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  • 7/30/2019 A VERDADEIRA HISTRIA ATRS DA AMIZADE SEMI: anlise de fotos


    Ebtcs ic tuih$ qucrh ifzcr quc e ebdfsc ic `hths pere qucm cst cm um rcdekfhbemcbth" Uucrh ifzcr$ beie e vctfrer `hths hu eofr essfm khm emfoes$ mes cm um rcdekfhbemcbth fssh h quc sfobf`fke" Nrubh Fe`cdfx"


    Ebdfsc ic @hths

    Cbth$ phr cdes bh cster sc `edebih eohre$ ekjcf quc icvcrfe ebedfser umes `foures ic quebih cdes efbie cremmcdjhrcs emfoes bemhrevem" Cu icvh ifzcr$ j muftes prhves c MSFYE[ `hths"

    *Wrfmcfrh vcr es hths$ enefxh vcr h khmcbtrfh&

    Mh be rcofh dhmner1

    Cstc mhvfmcbth `ez es oerhtes tcrcm nhrnhdctes bh cstmeoh icdes" [c vhk khdhke e sue mh be rcofh dhmner icdevhk qucr icfxer kderh quc vef prhtco-de c ouf-de" um ihkc c phicrhsh ocsth"

    Ier es mhs1

    E khfse mefs rhmbtfke e sc `ezcr khmh kesed scourer e mh um ih hutrh" Fssh ifz mefs ih quc vhk pcbse" E mh

    quc `fke cm kfme$ cm mufths keshs e ie pcsshe mefs ihmfbebtc be rcdeh" E mh phr nefxh e ie pcsshe mefs

  • 7/30/2019 A VERDADEIRA HISTRIA ATRS DA AMIZADE SEMI: anlise de fotos


    mhicste$ prhvevcdmcbtc" Icsse pcsshe$ vhk phic temnm cspcrer ephfh cxtre c hre" [c um emeih scoure e suemh$ phrquc qucr mhstrer eh mubih quc vhk bemhreih*e& icdc*e&"

  • 7/30/2019 A VERDADEIRA HISTRIA ATRS DA AMIZADE SEMI: anlise de fotos



    Wcsshes cxprcssem kedhrenreebih scus khrphs fbtcfrhs"Cdes prcssfhbem scus khrecs

    aubths pere rcstencdckcr sue fbtfmfieic icphfs ic pesser umtcmph dhboc ume ie hutre" Uuebih cde enree vhk pcrth ih khreh icde$ cde qucr eofriurh$ mes be vcrieic cde h hphsth" Wuxebih-e pcrth ic scu khreh$ cde qucr mhstrer quc cde e eme c qucr prhtcode" Enrehs hbic scus khrphs sc thkem thtedmcbtc sh rhmbtfkhs c btfmhs" Sm enreh surprcse *phr trs& qucr ifzcquc cde cst tc khnrfbih khm scu emhr" Sm enreh phr trs temnm sfobf`fke quc e oerhte qucr `ezcr kerfbjh" Uuebi

    cde pc e kence bh scu khdh$ sfobf`fke quc cde ncm icpcbicbtc" Cde prckfse ic edoum quc e `ee sc scbtfr ncm$ qucde phsse cxprcsser es cmhcs icde `ekfdmcbtc c temnm phsse `eder shnrc scus scbtfmcbths" Yc `ezcr `cdfz hhnactfvh icde"



    Bh vich ekfme$ cdes sc hdjem khbstebtcmcbtc"



    Cu c icmf shmhs cxtrcmemcbtc prxfmes [cdcbe

    Bs pessemhs thihs hs mhmcbths aubtes Icmf

    C kderh$ bs bh phicmhs csquckcr h mhvfmcbth ie [cd c h rhsth ie icmf cm ;1>:"

  • 7/30/2019 A VERDADEIRA HISTRIA ATRS DA AMIZADE SEMI: anlise de fotos



    [c vhk cst fbtcrcsseih cm edoum$ vhk `hke c prcste etcbh" [c vhk bh cst fbtcrcsseih cm edoum$ sue etcbveoucfe" Cbth$ sc vhk cst scbteih khm e pcsshe quc vhk ohste$ c cdc(cde cst hdjebih pre vhk quebih vhk cst`edebih$ cstc um nhm sfbed" Hs hdjhs tm tuih$ c phrtebth$ sc e pcsshe bh cst fbtcrcsseie$ vef khbtfbuer hdjebihpere `hre ie aebcde$ hu hdjebih es hutres oerhtes(oerhths" [c vhk rcedmcbtc tcm scbtfmcbths phr csse pcsshe$ s

    vczcs vhk bcm mcsmh huvc h quc ekhbtckc eh scu rcihr$ c vhk epcbes quc cster khm cde"


    Mhvfmcbths khm e nhke1

  • 7/30/2019 A VERDADEIRA HISTRIA ATRS DA AMIZADE SEMI: anlise de fotos


    Dnfhs quc csth dfocfremcbtc cbtrcencrths$ phic scr um `hrtc sfbed ic um `dcrtc$ pertfkudermcbtc quebih sh demnfihE duz bhs dnfhs `rebzfihs pere um `hrmeth ic ncfah$ tfpfkemcbtc fbifke icscah" Uuebih vhk ifz u$ hs dnfhs `ezcm u`hrmeth ic ncfah" Cste e bfke rezh ic quc msfkes rhmbtfkes tm ume prhbubkfe dhboe bes pedevres ih tfph Vhu

    *vhk& c Yhh *temnm&"
