SfeiC J II U C J II t a 1IMfc IItltllct- 1 0 the IIflabhoW of I 611 ifowwt WD I1V fa tJJe ren s of hili IW4 hie araT Mira MTe IfIkJ lIy up bi Win lIIJferal that h Ie Mil a lO g oth8r1l si oeeflo lional toucrIi of Iuoruf kootJs fIt m11aRd 111 bMd beeit to trI low dept bfol t a jllufitaMort if 8ir t1 or as h6 wu tor ail 8lloUrh I leUJo4 wom Who S I1f11f lCOiOII mftf- i SOO IMd iu fg1tt r et 1I 4 iq other tayi- j on mput the btbult co1bhx1 tlu UpPId under the bMelUeat door t wouJd bring n hewn II I 1row llut woui ll a fWn UJe Urt4 Sid to tui down the It wh uo InS It Il1w qcloty bad th Sid ze she wobfD th dlnncr dfah aild 1111 hadnt t tlred tor the Mr Lad a In Jew hl Ieep kUl the o limp find no In l thought over all 100 bt t alA n QU 4l c U ri KITCHEPI l ef C k I r I U TowQ- kOVn Qek 1tb rap Uk IaoiI- I 1 1 hWuty get II- U 0 cj 1 WM 8Io eiecp V i whn- bGr I Mti3aodiL wq 0 by to- t A nighttL aon moeti ont flnlshed roturnejj Wbexi the prtrnctc I WIth the tigt nd oont rei e4 bli4- DJ ftnd nnti an4onvaH- a d2 a mend It nine are commuted to the Monroe doctrine For r nator Hale of Maine BaW- imenl of our foreign affair be conservative and Id Kcnator Lodge of Ita1 f- rodlcal of radicals said Ih- ozuela I am hopjjy to say has taken im excellent Icvelands views V popular wltb ent ople- elieve ily not of reso- nate do- lHUon qf evolu looks 11 t lilt II 8I1Uel i- II a r If r 01 het Vi t C ate 0- D r ¬ o Ho 2 Etui June Vaatv o NoZUoBtonUakcdUtoni do toulrowtillroal Table Irish barrel i Red oniondo- YellowOolonf perbarretu to 115- 1CO to 100 to lUto LIB to- MS to Beauty of Ittbron for ec d toed Golden ClOAKETTEI- ErOnkeClgamtnlti t- il of North Carolina 2 01 ke Durham Sy llluton- i Carter B auly IIUMett lubt 1 rowe Royal Baking Powder I lb do do VMb- camnbeUa or ter mid1- nt the a In light I- PS l Iado the t Miss Ella tos I Sunday evening at clock by ilev John B Taylor hurch Wiu crowded some time be- Y no appointed hour and s ben that could not got in at all 30 arlon J Eddy of Brooklyn was lu- n yotterday JJ fall those thatfforo taken to Jack- S nvllla and tried for selling liquor in siwicted and 79 learn he got sixty days Prison and ten dollars fine Mr John Bausman and wife ot V geta i alter IDS a big awl 130 ot r 8 2o to N Karl 200 L7G ck OW CottolmeGOlb tin Ta at the en W 1r Id 21 M Mlxturu 2 oz 80 A 311 I t I was con tt fin lorcI who havo been nondlnll No2OU4tJt 1i1 y do o trow rw tb IC for ror flU MPI 4oth1- st Arw fl I there i 3 Thin LOUDLI 4a I Sbus md Nat Lat ad around Ielrose only ona > = Honfordi Bread rrepatatlon Almond English Walnut mt- I California Balslni Sultanas rain Jortlllter abject to market 4 per sack 110 lb- pcr ackl281bi Feed per mack irBarnes- j Dafkt direction bbiiiiJ the north fgtm hatred of gross ml v v v w battles of the 4 In vogue too sooner they r the bettor YlllJer l y le l oOI 1 d 0- F OEvalra1C WI d I Currants j ncer1 oekJ by ertroel W Del 0 pre per sack 100 lb e JOO lOOlbll per ton 1 per lack 113 100 board eal per bbl Itutod for ath per boah- nur hIstory be 4b FO t I I fl > t an official ap rfoncral satlafftctlo- najj Keonerly to i tbo board of county Tfa caused by tho roslgna- lgeVeitrccs Mr Kennerly islng thorougt Now let Conga oivitig to jun plan to the tirt- Thats the way that more In thar next Preside The probab y show how siii for the JIoi government whether lie claimed by tied to nrbiti8tea4ltls- dentCievtland w elM message to Co- publlcons will what they mslntenan ripd his official acts whll a mcmiier of tne old board shjw that the interests ot all the peoole will receive hie zealous cai The otlPalatka which particularly represents is fortunate in securing his appointment Having by such men as Judge and iir KonnerIy the ap- pojitroent of a man qt Interior ability would have been ill received by the populaee Pass Him Around It Is pleasant to learn that the land lord to permit his elevator W run on ter the tmnolU of a lot or little oath girls In were thus cbcfticd out ot hud been prepared for them on an upwv floor of n in Rbodu Island or Ijemwaro die twtetould SUCh a torn of man Kansas Siae That man lives uwry where lie will never be nbteio climb lie gulden Hair end the olevator of will not bo- runnlns for him when ho dice Tampa Trlbuae v- Hnch nice should nut be permitted to- ive i a civilized anti com uniiv They de to When die we know bo beyond the Gainesville Sun pt to catch his soul yon alt a trap with mouth J a anlftlJ M bund u outleinrn of wide experience now m J JudgmonLal1d e ho- I In pet IJ onted 1 Itla d repub CblCtl t trbleh J IIjQlj elon In Cliicngr ne axe IkpM itTwlirere In the 00110 t J t Nil 1 eniull pat Y J 11 Ii r to shIntoth heaVen n er bu d will go the meantime a uIC J r n LI r o D a c 1- 2r 11 a C r II fJ n II- on IJ I- Jft I r t If L Integrity r I t bed 1tP hay who c England l r 3 to orbit c loath they In i 0- i If 0 I n z C t- ia ¬ a week in town left last Saturday for Cedar where they are to spend the holidays Jenkins who lives about three and a half miles southwest of hero got his dwelling burned last Sun day evening The cause was attributed to n defective flue Wm Joynor of Orange Bights was In town yesterday Mra awl son David went to Waldo last Friday returning Saturday evening W of Cone visited us Sunday to learn that Mr George Place one of our winter visitors died at his homo in Philadelphia a few days ago Buckler Arnica Salve The float Salve m the world for Cuts truisM Salt Rheum Chilblains Corns Brup ions and cures Piles or no pay required It Is guaranteed to give or money Key Sor Fever Totter rlM 21 conts ner bo I oree Chapped lland ¬ Ackerman Stewart druggists A Host liberal Offer Tnfe has arranged to furnish the Post and Tux TniKsHimAtii both for one year tot only 8125 Ihe Wash- ington an 8page the leading paper at the Capital one leading papers country This is a nal low the two papers Excursion I at reduced rates to all Summer Resorts nt PEEKS Drug Store opposite court h ueo Mr John Harvey of Banncrvllle was In the city Saturday Wo acknowl- edge a pleasant call from Mr Harvey who is one of oldest aud most re- spected citizens of Putnam county EXPECTANt MOTHERS W Otter Yen INSURBS el Life to Moth r unit Child F recxjTtrr wiu ra aarox EnUutt Ala MUf Bo k To Motti OWN and WHIT k for HutchlnffiI- L 2fiOi n c- o l shipped ttii1- KATKI FlSHi Tnt j SIet I MOTHERS FRIEND Cea Il Jtl at Slik t4 IIOIIIIAA nlIXftD boo loro IIU Cd tr or iIIo ul ll bOil rIeWDn ht Jt J t r Ii elf nt t1ft1t < r j < C I NatiOnal Tickets for the Summer mnuoY Which Mebs Pain1 Ilcrrcraad lL olPr CII1Ib0 tot reiiYeiattiac5lttrnl ruOerin but aDO Sit b COiUIa O- cNAUni iRE BHE1F I 4 4iti ¬ ¬ ¬ > < le buildingup rnecficine for the people today ami- ioh OODS Tit hM won its hold fra absolute ic merit Bia not wkat we Say kit own that t lw tory Cures WoW when sit other PwiH ins and prescriptions fail srilto si have t a frtttbg law sine nd tnUjr 17- tto beet mtdioln tint HOODS rc taitoleii and tK US ttnt AU dronlsu i- ussioners Sale y r an 1 rye DtIj ood e all f arsapariHa the ol the people iti 1 at ce the 1110 00 W hlTbMIItll1ete4fHOOr wit fM1l1 re UI 1t1- 1ocd I kk1BfJlilO4 can J bar AflzXA mb re urifier above ot1ir md1cin rts h PIA Hoods pods uae4 13 W b4u I ZtTOXUp aid > OTHAM COUNTY tjapti lor Court of Bibb nthe CM4 JB MoTlgbt A Co t u a unii- uecrcet la the Cirecit Court of Mid Idtnm the UBdentniod ai- Vonunlmlonen said decrees will expose outcry for tale to the Udder on OF JANUAHY date being lawful boon of wit