Modern English Version Parallel Bible Bíblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (Only verses when God speaks)

Parallel Bible - iiNethomepages.ihug.com.au/~mvalcic/downloads/Bible_MEV_Parallel_ACF... · 18 E disse o SENHOR Deus: Não é bom que ... e tu lhe ferirás o calcanhar. 15 To the

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  • Modern English Version

    Parallel Bible

    Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel

    (Only verses when God speaks)

  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 1 Gnesis 1

    God said, "Let there be light," and therewas light.

    3 E disse Deus: Haja luz; e houve luz.3

    God called the light Day, and the darknessHe called Night. So the evening and themorning were the first day.

    5 E Deus chamou luz Dia; e s trevaschamou Noite. E foi a tarde e a manh, odia primeiro.


    Then God said, "Let there be an expansein the midst of the waters, and let itseparate the waters from the waters."

    6 E disse Deus: Haja uma expanso nomeio das guas, e haja separao entreguas e guas.


    God called the expanse Heaven. So theevening and the morning were the secondday.

    8 E chamou Deus expanso Cus, e foi atarde e a manh, o dia segundo.


    Then God said, "Let the waters under theheavens be gathered together into oneplace, and let the dry land appear." And itwas so.

    9 E disse Deus: Ajuntem-se as guasdebaixo dos cus num lugar; e aparea aporo seca; e assim foi.


    God called the dry land Earth, and thegathering together of the waters He calledSeas. Then God saw that it was good.

    10 E chamou Deus poro seca Terra; e aoajuntamento das guas chamou Mares; eviu Deus que era bom.


    Then God said, "Let the earth producevegetation: plants yielding seed and fruittrees on the earth yielding fruit after theirkind with seed in them." And it was so.

    11 E disse Deus: Produza a terra erva verde,erva que d semente, rvore frutfera qued fruto segundo a sua espcie, cujasemente est nela sobre a terra; e assimfoi.


    And God said, "Let there be lights in theexpanse of the heavens to separate theday from the night, and let them be signsto indicate seasons, and days, and years.

    14 E disse Deus: Haja luminares naexpanso dos cus, para haverseparao entre o dia e a noite; e sejameles para sinais e para temposdeterminados e para dias e anos.


    Let them be lights in the expanse of theheavens to give light on the earth." And itwas so.

    15 E sejam para luminares na expanso doscus, para iluminar a terra; e assim foi.


    Then God said, "Let the waters swarmwith swarms of living creatures and letthe birds fly above the earth in the openexpanse of the heavens."

    20 E disse Deus: Produzam as guasabundantemente rpteis de alma vivente;e voem as aves sobre a face da expansodos cus.


    Then God blessed them, saying, "Befruitful and multiply and fill the waters inthe seas, and let the birds multiply on theearth."

    22 E Deus os abenoou, dizendo: Frutificai emultiplicai-vos, e enchei as guas nosmares; e as aves se multipliquem naterra.


    Then God said, "Let the earth bring forthliving creatures according to their kinds:livestock, and creeping things, andbeasts of the earth according to theirkinds." And it was so.

    24 E disse Deus: Produza a terra almavivente conforme a sua espcie; gado, erpteis e feras da terra conforme a suaespcie; e assim foi.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 1 Gnesis 1

    Then God said, "Let us make man in ourimage, after our likeness, and let themhave dominion over the fish of the sea,and over the birds of the air, and over thelivestock, and over all the earth, and overevery creeping thing that creeps on theearth."

    26 E disse Deus: Faamos o homem nossaimagem, conforme a nossa semelhana;e domine sobre os peixes do mar, esobre as aves dos cus, e sobre o gado,e sobre toda a terra, e sobre todo o rptilque se move sobre a terra.


    God blessed them and said to them, "Befruitful and multiply, and replenish theearth and subdue it. Rule over the fish ofthe sea and over the birds of the air andover every living thing that moves on theearth."

    28 E Deus os abenoou, e Deus lhes disse:Frutificai e multiplicai-vos, e enchei aterra, e sujeitai-a; e dominai sobre ospeixes do mar e sobre as aves dos cus,e sobre todo o animal que se move sobrea terra.


    Then God said, "See, I have given youevery plant yielding seed which is on theface of all the earth and every tree whichhas fruit yielding seed. It shall be food foryou.

    29 E disse Deus: Eis que vos tenho dadotoda a erva que d semente, que estsobre a face de toda a terra; e toda arvore, em que h fruto que d semente,ser-vos- para mantimento.


    To every beast of the earth and to everybird of the air and to everything thatcreeps on the earth which has the breathof life in it, I have given every green plantfor food." And it was so.

    30 E a todo o animal da terra, e a toda a avedos cus, e a todo o rptil da terra, emque h alma vivente, toda a erva verdeser para mantimento; e assim foi.


    Genesis 2 Gnesis 2

    And the LORD God commanded the man,saying, "Of every tree of the garden youmay freely eat,

    16 E ordenou o SENHOR Deus ao homem,dizendo: De toda a rvore do jardimcomers livremente,


    but of the tree of the knowledge of goodand evil you shall not eat, for in the daythat you eat from it you will surely die."

    17 Mas da rvore do conhecimento do beme do mal, dela no comers; porque nodia em que dela comeres, certamentemorrers.


    Then the LORD God said, "It is not goodthat the man should be alone. I will makehim a helper suitable for him."

    18 E disse o SENHOR Deus: No bom queo homem esteja s; far-lhe-ei umaajudadora idnea para ele.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 3 Gnesis 3

    but from the fruit of the tree which is in themidst of the garden, God has said, You willnot eat of it, nor will you touch it, or elseyou will die.

    3 Mas do fruto da rvore que est no meio dojardim, disse Deus: No comereis dele,nem nele tocareis para que no morrais.


    The LORD God called to the man and saidto him, Where are you?

    9 E chamou o SENHOR Deus a Ado, edisse-lhe: Onde ests?


    And He said, Who told you that you werenaked? Have you eaten from the tree ofwhich I commanded you not to eat?

    11 E Deus disse: Quem te mostrou queestavas nu? Comeste tu da rvore de quete ordenei que no comesses?


    Then the LORD God said to the woman,What have you done? And the womansaid, The serpent deceived me, and I ate.

    13 E disse o SENHOR Deus mulher: Por quefizeste isto? E disse a mulher: A serpenteme enganou, e eu comi.


    The LORD God said to the serpent:Because you have done this, You arecursed above all livestock, and aboveevery beast of the field; you will go onyour belly, and you will eat dust all thedays of your life.

    14 Ento o SENHOR Deus disse serpente:Porquanto fizeste isto, maldita sersmais que toda a fera, e mais que todosos animais do campo; sobre o teu ventreandars, e p comers todos os dias datua vida.


    I will put enmity between you and thewoman, and between your offspring andher offspring; he will bruise your head,and you will bruise his heel.

    15 E porei inimizade entre ti e a mulher, eentre a tua semente e a sua semente;esta te ferir a cabea, e tu lhe ferirs ocalcanhar.


    To the woman He said, I will greatlymultiply your pain in childbirth, and inpain you will bring forth children; yourdesire will be for your husband, and hewill rule over you.

    16 E mulher disse: Multiplicareigrandemente a tua dor, e a tuaconceio; com dor dars luz filhos; eo teu desejo ser para o teu marido, e elete dominar.


    And to Adam He said, Because you havelistened to the voice of your wife andhave eaten from the tree about which Icommanded you, saying, You shall noteat of it, Cursed is the ground onaccount of you; in hard labor you will eatof it all the days of your life.

    17 E a Ado disse: Porquanto deste ouvidos voz de tua mulher, e comeste da rvorede que te ordenei, dizendo: No comersdela, maldita a terra por causa de ti;com dor comers dela todos os dias datua vida.


    Thorns and thistles it will bring forth foryou, and you will eat the plants of thefield.

    18 Espinhos, e cardos tambm, teproduzir; e comers a erva do campo.


    By the sweat of your face you will eatbread until you return to the ground,because out of it you were taken; for youare dust, and to dust you will return.

    19 No suor do teu rosto comers o teu po,at que te tornes terra; porque delafoste tomado; porquanto s p e em pte tornars.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 3 Gnesis 3

    The LORD God said, The man hasbecome like one of us, knowing goodand evil. And now, he might reach out hishand, and take also from the tree of life,and eat, and live forever

    22 Ento disse o SENHOR Deus: Eis que ohomem como um de ns, sabendo obem e o mal; ora, para que no estenda asua mo, e tome tambm da rvore davida, e coma e viva eternamente,


    Genesis 4 Gnesis 4

    The LORD said to Cain, Why are youangry? Why is your countenance fallen?

    6 E o SENHOR disse a Caim: Por que teiraste? E por que descaiu o teusemblante?


    If you do well, shall you not be accepted?But if you do not do well, sin iscrouching at the door. It desires todominate you, but you must rule over it.

    7 Se bem fizeres, no certo que sersaceito? E se no fizeres bem, o pecadojaz porta, e sobre ti ser o seu desejo,mas sobre ele deves dominar.


    The LORD said to Cain, Where is Abelyour brother? He said, I do not know. AmI my brothers keeper?

    9 E disse o SENHOR a Caim: Onde estAbel, teu irmo? E ele disse: No sei; soueu guardador do meu irmo?


    And then He said, What have you done?The voice of your brothers blood iscrying out to Me from the ground.

    10 E disse Deus: Que fizeste? A voz dosangue do teu irmo clama a mim desdea terra.


    Now you are cursed from the groundwhich opened its mouth to receive yourbrothers blood from your hand.

    11 E agora maldito s tu desde a terra, queabriu a sua boca para receber da tua moo sangue do teu irmo.


    From now on when you till the ground, itwill not yield for you its best. You will bea fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.

    12 Quando lavrares a terra, no te dar maisa sua fora; fugitivo e vagabundo sersna terra.


    So the LORD said to him, Thereforewhoever kills Cain, vengeance will betaken on him sevenfold. Then the LORDput a mark upon Cain, so that no one findinghim would kill him.

    15 O SENHOR, porm, disse-lhe: Portantoqualquer que matar a Caim, sete vezesser castigado. E ps o SENHOR um sinalem Caim, para que o no ferisse qualquerque o achasse.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 6 Gnesis 6

    The LORD said, My Spirit will not alwaysstrive with man, for he is flesh; yet hisdays will be a hundred and twentyyears.

    3 Ento disse o SENHOR: No contender omeu Esprito para sempre com o homem;porque ele tambm carne; porm osseus dias sero cento e vinte anos.


