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*----------------------------------------------------------------------****INCLUDE MZFICOM003I01 .*----------------------------------------------------------------------**&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module tb_comissao_mark INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** TELA 0200 - Atualiza marcao de linhas do table control*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module tb_comissao_mark input. wa_item-mark = v_mark. modify t_item from wa_item index tb_comissao-current_line transporting mark.endmodule. " tb_comissao_mark INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module tb_historico_mark INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** TELA 0400 - Atualiza marcao de linhas do table control*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module tb_historico_mark input. wa_historico-mark = v_mark. modify t_historico from wa_historico index tb_historico-current_line transporting mark.endmodule. " tb_historico_mark INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module user_command_0100 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** rotina de comandos de tela*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command_0100 input. data: v_jobname like tbtcjob-jobname, v_jobcount like tbtcjob-jobcount, v_actvt(2) type n. clear v_actvt. case sy-ucomm. when 'CRIA'. v_actvt = '01'. when 'INFO'. v_actvt = '22'. when 'PAGA'. v_actvt = '45'. when 'ESTO'. v_actvt = '85'. when 'ELIM'. v_actvt = '06'. when 'INDI'. v_actvt = '01'. endcase. if ( not v_actvt is initial ). authority-check object 'Z_ARMZ_002' id 'WERKS' dummy id 'MOTIVO' field 'COMISSAO' id 'ACTVT' field v_actvt. if ( sy-subrc ne 0 ). case sy-ucomm. when 'CRIA'. message e001(zfi). when 'INFO'. message e002(zfi). when 'PAGA'. message e003(zfi). when 'ESTO'. message e004(zfi). when 'ELIM'. message e005(zfi). when 'INDI'. message e006(zfi). endcase. endif. endif. code100 = sy-ucomm. clear v_copied. perform f_limpa_variaveis. case code100. when 'CRIA'. refresh t_spopli. clear wa_spopli. wa_spopli-varoption = text-m13. append wa_spopli to t_spopli. wa_spopli-varoption = text-m14. append wa_spopli to t_spopli. call function 'POPUP_TO_DECIDE_LIST' exporting start_col = 35 start_row = 13 textline1 = text-m15 titel = text-m16 importing answer = v_rescisao tables t_spopli = t_spopli. check ( v_rescisao ne 'A' ).*> Checa se existe resciso algum pagamento de resciso realizado if ( v_rescisao eq '2' ). select * from zfitcom003 into table t_zfitcom003 where ( status in ('1', '2', '3') ) and ( bukrs eq p_bukrs ) and ( vkbur in s_vkbur ) and ( resctr eq 'X' ). if ( sy-subrc eq 0 ). message w999(zarm) with text-m17 text-m18. exit. endif. endif. if ( p_excjob eq c_mark ). break abap02. v_jobname = 'CALC_PGTO_COMISSAO'. call function 'JOB_OPEN' exporting jobname = v_jobname importing jobcount = v_jobcount exceptions cant_create_job = 1 invalid_job_data = 2 jobname_missing = 3 others = 4.* submit zficomr007 and return with s_vkbur in s_vkbur with s_pagnr in s_pagnr with s_docto in s_docto with p_data eq p_data with p_novcom eq p_novcom with p_ctocom eq p_ctocom with p_resc eq v_rescisao with p_excjob eq p_excjob user sy-uname via job v_jobname number v_jobcount to sap-spool without spool dynpro.* call function 'JOB_CLOSE' exporting jobcount = v_jobcount jobname = v_jobname strtimmed = 'X' exceptions cant_start_immediate = 1 invalid_startdate = 2 jobname_missing = 3 job_close_failed = 4 job_nosteps = 5 job_notex = 6 lock_failed = 7 others = 8.* v_dest = 'NONE'.* call function 'Z_FI_RFC_CRIA_PAGAMENTO'* in background task* destination v_dest* exporting* quinzena = p_data* ucomm = code100* comissao = p_novcom* contencioso = p_ctocom* rescisao = v_rescisao* background = p_excjob* tables* tb_tvbur = t_tvbur* tb_lfa1 = t_lfa1* tb_xref3 = s_xref3.** call function 'ID_OF_BACKGROUNDTASK'* exporting* dest = v_dest* importing* tid = wa_id.