Instituições Políticas em Perspectiva Comparada (3 créditos)§ões-Pol... · Nicolau, Jairo....


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Instituições Políticas em Perspectiva Comparada (3 créditos)

Prof.ª: Argelina Cheibub Figueiredo

Horário: Terça-feira, das 13 às 16 horas

Consultas: A combinar com o professor



Este curso visa introduzir os alunos no estudo das instituições políticas listadas

abaixo e discutir o efeito de cada uma delas no funcionamento e desempenho dos

sistemas políticos. Sendo assim, foram selecionados textos que permitam

caracterizar as instituições, identificar os formatos que assumem em diferentes

países, inclusive o Brasil, e analisar de forma comparada as instituições


As seções combinarão aulas expositivas e seminários, requerendo a leitura prévia

dos textos obrigatórios indicados seguindo um cronograma a ser distribuído na

primeira aula. A avaliação será feita de duas formas: 1) cada aluno ficará

responsável pela apresentação de uma revisão crítica (2-3 páginas) de pelo menos

dois textos ao longo do semestre, que deverá circular entre os colegas previamente

à sua discussão em aula; 2) cada aluno deverá fazer um trabalho final a ser definido

no decorrer do curso.


1. Sistemas de Governo

2. Sistemas Eleitorais e Partidários

3. Organização do Estado: Federalismo

4. Organização do Legislativo

5. Poderes de Agenda

6. Tipos de Governos e Coalizões Políticas


1. Sistemas de Governo

Cheibub, José Antonio & Jennifer Gandhi. 2004. “Classifying Political Regimes: A Six-

Fold Classification of Democracies and Dictatorships.” Presented at the 2004

Annual APSA Meeting.

Cheibub, José Antonio. 2007. Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy.

Cambridge, Cambridge Univeersity Press.

Eaton, Kent. 2000. “Parliamentarism and Presidentialism in the Policy Arena,”

Comparative Politics, October.

Elgie, Robert. 1999. “The Politics of Semi-Presidentialism” and “Semi-Presidentialism

and Comparative Institutional Engineering.” In Robert Elgie (org.). Semi-

Presidentialism in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Moe, Terry M. e Michael Caldwell. 1994. “The Institutional Foundations of Democratic

Government: A Comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary Systems.”

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 150/1: 171-95.

Samuels, David e Shugart, Matthew. 2010. Presidents, Parties, and Prime Ministers:

How the Separation of Powers Affects Party Organization and Behavior.

Cambridge University Press.

Sartori, Giovanni. 1994. Comparative Constitutional Engineering. New York: NYU

Press, pp.83-140.

Shugart, M. (2005). “Semi-Presidential Systems: Dual Executive and Mixed Authority

Patterns”. French Politics, vol. 3, nº 3, pp. 323-351.

Shugart, Matthew Soberg & John M. Carey. 1992. Presidents and Assemblies:

Constitutional Design and Electoral Dynamics. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

2. Sistemas Eleitorais e Partidários

Carey, John & Matthew Soberg Shugart. 1994. “Incentives to Cultivate a Personal

Vote: A Rank Ordering of Electoral Formulas.” Electoral Studies 14(4):417-


Cox, Gary W. 1997. Making Votes Count: Strategic Coordination in the World’s

Electoral Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Cox, Gary W. 1987. The Efficient Secret. The Cabinet and the Development of


Parties in Victorian England; Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Crisp, Brian F., Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon, Bradford S. Jones, Mark P. Jones and

Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson. 2004. “Vote-Seeking Incentives and Legislative

Representation in Six Presidential Democracies.” Journal of Politics 66(3):823-


Foweraker, Joe. 1998. “Review Article: Institutional Design, Party Systems and

Governability – Differentiating the Presidential Regimes in Latin América”.

British Journal of Political Science, 28, no. 4, pp. 651-676.

Gallagher, M. e Mitchell. Paul. 2006. The Politics of Electoral Systems. Oxford, Oxford

University Press.

Fiorina, Morris. Cain, Bruce & Ferejohn, John. 1987. The Personal Vote: Constituency

Service and Electoral Independence. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.


Golden, Miriam A. 2003. “Electoral Connections: The Effects of the Personal Vote on

Political Patronage, Bureaucracy and Legislation in Postwar Italy”. British

Journal of Political Science 33:189-212.

Haggard, Stephan & Mathew D. McCubbins. 2001. “Introduction: Political Institutions


the Determinants of Public Policy” in Stephan Haggard and Mathew

McCubbins, eds, Presidents, Parliaments, and Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press).

Jones, Mark. 1995. Electoral Laws and the Survival of Presidential Democracies. Cap.

5. Legislative Multipartism and Presidential Legislative Support. Notre Dame,

University of Notre Dame Press.