    So the LORD said, I will destroy man,whom I have created, from the face of theearth both man and beast, and thecreeping things, and the birds of the sky,for I am sorry that I have made them.

    7 E disse o SENHOR: Destruirei o homemque criei de sobre a face da terra, desdeo homem at ao animal, at ao rptil, eat ave dos cus; porque me arrependode os haver feito.


    So God said to Noah, The end of all fleshis come before Me, for the earth is filledwith violence because of them. Now I willdestroy them with the earth.

    13 Ento disse Deus a No: O fim de toda acarne vindo perante a minha face;porque a terra est cheia de violncia; eeis que os desfarei com a terra.


    Make an ark of cypress wood foryourself. Make rooms in the ark, andcover it inside and out with pitch.

    14 Faze para ti uma arca da madeira degofer; fars compartimentos na arca e abetumars por dentro e por fora combetume.


    And this is how you must make it: Thelength of the ark will be three hundredcubits, the width of it fifty cubits, and theheight of it thirty cubits.

    15 E desta maneira a fars: De trezentoscvados o comprimento da arca, e decinqenta cvados a sua largura, e detrinta cvados a sua altura.


    Make an opening one cubit below the topof the ark all around; and you must setthe door of the ark on the side. Make itwith a lower, a second, and a third story.

    16 Fars na arca uma janela, e de umcvado a acabars em cima; e a porta daarca pors ao seu lado; far-lhe-sandares, baixo, segundo e terceiro.


    I will bring a flood of waters on the earthto destroy all flesh, wherever there is thebreath of life under heaven, andeverything that is on the earth will die.

    17 Porque eis que eu trago um dilvio deguas sobre a terra, para desfazer toda acarne em que h esprito de vida debaixodos cus; tudo o que h na terraexpirar.


    But I will establish My covenant with you;you must go into the ark you, and yoursons, and your wife, and your sonswives with you.

    18 Mas contigo estabelecerei a minhaaliana; e entrars na arca, tu e os teusfilhos, tua mulher e as mulheres de teusfilhos contigo.


    Bring every living thing of all flesh, twoof every kind, into the ark to keep themalive with you. They shall be male andfemale.

    19 E de tudo o que vive, de toda a carne,dois de cada espcie, fars entrar naarca, para os conservar vivos contigo;macho e fmea sero.


    Two of every kind of bird, of every kind ofanimal, and of every kind of creepingthing of the earth will come to you to bekept alive.

    20 Das aves conforme a sua espcie, e dosanimais conforme a sua espcie, de todoo rptil da terra conforme a sua espcie,dois de cada espcie viro a ti, para osconservar em vida.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 6 Gnesis 6

    Also, take with you of every kind of foodthat is eaten and gather it to yourself,and it will be for food for you and forthem.

    21 E leva contigo de toda a comida que secome e ajunta-a para ti; e te ser paramantimento, a ti e a eles.


    Genesis 7 Gnesis 7

    The LORD said to Noah, You and yourentire household go into the ark, for youalone I have seen to be righteous beforeMe among this generation.

    1 DEPOIS disse o SENHOR a No: Entra tue toda a tua casa na arca, porque tenhovisto que s justo diante de mim nestagerao.


    Take with you seven each of every cleananimal, the male and its female, and twoeach of every unclean animal, the maleand its female,

    2 De todos os animais limpos tomars parati sete e sete, o macho e sua fmea; masdos animais que no so limpos, dois, omacho e sua fmea.


    and seven each of birds of the air, themale and female, to keep offspring aliveon the face of all the earth.

    3 Tambm das aves dos cus sete e sete,macho e fmea, para conservar em vidasua espcie sobre a face de toda a terra.


    In seven days I will cause it to rain on theearth for forty days and forty nights, andevery living thing that I have made I willdestroy from the face of the earth.

    4 Porque, passados ainda sete dias, fareichover sobre a terra quarenta dias equarenta noites; e desfarei de sobre aface da terra toda a substncia que fiz.


    Genesis 8 Gnesis 8

    Go out of the ark, you and your wife,and your sons and your sons wives withyou.

    16 Sai da arca, tu com tua mulher, e teusfilhos e as mulheres de teus filhos.


    Bring out with you every living thing ofall flesh that is with you, birds andanimals, and every creeping thing thatcreeps on the earth, so that they maybreed abundantly on the earth and befruitful and multiply on the earth.

    17 Todo o animal que est contigo, de todaa carne, de ave, e de gado, e de todo orptil que se arrasta sobre a terra, trazefora contigo; e povoem abundantementea terra e frutifiquem, e se multipliquemsobre a terra.


    The LORD smelled a soothing aroma; andthe LORD said in His heart, I will neveragain curse the ground because of man,for the inclination of mans heart is evilfrom his youth, nor will I again destroyevery living thing as I have done.

    21 E o SENHOR sentiu o suave cheiro, e oSENHOR disse em seu corao: Notornarei mais a amaldioar a terra porcausa do homem; porque a imaginaodo corao do homem m desde a suameninice, nem tornarei mais a ferir todoo vivente, como fiz.


    While the earth remains, seedtime andharvest, cold and heat, summer andwinter, and day and night will not cease.

    22 Enquanto a terra durar, sementeira esega, e frio e calor, e vero e inverno, edia e noite, no cessaro.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 9 Gnesis 9

    The Noahic Covenant

    Then God blessed Noah and his sons andsaid to them, Be fruitful and multiply andfill the earth.

    1 E ABENOOU Deus a No e a seus filhos,e disse-lhes: Frutificai e multiplicai-vos eenchei a terra.


    Every beast of the earth and every bird ofthe sky and all that moves on the earthand all the fish of the sea will fear youand be terrified of you. They are giveninto your hand.

    2 E o temor de vs e o pavor de vs virosobre todo o animal da terra, e sobretoda a ave dos cus; tudo o que se movesobre a terra, e todos os peixes do mar,nas vossas mos so entregues.


    Every moving thing that lives will be foodfor you. I give you everything, just as Igave you the green plant.

    3 Tudo quanto se move, que vivente,ser para vosso mantimento; tudo vostenho dado como a erva verde.


    Only you shall not eat flesh with its life,that is, its blood.

    4 A carne, porm, com sua vida, isto ,com seu sangue, no comereis.


    But for your own lifeblood I will surelyrequire a reckoning; from every animalwill I require it; of man, too, will I requirea reckoning for human life, of every manfor that of his fellow man.

    5 Certamente requererei o vosso sangue, osangue das vossas vidas; da mo detodo o animal o requererei; comotambm da mo do homem, e da mo doirmo de cada um requererei a vida dohomem.


    Whoever sheds the blood of man, by manshall his blood be shed; for God mademan in His own image.

    6 Quem derramar o sangue do homem,pelo homem o seu sangue serderramado; porque Deus fez o homemconforme a sua imagem.


    And as for you, be fruitful and multiply;increase abundantly in the earth andmultiply in it.

    7 Mas vs frutificai e multiplicai-vos;povoai abundantemente a terra, emultiplicai-vos nela.


    As for Me, I establish My covenant withyou, and with your descendants afteryou;

    9 E eu, eis que estabeleo a minha alianaconvosco e com a vossa descendnciadepois de vs.


    and with every living creature that is withyou, the birds, the livestock, and everybeast of the earth with you; of all thatcomes out of the ark, every beast of theearth.

    10 E com toda a alma vivente, que convoscoest, de aves, de gado, e de todo oanimal da terra convosco; com todos quesaram da arca, at todo o animal daterra.


    I establish My covenant with you. Neveragain shall all flesh be cut off by thewaters of a flood. Never again shall therebe a flood to destroy the earth.

    11 E eu convosco estabeleo a minhaaliana, que no ser mais destrudatoda a carne pelas guas do dilvio, eque no haver mais dilvio, paradestruir a terra.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 9 Gnesis 9

    Then God said, This is the sign of thecovenant which I am making between Meand you and every living creature that iswith you, for all future generations.

    12 E disse Deus: Este o sinal da alianaque ponho entre mim e vs, e entre todaa alma vivente, que est convosco, porgeraes eternas.


    I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and itshall be a sign of a covenant between Meand the earth.

    13 O meu arco tenho posto nas nuvens;este ser por sinal da aliana entre mim ea terra.


    When I bring a cloud over the earth, therainbow will be seen in the cloud;

    14 E acontecer que, quando eu trouxernuvens sobre a terra, aparecer o arconas nuvens.


    then I will remember My covenant, whichis between Me and you and every livingcreature of all flesh, and the waters willnever again become a flood to destroy allflesh.

    15 Ento me lembrarei da minha aliana,que est entre mim e vs, e entre toda aalma vivente de toda a carne; e as guasno se tornaro mais em dilvio paradestruir toda a carne.


    The rainbow will appear in the cloud, andI will see it and remember the everlastingcovenant between God and every livingcreature of all flesh that is on the earth.

    16 E estar o arco nas nuvens, e eu o verei,para me lembrar da aliana eterna entreDeus e toda a alma vivente de toda acarne, que est sobre a terra.


    So God said to Noah, This is the sign ofthe covenant that I have establishedbetween Me and all flesh that is on theearth.

    17 E disse Deus a No: Este o sinal daaliana que tenho estabelecido entremim e entre toda a carne, que est sobrea terra.


    Genesis 11 Gnesis 11

    The LORD said, The people are one andthey have one language, and this is onlythe beginning of what they will do; nownothing that they propose to do will beimpossible for them.

    6 E o SENHOR disse: Eis que o povo um,e todos tm uma mesma lngua; e isto o que comeam a fazer; e agora, nohaver restrio para tudo o que elesintentarem fazer.


    Come, let us go down and there confusetheir language, so that they may notunderstand one anothers speech.

    7 Eia, desamos e confundamos ali a sualngua, para que no entenda um a lnguado outro.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 12 Gnesis 12

    The Call of Abram

    Now the LORD said to Abram, Go fromyour country, your family, and yourfathers house to the land that I will showyou.

    1 ORA, o SENHOR disse a Abro: Sai-te datua terra, da tua parentela e da casa deteu pai, para a terra que eu te mostrarei.


    I will make of you a great nation; I willbless you and make your name great, sothat you will be a blessing.

    2 E far-te-ei uma grande nao, eabenoar-te-ei e engrandecerei o teunome; e tu sers uma bno.


    I will bless them who bless you andcurse him who curses you, and in you allfamilies of the earth will be blessed.

