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Personagens , quadrinhos e ilustrações.Characters, comics and illustrations.

Fevereiro de 20142014, February

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Poor cow


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Poor cow (Projeto de curta metragem)Duração: entre 30 à 45 segundosTrilha sonora: Poor Cow - Peter, Bjorn and John (recorte: riff ao violão + refrão)Técnica: animação 2DRoteiro: Três vacas apostam uma corrida. Elas não sabem, mas o ser humano que está organizando a corrida pretende matar a vencedora e transfomá-la em hamburguer para o restaurante "Champion's meat - the faster fast food” (Carne dos campeões - A comida rápida mais rápida).Defesa: Este projeto de animação não pretende ser uma fábula atrelada a uma lição moral. É mais voltada ao púbico que gosta do estilo de “Happy Three Friends” mas pode ser bem aceita pelo publico vegetariano ou mesmo os adoradores de carne, se formos analisar de um ponto de vista sarcástico.

Poor cow (a short film project)Duration: between 30 to 45 secondsSoundtrack: Poor Cow - Peter, Bjorn and John (cut: the guitar riff + chocus)Techinique: 2D animationScreenplay: Three runner cows gambled a race. They don't know but the winner will be murdered by the human who was organizing the race and will become hamburguer at "Champion's meat - the faster fast food"Defense: This animation project do not intends to be a fable with any moral lection. It is more similar to the "happy tree friends" style but it can be well received by vegans or even meat lovers, if you see it on a sarcastic perspective.

Primeiro rascunho do personagemFirst character' sketch

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Dudu (character design)

Description: Dudu is a character developed at 2010 to my Design Graphic's Certification program's finals. It's inspired on my youngest brother's childhood. Dudu is a pet lover and dream of have his own pet, but his parents do not apreciate the idea of having a pet around.

Dudu (personagem)

Descrição: Dudu é um personagem que foi criado em 2010 para o TCC do meu curso técnico em Comunicação Visual. É inspirado na infância do meu irmão mais novo. Dudu ama animais e sonha em ter seu proprio animal de estimação, mas seu pais não querem ter um bicho por perto.

Primeiros rascunhos do personagemFirst character' sketch

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Verona (comic's character design)

Description: Verona is a character inspired on myself. Brazil have a very sexist culture. There is a movement of young female artists that have found a way to fight avoid this creating comics/illustration with explicit sex content but in a female point of view and spread it on internet, where the idea became very popular between young adults and teenagers. Somehow, Verona was created in this context. She is my main character and the whole idea of creating a blog to spread my ideas on web. The screenplays are based on own life stories and things that my friends tell me. Lira dos 20 anos e meio (Song for the twenties) is the name of the comics project. Since I first stared to write comics, Verona had a lot of changes on the way she is drawn, but what could never change is the way I draw her hair. She is curious and sarcastic but in a lovely way. More into

Verona (personagem de história em quadrinhos)

Descrição: Verona é um personagem autobiográfico. A cultura brasileira é muito machista. Há um movimento de jovens artistas mulheres que encontraram uma maneira de lutar contra este fato criando quadrinhos/ilustrações com conteúdo sexualmente explicito mas sob a perspectiva feminina e divulgando-os na internet, onde a ideia se tornou popular entre jovens e adolescentes. Logo, Verona foi criada neste contexto. Ela é minha personagem principal e a ideia de criar um blog pra divulgar minhas ideias na internet. Os roteiros são baseados em coisas que vivo e em histórias que minhas amigas contam. Lira dos 20 anos e meio é o nome da série em quadrinhos. Desde que comecei a escrevê-los, o modo com desenho Verona mudou muito, mas o que nunca muda é o jeito como desenho os cabelos. Ela é curiosa e adorávelmente sarcástica. Mais em

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Irelavant questions1: How did you get this scar on your shoulder?

2: Which one? This one? I was skate boarding...

3: ...on a skate board contest I've participate back in 1992's summer.

4: summer... 1992?

5: Were you skate boarding back in 1992?

6: Wait. How old were you on 1992?

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1:Goddamit! I've forgot to close the navigator yesterday

2:Shut up, stupid computer! What is going on?

3:(blink) Dear, when you turn your computer on, EVERYTHING you where doing before you put it to sleep automaticaly back to work. (She have the key of my computer)

4: That is how I've learned to always close the Redtube's tab before I close the laptop.

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Manly Bear


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Baseado numa conversa entre amigas

Based on a litlle talk with my friends

Baby Bear1: The bad thing about chubby guys lies in the fact that they reminds me a Ted bear... 2: What? 3: Yeah, Ted bears, the toy, you know? The big ones. I wanna dress him with a fur pijama and put on my bed as a souvenir. 4: I can only agree with a single point: I do want to put they on my bed, but nude and definetly not as a souvenir.

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Infinite Improbability Generator1: There was that amazing blondie who has done... 2: I am back! 3: What were you talking about? 4: Uhhh... About the 42.5: So were you looking for the right question for the right answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?6: Wow, I did not know the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was popular here in Brazil as well. 7:And it’s not... (less than an year before...) 8: Did you know you are the 42th girl I ever kissed? 9: Big deal. There´s nothing special about this number... 10: Hey! What have I did? 11: Tell me you are kidding. Don’t you disapoint me little girl. Wait a little, ‘cause I am going to bring you a book...

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black sheep


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THE 30's odyssey1: Hey! Tell me something. How old are you?

2: Twenty and a half. Why?

3: Just curiosity. I am 38, but... know what? I don't miss the twenties.

4: 'Cause 38 is not an age, it's caliber.

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