before the Court Ifcuse of PIatla Iutnau all or tot following real towlci 21 land situated III fl nine blocks In the Town of Fufaain foil County Klortda aggrejatlng apprvxl 15 Alto tho nndlrlded halt interest in the of the nwU and the nH of the ww and tile eyot w in Boo T B It at the aunt time and place aSVuf the rotnMn1- ltu ted ID 81 toe Town bt Qnodla 1 rMaores Mme time l eUi f- on U north Mdayof 1JiR AND nr VIItTIJE OF JDE and ameadmcuto tberllOf renderd rw MaCOn aI cue in of Led b at the lIrt1S lit J the the Count florida JDatel foU W III real estate lii the n FlOrId 81 town iota and AlI Ct end UIe the o the t Idle the fIW It and tell Md at of n of Bee I B acres 01181- 18AltIIl ten the no of Ieo 11 T 8 II end a et lit etoftlaiJ lt 20 18IItt lIlaiZ eeo II RSt ClIO aoru l the 17 I If1Il1JC I RItUS the me the ram the lets uld tty the ne4of ire uw te sI ot what Swof W4 e l4 a i oontalntng more the beeatle rl8tt En41 the u ofnwYDttheIw ca- I4 oi iwy01 boe < ¼ ¼ one undltlded halt Interest la 40 acre more or lets being the nwVi of hoe Btt84 the aH of taffriot- wVi ot Ben T 8 B K CM Lore more or lee kam the fojlow or leek Nonneaii corner lot ot Block Ity BU teen middle lot weal tide of Blue all of flock 20 that to the Southern and Florida Ballway Company the new Ek llonsa with 0 acnt more ot more or the oM Uonw with and a halt lH cw heretofore deeded to the G B A V Tiamor r iball his bid at the tine of the or wIDifa an hour thereafter or thereof tad the balance after of raid eale Crcill ton of Company ahall- har the Tight to bid for any aalil for the ame turrend to commissioner their claims or dehuindi laid Conitructlon Company at with Interest If one or told creditor not loin In Mid purobaw the creditor to oocflrmatloa of suob an amount of money u dull be aafflclent to to tbo not Joining In uld purchue their pro rate than amonut or amount for Mid property may haw been told Mid and tbargM that day be Allowed the Court AJ1 subject to confirmation by Court and uo or titles will be exeov until confirmation for furtherIbforraatlon apply to either ottoe or A A ilaconfl n w DAVIS WASHINGTON DKS8AO decttd Comml Ioji HiJ MASTERS S LE- HDKIl AND BY VIKTOa OF A of Foreclosure rendered ItfUie Court of tile Finn Judicial Clrcultoftl T S 4 i te Alto at tt 1114 roper1 In the City ot V1qrUa Ill one more DloOlt one ot land more or hoe sit ot lock that said block heretofore to FI n that which the 11111 and d WIld house now eggregat 1 inre or with the rUhta that rdaooa b Mid a lnl an hall Inc chill on ehelr made tile after luol1 A Jr tJ and 1110 5 pie eroa acre teeni bee Dar deeded tto- 0a stand sloop I Circuit > < < 11 o 00 j n I cr- til I J Jr r- lTHB lii4 il J r l Ii- I ii I rIr < To Alt w IB C5 onrl ovr fifty P ftGf- vrftlttteyeM wii- Mt Awwwjj1 atd- B9E td Health Renewed Appetite ialRHbct P P JP I wonderful tonic aad str fl tlwo r P Pv P It bwtUS tJjew up Hh the uelvt U oowmeaafttlsa 1 it to a genuine b aitlt reeterer Read The Truth And Be Convinced TestlitKjny from th Mayor Plmpleo and Eruptloha Cured From Two Wallknown Physicians u ai P weprt Sanaaatt Ca orjohnitonACo- a j 3sfi whose virtues areknovro from the Atlantic to this Pacific For sale by all or direct us pdee Jl a six bottlce t- 1SL Lippman Bteck SAVAHHAH CA i f t > w rT 11Mit PoIIoI1 Paba l wriela wjtIJ aU Lood AQd it hai MI- kI Week w t the CliUIIU auM wr the otamla o r awilIII 1m t t I AW ldertuj w otuj- rIUa to tnllllCf1t rheumatl tOllhtrty HtM tlUCI 2U1 ttealMllillJ all hledltdptt a c1duetor no out relief I wud1PIa to take P P and before t two iuisIded Hat sprln8 IUP1II8iedI- II J to bttt1 I have or- elld U m A bottle of t 11 done II than 8l1US tteieovttle FtL at tltt LTIC f t t RheumatiI II fot AeeO ttld IIUtbll U 110 I- 1an got in uVuc of 1 P 11114 mUku Uh rlat fn t ftltrlnl tq the IDidtn- tuw ll l1 qualltlel or the > fO dlsultt- W AI 11 ulft lot t y n Guu abtht alia II II POll 11 i After t lilJDt three bottle 41irec GRc- Iid end 4 tIDJonNsJoJl Tili t1 oi tettcr4 mlltty by j medl inc ii Pl1 n Ii itt work by rlf the 3 ouree life until atfl enUre cirected that the that of t4t daily appetite tmt tloo a eran lUe t system antI will be rtdby P p P P P rUpptHoS Gtrt Rem L eoneooed by physic tl to be Greatest Blood Xnrlfiar of the Age It and perm t1rea U Aft BRBS L1 Superior arj c a I l e k I J racePa I lbs aM ectiN- Th1ePe Malea4a kf DIeee aeyeg fjea s reNtoMi Iee4eem beeOWIeeI b- C r a jeddabtaye take S bottle lae liii- ot moat that Cure cltet bldg banda aboet oce dooci uray C- I 3 It bsttinlaheil I I otk I fcel than Ii scar liii it more ool II I mothi Iratroent Itot II 3AieMZWOAbenIeen1irowacoO 11 with yea ore I iwxtrni hCeyorotAtbsny rlth L- nt L in 11 3 T hiving a big stiC for LI a cud tod it an cx are taken roin revett t p pe U Ii P theb1ood Width is ofall cnr dptctOae a ture is tt eruptions complexion the tired te4hig 1 ve th thorough nights of t of all mean o1 the tii rqueut mm- hc ziiptirblbJ wijgi chi P i and necp 1 the bottle > < < Professor Miller a fcolfefyled BOtezi list gave what ho termed a seancat Frys dpcra House last Frida nleht The profctsor is a hand man and performed several tfmuslng feats legerdemain although tome of Ida tests were very transparent Tho audience was small igrPHOTOQBAPH ALBUMS AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS PLTJSH and CELULOID OASES JEWEl BOXE9 NECKTIE SHAVING SETS OtJFF nd cut LAU 4iOXE8 TABLETS nod very thing in the Fancy Goods line at- CHA3 E ROWTONS Dont forgo the place 30 Lemon Street PaHtka- Xotle for taDllectloL- AJTB Onto ATQxiamnsu ate lK t r M 1WB f Mlntonsoasid of lama tit MfcB for the wtoof BW and t iof names tie following wltoe prow re ron lad ofsVaiaiand TUt O V rae forlorn i Flo 1 D JJohwnon BniMlemria1Jol 8niltJi 1C VIReO k Qreit Dlscovc t 18 nnitzn OIVN T1DI settler bee notice 01 intention to niak in tooport Clone ClrgW Court fiL a L Flat 6 lit 2 Ie to W of D11 l pq ILL BOXS V p y1rnCz ThAT L aimed ed her dns 0- heeIInI indtbatMd pmotwlllbo rondo tee it Oi- lMnIIKUARY awe llabai widow 3 4e204w > > > Florida East Goas FORMERLY THE Jacksonville St Augustine and WT- OSB TABLE w zrjrijcrr 40UTH BTATIOK9 0 3 atl ffy BTATIOH- Srbt Augustine U O- OArPalatkft UM- aLPal tk fU a i I oJQt r No in onruIIII lip m l11tb 11 WeUJnp et- r I ul StQartI 018- LTlJan Uate I04Jla 9I0Il10001 AfOJJ1OIII1 IS p na 1 P aWe 11381 1l00a fI U9a tllTl11en t lJItlTpj Ar Olllle tUtlA IrtOU U8p JJ10p rfDo t- At JJJla lap rWral M h 88f1p t 1Op- I LTJaJAIkI1 atop No a NO1 Dal11 oePSSI111 No I No I IMi UaaAfL n 11M Cltr llia a uSa Tritna dally Detween JlllklonTme and StA Train II end rlOu of CI Au qxoept tCll Bunty Train Tbl ntlunIlo11 ezpuctot to C from thl8T1tall their itilvit or de uro COItAt doe the cn1any ttwf reiponilbic for ro1 MIaT ot artdn Jn QSEln lIJ1lJ8rAcell OEM T Fort irp- 1LrswmyrDt3 010p 4 7O- ptetbojirnO4 ip fOrt FIel0 till 0 1 tratAura lne eoo- pc LIT Ji step ern iL OrnpOCIt7JlllOiI L- AIR dilly ttundiy- tTolLl daily LcrDt l0 arrtYe It at the Li not goarsinteed- ur bald j4liiIOTf lUtiZtAltDS- UeiVe3o44o 81 J < = = = = = I wilt tell you Ail l9 of wonderfo toad As Ibo klwed i- flfLora the bloomers the dont And the maiden don t box ot ii W Somefvjllo Jnctcspnvllla in town Tuesday Kirk White of Orescent City spent QMrs B 11 lIttle of Virgiola tBa guest Of the St George Hqtel Tax Asoeisor Williams of BVuiUand spent Monday In the city A L Uedemana Is nertouily sick at his home on First street F A farmer or the Florida Daily CltlMn