    3 E abenoarei os que te abenoarem, eamaldioarei os que te amaldioarem; eem ti sero benditas todas as famlias daterra.


    The LORD appeared to Abram and said,To your descendants I will give thisland. So he built an altar to the LORD, whohad appeared to him.

    7 E apareceu o SENHOR a Abro, e disse: tua descendncia darei esta terra. Eedificou ali um altar ao SENHOR, que lheaparecera.


    Genesis 13 Gnesis 13

    After Lot had departed from him, the LORDsaid to Abram, Lift up now your eyes,and look from the place where you are,northward and southward and eastwardand westward.

    14 E disse o SENHOR a Abro, depois que Lse apartou dele: Levanta agora os teusolhos, e olha desde o lugar onde ests,para o lado do norte, e do sul, e dooriente, e do ocidente;


    All the land that you see I will give to youand to your descendants forever.

    15 Porque toda esta terra que vs, te hei dedar a ti, e tua descendncia, parasempre.


    I will make your descendants like thedust of the earth, so that if a man couldnumber the dust of the earth, then yourdescendants could also be numbered.

    16 E farei a tua descendncia como o p daterra; de maneira que se algum pudercontar o p da terra, tambm a tuadescendncia ser contada.


    Arise, and walk throughout the landacross its length and its width, for I willgive it to you.

    17 Levanta-te, percorre essa terra, no seucomprimento e na sua largura; porque ati a darei.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 15 Gnesis 15

    The Abrahamic Covenant

    After this the word of the LORD came toAbram in a vision, saying, Do not fear,Abram. I am your shield, yourexceedingly great reward.

    1 DEPOIS destas coisas veio a palavra doSENHOR a Abro em viso, dizendo: Notemas, Abro, eu sou o teu escudo, o teugrandssimo galardo.


    Then the word of the LORD came to him,saying, This man will not be your heir,but a son that is from your own body willbe your heir.

    4 E eis que veio a palavra do SENHOR a eledizendo: Este no ser o teu herdeiro;mas aquele que de tuas entranhas sair,este ser o teu herdeiro.


    He brought him outside and said, Look uptoward heaven and count the stars, if youare able to count them. And He said tohim, So will your descendants be.

    5 Ento o levou fora, e disse: Olha agorapara os cus, e conta as estrelas, se aspodes contar. E disse-lhe: Assim ser atua descendncia.


    He also said to him, I am the LORD whobrought you out of Ur of the Chaldeansto give you this land to possess it.

    7 Disse-lhe mais: Eu sou o SENHOR, que tetirei de Ur dos caldeus, para dar-te a tiesta terra, para herd-la.


    So He said to him, Bring Me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, athree-year-old ram, a turtledove, and ayoung pigeon.

    9 E disse-lhe: Toma-me uma bezerra de trsanos, e uma cabra de trs anos, e umcarneiro de trs anos, uma rola e umpombinho.


    Then He said to Abram, Know for certainthat your descendants will live asstrangers in a land that is not theirs, andthey will be enslaved and mistreated forfour hundred years.

    13 Ento disse a Abro: Saibas, de certo, queperegrina ser a tua descendncia emterra alheia, e ser reduzida escravido,e ser afligida por quatrocentos anos,


    But I will judge the nation that they serve,and afterward they will come out withgreat possessions.

    14 Mas tambm eu julgarei a nao, qualela tem de servir, e depois sair comgrande riqueza.


    As for you, you will go to your fathers inpeace and you will be buried at a goodold age.

    15 E tu irs a teus pais em paz; em boavelhice sers sepultado.


    In the fourth generation, yourdescendants will return here, for theiniquity of the Amorites is not yetcomplete.

    16 E a quarta gerao tornar para c;porque a medida da injustia dosamorreus no est ainda cheia.


    On that same day the LORD made acovenant with Abram, saying, To yourdescendants I have given this land, fromthe river of Egypt to the great EuphratesRiver

    18 Naquele mesmo dia fez o SENHOR umaaliana com Abro, dizendo: tuadescendncia tenho dado esta terra,desde o rio do Egito at ao grande rioEufrates;


    the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites,the Kadmonites,

    19 E o queneu, e o quenezeu, e ocadmoneu,


    the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaites,20 E o heteu, e o perizeu, e os refains,20


  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 15 Gnesis 15

    the Amorites, the Canaanites, theGirgashites, and the Jebusites.

    21 E o amorreu, e o cananeu, e o girgaseu, eo jebuseu.


    Genesis 16 Gnesis 16

    And he said, Hagar, Sarais maid, wherehave you come from and where are yougoing? And she said, I am fleeing fromthe presence of my mistress Sarai.

    8 E disse: Agar, serva de Sarai, dondevens, e para onde vais? E ela disse:Venho fugida da face de Sarai minhasenhora.


    Then the angel of the LORD said to her,Return to your mistress, and submityourself to her authority.

    9 Ento lhe disse o anjo do SENHOR: Torna-te para tua senhora, e humilha-te debaixode suas mos.


    The angel of the LORD also said to her, Iwill multiply your descendantsexceedingly so that they will be too manyto count.

    10 Disse-lhe mais o anjo do SENHOR:Multiplicarei sobremaneira a tuadescendncia, que no ser contada, pornumerosa que ser.


    Then the angel of the LORD said to her,You are pregnant and will bear a son.You shall call his name Ishmael, becausethe LORD has heard your affliction.

    11 Disse-lhe tambm o anjo do SENHOR: Eisque concebeste, e dars luz um filho, echamars o seu nome Ismael; porquantoo SENHOR ouviu a tua aflio.


    He will be a wild man; his hand will beagainst every man, and every mans handwill be against him. And he will dwell inthe presence of all his brothers.

    12 E ele ser homem feroz, e a sua mo sercontra todos, e a mo de todos contraele; e habitar diante da face de todos osseus irmos.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 17 Gnesis 17

    The Covenant of Circumcision

    When Abram was ninety-nine years old, theLORD appeared to him and said, I amAlmighty God. Walk before Me and beblameless.

    1 SENDO, pois, Abro da idade de noventa enove anos, apareceu o SENHOR a Abro, edisse-lhe: Eu sou o Deus Todo-Poderoso,anda em minha presena e s perfeito.


    And I will make My covenant betweenyou and Me and will exceedingly multiplyyou.

    2 E porei a minha aliana entre mim e ti, ete multiplicarei grandissimamente.


    As for Me, My covenant is with you, andyou shall be the father of a multitude ofnations.

    4 Quanto a mim, eis a minha alianacontigo: sers o pai de muitas naes;


    No longer will your name be calledAbram, but your name will be Abraham,for I have made you the father of amultitude of nations.

    5 E no se chamar mais o teu nomeAbro, mas Abrao ser o teu nome;porque por pai de muitas naes tetenho posto;


    I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and Iwill make nations of you, and kings willcome from you.

    6 E te farei frutificar grandissimamente, ede ti farei naes, e reis sairo de ti;


    I will establish My covenant between Meand you and your descendants after youthroughout their generations for aneverlasting covenant, to be God to youand your descendants after you.

    7 E estabelecerei a minha aliana entremim e ti e a tua descendncia depois deti em suas geraes, por alianaperptua, para te ser a ti por Deus, e tua descendncia depois de ti.


    All the land of Canaan, where you nowlive as strangers, I will give to you and toyour descendants for an everlastingpossession, and I will be their God.

    8 E te darei a ti e tua descendnciadepois de ti, a terra de tuasperegrinaes, toda a terra de Cana emperptua possesso e ser-lhes-ei o seuDeus.


    Then God said to Abraham, As for you,you shall keep My covenant, you andyour descendants after you throughouttheir generations.

    9 Disse mais Deus a Abrao: Tu, porm,guardars a minha aliana, tu, e a tuadescendncia depois de ti, nas suasgeraes.


    This is My covenant, which you shallkeep, between Me and you and yourdescendants after you; every maleamong you shall be circumcised.

    10 Esta a minha aliana, que guardareisentre mim e vs, e a tua descendnciadepois de ti: Que todo o homem entrevs ser circuncidado.


    You shall circumcise the flesh of yourforeskins, and it shall be a sign of thecovenant between Me and you.

    11 E circuncidareis a carne do vossoprepcio; e isto ser por sinal da alianaentre mim e vs.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 17 Gnesis 17

    Every male throughout every generationthat is eight days old shall becircumcised, whether born in yourhousehold or bought with money from aforeigner who is not your descendant.

    12 O filho de oito dias, pois, sercircuncidado, todo o homem nas vossasgeraes; o nascido na casa, e ocomprado por dinheiro a qualquerestrangeiro, que no for da tuadescendncia.


    He who is born in your house and he whois bought with your money must becircumcised. My covenant shall be inyour flesh as an everlasting covenant.

    13 Com efeito ser circuncidado o nascidoem tua casa, e o comprado por teudinheiro; e estar a minha aliana navossa carne por aliana perptua.


    Any uncircumcised male whose flesh ofhis foreskin is not circumcised shall becut off from his people. He has brokenMy covenant.

    14 E o homem incircunciso, cuja carne doprepcio no estiver circuncidada,aquela alma ser extirpada do seu povo;quebrou a minha aliana.


    Then God said to Abraham, As for Saraiyour wife, you will not call her nameSarai, but her name will be Sarah.

    15 Disse Deus mais a Abrao: A Sarai tuamulher no chamars mais pelo nome deSarai, mas Sara ser o seu nome.


    I will bless her and also give you a sonby her. I will bless her, and she will bethe mother of nations. Kings of peopleswill come from her.

    16 Porque eu a hei de abenoar, e te dareidela um filho; e a abenoarei, e ser medas naes; reis de povos sairo dela.


    Then God said, No, but your wife Sarahwill bear you a son, and you will call hisname Isaac. I will establish My covenantwith him as an everlasting covenant andwith his descendants after him.

    19 E disse Deus: Na verdade, Sara, tuamulher, te dar um filho, e chamars oseu nome Isaque, e com eleestabelecerei a minha aliana, poraliana perptua para a suadescendncia depois dele.


    And as for Ishmael, I have heard you. Ihave blessed him, and will make himfruitful and will multiply him exceedingly.He will be the father of twelve princes,and I will make him a great nation.

    20 E quanto a Ismael, tambm te tenhoouvido; eis aqui o tenho abenoado, e f-lo-ei frutificar, e f-lo-ei multiplicargrandissimamente; doze prncipesgerar, e dele farei uma grande nao.


    But I will establish My covenant withIsaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at thisset time next year.

