1 Radar do Novembro-Dezembro/2015 Um informe bimensal sobre eventos, chamadas de trabalhos, livros, publicações e muitas outras coisas legais ligadas às linhas de pesquisa do NISP. Chamadas de Trabalho Social economy as an alternative to capitalism – Learning solidarity and autonomy. Special issue of The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults . Prazo para submissão: 31 de dezembro de 2015. http://cradall.org/content/rela-thematic-issue-social-economy-alternative-capitalism- %E2%80%93-learning-solidarity-and-autonomy Rationales, performance and governance of public enterprises. Special issue of Economia Pubblica (the Italian Journal of Public Economics), in collaboration with the CIRIEC International Scientific Commission Public Services/Public Enterprises and the Jean Monnet EUsers Network. Submission deadline is January 10th 2016. https://www.francoangeli.it/Riviste/CFP/EP-call2.pdf ISTR Emerging Scholar Dissertation Award 2016. Announced by The International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR). This award is presented biennially for a PhD dissertation completed or defended in the two calendar years (July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2015) preceding the award. Prazo para submissão: 15 de janeiro de 2016 http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=5946 Social Innovation: Researching, defining and theorizing social innovation. Spcial Issue of Revista de Administração Mackenzie. Prazo de submissão: 15 de fevereiro, 2016. http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/RAM/index Living Labs, innovation sociale et territoire/ Living Labs, social innovation and territory . Numéro spécial de la Revue canadienne des sciences régionales/ Canadian Journal of Regionals Science. Prazo de submissão: 31 de março de 2016 http://crises.uqam.ca/upload/files/appel- nouvelles/Appel_de_textes_RCSR_CJRS_Living_Lab_20_10_2015.pdf Revue Lien Social et Politiques. Appel à contributions pour le numéro 78 sur le thème Santé et politiques urbaines (Titre provisoire). Date limite des soumissions : 31 janvier 2016. http://crises.uqam.ca/upload/files/appel-nouvelles/LSP_78_Appel-contributions_VF.pdf

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Radar do


Um informe bimensal sobre eventos, chamadas de trabalhos, livros, publicações e muitas outras

coisas legais ligadas às linhas de pesquisa do NISP.

Chamadas de Trabalho

Social economy as an alternative to capitalism – Learning solidarity and autonomy. Special issue of The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults. Prazo para submissão: 31 de dezembro de 2015. http://cradall.org/content/rela-thematic-issue-social-economy-alternative-capitalism-%E2%80%93-learning-solidarity-and-autonomy

Rationales, performance and governance of public enterprises. Special issue of Economia

Pubblica (the Italian Journal of Public Economics), in collaboration with the CIRIEC

International Scientific Commission Public Services/Public Enterprises and the Jean Monnet

EUsers Network.

Submission deadline is January 10th 2016.


ISTR Emerging Scholar Dissertation Award 2016. Announced by The International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR). This award is presented biennially for a PhD dissertation completed or defended in the two calendar years (July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2015) preceding the award. Prazo para submissão: 15 de janeiro de 2016 http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=5946

Social Innovation: Researching, defining and theorizing social innovation. Spcial Issue of Revista de Administração Mackenzie. Prazo de submissão: 15 de fevereiro, 2016. http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/RAM/index

Living Labs, innovation sociale et territoire/ Living Labs, social innovation and territory. Numéro spécial de la Revue canadienne des sciences régionales/ Canadian Journal of Regionals Science. Prazo de submissão: 31 de março de 2016 http://crises.uqam.ca/upload/files/appel-nouvelles/Appel_de_textes_RCSR_CJRS_Living_Lab_20_10_2015.pdf

Revue Lien Social et Politiques. Appel à contributions pour le numéro 78 sur le thème Santé et politiques urbaines (Titre provisoire). Date limite des soumissions : 31 janvier 2016. http://crises.uqam.ca/upload/files/appel-nouvelles/LSP_78_Appel-contributions_VF.pdf

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EURAM 2016 Manageable Cooperation – 1, 2,3 and 4 June, Paris The theme invites to debate about the new modes of production together with the new ways of value creation and distribution that are emerging and growing, as well as on how old systems are transformed with new demands for cooperation at the political and productive macro, meso and micro levels. Université Paris–Est Créteil (UPEC) http://www.euram-online.org/annual-conference-2016.html Deadline: 12 January 2016 - 2 pm Belgian time

ICA Almería International Research Conference Appel à communications, à affiches et à sessions pour le colloque annuel du International Co-operative Alliance Committee on Co-operative Research - New Strategies for Co-operatives: Understanding and Managing Co-operative Creation, Transition and Transformation qui se tiendra du 24 au 27 mai 2016 à l’Université d’Almería (UAL) et au UAL-Coexphal Chair à Almería en Espagne. http://www2.ual.es/ica2016almeria/first-call-for-papers/ Date limite : 31 décembre 2015.