was In the city Monday Mr and Mrs John Wounds of were in town Tuesday shopping Ulsjss Sledge Hartlemon and A s MUlcr of Francis in the city Bat arday- Oecar Speck of Jacksonrtllo la spend lug tho holidays In the cw wllb rela Lives Mr n B JarvIs of SMsurfla flights wt a pleasant caller atwqrofBco day city with msmti a of the FourthsHal ion Bahd baVa metuures taken fOlf new uniforms- iwell Pfim returned home TU- BSXfaJpM6W Jacksonvlll8- is the holidays to this city thega t if Mrs G W Bawett- Judgo J U V rtfe received A car load at tine horses and ranlesyffhloh for sale at very low prices iMr Et p Danoy a prominent oltl Lof Orange Mlila Tilted Palatkn pAl fl plcasunt and ireoUted visit to iiia 6fflde irs L N WUkla and daughter o PALATZA D O B1 re tile pea ftIAI bIoII el TlOtitUJtUiPOOHFA- Ui r hr j J Jl rAta brIath f the 1pmndOtant xlat la a cl that your KlI1ndtatbe I bo m an kit divide e I 0 tbaJJ rt 4 slrJ we Ituto vo- pthle f tal antmo uuu U II I F Rto XBJ 1 was 1n tke oat Nor- walk i kb ilIJtot y nd 1iol h l nt 9 tell I e r whero be spent 1 lId o Is ole n UrondA and I I IIMII h 11 114 ia- LU 4ewimegWlIe sue a ti MoMoe All qtaeesjo he hi- p le ili Paireo OtelMsvdleteo flex il LttL YLoitr- neriz 9D OTYrWI LrtalIitrg gia- dlyIrtlsat Where Where the frl that you lovO cbildei and blat girl don with s 1e eaday were c Tuna I- hJavLu t- are bad d4yfxrn Atjauta a week at thlzpoeittpn i has t1n > Court daMd tb olOTCiith day ot AprliUMU- J88SInn certain ara m whertln Wllltua Banner n complilnnt ftjia Joan 0 Tuottr Mid LiUl n Tucker County of IatnMn on the 1TIR8T WOXPAT IN JANtJARY AtD d r of Mid month legafboan of Ml on tbu dwf U th HwJyif ITS MANIFOLD USESI- Oi4 iifettiMVt Till lift Ot teost ii t TlwottVw j rT6r tntaWUiulfattw- by fw and platf ormt Will waK rW wee fltk hut tbaa- MtoiMk roM liOfrtlMt ro ldekr the Northeast quarter of 12 SottUi of Kanj Mven Vlteit thence Weet Vala Waonw 8d i oatt bottom of Cf prlwer lit m pr y tnttttXIa to flrejcroitMoreorlfie fine- D P CALUOVN- lleltor EFFWTIVE DECEMBER 2 838- An old wan And II SbtagUa ta Paint lines 4t low t- wltne te ta iJJ BKAU- OP TOUCH ads ID tins city have returned VV h uniforms the arrived They are very idsOmely made ned the toys lit proud of them fr Thomu OJurk th S popnkrsaw- H man of Bust wa in the ity Monday having tb oylifti w bead i hl engine repaired Jttr CHarkB running taU time and I has all the work lie u jlo- ma V7Atti OotaR BantAM has aa 1 as a remedy for Gold fid dlseai e Throat and Lungs tfaq only L E Bond Co Baltimore Md itw WmM Hftuithlon pleasant y of her yonlig- K Robbins were i Hw WMUT IrJsMteM- Ptfifmfcfit li ii i ey ° ffl I new erOs Pal tk FS11 lUte he I ten BroJ1ohltl and taflt with f I r3eFra Ie by AckelDla1 Ste watt Pa Mrn 1fI PJa I L illaz oi AC 4 I1gbt r t Oaptaln Delrswotu ILetv JcksoIlYfJR In r holldatlJ the tot Jti Ufo Ja JI tfltlotl ethlllYlth her I harlott U Ie SOlI 11 e II Agrr Ji 925 aln I r 0taI at the hOlM of- p tr blll1 111 QIfV II plII IE r In LilU 1orluLuolutuuIu WOODIIINE FEMALE772 i The OD1J PDt aoecestMwaod Pziaezr C 4 j for Gem Ofty- tij the hlI1uel asiC bo biddOr at aLe hI1i f rMflsozwevI4Lrgo I lOOf Of abe Court kIone lo latatici v4ie M et ajn4toitW 104 ff L urn lied I PBhLAOELpj Jee1lei or iS yeArIthAtareU Sold by ACKERMN t4TEW3M3noon tl Claoobnga Setlon i h 17 Of vii j City l 6 j8 leeamI notu p aya above bait I ait chime IhPnoo iorth t f r ountelalog 1w11017 ctTi fuii iisAoooi at aoy bIOS wher lube i a to IMIIWM fitful 0 L5tyJht0 rtdUita rvine flr NOtIkis roirtnucaTro2t I3ThUl 13 Health I Iave reunn I ir as- rLhD Iflelhldsle atl Iin0 or t leI aC V y IiilttL- aorlUt3 iruairnv nv1i T11 I eaefuoetrapcLtsntothiat ifuiV j t yU- u 4 folllwing naluedrterIM tI PEARSON a A a at Or1i Pot rz flald4S9elUP1i4trIIaiU1 ArQflfli two cIdIdr- iiiJlUAJt49 you have 110 crzi ttSYlOri4ljns tcitf- bl3rIal 1Yo3 i 3zarYe CiSI11I a 0 ave a s ie1 EWW14 I V 1GllIOflV7it MEflOA c 1 I 7L tO iJiM olsLa r 4 7rIIRJM 0UIIhL Vie Ii LUaulll m- ey 41- LhssiJt kov IANA- Thro UM 7JL4LI 1D1 per I M auJshiI j varfetlle451 c4 Altt oeec Say Is ho2lepe- a at srirhrs bM 1tetra Ordr LjfleUzr inet le e ga t t A 1 < < < > = ° ° ° ° + ° = ° v vou 18 4 H D II- U r C I- Jo II U IJ- II 11 > U 1I t a U U II C ri II II II D I J U J c l TBt LDECEMBER 97 d JU V a la U mpPIlipP J TMESHERALt = 4i torti K L Hart We clip the PW bar Lwyi of D8cmb n rard to of U iMe iMNtWttd- tfs proves near ihsre and oil line Southern have Mils With the traveling was further met loa as 0 JkU- WtthMtver line Ihpse who veered In Florida pleasant of days spent at Orai g grove of Col To Opt Headers Vl really Rood Almanac la sot only picture but a nedwalty the information it gives n- b Hed upon to ne t ly all ViwaUonfl The Bnbwnfl- iRpa BiiriSKa Almauno for 1800 la a 5r t Us fatntly book and boeldou the Alraanao ifeaturee a meoio- randtiiafchsetifor each month la the oripreh6 utVe agK to the first aid for peraofls who are In jured by acdd weather predlo for each day of the year u fore ftt of important up to date M9 Ball Rules the Interpretation of dreams and numerous other Intexat A few of tbeee Almanaoe root to W Peek of Patfttkp Pta for dlttrtbutioa and wry a olt of TaB TIMSB- HBRAID ann get a oopr reeby apply- ing at Should Mr Peek be out of theAImanaee yon an get one by cent poatnga stamp to DROWN QHHMIOALOO BaltUnow Maryland A position OS Lumber or TIlt Inspector ten years experience Satisfaction snleea or no pay Apply at office Conference Appointment The follofflpg are the loppolmmcnttt forth ensuing year of the Mcthodlii- tministen in Jacksonville dftlrict 0 Moor flt Matthoffe Grif flub Miadlebury mttnliea by JUMdDoTrolt Ffiruandina station T and Daval circuit C V Mellon Kinas Ferry circuit J A 1 wlDg from Coh is are t- r1ti ellOD fia11 of lUI peltyotII Maned tb14ur t4 I 11 killed II Welt ACI6nlll Ga ite ItUIe4 by eJ car Ran ° wb W lie owned tka MPltClfi wero t iIt O PIt 1ity his ntaHon Llt pu the 8 rtO b bold been 1 Jr year Lf Ion lag articles have been Goy reader lIendwg a two given uodere E Mll oIfMqmop- D B eQi U j j j Callahan the 1ai S ttit toUigibbrd Wile lzs ras fly nil thecol- VSt Jltteburgors thoir one of nod at many both manager 1 Is a govrr ate ovens ode Book- keeper ercncss guar I 4r RivoIJo todT GLaug ¬ ¬ < Rowland Green Cove and Mandarin- T H White Palatka station Mabry Intftlaehen and St Johns tnlMiOn G K HeydricQ St Augustine md Moultrie N L WlzglDe FruitUnd circuit J A Vohilq and De Land XA Hcndry Sanford Station W K Oonoley New Brayraat- olnelon E WIlon afiwlonaty scare tory V VMCO A will bo seen how WE HJMabry ws plumed to tho work at this place This will gratifyIng not onto to the members of WEn lI n b Caste mtsei > opalatka Jtethodlat church hut to- G To BsHrAjiargf beautiful San HAlfoioni thc 1 Jpttns river Will Ir M 0 Bachman and Ml a Nora Bykes were married TSiwday bvontng at 6 0 oolocfk at th9 PAr 18on Re by Rev W 1t liaUry- iISPSBB0 PBOAN NUTS olf One paper shell variety uif pats by D Q EDWATlUe Seedtman ith t ttf OJInUD1Ly lI r O parties Apply to unaT M Xlt SeQ tJUIMIiISitM f FJori re A Pie 0 Mlonopy Apply to liBSdiLJOlkS K- JMtbn Block cot tiirnpi and 8d sts- tbriitmas Matlo The following prosjram e WM ren- dered Wedpr flay oi i8 at St Marks Episcopal ctiUrcb Proee- eicdal aymrt Clear Upon the Night Air Parkezi S V ili8- Exultaua Deo Wilson JJaiorlnP- afel1 Te P Bra Kotwamar 511 Jubllata Dti6j Ne w- gomJn 8hjmn Hark tha MfindelwoUn 8 Gloria iton hytan 03r Cow- ehruiAae u Fldlelfl 10 11 