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Page 1: Atividades Carnaval

Para entrar no climaO carnaval chegou e se você vai acompanhar o desfile das escolas de samba pela televisão, que tal aprender algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a samba e fantasias to get into the spirit of Carnival?

É carnaval no Brasil e se você está em Toronto, provavelmente é nesta época do ano que sente mais saudades da “terrinha”. Ver os desfiles da escola de samba na TV enquanto o termômetro marca faz -20ºC lá fora não é mesmo fácil.

Traduzir o vocabulário do sambódromo para o inglês também parece uma tarefa difícil. Já imaginou como se diz “samba-enredo” ou “comissão de frente”? Confira essas e outras palavras relacionadas ao carnaval carioca.

Entrar no clima – to get into the spirit of

Ex: My friends like to have a beer to get into the spirit of Carnival.

Escola de samba – Samba school

Ex: Beija-Flor is my favourite samba school.

Desfile de escola de samba

Há várias maneiras de dizer. Eu sugiro: Carnival parade ou Samba school parade.

Samba-enredo ou Enredo – Samba plot ou Plot

Ex: Beija-Flor has won three awards for best samba plot. (A Beija-Flor já ganhou trêsprêmios de melhor samba-enredo).

Comissão de frente – Commission of front

The commission of front is the forefront of school, the first group of parade participants, which is a mandatory condition.

Carro alegórico – Carnival float, float

Fantasia de carnaval – Carnival costume

Rainha da bateria – The queen of the drums section

E, assim com o carnaval, esta coluna termina com aquela palavra que muitos de nós odiamos:

Quarta-feira de cinzas – Ash Wednesday

Bom carnaval a todos!

Page 2: Atividades Carnaval

A. Leiam o texto abaixo. / Read the text below.

In Brazil, Valentine's Day is known as "Dia dos Namorados" and is celebrated on June 12, when couples exchange gifts, chocolate, cards and flower bouquets. This day was chosen probably because it is before the "Festa Junina", when traditionally many single women perform popular rituals, called simpatias, in order to find a good husband or boyfriend. The February 14's Valentine's Day is not celebrated at all, mainly for cultural and commercial reasons, since it usually falls a short time before or after Carnival, a major floating holiday in Brazil that has been long regarded as a holiday of sex and debauchery by many in the country. The "Dia dos Namorados" is not only a time for romance but also for making money, as it usually helps to boost sales - buying presents is a part of relationships . If you're dating, don't forget to do something to make him or her feel special: show how much you care without expecting anything in return.

Vocabulário de apoio

a. Happen: acontecerb. Floating: que não é fixoc. Debauchery: devassidão, baixariad. Boost: melhorar, aumentare. Care: se importarf. Anything: nada

B. Respondam as perguntas a seguir. / Answer the questions below

1. What happens on the "Dia dos Namorados"?....................................................................................

2. What is the difference between "Valetine's day" and "Dia dos Namorados"?....................................................................................

C. Mark True or False.

1. The "Dia dos Namorados" helps to boost sales. (.....)2. Buying presents is a bad part of relationships. (.....)3. Valentine's day is on February 14th. (.....)4. Gift is a synonym for present. (.....)

D. Qual a melhor tradução para: "show how much you care without expecting anything in return" ?

Page 3: Atividades Carnaval

B. Respondam as perguntas a seguir. / Answer the questions below

1. What happens on the "Dia dos Namorados"?R.: On that day couples exchange gifts, chocolates, cards and flower bouquets to celebrate it.

2. What is the difference between "Valetine's day" and "Dia dos Namorados"?R.: They are celebrated in different dates. "Dia dos Namorados" is celebrated on June 12th and "Valetine's day" is celebrated on February 14th.

C. Mark True or False.

1. The "Dia dos Namorados" helps to boost sales. ( T )2. Buying presents is a bad part of relationships. ( F )3. Valentine's day is on February 14th. ( T )4. Gift is a synonym for present. ( T )

D. Qual a melhora tradução para: "show how much you care without expecting anything in return" ?R.: Mostre o quanto você se importa sem esperar nada em troca.

Page 4: Atividades Carnaval

A. Read the text below / Leia o texto abaixo

Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February. Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus, mask and public street party. People often dress up or masquerade during the celebrations, which marks an overturning of daily life. It is a festival traditionally held in Roman Catholic and, to a lesser extent, Eastern Orthodox societies. Protestant areas usually do not have carnival celebrations or have modified traditions, such as the Danish Carnival or other Shrove Tuesday events. The Brazilian Carnival is one of the best-known celebrations today, but many cities and regions worldwide celebrate with large, popular, and days-long events. - Wikipedia adaptado

Vocabulário de apoio:

a. Lent: Quaresmab. Dress up: Fantasiar-sec. Overturning: Mudançad. Shrove Tuesday: Terça-feira de carnaval.

B. Answer the questions about the text. Responda as perguntas relativas ao texto.

1. What is carnival?R.:......................................................................................

2. When is carnival?R.:......................................................................................

3. What does carnival involve?R.:......................................................................................

4. Write about Brazilian carnival according to the text.R.:......................................................................................

C. Mark True or False.

1. Daily life changes during carnival. (.....)2. Protestant areas usually have carnival celebrations or have modified traditions. (.....)3. The Brazilian carnival isn't one of the best-known celebrations today. (.....)4. Many places worldwide celebrate with large, popular, and days-long events. (.....)

D. Como se diz " O carnaval é muito bonito no Brasil" em inglês?....................................................................................................

Page 5: Atividades Carnaval

B. Respondam as perguntas relativas ao texto. / Answer the questions about the text.

1. What is carnival?R.: Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent.

2. When is carnival?R.: Main events of Carnival are usually during February.

3. What does carnival involve?R.: Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus, mask and public street party.

4. Write about Brazilian carnival according to the text.R.: Brazilian Carnival is one of the best-known celebrations today.

C. Mark True or False.

1. Daily life changes during carnival. ( T )2. Protestant areas usually have carnival celebrations or have modified traditions. ( F )3. The Brazilian carnival isn't one of the best-known celebrations today. ( T )4. Many places worldwide celebrate with large, popular, and days-long events. ( T )

D. Como se diz " O carnaval é muito bonito no Brasil" em inglês?R.: Carnival in Brazil is very beautiful."and if for a second you turn back, oh no, be strong, walk on, walk on" - U2


1. Carnival is a festive season. 2. Immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February.3. Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus, mask and public street party.4. The Brazilian Carnival is one of the best-known celebrations today.


1. True2. False3. False4. True


"Carnival is very beautiful in Brazil."

Bons estudos!

Page 6: Atividades Carnaval


B. Respondam as perguntas relativas ao texto. / Answer the questions about the text.

1. What is carnival?R.: Carnival is a festive season.

2. When is carnival?R.: The Carnival occurs immediately before Lent and the main events are usually during February.

3. What does carnival involve?R.: Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus, mask and public street party.

4. Write about Brazilian carnival according to the text.R.: The Brazilian Carnival is one of the best-known celebrations today.

C. Mark True or False.

1. Daily life changes during carnival. (True)2. Protestant areas usually have carnival celebrations or have modified traditions. (False)3. The Brazilian carnival isn't one of the best-known celebrations today. (False)4. Many places worldwide celebrate with large, popular, and days-long events. (True)

D. Como se diz " O carnaval é muito bonito no Brasil" em inglês?Carnival is very beautiful in Brazil.

Page 7: Atividades Carnaval