Économie sociale et finance solidaire Symposium organisé par le Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES) en collaboration avec l'UQAM, le Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche et d'information sur les entreprises collectives (CIRIEC-Canada) et Fondaction. 04 février 2016, Montréal, Québec, Canada http://crises.uqam.ca/ajouter-a-lagenda/icalrepeat.detail/2016/02/04/185/-/symposium-economie-sociale-et-finance-solidaire.html

Forum mondial de l’économie sociale. 3ème édition du Global Social Economy Forum – GSEF2016. 7 a 9 de setembro de 2016. Montréal, QC, Canada. http://www.gsef2016.org/#top

Seminário do CRISES-HEC Montréal et le Pôle E3 L'acceptabilité sociale des grands projets de développement. 10 de novembro. http://crises.uqam.ca/upload/files/Calendrier/Affiche-Programme_s%C3%A9minaire_acceptabilit%C3%A9_sociale_101115.pdf

The Third Sector in Transition: Accountability, Transparency, and Social Innovation. 12th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR). June 28th – July 1st, 2016. Stockholm, Sweden. http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.istr.org/resource/resmgr/Stockholm/Stockholm_Call_Final.pdf

Un autre monde est nécessaire, ensemble il devient possible! Forum social mondial 2016. 9 au 14 août 2016, Montréal, Québec (Canada) https://fsm2016.org/

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Third International Summit of Cooperatives,

The third International Summit of Cooperatives will take place in Québec. This event will bring

together cooperative networks around the world. For its third edition, the International

Summit of Cooperatives is organising a scientific symposium which aims to promote

partnership between the scientific community and the community of practice, and leverage the

scientific studies addressing the cooperative model.

Quebec, 2016, October 11-13



Políticas públicas e governança pública Responsive and Accountable Public Governance 2015. World Public Sector Report. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. ONU, 2015. http://workspace.unpan.org/sites/Internet/Documents/UNPAN95253.pdf Le 25 septembre 2015, les membres de l’Organisation des Nations unies adoptaient 17 nouveaux objectifs de développement durable pour mettre fin à l’extrême pauvreté, lutter contre les inégalités et l’injustice, promouvoir la santé et l’éducation et faire face aux changements climatiques d’ici à 2030. Cette 5

e édition du World Public Sector Report souligne l’importance d’une gouvernance publique

réactive et responsable comme catalyseur de la réalisation de ces nouveaux objectifs mondiaux. S’appuyant sur de nombreuses études de cas, le rapport définit notamment la réactivité comme la capacité d’un gouvernement national ou local à : 1) répondre avec efficience et efficacité aux besoins de ses citoyens; 2) faire participer les citoyens à l’élaboration des politiques tout en maintenant le climat de confiance indispensable pour prendre des décisions qui seront acceptées par la population; 3) mettre en place une administration publique compétente, diversifiée et guidée par le sens de l’éthique publique; 4) fournir aux agents publics, aux citoyens et à la société publique, les moyens nécessaires à une collaboration et à une participation effective; 5) Implanter ou renforcer la prestation de services électroniques. OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2015 The report is a first effort to track how OECD countries develop, implement and review their laws and regulations – finds that governments have come a long way in ensuring law-making is accountable and evidence-based. Yet more could be done to improve the way laws are designed, implemented and evaluated. The report finds that 33 of the 34 OECD countries have adopted an explicit regulatory policy and require regulatory impact assessments and public consultation for all new regulations, while 29 have a designated minister to promote regulatory reform.However, a third of OECD countries have no policy at all on regulatory compliance and enforcement, and two-thirds have no system for evaluating laws once they are implemented. This creates unnecessary costs for businesses and society, the report says. Internationally, co-operation in law-making is essential for creating global rules and standards, addressing trade frictions and environmental risks, and reducing the risk of regulatory failures such as the 2008 financial crisis or the recent VW emission tests scandal. Yet only a third of OECD countries have a clear policy for international regulatory co-operation. Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, 2015 Edition Ce rapport de l’OCDE contient des recommandations qui s’adressent aux gouvernements afin que ceux-ci encouragent les entreprises publiques à exercer leurs activités de manière efficace, transparente et responsable. Cette mise à jour d’une précédente étude (2005) propose un juste milieu entre une attitude passive et un interventionnisme excessif de la part de l’État. Elle touche à divers domaines, comme les sources et mécanismes de financement des entreprises publiques, la concurrence entre les secteurs public et privé, l’impartialité de l’État à cet égard, la diffusion de l’information et la transparence, ainsi que les responsabilités des conseils d’administration des entreprises publiques.