13 8aijctU8- siic hyian lod W lwr M- M beea iasiwd fw the Col Bowa t W H o during the CbrMeDM t H- DO n of H rie M in oirt tTO rLAr LAtG14torr noo C con f hem Bartlett Hodges 1 ODe of VoID lo- dLi1 IJ tfl and Mrs Jry E n n eontaIuI- uPlVE oudingv herald- Ing Meedeesobn71yne 1 ohi cbet W14 sawi ii Gs 0 the 8e- LI LI > > > r cotfccessful M of fhii terrIes and alt kinds of the largest and best quality are produced by the use containing at least id of Actual Potash Without the liberal use of Pot ash on sandy soils iriijinpos sible to grow an a quality that will comMahd the b prices MM free for OEAttAM XAU WORKS Death or J P Gerber MrJ F Gerber died at the reki- dence of his SOD F A Gerber on Lemon street Monday a 1015 oclock trom the effects ot a oAr alyUc stroke received days pre vlou Mr Gerber rallied somewhat from the first attack but this Was fol- lowed by other strokes at Intervals un til he was relieved by death t know lds I rne v t ow pupblei sE dvii1g lari bocu kg hI UlthID lb oitztWudoao4 hlpla1 N r last t p r r r eut j voks cornele log isteit tobict a 81117 In orrnas They ire lb 51 New Yrnb night ¬ ¬ ¬ was conducted from tbo residence Wednesday morning at 10 Tclook by Rey Mr of the Evangelical Lutheran church and the remains Interred at West View cemetery The following gentlemen were pall bearers Messrs Cole Wln dltab Hummer Voelker Raabo and Blllen ierg The deceased was a native of Germany and was nearly 73 years old lit the time of his death He eoam to America In 1657 and settled In Indi- ana From there he went farther west for the past seven yeast has boon i winter resident of Florida Since March hei has remained wllhhis son Mr Gerber Pe leaves three children ilr F A Gerber of this cItyMr A jF Gerber of Missouri MrsOLiW Splneley of Kanias TAR SYRUP cures Ooughs And Colds Drue Store corner Second and Mr and Mra Fred left last Tuesday night or Atlanta to were t J A nd PINE on farTlD awl drt v18lt streets Miss Tr oman the lion ¬ An Importaut Office To properly fill It office and fuactlpnis- U u Wood be When it is in sueh a coridiUoutba body Is almost certain to bo healthy A complaint at ths time is catarrh to some of Us various forms A slight cold fleveiops the disease in the bead of Into the lungs on consumption Tho to cure is to purify the blood The most cases catarrh yield to tha medicine owersof nEthilftM eIIiI obalna It b pur an simply because it reaches tha sent of and 1 y purifying the blood removes cause Not only does Hoods Barsa do but renewed- vlfforlo the whole system making It for good to iti promo Drprlecj Cream Baking owder Fresh Graham Flour ground every week at Daltons Grist Mill Beporfeof the Condition oaao and It ww t JIJII tlt Highest Awsra > OF THE f- PAjltia In iha Stole of rWa at plosa of Business DecflraMr U 8 Boiida- Moflrar Ew II I lB iW lk1N to MOOO 5 IillOCIO dWerlto 00 Jurnitute 11111 Sit JaW l fI- IAUtIbl 1011 Do te qI JJlHhI Co O JM6d Mil CIO fraet4eD ud iI tAW nUl B 1 11- 0Jat1I8IItW J 3 t I fI s till I I LL4NUI55 jtllaili atioa1Baijk- t C 6 j tsaoimcsa toeiOfldlioirotsp- trdmfteaon1td ttueecated J g I g ou jf- tpszoai t- oaiIba 2sse 0 aut1MattttOMt- oteof 2taUoa lli Nekea JtAtlt I rnLe e fli 4ietraip- eroeleOtdi IslakCt- IlteLl > JIIItI 111 I- w 1 e 19l1li IJ- Jr COVnor 1ft J- U ti- h t fACXeuw 4 Ift iii JtQre 1IJPI tte- ni 11 toR1 f m mr- i N 1 i- 1VIf m Ixeoee ais ilk w IgT 5lID1 s- vuer = T e la florlda Judge G A Hanson ex Judge of the FIfth JodSnal rjjjj this state Writes as folio Judge 0 A Htnson of 4- sotofltlifeg of farmer tut w lawyer It the leslie on- ConrterIafowjant be glvl- rleoca with tobacco county which will prove of s to those interested In the Says On the subject of tobacco gt- t seems that yoyr people forget I last Implanted neatly fivo made abottt 7500 pounds of made three crops but had cure it for me nnd I felt thjj not a legitimate business purely an Indul snco of a J encouraging But X deinouitr no section bf the State or could such success In Its culture I sold cents pound and gave aw took nwayra largQ quaoti it WM prized in hpgshe- ityleof Tennessee growe There is one thing your psopls In aud that them that must Par paiIeII A cuILu sub nor Put I ws I quIt nearly lest Y a IL States they as they can on heavy rain anti they c after the TJtlb of too late and too hot t Cola does not bar when first set near the large plant D any time after when the season i Another thing as firm as possible or by heavy rolling pared The getting the only difficulty In m tobacco The cultivation shallow clean and mostly hoe or n harrow Never plow Fj soil deep an growers lu other soils It is the easiest crop raised In that I have ever tried unI believe that tiny farmer who can raise cabbage or beans can raise tobacco without any help on ground that does not need for tillzlng If any fertilizing is required end the ordinary or average lands of Tolfc do notthen there should be a knowledge of what the soil needs to make tobacco with the needful burning qualities or toughness needed for is need for burning qualities and blood and bone Fe t II Flor- Ida t c > Miss tills ApplebyacLarmlDKyonng lady of Is visiting relatives fa this city The Shaken have made a great hit Their DigesUve Cordial said to be the most sueoessful remedy for tom aob troubles aVer introduced It im- mediately relieves all pain and die trees after fAUna the feeble eyatem and makes the weak strong The foot Is foods properly digested am better then BOcalled tonlos The builds up > only eoutoini food already dlfrastcdi but i a digester of other fo 5ds Pooch that it ot digested don more harm than good who wo the Cordial insure tho digestion of what rood they eat And W this way got the benefit of it and grow strong The little pamplileta wbloTi the Qhak era hive sent drngjlals for free die contain mash Interettlag In lormatlon on the subject of dyspepsia LAXOX Is note mlxtoreot dugs It IS Bpthlng but castor oil made polatu- Ble L JH Mallctt Jr a popular youtfg man Etonlah was among our pleas callers Monday Uon r of b cordial ot < 00TO JcrroR O OD noNHst SHOB lip ifi JACOBSON rtrso OOOB eaaas GO TO JACOBSON JAb llsoN f jr E 1 IlboL U1iS r b jxnWE4- aclXQJx6 i i 1cR111I8T r I i 11t 410 OO II fustruci n hI C io t TO1i8- ol0 JAO8S1 1 crnt 4 suo eayou coon itav- eOJACOliSON ii wuflnoAi AMD acovow- ifn VWM ttaM- Jt ptHaaU Ut eH to a In HHi Muslin HIM hM af M u e tiTMi Mi Mlti t r QIHt4IiIIMt lit Ball tsuiead II moi 141 f Itt t UeiIespOnEIence1 JevdYOso l Issep eeeueeiI eOrIc- baC Athiliek Alea UeoeiNy lhisliyiM ra o1 Y- utse ten tww q ef s i- E 3 MeeIo 1k 4w4 WW u5 p lag Zr TeMrI l4I- c tea Mc I l5t- LI lb- > v1 v jAiilV v sLiffi iiMBifti Si- fts Jft tr I I n r- I v II- s l 1 1 I 0- C i rr c I S c- icI U ci 0 1 u C tI5 > > > BIG CL 0- Il The D IONABLE STY ySTr LATESLI I CLO1 In the BEST and M PATTERNS are inc Stock just received n c I Gents Fur- nMiyBtifu1 and elties o oW offered b v I- iWNIERS I S H JKMinMt e ilft JBMA All maft Tie my M nO f Mr r c ni t we- pODttlw cool p rii rtit rttliens WM In lbs city kfond and nMde the Tivute J rImA tA1tOACK tr J t1lJt1Ii Wh- hClfle lQr lietIt o l t j6 rMkt tQ luau t he t Mr P m of fBaOlIa UnuD pie I I- c t r- theb baa moved her aba t Geosge- J41M1 l raaoIteai hoses tooI a eJi- UeldaheMaP Get ifle Pe F rIi- = < For tome tin it sobscrlber their ub- ii eat but others ht- HCHMy tO COU- dto vad trouble li luTe mall lire Mltmtn- tlttrIOR u tr- ita II u VV- A L- Ikaspubliebecl pay reuId ay c- css t I I c- iec <