Mainwaring, Scott. 1993.”Presidentialism, multipartism and Democracy: the Difficult

Combination”. Comparative Political Studies 26, 2 (July), 198-228.

Mainwaring, Scott & Matthew Shugart. 1997. Presidentialism and democracy in Latin

America. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Mainwaring, Scott. Sistemas Partidários em Novas Democracias – O Caso do Brasil.

Rio de Janeiro, FGV/Mercado Aberto.

Nicolau, Jairo. 2006. “O Sistema Eleitoral de Lista Aberta no Brasil” DADOS – Revista

de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 49, no 4, pp. 689 a 720.

Pradeep K. Chibber & Ken Kollman. 2004. The Formation of National Party Systems:

Federalism and Party Competition in Canada, Great Britain, India and the

United States. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Sartori, Giovanni. Parties and Party Systems: A Framework For Analysis. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Shugart , Matthew Soberg & Martin P. Wattenberg. 2001. “Mixed-Member Electoral

Systems: A Definition and Typology” in Shugart and Wattenberg, eds. Mixed-

Member Electoral Systems: The Best of Both Worlds? Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2001. pp.9-24.

3. Organização do Estado: Federalismo

Bednar, Jenna. 2009. The Robust Federation: Principles of Design. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Filippov, M., Ordeshook, P. C. & Shvetsova, O. 2004. Designing Federalism: A Theory

of Self-Sustainable Federal Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University


Gibson, Edward L., Ernesto Calvo & Tulia G. Falleti. 2004. “Reallocative Federalism:

Legislative Overrepresentation and Public Spending in the Western



in Edward L. Gibson, ed. Federalism and Democracy in Latin America.

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 173-196

Jones, Mark P., Sanguinetti, Pablo & Tommasi, Mariano. 2000. “Politics, Institutions,

and Fiscal Performance in a Federal System: An Analysis of the Argentine

Provinces.” Journal of Development Economics 61:305-333.

Kincaid, J.&e Tarr, A. (eds.) 2005. Constitutional Origins, Structure, and Change in

Federal Countries. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.

Melo, Marcus A. 2005. “O Sucesso Inesperado das Reformas de Segunda Geração:

Federalismo, Reformas Constitucionais e Política Social, Dados vol. 48, no. 4,

pp. 845-889.

Obinger, H. Leibfried, S. & Castels, F. (eds.). 2005. Federalism and the Welfare

State: New World and European Experiences.

Pierson, Paul, 1995. “Fragmented Welfare States: Federal Institutions and the

Development of Social Policy,” Governance 8, 4 (1995): 449-78.

Rodden, Jonathan. 2004. “Comparative Federalism and Decentralization: On Meaning

and Measurement”. Comparative Politics, July.

Samuels, David & Scott Mainwaring. 2004. “Strong Federalism, Constritis on the


Government, and Economic Reform in Brazil in Edward L. Gibson, ed.

Federalism and Democracy in Latin America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins

University Press, pp. 85-130.

Samuels, David & Snyder, Richard. 2001. “The Value of Vote: Malapportionment in

Comparative Perspective.” British Journal of Political Science 31 (4):651-671,


Stepan, Alfred. 2004. “Toward a New Comparative Politics of Federalism,

Multinationalism, and Democracy: Beyond Rikerian Federalism” in Edward L.

Gibson, ed. Federalism and Democracy in Latin America. Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins University Press, pp.29-84.

Souza, Celina. 2007, “Coalizões eleitorais e ajuste fiscal nos estados brasileiros”.

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. , v.22, p.31 - 54, 2007.

Yusako Horiuchi & Jun Saito. 2003. “Reapportionment and Redistribution:

Consequences of Electoral Reform in Japan.” American Journal of Political

Science 47(4):669-682, October.

4. Organização do Legislativo e Processo Decisório

Arnold, Douglas. 1990. The Logic of Congressional Action. new Haven, Yale




Clinton, Joshua D. 2007, “Lawmaking and Roll Calls”. Journal of Politics, vol. 69, nº


pp. 455- 467

Cox, Gary. 2002. “On the Effects of Legislative Rules”. Legislative Studies Quarterly.

Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 455-467.

Cox, Gary & Scott Morgenstern. 2002. “Epilogue: Latin America’s Reactive


and Proactive Presidents” in Scott Morgenstern e Benito Nacif (orgs.),

Legislative Politics in Latin America. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,

pp. 446-468.

Cox, Gary & Mathew McCubbins. 1993. Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in


House. Berkley, University of California Press.

Fiorina, Morris. 1977. Congress: the Keystone of the Washington Establisment. New

Haven, Yale University Press.

Krehbiel, Keith. 1990. Information and Legislative Organization. Michigan, Michigan

University Press. pp. 1-21; 247-266.

Mayhew, David. 1974. The Electoral Connection. New Haven, Yale University Press.