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Sociedade Civil e Esfera Pública CSOs holding governments account GSDRC, 2015 University of Birmingham http://www.gsdrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/HDQ1299.pdf This rapid review illustrates the range of interventions that Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are currently undertaking to increase government accountability. It summarises the interventions of over 30 different CSOs, operating in different sectors and across a range of contexts. Mental health and solidarity economy: Cartography its political discourse SANTIAGO, E.; YASUI, S. Psicologia e Sociedade, volume 27, issue 3, pages 700-711, Novembre 2015. http://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2 .0-84944889810&origin=SingleRecordEmailAlert&txGid= 47DD1BC81BC78B546167E506A84709AA.kqQeW tawXauCyC8ghhRGJg%3a1 This article refers to the composition of the discursive field around the labor question, of social economy contribution, as extended by the mental health strategy. Through mapping and some analytical operators of Foucault (biopolitics, governmentality, normalization), we mapped the configuration of forces and clashes that elaborated the formation of Brazilian public policy regarding mental health and solidarity economy. In our analysis we point out an ambiguity presented in the documents regarding this work concept, the polysemy of terms and expressions used to designate labor activity, a significant discourse on the appreciation of insertion in the formal labor market via employment, and the lack of political and legal strategies that give sustainability to practical experiences. However, we highlight how the solidarity economy in mental health also differs by valuing work as a possibility of being social in a more integral way than the utilitarian and normative relations that capitalism heavily invests. Empreendedorismo e Inovação Social Du concept d’« innovation sociale » PRADES, J. Revue internationale de l’économie sociale (RECMA), Issue 338, novembre 2015 http://www.recma.org/article/du-concept-d-innovation-sociale L’innovation sociale est devenue, en quelques années, un concept tellement galvaudé qu’il entretient une large confusion dans les débats. Utilisé d’abord en Amérique du Nord (1), il s’est généralisé avec l’arrivée, dans les années 90, de la notion anglo-saxonne d’« entrepreneurs sociaux ». Introduit ensuite par des travaux initiés par la Communauté européenne (2), il est entré dans la loi française du 31 juillet 2014 relative à l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS). L’objet de notre article n’est pas de dresser un inventaire des différentes acceptions de ce concept, mais plutôt de chercher, d’une part, à asseoir sa définition sur des fondements théoriques et, d’autre part, à tirer les conséquences pragmatiques de ce positionnement. Nous commencerons par l’innovation technologique, car c’est d’elle qu’il est question lorsque l’on évoque l’innovation sans donner d’autres précisions. Nous verrons cependant que cette définition masque des sous-entendus qui nous serviront pour définir l’innovation sociale. Cette définition peut déboucher sur deux approches : l’une collaborative, l’autre coopérative. Il importe de le préciser, car elles n’ont pas les mêmes implications en termes de projets politiques. Nous montrerons que la question de la propriété est au centre de ce qui les différencie. Un tableau de synthèse de ce raisonnement est présenté en annexe.