** if ( sy-subrc eq 0 ).* commit work.* message i999(zarm) with 'Task iniciada com nro.'* wa_id.* endif.* FNUM = else. perform f_valida_vkbur. if ( not t_tverr[] is initial ). call screen '0500' starting at 20 5. endif. if ( t_tvbur[] is initial ). message w999(zarm) with text-m30. else. loop at t_tvbur into wa_tvbur. call function 'ENQUEUE_EZFITCOM005' exporting mode_zfitcom005 = 'E' mandt = sy-mandt vkbur = wa_tvbur-vkbur x_vkbur = ' ' _scope = '2' _wait = ' ' _collect = ' ' exceptions foreign_lock = 1 system_failure = 2 others = 3. if sy-subrc ne 0. delete t_tvbur. endif. endloop. if ( t_tvbur[] is initial ). message w999(zarm) with text-m33. exit. endif. p_quinz = p_data. p_code100 = code100. p_newcom = p_novcom. p_concom = p_ctocom. p_rescisao = v_rescisao. p_background = p_excjob. s_belnr[] = s_docto[]. t_tvbur1[] = t_tvbur[]. t_auxlfa1[] = t_lfa1[]. perform f_selecao_de_criacao. if ( t_bsis[] is initial ) and ( v_rescisao ne '2' ). message w999(zarm) with text-m06. exit. endif. perform f_apura_pagamentos. call screen '0200'. loop at t_tvbur into wa_tvbur. call function 'DEQUEUE_EZFITCOM005' exporting mode_zfitcom005 = 'E' mandt = sy-mandt vkbur = wa_tvbur-vkbur x_vkbur = ' ' _scope = '3' _synchron = ' ' _collect = ' '. endloop. endif. endif. when 'INFO'. perform f_menu_pagamentos using '1' text-m01. when 'PAGA'. perform f_menu_pagamentos using '2' text-m12. when 'ESTO'. perform f_menu_pagamentos using '3' text-m26. when 'ELIM'. perform f_menu_pagamentos using 'E' text-m28. when 'INDI'. call selection-screen '0120' starting at 20 5. when 'RW' or '%EX'. leave to screen 0. when 'CANCEL'. leave program. endcase.endmodule. " user_command_0100 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module user_command_0200 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** rotina de comandos das telas*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module user_command input. ok_code = sy-ucomm. case ok_code. when 'MODE'.* check ( sy-uname(04) eq 'ABAP' or sy-uname eq 'FABIANO' or* sy-uname eq 'PATI' or sy-uname eq 'SILVIO' ).* Verifica se usurio pode executar BI em modo visvel select single * from zfitcom014 where bname = sy-uname and tcode = sy-tcode. if sy-subrc eq 0. call screen '0101' starting at 20 5. endif. when 'MOD3'. if ( v_mod3 ne c_mark ). v_mod3 = c_mark. else. clear v_mod3. endif. when 'ENTER'. if ( sy-dynnr eq '0300' ) or ( sy-dynnr eq '0500' ). clear ok_code. leave to screen 0. endif. when '%EX' or 'RW' or 'CANCEL'. clear ok_code. leave to screen 0. when 'FIRST'. v_indice = 1. when 'PREV'. v_indice = v_indice - 1. if ( v_indice eq 0 ). v_indice = 1. endif. when 'NEXT'. v_indice = v_indice + 1. if ( v_indice gt v_totvend ). v_indice = v_totvend. endif. when 'LAST'. v_indice = v_totvend. when 'P--' or 'P-' or 'P+' or 'P++' or 'SALL' or 'DSAL'. perform user_ok_tc using 'TB_COMISSAO' 'T_ITEM' 'MARK' changing ok_code. when 'IP--' or 'IP-' or 'IP+' or 'IP++'. ok_code = ok_code+01(04). perform user_ok_tc using 'TB_IMPOSTOS' 'T_LFBW' ' ' changing ok_code. when 'HP--' or 'HP-' or 'HP+' or 'HP++' or 'HSALL' or 'HDSAL'. ok_code = ok_code+01(04). perform user_ok_tc using 'TB_HISTORICO' 'T_HISTORICO' 'MARK' changing ok_code. when 'SAVE'. call function 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP' exporting textline1 = text-m20 textline2 = text-m21 titel = text-m23 importing answer = v_confirm. if ( v_confirm eq 'J' ). case code100. when 'CRIA'. perform f_gera_arquivo. when 'INFO'. perform f_verifica_nota. when 'PAGA'. perform f_gera_pagamento. when 'ESTO'. perform f_gera_estorno. when 'ELIM'. perform f_elimina_pagamento. endcase. perform f_grava_dados. clear ok_code. leave to screen 0. endif. when 'ADIC'. call screen '0300' starting at 20 05. when 'HIST'. clear v_cop400. call screen '0400'. when 'PRN'. t_auxprn[] = t_zfitcom004[]. delete t_auxprn where ( mark ne c_mark ). perform f_calcula_totais tables t_auxprn t_lfbw t_lfa1 changing zfiecom002-totalnf zfiecom002-totcom zfiecom002-totimp. refresh