  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    All aboard! Bound for Magnificent Park! All

    aboard! called the station master.

    Tara, Marek, Miko, and Jesse, along with, Suzanna,

    their guide for the day, clambered aboard the train

    bound for Magnificent Park, one of Heavens

    adventure parks, specifically created for children.

    Pasajeros, al tren! Partimos al Parque

    Magnfico! Suban al tren! grit el jefe de la


    Tara, Marek, Miko, Jesse y Susana su gua

    por el da subieron al tren rumbo al parque

    magnfico, uno de los parques de diversiones

    infantiles del Cielo.

  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    That must be Magnificent Park! Miko exclaimed.

    Indeed, it is, replied Suzanna. Well be pulling into the station soon.

    Suzanna and the children stepped off the train. In front of them stood a

    sign listing several paths they could take: Worlds Beyond, Pathway of

    Change, Enthusiastic Trail, and Adventures from History.

    Oh, I love changes! Tara said. Lets take the Pathway of Change and seewhere it takes us. The children walked, ran, hopped, and skipped along the

    flowing, shiny pathway, which wove its way through the park.

    I wonder why this is called the Pathway of Change, Tara said with a hint

    of curiosity in her voice. Amazing! Look at our clothes! Were all wearing

    new, fun outfits! But how did that happen?

    I dont know, Jesse added, but it seemed to happen when you said the

    word change.

    Ese debe ser el Parque Magnfico! exclam Miko.

    As es dijo Susana. Pronto llegaremos a la estacin.

    Susana y los nios bajaron del tren. Frente a ellos haba un letrero que

    anunciaba varios senderos que podran tomar: Mundos ms all, Camino

    del cambio, Sendero entusiasta y Aventuras de la historia.

    Ah! Me encanta el cambio! exclam Tara. Vayamos por el caminodel cambio y veamos a dnde nos lleva. Los nios caminaron, corrieron,

    saltaron y dieron saltitos por ese sendero brillante del parque.

    Quisiera saber por qu se llama el camino del cambio dijo Tara con

    algo de curiosidad en su vozAsombroso! Miren nuestra ropa! Todos

    llevamos ropa nueva y bonita! Cmo pas?

    No s Jesse aadi. Pero creo que sucedi cuando dijiste la palabra


  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    Immediately the path they were on changed

    into a slide. Downhill and uphill they went, and

    around and around, zipping through beautiful

    scenes of stars and planets!

    The children caught on

    fast! Miko was the next tocall out the word change,

    and the sky overhead

    changed from blue into a

    swirl of fabulous shades of

    green, blue, purple, pink,

    and yellow.

    The children

    enthusiastically called out

    the word change, while

    they enjoyed the variety of

    experiences that came with

    each call.

    At one point along thePathway of Change they

    were dropped off right in

    front of a life-sized gingerbread house. Inside

    were large mushroom tables, with smaller

    mushrooms for seats.

    This looks like fun! Marek said. Lets go


    De inmediato, el camino se convirti en un tobogn.

    Bajaron, subieron, dieron vueltas, se deslizaron por

    hermosos paisajes estelares y planetarios!

    Los nios aprendieron rpidamente! Miko fue el

    siguiente en decir la

    palabra cambio y elcielo cambi de azul a

    una mezcla fabulosa de

    tonalidades verdes, azules,

    moradas, rosadas y


    Los nios decan con

    entusiasmo la palabra

    cambio, mientras

    disfrutaban de una

    variedad de experiencias

    que llegaban cada vez que

    pronunciaban esa palabra.

    Una de esas veces, elcamino del cambio los

    dej frente a una casa de

    tamao normal, pero

    confeccionada con pan de jengibre. En el interior de la

    casa haba hongos que hacan las veces de grandes

    mesas y hongos ms pequeos que servan de asientos.

    Se ve divertido! dijo Marek. Entremos.

  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    The children entered the little house and sat

    on mushroom chairs around a table. Marek

    pressed a red button in the center of their table,

    and out popped a little gingerbread man who

    greeted the children with

    a bow.

    At your service, my

    friendly giants, the

    gingerbread man said. I

    have been given the

    honor of serving you a

    heavenly delicacy. Withjust a push of this button

    our special sherbet-maker

    instantly generates your

    favorite flavor of sherbet!

    Prepare to enjoy the

    delightful flavors! And

    with that, the little

    gingerbread man busied

    himself by serving the


    Heaven is so full of excitement and yummy

    things, Marek said with delight.

