to treat gastrointestinal diseases (Sagar et al., 2005; Hernandes et al.,

2003). Lantana camara plant has been reported to possess a number of

pharmacological properties as antipyretic, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antithrombin,

anti-inflamatory, antitumor and antinoceptive (Ahmed et al.,1972;Sashi et al., 1994,

Ghisalbert et al., 2000; Uzcategui et al., 2004; Zheng et al., 2006; Misra et al., 2007).

The chemical compounds present in Lantana camara extracts include mono and

sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, iridoid glycosides, furanonaphoquinones, sthsteroids and

phenyl ethanoid glicosides, triterpene and diterpenes.(Ghisalbert et al,. 2000).

The volume of the red blood cells (RBC) seems to be regulated by a direct action

of the sodium-potassium pump: it controls the solute concentration inside the cell,

thereby regulating the osmotic forces that can make a cell swell or shrink (Alberts et al.,

2002). The resistance of RBC to hemolysis characterizes what is called the osmotic

fragility (OF) of the cell membrane. The osmotic fragility is classically used as a in vitro

assay to evaluate the effects of natural and synthetic drugs on membrane (Didelon et

al., 2000). The “fragility curve” reflects the structural and geometrical changes in RBC.

Hemolysis results from a structural perturbation of the RBC and cytoskeleton caused by

high partition in the membrane (Cruz Silva et al.; Didelon et al., 2000).

RBC have been proposed as a prototypical cellular system regarding drug

mediated plasma membrane effects (Li et al., 1999). Different techniques have

demonstrated that therapeutic drugs can modify the structure and morphology of these

cells (Nwafor & Coakley, 1986; Scheiman & Elta, 1990; Li et al., 1999; Shacter &

Weitzman, 2002; Suwalsky et al., 2003; Hubner et al., 2005; Santos et al., 2005; Zhang

et al., 2005).



The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of an aqueous extract of the

Lantana camara on the osmotic fragility and on the morphology of red blood cells.



The animals were maintained under environmental conditions (25±2°C, 12h of

light/dark cycle), water ad libitum and normal diet. Blood was withdrawn by cardiac

puncture with a heparinized syringe from adult male Wistar rats (n=6, 3-4 months,

245±35g). The experimental procedures have followed the Ethical Guidelines of the

Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcantara Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de

Janeiro with the protocol number CEA/127/2006.

Identification and preparation of the Lantana camara extract

The leaves were collected in the forest of Petrópolis city, Rio de Janeiro State,

Brazil. The material collected was identified by the Biologist Ricardo Carneiro da Cunha

Reis, Botanic Herbarium RB of the Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, where

a voucher specimen (4070081) was kept. The extract of Lantana camara was prepared

with leaves triturated (150 mg, dried in ambient air) added in 15 ml of boiling 0.9% NaCl

during 10 minutes. The preparation was filtered through paper (quality filter paper) and

considered as 10 mg/ml. As reproductibility control of the extract was used the value of

the absorbance of a alíquot of extract at 480 nm (0.17±0.03) determined in a

spectrophotometer (Analyser 800M Analyser comércio e indústria LTDA, São Paulo)

a) The experimental procedure

The osmotic fragility evaluations of the RBC were performed with whole blood

samples incubated with Lantana camara extract (10 mg/ml) or with sodium chloride

solution (0.9% NaCl) as a control for 60 minutes at room temperature. Samples of these

whole blood (control and treated) were centrifuged (Clinical centrifuge, BIO ENG Ind e



Com LTDA) and aliquots of RBC are separated. Briefly, RBC samples (100 l) treated

with Lantana camara extract or with saline solution (control) were gently mixed with

different hypotonic NaCl (from 0.12 to 0.9%) solutions according to Dacie (2001)

modified method (Dacie & Lewis, 2001). After 60 min, at room temperature, the

preparations were centrifuged (1500 rpm, 15 minutes). The supernatants were isolated

and the optical density (OD) to each NaCl concentration was in a spectrophotometer

(Analyser 800M Analyser comercio industria LTDA,São Paulo) at 540 nm. The OD of

each supernatant was compared with the OD of the 0.12% NaCl solution (100% of

lysis). The supernatant at 0.9% NaCl was considered the blank for the preparation,

because it has no hemolysis. According to curve tendency, three intervals were

determinates: interval I between 0.12 and 0.36% NaCl, interval II between 0.36 and

0.60% NaCl and interval III between 0.60 and 0.90% NaCl (Cavalcanti et al., 2003).

