ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/ http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/ centro de investigação em ciências e tecnologias da informação e arquitetura Propostas de Teses de Mestrado em Computação Gráfica, Visão por Computador, Realidade Virtual, Realidade Aumentada, Interação Pessoa-Máquina 2016-2017 METI, MEI, MIG, MIASIC ISCTE-IUL Prof. Miguel Sales Dias [email protected] Prof. Associado Convidado DCTI/ISCTE-IUL Director I&D Microsoft Prof. Sara Eloy [email protected] Prof. Auxiliar DAU/ISCTE-IUL Diretora do Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do ISCTE-IUL

Propostas de Teses de Mestrado em Computação Gráfica ... · Computação Gráfica, Visão por Computador, Realidade Virtual, Realidade Aumentada, Interação Pessoa-Máquina 2016-2017

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ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/


centro de investigação em ciências e tecnologias da informação e arquitetura

Propostas de Teses de Mestrado em

Computação Gráfica, Visão por Computador,

Realidade Virtual, Realidade Aumentada,

Interação Pessoa-Máquina



Prof. Miguel Sales Dias

[email protected]

Prof. Associado Convidado DCTI/ISCTE-IUL

Director I&D Microsoft

Prof. Sara Eloy

[email protected]

Prof. Auxiliar DAU/ISCTE-IUL

Diretora do Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do ISCTE-IUL

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/

Area: Virtual Reality

Topic: Understanding emotions in virtual spaces, via multi-

sensorial stimulation and biometric sensingScope• Virtual Environments are becoming increasingly popular and one niche of application that is attracting attention is

related to Virtual Environments (VEs), since they allow a museum visitor or tourist to feel immersed in sites that are

otherwise unreachable or difficult to visit, or allow a user to visit private or public spaces, before they are built. In

designing these environments, vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste are what VEs try to simulate via computing

means, so that users can report the sense of having been present somewhere else other than the place they really

were. Understanding the emotion felt by the user when navigating through the space, is also a relevant feedback to

the architect of the space. In this context, evaluating the user´s emotion and if the user felt a physical presence in a

VE is an important factor to characterize it.

Description of Work• State-of-the-art assessment

• Use biometric/ Physiological sensing available @ ISTAR-IUL (heart beat rate, electrodermal resistance, EEG -

Emotiv, eye tracking) and RGB-D sensing. Use existing VR spaces (3D building and/or urban model) with 3D

auralization and 3D sound rendering (ambisonics)

• Use several methods to measure basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise) through

Behavioral and Physiological sensing, comparison or questionnaires.

• Use CaveHollowspace middleware (CAVEH) based in OpenSceneGraph

• Perform usability evaluation in the context of students work at Architecture department @ ISCTE-IUL

• Write International/National conference paper & Thesis

Development Environment:• CAVE Hollowspace middleware based in OpenSceneGraph

• Kinect SDK, X-10 SDK, Emotiv SDK, FMOD, Processing, Biometric Sensors SDK (Plux, Ergoneers)

• Microsoft Visual Studio, C#/C++

• Blender, Matlab

Location• MLDC Porto

Ref: MSC Thesis: 3-D Sound Enhanced Presence in Virtual

Environments (António Sérgio Azevedo)

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/


Area: Virtual Reality

Topic: Brain-Computer Interface with Emotive• Scope

• BCI - Brain-Computer Interface

• http://www.emotiv.com/

• Emotive Provides access to dense array, high quality, raw EEG data

• 14 EEG channel locations

• 9 axis sensor (3x gyro, 3x accelerometer, 3x magnetometer)

• Description of Work • State-of-the-art assessment

• Use Emotive sensor @ ISTAR-IUL

• Conduct research using APIs and detection libraries:

• Facial Expressions

• Blink, Left wink, Right wink, Furrow (frown), Raise brow (surprise),

Smile, Clench teeth (grimace), Glance left, Glance right, Laugh, Smirk

(left side), Smirk (right side)

• Performance & Emotional Metrics:

• Instantaneous excitement, Long term excitement, Frustration,

Engagement, Meditation, Interest/ Affinity

• Mental Commands:

• Neutral, any of up to 4 pre-trained items from a list of 13 labels

• Leverage existing apps of the store

• Design the user experience

• Develop an app using Emotive SDK to detect Facial Expressions, Emotional

States or issue Mental Commands

• Perform usability evaluation

• Write International/National conference paper

• Write thesis

• Development Environment• C++, C# Microsoft Visual Studio

• Location• MLDC Porto

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/

Area: Virtual Reality

Topic: Immersive Virtual Reality with Oculus Rift• Scope

• https://www.oculus.com/rift/

• Resolution 960 x 1080 per eye

• Refresh Rate 60 Hz

• Persistence 2 ms, 3 ms, full

• 100° Field of View

• HDMI 1.4b

• USB 2.0

• Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer

• 1000 Hz

• Positional Tracking with Near Infrared CMOS Sensor (60 Hz)

• Description of Work • State-of-the-art assessment

• Use Oculus Rift @ ISTAR-IUL

• Test existing VR apps available in the Oculus Rift store, using 3D desktop @


• Integrate Oculus Rift in in-house VR system

• Leverage existing apps of the store

• Design the user experience

• Develop an app using Oculus Rift

• Perform usability evaluation

• Write International/National conference paper

• Write thesis

• Development Environment• CaveHollowspace (CAVEH) @ ISTAR-IUL with FMOD 3D sound, based in


• Unity 3D

• C++, C# Microsoft Visual Studio

Location• MLDC Porto

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/

• Scope• VR usually defines a set of computer technologies that can be used to create

simulated environments, with several levels of realism. CAVE (Cave Automatic

Virtual Environment) is a multi-projection immersive virtual reality environment

where projectors are directed to several walls of a room-sized cube. BIM (Building

information modeling) is a process involving the generation and management of

digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of a facility, using

standards for the definition and exchange of product data.