    21 A minha aliana, porm, estabelecereicom Isaque, o qual Sara dar luz nestetempo determinado, no ano seguinte.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 18 Gnesis 18

    One of them said, I will certainly return toyou about this time next year, and Sarahyour wife will have a son. And Sarahheard it in the tent door, which was behindhim.

    10 E disse: Certamente tornarei a ti por estetempo da vida; e eis que Sara tua mulherter um filho. E Sara escutava porta datenda, que estava atrs dele.


    Then the LORD said to Abraham, Why didSarah laugh and say, Shall I surely beara child when I am old?

    13 E disse o SENHOR a Abrao: Por que seriu Sara, dizendo: Na verdade darei eu luz ainda, havendo j envelhecido?


    Is anything too difficult for the LORD? Atthe appointed time I will return to you, atthis time next year, and Sarah will have ason.

    14 Haveria coisa alguma difcil ao SENHOR?Ao tempo determinado tornarei a ti poreste tempo da vida, e Sara ter um filho.


    Then Sarah denied it, saying, I did notlaugh, because she was afraid. But Hesaid, Yes, you did laugh.

    15 E Sara negou, dizendo: No me ri;porquanto temeu. E ele disse: No digasisso, porque te riste.


    Then the LORD said, Should I hide fromAbraham what I am doing,

    17 E disse o SENHOR: Ocultarei eu a Abraoo que fao,


    since Abraham will surely become agreat and mighty nation, and all thenations of the earth will be blessed inhim?

    18 Visto que Abrao certamente vir a seruma grande e poderosa nao, e nelesero benditas todas as naes da terra?


    I chose him, and he will instruct hischildren and his household after him tokeep the way of the LORD by doingrighteousness and justice, so that theLORD may bring to Abraham what Hepromised him.

    19 Porque eu o tenho conhecido, e sei queele h de ordenar a seus filhos e suacasa depois dele, para que guardem ocaminho do SENHOR, para agir comjustia e juzo; para que o SENHOR faavir sobre Abrao o que acerca dele temfalado.


    Then the LORD said, Because the outcryagainst Sodom and Gomorrah is great,and because their sin is very grave,

    20 Disse mais o SENHOR: Porquanto oclamor de Sodoma e Gomorra se temmultiplicado, e porquanto o seu pecadose tem agravado muito,


    I will go down and see if what they havedone is as bad as the outcry that hascome to Me. If not, I will know.

    21 Descerei agora, e verei se com efeito tmpraticado segundo o seu clamor, que vindo at mim; e se no, sab-lo-ei.


    So the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fiftyrighteous within the city, then I will sparethe entire place for their sakes.

    26 Ento disse o SENHOR: Se eu em Sodomaachar cinqenta justos dentro da cidade,pouparei a todo o lugar por amor deles.


    Suppose there were five less than the fiftyrighteous. Will You destroy all the city forlack of five? And He said, If I find forty-five there, I will not destroy it.

    28 Se porventura de cinqenta justos faltaremcinco, destruirs por aqueles cinco toda acidade? E disse: No a destruirei, se euachar ali quarenta e cinco.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 18 Gnesis 18

    And he spoke to Him yet again and said,Suppose there will be forty found there?So He said, I will not do it for the sake offorty.

    29 E continuou ainda a falar-lhe, e disse: Seporventura se acharem ali quarenta? Edisse: No o farei por amor dos quarenta.


    Then he said to Him, Let not the LORD beangry, and I will speak. Suppose there willbe thirty found there? Again He said, I willnot do it if I find thirty there.

    30 Disse mais: Ora, no se ire o SENHOR, seeu ainda falar: Se porventura se acharem alitrinta? E disse: No o farei se achar alitrinta.


    He said, Behold, I have undertaken tospeak to the LORD. Suppose twenty arefound there? He said, I will not destroy itfor the sake of twenty.

    31 E disse: Eis que agora me atrevi a falar aoSENHOR: Se porventura se acharem alivinte? E disse: No a destruirei por amordos vinte.


    Then he said, Let not the LORD be angry,and I will speak only once more. Supposeten will be found there? Then He said, Iwill not destroy it for the sake of ten.

    32 Disse mais: Ora, no se ire o SENHOR, queainda s mais esta vez falo: Se porventurase acharem ali dez? E disse: No adestruirei por amor dos dez.


    Genesis 20 Gnesis 20

    But God came to Abimelek in a dream bynight and said to him, You are a dead manbecause of the woman whom you havetaken, for she is a mans wife.

    3 Deus, porm, veio a Abimeleque em sonhosde noite, e disse-lhe: Eis que morto serspor causa da mulher que tomaste;porque ela tem marido.


    And God said to him in a dream, Yes, Iknow that you did this in the integrity ofyour heart. For I also kept you fromsinning against Me. Therefore, I did notlet you touch her.

    6 E disse-lhe Deus em sonhos: Bem sei euque na sinceridade do teu coraofizeste isto; e tambm eu te tenhoimpedido de pecar contra mim; por issono te permiti toc-la.


    Therefore return the mans wife, for he isa prophet and he will pray for you.Moreover, you will live. However, if youdo not return her, know that you willsurely die, you and all who are yours.

    7 Agora, pois, restitui a mulher ao seumarido, porque profeta , e rogar por ti,para que vivas; porm se no lharestitures, sabe que certamentemorrers, tu e tudo o que teu.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 21 Gnesis 21

    But God said to Abraham, Do not beupset concerning the boy and your slavewife. Whatever Sarah has said to you,listen to what she says, for in Isaac yourdescendants will be called.

    12 Porm Deus disse a Abrao: No te pareamal aos teus olhos acerca do moo eacerca da tua serva; em tudo o que Sarate diz, ouve a sua voz; porque em Isaqueser chamada a tua descendncia.


    Yet I will also make a nation of the son ofthe slave woman, because he is youroffspring.

    13 Mas tambm do filho desta serva fareiuma nao, porquanto tuadescendncia.


    And God heard the boys voice. Then theangel of God called to Hagar out of heavenand said to her, What is the matter withyou, Hagar? Do not be afraid, for Godhas heard the voice of the boy where heis.

    17 E ouviu Deus a voz do menino, e bradou oanjo de Deus a Agar desde os cus, edisse-lhe: Que tens, Agar? No temas,porque Deus ouviu a voz do meninodesde o lugar onde est.


    Arise, pick up the boy and hold him inyour hands, for I will make him a greatnation.

    18 Ergue-te, levanta o menino e pega-lhepela mo, porque dele farei uma grandenao.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 22 Gnesis 22

    The Sacrifice of Isaac

    After these things God tested Abraham andsaid to him, Abraham! And he said, HereI am.

    1 E ACONTECEU depois destas coisas, queprovou Deus a Abrao, e disse-lhe: Abrao!E ele disse: Eis-me aqui.


    Then He said, Take your son, your onlyson Isaac, whom you love, and go to theland of Moriah, and offer him there as aburnt offering on one of the mountains ofwhich I will tell you.

    2 E disse: Toma agora o teu filho, o teunico filho, Isaque, a quem amas, e vai-te terra de Mori, e oferece-o ali emholocausto sobre uma das montanhas,que eu te direi.


    But the angel of the LORD called to him outof heaven and said, Abraham, Abraham!And he said, Here I am.

    11 Mas o anjo do SENHOR lhe bradou desdeos cus, e disse: Abrao, Abrao! E eledisse: Eis-me aqui.


    Then He said, Do not lay your hands onthe boy or do anything to him, becausenow I know that you fear God, seeing youhave not withheld your only son fromMe.

    12 Ento disse: No estendas a tua mosobre o moo, e no lhe faas nada;porquanto agora sei que temes a Deus, eno me negaste o teu filho, o teu nicofilho.


    and said, By Myself I have sworn, saysthe LORD, because you have done thisthing, and have not withheld your son,your only son,

    16 E disse: Por mim mesmo jurei, diz oSENHOR: Porquanto fizeste esta ao, eno me negaste o teu filho, o teu nicofilho,


    I will indeed bless you and I will indeedmultiply your descendants as the stars ofthe heavens and as the sand that is onthe seashore. Your descendants willpossess the gate of their enemies.

    17 Que deveras te abenoarei, egrandissimamente multiplicarei a tuadescendncia como as estrelas doscus, e como a areia que est na praia domar; e a tua descendncia possuir aporta dos seus inimigos;


    Through your offspring all the nations ofthe earth will be blessed, because youhave obeyed My voice.

    18 E em tua descendncia sero benditastodas as naes da terra; porquantoobedeceste minha voz.


    Genesis 24 Gnesis 24

    The LORD God of heaven, who took mefrom my fathers family and from the land ofmy relatives, and who spoke to me andswore to me, saying, To your descendantsI will give this land, He shall send Hisangel before you and you shall take a wifefor my son from there.

    7 O SENHOR Deus dos cus, que me tomouda casa de meu pai e da terra da minhaparentela, e que me falou, e que me jurou,dizendo: tua descendncia darei estaterra; ele enviar o seu anjo adiante da tuaface, para que tomes mulher de l para meufilho.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 25 Gnesis 25

    Then the LORD said to her, Two nationsare in your womb, and two peoples willbe separated from your body; one peoplewill be stronger than the other, and theolder will serve the younger.

    23 E o SENHOR lhe disse: Duas naes hno teu ventre, e dois povos se dividirodas tuas entranhas, e um povo ser maisforte do que o outro povo, e o maiorservir ao menor.


    Genesis 26 Gnesis 26

    The LORD appeared to him and said, Donot go down to Egypt. Live in the land ofwhich I will tell you.

    2 E apareceu-lhe o SENHOR, e disse: Nodesas ao Egito; habita na terra que eu tedisser;


    Sojourn in this land, and I will be withyou and will bless you; for I will give toyou and all your descendants all theselands, and I will fulfill the oath which Iswore to Abraham your father.

    3 Peregrina nesta terra, e serei contigo, ete abenoarei; porque a ti e tuadescendncia darei todas estas terras, econfirmarei o juramento que tenhojurado a Abrao teu pai;


    I will make your descendants multiply asthe stars of the heavens and will giveyour descendants all these lands. Byyour descendants all the nations of theearth will be blessed,

    4 E multiplicarei a tua descendncia comoas estrelas dos cus, e darei tuadescendncia todas estas terras; e pormeio dela sero benditas todas asnaes da terra;


    because Abraham obeyed Me and keptMy charge, My commandments, Mystatutes, and My laws.