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Bricolage in social entrepreneurship: How creative resource mobilization fosters greater social impact BACQ, S., LAUREL F.; OFSTEIN L. F.; KICKUL AND, J.R, GUNDRY, L.K.. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, v. 16, Issue 4, pages 283-289, November 2015. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ip/ije/2015/00000016/00000004/art00005 Social entrepreneurs face unique challenges in their dual pursuit of social and financial value creation to address pressing societal problems. While social entrepreneurs' behaviour and actions have been highlighted as an important source of creativity and innovation, this issue has largely been underresearched in the field of entrepreneurship. This paper explores the role of social entrepreneurs' bricolage behaviour in enabling their enterprises to scale their operations. The authors test their hypothesis on a unique database of 123 social enterprises using an online survey. They find a positive relationship between entrepreneurial bricolage and the scaling of social impact. The paper concludes with study implications, post hoc analyses and limitations and directions for future research. City Initiatives for technology, Innovation and entrepreneurship. The Nordic analysis http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/citie-nordic-analysis#sthash.yibn78SY.dpuf CITIE. David Altabev, 2015 The CITIE Nordic Report is the second in the CITIE series, which looks at how cities around the world are supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. This report was produced by Nesta and Accenture, sponsored by Index Ventures. - See more at: Economia social e solidária L'économie sociale et solidaire : Possibilités et contraintes Textes réunis et présentés par Pierre-André Tremblay. Disponible sur commande en version imprimée. Disponible gratuitement en format PDF. 61 p. Les quatre textes rassemblés ici présentent les façons diverses dont desorganisations liées à l’économie sociale et solidaire lient leur olonté de changer les façons de produire et d’échanger aux réalités complexes du marché capitaliste et de la politique qui lui est liée. Ils traitent de l’Argentine, du Chili, de la France et du Québec. Malgré la diversité des contextes et des trajectoires, ils ontrent ous que l’émergence d’une innovation et son inscription dans la durée demandent des négociations non seulement avec le marché et ’État, mais aussi avec les mouvements sociaux qui tentent de poser les enjeux larges du changement social. The outcome of the 2015 International Forum of the SSE Entrepreneurs – Mont Blanc Forum http://www.rencontres-montblanc.coop/en/page/outcome-2015-international-forum-sse-entrepreneurs Sociologia pragmática, política e ação pública Une pragmatique des alertes et des controverses en appui à l´évaluation publique des risques Chateuraynaud et al, 2013 http://gspr-ehess.com/documents/rapports/RAP-2013-GSPR-ANSES-Octobre.pdf La réalisation d`un observatoire sociologique expérimental des alertes et des controverses, en matière de risques sanitaires et environnementaux, n’est pas une voie de recherche de tout repos. Les multiples rebondissements qui ont marqué, ces dernières années, les questions de santé et d´environnement contraignent fortement les modèles et les outils sociologiques, soumis à rude épreuve. La balistique sociologique, dont une partie des concepts ont été largement élaborés dans le cadre du partenariat GSPR/ANSES, grâce à la confrontation systématique de grands dossiers, s’est révélée relativement Performante pour aider à rendre compte de l´enchevêtrement complexe de processus critiques et de procédures de régulation, d’événements et de discours, qui ne cessent de surgir et de se déplacer, pour ainsi dire au fil de l´eau.

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D´une sociologie de la mediation à une pragmatique des attachements

HENNION ; A. SociologieS [En ligne], Théories et recherches. 25 juin 2013. http://sociologies.revues.org/4353 This paper has been written after an interview with Antoine Hennion by Alexandre Monnin, a young philosopher interested in the relations between the present expansion of the Web and the Actor-Network Theory invented at the CSI in the 80’s, with notions like translation, association and mediation. The paper focuses on a reflexive return made by Antoine Hennion on his own trajectory, not to congeal the history but on the contrary to reread it from present issues. The author shows Lucien Karpik’s will, from the foundation of the CSI, to do a sociology more sensitive to the objects it deals with (law, science and technology, business, culture), and discusses convergences and differences between fieldwork then undertaken on science and technology (STS) and on culture: for instance, the use of terms like translation or mediation, or the different relation to Pierre Bourdieu’s critical sociology, that had not the same impact on every field. The paper then considers the slow emergence of pragmatist approaches in France and the great variety of conceptions it gave rise to, in particular through debates with close groups like the GSPM (Groupe de sociologie politique et morale) and the CEMS (Centre d’étude des mouvements sociaux), about the status of objects, or theories of action coming from the USA. Leaning on this genealogy, the author concludes by suggesting a reformulation of such pragmatist claims in sociology from his own work on amateurs and attachments.

Enquêter sur nos attachements. Comment hériter de William James ?