• Description of Work• State-of-the-art assessment

• Specify a system allowing to exchange BIM data with the existing CaveH

environment. (Architecture department @ ISCTE-IUL provides the 3D building


• Extend in-house VIARModes system @ ISTAR-IUL

• Recognize gestures via RGB-D sensing (Kinect One)

• Use European Portuguese speech API

• Develop a real-time prototype

• Perform usability evaluation in the context of students work at Architecture

department @ ISCTE-IUL.

• Write International/National conference paper

• Write thesis

• Development Environment• Revit or other BIM system

• CAVE Hollowspace middleware based in OpenScenegraph

• Blender

• Microsoft Visual Studio C#/C++, Kinect SDK

• Location• MLDC Porto

Area: Virtual Reality

Topic: Use of BIM in an immersive virtual reality environment

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/

• Scope• VR usually defines a set of computer technologies that can be used to create

simulated environments, with several levels of realism. CAVE (Cave Automatic

Virtual Environment) is a multi-projection immersive virtual reality environment

where projectors are directed to several walls of a room-sized cube

• Description of Work• State-of-the-art assessment

• Specify a system allowing the edition (moving, stretching, scaling, erasing, etc)

of a 3D model of building, within immersive VR and using natural gestures and

speech interaction (Architecture department @ ISCTE-IUL provides the 3D

building model)

• Recognize gestures via RGB-D sensing (Kinect One)

• Use European Portuguese speech API

• Use CaveHollowspace (CaveH) @ ISTAR-IUL

• Develop a real-time prototype

• Perform usability evaluation in the context of students work at Architecture

department @ ISCTE-IUL.

• Write International/National conference paper

• Write thesis

• Development Environment• CAVE Hollowspace middleware based in OpenScenegraph

• Blender

• Microsoft Visual Studio

• C++, Python, Kinect SDK

• Location• MLDC Porto

Area: Virtual Reality

Topic: 3D model edition in immersive virtual reality environment

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/

Area: Human-Robot Interaction

Topic: Communication between elderly and

Robot @ Home

Description of Work • State-of-the-art assessment

• Specify an interactive experience between a robot and an elderly

person to assist @ home

• Develop a NAO app using visual programming with Choreographe

• Use NAO Robot @ ISTAR-IUL

• Leverage existing NAO apps https://www.aldebaran.com/en

• Interaction:

• Loudspeakers

• Microphones

• Video camera

• Infra-Red

• LEDs

• Sensors:

• Force Sensitive Resistors

• Inertial unit

• Sonars

• Joint position sensors

• Contact and tactile sensors

• Design the user experience

• Develop a NAOapplication

• Perform usability evaluation

• Write International/National conference paper

• Write thesis

Development Environment


SDK C++ e Pyhton


App store

Location: ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/

Area: Image Processing & Computer Vision

Topic: Large RGB-D Full Object Dataset• Scope

RGB-D object datasets are an essential requirement for the computer

vision community, for tasks such as object categorization, instance

recognition and pose estimation. The availability of 3D object models

registered and grouped by category is a novel interesting R&D hypothesis

for the research community.

• Description of Work State-of-art (SOA) assessment

Collect household 3D objects using available ISCTE-IUL data collection

system, with Kinect One Sensor for Windows: per object , collect depth images,

camera pose and compute global point cloud

Develop a global polygon mesh reconstruction algorithm using SOA techniques

Develop an Azure-based database to host the collected objects

Evaluate state-of-the-art of object classifiers and develop an object recognition


Leverage current experience of the team with Eurographics Workshop on 3D

Object Retrieval (2015) - Shape REtrieval Contest (SHREC’15) Track: Retrieval

of Objects Captured with Kinect One Camera

Organize an international completion (2016) in the framework of Shape

REtrieval Contest (SHREC) - http://aimatshape.net/event/SHREC

Write International/national conference paper & thesis

• Development Environment C++, Microsoft Visual Studio

Point Cloud Library



• Location• ISCTE-IUL, ISTAR-IUL, Lisbon

ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal | Phone: + 351 210464023 | email: [email protected] | http://istar.iscte-iul.pt/

Area: Mobility Apps

Topic: Augmented Reality App for Windows 10• Scope

• AR is the provision of intuitive information presentation, which enhances

the perceiver’s situational awareness and cognitive perception of the real

world. Enhancement is achieved by placing virtual objects or information

cues into the real world. AR (Azuma 97): (a) combines real and virtual

environments; (b) is interactive in real-time; (c) is registered in 3D

• Description of Work• State-of-the art assessment

• Specify, develop and test an AR prototype for mobility (Windows 10)

based on FIRST (Fast Invariant to Rotation and Scaling feature

Transform) tracking system available @ ISTAR-IUL

• Improve existing in-house developed AR system Arch

• Conduct a benchmark evaluation between the system developed and

other state-of-the-art techniques

• Conduct an usability study of the developed prototype in Windows 10 with

a mobility AR application for: (i) a museum which acts like a complement

to the exhibition showing additional information, or ii) a system for city

map travel (Architect department @ ISCTE-IUL provides the 3D building

models and other elements)

• Write thesis and national/international conference paper

• Development Environment• C# and Win10 SDK

• Universal App framework

• Microsoft Visual Studio

• OpenCV

• Location


• ISTAR-IUL, Lisbon