Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro Unidade I 2010 Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio Sistema de Recuperação Lista de exercícios - Recuperação Anual (1) - KEY Nome do (a) Aluno (a): Atividade de: Nível: Classe: Professor (a): RECUPERAÇÃO Data: / 12 /2010 Data da aula: Data de entrega: A. Read Lindsay Lohan’s short biography and use the verbs in parentheses in the tense given. Lindsay Lohan was (be – past simple) born on July 2, 1986 in New York, New York. She started (start- past simple) her career when she was (be – past simple) only 3 years old making television commercials for brands like Jell-o, The Gap, Pizza Hut, and Wendy's. In 1998 Nancy Meyers chose (choose – past simple) Lindsay Lohan to play twin sisters in Lohan's first film The Parent Trap with Dennis Quaid. Lohan played (play – past simple) both Hallie Parker and Annie James. The twins were (be – past simple) determined to get their separated parents back together. She won (win – past simple) the Young Artist award for Best Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film, for her role in The Parent Trap. In June 2004 Lindsay Lohan was (be – past simple) the youngest person to host the MTV Movie Award show. Lindsay Lohan has been (be – present perfect) on several popular TV talk shows including The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, and The Ellen Degeneres Show. Lohan has also done (also / do – present perfect) some movies that expose issues most teenagers face in school today, such as with the movie Mean Girls. This movie is about popular girls who think (think – present simple) they are better than everyone else. In the recent past the media has given (give – 1

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Page 1:   · Web viewColégio Visconde de Porto Seguro. Unidade I. 2010 Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio. Sistema de Recuperação. Lista de exercícios - Recuperação Anual (1) - KEY

Colégio Visconde de Porto SeguroUnidade I


Ensino Fundamental e Ensino MédioSistema de Recuperação

Lista de exercícios - Recuperação Anual (1) - KEY

Nome do (a) Aluno (a): nº

Atividade de: Nível: Classe:

Professor (a): RECUPERAÇÃO Data: / 12 /2010

Data da aula: Data de entrega:

A. Read Lindsay Lohan’s short biography and use the verbs in parentheses in the tense given.

Lindsay Lohan was (be – past simple) born on July 2, 1986 in New York, New York. She started (start- past simple) her career when she was (be – past simple) only 3 years old making television commercials for brands like Jell-o, The Gap, Pizza Hut, and Wendy's. In 1998 Nancy Meyers chose (choose – past simple) Lindsay Lohan to play twin sisters in Lohan's first film The Parent Trap with Dennis Quaid. Lohan played (play – past simple) both Hallie Parker and Annie James. The twins were (be – past simple) determined to get their separated parents back together. She won (win – past simple) the Young Artist award for Best Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film, for

her role in The Parent Trap. In June 2004 Lindsay Lohan was (be – past simple) the youngest person to host the MTV Movie Award show. Lindsay Lohan has been (be – present perfect) on several popular TV talk shows including The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, and The Ellen Degeneres Show. Lohan has also done (also / do – present perfect) some movies that expose issues most teenagers face in school today, such as with the movie Mean Girls. This movie is about popular girls who think (think – present simple) they are better than everyone else. In the recent past the media has given (give – present perfect) Lohan a lot of attention because of drug and alcohol abuse. Lohan has recently complained during an interview: “I just don’t get (not get – present simple) the opportunities that other girls get because people are (be – present simple) so distracted by the mess that I created in my life. But that doesn't mean it is going to be (be – future with going to) like this forever.

B. Find in the text:

1. An example of comparative adjective: better.

2. An example of superlative adjective: the youngest.


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C. A reporter interviewed Lindsay Lohan to write the text in exercise A. Write the questions the reporter asked, according to the underlined parts of the answers.Dica: leia a resposta com atenção, reparando nas formas de verbos e pronomes utilizados!

1. How old were you when you started acting?

I was 3 years old when I started acting.

2. Have you (ever) done (any) TV commercials?

Yes, I have done a lot of TV commercials.

3. What are you doing at the moment?

At the moment I am working on a new movie.

