Isso é Bom - This is Good

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  • 8/6/2019 Isso Bom - This is Good


    Uma lenda africana

    An African Folktale

  • 8/6/2019 Isso Bom - This is Good


    The story is told of an African king and his

    close friend, who had grown up together. The

    kings friend had a habit of looking at every

    situation positively and remarking, This is

    good!One day the king went on a hunting

    expedition, and he gave his friend the job of

    loading his guns and handing them to him.

    Apparently the friend did something wrong

    at some point, because

    one gun misfired and

    blew the kings thumb


    This is good! the

    kings friend remarked

    as usual.

    No, this is notgood!

    the king replied, and he

    sent his friend to jail.

    Conta-se a histria de dois homens: um rei

    africano e seu amigo. Este tinha o hbito de

    encarar toda e qualquer situao de forma

    positiva e dizer: Isso bom!

    Certo dia, ambos saram em um safri e omonarca incumbiu o outro de carregar as

    armas e as entregar para ele, conforme a

    necessidade. Mas, por um descuido do

    ajudante real, uma arma disparou

    acidentalmente e

    arrancou o

    polegar do rei.

    Isso bom!

    comentou o

    homem como

    de costume.


    Isso no bom!

    discordou o

    rei e o enviou

    para a priso.

  • 8/6/2019 Isso Bom - This is Good


    Cerca de um ano depois, aquele governante

    caava em uma regio perigosa quando foi

    capturado por canibais que o levaram para

    sua aldeia e o prenderam pelas mos a um


    Entretanto, quando

    estavam prestes a atear

    fogo madeira que

    puseram ao redor dos ps

    do capturado, notaramque no tinha todos os

    dedos das mos. Por

    isso, como a superstio

    os proibia de se

    alimentarem de algum

    que tivesse sofridoalguma forma de

    mutilao, desamarraram

    o rei e o deixaram ir.

    About a year later, the king was hunting in

    an area that he shouldnt have ventured into.

    Cannibals captured him and took him to their

    village. They tied his hands, bound him to a

    stake in the ground, andstacked firewood around

    his feet.

    However, just as they

    were about to set fire to

    the wood, they noticedthat the king was missing

    a thumb. The cannibals

    had a superstition that

    forbad them from eating

    anyone who was less

    than whole, so theyuntied the king and sent

    him on his way.

  • 8/6/2019 Isso Bom - This is Good


    A caminho de casa, o soberano lembrou-se

    do incidente em que ficara sem o polegar e,

    arrependido de como havia tratado o amigo,

    tratou de ir logo aonde o companheiro estava

    preso e o libertou.Voc tinha

    razo. Foi mesmo bom

    ter perdido o polegar!

    reconheceu o rei.

    Contou-lhe o ocorrido e

    se desculpou.Perdoe-

    me, bom amigo. O que

    fiz a voc no foi bom.

    Nada disso!

    contestou o outroFoi

    muito bom o que me fez.

    Como assim? Como pode ter sido bom eu

    fazer meu amigo passar um ano na priso?

    inquiriu o monarca.

    Se eu no estivesse preso, estaria com

    voc quando foi capturado.

    As the king traveled home, he was reminded

    of the event that had taken his thumb, and he

    regretted the way he had treated his friend. He

    went straight to the jail and released his friend.

    You were right, theking said. It was good

    that my thumb was

    blown off. And he

    proceeded to tell his

    friend about his brush

    with death. I am sorry

    for sending you to jail

    for so long, he said.

    That was very bad of


    No, his friend replied, this is good!

    What do you mean, This is good? How

    could it be good that I sent my friend to jail

    for a year?

    If I had not been in jail, the kings friend

    replied, I would have been with you.

  • 8/6/2019 Isso Bom - This is Good


    Illustrations by Michael Furlong. Originally printed in Activated! magazine. Used with


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