    Los nios entraron a la casita, se sentaron en las

    sillas de hongo y alrededor de una mesa. Marek

    oprimi un botn rojo que estaba en el centro de la

    mesa. Y de un salto apareci un hombrecito de

    galleta de jengibre y

    salud a los nios con

    una reverencia.

    A sus rdenes,

    amigos gigantes dijo el

    hombrecito de galleta de

    jengibre. Tengo el

    honor de servirles unmanjar celestial. Al

    oprimir este botn,

    nuestra mquina les


    automticamente su

    sorbete preferido!

    Seguidamente, el

    hombrecito de galleta de

    jengibre sirvi el sorbete


    El Cielo est lleno de emocin y cosas

    deliciosas dijo Marek encantado.

  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    Thats because everything is especially made

    to show Jesus love for us, Suzanna explained.

    I have an idea. How about all of you say that

    special word at the same

    time to see what happens?

    1 2 3 change, thechildren chorused.

    This time the change the

    children experienced was

    uniquethe little group was

    split up and taken to

    different places.

    Tara and Jesse found

    themselves in the Butterfly

    Flutter booth. Giant

    butterflies, with a wing span

    of nearly two meters,

    fluttered around the children.

    Jesse and Tara found thatthey were both outfitted with butterfly wings.

    Their wings moved up and down by just thinking

    about how they wanted them to move, much

    like your legs and arms move by the power of

    thought. Off they flew with the butterflies to a

    field of giant sunflowers, where they played a

    game of hide-and-seek with the butterflies.

    Es porque todo est diseado para

    manifestarnos el amor que nos tiene Jess explic

    Susana. Tengo una idea. Qu les parece si dicen la

    palabra mgica al mismo

    tiempo y vemos qu pasa?

    1 2 3 cambio dijeron los nios al mismo


    Esta vez el cambio que

    experimentaron los nios

    fue extraordinario. El

    pequeo grupo se dividi y

    fueron a lugares distintos.

    Tara y Jesse se

    encontraron en el puesto

    de Vuelo de la mariposa.

    Mariposas gigantes, con

    unas alas que se extendan

    dos metros, revoloteabanalrededor de los nios. Jesse y Tara descubrieron que

    los dos tenan alas de mariposa. Con solo pensarlo,

    movan sus alas de arriba abajo como queran que se

    movieran, como al mover las piernas y los brazos.

    Volaron con las mariposas por un campo de girasoles

    gigantes, donde jugaron al escondite junto con las


  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    But where were Miko, Marek, and Suzanna? The

    three of them had found themselves in the

    fascinating Garden Grove full of enormous plants

    and flowers.

    Were so small in comparison to the plants

    here, Miko said. I feel much like an ant must feelcompared to the plants on Earth. Oh, look! Its a


    If you sing a song about colors, the fairy told

    them, the roses will turn whatever shade you sing


    Red, yellow, green and blue! Jesus, Jesus, I love

    You, Miko sang.To her wonder, the roses began to turn the very

    colors mentioned in the songred, yellow, green,

    and blue! As Miko sang, guess who appeared?

    None other than their Best Friend and Big Brother,

    Jesus Himself!

    Jesus picked up Miko and Marek and spun them

    around and around! Are you enjoying

    yourselves? Jesus asked.

    Oh, yes, very much! the children replied.

    Im happy to hear that, Jesus said. Everything

    in this park is made to show you My great love for

    you! My love for you is constant and all around

    you! Its one thing that will never change!

    Y dnde estaban Miko, Marek y Susana? Se

    encontraban en el Jardn Majestuoso, lleno de

    plantas y flores enormes.

    Somos tan pequeos en comparacin a estas

    plantas dijo Miko. Me siento como debe

    sentirse una hormiga al compararse con lasplantas de la tierra. Mira! Es un hada!

    Si cantan una cancin que hable de colores

    les dijo el hada, las rosas se volvern del

    color que digan en la cancin!

    Amarillo, verde, azul y rojo. Jess, a ti te

    escojo! cant Miko.

    Para su sorpresa, las rosas cambiaban de colormientras lo deca: amarillo, verde, azul y rojo!

    Mientras Miko cantaba, adivinen quin apareci?

    Ni ms ni menos que Su mejor Amigo y Hermano

    mayor: Jess!

    Jess levant a Miko y a Marek y les dio

    vueltas y vueltas! Estn divirtindose?

    pregunt Jess.

    S, claro! Mucho! respondieron los nios.