urifier h s Tit ii I rIr lii4 lufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00110/00190.pdf · 2009. 7. 14. · Mlxturu 2 oz 80 A 311 I It tt was con fin lorcI who havo been nondlnll No2OU4tJt

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Page 1: urifier h s Tit ii I rIr lii4 lufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00110/00190.pdf · 2009. 7. 14. · Mlxturu 2 oz 80 A 311 I It tt was con fin lorcI who havo been nondlnll No2OU4tJt







t a1IMfc IItltllct-


0 the IIflabhoW ofI


ifowwtWD I1V fa tJJe rens of hiliIW4 hie araT Mira MTe IfIkJlIy up bi Win lIIJferal thath Ie Mil alOg oth8r1l si oeeflolional toucrIi of IuorufkootJs fIt m11aRd 111

bMd beeit to trI low dept bfolt a jllufitaMort if 8irt1 or as h6 wu tor ail8lloUrh I leUJo4 wom Who

S I1f11f lCOiOII mftf-i

SOO IMd iu fg1tt ret 1I 4 iq other tayi-

jon mput thebtbult co1bhx1 tluUpPId under the bMelUeat doort wouJd bring n hewn


I 1row llut wouill

a fWn UJe Urt4 Sid to tui down theIt wh uo InS It Il1wqcloty bad thSid ze she wobfD thdlnncr dfah aild 1111 hadntt tlred tor theMr Lad a In Jewhl Ieep kUl the


limp find no Inl thought over all100 bt talA n

QU 4lc




ef C k


r I


TowQ-kOVn Qek

1tbrap Uk




hWuty getII-


0 cj1

WM 8Ioeiecp



I Mti3aodiL




A nighttLaon moetiont flnlshed

roturnejjWbexi theprtrnctc


WIth thetigt nd oont reie4


ftnd nnti an4onvaH-a

d2 a

mend It nineare commuted to the

Monroe doctrine For

r nator Hale of Maine BaW-

imenl of our foreign affair

be conservative andId Kcnator Lodge of Ita1 f-

rodlcal of radicals said Ih-

ozuela I am hopjjy to say

has taken im excellent

Icvelands viewsV popular wltb


elieveily notof reso-

nate do-

lHUon qfevolulooks




8I1Uel i-




r 01









o Ho 2 Etui June Vaatvo NoZUoBtonUakcdUtoni

do toulrowtillroalTable Irish barrel

i Red oniondo-YellowOolonf perbarretu

to 115-1CO to100 tolUtoLIB to-MS to

Beauty of Ittbron for ec dtoed


ErOnkeClgamtnlti t-

il of North Carolina 2 01ke

DurhamSy llluton-

i CarterB auly




Royal Baking Powder I lbdo do VMb-

camnbeUa or

ter mid1-nt thea Inlight I-


l Iado thet

Miss Ella

tos ISunday evening at

clock by ilev John B Taylorhurch Wiu crowded some time be-

Y no appointed hour ands ben that could not got in at all30 arlon J Eddy of Brooklyn was lu-

n yotterdayJJ fall those thatfforo taken to Jack-

S nvllla and tried for selling liquor in

siwicted and 79 learn he got sixty daysPrison and ten dollars fineMr John Bausman and wife ot

V geta i alter IDS abig awl


otr 8

2o to

NKarl 200L7G ckOW

CottolmeGOlb tin Taat the

en W 1rId 21

MMlxturu 2 oz 80

A 311 I


I was contt

finlorcI who havo been nondlnll

No2OU4tJt 1i1 ydo o trow rwtb

IC for


MPI 4oth1-

stArwflI there


3Thin LOUDLI 4a

I Sbus

md Nat Lat ad around Ielrose only ona


=Honfordi Bread rrepatatlonAlmondEnglish Walnut

mt-I California Balslni


rain Jortlllter

abject to market 4per sack 110 lb-

pcr ackl281bi

Feed per mack irBarnes-

j Dafkt directionbbiiiiJ the north

fgtm hatred ofgross ml

v v v w battles of the4 In vogue too

sooner theyr the bettor

YlllJer l yle l oOI



F OEvalra1C WId ICurrants j


oekJ by ertroelW Del 0 pre

per sack 100 lb e JOOlOOlbll

per ton1per lack 113 100 board

eal per bbl Itutod forath per boah-nur hIstory



FO t




t an official aprfoncral satlafftctlo-najj Keonerly to

i tbo board of countyTfa caused by tho roslgna-

lgeVeitrccs Mr Kennerly

islng thorougtNow let Conga

oivitig to junplan to the tirt-

Thats the way

that more In

tharnext Preside

Theprobab yshow how siiifor the JIoi

governmentwhether lieclaimed by


to nrbiti8tea4ltls-dentCievtland w

elM message to Co-

publlcons willwhat theymslntenan

ripd his official acts whll a mcmiier oftne old board shjw that the interests otall the peoole will receive hie zealous

cai The otlPalatka which

particularly represents is fortunate insecuring his appointment Having

by such men as Judgeand iir KonnerIy the ap-

pojitroent of a man qt Interior abilitywould have been ill received by thepopulaee

Pass Him AroundIt Is pleasant to learn that the land

lord to permit his elevatorW run on ter thetmnolU of a lot or little oath girls In

were thus cbcfticd out othud been prepared for

them on an upwv floor of n

in Rbodu Island or Ijemwaro dietwtetould SUCh atorn of man Kansas Siae

That man lives uwry where lie willnever be nbteio climb lie gulden Hair

end the olevator of will not bo-

runnlns for him when ho dice TampaTrlbuae v-

Hnch nice should nut be permitted to-

ive i a civilized anti comuniiv They de to

When die we know

bo beyond theGainesville Sun

pt to catch his soul yonalt a trap with




anlftlJM bund u outleinrn of wide experience

now m J JudgmonLal1de



In pet IJ onted1



repubCblCtl ttrblehJ IIjQlj elon In Cliicngr ne

axe IkpM itTwlirere In the 00110

t J t Nil1 eniull patY J 11 Ii


to shIntoth heaVen

ner bu

dwill go the meantime

a uIC


r nLI















JftI r

t If L



t bed


hay who


England l


3 to orbitc


they In




If 0








a week in town left last Saturday forCedar where they are to spendthe holidays

Jenkins who lives aboutthree and a half miles southwest ofhero got his dwelling burned last Sunday evening The cause was attributedto n defective flue

Wm Joynor of Orange Bights wasIn town yesterday

Mra awl son Davidwent to Waldo last Friday returningSaturday evening

W of Cone visited usSunday

to learn that Mr GeorgePlace one of our winter visitorsdied at his homo in Philadelphiaa few days ago

Buckler Arnica Salve

The float Salve m the world for CutstruisM Salt Rheum

Chilblains Corns Brupions and cures Piles or no

pay required It Is guaranteed to giveor money


SorFever Totter

rlM 21 conts ner bo I

oree Chapped lland


Ackerman Stewart druggists

A Host liberal Offer

Tnfe has arrangedto furnish thePost and Tux TniKsHimAtii both forone year tot only 8125 Ihe Wash-ington an 8page

the leading paper at theCapital one leading papers

country This is anal low the two papers

Excursion I

at reduced rates to all Summer Resorts

nt PEEKS Drug Store opposite courth ueo

Mr John Harvey of Banncrvlllewas In the city Saturday Wo acknowl-

edge a pleasant call from Mr Harveywho is one of oldest aud most re-

spected citizens of Putnam county



W Otter Yen

INSURBSel Life to Mothr unit Child

F recxjTtrr wiu raaarox EnUutt Ala

MUf Bo k To Motti


for HutchlnffiI-

L 2fiOi n c-

o l shipped ttii1-







FRIENDCea IlJtl at Slik

t4 IIOIIIIAA nlIXftD boo

loro IIU Cdtr or iIIo ul llbOilrIeWDn ht

Jt J

t rIi elfnt t1ft1t<

r j





Tickets forthe Summer

mnuoY Which

Mebs Pain1 Ilcrrcraad

lL olPr CII1Ib0 totreiiYeiattiac5lttrnl ruOerin but


Sit b




4 4iti






le buildingup rnecficine

for the people today ami-ioh


Tit hM won its hold

fra absolute ic meritBia not wkat we Say kit

own that t lw tory

CuresWoW when sit other

PwiH ins and prescriptions fail

srilto si have t a frtttbglaw sine nd tnUjr 17-

tto beet mtdioln tint

HOODSrc taitoleii and tKUS ttnt AU dronlsu i-

ussioners Sale


r an

1rye DtIj


eall f


ol the people iti1

atce the



W hlTbMIItll1ete4fHOOrwit fM1l1 re UI 1t1-

1ocd I kk1BfJlilO4




urifierabove ot1ir md1cin

rts h

PIA Hoods


uae413 W b4u

I ZtTOXUpaid



tjapti lor Court of Bibbnthe CM4 JB MoTlgbt A Co t u a unii-

uecrcet la the Cirecit Courtof Mid Idtnm the UBdentniod ai-Vonunlmlonen said decreeswill expose outcry for tale tothe Udder on OFJANUAHY date being