t_spopli. clear wa_spopli. wa_spopli-varoption = text-m04. append wa_spopli to t_spopli. wa_spopli-varoption = text-m05. append wa_spopli to t_spopli. call function 'POPUP_TO_DECIDE_LIST' exporting start_col = 35 start_row = 13 textline1 = text-m02 titel = text-m03 importing answer = v_answer tables t_spopli = t_spopli. if ( v_answer ne 'A' ). call screen '9999'. endif. endcase. clear: ok_code, sy-ucomm.endmodule. " user_command_0200 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module atualiza_comissao INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Rotina que atualiza comisses selecionadas*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&module atualiza_comissao input. check t_oldite[] ne t_item[]. t_oldite[] = t_item[]. loop at t_item into wa_item. read table t_zfitcom004 into zfitcom004 with key pagnr = wa_item-pagnr belnr = wa_item-belnr buzei = wa_item-buzei binary search.* READ TABLE t_zfitcom004 INTO zfitcom004 index sy-tabix. if ( sy-subrc eq 0 ). modify t_zfitcom004 from wa_item index sy-tabix. endif. endloop.endmodule. " atualiza_comissao INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module atualiza_historico INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Rotina que atualiza histricos de resciso selecionados*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&module atualiza_historico input. check t_oldhist[] ne t_historico[]. t_oldhist[] = t_historico[]. loop at t_historico into wa_historico. read table t_base12 into wa_base12 with key pagnr = wa_historico-pagnr nroite = wa_historico-nroite binary search. if ( sy-subrc eq 0 ). modify t_base12 from wa_historico index sy-tabix. endif. endloop.endmodule. " atualiza_historico INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module nota_fiscal INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Rotina de atualizao do campo nota*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module nota_fiscal input. select single * from zfitcom003 into wa_aux where ( vkbur eq zfitcom003-vkbur ) and ( nfnum eq zfitcom003-nfnum ) and ( status ne '4' ) and ( pagnr ne zfitcom003-pagnr ). if ( sy-subrc eq 0 ). message e999(zarm) with text-m27. endif.endmodule. " nota_fiscal INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module tb_comissao_fb03 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Rotina para executar double-click no table control comissao*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module tb_comissao_fb03 input. check ( not zfitcom004-belnr eq '9999999999' ). set parameter id 'BLN' field zfitcom004-belnr. set parameter id 'BUK' field zfitcom004-bukrs. set parameter id 'GJR' field zfitcom004-gjahr. call transaction 'FB03' and skip first screen. exit.endmodule. " tb_comissao_fb03 INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module data_nota INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Checa a data de emisso da nota fiscal*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module data_nota input. if ( zfitcom003-datnf gt sy-datum ). message e999(zarm) with text-m35. endif.*BDS - Ajuste p/que compare a dt da quinzena e no execuo do calculo* if ( zfitcom003-datnf lt zfitcom003-dtcal ). if ( zfitcom003-datnf lt zfitcom003-quinzena ).*BDS - end message e999(zarm) with text-m36. endif.endmodule. " data_nota INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Module check_data INPUT*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Checa obrigatoriedade do campo data*----------------------------------------------------------------------*module check_data input. if ( not zfitcom003-nfnum is initial ) and ( zfitcom003-datnf is initial ). message e999(zarm) with text-m37. endif. read table t_zfitcom003 into wa_aux with key pagnr = zfitcom003-pagnr binary search. if ( sy-subrc eq 0 ). wa_aux-nfnum = zfitcom003-nfnum. wa_aux-datnf = zfitcom003-datnf. modify t_zfitcom003 from wa_aux index sy-tabix transporting nfnum datnf. endif.endmodule. " check_data INPUT