    Me alegra escucharlo dijo Jess. Todo en

    este parque se hizo para manifestarles el gran

    amor que les tengo! Mi amor por ustedes es

    constante y los rodea! Es algo que nunca


  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    As Jesus spoke, Miko, Marek, and Suzanna

    found themselves at the Bouncing Clouds

    pavilion, which appeared to be a sky full of

    fluffy clouds of many

    shapes, sizes, and colors.

    Look, cried Miko,

    there are Jesse and Tara

    bouncing on the clouds!

    And there they were

    jumping up and down on

    the clouds like they would

    on a trampoline, only

    much higher! Right awayMiko, Marek, and Suzanna

    joined in the bouncing.

    As they each sprang from

    cloud to cloud, the

    colorful clouds moved

    around the sky, so they

    never knew what cloud

    they would land on next.

    Then Miko reached out to grab a piece of

    the cloud and threw the cloud ball at Marek

    and soon all of the children were bouncing

    from cloud to cloud and throwing cloud balls

    at each other.

    Mientras Jess hablaba, Miko, Marek y Susana se

    encontraron en el pabelln de Las nubes saltarinas,

    que pareca un cielo lleno de nubes esponjosas, con

    una gran variedad de

    figuras, tamaos y


    Mira! exclam

    Miko. All estn Jesse y

    Tara saltando en las


    Y all estaban,

    saltando en las nubes

    como lo haran en unacama elstica, solo que

    mucho ms alto! De

    inmediato, tambin Miko,

    Marek y Susana

    empezaron a saltar.

    Mientras saltaban de una

    nube a otra, las nubes de

    colores se movan por el

    cielo, as que nunca saban en qu nube iban a caer a


    Luego, Miko se estir para tomar un trozo de nube y

    arroj una bola de nube a Marek. Al poco rato todos los

    nios saltaban de nube en nube y se tiraban bolas denube unos a otros.

  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    The children ended the day by sailing in a small

    yacht on the parks wide river. The skipper taught

    the boys how to handle the rigging, which

    consisted of ropes used to position the sails to

    catch the wind. The girls learned to steer the boat

    using the tiller.At one point they stopped to

    fish, using tasty treats on the

    end of their lines instead of

    hooks. The fish would grab a

    hold of the treat and give the

    line a yank. Jesse was very

    surprised when he pulled a fishup into the boat, and the fish

    winked at him, and then jumped

    back into the river.

    I think the fish was thanking

    me for the yummy treat, Jesse


    Look, everyone! Tara called.

    A fish jumped out of the water

    and dropped this beautiful jewel into my hand.

    Oh, Id like to have jewels like that too, Miko

    said. The two girls continued fishing, and soon

    each girl had enough jewels to string together for a


    Al final del da, lo nios fueron a navegar en yate

    por el ancho ro del parque. El capitn ense a los

    nios a manejar las jarcias, que eran sogas que se

    colocaban en diversas posiciones para que las velas

    atraparan el viento. Las nias aprendieron a dirigir

    la embarcacin utilizando labarra del timn.

    En un punto, se

    detuvieron a pescar. En lugar

    de anzuelos, en las caas de

    pescar pusieron carnada

    deliciosa. Los peces

    tomaban el manjar y tirabande la caa. Jesse se

    sorprendi cuando sac un

    pez y cay en el bote, y el

    pez le gui un ojo y luego

    volvi al ro.

    Creo que el pez me dio

    las gracias por el bocado

    sabroso dijo Jesse.

    Miren! grit Tara. Un pez sali del agua y

    me dej una hermosa joya en la mano.

    Ah! Yo tambin quiero dijo Miko. Las nias

    siguieron pescando y al poco rato las dos tenan

    suficientes joyas para armar un collar.

  • 7/31/2019 Parque Magnfico - Magnificent Park


    The outing to Magnificent Park was coming to

    an end, but the children knew they would be

    able to go to Magnificent Park again and again,

    and that there were more heavenly delights just

    waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.


    One day you will be able to explore Heavens

    mysteries firsthand! Until then, you can imagine

    the wonderful adventures that await you, and

    even ask Jesus to show you some of thewonders of Heaven in your dreams. Theres so

    much to look forward to!

    El paseo al Parque Magnfico llegaba a su fin, pero

    los nios saban que podran volver muchas veces.

    Y que all haba ms delicias celestiales que

    esperaban ser descubiertas y disfrutadas.


    Algn da podrs explorar los misterios del Cielo!

    Hasta entones, te puedes imaginar las estupendas

    aventuras que te esperan, e incluso pedir a Jess

    que te revele en sueos algunas de las maravillas

    del Cielo, pues hay mucho que esperar con ilusin.

    Created by My Wonder Studio and featured on www.freekidstories.orgArt and story The Family International