lawful boon of wit before the Court Ifcuseof PIatla Iutnau

all or tot following real towlci21 land situated III

fl nine blocks In the Town of Fufaain foilCounty Klortda aggrejatlng apprvxl15

Alto tho nndlrlded halt interest in theof the nwU and the nH of the ww and tileeyot w in Boo T B It

at the aunt time and place aSVuf the

rotnMn1-ltu ted ID 81 toe Town bt Qnodla 1

rMaoresMme time l eUi f-

on U north Mdayof

1JiR AND nr VIItTIJE OF JDEand ameadmcuto tberllOf renderd

rw MaCOn aIcue in

ofLed b


thelIrt1S lit J the

the Countflorida


foUW III real estate lii the nFlOrId 81 town iotaand

AlI Ct end UIethe o the tIdle the fIW It and

tell Md at of n ofBee I B acres

01181-18AltIIl ten the

no of Ieo 11 T 8 II enda et litetoftlaiJ lt20 18IItt lIlaiZ

eeo II RStClIO aoru l the 17

I If1Il1JC



me theram the

lets uld


thene4of ire uw te sI

ot what SwofW4 e l4a i oontalntng


thebeeatlerl8tt En41

the u

ofnwYDttheIw ca-I4 oi iwy01 boe




one undltlded halt Interest la 40acre more or lets being the nwVi ofhoe Btt84 the aH of taffriot-

wVi ot Ben T 8 B K CM Loremore or lee

kam the fojlow

or leek Nonneaii corner lot ot Block Ity BUteen middle lot weal tide of Blue

all of flock 20 thatto the Southern and Florida

Ballway Company the new E k llonsa with0 acnt more ot more or the

oM Uonw with and a halt lH cw

heretofore deeded to the G B A VTiamor r iball his

bid at the tine of the or wIDifa anhour thereafter or thereof tad thebalance after of raid eale Crcillton of Company ahall-har the Tight to bid for any aalil

for the ame turrendto commissioner their claims or dehuindi

laid Conitructlon Companyat with Interest If one ortold creditor not loin In Mid purobawthe creditor tooocflrmatloa of suob an amount ofmoney u dull be aafflclent to to tbo

not Joining In uld purchue theirpro rate than amonut or amount for

Mid property may haw been told Midand tbargM

that day be Allowed the CourtAJ1 subject to confirmation by

Court and uo or titles will be exeovuntil confirmation

for furtherIbforraatlon apply to either ottoeor A A ilaconfl


decttd Comml Ioji HiJ


HDKIl AND BY VIKTOa OF Aof Foreclosure rendered ItfUie

Court of tile Finn Judicial Clrcultoftl

T S 4i te

Alto at tt 1114

roper1 In the City ot V1qrUaIll one more


oneot land more or hoe sit ot lockthat said block heretofore to

FI n that which the11111 and d WIld house now eggregat1 inre or

with the rUhta that




Inc chill on


made tile

after luol1

A Jr

tJand 1110


pieeroa acre



Dar deeded tto-0a stand











til I

J Jrr-

lTHB lii4 il Jr



ii I rIr <

To Altw IB C5 onrl ovr fifty

P ftGf-vrftlttteyeM

wii-Mt Awwwjj1 atd-

B9E td Health Renewed AppetiteialRHbct

P P JP I wonderful tonic aad str fl tlwo rP Pv P It bwtUS tJjew up H h the uelvt U oowmeaafttlsa 1

it to a genuine b aitlt reeterer

Read The Truth And Be Convinced

TestlitKjny from th MayorPlmpleo and Eruptloha Cured

From Two Wallknown Physicians u aiP

weprt Sanaaatt Ca orjohnitonACo-

a j 3sfi whose virtues areknovro from the Atlantic to this Pacific

For sale by all or direct us pdee Jl a six bottlce t-

1SL Lippman Bteck SAVAHHAH CA i

f t>w

rT11Mit PoIIoI1 Paba l wriela wjtIJ

aU Lood AQd it haiMI-

kIWeek w

tthe CliUIIU auM wr the otamla o r awilIII 1m t


A W ldertuj w otuj-rIUa to tnllllCf1t rheumatl tOllhtrty HtM tlUCI 2U1 ttealMllillJall hledltdptt a c1duetor noout relief I wud1PIa to take P P and

before t two iuisIded Hat sprln8 IUP1II8iedI-II J to bttt1 I have or-

elld U m A bottle of t 11 done II than8l1US tteieovttle FtL at tltt LTIC

ft t RheumatiI II fot AeeO ttld

IIUtbll U 110 I-

1an got inuVuc of 1 P 11114 mUku Uh rlat fn tftltrlnl tq the IDidtn-tuw ll l1 qualltlel or the > fO dlsultt-

W AI 11 ulft lot t y nGuu abtht alia II II POll 11

i After t lilJDt three bottle 41irecGRc-

Iid end 4 tIDJonNsJoJl

Tili t1 oi tettcr4 mlltty by jmedl inc

ii Pl1 n Ii itt work by rlf the 3ouree lifeuntil atfl enUre cirected

that the thatof t4t daily appetite

tmt tloo a eran lUet systemantI will be rtdby P p

P P P rUpptHoS Gtrt Rem L eoneooed by physic tlto be Greatest Blood Xnrlfiar of the Age It and permt1rea


L1 Superior arjc

a I l e k IJ racePa

I lbs aM ectiN-Th1ePe Malea4a kf DIeee aeyeg fjea

s reNtoMi Iee4eem beeOWIeeI b-

Cr a jeddabtaye take

S bottle lae liii-

ot moat that

Cure cltet bldg banda aboet oce dooci

uray C-

I 3

It bsttinlaheilI I otk I fcel thanIi scar liii it more oolII I mothi Iratroent ItotII 3AieMZWOAbenIeen1irowacoO

11with yea ore

I iwxtrni hCeyorotAtbsny rlth L-nt L

in11 3

T hiving a big stiC forLI a cud tod it an cx

are taken roin revett t p peU

Ii P theb1ood Width is ofallcnr dptctOae a ture is

tt eruptions complexion the tired te4hig 1

ve th thorough nights oft of all mean o1 the tii rqueut mm-

hc ziiptirblbJ wijgi chi P i

and necp1 the





Professor Miller a fcolfefyled BOtezi

list gave what ho termed a seancatFrys dpcra House last Frida nlehtThe profctsor is a hand manand performed several tfmuslng featslegerdemain although tome of Ida

tests were very transparent Thoaudience was small




JEWEl BOXE9 NECKTIESHAVING SETS OtJFF nd cutLAU 4iOXE8 TABLETS nod verything in the Fancy Goods line at-