4. What does your sister do?My sister is an actress, just like me.

D. Complete the conversations below using the correct verb tense.

1. A: Anna, what does your father do (your father / do)?B: He’s a movie director. A: Really? Has he ever won (he / ever / win) an Oscar?B: No, of course not! He only does (do) documentaries!

2. A: Yesterday I had (have) a terrible nightmare (pesadelo). I woke up (wake up) at 1:00 am and didn’t sleep (not sleep) again for the rest of the night.

B: What did you dream (you / dream) about?

A: I dreamed / dreamt (dream) our teacher was a horrible monster!!!

B: Really? I‘ve never had / have never had (never / have) that dream!

3. A: Hi, Rick. It’s Jane. Are you doing (you / do) anything right now?B: Well, I’m studying (study) for a test. Why? A: I’m watching / I’m going to watch (watch) that new movie with Zac Efron tonight. Why

don’t you come with me? B: Sorry, I can’t. Maybe tomorrow. A: No, tomorrow is a bad day for me. My uncle is arriving / is going to arrive (arrive) from

New Zealand. We are going / are going to go (go) to the airport to pick him up. But I don’t have (not have) any plans for next Saturday. We can go to the movies next Saturday…

B: Oh, I don’t know… Listen, I’ll call (call) you on Friday, OK?A: OK, then. Bye.


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E. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives1. Read the comic strips and find adjectives in the comparative and superlative forms. Write the adjectives in the space provided and write comparative or superlative in the parentheses.

a. faster than


b. older


c. wiser


d. the most profound


e. greatest


f. best



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2. Now complete the texts below using the COMPARATIVE or the SUPERLATIVE forms of the adjectives.

a. Garfield is probably the funniest (funny) and (the) laziest (lazy) cat in the world. He’s certainly more popular than (popular) other cats in comic strips, like Felix and Marmaduke. Garfield thinks that cats are the most intelligent (intelligent) species in the world, maybe even the universe. Jon is Garfield’s master – or is Garfield Jon’s master? He is the sweetest (sweet) and kindest (kind) man you have ever met. And maybe Odie isn’t very smart, but he is the most patient (patient) and

more tolerant (tolerant) to Garfield than dogs are to cats in real life.

b. In 2004 Garfield the movie was at the cinema. This is how some kids reacted to the movie:“The comic books are much better (good). I was really disappointed. The cat in the movie is very different from the original Garfield. And Jon was worse (bad), because he wasn’t that funny crazy man in the comics! The characters in the comics are a lot more interesting (interesting).” Andrew, 15

“I loved it. It was simply one of the best (good) movies I saw this year. But it was too short – I wanted more: a longer (long) movie, with even more fun!” Victoria, 13

F. Vocabulary – Use words from the units we studied to complete the puzzle, according to the definitions below.





















Down1. - the form people pronounce words in a foreign language using sounds from their native language - accent2. - collect (money for example) for a special cause - raise4. - go away, leave - bounce7. - boring - sketchy10. - a funny story - joke

Across 3. - cute, good-looking - tasty

5. - rope

6. - a situation that makes you feel ridiculous - embarrassing8. - wanting and insisting to do something very much - determined9. - a bird that can imitate sounds - parrot11. - with very thin clouds near the ground - foggy12. - a doctor that treats animals - vet

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Day 2

A. Future: Will x Going To

Read the cartoon below and answer the questions.

1. At the beginning of the conversation the man knows what he wants to eat – he probably decided after looking at the menu and now, when he is speaking – he talks about his plans.

What verb form does he use to talk about his plans?Be Going To: I’m going to have

2. After his wife tells him to choose something healthier he makes a new decision. What verb form does he use to talk about a decision he made at the moment of speaking?Will: I’ll have

We also use be going to to talk about predictions when we have clear evidence in the present that something will happen in the near future.

For example: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain. (The clouds are there now.)

Now match the evidence in the present with the prediction for the future.

1. Look at those clouds; (h) a. It’s going to be a nice day.

2. The children are running on the wet floor. (g) b. He’s going to get fat

3. Be careful of that dog, (d) c. The baby is going to wake up.

4. What a lovely morning! (a) d. It’s going to bite someone

5. John is eating too much. (b) e. She’s going to have an accident.

6. You’re making too much noise. (c) f. You’re going to drop them!

7. That woman is driving too fast. (e) g. They are going to fall.

8. Those boxes are too heavy for you. (f) h. it’s going to rain.

Remember: We can use the Present Continuous to express future arrangements – things for which we set a date and time. Example: I’m seeing my doctor next Monday. (I called my doctor and made an appointment.)