After measuring of osmotic fragility, “fragility curves” were drawn by plotting the

percentage of lysis or hemolysis (% hemolysis) for each tube (relative to 100%

hemolysis tube) and the corresponding concentration of NaCl. The experiments were

analyzed with paired t-test to verify potential differences between hypotonic and isotonic

phases (% concentrations of NaCl) versus relative hemolysis (% hemolysis).

Morphological Evaluation

Histological preparations were carried out with blood samples in vitro treated with

extract Lantana camara (10 mg/ml) during 60 min at room temperature, or with saline

solution as control group. Blood smears were prepared, dried, fixed and staining by

May-Grünwald-Giensa method (Barcia, 2007). After that, the images of the red blood

cells were acquired (Optronics, USA) from blood smears to qualitative morphology

analysis under optical microscopy (x1000, Olympus, BX model, Japan).



Statistical analysis

The data of mean of hemolysis percentage in each interval in the fragility curve

were presented as means ± standard deviation. Paired t-test was used to compare the

intervals I, II and III between treated and control groups. A significance level at p<0.05

was adopted. InStat Graphpad software was used to perform statistical analysis

(GraphPad InStat version 3.01 for Windows 95/NT, GraphPad Software, San Diego,


Artigo II. Results

Figure 1 shows the osmotic fragility curves obtained after treatment with

an aquous extract of Lantana camara of RBC samples from Wistar rats. The

results indicate that the extract used alters the profile of osmotic fragility

curves when compared with the control group. The figure 2 presents the

mean of the hemolysis percentage after analysis of the three NaCl

concentrations intervals obtained of the osmotic curve of the figure 1.

These data confirm the results presented in Figure 1. The analysis of the

results showed a significant statistical increase (p<0.05) on osmotic fragility

of RBC incubated with Lantana camara extract in the interval II (0.36 to

0.60% NaCL) and in the interval III (0.60 to 0.90% NaCL). In the interval 3

(0.60 to 0.90% NaCL, that is related to the isotonic interval, the osmotic

fragility also increased significantly (p<0.05) in blood samples treated with

Lantana camara extract when compared to control group.



The figures 3 and 4 represent photomicrographies of blood smears

from samples of blood treated with saline (control) and treated with the

extract of Lantana camara. The comparison between these figures

indicates that the extract is capable to induce alterations on the morphology

of the red blood cells.

Artigo III. Discussion

Authors have described that some drugs are capable of inducing alterations on

the shape and physiology of the red cells (Ammus et al,1989; Oliveira et al., 2005).

Different techniques have been used to evaluate the effects of the interaction between

drugs and plasma membrane (Li et al. 1999, Pompei et al. 2005). The osmotic fragility

assay is a classical, rapid, useful and easy technique that have permitted to obtain

relevant information about the interactions of natural and synthetic drugs with plasma

membrane (Khanna et al. 2002). Morphological analysis is another available method

that have permitted to evaluate the effects of natural products on membrane of red

blood cells (Oliveira et al. 2002, Oliveira et al. 2003).

The data obtained from osmotic fragility assay in this work indicated that extract

of Lantana camara could alter the membrane integrity at NaCl concentrations near to

physiologic level (Figures 1 and 2). In the same way, the morphological analysis of

blood smears suggested alteration on the shape of the red blood cells from whole blood

treated with Lantana camara (Figures 3 and 4). These alterations on the membrane

integrity could be related to components present in the aqueous extract of Lantana

camara capable of interact with membrane components and that could modify the

erythrocyte membrane ions transport or the osmotic transport balance.