    5 Porquanto Abrao obedeceu minhavoz, e guardou o meu mandado, os meuspreceitos, os meus estatutos, e asminhas leis.


    The LORD appeared to him that same nightand said, I am the God of Abraham yourfather. Do not fear, for I am with you. Iwill bless you and multiply yourdescendants for the sake of My servantAbraham.

    24 E apareceu-lhe o SENHOR naquela mesmanoite, e disse: Eu sou o Deus de Abraoteu pai; no temas, porque eu soucontigo, e abenoar-te-ei, e multiplicareia tua descendncia por amor de Abraomeu servo.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 28 Gnesis 28

    The LORD stood above it and said, I amthe LORD God of Abraham your fatherand the God of Isaac. The land on whichyou lie, to you will I give it and to yourdescendants.

    13 E eis que o SENHOR estava em cima dela,e disse: Eu sou o SENHOR Deus deAbrao teu pai, e o Deus de Isaque; estaterra, em que ests deitado, darei a ti e tua descendncia;


    Your descendants will be like the dust ofthe earth, and you will spread abroad tothe west and to the east and to the northand to the south, and in you and in yourdescendants all the families of the earthwill be blessed.

    14 E a tua descendncia ser como o p daterra, e estender-se- ao ocidente, e aooriente, e ao norte, e ao sul, e em ti e natua descendncia sero benditas todasas famlias da terra;


    Remember, I am with you, and I willprotect you wherever you go, and I willbring you back to this land. For I will notleave you until I have done what Ipromised you.

    15 E eis que estou contigo, e te guardareipor onde quer que fores, e te farei tornara esta terra; porque no te deixarei, atque haja cumprido o que te tenho falado.


    Genesis 31 Gnesis 31

    Then the LORD said to Jacob, Return tothe land of your fathers, to your family,and I will be with you.

    3 E disse o SENHOR a Jac: Torna-te terrados teus pais, e tua parentela, e euserei contigo.


    The angel of God spoke to me in a dream,saying, Jacob. And I said, Here I am.

    11 E disse-me o anjo de Deus em sonhos:Jac! E eu disse: Eis-me aqui.


    He said, Now lift up your eyes and see allthe male goats which mate with the flockare striped, speckled, and spotted, for Ihave seen all that Laban has done to you.

    12 E disse ele: Levanta agora os teus olhos ev todos os bodes que cobrem orebanho, que so listrados, salpicados emalhados; porque tenho visto tudo o queLabo te fez.


    I am the God of Bethel, where youanointed the pillar, where you vowed avow to Me. Now arise, and get out of thisland, and return to the land of yourfamily.

    13 Eu sou o Deus de Betel, onde tensungido uma coluna, onde me fizeste umvoto; levanta-te agora, sai-te desta terra etorna-te terra da tua parentela.


    But God came to Laban the Syrian in adream by night and said to him, Take carethat you speak to Jacob neither good norbad.

    24 Veio, porm, Deus a Labo, o arameu, emsonhos, de noite, e disse-lhe: Guarda-te,que no fales com Jac nem bem nemmal.


    It is in my power to do you harm, but theGod of your father spoke to me last night,saying, Take care that you not speak toJacob either good or bad.

    29 Poder havia em minha mo para vos fazermal, mas o Deus de vosso pai me falouontem noite, dizendo: Guarda-te, que nofales com Jac nem bem nem mal.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 32 Gnesis 32

    And Jacob said, O God of my fatherAbraham and God of my father Isaac, theLORD who said to me, Return to yourcountry and to your relatives, and I willprosper you,

    9 Disse mais Jac: Deus de meu pai Abrao,e Deus de meu pai Isaque, o SENHOR, queme disseste: Torna-te tua terra, e a tuaparentela, e far-te-ei bem;


    You said, I will surely prosper you andmake your descendants as the sand ofthe sea, which is too many to becounted.

    12 E tu o disseste: Certamente te farei bem, efarei a tua descendncia como a areia domar, que pela multido no se podecontar.


    Then He said, Let Me go, for the daybreaks. But Jacob said, I will not let Yougo, unless You bless me.

    26 E disse: Deixa-me ir, porque j a alvasubiu. Porm ele disse: No te deixarei ir,se no me abenoares.


    So He said to him, What is your name?And he said, Jacob.

    27 E disse-lhe: Qual o teu nome? E eledisse: Jac.


    Then the man said, Your name will nomore be called Jacob, but Israel. For youhave fought with God and with men, andhave prevailed.

    28 Ento disse: No te chamars mais Jac,mas Israel; pois como prncipe lutastecom Deus e com os homens, eprevaleceste.


    Then Jacob asked Him, Tell me, I pray You,Your name. But He said, Why do you askMe My name? Then He blessed him there.

    29 E Jac lhe perguntou, e disse: D-me, peo-te, a saber o teu nome. E disse: Por queperguntas pelo meu nome? E abenoou-oali.


    Genesis 35 Gnesis 35

    Jacob Returns to Bethel

    Then God said to Jacob, Arise, go up toBethel, dwell there, and there make analtar to God, who appeared to you whenyou fled from the face of Esau yourbrother.

    1 DEPOIS disse Deus a Jac: Levanta-te,sobe a Betel, e habita ali; e faze ali umaltar ao Deus que te apareceu, quandofugiste da face de Esa teu irmo.


    God said to him, Your name is Jacob.Your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name. SoHe called his name Israel.

    10 E disse-lhe Deus: O teu nome Jac; note chamars mais Jac, mas Israel ser oteu nome. E chamou-lhe Israel.


    God said to him, I am God Almighty. Befruitful and multiply. A nation and acompany of nations will come from you,and kings shall come forth from you.

    11 Disse-lhe mais Deus: Eu sou o Deus Todo-Poderoso; frutifica e multiplica-te; umanao, sim, uma multido de naessair de ti, e reis procedero dos teuslombos;


    The land that I gave Abraham and Isaac, Iwill give to you, and to your descendantsafter you I will give the land.

    12 E te darei a ti a terra que tenho dado aAbrao e a Isaque, e tua descendnciadepois de ti darei a terra.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Genesis 46 Gnesis 46

    God spoke to Israel in visions of the nightand said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said,Here I am.

    2 E falou Deus a Israel em vises de noite, edisse: Jac, Jac! E ele disse: Eis-me aqui.


    Then He said, I am God, the God of yourfather. Do not be afraid to go down toEgypt, for I will make you into a greatnation there.

    3 E disse: Eu sou Deus, o Deus de teu pai;no temas descer ao Egito, porque eu tefarei ali uma grande nao.


    I will go down with you to Egypt, and Iwill also surely bring you back again.And Josephs own hand shall close youreyes.

    4 E descerei contigo ao Egito, ecertamente te farei tornar a subir, e Jospor a sua mo sobre os teus olhos.


    Genesis 48 Gnesis 48

    And He said to me, I will make you fruitfuland multiply you, and I will make you intoa multitude of people and will give thisland to your descendants after you for aneverlasting possession.

    4 E me disse: Eis que te farei frutificar emultiplicar, e tornar-te-ei uma multidode povos e darei esta terra tuadescendncia depois de ti, empossesso perptua.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 3 xodo 3

    When the LORD saw that he turned aside tosee, God called to him from out of the midstof the bush and said, Moses, Moses. Andhe said, Here am I.

    4 E vendo o SENHOR que se virava para ver,bradou Deus a ele do meio da sara, edisse: Moiss, Moiss. Respondeu ele: Eis-me aqui.


    He said, Do not approach here. Removeyour sandals from off your feet, for theplace on which you are standing is holyground.

    5 E disse: No te chegues para c; tira ossapatos de teus ps; porque o lugar emque tu ests terra santa.


    Moreover He said, I am the God of yourfather, the God of Abraham, the God ofIsaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moseshid his face, for he was afraid to look uponGod.

    6 Disse mais: Eu sou o Deus de teu pai, oDeus de Abrao, o Deus de Isaque, e oDeus de Jac. E Moiss encobriu o seurosto, porque temeu olhar para Deus.


    The LORD said, I have surely seen theaffliction of My people who are in Egyptand have heard their cry on account oftheir taskmasters, for I know theirsorrows.

    7 E disse o SENHOR: Tenho vistoatentamente a aflio do meu povo, queest no Egito, e tenho ouvido o seuclamor por causa dos seus exatores,porque conheci as suas dores.


    Therefore, I have come down to deliverthem out of the hand of the Egyptians,and to bring them up out of that land to agood and spacious land, to a landflowing with milk and honey, to the placeof the Canaanites, the Hittites, theAmorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, andthe Jebusites.

    8 Portanto desci para livr-lo da mo dosegpcios, e para faz-lo subir daquelaterra, a uma terra boa e larga, a uma terraque mana leite e mel; ao lugar docananeu, e do heteu, e do amorreu, e doperizeu, e do heveu, e do jebuseu.


    Now therefore, the cry of the children ofIsrael has come to Me. Moreover, I havealso seen the oppression with which theEgyptians are oppressing them.

    9 E agora, eis que o clamor dos filhos deIsrael vindo a mim, e tambm tenhovisto a opresso com que os egpcios osoprimem.


    Come now therefore, and I will send youto Pharaoh so that you may bring forthMy people, the children of Israel, out ofEgypt.

    10 Vem agora, pois, e eu te enviarei a Farapara que tires o meu povo ( os filhos deIsrael ) do Egito.


    And He said, Certainly I will be with you,and this will be a sign to you, that I havesent you: When you have brought forththe people out of Egypt, all of you shallserve God on this mountain.

    12 E disse: Certamente eu serei contigo; eisto te ser por sinal de que eu te enviei:Quando houveres tirado este povo doEgito, servireis a Deus neste monte.


    And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM,and He said, You will say this to thechildren of Israel, I AM has sent me toyou.

    14 E disse Deus a Moiss: EU SOU O QUESOU. Disse mais: Assim dirs aos filhosde Israel: EU SOU me enviou a vs.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 3 xodo 3

    God, moreover, said to Moses, Thus youwill say to the children of Israel, TheLORD, the God of your fathers, the Godof Abraham, the God of Isaac, and theGod of Jacob, has sent me to you. This isMy name forever, and this is Mymemorial to all generations.

    15 E Deus disse mais a Moiss: Assim dirsaos filhos de Israel: O SENHOR Deus devossos pais, o Deus de Abrao, o Deusde Isaque, e o Deus de Jac, me enviou avs; este meu nome eternamente, eeste meu memorial de gerao emgerao.