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Now fill in the blanks using will, be going to or Present Continuous (future arrangements) in the correct form (affirmative, negative or interrogative).1 'It's hot in here.'

'OK, I’ll open (open) the window.'

2 'Have you decided what you're doing at Christmas?' '

Yes, we are staying / are going to stay. (stay) with my parents.'

3 'Why are you driving so fast?' 'Because we are going to be late (be) late.'

4 'We're going to Paris for Sylvia's birthday. But it's a secret.'

'Is it? OK, I won’t tell (tell) her.'

5 'Oh, no. I haven't got any money! I'll have to go to the bank.'

'I’ll lend you (lend) you some.'

6 ‘We are spending / are going to spend our holidays in Greece.’‘Wow, that’s great. How long are you staying / are you going to stay. (you / stay) there?

7 'Do you want me to give you a lift to the station?' 'No, thanks. It's OK. Dad is taking me / is going to take me (take) me.' 8 ‘Can you meet me on Friday afternoon?’‘Sorry, I can’t. I’m having / am going to have (have) lunch with may aunt.

For more information and practice on will and be going to check this link.http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/goingtoorwill/menu.php



1. Read the joke below and fill in the blanks with the correct word – a, an, some, any or no

The rabbit and the butcherOne day a rabbit walked into the butcher's shop and asked the butcher, 'Do you have any carrots?'The butcher replied, 'No, I'm sorry, sir, but this is a butchers' shop. We don't sell vegetables in here.  Go to the greengrocer at the other end of the street. I'm sure he's got some carrots.’ The rabbit thanked the butcher and left the shop.

The next day the rabbit went into the butcher's shop again.'Good morning! I'd like a lettuce and some carrots, please.'


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'Look, I'm sorry, sir! I told you yesterday - we don't sell any vegetables in here, only meat.''OK, I see,' said the rabbit and left the shop.

On the third day, the rabbit walked into the shop again and said, 'Hello, could you give me some carrots and a cabbage, please? Oh, and an eggplant, too'This time the butcher was very angry.'I told you yesterday and the day before. We don't sell any vegetables in here. No carrots, no lettuce, no cabbage and no eggplants. Do you understand? The next time you come in here and ask for vegetables, I'm going to take a hammer and I'm going to nail your ears to the floor!'

The next day, the rabbit was in the butcher's shop again.'Good morning!' he said. 'Do have any nails?''No,' said the butcher, 'I don't have any nails.''Do you have a hammer?' asked the rabbit.'No, I don't,' the butcher replied.'Good,' said the rabbit, 'Then can I have some carrots, please?'

2. Ask questions for the underlined parts of the answers below.a. What did the rabbit want? The rabbit wanted some carrots.

b. Did the butcher have any carrots?No, the butcher didn’t have any carrots.

c. Why did the butcher / he get angry? (or) Why was the butcher / he angry?He got angry because the rabbit came back and asked the same question again and again.

d. What does a butcher’s shop sell?A butcher’s shop sells meat.

e. Where can I/we find vegetables?You can find vegetables at a greengrocer’s shop.

f. Have you ever seen a rabbit talking to anyone?No, I’ve never seen a rabbit talking to anyone!

3. Now circle the correct alternative.1. Nobody / Somebody / Anybody left you a message on the answer-phone. I don't know who.