It was reported that compounds present in Lantana camara alter the function of

protein C (Herbert et al.1991). Other data suggested that an antifilarial (Misra et al.

2007) and antitumor (Shashi et al. 1994) effects to this natural product. Moreover,

serveral phrmacological properties have been associated with the studied extract.

Taken together, these findings could indicate an action of the chemical compounds of

the Lantana camara on membrane structure and they could be in agreement with the

results obtained in this work.

In conclusion, the aqueous extract of Lantana camara used could affect the

membrane integrity decreasing the osmotic resistance and altering the shape of red

blood cells. These findings could be related with some properties of the chemical

compounds of this studied extract.


This research was supported by Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do

Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e

Tecnológico (CNPq) and Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).

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0,12 0,24 0,36 0,48 0,6 0,72 0,9

NaCl (%)



is (%





















n of












FIGURE 1: Osmotic fragility of blood samples treated or not treated with extract of Lantana camara. Blood samples were incubated with extract of Lantana camara or with sodium chloride solution (0.9% NaCl), as control. Aliquots of blood were gently mixed with NaCl at different concentrations, centrifuged, the supernatants were isolated and the optical densities (OD) were determined in a spectrophotometer at 540 nm. The hemolysis percentage was calculed and “fragility curves” were drawn plotting the percentage of hemolysis (% hemolysis) for beach NaCl concentration (relative to 100% hemolysis tube). ( ) control, ( ) treated with extract of Lantana camara.

FIGURE 2: Means of hemolysis of the blood samples treated or not treated with extract of Lantana camara. Three intervals were determinate: interval I (from 0.12 to 0.24%), interval II (from 0.24 to 0.48%), and interval III (from 0.48 to 0.9%) according the curve tendency. The means and standard deviations of each interval were determinate and the statistical analysis was performed. ( )control, ( ) treated with extract of Lantanacamara. (*) p<0.05.

FIGURE 3: Photomicrography of blood smears from blood samples in vitro treated with NaCl 0.9% solution (control group). Samples of whole blood from Wistar rats were treated with NaCl 0.9% solution during 60 minutes. Blood smears were prepared, dried, fixed and staining by May-Grünwald-Giensa method. The morphology of red blood cells was evaluated under optical microscopy (x 1000) after image capture.

FIGURE 4: Photomicrography of blood smears from blood samples in vitro treated with extract of Lantana camara. Samples of whole blood from Wistar rats were treated with extract of Lantana camara (10 mg/ml) during 60 minutes. Blood smears were prepared, dried, fixed and staining by May-Grünwald-Giensa method. The morphology of red blood cells was evaluated under optical microscopy (x 1000) after image capture.




A experiência vivenciada no Curso de Mestrado foi de grande

importância para a aquisição de conhecimentos que podem contribuir para o

desenvolvimento de modelos experimentais em outras pesquisas, bem como avançar

nesse mesmo modelo, para a verificação de outros resultados como por exemplo, o

estudo de biodistribuição em ratos wistar tratados com este extrato,e experimentos em

cepas bacterianas.

Uma das maiores preocupações foi tentar evitar riscos, buscando

seguir rigorosamente as condições metodológicas, dessa forma permitindo a

reprodutibilidade integral de nossos estudos pela comunidade científica, objetivando

estimular a obtenção de outros resultados que tragam maiores contribuições ao meio


A possibilidade de estudar este extrato vegetal, possibilitada pelo

Orientador, Professor Doutor Mario Bernardo-Filho com total apoio da Universidade

Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, permitiu a oportunidade de viver a experiência

inigualável e gratificante da pesquisa básica.