Santos, Fabiano e Almeida, Acir . 2005. “Teoria informacional e a seleção de

relatores na Câmara dos Deputados”. Dados, Dez 2005, vol.48, no.4, p.693-


Shepsle, Kenneth & Weingast, Barry. 1994. “Positive Theories of Congressional

Institutions”. Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 149-179.

5. Poderes de Agenda e Delegação

Alemán, Eduardo & Tsebelis, George. 2002. “Agenda Control in Latin American

Presidential Democracies.” Paper prepared for delivery at the Annual Meeting

of the American Political Science Association, August 29 to September 1.

Carey, John M, & Matthew Shugart (orgs.) 1998. Executive Decree Authority.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cooper, Phillip. 2002. By Order of the President: The Use and Abuse of Executive

Direct Action. Lawrence, Kansas University Press.

Cox, Gary W. & McCubbins, Mathew D. 2005. Setting the Agenda: Responsible Party

Government in the House of Representatives. New York: Cambridge

University Press.

Döring, Herbert. 2001. “Parliamentary Agenda Control and Legislative Outcomes in

Western Europe”. Legislative Studies Quarterly, XXVI, 1, February.


Döring, Herbert. 1995. “Time as a Scarce Resource: Government Control of the

Agenda.” In Herbert Döring (org.). Parliaments and Majority Rule in Western

Europe. Frankfurt/New York: Campus/St. Martin’s.

Epstein, David, & Sharyn O’Halloran. 1999. Delegating Powers: A Transaction Costs

Politics Approach to Policy Making under Separate Powers. New


Hallerberg, Mark & Marier, Patrick. 2004. “Executive Authority, the Personal Vote,

and Budget Discipline in Latin American and Caribbean Countries.” American

Journal of Political Science 48(3)571-587, July.

Huber, John D. 1996. Rationalizing Parliament. Cambridge. Cambridge University


Huber, John D. 1998. “Executive decree authority in France” in Carey, John M, and

Matthew Shugart (orgs.). Executive Decree Authority. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, pp. 233-253.

Kleinerman, Benjamin A. 2006.The Discretionary President: The Promise and Peril of

Executive Power. Lawrence, Kansas University Press.

Metcalf, Lee Kendall . 2000. “Measuring Presidential Power.” Comparative Political

Studies 33(5):600-685, June.

Moe, Terry M. & William Howell. 1999. "The Presidential Power of Unilateral Action."

Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 15 No.1(April): 132-179.

2. Tipos de Governos e Coalizões Políticas

Cheibub, José Antonio, Adam Przeworski, Sebastian Saiegh. 2004. “Government

Coalitions and Legislative Success Under Parliamentarism and

Presidentialism.” British Journal of Political Science 34:565-87, October.

Chasquetti, Daniel. 2001. “Democracia, Multipartidarismo y Coaliciones en América

Latina: Evaluando la difícil Combinación” in Jorge Lanzaro (org.) Tipos d

e Presicencialismo y Coaliciones Políticas en América Latina. Buenos Aires,

CLACSO, pp.319-359.

Deheza, Ivana G. 1997. “Gobiernos de Coalición en el Sistema Presidencial: América

del Sur”

in Dieter Nohlen e Mario Fer nández (orgs) El Presidencialismo Renovado:

Institucionalismo Y Cambio Político en America Latina. Caracas, Nueva

Sociedad, pp. 151-169.

Figueiredo, Argelina & Canello, Júlio & Martins, Marcelo. 2012. “Governos

minoritários no presidencialismo latino-americano: determinantes políticos e


Dados – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Vol. 55, no. 4.


King, Anthony. 1976. “Modes of Executive-Legislative Relations: Great Britain,


and West Germany.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 1:11-34.

Laver, Michael & Norman Schofield. 1990. Multiparty Government: The Politics of

Coalition in Europe. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

Laver, Michael & Kenneth A. Shepsle. 1996. Making and Breaking Governments.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Laver, Michael. 1998. “Models of Government Formation.” Annual Review of Political



Müeller, Wofgang & Kaare Strom (orgs.). 2000. Coalition Governments in Western

Europe. London. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-31.

Martin, Lanny W. 2004. “The Government Agenda in Parliamentary Democracies”.

American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 48, no. 3, July.

Schofield, Norman. 1993. “Political competition and multiparty coalition

government”. European Journal of Political Reaserch, Vol. 23, pp. 1-33.

Strom, Kaare 1990, Minority Government and Majority Rule. Cambridge, Cambridge

University Press.

Strom, Kaare, Muller, W. e Bergman, T. (eds) 2008. Cabinets and Coalition

Bargaining: the Democratic Life Cycle in Western Europe. Oxford, Oxford

University Press.

Volden, Craig & Clifford J. Carrubba. 2004. “The formation of oversized coalitions in

parliamentary democracies”. American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 48,

no. 3, July.