2. I know I put my keys somewhere / anywhere / nowhere!


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The cast of Sesame Street during the show's 40th anniversary season

3. Would you like anything / nothing / something to drink? (offer)

4. Have you seen John? No, I haven't seen him anyone / anything / anywhere.

5. We expected a few people but nobody / somebody / anybody came to the party.

6. Would you like anything / something / nothing else sir?

7. I have anything / nothing / somebody to declare.

8. Has anybody / nobody / nothing seen the new Brad Pitt film?

9. I can’t see anybody / anything / anywhere on your desk. Where did you leave your mobile?

10. Nobody / anybody / somebody knows what happened to her. It’s a mystery!

C. Reading Comprehension

Read the article about Sesame Street and answer the questions belowSesame Street Turns 40After 40 years, sunny days are still shining on the beloved children’s television show By Laura Linn | November 16 , 2009 Big Bird, Elmo, Oscar the Grouch . . . is there anyone reading this who doesn’t know these characters? Sesame Street has been around so long that many of your parents probably remember them too. This month, the beloved children’s TV show that stars furry Muppets alongside human actors celebrates its 40th birthday.

When Sesame Street began in November 1969, kids and parents were amazed, because there wasn’t anything like it before. What was so different about it? Believe it or not, it was the idea of using TV as a teaching tool for kids.

The show’s creators wanted to help young children learn the alphabet and counting. They also wanted to teach about friendship and respect. And they wanted kids to have fun the whole time. Their idea was brand-new.

Now it is 40 years later. Sesame Street has made learning fun for millions of American kids!

Did You Know? Big Bird is 8 feet, 2 inches tall. The same actor, Caroll Spinney, has played Big Bird since the show’s beginning. He also plays

Oscar the Grouch. Oscar the Grouch was orange at first, before they changed him to green. Kermit the Frog made his last appearance on the show in 2001. He is the only original Muppet no

longer on Sesame Street. 77 million Americans have watched Sesame Street as children. You are probably one of them!

1. Which of the statements below is CORRECT?

a. Sesame Street was the first TV show for children in the USA.8

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b. When the show started parents and children were not interested.

c. The objective of the show is to entertain and teach children at the same time.

d. Kermit the Frog is the show’s most popular character today.

2. Match these expressions from the text with their meanings.

1. beloved (3 ) a. surprised

2. alongside (4 ) b. instrument

3. amazed (5 ) c. completely new

4. tool (1 ) d. popular

5. brand-new (2 ) e. together with

D. Grammar and Vocabulary in Use1. Present Perfect

a. How many examples of the Present Perfect can you find in the text? Copy them below.has been; has made; has played; have watched

b. Make sentences about these people. Follow the model.

I) Alice is a journalist.

- meet / a lot of famous people

She has met a lot of famous people.

- not be / on television

She hasn’t been on television.

II) Robert Swan is an explorer.

- be / to the North Pole

He has been to the North Pole.

- see / polar bears

He has seen polar bears.

- never/get lost

He has never gotten / got lost.

c. Now complete the text about Mike Fay, conservationist and National Geographic Explorer. Use the correct form of the Present Perfect.Mike Fay has slept (sleep) in a bed only 50 times in the last ten years! He has survived (survive) an

elephant attack, contracted malaria, walked over 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) across central Africa,


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among other adventures. When asked about his routine he gives some examples of how his life is different.

“This past year, I have walked (walk) about five months I have spent (spend) about two months in an

airplane. Of course I haven’t seen (not see) much of my friends, but that’s how life is for an explorer! Oh

but I love going to places where I haven’t been (not be) before. That’s the most fun!” A reporter once

asked Mike, “How many notebooks have you written (you / write) in all your journeys?” The answer?

“Hundreds. Explorers do a lot more work than walking!”

2. Circle the correct alternative. 1. Mike Fay always has ____________ interesting to tell us. Would you like to ask him ___________?

a. something / something b. anything / something c. something / anything

2. Mountain climbers always use a ____________. It’s part of their equipment.

a. swing b. ferry c. rope

3. My mother is a lot _________________________________ my father.

a. more adventurous than b. the most adventurous c. the more adventurous

4. ____________________________ when you started exploring?

a. How old are you b. How old were you c. How old was you

5. I’d like to be an explorer, but I need to ______________ a sport to keep fit, first.

a. throw away b. keep it up c. take up

6. Dave wants to be an explorer some day. But he never pays attention to class. He is always __________.

a. daydreaming b. awake c. determined

7. How ______________________ a conservationist and explorer?

a. did you became b. you became c. did you become

8. _______________________________ lost in the jungle?

a. Have you ever gotten b. Has you ever got c. Have you ever get