EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DRY ICE Dry ice is an essential substance required for preserving items where mechanical cooling is unavailable. But with time, the use of dry ice has been introduced in a myriad of other applications from food industry to hospitals and manufacturing units to aerospace. The use of dry ice has become an essential need in one way or the other. Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is used primarily as a cooling agent. Its advantages include lower temperature than that of water ice and not leaving any residue. Dry Ice blasting machines are a versatile range of products enabling users to cover all possible dry ice blasting applications - from the simplest to the most sophisticated tasks. Dry Ice Blasting Dry Ice blasting works in a very similar way with other blasting techniques except it is totally dry. The dry ice goes directly from a solid to a gas. It cleans in a slightly different way in that the extreme temperate of dry ice at around -109F shrinks the debris that needs be cleaned, causing it to lose adhesion the surface it is on. The dry ice then expands about 500 times its size and helps to blow the debris off. It is great for cleaning live electrical items or items that require complete dryness. Different applications of Dry Ice blasting are:

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Este blog foi elaborado a partir da solicitação do Prof. Dr. Luis Fernando Gomes como avaliação da disciplina de Novos Letramentos no Ensino Superior, do Programa de Pós-graduação, Mestrado e Doutorado da UNISO. O Blog será uma ferramenta para registro semanal das discussões, ideias, etc. surgidas na sala de aula. Os conteúdos postados estabelecem um novo conceito em comunicação onde integrantes e visitantes formarão uma comunidade divulgadora desses novos processo de ensino aprendizagem: O Letramento digital e visual. Conforme a proposta estou ampliando o repertório do meu blog adicionando conteúdos que fazem parte da minha formação enquanto educadora.