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1) Complete with the words of vcabulay above:a) “Martin Van Buren was US a________________ to the UKb) The word d____________l usually refers to a young woman.c) S______________ is a Greek word meaning fixed length.d) The chairperson usually p_____________s over council meetings.e) There are few places as d_________________ as a desert.f) Most religions have included some form of s_____________________.g) B______________ means both reward and abundance.

THE CASTEUELPIDES and PISTHETAERUS: Elderly Greek citizens who are sick of living in Athens.EPOPS: King of the birds. Was once a human named Tereus, but was transformed into a hoopoe.HERALD: A messenger for the Greek people.PRIEST: A person who helps make sacrifices.IRIS: A messenger goddess who can fly.PROMETHEUS: The Greek god who created humankind out of clay and water. He stole fire from the gods to give to humankind. Zeus, king of the gods, punished him by chaining him to a mountainside and letting a bird eat his liver.He later escaped.POSEIDON: The Greek god of the sea and Zeus’s brother.HERACLES: Zeus’s son and a divine hero. He has extraordinary strength and courage, but is not too smart. He loves food.

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MESSENGERSCHORUS OF BIRDS: The voice of all the birds.”

“THE SCENEA wild, desolate tract of open country; broken rocks and brushwood occupy the center of the stage. Two actors dressed as birds, wearing large bird masks, are leading Euelpides and Pisthetaerus.[The jay hops about happily and pecks at Euelpides’s shoulder. Then he points with his head to a particular rock.]EUELPIDES: Have we finally arrived in the Kingdom of the Birds?[Euelpides’s jay nods his head. Pisthetaerus’s crow caws and flaps its wings at Pisthetaerus.]PISTHETAERUS: Here, knock on this rock.EUELPIDES: Good idea! [Knocks on the rock.] Ho there, within!EPOPS: Who wants me?EUELPIDES: We are mortals from the land of Athens who wish to pay you a visit.EPOPS: What for?EUELPIDES: Because you have all human knowledge as well as that of birds. We have come to beg you to direct us to some comfortable town to relax in—a utopia of sorts.A place without the lawsuits or crazy characters of Athens.PISTHETAERUS: I have a great plan that will transfer the supreme power to the birds.EPOPS: What is this great plan?PISTHETAERUS: Found a city in the clouds and the sky and fortify it with great walls. In this way you will reign over humankind. When people sacrifice to the gods, the smoke of the sacrifices must pass through your land to reach the gods for their nourishment. Unless the gods pay you to allow this passage, they will starve.EPOPS: By gods, I never heard of anything more cleverly conceived!Let us tell the other birds. I shall call them: Here birdy, birdy, birdy! Here birdy, birdy, birdy![The Chorus of Birds flocks to the stage.]CHORUS OF BIRDS: Where is he who called us? What good things have you to tell us?PISTHETAERUS: I am bursting with desire to speak to you, since you were at one time kings.CHORUS OF BIRDS: We were kings? Over whom?PISTHETAERUS: It was the birds, not the gods, who once ruled over people. The strongest proof of all is that Zeus is represented as standing with an eagle on his head as a symbol of his royalty. His daughter has an owl, and his servant Phoebus has a hawk.EUELPIDES: What are all these birds doing in the sky?

“PISTHETAERUS: When anyone sacrifices to the gods, these birds take their share before Zeus. Formerly people always swore by the birds and never by the gods.CHORUS OF BIRDS: Please tell us what must be done.PISTHETAERUS: First I advise that the birds gather together in one city and that they build a great wall to divide the earth from the heavens. Next demand the empire back from Zeus. And if he refuses, you declare war and forbid the gods to pass through your country. Then you send a messenger to humankind to proclaim that the birds are kings. People must first sacrifice to birds, and only afterward to the gods.EPOPS: By Zeus, it is no longer the time to delay! Let us act as promptly as possible. Eat this root and you will grow wings.[They eat the root and go through a rather exaggerated transformation that has them running on and off stage. They come back onstage to admire and laugh at each other’s stubby new wings.]PISTHETAERUS: You look like a goose painted by a blind artist.EUELPIDES: And you look like a close-shaven blackbird.EPOPS: Come now, what must be done?”“PISTHETAERUS: First give our city a great and famous name, and then make a sacrifice.