CHA3 E ROWTONS Dont forgothe place 30 Lemon Street PaHtka-

Xotle for taDllectloL-

AJTB Onto ATQxiamnsu atelK t r M 1WB f

Mlntonsoasid of lamatit MfcB for the wtoof BW and t iof

names tie following wltoe prowre ron lad

ofsVaiaiand TUt O V rae forlorni Flo 1 D JJohwnon

BniMlemria1Jol 8niltJi1C VIReO

k Qreit Dlscovc


18 nnitzn OIVN T1DIsettler bee notice 01

intention to niak in tooport

Clone ClrgW Court fiLa L


lit 2 Ieto

W of





p y1rnCz ThATL aimed edher dns 0-

heeIInI indtbatMd pmotwlllbo rondotee it Oi-lMnIIKUARY awe llabai widow





Florida East GoasFORMERLY THE

Jacksonville St Augustine and WT-

OSB TABLE w zrjrijcrr40UTH

BTATIOK9 0 3 atl ffy BTATIOH-

Srbt Augustine U O-

OArPalatkft UM-aLPal tk f U a




rNo in

onruIIII lip m l11tb

11 WeUJnp et-


I ulStQartI 018-LTlJan Uate I04Jla

9I0Il10001AfOJJ1OIII1 IS p

na 1 P aWe 113811l00a

fI U9a tllTl11en t lJItlTpjAr

Olllle tUtlA IrtOU U8pJJ10p rfDo t-

At JJJla laprWral Mh 88f1p

t 1Op-

I LTJaJAIkI1 atopNo a NO1 Dal11 oePSSI111 No I No

I IMiUaaAfL n


Cltr llia auSa

Tritna dally Detween JlllklonTme and StATrain II end rlOu of CI Au qxoept

tCll Bunty TrainTbl ntlunIlo11 ezpuctot to C

from thl8T1tall their itilvit or de uro COItAt

doe the cn1any ttwf reiponilbic for ro1 MIaT ot artdn

Jn QSElnlIJ1lJ8rAcell




irp-1LrswmyrDt3 010p

4 7O-

ptetbojirnO4 ipfOrt FIel0


0 1

tratAura lne eoo-pc LIT Jistep ern iL

OrnpOCIt7JlllOiI L-

AIRdilly ttundiy-

tTolLl daily LcrDt l0 arrtYe Itat the Li not goarsinteed-

ur baldj4liiIOTf lUtiZtAltDS-

UeiVe3o44o81 J



= = = =

I wilt tell you Ail l9 of wonderfotoad

As Iboklwed i-

flfLora the bloomersthe dont

And the maiden don tbox ot

ii W Somefvjllo Jnctcspnvlllain town Tuesday

Kirk White of Orescent City spent

QMrs B 11 lIttle of Virgiola tBaguest Of the St George Hqtel

Tax Asoeisor Williams of BVuiUandspent Monday In the city

A L Uedemana Is nertouily sick athis home on First street

F A farmer or the Florida DailyCltlMn was In the city Monday

Mr and Mrs John Wounds ofwere in town Tuesday shopping

Ulsjss Sledge Hartlemon and A sMUlcr of Francis in the city Batarday-

Oecar Speck of Jacksonrtllo la spendlug tho holidays In the cw wllb relaLives

Mr n B JarvIs of SMsurfla flightswt a pleasant caller atwqrofBcoday

city with

msmti a of the FourthsHalion Bahd baVa metuurestaken fOlf new uniforms-

iwell Pfim returned home TU-

BSXfaJpM6W Jacksonvlll8-is the holidays to this citythega t if Mrs G W Bawett-

Judgo J U V rtfe received A

car load at tine horses and ranlesyffhlohfor sale at very low prices

iMr Et p Danoy a prominent oltlLof Orange Mlila Tilted Palatkn

pAl fl plcasunt andireoUted visit to iiia 6fflde

irs L N WUkla and daughter o


re tile pea ftIAIbIoII



r hr j JJl

rAta brIath


the 1pmndOtant xlatla a

clthat your KlI1ndtatbe


bom ankit divide


I 0 tbaJJ rt 4 slrJ we Ituto vo-

pthle f

tal antmouuuU II

I F Rto XBJ1


1n tke oat



kb ilIJtoty nd 1iol h l n t9 tell I

e r

whero be spent

1 lId

o Is ole n

UrondA andI


IIMII h 11

114 ia-

LU 4ewimegWlIesue a ti

MoMoeAll qtaeesjo he hi-

p le ili Paireo OtelMsvdleteo

flex il LttL YLoitr-

neriz 9D OTYrWILrtalIitrg gia-


WhereWhere the frl that you lovO

cbildei and blatgirl




1e eaday




hJavLu t-



d4yfxrn Atjauta aweek at thlzpoeittpn

i has



Court daMd tb olOTCiith day ot AprliUMU-J88SInn certain ara mwhertln Wllltua Banner n complilnnt ftjiaJoan 0 Tuottr Mid LiUl n Tucker

County of IatnMn on the


d r of Mid monthlegafboan of Ml on tbu dwf U th HwJyif

ITS MANIFOLD USESI-Oi4 iifettiMVt Till lift Ot teost

ii tTlwottVw j rT6r tntaWUiulfattw-

by fw and platf ormtWill waK rW wee fltk hut tbaa-

MtoiMk roM liOfrtlMt ro ldekr

the Northeast quarter of12 SottUi of Kanj

Mven Vlteit thence WeetVala Waonw 8d i oatt bottom of

Cf prlwer lit m pr y tnttttXIa to





An old wan

And II SbtagUa ta Paint lines 4t low t-

wltne te ta



ads ID tins city have returned

VVh uniforms the

arrived They are veryidsOmely made ned the toyslit proud of them

fr Thomu OJurk th S popnkrsaw-H man of Bust wa in the

ity Monday having tb oylifti w beadi hl engine repaired Jttr CHarkB

running taU time andI has all the work lie u jlo-

ma V7Atti OotaR BantAM has aa1 as a remedy for Gold

fid dlseaie Throat and Lungs tfaq only

L E Bond Co Baltimore Md

itw WmM Hftuithlon

pleasanty of her yonlig-

K Robbinswere i

HwWMUT IrJsMteM-Ptfifmfcfit li ii i

ey ° ffl

I newerOs

Pal tk

FS11lUte he


ten BroJ1ohltl and

taflt withf I r3eFra Ie by AckelDla1 Ste watt Pa

Mrn 1fI PJa

I L illaz oiAC 4 I1gbt r t Oaptaln DelrswotuILetv JcksoIlYfJR In

r holldatlJ the

tot Jti Ufo Ja JI tfltlotlethlllYlth her

I harlott U

Ie SOlI11

e II Agrr

Ji925 aln


r 0taI at the hOlM of-p tr blll1

111 QIfVII plII IE


In LilU 1orluLuolutuuIu


The OD1J PDt aoecestMwaod Pziaezr C 4 j for Gem Ofty-

tij the hlI1uel asiC bo biddOr at aLe hI1i f rMflsozwevI4Lrgo IlOOf Of abe Court kIone lo latatici v4ie M etajn4toitW 104 ff L urn

liedI PBhLAOELpj

Jee1lei or iS yeArIthAtareU Sold by ACKERMN t4TEW3M3noon tl ClaoobngaSetlon i h 17 Of vii j City


6 j8 leeamI notu p aya

abovebait I ait chime IhPnoo iorth t f rountelalog 1w11017 ctTi fuii iisAoooi at aoy bIOS wher lube i

ato IMIIWM fitful

0 L5tyJht0rtdUita rvine flr

NOtIkis roirtnucaTro2t I3ThUl 13 HealthI Iave reunn I ir as-

rLhD Iflelhldsle atl Iin0 or t leI aC V y IiilttL-

aorlUt3 iruairnv nv1i T11 I eaefuoetrapcLtsntothiat ifuiV j t yU-


4 folllwing naluedrterIM tI PEARSON aA a at Or1i Pot

rz flald4S9elUP1i4trIIaiU1 ArQflfli two cIdIdr-

iiiJlUAJt49 you have 110 crzi ttSYlOri4ljns tcitf-bl3rIal 1Yo3 i 3zarYe CiSI11I a

0 ave a

s ie1 EWW14 I V 1GllIOflV7it

MEflOA c 1 I

7L tO iJiMolsLa r

4 7rIIRJM 0UIIhL Vie Ii LUaulll m-

ey 41-

LhssiJtkov IANA-

Thro UM 7JL4LI 1D1per

I MauJshiI j varfetlle451 c4 Altt oeec Say Is ho2lepe-a at srirhrs

bM 1tetra Ordr LjfleUzr inet le ega

tt A








° °





vou 184 H











U 1I

t a UUII C




J c





mpPIlipP J



4i torti K L HartWe clip the PW

bar Lwyi of D8cmbn rard to of U iMe iMNtWttd-

tfs proves nearihsre and oilline Southern

haveMils With the traveling

was furthermet loa as 0 JkU-WtthMtver lineIhpse who veered In Florida

pleasant of daysspent at Orai g grove of Col

To Opt HeadersVl really Rood Almanac la sot only

picture but a nedwaltythe information it gives n-

b Hed upon to ne tly all ViwaUonfl The Bnbwnfl-iRpa BiiriSKa Almauno for 1800 la a5r t Us fatntly book and boeldou theAlraanao ifeaturee a meoio-randtiiafchsetifor each month la the

oripreh6 utVe agK tothe first aid for peraofls who are Injured by acdd weather predlo

for each day of the year u foreftt of important up to dateM9 Ball Rules the Interpretation of

dreams and numerous other IntexatA few of tbeee Almanaoe

root to W Peek ofPatfttkp Pta for dlttrtbutioa andwry a olt of TaB TIMSB-

HBRAID ann get a oopr reeby apply-ing at Should Mr Peek be outof theAImanaee yon an get one by

cent poatnga stamp toDROWN QHHMIOALOO BaltUnowMaryland

A position OS

Lumber or TIlt Inspector tenyears experience

Satisfactionsnleea or no pay Apply at office

Conference Appointment

The follofflpg are the loppolmmcntttforth ensuing year of the Mcthodlii-tministen in Jacksonville dftlrict 0

Moor flt Matthoffe Grifflub Miadlebury mttnliea byJUMdDoTrolt Ffiruandina station T

and Daval circuit CV Mellon Kinas Ferry circuit J A


wlDg from

Coh is are t-r1ti ellOD fia11 of lUI

peltyotIIManed tb14ur t4


11 killed II

Welt ACI6nlll Ga ite ItUIe4 byeJ car


W lie ownedtka

MPltClfi wero tiIt

O PIt 1ity his ntaHonLlt




b boldbeen

1 Jr

year Lf


lag articleshave been Goy


lIendwg a two


uodere E Mll oIfMqmop-D B eQi U


jj Callahan




ttit toUigibbrdWile lzs


fly nil thecol-VSt Jltteburgors thoir

one of

nod at manyboth

manager 1Is







ercncss guar

I4r RivoIJo






Rowland Green Cove and Mandarin-T H White Palatka stationMabry Intftlaehen and St JohnstnlMiOn G K HeydricQ St Augustinemd Moultrie N L WlzglDe FruitUndcircuit J A Vohilq and DeLand X A Hcndry SanfordStation W K Oonoley New Brayraat-olnelon E WIlon afiwlonaty scaretory V VMCO A will bo seen howWE HJMabry ws plumed to thowork at this place This willgratifyIng not onto to the members of







opalatka Jtethodlat church hut to-

G To BsHrAjiargf beautifulSan

HAlfoioni thc 1 Jpttns river Will

Ir M 0 Bachman and Ml a NoraBykes were married TSiwday bvontngat 6 0 oolocfk at th9 PAr

