APÊNDICE Expressões idiomáticas e provérbios ingleses que fazem uso de palavras que têm qualquer relação com a alimentação FOOD FOR THOUGHT. “(a) pie in the sky” : Promises or hopes which are unrealistic and thus useless. “(a) piece of cake”: something extremely easy. “(as) nutty as fruitcake”:insane, crazy. “(do a) slow burn” : (show) slowly increasing feelings of anger. Ex: I watched the customer doing a slow burn as the sales assistant continued to ignore him”. “(have the) whip/upper hand": be in control “(just about)do one’s nut”: Be extremely angry. Ex: When he saw what a mess the children had made of his car, he did his nut. “(live off/on the) fat of the land” : (live in the) very best, most comfortable circumstances. Ex: He has plenty of money; he has been living off the fat of the land for years. “(look as if) butter wouldn’t melt in one’s mouth” : Apparently, but not really very innocent or well-behaved. Ex: The little girl looked as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but she was actually very mischievious. “(no) skin off one’s nose” : Something that has a bad effect, cause any worry on one. Ex: That book doesn’t belong to me so I don’t care what you do with it; it’s no skin off my nose if you cut it up. “(the) upper crust (of)”: The highest social class. “A bag of bones”: A very thin person. “A baker’s dozen”: Thirteen. “A bone of contention”: A subject of disagreement or argument. “A bull in a china shop": An awkward, tactless or clumsy person. “A cock-and-bull story”: An invented story, foolish and hard to believe. “A dead heat”: Is applied to the result of a race or competition  where two or more competitors are equally as good as each other, i.e., there is no winner. “A Dutch treat”: Entertainment (a meal, a film) where each person pays his own share. ”T o go Dutch” “A fish out of water”: A person who feels uncomfortable in his present surroundings. “A flash in the pan” : Something which lasts only a short time; an effort or partial success which soon turns to failure; a short-lived outburst of enthusiasm for something. “A hard nut to crack”: A difficult problem to solve or a difficult situation to deal with. “a henpecked husband”: One who is dominated by his wife. “A hot potato”: An issue that is awkward and embarassing to deal with.  Expressões Idiomáticas e Provérbios | Centro Interdepa... http://citrat.ch.usp.br/node/90 1 de 10 04-10-2011 04:07

Ingles - Expressões idiomaticas e proverbios

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