    Go, and gather the elders of Israeltogether, and say to them, The LORD,the God of your fathers, the God ofAbraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob,appeared to me, saying, I am indeedconcerned about you and what has beendone to you in Egypt.

    16 Vai, e ajunta os ancios de Israel e dize-lhes: O SENHOR Deus de vossos pais, oDeus de Abrao, de Isaque e de Jac, meapareceu, dizendo: Certamente vostenho visitado e visto o que vos feitono Egito.


    Therefore, I said, I will bring you up outof the affliction of Egypt to the land of theCanaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, thePerizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites,to a land flowing with milk and honey.

    17 Portanto eu disse: Far-vos-ei subir daaflio do Egito terra do cananeu, doheteu, do amorreu, do perizeu, do heveue do jebuseu, a uma terra que mana leitee mel.


    They shall listen to your voice, and youshall come, you and the elders of Israel,to the king of Egypt, and you must say tohim, The LORD, the God of the Hebrewshas met with us. Therefore, now, let usgo, we ask you, three days journey intothe wilderness so that we may sacrificeto the LORD our God.

    18 E ouviro a tua voz; e irs, tu com osancios de Israel, ao rei do Egito, e dir-lhe-eis: O SENHOR Deus dos hebreusnos encontrou. Agora, pois, deixa-nos ircaminho de trs dias para o deserto, paraque sacrifiquemos ao SENHOR nossoDeus.


    However, I know that the king of Egyptwill not let you go, no, not even under aforceful hand.

    19 Eu sei, porm, que o rei do Egito no vosdeixar ir, nem ainda por uma mo forte.


    So I will stretch out My hand and strikeEgypt with all My wonders which I willperform in its midst, and after that he willlet you go.

    20 Porque eu estenderei a minha mo, eferirei ao Egito com todas as minhasmaravilhas que farei no meio dele;depois vos deixar ir.


    I will give this people favor in the sightof the Egyptians, and it will come topass, that, when you go, you will not goempty-handed.

    21 E eu darei graa a este povo aos olhosdos egpcios; e acontecer que, quandosairdes, no saireis vazios,


    But every woman will borrow of herneighbor, and of her that sojourns in herhouse, articles of silver, and articles ofgold, and clothing, and you will put themon your sons, and on your daughters in this way you will plunder theEgyptians.

    22 Porque cada mulher pedir sua vizinhae sua hspeda jias de prata, e jias deouro, e vestes, as quais poreis sobrevossos filhos e sobre vossas filhas; edespojareis os egpcios.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 4 xodo 4

    The LORD said to him, What is that inyour hand? And he said, A rod.

    2 E o SENHOR disse-lhe: Que isso na tuamo? E ele disse: Uma vara.


    He said, Throw it on the ground. And hethrew it on the ground, and it became aserpent. Then Moses fled from it.

    3 E ele disse: Lana-a na terra. Ele a lanouna terra, e tornou-se em cobra; e Moissfugia dela.


    This is so that they may believe that theLORD, the God of their fathers, the Godof Abraham, the God of Isaac, and theGod of Jacob, has appeared to you.

    5 Para que creiam que te apareceu oSENHOR Deus de seus pais, o Deus deAbrao, o Deus de Isaque e o Deus deJac.


    The LORD said furthermore to him, Nowput your hand into your bosom. He puthis hand into his bosom, and when he took itout, his hand was as leprous as snow.

    6 E disse-lhe mais o SENHOR: Pe agora atua mo no teu seio. E, tirando-a, eis que asua mo estava leprosa, branca como aneve.


    He said, Put your hand into your bosomagain. So he put his hand into his bosomagain and brought it out of his bosom, and itwas restored like his other flesh.

    7 E disse: Torna a por a tua mo no teuseio. E tornou a colocar sua mo no seuseio; depois tirou-a do seu seio, e eis que setornara como a sua carne.


    If they will not believe you, nor listen tothe voice of the first sign, then they maybelieve the voice of the latter sign.

    8 E acontecer que, se eles no te crerem,nem ouvirem a voz do primeiro sinal,crero voz do derradeiro sinal;


    But if they will not believe also these twosigns or listen to your voice, then youshall take water from the river and pour iton the dry land, and the water which youtake out of the river will become blood onthe dry land.

    9 E se acontecer que ainda no creiam aestes dois sinais, nem ouvirem a tua voz,tomars das guas do rio, e asderramars na terra seca; e as guas,que tomars do rio, tornar-se-o emsangue sobre a terra seca.


    The LORD said to him, Who has mademans mouth? Or who made the dumb, ordeaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Havenot I, the LORD?

    11 E disse-lhe o SENHOR: Quem fez a bocado homem? ou quem fez o mudo, ou osurdo, ou o que v, ou o cego? No soueu, o SENHOR?


    Now therefore go, and I will be with yourmouth and teach you what you mustsay.

    12 Vai, pois, agora, e eu serei com a tuaboca e te ensinarei o que hs de falar.


    The anger of the LORD was inflamedagainst Moses, and He said, Is not Aaronthe Levite your brother? I know that hecan speak well. And also, he comes outto meet you, and when he sees you, hewill be glad in his heart.

    14 Ento se acendeu a ira do SENHOR contraMoiss, e disse: No Aro, o levita, teuirmo? Eu sei que ele falar muito bem; eeis que ele tambm sai ao teu encontro;e, vendo-te, se alegrar em seu corao.


    You shall speak to him and put the wordsin his mouth, and I will be with yourmouth, and with his mouth, and willteach you what you must do.

    15 E tu lhe falars, e pors as palavras nasua boca; e eu serei com a tua boca, ecom a dele, ensinando-vos o que haveisde fazer.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 4 xodo 4

    Whats more, he will be your spokesmanto the people, and he will be as a mouthfor you, and you will be as God to him.

    16 E ele falar por ti ao povo; e acontecerque ele te ser por boca, e tu lhe serspor Deus.


    You must take this rod in your hand, withwhich you will perform the signs.

    17 Toma, pois, esta vara na tua mo, comque fars os sinais.


    The LORD said to Moses in Midian, Go,return to Egypt, for all the men are deadwho sought your life.

    19 Disse tambm o SENHOR a Moiss emMidi: Vai, volta para o Egito; porquetodos os que buscavam a tua almamorreram.


    The LORD said to Moses, When you go toreturn into Egypt, see that you do allthose wonders before Pharaoh, which Ihave put in your hand, but I will hardenhis heart, so that he shall not let thepeople go.

    21 E disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Quandovoltares ao Egito, atenta que faas diantede Fara todas as maravilhas que tenhoposto na tua mo; mas eu lheendurecerei o corao, para que nodeixe ir o povo.


    You shall say to Pharaoh, Thus says theLORD: Israel is My son, even Myfirstborn.

    22 Ento dirs a Fara: Assim diz oSENHOR: Israel meu filho, meuprimognito.


    So I say to you, Let My son go, that hemay serve Me. And if you refuse to lethim go, I will slay your son, even yourfirstborn.

    23 E eu te tenho dito: Deixa ir o meu filho,para que me sirva; mas tu recusastedeix-lo ir; eis que eu matarei a teu filho,o teu primognito.


    Now the LORD said to Aaron, Go into thewilderness to meet Moses. So he went,and met him at the mount of God, andkissed him.

    27 Disse o SENHOR a Aro: Vai ao deserto,ao encontro de Moiss. E ele foi, eencontrou-o no monte de Deus, e beijou-o.


    Exodus 5 xodo 5

    Bricks Without Straw

    And afterward Moses and Aaron went in andsaid to Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD, theGod of Israel, Let My people go, that theymay hold a feast to Me in thewilderness.

    1 E DEPOIS foram Moiss e Aro e disserama Fara: Assim diz o SENHOR Deus deIsrael: Deixa ir o meu povo, para que mecelebre uma festa no deserto.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 6 xodo 6

    Then the LORD said to Moses, Now youshall see what I will do to Pharaoh, forwith a strong hand shall he let them go,and with a strong hand shall he drivethem out of his land.

    1 ENTO disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Agoravers o que hei de fazer a Fara; porquepor uma mo poderosa os deixar ir, sim,por uma mo poderosa os lanar de suaterra.


    Then God spoke to Moses, and said to him,I am the LORD,

    2 Falou mais Deus a Moiss, e disse: Eu souo SENHOR.


    and I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, andto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty,but by My name, The LORD, I was notknown to them.

    3 E eu apareci a Abrao, a Isaque, e a Jac,como o Deus Todo-Poderoso; mas pelomeu nome, o SENHOR, no lhes fuiperfeitamente conhecido.


    I have also established My covenant withthem, to give them the land of Canaan,the land of their pilgrimage, wherein theysojourned.

    4 E tambm estabeleci a minha alianacom eles, para dar-lhes a terra de Cana,a terra de suas peregrinaes, na qualforam peregrinos.


    I have also heard the groaning of thechildren of Israel, whom the Egyptianskeep in bondage, and I have rememberedMy covenant.

    5 E tambm tenho ouvido o gemido dosfilhos de Israel, aos quais os egpciosfazem servir, e lembrei-me da minhaaliana.


    Therefore say to the children of Israel: Iam the LORD, and I will bring you outfrom under the burdens of the Egyptians,and I will rid you out of their bondage,and I will redeem you with a stretched-out arm and with great judgments.

    6 Portanto dize aos filhos de Israel: Eu souo SENHOR, e vos tirarei de debaixo dascargas dos egpcios, e vos livrarei daservido, e vos resgatarei com braoestendido e com grandes juzos.


    And I will take you to Me for a people,and I will be to you a God. And you shallknow that I am the LORD your God, whobrings you out from under the burdens ofthe Egyptians.

    7 E eu vos tomarei por meu povo, e sereivosso Deus; e sabereis que eu sou oSENHOR vosso Deus, que vos tiro dedebaixo das cargas dos egpcios;


    I will bring you into the land, which Iswore to give to Abraham, to Isaac, andto Jacob, and I will give it to you for aheritage. I am the LORD.

    8 E eu vos levarei terra, acerca da quallevantei minha mo, jurando que a dariaa Abrao, a Isaque e a Jac, e vo-la dareipor herana, eu o SENHOR.


    Go in, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to letthe children of Israel go out of his land.

    11 Entra, e fala a Fara rei do Egito, quedeixe sair os filhos de Israel da sua terra.


    It was that Aaron and Moses to whom theLORD said, Bring out the children ofIsrael from the land of Egypt according totheir armies.