18on Re by Rev W 1t liaUry-


paper shell variety uif pats by

D Q EDWATlUe Seedtman

ith t ttf OJInUD1Ly


rO partiesApply to unaT M Xlt



f FJori



0 Mlonopy

Apply to liBSdiLJOlkS K-

JMtbn Block cot tiirnpi and 8d sts-

tbriitmas Matlo

The following prosjram e WM ren-

dered Wedpr flay oi i8 at StMarks Episcopal ctiUrcb Proee-

eicdal aymrt Clear Upon the NightAir Parkezi S V ili8-

Exultaua Deo Wilson JJaiorlnP-afel1 Te P Bra

Kotwamar 511 Jubllata Dti6j Ne w-

gomJn 8hjmn Hark tha

MfindelwoUn 8 Gloriaiton hytan 03r Cow-

ehruiAae u Fldlelfl 1011

13 8aijctU8-

siic hyianlod W lwr M-

M beea iasiwd fw theCol Bowa t W H o

during the CbrMeDM t H-

DO n of H rieM in oirt

tTO rLAr

LAtG14torr noo

C con

f hem Bartlett



ODe of VoID lo-

dLi1 IJ tfl

and Mrs Jry E






herald-Ing Meedeesobn71yne

1 ohi cbet

W14 sawi

ii Gs0

the 8e-







M of fhii terrIesand alt kinds of

the largest andbest quality are produced bythe usecontaining at least id of

Actual PotashWithout the liberal use of Potash on sandy soils iriijinpossible to grow an

a quality that willcomMahd the b prices

MM free for


Death or J P GerberMrJ F Gerber died at the reki-

dence of his SOD F A Gerber onLemon street Monday a1015 oclock trom the effects ot a oAralyUc stroke received days prevlou Mr Gerber rallied somewhatfrom the first attack but this Was fol-

lowed by other strokes at Intervals until he was relieved by death


know lds


rnev t

ow pupblei sE dvii1g lari bocukg hIUlthID lb oitztWudoao4hlpla1



last t

p r r r

eutj voks cornele

log isteit tobicta 81117 In orrnas They irelb

51 New Yrnb





was conducted from tboresidence Wednesday morning at 10Tclook by Rey Mr of theEvangelical Lutheran church and theremains Interred at West Viewcemetery The following gentlemenwere pall bearers Messrs Cole Wlndltab Hummer Voelker Raabo andBlllen ierg The deceased was a nativeof Germany and was nearly 73 yearsold lit the time of his death He eoamto America In 1657 and settled In Indi-ana From there he went farther west

for the past seven yeast has booni winter resident of Florida Since

March hei has remained wllhhisson Mr Gerber Pe leavesthree children ilr F A Gerber ofthis cItyMr A jF Gerber of Missouri

MrsOLiW Splneley of Kanias

TAR SYRUPcures Ooughs And Colds

Drue Store corner Second and

Mr and Mra Fredleft last Tuesday night

or Atlanta to







farTlD awldrt



MissTr oman

the lion


An Importaut Office

To properly fill It office and fuactlpnis-U u Wood beWhen it is in sueh a coridiUoutbabody Is almost certain to bo healthyA complaint at ths time is catarrh tosome of Us various forms A slightcold fleveiops the disease in the bead

of Intothe lungs on consumption Tho

to cure is topurify the blood The mostcases catarrh yield to tha medicine





It b


ansimply because it reaches tha

sent of and 1 y purifyingthe blood removes

cause Not only does Hoods Barsado but renewed-

vlfforlo the whole system making Itfor good to iti


Drprlecj Cream Baking owder

Fresh Graham Flourground every week atDaltons Grist Mill

Beporfeof the Condition





tlt Highest Awsra



PAjltia In iha Stole of rWaat plosa of Business DecflraMr

U 8 Boiida-

Moflrar EwII


lB iW

lk1Nto MOOO5 IillOCIOdWerlto 00

Jurnitute 11111

SitJaW l fI-

IAUtIbl 1011 Do

te qIJJlHhI CoO JM6dMil CIO

fraet4eD udiI

tAW nUlB 1 11-

0Jat1I8IItW J 3t I fI still



jtllaili atioa1Baijk-


C 6 j

tsaoimcsatoeiOfldlioirotsp-trdmfteaon1td ttueecated Jg Ig

ou jf-tpszoai t-


0 aut1MattttOMt-oteof 2taUoa lliNekea



e fli 4ietraip-eroeleOtdi IslakCt-



JIIItI 111




Jr COVnor 1ft J-

U ti-h t fACXeuw

4 Ift iii JtQre1IJPI



fm mr-i




1VIf m

Ixeoee ais ilk

wIgT 5lID1 s-


T e la florldaJudge G A Hanson ex

Judge of the FIfth JodSnal rjjjj

this state Writes as folio

Judge 0 A Htnson of 4-

sotofltlifeg of farmer tut w

lawyer It the leslie on-ConrterIafowjant be glvl-rleoca with tobaccocounty which will prove of sto those interested In theSays

On the subject of tobacco gt-

t seems that yoyr people forget I

last Implanted neatly fivomade abottt 7500 pounds ofmade three crops but hadcure it for me nnd I felt thjjnot a legitimate businesspurely an Indul snco of a J

encouragingBut X deinouitr

no section bf the State orcould such success

In Its culture I soldcents pound and gave awtook nwayra largQ quaotiit WM prized in hpgshe-ityleof Tennessee growe

There is one thingyour psopls In aud thatthem that must






Put I wsI quIt






theyas they can on

heavy rain anti they cafter the TJtlb oftoo late and too hot t

Cola does not barwhen first set nearthe large plant Dany time afterwhen the season i

Another thingas firm as possibleor by heavy rollingpared The gettingthe only difficulty In mtobacco The cultivationshallow clean and mostlyhoe or n harrow Never plow Fjsoil deep an growers lu other soils

It is the easiest crop raised Inthat I have ever tried unI believe

that tiny farmer who can raise cabbageor beans can raise tobacco without anyhelp on ground that does not need fortillzlng If any fertilizing is required

end the ordinary or average lands ofTolfc do notthen there should be aknowledge of what the soil needs tomake tobacco with the needful burningqualities or toughness needed for

is need forburning qualities and blood and bone








Miss tills ApplebyacLarmlDKyonnglady of Is visiting relativesfa this city

The Shaken have made a great hitTheir DigesUve Cordial said to bethe most sueoessful remedy for tomaob troubles aVer introduced It im-

mediately relieves all pain and dietrees after fAUna the feebleeyatem and makes the weak strong

The foot Is foods properly digestedam better then BOcalled tonlos The

builds up


only eoutoini food alreadydlfrastcdi but i a digester of otherfo 5ds Pooch that it ot digested donmore harm than good whowo the Cordial insure tho digestion ofwhat rood they eat And W this way gotthe benefit of it and grow strong

The littlepamplileta wbloTi the Qhakera hive sent drngjlals for free die

contain mash Interettlag In

lormatlon on the subject of dyspepsia

LAXOX Is note mlxtoreot dugs ItIS Bpthlng but castor oil made polatu-Ble


JH Mallctt Jr a popular youtfgman Etonlah was among our pleas

callers Monday




cordial ot


00TOJcrroR O OD noNHst SHOB

lip ifi JACOBSON

rtrso OOOB eaaas


JAb llsoN

f jr E 1 IlboL U1iS r

b jxnWE4-aclXQJx6 i

i 1cR111I8T r



11t 410 OOII

fustruci n hI




ol0 JAO8S11

crnt 4 suo

eayou coon itav-


ii wuflnoAi AMD acovow-

ifn VWM ttaM-

Jt ptHaaU Ut eH to a In HHi MuslinHIM hM af M u e tiTMi Mi Mlti


lit Ball

tsuiead II

moi141 f




l Issep eeeueeiI eOrIc-baC Athiliek Alea UeoeiNy

lhisliyiM ra o1 Y-utse tentww q ef s i-

E3 MeeIo 1k 4w4 WW u5 p

lag Zr TeMrI l4I-ctea

Mc I l5t-LI lb-



v jAiilVv sLiffi iiMBiftiSi-

fts Jfttr



n r-



sl 1

1 I 0-


i rr













> >









CLO1In the BEST and M

PATTERNS are inc

Stock just receivedn



Gents Fur-nMiyBtifu1 andelties o oW offered

b v I-




JKMinMt e ilft JBMA

All maft

Tie my M nO f Mr

r c ni twe-

pODttlw cool p rii rtit rttliens WM Inlbs city kfond and nMde the Tivute



tr J t1lJt1Ii Wh-

hClfle lQr lietIto l t

j6 rMkt tQ luau the tMr P m of fBaOlIa

UnuD pie I



t r-

theb baamoved her



J41M1 l



a eJi-

UeldaheMaP Get ifle Pe





For tome tin

it sobscrlbertheir ub-

ii eatbut others ht-


dto vad trouble








ita II






reuId ay