Como profissional da área da saúde (fisioterapeuta) tenho a

preocupação de que efeitos produzidos pela Lantana camara possam interferir nos

resultados de exames clínicos, especialmente os da medicina nuclear. A interação

medicamentosa pode modificar a resposta farmacológica. Dessa forma alterar a

distribuição normal dos radiotraçadores, podendo apresentar resultados imprecisos que

levariam à repetição de exames, expondo o paciente a doses de radiação

desnecessárias. Como fisioterapeuta, utilizo condutas com o objetivo de preservar,

manter, desenvolver ou restaurar a integridade de um órgão, sistema ou função do

corpo humano, através de terapias físicas e cinéticas. Desta forma o laudo de exames



complementares, em especial os da medicina nuclear, corroboram o diagnóstico

cinético-funcional com informações precisas para o fechamento do diagnóstico

fisioterapêutico e permite uma conduta mais apropriada.

As dificuldades em ter plenos recursos para fazer pesquisa foram

supridos em parte pelo suporte dado por Setor de Medicina Nuclear, Laboratório de

Endocrinologia e Laboratório Central do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto -

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, os quais foram fundamentais para a

realização dessa dissertação, junto ao apoio da Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do

Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico

e Tecnológico (CNPq) e Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcântara Gomes, através do

Laboratório de Radiofarmacia experimental. Sem a participação efetiva de todos essas

instituições e seus respectivos serviços não teria sido possível concluir esta


Os resultados obtidos permitiram a confecção de dois manuscritos

que foram submetidos e aceitos em revistas científicas. Gerando publicações que

estarão contribuindo para a pesquisa.





Anexo I

Carta de aceite do manuscrito I

Acta Physiologica Hungarica A Periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Managing Editor: Jen Bartha Editor-in-Chief: Emil MonosEditorial Office Semmelweis University Semmelweis University Institute of Human Physiology Institute of Physiology H-1446 Budapest, POB. 448. Hungary Editorial Correspondence Phone: (36-1) 210-6038 H-1445 Budapest, POB. 294. Hungary Fax: (36-1) 334-3162 Fax: (36-1) 266-7480 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Adalgisa I. Maiworm 12 July 2007 Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcantara Gomes Departamento de Biofísica e Biometria Laboratório de Radiofarmácia Experimental Av. 28 de setembro, 87 20551-030 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ


Dear Doctor Adalgisa I. Maiworm

I am pleased to inform you that your paper entitled

(38/6) Adalgisa I. Maiworm et al.: Evaluation of the in vitro effect of a Lantana camara

extract on the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m.

has been accepted for publication by the editorial staff of Acta Physiologica Hungarica.

Please send the employments of all authors and your postal address in english, too

Yours sincerely

J. Bartha, MD, PhD Managing Editor



Anexo II

Carta de aceite do manuscrito II

Prezada Profa. Adalgisa Maiworm,

Informo que o manuscrito intitulado "Osmotic and morphological effects on red blood cellmembrane: Action of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara", de autoria de Adalgisa I. Maiworm, Giuseppe A. Presta, Sebastião D. Santos-Filho, Severo de Paoli, Tânia S. Giani, Adenilson S. Fonseca e Mário Bernardo-Filho, foi aceito para publicação na REVISTA BRASILEIRA DEFARMACOGNOSIA.


José Maria Barbosa Filho Editor Chefe




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Medicinal plants have been studied and used in the world. Lantana camara has

medicinal properties and it has been used in folk medicine. The aim was to verify the

effect of a lantana extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, and to

evaluate the effect of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara on the morphology of RBC

withdrawn from Wistar rats. The results showed that lantana extract has decreased the

fixation of radioactivity on the IF-P. This effect was not observed in the BC compartment

and in IF-BC. The BC-%ATI was decreased in all concentrations tested when the BC

was washed. The osmotic fragility assay and morphological analysis were carried out.

In presence of the extract, the data obtained indicated that (i) an increase of the

hemolysis and (ii) modifications on the morphology of RBC. These effects of the

Lantana camara could be associated with some pharmacological properties of the

chemical compounds of this studied extract.

Keywords: blood constituents, technetium-99m, osmotic fragility, Lantana camara