    26 Estes so Aro e Moiss, aos quais oSENHOR disse: Tirai os filhos de Israel daterra do Egito, segundo os seusexrcitos.


    the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, I amthe LORD. Speak to Pharaoh the king ofEgypt all that I say to you.

    29 Falou o SENHOR a Moiss, dizendo: Eusou o SENHOR; fala a Fara, rei do Egito,tudo quanto eu te digo.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 7 xodo 7

    So the LORD said to Moses, See, I havemade you a god to Pharaoh, and Aaronyour brother will be your prophet.

    1 ENTO disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Eisque te tenho posto por deus sobre Fara,e Aro, teu irmo, ser o teu profeta.


    You shall speak all that I command you,and Aaron your brother shall tell Pharaohto send the children of Israel out of hisland.

    2 Tu falars tudo o que eu te mandar; eAro, teu irmo, falar a Fara, que deixeir os filhos de Israel da sua terra.


    But I will harden Pharaohs heart andmultiply My signs and My wonders in theland of Egypt.

    3 Eu, porm, endurecerei o corao deFara, e multiplicarei na terra do Egito osmeus sinais e as minhas maravilhas.


    Nevertheless, Pharaoh will not listen toyou, so that I may lay My hand uponEgypt and bring forth My armies and Mypeople, the children of Israel, out of theland of Egypt by great judgments.

    4 Fara, pois, no vos ouvir; e eu poreiminha mo sobre o Egito, e tirarei meusexrcitos, meu povo, os filhos de Israel,da terra do Egito, com grandes juzos.


    And the Egyptians shall know that I amthe LORD when I stretch forth My handupon Egypt and bring out the children ofIsrael from among them.

    5 Ento os egpcios sabero que eu sou oSENHOR, quando estender a minha mosobre o Egito, e tirar os filhos de Israeldo meio deles.


    When Pharaoh shall speak to you,saying, Show a miracle, then you shallsay to Aaron, Take your rod, and throw itbefore Pharaoh, and it shall become aserpent.

    9 Quando Fara vos falar, dizendo: Fazeivs um milagre, dirs a Aro: Toma a tuavara, e lana-a diante de Fara; e setornar em serpente.


    The First Plague: Waters Turn to Blood

    The LORD said to Moses, Pharaohsheart is hardened. He refuses to let thepeople go.

    14 Ento disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Ocorao de Fara est endurecido,recusa deixar ir o povo.


    Go to Pharaoh in the morning as he goesout to the water, and you shall stand bythe rivers bank to meet him. You musttake the rod which was turned to aserpent in your hand.

    15 Vai pela manh a Fara; eis que ele sairs guas; pe-te em frente dele na beirado rio, e tomars em tua mo a vara quese tornou em cobra.


    Then you are to say to him, The LORD,the God of the Hebrews, has sent me toyou, saying, Let My people go, so thatthey may serve Me in the wilderness.But up to this point you have notlistened!

    16 E lhe dirs: O SENHOR Deus doshebreus me tem enviado a ti, dizendo:Deixa ir o meu povo, para que me sirvano deserto; porm eis que at agora notens ouvido.


    Thus says the LORD, In this you shallknow that I am the LORD: Indeed, I willstrike the waters of the Nile with the rodthat is in my hand, and they shall beturned to blood.

    17 Assim diz o SENHOR: Nisto sabers queeu sou o SENHOR: Eis que eu com estavara, que tenho em minha mo, ferirei asguas que esto no rio, e tornar-se-oem sangue.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 7 xodo 7

    And the fish that are in the river shall die,and the river shall stink so that theEgyptians shall be weary of drinking therivers water.

    18 E os peixes, que esto no rio, morrero,e o rio cheirar mal; e os egpcios teronojo de beber da gua do rio.


    Then the LORD spoke to Moses, Say toAaron, Take your rod, and stretch outyour hand over the waters of Egypt, overtheir rivers, over their canals, over theirponds, and over all their pools of water,so that they may become blood. Andthere will be blood throughout all theland of Egypt, both in vessels of wood,and in vessels of stone.

    19 Disse mais o SENHOR a Moiss: Dize aAro: Toma tua vara, e estende a tua mosobre as guas do Egito, sobre as suascorrentes, sobre os seus rios, e sobre osseus tanques, e sobre todo oajuntamento das suas guas, para que setornem em sangue; e haja sangue emtoda a terra do Egito, assim nos vasos demadeira como nos de pedra.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 8 xodo 8

    The Second Plague: Frogs

    Then the LORD said to Moses, Go toPharaoh and say to him, Thus says theLORD: Let My people go, so that theymay serve Me.

    1 DEPOIS disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Vai aFara e dize-lhe: Assim diz o SENHOR:Deixa ir o meu povo, para que me sirva.


    But if you refuse to let them go, then Iwill plague all your borders with frogs.

    2 E se recusares deix-lo ir, eis que ferireicom rs todos os teus termos.


    And the river will swarm with frogs,which shall go up and come into yourhouse, and into your bedchamber, andon your bed, and into the houses of yourservants, and on your people, and intoyour ovens, and into your kneadingtroughs.

    3 E o rio criar rs, que subiro e viro tua casa, e ao teu dormitrio, e sobre atua cama, e s casas dos teus servos, esobre o teu povo, e aos teus fornos, e stuas amassadeiras.


    So the frogs shall come upon you, uponyour people, and upon all yourservants.

    4 E as rs subiro sobre ti, e sobre o teupovo, e sobre todos os teus servos.


    Then the LORD said to Moses, Say toAaron, Stretch forth your hand with yourrod over the streams, over the rivers, andover the ponds, and cause frogs to comeup on the land of Egypt.

    5 Disse mais o SENHOR a Moiss: Dize aAro: Estende a tua mo com tua varasobre as correntes, e sobre os rios, esobre os tanques, e faze subir rs sobrea terra do Egito.


    The Third Plague: Gnats

    Then the LORD said to Moses, Say toAaron, Stretch out your rod, and strikethe dust of the land, so that it maybecome gnats throughout all the land ofEgypt.

    16 Disse mais o SENHOR a Moiss: Dize aAro: Estende a tua vara, e fere o p daterra, para que se torne em piolhos portoda a terra do Egito.


    The Fourth Plague: Flies

    So the LORD said to Moses, Rise up earlyin the morning and stand before Pharaohas he comes forth to the water and say tohim, Thus says the LORD: Let My peoplego, so that they may serve Me.

    20 Disse mais o SENHOR a Moiss: Levanta-te pela manh cedo e pe-te diante deFara; eis que ele sair s guas; e dize-lhe: Assim diz o SENHOR: Deixa ir o meupovo, para que me sirva.


    Otherwise, if you will not let My peoplego, indeed I will send swarms of flies onyou, and on your servants, and on yourpeople, and into your houses. And thehouses of the Egyptians shall be full ofswarms of flies and also the groundwherever they are.

    21 Porque se no deixares ir o meu povo,eis que enviarei enxames de moscassobre ti, e sobre os teus servos, e sobreo teu povo, e s tuas casas; e as casasdos egpcios se enchero destesenxames, e tambm a terra em que elesestiverem.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 8 xodo 8

    I will in that day set apart the land ofGoshen, in which My people dwell, sothat no swarms of flies shall be there, inorder that you may know that I am theLORD in the midst of the earth.

    22 E naquele dia eu separarei a terra deGsen, em que meu povo habita, quenela no haja enxames de moscas, paraque saibas que eu sou o SENHOR nomeio desta terra.


    I will put a division between My peopleand your people. Tomorrow this sign willhappen.

    23 E porei separao entre o meu povo e oteu povo; amanh se far este sinal.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 9 xodo 9

    The Fifth Plague: Livestock Die

    Then the LORD said to Moses, Go toPharaoh, and speak to him, Thus saysthe LORD, the God of the Hebrews: LetMy people go, so that they may serve Me.

    1 DEPOIS o SENHOR disse a Moiss: Vai aFara, e dize-lhe: Assim diz o SENHORDeus dos hebreus: Deixa ir o meu povo,para que me sirva.


    For if you refuse to let them go andcontinue holding them,

    2 Porque se recusares deix-los ir, e aindapor fora os detiveres,


    indeed, the hand of the LORD will beupon your livestock which are in thefield, upon the horses, upon the donkeys,upon the camels, upon the oxen, andupon the sheep. There shall be a verygrievous pestilence.

    3 Eis que a mo do SENHOR ser sobreteu gado, que est no campo, sobre oscavalos, sobre os jumentos, sobre oscamelos, sobre os bois, e sobre asovelhas, com pestilncia gravssima.


    The LORD shall separate between thelivestock of Israel and the livestock ofEgypt, and nothing shall die of all thatbelongs to the children of Israel.

    4 E o SENHOR far separao entre o gadodos israelitas e o gado dos egpcios,para que nada morra de tudo o que fordos filhos de Israel.


    So the LORD appointed a set time, saying,Tomorrow the LORD shall do this thingin the land.

    5 E o SENHOR assinalou certo tempo,dizendo: Amanh far o SENHOR estacoisa na terra.


    The Sixth Plague: Boils

    Then the LORD said to Moses and to Aaron,Take for yourselves handfuls of ashesfrom a kiln, and let Moses toss it towardthe heavens in the sight of Pharaoh.

    8 Ento disse o SENHOR a Moiss e a Aro:Tomai vossas mos cheias de cinza doforno, e Moiss a espalhe para o cudiante dos olhos de Fara;


    It shall become fine dust over all the landof Egypt and shall be a boil breakingforth with blisters upon man and beast,throughout all the land of Egypt.

    9 E tornar-se- em p mido sobre toda aterra do Egito, e se tornar em sarna, quearrebente em lceras, nos homens e nogado, por toda a terra do Egito.


    The Seventh Plague: Hail

    Then the LORD said to Moses, Rise upearly in the morning, and stand beforePharaoh, and say to him, Thus says theLORD, the God of the Hebrews: Let Mypeople go, so that they may serve Me.

    13 Ento disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Levanta-te pela manh cedo, e pe-te diante deFara, e dize-lhe: Assim diz o SENHORDeus dos hebreus: Deixa ir o meu povo,para que me sirva;


    For I will at this time send all My plaguesupon you and your servants and yourpeople, so that you may know that thereis none like Me in all the earth.

    14 Porque esta vez enviarei todas as minhaspragas sobre o teu corao, e sobre osteus servos, e sobre o teu povo, para quesaibas que no h outro como eu emtoda a terra.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 9 xodo 9

    For by now I could have stretched out Myhand, so that I might strike you and yourpeople with pestilence, and you would becut off from the earth.