HENNION, A. SociologieS [En ligne], Dossiers, Pragmatisme et sciences sociales : explorations, enquêtes, expérimentations. 23 février 2015. https://sociologies.revues.org/4953 This paper aims neither to assimilate pragmatism into the social sciences, nor to claim that the two are totally divergent: it merely raises the question of the social survey. If a rapprochement is possible, there is a price to be paid, which is the radical reappraisals that such an approach requires. The irreducible aspects of pragmatism, particularly the radical empiricism of James, are underlined. This does not mean that it is thereby possible to ‘apply’ the ideas of James, the least ‘social’ of the founding fathers of pragmatism, in order to make the survey more sensitive to the ongoing nature of the experiment: that work remains to be done. Using current research, this paper offers some suggestions as to the forms a survey might take, and the different relations it entails with the individuals and realities involved, within the plurality of a world that is always in the making.


Associations et action publique (Livre) Jean-Louis Laville et Anne Salmon. Édition Desclée de Brouwer, Collection : Solidarité et société, 632 pages, Septembre 2015. http://www.amazon.fr/Associations-action- publique-Jean-Louis-Laville/dp/2220066053

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Une économie solidaire peut-elle être féministe? (livre) Christine Verschuur, Isabelle Guérin et Isabelle Hillenkamp (sous-direction). Édition Harmattan, 300 pages, novembre 2015. http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp? navig=catalogue&obj=livre&no=48603

A Relational Database to Understand Social Innovation and its Impact on Social Transformation. Chapter 3. Marie J. Bouchard,Catherine Trudelle, Louise Briand,Juan Luis Klein. Benoît Lévesque, David Longtin et Mathieu elletier Dans l’ouvrage New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research, Davis and J. Simon (eds).P. 69-85 (2015). http://bit.ly/1Jye9fu

Open Source, gratuit: http://bit.ly/1iINOkw

NGOS and Political Change: A History of the Australian Council for International Development. By Patrick Kilby. Canberra, Australia: Australian National University Press, 2015. Cost: AUD $30. To order: http:// press.anu.edu.au The Australian Council for International Development is the peak body of Australian international development NGOs. This book explores ACFID’s history since its founding in 1965, drawing on current and contemporary literature as well as extensive archival material. The trends and challenges in international development are seen through the lens of an NGO peak body; from the heady optimism of the first Development Decade of the 1960’s, through the growth in government support of NGOs in the 1980s, to the challenges of the 2010s. The major themes of ACFID are presented: human rights; gender justice; humanitarianism; NGO codes of conduct; and influencing government policy both broadly and as it relates to NGOs. Each of these themes is placed in a global context and in relation to what other NGO networks are doing internationally.

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Informal Sector Innovations: Insights from the Global South. Edited by Mammo Muchie, Saradindu Bhaduri, Angathevar Baskaran, and Fayaz Ahmad Sheikh. New York, NY: Routledge, 2016. 198 Pages. Cost: US $160. To order: www.routledge. com It is well documented that the space of informal economic activity is rising across the globe. This rise has been particularly significant in the least developed and developing countries, especially after the onset of neo-liberal policies and withdrawal of welfare state. This volume addresses a specific concern: the issue of knowledge generation and innovative activities, which lies at the core of sustained competitive advantage of these activities. The chapters in this book were originally published in the African Journal of Science Technology Innovation and Development.


Este informe é uma publicação bimensal do NISP baseada em pesquisa prévia dos responsáveis sobretudo em sites e boletins on-line de outros núcleos de pesquisa ligados às áreas de inovação social, economia social, sociedade civil, administração pública, sociologia pragmática e políticas públicas. Para este edição foram utilizados como referencia: ECO-SOC INFO (Boletim da Chaire en Economie Sociale da UQAM – Quebéc - Canadá) http://www.chaire.ecosoc.uqam.ca/portals/chaireecosoc/docs/pdf/bulletins/Bulletin%20108%20-%20Septembre%202015.pdf Inside ISTR (Boletim da International Society for Third-Sector Research) http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.istr.org/resource/resmgr/Inside_ISTR/ISTR.10.2.15final.pdf OBSERVGO (Boletim do Observatório de Aministração Pública da ENAP – Quebéc - Canadá) http://ofsys.com/T/OFSYS/SM2/2/S/F/5848/201993/lUyaZMwu.html Site do Centro de Pesquisa em Inovação Social (CRISES) – Quebéc – Canadá http://crises.uqam.ca/

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Site do Grupo de Pesquisa Sociologie Pragmatique et Reflexive (GSPR) Paris-França http://www.gspr-ehess.com Site da Pragmata – Association d`etudes pragmatistes – Paris França https://pragmataaep.wordpress.com/


Carolina Andion

Julia Graeff

Colaboraram com esta edição:

Daniel Moraes Pinheiro