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EUELPIDES: It should be some name borrowed from the clouds.PISTHETAERUS: Do you like Cloud-Cuckoo-Town?EPOPS: Oh, a brilliant thought!PISTHETAERUS: [To Euelpides.] Go, friend, to help the workers who are building the wall. I must help with the sacrifice to the new gods and must go to summon the Priest who will preside at the ceremony.EPOPS: Priest, it is high time to sacrifice to the new gods.PRIEST: I begin: We pray to the gods of the birds and to all the god and goddess-birds who dwell in the sky...[Starts an elaborate sacrifice ceremony involving much wing flapping and squawking. A messenger enters a few minutes later.]MESSENGER: Where is Pisthetaerus, our leader?PISTHETAERUS: Here am I.MESSENGER: The wall is finished.PISTHETAERUS: Why, they just started the wall five minutes ago – that’s surprisingly good news!MESSENGER: It is a most beautiful, a most magnificent work of art with the length of one hundred stadia – I measured it myself.CHORUS OF BIRDS: Well, aren’t you astonished at the wall being completed so quickly?PISTHETAERUS: By the gods, yes[…]”

2) What are the differences between human and gods?


3) Give five name of greek gods:


4) Match the phrases to the characters.

a) Euelpides and


b) Epops

c) Herald

d) Priest

e) Iris

f) Prometheus

g) Poseidon

h) Heracles

____ king of the birds

____ citizens of Athens

____ greek menssenger

____ person who helps make sacrifices.

____ Zeus’s son and a divine hero

_____ The Greek god who created humankind out of clay and water.

_____ The Greek god of the sea.

_____ A mensenger goddess who can fly.

5) Why birds declare war to gods?



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6) What was the birds plant to defeat gods?a) Is to take away all human knowledge as well as that of birds. b) It’s come to beg you to direct us to some comfortable town to relax in—a

utopia of sorts.c) To buid a place without the lawsuits or crazy characters of Athensd) Found a city in the clouds and the sky and fortify it with great walls.e) I have a great plan that will transfer the supreme power to the birds.7) How much time do the birds buit the wall?a) Five yearsb) Five monthsc) Six minutesd) Five minutese) All day long

The subject and the predicate are the two main parts of a sentence.The subject agrees with the finite verb in person and number.

8) What two parts make up a complete sentence?a) A noun and preposition.b) A noun and a verb.c) An adverb and a conjunction.d) A verb and an adjective.9) The subject of a sentence is always a ...a) Verbb) nounc) conjunctiond) preposition10) The subject of a sentence tells...a) what the sentence is doing.b) what the sentence is about.c) where the direct object is.d) what tense the verb is in.

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“Ah, my dear Prometheus!PROMETHEUS:Hush, don’t say my name too loudly, for you will be my ruin if Zeus should find me here. I have news for you: it’s all over with Zeus since you founded this city in the air. Humans no longer sacrifice to the gods. The smoke of the sacrifices no longer reaches them, and the gods are starving. Zeus plans to send deputies here to sue for peace, but don’t retreat unless Zeus restores the scepter to the birds and gives you Basileia in marriage.PISTHETAERUS:Who is this Basileia?PROMETHEUS:A very lovely young damsel who makes the lightning for Zeus. All good things come from her — wisdom, good laws, virtue, the fleet, and the public paymaster.HETAERUS:Ah, then she is a sort of general manager to the gods.”“PROMETHEUS:Yes, precisely. If he gives you her for your wife, you will have almighty power. That’s what I have come to tell you; for you know my constant and habitual goodwill toward mankind.PISTHETAERUS:Oh, yes! It is thanks to you that we roast our meat.PROMETHEUS:I must return before I am discovered.”

1) Write one sentence with each of the words.a) Scepter

______________________________________________________b) Preside

______________________________________________________c) Desolate

____________________________________________________d) Sacrifice

_____________________________________________________e) Damsel

_____________________________________________________2) What was the birds plan?


3) What is the main difference between humans and gods?



4) Match the phrases to the characters.

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a) Euelpides and


b) Epops

c) Herald

d) Priest

e) Iris

f) Prometheus

g) Poseidon

h) Heracles

____ king of the birds

____ citizens of Athens

____ greek menssenger

____ person who helps make sacrifices.

____ Zeus’s son and a divine hero

_____ The Greek god who created humankind out of clay and water.

_____ The Greek god of the sea.

_____ A mensenger goddess who can fly.

5) Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE:a) Humans and birds can communicate wtih each other. ( )b) The leader of birds was once a god. ( )c) Pisthetaerus claim birds were once kings. ( )d) The birds build a great wall in five months. ( )

6) Everyone recognizes the name Oprah.

The subject is

A) Everyone

B) name

C) Oprah

7) A schedule helps students with time management.

The predicate is

A) schedule

B) helps

C) management

8) The tennis team won the state championship.

The subject is

A) tennis

B) team

C) championship

9) Several thousand people watched the parade.

The predicate is

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A) Several

B) watched

C) parade

10)The subject of a sentence tells...a) what the sentence is doing.b) what the sentence is about.c) where the direct object is.d) what tense the verb is in.