    15 Porque agora tenho estendido minhamo, para te ferir a ti e ao teu povo compestilncia, e para que sejas destrudo daterra;


    But, indeed, for this cause I have raisedyou up, in order to show in you My powerand so that My name may be declaredthroughout all the earth.

    16 Mas, deveras, para isto te mantive, paramostrar meu poder em ti, e para que omeu nome seja anunciado em toda aterra.


    Still, you exalt yourself against Mypeople by forbidding them to go.

    17 Tu ainda te exaltas contra o meu povo,para no o deixar ir?


    Certainly, tomorrow about this time I willcause it to rain a very severe hail, suchas has not happened in Egypt since itwas founded until now.

    18 Eis que amanh por este tempo fareichover saraiva mui grave, qual nuncahouve no Egito, desde o dia em que foifundado at agora.


    Send therefore now and bring yourlivestock and all that you have in the fieldto safety. Every man and beast whichshall be found in the field and notbrought home when the hail comes downupon them will die.

    19 Agora, pois, envia, recolhe o teu gado, etudo o que tens no campo; todo ohomem e animal, que for achado nocampo, e no for recolhido casa, asaraiva cair sobre eles, e morrero.


    So the LORD said to Moses, Stretch forthyour hand toward the heavens, so thatthere may be hail in all the land of Egypt,upon man and beast, and upon everyherb of the field, throughout the land ofEgypt.

    22 Ento disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Estendea tua mo para o cu, e haver saraivaem toda a terra do Egito, sobre oshomens e sobre o gado, e sobre toda aerva do campo, na terra do Egito.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 10 xodo 10

    The Eighth Plague: Locusts

    Then the LORD said to Moses, Go toPharaoh, for I have hardened his heartand the heart of his servants, that I mightshow these signs of Mine before him,

    1 DEPOIS disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Vai aFara, porque tenho endurecido o seucorao, e o corao de seus servos,para fazer estes meus sinais no meiodeles,


    in order that you may tell in the hearingof your son, and of your sons son, whatthings I have done in Egypt, and Mysigns which I have done among them,that you may know that I am the LORD.

    2 E para que contes aos ouvidos de teusfilhos, e dos filhos de teus filhos, ascoisas que fiz no Egito, e os meus sinais,que tenho feito entre eles; para quesaibais que eu sou o SENHOR.


    Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and saidto him, Thus says the LORD, the God of theHebrews, How long will you refuse tohumble yourself before Me? Let Mypeople go, that they may serve Me.

    3 Assim foram Moiss e Aro a Fara, edisseram-lhe: Assim diz o SENHOR Deusdos hebreus: At quando recusarshumilhar-te diante de mim? Deixa ir omeu povo para que me sirva;


    For if you refuse to let My people go,indeed, tomorrow I will bring locusts intoyour territory.

    4 Porque se ainda recusares deixar ir omeu povo, eis que trarei amanhgafanhotos aos teus termos.


    And they shall cover the face of theearth, such that no one will be able to seethe earth. Whats more, they shall eat theremainder of that which has escaped that which remains to you from the hail and shall eat every tree which growsfor you out of the field.

    5 E cobriro a face da terra, de modo queno se poder ver a terra; e eles comeroo restante que escapou, o que vos ficouda saraiva; tambm comero toda arvore que vos cresce no campo;


    And they shall fill your houses, and thehouses of all your servants, and thehouses of all the Egyptians whichneither your fathers, nor your fathersfathers have seen since the day that theywere on the earth until this day. And heturned and went out from Pharaoh.

    6 E enchero as tuas casas, e as casas detodos os teus servos e as casas de todosos egpcios, quais nunca viram teus pais,nem os pais de teus pais, desde o dia emque se acharam na terra at o dia dehoje. E virou-se, e saiu da presena deFara.


    Then the LORD said to Moses, Stretch outyour hand over the land of Egypt for thelocusts, so that they may come up uponthe land of Egypt and eat every herb ofthe land, even all that the hail has left.

    12 Ento disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Estendea tua mo sobre a terra do Egito para queos gafanhotos venham sobre a terra doEgito, e comam toda a erva da terra, tudoo que deixou a saraiva.


    The Ninth Plague: Darkness

    Then the LORD said to Moses, Stretch outyour hand toward the heavens, so thatthere may be darkness over the land ofEgypt, a darkness which may be felt.

    21 Ento disse o SENHOR a Moiss: Estendea tua mo para o cu, e viro trevassobre a terra do Egito, trevas que seapalpem.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 11 xodo 11

    Warning of the Final Plague

    Now the LORD said to Moses, I will stillbring one plague more upon Pharaoh,and upon Egypt. Afterwards he will letyou go from here. When he lets you go,he shall surely thrust you out from herealtogether.

    1 E O SENHOR disse a Moiss: Ainda umapraga trarei sobre Fara, e sobre o Egito;depois vos deixar ir daqui; e, quandovos deixar ir totalmente, a toda a pressavos lanar daqui.


    Speak now in the hearing of the people,and let every man borrow of his neighborand every woman of her neighbor,articles of silver and articles of gold.

    2 Fala agora aos ouvidos do povo, quecada homem pea ao seu vizinho, e cadamulher sua vizinha, jias de prata ejias de ouro.


    Moses said, Thus says the LORD, Aboutmidnight I will go out into the midst ofEgypt,

    4 Disse mais Moiss: Assim o SENHOR temdito: meia-noite eu sairei pelo meio doEgito;


    and all the firstborn in the land of Egyptshall die, from the firstborn of Pharaohwho sits on his throne, even to thefirstborn of the maidservant that isbehind the mill, as well as all thefirstborn of beasts.

    5 E todo o primognito na terra do Egitomorrer, desde o primognito de Fara,que haveria de assentar-se sobre o seutrono, at ao primognito da serva queest detrs da m, e todo o primognitodos animais.


    Then there shall be a great crythroughout all the land of Egypt, such asthere has never been, nor shall ever beagain.

    6 E haver grande clamor em toda a terrado Egito, como nunca houve semelhantee nunca haver;


    But against any of the children of Israel adog will not even move his tongue,against man or beast, in order that youmay know how that the LORDdistinguishes between Egypt and Israel.

    7 Mas entre todos os filhos de Israel nemmesmo um co mover a sua lngua,desde os homens at aos animais, paraque saibais que o SENHOR fez diferenaentre os egpcios e os israelitas.


    Then the LORD said to Moses, Pharaohshall not listen to you so that Mywonders may be multiplied in the land ofEgypt.

    9 O SENHOR dissera a Moiss: Fara novos ouvir, para que as minhasmaravilhas se multipliquem na terra doEgito.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 12 xodo 12

    This month shall be the beginning ofmonths to you. It shall be the first monthof the year to you.

    2 Este mesmo ms vos ser o princpiodos meses; este vos ser o primeiro dosmeses do ano.


    Speak to all the congregation of Israel,saying: On the tenth day of this monthevery man shall take a lamb, according tothe house of their fathers, a lamb for ahousehold.

    3 Falai a toda a congregao de Israel,dizendo: Aos dez deste ms tome cadaum para si um cordeiro, segundo ascasas dos pais, um cordeiro para cadafamlia.


    And if the household be too little for thelamb, let him and his neighbor next to hishouse take it according to the number ofthe persons; according to what each manshall eat, divide the lamb.

    4 Mas se a famlia for pequena para umcordeiro, ento tome um s com seuvizinho perto de sua casa, conforme onmero das almas; cada um conforme aoseu comer, fareis a conta conforme aocordeiro.


    Your lamb shall be without blemish, amale of the first year. You shall take it outfrom the sheep, or from the goats.

    5 O cordeiro, ou cabrito, ser sem mcula,um macho de um ano, o qual tomareisdas ovelhas ou das cabras.


    You shall keep it up until the fourteenthday of the same month, and then thewhole assembly of the congregation ofIsrael shall kill it in the evening.

    6 E o guardareis at ao dcimo quarto diadeste ms, e todo o ajuntamento dacongregao de Israel o sacrificar tarde.


    They shall take some of the blood andput it on the two side posts and on theupper doorpost of the houses in whichthey shall eat it.

    7 E tomaro do sangue, e p-lo-o emambas as ombreiras, e na verga da porta,nas casas em que o comerem.


    They shall eat the flesh on that night,roasted with fire, and they shall eat itwith unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

    8 E naquela noite comero a carne assadano fogo, com pes zimos; com ervasamargosas a comero.


    Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all withwater, but roasted with fire, its head withits legs and its entrails.

    9 No comereis dele cru, nem cozido emgua, seno assado no fogo, a suacabea com os seus ps e com a suafressura.


    And you shall let nothing of it remainuntil the morning, but that of it whichremains until the morning you shall burnwith fire.

    10 E nada dele deixareis at amanh; mas oque dele ficar at amanh, queimareis nofogo.


    In this way shall you eat it: with yourwaist girded, your sandals on your feet,and your staff in your hand. So you shalleat it in haste. It is the LORDs Passover.

    11 Assim pois o comereis: Os vossoslombos cingidos, os vossos sapatos nosps, e o vosso cajado na mo; e ocomereis apressadamente; esta apscoa do SENHOR.



  • Modern English Version (MEV) Bblia Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF)

    Exodus 12 xodo 12

    For I will pass through the land of Egyptthis night and will smite all the firstbornin the land of Egypt, both man and beast,and against all the gods of Egypt I willexecute judgment. I am the LORD.

    12 E eu passarei pela terra do Egito estanoite, e ferirei todo o primognito naterra do Egito, desde os homens at aosanimais; e em todos os deuses do Egitofarei juzos. Eu sou o SENHOR.


    The blood shall be to you for a sign onthe houses where you are. And when Isee the blood, I will pass over you, andthe plague shall not be upon you todestroy you when I smite the land ofEgypt.

    13 E aquele sangue vos ser por sinal nascasas em que estiverdes; vendo eusangue, passarei por cima de vs, e nohaver entre vs praga de mortandade,quando eu ferir a terra do Egito.


    This day shall be a memorial to you, andyou shall keep it as a feast to the LORD.Throughout your generations you shallkeep it a feast by an eternal ordinance.

    14 E este dia vos ser por memria, ecelebr-lo-eis por festa ao SENHOR; nasvossas geraes o celebrareis porestatuto perptuo.


    Seven days you shall eat unleavenedbread. On the first day you shall put awayleaven out of your houses, for whoevereats leavened bread from the first dayuntil the seventh day